THE , 3IORNING OREGOMAX, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1920 RlffiER IS ASSURED SERIATE PRESIDENCY Umatilla Senator Held Sure of 19 Votes. EDDY RETIRES FROM RACE With Contest Over Organization Eliminated, TTpper House Can Begin Business Promptly. - Roy "W. Ritner, state senator from Umatilla county, will be the presi dent of the Btate senate in the 1921 session. About lour months ago Sen ator Ritner had the necessary 16 votes and following the general elec tion, November 2. three senators, who did not wish to give a pledge until they were actually -elected, came to him, giving Ritner 19 votes. Support ers of B. L. Eddy, senator from Doug las county, Ritner's only opponent, discovered this week that Eddy's case was hopeless and advised . him to withdraw. Testerday Senator Eddy telephoned Senator Ritner of his withdrawal. Senator Ritner's support consists of Senators W. "W. Banks of Multno mah, Clatsop and Columbia; John B. Bell of Lane and Linn. Bruce Den nis of Union and Wallowa, C. R. Eberhard of Morrow. Umatilla and Union; C. J. Edwards of Tillamook Lincoln. Yamhill and Washington Charles Ellis of Grant, Harney and Malheur: R. E. Farrell of Multnomah Charles Hall of Coos and Curry, Wal ter B. Jones of LaJie, Gus C. Moser of Multnomah. A. W. Norblad of Clat sop, L L. Patterson of Benton and Polk. F. H. Porter of Linn, O. B. Rob ertson of Gilliam. Sherman and Wheeler; T. J. Ryan of Clackamas, J. C. Smith of Josephine. I. S. Staples of Multnomah and Jay Upton of Crook. Deschutes, Jefferson, Klamath and Lake. These, -with Senator Rit ner's own vote, give him 19. Kddy's Supporters Named. The support which Senator Eddy had consisted of Senators W. T. Vinton o Yamhill, Louis Lachmund of Mar inn. C. H. Thomas of Jackson. A. M. L.-iFollett of Marion, John Gill of Multnomah, George Joseph of Multno mah, and W. H. Strayer of Baker. Senator W. T. Hume of Multnomah, and Senator John Nichelsen of Hood River and Wasco, were leaning toward F.ddy. Senator Hare of Washington was in the doubtful column. Senator Ritner's victory has been assured for several months, for the 18th and 19th votes were understood to be for him, but these senators con sidered it advisable not to promise a vote they did not have until after the election. The lineup of Ritner's an nounced votes is practically identical with the forecast published in The Oiegonian in the summer. Senators Vinton, Joseph and Lach mund were convinced recently that Ritner had more than enough votes to elect him, so they advised Eddy to withdraw. Yesterday Senator Eddy got Senator Ritner on the long dis tance and said he was satisfied that Ritner had enough votes to be elected president, declared he was willing to . make it unanimous and was writing to his supporters' t thatend.-' --.. . - -Legislation Is Discussed. ". Twelve of Ritner's supporters have been in Portland in conference with him this week and legislation has been discussed in a general way. Sen ator Ritner will return to Portland again about the holidays and will then begin the making of committee appointments. He may have some ideas now as to where he will place some of the senators,- but If so he is keeping his own counsel. With the elimination of a contest over the senate organization, the up per house can start business promptly and Senator Ritner, knowing that he will be the presiding officer, has two months in which to consider the com position of his committees. It is the desire of Representative L. E. Bean, who will be elected speaker of the house without opposition, to co-operate with Senator Ritner in the mat ter of committees so that they may be able to work out a harmonious programme of appointments, with due consideration for geography and Qualifications. BABIES NEED SID. CHILD WEIiFARE CHAIRMAN APPROVES WAVERXJEV DRIVE. Campaign Opens Monday and Will Close Saturday With Down town Tag Sales. ' Approval of the campaign of War Vccy baby home is givei. by "William 3D. Wheelwright, chairman of the cmia weiiare commission, in a re cent letter to the directors of the home, who plan a $10,000 drive for the coming week. "Inasmuch as the community chest organization will not function until April," wrote Mr. Wheelwright, "we realize that your organization must raise money lor tne maintenance of tne little ones in your care, and we shall be glad to further your work In every way possible." Tne W'averley fund campaign will be launched next Monday, when flying squadron will begin soliciting suoscripiions ana will close on Sat urday with downtown tag sales. Vol unteers for tag day are asked to be present at headquarters, 406 Broad way building, at 2:30 this afternoon, when an organization meeting will be held. Enlistments for tag day may also be made by telephone, automatic 522-57. The home is in debt $5000 and re quires an additional $5000 to carry it through until funds shall be available from the community chest, some time next spring. Mrs. P. C Knapp and Mrs. William Shepherd have been named as leaders of the tag day sales force and will be stationed at the Broadway build ing headquarters. CHANTERS WIN APPLAUSE Singers Return to Corvallis After Successful Trip to Pullman. OHEGON AGRICULTURAL COL- iiiXiB, Corvallis, Nov. 17. (Special.) The Oregon Agricultural college chanters, composed of members of the college glee club, have just returned from Washington State college. Pull man, Wash., where they made a real "hit in a Joint concert with the Washington glee club, according to reports from Pullman. The concert held in connection with festivi- ties surrounding the Oregon Agricul tural college-Washington State game lat Saturday. The personnel or the organization under Professor W. P. Gaskins, director, was: Arthur Kirkham, Port land, business manager;. V. O. Shep herd, accompanist; T. EI. Hampton, Pendleton, Or.; Craig Condit, Juneau, Alaska: K. E. Hamblin, Portland; C. W. Bern is, Roseburg, Or.; John Ohm, Portland; H. C. Goodale, Anaheim, Cal.; C. M. Parsons, Bonanza, Or.; C. F. Dunn, Portland; B. M. Brayton, Medford, Or.; Harry Rands, Corvallis, Or.; A. C. Brandes, Portland; W. E. RameeV, Portland: F. G. Roehr, Port land; E. G. Fahnestock, St. Paul, Minn.; W. O. Hesse, Portland; R. V. Hillstrom, Marshfield, Or.; R. L. Strong, Portland; E. L. Kimball, Eugene, Or., and Mark Aloe, Hood River, Or. SORDID CHARGES MADE IiA3"I03 CASE HEIiD BAXKLY IMMORAL OXE. Cook Said to Have Jjived and Trav. eled With Two 'Women, Pass ing Them as Daughters. One of the most sordid cases tried in the United States district court. judging from the preliminary state ments made to the Jury, will be that of George and Georgia Landon, hus band and wife, whose trial on a charge of violating the Mann white slave act was started yesterday aft- Kmoon. Thev are charged witn transporting Clara Burgy, a girl or 16, from state to state for immoral DurDoses. According to the statement oi Austin Flegel, assistant United States district attorney, to the Jury yester day, Landon, who is a cook, took Georgia Landon. who at that time was not his wife, Clara JSurgy ana Georgia's little daughter with him to Seattle, calling the three girls his daughters. Landon was married to Georgia there, but they had traveled together for several years prior to that time, both as husband and wife and as father apd daughter, accord ing to the opening statement. Clara Burgy, the complaining wit ness, is a victim of misfortune. Left an orphan at the age of 4, she lived for a while with relatives until they cast her adrift when but 14, and she then came to Portland to fend for herself. It was here that she met the Landons, he being a cook in a res taurant and the woman defendant a waitress there. It is said that Clara, whose aunt in Pendleton had cast her adrift, went to the Landon apartment in the Wheeldon Annex ostensibly to care for the little girl whom Landon claimed as a daughter, after Clara had found the work in the restau rant too hard. It is claimed that Lan don promised her $5 a week and to send her to school, which he never did, instead inducing her to travel with him and the two other girls pos ing as his daughters to Seattle. After the party had remained a few months in Seattle they again came to Portland where -the Burgy girl, it is id, went to work in a north-end soft drink parlor. The government in its opening declared it would prove that Landon lived on occasions with both women, the one now his wife and co-defendant and the Burgy girl. D. w. Lapp, assistant manager of the Broadway hotel in Seattle, told of Landon's stay in his place and how the defendant and the three girls occupied one room. The trial of the case will be re sumed tomorrow afternoon. TURKEY POOL IS FORMED FARMERS XEAR ROSEBURG ARE EXPECT! Jf G 50 CKNTS. Growers Are Not Ukely to Offer Many Birds if Price Does Not' Rise Above 45 Cents. ROSEBURG. Or.. Nov. 17. (Spe cial.) With a pool among: the farm ers of this county to control the price of Thanksgiving turkeys assuming largre proportions, buyers are at a loss to judge the ultimate outcome or tnis previously untried method in this county of disposing of the birds. . To date not a single quotation . has been made by either buyer or seller. and the market is much unsettled. Those interested in the turkey pool have been active the past two days and it is stated today, that a majority of the growers have agreed to hold their product for the pool price, which is expected to be 50 cent3 for top tur-keye.- In the event the market does not open above 45 cents it is the un derstanding that but few birds will be placed on disposal for the Thanks giving trade, the bulk of the output to be held for the Christmas market. Growers have been advised , not to kill .until Friday as it is thought Thursday's market will set the stan dard price to prevail for Thanksgiv ing. A. plan is also on foot to market turkeys alive and this may be car ried into effect for the holiday trade. FOREIGNERS SELL LIQUOR Bootleggers Not Oitizens, Says Pro hibition Director. According to G. Johnson Smith, fed eral prohibition director for Oregon, most of the bootlegging in this state is done -by foreigners. This informa tion he disclosed when discussing prohibition enforcement before the law and order conference of the Ore gon Anti-Saloon league. "In other words," said Mr. Smith, "it is the foreigner who ie putting over a lot of this law violation stuff on us. I doubt not that many of them are not citizens, have not even taken out their first papers, yet they get by pretty easily in the courts." Mr. Smith's statement may result in efforts to bring about an investi gation, with the object in view of de porting convicted bootleggers. AMUSEMENTS. LYRIC Musical Comedy Dillon and Franks in "MARUI GRAB." The Bowb.d Choros In Full Bloom. Matinee, at 2; NUtht. 7 and . ChoruB fairls' Contest Fridw Night. 11th and Washing-ton THE SHADOWS OF ROSALIE BYRNES ELAINE HA1MMERSTEIN CIRCLE Fourth ml Washington. Eugene O'Brien IX "The Figurehead" Also s comedy in Ford weekly. Open from 9 o'clock in the morning until 4 o'clock of tne following morning. AMUSEMENTS. i BEGINS TONIGHT, 8:15 I TICKETS AOW SELLING TTT7 T TpBroadwar at Taylor a- A J- M-x. Fhonr nnu X. NIGHTS ra TONIGHT, 8:15 BEGINNI1V SPECIAL PRICE MAT. SAT. EVENlNGSyFloor, 11 rows J2.50, 7 rows 2; Balcony, 5 rows $1.50, 17 rows $1; Gallery, 7 rows 75c, ad mission 50c, SPECIAL SAT. MAT, Floor. $1.60; Balcony, $1: Gallery, reserved and admission, 50c j TICKET OFFICE SALE ' OPENS TOMORROW l, j J At Sherman-Clay's, Sixth and J j J Morrlaotu I I PUBLIC AUDITORIUM I Third and Clay Phone Main 73 I ONE NEXT SUNDAY. NOV. 21 riKnrrvirtrr rw-rrrnnMAf JlmpricaS Foremost Serpen Vmonalivf a U CUD 11 caV Ddamatic Stags production "ghosts" TOGKTHKR WITH OWN COMPANY OF PLAYERS DIRECTION HEILIG THEATER MANAGEMENT I Swore Ticket Now By Mall I AddreBS letters, make checks and postoffice money orders payable to W. T. Pangle, Auditorium, 3d and Clay. ADD 10 PER CENT WAR TAX TO PRICE OF TICKET. In clude self -addressed stamped en velope to help insure safe return. PRICKS. Entire lower floor, $1.50; first balcony, center (rear), S1.&0; both sides, $1; sec ond balcony, center (rear), (1; both sides, 50c. SECiiBE TICKETS EABLI. Iiril IfJ November 24, Four Days nLILIUThankaglvlas and Sat. Mats. Order Seats by Mail Now World's Most Beautiful Production, 'Chu Chin Chow' Address letters, checks, postoffice money orders to W. T. Pangle. ADO 10 PER CENT WAR TAX. Include self - addressed stamped envelope. EVE'S Floor. $4; Balcony, 5 rows J4, 4 at 33, 13 at $2; Gallery. 7 rows reserved $1.50. BOTH MATS. Floor, $3; Balcony, 5 rows $3, 17 rows $2; Gallery, res., 7 rows $1. - ... New Vaudeville-Photoplay Bill Today "THE RIVAL ARTISTS" A Slde-apllttins; Olrl Musical Comedy Skit Fatniias JIMMIK BARR and BOBBItt and ETHEL HAGEN J. Warren Kerrigan in His Latest Picture "The Green Flame" It Is an absorbing- myrtry utory that dofi not clear itself until the -very end. Beatrice McKenzie Accompanied by Raye Dawn Superb Musical Kerne. Tilyou and Rogers Eccentric and Acrobatic Dancing. Smith and Inman Something; Original. Dunlay and Merrill Singing; and Dancing Versatilities BALLOONS FOR THE KIDDIES SATURDAY AFTER.OON, BAKER NOW PLATING, The Sensational , Melodramatic Success. The Crimson Alibi ALSO MATINEE SATURDAY.' DANCING! Every Evening;, 7:30 -to 1 1. In the Big; Ballroom at the FOOD SHO W 60 Exhlbita of Food Products Band Concerts I to S F. H, and 7i30 to 10130 P. M. Lecture Daily at 2:30 P. M. on CIHLIJ FEEDING, By Mia a Lassie Lane of O. A. C. SHOW OPEN 1 P. M. TO 11 P. M. ADMISSION lO CENTS DANCING Taught ALL MEW STEPS and POPULAR DANCES guaranteed in 8 three-hour lessons. Ls.uies $3. Gentlemen $5, De Honey's beautiful academy, 23d and Washington. Beginners class starts Monday and Friday evsninga Advanced classes Tuesday evenings. 8 to 11:30. Plenty of desirable partners and practice no embarrassment. You can never learn dancing in private lessons from in ferior teachers. Phone Main 7656. Private lessons all hours. Prize mask ball Thanks giving night. Will Be rV-ii 30 TOWS (it? Beantlfnl IE AMUSEMENTS. Mats.1St75a Nights 1 S to 1.ZS Cameron Sisters William Gaxton & Co. BOB MURPHY AND ELMORE WHITE MCCORMACK AND IRVtNG CHARLIE WILSON HUBEH'i DYER AltHd by BEH COYNE KITTY THOMAS PANTAGES MATINEE DAILY. 8:30. Vaudeville's Charming Juvenile Production. 'THE MELODY OF YOUTH." With an all-star cast of clever- boys and Blrls. 8 Other Big Acts 6. 8 Shows Daily. Night Curtain 7 and 9. AUCTION BALES. AT WILSON'S Auction house, 169-1T1 2d Bt. Auto tires, tubes and accessories. Sale at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. ' At the Baker Auction House, Yamhill and West Fak streets, sale at xu a. m. MEETING NOTICES. . "BENEVOLENT PROTEC TIVE ORDER OF ELKS, No. 142. Regular meeting this (Thursday) evening at Elks 'temple at 8 o'clock. Visiting brothers welcome. so., tu fcfA.Li-.i-Ji.ij, aec OREGON COMMANDER! NO. 1. K. T. Special con clave Thursday. November 18. at 7:30 P. M. Order of the TflmnlP. Past -Com mander Norris R. Cox presiding. Drill corps requested to be present at 6 P. M, Dinner at 6 o'clock P. M. Please attend. C. F. W I EG AND. Recorder. SUNNTSIDK LODGE. NO, 163 A. F. AND A. M. Special communication ' this (Thurs day) 7 P. M. Temple 39th and Hawthorne. Work in E. A. decree. Visitors welcome, By order ot W. M. JAMES T. GAT Jr., Secretary. COLUMBIA LODGE TO 114. A. F. AND A. M. Specia communication this (Thurs day) evening at 6:30 o'clock Labor in the M. M. degree. Visitins? brethren always wel- By order ot W. !n . FRED L. OLSON, Secretary. HAWTHORNE LODGE, NO 111, A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Thurs day) evening at S o'clock. Work in the F. C. degree.. Vis jLing nretnren welcome. C. E. MILLER, Secretary. KENTON LODGE. NO. 145, A. F. AND A. M. Stated com munlcation today (Thursday) Nov. 18. Visitors welcome. By order i w . m. F KOBIN'SON, Secretary. WAVERLY LODGE. IT. D. A. F. AND A. M. Stated , communication ton lent (Thurs- day). Nov. 18. 8 P. M. Visi tors welcome. By order "W. M, MOUNT SCOTT CHAPTER, NO. O. B. S. btated com munlcation this . (Thursday) evening. By order W. M. MAUD E. CONNELL, , Secretary. OUL REAZLL GROTTO No, 65. M. d. V. P; E. K. Prophets, don t forget the dance thi evening at the Pvthlan bide 3SH Yamhill street. Come and bring your Masonic friends. J. H. BUTLER, Sec ONEONTA TRIBE, No. 2, IMPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN. Regular "council . thii evening at 8 o'clock at W. W. hall. East Sixth and East Alder streets. Nomination of elective chiefs for . ensuing term. Mem bers attend. Visiting brotners welcome J-.. ti. KMUti, c. o R. REGULAR meeting to -fi Lorv- night (.Thursday), at 7:30, Jr-f Thiel hall. 104 killings ave. Second degree. Visitors always welcome. E. C. BROTHERS. N. G. C. E. Wilson, Secretary. PORTLAND STAR HOMESTEAD No, 42. BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN YEOMEN, will give a dance tonight iTtiursaay), rvovemoer is, in tf, s. t. hall. 2i5 Thirteenth street. Music by Bliss' Harmony ive. i fci i ta hai.nks, corresDonaenc. zuo auskv Didtr. La: 6356. GOLDEN RULE ENCAMPMENT. No. 2 I. O. O. F-. Regular meeting this (Thurs- day) evening, at 8 o clock:. East 6th and Alder sts. Patriarchal degree. Ail Da trio t coraiaiiy weicomea. sy oraer A. T. MOULTO", N. G. S. A. STARR. Scribe. PORTLAND TENT NO. 1 meets everv Thursday evening in Maccabee hall, third floor seiLinK-iiirscn Duuaing. aA wajiH. ington street, visiting bir ivnignts always welcome. u. u. xAJVit,rt, n. lv PORTLAND REVIEW, NO. 7. invites .mbfrs ana mends ana sir Kniirhts to social and dance Thurs., Nov. 18. Masonic temple. . MRS. H. C. NORTON. Chairman. FOR RENT OR LEASE. Dnnca hall : brick building, steam heat. 1 163 Vs Alblna ave., corner Ki Mings worth. Wakefield, fries & Co., B& 4tn St. FRIEDLNDER'S for Jodsre emblems. class pins and medals. 310 Washington ml. EMBLEM jewelry, buttons, charms, pins, new designs. Jaeger Bros.. 131-3 Sixth st. DIED. SCHALLHORN At his home. 70 E. 7th St., Bernard Frederick Schallhorn, - aged IS years, beloved son ot August H. Schallhorn and Martha Schallhorn, an brother of Anna Hansen, Portland; Paul Schallhorn of Astoria. Bruce Schallhorn of San Francisco. Alberta Schallhorn of Portland. Frank Schallhorn of Portlan Remains are at the above address. Fu neral notice later. A. R- Zeller. funeral directors, 592 Williams avenue. SHERWOOD In this city, Nov. 16, Amy M. Sherwood, aeea oi years, late Good! a Station, Or., mother of Mrs. Ger aid D. Bert or w aiuga. r., u ranK Sherwood of Toronto. Canada, and Flovd M. Sherwood of Sioux City, Iowa, sister of James M. Hamilton or Geneseo. Kan The remains are at Finley's, Montgomery , at Ota. jsouce oi iunerai nereaner. WV At tjh residence. R66 First street. November IT. 1920- Thomas Mann, aged - 8i years, neiovea nusoana or sessie tx Mann, rather or T. S. Mann. Barbara an Masrdelene Mann of this city. Remain at Holman's Funeral Parlors, Third and Salmon streets. Notice of funeral later. KTJSKT In thls'city. November 17, Alex ander Kusky. aged 32 years, beloved hus band of Helen, son of Michael Kusky of Prindle. Wash. Remains are at the - residential funeral parlors of Dunning A McEntee, Morrison street, at Twelfth. ' Funeral notice later. BRIGGS At 7911 64th place S. E.. Nov. 17. John W. Briggs, aged 82 years. Fu neral notice- later. Remains are at the funeral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy 4k Co., &S02-O4 92 d et S. E.. in Lents. GILBERT In this cfty. , November 17, James A. Gilbert, aged 60 years,-he loved husband of Mary E. Gilbert. Funeral notice later. Remains at the residential parlors of Miller & Tracey. POWERS In this city, November 16, 1920, Charles H. Powers, aged 62 years. Re mains at Holman's Funeral Parlors, Third and Salmon streets. Notice of funeral later. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 2S6 4th St., opp. City Hall. Men Bros. Ell BLAESING GRANITE CO.I j hf TMlWO AT WATSON BT'Errl come. FUNERAL NOTICES. WATCHER In this city. November 16, Eva Watcher, aged 52 years, beloved wife of Antone, mother of Lena and Powell Watcher. Funeral will be held from the residence, 4711 Fifty-first street Southeast, tomorrow (Friday), Novem ber T. at A. M. ; thence to Our Lady of Sorrows church. Fifty-second and I A j sif ' wiuodoeredn It' 5r "2?" FrndS - . invited to attend. Interment Mount Cal- I vary cemetery. Arrangements in. care of Dunning & McEntee. K72 TacoRi. ave.. Nov. 16. Olaf 1 W. Olson, aged 67 years 1 month and 1 10 days. Beloved husband of Margaret j Olson and father of Winifred Olson. Pnnmi services will be held tomorrow Friday), Nov. 19, at 10 A. M.. at the funeral temple ot tne fortiana crema- t - tnrlum. corner 14th and Bybee avenue. Friends Invited. The remains are at the resident funeral parlors of Walter C. Kenworthy, 1532 and 1534 East Thir teenth st. JONES At Seaside, Or., No. 15. 1920, John C. Jones, beloved husband of Mrs. Loretta Jones, aged 67 years. Deceased was a member of Harmony lodge, A. F. and A. and Multnomah camp No. 77. W. O. W. Funeral services will be held Saturday. Nov. 20, at 2 P. M., at the Multnomah camp, w. o. w. nan. of Multnomah camp No. 77, W. O. W. A' East side runerai directors in cnarge. Interment ML Scott cemetery. MOTT At the residence of her daughter. Mrs. Nelson A. walker, 2iO Kast .wen tv.piehih street. November 15. 1920. jHarv A. Aiott. agea t years, Deioveu vifa nf .TnmM A Mott. mother of Mrs D.,E. Bowman. Mrs. A. Nelson A. Walk- er and Miss Edna Mott or this city. u- i nerat services will be held at the above residence, at 1:30 o'clock today (Thurs day), November 18, 1920. Friends invited to attends Interment Klverview ceme tery. 8CHOENBABCHLER Nov. 17, at the family - residence. 451 uiacKstone st.. Mefnrade Schoenbaechler, aged 76 years, formerly of Mt. Angel. Or., mother of Mrs. Josephine Kuenzll of Portland and airs, hi mm a. Leweuyn oi jseatcie. wasn. The funeral service will be held Friday, Nov. 1ft. at 2:30 o'clock P. M.. at Fin- ley's, Montgomery at 6th. Friends in vited. Concluding service, Rivervlew cemetery. PAULSON Nov. 17, at the family resi dence, luo isast .Harrison sc., Jrann a. Paulson, brother of Mrs. A. Hultxnan and Morris Paulson of Chicago. 111.. Mrs. C. T. Peterson of Donovan, 111., and Louise Paulson of this city. The funeral service will be held Friday, Nov. 19, at 1:30 o'clock P. M., at Finley's, .Montgomery at 6 th. Friends invited. Concluding service, Mt. Scott cemetery, ROBINSON In this city, Nov. 17, Ida 1 May Robinson, age 4y years 6 montns and 7 days. Formerly of Lyle, Wash., beloved wife-' of Frank Robinson, and lovinir mother of Willard Andrew and Frances Irene. ' Funeral services will be held at 2 P. M. Friday, Nov. 19, at the conservatory chapel of the East Side Funeral Directors, 414 E. Alder. CHUBB Nov. 16. James Dillon Chubb, aged S3 years, husband ot umma tjnuob of 126 Hartman st., St. Johns, father of Mrs. Myrtle Young and Erving Chubb of OroviUe, Cal. Friends will assemble today Thursday) at 2:30 o'clock P. M. at Finley's. Montgomery at 5th, to pay their respects to tne deceased, incinera tion, Mt. Scott crematorium. PRYKF. Tn thi citv. November 18. TD20. Fannie Pryke, aged 6o years. Friends Invited to attend the funeral services at Holman's Funeral Parlors, Third and Salmon streets, at 3 o'clock P. M. today (Thursday), November 18, 1920. Inter ment Kiverview cemetery. LEADER At Eugene, Or., Nov. 14, 1920, AuoriiMta. is. ieaaer. aee oi Tears, fu neral services today at 11 A. M. at Port land crematorium, I4tn ana 5yoee sta. Friends invited. FUNEBAL CABS. LIMOUSINES for ran.ral servloea. JONES ITINERA!. DIRECTORS. DUNNING & McENTEE kaw inrntd in their new residential funeral home, Morrison at 12th., West side. Phone Bdwy. 430. Auto. 00-S6. The Funeral Home of Refinement and Distinctive Service. Note We have no branches nor any connection whatever with any other undertaking firm. EDWARD HOLMAN & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Tblrd and Salmon streets. Main 607. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Directors. Wasbingtonstreet, between 2Utb. and 21st streets. West Side, Lady Assistant. Main 2891. Auto. 678-85. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home, lotn ana Uiverew Bireew. x-aose Broadway aioo. Amomauc q-x-oj. J. P. FINLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9. Montgomery at Fifth, DOWNING & McNEMAR Th. ReMidentLal .Funeral Home. 441 Multnomah St., Irvington dist. East 54 I EAST SIDE FUNERAL DIRECTORS. t F. s. Dunnine. Inc.! "The family set the price.1 414 East Alder. 1 O 7CI I CD Pfl 592 Williams Ave. Mi 111 UUi Phone East 1088. SKEWES UNDERTAKING CO. Third and Clay. Main 4152. . t T T. T 1 . 1 1 k. Hlevenm ana (Jiay. XT. i-l. JJ.Tii.rV.VAlJ. East 781. Tabor 1833 BREEZE & SNOOK KS.,BSi" A. D. KENWORTHY & CO.. 5802-0 S2d st.-. Lenta. Tabor 526T. FLORISTS. Smith's Flower Shop Portland's progressive florist. We spe- clalize in funeral designs. 141 Sixth, , opposite Aieier dc rranira. jviam izio. MARTIN & FORBES CO. Florists. 354 Washlneton. Main 269. Flowers for all occasions, artistically r arrange a. CLARKE BROS., florists, 287 Morrison St., Main 7709. Fine flowers ana floral de signs. No branch stores. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington st., bet. 4th and oth. Main oiuz. A. 1101. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all ases of alleged- cruelty to animals, unices, room xau courthouse. Phone Main 378 from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. The society has full charge of the city pound at its borne, oao ioxumDia Dou levard. Phone any time. Wood lawn 764. . Oogrs for sale. Morse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals cared for. All dead animals, cows, horses. etc.. picKed up tree oi cnarge. te W TODAY. 35 NET WEST SIDE BRICK APARTMENT- HOUSE WALKING DISTANCE PAYS 35 NET ON AMOUNT IN VESTED AND 20 NET ON THE TOTAL PURCHASE PRICE - VERY EASY TERMS 0!W DEFERRED FAVMENTS. ;', ' FULL PAUTK'l I. VRt CIVKN AT THE OFFICE OF 0. W. BRYAN 609 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Portland Business Bulletin directory of business firms and professional men condensed and das- ied for ready reference. For rates inf ormation, telephone The Oregonian, ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R. BLACK, nubile accountant. auditor. Income tax service. Concord mag., za and Stark. Phone Major". $15 BUYS adding machine; adds 7 figures. oto oroett Didg. Marsnaii sd. AXTKftATlOJi S. ; LADIES' tailoring; perfect fitting; work guar. I Keubin. 0$ B.:h & Lane Slag. ASSAVEBS AND ANALYSTS. I MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second lipid, .liver ana platinum bougnu ATTOKSKS. . E. W. EASTMAN, lawyer and notary pab- ucjWi unamber of Commerce Diag. BATHS. - "? mcmaho.'S baths. Portland Steam showers, plunges, tubs, all for 35c. Tell your friends. Fourth and Washington. CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths and mas sage, luin Zioor 13 roadway Duiiaing. -iw nau Bia7. lr. Laura K. Downing. CARPET SWEEPEUS REPAIRED. AUTHORIZED Bi?sell carpet sweeper re- pairman. S33 Morrison st. $dwy. .aaa CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE IRWIN HODSON COMPANY. 887 Washington. Broadway 434. A. 1254. CHIROPODISTS. FFFT HURT Come to Dr Gartner, foot I ttl nUfl I specialist; corns, bunions, foot arches 'made to order. 811 SweUand bldg.. Fifth and Washsington. Main 108L DR. O. O. FLETCHER Foot troubles sci entifically corrected. Lady assistant. 61 a Morgan bidg. Main 8762. CHIROPODISTS ARCH SPECIALISTS. WILLIAM. Estelle and Florello De Veny. ine omy scientific chiropodists ana area sneelallKtn in the rltv Parlor 202 Ger- Jinger bldg.. S. W. corner Second and Aider. Fiiona Main 130L CHIROPRACTIC. DR. McMAHON'S chiropractic speaks for ltseir. roruana, iitn year COLLECTIONS. KETH & CO. Worcester bids:. Main 1796. No collections, no charges. Estab. 1900. DANCING. DOROTHY RASMUSSEN Ballroom and esthetic d&ncing. 610 Eilers building. wasn.. Pet. 4th and oth. Main 113. DENTISTRY. nCWTKTDViR A w. keexe, 351 Wkivnwilll Washinerton at. "Without pain. Latest .nerve - blocking method. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL, .bast tnano urant sta. oin phones day and night service. 3 veterinarians. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. MOTORS REWOUND and Repaired Bought and Sold, ; NICHOLAS ELECTRIC WORKS, e none S27-27. 226 Main St. H. M. H. ELECTRIC CO. 1 SI N. lt st, Portland, Or: Be- wincing ana, electrxa repairing "'"".J. ...... U . UBtSU 11 1 U W .OH 13 : . ,!..- 1 111 5 a Ilild ELECTRIC MOTORS. Sought, sold. rented. and rfn.ti.pdi Walker Electric Works. 413 Burn&ido. comer xeniq st. iroaaway 6B7-4. I GEO. H. HERR1N. electrician: bell an fixture work a specialty. Main 50J.4. 5i5 JEWELRY RK FAIRING. jawh-LBi repaired, and mfg. for th trade. Robs & Co., Inc. M. Muscovite, mgr.. Mohawk bldg.. 2d and -Morrison. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS AND MILL SUPPLIES. THE M. L. KLINE CO., 84-86-87-89 Front GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board ot Trade bldg. HATS AND CAPg. THANH AUSER HAT CO.. 63-65 Front at PAINTS, OILS ANP CLASS. I w. P. FULLER CO.. Front and Morrison. R AS MUSS EN & CO.. Second and Taylor. NEW TOD AT, 100x100 CORNER 1 Block From Car Also many 50x100s from $600 to $800; improvements all paid H. L. HAMBLET Co. 443 Stark Bdwy. 1288 STOCKMEN Home Hunters One of the most beautiful home places in Portland for sale by owner. House 12 rooms, grounds 5 lots. Phone Tabor 3342 ' 1150 EAST FLANDERS ST. Laurelhurst, Portland , West Side Duplex Wonderful View TWO SIX-ROOM FLAT,"oSB FOTTR-ROOM. SEPARATE EJi TOlNCES, VERY MODERN, ISDU VlblJ.!, FIRXACES A I) BASE MEVTS. HIGH-CLASS RESIDEN TIAI. LOCATION, CLOSE IN, HANDY TO CAR.. PRICE 12,000. C. M. DSRR, ' COE A. M'KENNA & CO. 82 FOURTH ST. MAIN 4523. - Mortgage Loans Lowest Interest rntesj Installment re payments If desired. Bulldlns; loans made.' No delay In elosins;. A. H. BIRRELL GO. 217-219 IVorthwestern Bank Bnlldlns; - Marshall 4114 Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGAGE LOANS United States 11 auk. liulldinzT latfflffliHSFffiP I by the month, or year, or other Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. - MCSIC TEACHERS. L. CARKCtLL DAY. teacher ot plana and voice. .Broadway 2joo, 14S 13m street. No charge for use of practice pianos. Broadway 2505. OFTOAIETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on the basis of capable service. Thou- mtndii rvf jLiisfirl cistomers. A trial will convince you. Charles W. Good man, optometrist, .Morrison, jna. EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TESTED with modern instruments; glasses Iittea ai a saving, satis taction guaranteed. Out ot the high rent, district. No overhead ex p. A. E. ilEKW'ITZ, Optometrist, 25 1st St. DR. GEORGE RUBENSTEIN, the veteran 1 optician, eyes tested, glasses iitteo, d rott en lenses duplicated at reasonable prices. 226 Morrison st. 1 PA1M1.U AM) TtSTING. HOUSE painting, decorating ot all kinds; ; signs; years exyeneimo. .ii "i- C H. TERR1LL, bouse aud Blgn painting. papering, liming. .01 rj. o.m. ..n PAIEM ATTORJilES. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period ot 4U years. All communica tions strictly conlidenttal; prompt, effi cient, conscinetious service; handbook tree on request. MUMN & CO, patent attorneys, ban Francisco office, Jtiobart bldg., 582 ilarket St.; Chicago ollice. room 81" Tower bldg.; Washington 01 tice, room 1U3, 625 F Ui Hew York oitice, Woolworth bldg. PATENTS Associated specialists, mechan ical engineers, draftsmen, a. ii.uju). attorney, K14 Wilcox bldg K.-C. WRIGHT, 22 years' experience U. a. and foreign patents. 801 uekum oiag. PHYSICIANS. PR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway building. Kneumatigm, stomacn. Dowei. xung. v, -kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate, Temala disorders, skin affections, blood pressure, enlarged tonsils, moles, blrtbmarks. DR. O. E. HUBBARD, drugless physician. I wisn to notify my patients tnat xny ue location Is at (SO. 07 and 08 Fenton building. Pbona Bdwy. 4T77. residence Wdln. B3i - FMJMBIJ.-4J Sfl'PLLES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALO price. Stark-IJavls Co.. lbs tn. aiain iui. PKtNXUiG. DD1MTIH1 F- W. BALTES & COMPANY, rnilll IrtO First and Oak. Main 165. 511-65. STORAGE. PACKING AND CRATING furniture Is our specialty; we can save you balf of the freignr by shipping your goods In pool car. Pacific Storage & Delivery com pany. East First and Madison. East e9L TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 601 Dckum bldg. U. S., foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE Jfc TRANSFER CO. Packing Moving Storage. Reduced Freight Rates. Money loaned on warehouse receipts. IN THE HEART OF THE CITY. 63 FOURTH ST., COR. OF PINE. PHONE. BROADWAY 3715.. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH Thirteenth and Kearney. GENERAL HAULING. Motor and horse equipment, any capacity MOVING rALKlU o 1 OK AtiJfi. PHONE BDWY. 3309 OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 GliEan at corner 3 3th. Phone Broadway 1281 or 1160. We own and operate two large class A warehouses on terminal tracKS. Lowest insurance rates in the city. MANUFACTURERS HIDES, WOOL AND CASCARA BARK. KAHN BROTHERS. 195 Front Street. BOPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Nortnmp. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AND PIPE. . THE M. L. KLINE CO., 84-86-87-89 FroHV PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDING & FARRELL, 11 Front street SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER CO., Front and Morrison. KEW TODAY. See our exhibit at the Food Show In the Armory, Stall 21. lAdie Save your old carpets, rags and woolen clothing. Lt us make new rua. for you. ma jis. tu st. WE CAUL AXD DELIVER The oldest aad befit equipped factory In the northwest. Fluff and rag ruga woven. All sizes Carpet b cleaned, etc. For Mail Orders Send for Booklet Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver.) Old Rugi and Woolen Cloth In jc. We Make Reversible, Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS Room-Size Flnff Rasra Woven, C17.S0. Rutca Woven All Sizes. Clothes Cleaninir. and Dyeins Depts. Mail Orders Send for Booklet Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning 0x12 Ross. Steam Cleaned. S1.50. WliaiERN FLUFF RliQ CO. 64 Union Ave. IV. I'll one: E:ast 8516. YAKIMA LANDS S4.00 acre and up, according to loca tion and improvements. Thousands of acres are soon to be irrigated and will then be worth $100 to $500 per acre in sage brush. Alfalfa lands "from $200 to $300 acre. Good orchards $600 to $1500 acre and making money. We are in land business and Jiave been in laKima valley zz years, and know conditions. -Will be at Imperial hotel all this week attending stock show and would like to talk with anyone interested in lands as an investment or otherwise. " - F. H. M'COY. PEDTMABF, RKctional liOL teiiS A'i GARAGES. Made of Btandardieed, built, 4-foot ec - tione. Ready and easy to erect. Shipped anywhere. Get Catalog. RED I M A D 15 BUILDING CO. PORTLAND, OREGON. E. 11th and Market, or WS Lewis Bids. Phones East 5114 or Bdiry.4335. 2- 3 Kar fii- " ,,L KEW TODAY. 3 LEASE Business Corner 100x100 Center of Portland Will lease for 50 to 99' years and build to suit re sponsible tenant. 100x200 WEST SIDE TRACKAGE. CXOSB IN, FUIB-STURY BRICK BUILDING' ON QUARTER BLOCK. ' 'j WITH ROOM FOR ADDITION, 'a BIO SAVTNO OX BFII-DIXG COST BT flHCUASU OF THIS I'ROPERTV. , R. J. O'Neil i TIT BOARD OP TRADE BUILD IX (3. RF.AL ESTATE. For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. BIDS. ON BROADWAY . 30.0l0. 6 apts very modern in every way, full lot, 60 ft. frontage on Broadway, only few minutes' walk from Journal bldff. - BRICK BLDU. $18,000. 2 nice stores on ground floor and J flats of 6 rooms each on second floor; large corner lot, good location, . , RITTER. LOWE & CO.. "J 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. " ; A MINT. . r-J PATS 100& ON INVRSTMRWT An investment of $8000 puts yon In possession of furniture in HO-room apt. house on west side; ideal location; your income in one year pays back your in ital payment; four-year lease at $330 per mo. Can show the goods. See Rouk at 403 Couch bldg. Mar. 3352. MODERN west-side apartments, - walking distance, yearly income''1' tin. 000; price 05,000, terms. Main -d 208. ' 16 H. K. ROOMS for sale. Big range, thoroughly clean, west side, big Income; cheap. Lease. All full. Moderate price. Main 2156. For Sale Lota. $10 DOWN 8 MONTKTV. ' ' ' ROSS CITY PARK. LOTS. '-- $590 50x100 ft. lots, sewer, oe.v ... ment sidewalks and curba in front v. .' of property. Prices on vacant lots will surely advance in the near ' I" future so now is the time to buy..v,.r J. I. HARTMAN CO. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bide. Alain 208. . NEAR NEW SCHOOL. S. W. cor. Alberta and Missouri ave.. 100x100. price $1250, Alberta paved, sew ers in, cement walks and curbs, all paid; some bargain; look it over, then see us. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bids. to. ' 100x100 SN'AF AINS WORTH AVE. , Fine block, corner Ainsworth and Omaha, some nice native trees; price a snap. $800. subject to $186 liens, or will sell separate, any terms. GRUSSI & BENNETT, 318-821 Board of Trade. Main 74B2. OUT-OF-TOWN owner Instructs us to sell his three Alameda Park lots before De cember 1. Make us an offer for one or all of them. . . JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bids. Main 878T. FOR BARGAIN IN LAURELHURST -LOTS Call at the Laurelhurst tract office. East 39th and Glisan sts; two snaps to day. Your opportunity. Phone Tabor 8433. BURGLARS Cannot steal your savings If you put them in this fine Irvinsrton lot, E. 14th near Stanton; only $1100; must be cash. RITTER, LOWE & CO., - , . 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bids. IRVINGTON, E. 20th St., east front 50x100. . beautiful trees and shrubbery, all liens paid; price $1100. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board ot Trade Bids.1, Br OWNER, all or part of 150x100 M 95th and E. Qllsan; easy terms; also 50x100 corner in Hermoia Park. Sea side. East 7721. .-. . R. C. P. DANDY 50x100 corner on B. 43d. clear, for $1250, easy terms. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bids." T MONTCLAIR ADD., lots 3, 4 and 6, block 19, for sale; cheap if takan at once. For information write to box 632 lio- quiam. Wash. " ' $275 WILL buy 50x100 fac. west on E. 11th 1ST. bet. Emerson and Killingswortn. RITTER, LOWE & CO., . ' 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bids. ' FOR SALE 80x100 on northwest corner Ainsworth and Boston avenues, $1000. easy terms. Phones: Office. Jdaln residence. Sellwood 291. ROSE CITY 100x100. corner 52d and Haa cock; improvements paid; $1700. Tajor 6J41. WANT cash offer for lot N. W. corner 46th and East Clay. Owner. Phone 324-19. FOUR lots in east Mt Tabor addition; Terms. O 136, Oregronlan. FOR SALE Lot at Milwaukle. Ed. Burke. 44 N. First St. For Sale Houses. A' . J6750 LAURELHURST $3750. Two-story. 8-room house, choice loo& tlon, near carline; oak floors down, maple up. Can move right In as owrier has left city. See J. A. SfcCarty, 27ti Stark street. Main 1700. Evenings Tallbr i: FINE 8UNNTSIDE HOME. 9 4 bedrooms, bath, living, dining room., built-ins, full cement basement, trays, etc. On car line near 37th fit. Let me show you this bargain. T, STUNNING FINE HOME. - & LAURELHURST. . Full lot, 7 rooms, 3 bedrooms, stricfly modern throughout. Dare you to find fault. Make bona fide offer ..Some terms. Tavor -523. STUNNING FINE HOME. 8 ROOMS. Best location Irvington; very spacious living room, downstairs bedroom.; every convenience ; frost-proof garage ; vry cheap. Two others worth anyone's wh$le to call East873. COMFORTABLE 5-roora cottage on Oar line. Gas, electricity, bath celled and newly papered throughout. Sickness causes sacrifice. $1730, $750 down. $04 Spalding bldg. j- iANDY 6-room bungalow, all modern, f&r nace, fireplace,' hardwood floors, every thing complete: a real snap at $4750. Automatic 223-7L ' -' 5-ROOM bungalow, $3300, near MootavTila carline, attic fireplace, cement basement good neighborhood; terms. Phone Tabor 6su. - . - 1 ' -ROOM house, furnace, fireplace, also linoleum, gas range, draperies, etc. j- A mighty good buy at $5250. Auto. 22371. BIGGEST BARGAIN IN PORTLAND, Good home and garden space. Main 4277. . f 5-ROOM cottage for sale, 310x135, term. 430 Emerson st. Woodlawn car.