THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAN, ..TnURSDAT, NOVE3IBER 18, 1920 of FOB, BENT. Furnished Boomi In Private jFamily. VERY nicely furnished sunny room in private family for gentleman with ref erences. Splendid bed and bedding; plenty of heat, hot water, phone. walk In distance, 1 block to car line. Call East 35. j LARflE rnnm with firenlace. overstuffed I leather furniture with light, mtcnen privileges, suitable for two young ladle e m ployed. 1441 E. Morrison. Tabor 8K.',u. TWO SLEEPING rooms in private home; outside entrance, one block from Broad way; reasonable rent. 326 E. 1st N. Tel. East '2303. LARGE front room and sleeping porch, modern, suitable for 2. walking distance, near 23d car line. 773 Pettygrove. Phone Mar. 3817. from 11 A. M. to 4 P. M. CLEAN', comfortable front room, furnace hfat, 15 minutes walk from Third and "Washington; plenty of hot water; reason abie. East 4441. LARGE heated front room in private home in restricted district for one or txvo ladies; breakfast and dinner if deeireO. Wdln. H70 a , LA RGB front alcove room. 3 windows, bath and phone; suitable for 1 T -gentlemen ; walking distance. 4-8 Har rison at. ONE NICELY furnished warm room, suit able for two ladies. Will serve break fasts. Call Tabor 5020. $2. SO WEEK, sunny room, email. for working person, kind home privileges; cars close . . E ast 5227. E ast 10th South. COM PORTA B LE front room, for gentle man; walking distance. 508 E. Couch, near loth. East 8400. - LIGHT comfortable room, modern, walk ing distance. Nob Hill district. Main IMS 5. Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HO YT STREETS. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON STREET. . Two of the best-known residential hotels on the Pacific coast. - American plan, with or without hath, $2.50 a day up; rates by day or montn. Meals served to transients. liORTOXIA HOTEL, Portland s downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 880 Tenth st. For business gins and studenrV. reasonable rates. Mar. 1251. jtOOM and board for business girls, a. modern convenience: walking distance; So er week. Auto. 219-74. 12 E. 7th st. Kooms With Board In Private Family. CAN TAKE 1 or 2 more boarders in mj private noma; clean outside room and first-class home cooking; ?3 a week for 2 or 9 for single person. Call Wdln. yo R KENT 2-room apt., walking ois- 1 hlk from Morrliwn et. car line. $3.5o'per week. 4S0 Bel mont St.. Portland. Or. T.A D Y will board and room and give moth er's care to one or two boys or girls m modern nome. - Couch school. Mar. 302."?. EXCLUSIVE home offers rooms with gooa cooking: home-made bread and Pes 4-i North 19th Rtreet. Bdwy. 4J14. Busi ness men pref e r re d . JR.OOM and board in modern home for young man willing to share room with congenial young man; reasonable rates. Phone Mar. 27S1. is'ICELY furnished room, suitable for two employed: good table and home priv ileges ; walking distance. East Ijo. PQOM and board near Mississippi ave. car in private home for man and wife or two ladies employed. Woodlawn 32o. "WILL bourd and room man or woman with child take care of child day time. Sell wood 24-JO. ATTRACTIVE room and board in modern Laurel'hurst home for two, eropioyed. Automatic 223-23. .--w , x- fine board, one Of tWO young workingmen; very reasonable. Ta- ber 6875. 0 BOARD children in country ner Portland and school: very reasonable. A V oH3, uregonwn, WOULD like to board' school girl over 11. more for company; next door to school. $20 per month. ooaiawn -i-.v-t ItOOM and board in private family lor rPnticmn. U26 East Couch si., near 16th st. PRIVATE home for children. 714 Everett. Mar. 21 2. EXPERIENCED nurse wants children to board . $ 2 50 to $5. Marshall 2qj. ROOM AND BOA RO-Suitable for two pmnloveri. walking distance. East 550a. Ftt raltmed Apartments. THE CROMWELL. TTifth and Columbia Streets. 1 Five minutes' walk to Meier Frank's store; good Hurroundings, strictly mod ern, 2 and 3-room furnished apts., out- nrie, with French doers and balcony. permanent and transient. LARGE apartment, 3 rooms and bath, rent IIS; new luriiaure, cost -, -or ai( S3S5.70; $100 cash, balanc payments. F. C. Broome. fj- Beech. WASTED Refined working girl to take uu ants, with girl IS where character cuuiils. Call Mar. 3013 ttppkr a-room furnished ant. : gas. bath electricity, garage. 8.4 First st. South. L'NJO A VE. and Kiiunw orth. 4t.&4. all complete- oacrett bul..lng. FURNISHED 4-room apt., piano, heat and phone, $."0 per mo. Tabor 5183. : -ROOM furnished apt., heat, light, bath, phone; Hdults. Central. 415 Broadway C.E ROOM and kitchenette, walking dis tance. 32S Mill, near Broadway. 2-ROOM furn. apt., $13. No Broadway SPSS mornings. NICELY furnished 2-room ant. Chelten ham. 155 N. lth st. Phone Broad. 2553, JS 1CKL.Y furnished housekeeping rooms, S(4 East Morrison. l"nfurnlhed Apartments. PORTLAND HTS. apartment. 5 rooms, steam heat, fireplace, janitor service rent $100; no children; references re quired. F. E. BOWMAN- & CO., 210 Cham. Com. Bldg. Main 3028. H REE-ROOM unfurnished apartment an sieeninir norch in private residence I'oard if desired. 4:W East S7th st North, -ROOM unfurnished apt., $20 month 4(Va 1-arrabee st. Call mornings be fore 10:30. 5 ROOMS, steam hen t. modern, wide rooms. l i i lisan it. All out VERY attractive new. unfurnished apart mcnt of 5 rooms, fiH. Phone Main 8272, Flat. 6-ROOM tinner flat. 820 Vaughn st. Kit chen ranKe, linoleum on noor, o rom lower flat, S-'fl Vaughn St., $10. Near Montgomery Ward. Adults only. Marshall T.710. 6-ROOM flat. M0 per month, furniture for sale, $1 tWO, weut side, no children. Kelpper. 24 Stark St. Main 542ft. $25 4-ROOM flat, sleeping porch ; Chap- man and Mill; walking distance. Main 10. 6-ROOM flaU 173 E. 2154. 15th. Phone East Furnished Flata. BUY FURNITURE AND HAVE FREE RENT. Classy 7-room flat with furnace and fireplace, etioice location, west side; rfnt $40; 2 rooms rented pays rent. This plat-e is clean, czy and completely furnished. A rial home at a bargain. Phone Aut, 5l-54. ' QUI ET couple wit h reference may rent a modern 5-room loer fist with furnace, close in on west skie, nicely furnished, complete with piano and sewing ma chine, some linen ; owner will be gone fi months; rent -$55. or inquire upstairs flat. 449 11th st. Apply only between 11 A. M. a n d 4 P. M. WHY PAY HIGH RENT when vou can rent a very modem 6 room flat. W. S $35 a month, which lias also new and beautiful furnishings for sale? One or more rooms can bo rented ; priced low for cash. Mar. 2255. COZY 4-room flat, neatly furnished; close in. west side. Adults. References. Bdwy. 4o29. j FOR RE NT 5- room f!at. nicely furnished, adults, walking distance. Phone East :tU4. Housekeeping Rooms. Til E LEAVE ft. 12th and Mar. Furnisbei H K. room. $15 up, including gas range. hot w ater, electric -ights, laundry roon. ROOMS and suites, furntehvd and unfur nshd. modern. 163 1st, S. W. corner Morrison. Jfc NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, light, heat, phone, good location, $20. SWt. 34n 1 LARGE furnished H. K. room, suitable for 2 employed people. 321 West Park treet. SUITE of 2 cosy rooms, clean, quiet, near U. P. yards. 152 V, Russell st. ON E C LE A N. com f o r ta bl e H . K. room, private entrance. Close In. East 1626. $5 WEEK, completely furnished h. k. suites. The Ca-liliac. 3d. near Jefferson. H. K. ROOMS. 153 North 16th st.. corner Irving; reasonable; are newly renovated ONE FURNISHED h. k. room. heat, light and water fumisnea, fu. v h. ii'tn st. FOB -BENT. Housekeeping Boonn. . LOVELY, large " 3-room furnished house keeping apartment, $43 per month, in cluding lights, fuel, phone, etc. 3- Montgomery, after 10 A. M. Suitable for 3 or 4 adults. 2 .CND 3 ROOMS for housekeeping; steam heat, hot and cold water in each room; west Side; rent reasonable. 5dwy. NICELY furnished 2-room apt., also single housekeeping room; stove heat; rent rea sonable. 1734 21st st. N' 1 SINGLE and one 2-room with steam heat. 203 Stanton. Wdln. 4088. Hoaseueeptng Ku)m In Private Family. FURNISHED corner front room in private heme; furnace heat; suitable for couple employed. Kitchen privileges. 141 22d "t. IN. 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. Trunks, baggage delivered downtown districts, 35c. Sun, service. Bdwy.2445. H. K. ROOM, $15,"" everything furnished; desirable for people employed. 684 Gli san. Phone Mar. 197. NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms with kitchenette; central. 1ST Chapman, near Yamhill. HOUSEKEEPING room for rent; furnace heat, lights, gas and water furnished. $25 per month. 550 Hoyt tet. H. K PRIVILEGES in fine home for a couple. Sellwood 836. ONE MODERN h. k. 170 N. 22d st. room, furnace beat. THREE 143 E. furnished h. k. rooms, near M. V. 72d North. Houses. Soliday Bros." Transfer Jfc Storage Co. Bdwy. 4222. FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING. Long-TMstance Hauling. Storage. Packing and Shipping. Soliday Bros. Transfer & Storage Co. CALL TIRO A DW A Y 580 FOR NORTH WEST KRN ELECTRIC COMPANY LIGHT POWER HEAT, WASHINGTON AT TENTH STREET. FOR RENT t-room bungalow, partly fur nished, Including garage. University Park. $24. East 6024. BEST equipped for local and long distance hauling and moving. Green Tr. Co., 202 U Alder at. Main 1201. LaDY would rent part of house to man and wife; no objection to baby. Call 2130 7th ct. S. E. 7-ROOM house with furnace and fireplace. rent $20 to those buying furniture. Call Broad way 7U. -Sort h 22cl st. MOVING Piano, furniture and long-dis tance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck Service Co., 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 6121. KENI LWORTH upper six - room flat; Dutch kitchen and bath. Inquire at b3 otn sc. MODERN five-room house for rent, furni ture for sale. 040 Kerby st. SMALL house, fine lot, for rent reasonable. v ooaiawn 44i. IKVl.VGTOX 10-room house, fair condi- tion. $oQ. Apply 329 balmon. ROOM modern house, garage, fine cor- ner; fto month. Aut. 332-oti. -ROOM modern house. 406 Sacramento . Phone East 3862. ROOM house and acre of ground. Fam ily orchard. Tabor 1083. HOUSE for rent. 902 East 26th St. North. Furnished Houses. FINE large house, east side, close In. near three car lines, partly carpeted and with window shades, half block grounds, suit able for residence, school, sanitarium, small boarding house or rooming house. Wakefield, Fries Co., 85 4th st.. or tele phone Marshall 2474 before 1:30 P. M . FOR RENT 7-room elegantly furnished bungalow with barn and chicken runs, gas stoves, heater and range, sleeping porch and piano: new and clean, at 5130 60th st. S. E. Mt. Scott car to Stewart. 00 MONTHLY 10 Sacramento st. ; 7 rooms and bath, garage. $3o.OO month ly, fii)2 East Sth st. South; Brooklyn car; 7 rooms and bath. 2iS Chamber of Commerce bldg. or phone Main 0500. FOR RENT 2 houses on Oregon Electric, one turnished, one partly lurnmneo; rent $15 per house; references. Call Marshall 978 evenings. 8-ROOM house, completely furnished, pi ano, tlreplace, corner lot. 1 block Haw thorne car. 302 E. 37th st. 5-ROOM house flor rent to party buying ast 6520. furniture; rent '$25. Tel. SMALL bungalow, furnished, $30; buy fuel. 10OI E. 27th st. North. TWO-ROOM dwelling fur.. near M. V. line. i:;i E. 72d North. 5-ROOM house for rent, furnished. Jtn street isortb. 4-ROOM furnished house, yard. 520 Mar- ket, near ibtn st. Stores and Biulneiw ft'iace. FOR RJCNT In Blake-McFall bldg.. opp. Multnomah hotel, 13.000 sq. feet (will divide). A very desirable combination of office, sales and storage rooms; both freight and pas&enger eevators; steam heaU SEE U. N. BURPEK, Wilcox Bldg. Main 53 FOR RENT Stores. 2R1-2S3 Haw thorne ave.. with large, light base ments. Key at 271 Hawthorne. FINE store room; great opportunity for gen is rurnisnings, nats ana snoes; cen ter of thickly populated district; A-l lo cation; CHEAP RENT. Can have pos session immediately. - Apply to owner, 072 Alberta st. Phone Wdln. 355S. KOFt RENT or will give lease, s.tore with two large display windows, good loca tion for hardware or clothing or any other business; west side; rent reason' able. Call at 200 First st. FOR RENT Part of third floor, suitable for sample or storage rooms. Apply room 50 Bush & Lane bldg., or phone Main 3488. FOR desirable soace In fireproof ware house phone Broadway 3715. Security storage and Transfer Co., od 4tn st., cor. Pine. STORE near First and Clay, $20 Apply lou Second st. Offices. DESK room with telephone and stenogra phic service. Phone Broadway 3715. Se curity Storage and Transfer Co.. 53 4ta street, cor. fine. FOR RENT Desk in office In Morgan bldg. Phone service furnished. Main 2035. Apply at room 624. WANTED Someone to rent half my of fice, ground noor, business district, cheap. Broadway 3204. FRONT office, modern, in Railway Ex change bldg. Apply room 312. DEriK ROOM with phone. $5 2276 Washington, room 302. OFFICE room for rent. 1032 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1492. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE Barber shop in Redding, Cal. Write F H. Haines. LEA UN Akron. Ohio's method in vulcan izmg and retreading. Call 433 Stark. I WANT to rent blacksmith shop in good town, rl ny, cre-gonian. FINELY equipped pool hall, good location; priced rieht. Call Bdwy. 1022. BA RBER shop for sale. Perkins hotel shop. listed. rPh. udieret 3OWaA IoucmJ hi.Ho'P'PiAie- To BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALTS. ' Good paying mercantile business. you can purSin your own stock and rent the building; thriving community, good transportation facilities, convenient to Portland. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 378T. LISTEN HERE. FOLKS. We have some dandy good buys in small groceries and restaurants on easy terms with living rooms, different parts of the city. See us before closing a deal. HARPER & MORRIS. 410 Railway Exchange Bldg. A PARTNER WANTED. A close-in modern garage. 4-year lease, full of storage, $10 month, plenty re pa ir work, 1 . 50 houh ; se U gas, oils, tires, wash rack, etc, $1250 buys equal half Interest. Call room 401 Dekum ldf. $1100 BUYS confectionery and light lunch in gooa town on soutnern aciiic. Oregon Electric, Pacific highway and Willamette river; stock and fixtures in voice $2000. Money no oblect. Ill health forces me to sell; $600 cash. $5O0 when you please. Address AV TOO, Oregonian A GARAGE PARTNER WANTED. Owner west sile garage wants tella ble man as partner, prefer .mechanic, rent V140, permanent storage pays $375 month, has repair shop. $1000 will han dle. Room 511 Railway Exchange. FOR SALE Jewelry business In one of the oest small towns in eastern Oregon, county seat; up-to-date fixtures: clean stock; Invoice about J3000; ail work one man can do; will give? terms. AV 606. Oregonian. GROCERY SNAP. Stock and fixtures, $1500; first-class place; rent oi store practically notmng, as rents from rooms will pay for all. COBB BROS., 263OAK. MEN'S felt hats. S2.50: men's Stetson derhys, $2; boy's felt hats, Tac; children s Dlush hats. Si; men m Jumpers. l.-X men's sui ts, si zes 35, 37. $ 25. 108 H First st.. bet. Wash, and Stark. $1000 FOR LEASE, stock and fixtures, new merchandise. line location laaies business; $3aOO would not duplicate it; want quick action. Address AF 172, Oregonian. CAUTION. RtTYERS Refor closlne deal of so-catled interest in established real estate business, get adv of Portland xveuny ooara. & uiqkuii uuimtut- Broadway 19U2. CASH GROCERY. Good east side location, 6 fine living rooms, low rent. $00 day trade, no fix tures to buy, will Invoice. Koom 511 Railway Exchange. SAFE INVESTMENT. Grocery . and confectionery. IWing room. ivtr&BM m cr s-nod : once XI i uU, some terms. 301 Railway Exch. Main RESTAURANT. Here's a monev-maker. $1300 takes It $1000 cash, balance easy, daily receipts - aun i2i a day. bee w nitoecK, wim Brown & Biddle, 324 Railway Ex. bldgj CAFETERIA. . Paying downtown location, long lease, rea.sonu.bIe rent, well eauinued. will seal UK); a bargain for quick sale. 401 Stock jsxenange blag. . $3o50 GROCERY In the best Industrial district of Portland, practically all cash will either lumn or invoice: rent $2J have lease; closed Sundays; good reason for selling. Call Columbia iUa. GROCERY West side, doing $400 to $500 week, sub-postoffice bringing $25 per mo. ; rent $15; no overhead. iieipper, Main 5429. 248 Stark st. PARTNER wanted in good auto repair shop and used car exchange, pay good wages, stioo requireo. noora aii xvaw way Exchange bldg. . OWNER left town, first-class restaurant, ennri lease, fine location. St 600. terms. Jones, with Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark st. Main 5 4 lilt. PRE-V A R PRICE. HURRY. $1500 buys Rood grocery stock. In eluding furniture in living room, average sales $50. 301 Railway Kx. Alain m.u, WANTED Private oartr with $7000 to in vest In half interest with or without services in well established business. AG 2U0, Oregonian. WANTED A PARTNER. Auto repair shop, sell used cars. etc. been making big profits, $650 required, Room 401 ueKum bldg. BAKERY and delicatessen, close to school. This Is really the best location and money-maker on the west side. Look thii pp. owner, ui istn st. PARTNER wanted in auto repair shop owner show you can clear $500 month, only $650 required. Room 511 Railway Exchange. WOOD and coal, owner wants intereste help, with active partner can clear $300 to $4uu montn tor eacn, $uuu required. Koom oi ueKum mag. WANTED For going mfg. plant, man with $3000 to $4000. with services. Wil stand close investigation. AN 199. Ore gonian. A MODERN concrete garage, 3-year lease, 45 cars steady storaice. cas. oils, tires. etc., will sell at invoice; no bonus. Call room ivi uenum Plug. CUT THE PRICE. $950 will give you possession today, sales average $:i6 per day. cheap rent. 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. LIVE young man. $2000 and services, es tablished business, netting each $5O0 monthly, business increasing. AK 167, Oregonian. AUTO tire shop, vulcan Izlng, etc., want interested partner; win teach buyer the business and small Investment required. Call room 401 Deku m bid g. HALF interest In fully equipped black- smitn snip ana DOdy works for sale; owner going away. Apply to S. W. Beil, 711 Vancouver ave. or 172 Monroe st. A GARAGE with repair shop, lathe, drill. etc., ana gooa servrce car; excellent location, clearing $500 month. For sale at Invoice. Room 401 Dekum bldg. WANT business man of means to finance new patent electric device; will make gooa business proposition to party. Call SM3 rtroaaway bldg. PARTNER wanted for auto top and trim mlng business, profits are large and duties easi ly learned ; $1700 required. uan room i jeKum Ding. STEAM laundry, half Interest In well es tablished plant; good opportunity for nustier. aax jv, uregonmn. A CASH grocery, clears easily $200 month has living rooms, for sale at invoice. Room 401 D"kum bldg. CLEANING, pressing shop, laundry agency, downtown; rent $20; 2-year lease; cheap i or casn. ie rani sc. BARBER, health compels me to sell 3 chair barber shop; soma terms if desired fine location. 113H 2d st. POOL Ten tables, clearing $400 per month; long lease; brick building; up stairs. 6051-4 Main St., Vancouver, Wgoh. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or writ Dr. Dean, 234 Morrison at. HAVE good paying cafe, ideal location; will sell or trade for residence: stand closest investigation. AF 175, Oregonian. FOR SALE TaUorshop in Rltzvilie, WasS, A German preferred. Write Patsy Ciark, Rltzvilie. Wash. OWNER will sell stock in corner store with 3 furnished living rooms. Phone Wdln. 3726. FOR SALE or trade, small grocery. H 164, Oregonian. BARBER chairs, mirrors and supplies; great sacrifice. 8fl Sixth sL, near Stark. DRTGOODS and notion store, invoice or lump. 4422 Woodstock ave. CONFECTIONERY and card room for sale. 740 Union ave. N. to.' ILL H4HtA UiaI 20PLA 5vt bo -Hcxjr? C4RRy Si OO ri- -lCrtiEt'- j -a 1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PROMOTERS OR BUSINESS MEN. t V l 111 A UIlLl!. LASn ) . . . wtt,l divide a forttne with yoc to join or assist me in promotion of a wonderful operative oiold property i northern california). - ' we Have the ore now. an investment of j."0 to $100 per month for the winter will sect-re liberal interest in this property, would like to meet 2 or 3 parties with about 3000. will deal liberally with you on this. conditions ideal for all year work, water power. etc. OVER fiOOO FEET OF TUNNEL, FULL EQUIPMENT. THIS PROPERTY WORTH A MILLION DOLLARS EITHER TO OPERATE OR SELL. ADDRESS OWNER. AP 172, OREGONIAN. - GROCERY" STORE. Excellent location, good clean . stock of about $1000, fixtures $4oo; strictly cash business of about $40 per day; rent $22. 50 per mo.; room In rear for living quarters; has to be sold this month. BUSINESS INVESTMENT. An opportunity for man or wom an with $10,000 in nice, clean man ufacturing business, stock com pany, that wishes to enlarge and needs more capital. Call and in vestigate. F. RIERDON, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HEADQUARTERS FOR BUSINESS O PPO RTUN I T I ES. Groceries and Confc:l jneries Priced Frm $550 up to $470. Restaurants and Luncn Couutera. Priced From IfiOO ITu to $;"J0. For doughnut plants, bakeries, barber shops, pool halls, cigar stands or any thing in the business line, come and see us. BROWN & BIDDLE. 324 Ry. Ex. Bldg. 3d and Stark. INSTITUTE of massage, equipped with dif- ierent oaths, for sale at invoice; gooa practice; owner sick; town ttOOU pop, AV 608. Oregonian. GROCERY AND BAKERY. Apartment house district; $75 day In come; see this money-maker with lease and low rent. 401 Stock Exchange bldg. PARTNER $400 cash required, who has sales ability, exclusive, interesting and well-paying business; investigate. R. 143, Oregonian. BARBERS Two-chair shop in good loca tion! mo, oregonian. Rubin cat Opportunities Wanted. HAVE $1000 INVEST, WITH OR WITH- UtT SsiiillVlCtS; J1L8T i5K nSAUTltAL AND ATTRACTIVE; STATE DEFI NITELY PROPOSITION FIRST LET TER. AL 172, OREGONIAN. IF A REAL "business opportunity ($2000 or $2U,uou), oriered at a sacritice, whether mfg., store or high-class apts., let us hear from you. F 23, Oregonian. WANTED Delicatessen and light gro cery on west side apt. district; must have living rooms. John Singer, 420 Cham ber of Commerce- bldg. Main 0478. BAKERY I want to buy small bakery in Portland or gooa town 4UOO to ttOOO population. State proposition in detail. Con. Alberd, 701 Savier st. WILL pay cash for a real good cash-and-carry grocery store or a vacant place on west side preferred among apartments. , Wdln. 4708. 235 N. 14th st. WANT TO BUY whole or H Interest in good paying garage. Phone Tabor 23b5 before 10 A. Al. or after 5 P. M. EDITOR-PRINTER, wants to lease small newspaper with option of buying it end of 6 months. AV 705, Oregonian. WANTED To buy a soft drink, confec tionery and cigar business. i 105, Ore gonian. RESTAURANT wanted, small place, well located, for $500 to $600 cash., AK ltis, Oregonian. WANTED Hauling contracts. Have two heavy trucks ready for service. AG 6tt, Oregonian. STOCK of shoes; free rent to right party. Davis. 108 4th. Hotels and Booming: Houses. SPECIAL TODAY. 19 rooms, h. k... nicest west side loca tion; rent siuo; electric furnace or stoe heat; clears $200; extra well furnished; $2450 required. 32 rooms, three 2-room h. k. suites, rest sleeping: 2 veam' i-nt i ru one floor, electric stove and en hom' good) transient location: net income over $iK; price $36oO. terms. MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 Henry Bldg. CLEARS $400 PER MONTH. M-room brick hotel, half n. k.. lease, rent $150; automatic hot water, elec stove heat, clean as a new pin; good lo cation; owner wants to leave town. Price $5500 cash, $3500. balance 0 per cent. MRS. THOMSON, 620-21 Henry BMg. HIGH CLASS. 12 rooms. 1 kitchenette furnished with the best quality oak furniture; lo cation 17th, easy walking distance; love ly place and $80. and beautiful 3-room apartment; price $1850, some terms; ex clusively with this office. C. E. BO WD EN CO., 815 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. THIS IS A WONDERFUL SNAP. Six rooms, completely furnished. In cluding winters fuel. Cottage on-west side, rent $30 month. Whole price $500 ior quicK saie. bee owner at cottage. II to 2. Thursday. Must go. 327 Lincoln i., near uroauway. CLEAR $1200 PER MONTH. 128-room modern apartment house, ureprooi Diag.; up-co-aate in every way; uiiomauc eievator, private balconies, etc. ; best west side district; closest in spection .invited; $12,000 will handle. Yates. 245 4th st. 23 H. K. ROOMS; rent $75; very close In location on 14th st.; electric lights, fur naVe, etc. ; good f urni ture ; clears $2O0 per mo.; price $3300, terms. Yates, 245 4th st. 8-ROOM residence, nicely furnished; have 7 boarders: income $299.50; rent $55 East side, all for $750; hurrv. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. 12 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, close In; rent $30; $800 will handle; clears $100. Have other good clean plaoes. Barney John son. 170 10th st. VERY well furnished 8-room house, close to west side, rent $30: income net $40 and owner's 4-room suite. $S50. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. 6-ROOM lower flat on 12th st.; very close in ; modern; extra well furnished; sick ness cause of selling; price $800. Yates, 245 4th st. 20 SPLENDIDLY furnisiied rooms, all h. k netting $200 per. for $2500; close in. west siae. ierms in reason. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK, 21-ROOM house; rent $60; good location; clears $170; price $2500. $1700 down. W O ODCOCK. 327 Henry Bldg. S950 CASH: ft well-furnished h. k. rooms rent $40. Income $95 and two rooms for sell. Alain 12 ROOMS, all h. k., rent $55, income net iuu; h'jo. terms easy. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. 40-ROOM hotel In good country town of 3500 population to trade for store. AV 69.-. Oregonian. I HAVE buyers waiting for rooming - houses, fnone Main 3069. 11. W. Gar land. 201 3d. POLLY AND HER PALS I Git A 'BUT i OIaTT 7CH TH PA HAS CAUSE TO V 4 4 BCSIXKSS OPPORTUNITIES. Mo .els and Rooming Houaei. UPTOWN HOTEL. One of Portland's best, 165 rooms, strictly modern bldg.; fin lobby; furnishings are of the very best; a 10-yr. learns; this can be taken over with $40,000. Give ma a call. HOTEL BARGAIN. Beautiful, modern brick building, 135 rooms, all well furnished, run ning full and nets $000 per mo.; long tease and we can put you tn this hotel . with $4uo0. Call and see me before November 15. 72-ROOM HOTEL -72. If you are looking for a strlctty transient hotel, this will appeal to you; fine corner brick, modern and well furnished; 3-yr. lease at fair rent. It takes $12,000 to handle. 40-ROOM HOTEL 40. Beautiful little downtown brick, very nicely furnished and plenty of private baths; good lease; $7000 required. 27-ROOM BRICK. Here Is a good pickup, consider ing location; lease at $150 per mo.; - price $55oO. IS ROOMS 18. Furniture and carpets are extra good; rent $100 per mo.; this is 5 minutes' walk from business dis trict; price $3500; can give terms If necessary. SMALL HOUSES. I have several places from 10 to 20 rooaiM, at reasonable prices. F. RIERDON. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trad Bldg. BE SURE and see these places before buying: 19 H. KT. rma., extra good furniture, runnlne water in most rooms, clears $150 a m6nth. White Temple dist., first 31 rms., transient, brick, lease fWe years, fi7. rent, income or souu a mo., nrtce $5000. terms to suit. 12 H- K rma.. 2 kitchenettes. In White Tern pie dist., ren t $ 55. $ 1 400. $ 1 OOO down. rms. all rented, will net $100 a month. 44 rms., transient, brick bid., corner? best location m town; tnis is worm see ing; $A500, $6000 to handle, nets $400 a month. We have all sizes from 7 rms. to 70 rms. Come tn and we will show you with our auto. We are here to please our customers. Call Slmms or Miss Moyer. Main 4277. 517-19' Chamber of Commerce. APARTMENT HOUSES. 20 APARTMENTS. Corner brick building, beautifully fur nished, rent only $25. Requires $7500 cash to handle this. Price S11.500. 30 APARTMENTS. PRICE $10,000. Requires $S00O cash, white pressed brick building, all apartments have pri vate bath ; very reasonable ren L. Clears over all expenses about $700 per month; don't miss this opportunity. M. E. LENT CO.. 623-4-5 Northwestern Bank bids;.. HEADQUARTERS FOR HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES AND APART MENT HOUSES. 84-room apt. house, brick, $14,000, terms. 50-room H. K. house, frame, $3750, terms. 34-room apt. noune, brick, 17 OOO. terms. 40-room hotel, mod., brick, $9000, terms. la-room li. K.. house, frame, sttoo, terms. 15 -room H. K. house, frame, $1700. terms. These are all well located and wi 11 stand closest inspection. Call 163 West Park st. ANDERSON & CLARK. I HONESTLY believe the first party seeing this hotel that. really wants to buy will take it. Have only had it short time myself and have no excuses for selling. but have a reason why I must sell. It is located in the very best location on the east side, making good money, low rent and always full. S4200 will handi at Just what it cost me. no more ncr l-ns... Only persons able and wanting to buy need bother. Sincere people are quite welcome to investigate. 3-year lease. sj oregonian. A HOME and $125 per month for some woman wanting to run an apartment house, located on west side. This is an excellent opportunity, a good place and good clean tenants; an Investment of $1250 will give you an income without any worry, we can prove it. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. M. E. LENT COMPANY. B2R-4-5 NORTH WESTERN BANK BLDO. LEADING HOTEL AND APART MENT HOUSE AGENCY IF TUU WISH TO BUY OR SELL, COME IN AND TALK IT OVER; 14 YEARS IN THIS BUSINESS IN PORT- J-A-N J- t. JN A 3 1 r .. 3 US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. 11 ROOM 3. Price $1600, this is a first-class loca tion, .iust south of Jefferson street; rent only $45: furnace heat, electric lights, all housekeeping, running water in the rooms; this is a bargain. See Mrs. Mc clain wiin M. E. LENT CO.. 523-4 -5 X ort h wes te rn B a nk bldg. FOR SALE AND LEASE. Apartment house, close in: will sell furniture and lease apartment house for a years at uo per month; will sell fur niture for 19 apartments $".750 cash. Last month rental $4 .-!. See Hod son. WAKEFIELD. FRIES CO., 85 4th St. BRICK HOTEL. PRICE $5500. Located west side, close In.-" can be handled with $3500 cash ; income over $00 per month ; hot and cold water in rooms; some with private bath. M. E. LENT CO.. 523-4-5 Northwestern Bank bldg. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL business, hotel, room or apartment house of any kind anywhere. mc F. Rlerdon. , RITTER. LOWE ft CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We write all kinds of insurance. A COZY ONE.. 84 rooms, 25 apts., all with private bath, well furnished throughout; won derful downtown location; Northwestern heat; a good buy for $8000; $5500 cash. 512 Henry bldg. Broadway 5487. LEAVING CITY. . T have for sale 2 modern houses, flats in each, R and 6 rooms, income $12 tier month; could do maae iou; t sacrifice and give terms. AE 172, Ore gonian. ROOMING HOUSE. One of the best little buys, home an nice little Income, within 5 minutes' walk to business district, owner going away, Marshall wis. 13-ROOM rooming house, west Ide, good furniture, owner leaving ciiy: price vuu, terms if sold this week. Call 163 Vj West ParK st. Anaerson fc uiaric. ROOMING house for sale. 13 rooms, new, first-class furniture; money-maker; good lease. 513-4 N. Tower st.. Centralis, Wash. Phone 14 FOR SALE BY OWNER. 18 neat and clean rooms, close in, west side, with good furniture and a two-year iea.e Call Broadway 1354. BY OWNER 1 7-room apt. house; best location In city, always full: cheap rent. Nets $178. prion $2000. $1200 down. bal. easy terms. 320 4th St., cor. Clay. 15-ROOM house, well furnished ; steam heat; rent $75; price $2850. $210O down. WOODCOCK, 327 He n ryB 1 d g. FOR bestbargain In apartment house see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 245 Fourth st. IXIST AND FOUND, LOST Llewellyn setter, male, all white except tan spots on ears; $10 reward. Woodlawn 5183 BE THANKFUL BY CLIFF STERRETT. LOST AND FOUND. THE FOLLOWING articles were found 2 keys, 1 comb, 1 bank 'book, S single gloves, 4 pairs gloves, 3 school books, 1 roll paper, 6 plTgs., 4 lunch boxes, 2 coats. 1 saw, 2 handbags, 1 suitcase, 11 umbrellas. LOST Thursday morning. gentleman's leather bill book containing between and $TO in currency between Union Depot and Imperial Hotel. Return to auditor Imperial Hotel. Reward. LOST Lady's Gruene wrist watch. Initials t. . Monday between Kob nui p and car. Finder return 510 Lewis bldg., and receive reward; valued highly as LOST Orpbeum theater, Wednesday aft ernoon, laayi leatner purse contain mi check book, money and other art Idea Reward. Please call owner, Broadwaj 575Q or 18X1. LOST Pol Id gold Eversharp pencil be tween Worcester Diag. ana nenron '. or In Benson hotel. Initials H. N. B. Liberal reward. Phone Main 837L LOST Heavy eleatherpurse. Nov. 11, con taining ladys gold watcn, coupm ad dresses and email change; reward. AE MJ. Oregonian. STOLEN Ford sedan. 1920 model, license No. 96805, engine No. S65SR69; $50 re ward for information leading to its re covery. F. c. Ruble, Sheridan, Or. LOST Small round gold pin with "M. E. P., 1020." Please return to Mrs. Shad Inger at Portland Trust Co., Northwest ern Bank bldg., and receive reward. LOST One Remington automatic shotgun in yellow leather gun case, between Port land and Goble, Sat. afternoon; klndlj return to 616 Journal bldg. Reward. LOST Lady's small Elgin wrist watch with initials M. S. Finder please call E. 1475 or leave at 675 East Main st. and receive reward. LOST Sunday, Nov. 14. between Portland and Damascus via Clackamas. 1 smooth tire mounted on rim. Finder please phone Sellwood 1014. Reward. LOST Monday, on 4th between Mill and Davis, a Miller geared-to-the-road tire 80x3H. Suitable reward. East 7791. LOST Checkbook Coolidge A McClaine Bank, Silverton. containing $10 bill. Re turn to W. C. Taw. 432S 44th st. S. B. TJT.ST Brown fur scarf near Multnoman hotel, Friday night. Nov. 12. Phone Woodlawn 4459. Reward. LOST Army discharge: return to Roy- mond E. Amy, box 671. Ncwberg. or. LOST A silver mesh bag; suitable reward return to Mrs. w. Rogers. Tabor 3Zii. LOST Gentleman's diamond ring wrapped in tissue paper: reward, call East AiV LOST Moose charm. Please return 3!)5 Yamhill, room 3. lie ward. FOUND At Orpheum, umbrella. phone Marshall room lv. LOST Small brown spaniel dog. Baby's jet. Call woodlawn 1496. Reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. IN THE district court of the United States for the alstrict or uregon. Lucius . Baker, plaintiff, vs. Coos Bay Lumber Company, aeiendanu in equity jno. Notice To the creditors who have filed claims herein and to all persons interested In the Coos Bay Lumber Company and In the receivershio of the said company in the above entitled suit:. You and each of you will nlease taae notice: L That the court has made Its order for the payment oT a dividend of 20 per cent to the claims herein which may hereafter be allowed bv the said court, other than certain claims which have stipulated for the postponement ot the payment of a dividend to them. 2. That any and all persons desiring to contest or object to the allowance of any of the claims filed herein, shall file vlth the clerk of this court their objec tion nr ob lections to. or content or con tests of. any suh claims so filed herein on or be i ore tne zutn oay ox ovemDor, 1920. This notice Is given pursuant to th order of the Honorable Charles E. Wol verton. Judge of the said district court. ox date uctoDer zt, ii:u. FREDERIC T. BOLES and WILLIAM DEN'MAN. Receivers of the Coos Bay Lumber Com Pny. Proposals Invited. SEALED proposals will be received at the office of the unaersignea, ui court house, Portland, Oregon, until 12 o'clock nnon. Thursday. November 18. 1920. lor one steel cabinet for vertical i.lintr of blue prints and tracings. Bids will be ooened in room 304 Courthouse at P. M. on that date. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of proposal. payable to R. H. Thomas, school clerk and business manager, must accompan oroDOsai. The board af uirecto: reserve the right to reject any nn-l all bids. Specifications may be obtained at 303 courthouse. R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk and Business Manager. Dated November 15, 1920. SEALED bids will be received at the ofice of the unaersignea, oi courtnouse. .for land Or., until 1 M.. December . iv for dumbbells. Indian clubs and wand; Bids will be opened in room 304 court house at 4 P. M. on that date. Certified check for 10 per cent (10) of th amount of the proposal, payable to H. Thomas, school clerk and business manager, must accompany each proposal The board of directors reserves the righ to reiect any and all bids. Specifica tions may be obtained at 401 courthouse. K. J-l. THU31AO, School Clerk and Business Manager. Dated November 16, 1920 Miscel lan eons. .NOTICE is hereby given that a publ nearing win do iieiu in ruuui r ui in Public library in r-ortiana, ur., at A. M. on Saturday. November 27. 19: relative to the adoption of a code ap plying to steam boilers in the state Oregon, as authorised by chapter laws of 1920. OREGON STATE INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT COMMISSION. ATTCTION SALE household goods Decern ber 10, 1920, at 55 Second st All storage accounts 4 months past due goods sub ject to sale on this date. C O. Pick Transfer St Storage Co. JOHN GANAN has sold his store at 430 Alder st. Present Dins within o aays Brown & Biddle. 324 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Dated Nov. is, FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOTT BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO "RTT.K WE FURNISH THE MONEY OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MUKI'jAHK UU.; 208 SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR. MONEY TO LOAN on surplus stocks ot merchandise placed In storage with us. Phone Broadway 3715. Security -storage Ac rramsier Co. oa 4tn street, corner or rine. . LIVESTOCK LOANS. We have money to loan on cattle. sheep ana nogs. F. E. BOWMAN CO. 210 Chamber of Commerce. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers con tracts on real estate in Washington, Ore gon. H. E. iNOD.r, aio xjumoermen s ma REAL estate contract for sale, $1050, pay able Zv a montn. i per cenv o per ce discount, ak. lis, oregonian. BUY bonds, notes, contracts, mortgages H. Lewis, 302 Lewis bldg., 4th and O MONEY "to loan on good security. 18tS, Oregonian. "Thaaiks FINANCIAL. MONET TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATB. TITLE & TRUST COMPANY, TITLE A TRUST BLDO. WE BUY first and second mortgages and sellers contracts. F. E. Bowman A Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce. Motley to Loan an Real Estate. RESIDENCE LOANS, T, five-year period. You may pay $100 or any multiple thereof account principal semi-annually and reduce In terest on loans under $5000. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan G0 value house and lot at T. You pay one-half of 1 per cent ac count principal monthly. For example. $2000 loan, you pay $10 monthly and in terest; you have privilege of paying SlOO or any multiple tnereoi montniy, inter est reduced accordingly. NO CO Mills 61 ON. BUSINESS LOANS. Five-year period, 6. Excellent re payment privilege. MORTGAGS LOAN COMPANY", Main 8308. 407 Yeon Bldg. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSIONS On Improved property, or for Improve ment purposes. in oest ana easiest metnoa or paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. tdz.o per montn ior a montns, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 months pays loan oi xiouo and interest. Loans ox other amounts in same pro portions. Repayment privileges. EQUITABLE SAVING & LOAN ASSN. X4a star St., tertian a, or. MONEJ TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. 285 STARK STREET. NO DELAY QUICK ACTION MONEY READY. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS On imp. city property or Willamette V&llev farms or for Imo. ourpoaes. All amounts, $1000. $1500. $2OU0andUp. Sellers' contracts purchased. F. H. DESHON. 615 Cham, of Com, bldg, SEE US TODAY We loan money on reai estate, no commission, o ana ife on choice loans, long time, short time monthly Daymen ts. pay as you can sums to suit ; contracts, 2d mortgages, liberty bonds bougnt. uasco D'ug. 6th and Alder, Ceilars-Murton Co. TO LOAN In sums to suit on city, suDuroan ana larms. cuuuius tuui . specialty. 215-213 FAILING BUILDING. THIRD AND WASHINGTON. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Williamette val ! v farmx : nn commission no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY. 87 Sixth St.. yprtiana, or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repayment privileges. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A. 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. AND 7 PER CENT. INSTALLMENT LOANS. NO COMMISSION j UNION ABSTKAUT CU., 83 4TH ST. HENRY BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS On farm and city property. Prompt and helpful service, liberal repayment pnv 11 lowest rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 80 Fourth St., fortiiina. or. LIBERAL LOANS. We loan our money on real estate. 1st and 2d mortgages, contracts, livestocK, notes, etc. F. E. Bowmun A Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3026. $300. $400. S500. $600. $800. $ 1000. $ 1200. s loUU, ijuuu ana up, tow est rates, quicK action: Day oil siuo or more at any in terest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., 631 Cham, of Commerce bldg. Main 13 0. WE HAVE $200, $500, $700 to loan oa city property. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY. 816 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. TO LOAN on improved city real estate, j 11HOO ana siruou at t per cent owners preferred. Ans. or tel. Bdwy. 462. AE I MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. MONEY to luan on real estate security at going rate oi interest, otto narKson Realty Co., 413 Cham, of Com. $300. $400. $500. $750. $1000 AND UP man Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6445. S 1 OOO AND upward on improved real estate ; ia.vora.Diw icrius . iiu uttmy , no brokerage. John tsain, o07 bpaldlng bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate, 7 per cent. Geo. if. Jent, uoroeiE Diag. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO., 222 Cham, of jom.. tn ana surn. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent. Louts N a lorn an esc uo.. 4u eeuing mag. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MONEY AT 2 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO PROTECT BOR ROWERS. LOANS MADE ON DIA MONDS. WATCHES, JEWELRY, VIC TROLAS, PIANOS. LIBERTY BONDS AND FURNITURE. 394 STARK ST., NEAR 10TH. CARRIE MYERS HERMANN, Mgr. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE? XUU UA. Ubl IT TUUA1 AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANOS V1CTROLAS, KAL STAT, BONDS. ETC. It your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance you more money if needed. We make a spe- I cialty of these loans and leave the se curity in your possession, and you can repay us in small montniy payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their ow n notes. Rates reasonable- Private offices. All busi- PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, (LICENSED.) 306-307 Dekum Bldg., Marshall 3286. S. W. cor. Thlrd and Washington. " MONEY TO LOAN On diamonds. watches. Jewelry and bonds, legal rates; all goods held 1 year. 114-116 Third St.. corner Washington. Main 64. MONEY TO LOAN. On goods placed in storage with us. We can save you money. Low interest rates. Phone Broadway 3715. Security Storage and Transfer Co., 53 4th street. corner or fine. QUICK money to salaried people on un secured note Confidential Investiga tion. 316 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Licensed. in KIN AN CIA , Money to Loan 'battels and Salarie. UJUIY LOANS CHATTELS WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or worWnf men on their own notes. Weekly senM meithly or monthly payments. Each, transaction strictly confidential. iO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSffR. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture pianos, etc, without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO, Licensc-) 218 FAILING BUILDING. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds. Jewelry, legal rates; articles held a year; estab lished 1S&& Dan Mars Co.. 263 Wash, HATHAWAY Loans on pianos and furni ture; legal rates, 20S Washington bldg. Ixwns Wanted. FRANK L. McGUIRE, with his years of experience and expert knowledge or values, is In a position to safeguard your every Interest in loaning your money. Hundreds of applications for loans. Of fice of personal service. Let us loan your money. See J. Logl Richardson, manager of loan department, Abington bldg. Main 1068. WE HAVE some good real estate contracts ana mortgages, in amounts ox ouw ana above, payable In xnonbly Installments and bearing 7 per cent Interest, which we wilt discount 5 per cent. F. E. Bow man ft Co.. 210 Cham, of Com, bldg. $1AOO 3 YEARS, 7 per cent, payable quar terly; lot and modern 5-room bungalow, Vernon district; value $3500: street Im provements in and paid for. BJ 179, Ore gonian. $6000 WANTED Gilt-edge security, high- class, modern fiat buildings, cnoice lo cation. Conservative value, $18,000. See A. K. Hill. 426 Lumbermen's building. Long established. Reliable Service. WE HAVE customers for small loans from $200 to $500. , RALPH HARRIS COMPANY. 816 Chamber of Commerce Bidg. $6oo WANTED-QUICK ; will pay back st $50 per month, or take long term; good security and bonus. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg WANT$450 at S per cent. $1250 at 7 per ctnt. on Portland property. Good loans. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. bldg. . WANTED Loan $00. 7 per cent, secured contract. $3200; payable $35 mo. O 137, Oregonian. WANT $2500 loan on 50-acre farm 1 H miles from Multnomah station. 22 Chamber of Commerce. $3500 ON CLOSE-IN west side modern 7-room house, best district. Oregon Inv. & Mtg. Co., 222 Chamber of Com. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO-, 222 Cham, of Com:, Fourth and Stark. PERSONAL I TO WHOM THIS MAY CONCERN: A year ago todav I was suffering witn severe pains which the medical doc tor said he thougnt were gaii stones. & couldn't eat, sleep or straighten up. Through a friend I heard of Dr. O. E. Hubbard, 306-7-S Kenton Diag., pnooe Broadway 4777, and after a few of his treatments, I was relieved of all suffer ing, and I am entirely free from all my o!d aiiments and have gained 25 lbs. With great joy I recommend Dr. Hub bard to ail suirerers. Jirs. . r. 244 East Killingsworth, Portland. Or. Wdln. 4984. PROF. PEASLEY Treats all chronic successfully; has had 1 years practice; will take no case unless positive of a cure; rheumatism, paralysis, stomach, kidney, bladder, liver and all female oiseases a Bpeciauy ; i a sure-fhot on nerve troubles. Consulta tion free. 490 Morrison at.. Portland, Or. Marshall 2t0. NETTIE M. BENSON. D. P. Naturopath. Methods used on NER V OL a ana CHRONIC diseases; traction cures weak backs; mineral st'am baths, electric violet ray and scientific massage clean the svstem and build it up; both sexes treated. Main 77S9. 304 Dekum bldg. TAKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER is a cleansing, r.ealing germiciue ana invig orating aoucne, a great aia in iemm disorders; 50c and $1 per box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. SOME lady with $1400 can have a two- year established women s business, one of the prettiest little places in Portland, if they act at once; strictly bona tide. Address AF 170, Oregonian. AT LAST! Drop in Furs at the FUR SHOP. 606 Swetland Bldg.. Fifth and Wash AN ELECTRIC CABINET BATH. Shower and massage; individual servlce. Dr. J. C. M. Ironside. 309 Broadway b lrtg. Graduate nu rse assistant. Main 56. DESIRE meet party driving California: am experienced driver ana want to reaucw expenses; references. Phone Woodlawn 1553. FEBVET & HANEBUT, leading wig and toupe makers; tinest siock numan nair goods, hairdressing. manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 349 Alder. Main 546. VIT-O-NET baths for rheumatism, bad . colds, etc., body massage, sKiitea nurse in attendance. Dr. Genevieve Locke, 447 Morgan bldg. Phone Alain 335. INFORMATION WANTED Relatives of P. H. Harth desire to communicate witn witnesses to auto accident on 6th and Stark, Nov. 15. 3 P. M. Tabor 3241. CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths, mas&age. reducing treatment; women given per sonal attention. Dr. Margaret Haynie, 215 Swetland bldg INGROWING nails or chilblains cured without Knire or pain; quitK riiei. Write Eugene Eaton. Dept. 22, Ban don, Or. BEAUTIFUL hand-painted Xmas novel ties; Spanish leatner oags, one-tnira on; stylish hat made of your old one, low est prices; rain hats $1. 155 13th st. $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's who doesn't hurt you; 8 yrs. here; exam, free. Globe bldg., 11th & Wash. Bdy. 2S24. rT? MTW1R A. JENSEN, Chiropractic phvsician, 4i fara s-t.. corner 31am. Phone Automatic 517-52. Office hours by appointment. WANTED For their benefit, the address of John L.anaretn. i.nnure m urcai trax or their kinfolk. Mrs. W. A. Eckles. Nora Springs, la. NESTLE permanent hair waving, also all beauty worK Dy experienceu operator. 305 Globe bldg.. 11th and Washington. Phone Bdwy. 4016. WANTED To' adopt baby girl 12 or 18 months old, or wouia taae one to oonru. East 2388. Mrs. Rice. ROSE McCAULBY. formerly or yumcy, 111. please pnone uroaaway ii. miv for Mr. McMonahan or Mr. A. Reardon. DE LUXE' MASSAGES. 415 BUCHANAN BLDG. MAIN 8366. - QR WAXING. WINDOW CLEANING, LpRE.WAR PRICES. MARTIN. MAIN 5467. SULPHUR steam bath massage, violet ray and vlDratory ireauncnu 8.159. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. FEET SORE? See Dr. Ethel A. Sacry, 605 Ra- nedicuring ana wbuicumhs, leigh bids- 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. MASSAGE, baths, kidneys, constipation, rheumatism. 1-" fta ohibhpch, u un less phys., 503 Panama bldg. Main 5086. itt ES can bo permanently cured without V Pali or writ Dr. Dean. 234A Morrison st- i SPECIAL Thanksgiving dinner at Mist Falls loage on v,uiujuuih '6"J' reservations. NO CURE, no pay; falling hair, dandruff; hair grown , " cents. 314 Macleay bldg. CANCERS, tumors treated without use of knite; ex&ni, .- - Goldie Ryss. cancer specialist. East 2534. I WANTED To care for small child 2 to 4 years old, by month. 113 Russell st.. apt. o. . rppfrfLUOUS hair removed forever b mU 1 HPIC- ecu ic ' w ... - b;dg.. Fifth and Washington sts. CHIROPODIST Ethel McCoy. 609 Bu chanan DIUS.. tt,.,ouV ... wv. and Sth. Mam 576. 1 IF YOU are tired and nervous havo a scl- entitio eiecinc uuj 3oe,. . Larson, 427 Morgan bldg. Main lW'J. vit-O-NET baths, violet ray treatments: body massas- 1 -w Morgan bldg. Main 75". SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by 10-neeaies meiuuu, mat ncr. .vm Finley, 514 Bush & Lane bldg. Main 6363. GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago, etc. Main 1040. Offices 3Q8-C. Third st. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without ao operation, r rw - - - MASSAGE and steam baths, electric treat ment, ttnet PurKe, w n. um LAWYER- So5 for cases not opposed. Main 62S3. MASSAGE and vibration. Dr. Chybki, drug- less, 41 1 fewetiana piny. PR IM ED A BALM, formerly called Balm of F-iBs. fe-4 E. a3d. Sell. 2213 mornings. DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay you 7 See Viereek, collections, Dekum bldg. PILES CAN UFi CURED without operation. Free booklet. P. O. Box 1105. JUNICIDE will cure rheumatism or money back. 48 Dekum bldg. EYES tested free; spectacles guaranteed. Dr. Belding. 243 Alder st. Main 1602. PERKINS National Herbs. S.'Jt Morgan buUtUu if. Xelepiiono JLUUn ft UNFUKNliH-D U. K. roooia. 63 Ua at.