Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 09, 1920, Page 14, Image 14

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'.Set Contents 15Pluid PractmJ
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Cliffs Reveal Prehistoric His
tory in Characters.
s , vx? v & X
II .ALCOHOL - v.--
Bears the
a AvesciauiT- -
's- ''
f- simuaunzuieiuuu uj -s--
ling me j tomams ij p
Portland Man Cncovers Evidence
at Roosevelt, Wash., That May
Reveal Asiatic- Dwellers.
r. ... Pot Contains
5 n -.. ,' .- ''
Recent reports of astonishing finds
ef the skeletons of human beings,
their ornaments and war and do
mestic utensils, near iJig laay, on tne
Columbia river just above The Dalles,
that "are thought might reveal the
existence or a race who inhabited
Oregon antedating- the famed Indian
confederation of the Wauna, received
an additional Impetus last night when
B Frazler, of 835 Multnomah street,
brought to The Oregonian office
photographs of picture writings evi
dently chiseled on cliffs at Roosevelt,
Wash., across the river from Arling
ton, Ore., by a people that would seem
to differ from the Indians as they are
known at the present time.
Frazier. who is a traveling sales
man, stumbled upon the find during
a hunting trip and brightened up the
writings by means of chalk to enable
him to make photographs. The char
acter of the writings Is said to be
very ancient, and it is barely-possible
that these messages to posterity may
have been left by the inhabitants of
the lost city, if it should be proved
that there was any such settlement
ever In existence.
Writing Regarded as Rare.
In few respects do the Frazier
photographs of the cliff writings re
semble the more usual Indian writ
ings with which most of the residents
of the northwest are familiar. The
find Is especially interesting on ac
count of the superior class of the
workmanship of the writers. It is
more than likely that, if archae
ologists can be located who can de
cipher the writings that possibly
may be stone pages from the history
of a bygone and extinct civilization,
th? true story of the lost city and
possibly of a lost race may be re
vealed. Speculation has been aroused to a
great extent by the finds of last week
of the skeletons of the lost tribe with
the sea shell ornaments nearby that
were of a character never found on
the Pacific coast beaches. It will be
impossible to trace these shells far
because their extreme age made them
crumble at .the touch of the investi
gators as soon as they were exposed
to the air. According to reports from
The Dalles yesterday the countryside
in the vicinity of Big Eddy was
thronged with investigators who
wanted to delve Into the pits that had
been opened up by the crews working
on the Columbia highway grading.
Finds Will Be Preserved.
Officials of the state highway com
mission are taking steps to preserve
the finds from the too fervent
curiosity seekers, and it is mr e than
possible that the Frazier writings
will be visited shortly In an effort to
decipher their meaning and connect
them. If possible, with the un
paralleled relics taken from the tombs
across the river and some miles
'PictlirA VJriHntra hava liaAn A..3
frequently in the Oregon country, but
as far as known the find revealed
yesterday is an altogether new one.
Some mighty interesting facts about
the life in this country many cen
turies ago are believed yet to be
hididen from human knowledge, and
it is barely possible that Oregon is .
the verge of revelations that will tend
to prove the contention of scientists
that at one time Asiatic tribes freely
visited this section of the world.
May Be Asiatic Evidence.
Whether the skeletons unearthed
Saturday were of this type likely will
not be known until authoritative ex
amination is made, though from all
reports they may be of the Asiatic
It is more than likely that the writ
ings and the finds of last week have
a vital connection, and that when
combined they will tell a story that
will rival many of the fiction con
cepts of lost tribes -and cities.
Leslie Harrison and Harold Ham
street Take Over Pioneer
County Publication.
TILLAMOOK. Or., Nov. 8. (Spe
cial.) The Tillamook Headlight,
pioneer newspaper of, Tillamook
county, changed hands Saturday, Fred
C Baker being succeeded by Leslie
Harrison and Harold Hamstreet. Mr.
Hatnstreet is the son of Editor Ham
street, of the Sheridan Sun, is a grad
uate of the school of Journalism of
the University of Oregon and was
recently employed on the Oregonian.
Mr. Harr'son is a son of M. W.
Harrison, a former dairyman and
banker of this county. He was a
member of Company C, coast artillery,
when the war broke out and Baw
service in France.
For 22 years Mr. Baker has been a
conspicuous character in Tillamook
county and by his fearless and out
spoken style of discussing public
questions won the respect of the peo
ple of the county. He was a live,
aggressive booster for Tillamook
county. When the cheese industry
was in its infancy he got behind the
local .industry and helped to make
Tillamook cheese famous. He was a
good roads booster and was an active
member of the Tillamook committee
that put the Roosevelt Military high
way measure through. Mr. Baker is
president of the chamber of com
merce, chairman of the Tillamook
county chapter Red Cross, and was
elected vice-president of the Oregon
Editorial association at its last con
vention at Astoria.
Mr. Hamstreet is to be editor of
the publication under the new owner
chip. He Joined the marine orps
during the war and won a commis
Sew School Building Planned.
CENTRALIA, Wash., Nov. 8. (Spe
cial.) The Knab school district, five
miles from Toledo, has voted bonds
to the amount of $3000 for erection
of a new school. The district at the
present time maintains a one-room
building, which is overcrowded.
1 c
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rVA( -
Photographs by Frazier.
Chljirled on the AVashlngton cliffs near Roosevelt, acrons the river from
ArlinKlon, Dr., are these message a from some tribe that once Inhabited
the Oregon country.
Xames Written in Where District
Has Xo Seekers" for
Political Berth.
ALBANY, Or, Nov. 8. (Special.)
Constables to serve the next two years
in two Linn county justice districts
will be selected by lot. This condi
tion results from tie votes cast in the
election Tuesday. In a few of the
districts there was no candidate on
the ballot for constable and names
were written In. The official count
discloses that in district No. 7, com
posed of Waterloo and Sodaville pre
cincts, and in district No. 8. which
comprises Foster and Sweet Home
precincts, two men tied for the high
vote. County Clerk Russell will cast
lots to determine the winners.
The official count shows the elec
tion of justices of the peace and con
stables in Linn county as follows:
Justices of the peace, each to serve
for six years: District No. 2, C. J.
Shedd of Shedd. re-elected; district
No. 4, R. W. Davis of Harrisburtr:
district No. 6. A. S. Hammil of Browns
ville; district No. 6. O. W. Cruson of
Lebanon, re-elected; district No. 7, F.
a. iiassett ot Waterloo: district No. 8.
W. H. Daugherty of Sweet Home, re
elected; district No. 9, John McKer
cher of Crawfordsville; district No. 10,
John Turnidge of Lacomb; district No.
ii, r. Li. uugger of Scio, re-elected;
district No. 12, M. J. Knerr of Mill
Constables to serve two years each:
District No. 1, Ben Clelan of Albany,
re-elected; district No. 2, L. St. John
of Shedd; district No. 3, H. Zimmer
man of Halsey; district No. 4, T. J.
Stephens of Harrisburg, re-elected:
district No. .5, R. A. Sanders of
Brownsville, re-elected; district No. 6,
A. M. Wilson of Lebanon, re-elected;
district No. 7, tie vote between James
Harbin and Homer McTimmonds, both
of Waterloo; district No. 8, tie vote
between Jack Keeney and S. AL
Smead, both of Sweet Home; district
No. 9, John Smith of Crawfordsville,
re-elected; district No. 10, W. E. Wat
son of Crabtree; district No. 11, J. N.
Weddle of Scio, re-elected: district No
12, Marion Elstun of Mill City, re
elected. ,
coroner, F. M. Carter, republican,
Port commissioners for Toledo are
L. D. Nash. Nashville; Guy Roberts.
Toledo, and Lee Wade, Siletz. Port
commissioners for Alsea are Sam
Hays and George Knowles.
Aberdeen Poultry Raisers Having
Trouble With Animals.
ABERDEEN. Wash, Nov. 8. (Spe
cial.) Coyotes are increasing in num
bers In the vicinity of Aberdeen, ac
cording to citizens of the north end.
That they are bold was evidenced by
the fact that a large one was seen
yesterday in the yard of Judge Pear
son in North Aberdeen carrying a
large rooster. Several men took up
the chase and shot at the animal.
A large number of chickens have
been reported as missing in that
neighborhood, arnd their absence has
been laid to human thievery, but it
is now believed that coyotes were
responsible. Several animals have
been killed in the neighborhood of
Fern Hill cemetery within the past
few days.
Candidates for Walla Walla City
Offices File Declarations.
WALLA WALLA, Wash, Nov. 8.
(Special.) Three candidates have
filed for nomination as mayor and
six as city commissioners at the pri
maries to be held November 22. Fil
ings closed yesterday.
The two high men in the primaries
will go into the race for the mayor
alty, to be decidied December 6, and
four high men in the race for nomina
tion as commissioners will enter the
finals. The candidates are:
For mayor Mayor D. F. Powell,
Ben F. Hill and Milroy Nettleshtp.
For commissioners Commissioners
W. Craig Ferguson and H H. Cramp
ton and' W. E. Stewart, Charles Do
Moss Alex Mac Kay and Grova Cook-erly.
Centxalia Man Dies Under Condi
tions Declared Peculiar.
CENTRALIA, Wash, Nov. 8. (Spe
cial.) George Miller, whose real name
is believed to be G. H. Hickman, died
last night in a Centralia hospital
under peculiar circumstances. Earlier
in the day he had been arrested on
suspicion of being: intoxicated. After
being lodged in jail he was taken
violently 111 and removed to the hos
pital. An autopsy will be performed
to determine the cause of death.
A card found in Miller's pocket
said to notify Mrs. E. Hickman of
Tacoma in case of accident. - His
chest is tatooed with the initials
G. H. H."
Official Count Xames Successful
Candidates In Lincoln County.
TOLEDO, Or, Nov. 8. (Special.)
The official count names the follow
ing candidates elected to offices in
Lincoln county: County judge, John
Fogarty, democrat, Newport; county
commissioner, C. M. Warren, repub
lican. Rose Lodge; sheriff, W. E.
Simpson, democrat, Toledo; county
flerk, Carl Gildersleeve, republican,
Toledo; county treasurer, Ira Wade,
republican, Toledo: assessor, Ed
Stocker, democrat, Newport; county
school superintendent. R. P. Goin, re
publican, Toledo: county surveyor,
O. R. ,Castle, republican, Siletz; county
Crawfordsville Opposes Discon
tinuation of Union High School.
ALBANY, Or, Nov. 8. (Special)
Whether or not the Union high school
district at Crawfordsville shall be dis
solved and the school discontinued, is
a question up for decision by the dis
trict boundary board of Linn county.
Citizens of Crawfordsville and vicinity
are waging an active contest over the
matter. , ,
An election was held recently on
the question of dissolving the district
and Crawfordsville rolled up such a
vote in favor of continuance that the
majority of the voters In the union
district are recorded against dissolu
Rabbi Wise at Hood River.
HOOD RIVER, Or, Nov. 8. (Spe-
from chafed
or irritated
skin will find relief
Chafed, inflamed skin can be
speediry and effectively healed by
using Resinol Ointment. It cools the
skin, stops the smarting. and reduces
the inflammation almost immediately.
Ask your drocrist for Resinol Ointment
and Kennol Soap.
Stops Toothache
C.S.DEKT A CO, DtrK. MlcBit
No Soap Better
For Your Skin-
Than Cuticura
k (Som, Ofntant.TmIeOTnl
Ua. Alps. 3C M !, Ma
JUiBanl, Avr " jj
it arm
J tain y
:iwrfrrr flavor
Gonstipauonwiu "---- i
! resitting merciroiu.
For Over
Thirty Years
Exaa Copy of Wrapper.
imht, mrm torr crrr.
cial.) KabbI Jonah B. Wise of Port
land delivered an address here last
night at Riverside Community church
under aueplces of the Sunday Evening
club of the church. A large audience
was present. Rabbi Wise talked on
"The Jewish Background of the New
Testament." The boys' chorus of the
Hood River high school sang.
Wreck Victims Are Low.
CENTRALIA. Wash.. Nov. 8. (Spe
cial.) Jack Dalton and W. Parsons
today were stwl hovering between life
and death in a Centralia hospital fol
lowing injuries sustained late Thurs
day when a train was wrecked on the
O'Connell logging road near Wlnlock.
Little hope was entertained for the
recovery of either of the victims.
Roseburj Circuit Court Convenes.
ROSEBXJRG, Or., Nov. 8. (Special.)
The November term of the circuit
court convened in this city this
morning. No important cases of a
criminal nature are on the docket
and. the term will be a short one.
Theft Charged' to Eugene Man.
ROSEBXJRG, Or.. Nov. 8. (SpeclaL)
The world owes a debt of gratitude to the
author of the now famous Marmola Pre
scription, and is still more indebted for the
reduction of this harmless, effect iveobesity
remedy to tablet form They are so con
venient to take, and as pleasant as candy.
One after each meal and at bedtime will
quickly reduce your weight, two, three or
tour pounds a week, and leave no evil
effects such as loose, flabby skin -and un
sightly wrinkles. Just go on eating what
you like leave exercise to the athlete?
take your little tablet as directed and soon
you will be your natural self, cloaked in
firm flash and trim muscles. Marmola
Prescription Tablets may now be obtained
at all drug stores, or by writing direct to
the Marmola Co.. 92 Garfield Building.
Detroit, Mich., and their reasonable price
-one dollar for a good size box leaves
no excuse for dieting or violent exercise
for the reduction of the overfat body to
normal proportions.
Physicians' Warning
We are constantly warned, against
the danger of allowing colds to de
velop. Mayrs Pine Needle Balm ap
plied to the nose at the first sugges
tion of a cold will check it almost
immediately. This stimulating pine
fragrance is so soothing and healing
that catarrh and colds of the .head,
nose and throat clear quickly when It
is used. Keep up your health by al
ways having on hand1 a tube of Ma.yrs
Pine Needle Balm and apply freely.
This refreshing pine forest essence
clears the nasal passages and pro
motes normal breathing. Sold In two
sizes 30c and 60c tubes. Free trial
by writing George H. Mayr, 219 W.
Austin "ave., Chicago. Mayr"s Pine
Needle Balm Is for sale by druggists
everywhere. Adv.
Get a tuba to.
day. Makes your
head and Boa
Easy to apply
uick to act
SO treatment tin FREEWritm
Minneapolis, Minn. '
tfrfyfUf and Moraine;,
ft'- Have Strong.
Healthy ISyea. If
they Tire Itch.
X x L- f Smart or Burn, if
VOUR tYt Sore- Iitated. 'In
flamed or Granulated, use Murine
often. Soothes.. Refreshes. Sate for
Infant or Adult. At all Druggists.
Write for Free Eye Book, klurlne
bi Bcjb47 Chicago,
A. N. Dilley was brought to this
city last night from Eugene charged
with the theft of a gun and watch
from Ed Bright of Gardiner. His
case was taken before the grand
Jury today.
Willamina Merchant Dies Suddenly
WILLAMINA, Or., Nov. 8. (Spe
cial.) E. E. McSamara, prominent
merchant here, died suddenly . yes
terday. Read The Oregonian classified ads.
Beautifies Gray Hair
Co-Lo restores the natural
color, life and luster to gray and
faded hair in a manner nature
Co-Lo Hair Restorer Is a natural
beautifier for gray hair a scientific
process perfected by Prof. John H.
Austin of Chicago, over 40 years a hair
and scalp specialist.
The Ten Co-Lo Secrets
1. Co-Lo Is a wonderful liquid.
2. Clear, odorless, greaseless.
3. Without lead or sulphur.
. 4. Hasn't a particle of sediment.
5. Will not wash or rub off.
6. Will not Injure hair or scalp.
7. Pleasing and simple to apply.
8. Cannot be detected like the or
dinary hair tints and dyes.
9. Will not cause the hair to split or
break off.
10. Co-Lo can be had for every
natural shade of hair.
Prof. John H. Austin's
Sold By
Thousands Have Discovered
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets
are a Harmless Substitute
Dr. Edwards- Olive Tablets the sub
stitute for calemel are a mild but sure
laxative, and their effect on the liver is
almost instantaneous. These little olive
colored tablets are the result of Dr.
Edwards determination not to treat
liver anrl bowel complaints with calomeL
The pleasant little tablets do the
good that calomel does, but have no
bad after effects. They don't injure the
teeth like 6trong liquids or calomeL
They take hold of the trouble and
quickly correct it. Why cure the liver
at the expense of the teeth? Calomel
sometimes plays havoc with the gums
So do strong liquids. It is best not t
take calomeL Let Dr. Edwards' Oliv
Tablets take it3 placi
Headaches, "'dullness and that, lazj
feeling come from constipation and a .
disordered liver. Take Dr. Edwards"
Olive Tablets when -ou feel 1ogy"and
'heavy." They "cJ tr" clouded brain
and "perk up" the spirits. 15c and 30c
c. geb wo has
made a life study
of the curative
proper ties pos
sessed in roots,
herbs, buds and
bark, and has
compounded there
from his wonder
ful, well- known
r e m e dies, all of
which, are p e r-
fectly harmless, as no poisonous
drugs or narcotics of any kind are
used in their make up. For stomach,
lung, kidney, liver, rheumatism, neu
ralgia, catarrh, bladder, blood, nerv
ousness, gall stone and all disorders
of men. women and children. Try
C Gee Wo's Wonderful and Well
Known Root and Herb Remedies.
Good results will surely and quickly
For. Expectant Mothers
Used Br Three Gekeratioks
Release foremen who Suffer
The multitude of American women who suffer terribly day after day
and year after year from ills peculiar totheirsex is almost beyond belief,
yet there is hardly a town or hamlet in the United States wherein
some woman, and often many, do not reside who have been restored
to health from someof the worst forms of female ills,and oftenavoided
operations by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
These Two Women Tell of Their Experience.
Carrollton, Ky. "I suffered almost
two years with female weakness. I
could not walk any distance, ride or
take any exercise at all without resting
If I swept the floor or did any kind of
work it would bring my sickness on.
I was weak and languid, had no energy,
and life was a misery to me. I was
under the care of a good physician for
several months and tried other reme
dies. I had read of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound and , decided to
try it. After taking twelve bottles I
found myself much improved and I
took six more. I have never had any
more trouble in that respect since. I
have done all kinds of work and at
present am an attendant at a State
Hospital and am feeling fine. I shall
always recommend your Vegetable Com
pound." Lillian Tharf, 824 South 6th
Street, Carrollton, Ky.
Onalaska, Wis. "Every month I
had such pains in my back and lower
rrt of stomach I could not lie in bed.
suffered so it seemed as though I
would die, and I was not regular either.
I suffered for a year and was unfit to do
my housework, could only wash dishes
once in a while. I read an advertise
ment of what Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound had done for
other women and decided to try it. It
surely did wonders for me. I have
no pains now and can do my own
housework without any trouble at alL
I will always praise your medicine as
I do not believe there is a doctor that
can do as much good for female weak
ness as can Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound and you may use
these facts as a testimoniaL" Mrs.
Lester E. Waenib, It. 1, Box 69,
Onalaska, Wis.
Thousands of Such Letters Prove the Curative Value of
:i A v vara BOHviie ja? v fc. w j u n h w i J ii n i
i i
aCtJ " 1
gig ir JllrH-4
Eat Less Meat and Take Salts for
Backache or Bladder
TJrice acide in meat excites the
kidneys, they become overworked;
get sluggish, ache, and feel like
lumps of lead. The urine becomes
cloudy: the bladder is irritated, and
you may be obliged to seek relief
two or three times during tne nignt.
When the kidneys clog you must help
them flush off the body's urinous
waste or you'll be a - real sick per
son shortly. At first you feel a
dull misery in the kidney region,
you euffer from backache, sick head
ache, dizziness, stomach gets sour,
tongue coated and you feel rheumatic
twinges when the weather is bad.
Eat less meat, drink lots of water;
also get from any pharmacist four
ounces of Jad Salts; take a table
spoonful In a glass of water before
breakfast for a few days and your
kidneys will then act fine. This
famous salts is made from the acid
of grapes and lemond Juice, combined
with lithia, and has been used for
generations to clean clogged kidneys
and stimulate them to normal activity,
also to neutralize the acids in urine,
so It no longer is a source of irrita
tion, thus ending bladder weakness.
Jad Salts Us inexpensive, cannot in
jure; makes a delightful effervescent
lithia-water drink which everyone
should take now and then to keep the
kidneys clean and active. Druggists
here say they sell lots of Jad Salts
to folks who believe' in overcoming
kidney trouble while it is only
trouble. Adv.
Use Soothing Musterole
When those sharp pains go shooting
through your head, when your skull
seems as if it would split, just rub a little
Musterole on your temples and neck.
It draws out the inflammation, soothes
away the pain,usuallygivingquickrelief.
Musterole is a clean, white ointment,
made with oil of mustard. Better than
a mustard plaster and does not blister.
Many doctors and nurses frankly
recommend Musterole for sore throat,
bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma,
neuralgia, congestion, pleurisy.rheuma
tism, lumbago, pains and aches of the
back or joints, sprains, sore muscles,
bruises, chilblains, frosted feet colds
of the chest (it often prevents pneu
monia). It is always dependable.
35c and 65c Jars; hospital size $3.00.
iThe Universal Tonic
Are you run down? Are you overworked? Then
try this approved remedy and satisfy yourself
of its beneficial ingredients.
A scientific blending of reliable vegetable remedies.
Useful to sustain and aid your mental and physical
strength and vigor. A valuable medicine in cases of
nervousness, sleeplessness or brain fag. Will improve
your appetite and digestion and tone up the system.
Eriacea ts sold in original
16-ox. bottles only. liefut
Sol MisihalmM
City. Ma.
law n L ii.rif ii.f-. 1 .
" "'n'i ' ni'-jr-iYi' '"
Kill That Cold With
Colds, Coughs OjviV La Grippe
Neglected Colds are Dangerous
Talc no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze.
Breaks np a cold in 24 hours Relieves
Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Headache
Quinin in this form does not affect the head Cascara is best Tonic
Laxative No Opiate in Hill's.
You Must Replace the Wear
and Tear on the Human System
Did you ever stop to consider what
a tremendous task is placed upon
your human system every day? The
most efficient piece of machinery in
all the world is not expected to stand
the strain that is placed on your body.
Tour heart Is constantly pumping
life and vitality to every part of your
body. This is being rapidly con
sumed after being- turned Into en
ergy and strength that keeps your
system -performing its various func
tions. "What are you doing to replace this
drain upon your system? Every day
there is a certain amount of wear and
tear that must be replaced, if you are
to enjoy good health. Your, blood must
be kept pure and vigorous, for upon
its condition depends every organ of
your body. y
Many people have found S. S. S. a
great aid in keeping their system in
good condition. Being such a fin
blood tonic and system-builder S. S. S.
strengthens and enriches the blood
supply and gives new vigor and vital
ity to the whole body.
S. S. S. is sold by all druggists.
Write for free literature and full in
formation to chief medical adviser.
831 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga.