Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 09, 1920, Page 11, Image 11

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sented and everyone in the commu
nity is invited.
Mrs. Victor Brandt will entertain
with a "five hundred" and bridge
party at her home, 160 Mirimar place,
today from 2 to 6 o'clock. Mrs.
Hi ' m
Brandt is national president of the
ladies' auxiliary to the Greeters of
America, and all funds received from
this affair will go to the national
treasury. .
OREGON CITY, Or., . Nov. 8. The
Daughters of the American Revolu
tion, Susannah Lee Barlow chapter,
met recently for their first regularly
scheduled fall meeting at "Four
Acres," the pleasant home of , Mrs.
E. L. Pope.
The resignation of the regent, Mrs.
Roy Prudden, who moved to Portland
in June, was accepted, and Mrs. E. L.
We Will CI ose Armistice
1 ttj Thursday
"-3 November 11
Displays of AH Sorts of Ore
gon Products Featured.
This advance notice is given in order that our customers may supply their needs for the holiday and remainder of the week. Also to give our
employes ample opportunity to arrange to participate in the day's festivities.
Double Trading Stamps on All Charge and Cash Purchases
Questions of CMld Feeding Are
Answered for Women by Ex
pert From State College.
A bewildering array of everything
good to eat and the latest appli
ances for an up-to-date home are dis
played at the 1920 food show, which
opened yesterday afternoon In the
Aside from the variety of the food
shown, the thing of particular in
terest to visitors yesterday was the
large number of products made In
Oregon. Of these Oregon products,
many are made in Portland and a
few in other parts of the state. Pla
cards posted in the booths call at
tention to the Oregon manufactured
goods. National firms are represent
ed as well.
The display room Is filled with
white latticed booths, each decorat
ed with an individual color scheme,
carried out in festoons of crepe pa
per, streamers and foliage and huge
packages of the products being ex
hibited. Samples Are Passed Out.
Aa usual, . free samples distributed
from most of the booths attracted
large crowds, who watched the pan
cakes, coffee, tea and various daint
ies being made while they waited.
Hlack mammies presided at the pan
cake booths, of which there are a
number, and distribute appetizing
samples to the visitors. Syrup, made
In Oregon, is furnished at many of the
booths with the flapjacks.
The afternoon attraction each day
will be a lecture by Miss Lassie Lane,
a member of the faculty of Oregon
Agricultural college, who began her
series of talks on "Child Feeding"
yesterday. The lectures are given at
"Infant Feeding was the subject
of yesterday's lecture, which consisted
in part of answers to questions from
the women, of the audience, who
wished their individual problems
This afternoon Miss Lane will
speak on "Child Feeding Xuring the
Second Year," discussing the value
of cereals and milk in the diet and
the importance of forming the proper
habits of children at an early age.
Miss .Lane is a specialist in nutrition
anxi child feeding.
Mil It Value Emphasized.
Her lecture fit in with the pro
gramme being introduced in several
schools of the city of feeding milk
to children who previously have not
had milk a a part of their diet. The
importance of milk plays a prominent
part in all of Miss Lane's talks. The
lectures are free and mothers are
asked to bring their problems to Miss
The evening's feature is dancing
upstairs in the ballroom, which was
crowded last night. Dancing will be
held there each night of the two
weeks of the show from 7:30 until
11 o'clock.
Band concerts during the afternoon
and evening furnish additional enter
tainment for those who are visiting
the booths. The band is stationed up
stairs. Elaborate lighting in the hall and
in the individual booths adds to the
gay effect. Many sat upstairs yes
terday to watch, the crowds below.
The white booths and the many col
ors from the decorations and colored
lights made an attractive picture.
Displays Are Various.
"Waffles, all sorts of cereals, cooked
and uncooked, breads, baking powder,
oleomargarine, soap, crackers, can
dies, cookies, salads and salad dress
ings, pickles, ice cream, jellies, meats,
fruit jars, silver polish, flour and ev
erything conceivable to eat or to use
in. preparing things to eat are on dis
play. ,
The home conveniences have their
section, too, with brooms, rugs, the
latest cooking and heating appa
ratus, washers, ironers, all makes
of electric appliances and various
other time savers shown.
The food show is given under the
auspices of the Portland Grocers' and
Merchants' association, and will be
open daily for two weeks from 1 until
11 P. M.
Tenth street was illuminated last
night from Washington to the armory
to point the way to the demonstration
Women's Activities
BUY your dainty and useful Christ
mas gifts at the sale of hand
made articles made by the blind
people of Portland blind schools. This
ia the plea, of the Portland Woman's
club, which will open the sale on
Wednesday and continue it all week
in the auditorium of Meier & Frank's
store. The prices will be moderate.
Highland Parent-Teacher circle will
hold its regular meeting in the school
assembly this afternon at 2:30 o'clock.
The women's gymnasium class will
meet as usual at 7:30 P. M. and at
8:15 a community gathering will be
held in honor of Armistice day. An
Interesting programme will be pre-
Trust Your Complexion
To Cuticura
The majority of skin and scalp troubles
might be prevented by using Cuticura
Soap exclusively for all toilet purposes.
On the sliRhtest sign of redness, rough
ness, pimples or dandruff, apply a little
Cuticura Ointment. Do not fail to include
the exquisitely scented Cuticura Talcum
in your toilet preparations. 25c everywhere.
ula Tlxk rrn by If an. AddraaK "OttUvk
Iborlort.Ipt ir JbUn.Mm- Saldererr
mhrrm. Sop 6c Ointment a od tOe. TltJeom ga.
jUsV Cuticura Soap shaves without mof.
Right Rev. Fa titer Adelhelm.
Memorial mass for the Right
Rev. Titular Abbot Adelhelm
Odermatt, who died Saturday
evening at St- Vincent's hospi-
tal, will be held this morning at
9 o'clock at the cathedral of the
Immaculate Conception, Fif
teenth and Davis streets. The
funeral will be held at 10
o'clock Wednesday morning.
After the service this morn
ing the body will be taken to
Mount Angel, where pontifical
service will be held Wednesday
morning at 10 o'clock from the
monastery. Interment will be in
the monastery cemetery on the
hill at Mount Angel.
Although the service is an
nounced for 10 o'clock, it is
thought that it will be delayed
a few minutes in order to allow
Portlanders arriving on the 10
o'clock train to reach the
Honorary pallbearers at the
services this morning will be
Judge J. D. Kavanaugh, J. E.
Forestel, John R. Murphy,
Harry Klosterman and B. O'Far
relL in
Pope unanimously elected to the of
fice. Miss Gertrude Humphrey was
elected vice-regent.
Plans were made for eecurlntr
funds with which to carry on the
patriotic work of the chapter, and a
motion picture entertainment was
voted to be given November 23 at the
Congregational church in this city.
Albina W. C. T. TJ. will meet at the
home of Mrs. A. Christensen, 83
Borthwick street, at 2 P. M. today. .
The Ladles' Aid of the Rose City
Park Presbyterian church are holding
a rummage sale at 102 Second street.
Winslow Meade Circle No. 1, L. of
G. A, 11., gave a "500" card party
Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock in room
525 courthouse.
Mrs. Westerberg is chairman, as
sisted by Mrs. Knight and Mrs. Abra
ham. iMembers whose name com
mences with D, E, F, G and H will
furnish the prizes. The proceeds of
the party will go toward the building
fund for a soldiers' widows' home.
Multnomah county W. C T. TT. ex
ecutive meeting was held in room G
Central library yesterday. "
The Clinton Kelly Parent-Teacher
circle will hold its meeting Thursday
in the assembly hall.
There will be a speaker from the
library telling mothers of the better
books for their children to read. Sev
eral numbers will be given by the
children of the school. At this time
a president and second vice-president
will be elected to fill vacancies. A
gymnasium class is held Monday eve
ning of each week at 7:30, which
every lady is invited to attend and
take part. Refreshments will be
The Laurelhurst Study club held its
regular meeting yesterday at the
The officers and guard club of
Portland Review No. 7, W. B. A. O.
T. M. will give a card party at the
home of Mrs. Mary Krall, 8305 Foster
road, this afternoon. Mount Scott car
to Eighty-second street. All Macca
bees and friends are invited.
The armual meeting of the Consum
ers' league will be held in the story
hour room of the Central library Mon
day at 2:30 o'clock. Speakers will be
Mrs. J. W. Fowler, "The League's In
spection of Restaurants"; Airs. A. W.
Cooper, "Oregon Laws for Women
and Children," and Mrs. M. R. Trum
bull, "The Packers' Bill and the One-Day-in-Seven
Law." "Please bring a
friend" is the invitation. Dues may
be paid at this meeting, or sent to
Mrs. George B. Guthrie, 1731 Scott
Lavender club, branch No. 2, will
entertain with a 'birthday luncheon
today at 1 o'clock at Peninsula Park
Glencoe Parent-Teacher association
will hold Its regular meeting this
afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Reports of
the recent state convention will 'be
made. Several numbers will be fur
nished by the children of the school
and an excellent musical programme
will be in charge of Mrs. Harry M.
Hansen. Refreshments will be served
during the social hour.
Miss Gula Gamble, the northwest
field secretary for girls' work of
the Y. W. C A. was a visitor in the
city on Saturday.
The Woman's Psychic clnb will
meet Wednesday at 2:30 o'clock in
the church parlors. East Seventh and
Hassalo streets. Following the busi
ness meeting there will be an hour
of psychic development. The publics
is invited.
Mr. and Mrs. HarvaW. Hicks ("Leone
Cass Baer) will leave next Thurs
day for a month's trip, which will in
clude visits in Los Angeles, New Or
leans, Chicago, and. Thanksgiving
day. with Mr. Hicks' brother in Pitta
burg, Pa,
. s s s
(EJaoh) aamlke of th hocorw4res'
Picnic Hams
25c lb.
Swift's Picnic Shoulder Hams spe
cially priced for Tuesdays selling.
Mild cured and well trimmed. Weights
range from 4 to 8 lbs. 250
Hams in the sale. Special, lb. OL
Model Grocery
4th Floor
Reubens Shirts
At y3 Off
Second Floor Our entire stock of
Keubens Infants' Shirts .on sale at
off regular prices. Silk, cotton, wool
and mixtures. Sizes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and
6. Fresh, new standard goods.
Mothers should take prompt advan
tage of this opportunity to SAVE.
TfrxAnlr Finishing
1st Floor
i 1
Any Untrimmed Hat for $
The time has come to close out all Untrimmed! Hats and in order
to clean up the stock at once we have decided to sell 200 of our best
styles ab two dollars. Many of these were priced earlier in the
season at $3.69, $4.69 and $5.69. In the assortment there are Tur- .
bans with embroidered facings plain Turbans Turbans with blue
and coral facings Roll Brims in plain colors, and many other
desirable styles. At small expense on of these shapes could be
turned into a smart hat for street wear. To $5.69 Hats $2.00 .
Hat Trimmings 49c
Trimmings in this lot worth much more than the sale price. Flowers, Orna
ments, Fancy Feathers, Ostrich and other novelties in all the newest A(f
colors and combinations. Extraordinary values in this sale today, at "t
Double Stamps With Charge and Cash Purchases
conncll has been asked to brine at
least one new member at the regular
meeting: of tho council to be held
this, afternoon at 2 o'clock In the
story-hour room of the central library.
Woofflawn Parent-Teacher associa
tion will meet ln the Bchool assenybly
this afternoon. A prtsa will be grlven
to the room having the largest attend
ance of mothers. t
s '..'
Today at 10 o'clock the Catholic
Women's 'league will hold Its regular
board meeting ln the league head
quarters. Arrangements have been
completed for a card party to be
given -by ths league, Tuesday after
noon. 2fovnbar M t 2 o'clock, in
Single Trading Stamps Will Be Given
PROFIT by your ex
perience of former
years andl do your holi
day buying early. Pur
chases made now will be
stored free and delivered
at any time you desire.
Double Stamps given on
charge or cash purchases.
Women's $15 Skirts
Special $10
Second Floor You will surely want one of these smart
Skirts when you see what great values they are! All are
from regular stock and' the styles are up-to-the-minute.
Wool plaids in many beautiful color combinations with
novelty belts and pockets. Trimmed with buttons. Also .
Skirts in heather mixtures in the newest shades. Box
plaited and side-plaited effects. Skirts in this I- A flfl
lot formerly priced to $15.00. Special at Dxvf"U
$18.50 Skirts
Second Floor Women's and Misses' Dress Skirts in fancy
plaids and stripes. Splendid quality Wool Serge and Pop
lin in all the latest shades. Full box-plaited and side
plaited models. Very stylish for sport and dress wear.
Skirts in this lot formerly priced to $18.50. Q- A QQ
Specially priced for today's selling: choice tD-LrisJO
House Dresses $1.49
Values Up to $2.75
Center'CircIe, Main Floor Women's House Dresses and Slip-on Apron Dresses
offered at a reduced price for today's selling. Ginghams and percales in fancy
stripes, checks and plaids. Many attractive styles, with or without collars.
Also a few Voile Dresses in light colors. Regular to $2.75 values. 4
Don't miss this notable sale of desirable Dresses for house wear, at l5Asx
Boys' $22.50
2-Pant Suits
Main Floor These Suits are excellent values even
at the old price $22.50. Latest belted styles
with full cut and full lined knickers. Made up
in novelty mixtures in browns and other service
able colors. Ages 8 to 18. Two pairs fl-! ? '7F
of pants with each suit. $22.50 values J-Ut I O
All Boys' Suits
$17.50 Suits priced special
at $13.85
at $15.65
-Boys' $20.00 Suits priced special
-Boys' $22.50 Suits priced special
-Boys $27.50 Suits priced special
-Boys' $30.00 Suits priced special
-Boys' $32.50 Suits priced special
-Boys' $35.00 Suits priced special
-Double Trading Stamps with all
Sale of Housewares Now in Progress 3d Floor
the assembly room of the Hotel Port
land. Mrs. C. S. Holllster. JM Forty
first atreet southeast, will entertain
the Woodstock W. C T. TJ. at lta all
day meeting today,
' - . '
The Linnten Parent-Teacher asso
ciation will meet Friday afternoon
at 8 o'clock at the Llnnton school.
Speakers from Portland will bo on
tha programme.
when the Little Symphony will give
a ooneert at the high sohool audi
torium, CBSTRiXIA, "Wash., Nov. 8. Spe
eiaL) The Women's Clvio club has
decided to wags a drive on Centralia
homes and business houses November
S6 for eld paper. The money derived
from Its sale will be used by the
Clvio clnb in purchasing juvanile
books for the Carnegls library.
Spray Scboolhonso Barns.
FOSSrL, Or, Nov. 8. (Special.)
The echoolhouso at Spray, Wheeler
county, Oregon, was totally destroyed
Ri V KH, Or.. Nov. S. (Spe
cial.) The Hood River Women's club
will present the first of a series ofl
lyceum entertainments Friday night, I
The Standard Stars
Olds, Wortman & Kin
Reliable Merchandise
$8.50 to $12
ir il l
v ' .
Lower Prices on
Department, 4th Floor
With Lower Prices in force on thousands of dollars' worth of depend
able Furniture and Double Trading Stamps given on all charge and cash
purchases, now is the time to buy whatever the home may be in need of.
Dining Room
DINING TABLES of waxed oak,
54-inch top with heavy plank edge.
8 ft. extension. Regu- Qyl rj Kfl
lar $60.00 Tables; now -"
DINING CHAIRS of waxed oak.
Pleasing design. $8.00 Jrr f(
to $11.00 grade. Special "0 ' UU
BUFFETS of American walnut.
Queen Anne design. 2?QQ Kf
Regular $110.00 values DOVDV
Bed Room
finish. Adam design. Large triple
mirror. Regular$42.50 Or7'Kn
values priced special stlVJ
Walnut Dressing CC
Tables; $56.50 grade DU. i O
$48 Sheraton Dress- (IQ7 Cft
ing Tables. Special OU
$37.50 Solid Oak (I?OQ HK
Dressers. Special at tDfs I O
by fire Friday morning during school
hours. The fire started from a de
fective flue. The schoolhouse caught
firo three times drarlng the morning
session. The stone building recently
erected at Spray for the public and
high sohool will be ready for occu
pancy ln about two weeks.
Mineral Postofflco Promoted,
CENTRALIA Wash, Nov, 8. (Spe
cial.) L, I, Walrath, postmaster at
Mineral, In eastern Lewis county, has
just been notified by the postal de
partment that the Mineral office has
been advanced from fourth to third
class, making tha pbstmastershlp
on October Bills if Paid in Full by Nov. 10
of the Northwest
Reliable Methods
Lower Prices On
Sheetings, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Pillow
Tubing, Cotton Batts, Towels, Outing Flannels
and many other lines specially priced for to
day's selling at the Alder - Street Circle.
Sheeting Remnants
Bleached and unbleached, good mixed lengths.
81-Inch Bleached Sheeting, the yard l5o
90-Inch Bleached Sheeting, the yard (0
81-Inch Unbleached Sheeting, a yard 500
90-Inch Unbleached Sheeting, a yard 55i
Pillow Tubing
45-Inch Bleached Tubing for pillow
cases. On special sale today, the yard
Small lot of good quality Sheets
priced for quick clean-up at low prices.
72x90-Inch Sheets, special lj?1.5o
81x90-Inch Sheets, special $1.68
Pillow Cases
45x36-Inch Bleached Pil- ff
low Cases at 3 for only tDAsUtf
Cotton Batts
2-lb. Stitched Comforter Batts, size
72x90 inches. Limited num- fl "I fifi
ited number only. Special D-LsUVr
Tailored Hats
300 Women's and Misses' Street Hats in a
special offering at five ninety-five. Beaver,
hatter's plush and combinations of beaver and
plush. Sailors in straight and roll brims me
dium and large effects. Neatly trimmed with
rrrosgrain ribbon bands. Black and (JF QJT
$8.50 to $12.00 Hats for
Millinery Salons
Second Floor
-DINING SUITE of American
walnut. 8 ft. extension table, 65
inch buffet, sewing cabinet, 6 beau
tiful chairs, including carver. Reg
ular $800.00 outfit. Kf
Priced special, only BOO 4 sDl
TEA W A G O N William and
Mary design. Brown mahogany
finish. Regular selling fl A Q Cf
price $59.50. Special wO.UU
Bedroom Suite Grand Rapids
make. Ivory finish. Bow-foot Bed',
Vanity Case, Dressing Table, Low
Boy and High Boy. CJAT Hfl
$810.00 Suite for DO i J.UU
Brass Beds, full size I?4 TFC
or twin. $56.00 value 3ts I O
Ivory -finish Wood I0" Kft
Beds. Full size. Sale wltJU
$18.00 Coil Bed Springs $12.75
there a salaried position.
vancement took effect October 1.
Po Ell to Elect Officials.
CHNTRAXIA. Wash Nov. 8. (Spe
cial.) A mayor, three councilmen and
Wilcox Bldg. Main 702
Is Ready!
Let the Children come
in and see the wonderful
new Christmas things.
72-Inch Table Damask
At 98c
Mercerized' Table Damask of good
quality. Full 2 yards wide. QO,
Priced very special, the yard 70C
18-Inch Huckaback Towel- QO
ing, priced special, the yard
Hemstitched Scarfs, size
18x54 inches. Special, each 'UC
White Outing Flannels, 36 - inch
width 470 27-inch width for 250
Sale of Wool
OREGON TWEEDS in the best
colorings. Extra heavy quality for
winter coats. Full 54 inches wide
and regular $3.50 grade. or
On special sale today, yard Dimt3
full assortment of the season's best
colors. 54 inches wide. (?4 r7C
Regular $7.00 grade yard 5rs I D
PLAIDS in a large assortment of
desirable patterns and colors. Very,
desirable for dresses and (JJI QQ
skirts. $7.00 grade a yard 0'4sO
Tha ad-1 a treasurer will bo elected at a
municipal election to be held in
Pe Ell December 7. A town ticket
will be nominated at a mass conven
tion of Pe Ell citizens to be held
Wednesday nifrht.
To keep your face powder on, uro Ier
wlllo. No touching up all the time to
Frevent your nose and face from shin
nf?. A dip in the ocean, perspiration,
hot sun and wind have no effect on it.
Instantly beautifies the complexion. A
sinple application proves it. All drug.
I Ad v.
mi I