7 MEIER & FRANK COMPANY WAITS EXPLAKATIDN Effect of Article 27Jn Consti tution Eyed. U. S. UNDER PRESSURE THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1920 WEIL Hlgli Department Official Says Plea of Corporations Will Xot Avail Anything. "WASHINGTON. Nov. 17. Recogni tion of the new government in Mexico by the United States will be with held, it was said today at the state deoartment. until Mexico has made clear the effect to be griven to article 27 of the Mexican constitution relat ing to property In Mexico. Stronir pressure of speedy recog nition is being brought to bear on the department by some business and other interests, but a high officer stated emphatically today that no corporation, no group of corporations fend no eroup of individuals was go ing to deliver American recognition 4o Mexico. It was made clear that the United Ftates was not demanding as a pre liminary to recognition repeal of ar ticle 27. but it was stated that if the operation of laws enacted under that section were made retroactive, the American government could not ac cord recognition. The United States, officials ex plained, is actuated by a desire to protect American interests in the southern republic, and in its study of the whole situation has invited - and received from American corpo rations and individuals having inter ests in Mexico statements as to con ditions there and the present appli cation of Mexican laws. Early recognition of Mexico was forecast in a statement issued at the department eome weeks ago, but ap parently it is not much nearer now than it was then. Whether recoeni tion will come before the present ad ministration at Mexico City turns over the government to President elect Obregon on December 1 ap parently still is undetermined. Dr. Coons to Be Candidate. ABERDEEN. Wash., Nov. 17. (Spe cial.) Announcement that he will be a candidate for re-election as a mem ber of the Aberdeen board of educa tion was made last night by Dr. N. D. Coons. A petition setting forth this announcement of caijdidacy and giv ing an indorsement of it was circu lated. Two vacancies will be filled at the election. llr in i n !l mi & wmm mm sm s Mm . 1 Js4 m.mk For a Limited Time Only Brings Any Columbia Graf onola In the Store to Your Home Make your initial purchase of rec ords here at the same time'and you are equipped for hundreds yes, thousands of enjoyable evenings at home, with the most wonderful music the world has ever known. 9 Come today, and take advantage of. this special terms offer. Plan now to have a Grafonola in your home or some one else's home for Christmas. Can you think of a more appropriate gift for your family or friends? Can you imagine a more liberal offer? MAIL TOTTS COXTPOST TODAY BDSH & LANE PIA0 CO., Portland, Oreinron. Please send complete information about your Grafonola easy payment plan. Name - . O Address . Rise in. Salary Needed. SALEM. Or., Nov. 17. (Special.) Senator Bell of Lane county, chair man of the committee appointed at the special session of the legislature last January to recommend changes in the salaries of state and county officials whose remuneration had not kppt pace with the cost of living. ush and Lane Piano Co. Bush & Lane Building Broadway at Alder passed today in Salem conferring with the heads of the several state departments. In some Instances. Sen- salaries of county officials were in ator Bell Intimated, that the present I adequate and should be increased. Graton & Knight Cuts Prices THE GRATON & KNIGHT MANUFACTURING COMPANY Announces SWEEPING PRICE REDUCTION THE RESULT OF MONTHS OF CONCENTRATED EFFORT For several decades the Graton & Knijdit Manu facturing Company has been the leader in the leather belting industry, taking the initiative in every important change. In keeping with our posi tion we announce a general price reduction on all grades of leather belt. Only by taking advantage of every economy in manufacturing and marketing made possible by the tremendous volume of our business are we now able to offer to the public this substantial reduc tion in price and still maintain our high standards of quality. This reduction becomes effective November 18. The manager of our office, William Koepf, at 81 First street, will give particulars upon request. (Signed) WM. SPAULDING, President. The Graton & Knight Manufacturing Company Worcester, Massachusetts The Greatest One-Price Shirt Sale -in Our History Enters on Its Third Day The Sale Began With 12,780 Fine Shirts Three for $10 Tax 10c Three for $10 Tax 10c Former Values Were $4.50 to $10 This one-price shirt sale is the biggest individual effort yet recorded in our "Back to Normalcy" in Prices Campaign. It is likely to stand for a long time. For not only have former prices, not only have today's prices been disregarded, but all profits and original costs have been disregarded by us in putting the price of these shirts down to $3.50. ... A Word About the Shirts Themselves They are from shirt makers of national reputation reliable manufacturers with whom we have done busi ness for years. They are the kinds of shirts men expect to get at Meier & Frank's Shirt Headquarters sale or no sale. Here is a partial list of the cloths and also of the values or prices at which the shirts were originally marked in our stocks. Please note that this list enumerates almost a score of cloths, virtually all of these the fine reliable STAPLE kinds that men know and buy for their qualities of worth and wear. KIND Jap Broadcloth Silk. . Fiber Silk Silk and Cotton Silk Striped Madras.. Imported Madras . White Jap Crepe Jacquarded Madras . . WERE SALE 8.50 IS3.50 8.50-$10.00,$3.5O 8.50 6.50-$ 6.50 6.50 5.50 S3.50 7.50 83.50 83.50 83.50 S3.50 KIND Two and Three Tone Madras. Alexo Cords Basket Weaves Mercerized Poplins Woven Madras Crystal Cloths Mercerized Oxfords WERE SALE $5.50 IS3.50 $5.50 83.50 $5.00 83.50 $5.00 83.50 $4.50- $7.50:83.50 $4.85 83.50 $4.50 IS3.50 All Sizes, 14 to 18, in the Sale Not all these sizes in every kind, but virtually all regular sizes in each lot. All Popular Patterns Colors Guaranteed Every shirt guaranteed first quality, perfect in cut and workmanship and fit. If any shirt purchased in this sale should prove for any reason unsatisfactory A NEW SHIRT FREE. See Also Back Page This Paper The: Quality' Stor of- Porjlanq JlftK.3boUvl..Uflii mm The STORE for Men, Main Floor