Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 12, 1920, Page 15, Image 15

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Red Cross Volunteer Workers Wanted Apply Ground Floor Elks Building, at Once
tamps on All Charge an4 GasH Purchases
Do Your Holiday Shopping Now and Get the Benefit of This Cash Saving Filled Stamp Books Redeemed at S. & H. Office, on the Third Floor.
25c Brushes
At 17c
Main Floor Hand Brushes with walnut
back our regular 25c grade, on "1 r7
sale for one day only special -L I v
The Standard Store of the Northwest
Men's $4, $4.50 and $5 Shirts
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Qlds9 Wortman & King
Pre-Holiday Sale Imitation
Ivory Toilet Ware
None too early to select gift ar
ticles, especially when such splendid
savings are to be had. Today we
shall place on sale 500 pieces of
Imitation White Ivory at low prices.
Round Hand Mirrors; P" pTQ
regular $2.00 kind; special DA0
Round Hand Mirrors; J1 f7Q
regular $2.25 kind; special DX I O
Oval Hand Mirrors; I- OQ
regular $2.50 kind; special D-LOV
Dressing Combs in coarse or
coarse and fine. Our regu- QK
lar J50c values. Special at OtJv
Hair Brushes choice of three dif
ferent styles. 9 and 11 rows of
bristles. These are stand- (PO "I Q
ard $3.50 values.. Special DJ-I
Women's Brown Kid Boots
Special $10
WOMEN'S LACED BOOTS of all brown kid. Medium
pointed toe' with tip, military heel, Goodyear welt soles.
Regular stock footwear not job lots. Sizes range
from 3 to 8. Widths from A to C. Q1 A f(
Regular $14.00 Boots. Ask for No. X 23 DJ-U.UU
HAVANA BROWN Laced Boots with fabric toppings.
' Narrow toe, straight imitation tip, military
heels. Sizes 3 to 9. Widths Clfi
AAA to C. Ask for X22; pair 3 -Lv.UU
DARK BROWN Kid Boots with cloth
tops. John Kelly make. Leather half
Louis heels. Ask for X20. ?" ( (f
Reeular $16.00 Boots sDecial iDXU.UU
DARK BROWN KID OXFORDS on recede toe. . Military heel, PQ ((
welt sole. Ask. for No. X184. Regular $13.50 Oxfordsf pair DUU
Gigantic Sale of Women's Dresses
Jowermg r rices With, a vengeance
Second Floor 285 Women's High-class Dresses in the biggest sale of the season. Beautiful
models from our own regular stock. Dresses in all the season's smartest styles and fabrics
Dresses for all occasions. Here is a wonderful opportunity to buy them at a great saving.
$32.50 Dresses
Attractive Dresses for' Misses
and Women. Made up in Tricotine,
Serge', Wool - Jersey, . Silvertone,
Wool Velour and many other de
sirable fabrics. Some are embroid
ered or trimmed with buttons. A
few fur trimmed models included.
Good range of colors. fl1 QQ
Values to $320; now D-LU.0
$37.50 Dresses
Dresses of Tricolette, Georgette,
Taffeta, Messaline, Wool Velour,
Serge, Tricotine and Wool Checks.
Large selection of handsome styles,
including straight-line and coat ef
fects. Black, brown, navy, taupe,
tan, blue and pink. CI Q QQ
Values to $37.50; now OJ-i.iO
$45.00 Dresses
Georgette, Messaline, Tricolette,
Poplin, Paulette, Wool Jersey,
Serge and Tricotine Dresses in
coat, blouse and straight line ef
fects. : Plaited, puffed and tai
lored skirts. Embroidered and
braid trimmed. Values CJOQ QQ
up to $45.00. Special Di0
$55.00 Dresses
Beautiful Dresses in all the sea
son's favored styles. Satin, Tricolette,-
Tricotine, Serge and Vel
vets in a splendid range of wanted
colors. Many charming styles
trimmed with beads or embroid-,
ered. Values in this IQQ QQ
lot up to $55.00, now DO.0
Doable Stamps with purchases.
Ms? V- . f 'x ""4- 4
agjpiwj.WLJ" I II l ' ill
1- .. " .
Compare these Shirts with any $4.00 to
$5.00 Shirts in town and you will say they have
no equal. Plain and woven madras materials
in light and heavy weights. Large assortment
of striped patterns in the best colors. Cut in
standard sizes and well made. Soft gO QP
cuffs. $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 Shirts D
35c Arrow Collars
3 for 50c
Men's Arrow Soft Collars at less than half
price, to clean-up our remaining stock in one
day. Not all sizes in each style but all sizes
in the sale. Regular 25c Collars spe- Krt
cially priced for today's selling, 3 for
$7.50 Union Suits
At $2.35
Main Floor Vassar Union Suits of medium
and heavy weight cotton. Also a few in wool
mixtures. Values to $7.50 special at $2.35
18 Garments size 34 12 Garments size S6
18 Garments size 42 32 Garments size 44 38
Garments size 46 50 Garments' size 48 44
Garments size 50 SPECIAL 2.50 garment.
Boys' Corduroy Suits $9.35
Boys' $3.50 Pants $1.79
Main Floor Good sturdy Suits for
school wear. Dark gray and brown
corduroys. Coats have all-around
belts, pants are. full lined and have
buttons at knee. Ages 8 fiQ OK
to 18. Priced special at D7.0J
Double Stamps with purchases.
Main Floor Boys Knicker Pants in
fancy brown and gray mixtures.
Full lined. Ages 7 to 18.
Regular $3.50 values; now
Boys' $1.50 to $2.00 Wash Blouses
of percales, ginghams and
chambrays. Special at
Sale of Black Cat Stockings
65c and 75c grades at, pair 45
75c and 80c grades at, pair 55
85c and 90c grades at, pair 65 $
$ .95 and $1.00 grades, pair 75
$1.05 and $1.10 grades, pair 85
$1.15 and $1.20 grades, pair 9o
Entire Stock at Reduced Prices
The most important Underwear Event Portland has seen in years starts this
morning. Our entire stock of Women's and Children's Winter Underwear will go
on sale at reductions ranging from 10 to 50. Carter's, Royal Mills, Globe,
Kayser, Royal Court, Portland Maid and other makes included." NO RESERVE!
$2.50 Union Suits $1.69
Women's Medium Weight Union
Suits in pure white. High neck, long
sleeves, ankle length. Sizes fl?" ?Q
from 34 to 38. $2.50 grades Ol.U
$3.50 Union Suits $2.35
Ribbed Union Suits, sleeveless and
low neck or Dutch neck, elbow sleeves,
ankle length. Cream only". CJO QK
Regular $3.50 garments, now tD.OeJ
Outsize Union Suits
Silk Striped Cotton Union Suits for
large women. High neck, long sleeves.
Nicely finished. Sizes 40, flJO QP
42, 44. Regular $4.50 grade D6VD
'$1.0(TBloomers 69c
White and Pink Knitted ?Q
Bloomers. Priced special, pair
Ankle length, fleeced Tights. FJQ
Sizes -from 4 to 6 the pair
Glove Silk Underwear
Kayser, Vanity Fair and Boyd high
grade Glove Silk Vests, Bloomers,
Camisoles and Envelope Chemise in all
sizes offered at greatly reduced prices.
See special display in Alder-St. window.
$4.50 Silk Underwear now $3.60
$6.80 1
Women's and Children's
Underwear Price
Irregulars and odd lines of Car
ter's Sanitary Underwear wool, silk
and wool, and part wool. Note prices.
$2.20 Underwear, special $1.10
$3.50 Underwear, special $ 1.75
$4.00 Underwear, special $2.00
$4.50 Underwear, special $2.25
Children's Underwear
Children's Cotton Pants, Vests and
Union Suits in Royal Mills- and
other makes. Sizes 4 up to 16 years.
$ .80 Vests and Pants only 680
$ .85 Vests, and Pants only 730
$ .90 Vests and Pants only 770
$1.00 Vests and Pants only 850
$1.05 Vests and Pants only 890
$1.50 Union Suits for only $1.28
$1.65 Union Suits for only $1.41
$1.80 Union Suits for only $1.53
$1.95 Union Suits for only $1.66
$2.05 Union Suits for only $1.75
$2.20 Union Suits for only $1.97
$7.00 Velvets
Main Floor 45-Inch Costume Vel
vet in black and the wanted street
colors. These are of excellent
quality. Regular $7.00 flJJ frfl
grade. Special, a yard w'i.OU
S10 Black Velvets
At $7.75
Main Floor Extra quality Chiffon
Velvets for suits, coats and dresses.
Beautiful lustrous finish. 40 inches
wide and regular $10.00 (rr fTff
grade. Special, the yard
Velvet Corduroys
At $1.69
Mam Floor Velvet Corduroys in a
full assortment of all wanted colors
for suits, dresses, bath robes, etc
32 inches wide. Regular selling
price $1.95 a yard. On ?Q
special sale today a yard Di.O
Hair Nets
at 7c
Notion Department 'Leading Lady
Hair Nets in all colors'. Made with
invisible elastic. Don't" fail to get
a good supply of these. Priced rr
special, 750 a. dozen each
25c Slipper Trees
-At 19c
Notion Department Metal Slipper
Trees of a well-known make. These
sell in the regular way at - Q
25c. Priced special, a, pair J-vC
Cedar Chests Reduced
Drapery Department, Third Floor
Genuine Tennessee Red Cedar
Chests in a large assortment of
sizes and styles on sale at greatly
reduced prices. IDfcAL GIFTS.
Regular $25.00 Cedar Qt rr Qf
Chests priced special at 'U
Regular $27.50 Cedar
Chests, priced' special
Regular $30.00 Cedar C?9 fift
Chests, priced special iDAOmVy
Regular $35.00 Cedar 3?Or7 Kfl
Chests, priced special i OVJ
9 k.W :
1 H ViuJi Jp
$15 to $30 Winter Hats
The Millinery Store comes forward with another record-breaking sale
of Trimmed and Tailored Hats. Over 800 Hats to select from. Small
Turbans, Sailors and other styles as well as large Dressy Hats trimmed
with flowers, ostrich, gold, silver, buckles, ribbons, etc. Note low prices.
$lS".00 Trimmed Hats at $10.00
$18.00 Trimmed Hats at $10.00
$20.00 Trimmed Hats at $10.00
$25.00 Trimmed Hats at $10.00
$30.00 Trimmed Hats at $10.00
$12.50 Tailored Hats at $10.00
$15.00 Tailored Hats at $10.00
Beaver, Hatter's Plush and Velvet
Hats very latest tailored models
in this wonderful sale. 2d Floor.
See Morrison Street Window
DOUBLE TRADING STAMPS with charge and cash purchases.
15c and 20c
Wash Laces
10c Yd.
Main Floor Fine Calais and English
Val Laces edges and insertions. Also
Cotton Cluny and Filet Edges. Large
selection of dainty patterns. "1 f
15c to 20c grades the yard -LUC
$4 to $5
Metal Laces
At $3.45
Main Floor Beautiful Rich Laces foT
party frocks. 18 to 36 inches wide.
Exquisite embroidered designs on
white and colored silk nets. Buy the
material for your new gown now and
save- Regular $4.00 to $5 gO A CT
Laces, special, the yard tDO.fxtJ
S3 Fancy Ribbons
$1.95 Yd.
Main Floor Wide Fancy Ribbons for
Bags, Vestees and holiday novelties of
all kinds. Dark and medium colors.
Great variety of new and dainty pat
terns. Regular $3.00 Rib- fl1 QK
bons, priced special, a yard
Sale of iSlew
Bag Frames
Main Floor Special purchase and
sale of New Bag Frames. Dozens of
different styles. Oxidized, silver and
gold finishes. Also celluloid frames.
4 to 8-inch sizes. Regular $1.00 to
$7.00 Frames at 75 to $5.00 each.
Holly Milk
2 for 25 c
Fourth Floor Holly or Federal Con
densed Milk on special sale OP
today, $1.40 dozen, 2 cans for AOls
-O r e g o n Canned Pumpkin, IP
special $1.75 dozen, per can J-JC
Pierce's Canned Pork and 1 P
Beans, $1.75 a. dozen; per can J-OC
Kerr Patent Flour
Kerr's Patent Flour made from
selected wheat; Specially QO Ckf
priced per 49-pound sack DiU
O-Joy Dessert
an English Custard delicious and
healthful. Requires no eggs. Can be
used in 14 different ways. 2 pkg. 33
Model Grocery
4th Floor
Basement Millinery
Trimmed Hats $2.69
Turbans, Roll Brims, Sailors and large Hats in black, rose, blue and
two-toned ' erf ecis- ' Many smart styles in the offering. Effectively
trimmed with tassels, embroidery, ribbons, applique and other novelties.
Hats in this group from lines selling heretofore at $2.98, (JJO ?Q
$3.98 and $4.98. Specially priced for today's selling choice
Misses' School Tarns Special $1.00 -
New Jardinieres and Vases
Third Floor Pottery Jardinieres
and Vases in many artistic de
signs. Some are slightly imperfect.
'Jardinieres 8 inches high at 85
9 in. high $1.25, 10-in., $1.50
Art Pottery Vases, Flower Bas
kets, Fern Dishes, Jardinieres and
other articles. These are sold as
"seconds"; priced for (JO QP
quick clean-up at only DiUtJ
Thanksgiving Dinnerware
y At Special Prices .
Third Floor Closing out many special lines of Meat Dishes, Turkey Plat
ters, Vegetable Dishes, Soup Plates, Sauce Boats, Pie Plates, Lunch Plates,
Sauce Dishes, Bread and Butter Plates, etc., at SPECIAL LOW PRICES.
Dinner Sets
For Less!
48-Piece Sets with spray PQ QQ
decoration; priced special . D.0
46-Piece Sets, con- (?10 rA
trontinnal Hftporation at D1mUU
46-Piece Sets plain
shape decorated;' only
99-Piece Set, fancy A QC
decoration; special
99-Piece Set, Dresden CM Q 7P'
ee decoration; at only '
More'and better
light for the same
cost. Sold only in
original cartons con
taining 5 globes.
Choice of 25 or 40
watt sizes. . Placed
on sale at, QOp
each,- only OOU
Women's Handkerchiefs
Special 10c and 15c
Main Floor Women Handkerchiefs
of fine sheer material. Linen-finish,
neatly-hemstitched edges. These sell
in the regular vay at 2 for i fn
25c Priced special at, each AUl
Women's Handkerchiefs in an im
mense assortment of colored designs.
Real Imported Belfast prints. Only
85- dozen in this lot. Good 20c 1 P
values. Priced very special at
Jewel Gas Ranges at $65.00
As Sketched
Third Floor Detroit Jewel Gas Range with
white porcelain door panels, white porcelain
burner pan, right or left oven. Oven burn
ers heat both broiler and oven, therefore you
can bake and broil at the same time. Sold
on easy terms if desired. Spe- C?2K f(
cially priced for this sale at tDvW.VII
Oil Heaters at $7.95
Third Floor Large size Portable Oil Heat
ers with brass oil fount. Very
to have these chilly mornings
On special sale today at only
Stove Dept., 3d Floor
. 1 vttf'T --.-.' !' ,l-
desirable S I fJ II