Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 18, 1920, Page 9, Image 9

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ceding? the general election, accord!
ns !
re- I
to a statement filed with the secre
ID l?fes$&(0i
tary ot state today.
Other expense accounts follow:
George W. Hyatt, enterprise, republican
candidate for Joint representative from the
24th representative district, 19'2.8'J; K. L..
Hubbard, Baker, republican candidate for
representative from the littth representative
district, $42.55; Howard K. Zimmerman.
Astoria, democratic candidate for district
attorney for Clatsop county, $175.15; J. D.
Wurtsbough, Grants Pass, republican can
didate for district attorney for Josephine
county, $3.90; W. M. Duncan, Klamath
Falls, democratic candidate for district at
torney for Klamath county, R. I.
Keator, Pendleton, republican candidate
tnr Hi ntrift n rlnrnav rr iiM.tii).
North Umpqua Project Is Fac-
ing Formidable Foe.
Food Declared Ideal for Ane
mic Children.
Jlrtt.61; W. S. Burleigh, Enterprise, demo
i cratic candidate for district attorney of
! Wallowa county. S27: Franrln V nnlln.
way, The Lalles, democratic candidal for
district attorney for Wasco county. $169.75;
Fred O. Buchtel. Portland, republican can
didate for public service commissioner.
Western Oreiron district. 12 1 OHO s. I..
Burnagh, Knterprise, democratic candidate
ior representative from the 24th repre
sentative district, $63. 7A.
Husband's Charge or Insincerity
by Dr. Lovejoy Is Denied by
Her lriends Here.
Ice Cream Consumption Greater In
U. S. Than Anywhere Else, De
clares Convention Speaker.
nsMss--slmiini -lli.s-,1 ns-P-p-ss-sjiiii j ji is s-ji-jjaL-u-ra-
Further .construction of the pro
posed electric-therapy tuberculosis
santitarium, on the watershed of the
North Umpqua river, above Roseburg
and Winchester, is confronted with
ct formidable wall of opposition and
will be indefinitely delayed if not de
feated, owing- to the belief that such
an institution would seriously con-
taminate the Roseburgr water supply.
No less than five plaintiffs will ap
pear in the induction suit launched
against "Winchester sanitarium and
its promoters, V. L. Ruiter of Rose
burg, and George A. Lovejoy of this
city, and the initial injuction suit
which is to delay construction until
reinforcements arrive has already
been filed by Dr. Esther Pohl Love
Joy of Portland, wife of one of the
Menace to Health Charged.
. The five plaintiffs in the combined
injunction suit, according to H. F.
Mclnturff, attorney for the state
board of health, who is taking the
necessary legal Bteps, will be the
state board, the city of Roseburg, the
county of Douglas, Dr. Lovejoy and
the Douglas County Light & Power
company. Officials of the state board
of health are completely confident
that they will be able to substantiate
the claims that Winchester sanitar
ium, through pollution of the North
Umpqua river, would constitute a se
rious menace to the public health.
Interest in the sanitarium fight is
Intensified by the relation of the
plaintiff. Dr. Lovejoy, and the de
fendant, George A. Lovejoy, a prom
inent Portland. businessa man. Dr.
Lovejoy, who served overseas as a
lieutenant in the American Red Cross,
is president of the International So
ciety of Women Physicians and was
head of the active service department
of the Red Cross.
Sincerity Is Challenged.
Contesting the promotion of the
sanitarium, on the claim that it would
contaminate the Roseburg water sup
ply. Dr. Lovejoy's sincerity has been
challenged by Mr. Lovejoy, who as
serts that she is primarily interested
in the value of her ranch properties
near the proposed site, and that she
attempted to sell one of the tracts to
the sanitarium promoters.
Dr. Lovejoy had not returned yes
terday from Roseburg. where she led
the attack at the sanitarium hearing
before the city council, but friends
in this city denied that financial mo
tives have ever influenced her and as
serted that she has been grievously
"Dr. Lovejoy is espeoially Inter
ested in her professional and ethical
reputation and her husband has said
that he would use her name in con
nection with Winchester sanitarium,"
said attorney Mclnturff. - "There is
ttrt truth In thu chapffo that clia amio-ht
to profit by the sale of.Jier real estate
and that her opposition to the promo
tion scheme is of recent origin.
Proposal Ilejected.
"When Dr. Lovejoy was in New
Tork, several months ago, Mr.- Love
: Joy asked her by telegraph if she
would permit him to . sell her farm,
near Winchester, for a good price.
She had no knowledge of his purpose
and answered in the affirmative.
Later he informed her of the proposed
sanitarium and in a telegraphic Query
inquired if she would accept a cash
payment of J2000 and $8000 in stock
of the projected hospital.
"This proposal was immediately re
jected by Dr. Lovejoy, who replied
that in the interests of public health
she could not lend her assistance to
the establishment of a tuberculosis
sanitarium on the North Umpqua
river. Her attitude against the proj
ect has been one of consistent opposi
tion at all times."
State health officials said that phil
anthropic claims made in behalf of
Winchester sanitarium are challenged
by evidence that it was to be a
e:gantlc money-making enterprise
summoning patients through the
unique electric-therapy treatments of
fered. At one of the council hearings
in Roseburg, it is said, the copy of a
letter from Mr. Lovejoy to V. L.
Ruiter, inventor and owner of patents
on the electrical bath cabinet, was
presented in evidence. This letter
(stipulated, declares Attorney Mcln
turff. that Ruiter was to receive $100,
000 for his electric-therapy device.
Proposal Is Arraigned.
At the same hearing Dr. A. C. Seeley,
Tnember of the Roseburg city council
ard ex-state health officer, severely
arraigned the proposed sanitarium as
a menace to the purity of the local
water supply, and took the position
that Douglas county was ready to
combat the project if the city council
did r.ot step into the lists.
Various sections of the Oregon stat
utes are cited to prove the strength of
tno opposition. One of these is a law
providing that there shall be no pollu
tion of any stream to which livestock
have access. Another is an individual
btatute .introduced in the legislature
bv George Neuner, now district attor
ney of Douglas county, which prohib
its all pollution of the North Umpqua
river about the cities of Roseburg and
Winchester. As district attorney Mr.
Neuner said that Douglas county
v-tuld be an active plaintiff.
Kit-lit to Finish Promised.
Though members of the state
health board are openly skeptical of
the claims made by Ruiter for his
electric-therapy treatment, and trite
ly classify him as a "quack," accord
ing to his fellow-promoter. Mr. Love
joy. the fight against Winchester
sanitarium is launched solely on the
assumption that the North Umpqua
water supply would be contaminated
and has developed no ethical phases.
In his own statement to the Rose
burg council Ruiter claimed that he
was once afflicted with tuberculosis,
in an advanced stage, and that
through the use of his own device he
won health.
"Tills fight for the public health is
going to be carried through to a
finish." said Attorney Mclnturff yes
terday. "We are not in doubt as to
the issue, and Winchester sanitarium
will not be built on the watershed
of the North Umpqua."
Defeated Portland Candidate for
Supreme Court Files Kxpens-c.
SALEM. Or.. Nov. 17. (Special.)
William O. McCarthy of Portland,
candidate for Justice of the supreme
court to fill the vacancy caused by
the resignation of A. S. Bennett, spent
fjli.iS in making his campaign prc-
Local Product Said to Be Topping
Market by Eight Cents; More
Acreage Is Available.
That the Oregon-grown walnut is
selling in the market at 8 cents above
walnuts from other districts was the
declaration of Ferdinand Groner,
who spoke at the luncheon of the
Ad club at the Benson hotel yester
day. The luncheon was held in con
nection with the walnut convention
now In session here, and the speak
ers were men picked from the wal
nut association.
Mr. Groner said that the climate
in this state was ideal for the grow
ing of walnuts, and that the possibil
ities for growing the nuts were
practically unlimited.
C. I. Lewis declared that there were
thousands of acres of logged-off land
In the state which might be planted
to walnuts, and thereby be made an
That the filberts grown in this
state were superior to those grown
in other sections was the declaration
of Professor A. M. Gray, who told of
some tests made in New York with
Oregon-grown filberts.
H. A. Henneman, vice-president of
the Western Walnut association, in
troduced the speakers. Samples of
Oregon-grown walnuts and filberts
were distributed at the various tables.
A. G. eiark. who has Just returned
to Portland from a trip east, Bpoke
briefly, declaring that he had found
there was no place like this section.
"As I stood on the 60th floor of
the Woolworth building in New York
city I thought of the impossibility
of finding any place to dig worms
if you wanted to go fishing," he said.
"I have come back a greater enthu
siast for this section."
It was announced that nominations
for officers of the club would be
made the first Wednesday in Decem
ber, and that the election would be
the Wednesday following. An elec
tion committee consisting of W. P.
Strandborg, A. G. Clark and Marshall
N. Dana was appointed. There was
some special music furnished by the
opera association.
130 Gallons and Two Men Taken,
One on White Slave Charge.'
One alleged white slaver, an alleged
bootlegger and 15 gallons ot wine
were caught in a police net thrown
about a house at S7 North Fifth street
early yesterday. Charles Parilius con
fpsstd to having brought Dorothy
Marurl from Boise to Portland for
immoral purposes, say the arresting
officers. He was ordered held for the
federal authorities.
In the basement of the house the
police located 150 gallons of wine and
a quantity of mash. They took Philip
Knchansti into custody. He is said to
have admitted manufacturing the
wine. He was held for a violation of
the state liquor laws.
The police making the raid were
Sergeant Schad and Patrolmen Fair,
Darrow, Smith, Willard and Drake.
Prineville Elects Delegate.
PRINEVILLE, Or., Nov. 17. (Spe
cial.) At a meeting of the Crook I
County Welfare league, held at the ;
home vf the president, Mrs. H. P. Bel
knap. M. R. Gallagher was elected as
a delegate from this association to
attend the session of the State Wel
fare league, being held In Portland
this week.
Negro .'Woman Fined Doctor Bill.
Helen Williams, negro, yesterday
pleaded guilty to an attack with a
dangerous weapon and received a
nine months' jail sentence from Cir
cuit Judge Gatens. She must also
pay $100 to Jens Jensen for injuries
inflicted upon him or will be required
to serve an additional three months.
Read The Oregonian classified ad?.
Among the notable professional men of this country who
achieved great success along strictly legitimate lines, was
Dr. R. V. Pierce, founder of Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Insti
tute m tfunalo, IN. Y. Devoting
his attention to the specialty of
women's diseases, he became
a recognized authority in that
line. His work, w The Common
Sense Medical Adviser," is
now in over two and a nail
million homes in this country
and Europe. At one time
Doctor Pierce represented his
home district in Congress.
Just fifty-one years ago he gave
to the world a Prescription which
has never been equalled for the
weaknesses of women. Many women
in every hamlet, town or city will
gladly testify that Doctor Pierce's
Favorite Prescription did them a
world of good.
Another of this great physician's
successful remedies is known as Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
and, like the "Prescription," is now
sold by all druggists, in both liquid
ana taoiets. inis is probably one
- . 1 . T
oi ine most emcacious discoveries
ever made in medicine, for the list
of men and women all over the
universe who have successfully
used it for indisrestion and as a
blood tonic and system builder, makes an amazing total of thousands.
"Pleasant Pellets" for stomach, liver and bowels, introduced by
Dr. Pierce fifty years ago, are recommended by thousands all over
the United States and Canada.
A new edition of the " Medical Adviser," over 1,000 pages, bound
in handsome cloth, can be obtained by sending one dollar ( or one-cent
postage stamps) tft Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel. Buffalo, N. Y.
Forty Portland babies have been
placed on an Ice cream diet because
physicians were unable to find other
food suitable for them, according to
Miss Jacquelyn Martin, speaker yes
terday at the convention of the Pa
cific Ice Cream Manufacturers' asso
ciation. Miss Martin asserted that the
diet was first tried with the child
of a local merchant, whose doctor al
most despaired of saving the infant's
When the diet proved successful the
merchant provided similar food for
other anemic children, with the result
that several physicians have adopted
ice cream as a regular infant food.
Miss Martin, who is the daughter of
the president of the ice cream men's
national association, urged dealers to
make an effort to be more artistic in
preparing ice cream for their cuS'
Use Declared Increasing.
I remember that one time I was
enthusiastic "over having received
portion of ice cream cast in the shape
of a rose," said Miss Martin. "It was
at a time when I had been attending
teas for several days in succession
and the sight of the ordinary little
square of ice cream served at each of
the parties had become distasteful to
Professor C. L. Roadhouse of Davis
Cal., who was another speaker yes
terday, declared that the per capita
ice cream consumption in the United
States was greater than in any other
country and that this consumption
was on the increase.
Another was C. M. Egbert, Portland,
who told of the relation of the cone
to the ice cream business. He declared
that 750,000,000 cones were used an
nually in the United States and as
serted that the ice cream sold in that
manner could not be sold in any other
Cone Tax Denonnced.
Mr. Egbert said he was unable to
understand the government's policy in
taxing cones, which he said were
food, and conducive to child welfare.
He advised the retailers themselves
to absorb the tax and accept less
profit until the tax could be repealed.
Professor R. M. Washburn addressed
the convention on "Ice Cream as an
Equalizer of the Dairy Industry." He
described the chemical processes UBe
ful in obtaining the finer grades of
ice cream and also explained to the
manufacturers the processes by which
the cream could be expanded most in
freezing. He illustrated his talk with
Other speakers were C. E. Doling
and John Ferguson of Detroit, Mich
The programme was especially
honor of the California delegation,
and L. W. Wilson of Fresno. Cal., pre
sided, T. M. Dorman of Los Angeles
tbanked the association for its recep
tion of the-California visitors.
Mr. Uolman Settles With County
for Automobile Supplies.
Without waiting for the final de
cision of the supreme court of Oregon
on the appeal from the judgment
Circuit Judge Kelly of Salem in the
notorious "gasoline case," County
Commissioner Holman has paid in full
for all gasoline, oil and tires origi
nally paid for by Multnomah county
and used by his personal automobile,
The total owing was $275.18. $44.60
already having been paid. The ac
count of Commissioner Hoyt,. which
is considerably larger than that of Mr.
Holman, has not been settled, as ac-
tion on the appeal is being awaited.
The suit was brought by John W.
Kaste, a local attorney and taxpayer,
against the payment by the county
of gasoline bills contracted by County
Commissioners Holman and Hoyt pur
suant to an agreement among the
commissioners by the terms of which
they were to be furnished by the
county with tires and gasoline for all
purposes in return for the use of their
cars on occasional county business.
Carelessness Is Costly.
ALBANY. Or.. Nov. 17. (Special.)
As the result of the carelessness of a
Corvallis young man in discharging
a blank cartridge here on Armistice
day, Eldred Derry, son of Mr. and
mm . m
Darius; This
Removal Sale.
You Can Save
4 ' ' I ' V
. 111 1. 1..
20-year cased
tension or
9350 value.
lutelr perfect
$400 Rlnaj.
with perfect
aettlnar. Reduced to.
1 r n is i inn if iSan sin iiiTi
Mrs. J. E. Derry of this cit, received
a serious injury to one of his eyes.
The cartridge was discharged close
to the boy s face and his eye was
seriously hurt at the time and since
then the organ has become more se
verely affected.
Fugitive Convict Captured.
SALEM. Or.-, Xov. 17. (Special.)
John Tuel, who escaped from the
prison farm here last month, was
captured at Crescent City, Cal., yes
terday and will be returned to the
institution to serve out his unexpired
term, Tuel was committed to the
penitentiary from Marion county, un
der Indeterminate sentence of one to
three years for larceny. Tuel has
made two escapes from the prison,
having been captured at Oregon City
following the first break. At the time
of his last escape Tuel was employed
at the penitentiary farm and had
been accorded the privilega of a
j Seasonable Beauty Aid
We find you can bring out the
beauty of your hair to its very best
advantage by washing it with can
throx. It makes a very simple, in
expensive shampoo, which cleanses
the hair and scalp thoroughly of all
the dandruff, dirt and excess oil.
leaving a wonderfully clean, whole
some feeling. After its use you will
find that the hair dries quickly and
evenly, is never streaked in appear
ance and is always bright, soft and
fluffy; so fluffy, in fact, that it looks
more abundant than it is, and so soft
that arranging it becomes a pleasure.
Just use a teaspoonful of canthrox,
which you can get from any good
druggist's, dissolve it in a cup of hot
water; this makes a full cup of sham
poo liquid, enough so it is easy to ap
ply it to all the hair instead of'just
the top of the head. Adv.
Kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid
troubles aro most dangerous be
ruatse of their- insidious attacks.
Heed tho first warning they give
that they need attention by taking
Th world's standard remedy for these
disorders, will often ward off these dis
eases and strengthen the body against
further attacks. Throe sizes, all druggists.
Look for the name Gold Medal oo ovoi w booe
ad accept c imitaliiffn
We Must Vacate!
This is the one and ONLY reason for the first sale in our history during a period
of more than thirty years. '
Prices Cut Right and Left
to make this a most remarkable jewelry sale our entire stock is included with
the exception of a limited amount of contract merchandise.
Much On Py - Ra -
Reduced 20
A. Few Contract Goods Excepted.
ELGIN, WALT HAM and other well
known makes. All standard makes we
carry no others. The chance of a life
time to get watches of known excellence
at less than regular prices.
Latest Patterns in Small Sies..
S25.00 Ulsrln Bracelet Watch now $20,00
Elgin Bracelet Watch now $ gQQ
Cushion - shape Bracelet Watch of 14k
-rrrn gold engraved. 15-lwl, Llgne
high-grade movement. A C70.00 JCg QQ
value, now vvlUiUV
Bracelet Watch with -:-
ribbon bracelet. 15- COfl HH
jewel movement. 26 value. now V-wiw w
14k fauntlnK case, extra heavy, fine blue
15 -jewel Waltham l
$125 value, now.
15-jewel ElKin in SO-i-ar ease, COO flfi
No. 12 size, 25 value, reduced to-UiU
7-jewel thin model. No. 12 slur Elgin In
ISO- ear guaranteed case, $17.50 C I M ftfl
value, now P liUU
Steel Bine Diamond, an nbo
Kent. tteuucea
-white s;old banket netting;,
69-100 stone. AC $320 00
Gold Rinse, perfect 1.40 r.
(cm In platinum
Mehtho-Sulphur, a pleasant cream,
will soothe and heal skin that is ir
ritated or broken out with eczema:
that is covered with ugly rash or
pimples, or is rough or dry. Noth
ing subdues fiery skin eruptions so
quickly, says a noted skin specialist.
The moment this sulphur prepara
tion Is applied the itching stops, and
after two or three applications the
eczema is gone and the skin is de
lightfully clear and smooth. Sulphur
is so precious as a skin remedy be
cause it destroys the parasites that
cause the burning, itching or disfig
urement. Mentho-Sulphur always heals
eczema right up.
A small jar of Mentho-Sulphur may
be had at any good drug store. Adv.
Be Bette- Looking Take
Olive Tablets.
If your skin is yellow complexion
pallid tongue coated appetite poor
you have a bad taste in your mouth
a lazy, no-good feeling you should
take Olive Tablets. .
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets a sub
stitute for calomel were prepared by
Dr. Edwards after 17 years of study.
Dr.Ed wards' OliveTablets are a purely
You will know them by their olive color.
To have a clear, pink skin, bright eyes,
no pimples, a feeling of buoyancy like
childhood days you must get at the cause.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act on
the liver and bowels like calomel yet
have no dangerous aft-r effects.
They start the bile and overcome con
stipation. Take one or two nightly and
note the pleasing results. Millions of
boxes are sold annually at 15c and 30c.
IF VOU are loslnr batr. have dandruff, or are
bald, let It be known tbat KOTALKO. contain
ing fen ulna bear oil and other potent Incredi
ents. is wonderfully cucceasfuL Tor men. wuraen.
children. Hair srawn, dandruff eliminated u
many rasei when alt elsa f Riled. $300 GUAR
ANTEE and money-refund offer. Get a box a
any busy pharmacy; or aend 10 caota for Pro
Box of KOTALKO to
X & Brfw-n, Inc Station F. ew York. JV. t
1 "sms 11.(5 tOt ,
High-Grade Watches
Seth Thomas Clocks
Waterbury Clocks
Lin Ivory
Prices Deeply Cut
Discounting regular selling prices and includ
ing 59o war tax makes your savings amount
to virtually 25. Frequently this means less
than today's wholesale prices at which we
could replace the Diamonds that go in this
Extended Terms Can Be Arranged Just the Same
as Vsual.
Our Special Widely Our Special Widely
Known $100 Diamond Known $50 Diamond
Ring, Only Ring, Only
Diamond Rings
for Women
S1200 All-Platinum It Ing In latest style,
lutrly perfect Blue-White Diamond, 1.20 ct.
Reduced to.....
Ill TOO 111 Tip:. 2.1S ct. Perfect Pure White Diamond, set In
platinum top on Rrrrn (sold mounting. A J I QRO fill
rarely beautiful rlna; - reduced to v wwwiww jt1&"&. II
Indigestion, Acidity, Sourness
and Gases ended with
"Pape's Diapepsin"
Millions of people know that it is
needless to be bothered with indiges
tion, dyspepsia or a disordered stom
ach. A. few tablets of Papes Dra
pepsin neutralize acidity and give
relief at once.
When your meals don't fit and you
feel uncomfortable, when you belch
eases, acids or raise sour, undigested
food. When you feel lumps of in
digestion pain, heartburn or head
ache, from acidity. Just eat a tablet
of Pape's Diapepsin and the Btomach
distress is gone.
The cost is so little. The benefits
so great. You, too, will be a Dia
pepsin enthusiast afterwards. Adv.
Universal Tonic
Useful to sustain and aid your
mental and physical strength
and vigor. A valuable medicine
in cases of nervousness, sleep
lessness or brain fag. Will
Improve your appetite and di
gestion and tone up the system.
Sole Manufacturer
Kansas City, Mo.
Get a Email package of Hamburg
Breast Tea. at any pharmacy. Take
tablespoonful of this hamburg tea, put
a cup of boiling water upon it, pour
through a sieve and drink a teacupful at
any time. It is the most effective way to
break a cold and cure grip, as it opens the
pores, relieving congestion. Also loosens
tbe bowels, thus breaking a cold at once.
It is inexpensive and entirely vege
table, -therefore h armless..
Sheffield Plated Hollowware
Gold Jewelry
Plated Jewelry, Etc., Etc.
20 Off AH Our Silk Umbrellas
A choice collection of novelty handles
chosen for this high-grade Jewelry store.
Popular colors.
JloJwi MIK 1.i'bHeLla's', yiu' j g QQ
15.0b' siLk'L'MBRELLAS," roar's' J QQ
1250 SILK lMBRELLAS.'yours J Q QQ
10 war tax rn'iist be added to all
umbrellas over $4.00.
Toilet Goods of Highest Grade
Ivory Substitutes
25 Off Catalogue Prices of (irnnlne Py-ra-LIn
Ivory (Every Piece Trnde-Markrd )
Every .woman who knows quality will
.hasten' to take advantage of the drastic
reductions on genuine Py-ra-lin.
Blue silk-lined black leatherette case.
Complete ten-piece Toilet anil Manicure
Set in the beautiful Du Barry COO 0 C
style. Reduct-d from 31 to 000. Z J
-S 111! Barry Set
$13.04) TOILET SET l.T5.
Plain, refined style, would mnke a
eharmlns; Christmas gift. Ke- C Q 7 C
duced from X13.UO to OOil J
S14.0O value, good size, charm
Insr shape
kh.00 value, an extraordinary
Arrived Just in Time for This CCfin
Sale, STno.OO Platinum Watch OOUU
All-platinum watch with 16-Jewel ad
justed high-grade movement. Set with
eighteen cut diamonds and sixteen
genuine sapphires. Ribbon bracelet.
A superb Christmas gift
An nbso-
It's Grandmother's Recipe
Restore Color, Gloss and
Almost everyone Knows that Sage
Tea and Sulphur, properly compound
ed, bring-s back the natural color and
lustre to the hair when faded,
streaked or gray. Years ago the only
way to get this mixture was to make
it at home, which is mussy and trou
blesome. Nowadays, by asking at
any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and
Sulphur Compounl," you will get a
large bottle of this famous old re
cipe, improved by the addition of
other ingredients .at a small cost.
Don't etay gray! Try it! No one
can possibly tell that you darkened
your hair, as It does It so naturally
and evenly. You dampen a sponge
or soft brush . with it and draw this
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time; by morning the
gray hair disappears, and after an
other application or two, your hair
becomes beautifully dark, glossy and
attractive. Adv.
Did you -ever f
d bearing
otorm in a
look far die Reflex Edge
act i
Mill mI I Q n'mtr IncrstMS
' I BUI Q JlJt of delicate,
' . B I I -nLjgP nervous, rnn-
? I III wSr down people in
I I I I two weeks tim in
1 III ib any inatmnce. Uved
1 WTer by oyer 4,000.000 people
I MAy annually and taicbly ea-
1 Ared by former United
I d3r States Senator and Member
rgr of Consresa, well-known phy
j'T elana and lormer Public Healtn offt
dais. Ask your doctor or drojesiat
w about It. Avoid danfferxmaaubetitutea.
Allowed I " 1
During This 1 a
Removal Sale. Oci-oJ 3
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$10.50 1 fi
bar- C Ci
Formamint Tablets aSord protec
tion against Infection
PEOPLE nowadays recognize that a
sore throat is a danger spot, as the
inflamed tissues form an ideal soil
for germs to multiply.
With gargles it is impossible to keep a
sore throat under anything like effective
treatment. With Formamint, whether
you are at work, or in crowded car, shop,
theatre or church, you can dissolve, now
and then, one of these pleasant tasting,
powerfully antiseptic tablets in your
An effective antiseptic is released and,
carried by the saliva, continuously bathes
the tissues, checks germ growth and
soothes the throat, possibly preventing
laryngitis, tonsillitis, " flu." Relieves
hoarseness. Helpful for singers, actors,
smokers, speakers, lecturers, etc. Chil
dren like them. 60c at all druggists.
Fonnjunint is our trade mark. It identifies our product.
Banff ChwnicM Oo. Inc.. New York
Get Well
IT is indeed hard to stand at one lide
while the stream of life flows by. A
man or woman condemned to sickness
that does not permit him or her to per
farm tbe active duties of life, to do his
or her share of the world's work, is s
pathetic figure deserving of sympathy.
Much sickness, pain nd miseryi
result from disordered kidneys and blad
der. Failure of the kidney to do their work
properly aod filter impurities out of the blood
lead to rheumaricpains, backache, aore muscle,
arifi or awollen iointa.punincsa under eyea.fioat
ioS apecke. biliousoeas, bladder weakness, nerv
ousness, or other symptoms of kidney trouble.
re effective io removing the cause of the trouble
lor they strenthtben and invigorate weak or
deranged kidney and help them to norma
functioning so that the blood stream is purified
and the cause of disease removed.
F. M. Platte (Brskeman), Sec'y. Switchman's
Union. 518 Blaine St., Peoria, 111., writes: 'Two
bottles of Foley Kidney Pills relieved all symp
toms of my ktdncy sod bladder trouble, stopping
tbe bscksche and pains, correcting the kidney
action, clearing secretions. I am also free from
dixziness and floating specks before my eyes.
Foley Kidney Pills cured me mod bawe my
heartiest racocamcadnioa.