16 THE MORNING OREGOXTAX, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1920 KEW TODAY. he Inside Of A Houses Garage i o5 4cSa ike OutBjc 1 V Every Redimade Gives Entire Satisfaction Wo stake our reputation on every REDIMADE, therefore our Interest in them is continuous. We build them rifrht and do not hesitate to guarantee satisfac tion with every one. redimade: bi ilding co. East 11th and Market Streets. PORTLAND, OREGON, Phone tZtmt 61 14 Or 03 Lenta It ail d Inc. Phone Broadway 4335. FOR SALE BY OWNER LARGE HOUSE (12 rooms) EXTENSIVE GROUNDS (5 lots) One of the most beautiful homes in Portland. See or write owner for details. 1150 East Flanders Street, Laurelhurst, Portland, Oregon ' LADIES. WEI CALL FOR TOCB OLD CARPETS. Boci and "Woolen Clothing. FLUFF RUGS All Work Turned Ont Promptly. Rac Rim Woven All Sizes. Mall Orders. Send for Booklet. Carpets Cleaned, Laid and Refitted. KOBTHWEST RCO CO. 1HS Eant 8th St. Phone Uumt 35SO. Irvington Bungalow Seven rooms; new, strictly modern; hardwood floors throughout. Large living room; fireplace. Every thing up-to-date. PRICE $7950 Go and see this place. No. 678 E. 14th St. North Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver.) Old Rna-s and Woolen Clothing. We Slake Reversible, Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS Room-Size Fluff Rusts Woven, S17.SO. Rag- Rom Woven All Sizes. Clothes Cleaning a-nd Dyeing; Xlepta, Mali Orders Send for Booklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning 9x12 RnjtK. Steam Clenneal, S1.50. Wfeal'fclRN FLCFF KUtt CO, M Union Ave. flf. I'honet East 6516. Mortgage Loans towt Interest ratesi Installment re psjrnients if desired. Building- loan made. A delay In closing. A. H. B1RRE1X CO. K17-Z19 Korthwestern Hans, BnUdlaa AlarshaU 411s, Edward E.Goudey Co, MORTGAGE LOANS United Ststes Bank Building- KE.VL ESTATE. For Bale Flat and Apartment Property. BARGAINS IN SUNNYSIDE FLATS. ., 914-914 Vi E. Morrison, 4 rooms down . stairs. 5 rooms upstairs; fireplace, elec ; trie lights, toilet, hard-surface street; terms. Tabor 8650. or TAGGART BROS.. 1102 Spalding Bldg. $6000 2 FINK flats, nothing- better; grand income; near Burn, bridge Main 4S03 G. C. GOLDEN BERG, Abington bldg. "35 yrs. in Portland." For Sale -Lots. ; $10 DOWN $8 MONTHLY. EOSE CITY PARK LOTS. f $500 50xloo-ft. lots, sewer, ce ment sidewalks and curbs; prices , on vacant will surely advance in the near future, so now is the time to buy. . T t. TTi ptvi v rr-MT a-ktv i 8 Chamber of Commerce Building. MAIN 208. 2i LOTS in Laurelcrewt on East Davis, between 4th and 47th streets. These lots have been reduced one-half In price end anyone.fifruring on building a home should see these lots. Price of lots SUA) to $500. Morning or evenings, phone Tabor 2S03. BARGAINS IN LOTS. West slope Mt. Tabor. $1(50 each; cor ner lot, Alameda, 12UU; 68x100, Ala meda. $1150. Improvements all paid best locations. CLEVELAND-HEVDEHSON CO., 308 Board of Trade bldg. $3."i EACH i Rose City Park lots. $0l each 2 Rose City Park lots. $900 Beaumont lot, paved st., paid. $I30 Laurelhurst lot. Imp. paid CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 225 Henry bldg. $c0O Beautiful east-facing lot on 44th, between Brazee and Wistaria: all liens paid; exceptional sacriiice. Main 4341. Sunday East 2QJSI. i'OR PALE 80x1 0O on northwest corn-r Ainsworth and Boston avenues; $1000. easy terms. Phones: Office. Main 4835; res.. Sellwood 291. li4 ACRES near Peninsula school and car line, which will make 7 large lots; will sell cheap. Call Bdwy. 12 week days, Woodlawn 45SS evenings. WEST SIDE HOME SITE. Lot on south Sixth St., near Ter wllliger blvd., extended view, $300 cash. Main 6630. ALAMEDA PARK lot, beautiful view, 75x 100 comer. 2Sth and Alameda drive; im p rovements paid; $2500. Tabor 6441. KICK district, full 50x100 lot. with garage, sidewalks in; improvements paid. Wdln. 3195. - ALAMEDA PARK 100x100, corner 28th and Bryce; Improvements paid. $2150. . Tabor 644L l-l f 111 x I.. ' H'Z-Jii -r-w REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. OX SANDY BOTLETAKD. 68x100 FEET. $105O S. E. corner of 73d and Sandy blvd. Very little property is offered for sale on Sandy blvd-, so here is not only a good oppor tunity but a bargain. Terms. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Building. MAIN 208. HOME SITE. 100x160, beautifully wooded, fir, maple, dogwood and vine maple trees. Price for quick sale $1575. $150 cash. $15 monthly. Larger than three standard lots. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. LAURELHURST LOTS. TWO BIG BARGAINS. HURRY. Bee Delahunty at tract office, E. 89th and Glisan sts., or Phone Tabor 8433. For Sale Houses. J. A. WICKMAN CO., "Shortest Way Home." We have the homes and can show you the very best buys available at your price and terms. Call and inspect our photos of the best borne buys. Autos at your servive. It places you under no ob ligations. We simply ask the oppor tunity of showing you what we have and if you can do better anywhere we do not hope to sell you a home. Let us show you and we will leave the rest to you. Here is a sample of what ws have to offer: $3500 buys 5 rooms and- bath, with com bination living and dining room, Dutch kitchen, full plumbing with wash trays, full cement basement, fireplace. You get all this on 60x 1-00 lot with st. imp. ail in and pd. Easy terms. Have you seen the equal of this for the money? Many surprisingly good buys available through this office. Let us show you. J. A. WICKMAN CO., "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark st. Main 1-094 and BSS. ROSE CITY. This one will go quickly; 5 rooms. large attic, full basement, furnace, hardwood floors, everything desired in a modern home of the very best locations below the hill. Call for further information. $u500, term. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 0 rooms. 5 down, 4 upstairs, hot water plant, first-class; gas and electric: best or ail, 2 fine corner lots 100x100. lots of choice fruit, berries and grapes: only $4 1 50; we can loan you $3000 to help buy it. THOS VIGARS. LAURELHURST CO Main 1IOO and Tabor 7SL i!70 Stark st. DIRECT, BY OWNER. Change famllv affai mule nw rifice of beautiful home your gain; really seven rooms, nearly new; strikingly at tractive arrangement; absolutely modern, garage, artistic fireplace. Laurelhurst district, close to park and cars: would take as low as $1000 If sold without com missions, bal. momthly if you wish: would cost $10.O0O to duplicate; my price $5300; drop me a line and I will communicate with you. Write N 136, Oregonian, IRVINGTON. Best part East 23d street North; en trance hall, very large living room, din ing room, kitchen 1st floor; 3 fine bed rooms, sleeping porch and bath second floor: large attic, full basement, furnace, garage, hardwood floors, white enamel finish. Shown only by appointment. POINDEXTER. 208 Selling bldg. Main 18Q0. Residence East 6771. Comer lot, lOOxloo, with 2-story mod ern home, living room, dining room, den, kitchen, hardwood floors, fireplace down stairs; 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, bath, 2d floor; large attic, full size con crete basement, hot-water heat, garage; terms, half cash. POIXDEXTEK, 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 18U0. Residence East 677L $6750. IN LAURELHURST. NOW VACANT. No better buy In Portland: extra fine 8-room house, fine location, hardwood floors throughout. Come quick if you want a chance at this bargain. Key st Laurelhurst tract office, E. 39th and Glisan sts. Phone evenings. East 7738. PIEDMONT BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW. 6 rooms: hardwood floors, plate glass windows, modern built-lns, furnace, fire place, east front, built for home; good reasons for selling; only $6500, some terms. Phone Marshall 1022. Sellwood 2708. ROSE CITY. 1 -story bungalow type, fine living room, dining room, kitchen, 1 bedroom and bath 1st floor; hardwood floors, 3 bedrooms 2d floor, furnace, garage, full lot. noo. POINDEXTER. 20S Selling bldg. Main 1SOO. Residence East 6771. SIX ROOMS, plastered, bath, gas. electric lights, basement, 50x100 lot, 2 blocks north of Killingsworth. Price $1950; pay $l.r0, $30 per month. Including inter est and own this home. 1175 Gay st., near Denver ave. Door unlocked. Own ery, Marshall 746. OUT-OF-TOWN owner must sell 6-room bungalow with full attic and basement, on 80x227 lot, $3150. $350 cash, balance monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. MAKE ME OFFER PIEDMONT. Death forces owner to sell modern 2 story 6-room house, furnace; well built; $1000 cash, balance to suit; 3 blocks car. Mars-hall 1022 Monday, Sunday and after 5. Sellwood 2700. BUY S. W. CORNER Park and Flanders. 60x100 concrete bldg., on trackage. $30,000. Good Income, big future; no , other corner on Park or Flanders can be bought at such a price. R. T. Street, realtor, East 894; res., East 4280. ROSE CITY PARK. By owner. leaving city; best bulltj Imi...!.t. h ,(.. s t ' t cement basement, garage, etc. Price $5050, Includes linoleum, shades, curtains and winter's fuel. 605 E. 64th st. North. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 7 rooms absolutely modern, fine view, all built-lns, $1000 cash will handle. Wilson with Interstate Land Co., 249 Stark st. Main C429. IRVINGTON, $7250. 7 rooms, old ivory, hardwood floors, two fireplaces, fairly modern: Just like new garage; a beautiful and artistic home. East 894. SPLENDID 6-room home, hardwood floors, good location, Irvington; lot 100x100; choice fruit trees: this very cheap at $6500; number of others, tine homes cheap. East 273. Herdman. IRVINGTON SNAP. $5750 Six rooms, full cement base ment. Boynton furnace, 8 bedrooms: 5 Ox loo choice corner; street liens paid. East 804. $900 FURNISHED 6-room cottage house boat on garden lot. near river: neat, cosv home: you can save money: terms. CHAS. RINGLER. 225 Henry Bid g. FIVE-ROOM bungalow, near Hawthorne ave.. on 36th st. Price $3750; $12'H cash, balance to suit you. L. J. Lamb. 005 Corbett bldg. IRVINGTON dandy little home: 721 Broad way; garage; $5000, some cash, $50 per month. McDONELL, EAST 419. $1850 3 ROOMS and bath, gas and elec tricity, 2 blks. to car, good district. $6O0 down. bal. like rent. See Seaman, 410 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 7660. 160 ACRES timber land In Josephine coun ty. on logging stream, six miles from Merlin: make offer. Address owner, 2S22 fio. Yakima ave.. Tacoma. Wash. SIX-ROOM modern house, walking-distance west side. Price $5500, $2000 cash, balance to suit you. M. E. Lee, 605 Cor bett Diag. $4800 5-room strictly modem; lot BCxlOO about 3 blocks of school and car; libera! terms. See J. P. McKenna, Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6493; IRVINGTON home. V rooms and bath 4 large bedrooms, sleeping porch, full "ce meat basement, finished attic, 60x10s lot. East 1115. IRVINGTON New 7-room colonial, every thing up-to-date: price and terms right. 583 B. 25tb st. N.. near Knott. Phone Woodlawn 4841. LA RGB 6-room bungalow, 2 halls, 8x11 best of location, elegantly furnished. $9000. one-half cash. 1040 E. 18th st. N Phone Wdln. 772. TWO-ROOM furnished house on west side $500. $150 cash. $1. monthly. L. j' Lamb, 60-5 Corbett bldg. $1500 BUYS a 4-room house on E. 82d st.; easy terms. For particulars, call at riau mug., i-i rw u $6500 In Laurelhurst. 8-room modem; lot rn Uul mn In and rntiA C-a t i at 39th. Tabor 6493 5-ROOM modern bungalow, 8 blocks from par line. walking dlstanCA tn Prnnlrlin high school. Address 2510 47th st. 3. E. 4-ROOM cottage. Mt. Scott, $1450; take $50O down. Alias iioiman, 416 Cham ber of Commerce. HAWTHORNE bungalow. $4500. Terms. Tabor 8024. IRVINGTON HOMES. McDonell. BOO East 14th N. East -Is. 5-ROOM, 392 Fremont st. 6-room. 6524 42d ave. d. i. Ail rent, azo-ie. 5-ROOM house, large lot, $1750. Broad way OBI, . , REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. BIHR-CAREY CORPORATION. REALTORS. MAIN 74S7. The following houses are unusual bar gains. We have a very large number of them on hand In every section of the city. See ua before you buy. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 ROOMS $4300. , This bungalow Is 4 years old, strictly modern, on a full lot, 2 blocks from the car line; large living room, built-in buf fet, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, furnace, laundry trays, fireplace, hardwood floors, ivory woodwork. This bungalow Is only 4 years old and may be had on very convenient terms. ALBERTA, 6 ROOMS $3750. This house Is unusually well construct ed and good looking, on a full lot, one block from car and within- walking dis tance of Jefferson high school; three large upstairs bedrooms, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace and laundry trays. This house Is In excellent condition and a snap; $650 will handle. KENTON. B ROOMS FURNISHED $3600. - Modern 6-room bungalow, completely furnished, on full lot. 1 block from car; 2 large bedrooms, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, fireplace. The furniture Is per fectly new; the house is only 6 years old and in fine condition. - Convenient terms. MONTAVTT.LA. 100x160 $2700. Substantial house on ground 100x160; large combination living and dining rm., bedroom, kitchen, garage, chicken house, abundance of fruit trees; only $600 down. SEVENTH NEAR SHAVER. 6 ROOMS $2500. Only $500 necessary to take this sub stantial 6-room house, with 8 large up stairs bedrooms; on full lot with pave ment and sewer in and paid; house freshly painted and papered; fine plumb ing. This is an excellent value. . SIXTY-SIXTH STREET. 80x1007 ROOMS $2100. Double-constructed house of 7 rooms, of which 4 are large upstairs bedrooms with plastered sleeping porch; fall ce ment basement, best of plumbing, abun dance of fruit and shrubbery. This is a snap and may be tad for only $250 down. .1 MONTAVTT.LA. B ROOMS $1800. On a full lot, 2 blocks from ear; good 5-room house with 8 bedrooms; good ' plumbing, gas and electricity; only $500 down. BIHR-CARBT CORPORATION. 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG., THIRD AND ST ARK. STS. MAIN 7487. OPEN EVENINGS. MAGNIFICENT LATTRELHTJRST HOME. Moving south, will make stupendous sacrifice on modem two-story. 9-room house on 100x100 lot looking into park; old ivory finish, walls papered finest oak floors throughout, hot-water heat, 3 fireplaces. 3 baths, sun room, main rooms very large, all tile kitchen with maid's room and bath .adjoining; 4 main bedrooms and 2 sleeping porches, bil liard room, finished basement, garage, loss of shrubbery, like new; - terms. Tabor 407. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. Rooms on One Floor 400. Surely someone will take advantage of this bargain and buy it today. Just think of buying a 6-room bungalow with fireplace, furnace, etc, on a paved street, for $4500. Finished In- rich old ivory and white throughout. Oh, yes, there Is a delightful sun porch In addition to the 6 rooms. Truly a bargain. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main 8092. Branch Office, 50th and Sandys MT. TABOR BUNGALOW. Beautiful 100x100 corner, with lots of fruit and shrubbery, magnificent view of mountains, one block to car. 5 large, light, pleasant rooms and a big, airy, floored attic, used as sleeping porch. Fireplace and furnace. All street im provements in and paid. A very cosy home and the price is only $5800, with good terms. FREDERIC C. PRATT, Broadway 1658. 210 Oregon Bldg. ANNOUNCEMENT. We have one of the most magnificent, wonderfully beautiful homes In Portland for sale at $30,000; It's worth $50,000. Ideally located on the Heights. West side. Truly a rare opportunity for a lover of beauty to gratify a wish. For fullest particulars see J. W. Crossley. manager, high-class home dlept., with FRANK L. McGulre. To Buy Your Distinctive Home. Abington bldg. Main 1068. $7000 BUYS a beautiful modern 7-room home with large sleeping porch run ning across the entire back of house: corner lot, set to fruit, flowers and shrubs: a choice home built and occu pied by the present owner for a perma nent abode; circumstances,, however, compel a change; can make you easy terms; this Is a thoroughly modern, up-to-date place and will meet the most fastidious taste. For particulars, call at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st IT WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK. Six-room almost modern, in Sunnyside, on good car line, lot 50x100, with Im provements in and "paid: 9 fine fruit trees and assortment of small fruit; worth $4500; will sell this week for $3800: $500 down and $30 per month and Interest. This is one of the best buys in Portland. Phone Owner, Tabor 2253. RARE IRVINGTON BARGAIN. Will give someone real bargain on at tractive two-story. 8-room house with sleeping porch and garage on 65x100 comer, best section, near car; old Ivory finish, 16x32-foot living room, plate glass windows and cut glalss knobs throughout; lots of beautiful trees and shrubbery: easy terms Tabor 407. BEAUTIFUL HAWTHORE HOME Six rooms, with all modern conven iences, full cement basement with hot water heat, rooms In old ivory, prom inent corner lot in best part of district. A snap at $4350, about $1200 cash will handle. GRTJSSI BENNETT. 318-321 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Leaving for California, will sell classy 6-room bungalow, with garage, in best section, near park and car. built' several years ago. for $SOOO; living room 16x30) French ,doors to dining room, breakfast room, 2 fine bedrooms, finest oak floors throughout, fireplace and' good furnace; old? ivory finish: terms. Tabor 407. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. 5 Rooms and Garage $4200. This can be handled on easy terms. A very attractive bungalow, east front, full lot. A, G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St., near 4th. Main 8092. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. Beautiful. almost new bungalow: hardwood floors. Ivory woodwork, ar tistic fixtures, recently decorated, fuel for year, gas range and water heater. Immediate possession. Owner Just gone to Washington, D. C. $6000. BROOKE. MARSHALL 4827. 94500 100x150, GOOD 6-room bungalow, bam, garage, fruit trees. $7500 Mt Tabor view home, garage, fine location, elegant, modern. $9000 Laurelhurst, 9-room, strictly modern. CHAS. RINGLER A CO, 225 Henry bldg. $500 DOWN. $3800 FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. Modern. 5-room. hardwood floors, old ivory finish, shades, fixtures, built-tns, cement basement, trays; 50xl00-ft lot. Sidewalks paid. One block from Haw thorne car. Owner, Tabor 7939. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 7-room artistic modem house. 2 bath rooms, new gas furnace, 3 beautiful lots, practically level, wonderful unobstructed views. Must be sold to settle estate. Immediate possession. BROOKE. Mar. 4827. . FOR SALE: West side, modern eight-room house and garage, built three years; hot water heat, hardwood throughout; two baths; corner lot: some view; price $17, 000: would also sell the furnishings rea sonable; no dealers. Answer to X 174, Oregonian. . IRVINGTON. By owner, new. up-to-date bungalow, 6 large rooms and breakfast room: all on one floor. Large attic, garage. Open from 12 to B. 590 East 25th at. North. A. C. Malmqulst. Woodlawn 1398. STOP ! LOOK ! LISTEN ! $2600 CASH $2850 TERMS. Modem B-room bungalow, two blocks from Clinton Kelly school, 1 block from car. All street improvements in. Phone Main 4783. $2100 SACRIFICE sale, six rooms, 1 stories; 8 blocks south Mt. Tabor car; newly painted, papered. Full line new plumbing. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Owner. 601 Worcester bldg. Main 7276. $2500 FOR a fine comer. 50x100. on paved street, with 4-room bungalow, 2 blocks from car: only $500 cash. F. L.'BLANCHARD, 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 829. WOOD & COLE. BUILDERS. See us before you build your home. We guarantee satisfaction. Woodlawn B348, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Rouses. MARSHALL ISflS. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. TERMS. $1850. , No. 262 B-room buntralow. hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, very pretty lot, one diock to car line. Remember, - this is the biggest snap ever offered in Rose City. Total price $4350, $1850 cash, balance to suit. LAURELHUTtST DISTRICT. CASH $400. 5-room bungalow, fireplace, gas heat ing system. As you use gas for fuel, will need no basement, plumbing, elec trlo lights, paved streets, sewer, cement sidewalk, cement driveway in for ga rage, lot 40x116, half block to car line. Total price $4750, $400 cash, balance $40 'per month. - $300 CASH $300 CASH, t ... 8-room bungalow, consisting of living room and dining -room combined, large bedroom, kitchen, full size basement, good set of plumbing, cement driveway in for garage, a lot 40x116, 1ft blocks from car line, paved streets, cement ' walks, sewer. Price $3250, $300 cash, : balance $35 per. month. . ROSE CITY. ' No. 268 5-room bungalow, floored at ' tlo, hardwood floors, furnace, modern In every respect, paved streets, cement sidewalk sewer, exceptionally low price has been put on this place of $4800, $1900 cash, balance $30 per month. ROSE CITY. No. 267 5-room bungalow, hardwood . floors, garage, furnace, fireplace: in fact, this is a modern, up-to-date place, paved streets, cement sidewalk, only 1 block to car line. Total price $5500, $2000 cash, balance to suit purchaser. LAWYERS TITLE & TRUST CO, 285 Stark Street, near Fourth. MARSHALL 1898. ' " ' $12,500 WORTH $25,000. Going south, want to sell quickly magnificent 8-room low rambling style bungalow, none equal In construction; fireplace, two baths (one with shower), sun and breakfast rooms, den. French doors and windows, beamed ceilings, plastered basement, ceiled attic, best hot water heat, large porch, 200x125 ground, native trees, double garage, pav d street; a beautiful country place and right In Rose City Park: $2500 cash wiU handle. Owner, Tabor 1795. CHALET BUNGALOW. Five rooms, new and ultra-modern and not skimped in construction; your inspec tion will prove this charming, convenient and homey; among other things is breakfast nook; range canopy, hardwood floors, fireplace; 00x100 lot, near car line; come on; lets go. $4350; easy terms. Mr. Symmonds. COB A. MeKEXNA & CO, 82 Fourth st. Main 4522. ALBERTA. Only $4000 for two 5-room houses In one. Two complete sets of plumbing, full basement, full 50x100 east front lot, with lots of fruit, near one of the main through streets now being improved. Only $1000 down, balance $35 a month which amount either half of the house will bring in as rent. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. ACT QUICKLY ON THIS. Well-built 6-room house in Williams ave. addition, 62x100, all improvements in and paid, modem plumbing, electrici ty, gas, basement, trays, near Union ave. cars, 12 blocks north of Broad way. A snap at $3250, 50O or more cash and terms. Convertible to apart ments If desired. GRUSS1 BENNETT. 818-821 Board of Trade. Main 7452. $3900. Near Jefferson high, modem In every respect:' 6 rooms and bath, full cement basement, furnace, paved street, good garage with cement fioor, only half block to best car line in ciLy, short walk to school and stores and only 15 minutes from heart .of city. Small down pay ment, balance like rent. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. WEST SIDE homes! ' $2230 Five rooms and big attic, bath and modern, well built; unex celled view. $1250 cash; move- H.ht In Tn ,Hni!mi ohnua T have four good home properties all spienaiaiy located; in walking distance with carlines; none - further west than 20th st. Main 6630. 6 ROOMS DOUBLE GARAGE. Very substantial home, in excellent condition ; full cement basement. Bleep ing porch, 2 lavatories, 55x100 lot; all improvements paid. Located on E. 41st St., near Holgate. $4600. $500 cash. See this. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. IRVING TON HIGH-CLASS BUNGALOW. 490 EAST 23d $10,000. B beautiful -ooms and real breakfast room, 2 concrete porches, one has per gola leading to driveway, the bath In all art tile, three sets French doors, perfect throughout; swell home tor people of means. McDONE-LL. EAST 419. ONLY $1000 to handle this 6-room house on comer lot, close to school and car. This house is conveniently arranged having some built-lns, full cement basement, laundry trays, a number of fruit trees and good garden spot. Price $2700. JOHNSON-DODSON CO, 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. IRVINGTON $6500 $1000. Lovely small home, 6-room, all ivory, , beautiful dining room, latest tapestry paper, artistic lighting fixtures, h. w. floors. 2 fireplaces; lot 125x50; wonderful garden; garage, JUST THINK $1000 CASH. $50 MO. McPONELL, EAST 419. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. 402 E. 53d St. X. Attractive bungalow with living room, dining room, -kitchen. 2 bedrooms and bath first floor: second floor arranged for 2 extra bedrooms; fireplace, hard wood floors and will install furnace. East 7976. BY OWNER. Alberta district. 5-room double con structed bungalow; full basement, bath, elec, gas. white enameled Dutch kitch en; very cozy and comfortable, with ga rage; close to 3 car lines and school; $3000. $1000 cash, balance terms. Phone Marshall 1088. $4200 FOR a fine double house, 2 sets of plumbing, with many built-lns, lot 50x 100 with bearing fruit trees, walking distance to grammar and high school ; will rent for $65 per month; $1000 cash. F. L. BLANCHARD, 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 829. COMPLETELY furnished, 5-room bunga . low, some built-lns, fireplace, full plumb ing, faces east; close to car; wood and briquette included in the price. Price $3500. $750 cash, balance monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 833 W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. IRVINGTON HOME. $7500. , $7500. Hall, living, library and dining all in Ivory, hardwood floors, 4 bedrooms, ga rage; terms $1000, $50 per month. East 1347. FOR QUICK SALE. Fine modern home. 7 rooms, close In on east side; full lot; now rented for $50 per month: vacant Dec 1; price $5500. Main 6206. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not -turn burden Into Income? We design and build apartments, garages, residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years. We offer SECURITY, SERVICE. SATISFACTION L. R. Bailey Co., 924 N. W. Bank bldg. IRVINGTON REAL HOME. $7200. H block to Knott, 1 block to ear and school, lovely 7-room house; $1500 cash handles. MeDONBLL, East 419. BIG BARGAIN IN SUNNYSIDE. SEVEN-ROOM RESIDENCE, having all conveniences. Including furnace, cor ner lot, streets made and paid; $1000 cash, balance monthly. TAGGART BROS.. 1102 Spalding bldg. S19.S0 5-room semi-mod.: H. R ,rr..t. sewers; I need $1000; my loss is your gain: V diock 01 car; can snow you more bargains in 2 hours than you can find In 2 months. See J. P. McKenna. Bel mont at 39th BY OWNER. 6 large rooms and sleeping porch; hardwood floors, fireplace, built lns, full basement, large lot; $33O0. terms. 274 E. 7ttth st. South. M. T.-88th car. $300 FOR a fine 3-room with chicken and wood house, lot 80x120, $250 cash. F. L. BLANCHARD, 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 829. FOR SALE by owner, modem 6-room house, garage. 5615 62 d ave. S. E.. one block from end W, S. car line, 2 blocks south.- $3000 FURNISHED 6-room bungalow, E. 25th, near S. P. R. R. shops; $500 cash, bal. monthly. Phone owner East S225 evenings. FOR SALE Or wiU rent to right party, 499 on Willamette blvd., 7-room bunga low; good and clean. Call 695 Flanders St. Marshall 375. 6 ROOMS, modem R. C. bungalow, va cant: garage; block to car. Owner. Anv old payment down. Automatic 326-72. THE BEST cottage' that $2000 cash will Buy, ti intti vresuiuaay REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. I BUY YOUR HOME NOW ! SEE FRANK L. McGTJIRE, FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. 1100 Photographs of Homes for LARGEST HOME 'SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Deal with, an old ESTABLISHED ' firm. We cordiaHy invite yon to visit onr GREAT DISPLAY ROOM and INSPECT OUR UNPARALLELED DISPLAY of 1100 photographs of homes for sale. EVERY ONE CAREFULLY APPRAISED BY OUR EXPERT APPRAISER. Every district. No matter what , : your requirements arc, there is always "THE HOME" to satisfy them. The unequaled variety of our listings affords you an un limited choice. If necessary, we . . will help you make your down . payment, , 25 salesmen at your service. OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY. Open Every EVENJNG until 9. DISTINCTIVE LAURELHURST. $6500 A SPLENDIDLY PROPOR- . TIONED BUNGALOW, every . . room of the 7 well located, ' and there for a real purpose, that of providing for your comfort and happiness; beau tiful built-ns, sleepng porch, freplace. E. 43d. WAVBRLT RICHMOND! IMMEDIATE POSSESSION! $4500 DIFFERENT IN DESIKN is this WAVERLY RICHMOND beautiful bungalow of 6 rooms; especially appealing to the housewife is its ar rangement and convenient built-lns; fireplace. etc; range and linoleum Included in price. YOU CAN MOVE IN TODAY! Cor. Gladstone. ALBERTA'S BIGGEST BARGAIN! ' $3500 $500 down! UNDUPLICATED . VALUE! 6-room very at tract! ce ALBERTA bunga low:' EVERY LINE IS PLEASING TO THE EYE! Very homelike living room; solid paneled dining room with massive buffet; model Dutch kitchen; full basement. Killingsworth ave. $500 Down! DELIGHTFUL BUNGALOW1 $2700 $500 down! ONE OF THE PRETTIEST BUNGALOWS IN ALBERTA! 6 rooms; built-lns; Dutch kitchen. . THINK! Only $500 down! Marguerite ave. $2900 A RADIANT SHINGLED . BUNGALOW, with an ex pansive front porch that in vites! 5 rooms, with one of . the most delightful interiors any bungalow could havel solid paneled dining room; built-lns: airy Dutch kitchen; WILL SELL FURNISHED FOR $750 additional. Terms. Just look at it! , E. 19th st, FORCED SALE! COZY SHINGLED MONTAVILLA. $2625 $500 down! Owner, a non resident. Just reduced price for a quick sale; clever 4 room partly furnished MON TAVILLA BUNGALOW: cheery fireplace: built-in buffet; Dutch kitchen ;. fruit. E. Alder. LOOK AT THIS TODAY! - $300 Down! A COZY MONTAVILLA! $2150 $300 down! Cozy. 3-roora MONTAVILLE BUNGALOW. E. 81st st, $500 DOWNI SELLWOOD HOME. $2650 Splendid value In this SELL WOOD HOME of 6 airy rooms, white enamel plumb ing; electricity; gas; 8 light, airy bedrooms: Just lots of fruit. E. 8th- at. KENTON DISTRICT. $1800 $300 down! Neat and cozy 4-room KENTON BUNGA LOW on Peninsula avenue. Only $300 down. ANNOUNCEMENT I Home seekers! It Is Important to you to Investigate our- WON DERFUL DISPLAY OF HOME BARGAINS before you buy YOUR HOME. An unlimited selection to choose from. We are getting new : listings every day. and there Is a home to please every taste. DO IT NOW. today. BE INDEPEND ENT AND HAPPY. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, '' To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Third St, bet. Washington and Stark. Open 11 day Sunday until 9. APT. HOUSE SITE. HALF PRICE. 100x100 lot. V4 block on the N. E. cor ner of E, 13th and Ash sts., an 8-room house, in good condition, with modern plumbing; street work all in and paid; total price $4500, $2000 cash. $25 month ly: the assessed value of this property is $4490. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham of Com. BEST BUY IN MT. TABOR, Strictly modern 7-room bungalow; 1 block from Hawthorne car: hardwood floors, fireplace, all kinds of built-tns: fine music room, living room and din ing room. Paved st. Going to Califor nia and must dispose of this place. Will make reliable party a bargain. Call to da. Tabor 3089. BUNGALOWS! , 1UNGALOWS! BUNGA1 WS! We have a numbe. of 5-room bunga lows In Hawthorne district ready for occupancy; prices $4500 to $5000, with liberal terms. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. WEST SIDE. Six rooms and bath, excellent condi tion, nice view, street improvements in and paid, fruit, lawn and roses; con crete garage, close In, price $3500: $600 cash, balance arranged 6 per cent in terest. Call Mr. Fisher. Main 6429. 248 Stark street. 3 LOTS and a B-room house, large shop and woodshed, a little new barn with cement floor, sewer, water and lights; fruit trees and berries for family use, close to school, 1 block from car and paved' street InFuiAon. Deal with owner; terms. Main 1319. 6-ROOM good 1-story building; 1 bath. 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, laundry trays, front porch for down and up stairs, electricity and gas; 24 blocks from Rose City school; some cash; easy terms. Phone, Sunday, East 7809; weekdays, Marshall 4378. $500 CASH. $500 CASH. $500 CASH. Neat 5-room plastered bungalow, ce ment floor in basement. first-class plumbing, ground 100x100, 6 young fruit trees, 1 block to car; a splendid buv; price $2900, terms to suit. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. OH BOY! LOOK I READ! $500 DOWN $40 PER MONTH $40. Strictly modem new 6-room bunga low; furnace, hardwood floors, street Im provements paid; Irvington car; price today $5250; worth $6500: unlocked. 821 E. 16th st. N. East 4000. CORNER. 2 lots with fruit trees and new bungalow of four rooms. Including Dutch kitchen, open fireplace in sitting room, full basement. E. 47th and Multnomah sts. Easy terms. John Bain (owner), 507 Spalding bldg. HERE. THE IDEAL BUNGALOW. - ROSE CITY PARK. CLOSE IN. Large and roomy, strictly modem ga rage, furnace and all you desire in a home; very choice location. Call Tabor 8292. SIX-ROOM HOUSE $2850 buys a good six-room house "with fireplace, on street car line, near East 22d street; easy payments. W. H. ROSS. HOP N. W. BANK BLDG. FIVE rooms and bath, full basement, all city conveniences, 6 blocks to Mt. Scott car, on 72d St.. south of Fremont, with two or more lots; will sell reasonable to 1 w. ,.. rr-,1 f 1. on, . riUL 11,1 t. j ci. nuui WEST SIDE. 7-room modern house and 2 attic rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, lot 50x100 on Northrup, near 24th St.; price $8500. John Singer. 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 9478. HOUSB PLANS. "Distinctive Homes," Illustrated book f over 100 designs, $1; blueprints $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY. 924 Northwestern Bank Bldg. $1850 5-room and 2-room cottage; fruit trees, large barn; would make good ga rage or shop: on cor. lot; all for $1850. See J. P- McKenna, Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6403. SIX-ROOM house, good location, 842 East Ash street, one block from car line, three blocks from Kern school. Price $2500; J art cash, balance to suit buyer. OHN ADAMS. 325. CORBETT BLDG. IRVINGTON Near school and car lines: 2-story semi-modern house In excellent condition: garage; $3600: terms. Less for casn. uwirer. tast zya. OWNER New B-room Hawthorne bunga low; bargain; $4500, easy terms. Tabor 7247. I MODERN 7-room house in fine location. . ... Q4T.HA R. C. MODERN 5-room bungalow and vavoD-n .1 : ( r. n t,rm ToKa. OATH B-ROOM bungalow at a bargain, $2800, terms. Tabor 276. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. NEW 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. WILL SELL ON STRAIGHT MONTHLY PAYMENTS. NO MORTGAGES TO ASSUME. ROSE CITY PARK A modern bungalow with 3 bedrooms: all rooms old ivory finish with hard- y wood floors in the main roor.a: place Just finished; never been oc cupied; 50xl00-ft. comer lot; terms only $500 down, balance $45 month. Price Includes fixtures and win dow shades, J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Building. MAIN 20S. ROSE CITY PARK. Strictly Modern 7-Room Bungalow. Garage, $5800. Real bargain, in fact, the best buy in Rose City Park. LISTEN! B rooms and sleeping porch downstairs, 2 good bedrooms upstairs; . strictly modern in every respect, hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, good garage, located on East 49th st., south of Sandy, with good view toward city: house less than 4 years old. Just as good as others ask $651)0 for. Priced $5S0O for quick sale; $8500 cash, balance only 6 per cent. Phone appointment at once, tomorrow may be too late. G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington St. Main 8220. IRVINGTON BARGAIN $7500 On terms . to suit your own convenience: fine cor ner, sunny south exposure, surrounded by " large, elegant, distinctive homes, strictly modern, 4 large light bedrooms and glass inclosed sleeping porch, extra lavatories and dressing fooms in bedrooms, full ce ment basement, furnace, 2 fireplaces, ga rage, all street Improvements in and paid for, near Irvington club and play grounds. Ideal for children, Broadway car, drive by, note the neighborhood, and phone me before It is sold, you may move In tomorrow. 480 E. 27th- N.. cor ner Thompson St. D. G. Wilson, 85 4th st. Broadway 2980, Marshall 5915. LAURELHURST COLONIAL CORNER. Beautiful 7-room colonial home, locat ed on oversize comer, in park section. 1 block from car; built for home three years ago and! never offered for sale before; center entrance hall, French doors to 30-fr, living room; French doors to elaborate dining room: pass pantry, ldieal kKchen, breakfast room, finest oak floors, papered walls with old Ivory finish; 2 tile fireplaces, 3 large bed rooms with dressing rooms and sleeping porch ; garage, fine lawn and lots of shrubbery. Priced much below actual value. Terms. Tabor 407. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. 5-Roora Bungalow Garage. $B5UO. This attractive bungalow located 600 East 54th street North, 100 feet north of Alameda drive. You probably have never seen a better constructed bunga low. You will be delighted to find uch a. splendidly built and finished buriga low home. Price includes garage to be built, A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St., near 4th. Main 3092. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. $250 CASH ROSE CITY PARK. If you can pay large monthly pay ments you can have immediate posses sion of this really beautiful bungalow of 5 rooms and floored attic. Yes, of course. It is strictly modern, with oak floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, furnace heat, garage, paved street, near car. The price is $5750. This is a Teal classy bungalow. Why pay rent when you can get a snap like this 7 Better call us at once. COMTE KOHLMAN. Main 6550. 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. A NICE HOME ON hi ACRE. One block from Hawthorne car Urae. extra large living room with fireplace, two bedrooms with closets and linen closet, kitchen with cooler, cupboards and ironing board, breakfast room with built-in seats and table, cement base ment, full plumbing; a strictly modern home. Just ready for inside decorations. You can choose your own color in paint ing, enameling and tinting. Price $3900 on terms, discount for cash. A. Vester. 231 Killingsworth ave., or phone Wdln. 2548. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. $15,000 for a fine 8-room, with break fast room, music room and den: has very large living and dining rooms, also large finished attic, sleeping porch and garage. The bathroom is of the finest. Corner, 75x100, 1 block from Broadway car. If you want a fine home see this. F. L. BLANCHARD, 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 829. WBSTOVER HEIGHTS HOME. Magnificent new Georgian colonial home, built of hollow tile and stucco, on double lot. with unobstructed view of city, mountains andi river; every new feature, Including brocaded silk paneled walls, hand--painted solarium. 12 sets of French doors. 3 tile baths, double ga rage, gas. hot-water heat. R, H. Torrey, owner. Tabor 407. $3900 VACANT, MOVE IN. Hawthorne, 5-room bungalow. In fine condition, nice - fireplace, built-lns. full cement basement, paved street, near car and school, pay $700 cash and move in tomorrow. Stop paying rent. Buy this. COMTE & KOHLMAN," Main 6550. 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. BEST BUY IN PORTLAND $3700. Large 5-room bungalow with full ce ment basement and furnace, large floored attic, double constructed, 60-ft, lot. sewer in, located on Killingsworth, near East 8th. Less than half cash will handle. Hurry if you are looking for a real bargain. McCORMIC, 242 Wash ington st. Main 8220. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. A fine 6-room with sleeping porch, large living and dining room, w'th French doors between, hardwood f loo. , two toilets, lot 5Oxl00 with garage. This Is a fine home and a bargain. Would take small bungalow In exchange. F. L. BLANCHARD, 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 829. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. FOR SALE OR RENT on long lease, eight-room residence on Mountain drive. This includes electria range; house is In the finest of condi tion and Immediate possession can be had. METZGER-PARKER CO., 269 Oak st. Phone- Broadway 5355. TAKE POSSESSION NOW. Six room home within walking dis tance, on east side; has living room with fireplace, nice dining room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms and bath. Lot 40x100. Price $2S50, $500 cash, bal. easy terms. A, H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank bldg. Mar. 4114. $2875 WILL buy from owner 2-flat house near Chapman and Mill; walking dis tance. If building can be built for less than $4000 It's yours free: one flat rent ed $20. other now vacant. Easy terms. Lot is 52x92. Ben Meadow, owner, 518 Corbett bldg. Marshall 557. COUNTRY HOME IN TOWN. - Right on hard-surface pavement; land 100x300 feet, ail In cultivation: house of 8 rooms, plastered, good condition; garage; also small 3-room house at rear of ground, irice 4too: terms reasonable. A. H. BIRRBLL, 217 N. W. Bank bldg. Mar. 4114. NHAR PIEDMONT and Jefferson high. beautiful 5-room house with lots of built-ins, cement basement, sun porch, child's playhouse, all for $4000, and only small down payment. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. SELL-WOOD, 6 ROOMS, $3000. .Paved street, double constructed 2 story house, 7 years old; full basement, wash trays, sleeping porch; $750 cash. $30 monthly. 69W, no mortgage: give warrantee deed. Sell. 2706. Marshall 1022. LET ME show you a nice home on 40th St., near Knott; living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, 8 bedrooms, fire place, hardwood floors, garage, furnace; $1500 will handle. Car at your service. See J. A. Bushue, 518 Chamber of Com. FOR S.U.E Furnished six-room bunga low cottage on paved st, and car line; all improvements in and paid; two lots, 21 bearing fruit trees; furniture new last spring; $4500, $1600 cash, balance easy. 9O0 E. 15th North. SUNNYSIDE HOME Six rooms all on one floor; fractional comer lot. close to car; home at a small investment, $3350; terms to suit. A. H. BIRRELL. 217 N. W. Bank bldg. Mar. 4114. FOR SALE Going to leave the city: a nine-room house with all city improve ments; lot 67x100 ft,, with fruit and nuts. This Is a snap at $4500, but will let go at $3500 cash. 679 Princeton st-, cor. Fiske. 6-ROOM house, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, garage; near 2 good car lines; $4000: $1000 cash, balance terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. NIFTY, new 5-room bungalow, ivory en amel wood work, tapestry paper, built in buffet, dresser and breakfast nook, Dutch kitchen; easy terms. 1010 Tib betts, 5 blocks south of Division. BEAUTIFUL home, 6 rooms and den. modern, hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nace, etc.; Hawthorne district; $2000 cash, ba 1 . easy terms. Call Tabor 3385. THREE-ROOM house on 67th ave.. cement basement, 22x12. Price $1000, $350 down and. terms at 6 per cent. For particu lars '539 E. 36th. F. B. Hurst. IRVINGTON bungalow type. 7 rooms, mod ern, artistic, good neighborhood, two fireplaces, garage. 488 E. 27th st, N. East 4160. A BEAUTIFUL 6-room modern home, fire place and bullt-ins; $3900. $750 down, $40 a month, and 7 per cent. Broad way SS J. ,. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. $2650 NIFTY bungalow; you'll like it. Xsear Union and bumner: terms. $2850 Artistic bungalow; modem, homey place, near Williams and Wy gant. $3250 Attractive home, B rooms, sleeping porch, elegant decorations. Near Cook and WilliaVris. $3500 Wonderful 7 rooms, fireplace; 80x100. fruit. Near AnabeL $500 cash. $3750 7 rooms, strictly A-l; vacant, near Halght and Mason. $500 cash. $3950 7 rooms: snap; close in; near Mallory and Skldmore. $4000 7 rooms. Hawthorne district, elegant home, $800 cash. $4500 Furniture, fireplace, oak floors, every convenience; vacant; Hawthorne; $1000 cash. $4300 Irvington Park; new, 6 rooms, all one floor; fireplace, hardwood floors; very choice. $1000 cash. $2700 6 rooms, typical bungalow, near Franklin' high; block car. $650 cash. $2850 Neat bungalow; fireplace, near 22d and Division; only $500 cash. Main 4803. O. C. GOLDENBERO, Abington Building. "35 Years in Portland." LAURELHURST HOME OARAGE COMPLETELY FURNISHED SACRIFICED FOR U050. 7 rooms and sleeping porch. All large rooms. Solid hardwood floors Fire place, furnace, full deep cement base ment. This fine home is complete from basement to attic with high grade ma hogany and quarter-sawed oak furni ture. Wilton rugs. Beveled plate mir rors. In fact you can order your trunk sent out and move In. Garage and cement driveway. Only 2 blocks to Glisan street. ' CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO. S06-8 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 47S4. v KENTON DISTRICT. Bix-room house. 100x100 lot. fine fruit $3000 .Seven-room modem bungalow, cheap as dirt 3OO0 6-rm. mod. bungalow, fine fruit, 100x100 for $404)0 5-room mod. bungalow, new, 66x109, cheap; now $3250 Foui"-room modem bungalow, cheap: 33x109 $1750 Any of these, $200, $500 cash, balance like rent; from 1 to 2 blks. to car and paved street. Let me build you a Uttle house on terms that you can buy. A. C. MCDONALD, Agent, 296 W. Lombard st. Wdln. 6273. WBSTOVER. FINE VTETW, LARGE GROUNDS. BEAUTIFUL SHRUBS. STRICTLY MODERN RESIDENCE, ENTRANCE HALL. LARGE LIVING ROOM WITH ' FIREPLACE. SUN PARLOR. DINING ROOM AND KITCHEN FIRST' FLOOR. B BEDROOMS, BATH SECOND FLOOR: MAID'S ROOM AND BATH THIRD FLOOR: HARDWOOD FLOORS. FINE BASEMENT. HOT-WATER H ELATING PLANT HEATED BY GAS. LAilGE GARAGE. FOR FEW DAYS OAS SELL FOR THIRD LESS THAN IT WOULD COST TO DUPLICATE TODAY. SHOWN ONLY BY APPOINTMENT. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1300 EAST 6771. ROSE CITY HOME. JSO00 $1200 CASH. 7 rooms and sleeping porch: 1 bed room on first floor, double plumbing, full c. basement, furnace, level lot, paved St., 1 block to Sandy, below hill; owner in hospital; greatest sacrifice In Rose City this year; house cannot be built for $6000. 626 C. of C. bldg. Main 6127 or East 1364. . Suburban Homes. INCOME SUBURBAN PROPERTY. HILLSBORO. For sale, 44 acres. 18 miles west of Portland on Oregon Electric and South ern Pacific. 2 blocks off state highway 4 blocks from school: 2 acres 8-year-old trees, all kinds fruit, Hi acres logan berries, red and black raspberries, goose berries, grapes, cherries, etc.; barn! 2 small chicken houses, 1 new chicken house, 20x100, modern, 350 pullets just coming Into laying; six-room house, modern, basement, fireplace, built-lns for convenience; all bulld'lngs have gas. running water and electricity; all build ings good as new and painted this sum mer; can show you where this place will pay for Itself In three years; good reasons for selling; price $6500. half cash; cannot build the outldings for this price; will also sell household goods, which were bought new this spring, at 20 per cent discount. Includes such things as Blue Bird electric washing machine, electric sewing machine, combination gas and wood stove, etc. If you are look ing for a good' buy at below actual worth would ad-vise you to get In touch with me at once, as this place will sell when found at this price. Write P. O. box 285 or better still, telephone 117 Hills boro. Or. 5 ACRES, located at Newton Station, Red Electric All under cultivation. Lots of fruit. Good 5 room bungalow, small barn, large new chicken house 16x104. Garage. With the place go 400 fine White Leghorn chickens, 300 are pul lets, fine Jersey cow. Tools and com plete household furniture. Price $5500 lor everything. Large casn payment. Half mile from Highway. 2 miles east of Hillsboro. Fine attractive place. Well located. Personally inpected . photos at office. John Ferguson, Ger linger Bldg. MARSHALL 1898. 11 acres, of which 10H are In a high state of cultivation, almost level land, woven wire fence, crushed rock road, 80 bearing prune trees, 3 cherry trees, a four-room box house In livable condition, good rich loam soil, well adapted to the growth of berries, hi mile to a good school. Will sacrifice for $2000 cash LAWYERS TITLE & TRUST CO., 2S6 Stark Street, near Fourth. MARSHALL 1898. SUBURBANITES! We have hundreds of personally in spected suburban homes In every outly ing district In Portland. We're open eveiy evening and Sunday. If you want a suburban Home, see F. C Marshall with FRANK L. McGUIRE Ablngten Building. Main J068. MULTNOMAH acre bargain; located ok hard surface road', only 3 blocks from Oregon Electric station; wonderful view, all in cultivation, city gas. Bull Run water and electricity in the street: owner will sacrifice for $1500. halt cash; no buildings. Phone owner. Main 8220. 8 AlCRES. $1000 CASH. ' Dandy country home. 8 acres, all In cultivation; 4-room bouse, bath, wind mill, barn, chicken house, on Oregon Electric ,29 miles from Portland: only $2800. Come see for yourself. George Johnson, 526 Chamber of Commerce. . OSWEGO LAKE BUNGALOW. - ONLY $4500. 5 rooms, bath, sleeping porch: 125 feet lake frontage, never offered at this price before. If you wish a snap call at 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. B ROOMS and bath, full basement, all city conveniences. 6 blocks to Mt. Scott car on-72d st, south of Tremont, with two or- more lots. Will sell reasonably to right party. Phone Tabor 2214. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carllne, from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Rlsley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook," MODERN 8-room bungalow, west side: $1800: $500 cash and balance $15 per month. Call 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park. ONE OR TWO acres blk. soil, running water, front Ore. City carline, $13.0o0. Main 6630. $750 BUYS unfurnished house on half-acre land, west side, $2O0 cash, balance $10 monthly. L. J. Lamb, 605 Corbett bldg. For Sa! -Business Property. WEST SIDE. 50x100 fine business corner, with Income; priced reasonable, terms: on Important car line. Zimmerman, 818 Chamber of Commerce. For Sale Acreage. ROCKWOOD ACREAGE. One acre, close to Rockwood station, on Troutdale electric; all cleared; price $600; very easy terras; can have larger tract if desired. See Mr. Boehm, 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. BEAUTIFUL GROVE. 8tt acres, close to Glllls station, on Bull Run electric; maple, fir and cedar; good soil, fine roads; price $2225; very easy terms. See Mr. Boehm. 209 Ore gon bldg. Broadway 1658. 2V ACRES. $2500; at end of Hawthorne ave. line: finely situated for a home; In cultivation; best of soli and $500 per acre below anything In vicinity. Owner, 910 Cham, of Com. Phone Mar. 1585. FOR SALE 11 acres partly cleared: cow horse, 10 chickens, gas drag-saw, stump puller; enough wood to pay for: school, carline close; good roads. Fr. M. Pod hora. Orchards. Wash. 15 ACRES fine bottom land In Clarke Co.. Wash., with 3-room house, hi mile from car and hard surfaced road: easy terms. John ' Bain (owner), 607 Spalding bldg., Portland. 10 ACRES $3000; short distance east of city, new Barr road and Buckley ave.. level land, good soil, city water near; will dljrtde. Owner. 910 Cham, of Com. Phooe-Mar. 1585. SO ACRES IRRIGATED LAND. In sunny southern Idaho, to trade for improved' city- or suburban or merchan dise. 140 Shaver St. 80 ACRES,, near Hillsboro, $1500; $200 down, terms, 6 per cent. Miss Holman, 416 Chamber of Commerce. $9 ACRE, half section. Portland 20 miles, good soil. E. Leonard. St. Helens 20 LEVEL acres, good timber: $1850. $500 axiaaa. s ailing utag. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. $1250. PARKROSE. $62.50 DOWN $15 A MONTH. 1 1-3 acres, high and well drained land, beautiful building site, with view of valley and mts. Fine grove of shade trees, balance In cultivation; short distance from Sandy blvd. and car line; rich silt soil; unrestricted. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, S Chamber of Commerce Building. MAIN -OS. 81-3 ACRES. $95 DOWN. $20 A MONTH. PARKROSE Just outside city limits, near Sandy blvd. and car line; land all cleared ready for the plow; rich garden soil, good view, well drained, suitable for berries, celery, garden. Price $1902. 3. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Building. MAIN 208. FROM OWNER TO PURCHASER. i have 12 lovely suburban acres of rich land, located Jdeally along highway and1 near electric nne; except an acre or two of wood all land Is In high state of cultivation; several acres berries and fruit: fine vegetable land-; great dairy location; some fine clover; spring water; modern sex-room house with all city conveniencess; nearly new barn and many other buildings for poultry and hogs; artistic fence; a real home, close to the city: must sell in next week or so; going away; if sold direct w-ill take a small cash payment of S15O0 and bal. of $4000 on terms. Best snap in Oregon. Write, tor appointment, N 135. Oregonian. EXCELLENT LAND AT $30 PER ACRE. On Columbia river between Portland and Astoria; 7200 acres of logged off land Just put on the market in small tracts; deep, rich soil, slightly rolling; good transportation, schools, church, store, postoffice. warehouse and docks. Select now while you can get choice tracts. Easy terms. Arrange to go Wednesday. JOHNSON-DODSON CO, 633 N. W. Bank. Bldg. Main 3787. HVB acres, good soil, J2000 cash: 15 miles from Portland, on Oregon Electric, 1 his acres under cultivation, balance pasture, creek through place, plenty good wood, some cut: small -house, good bam, pig sty, woodshed, apple house and fine well, 82 assortedl fruit and nut trees. 20 grape vines, lOoO strawberry plants, one young cow. 1 tons hay, 2 shoats go with place; closo to Oregon Nursery com pany; work year round; come to Wis taria station, walk south to road', west 5th house, eight minutes. Mail address Steve Balogh. box T5, Orenco. Or. STOP THAT RENT. Buy a tract of land consisting of near ly an acre, all cleared. Bull Run water: possibility of owners arranging for con struction of dwelling: small initial pay ment, balance $20 per month and only 6 interest; soil highly suitable for berries and small fruits and will also make splendid chicken ranch. Take Mt. Scott car, see D. J. O'Connor, Tabor 1418. 92d st. and Woodstock ave., or in quire A. W. Lambert & Son. East 640. 404 East Alder st. 10 ACRES unimproved land, with creeks, springs and beautiful wooded slopes; price $2700. ALSO 20 ACRES All in high state of cultiva tion, house, barn, large creek, num ber of springs; price $8000. 1 BOTH of the above lying betwieen Multnomah and Tigard, close to the Capital highway. For particulars, call at 404 Flatt bldg., 127 Park at. NEAR BEAVERTON, OREGON. 5 acres, good land, all can be cultivated,-' 3 acres under cultivation. Woven wire fencing. Orchard. 4-room bunga . low, ready for lath and plaster. Good barn, chicken house and other build ings. 1 lc- commutation fare. 30 minutes out. 2 car lines. Price J2SS0, $950 cash. Personally inspected, photo at office. John Ferguson, Gerlinger Bldg. 33 ACRES. EAST SIDE. 10 miles from court bouse, hard sur face road, 1 large barn, 2 living springs of water, nearly all clearei, little tim ber on the place: price $240 per acre, $LH)0O cash. $100O 3 years, balance 6 years at a per cent. THOS. VIGARS. LAURELHURST CO.. Main 17O0 and Tabor 768L 27Va Stark St. CLOSE-IN acreage only 8 miles from P. O, on paved street, right on 2 car lines, I have for sale 14 acres, best sol!; 8 acres cleared, balance in fine timber; creek on place; adjoining Linneman Park; $350 per acre. $500 down, bal. to suit at 6; no mortgage. RIELY & GUSTAFSON. 9Q5 Yeon Bldg. $2700 27 ACRES, 12 miles Portland: Sky Line blvd.; fine soil: one-half cultivated; creek, spring, small house, barn. $2900 2 acres. Garden Home, alt cul tivated: 6-room house, fruit: near sta tion. See us for acreages and farms. CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 225 Henry Bldg. 11 ACRES $500 DOWN. All cultivated. 250 bearing fruit trees, anil small fruit, on electric ' line, hhi miles east of Vancouver. Wash, hi ml! to paved highway: 3-room bouse and tarn; $3000; a snap. A. GORDON ROSS. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Broadway 4751 410 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE LOGGED-OFF LAND. Write for map of western Washington showing location, price and terms Over 10,000 acres sold last year at our low price. Easy payments offered to actual settlers. WKYERHAErrSER TIMBER CO, Tacoma, Wash. CLOSE IN ACREAGE We have over 500 small places, close to Portland. Some on paved roads close to electric transportation. All have been inspected. Photos at office. John Ferguson. Gerlinger Bldg. WILLAMETTE RIVER FRONTAGE. 1 1-10 acres in high-class residential district; city conveniences, water, gas, electricity, rich soil; beach and launch at front door, auto road across rear: electric service, close In. west side: price fcr 30 days $350O. P 105. Oregonian. 2 ACRES under cultivation, by owner; Just outside city limits, close to paved road; high-class neighborhood; trt gently sloping northwest; worth $20tn; will sell for good deal less for quick sale. Inquire with Mr. Brooks, Lents Junction general store. CHICKEN RANCH. Buy direct from owner. 6 acres, 4 poultry houses, gravity water system. 7-room house, barn, etc., lots fruit, on highway; -very specal, $2500, terms. A. C. Alexander, 80 East 19th st. Phone East 89. i OAK GROVE. Let me show you this 1 VI -acre tract, close to fine sandy bathing beach, short walk to school and interurban, best Of SOIL Only $1000, easy terms. FREDERIC C. PRATT. Broadway 1658. 210 Oregon Bldg. $6 160 ACRES hill land, for cows,goats, $35Q cash. 252 Stark. Homesteads, Relinquishments. HOMESTEADS and relinquishments locat ed on farm or timbered lands in Oregon. Reduced copy of government map. cor rected to date, of tracts now open to entry. $2 by mail. M. J. Anderson, 531 Railway Exchange, Portland, Or. CAN LOCATE you on a good homestead, Portland or Roseburg district, farming or timber tracts: also have some good relinquishments. H W. Helm, 317 Board of Trade bldg. DANDY 320 homestead on county road; 40 fine bottom land, 80 got $3000 worth 'beautiful timber, nice creek, neighbors; $400 quick cash. 301 Corbett building. THREE homesteads, worth $10,000 each, near railroad, schools, churches, 5 mills. 353 Holladay ave. Fruit and Knt Lands. -ACRE apple orchard for sale; owner. Main 6474. For Sale Farms. FOR. SALE 10 acres of very choice Hood River land near city limits. Part In' orchard. Inquire of Mr. P. L. Adams. East 253; CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland. $50 to $500 per acre, aasy terms, best soil: farms for sale, all sixes McFarland. 208 Falling Bldg. 20O ACRES near Portland, fine land, ideal for berries. Price $40,000, $10,000 cash balance to suit you. L. J. Lamb, 005 Corbett bldg. GOOD paying farms: sizes and terms to suit, with stock and Implements. C. J. Culllson Real Estate Co.. 205 Vi Morri son at- 6 ACRES berry land, 4-room house, level, clear, fenced. Wlllamina 1 rrille; $150 jah, bal. easy. J. R. Sharp. 83 hi 3d st. LOGGED-OFF lands and small farms; run ning water, good soil, some with Im provements, terms, j . xt. onarp. e3Vs ttd. 4450U Nice 10 acres, house., barn, auto xoad. M.uFariand, Failing bids.