TTTE MORXTG OREGOXTAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1020 15 SITUATIONS WAXTED MALE. BY COMPETENT bookkeeper. city OT country, general prmims, bakery and other experience; references. AC -1-. Oregonian. Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office. X HAVE time for more stenograptiic work. ii you nave typing to aone. let me know. This Is no student's ad.. I am an experienced stenographer, touch sys tem; evenings call Wdln. i216; daytime ca'l at Xorthrstern Nat. bank, (state ment department, ask for J. Lewis. PUBLIC accountant, extensive experience. win Keep books, prepare statements ana income tax report; more reasonable and. better than hiring bookkeeper 607 Stock Exchange bidg., 3d' and YamhilL Main 2i7s. ; L-l LUMBER and logging accountant, dow employed, open for offer Dec. 1. Accurate operating' costs. Systematiz ing References. O 106. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPING, ACCOUNTING, days or evenings, reaonabie rate, satisfaction guaranied or no charge. Call 317-81. ACCOUNTANT wishes work during spare tmie. Phone Sellwood SOM. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE, YOUNG woman with daughter 10 years om, wishes refined home, as a compan ion or will.asMitit with work where they may have home privileges; a home for my little daughter. B 214, Oregonian. STRONG woman, good, experienced cook. wihes a position in or out of town; good references. Call Woodlawn 1804 or 102V K. 1'lst st. North. EXPERIENCED cook wants position cook ing ior smaii crew of men. M 219. Ore gonian. WILL takn carp of cnuaren evening while mother is i Woodlawn Hill. .way. deferences. JSXPERIENCED lady want irasning. "owe cleaning ana otner worn, wooa Iiwd 6305. W OMAN will take care of children two or three hours in the afternoon or even ing. Phone E. 7460. CHAMBERMAID wants work In hotel whole day or half day; experienced and rt-iiaoie. Phone East bnoM. MCE AND SILK SCRIM AND MAR- WUISETTE CURTAINS done like new. Will call. East 8518. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. won., i ues., wea,, warning ana lron- mg. AUIO. tiL-UJ, i. MIDDLE-AGED lady will do cleaning aim Kinaij la unary work, ;uc an hour ; prefer apt. house work. Call East 5227. yOL'NG lady, employed. wineH to work private home for board and room. Box juuu. city. EXPERIENCED housemaid; halt days preferred. Marshall 3222. SOUNG woman wants work, day or hour. WANTED Work by day. washing, iron Ing or cleaning. Phone Bdwy. 4695. CHILDREN'S and ladies' hand-made hats. uan Tanor eaity FIRST-CLASS laundress wishes work; i crencea.- Woodlawn 161 1. RELIABLE woman wanta day work. Au tomatic lO-93. - GOOD, ing. reliable laundress go as out work E. j;;o. IADV wants work by the day. East 291. Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office. YOUNG lady, experienced Elliott-Fisher . bookkeeping machine operator; also lypim and Din clerk, desires position, rapid and accurate; best of references. Ais oregonian. rKNUGRAPH ER, disengaged, 3 years' experience: nave noiti railroad, govern ment ami general mercantile office posi tions; competent, reliable. East 5H7K. EASTCTN girl with five years' experifinc in sienogranny, DOOKKeeping ana nun would like position in or near Portland. write dux io, i-ioiDrooK. or. yujiriUN as stenographer; 4 years ex perience; first-class reference. Phone vvwHiiawn 4'i-i. SVPIST and general offiro clrl desire: position; best of references. Woodlawn . 4.72. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po gitinn. 'all Automatic 3: 1-48. JOL'NG lady desires position as a keeper or clerical work. Call Col. book S9.S. Irff)f.nmkprs. DRESSMAKING OF ALL KINDS. A L, TE RATIONS. ME RED I T H A PT3. . 712 WASHINGTON ST., APT. 203. MAIN 76M. DRESSMAKER, experinenced. wishes work by the day; reasonable. Broadway 16S, room 310.- LADIES' tailoring by experienced tailor; prices reasonable. 298 Eaat 40th. or call Tabor 8S20. , VERY good dressm aker w Ish es more day engagements. Call evenings or Sunday. Marshall 3S76, DRESSMAKING, remodnling all descrip tions at my home. 790 Love joy. .Main 600. WINTER coats, suits and dresses, altera tions and remodeling, reasonable. Mrs Kelly. 752 Vancouver ave. 316-06. DRESSMAKING, reasonable prices. 311 Central bldg. 10th and Alder. Main 3408. DRESSMAKING, hats, mats or dresses; will go out. Tabor 9428. HATS mad? to order; plain sewing.-Phone 'Tabor 3021. DRESSMAKING, ladies' tailoring, chil dren's clothes; reasonable. E. 2478. NURSE going to California will caro for Invalid or children en route. AP 111, Oregonian. TRAINED nurse takes aU Kinds of vales, day or week, at the old rates. Mar. 349. PRACTICAL housework. nurse wishes case ; some liroadway 2058 after 9 A. M. EFFICIENT and experienced nurse, prac tical; references. East 3352. TRAINED nurse takes all kinds of cases, day or week, at old rates. Mar. 340. Housekeepers. HTDDLE-AGED woman desires position as housekeeper for widower and child. AC 215, Oregonian. ELDERLY woman would keep house for gentleman or ugnt nouseworic in small tamuy. a. io, oregonian. ELDERLY lady wants position in widow er's or old couple's home. Main 3311. Domestics. TOUNG girl wishes second worK in private rurally wnere mere are no children. Mar. 4779. 'XOUNG girl wishes to assist with house- work wnere tnere are no children. Mar. 4 77. HousecleanXng. HOUSE CLEANING. House cleaning. window washing, carpet cleaning by expert workmen. Xioors wnen, lumuure ponsnea. CITY HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE, 1SS Chapman .st. Phone Main 1157. WALT'S home service, vacuum cleanei rented witn attainments, i per day. Wdfh. 5758. W ANTED TO RENT. WANTED "By 4 young ladies, employed during the day, 3 to 5 room furnished flat or house: reasonably close in : excellent references. Phone Main 2530, Miss Foley. I WANTED Board and room in private famllv for middle-aged gentleman; pre fer west side, close in. Call Sell wood 25tiJ after 6:30 P. M. WANTED To cent good 5-room or 6-room unrt.rnisnea nouse in nawtnorne or sun nyside district; best of references given labor hiw. WANTED To rent a 5 or 6-room houss by responsible party, Rose City Park or Holladuy preferred. S 221, Oregonian. ft OR 6-ROOM modern furnished houseo bun ra low near school : responsible peo pie; reasons bie ren t. Ca 11 Aut. 516-29. ELDERLY couple desires small furnished houss, flat or n. k- apartment; reason- aute rent, a i-o. urejfi:an. Afiartmente. APARTMENT OCCUPANTS. Who are leaving for part or all of th winter months. Man and wife with bee of references desire to sublet and prefe a small apartment. Must be in good district. Bdwy. 517a. K 244. Oregon fa WANTED 2 or 3-room furnished apart meiit; muxt be modern and close 1 will pay up to $65 per month. Call M Fisher, Interstate Land Co., Main 54:! Booms With Board. BOARD a"d room desired in a good home for widower and daughter. 11. BD 173, Oregonian. Housekeeping Rooms, WANTED I H. K. room, close in. use of phone; working1 man. T 291, Oregonian. H K. ROOMS on west side by December 1, C. 3. preferred. L 47, Oregonian. fOB BENT. Furnished Rooms. ANGELA HOTEL." 625 Washington street Under new management: excellent home- cooked meals in connection; automatic elevator, phones in each room, large, homelike lobby, rooms with or without baths; rates 5 week up. HOTEL CLIFFORD, East MorrboQ Si. at East Sixth. The principal east side hotel, digni fied and refined; $1.25 per day and up, $tt per week and up. ' HOTEL BARR, 112 N. Sixth, 2 blocks of depot. $1 per day, $5 per week and up. Hot and cold water, steam heat Free phone and baths. PERKINS HOTEL, Fifth and Washington Sts. Attractive rates to permanent guests. Commodious suites for families. RITZ HOTEL. Morrison and Park Streets. New, fireproof and modern. Special rates to permanent guests. TAIT HOTEL, corner of 12th and Stark sis. u noer -new management, wum-i clean, all outside rooms, private baths; rates from 6 to $12 per week. HOTEL LENOX. Third and Mala sts. Rates $3 a week op; large rooms, attractive lobby. HOTEL ARTHUR, 170 11th st. Nice mod ern, clean rooms, at iraaui, v-- manent "-ates. HOTEL, OCKLEY, Morrison at Tent Rates $1 a day up; weekly. up; xres phone and baths. ' ST. PAUL HOTEL. 130 4tb St. Clean. $1 up respectable, modern; transient. to permanent guests. $1 DAY, $2.50 week up; clean, baths free Hotel Cadillac. mira near jeuenwu. GARLAND HOTEL, 25 Trinity Place; warm outside rooms, 4 weeK ana up. GIRL roommate to share my room; close in. Main 5n6, room 1. LARGE light basement room suitable for bachelor, si 3 per monin. o-i-s viaj .. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. TWO LARG B furnished rooms, centrally located ; suitable tor stuaio; rererences reauired. AddLv 161 14th St., corner Morrison. THREE furnished rooms in a private familv. centrally located, tor gentleman references required. Apply 161 14th sL, corner Morrison. LARGE, lieht. airy sleeping rooms. Prl- vaIa rem. Walk me distance, iius. a is. 554 Everett st., cor. 17th; gentlemenJ preferred. . -.7 i ' 'r h s;t I,aree. modern front room hot and cold water; 2 clothes closets; walking distance; gentlemen only. NICE, clean room for one gentleman with privilege of phone ana Data, io per xnontn. .o layior. Kn rmikhkd room. heat. Dhone. bath, near public garage; close in; no other roomers. Tabor 8846. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room, suitable for two. witn, Kitcnen privi leges. 71 N. 2ia NIC ELY f u rn i sh ed f ron t rooms, furnatw heat, home privileges. Special jates to monthly guests. 245 23d st. N. FOR RENT Front parlor, suitable for music studio, board and sleeping room if desired. 714 Overton st. GIRL to share flat, walking distance, desirable, $25; references. Main 3018. NICELY furnished room in beautiful home, steam heat; walking distance. 215 14th. rKONT room, wood heater, close in. Call Main 3507 after 3:30 P. M. SMALL sleeping room, electric heat, $15; walking distance. 257 12th street. ATTRACTIVE single room, $10. Call 131 Idaho St.. Fultoru WELL, furnished and heated room near dental coliege, reasonable. East 4162. FURNISHED front room, modern home, two gentlemen ; rent $28. 141 N. 22d. FURNISHED room In private zamily, $S 42 Buohtel ave. FRONT room, heat, light, phone, $9 per month. 534 Taylor; walking uistance. Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HOYT STREETS. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL. TA1 ? X SHTT,TON STREET. Two of the best-known residential hnlaic nn t H Pafifif C.O.St American plan, with or without bath. $2. 50 a day up, rates Dy aay or xuuum. Meals served to transients. NORTONI A HOTEL. Portland's downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for fami.ies and business men ana women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. vApivrv in .vr-iuMiv family hotel, fire- siopninir nnrch. shower, good table board; shown by appointment only. East 80 K9. tuf -yARTUl WASHINCTON. SKii Tent h st For business girts and students; reasonable rates. Mar. 1 251. wrtnitf" nrthnard for business girls; a modern conveniences, walking distance; $5 per week. Auto. 219-74. 12 E. th st. LARGE rooms suitable for two. 161 N. 23d. Marshall 3374 Rooms With Board in Private Family. v t" d v -ViaiB hni rriinrr house In Laurel home: near carliue; can accommodate from 2 to people, employed; young men Dreferred. Rates reasonable. iuif- a. Kianflprs st. Autoniaim --. GOOD home for young woman einpioea with or without ooara; iaoy wwu band employed nights desires compan mtiblilD. very rediuimuiu. a Ore gonian. i a rv win itnnrri and room and give moth . ara In ntlA nr TWO DO V B or K II Id 111 nrivate modern home. 2 blocks from Couch school. Mar. 3023. poni and board, private iamiiy. nice comfortable room witn ooaru, Htm-n .iT-n u'siwine- distance, rates reason able. 366 Broadway. Phone Main 5473 XCLUS1VE home offers rooms with good cooking; nome-maue urtuu u -K- rw lOth .irot Bdwv. 4314. Busi- North 19th street. Bdwy. ness men preferred. ROOM and board In modern nome ior young man wining to snar room wn. congenial young man; reasonable rates. Phone Mar. 27SL FIRST-CLASS board and rooms in strictly nrivate refiaea nome. nioueru mvu veniences, reasonable rates, lawn 20. Call Wood T.iur.Bi front room in modern home Io 2 ladies or gentlemen enipiuyou, uumc privileges, board if desired. Phone East hi so. - NICE room with board tor gentleman distance, west side. Automatic 519-36. LARGE corner room, modern home, suit able for two; west siae, tiuse to r uu reasonable rates. Mar. 2781. CHILDREN to board by week or day; also cared for Dy me nour, uuuer oupcrvioiuu i rHTT.nRKN to board on farm near good school; plenty of milk. 660 East Davis. Phone g.ast aum. vcniTi.n like to board' school girl over 1 more tor company; n.v uwr iv euuui, S20 ner month. Woodlawn 4434. ROOM and board in private family for 16th st, PRIVATE home for children. 714 Everett. Mar. 2162. WANTED A boy or girl, age 6-10. board and room. Tabor x FOB BENT. Furnished Apaxtmenta. HIGH CLASS. Beautifully furnished 3 -room and sleep ing porch, to be vacant on the 1st. Can be seen any afternoon. This is an out side front apt., very light, airy and de sirable. Will rent to adults or refined bachelors. Can furnish service. Refer ence required. Mar. 2&30. . THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes walk to Meier A Frank's store; good surroundings, strictly mod ern, 2 and 3-room furnished apt., out side, with French doors and balcony. Permanent and. transient. - APARTMENT with 2 rooms, kitchen. dressing- room, bathroom, paying rent; new brick apartment, west side; will rent to buyer of furniture and fur nishings at S170 cash. Main 5697. i0 1-ROOM furnished apartment, piano, heat, hot water. Phone Tabor 54S8. UNION AVE. and Killingsworth, $23.50, all complete; concrete buuaing. Unfurnished Apartments. PORTLAND HTS. apartment, 3 rooms. iMTn nea.t ureniace. janiior "viio, rent $100; no children; references re quired. F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. 210 Cham. Com. Bldg. Mala 3026. 5 ROOMS, steam heat, modern, all out side rooms. oi tiiisan st. 3-ROOM FLAT, no children. Call Wdln. 1 765. Furnished Flats. cvft VirS' T RF.f.TEVTNG. n,v vmir VmnK dinner in a real home; 7 rooms of beautiful furnishings for sale at a bargain; rent $40; income $75. Phone owner, Aut 616-54. MUST SELL furnishings of 6-room mod ern flat, flat for rent to party ouym furniture. 300 Montgomery., Housekeeping Booms. (i a vm a ro i f -r- houseKeepiDE steam heat, hot and coia aier in c. room; west side; rent reasonable. iay i rA vs' STORAGE FREE. Trunks, baggage delivered downtown districts, 25c. Sun, service, ,pu wy. y THE BEAVER. 13th and Aiar. r uniiswoa H.. K. rooms. l up. mciua ns r hot water, electric .lghts. Jaundry room. ROOMS and suites, furnished and unfur nished, modern. 163 1st. S. W. corner Morrison. 2 COMPLETELY furnishe h. k. rooms, light, water and phone; $22.50. Tabor K5 WEEK, completely furnished h. av. ltes. ine va'i"'. -- 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, bath, on car line. VWtt wuiiams avc TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms. Ella street. - FURNISHED H. K. rooms; heat, light ana water furnished. 89 East 12th. LIGHT, sunny room and kitchenette, ev erything furnisnea. duo ix-n n- Housekeeping Rooms inFriyfcte Family. LARGE, clean furnished housekeeping rooms, south and east exposure: private entrance, no children. 639 ancouver avenue. i'ttr wiSHEn front room, well heated, in modern home, ior empiuycu kitchen privileges if desired. 22d. 141 N. T.ARfiK housekeeping rooms, furnace ,oot u-nlkin? distance: adult. 8o E. 12th' st. Houses. FINE large house, east sloe, close In. near three car lines, paruy crycicu J. w window shaaes, nan uiocn ki nP rooiriom-o.. nchool. sanitarium, small boarding house or rooming house. Wakefield, Fries Jo.i oo nn si.. r phone Marshall 2474 before 1:3Q P. M. ROOM house, gas range, gaa ramaiom, iichtu unHne water: nartly fur nished, modern. $20 per month if pay 5 months in advance. St. Theresa eta., 1 block, east to sanitorium. Oregon City car. . . Soiday Bros.' Transfer Sz. Storage Co, Bdwy. 4222. FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING, Iong-Distance Hauling, Storag;, Packing and Shipping. 8oliday Bros.' Transfer & Storage Co. .rn T? u-fcT in-room modern nous first-class condition; reierence rsniic. Tfk lAnlh- 4n Mill st. . HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. k i t urh & nw A Y 580 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY WASHINGTON AT TENTH STREET. 7u- n.r a t .i . vinHs of movine and hauling, large trucks, low raws. rvu1- . . Transfer. 65 N. 2d. Broadway 176b, ben wood 2306. ni.'v-T i T minnniihlA tenant. IIU1 modern bouse, t large rwiu. fir itiHtalled: Kood cement basement an furnace; adults only. 351 Holladay ave. BEST equipped for local and long distance hauling ana. uw v u & . . . . 202 M Alder st. Main 12bl. MODERN "-room house, J2v; furnace ana fireplace; ior rent to mose uuyin ture. 387 N. 22d. Phone Bdwy. 9.. 9-ROOM modern house, garage, fine cor ner; $75 montn. Aut. oj-- - Furnished Houses. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. Charming bungalow of five spacious rooms located in the South Mount Tabor district, near Franklin high school. This is a very desirable home and the price includes the furniture, complete. " is well worth your while to inspect tnis; IF YbtfrWANT TO BUY AT BOTTOM PRICES. SEE US. Mr. Symmonds, COB A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth street. . Main 4oZ2. 4-ROOM cottage In Woodstock,; near car line, partly furnisnea, wim rauue niatP- owner will be away for six months; rent $16 a month, including gas and water. Call W. C. Akens at Benson Polytechnic School curing school hours. FOR RENT Partly xurnisnea u-ro.jiu house, harawooa iioors, .nc.v.. u fanA wood rar.ire. furnace, fun cement basement, 2 tile baths; curtains and drapes tor entire nouse, bw". $75 month. East 4817 NEWLY furnished 5-room bungalow,. $60; ..0 -o anrl adults OntV Waverleieh Hts.. 626 E. 28th St. Sell. 2253. itttt? mi sHF.n new. modern 6-room bunga inw n Mt Tabor, garage, $75. Tabor 0290 before 9 A. M. or after 4 P. M. DESIRABLE 6-room furnished flat, walk ing distance, convenient to .2 car lines. East 1343. FURNISHED six-room house, suitable for two couples. 549 E. 17th st. RM car. Stores and Business Flacea. FOR RENT In Blake-McFal! bldg., opp. Multnomah hotel, 13,000 sq. feet (will divide). A very desirable combination of office," sales and storage rooms ; both freight and nassenger elevators, steam neat. SEE H N. BURPEE. Wilcox Bldg. Main 5633. FOR desirable space in fireproof ware house phone Broadway S715. Security Storage and Transfer Co.. 53 4th at, cor. Pine. iVt Hfcarzxs -TMl ."BUT yHOR. V FOB RENT. Stores mod Business Places. FOR RENT Stores. 281-283 Haw thorne ave., with large, light base ments. Key at 271 Hawthorne. STORE near First and Clay. $20. Apply 106 Second st. , Offices, DESK room with telephone and etenogra- nh if rv r. Phnn Uroaawa) OUJ. OB- curity Storage and Tranater CO., street, cor. Pine. 53 4lo DENTAL suite in prominent office build ing, centrally locatea; win reut sponsible party only. F 22, Oregonian. FRONT office, modern, in Railway Ex change Did;. Appiy room o. $15 DESK and office service. Call Sun.. oaoo. Mon., wain o-uo. DESK ROOM with phone, 15 a montn- 227 Washington, room BUSINESS QPFO RTPK I TIES. . RESTAURANT. 1900, $650 cash, balance $50 month, reasonable rent, fine fixtures, including Lang range, just the place for man ana wife, dally receipts average $60 per day. Pool hall and soft-drink stand. $530O; making big profits, cheap rent, long lease, first-claes fixtures; owner leaving for the esjst, must sfell at once. Cigar stand, doing from $40 J to $60 per d(av, $2500 for stock and fixtures, down town location; act quickly If you want a good buy. See Whltbeck. with BROWN & BI DOLES. IF YOU have $1500 in cash ana are look ing for a nice little grocery store, lo cated on Sandy boulevard, doing a nice business, has 2 living rooms in' rear, has a years tease at ---ou . i.iU.., good-will and fixtures, all goes for $1500 East 661 or East 8038. . FOR SALE Jewelry business In one of the best email towns in wbi" .r- fixtures: clean stock; invoice aboui $3000; all work one man can d-o; will give terms. AV 06. Oregonian. ; 16000 CASH boys third interest in two noKina .htno-i mill in Gravs Harbo f r . h.,U0. miiat iindprntand logging. For further particulars address, giving re f ere n ces, AV 614. oregonian RESTAURANT or cafeteria, reasonable If taken before the ist; gooo iocaiiou. have 2 places, unable to handle both: good equipment ; good location. Main 1029. Call CAUTION, BUYERS Before closing deal of so-called interest in esiauiiBneu estate business, get advice of Portland Realty ttoarn, ureso" Broadway 1U02. VAI.E newsstand: cigars, tobaccos, con- newspapers, school supplies, etc.; doing o trrsnA business: want change. Vale Newsstand, Vale, Or. HAVE you $7000 to invest in a lovely home in a weu-paying eaiuiiiu r.' business, in the suburbs of Oregon lii. This is a Dig opportunity. 6020. ' in a SALE Vm interest in taxicao tor hire and stage nne DUBiuew. c nuei than r can handle alone, so wan eood partner. Write AL 300, Oregonian. jOO RESTAURANT, well located on busy s tree i, w ii ness; $250 cash, bal. easy terms. H E E MORRIS. 410 Rail way Ex. Bldg. PARTIES desire to purchase all or part interest Ol SUCCessiUl ousuias wuitu will stand closest investigation. O Oregouian. 300, HAVE $2000 to $3000 and service to invest witn a reiiaum facturing concern furnishing money se curity. , LIVE established business up to $10,000; mercantile, manuiacujmiB, i 9 goods or variety store considered. AC 22S. Oregonian. ilOO GROCERY, well located. living rooms in connection, nice, clean stock, doing good business. Some terms. See Harper, 4.10 Ry. Exch. bldg. " MANUFACTURING business interest for iih Koi-vtceM in office or factory; money fully secured; $35v0. O 297. Ore gonian S50 TAILOR shop in hotel, have a first class business; I am leaving city; sec my agent; netting a aay. HARPER, 410 Railway Ex. Bldg. WILL sell my 2 trucks with business. This i steadv me year rounu, nmoi n.w; $2000 to $4000 cash. Call at 445 E 11th st. , 450 -TAILOR shop, heart business dis trict; lease; 3 men working; selling 01 account of my health. HARPER. 410 Railway Ex. Bldg. MUST sell my restaurant at once on ac .ni,n( of sickness: doing good businee; centrally located on Washington st. W 236, Oregonian. BARBER shop for sale, ft chairs; must sell at once; leaving the city. 5ofc N. 6th st. MTTA'T rilTTRR Young married man must nave lu , uuu iuaiuou for right party, vppiy amwauiue at PILES can be permanently cured' without operation, v. an or wnio xvi . jeau, va Morrison street. FOR SALE Well established taxicab and tOUring car uunnicoo in a i v. population. Address AV 708, Oregonian. FOR. SALE A small restaurant, suitable for husband and wife or two ladies. 171 4 Second. A FINE milk route in a suouroan town with all equipment; cimnng -uu a month. AV 721, Oregonian. CASH AND CARRY grocery; 3 rooms and bathroom in connection; $775. W 238, Oregonian. A SNAP Store, lot B2xlO0, soda fountain, light groceries, with living room. Must sell on account of sickness. Tabor 3679. WET . L-EOU1PPED blacksmith shop, small house, fruit and garden, cheap. Address J. J. Walker, Lafayette, Or. HAVE client with cash for barber shop. Call Manager Intertate Land Co., 248 Stark st. Main 5429. ESTABLISHED grocery from original owner preferred, xaoou to $ouoo. N 243. Oregonian. FOR SALE 5-chair barber shop, 8 tubs; good location; $1000. 108 W. 6th at., Vancouver, Wash. MANUFACTURER, legitimate going busi ness, wants partner with $5000, secured. AN 234. Oregonian. 1 7 NO CARD room, cigars and candy, bar gain for a live wire; priced low for quick action. a t a 1 aim si, Tt a Tcnv rush erroeerv. good clean stock. 1 living rooms, doing good business; price! $1700 casn. iiu nawmorne ave. BARBER shop for sale. I want to sell and the price is right. O. V. G res ham, Gaston. Or. IF YOU want to sell your business call Manager. Main 5429. FOR SALE A restaurant, reasonable If taken at once. See owner. 230 1st st. FOR SALE Cheap. good Front street commission business. Y 291, Oregonian. LEARN Akron, Ohio's method in vulcan izing and retreading. Call 433 Stark. BARBER chairs, mirrors and supplies; great sacrifice. 86 Sixth St., near Stark. BARBER SHOP FOR SALE 293 Gllsan St. FOR SALE Soft drink and cigar and candy; good location. 63 N. 3d m NEW BAKE shop for rent: exceptional for pies and French bread. 342 Front st. BARBER shop for sale. Perkins hotel shop POLLY AND HER PALS Some. TcflzrcigLfe Just th5 Tr2iLOOiJiSTS , i"J W 1 I ' ASHIR'S A BIRD AT IMITATING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, WHOLESALE" BROKERAGE BUSINESS. GRAIN, FLOUR, MILLFEED. Established 4 years Los Angeles, Cal., has 30 good live mill and grain accounts, also very highest class of customers smonx whole sale bakers and grain firms in Los Angeles territory. Have certified audit books covering 4 years 2 months. Account senior partner wishing to retire from active busi ness and junior partner going to orient,, will fell this established business for $20,000 cash, will bear closest investigation - and is rare opportunity for those desiring lo cation and paying business in southern California. AV-701. Ore gonian. HEADQUARTERS FOR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERIES. 6O0, including furniture for living room, cheap rent, heat furnished. $800, or invoice, 4 living rooms, low rent. $1200, stock and fixtures, 3 living rooms; rent $25. $2500, or invoice, clean stock. 3 living rooms, garden and bam. $4750, stock and fixtures and furniture for 1-5 h. k. rooms; rent for all, $125. S-year lease. RESTAURANTS AND LUNCH COUNTERS. $60Ov good 1 oac tlon and business ; a bargain; rent $40. :l7.fWl a tnnnv.makr. rent S7o. $1150, a dandy bakery and confection. $1200, photo gallery andJ studio, thor oughly equipped; a bargain, oee B R O WN & BID OLE. 324 Ry. Exch, bldg.. 3d and Stark. A WriTTHER'S OPPORTUNITY. A building in East Portland with two stores and 1 two flats above. One store now occupied by a grocery doing big hnntnca- m her itnre not now OCCUDled. Butchers have made good money In this 'location. The Income from this prop erty, exclusive of the store not occupied, is x55 nor month, and could he easily increased. A butcher could take over this building for $K00 down and 50 per month, interest 6 ner cent. The rental from the property would pay the monthly Installments, ' leaving butcher with his shop rent free. Will sacrifice building for S4500. This Is the ooportuTiity of lifetime. Think it over and communicate immediately with owner. j. jj. ibae, Z14 uana st., erKeiey, -ai- BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY. LIGHT GROCERIES. Fine corner on east side, close ' In, doing fine cash and carry busi n j""s; can increase business and run wholesale If wanted. Will invoice-about $2800. Will sell all for $2000 and give terms to re sponsible party or take lot as part pay. Phone East 2374 for appoint ment today. MANAGER WANTED. To take charge of a paying proposition. Men used to making $500 per month can find a good business to go into; $2500 cash re quired and must be able to ac cept and start work not later than the 23d of November. . AO 732; Oregonian. ONE OF THE lareest and best retail gro cerv businesses in western wnaaa ior sale, located in Calgary. Alberta. Trrn over last vear S312.0OO: showed goo profit; reason for selling, 111 health m.lnriid nnnnrtunitv for right part Price approximately $30,000. practically ail casn. American ouyer wouiu ni-rtf it nf Khnnl lO5w in transferring h money to Canada, Apply owner. AV 720, Oregonian. GOOD established men's furnishings and shoe business for sale; good location; about $18,000 stock; good opportunity for cash buyer if taken at once. Box 67, Kennewick, Wash. IF YOU HAVE $15,000 to invest and -can show required executive ability, you can secure one-half Interest in legitimate enterprise and hold position of office manager and treasurer at good salary. Your investment will he returned to you within one year and you will still own nnp.hnlf inircHt in the business, with net earingH approximately $50,000. Ad dress S 2H6, Oregonian. WOMAN without family who has house of K.m ronm. modestly furnished, for a girls' boarding house, woman to have rhurpo hott.rri of eirls to be guaranteed by responsible person, only women in terested tn girls need answer; state age and experience. K uj, oregonian. SOFT DRINKS AND CARD ROOM. Wm Hide, corner brick: 5-year lesse at $95 per month; nice fixtures and good stock; average about $2000 business per mouth; price $4000. Call Marshall 1900 and ask for apartment 46. LISTEN HERE. FOLKS. We have some dandy good buys In small groceries and restaurants on easy terms with living rooms, different parts of the city. See us before closing a deal. HARPER & MORRIS. 410 Railway Exchange Bldg. $5O00 COUNTRY store, including new 6 room modern home and a good business; $2000 cash, bal. easy terms; will ex change for acreage or something near city. MORRIS, 410 Railway Ex. Bldg. Ti-s;T a rt.ish En real estate business, in cluding all office fixtures and listings and a good car, all goes for $650 cash. Also lease ot -ouiiains, rent omy .x, excellent location. S 83, Oregonian. tu vnn want to, hnv a resturant in con' nection with hotel, good business, good location, call .Main rn. Hotels and Rooming Housea. i)nnn nnnrtment house, best central, west side location. In White Temple dis trict; all winter fuel in. Clears $225 per month. Best bargain In city. Deal direct from owner. Ill health reason for selling. Price $4000. Easy terms. Call Marshall 982. jtoooo HOTEL and restaurant combined Hoing a good business, fine location, well equipped throughout; $1000 cash; will also take light car in. SEE HARPER, 410 Railway Bx. Bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 18 neat and clean rooms, close In, west side, with good furniture and a two-year lease. Call Broadway 1354. FOR best bargain in apartment bouse ses members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 245 Fourth st. WANTED Rooming house from 10 to 20 rooms, well located; must be bargain for cash. aOwnere only. Mar. 429ft. 24-ROOM apt. location rent; price right; lease; modern, Al furnishings; good net income. Call 201 10th st. LIST your hotels, homes and business chances with Bach Realty Co., 413 Washington st. Broadway 5696. 60-ROOM brick hotei. H. K. Lease, rent $75 month. Cold water, every room. Price $350O. 647 1st. 22-ROOM corner brick house. TL. K. Lease. rent $45 month. Price $750 cash. 22& Sh erid-an st, - HEADQUARTERS for rooming houses. H. W. Garland, 201 3d, cor. Taylor. IF YOU want to sell your rooming house phone Main 366 oanana. eg. 7 PARROTS BY CLIFF STERRETT. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Hotels and Rooming-Houaea- RIGHT ON CAR LINE. 13 -room modern boarding house, full . Of boarders; income over $40O per month; can be increased: furniture. property and business all - goes for $7500; $500 down, bai. $50 per month, interest in cluded. All improvements in and paid. Tnis is a good buy for man and wife or two women. Inquire SG3 Sandy Pi yd, 24 H. K. ROOMS, close in, rent $90; clears $225 ea-y. IS 14 1C. rooms, verv modern, close in; $1UOO, clears easy $120; $1200 will handle. li H K rooms, clears S100: terms. 12 H. K. rooms; rent $25; clears $90; $800 will handle: several clean flats. BARNEY JOHNSON. 170 10th St, "Vr K T.EVT COMPANY. 523-4-5 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. LEADING HOTEL. A.NU ArAKl- MENT HOUSE AGENCY. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER ; 14 j YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL business, hotel, room or apartment house of any kind, anywhere, see F. Rierdon, RITTER, LOWE & "CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We write all kinds of insurance. , SOO 9-ROOM rooming house. $850 9-room housekeeping. $5500 31-room hotel. All good buys. ' See BROWN & BID OLE. SG4 Ry. Exch. Bldg.. 3d and Stark. SPECIAL NOTICES. THE ANNUAL meeting of the stockhold ers of the Phoenix iron worna win oe j held at the office of the company. Bast 1 Third street and Hawthorne ave.. 1'ort- lam d. Or., on Monday. December 13, 1920, at 7 P. M., for the purpose of electing directors and for the transaction of such I other bustnera as may be brought before j eaia meeting. L. STBINHAUSER. Secretary and Treasurer. SAM MORROW, President. November 12, 1920. NOV. 18, , 1920 I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wile, Zella C. Dowic ior Wilder). W. Dowie. Proposals Invited. NOTICE OF BOND SALE. Sealed bids will be received' by the nndersitrned until the hour of I o clock P. M., the 2fith day of November. 1920. and immediately thereafter publicly nnniri hv thi sirh n-l hin.r(l n.t the of fice of the district clerk in the city of Wheeler, Oregon, for an issue of bonds of school district No. 4. TiiiamooK county. Oregon, in the sum of S12.0O0, said bonds to be in denominations of $1000 each, to be dated' September I. 1UJO. and to mature in not to exceed 20 years . from date, maturity or maturities de sired to be specified by the bidders, to bear interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of March and September in each year, principal and interest pay able at the office of the county treasurer or at the fiscal agency of the stale of Oregon In New York city, at the option of holder. All bids must be unconditioned' and ac companied by a certified check for 5 per cent of the face value of the bonds bid for. The approving legal opinion of Messrs. Teal. Minor & Wlnfree of Portland. Ore gun. will be furnished the successful bidder. The board reserves the right to reject any ana all bios. FRANK A. ROWE. District Clerk. PROPOSALS TNVITED IN THE DIS TRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF ORE GON. In the matter of W. C. Smith. bankrupt: Kecuest for blds I will ceive seal bids for the following property of the above named bankrupt, located at Fayetteville. Or., up to and including 12 o clock, noon. .Friday, JNovemDer -o, i non stock of merchandise consisting of groceries and dry goods, inventory value 11K11 fixtures 1415. . Sale subject to the approval of the court. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid. Inventory of the property may be seen at my office. 511 Fenton build ing, and the property inspected -at Fay ettevijle. Or., upon appointment. Bids I will be one n n.t A. M. Cannons office. Title & Trust building, at 3 2 o'clock noon; Friday. November 26. 120. The right is reserved to reject any and all bios submitted. H. W. SITTON. Trustee. PROPOSALS INVITED. In the district court of the United Ststes for the district of Oregon, in the matter of Hermans Steam Motor com pany, bankrupt: Request for bids 1 will receive sealed bids for the following property of the above named bankrupt, located at 781 First 'street. Portland, Oregon, up to and including 12 o'clock noon, Friday. November the 26th. 1920: Stock of machinery, fittings, findings and tools, of the inventory value of $3244.98. Sale subject to the approval of the court. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid. Inventory of the property may be seen at my office. 511 Fenton bunding, and the property inspected upon appoint ment. Bids will be opened at A M. Cannon's office. Title and Trust build ing, at 12 o'clock noon, Friday. Novem ber the -otn. iw-u. ine rigm is re served to reject any and all bids sub mitted. H, W. SITTON. Trustee. Miscellaneous. NOTICE is hereby given .that a public hearing will be held in room F of the Public Library In Portland, Or., at 10 A. M. on Saturday. November 27. 1920. ' relative to the adoption of a code ap plying to steam boilers in the state f Oregon, as authorized by chapter 4t, laws of 1920. OREGON STATE INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT COMMISSION. AUCTION SALE nousenold goods Decem ber 10, 1920, at 55 Second st- AU storage accounts 4 months past due goods sub ject to sale on this date. C O. Pick Transfer & Storage Co. AFTER November 18. 1920. I will not bo responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Mrs. Ailie G. Hester. H.' C Hester. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Bag of tools between Field's Motor Car Co. and Multnomah club. Reward for Information or tools. Call Fields Motor Car Co., Gol. 772. LOST Spare tire, 32x4, Firestone, rim rir cover with Westcott trademark. probably on 52d St., between 42d and 53d ave. 3. E. Call Bdwy. 2ta5fl. LOST Either In or outside Lipman Wolfe's or Meier & Frank's, $20 bill. Reward. Main 5502. LOST rTortolse shell rim glasses, near East 12th and Kast isurnsiae. ixewara. Phone Tabor 5964. LOST By Lincoln high girl a gold wrist watch, Nov. 19. Monogram H. A. B. on back; suitable reward'. Call 545-93. WILL the party who found watch near Broadway hall, Nov. 13, phone Broadway 2167? Valued as gift. Liberal reward. LOST Sigma Chi fraternity pin. Main 7858. Reward. LOST A Boston bull pup near 23d and E. Yamhill; reward. Call East 2098. LOST A bunch of keys with chain at tached; leave at Broadway bank. LOST String of pearl beads, shall 4100; reward. Phone Mar- LOST Gold fleur de lis pin. pearls. Tabor 5632. LOST male. Sunday A. M., Reward. 314-35. English setter. LOST AND FOOD. WILL party who found 33x4 Racine tire mounted on rimr lost-between 32d and 33d on Sandy. last Sat., Nov. 20. about 11 P. M., please return and receive re ward? 1075 Sandy blvdt LOST Sat. night, bill-fold containing 6 checks, 3 payable to Rupert, 3 payable to City Auto Van Co.; also $5 green back; tost in vicinity of Sunnyside; lib eral reward. Main 1683. LOST Tan leather suitcae. between Multnomah hotel and Laurelhurst. Con tains personal effects. Liberal reward. Phone Tabor 2314. LOST On Broadway or Sixth street. South Bend gold watch, plain case, val- I ued for sentimental reasons; finder please, can Mam aaiio. Reward is otterea. LUST One Remington automatic shotgun in yellow leather gun case, between Port land and Goble. Sat. afternoon: kindly ! return to 61b Journal bid sr. Reward LOST Lndv'n whit- oM hr-clet watch I wjth black ribbon bracelet: engraved MAB on back of case; reward. Phone Geo. H. Butterfield. Main 2846. LOST Between Lipman, Wolfe and Meier c Frank a, a parcel containing 4 roio 1 tassels, Saturday afternoon. Main &os. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL "PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 20o SELLING BLDC, 2D FLOOR. MONEY TO LOAN on surplus stocks of merchandise placed Jn storage with us. fnone w road way Si ia. Security storage A transier to., ra 4tn street, corner 01 nne. LIVESTOCK LOANS. We have money to loan on cattle, I sneep and nogs. F. E. BOWMAN CO. 210 Chamber of Commerce. WE BUY first and second mortgages and 1 sellers contracts, sr. ts. uowman oe. 10.. 1 2'0 Chamber 01 uogimerce. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate in wasnmgton, Ore gon. H. E. Nobl , S16 Lumbermen s bldg. BUY bonds, notes, contracts, mortgages. F. H. Lewis, 302 Lewis bldg., 4th and I Money to Loan on Real Estate. RESIDENCE LOANS. 7. five-year period. You may pay $10O or any multiple thereof account principal semi-annually ana reauce in terest on loans under uuu. INSTALLM ENT LOANS. Will loan 60 value house and lot at 7. You pay one-half of 1 per cent ac count principal monthly. For example. S2000 loan, you pay J10 monthly ana in terest; you have privilege of paying $100 or any multiple thereof monthly, inter est reduced accordingly. NO COMMIS SION. BUSINESS LOANS. t Five-year period, 6. Excellent re payment privilege. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Main 8308, 407Yeon Bldg. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSIONS On Improved property, or for improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 3o months, or S21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month fer 96 months pays a loan ol S1000 and interest. Loans of other amounts in same pro portions. Rena.vme.nt orivlleges. EQUITABLE SAVING & LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark St., Portland, or. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. 283 STARK. STREET. NO TiTTT .A V OIIC!K: ACTION REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS On Imp. city property or Willamette Vo iiov frmi nr- f nr itn o. Durooses. AU amounts, $1QOO, $1500, S20O0 and up Sellers contracts purchased. F. H. DEJSHON. 615 Cham, of Com. bldg. SEE US -TODAY We loan money on real estate, no commission, b ana t o o choice loans, long time, short lane monthly payments, pay as you can; Mums to suit; contracts. 2d mortgages liberty bonds bought. 2-o Gasco Diag. 5th and Alder, CeUars-Murton co. lift 1 if ift TO T.OANT In sums to suit OD Cit I suburban and farms. Building loans a specialty. WILLIAM G. BECK. 215-216 FAILING BLDG. THIRD AND WASHINGTON. FARM LOANS. Thkii ranee company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission, no aeiays. DEVKRHiAL'X MORTGAGE COMPANY. 87 Sixth St.. Portland. Or. vii-.btv: A ( : V. 11AXS Any amount, iow rates, promptly closed Attractive repaj men. hiihc6m. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 1 1 KrirlhwpsKrn Rank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 6 AND 7 PfciK fBWi . INSTALLMENT LOANS. NO COMMISSION TTX-IOV ABSTRACT CO.. 83 -4TH ST. HENRY BLDG. w nnTiur.K LOANS. On farm and city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv ileges. Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., SO Fourth St., Portland. Or. MORTGAGE loans on improved farm and citv property, ravorauie 1 rtxy i"6 " - lieges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD., 309 Piatt Bldg. Main 5371. LIBERAL LOANS. We loan our money on real estate, 1st and 2d mortgages, contracts, livestock. - notes, etc. h. Hi. bowman e yo.. -iv Chamber or commerce oms. Jiaiu rjoo $4O0. $500. $600, $SOc. $1000, $1200, $1500, $2000 and up. lowest rates, quick action; pay off $100 or more at any in terest date. Gordon Mortgage Co.. 631 Cham of Commerce bidg. Main 1370. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 20S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. $500 $1000 AND upward on Improved real estate; favorable terms: no delay; no brokerage. John Bain, 5X)7 Spalding ,bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rate of interest. Otto & Harkson Reaity Co.. 413 Cham, of Com. J300. $400, $5O0. $750. $1000 AND UP Low rates; quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6445. MONEY on improved city, suburban and farm property. S. S. Gillespie, 592 De kum bldg. , MONEY to loan on real estate. 7 'per cent. Geo. P. Lent, 714 Corbett bldg. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO., 222 Cham. Ot V. O III. , min MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent. Louis Saloman & Co., 408 Selling bldg. $2000 TO LOAN on Irvlngton property at fo. No commission. East 419. Money to LoaJi Chattels and Salaries. HATHAWAY Loans on pianos and furni ture: legal rates. 208 Washington bldg I BUY chattel mortgages. Broadway 1429. Call mornings. FINANCIAL, Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MONEY AT 2 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO PROTECT BOR ROWERS. LOANS MADE ON D1A- WATCHES. JEWELRY. VIC- . TROLAS, PIANOS. LIBERTY BOND AND FURNITURE. 394 STARK ST.. NEAR 10TH. CARRIE MYERS HERMANN. Mgr. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. nn vntT vppd money AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE? YOU CAN UET IT TUUA1. T .O A V s? MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANOf V lC J.KOL.AiS. KL.VL, Ci&LAlb, BONDS. ETC. If rour. payments are too large o your automobile or furniture contracts. we win pay tnem up ana aavance -o more money if needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans and leave the se curity in your possession, and" you cas repay us in sniau mommy payments WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes. .Rater reasonable. Private offices. Ail busi ness strictly confidential. rUKl LAN U L.OA.N LCJirA. X . (LICENSED.) 306-307 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 32S6. w. cor. Third ana wasningtou. SALARY LOANS CHATTELS WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, tetni- monthiy or monthly payments. .aci transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO LNUUKSKK. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture pianos, etc., without removal. CA LL A N D INN fc.S riUATK. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO. V Licensed. 21S FAILING BUILDING. MONEY TO LOAN On goods placed In storage with us we can t-ave you money. w interen rates. Phone Broadway 3iio. Security Storage & Transfer Co., &3 4th feLrtet, corner of Pine. . QUICK money to salaried people on un- securea note. Lonncenuai lnvwuKs- tion. 316 Chamber of Commerce bldg Licensed. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds, jewelry. legal rates; articles held a year; estao lished 1S3S. Dan Mars & Co., 283 Waao. Loenii Wanted. FRANK L. McGUIRE. with bis years of experience and expert knowledge or values, is in a position to safeguard your , every interest in loaning your money. w ' Hundreds of applications for loans. Of fice of personal service. Let us loao your money. See J. Logie Richardson, manager of loan department, Abingtoo bldg. Main 1068. WE HAVE some good real estate contracts - and mortgages in amounts 01 $.oo ana above, pavable in monthly installments and bearing 7 per cent interest, which we will discount 5 per cent. F. E. Bow man & Co.. 210 Cham, of Com, bldg. ! LOAN'S WANTED. ;' $700 at 8 per. cent. $10O0 at 7 per cent; $1250 at 7 per cent; on improved Portland property. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Bldg. WANT to borrow $30,000; will pay 9 per cent; well improved wheat iana, over -$120,000 worth of security. Address own er, A E 863, Oregonian. WANT 75 on phonograph contracts at merest; fully secured. It 257, - 10 Oregonian. WANTED Loan of $2J on lady's watch C 299. Oregonian. until 1 secsre position. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO . , Fourth and Stark. 222 Cham, of Com. PERSONAL. TO WHOM THIS MAY CONCERN: A year ago today I was sunerms kh eevere pains which the medical doc tor said he thought were gall stones. I couldn't eat, sleep or straighten up. Through a friend I heard or Dr. O. E. Hubbard, 30C-7-8 Fenton bldg.. phone Broadway 4777. and after a few of his treatments. I was relieved of all suffer ing, and I am entirely free from all my o'd ailments and have gained 25 lbs. With great joy I recommend Dr. Hub bard to ail sufferers. Mrs. . B. F. Beck. 24 4 East Killingsworth, Portland, Or. Wdln. 4984.. NETTIE M. BENSON. D. P. Naturopathy Methods used on .-s b n v u u a aim CHRONIC diseases; traction cures weak backs; mineral steam baths, electric violet ray and scientific massages clean the svstem and build it up; both sexes treated. Main 7789. 304 Dekum bldg. DR. K P. CARTER and Dr. Leota Carter, drugless pnysicians, now hm.ic v fice 617-18 Swetland bldg., 5th and Wash. AH acute and chronic diseases treated successfully. Office hours 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. TAKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER Is a cleansing, teanng germmiue ana invig orating douche, a great aid in female disorders; 50c and $1 per box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. 1 $10 REWARD to first person rurmsning correct, prwcm uu . ... burn, formerly a motorman at Astoria. Offer expires December 1, 1920. R 287, Oregonian. : AN ELECTRIC CABINET BATH. STiower and massage; individual servfee. Dr. J. C. M. Ironside, S09 Broadway . bldg. Graduate nurse assistant. Main 5B. - EBVET & HANEBUT. leading wig ana toupe makers; nnest sioc, nuumu umr goods, hatrdressing. manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 349 Alder. Main 546. CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths, massage. reducing ireaimeui, wui.t., s" tonal attention. Dr. Margaret Hay mo. 215 Swetland bldg. NGROWING nails or chilblains cured without Knue or qmvA cuoi. Write Eugene Eaton. Dept. 22, Ban don. Or. MOTORISTS, are you traveling to Califor nia soon ana wouiu taie - ta n. genial passenger who wishes to reduce expense ? C 250. Oregonian. SI GETS botn teet nxea up 11 ur. r-aion a the jmijz-sLsij " i UUK.B who doesn't hurt you; 8 yrs. here; exam, free. Globe bldg.. 11th & Wash. Bdy. 2S.i4. DR. MINNIE A. jkkbisa, uniropractio physician. ram .., l-ui ner phone Automatic 517-52. Office hours by appointment. WANTED For their benefit, the address Of JOIin vji a.trr j.a.itui ciu 11 cm- trax or their ktnfolk. Mrs. W. A, Eckles. Nora Springs. Ia. DE LUXE MASSAGES. 41$ BUCHANAN BLDG. MAIN 8366. SULPHUR steam bath massage, violet ray and vibratory treatment. 426 Clay. Main 8359. iu a. w o FEET SORE? See Dr. Ethel A. Sacry, pedicuring ana '""-"' w xv- leigh bldg. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. MA&S AGE. baths, kidneys, constipation. rneuroatmwi. u.. u un less phys., 508 Panama bldg. Main 5086., PILES can tfi permanently cured without operation. v-a.n tw Morrison st. . SPECIAL Thanksgiving dinner at Mist " jjaiis - - reservation - NO CURE no nay; falling hair, dandruff; hair grown , v gents 814 Macleay bldg. ; riCERS. tumors treated without use of. knife; exam, itj. V n ' GoldlO ivy ES. caimcr upcuaiiau Oil. VIT-O-NET magnetic baths, violet ray " Khenberd. 450 Morgan bldg. Main 7579. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed forever b hiHsr.. Fifth and Washington sts. rnnROPOOlST Ethel McCoy, 609 Bu- " chanan Vo- ' and 5th. Main 50i6. - - Ff YOU are tired and nervous have a sci entifio electric body massage. Dr. OvidJa lATson. 427 Morgan bldg. Main 199. , SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed Finley, 514 Bush & Lane bldg. Main 6363. GRADUATE nurse treats TtirrTbago. effc.. Hours iu " j uvhw gain 1049. Offleeg 30S-C. Third Bt. ROSE McCAt'LEY, formerly of Quincy. in please phajie Broadway 727. Am;.. for' Mr. McMonahan or Mr. A. Reardon." -jr . sqiGE and steam baths, electric treat M Tp"V Kthel Burke. 417 Swetland bldg. - GOITRE, enlarged glanda; cure yourself.,":: A. R- sirachanj-oute 5. HUlsboro. Or. tTtTpTURE CAN BE CURED without an . nneratien. Free booklet. P. O. Box H05. pptuKDA BALM, formerly called Balm of P-lea E. 33d. SelL 2213 mornlnra. DOESN'T Tom, Dick or H Ke-e Vierect. collections. L arry pay you? Dekum bids. 7mi tt cav CURED without operation. r Free booklet. P. O. Box 1105. JUVICIDE will cure rheumatism or money.; bac;c. 4- 8 Dekum bldg. - l' kTes tested free; spectacle, guaranteed.-. VI. Beldine. 'tioV, Alder st. Main 1JU2. . 1