THE MORNIXG OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1920 " 19. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. ONE SNAP FARM BUT. 97 acres with 35 acres of best black soil In cultivation, 6-room house, elec tric lights, old barn, etc., located on macadam road. 2h miles from Tualatin or Sherwood, hi mile to Oregon Electric station, 15 miles from Portland; family orchard. This is absolutely the lowest priced farm in this district. -Price $9700, $ 10O0 cah anft good terms on the bal ance. Let us show you this place. TUALATIN VALLEY. 135 acres, all in high state of cultiva tion, fenced and cross-fenced, 5 acres as sorted orchard; house of 7 -mi. and bath, water system with water piped to bldgs., good hothouse, granary, onion house, 2 barns, garage, etc.; included are 8 horses, 4 cows, 1 bull, 2 calves, pig, chickens and complete set of farming im plements; place borders on Tualatin river, is on macadam road, 14 miles from Port land. Total price $35,00U, S15.000 cash, terms on the balance. Let us show you this farm. FRED W. GERMAN CO. 732 Chamber of Commerce. RANCH WITH GOOD INCOME. 13 acres on main road, 2 miles from Oregon City; 10 acres under high state of cultivation, all can be cultivated; 50 iruii trees oearmg; gooa o-room bunga low with complete plumbing, water sys tern, gas engine ; dairy barn, chicken house, garage. With the place go 7 registered cows. 2 registered heifers. registered bull, horse, harness, 150 pul lets, complete line ot machinery, $500 worth or grain, $1000 worth of furniture. cream separator. The income from the sale of milk is over S22o rer month. $2"00 cash, balance easy terms at 6 per cent. Inspected by Nelson, with John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. Over 2000 farms for sale. 80-ACRE farm to be sold at auction Nov. 22, 1920. Fine rolling land with rich, fertile sol! and plenty of spring water for all stock during the driest of seasons; good family orchard, one acre of pota toes In ground to be included ; lots of good wood on the place; 25 acres now under cultivation, 45 acres easily cleared; has been slashed and burned; good barn and other buildings, fences in good - shape; home broken up; owner going east; abstract of title will be on hand at day of sale. Located 3 miles north of Ridgeneld, Wash., on good road; good school tor children; 1 miles from Lewis river ferry, 3 miles west of La Center, Wash. For further information apply at the Ridge-field State bank, Ridgetield, Washington. STOCK RANCH. BIGGEST BUT IN OREGON. 920 acres deeded land. United States reserve rights to run 100 head, in Murray moun tain government reserve, 150 acres under private owned ditch seeded to a! fa I fa and grain, finest bunch grass pasture mile river front, abundance of water; state highway runs through ranch J 3 miles from Prineville, good buildings, horses, harness, some cows, tools, implements and machinery, hay, all goes for $30,000 on very easy terms. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 Fifth St. Main 6860. J-OR SALE A very attractive property on the south slope of Chehalem mountain, near Newberg; 53 acres, all in cultiva tion; excellent land, especially adapted to walnuts, prunes, cherries, strawber ries, loganberries and blackcaps; large house with full stone basement, furnace and two fireplaces ; good spring water with ample pressure for house and lawn; plumbing complete. Also a large barn. If you desire a choice country home with a variety of shade trees, good water, good view and good roads, write W. E. BURKE, Sherwood. Or., Route 3. DOWN NEAR THE OCEAN. 3S acres. 26 acres in cultivation, small creek, 2 wells, orchard of 200 assorted bearing fruit trees, good 8-room house, ceiled and papered. In good condition; chicken houae, cow stable, wagon shed, 14 of a mile off the Columbia highway; 2 cows, 2 heifers, 1 horse, mowur. disc harrow, cultivator, plow, wagon, buggy, cream separator and steel farm wagon, 35c fare to Astoria. Total price $6000, $250O cash, balance to suit. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Com. 71 ACRES, all level. 11 in woodlot, bal ance cleared, under plow or pasture, creek, barn 72x52, 9 tons of hay, 3 cows, family orchard, chicken houses, other houses and pens; stx-room house and furniture; few implements; on county road; less than mile from R. R. terminus. Owner wants to go east and will sac rifice for $."i750, $3000 down, bal. 6 per cent. 2 per cent off for cash. A. J. Starke. Y acolt. Wash. PERFECT 18-ACRE TRACT. In the best farming district near Can by; just the place for party wanting .round 20 acres. It is a perfect tract, all in cultivation, splendid new 6-room house, nice new barn, outbldgs. ; every thing nicely painted ; price with equip ment $6000; nothing better. However, can show several tracts around this size In same trip out. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North fith st. Broadway 4331. NEWBERG BARGAIN. 55 arres, 25 acres in cultivation, bal ance timbfir, 2 acres assorted orchard, tots of fruit, fair buildings, on rock road, in a fine community, 1 mile to school, 7 miles to Newberg. I can sell this tract for $4900, only $1750 cash. Immediate possession. Hepgard. COE A. McKENNA & CO. 82 Fourth st. IMPROVED FARMS. Located in Butte valley. Siskiyou county. Cal., within 1 to 11 miles of 8. P. railroad stations; land extremely fertile and splendidly adapted to dairy ing and general stock raising; farms of fered contain from SO to 560 acres. Price $40 to $S0 per acre. Write, giving general idea of farm you wi3h. Full information will then be furnished. H. M. McDONALD. Weed. Cal. 55 ACRES on the Capital highway, at Shrwood; 45 acres under cultivation; all can be cultivated. Some fruit trees; creek on place: S-room house. 2 barns. chicken house. The place is stocked; 5 cows, 0 heifers, 15 tons hay. Offered at bargain with very small payment down. Only 15 miles from Portland; paved roHd ail the way. InspectBd by Nelson, with John Ferguson, Gerliager bldg. BEST BUY IN WILLAMETTE VALLEY. 84 acres at Alford station, S. P. R. R. ; m mile of Pacific highway; all in cul tivation; fenced wjth woven wire. 5-room bunsralow. barn. 25 tons of hay. 6 horses. harness, wagon, buggy, sulky plow, walk ing plow, harrow and tools, stoves, fur niture. i2o cnicKens; f iiaoo. part cash. Owner W. F. Nilson, Harrisburg, Or. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 40 acres on Columbia boulevard, near Sandy road; every loot - in cultivation; best of soil: 6 blocks from car line: as the city of Portland grows this property is bound to be valuable for residence or factory sights; all free of incum brances, price ?40,otio, terms 6 per cent. Phone R. 23. GOOD FARMS AT GRBSHAM. Throe good 40-acre farms, well Im proved, good buildings and fine loca tion; will eell with stock crop and equip ment at very reasonable prices and easy terms. KIUDER ELKINGTON, Gresham, Or. INTERURBAN FARM HOME. US acres. 5-room house, well on back lorch. fair barn, chicken house, etc., . orchard, all fenced, woven wire fence, an ideal proposition for a poultry busi ness and dairy. Address John C. Eul berg. 1142 Missouri ave.. Portland. Tele phone Woodlawn 4521. ON COLUMBIA river highway, three miles west of Hood .River. 30 acres. 3 acres orr hard : wood, water, fair outbuildings; Ideal for summer home. Price $si00. Address Mrs. P. A. Reed, Hood River, r'gon. n, p . s. o. STCVC'KMEN I have 160 acres located close to highway and electric service in the heart of the purebred section of the valley; .lust what you need for a stud farm: highly improved. C. W. Vail. Carlton, Or. ALFALFA Choice irrigated laud under new gvt. project, easy access, abundant water, low altitude, heavy yields. Will rent or sell. GEO. C. HOWARD. Owner. M. 1115 .. W. Bank Bldg. $350 DOWN ON SO ACRES. On good county road, some good bot tom land, running water; price $.0 per acre. $3.r0 down, 8 years' time on bal ance. DRAPER, 307 McKay bidg.. Third and Stark sts. 60-ACKE farm, good house, barn, orchard, outbuilding, spring creek, timber; near school, river doi'k. stores and sawmill. Price $3500. Main 3672. IcFarland. 208 Failing bldg. SNAP FOR QUICK SALE. 130 acret. deep rich silt soil. 4 mile off Columbia boulevard, about 2 miles from Parkrose. Terms to suit. Owner, 517 Corbett bldg. $75 DOWN ON 11 ACRES. On electric line, close to station, store and scnooi; worn near oy, frice $1100, $75 down, 7 years time on balance. Draper. 307 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. GOOD-pa ying farms; si sea and terms to suit, witn stocK ana implements. c. J, umruu tvrtt, -w siorri son st. Write for list. CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland. $50 to $500 per acre easy terms, best soil: farms for ale, all si see. MtFarland. 208 Failing bldg. FOR SALE 10 acres of very choice Hood River land near city limits. Pa-t in orchard Inquire of Mr. P. L. Adams East 1348. 8 ACRES berry land. 4-room house, level, clear, fenced. Wlllamlna 1 mile; $150 aab, bal. easy. J. R, Sharp, 83 H 3d st. tOOGED-OFF lands and small farms; run ring water, good soil, some with Im provements, terms. J. R. Sharp, 83 Sd. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. DON'T OVERLOOK THESE BARGAINS. A little rarm in town, cnoice logan berry land: no trade, some terms, $3200. A choice 160-acre Alberta farm to trade for valley farm; might assume. A choice 100-acre farm near a good school town, fine soil, modern buildings; house would cost $4000 to build now; fine round barn for 22 head of stock; 64 acres in cultivation, balance pasture and timber; over $1500 in equipment, including fine team of mares, 2 Jersey cows, sow, harness, wagons, saw, har rows, plows, disc, mower, binder, reaper, small tools, etc. Woven wire fences, family orchard, gas engine and well; best bargain in the country; $150 per acre, some terms ; no trade. INDEPENDENCE REALTY CO., Independence, Or. Box 93. BUY FROM THE OWNER. I have a large tract of irrigated lands situated in central Oregon, under the Ochoco project, which I am cutting into small holdings and am offering at very attractive prices and on terms that can not help but appeal to the man who wants a home. Small payment down and 5 years to meet the second, balance extended over a period of 20 years. This Is an ideal alfalfa and vegetable aist., under one of the best irrigation projects in the state; soil a deep sandy loam; plenty of water for domestic as well a Irrigation purposes. Phone, write or cail 806 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 4416. Ochoco Irrigated Lands Co. BEAUTIFUL SPOT. COLUMBIA HIGH WAY. JUST THIS SIDE CHAN TICLEER. 19 A., facing Columbia highway, Just this side Chanticleer; wonderful view, all cleared, perfect land, extremely rich, no rock; price $5000; such an opportunity may never present itself again to secure unexcelled road, view land at auch reas onable price. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 6th st Broadway 43S1. FOR SALE OR TRADE 160-acre alfalfa ranch, Umatilla county. Or. ; SO acres alfalfa, rich bottom ground. 50 acres seeded to fall grain; all under water with oaid-up water right. Fine dairy ranch. $150 acre, by owner. Main 3i2C 10 ACRES, $2000 ; half cleared ; house; timber: terms. McFariand. Failing bldff. Main 3672. 5-ACRE apple orchard for sale. Main 6474. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED TO SELL. Houses, bungalows, east side. Wi can sell your home. Call us up, let us see your home and make a price for you. At present we have a number of customers we need houses for. J. L. HARTMAN CO. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg- , - Main 208. WE SELL HOMES! 1123 home properties sold to date this year. 03 sold during iirst 17 aays in November. 13 YOUR HOME FOR SALE It's SOLD IF LISTED WITH US! We spend thousands of dollars advertising and are in touch with the MAJORITY OF HOME BUYERS. We insDect. an praise and photograph YOUR HOUSE within 24 hours after listing! OUR SERVICE IS FREE! No charge excep the standard commission of 5 per cen in the event 01 a satisfactory sale. salesmen to work on it. Call or write FRANK L. McGUIRE To Sell Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068 WANTED AT ONCE. We have clients who must have the following homes at once: 3 or 4 rms. to $2000. $400 down. 5-rra. bungalow to $4000. $1000 down. 6 or 7 rms.. laree lot. S4750. $1000 down. A listing with us means a quick and satistactory sale. can main tsu-. av delay in inspection. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bid; YES TtTISTXESK IS GOOD. Have buyers waiting for your house w eimrnntOD to baII what we list in 1 days; make me prove this; only houses in Rose City. Sunnysiae, nawtnorne Rlrhmnni and Sfillwond Wanted, as W' make a specialty of these districts. T. O Bird, oti cnamoer or commerce, jaar shall 1022. WE CAN sell your noma at once regard 1 pm of nrice as loner as it is worth thi money. We need your home now. List vour lots, acreasre. farms with us lor lm mediate results. We photo and appraise your property rree. J. A. WICK MAN CO. "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark St. Main 1094 and 683. THIS ad is not to eet listing, but 1 want for a client with the cash a strictly modern home on Portland Heights, with a very large living room, at least three baths, not water neat. lour pr live oea rooms; must have a vlew and house must oe wen omii.- - POINDEXTEK. 208 Selling Bldg. Main 1800. Residence, East 67TL STRICTLY modern Irvington residence for customer with tne cash; must oe oar- gain ; might consider Laurelhurst Heights. POINDBXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE EAST 6771 WE HAVE two carpenters wanting run down homes or shacks needing repairs. Must be cheap with small payments down, RALPH HARRIS CO.. Sit Chamber of Commerce. ALBERTA HOMES WANTED! We have hundreds of live buyers for ALBERTA bungalows. Your's is sold if listed with FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. NOTICE We buy, sell or exchange city or farm property. Write or come into our office. A. K. HILL CO., 426 Lum bermens bldg. LONG ESTABLISHED RELIABLE SERVICE. WE HAVE party with$8000 clear west side income, wants 4-f lat building and will assume $10,000. Call for H. G. Ep ton, 301 Railway Ex. Main 7U3. J. ROBBINS & CO. CASH FOR YOUR BUNGALOW. Spot cash and quick deal for bungalow In paved district. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 306-6 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. STRICTLY modern west side home for client with the cash; price no object if POLN" DEXTER, 2 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S0O. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. WANT 6-room bungalow, modern; have tf-room mod. upper tiat will rent for $30; win exenange or sen ior ouuu. Haw thorne district. A K. 173, Oregonian. WE WANT a Rose City bungalow with a garage ; must be a bargain. Will pay all cash. Lueddemann Co., 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. WANT beach house at Seaside or Gearhart in exchange for Portland lots, located in high-class residence district; give de tatls. BJ 160, Oregonian. .- BY PRIVATE party, 5 or 6-room modem bungalow. In Rose City Park district. AF 180. Oregonian. WANTED 5-room house, ings worth ave., $2000 agents. Wdln. 5068. north of Kill to $2500; no SELLWOOD BUNGALOW WANTED. 5 or 6 rooms, cash or time payment. Phone Sellwood 27U6. WHY WORRY t I can sell or trade anything anywhere. C. W. Millership. Alder hotel. Main 5273 Farms Wanted. WANT TO HEAR FROM OWNER. Have $510 as first payment; want small mixed ranch, equipped and self-supporting or where one could get work close by, few fruit trees only, chickens, etc., four-room house. Good reference. Apply C M . . 665 Overton st., Portland. Or. WANTED To hear from owner of good ranch for sale. State cash price, full particulars. D. F. Bush. Minneapolis, Minn. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANT to lease place for dairy, about 200 acres; prefer St. Johns district; client waiting. F. L. EDDY, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED A dairy ranch to run on halves Please write to 4304 91st street, Lents, Chas. Small. TIMBER LANDS. 331 ACRES TIMBER. JOSEPHINE CO. About 5.000.000 feet, one-third to one half white pine, balance in fir and spruce; 1 miles down grade to run ning stream; 2 miles to logging road which runs from Grants Pass west; $l per thousand feet stumpage Legal de scription: N of N W 1; . SW4 of N'WH and NW of SW4 of Sec. 32; also lots 2, 3 and 4, the SW4 of NW14 and NWU of SWtt of Sec. 28; all in T. 37 S R. 6 W. of Willamette meridian. Oregon. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO., 413 Chamber of Commerce. WE WANT a capable man that can man age a SO-M. mill and camp; everything ready to run: 75 million timber: will make good proposition to resoonsible man who can take small interest. G 170. Oregonian. FOR SALE ftO-M. mill. 75 million tim ber. 25 per cent pine: everything ready to run ; will make good terms with re sponsible parties: small payment, bal ance as cut. G 173. Oregonian. WANTED by two experienced saw mill men, a small mill, 10 to 15 M per day with timber on or close to R. R. Y 153, Oregonian. FOR KENT FARMS. FARM FOR RENT STOCK FOR SALE. 240 acres of dark loam bottom land, 80 acres cultivated. bal. pasture; good family orchard; 5-room house, barn and other outbuildings: 8 horses, 30 cows, hogs, chickens, wagons and other neces sary farm implements; 50 tons of hay, grain and other crops: owner will sell all or part of his stock to suit tenant. Price for everything just as it stands, $6000; rent $800 per- year. Will sell land, including stock, tor $26,000, rea sonable terms. , RALPH ACKLEY, 527 Corbett bldg. TO EXCHANGE; REAL ESTATE. EXCHANGE Mt, Tabor 8-room bunga low, sleeping porcn ana pool room twitn pool table) . hardwood floors, built-in features, massive buffet, window seat with leather cushions, two bath rooms, full cement basement, ceiling plastered and partitioned off for rooms, late model furnace, no better built house in the city : with the place goes inlaid lino leum on kitchen and bathroom iioors, hall and stair carpets (good). 1 good wood and coal range, 1 gas water heat er, 1 vacuum sweeper. There is a good garage, cement floor; street improved and" paid; 1 block to car. Price $7000 and worth every cent of it. I have an equity of $3500, will take a house or lot in good district, or auto. Describe fully. J 102, Oregon tan. 160 ACRES with about one million feet of nrst-growth timber; half of land easily cleared. About 40 acres can be plowed. All good grazing: lanu, pienty of water; 30 .miles north of Portland, four miles to river and railroad, down grade; no Improvements; $10 per acre; will trade tor small house In suburbs or improved acreage just outside city lim its, or would consider house and lot in valley town. Will not consider anytning without fruit, after 3 P. M. Phono Tabor 4S04. 40 ACRES near Junction City, -mile from the Oregon Electric; gooa new term, house, barn and other outbuildings; good team, 4 cows, yearlings, hogs and chick ens; 20 tons o hay in barn, wheat, oats and other crops. All kinds of implements. Price $7000, city property or a small cash payment. Owner1 will be at our of fice today. Call and see her. RALPH ACKLEY, 527 Corbett bld. WILL take ft good contract as first payment on a good one-story building in Brooklyn, suitable for a store and two 2-room apart ments ; paved street and on cor ner. Price $4200. See Everson, Main 7487. EXCHANGE OFFICE. ' You must deal and speculate to accu mnia ip lots one of our special ties. T Do you want action? Possibly we can arrange to better your iinanciai position. A. Gordon Ross, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Broadway 4751. . 410 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. tVe acres all under cultization. 4-room new bungalow. 12x16 chicken house, city water and gas. 8c car fare. Price $3000. some terms, or will excha-nge for 15 or 20 acres equipped. Will assume up to $2000. SEE BROWN & BIDDLE. 324 Railway Exchange Bldg. SMALL FARM FOR CITY PROPERTY. 20 acres near Oregon Jity, on gooa road, near school and car line; alt good land, rich soil; 5-room plastered bunga low, good new barn, garage and chicken houses; price $6500. Will trade for one or two houses or fiat building. LUEDDEM ANN CO. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. FIVE-ROOM house, on Capitol Hill, Yaki ma. Washington state;' electric lights, new fixtures, gas, front .and back porches: beautiful corner tot, with build ing suitable for garage ftfruit trees.-w! C. Herndon. 720 14th st, N. W., , Washing - ton, D. C. ; ; 44-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE FOR SALE OR TRADE. CHEAP. This place is making clear over $250 a mnntH Located close In on -west side. for quick sale will give an absolute bar gain. rart casn. or iraue. x- uuuts luuaj . Marshall lo99. nvt SALE or trade for city property. 160 acres wheat land, all level, no rocks or gravel, -good spring, barn, nouse. ofz vaam nf a ronms. cellar, fireplace, bath m room $45O0; take $1000 cash, balance at perceutovi ' " ' LW - S.STORY ant.. 10 aota.. with furniture, in come $387 mith; price $20,000. Owner wants $12,000 farm, no equities, or will not assume. 301 Railway Ex. Main 793L all for H. G. Epton. J. ROBBINS & CO. A PTTON. ACTION. ACTION Your vacant lots, your home or other city property. Try experienced brokers. A. Gordon Kosa, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldr. WANT suburban home, about five acres. well improved, or will take small farm have 9-room modern bungalow, cose in flat; will rent for $25 ; separate en trance; good location; or wiu sell. 4Utn. AN 1W, cregonian. - B.ROOM house and 2 lots, cloee in. clear; will exchange for country merchandise stock and pay cash difference if neces sary. See A. K Hill, 426 Lumbermens building. WANTED Sunnyside 2-story house, neigh borhood of 1 2th to 20th sts., valuation around $4500. in exchange for R. C- 5- room modern bungalow ana garage Owners only. Tabor 2676. HAVE 1918 Ford car and small cash pay ment for a home, can be run-down place if the foundation is good. AL 00. Ore gonian. OWNER. 14 H. K. apts., good location, mailt sirte nettine- S2J.i and apartment. accept home to $2750, price $4000. Maiu FUR SALE or exchange, beautiful home best residential atstrict Ait. ranor. w room house, 3 lots, abundance of fruit, $S7oO. Inquire 11.6 E. 60th street. HIGHLY improved 11 A acres, modern 7 room house, close in. O. E. station; want modern home; will pay difference. Zim merman, 818 cnamDer ot commerce. 60-ACRE farm for business property on highway or any good location, or small place ; will pay cash difference. 230 Washington st. ftANTDD Six or -room house, not ove $3600: walking distance preferred : give full description or phone number. AG 1 1.;, Oregonian. 40 ACRES UNDER GOVERNMENT DITCH, HERMISTON, FOR PORT LAND PROP. -AC 142, OREGONIAN 13 LOTS in good dit.. value 16500: wan furniture and lease apt. house or hotel Any good town. AG 195, Oregonian LIST your property with J. F. Adolph for results; call Wdln. 4820. I will do the rest. EXCHANGE Irvington home. 7 rooms. garage, for Los Angeles house about equal value. Tabor 1546. LOT AT 39TH, MULTNOMAH STREET (LAURELHURST) FOR EQUITY IN MOD. HOME.AC143,OREGONIAN1 5-ROOM nicely furnished house; will take auto and some cash, Daiance easy terms. cail aner o, laoor aou. WEILER ptayer piano to trade for a small house and lot or equity, v If 8, Orego nian. WILL exchange $2800 equity for small place ana some casn. Tabor 9279. 80 ACRES. Clarke Co., on Lewie river, for car. Spencer. Main 6127. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. 2 POOL tables and soda fountain, sale or trade for ord del. or touring. Golde Rule store. Brush Prairie, Wash. WTLL exchange hand hoist for hydraul wood hoist; good condition. Wdln. 4102. FOR SAUEu Horse, Vehicles, T J restock. FOR SALE Three milch cows, price to $6.; one pair gray mares, weight 2."HM, and harness $125. One pair geldings $140, weignt -biw. -iy nawtnorne ave. KEYSTONE FEED STABLE, horses for sale or hire, stalls tor rent. 381 Water st.. foot Montgomery. Marshall 3515. FOR SALE Team and harness. team weighs 31 uu, souna and true pullers trial anowea. tu nawtnorne ave. HEAD of registered Jerseys, also 4 head BucKner. FOR SALE at barn. E. 6th and Ivon sts. fine young registered Holstein bull. Hoiman f uei co. FOR SALE Span mules In good shape. broke to drive in city. Apply at Lyons stabies, cor, tu. j.ayior ana union ave. FOR SALE 5 2-rear-old thoroughbred Jersey heifers 321 E. 8th N.. Call East 2610. $45 MARB 1200-lb. Come .and " see her working. Atlas Woodyard, 327 Front. GOOD young cow, cheap; tub. tested. Atlas Woodyard, 327 Fro n t. DEAD horses and cattle hauled away free. Phone Milwaukie 69-J for service. DEAD horses taken quickly; cash for dead cows. Tabor 4203. FRESH Jersey cow for sale, giving 4 gal lons a day. Tabor 4793. VETERINARIAN. DRLHOWES. TABOR 6566. JERSEY COW for sale. Call Woodlawn 3932. FOR BALK. Bones, Vehicles. Livestock. FOR SALE or exchange, any kind of horse that can be found. We take in autos, horses, mules or cattle. W make a specialty of handling carload lots. We sell on commission, hire by the day, week or month. Liberty bonds accept ed. Have two span of the best mules in the state. One pair four years old, - weighs 2420 pounds this morning with light set of harness on. will weigh 26O0 when matured; one pair 6 and 7 years old, weigh 2750 pounds: both pairs drive like horses. They are for sale or exchange as stated in this ad. Have plows, harrows, wagons, cultivators, one Kirstin stump puller, practically new ; one Hurst spraying machine, good as new; harness of all kinds. AH stock guaranteed as represented. Bill Sutter, 285 Front st. Crow's stable. FOR SALE Some real good farm teams and smeie horses: Zit ncaa, an are young. Just shipped from farm in Washington. Come and see these horses ; will explain more; must be sold, and their harness. 427 East Clay St., across from Ztgler reea store. SHEEP Lincoln, Shropshire. Oxford, SouthdJown rams for sale cheap. A. C. STEWART. International Stock Show. 106 Stockyard Hotel. ' FOR SALE Jersey-Guernsey cow; gives 5 gais. oe mil k a aay m wewion st. i&k DM car io 32d St., walk one block north. 1 east and north. SPAN 4 and 5-year-old geldings, weight about zauu pounas, eouna ana wen broke; price $280, to save feed expense Inquire Mr. Burr. 381 Water St., W. S. THREE-YEAR-OLD Belgian mare, weight about 13SO pounds; gentle; price silu. 381 Water st.. W. S. 65 ANGORA GOATS. 612 COUCH BLDG. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instrument. PIANO BARGAINS. Our prices are BELOW OTHERS. Shop around, then see our BARGAINS. YOU WILL BE CONVINCED. Fully ' guaranteed. Terms given. FISHER, plain case . $175 KIMBALL, a real snap 265 HARRINGTON, plain walnut case.. 335 WESER, cabinet grand, wal. case 285 MASON-HAMLIN, mah., almost new. 650 SOHMER nlain mah.. almost new'. . 500 SC'HIRMER, oak case, like new 285 HOFFMAN, plain mah., real bargain. 285 . Aiti, plain man., nearty new ... jv Anu Others. See Them. ' SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125-27 4th St., Bet. Wash, and Alder. USED TALKING MACHINES at prices that will move them quickly. ALL IN GOOD CONDITION. Columbia and 6 records, $25. Victor and 8 records, $35. Victor and 6 records. $45. Victor and 12 records. $100. Columblt and 12 records. $120. $5 to $10 cash. S4. to 7 monthly, oh wan Piano Co.. 101 10th. cor. Stark. SECURITY STORAGE CO- closing out". Small upright pianos $65 aiO f 75 Modern UDrirht nianos $195 to 345 Modern player pianos $395 to 695 Parlor or trans $25, $38, $45 and 58 Pianos bousrht and sold for cash only. Pianos stored for 75c monthly 303 10TH ST.. COR. STARK ST. LOOK! PHONOGRAPH BUYERS! We are now giving Free $25 worth of PATHS or ACTUELLE RECORDS to each purchaser of a cabinet Pathe phono grapn, any wood or iinisn. masy pay ments. SOULE BROS.. 166 TENTH ST. NEAR MORRISON. MAIN 2820. PHONOGRAPH OR RECORDS. Do you want to save money? If so call and see us. Large stock Lowest prices. NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE. 128 First, near Alder. Main 4495. 13 TO $25 CASH buy new 1920 model upright 573 piano in oaK or manogany for $395. balance $12 monthly. Your phonograph, old piano or organ taken as first payment. Schwan Piano Co.. 101 10th st., at Washington and Stark sta FINE pianos, $135 up. Ludwig, Hobart M. Cable, Kimuau. Kenning, smitn & Barnes, Kohler & Campbell, Harrington, many others; you can't do better any place; easy terms, brokerage Co., 311 12 Worcester bldg. GET YOUR Christmas machine now. Prices reduced wntie they last; direct from manufacturers to you ; a small deposit will hold one. Harold S. Gilbert, 884 Yamhill. PIANO WANTED. HIGHEST CASH PAID for used PI ANOS or PLAYERS. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co. Main 8586. 125 4th at. FOR SALE CHEAP My equity in a $250 mahogany pnonograpn; oai. unpaid Payments $10 per month. Call 467 E. Grant st. GENUINE Martin melody "C" saxophone. tne Martin is superior, 11 is easy to play and easy to learn. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 Sixth bl HEAR the Orpheus the phonograph with the wonoen ui giass resonater at the food show. Factory and sales room, 108 fc grand avenue. Description on request. COMPLETE stocks of strings for violins. guitars, Danjos. narps, ceiios. etc., are now to be had at the G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 Sixth st. TRADE YOUR PIANO. WIU trade $225 new V1CTROLA and records for used PIANO. Seiberling-Lu- cas Jflusic -o. jaain ouoo. izo tn st. hi RSON eultars, mandolas. mandolin banjos. G- . Jonnson Piano Co., 140 Ktxttt st. $290 CASH buya $900 Steinway & upngni v lanu. wir. aiarit. aud sis. Security Storage -Co. ELEGANT cabinet grand upright piano, m r 110 s j 1 v iiuiou. taniiuwuttii line tone, PHnnA East 2317. ' MAHOGANY New York upright, beautiful tone ana action, jjois otartt, cor otn. room 3w; iou. PIANO in fine condition for cash or will trade for Ford roaaster. a: Fairbanks st., between za and -da r. nnnn and bench (bungalow stvlel cash or uuhts. o ..uuiuu apt. a. Broaowayo- $245 CASH buys $550 Kimball upright In fine mahogany, plain style. Security Storage CO., v xm m.. i-aia iu nn uned nlayer-piano. Kfncsburv. in nice conuiuw", ,U'D " "argfun. G. F. jonnwu naim qui a... WANTED Sweet toned piano, consider Dlayer, pay "-- ueioi e o P. -Vi ACCORDIONS from $10 up to $75, come in and try wmciii. w . f uuuauu riiiuu Co.. 149 Sixth st. GOOD used piano $315, $25 cash and $15 r, month. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 Sixth st. CABINET grafonolas with records for rent, Empire Transfer Co., 254 Broadway Broadway loo- WANTED Bargain in used piano for cash Marsna 11 ot. $135 BUYS $500 upright piano, awe on terms. 311-12 Worcester bldg. sweet tone. $200 GOLDEN oak Edison diamond disc; 20 double records, $125. Marshall 3983. FOR VEGA banjos and guitars, see us. "PLAYER PIANO ROLLS. 25c EACH, NEWMAN, 128 FIRST, Near ALDER. pi vn wanted, suitable for practice; pay . 1 nil 1 K-.-t . cash ior um.ib-- --...i.-n,.,-.. STEINWAY grand, mahogany case, $400 below cost. aiain wu. Furniture for Sale. IF YOU NEED A BEDROOM SUITE. YOU CAN'T AFFORD XO PASS THIS UP. Three-piece bedroom suite, com prising up-to-date full size bed of solid oak and solid oak dres- ser and chiffonier, both with French plate mirrors; we offer the suite for only $S4. Easy Terms. No Interest. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 188-190 First Street. tTITTlTTTTRR SACRIFICE. Miscellaneous assortment of odd pieces of furniture, including dressers, cnairs, Hrlinir r.n.rnets. tables. . desks. etc. No prices within reason will , be refused. 2. 3 and 4-room apartments for rent. Baron Apartments, 295 14th st. Main 7337. . FOR SALE 6 dinning-room chairs, 1 box couch, 2 settees and some rugs. 1 set Roosevelt's works, leather bound, cheap. D. C. Wax, 31 N. 5th st. Bdwy. 273iJ. OAK DINING room and front room furni ture for sale; reasonable; no dealers. 401 B. 43d st., cor Lincoln. ORIOLE $15, willow carriage $35, Jumper $1.50, wood heater $13, coil $3, oil heater $6. 1105 Hawthorne, Tabor 3325. STAB LACK Stayblack), the greatest heat resisting stove polish in existence; 25c bottle. Crown Furniture Co.. 2Q9 First. SECOND-HAND flat-top oak disappearing tvpewriter desk. 701 Corbett bldg. Main 815. FRANKLIN coal heater, almost new. Phone East 8084. 352 Rose st. FOR SALE Furniture of 4 rooms. Hawthorne, cor. 34th St. 1022 y FINE oak library table, rocker, at East 6115. few chairs and FURNITURE of 5-room flat for sale; flat for rent. Auto. 332-56. LIBRARY table, linoleum, box couch, oak dressex. Tabor 3540. FOK SALS. Furniture for Sale. COMPLETE furnishings for seven-room home to be sold direct to the public (no dealers need to apply). Will sell all or any part; goods are alt high grade. Must j leave cny a.i onun. 1 Mah. dining room suite. Mab. tea wagon with drop leaves. Dishes of all description. 1 Mah. bedroom suite, complete fur nishings. 1 Ivory bedroom suite, complete fur nishings. 1 Detroit Jewel gas stove, good as new. 1 Ruud gas heater: also kitchen chairs and tables. Big assortment of aluminum cooking utensils. 1 Apex washing machine, 6 mo. old. 1 large porcelain "Bohm" refrigerator. 1 Foster piano, 6 mo. old. 1 VeL mah. bed davenport and mat tress. 1 Mah. comb, sec'y. desk, very beautiful:- also have Angelo Persian Wilton rugs in different sizes and runners; also a number of imported Chinese oriental rugs. Books. Call phone Tabor 8581, between hours 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. MOVING OUT OF TOWN. 1 range, 1 heater. 1 rug 9x12. 2 d ressers, 2 beds, 1 hard wood d i n 1 ng taoie. a Kitcnen, x taoie, x center table, 1 writing desk, 9, chairs, 2 rockers, 1 commode and few other h. h. things, all for $20O cash. 471 E. Burnside st. $75 WARDROBE, glass doors; $65 side board, plate-glass back; $18 chiffonier $30 5-ft. plate-glass mirror; Turkish couch; large rockers and other things. ah 91W or separate. r" lana. 293 Stark, cor. 6th. Room 306. Office Furniture. FLAT-TOP desks. 5 roll-top desks 1 safe cabinet. 1 T. W. desk. 3 rotary chairs. 6 armchairs. 3 bookkeepers' desks cusaong ot ko., vi raric st. FOR SALE: Second hand : 1 of fir a I x run tup uean., x tuiuomuiion typist and flat-top desk, 1 flat-top desk, t08 Main st., v ancouver, vv asn. SPECIAL- A number of roll and flat top uh, xi it 11 (s taumcts anu rugs. Lower prices for this week. D. C Wax. 31 3- ROLL-TOP desks, 1 fiat-top desk. 2 Poultry. 544 EGGS per month from 30 hens In Jan uary and jeDruary. a. fcj. Pujol. New Orleans. La., sent us the above renort: says that he is using Pratt's Poultry Regulator dally; that it has worked wonders with his-hens; that before using jt rates tne numoer or eggs laid was very., discouraging; and that 3 settings of 13 eggs brought 39 strong, healthy chicks, all of them developing into fine birds. Pratts Poultry Regulator, mixed with a good egg-making ration, not only makes he ns lay, but the eggs wanted for hatching will produce sturdy chicks that will develop into A-l pul lets and cockerels. Test "Pratts" with this understanding "Your Money Back If YOU Are Not Satisfied." Pratts Poul try 'Preparations will make your poul try pay. GET EGGS ALL WINTER and plenty of them. Keep your flock on the Job right through the colder months as thousands of other poultry men are doing with a good egg-making ration and Pratts Poultry Regula tor. You'll get the eggs when prices are way up and that means making good money from your birds. Now's the time to begin using Pratts. "Your Money Back If YOU Are Not Satisfied." Sold by all first-class dealers every where. WE BUY squabs, also Carneaux and homer breeders ; get our offer. Call Reeves, E. 82W2 or 054 E. 30th N. FIVE mammoth bronze turkeys, 4 hens and one gobbler, suitable for stock or eating purposes. East 4U4. buu E. Davis. WHITE LEGHORN hens. Tabor 6895. 0348 84th st. S. Ml. 30 PULLETS, $1.23 each, at Hull ave.. Oregon city line. a. l. -tn amp ton. CHOICE cockerels for sale cheap. J. ifiraert, tixnsaaie, or. Dogs, Rabbita, Birds and Pet Stock. TOY BLACK and tan puppies. Chihuahua nuDDies: 3 miles east leaver creek road. J. H. Law Toy Kennels. R. 3, Box 62. Oregon City. I'M SELLING out my stock of Flemmlsh, fN-ew Zealand and Himalayan rabbits at a bargain, breeded does $1 and up. 73 E. Ankeny. CALIFORNIA fur-bearing rabbits for sale. 3 does and 1 buck, $15; 'Z New z.ea.iana red does $5. Seilwood 2iUd. FOR SALE One-Boston bull pup, thor oughbred, but not registered. j unioi Bell, Ridgefleld, Wash. FOR SALE Brown Irish water spaniel puppies. 7 weeks old. tsao .uasi uurn eidc st. East 3552. ST. ANDREASBERG rollers, singers and females. Automatic stu-. 0.10 .asi 38th North. ST. ANDREASBERG rollers, deep yellow. choic imporieo. sioca. aw a uu hi. North. ' SCOTCH collie pups, white and tan, eight weeks; mates iu. o. . ia.j. verton. REGISTERED White Scotch Collies; months old. raoor ouag. PEDIGREED Airedale puppies. Mar. 4573. A. B. r oroes, icurdnd. pv. FINE Collie dog, 7 mo. old, cheap to a good home. Tabor do-u. Launches and Boats. HOUSEBOAT and 2 launches for sale; own er leaving river, u. ym.i of Harney ave., Seilwood moorage. Sel. 243U. " Machinery DRAGSAW for sale, complete woodchop- Ding Out 1 It ior eoic " " m oo j. . Rasmussen. care C. W. Bloom, Hiilsboro, Or., route 9x10 DQNKEY engine and equipment at a oar gain oj v u". , Gates, Or. - Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for le. rent, exenange. we am c-- tributors of Corona portable, $.0 com plete with carrying case, supplies for all makes E- W. PEASE CO., 110 Sixth St Main 2285. DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE. All Makes Overhauled; Experts. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy, Sell, Rent and Exchange. Main 6397. Supplies. 263 & Oak St. ALL MAKES, sold, rented and exchanged; terms if desired; send for retail prices. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washington St., N. W., Cor. Jith DfAiixviTOM t vn writer, fireproof safe. cabinet and Todd Protectograph, by nartv Quitting business. AH like new. H I'm, oregonian UNDERWOOD and Remington typewriters. $3 50 a month. Empire Transfer, 254 Broadway. Bdwy. 155. I AKES rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter -o.. "' NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at . cut rates. Miscellaneous HAMILTON-BEECH carpet washing ma chine, bargain for cash or some terms: fullv iruaranteed and will demonstrate. Phone Woodlawn 1553. --.rx ATT. V TKnS Oak. old-growth fir, dry 4-foot, l-n-slab and block mixed, 4-ft. slab, green. Woodlawn viAi. 16-INCH dry country laB..""0d-t He -"Jj of fuel, never was in the water. $S.o0 XL- iiV double load $16. Pbone Co- lumbia 1218. a f o a t-w . with 5x7 reducing back. 30 in. bellows, 4 holders. SxlO; carrying faoA o 1 forenoons ouiy- wwi 168 13th st. DIAMOND Lady's engagement ring, per hh. white, worth $37o; can be hnueht for a lot less. O 138. Oregonian. COMPLETE tire vulcanizing equipment. sectional moios, T-UUk:, 0P ; . at a bargain, ajv "6""""- 1-., ,n cut? rinn evoking and eating ap niAn S1 to $1.35 per box. See Rupert. 266 3d st. Main 1683. FOR SALE 1 safe, medium size, as good as new; fanuu" -a" case, etc 24ataunon- ROTTED cow or horse manure 'or lawns or gardens; trucit loao-s uenvoicu, 4485. - ktw. ht-v rnMwnod. Stl2 Dor cord deliv- .-red anywhere in city. Write C. J. Hewitt. Clackamas, Or., R. F. D. 1. BEAUTIFUL white enamel gas range ror sale very reasonably. Call at oi-t Jtiaa- eey st. ' n sAi.K rhtan. eentleman's suit brown, size 40. 251 s Clay. Main 2156. BEARING HOLLY TREES. $1 and up. Phone Woodlawn 685. FOR SALE Good potatoes, $1.75 per sack delivered. .cast jiiao. WILL sell extra fine polar bear rug. Ve nard. 929 Chamber of Commerce. BABY'S clothes for sale. Phone Seilwood 1662. " T.VtjTES' exclusive used apparel. 1132 E, Glisan st. Wonderful bargains. Tb. 2S25. 200 SHARES Johnson Auto Signal stock. What s your oirer .- n xt-. oregonian. CASH register, National, 1c up, alma new, cheap today. 113 2d at. COMPUTING scales for candy and grocery showcases, all kinds cheap. 113 2d st. WOOD for sale at Ladd woodyard, 41st and 50th ave. S. E. Phone Sell. 8460. WONDERFUL 10x13 Persian rug by own er at a bargain. Supt, Central bids. FOK SALE. Miscellaneous. PHONOGRAPH MUSIC AT 15C. Sort out the slightly used records of which you are tired and exchange them for other selections from our big stock. If you wish we will trade your records in for brand new late hits, allowing you 35c per record. Rebuilding and repairing of all makes of phonographs, accessories and supplies. PACIFIC RECORD EXCHANGE. 427 Washington. Phone Bdwy. 492. NO TIC E TO TH E PUBLIC. Rather than return our salesmen's samples to the factory, consisting of raincoats, motor coats and leather coats, we have placed them on sale to the public at wholesale prices. UNITED RUBBER CO.. 726 Morgan Bldg. ' COLUMBIA PLASTER WALL BOARD for JOINTLETSS. BATTENLESS WALLS; CAX'T RT'CK I . V. SWELL OK SHRINK. FIRE . RETARDING: EASILY AP PLIED. QUICK DELIVERY. Ohsfeldt, 41tf Henry bldg. Bdwy. 1901 TOLEDO candy scales. No. 3. $25; Na tional cash register. No. ft key. S7a: IS a tional cash register. 2-drawer, No. 7 key, S125: National cash register. 09.99 keys. ticket and tape attach., $275. 108 1st sc. between Washington and fctarK. SEWING machines, new and second-hand sold tor less; no agents employed ; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 9431 SEWING MACHl.N'S EMPORIUM. 190 Third St., near Taylor. FANCY packed boxes California raisins or figs to send to your friends or rela tions back east a gift that will be ap preciated. . Mend lor illustrated circular. JJL L. Newman, P. O. Box 1309. Fresno, Cal. SAFES Fire and bursrlar-oroof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought sold and exchanged. Easy terms if desired. NORR1S SAFE & LOCK CO. 105 Second St. Main 2045 SAY, DO YOU WANT TO RENT. BUY. SELL OR TRADE SHOTGUN OR RIFLE 7 Lowest Prices in the City. NEWMAN'S GUN STORE. 128 First, near Alder. Main 4495. SECTIONAL cold storage room 11x20x10 ft., white enameled, used 4 months, with pipe coil, galvanized drin nan and 6-foot door, all-guaranteed to be in excellent condition. Price $iuou, terms. At ou, Oregonian; BUY electric fixtures at wholesale. 1-lfgh chain fixtures. $1.50: 4-llffht chain fix tures, so.ou; Hot Point eiectnc irons. $7.25. Reliable Electric Store, union ave. and Russell st. East 3686. WHY AN everlnxllne aeirniVAtlon bv ieaicy root i w ny not a permanent anu comfortable roof? We repair, ruober bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roots, work guaranteed. .Main Ooou. HOT-WATER tanks. 30-gal.. $7; 40-gal SB: tested and guaranteed: stove an furnace colls, gas heaters installed; ex ocrt plumbing, repairing. iast ia Welding Shop, 203 Adams st. East 8516. INFANTS dresses, petticoats, gowns, etc. also oiusn coat, sax 40. eKirt. oiouses, elegant fur coatee. The Palmer Shop. Main 2162. 209 Alisky Bldg. FOR SALE: Candy scale, mirror, registei all sizes of floor cases, safe, bar counter, ice box. wall cases. electric coffee grinder. Terms. 242 Salmon. WHAT you have been waiting for. a drop in iura. can and oe convinces. THE FUR SHOP. 606 Swetland bldg.. 5th at Wash. NEW "SINGERS' $5 down. $3 monthly. Expert sewing machine repairing. MORRISON-STREET SINGER STORE, 382 Morrison. Marshall izi THE PALMER SHOP will sell your fancy work, mis-fit or slightly worn garments: commission 10 per cent. Main 2162. 209 Alisky. SAFES -New and second-hand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO., Broadway 1966. 48 Front SC FOR SALE Floor cases, all sizes; wall cases, register, mirror, electric coffee erinder. ma.rble slab. safe, ens ranite. scale. Half price this week. 242 Salmon. AT LAST! Drop in Furs at the FUR SHOP. 606 Swetland Bldg.. Fifth and Wash. FOR SALE New Trocenn gas range a white Iron bed and a single white Iron bed and an oak bookcase, squa dining table and chairs. Call East 42 FOR SALE No. 1 cordwood. direct tro p.mntrv to you. Phone Tabor 9407. M. D. Morse. Clackamas, Or., R. 1. box 77. FOR SALE 5 or 6 sample tables in good condition; have been used for milk sam ples: can be inspected any time. Call 411 Corbett bldg. or phone Main 7077. ELECTRICAL repairing, wiring. Every . ihinf electrical in suoolies. Low prices, quick service. Hynson Electric Co., 302 Pine st. Phone Bdwy. 4tt3. SAWMILL, wood work. 72-ft. track. 1 ca riaere with 5 trucks. 1 saw husk: wi sacrifice. Owner at 846 Sandy blvd. Portland. CO-OPERATIVE MARKETING Get your supply potatoes, apples and all winter produce direct from the farmer. Market Producers' Association, 208 hk 4th st. SLAB and cord wood, also slab and block wood mixed, 16-incn lengtn ; specia prices on large orders. For quick de livery phone Tabor 634. DIAMONDS Have a Vt karat, also karat, perfect blue steel, bargains. 1 77, oregonian. rHfilfE nerennials Plants and bulbs all kinds: also berry plants cneap. Mar shall 377. - rar FOR sale. 25 feet long; mirrors are In good condition. sen it reason a Die if cash. 53 N. 3d st. ERMINE stole and muff, beautiful skin cost $2K, ror su ; mina coiiar, Main 6415, evenings. WOOD Block and slab wood mixed, stove wood lengths, ju.du; prompt oenvery; east side orders preferred. Mar. 1828. UNCALLED-FOR slightly used men's over coats for sale; low prices, oo sstarK. corner Park. LADIES SAVE High-grade ised appareL Prices moderate iiai js. uitsan atrsei Montavilla car to 89th. TAbor 2825. LET US wash your rugs with the Hamil ton Beach electric carpet wasner witn out removing from floor. Wood. 1259. KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy. 329 Washington at. POTATOES and apples at wholesale prices. Get your winter supply, rornanu run Co., 153 Front St.. near Morrison bridge. PILES can be permanently cured without operation, cail or writ ur. xjean. Morrison St. USED DESKS, files, tables, a few new rugs slightly n a mage a. u. wax, ox xvo. o. Bdwy. 2739. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton Beach electric carpet wasner; ais vacuum cleaning done. Bast 4045, FOR SALE: No. 1 dry old-growth flr, oak. ash ana green woou. ruoae evenings, Seilwood 312. ladies Let the Vogue Apparel Exchange sell your usea garmenw anu xura, U Alisky bldg. Mam aid. WONKY Warranted unadulterated. strained, ngnt, mnu, iiuurb eve, quantity less. taRti!- 20 SHARES American Lifeograph stock at X3U per 8hh-i n -.u. ovuu. v ovi, uro gonian. t ARMY officers $90 tailor-made overcoat. . tOR A 1 HO , ' nearly new, v-. mcgonian. cir.nnisin.HAND tent and covers for mi pacific Tent A Awning Co., 1 N. 1st at. WEST SIDE home, sells and buys slightly WOrn tpparei u m . imrn,ll O-J.O. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners. $1 per day. d e uverea. aujwuctc Twm.wq FOR SALE Best dry, first-growth fir cordwood. Pr wm. w-a-m gjx. CEDAR POSTS tor sale, red cedar. H. Goodricn, aqub q, - -vo. Agents or BLOCK WOOD, elab wood, mixed, ;e-i4 lo ta .spec" vn. IOR SALE Cash register, safe, addlni mac nine. mur AbK. VACUUM cleaners sold, rented, repaired. exenange. , m vu, STOVES repaired, bought and sold. Colls made ano cumiM. nm. ooou. K15 BUYS adding machine; adds T figures. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, 24- hour day uc" j "mo. iaoi. VULCANIZING molds for sale. Will teach buyer tne uuamoo. x?roaufway. SAFE Fireproof safe. Hall make, in good order, cneap. "- uiuhh EYES tested free; spectacles guaranteed. Dr. Belding. 245 H Aider st. Main 1692. COATS, furs, suits, gowns and evening dresses, sub"-1 m doi, BLOCK and slab wood, mixed, already cut also slab and cordwood. Tabor 5829. PHY oid-growth cord wood. Fuel Co. Automatic 523-40. DRY FIR cordwood, special inducement to 4-cord or more orders. Main 3384. 2 POCKET oilliard tables for sale. 35 N. 4th st. FOR SALE cheap. 1 cash register, 1 Day ton scale. Inquire 49 Front st. GOOl5 reliable gas range cheap. Call at 413 Montgomery st, or Main 1117. ELEGANT fur coat: purchased of Seattle's most exclusive furrier. Main 6334. DRY FIR wood," $10.50 and $11. East6563. CORD wood, seasoned. Phone Main 8707. FOB SALE. M i seel laneonn. FOR SALE: One Wilton rug. 0x12, ori ental design, and one Axminster vxi (ola rose and tan. Both rugs in gooa shape. Can be seen at 596 E. 49th st. North. Phone Auto. 331-61. - BEAUTIFUL set of minx furs, cost $250 this season, will sell for $90. one pair of mahogany velvet portieres, 1 tapes try couch cover, $25 for both. Auto matic 331-17. STRAWBERRY plants for sale cheap; Tew ( )rprnn Tin?. Inrce : an v auanuiy. jjig yourseir or win aenver. an or write K.. 1-1. Kanooipn, 240 r. ov Portland, Or. . HOTEL dishes, refrigerator and lO-ft. counter, si Morns Bt. r-none r.aat awo- FOR BALK ACTOMOB1LE8. CONLBTS USED CAR CENTER, 86 10th St., bet. Stark and Oak. The largest exclusive uwd-car firm tn the state; the firm that sells you a car and keeps you a satisfied owner. Every car you v buy carries a written guarantee. we nanoie no junis. nor wuni-vu. cars. Our stock of cars at pres ent is all late models. 1919 Cadillac eight touring, 95 per cent new $3500 1920 Dixie flyer; 98 per cent new 1300 1920 Paige 7-passener; cord tires 1300 1919 Buick roadster; run very little 1400 1919 Baby Grand Chevrolet roadster TOO 1919 Essex roadster, 5 cord tires 1200 1919 National six. seven-passenger; looks just like new 1400 Series 17 Studebaker six, re- built, like new 600 1919 Chevrolet touring, runs like new 550 1917 Chevrolet tour., rebuilt. 450 1916 Baby Grand touring, re built, like new 65 1916 Buick touring, rebuilt throughout 550 1918 Ford sedan; looks brand new 550 1918 Ford touring, rebuilt throughout . . . ." 375 1917 Reo four, five -passenger, rebuilt, new top 750 1919 Oldsmobile. -ton deliv ery 600 1917 Reo speed wagon, elec tric lights and starter. .Oldsmobile 6 sedan, 95 per cent new 1800 YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. We Match Our Cars and Prices Against Them All. CONLET'S USED CAR CENTER. ' 86 10th St., bet. Stark and Oak. Broadway 1424. BARGAIN IN CLASSY 5-PASSENGER CAR. This cur cost S3000. Is in nerfect con dition and looks and runs like new. Will sell for $750. Take a look at it. Halla- day's garage, 170 E. 7th st., near Bel mont. TO BE SACRIFICED. A young man's car. National sport model. 1917. Six-cylinder, high geared. Five good cord tires. Motor, body and top fine. Car is real h igh-value buy. Will sell today for $850. Cash and' terms. See tbH. WILLAMETTE MOTORS CO.. 100 N. Broadway. PAIGE LINWOOD. Reduced to $950. Think of it. Paige 1 light six. WELLER MOTOR COMPANY, 15th and Washington. CLOSED CAR DAYS ARE HERE. Demonstrator for sale; fully guaran teed. You will receive the same service I as on brand' new car; tires show no wear. Has been driven less than 25O0 miles. Will save you at least $300. This wonderful buy cash or terms. Phone I Broadway 41S4. IOO N. Broadway. WILLAMETTE MOTORS COMPANY. FORDS. 1917 Ford touring at $300; roadster at I $3'J0. - WELLER MOTOR COMPANY, 15th and Washington. 3920 OAKLAND TOURING CAR. Car is like new. has part of guarantee and service remaining. Tires show little ! wear, has really run aoout -oUO miles; account personal reasons will have to I sell; will save you at least $400 on this j car. Cash or terms. Mr. Clemons. 329 I Flanders st, Bdwy. 41S4. , $4O0 TAKES OAKLAND 1918 TOURING New paint, motor os-erhauled. ton and body in good condition. This La a real buy. Terms and guarantee. Phone Bdwy. 4184. WILLAMETTE MOTORS COMPANY, IOO N. Broadway. 1920 BABY GRAND Chevrolet, fine con dition; practically a new car, with, ex tras: would cost you siwju. win se , for $1150. Any kind of terms desiredV Call Mr. Ireland, Bdwy. 217 or Tabor 303 evenings. 1920 STEPHENS SPORT model touring car.. One of tne best buys in Portland in a fine car. Will take a light car or bug as part payment. Terms. Broad way 3606. 1919 DODGE roadster, in elegant condi tion, equipped with o new cord tires, spotlight, mirror and bumper; snap for cash, $850. East 1583. 1918 FRANKLIN $1250. - Chummy roadster, good condition. Good tires. Looks like new. Phone Marshall 1341. 1920 STEPHENS SEDAN Run 7000 miles. Same guarantee as on a new car. HAMILTON AUTO CO. Bdwy. S60ft. Sixth and Everett Sts. LATE MODEL GRANT SIX in fine con dition, $200 down. Daiance easy terms. Phone Broadway 3606. PARTY must sell 7-pass. Mitchell in first- class condition, rms is a bargain. Main S562. MAXWELL TOURING Looks and runs like new. Small payment down, easy terms on balance. Broadway 3605. FORT) chassis in good shape, tires good. 1150; 1 good -ix,s tire cneap. can aner 5 P. M. 4849 63d st. S. E. Tabor 7771. HUDSON 6-40 in good running order, new paint, tires, etc., uu oown, easy terms. Phone Broadway 3606. 1917 DODGE touring car, fine mechanical condition, iookb use new, a oargain, terms. Phone East 1962. iftiT WTIPMOBILE touring; this is a real car and in fine shape and the price is right, terms. Phone Bdwy. 4825. I AM NOT sick, not leaving the city, but will sell new Studebaker at discount. AF 176, oregonian. iaia 7.PASSENGER Studebaker. complete. ly overhauled, $450. Broadway 1572. Mr. iidson. BEST Ford bug in Portland; body alone COUld not DO aupncaiea ior i; wiii sacrifice for cash. Phone Last ana. OAKLAND touring, looks like new, model 34B, almost new tires. Call Montgom ery,- Broadway 41B4. AUTO OWNERS' SALES ROOM. You vish to sell your car? Can get auick action at 16S iving st. Main JS4, WILL sacrifice my 1917 Buick touring for $700: come quick. 000 jnnwautue su Seilwood 2956. Brooklyn Garage. PODGE touring car, Al condition; aot wulckly. Third Street trarage, 84 North Third street. cruuwjf -o-. tn SALE OR TRADED Chalmers road ster. Call 8912 66th ave. S. E., after 6 p. M., or Sundays. -cr a WT.TV Series 9-B : Just overhauled runs and looks like new. Phone Main 1741; nroaawj t 10 t -ii rlnr with lota nf AV -a. spare tire on rear; price right. Call Montgomery. joroaQwayi84. MITCHELL 6-cylinder, 5-pass.. Just over hauled; wu iui nv wo nave against It. 1090 E. Yamhill. WANT used autos In exchange for new. Marshall 2766. YOUCAN buy a used car tor less than its MORTGAGE VALUE. 168 Klnr st. 1918 DODGE in A-l condition, G. Hicks. 248 Yamhill st. for $700. 191S FORD, A-l condition; will sell t best cash offer; sickness. 329 4th st. 1920 MAXWELL. $675. Car like new. 210 Jefferson st. i916" STUDEBAKER. Name your own after 5 p. M. price. 54 82d St. 1919 VELIE A-l condition, will sacrifice. Main 780. FOR bALE 1913 Cadillac for $230. Ap ply Covey Motor Car Co. $500 BUYS 3919 Chevrolet in excellent condition, new tires; terms. East 178. 1918 FORD roadster, $300. Main 780l FOR SALE ACTOMOBILE5. MR. FARMER. MR. STOCKMAN. DO YOU KNOW thsK a USED FORD will give you a great deal of service at a very tow cost! We are selling all the USED FORDS of all the six authorized Ford dea'ers in Portland. We have about 150 USED FORDS on hand now. It costs you nothing to look them over v.Mle you are in town. A few bargains are listed below: 1915 Ford light delivery $105 l!ir, Ford light delivery 163 Jfll7 Ford liKht delivery HU l17Ford light delivery 175 1917 Ford light delivery li 1915 Ford touring 183 1115 Ford roadster UK) 311S Ford light delivery 190 IMS Ford light delivery U5 1917 Ford roadster T.5 1915 Ford touring 22.S 3916 Ford roadster 22 1917 Ford roadster 225 1917 Ford light delivery 225 1917 Ford touring c 233 1016 Ford light delivery 243 3917 Ford light delivery 2t;5 1919 Ford roadster 2i5 1919 Ford roadster 1914 Ford bug 350 "- 1919 Ford touring 365 3919 Ford touring 3iC 3119 Ford roadster 4o 3f19 Ford touring 415 1118 Forti worm truck 4-5 3919 Ford touring 465 3019 Ford worm truck 4S5 1919 Ford touring, starter, etc 95 1919 Ford touring, starter, etc 325 1J20 Ford roadster, starter, etc 325 1920 Ford light delivery, starter, etc. 3i20Ford touring, starter, etc 550 1920 Ford touring, starter, etc 350 1120 Ford touring, starter, etc 550 3920 Ford touring, starter, etc 550 1920 Ford touring, starter, etc 350 1920 Ford worm truck 573 101 S Ford sedan, wtarter, etc 650 1920 Ford coupe, starter, etc 73- y Some have been conditioned and oth ers are just as they came to us. Our big store is on the corner of Grand ave. and East Yamhill street. EASY TERMS. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. USED FORDS EXCLUSIVELY. GRAND AVE. AND E. YAMHILL ST. OPEN EVENINGS TILL 8 O'CLOCK. LARGE STOCK GENUINE FORD PARTS. FORCED SALE. 19-18 MITCHELL SIX IN BEAUTIFUL CONDITION. Spare tire, nearly new top. good tires; can be seen ; bids left at Lester-Heyra Co.. 249 Sixth street. VRANSON'S USED CaR EXCH. 1919 FORD TOURTNG $ 400 3920 FORD TOURING, starter. 550- 1918 FORD SEDAN, starter 600; 1920 FORD TRUCK chassis 450 1916 OVERLAND TOURING, re painted 400 3920 MAXWELL roadster, extras.. 67 1918 DODGE ROADSTER 750 1917 CHALMERS ROADSTER, re painted 750 1920 BABY OVERLAND touring.. 773 1917 HUPP SEDAN, new tires.... 1150 Open Evenings and Sundays. Phone East 4376. Union Ave. and Belmont St. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.,. 208 SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR. BARGAINS. 83 Overland, new paint and top. .$ 230 75 Overland, good condition...... 400 Ford roadster, a dandy 30 - 3917 Velie, new paint , 7O0 3918 Velie, new paint 975 1919 Velie. cord tires 12fKr 1918 Olds S, new paint, 5 tires.... 11O0 1920 Eswex, cord tires 1300 Easy Terms. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO.. 58 N. 23d St. Main 7 SO. MAKE ME AN OFFER. 1910 Paige touring, run less than -5000 miles; 4 brand new cord tires, 2 extras; Olson lock, bumpers, spotlight. This car looks like and is better than new. Mr. Phelps. Main 7141. NEW FORD TOURING. Will sacrifice for cash to make a quick sale. Car has self-starter, speed ometer. Firestone demountable rims and 3 Vs -Inch non-skid tires, tire carrier and spare tire. Has been run 3500 miles and is in first-class condition, having had gdod care. A real bargain. Must sell at once account leaving city. Call at 209 Wash. st. 1916 CHEVROLET touring with electric lighting and starting system, -uu. 1917 Dodge touring, $6O0. 1918 Dodge touring, $700. 1019 Dodge roadster. $900. Will take a Ford in trade on any of these. Call Mr. Frohmah, Bdwy. 321 ; care W. L Houghston Co., Ford agents, Broadway and Davis. 1919 HUPMOBILE, mechanically good as new in every way and win demonstrate to your satisfaction. If you know what Hups are you want to see this one for a genuine bargain; $1150, and will make convenient terms. A-l AUTO WORKS, 525 Alder St. NEW 1920 CHEVROLET SEDAN. Can save you $325 on new Chevrolet sedan; has bumper, large wheel. Liberty -lens, dash light, mirror, foot pads, etc. This car is a real bargain and must be seen to be appreciated. Call Tweedie, -Broadway 1572. - FOR SALE BY OWNER 1919 Overland touring car in first-class mechanical con- ' dition; looks like new; can be seen at Francis Motor Car Co., Hawthorne ava. at Grand. East 8770. A bargain at $850, terms If desired. WE CARRY a full line of auto accessories, tires, tubes. Ford parts, light globes, etc. Also do towing. Open day and , nlSht" LONG & SILVA, Phone East 6840. 462 Hawthorne. 1920 DODGE panel delivery with 5 new tires; car run little better than 9000 miles; like new in every way. A real sacrifice at $11 SO, terms if desired. A-l Auto Wks., 525 Alder st. 20 DISCOUNT 20. Brand-new high-grade 4-cylinder car, powerful, easy riding, economical; hasn't been run a mile. AC 31, Ore- gonian. " DODGE ROADSTER. -5 Owner '18- model; six tires, double car rier spotlight, bumper, foot mats; re cently overhauled. Woodlawn 2275, Ta bor S03V; terms. 1918 OAKLAND touring, wire wheels Owner In government service and leav ing city. Sacrifice at $950.. Apt. 407, iP .U W" . - -- nail 9'JA MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles. We wrecK an nin - , , v their parts at half price. David Hodes Auto wrecking Dept.. 105-7 N. 11th at. " "TOPS 'EM ALL." Oregon Auto Top Co., Cor. 14th and Couch sts. Bdwy. 440S. FORD delivery, good running order, steel panel body; suitable for gitery, laun dry, market. $300, cash or terms. J 1 63, uregoman. IF YOU are looking for a real bargain in a 191S Chevrolet touring car and easy terms. Mr. Savage. Bdwy. 494 today. . These bargains don't last. TRADE Haynea touring car for lighter car. East 6024. 1918 FORD coupe, new ooay. gooa tires. East 4385. ; MUST sell my Franklin touring car. Only' $550. Phone Tabor 864 evenings. - DODGE roadster, 1920; low price for cash. Tabor 1650. DEMONSTRATOR, 20 Maxwell. at low price. Don't fail to see It. Mar. 2766. BEFORE BUYING a used car see auto . owners' salesroom, 168 King st. S3 OVERLAND touring, new paint, new top, motor perfect. S25Q. Main 7Sl-j FORD touring, $300. Mar.