TTTE MORNING- OKEGONIAX, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1920 ELECTION EVE RUSE r OE Store Closed Today 4 Hood River Supporters of H. L. Habbrouck Rebuked. ATTACK THOUGHT UNFAIR Post Cards Charging Defeated Can didate WltJa Backing of Corpor ations Circulated. HE MNED BY JURY HOOD RIVER, Or.. Nov. 10. (Spe cial.) A grand jury probe of alleged infraction of the corrupt practice act by supporters of H. L. Habrouck, republican nominee for county judge, who was elected last Tuesday, ended today. The investigation which be gan Monday resulted in no indict ments but the grand jury publicly reprimanded the following men: C. N. Ravlin, formerly secretary of the Hood River commercial club and chief of horticulture for Oregon at the Panama-Pacific International ex position; Judge R. C. Glanville, prom inent attorney; Roy D. Smith, repre sentative of Hood River county on the Oregon republican state commit tee, and E. R. Bradley, printer. Defeated Rival Asks Probe. The investigation was demanded by J. O. Hannum, defeated independent candidate, who claims as false the statements of postal cards mailed out a few days before the election charg ing that he was a candidate of cor porate interests and naming by in timation at least the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation com pany, the Mount Hood Railroad com pany and the Oregon Lumber com pany. The report of the grand jury in part is as follows: "We find that some of the state ments contained in said card are false and not based on any information which a reasonable man should accept in so serious a matter as true and refer particularly to the second para graph of this card, reading as follows: " 'Why is it that all the bills for advertising, printing and other ex penses connected with the aforesaid campaign are being paid by Charley Early of the Oregon Lumber com pany?' Practice Not New. -We further find and so report that the general tenor of this card by rea son of the poorly concealed innuendos and inferences which a reasonable man would draw from the reading thereof are unfair and reprehensible in the extent and this is particularly true in view of the fact that it further appears that this literature was pub lished to the voters at an extremely late date before the election and with the intent and purpose of a surprise attack. We do not feel out of order to state further- that it also appears that such practices have to some ex tent prevailed in the past. "We further find that one C. N. Ravlin is the author and prime mover in this reprehensible undertaking and Roy D. Smith and R. C. Glanville by counsel, advice and approval aided and abetted this undertaking. We further find that no attempt was made nor thought given to the serv ice of these charges being made upon the opposing candidate and through out the entire incident a spirit of un fairness was evidenced. Printer la Reprimanded. "We further, find that said card was printed by E. R. Bradley and that it fails to bear on its face the name and address of the printer thereof. 'Based on the foregoing findings which we have made we desire to make certain statements and recom mendations in very positive terms and in this connection desire to say that we thoroughly realize the responsi bility placed upon us as the highest inquisitory body of this county and that we feel that in such matters affecting public peace we are charged with additional and imperative duty of service to the interest and future welfare of the county in a corrective way. "We feel that a continuation of such practices as have been brought to light by this investigation would tend to complete nullification of the statutory provisions of the corrupt practice act. We have in mind the conditions which prevailed prior to the passage of that legislation and of the abuse of the franchise at which the corrupt practice act was aimed. Surprise Attacks Condemned. . t would indeed be a deplorable situation if after .what has been achieved in a progressive way toward the purification of the ballot Hood River county should take the lead in announcing a return to methods con- u tun iiea oy ail rair-oninded men. "We also desire to say that we have no patience with nor tolerance for eieventn nour attacks UDon th tive. character or intABritu nf o candidate, no matter what his political convictions may be. Our system of nominations and elections provides niiipLe time oetween the date of the selection 01 me candidate by hi party or his nomination indonon ly to prepare the distribution of all legitimate camralem literature -n,n-v, out resorting to innuendoes and infer ences at toe last moment. "We feel the best interests of this community to be served by publicly calling to bar of public opinion those who participate in such practices whether unthoughtedly or with desire ana max any more drastic action could only tend to dissension and un rest. "W therefore recommend in con elusion that this reDort be riv.r. k licity by publication in local press at u" g expense it necessary. Sunday School Institutes Held. CENTRALIA. Wash., Nor. 10. (Special.) Sunday school Institutes are being held In southwest Washing ton coram unities this week by Rev. W. J. Sharp, pastor of the First Pres byterian church. An ail-day meeting was held Monday at Grand Mound and yesterday at Westport, in Grays Harbor county. Friday and Saturday Rev. Mr. Sharp will be In Toledo and Castle Rock. Students Back From Alaska. STAYTON. Or., Not. 10. (Special.) Two students registered in Stayton high school Monday who just re turned from Alaska Leo Willings registered in the senior class and George Mielke in the sophomore class These boys were in Alaska for about five months and report wonderful experiences while Jn the north. They were employed In a plant where fer tilizer was made from fresh herring. Scott Stevens Is Missing. ABERDEEN, Wash.. Nov. 10. (Special.) Nelson Stevens of Berg hilz, O., has asked the police depart ment to assist in locating his brother, Scott Stevens, last heard of in a har bor logging camp. He was at that time working for the Big Creek Tim ber company. JMei . KWTtfltiBatiiil1 n'inAVtV-fm rTittEFtSim Few days indeed have such a vital significance as thi3. It commemorates what can justly, be termed civiliza tion's most glorious triumph. It testifies to the courage and spirit of those who rallied under the banner of righteousness and freedom. Hats off! . Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co. The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx fine clothes WASTE B0EDENS ROADS EXPERT DECLARES ECONOMY VITAL RAILWAY, PROBLEM. Cost Accounting System and Labor Control by Experienced Man agers Xecessary to Success. SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 10. (Spe cial.) Following the completion of the survey for the actual value of the railways, a uniform cost account ing system must be applied if the car riers are to show reduction' of ex penses and reasonable revenue, ac cording to Dean S. J. Miller of the University of Washington in a lunch eon address at the Transportation club Monday on "Federalized Control of Railroads." ! The speaker said that waste must be- eliminated, men. must be placed in control of labor who understand the industrial problems and there must be more personnel. The fault of the railways today is that general managers, selected from the operating departments, are in charge of the labor, a mistake from the standpoint of eff iciency," said Dean Miller. "Training in economics is required. We have reached the stage where experience alone does not make for efficiency and a single individual no longer can begin his career by sweeping out and then pass through the various phases to .the top. The American business is now too complicated for that. "There is plenty of room for per sonnel. It would pay the carriers to establish departments with men at the head who understand the labor problem; men who can look backward as well as forward in arriving at solutions." YAKIMA OPPOSES LOBBY People Refuse to Aid Northwestern Reclamation League Plan. TAKDIA. Wash., Nov. lO.-(Special ) The Northwest Reclamation league, with headquarters at Spokane, being characterized as essentially a Spokane organization whose aim chiefly is to boost the Columbia river basin proj ect and that its plan to maintain a lobby, with headquarters in New York, during the coming session of congress, would alienate southern and mid-western interests and endanger the entire reclamation programme, Yakima people are not in favor of contributing the $1000 asked of this , valley toward the fund, which the United States than any other medicine of like character. It's the testimony of thousands of women that it has benefited or entirely eradicated such distressing ailments as women are prone to. For over fifty years some of Dr. Pierce's home medicines have been selling over the drug counters, so that more than forty-eight million bottles have been sold during that time. ,This speaks well for the reliability and value of Dr. Pierce's standard home remedies. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is a blood tonic and strength builder which contains no alcohol, yet has tonic qualities that have endeared it to the American public. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, composed of May-apple, aloes and jalap, have long been considered a reliable vegetable laxative, in the same way that Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription has long been recognized as a tonic for diseaset peculiar to womankinds More recently that wonderful discovery of Dr. Pierce's namely, Anurio (anti-uric-acid), has been successfully used by many thousands of people who write Dr. Pierce in unquali fied terms of the benefits received that their backache and other symptoms of kidney trouble have been completely conquered by uxe use of AauriJv . " , J northwest league proposes to raise, according to O. C. Soots of the YakiJ ma commercial club. Mr. Soots said, the feeling here was in favor of supporting the Western States Reclamation association, which proposes to unite with other sections in securing the largest possible gov ernment reclamation, without refer ence to any particular section. VICTIM'S WIDOW HONORED Mrs. Warren O. Grimm to Be Gnest at Dedication Exercises. SPOKANE. Wash., Nov. 10l Mrs. Warren O. Grimm, widow of one of the victims of the Armistice day shootings at Centralia last year, will be guest of honor at the dedication exercises of "Marne bridge" over La tah creek here tomorrow, it was an nounced by C. S. Albert; commander of the local post of the American Legion. The bridge, of concrete construc tion, was built entirely by ex-service men and the contractor was an ex officer in the army. Portlander Sues for $5 0,000. CHEHALIS, Wash., Nov. 10. (Spe cial.) D. G. Lebb, ' Portland con tractor, and J. A. Harris, filed suit here Tuesday In the Lewis county superior court asking foreclosure of a $50,000 lien against the Washington-Idaho Water, Light and Power company. The claim is for alleged services on a contract Which' Lebb says he completed recently to move and install the defendant's electric power plant to Centralia from Clarks ton. Wash. It is alleged the defend ant has paid no part of the claim. The defendant corporation recently received light and power franchises to install service in Chehalis and Centrafia? is installing its plant at the latter place. Used for 70 Years Thru its use Grandmother's youthful appearance has remained until youth has become but a memory, The soft, refined, pearly white appearance it renders leaves the joy of Beauty wil a young; man who practiced medicine in a rural dis trict became famous and was called in consultation in many towns and cities because of his success in the treatment of disease. He. finally made up hi3 mind to place some of his treat ments before the entire United States and, moving to Buffalo, he put up what he called his. Favorite Pre scription, and placed it with the druggists in every state in the Union. , That was fifty years ago. For fifty years this Favorite Prescription of Dr. Pierce's has sold more largely throughout the ' Wf ' " '' ' mkS&mWM ' "taught bv the Power that ' I .XM: .I'J.'V.l.. - .. - - . ":v:l:: z. ' - . ;'y r-', ::: : T : J hmmmimmmiaemiMiMjmihkmM3MiMIJuiJiu 1 - m.),,?, , tiiu'Mli TllTl Sill MMfrljljli.. IIMM'mk J Red Cross Fourth Roll Call November 11 to STOMACH OH A STRIKE Pape s Diapepsin" puts Sour, Gassy, Acid Stomachs in order at once ! Wonder what upset your stomach which portion of the food did the damage do you? Well, don't bother. If your stomach Is in a revolt; If sick, sassy and upset, and what you just ate has fermented and turned sour; head iizzy and aches; belch gases and acids and eructate undigested food just eat a tablet or two of Pape's Diapepsin to help neutralize acidity and in five minutes you won der what became of the indigestion and distress. If your stomach doesn't take care of your liberal limit . without rebel lion; if your food is a damage in stead of a help, remember the quick est, surest, most harmless antacid is Pape's Diapepsin, which costs so lit tle at drug Stores. Adv. TV 7 O BUGLE bears her place in paths of pestilence and human M other in the World appeals for aid and are the tasks of sacrifice, of brave, unheralded devotion, of utter self denial. She walks with war and is merciful. She moves through peace with the gentle certainty of Florence Nightingale. And in her need the need of stricken humanity she turns to you. FOR PORTLAND the American Red Cross has allotted 100,000 memberships. The privilege of participation is yours. America's sons are home from the Great War but for the Red Cross there is no armistice. Her adversaries are suffering and disease. She strives at home and far afield here and in the tortured lands of Europe. Y OU and your membership are her strength lending both power and will to endure. Her cross is yours. Her cause is yours. Do you serve at her side? Enroll at any of J.I 1 THE C. GEE WO CHINESE) MEDICINE CO. C. GEE WO has made a life study of the curative proper ties pos sessed in roots, herbs, buds and bark, and has compounded there from his wonder ful, well- known r e m e dies, all of which are P e r- fectly harmless, as no poisonous drugs or narcotics of any kind are used in their make up. For etomacn. lung, kidney, liver, rheumatism, neu ralgia, catarrh, bladder, blood, nerv ousness, gall stone and all disorders of men women and children. Try C Gee Wo's Wonderful and Well Known Root and Herb Remedies. Good results will surely and quickly follow 4.T 162V4 FIRST STREET. HOT. TEA BREAKS A COLD TRY-THIS Get a small package of Hamburg Breast Tea at any pharmacy. Take a tablespoonful of this hamburg tea, put a cup of boiling water upon it, pour through a sieve and drink a teacupful at any time. It is the most effective way to break a cold and cure grip, as it opens the pores, relieving congestion. Also loosens the bowels, thus breaking a cold at once. It ia inexpensive and entirely vege table, -therefore harmj.e8s. it, yet the heart is stirred to answer. From the 125 drugstores which are acting as -Oar,...- --mn iif" This Advertisement Donated MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs' Child's Best Laxative Accept 'California" Syrup of Figs only look for .the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. Tou must say Cal-lfornia." suffering the Greatest understanding. Hers authorized agents At once l Relief with Tape's Cold Compound' The first does eases your cold! Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blowing and snuffling!. A dose of "Pape's Cold Compound" taken every two hours until three doses are taken usually breaks up a severe cold and ends all grippe misery. Relief awaits you! Open your clogged-up nostrils and the air pas sages of your head; stop hose run ning; relieve the headache, dullness, feverishness, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. "Pape's Cold Compound" is the quickest, surest relief known and costs only a few cents at drug stores. It acts without assistance. Tastes nice. Contains no quinine. Insist on Pape's! Adv. Phone your want ads to The Ore go -nian. Main 7070, Automatic 56u-aj. Eases Colds 25, 1920 yi SULPHUR IS BEST TO CLEAR UP UGLY SKIN Irritation and Breaking Out Often Healed Over Night, Says Skin Specialist. Any breaking out or skin irritation on face, neck or body is overcome quickest by applying Mentho-Sulphur, says a noted skin specialist. Because of its germ-destroying properties, nothing has ever been found to tako the place of this sulphur preparation that instantly brings ease from the itching, burning and irritation. Mentho-Sulpnur heals eczema right up, leaving the skin clear and smooth. It seldom fails to relieve the torment, or disfigurement. A little jar of Men- tho-Sulphur may be obtained at any drug store. It is used like cold cream. Adv. JRN opnVhur EVes ml