. THE WEEKLY OREGONIAX, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1920 ' 18 REAL ESTATE. Tor Sale Houses. ROSE CITY PARK. 1326 Fremont Bungalow of 8 rooms: grounds 123x200; laid out in lawn, orchard, flower and vege table gardens; distinctive yard, play yard; hot-water heat; finest tp lumbing ; sun room with aqua rium ; double garage; place en closed -with hedge and lattice fence. Price 112,500. 402 East 53d st. X. Bungalow of 5 rooms on 1st floor and suffi cient room for 2 on 2d floor; hard wood floors, fireplace; will install furnace. $5600. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. 6lO East 55th St. X. Six rooms and large attic, garage; very com plete and in, splendid condition; $6800. . LOVELY SMALL HOME. Architect took a prize in House and Garden for the beauty of its architecture; central hall, large living' room with mantel so charm ing in detail ; fine sun porch and dining room ; complete kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bath and glass-inclosed sleeping porch; pretty war gar den. Price $6500. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, 440 E. 21st. Bt. N.p East 7976, WEST SIDE HOMES. Six-room house on Northrup st.; $5750. Nob Hill flat bids.; good value; fGOOO. Eight-room modern home on Raleigh st.; best buy on west side. $7000. Beautiful homo on 25th st. 17500. Twelve-room colonial home on 20th St.; valuable property. $7000. Nine-room house in North Port land. $7000. English bungalow on Corbett st, Nine rooms, 100x150 lot. $9500. Nine-room modern home on Nob Hill. $10,500. Nine-room house on Kearney st $15,000. Twenty-six-room flat bids, on 31th st.; good income on the in vestment. Price $20,000. Eleven-room colonial home; Nob Hill district; good buy for some one who wants an exclusive home. Price $35,000. MRS. LUCIUS, TABOR 3089. ROSE CITY PARK. $500 down, balance $45 per month. including interest, e-room oungaiow hardwood floors, cement basement, fur- dace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, corner lot; 2 blocks to R. C. P. car. $500 down, balance $45 per month and Interest, 5 rooms and den, hardwood floors, plate glass windows, full cement basement, good furnace, all built-in ef fects, garage, 1 blocks to car; a real bargain. $1500 down, balance straight mort gage or monthly payments, 5 rooms, 2 sleeping porches, hardwood floors, fur nace, thoroughly modern. Price $4750. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 20S. WEST PIEDMONT bungalow, 6 rooms, fireplace with radlantfire, garage, 50x100 lot; 3 bearing fruit trees; l block to car Price only $3500, $1000 down; easy monthly payments. Seven-room home In Piedmont; new pipeless furnace, paved sts., alley, 50x100 lot. Price only $3500, $1000 down; $35 monthly. Dandy 4-room bungalow on Cleveland Ave., near Walnut Park; 4 fruit trees, garage, paved street; 50x100 lot; $2650, $650 down, $30 per month. Walnut Park home reduced $1000 for quick sale ; 6 rooms ; on Cleveland ave, only one block from car; fine homes all around; full cement basement, furnace., kitchen with breakfast room, all large light rooms; large front porch; oniy . $450O and $500 will make the first pay ment. Do not fail to see it today. MRS. HALL, WDLN. 351. LARGE ROOM. On Holladay quarter blk. 15 rooms elegant central entrance, hall and stairway; 9 or 10 sleep ing rooms and porch for 8 beds; fine view balcony; hot-water heat; hardwood floors, old ivory wood work; very fine fireplace in liv ing room; ideal location for home, exclusive family hotel or maternity home. Photograph and full in formation gladly furnished upon application. MRS HARRY PRICE PALMER, 440 E. 21st. St. N. East 7976. BRAND NEW ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. AKl V. fiflTH NORTH ROSE CITY CAR S35O0 Liberal terms; vacant ; strictly modern, 5 rooms and large glassed sleep ina nrr.h. furnace, hardwood floors, fire place, floored attic, built-in effects. Dutch kitchen, plumbing completer sewers and hard surface included, 5Oxl00 ast front Jot, restricted aistrict; xyz diock.s to car, lesrant fixtures and color schemes, Aiih! ennstructed. full basement, ce ment floor. See this today; open for inspection 10 to 5 daily. Deal direct with owner and bulilder: can be shown evenings, plenty light. Phone Automatic OTHERS ARB ASKING TO $7500. AN IDEAL COUNTRY HOME FOR KAT.F1 OR EXCHANGE. This Is your opportunity to get one of the most beautiful suburban homes near Portland. Owner called to New York to settle an estate. 12 acres, orchard and all small fruit, 200 filbert nut trees, 1 eres natural t r it with runnine stream, grounds lighted with arc lamps, double garage, a perfect 7-room bungalow with nothing left to be desired and which can not be built todav for $12,000: also 5- room modern care-taker's cottage. For Immediate sale, less than 1-3 of original cost, or will consider good house in good district as part payment. MRS. KNOW, Marshall 8989. IRV1NOTON DISTRICT. $5500. You have not mfn n. nicer 5-room bun sralow than this at any price. It is lo cated on a full-sized corner lot, only one "block from Broadway ; has a splendid living room with tine oak floors ana every room has ulentv of lleht: indirect light ing fixtures, universal furnace and a very well-planned kitchen, with breakfast nook, make this a wonderful home, which we do not believe can be duplicated tO' dar at anvthine near the Drice. IF YOU WANT TO BUY AT BOTTOM PRICES, C fiEB US. M r. Svmm ones, COE A. McKEN.NA & CO., S2 Fourth Street. Main 4522. . , , , XRVTXGTON- rt BUNGALOW. Bunt for home; beautiful view, massed with flowers and creeping vines; large orchard, pergola, sun room with French doors, hall, living and dining, in old Devoe finish; 3 bedrooms; garage. Only $6500. East 1347. MAGNIFICENT LAURELHURST HOME. Moving south, will make stupendous pacrince on modern two-story, 9-room house on 100x100 lot looking into park; old ivory finish, walls papered, finest oak floors throughout, hot-water heat, 3 fireplaces, 3 baths, sunroom, mam wnnma vprv laree. all tile kitchen with maid's room and bath adjoining; 4 mam bedrooms ana a sleeping puruuea, Mil liard room, finished basement, garage. Jots of shrubbery, like new; terms. Ta bor 407. v.y.v.r.A"T home in Irvington; 100x100: double garage, beautiful shrubbery ; all newly papered In ivory finish; hardwood floors, handsome draperies, curtains and portieres ; unusually fine basement, hot water heating system; all improvements paid. Can have possession at once; any terms. Sellwood JoJd. LENTS, $1800. New, 8-room plastered bungalow, Dutch kitchen, sink, washbowl, toilet, Inside finished in old ivory, gas. fix ture, shades; corner, 40x132. $200 cash. bal. terms, tan owner, Jiarsnau sos. UNAVOIDABLE disaster partially wrecked half of double cottage, 628 E. 21st st. rear Clinton which brought good rental. "Will sell as it stands at greatly reduced price. Can be easily repaired. Main 6630 or can qui gtofit tuxenange. BEAUTIFUL PIEDMONT, ONLY $4000. - Forced sale; 6 rooms, 2-story bouse, full cement basement, wash trays, fur nace, sleeping porch, near high school; $1250 casn. a . yj. JDira, jxarsnail lo: IRVINGTON dandy little . home; 721 Broadway ; garage, ouuu. some cash. SaO per momn. 7 MCDONNELL. EAST 419. SALE, cheap, dandy piace, 2000 Portsmouth ave.. or trade for mn r, house, close in, on west side, will give WOOD & COLE. BUILDERS. See us before you build your bnm We guarantee satisfaction. Woodlawn 6348- . $3500 5-ROOM bungalow, 1250 Montana ave. Woodlawn 1736 after 6 P. M. Terms. $3000 6-ROOM house, modern except heat; terma Tabor 1077, 44 E, 7d U BEAT. ESTATE. For Sale Houses. A DIFFERENT HOME! $3256. Of bungalow type, with living room 16x31, off. which is sunroom with French doors; also dining room with coloring in blue and black; large, light, sunny kitchen; 1 bedroom 1st floor. 3 on second floor; bathroom equipped with set-in tub. pedestal lavatory, etc. Full cement basement, good ga rage. Excellent location, in heart of Irvington district. MRS. HARRY PRICE East 7976. PALMER. WEST SIDE HOME FOR $7500. Just think of it! $7500 puts you in possession of a strictly mod ern 8-room house on 25th t., where the lot alone is worth more than we are asking for the whole place; only a few minutes from the busi ness part of town, excellent car service, paved street; good neigh borhood; H. W. floors throughout; furnace. 2 fireplaces, shower bath, closed in Bleeping porch; xnusia room, finished attic, cement base ment. This is not an old house and is doubly constructed throughout. To see it today, call Mrs. Lucius, Tabor 3089. No agents. SACRIFICE. 5 ROOMS AND NEW FURNACE (VERNON), EAST FRONT, FULL LOT, Vs. BLOCK TO CAR (SCHOOL 2 BLKS.) NORTH 22D ST.; ALBERTA CAR. OWNER LEAVING CITY (ACCOUNT NO WORK). NEWLY TINTED, PAINTED, ETC. ADDRESS GABRELSON, OWNER, CARE 302 SELLING BLDG. PHONE MAIN 1136. (SPECIAL PRICE THIS WEEK $3200, $300 TO $500 CASH, BALANCE EASY.) 1049 CLEVELAND AVE-. PIEDMONT, 7 ROOMS. Corner home, central hall, finest furnace, excellent location, best of construction ; large lot and fine trees; can be had either furnished or unfurnished and at a most at tractive price. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. EAST 7976. LOVELY INTERIOR'. 6 large rooms, den, very large closets in Dearooms, House modern to tne mm ute, almost new, better than the new ones being built today: price $1000 under the market; $5500, $750 cash; do not overlook this. Yes. paved streets, era' rage, everything your heart desires. 735 E. 43d N., Beaumont car. Owner Mar, 740. LAURELHTJRST HOME. NO BETTER BUY IN PORTLAND. 7-room iouse, very choice location, hardwood floors throughout; built for home, never offered for sale before. Own er has gone: buyer can move right In. Be sure and see it today. See at the Laurelhurst tract office. East 39-th and Glisan, or phone for auto. Tabor 3433, evenings East 773a. ARTS AND CRAFTS BUNGALOW. Artistic, well-arranged and splendidly constructed; 5 pleasant rooms and sleep ing porcn. an on one rioor; rirepiace and inglenook, best of oak floors ; cement basement with good furnace; veranda on 2 sides. A LITTLE BEAUTY not a de sirable feature missing. A genuine bar gain a t$5300. FREDERIC C. PRATT. Broadway 165S. 210 Oregon Bldg. Sunday Call Main 1614. NEAR KENTON. Charmin g five-room bungalow on lot 200x109 feet, 2 blocks from carline; over 1000 strawberry plants: big garden large rooms and good basement; price 9otu, and worm it; terms. Mahoney, COE A. McKENNA A CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 4522; evenings Columbia 33. NEW BUNGALOW, fitted up with every little convenience that is Known. DreaK fast table, broom closet. hardwood floors, buffet, cupboards, etc. Corner two lots, large garage ; constructed to rast; 2x10 joists; warmly built of only the very best material. One block from Twoy Bros. Graveled street. Price $4500, $2000 down and terms on balance if desired, by owner. A Carlson. Tabor 5415. 255 East 53th St.. near GHsan st. IRVINGTON HOME, $7000. Attractive 2-story 8-room home In very desirable section, never offered be fore; entrance hall, large living room, den, pass pantry, convenient kitchen, hardwood floors, fireplace, 3 large square bedrooms and sleeping porch on 2d floor, maid's room in attic, full cement base ment, furnace, trees, shrubbery, room for garage; terms. Tabor 407. . LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Leaving for California, will sell classy 6-room bungalow, with garage, in best section, near park and car; built several years ago, for $S000; living room 16x30, French doors to dining room, breakfast room, 2 tine bedrooms, finest oak floors , throughout, fireplace and good furnace; old ivory finish; terms. Tabor 407. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. Beautiful, almost new bungalow, hardwood floors, ivory woodwork, artis tic fixtures, recently decorated; lots of xuei, line gas range ana water neater; immediate possession; owner gone to Washington, D. C; $6000. BROOKE, MARSHALL 4S27. BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW. Walnut Park; 5 nice large rooms, with bedroom upstairs and large finished at tic, furnace, fireplace, modern built-ins. hardwood floors; east front; 1 block 2 car lines; excellent location; am leaving city; some terms; must be sold this week. T. J. Joira, jaarsnau ium, aenwooa ziuo. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. New, modern, 5-6-room bungalows, with garage. 1372 E. Grant. 1368 E. Grant. $4750. 1369 E. Sherman. Also one on E. 37th. $4500. See owner for terms. Marshall 853. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Has 7 rooms, fireplace, furnace, built- In bookcases, buffet and kitchen, hard wood floors, rine garage, large porcnes. with fine view of business district of city, located at 367 Glenn, ave. Phone Tabor 7190. RIGHT ON THE CAR LINE $1750 Verv neat 5-rm. cottage with modern plumbing, electric lights, and bath, 3 bearing fruit trees, good chicken house. S50O cash, $5 monthly. FRED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Cham, of Com. $3300 1 6-ROOM house. 1 3-room house, 1 2 -room nouse in gooa repair, ciose In; also close to car on east side; all improvements in and paid. Must sell to meet other obligations. See owner at 511 Merchants Trust bldg. Phone Main 1353. - HAVE TO SELL. Trvineton swell: hall, living, break- fast, bedroom, bath first floor; 3 bed rooms and bath second floor; gone to California; now vacant; $12,000 home for $SoQO. Kast I34i. VACANT MT. TABOR VACANT. Five-room cosy cottage, full lot, loads of fruit and berries, iire-oiace. cemen basement, $75 worth of wood goes if sold this week, only $2100, $400 cash. Mar. 3352, evenings TaDor joyv, J. B. ROCK CO. ROSE CITY PARK. 4-room furnished tent house: water. Tight and gas; built-in cupboards; ceiled 7 feet high; 50x100 corner lot; 14ji blocks from Sandy. See this and atop paying rent ; any term a. v. an auur iw--. SEMI-BUNGALOW. Six rooms, full lot, one block to car. Trice $-oou. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Bank B!dg. HOUSE PLANS. 'Distinctive Homes," illustrated book of over low aesigns, i; oiueprints $10. 1)13 U.xli' v,u.urA.N I , 924 Nor th western Bank bid g. NEW, STRICTLY MODERN CORNER BUNGALOW, 7 ROOMS, 2 FIRE PLACBS ; EVKR1THIAU Uf TO DATE, SEE OWNER. 635 FREMONT ST, FOUR-ROOM house in Alberta district, on good street. $1500; for Particulars call on Ben Riesland, 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 tv nwFR 5-room bungalow with rIpar. ine oorch. on 61st St., Rose City. 1 blook to car; modern; move right in; price $4900, terms. ino agents. cast 299. -"on 1200 cash. 5-room bungalow. acre, living room 29x14 feet; has fire place. Fred Spear. Tabor 6887. Box 144. Woodstock station. BEAUTIFUL Portland Heights home, 3 baths, magnificent view: will give good terms; priced right. Zimmerman, 818 Chamber of Commerce. 3-ROOM furnished house cheap; $375 cash, balance like rent. 1303 E. 16th N. OWNER New 5-rm. bungalow Xor less than coat; Tabor 7247. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. SEE FRANK L. McGTJTRE To Buy Your Home. 1100 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. The McGuire SYSTEM" has won an in ternational reputation and established a NATIONAL record for Home Selling, be cause it is the ORIGINAL. SUPERIOR, SCIENTIFIC, . MODERN METHOD! We protect your every interest, and put you in immediate touch with the home of your requirements. Every home person ally inspected and appraised by our ex per appraiser. If necessary we Will help you make your down payment! , 25 autos at your service. ' OPEN EVERY SUNDAY. Open every evening UNTIL 9:00. ! WONDERFUL ALAMEDA ! $6845 UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE, very modern, 6-room bungalow; large living room and den; fireplace; moat attractive dtnine room with massive buffet; - ideal white Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook ; sun parlor; hardwood floors in every room, THIS BEAUTIFUL HOME IS $1000 un der value! Glann ave. !! THE WORK OF A MASTER "RITTT.TF!R ! $6500 -Like an exauisite srern IN A BEAUTIFUL SETTING is this - LOVELY LAURELHURST'S ideal bungalow ! 6 rooms with EVERY IMAGINABLE BUILT IN! Hardwood floors in EV ERY ROOM ! Full beveled glass mirrors : bookcases, buffet, den. tiled bath, OLD IVORY WOOD- WUKK.. hJ. 44 til. ITS XUUtt DREAM BUNGALOW come true! ! ROSE CITY ! 5775 IDEAL ROSE CITY HOME! rooms, unusually well built and one of the most attractive homes in this entire district! Living room with fireplace; dining room with massive buffet; Dutch kitchen; best plumbing and light insr fiTrtiirftRT ea.rn.ee. The con struction OF THIS BUNGALOW will stand the closest inspection East 41st st. . ! A RARE ROSE CITY! $4500 A ROSE CITY WITH EVERY THING YOUR HEART COULD wish for in it! hardwuuu FLOORS: buffet. Dutch kitchen. fireplace, . furnace, garage; 5 of . the cosiest rooms; A REAL ROSE CITY BARGAIN! Hancoca. st. !!A SACRIFICE ROSE CITY!! 4 $500 Down! 13250 OWNER MUST SELL ON AC COUNT OF FINANCIAL DIF FICULTIES! AN UNDUPLI- CATED ROSE CITY BARGAIN Large combination living and dining room with the cheeriest firerjlaee. built-ins. best Plumb ing; IT'S A REAL SNAP! East 64th. Just below the hill Think! $500 down! I A HAWTHORNE BARGAIN! 141 0O TT'S A SUPER VALUE BUNGA LOW of 6 rooms; full columned front porch; beautiiui bunt-ins; beamed ceiling in amine room, with massive 7-ft. buffet. The cleanest white Dutch kitchen: ga rage. East 48th. Terms. LET US SHOW YOU THIS I !! THREE ALBERTA SNAPS!! !!$500 Down!! 3150 SPLENDIDILY CONSTRUCTED AND BUILT FOR A HOME is this 8-room semi-bungalow in ALBERTA! Modern built-in la bor-saving conveniences; 4 sunny bedrooms. nest wnite ename plumbing; electricity; gas; East 28th street. THINK ! $500 down! AND YOU HAVE THE BIGGEST ALBERTA BARGAIN TODAY!! " (2) !! $500 DOWN! ! $2700 MARGUERITE-AVENUE bunga low that's bound to o lease you i you're wanting a COSY PRETTY ALbKuiA! o rooms witn ouiii in buffet : white Dutch kitchen It doesn't take long for a good ALBERTA. TO GUI! 3 !! 400 DOWN! ! $1900 $400 down! A 5-room neat and comfortable ALBERTA! Living room, dining room, music room, Kitcnenette, wnite enamei piumo ing, electricity, gas. East 9th st. TERMS EASIER THAN THE EASIEST RENT!!, !!TOU CAN'T EQUAL THIS!! !!$350 Down! $350 Down!! 2990 Just $350 down! A BEAUTI FUL JUST-LIKE-NEW BUN GALOW, unusually well built; 5 rooms, built-ins, cosy Dutch kitchen; LOOK! A $150 combi nation range and linoleum are included in price for a QUICK SALE. THIS'LL GO TODAY!! E. 49th St. 'LOOK AT THIS MT. SCOTT!! ( souu ouu aown: o-room, nujari, . SHINGLED BUNGALOW with ' built-in labor-saving convenien ces; best white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas. 52d avenue. LOOK. AT IT TODAY! !KENTON'S PRETTIEST BUNGALOW! $2300 VERY ATTRACTIVE AND HOM EY KENTON bungalow of four rooms; on Lombard street, close to car. IT'S NEW AND ALTO GETHER JUST THE LITTLHJ BUNGALOW YOU'D WANT ! Best white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas, paved street, paid. UNUSUAL VALUE!! Terms. !!HOME SEEKERS! ! BUY "THAT" HOME NOW! The homes we are offering you today are but a few chosen from our WONDER FULLY LARGE and varied listings! It's impossible to advertise them all. Just call, and one of our machines will show you as many homes as you'd wish to see. at your own convenience. REMEM BER, WE'RE OPEN UNTIL 9:00. Sue FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. 3d St, bet. Wash, and Stark. ALAMEDA PARK, A POSITIVE BARGAIN. Owner leaving suddenly, offers at a positive sacrifice 6-room home with fire place, all built-ins, cement basement, furnace heat, garage, street liens all paid. If you're familiar with the loca tion you'll realize that this is just as advertised. A SNAP. Owner must have $3500 in cash. COMTE & KOHLMAN, 208 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6550. 12 ROOMS A SNAP. Located on East Madison, near 21st, 78x100 grounds, beautifully landscaped, lots of fruit and shade trees, excep tionally well built and very imposing in architecture, suitable for a real gen tleman's home or is conveniently ar ranged for housekeeping rooms or apts. This home must be sold in 30 days. See it today; $8500, terms. THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. FINE IRVINGTON RESIDENCE FOR $7000. 7 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, good garage, can have imme diate possession as owner is called east permanently ; has been reduced from $7800; be sure you investigate if you want a Deautnui no me. . HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. CLASSY BUNGALOWS. Five fine bungalows in Hawthorne die trict; vacant; modern to the minute. 5 and 6 rooms; prices $4Juu to $ooO0. very reasonable terms. THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. SACRIFICE SALE. Business change compels me to sac rifice my modern home, ciose in, on the east olae; line iurnace, iuii cement case ment, fireplace, sleeping porch, garage, full lot; everything paid-; price $5250, easy payments. Main 6206. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN. Two 5-room houses, electric lights, gas. hath, etc., on 50x100 corner lot. nice lo cation; both houses are rented, but party can live in one house and receive steady income from the other. Price $2600. Reasonable terms. Call J. P. Zirngiebel. 643 Tacoma ave. oeiiwooa xv. HOME WANTED. Close in, west side. Ask York. Marshall 39S9. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn burden into Income T Wa deal en and build apartments, garaares. residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Establish.! xu years. We offer SECURITY, BBRVlt'B, SATISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co.. 924 N W. Bank bldg. A ROSE CITY PARK HOME. Two blks. from Sandy rd.-E. 45uh ! 6 rooms, attic, beautiful lot. with lawn, shrubs and fruit trees. - Excellent value. Only $4200- Good terms. v Can show it any day. Tabor 8292. MODERN 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, cement basement, fur nace, lots of built-ins. street improve ments in and paid, $4600. Can arrange terms. Fisher, with Interstate Land Co.. 248 Stark st. Main 3-ROOM house, price $950, $400 down. inone xtawy. . . HEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. BIHR-CAREY CORPORATION. REALTORS. MAIN 74S7. Every one of these properties I con siderably cheaper than what it would cost today to build the house alone. You are therefore getting your lot for noth ing, in addition to making- a great sav ing on the house. ALBERTA. 6 ROOMS $3750. Double constructed, fine appearing house of 6 rooms and sleeping porch, upstairs bedrooms, 1 large living room, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, full ce ment basement, furnace and laundry traj-s. This house Is vacant, one-half block from car and may be had for only $650 down. MONT A V$ ILL A. 5 ROOMS $2350. Paved street with sewer, 2 blocks fro car, full cement basement, gas and electricity, best of plumbing; 2 large bedrooms; built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen. Convenient terms. PENINSULA. - 5 ROOMS $2200. On Wilbur street, full lot, 2 blocks i-nm a flnA K.mnm hUIlEalOW With 2 good-sired bedrooms. This house is only 7 years old and may be had for a small payment down. WALKING DISTANCE. 7 ROOMS $1850. rrt wiiiiam mvatiiia. near Beech, good 5-room house with 2 bedrooms rinvnafalm -anA 9 UnMtftlrft: EOOd DlUmD In w nn v-omont nnri aewer in and paid. Lot is worth more than price asked for property. Very small down payment. MONT A VILLA 5 ROOMS $1600. Good looking, substantial 5-room hons on 63x100 lot; 3 good-sixed bedrooms, full plumbing; this is an excellent house; small payment down. PENINSULA , 100x100 1 ROOMS $1600. On a lot 100x100, a good 4-room bungalow with 2 bedrooms. This house is on Campbell, near Killingsworth, and is very good value. A small down pay ment will handle. BIHR-CAREY CORPORATION. 211 RAILWAY EXCH. BLDG. THIRD AND STARK STS. MAIN 74S7. OPEN EVENINGS. BARGAINS IN FURNISHED HOUSES. $1800 5 rooms, water, gas and elec tricity; $1000 down; lot 50x120. $1800 $740 down; 4 rooms, paved street. 50x126 lot. $2200 $875 down; 6 rooms and bath, 40x 100 lot- a 4. $2800 $1000 down; 6 rooms and hath, lot 80x100. . . $3200 $1100 down; 5 rooms and batn, full cement basement, lot 60x100. $3500 $1200 down; 5-room bglw., bath, fireplace, fuel for winter, full lot. $3525 $ 1 650 down ; 5 rooms, bath, lot 150x100. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 378T. LAURELHURST COLONIAL CORNER. Beautiful 7-room colonial ..home, lo cated on oversize corner in park section, 1 block from car; built for home three years ago and never offered for sale he fore; center entrance hail. French doors to 30-ft. living room; French doors to elaborate dining room; pass pantry, ideal kitchen, breakfast room, finest oak doors, papered walls with old ivory finish; 4 tile fireplaces, 3 large bedrooms with dressing rooms and sleeping porch; ga rage, line lawn and lots of shrubbery. Priced much below actual value. Terms. Tabor 407. . H! A TTTTITTTT. WlST RIDE BUNGALOW. Strictlv modern semi-bungalow of 7 rooms, all hardwood floors downstairs, 2 hpdmnmit and sleeoing porch upstairs, 2 bedrooms downstairs, fireplace, full concrete basement. Fox furnace; a sight ly location. 60x100 lot, with magnificent view. This house will be sacrificed un furnished or elegantly furnished to first huver who ia willine to submit a reason able offer, as owner is compelled to leave for east immediately, bee RICHARD W. MAST, RITTBR, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. NEW MODERN BUNGALOW, ACRE. Larce livtne room with fireplace, i bedrooms with closets and linen closet. bathroom with full set of fixtures and mirror door to medicine chest, kitchen and breakfast room with all built-in conveniences, cement basement With in side entrance, wash trays and cement floor; inside of house all in enamel fin ish, one block from Hawthorne car tine. East 71st street. For quick sale, price $3750. Buv from owner and save com mission. A. V ESTER, phone Woodlawn 2948. 14750 CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW $4750 If you want a double constructed home in best nart of Rose City with large ga rage, cement runway, paved street, full Jot, 5 rooms in old ivory enamel, furnace, fireplace, buffet, cabinet kitchen, best bath, toilet and laundry fixtures, within two blocks of car and public school, $2000 below present building cost, buy this; $1500 cash and mo. payments. GRUSSI & BENNETT, 318-321 Board of Trade. Main 7452. NEW BUNGALOW. Here is a buy for you. Owner must leave for California; 5 rooms just com pleted, cement porch, large living room with fireplace, eun room, Dutch kitchen, laundry trays; 1 block to Mississippi ave. car.; close in; $4400; will take good vacant lot as part payment, some cash and terms for balance at per cent. METZGER-PARKER COMPANY, 269 Oak St. Bdwy. 6355. WALKING DISTANCE. EAST SIDE. A lovely semi-colonial home of seven rooms, four bedrooms, nice neighborhood, two blocks from car; fireplace, furnace. concrete basement, wash trays; 50x100 lot: large living room, without equivoca tion the best obtainable and under valued. Price $6500, $1000 cash, Mr. Mahoney. COE A McKENNA & CO. 82 Fourth st. Main 4522. ROSE CITY. 4-room bungalow, two bedrooms, oak floors, fireplace and furnace, garage, corner lot; choice shrubs; 2 blks. to car; $4500; $1350 cash. C. M. DERR, COB A. McKENNA & CO., 82 4th Street, Main 4522. NEW BUNGALOW. $700 CASH. Balance $35 monthly. Including inter est; neat, modern 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, basement; whole price $3900. See ' RICHARD W. MAST, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. EAST SIDE HOME WANTED. Not too far out. About 6 rooms. Call Mr. York, Marshall 1265. IRVINGTON. S65O0. 41000 CASH. $50 MONTHLY. Lovely 6-room small home, 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors, all ivory: full base ment, wired for electric stove; modern throughout; garage; grounds izoxuO; va cant. McDonell. E. 419. FINE 7-room bungalow, nicely furnished complete witn manogany piano, best ot furnace heat: in one of best locations. Portland Heights district: $2300 down m- Iper nnd reasonable terms tn raii.hiA party. Call Marshall 950 between 10:30 A. m. ana o.au xr, jh. ONLY $3150 for this beautiful 5-room bungalow on run lot; nas hardwood floors, bullet, iirepiace, Duut-in kitchen, cement basement; oniy z biocas to car has fine shrubbery. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S787. TTIVTNGTON. $7000. $1000 CASH. Beautiful home, 1 block from car, near Siskiyou, vacant, built 4 years, best ma terial, 7 beautiful rooms, modern to the minute; iirst noor wua mpeBiry paper. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. T.room artistic modem house. 2 bath rooms, new gas furnace, 3 beautiful lots, practically level, wonderful unobstructed views. Must be sold to settle estate. Immediate possession, xtuui&is. Mar shall 48X7. - OWNER HAS CUT PRICE. Laurelhurst. 5 rooms, hardwood floors. all white enamel, fireplace, French doors, full cement basement; $800 down payment. Call 301 Railway Ex. Main 7931. airs. baprifICE in 6-room modern Irvirr ton house, 1 block to Broadway; house like new and ready to move in; worth $7000; will sell $3900; owner. M Iti5..-Oregonian. . OWNER COMPELLED CUT PRICE. 5 rooms on hardsurface, one block ear. Piedmont district; a real snap fr $2800, terms. 301 Railway Exch. Main 7931. IRVINGTON HOMES. McDonell. 600 East 14th N. East 19. EXTRA fine R. C. Park home, corner, block to car; vacant. Owner. Tabor 2209, BARGAIN In R. C. bungalow and garage, sidv; ciear i lerou, xaoor uiu REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ARB YOTT LOOKING FOR A B8MBT LET US SHOW YOU LAURELHURST. Seven rooms, extra large living room, large dining room, solarium, 4 bedrooms, breakfast room, tapestry paper, French doors, beautiful electric fixtures, hard wood floors, fireplace, full basement, Gasco furnace, automatic water heater, cement porch, garage, view lot. It you are looking for something different, this is it. " ROSE CITY. Five rooms, living and dining room, sleeping room, breakfast nook, buffet, hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, lot 60x100. ROSE CITY. Three rooms, large living room, large bedroom, kitchen and breakfast nook; lot 60x100. Very attractive little homes, reasonable. Call Automatic 332-47 or in quire of the owner, 1418 Sandy blvd. WESTOVER DISTRICT. FINE VIEW LARGE GROUNDS. BEAUTIFUL SHRUBS; STRICTLY MODERN RESIDENCE. ENTRANCE HALL. LARGE LIVING ROOM WITH FIREPLACE. SUN PARLOR. DINING ROOM AND KITCHEN FIRST FLOOR; 5 BEDROOMS, BATH SECOND FLOOR; MAID'S ROOM AND BATH THIRD FLOOR: HARDWOOD FLOORS. FINE BASEMENT. HOT-WATER HEATING PLANT HEATED BY GAS. LARGE GARAGE. FOR FEW DAYS CAN SELL FOR THIRD LESS THAN IT WOULD COST TO DUPLICATE TODAY. SHOWN i-. X 5 X Art'OiNTMBNT. POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800 EAST 6771. MARSHALL 1898. $850 CASH. $850 CASH. No. 276 5-room bungalow, breakfast nooK, narawooa iioors, large attic, fire place, good basement with laundry trays, paved streets, cement sidewalks and sewer: all the latest built-ins. Pricn $5250. $850 cash, balance only $40 per MARSHALL 1898.. $200 CASH, PRICE $2275. $250 CASH. PRICE 2250. South Portland car. 5 rooms and bath, full basement, fruit trees In bear ing. The price is only $2275, only $200 down. Why pay rent when you can get a snap nice inis: West of Piedmont car barns, real bungalow of 7 rooms and hath, 50x100 lot. Z blocks to car. Just think of eet ting a 7-room bungalow for $2250 and only $250 down. Come In today, or call us up and we'll show you these good uuys. COMTE & KOHLMAN, 208 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6550. ALBERTA. $1250 4-room bungalow 50x100 lot. some iruii ana snruooery. $2200 6 rooms and bath. 25x100 Int. $2400 6 rooms and bath, 50x100, paved street. $2500 4 rooms and bath, garage, 5 Ox 100. fruit. Daved street. $2600 5 rooms and bath, 50x125, paved nreec $2700 6 rooms and bath. 40xlOO. $2800 6 rooms and bath. 33 1-3x100 lot. These can be bought from $400 to ivuu aown, oaiance ime rent. J OHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main STS 7. ROSE CITY PARK HOMR Delightful 6-room home with enclosed sleeping porch and breakfast room, liv ing room 14x27, dining room 13x18. nice large bedroom down, 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch uo. finished nlri ivnrv. white and tapestry paper, oak polished floors, fireplace, all the built-ins, fur nace, garaee. improvements in and tiaid 1 y blocks from Sandy car below hilL THE FRED A JACOBS COMPANY. 104 Fifth st. Main 6869. MARSHALL 1898. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. No. 262 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, very pretty lot, one block to car line; remember, this is the biggest snap ever offered in Rose City. Total price $4350, $1850 cash, bal ance to suit. MARSHALL 1898. WILLAMETTE Heights bargain; owner left city; will sell former home, strict ly modern; 8 rooms and large sleeping porch, large living room with fireplace, - French doors to dining room, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, also in one bedroom; finished throughout in white enamel, hardwood floors, solid cement garage; lot 75x100. TERMS. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO., Bdwy. 2980. 85 4th St. UNIVERSITY PARK $1950. Here is a five-room bungalow that cannot be beat at the price; four rooms down and one up and nicely located. 1 block from carline; good basement; get away from the rent by paying $350 down; easy terms on balance. v Mahoney, COE A. McKENNA Sc. CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 4522; evenings Columbia 63S. UNIVERSITY PARK $3000. A new spick and span five-room bun galow ; all rooms on one floor and a large basement ; 50x100 lot; 2 blocks from carline and school; you will ap preciate this; easy terms. Mahoney, ' COE A. McKENNA A CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 4522; evenings Columbia 038. IRVINGTON. Best part East 23d street North; en trance hall, very large living room, din ing room, kitchen 1st floor; 3 fine bed rooms, sleeping porch and bath second floor; large attic, full basement, furnace, garage, hardwood floors, white enamel, finish. Shown only by appointment. POINDEXTER, 208 Selling Bldg. Main 1800. Residence East 6771. WESTOVER HEIGHTS HOME. Magnificent new Georgian colonial hnm built of hollow tile and stucco, on double lot. with unobstructed view of city, mountains ana river; every new f nt nra. including brocaded silk paneled walls, hand-painted solarium, 12 sets of French doors, a tne Dams, aouoie ga rage, gas. hot-water heat. R. H. Torrey owner. Tabor 407. MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. For Quick sale this cosy little bunga low, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in conveniences, 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch, basement, good furnace, 50x100 lot; will oe sacniicea at iww. aes RICHARD W. MAST, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LOOK AT THIS. MR. RENTER MOVE RIGHT IN. A substantial 6-room with large re ception hall, corner lot, 1 block from car, has lust been newly painted and tinted. -pay a small sum down and move in and pay like rent. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, 104 Fifth st Main 6869. HERE'S A BARGAIN, WALNUT PARK i rooms. area rooms aownstairs. with sleeping room and bath; 3 finished rooms upstairs," witn toilet ana wasn bowl ; full cement oasement, iurnace: j hinflt car. excellent neighborhood; S5250. $1500 cash; vacant 1st. Marshall 1022. Sellwood 2 1 06. ROSE CITY. 1 -story bungalow type; fine living rtom, CSimng room, nucnen. j. oearoom and bath 1st floor; hardwood floors, 3 bedrooms 2d floor; furnace, garage, full lot; $600O. POINDEXTER, 208 Selling Bldg. Main 1800. Residence- East 6771. FINE BUNGALOW SNAP. trVf, rooms and attio, bath, toilet. built-ins, basement, full lot, sidewalks in and Y a! d . close to car. On 1 v S 2700 $750 cash will handle. Main 1166 or 615 Cham, of Com, bldg. ' TIE ATT TIFUL GROVEL AND PARK.' Owner called east, must sell 5-rabm fmndF-m bungalow, hardwood floors, fire- v place, built-ins, paved and paid; priced for quick sale $4500, $200O cash tr less for all cash. Mar. Tabor 3Q9Q. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, WONDERFUL VIEW. Very modern 8-room house and sleep ing norcn, oearooms, a oatns, not wa ter heat, garage. $10,000, good terms. ZIMMERMAN, 818 Chamber of Com, X'22O0 WHY PAY RENT $2200. Dandy 5-room bungalow, almost new, near 82d, Montavilla car; this is an ex ceptional DUy luu ovvf vaou win tia.uu.ia. TH-Ej x- rC L -a- UAsJjao .uairAiM, 104 Fifth st. Main 6869. SUNNYSIDB CLOSE-IN. S2500 $SOO CASH. Fivft-rnom house. Balance $15 month. See A. K. Hill, 426 Lumbermen's bldg. No telephone information. FURNISHED COMPLETE. Five-room modern cottage, on car- line, ready to walk into; street Improve ments all in and paid for. Price-$2350, $350 down. Call East 661 or East 8038. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE Owner leaving miiRt sen line no me on iua near razee 7 rooms, sleeping porch, oak floors, art paper, garage, iast ay. Main ao.s. SELLWOOD. 200x100, $2200. K.rnnm plastered Queen Anne house, good condition, owner leaving city, take IUUU casn, no umiisuBTi, wyo. ocu. x I Ol aores back of Council Crest creek: fur niture, wood. 3 blocks car; $2000. Oregon electric, xaoor xwvu. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. HIGH-CLASS HOMES. We want buyers of distinctive homes to become acquainted with,, our high-class home department, a department evolved to serve thoso who are looking for "good buys" In the better type of modern, homes. Here are a few of our high-class home bargains: $6500 WILLAMETTE HTS. $650tf. Nearly new, completely modern. 6-room bungalow, and large en closed sleeping porch: new Gasco furnace; new large electric kitchen range; instantaneous electric hot water heater. These utilities alone cost $1000 to Install. Room in at tic for two work rooms; fine lot, 60x125 feet; magnificent view over Portland, $2000 cash will handle. 6950 WILLAMETTE HTS. $950. 1 -story bungalow, No. 414 . North 31st street, corner Vaughn street, on fine 50x100 corner lot ; fine view; very larg living room with fireplace; pretty paneled din -ing room, hardwood floors; 4 nice bedrooms and bath; garage, etc.: $25O0 cash will handle; immediate possession. A HOME WITH AN INCOME. How would you like to own a 7-room home, close in on east side and walking distance to westside, and a 2-family modern flat build ing'on same lot? Both flats up-to-date, and very desirable, with sep arate furnaces, sleeping porches, etc. Here's your opportunity! The 7-room house is rented for $35. Each flat rents for $37.50. an in- f come of $110 per month; or live in the 7-room house and rent the fiats. Owner leaving Portland will sell the above desirable property at $10,000; $6250 cash required. BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST. 149 East 43d St., just north of GHsan ; 1 -story bungalow, large living room, hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, 4 nice bedrooms, full cement basement; stationary tubs. - This is a very nice modern f home, and a splendid buy at $6000. ANOTHER LAURELHURST HOME. Nearly new, splendidly built and very desirable in every way; hard wood firs, throughout, all nice big rooms, lots of built-ins. No. 211 Royal Court (inspection by ap pointment only). This Is a perfect little home; white enamel through out. Price $7700. ALAMEDA. Very attractive Swiss chalet, a . type all its own; No. 864 Regents drive; beautiful large rooms, a most beautiful scenic location run ning through from Regents drive to Ridgway drive; ground 50xl29ic 139 feet; no printed description can do this beautiful home justice; It must be seen to be appreciated. Price $9000. These are but a few of the many high-class borne bargains that we -have. If interested in any of the above, see J. W. Crossley. manager -high-class home department. (Sun day or evenings phone Main 5073.) FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Distinctive Homt, Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Third St., bet. Wash, and Stark. . ATTENTION! ROSE CITY PARK BUYERS! If you are going to buy in Rose City FarK you owe it to yourself to first in spect our listings. We have sold prop erty in this district for years. Most of cur salesmen live in Rose City Park. We maintain a branch office there at 50th and Sandy. We know the history of nearly every house in the district. Those who want to sell naturally liBt their property with ns. Tou have all to gain we would consider it a privilege to show you. You will be under no obligations positively. A. G. TEEPH CO., 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main 3092. Branch Office: 50th and Sandy. MARSHALL 1898. LAURELHURST DISTRICT. CASH, $400. 6-room bungalow, fireplace, gas heat ing system, as you use gas for fuel you need no basement, full plumbing, elec tric lights, paved streets, sewer, cement walks, cement driveway in for garage, lot 40x116, half block to car line. Total price $4750, $400 cash, balance $40 per month. MARSHALL 1898. ROSE CITY PARK. 5 -Room Bungalow and Garage. $6500. The price might seem high, but com pare this with some of the $10,000 bun galows you have een. This is a brand new bunsralow and in noint of construc tion and finish we doubt whether there is anything better in Rose City Park. Located just off Alameda drive. The price is very low for such a quality buu- Bhiuw. ijci us snow you. A. G. TEEPB CO., 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main 3092. Branch Office: 50th and Sandy. MODERN , 7-room house with large sleep- inK porcn across run width of house. Place was built bv owner for a home and has been occupied by him solely for the last 10 years. It is located on choice corner lot. improved with fruit trees and berries. A wonderful place for a permanent home. Must be seen to be appreciated. The only reason It is for sale is the breaking up of the family. Can be bought for $7000. on easy terms. ror particulars see BEN RIESLAND. 404 Piatt Bldg.. 127 Parte St. LADD'S ADDITION. NIFTY BUNGALOW S6500. Folks, if you want a real bungalow one within walking distance then do let us show you this attractive home. Come prepared to see a real nifty, downright modern bungalow, one with lots of class and distinction. Hardwood floors throughout. . Living room extends entire width Of house. Bear in mind th. lot alone cost $2000. The owner 1b leaving rui uuuu ana must sen. A. G. TEEPB CO., 270 Stark St., near 4th. Main 3092. $1500 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. $500 DOWN, BAL. MONTHLY. Selling-at a loss; owner leaving city. 4-room ptasterea oungaiow, with elec tricity, citv water, white enameled plumbing, Dutch kitchen, 40x100 lot with alley, nice lawn and shrubbery, 3 blocks Mt. Scott car. Will sell furnished if desired. Make your rent money come duck io you. Let us show vou. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. HAWTHORNE. 5 Rooms and Garage $4750. You'll like this one. Here is one of those real modern, suner-attractlve bun galows with all the little built-ins and refinements one naturally expects to find in a real home. - You would expect to pay much more than $4750. It's a snap xor someone, uei ousy. inspect this now. 270 Stark St., near 4th. Main 3092. Branch Office: 50th and Sandy. MARSHALL 1898. ROSE CITY. No. 267- 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, garage, furnace, fireplace, in fact, this is a modern, up-to-date place, paved streets, cement sidewalk, only 1 block to car line; total price $5500, $2000 cash, oaiance to suit purcnaser. MARSHALL 1898. MY EQUITY for sale. If you are lookin lor a good nome. well built. 2-atorv 8 room, modern, walking distance, this is Just as good a put-up house as you will find on the east side; furniture, wood and fruit if desired. 476 East 10th st. South. Mrs. Christopher. Call Sell wooa si4s. LAURELHURST BUNGALOWS , We have three fine bungalows, ready for occupancy; $7500 and $8000. Call for appointment. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. MODERN 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. An attractive bungalow, in a good dis trier, not far out, on a paved street, anc in excellent district; only $3150. with small payment down to responsible party. inquire evenings, at 418 34th st. 6-R. MODERN BUNGALOW. Paved streets, fine lot. garage, close to school, car and walking distance to Franklin Hign; must sen, 7-vou, terms. Buy from owner. Tabor 3871. WEST SIDE. 6 rooms, excellent condition, lawn an fruit, good garage. $3600. S600 cash bal. 6. Fisher, with Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark st. Mam 5429. NEAR HAWTHORNE AVE. Seven-room modem house. 2 sleenln norches. garage, paved street, all naid $0500. Would take some acreage. Tabor 8441. J 3 000 SIX-ROOM modern house. 1 bloc to car; lot 50x144. Plenty of fruit," good d i strict, ouu casn. Dai. so a xnont Seaman 410, Railway Exch. bldg. Main 7660. HERE, FOLKS Why pay rent when you can own a modern 5-room cottage, close to 2 carlines, for only $2200, $1000 cash, bal. like rent. See It. Call Wdln. 4S20. FOR SALE 6-room modern Call Auto ma Lie 213-74 bungalow. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. BO ME NEW THOUGHTS FROM BUNGALOWLAND." Mr. J. R. Haight, manager of our "new" home department, is an expert in "BUXGALO WTEC TURE," and can show you some of the newest, finest bungalows built in the city of Portland. So dainty and new. A LOVELY IRVINGTON. $7CKM) IN HEART OF IRVING TON 1 Cannot you see your fireplace glow in this dain ty, cozy bungalow? French doors; hardwood floor; a white Dutch kitchen that's Ideal. A paradise to make each meal! It's the newest of the new. East 11th and Siskiyou. HERE'S A ROPB CITY! $5500 THE WIDE -PILLARED PORCH OF THIS ROSE CITY. extends a hearty greeting to you! IT'S S P L E'N D I D L Y CON STRUCTED, with beautiful built-ins that make every day a WORK-LESS PLEA SURE! Hardwood floors; sunniest breakfast nook. E. 60th. NEW! VACANT! WAITING I HAWTHORNE'S NEWEST. $75 DOWN. $4750 A NEW, VACANT HAW THORNE with built-ins, hardwood floors; book cases; firepiace; white Dutch kitchen with sunny breakfast nook; old ivory finish; garage; 1 block to car on a paved st. IF YOU ARE WANTING A NEW BUNGALOW in this dis trict, it will do you good to see this. UNDUPLICATED VALUE! We have hundreds of brand-new shining bungalows in every part of Portland. 22 "LITTLE GEMS'" in Irvington, alone! Best of home environment, and splendid con struction. MAKE THESE BUNGA LOWS DIFFERENT FROM THE ORDINARY. Let Mr. Haight show you these today! With FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your "NEW HOME. Ablngton Bids. Main 106&. TDTrTvr.Tnv TM QTR ICT $5500. You have not seen a nicer 5-roora bun- ! k.n . t &nv nrice. It is lo cated on a full-sized corner lot, only one block from Broadway; has a splendid living room with fine oak floors ana every room has plenty of light; indirect lighting fixtures, universal furnace and a very wen-piannea Kiicnen, " , . X. fast nook, make this a wonderful home, which we do not believe can be dupli--t onvthlnr near the price. IF YOU WANT TO. BUY AT BOTTOM PRICES, SEE US. Mr. Symmonds, COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth Street. Main 4522. NEW, NIFTY BUNGALOW. This attractive double constructed bungalow is located on a beautiful cor ner lot in Rose City Park with all as Dl.mnto naiH- oYnontinnallv large liv ing room, walls' beautifully papered with expensive tapestry paper, large plate glass windows, hardwood iioors, tire nipi. buffet. Dutch kitchen, breakfas nook, cement basement, wash trays, etc Liberal terms. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St.. near 4 th. Main 3092, Branch Office: 50th and Sandy. $850. 3 ROOMS, FURNISHED. 1250 DOWN. Neat 3-ror.m house with gas and run ning water, full basement. There are 2 good stoves, rug, linoleum and other turmture mat go who. una umc nwmc. SSoO full price, siidu aown, io moom n hola nr TCd f iitit h a VC and SJQ St. S E. Here's a etiance to get rm oi tne l.nHlnrH onri r,a V the Mmfi amOUnt Oil & home of your own. wuica posseaaiuu GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. o.n'uKaf cirr-mnuiiincpn fnree immedi ate sale. Price has been reduced from $10 000. We iust want you to compare this with some of the $10,000 bungalows Bhnwn The iftt in an exceptionally large one. You will find every conceivable convenience. One of the show places of Rose City Park. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., . 270 Stark St., near 4th. Main 3092. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. FURNISHED LITTLE HOME. All ready for housekeeping; ideal lo cation, on Sunnyside car line; it has 5 rooms, modern, bath, electric lights and gas, small lot. paved street, city sewer, all liens paid; only $2850. $1050 cash, bal. $20 per month. This would make a fine investment for a good income. Immediate possession- if desired. See E. W. Hughes, 507 Journal bldg. Main 285. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. FOR THE NEWLY WEDS. A very clever and complete 4-room bungalow, 2 nice bedrooms, oak polished floors, old ivory and white Japanese silk paper, fireplace, gas furnace, beau tifully furnished, furniture included in price, $6000, very easy terms. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 Fifth St. - Main 6S69. PALATINE HILL. -HOTTS: AXD OVER TWO ACRES. irino fumliv orchard of almost an acre; grape vines; good well; only 300 feet from Palatine road; gas and elec tricity available; westerly view; near good school; chance for a real country home: only $4000. terms. Mrs. Helen S. Turner, 1006 Spalding bldg. Main 866. Residence Riverdale, Main 7271. SEOOM bungalow, furnished, good furni ture, modern in every respect, in une t.siahhnrhnnd Hnse to hich SChOOl everything you need Is there. Buy this H -move riirht In. Deal direct with owner. This place will be open for inspection from 6 to F. M. .trice Rome cash. bal. terms. 913 Albina ave.. cor. Skidmore, one block from car line. xj a iv-Tunn RTTNGALOW OWNER. Vacrtv naintpd. decorated, tinted, old ivory and white, 5-room bungalow; large veranda and hall, attic, light, large kitrhen. usual built-ins, cement base ment, wash trays; fine corner lot, streets all improved, paia; reaucea uora to $3800. terms. Key at 323 E. 37th. Tabor 8279. OH BOY! LOOK! READ ! gnfl DOWN $40 PER MONTH $40. Strictly modern new 6-room bunga low; furnace, narawooa iioors, street ira nrovements paid : Irvington car; price today $5250; worth $6500; unlocked. 821 E. 16th St. .IN. iUast 4UUV. VACANT MT. TABOR VACANT. Five-room cottage, full lot. loads of fruit and berries, fireplace, cement base ment; $75 worth of wood goes if sold this week. Only $2100, $400 cash. Mar. 3352, TaDor J. B. ROCK CO. For Sale Business Property. CLOSE-IN property on quarter blk. at E. 15th and Schuyler; 9-room house, hardwood floors, through out, gas furnace, in excellent con dition and location; suitable for home or apartment. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, East 7976. 3D AND TAYLOR, fine business corner, income; pricea reasonaoiy; gooa leniw. Zimmerman, 818 Chamber of Commerce. Main 8052. MrmiTRV white brick bldg.. monthly In come $2S0. Price $27,000, terms. Inquire owner. 54 Tacoma ave. seuwouu PTiR rat.r CinrtA corner lot. Sixth and E, Burnsiae. on gooa wrms. wwuci. Oregon st. Suburban Homes. TTTFi SUBURBAN HOMESITE. in S7 acres close to Portland on hari rnad and two car lines. Just imagin yourself in that log bungalow with tall UTS in your iruui J -, wim ut-v and roses, gravel walks, etc. Only $32 per acre. Your money will talk, or can have terms. 615 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 2 ACRES, 4 blocks from Metzger Station, all under cultivation; chicken park, lots of fruit; 5-room bungalow, with best of white enamel plumbing, full cement basement; small barn, chicken house, tank house, water system. Price $3500, $1500 cash, balance at 6 per cent. Good train service, low commutation fare. John Fergusbn? Gerlinger bldg. $4500 BUYS MODERN BUNGALOW at Multnomah, with furnace, fireplace and every convenience, on large tract of ground facing improved county boule vard Must be seen to be appreciated. For particulars call on BEN RIESLAND. 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park St.. or at his Multnomah office, on the boulevard. SUBURBANITES! We have hundreds of personally in spected suburban homes In every outly ing district in Portland. We're open every evening and Sunday. If you want a suburban Home, see F. C. Marshall with FRANK L. MCGUIRE Ablngton Building. Main 1068. CHICKEN R1ANCH Almost five acres, cultivated, fenced, well, barn, some fruit, no house; only 35 minutes out; at a sac rifice for $1700, easy terms. Call 500 Concord bldg.. Second and Stark. GENTLEMAN'S country home, 5 acres, beautiful park estate, 24 miles from Port land; no agents, deal direct with owner. p. Ot box 1008. city. . .. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. FIVE acres in Gresham, highly improved sou in slope, gooa six-room nouse, modern in every way; chicken houses, barn and garage, good orchard, one acre of raspberries and a quarter acre of strawberries, one block from Shiller ata--tion. electric carline; this property will be sold at a price that will bear close investigation. Owner must sacrifice. Ad dress, route 4, box 7, Gresham, or phone Gresham 307. HIGH-CLASS SUBURBAN HOME. 2 acres, 6 blocks from station. Beaver ton; fine graveled road, near the high way, all under cultivation; lots of ber ries; new modern 4-room bungalow with sleeping porch ; full cement basement, gas, electric lights, city water; very at tractive bungalow. $2000 cash, balance at monthly payments. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carline. from $18K up. Inquire 3d house north of Risley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." For Sale Acreage. $1250. PARKROSB $62.50 DOWN, $15 MONTH. 1 1-3 acres, high, well drained land, beautiful building site, with view of valley and mts., fine grove of shade trees, balance in cultiva tion, short distance from Sandy blvd. and car line, rich silt soil, unrestricted. J. L. HARTMAN CO. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. .Main 208. 2 t-3 ACRES. $95 DOWN. ' $20 MONTH. Parkrose, Just outside city lim its, near Sandy blvd. and car line; land all cleared ready for the -plow, rich garden soil, good view, well drained, suitable for berries, celery, garden. Price $1902. J. L. HARTMAN CO. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. ACRES. 5 COWS, 300 WHITE LEG HORN HENS. 10 MILES OUT. FOR $3500. 10 miles west of Portland, near Re Electric station, short distance off of highway, on good hard road. 5 acres, very richest of land, all cleared. 4-roon bouse, good-sized barn, up-to-date chick en house 20x 64, other outbuildings, plenty fruit and berries. Personal: 5 splendid cows, 300 White Leghorn pullets. 3 hogs, 15 tons hay, lots kale and roots, all im plements needed. Price for everything only $3500; income past year $2700. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 6th St. Broadway 4351. 5 ACRES AT GRESHAM. CITY LIMITS. Good soil, all under cultivation, all kinds of fruit, well built 6-room plas tered house, concrete basement; good plumbing; private water system; good wood house. $50oO. 7 ACRES WELL IMPROVED. On fine road in Gresham high school d it rict ; 3 4 acres in berries ; privat water system ; all in cultivation ; new bungalow plastered and well finished ; good barn, chicken house and runs. $1700. KRIDER & ELKTNGTON. Gresham, Or. FINE ACRE TRACT FOR SALE. Good constructed plain house. rooms, all kinds of choice grafted fruit, all kinds berries and grapes-, good chicken run-; this acre is close In, Ihb blocks from car line. This ib just what you want; pric $5000. about 25 young chickens go with place. Call Mar. 39S9. Pa cific Agency, and ask for Klstler. Evenings, East 1S65. CITY DAIRY BARGAIN. Dairymen, here is just what you have been looking for; right in city; good district takes all milk, no long haul; lot 200x130 with all kinds of fruit; good 8-room house with full cement base ment ana furnace: barn, mllkhouse and chicken house. Everything handy for dairying, including 8 acres adjoining leased for raising feed. Near street car and school. All for $43O0, with good terms. FREDERIC C. PRATT. Broadway 1658. 210 Oregon Bids, Fifth and Oak. S ACRES 6 MILES OUT, 6-ROOM PLAS- TttED ri UL.SC, i- ia rnun. FOR $5000. Just the choice little country home you want; 8 acres, perfect land, no rock, all cleared; 6-roora plastered house, nice red barn, numerous outbldgs., lots Iruit, bearing English walnuts, 2 cows, chlcic ens. hay. grain, wood implements: Pric $5000, cash; just 6 miles city limits, in splendid community. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 North 6th St. Broadway 4351. FINE LOGANBERRY LAND. Nearly 7 acres, 2 miles east of city, on paved road. 3 blocks from electric sta tion; all under cultivation, 120 bearing fruit trees, pears, prunes, apples, cher ries, etc., half logan and strawberries; small 5-room house; barn, garage, a chicken houses. Price $4300. $1100 cash. Creek by place. Personally inspected. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. EXCELLENT LAND AT $30 PER ACRE. On columDia river, ,uciCCu . -and Astoria; 7200 acres of logged -off land just put on the market in small tracts; deep rich soil, slighlty rolling, Kood transportation, schools. church, Store, postoffice. warehouse and docks. Select now while you can get choica--tracts; easy terms. Arrange to go Sun day or Wednedsay. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 3!t tst W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. FRUIT AND CHICKEN HA.NLrt. 10 acres, all cultivated; 2 acres prunes, 2 a. apples and other fruit; 9-rm. house, new modern barn, chicken house. 16x50; StTer outbuildings. Dandy team. 2 ! cows. 1 calf 1 hog, 150 chickens lots of farm implements; 7 tons hay. 40 sacks pota toes wheat oats, corn, carrots, kale and an kinds of vegetables go with theplac. at $450O; terms. F. R. Jesse. 6J7 Cor bett bldg. .- 10 ACRES AT ORCHARD W AbH. This tract has 6 acres of 15-year-ocl prunes, balance in small fruit and gar den; 6-R. house and small barn; six blocks from hard-surface road. 14 miles from this office. 1 block to prune dryer. Price $2650, half cash and terms. Act QU1CkIy GRUSSI & BENNETT. 318-21 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7453. 11 MI. FROM Portland, 9 acres, all culti- vatea; new -room uuurc, ia-u tered, concrete basement, good barn, garage and chicken house, 35 chickens, cow and implements; acre potatoes, fruit trees and strawberries; mi from electric. R. R.. mi. from paved high way, good gravel road; $6000, terms can be arranged. U. R. Bunce, Sherwood, Or., route No. 1. 5 ACRES, mile from station at Orenco. All can be cultivated, under cultiva tion, creek and spring, 25 apple trees, cherries and pears; acre loganberries, some strawberries and raspberries; b room house, 2 large chicken houses, 3 incubators, brooder house. Price $4150, half cash. Marsters. with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. OAK GROVE. Let me show you this lU-acre tract, close to fine sandy bathing beach, short walk to school and interurban, best of soil. Only $1000, easy terms. FREDERIC C. PRATT. Broadway 165S. 210 Oregon Bldg. FOR SALE LOGGED-OFF LAND. Write for. map of western Washington, showing location, price and terms. Over 10 000 acres sold last year at our low price. Easy payments offered to actual tattlers WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma, Wash. $50 DOWN, $15 MONTH for splendid 20-acre tract, 12 miles to Oregon City, 7 miles to Beaver creek. 1 mile to Highland; fine soil, first and second-growth fir timber. 1 acre cleared; total price $950. Fred W. German Co 732 Chamber of Commerce. 10 ACRES with creek, duck pond, 6-room house, barn, chicken house, 100 chick ens 1 cow, heifer calf, 1 horse, 1 hog, 200 apple trees, 6 cherry trees, logan and strawberries; on paved road, near 8"d st. Will take small house in part trade. Call East 4447. 7iA ACRES in sec. 2, 3. JOE., 5 acres un der cultivation; 35 fruit trees 9 years old ISO 5 years old, land Is 34 north of the Columbia river; water right for irrigation. Price $2250. $750 down. WOODCOCK, 327 Henry Bldg. " " tTmber for sale. cordwood near gresham. 2000 cords very best first growth tim ber close to Gresham, for sale cheap. KRIDER & ELKINGTON, Gresham, Or. 5 AND 10-ACRE irrigated tracts in south ern Oregon, on Pacific highway, near city; ideal climate. Particulars.. C. O. W ol 1 ero. Gran tsPass. Or. Homesteads, Relinquishments. qa LOCATE you on a good homestead, Portland or Rosehurg district, farming or timber tracts; ateo have some good relinquishments. E, W. Helm, 317 Board of Trade bldg. .. .