TITE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY. NOVEMREK 11, 1920 13 PORTLAND RECALLS EKD OF WORLD WAR Fitting Observance of Armis tice Day Assured. I celebration In this city have been I worked out by the American Legion: I committee In charge. The narade will I Ietarl at 10 o'clock and will' be led by' Major W. G. White of the national ' JJ guard of Oregon, and his aides. t After the parade a programme will . B be given at the armory, at which vio-' B tory medals will be presented to all world war veterans who have not yet fj received them, and Professor Colin V. . g Dyment, of the Unvlersity of Oregon, I n who was a Red Cross searcher with the 91st division, will make the prin cipal address. Major Raymond C Baird, United States army, will pre sent the medals, also the French four raguerree to members of the 4th bri gade of marines of the 2d division. nnHHflBBBBDHBBHBBBHHflBHIBBHBEBHHHBHBIIBEBJ B - B B THOUSANDS TO CELEBRATE Business Generally in City Sus pended; Programme Arranged .Promises to Be of Interest. MAJOR EVEVTS OF ARMIS , TICE DAY. 11 A. M. Parade of service men and auxiliary organiza tions. Afternoon Aviation meet at Lewis and Clark field, with first event at 2:30 o'clock. Evening Grand ball at Mult nomah hotel, given to service men$ by Veterans of Foreign Wars. Olds, Wortman & King Armistice day in Portland will not be the tumultuous affair that it was two years ago, when every bell and whistle in the city summoned thou sands of celebrants to the streets, liut plans for today give guarantee that the observance of the second anniversary will be in keeping with the Importance of the event with a legal holiday proclaimed by Gov ernor Olcott and Mayor Baker. Few places of businesswill be open, and all public buildings, banks and schools will be closed, while the holi day will be most widely observed by the rally of citizens to the down town district this morning-, to watch the parade of veterans and Service organizations. Three features overshadow the many minor events of Armistice day In Portland. They are the grand parade, scheduled for 11 o'clock this morning, the aviation meet at Lewis & Clark flying field this afternoon and the grand ball tonight at the Multnomah hotel. Parade to Stnrt Promptly. The parade will form in the vicin ity of Fourteenth and Morrison streets and will move promptly at the appointed hour over the follow ing line of march: Kast on Morrison to Broadway, thence north to Pine, east to Sixth, couth to Morrison, east to Fourth, south to Main and dis band. All ex-service men are requested to participate in the parade, which will have detachments of the Amer ican Legion. Veterans of Foreign Wars, Spanish-American War Vet erans and the Grand Army of the Jlapublic. There will be a gold star division, composed of the mothers and widow of men who gave their lives to the national cause, and a special division for disabled soldiers. Both these sections of the parade will be adequately provided with au, toniobiles. Other divisions of the parade will be the 5th Infantry band. United States army detachment. Oregon na tional guard, veterans of army nurse corps, Red Cross nurses, Canadian veterans and service men of other al llied countries. Official Review Arranged. The parade will be officially re viewed by Governor Olcott and Mayor Baker, and other state, city and county officials, from the reviewing stand on the north steps of the fed eral building. George A. .White, adjutant-general of Oregon, will serve as grand marshal of the parade. Kight entries have been listed for the afternoon-aviation meet at Lewis and Clark field, where the first event is set for 2:30 o'clock. Stunt flying, landing to the mark and a disappear ance race will be among the events. The judges are: Merrill Mopres, Fred llickox, B. Pithian. Captain F. S. Mc Clurg, Frank Watklns and Lair Greg ory. Lawrence Therkelsen wll serve as starter and C. C. Cook as an nouncer. The aviation entries to date are as follows: J. C. Peters. Aero; R. L. Flriimons, Curtiss standard; Mrs. Ueorge Dye, Curtiss standard; Dudrey Aircraft company. Curtiss J-N; Aero Club of Oregon, Curtiss J-N; Oregon, Wrashington & Idaho company. Or iole and standard. One of the thrills will be a parachute leap from a plane at 2000 feet altitude. The Veterans of Foreign Wars will entertain tonight with a grand ball at the Multnomah hotel, to which all service men are invited. KORMAIi -SCHOOL CELEBRATES Solitary Programme to Be Given Today at Monmouth. OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL, Mon mouth. Nov. 10. (Special.) Citizens of Monmouth and students of the normal school will enjoy a military programme in the normal school au ditorium on Armistice day. At 9:30 there will be a military drill by the national guard on the normal cam pus. At 10 the following programme will be given in the auditorium: Kntry march, "California Comman dery" (N. Brown), normal school or chestra; flag salute; creed; overture, "Pearl of the Pyrenees" (Charles Frank), normal school orchestra; cho rus. "The Fighting Men" (G. W. Chad wick); "November 11,. 1620." Miss Mary K. Wilson; chorus (a) "Soldier Cap" (M. W. Daniels), (b) "Sweet Lit tle Woman of Mine" (F. L. Bartlett), normal school glee club; address. Rev. James Elvin, Salem;- bugle calls, member of guard; "My Oregon," Miss Alberta Greene; "Dream Waltz" (J. Ross) ; Normal school orchestra, cho rus, "Star Spangled Banner. BUSINESS irorsEs TO CLOSE Schools and Veterans Are to Ob serve Armistice at Aberdeen. ABERDEEN, Wash.. Nov. 10. (Spe cial.) Armistice day Is to be observed in Aberdeen by a general suspension of business, a military parade in the afternoon and an Armistice day ball In the evening at Electric park. Mills and business houses have been pledged to the holiday suspension movement, and this will release the majority of the city's ex-service men for the parade In the afternoon. The schools will observe the day by having an opening session at the usual "me in the morning, and devoting ?nf following hour to a patriotic pro gramme. The students will then be dismissed, to reassemble at 1 o'clock for partici pation in the parade, which will be led by military organizations. EUGENE TO HAVE BIO PARADE Rotary Club Hears cx-Sorvlce Men, CENTRAL1A, Wash., Nov. 10. (Spe cial.) The weekly luncheon of the Centralla Rotary club was devoted to commemorating Armlsticeday. George C. Ellsbury presided and short talks were madie by ex-service men among the Rotarlans as follows: Captain David Livingston, "The Boys in Khaki"; Sam Crawford, "The Navy"; Dr. D. C. Crocker. "The T. M. C. A."; A. F. Cormier, "The Salvation Army"; John Larsen, "The Knights o Co lumbus," and Sidney Plummer, "The Red Cross." Burns Celebration Arranged. BURNS, Or., Nov. 10. (Special.) Arrangements for the celebration Of Armistice day have been made by the local legion post. Following the pa rade of members of the honoit guard service men and pupils of the county high and public schools, a patriotic programme will be given in the courthouse. Mrs. William Fafre will have charge of the community sing ing, and addressee will be given by C. W. Ellis and Captain A. W. Gowan. In the evening the legion members will be the guests of the honor guard girls at a banquet and dance. Every Vet to Hffve Girl. COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., Nov. 10. Every ex-service man will have an automobile at his service on Ar mistice day to bring him to an en tertainment at the Soldiers' and Sail ors' club as the guests of clubwomen. And every soldier will have a girl, even if the clubwomen have to supply one. At least he shall have a girl if he wants one, the clubwomen announced. a a B a WOMEN WIN RECOGNITION Episcopal Conference to Admit Kair Sex as Delegates. WALLA WALLA. Wash., Nov. 10. (Special.) The delegates to the northern half of the Pacific confer ence of the Episcopal church ended their two-day conference here to night after naming Bishop Herman Page of Spokane, Wash., president. Spokane will be headquarters for the northern half of 'the conference, but it is likely that the conferences will meet here because of the central lo cation. It was decided by the conference that women delegates would be ad mitted to the conferences of the northern half in the future. Hereto fore only men were eligible. The ac tion in forming a new organization for the northern half of the province was taken because of the size of the province. The southern half of the conference is already organized, with Bishop Nichols of San Francisco as president. The two halves are mere ly subdivisions of the larger provinces. Our Store Will Remain Closed All Day Today -"Armistice Day" See This Evenings and Tomorrow Mornings Papers for Special Lower-Price Offerings Throughout the Store -B B H B H i BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflflBBBflBflBBBBBBBl AD CLUB' TO HAVE GUEST NOTED APOSTTE OF TRUTH FUL ADVERTISING TO SPEAK. CUPID DECLINES HOLIDAY Vanoonver 'Will Issue Marriage Licenses on Armistice Day. VANCOUVER, Wash., Nov.' ' 10. Special.) The county auditor's of fice will be open at 1 o'clock and again at 7 o'clock Armistice day for the issuance of marrigae licenses. Governor Hart' has declared Armistice day a legal holiday and all 'public iffices, including the banks, will be closed. However, J. L. Garrett, friend of the lovelorn couples, has decided that he will do them this kindness. The stores of the city have agreed to close at 12 o'clock. Amistice day celebration will be In charge of the American Legion, assisted by the Grand Army veterans, their auxiliary and the Spanish War Veterans and auxiliary. Immediately following the parade and a programme the Prunarians will march to the high school gridiron, where Vancouver high school football team will play the Chehalls. Neither team has been defeated by a school team this year. Rancher Will Attend SI tow. HOOD RIVER, Or., Nov. 10. (Spe cail. H-George M. Sunday, son of Rev. William A. Sunday, Interested with his father In raising purebred live stock or an Odell country place, will be among the Hood River ranchers to attend the Pacific International Live stock exposition in Portland next week. Mr. Sunday will leave Port land for California with Mrs. Sunday. The latter will spend the winter In the south because of ill health.. Richard H. Lee, Head of National Movement to Reform Business Publicity, Coming to City. Richard H. Lee, who has gained world prominence as the result of his' activities as head of the national vigilance committee of the Associated Advertising Clubs of the World, will address two meetings in Portland Monday, November 22, under auspices of the Portland Ad club. Mr. Lee had charge of the work of the national vigilance committee in its investigations of the Emerson Motor fraud, the Ford Tractor com pany, of Minneapolis, and other frauds wherein the promoters were Indicted on evidence he obtained, and later sent to the federal penitentiary. He is an apostle of truth in advertis ing, which he holds will be reflected in the confidence of the reading pub lic. Legitimate stock and bond dealers admit the value of the work that is being done by the national vigilance committee and the 26 better business bureaus associated , with it in its work. ThnJugh the investigations made in the past, millions of dollars have been saved to the investing pub lic for distribution In legitimate chan nels where security is the paramount point of interest. During Mr. Lee's stay in Portland two open meetings will be .held, to which the business men of Portland are invited. Mr. Lee will address the members' forum of the chamber of commerce on "Pirates in Business" and at 6:30 o'clock at night he will addTess the Ad olub and other busi ness men In the crystal room of the Hotel Benson on commercial frauds. Game Warden Bemoan Faux Pas Loss $25. Chief Deputy Brown Lines Timber Wolf With Empty Gun. nuts that he' keeps one eye skinned over his shoulder. Visiting practically every county in Western Oregon during the t last month. Warden Brown has observed a marked increase In the number of mountain quail those shy little na tive Oregoniana, with their long graceful plumes, that range the flanks of the mountains and never demean themselves by association with the California, or helmet qua'l of the val ley. - "Thes.e quail, in. common with other native game birds, are thriving: nice ly," commented the chief deputy warden. "They axe more In evidence this year than in many seasons past, and in most of the hill districts one can't walk a half-mile trail without flushing three or four coveys. Sports men and naturalists will be glad to remark this, for the mountain quail Is not only the peer of any upland game bird, but he Is the Beau Brum mel of all Oregon species. For that matter I'm willing to "back him as the handsomest quail on the conti nent." . - f;1 FEDERAL EMPLOYES WORK NO HOLIDAY WILL BE TAKEN IX GOVERNMENT OFFICES. Judge Wolverton Will Continue to Hear Case Over Hops and .Other Trials Arranged. Uncle Sam will carry on business as usual today, even to the postal service and courts. The cases on the United States district court -calendar are so numerous tnat Judge Wolver ton will be on the bench. It Is more than likely that the federal employes will take a few minutes off, however, to view the parade of veterans. In the federal district court this morning Judge Wolverton will con tinue to hear the case of the Clausen- t lanagan Brewing company of New York against T A. Livesley and John 1 J. Roberts, hop dealers of Salem. It is an echo of ante-prohibition days. I as the suit is brought to collect $20, j 000 damages that the brewers allege -svj auDb i .- f X , nilOU LMB Ui CEUI1 firm failed to deliver 50.000 nmmria r.f NIMROD was a mighty hunter but hops at 15 cents a pound. The brew he always kept an arrow on the ! ers allege that they were forced to Grand Matron Visits Burns. BURNS, Or., Nov. 10. (Special.) Most Worthy Grand Matron Ida Umbach of the Eastern Star made her official visit November 5 to the Burns chapter No. 40. A banquet was given in her honor and during her visit here she was extensively entertained. Mre. Umbach left Sun day for Ontario to make an official visit before returning to her home in Lakeview. Bring. For example, he wouldn't have been caught in the predicament that F. M. Brown, chief deputy game ward en, was during a recent Douglas county hunting trip. Nimrod would, as they say In the timber and on the ties, have been "Jake" at a split sec ond's notice. ' - "I lost $25, mused Warden Brown, "and I lost it 40 m'les from nowhere. There 1 every reason to believe that It is still wandering around the Til ler country, waiting for some keen er sportsman to claim it. How come? "Well, it was-m'ghty sudden. I walked over a little ridge and there. not 60 feet from me, stood a big gray timber wolf. I'll tell the world that animal was about the dimensions of a Newfoundland, and he was my meat, for he didn't see me. I don't know what he was watching, but it wasn't me, and I lined the sights with care and precision. I held just under his shoulder blade and I thought about $25. That's the state bounty on. tim ber wolves. "when the hammer fell there was no report. Just a click that made me the sorest hunter in all Douglas county. I hadn't thrown a cartridge Into the chamber. That wolf Jumped three feet straight into the air and lit running. Of course I had a shell in by that time and I took a snap shot at him aa he dusted for cover. But I missed him by a mile. . "That's how come I lost $25 down In Douglas county. Lost more than that, really, for very timber wolf is the destroyer or scores of deer In a single season deer and grouse and quail. And the game commission nat urally is interested in hanging up their hides. But this fellows wear- purcnase me nops in the open mar ket at 42 cents, a pound. It is ex pected the case will go to the Jury this morning. As soon as this case is completed the government, through Hall M. Lusk, assistant United States attor ney, will begin the prosecution of Lew Harris, who is charged with re ceiving stolen goods, the property of the United States. Harris is said to havt been an associate of Harry Schulman, Robert Campbell and Harry Nudleman in the theft of wool from the warehouse of Theodore Bernstein In this city. As soon as the wool case is com pleted Auotin Flegel will begin the case against George and Georgia Lan don of the upper Columbia valley, who are charged with a violation of the Mann act on four counts by the transporting of Clara Burgy from Portland to Seattle and from Vader, Wash., to Portland. Land on formerly was a chef at the Coffee Cup restau rant in this city. ELKS TO DEDICATE HOME Centralla Lodge Prepares Pro- . gramme for Xovember - 18. CENTRAL! A,- Wash.. Nov; 10. (Spe cial.) Dedicatory ''exercises , enter tainment for vlsi t i n g women, two fjaWkamJ faiif"J?lsa 72 A onouncin 4 Tn. or orea a. Reduction rices 1 Effective Monday, bread prices in Portland will be volun tarily reduced one cent by the master bakers. This action is being taken in keeping with the promise made by the bakers that they would reduce' the price just as soon as conditions warranted, reductions. J Although bread sales are the highest in the industry's history and many of the bakers have from three weeks' to two months' supplies of high-priced flours on hand, they believe that they should now make good their promise to the public The reduction at the present time means that bakers gener ally must take losses until these flour stocks are exhausted and the lower priced flours are available for use. The Master Bakers wish to thank the public for the spirit of fairness it displayed when conditions forced bread up, and they now desire to show their appreciation in the most con crete way possible and that is to voluntarily bring down prices now. Bread Food Is Yoar Cheapest Eat More of It! Master aisers OF OREGON A ssociation 4 1 BPJU IpBHM.yUBIM ifaiaii1i i ir ii dances and a parade are the main features of the programme for the dedication of the new $125,000 home of Oentralia Elks' lodge No. 1088. No vember 18, as decided on by the dedi cation committee. Jesse K. Mills of Olympia, deputy grand exalted ruler, will preside at the dedicatory services, the other offices of the lodge to be filled by exalted rulers of neighboring lodges. Addresses will be made by C. D. Cun ningham, Centralia attorney.; - Major C. O. Bate- of Tacoma and W. C. Milk For Infants i Invalids NO-COOKING rh "Food - Drink" for All Ages. Quick Lunch at Home, Office, and Fountains. Ark for HORLICICS. tsrAvoid Imitations & Substitutes The prestige of Oregonian Want Ads has been attained not merely by The Oregonian's large circulation, but by the fact that all Its readers are ring his, and the next time he watches interested in Oregonian Want-Ads. a chipmunk. I'll bet dollars to dough- pii-tX i I Superior fam Pg4 5s. "J V tx..t 1 Of Programme Cor Celebration Armistice Day Announced. EUGENE, Or., Nov. 10. (Special.) All details of the big Armistice day Ifie World loosened up its ' corn belt when Post Toasties came on the market Albee, superintendent . of the North ern Pacific Local business houses will be dec orated In Elk colors . (purple and white) for the occasion. where the range of choice is the greatest. This has been, to a large extent, responsible for the phenom enal result-producing power of the 'Oregonian Want-Ads." People wlio are looking for some Braiding, embroidery, hemstitching, specific thlntr to buy naturally look Booth's, More-an bide:. Adv. "I CAN NOT PRAISE T eautify your hair bv the new method yPUdmot litfuii Shampoo Wiktroot Shamfxjo Cake 'Wddmot Hair Tonic If these 'Wildroot pro ducts do not help your liair more man any other similar products, we will pay your money back. Askyourdrugsiat.batbex or haiidreaaer. We could not cuarantee satisfaction or money back if we did not ua alcohol in Wildroot, as alcohol adds an indis pensable antiseptic qual kytothewonderfultonic value of Wikiroot itself. That unsightly itching crust of dandruff that eventually means goodbye to hair, can be done away with. Get a bottle of Wild root from any good druggist. Apply it according to directions, and dandruff will go or we will refund your money. You will never know how beautiful your hair really is until you try this : Moisten a piece of cloth with Wildroot, then take one strand of hair at a time and pass the moistened cloth over the strand from scalp clear to the end. Repeat till you have gone over all your hair. Then look in your glass. ; WILDROOT CO., Inc., euffalo, n.t. "Wildroot Licruid Shampoo or Wildroot Shampoo Soap when used in connection witkx "Wildroot Hair Tooic, will hawtn the treatment. That's What Portland Woman Says After Her Experience With the Medicine. "Before I took Tanlac two years ago I was almost a nervous wreck, couldn't do my housework and even bad to have my mother take care of my two children, but now I am feeling just fine," said Mrs. B. C. Emerlck. 1484 Boston Ave., Portland, Oregon, a lew days ago, "I had suffered with stomach trou ble for four years," she continued, "and couldn't find anything to help me. I had sour stomach and nervous sick headaches nearly all the time, and often during the day I got so dizzy I could hardly stand up. I sel dom ate as much all day as one of my children would eat at one meal, and I always felt awfully tired and didn't seem to have a bit of strength or energy. "My nerves were completely upset. I couldn't even stand the noise of th-s children playing in the house, and I often felt like thore was no relief for me. But I finally got Tanlac, and it gave me back my appetite, corrected the sour stomach, stopped the nerv ous sick headaches, the dizzy and sick spells and gave me back my strength, and I also gained eleven pounds in weight. "Well, I just felt Tine after that until I had an attack of the 'flu." which left me all run down, very weak and nervous, so I Just got some more Tanlac, knowing how It had helped me before, and It brought me out all riRht. My appetite is good, I eat anything I want, and what I cat makes me feel nourished and stroncr. I am doing all my housework-with ease, the weakness and nervousness is completely gone, and I have gained seven pounds in weight. As this 19 the second time Tanlac fias restored my health, I can't praise It too highly." Tanlac Is soli? In Portland by the Owl Drug Co. Adv. lOe 2Sc THE GUARANTEED HAIR TONIC TABLETS FOR A 1H Palo Headaches Neixralg.es Colds and La Grippe Women's Aches and Ills I A.Jt your heumalic and Seialio Pains "fabUt Phone your want ads to The Orego nian. Main 707C, Automatic 660-86.