THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY. NO VE3IBER 4, 1920 V REAL ESTATE, lor Sale Houftr. SACRIFICE SALS WOODSTOCK. Cozy 5 rooms and sleeping porch, ras. electricity, lot 65x125, fruit trees, one niocK to car. worth isuu. out fice at $1500. with $400 cash. Suburban homnt. MAGN'IFICIENT TWO-ACRE HOMES ON THE COLUMBIA HIGHWAY AT A RARr.AlM. We have Just sold the owners of this splendid property? a farm, and they have left their suburban home with us to be sold at what we consider a bargain price. The house is especially well and "ex pensively built; has full cement base ment, splendid water system, very best plumbing; nothing- shoddy about the property, but Is a splendid 8-roem house, alone easily worth much more than we are asking for the entire property. There are 2 acres of exceeding rich sandy loam soil, with plenty fruit and berries; faces Columbia highway just beyond Pari Rose. Price 16000. Be sure to see this if you are In the market for a suburban home. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. m- 122 N. 6th St. Bdwy. 438l. TWO ACRES.- near Powell Valley road, on fine graveled road; 14 fruit trees, some berries; good 5-room plastered house, parage, chicken house for 300 chickens. With the place goes Jersey .cow, 30 .chickens. Price $3200; $1200 cash. In spected by Marsters. This is close-in property. John Ferguson. Gerlins;er bldg. ' U SUBURBAN BUNGALOW $1200. Here is a dandy 3-room cottage with 350x145, piped water, lights; fenced, woodshed, 2 blocks to school, 35 min utes out on big red electric; $100 down; can you beat it ? Call 60 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. 7 ACRES RUNNING WATER. ONLY $1500. Almost 7 acres with clear spring brook, splendid soli, open pasture, withiu 0-mile circle of postoffice, electric aa tton; 60 down, balance easy. Owner, 600 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. ON CAPITAL HIGHWAY, near Multno maji, half acre tract of ground, beau tifully landscaped and planted to fruit and flowers f new modern bungalow with concrete basement; best buy in this sec tion, $4250. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg 127 Park St. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carltne, from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Risley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." 0dLT sacrifice our attractive 4-room bun galow close to Multnomah station; beau tiful trees, flowers; $-"375. R. J. Chap man, block south of station. WiU sell furnished. SUBURBAN home for sale, 8 rooms, gas, city water, electricity, close to grade school and high school. Box 153, G res ham. 83-ACRE farm, overlooks Oswego, fine view, all cultivated, spring, fruit house, bams, tools, furniture; $13,000. terms. McFarland, Failing bldg-, M. 8672. For Sale Business Property. QUARTER block, picture show, apartments and stores, all paved streets, choice loca tion; $13,000 cash will handle, Broad way 5079. ' MODERN white brick bldg., monthly In come $280; price $27,000, terms. Owner, M9 Tacoma ave. ' Sell. 140. f or SaleAcreage ft ACRES WITH MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW FOR $500 v DOWN. E-ppeclally desirable for party desiring a splendid home with small payment down, $500 will put you in possession, put this in berries and it will easily pay its way out; 5 acres of perfect land, ax ceedingly rich and all In cultivation; splendid double constructed 5-room bun galow, fireplace, many built-in a, choice lot fruit and berries; nice red barn, ga rage and out-buildings; located 2 miles from HUIsboro. Price $3600, $500 down, balance easy. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. 6th St. Bdwy. 4881. EXCELLENT LAND AT $30 PER ACRE. On Columbia river between Portland and Astoria. 7200 acres of , logged off land, just put on the market in small Good transportation, schools, church, tracts, deep rich soil, slightly rolling, store, postoffice. warehouse and docks. , ' Select now while you can get choice tracts. Easy terms. Arrange to go Sunday. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. FIVE ACRES, joining Newberg. 1 acre loganberries, 1 acre strawberries, 1 acre Cuthbert raspberries. 23 large cherry trees, some pears, prunes, apples and grapes; good 7 -room story and half bun t aiow. All city conveniences can be had. Barn, chicken house. With the place goes all the equipment and house furni ture. Price $5500 on terms. .John Fer guson. Gerllnger bldg. ' $150O-NE D MONEY tlGOO. 10 A.t 8 A. clear, fitmily orchard, mild to station, store, school, 2r. O. Best loganberry section in state. $80 cash, balance 8 to ft years. Main 7141. BIG BARGAIN. NEAR GARDEN HOME. 194 acres, facing board walk. H mil from station, lies fine; overlooks sur rounding country; natural grove of trees, adjoining acreage sells for $500 per acre. Price for all, $5000. reasonable terms. Would consider selling part. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. iJ ipamper ox Commerce FOR SALE LOGGE D-O F B LAND. Write for map of western Washington showing location, price and terms. Over 10,000 acres sold last year at our. low price. Easy payments offered to actual settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO, a ju ma, w a H II. 2-ACRE SACRIFICE. Fine level land on macadamized road. .11 Improvement, paid. 5-roomed modern bungalow, worth $6000. Offered for a short time at $4230. half cash. The land alone is worth the money. See Mr Marsters. JOHN FERGUSOX, Gerllnger Bldg. JUST THINK. Three-quarter acre tracts on Simpson street near 42d equal to 8 lots: payments only. 40 cents per week: per lot. You had better hurry If you want on. of these tracts, they are going fast. K. W. Cary, 1219 Jf. w. Bank Bldg. IMPROVED ACREAGE. Ten acres (five acres in prunes), house and barn; on electric line and paved road. 15 miles from Portland; price $3650. W. IT- ROSS, " 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Own a half acre of land, all under cultivation, at less than cost -of a single lot. Fronting on 82d street: a hard sur face street. $950: EASY TERMS. A. H. BIRRELL & CO . 21TN. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114 ACRES, all cultivation, small orchard 6-room bungalow, furnished; new barn chicken house, woodshed, good water on Porch; 2 cows, 10O cnickens, 12 tons 20 eack8 Potatoes, good garden: 2O0, terms. C. W. MUlershJp, Aider hotel. Main 8275. IM1PROVB5D ACREAGE Acre tract with bearing frut. small fcouee ami garden; right on Hawthorne aw at East 71et street: only $2950l W. H. ROSS. nop Northwestern Bank Bldg. ' ROCKWOOD ACREAGE. " One acre, close to Rockwood station. '?Troutdal8 electric; all cleared; price t00 very easy terms; can have larger tracT if desired. See Mr. Boehm. 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1058. BEAUTIFUL"- GROVE. acres, close to Glllis station, on Bull Run electric; maple, flr and cedar; good soil, line roads; price $2225, very easy terms. See Mr. Boehm. 209 Oregon FOR SALE 11 acres partly cleared; cow horse. 19 chickens, gas drag-saw. stumo puller: enough wood to pay for: school carline close: good roads. Pr. M. Pod hora. Orchards. Wash. " ORESHAM DISTRICT. 1 acres, mostly in clover. 1 acre bear ing orchard, new barn, small house, good land, on good rock road, $3200; consider small residence. 8. P. Osburn. MO Mc Kay bMg. , OPENING Stokes fine farm 42d and Simpson. No gravel or city assessments Some tracts In fruit. $lo. Payments. R. W. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank Blag. FIVE or 10 acres cleared near Portland, on or near paved road, close to electrio line with small house or shack. BD 109 Oregonlan. Homesteads. Relinquishments. CAN LOCATE you on a good homestead Portland or Roseburg district, farming or timber tracts: also have some good relinquishments. B. W. Helm. 317 Board of Trade bldg. THREE homesteads worth $10,000 each' mile to- railroad, schools, churches lo- cation: $3QO cash. 553 Holladay ave For Sale Farms. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland. $30 to $5O0 per acre, ?.y terms, best soil; farms for sale, all sixes. McFarland. 203 Falling Bldg. GOOD paying farsns: stses and terms te suit, with stock and Implement C J. Culllson Real Estate Co.. 205 H Morri son at. ft ACRES berry land. 4-room house, level, clear, fenced, Wlllamlna 1 mile; $150 rash, bal. easy. J. R. Sharp. 83 3d st. SEND for Jist of farms for sale. Go. M. Cole. Wlllamins. Or. . kKAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. 17-ACRE FRUIT FARM. In town of Carson, Wash., ?4 mile from postoffice, level, all fenced and under high cultivation; 3 acres lO-year-old bearing commercial apples. 4 acres .in Bartlett pears, 1 acre cherries. H acre raspberries, acre strawberries. 7 acres clover. 5-room house with bath, elect, lights, hot and cold water, large, fruit house with concrete basement 7 ft. high; steam pressure canner; large barn; 3 hen houses. All buildings and fences In good con dition; all buildings elect, lighted and supplied with running water. 400 boxes apples packed, fuel for 1 year. 1 H5O0-i. horse. 3-year-old St. Mawesj cow and calf. 40 chickens, spring wagon -and all kinds of farm Imple ments. House s completely and well furnished. Within mile of St. Martin and Shep herd Hot Springs, where you can sell every dollar's worth of vegetables and poultry you can raise. , Everything about place shows thrift and la ketpt up to date. The right man can easily make clear of U expenses $25QO to $3000 per year, and a fine climate to 1 We In. Everything ready to begin work; noth ing to buy and all complete for $12,000. M cash, bal. term if you wish. Call or write Mrs. Georgia M. Nichols, Carson, Waeh., or A. H. Maegly, 506 Bush A Lane bldg.. Portland. Or. YOU WILL MAKE MONEY ON this Yamhill prune farm, whether you keep It or resell It In the spring. The owner wants to close a business deal and needs $6500 and to raise it is offering this ranch for two-thirds its actual value. 125 acres In all; 95 now in cultivation, of which 50 acres are in bearing prunes: about H is fine level bottom soil and all is- farmed with tractor. A fine location for prunes and general farming. The improvements are extra good. The house of 10 rooms, fully furnished, in cluding piano and electric range, has full concrete basement, fireplace, electric lights. 2 bathrooms, lunroom; American radiator steam heat, plate glass, every thing that a real home should have. The barn, poultry houses, prune dryer -and all other Improvements are in keep-' ing with the bouse. With the property are included 4 horses, 2 cows, 12 hogs, lots of poultry and turkeys. Chase tractor, hay, feed, implements, tools of all kinds, in short, the owner steps oft and buyer goes right on. The price for everything is $26,000. Pay $6500 cash astd you will have a long time on balance. If you are a practical farmer and aw shrewd business man. see this opportunity at once. Personally Inspected, picture. MacINNES. 210 OREGON BLDG. THINK OF 20 ACRES ONLY 14 -MILES OUT WITH FINE MODERN HOME FOR ONLY $4500. Where in Portland can you buy one lot and a house like this for $45007 6 room plastered bnngalow, fireplace, full cement basement, furnace, bath, electric light, electric motor pump, air pressure tank; such Is description' of the house, and it is especially well built; good sized barn and out-buildlngs; bearing orchard; isn't that enough for $4500; yet we throw in 20 acres of smooth, rich land. 6 acres In" cultivation, some timber, balance light brush; just 14 miles from center of Port land, splendid road all the way. near 2 electric lines, and just 1 V4 miles from high school. Price only $4000. - easy terms. HARGROVE REULTY CO.. 122 N. 6th St. Bdwy. 4381. WIDOW MUST SELL. 65 acres, finest of black soil, balance pasture and timber; 1000 cords wood, paying $5 per cord on -ground; spring and creek; 10-room, modern plastered house, all built-in effects, bath an-d toi let, hot and cold water, opes fireplace, elegantly furnished; this house cost $0500 to build, is plastered throughout. Diner) kitchen; large barn, new silo, filled with sunflowers and corn; other outbuildings: 1 team horses. 2 cows, 36 chickens, 15 tons hay, separator, new elder press. 2 farm" wagons, sulky, plow, buggy, hack, mower, rake, disc, corn planter, silo cut ter, 2 new riding cultivators, 2 1-horse cultivators, all other small tools. This farm Is four miles from Newberg, , on fine road. $13,000, good terms. C. W. Millorahlp. Alder hotel. Main 5275. 40 ACRES of choice farm land bet. Van couver and Camas, facing on improved highway; 8H acres of bearing ' prune trees; plenty of other fruit; nearly all of the land in high state of cultivation; 2500 young prune trees ready to set out; about 8000 seedlings ready to graft in February; 2Vs acres of superfine pota toes still In ground; horses, cattle, ma chinery, large supply of hay, in fact a fully equipped farm; price $8500, on easy terms. Owner la old and, must sell. For particulars see BEN RIESLAND. 404 Piatt bldg. 127 Park st. 105 ACRES. 00 acres cultivation. 10 acres celery ana onion lana, IV acres no-ps. received $4000 for this year's first crop, balance timber; 8OO0 cords wood, can get $5 iper cord on place; putting in 12 acres wheat, balance to be put in. win ter oats and vetch; 5-room house, 2 barns, hop house, outbuildings. - large creek, numerous springs, 8 horses, 3 cows. 1 heifer. 7 hogs. 20 sheep. 75 chick ens, lO tons hmy, lOO bu. oats, 50 bu. wheat, all farm machinery. This farm Is close to ftfewberg on fine road. $22,000. good terms. C. W. MlUerahip, Alder ho tel. Main 5275. 960 ACRES. SHUTTLER FLAT WHEAT RANCH. $16,000. Adjoining land held at from $40 to $75 per acre; over 70O acres can be put in crop now; good buildings, fenced and crossed 'fenced, three wells, good roads and school right at the place; this is your opportunity If you want a real money-maker: can handle part trade and give very liberal terms. Johnson, with Interstate Land Co.. 248 Stark at. Main 642S. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN. -Yes, perhaps, but did you ever con sider that we can place an excellent renter on your farm which wil-l Insure you an income for a term of years. We can sell your personal property for cash. See us at once. F. L. EDDY. RITTBR, LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade BMg. WB INSURE FARM PROPERTY. FARM. STOCK. IMPLEMENTS. 109 acres, near Dsimaacus; 40 acres In cul.. fine orchard, large house. 2 large barns, mile frontage on electric line, with station and siding on the land; large fish stream across one corner; 4 cows, 1 bull, fine team, 30 sheep, all farm Imp.; fall plowing au done; 1 hour's drive from city. This is the best buy in close-in farms Z have ever had on my list. $8000, easy terms. S. P. Osborn, 610 McKay bldg. TWO FARMS SACRIFICED TO CLOSE ESTATE. 60 acres, Tualatin .- ..$15,000 68 acres, Vancouver. $20,000 Highly improved. Big Income pro ducers; 30 minutes' drive from Portland. Unless they were remarkable buys w-e would not advertise them. 8uch proper ties are rarely on the market. Let us abow you a real farm I Full details on application. R. T. STREET. East S94. Rea., East 4280. 40 ACRES NEAR GRESHAM. WILL TAKE HOUSE AS PART. Faces ML Hood highway, macadam lsed road to Portland, 5Vi miles of Ores ham, , mile electric station; slightly rolling, red shot te black, streams; 30 acres under plow; 6-room bungalow, nearly new, fireplace; $9000, terms to suitj or will take Portland borne up to J. C. COR BIN CO., 805-6-7 Lewis Bldg. BEST BUY IN THE STATE. 160 acres. 35 acres under cultivation and with estimated 5O0O cords of wood, located only 11 miles from Portland for only $62.50 per acre or J1O.OO0 for the whole tract. Biggest part of the road to the place Is paved and balance rocked. A golden opportunity to make money at prevailing fuel prices. Good terms. E. A- LKDGRES, SAVON LAND CO., 935 N. W. Bank Bid. 11 ACRES All In cultivation. 1 acre po tatoes, 1 acre corn. ?4 acra strawber ries, balance pasture. Good 5-room house, nicely furnished with piano; two barns, outbuildings, 3 cows. 1 heifer, team horses,- 2 brood sows, 23 pigs 2"0 chickens, 8 cords wood, plenty feed for chickens. All farm implements, $3200. Good terms. Consider trade. This farm is on Pacific highway. C. W. Miller -ship. Alder hotel- Main 6275. STOCKED AND lEQUIPPED. " - -426 acres, 200 acres under cultivation, fine pasture, 70 acres timber, fine mod ern 11-room house, large bam. silo, all out bldgs.. 6 cows, 6 work horses, 1 bull. 33 sheep, 28 goats all seed, hay, grain to runnext year: will take trade on prop erty up to $10,000; Joins good 4own ; only $95 per acre. Ira C. Barber -at 403 Couch bldg. J. B. ROCK CO. - 200 ACRES. DOWN COLUMBIA. 24 miles from Portland, on rock road mile - from highway and station, al! level plow land, no overflow, SO acres under cultivation, one of richest farms In Warren-Scappoose district: no rock or gravel-; fair buildings, family or chard, spring water: price $30,O0O, terms. LUE DDE MANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. j TILLAMOOK dairy ranch of 120 acres. 80 acres nice level creek bottom, watered by good stream; 1 miles to state high way, store and P. O., and cheese factory 1 miles, school y mile; stock and tools. Price $75O0. $2500 down, balance - federal loan and terms. Mrs. E B. O'Ne-il. Hemlock, Or. ON LOWER COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. 278-acre dairy ranch, good buildings; price only $13,000 for short time. Ad dress .1. O. Holmen. Perkins hotel, city. LOGGE D-OFF lands and small farms; run nlng water, good soil, some with Im provements, terms. 1. B. Sharp. 83 & 3d. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. YAMHILL, COUNTY FARM. 230 acres, 120 cultivation, modern and fully equipped dairy barn, modern horse barn: 8-room modern house; water piped to all buildings, electric lights. 28 milk ing cows, team mares, 3 and 2-year-old, colts, hogs, chickens, milking machine. cream separator, all farm implements. This ranch has been personally Inspected and will be- found as represented: build ings most modern in county. Call for H. G. Epton. J. BOBBINS A CO.. 801 Railway Exchange. Main 71)31. COLUMBIA BLVD. FARM Will sell S to 50 acres with or without buildings at a bargain. You can pay part cash, balance long time. City water, phone and electricity available. No city assessments. If you want a good close In dairy or truck farm, here is your chance. You will pay as much for land twice as far out. R. W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 1643. 30 ACRES. 11 miles south from court house, all can be cultivated, 20 acres under cultivation; 2 acres family orchard: good graveled rotd; creek; 1 y miles to high school; 5-room house, garage, barn, chicken house, 5 acres standing timber. This is close to electric line. Price $6300; $2000 cash. Some equipment in cluded, with the place. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. FOR SALE 110.80 acres: 16 acres In bearing prune trees. 15 acres nearly ready for plow: good soil; rest good timber, five miles from Camas; good main roads, near school, store. One team horses, wagon, harness and other farm implements. Price $11,000; $5000 cash, balance terms. Box 55. R. F. x. 1. Camas. Wash. BEFORE TOU BUY. Investigate our farm leases. We have many farms for tease with personal prop erty for sale. Let us taUc this over with you. F. L. EDDY. RITTETt. LOWE A CO.. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. EASY TERMS 1S3 acres at $60.00 per acre, $1000 cash and $1000 per year at 6 per cent. All good soil, rolling land, good road, fair buildings; 5 acres prunes and berries, half mile from school, store and 2 miles to RR. Box 195, Eugene, Oregon. 67 Vi ACRES loam soil, close to county roadi running water; natural grass; . wood; fine ocean view. Cash or terms $1600.00. Address 165 Wauna, Or. ABSOLUTE sacrifice, orchard farm near Estacada, Or.; rich soli, unlimited water; must sell; - make offer. John C. Jens. Glendora, CaL 10 ACRES, $2000; 6 acres cleared, house, timber, near Tualatin, extra soil. Main 8672. McFarland Realty Co.. Falling Bldg. WANTED REAL, ESTATE. 1063 HOME PROPERTIES . SOLD TO DATE THIS TEAR. We have won. a NATIONAL RECORD for home selling! THINK! 10C3 Home Properties sold this year! Is your home for sale? IT'S SOLD IF LISTED WITH US: We spend thousands of dollars advertising, - and are in touch with the MAJORITY OF EARNEST HOME BUYERS. We inspect, appraise and photograph same within 24 hours after list ing. No charge, except the stand ard rate of 6 per cent In the event of a satisfactory sale. See FRANK L. McGUIRE , y To Sell Your Home. Ablngton bldg. Main 1068. 3d st. bet. Wash, and Stark. IF YOU have a modern home for sale, lower Portland Heights, Knob Hill sec tion. Westover Terrace, Willamette Heights or any other good west side section, I have five clients for well - located modern vest side homes. POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE EAST 677L $500 CASH and SO acres, title clear, on coast, Lane county, near Florence. Or. Value $1000, as first payment on house not too far out. In good district: will - ta4ce semi-modern bungalow . if price is right; must make deal this week. Sell wood 532. STRICTLY modern Irvlngton residence for customer with the cash; must be bar gain: might consider Laurelhurst or Heights. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE EAST T71. FOR SALE, exchange or cash rent, 200 ac.fs best alfalfa irrigated. 800 acres wheat land, right at main line R. R. depot. I want good Income Portland property. Owner 654 E2. Salmon. Phone Bast 6033. H. Goeby. I AM READY to buy a 6 or 6-room bun galow, close to Jefferson high. -Alberta or Kenton; will go op to $3500, $1000 cash; can make good monthly payments: got to be located by 22d of this month. B 177, Ores-onian. ' WANTED iBy private party, 6 or 7 -room house with sleeping porch, in good dis trict, from $3500 to $6000; give descrip tion, location, price and terms in an swering. AG 144, Oregonlan.' WANT fairly good modern house with large lot and good street, up to $3500; need not be close in. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. WANT home in Irvlngton; value between $6000 and $7000; give terms and date when possession can be given. X 166, Oregonlan. WANT best Irvlngton -home $7OO0 will huv: must be east of 15th and north ok - EAST 419. . ' " WANT modern 6 or 7-room house in Nob Hill district or on Portland Heights; must be priced right. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. WANTED 5 rooms, strictly modern bun galow, Sunnyside or Hawthorne district, no further out than 52d. Call Mr. Michael. 248 Stark st. Main 6429. WANT 6-room hotise, strictly modern, on- corner lot, Irom sonv to 4SOO. in Haw thorne or other good district; good terms. P. O. box 6. Station C, tty. DO YOU want to sell your apartment, worth $40,000 and will consider $16,000 to $20,000 In your property. AE 147, Oregonlan. . $1300 MORTGAGE on land and $250 'cash for good 6-room house. Call Thursday East 7504. WANT good house, basement, in Sunny side district, up to about $3000. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. I WANT to buy a modern 6-room bunga low in Rose City Park on paved street not to exceed $4500. J 154. Oregonlan WILL buy 6-room house with bath, elec tricity, close to car line in suburbs- on terms; must be reasonable. Tabor 7632. BEST home obtainable. $2000 to $3000, Al berta, Sunnyside, Montavllla. F. 18. Oregonlan. WHY WORRY ? I can sell or trade anything anywhere. C. W. Mlllershlp. Alder hotel. Main 5276 Wanted to Rent Farms. WANT TO RENT. ' Have party wanting abont SO acres mostly under plow; will buy some per sonal property. Have party wanting abont lOO acres mostly under plow; will buy personal property to $2000. Another wants 25 to 60 acres, with at least 5-room house; will buy aeons personal property. Have many wanting between lOO and 2O0 acres general farms, some without and some with personal property. Have 2 parties wanting large farming propositions, cash for personal property F. L. EDDY. RITTER, LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR RENT 5" -acre farm. 6 miles from Portland.; 9-room bouse, barn, chicken house andi orchard. Call Broad way 1531. BY EXPERIENCED farmer, furnished farm to lease on shares. Dairy preferred. State terms and tillable acres. . H 159, Oregonlan. y FOR RENT FARMS. FARM to lease, personal for sale: 71 acres south of HUIsboro. 30 acres under culti vation, more in good pasture; personal consists of 9 cows, good team, brood sow, 3 large hogs, 35 chickens, lot of wheat and oats, nice piece of kale, all machinery and tools; personal will run - about $2000, some terms, but must have "- quick action. STEWART & BUCK. ' 315 Northwestern Bank bldg. 80 ACRE FARM, 10 miles to city on paved road; 20 acres under cultivation, 8 acres bearing orchard, balance stumpage pasture. T-room house, large barn with 12 stanchions; abundance water piped to buildings; electricity. Will lease to responsible party. Refer ences required. Phone owner. Tabor 7846, after 6 o'clock. EXPERIENCED farmer wants furnished farm on shares, or small place near town J. Gray, Troutdale,, Rt. 1. "v - 10 ACRES, 2"r4 orchard, house. 2 miles center Of Vancouver. Wash., on carline, $15. Tabor 1793. 160-ACRE farm, 40 in cultivation, lots of fruit, $350 per year. Cobb Bros.. 269 Oak st. TIMBER LANDS. 820 ACRES of cedar timber for sale cheap. See Mr. - Comer, 619 Chamber oX Com merce bldg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. ALFALFA FARM TO TRADE. 160 A. on Willow creek, so A. very rich bottom land, irrigated. ' plenty of water, now in alfalfa, and hay; 110 A. good pasture that will easily support 100 head of sheep; 8 - horses, 2 cows, 9 bogs. 3 dox. chickens.' farm tools and imple-" menta go with the place. Located 1 ml. from R. R. eta., hk mile from good school. Near town of r2O0. . near Columbia river. Owner wants to move to Portland and will take a home In or near Portland, for $5000 or $6000. Price $10,500. We don't know of a better place to make money than on this ranch. Ralph Ackley, 627 Conbett bldg. STOCK AND HAY RANCH. ?0O acres, ot which 125 is now In tim othy and nced. Ditch line will irri gate 820 acres; all could be cultivated. Fair"8-reom bpuse-wlth city water; good new barn, holding 12 head stock and equipment; 4 mile railroad station aneVi gooa eastern Oregon town; good market for all farm products; free of all incum brances. - Value $30,000. Owner now resident of Portland and will exchange for Portland or suburgan property. Ad dress 623 Wasco st. Phone East 293. 6 ACRES all best of soil, lies nice and level, no rock or gravel; all kinds of fruit; 6-room house, hot and cold water, bath and electricity; good barn ' and other outbuildings; team of horses, har ness, wagons, 2 cows, hogs, chickens, - and all tools - and implements; only . 8 miles out; paved highway; place has fine view. Sell on easy terms or ex change at $6500 for larger farm stocked and equipped ajid pay or assume differ ence. This; is a fine location and choice place. Have mar.y others all sizes, both . for sale' and exchange. Tallmadge Real ty Co., 619 Henry bldg. - 30-A. FARM enly 14 ml. from paved high way leading from Portland to Newberg: 16 mi', from Portland; 10 A. cult-. 16 A. pasture, .2 A. timber; house, barn and other -outbuildings. Good family orchard, mixed -fruit. Stocked, ready to move onto. 2 horses, 2 cows and several other head of stock. Wagon, harness and other farm' tools. ' Enough pocatoes . in ground to last all winter. Owner will ' exchange for a house an-d lot in Port land. Price $4000. See Fr R. Jesse, 527 Corbett bldg. TRAQE OR SALE. 121 a., 7 mi. from Esatcada. 1 ml. to school, 3 ml. to Couiton and high school, roads to place; 12 a. under cult, year ago; 20 a. slashed, burned and seeded to pasture, fenced: lO a. slashed, 5 a. alder, creek through place, excellent soil. 4-room house, needs repair: barn, chicken-house; bal. fir and cedar, some down cedar; very cheap at $35 per a. 905 Chamber of Commerce. L. A. VAIL. WILL EXCHANGE. rew bunga-low in Laurelhurst. all of equity in modern 5-room bungalow; hard wood, floors throughout, tiled floor in bath; fireplace, buffet, bookcases; every built-in convenience: 50x116 lot; paved streets; one block from car. For well located lot. " Price $5250. RICHARD W. MAST. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 2Q1-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bid's. FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR GPOCERY STOCK. 40acrea good level land In Clarke Co.; Wash., 4 miles from Camas, $2000. Or ' will trade for grocery stock to $3000 and assume difference. The land has no timber, has fine stream on corner. Ideal prune land, air drained. Box - 351, Camas, Wash. WILL EXCHANGE FOR A HOUSE. Ot acres, near Creswell, 60 acres under cultivation; all good soil; fair sets of buildings, with spring water piped to sane; cow, some tools and all household furnishings go with place; will take $1500 cash, balance In trade to $6500. STEWART oc BUCK. 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. APARTMENT HOUSE FOR NEARBY ACREAGE. 10 apartments, fully furnished, all oc cupied, nets $3700 per annum, price $20,000, mortgage $8000 1. Desire to exchange equity for acreage. Improved, on paved road. What have you? Ho agents. AK 114, Oregonian. SPLENDID STOCK FARM. Portland property will be accepted In exchange for one of the very best going stock ranches in the country; stock and equipment may be purchased at bargain price. W. H. ROSS, 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. - EXCHANGE OFFICE SPECIAL! ' ' Modern 7-room house, 50x88 corner lot: streets paved on both sides. East - 46th and. Stark; will take small house - or anything reasonable. A. GORDON ROPS. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. ALFALFA RANCH. 160 acres, free water to irrigate: on Highway, on railroad near Arlington: horses, cows, hogs, turkeys, chickens; full set of machinery, crop; price $12. 5O0: will take house and lot in Portland as part payment. McClure & Schmauch " Co.. 306 Railway Exchange bldg. GOOD FARM FOR A HOUSE. 60 acres," near Oregon City. 45 acres under cultivation, practically all bottom land: small house, good barnand out buildings; price $8000: will trade for a house to $4000, balance mortgage. LUDDEM ANN COMPANY. 913.;-Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. CHOICE, close-in suburban home; mod ern buildings; splendid soil, abundance fruit, berries, garden; fine chicken park; -Al proposition. Photos at office; will sell at bargain for quick deal, or ex change .considered. See A. K. Hill, 426 Lurobermens bldg. SUNNY SOUTHERN IDAHO Going alfalfa ranch, 1C0 acres and water light, all in good stand alfalfa; new 9 room house, rabbit-tight fence, stocked and equipped. $20,000. Trade for city Improved property. Johnson, with Inter state Land Co., 248 Stark st. Main 6429. SECURITIES TO TRADE. ' Good contract of sale, upon which there is due about $40,000. to exchange for farm lands or city Income property; will bear close vestigation. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. $2650 BUYS half Interest in one- of the best transfer and storage lines- in the city, or will exchange for a good house in Sellwood or on Oregon City line this side of Oak-Grove. See Brown & Biddle GET EXPERIENCED ADVICE. Vacant lots and city property our specialty. A. Gordon Ross. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 475L 410 Henry Bldg. GET EXPERIENCED ADVICE. Vacant lots and city property our spe cialty. A. Gordon Rosa. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO . Broadway 4751. . 410 Henry Bldg. WANT ED Down-town building, have lm proved alfalfa land, also going stock ranch to exchange for Portland Improved property; will go as high as $500,000 HOP N. W. Bank' Bid. FOR SALE or exchange, 1 lot. 60x100 Killrngsworth addition; will accept i graphophone as first payment, or might trade for house and lot. The Evening Repair Shop. 340 N. 23d. Broadway 6 ACRES improved modern house near paved road .and electrics line; 6 miles . from city. Will - trade for modern 6-room house or bungalow in Portland. O 169, Oregonlan. FOR EXCHANGE 2 lotB ln Falrport ad dition, or 1 lot in Piedmont addition 1 block from carline, for Ford roadster , H.; L. HAMBLET & CO.. ' ' 443 Stark Street.. MY EQUITY ln two houses for vacant lot. Call bet. 8 A: M. and 12 noon. Tabor 5779. TO EXCHANGE--MIBCEIXAXEOC8. TRADE $15 banjo-ukulele. What have you? AE 161. Oregonlan. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles, Livestock. KEYSTONE FEED STABLE, horses for sale or hire, stalls for rent. 8S1 Water st.. foot Montgomery. Marshall 3515. REGISTERED Jersey cow; or would give in trade on Ford. Davis. 109 E. 65th st. N. - ( YOUNG Nubian milk goat,-bredr$25: also Togg buck cheap. 1350 Wilbur. Wdln. 4014. - FRESH Guernsey cow for sale, first-class family cow; going away; must sell. Phone Milwaukle 64 Y. I FOR TRADE or sale cheap, 5 horses and harness at Clay-Morse transfer stables, - 12th and Glisan. CEAD horses and cattle hauled awaj kree. Phone Mllwaukle 69-J for service. DEAD orses taken quickly; cash for dead cows. Tabor 4203. "VET ERIK A RIAN. DR. HOWE. TABOR 6568. lOD cow for sale. 1117 Flavel ave. Eastmoreland car. - TEAM and. wagon for sale cheap. Tabor 3419. FOB BALE. Horses, Vehicles, livestock. AUCTION SALE 50 head of fine milk cows at public auction. Am retiring from the dairy business and will sell at pub lic auction at my place adjoining the city limits of HUIsboro. Or., on the south and mile due west of the Pacific Coast Condensed Milk plant No. 5. at 10 A. M. on Fridav, November 12, 50 head of milk cows, "ubercullne tested. Jer seys, Holsteins and Guernseys my en tire herd. 14 fresh since Sept. 1; 12 head apr'ne-ers; 24 head giving large flow of mi,k; 8 head of calves I day to 4 weeks oidr one 2-year-old, registered Jersey bull, fine strain. The milk from my Er, J18" been """d to the retail trade In J-illlsboro during the last 8 years. Be on time -as there Is nothing but stock for ?a'B- Lunch at noon. Terms of sale: .u and under, cash; over $20. bankable note at 8 per cent Interest. Zlna Wood, owner: J. O. Kuratll.- auctioneer. FOR,S'IiEln-m',diate--'' 1 team, conslst iEf S-year-old bay horse, weight 1350 a 7-year-old gray horse. 1450 lbs.. rHi,fUnd "nd true- ln K-l working condition, good set Boston banker har wlfJL, i mdern, up-to-date house ?B??' cSei1 .a,I1.or Part- c at vacant iol ana ints sts, , jf; felved a new shipment of cows, consisting of Holsteins, Jerseys and Durhams some are fresh and others t fl. e." '.n ,a few "a"- All are tubercu cow rV-'U certl",c' soea with each Wdln. 24-00 HWUt- 'frtWrt. barn. u DOW do a!1 our delivery with auto llne S.M ",' 5 ha for' sale several o-ne foli Thlght .e-neck wagons at -".S 2.M,rth 'i18 OSinal cost. See Ore 1123. MuslSSliouse. Phone Main 12.iLEAr !f grood some fresh and oZ-f'L5, Ire5n oon- no'y Jersey. ?y 4,5 aJd ""J w' trade any ot l S for horses or an automobile. Call 806 Powell Valley road, Woodstock MOVING TO TOWN. MUST SELL. - sorrel team, well matched; weigh-3400: mare 6 years old, one horse, 6 years old; guaranteed and sound, excellent shape. -V.Ba.con arm. Base Line road. Own- .5 S? ,t harnesses of all kinds for sale, 365 Union ave.. South. comer Stevens st. G. P. Williamson & Glass TELAM. 2800 lbs., 9 years old. wagon' d rileoJ:.T'e7 cow."d dfl cheap for m or lot. iast 3oo FOR SALE At barn. E. 6th and Ivon sta. -i.he '"erad Shropshire ram lambs. $20 ach. Holman Fuel Co..94 6th st. Pianos, Organs and Musical in.t.TT A FAMILT "turning east has' !ft. with L'".8'?'' only $285 a very good 7' ,ta-ny oak Steger piano. Must v3 a5. ast 100 ln ab or liberty iJ niii aIan.ln three or ' months, as desired. This means an actual saving of over $3O0. Come and see this at I once. - A -JO a fine Everett mahogany case In good order; now only $io. See EXifesnKMuas!c1 Huse. T'XSi roreMrintkeeTSh0n8 Mal" 1123 aad a USED TALKING MACHINES at prices that will move them quickly ALL IN GOOD CONDITION. Columbia and 6 records. $25. Victor and 6 records. $33 Victor and 6 records, $45 Victor and 12 records. $100. Columbtt und 12 records $120 o-v.5 to I casn' 4 to " monthly. Schwan Piano ColOlothpnr Stark. SFR,ITT STORAGE CO., closing out: Small upright pianos $65 and $ 75 Modern upright pianos $195 to 345 Modern player pianos $395 to 6r r-arlor organs $25. $38. $45 and 58 P anos bought and sold for cash only. PlaSos XZrJd Jr - -Joa monthly n- juxn oi... (.uh. STARK ST. WILL pay cash for good unrix-ht ni,i suitable for out-of-tow hZVZ 1 glSZi wort' ,!ta,ynK make and what kind of wood is the case. Will then call and . rr"nents. Will also pay cash drest K d-VCtr?"a and buy recordi. Ad aress is. 1,3, Oregonian. i.YS1? fina .mahogany victroJa type bv i lZTf Phonograph: case marred .by railroad In accident, but tone and "."k11" ?erf.ect: regular price $150: 5ar1 for 80' railroad claim agent BawLBd'ft,er?nce' See at once. Oregon . xiuuae. rflcne Main-1123. T?' 23. CASH bu,w new 1920 model UPJ T'B.of,i'i,plano in oalc or mahogany for $J5. balance $12 monthly. Your phonograph, old piano or organ taken as first payment. Schwan Piano Co., 101 10th st.. at Washington and Stark sts $175 and up. SEE OUR BARGAINS J"d Pjano: b.est prices. GUARAN i. .D. Terms given. Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co.. 125-27 Fourth St.. between Washington and Aider streets. ELEGANT mahogany concert grand size upright: finish hurt In shipping but nice ?eha?V1 action: WI, 8-uarantee and sell for half price, or only $212.50. See Ore- . fdnwFt'hou US' HOU" and brln GET TOUfe Christmas machine Sow. Prices reduced while they last; direct from manufacturers to you- a small d8e4POYan?ni1i..h0,d Ha'ld ' . TRADE YOUR PIANO Will trade $223 new VICTROLA and records for used PIANO. Seiberling-Lu- 0000. jzo 4tn st. WE BUY. sell and exchange phonographs: we have the most beautiful -talking mi ".chines in Portland; terms. 437 staHt Bt., at 12th. ' PTri?Lr" reNT OR TRADE Used Phonographs and Records NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE. xpl. moor oiub. Main 4495. HEAR the Orpheus, the phonograph with the wonderful glass resonator. Factory and salesroom 10814 Grand ave. Cir culars free. PIANO WANTED HIGHEST CASH PAID for used PI ANOS or PLAYERS. Seiberling-Luca. Music Co. Main 856. 125 4-h st 1'Uca FISHER PIANO. $175 A good practice piano: - terms. Setberling-Lucaa Music Music 1-0., 1 r uuna st. $290 CASH buys $900 Steinway & Sons panoo. Cor' S(rk and 10th EDISON, COLUMBIA and Victors. $5 up " adb,and8.e11' 205 Jerson $245 CASH buys $550 Kimball upright ln fine mahogany plain style. Security g , m. oi.rK st. FOR RENT Cabinet Grafonola, late mu sic. Empire Transfer, . 254 Broadway ' Broadway 155. ' NEW Coambia grafonola and records $60 Am leaving city. Call at 687 E. 20th at! cor, of Brooklyn. BRUNSWIClv phonograph, dark oak finish' plays all records. 11714 Knott, between 8 and 3:30. LARGE cabinet phonograph, a bargain. 183 Holladay. Between 7 and eVen ings. PIANO WANTED for practice having good tone; cash deal. Marshall 1532. WE BUY, sell and exchange records. 437 Stark St., at 12th. FOR SALE $70 E-b tuba. A-l condition'' price $25. PboneWoodlawn 6848. WOULD like the nse of piano for storage by responsible parties. East 8360. ALMOST new Victor piano. 194 13th street. Main 3669. 'WILL pay cash for piano tod-ay; must ba bargain. Tabor 3718. WILL store piano free for uso; excellent care. Automatic 310-26. Furniture for Sale. feOLDEN OAK dining room table. 6 chairs, $100; dark oak library table - $30 9x12 Wilton rug, $60: stand, tables. 2 rockers. 3 kitchen chalra. dressers, 'all ln good, condition; no dealers. 401 East 43d St., corner Lincoln. LIMBERT'S Artcraft soWd oak dfnlsg . room set consisting of 64-in. table (with pad),- 4 chairs, 2 arm chairs, beautiful buffet and serving table. Strictly hiirh class. $45Q. Bdwy. 1719. DON'T sacrifice your furniture If going east or to California. We can save you money on- your freight in our through . cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson ' Transfer & Storage Co.. 248 Pine st. ' DINING-ROOM set.- refrigerator, - heater wick r baby buggy, dresser, kitchen table, hand vacuum cleaner, account of leaving town. 933 Division. Call after 6 P. M. . FOR SALE Majestic range, stove, 2 rugs; 2 dressers, dining tarJTe snd chairs, brass bed snd other furnishings for 5 rooms, all or by piece. 492 Rodney ave. CHARTER OAK range, almost new. two beds, springs, mattress, 4 oak chairs kitchen table, 6 shades, sad lions. 806 Holladay ave. 6 ROOMS beautiful furniture, $1000.' rent $20; 2 rms. rented for $45; close In Miss Holman. Main 867. 416 Chamber Com. GOOD new and used furniture, ranges, ' heaters, rugs, very lowest prices. Jurl son Furniture Co., East 6957. 113 Grand ave. $425 CASH almost new. Sunday 9 to 6 alt day Monday. 771S 64th Place. Monnt Scott car to Woodmere station, 6 blocks south. FURNITURE of small apartment for sale; will sacrifice if taken at once. Marshall 3215. asTA BLACK Stayblack, the greatest heat resisting stovs polish in existence: 26e - hpttle Crown Furniture Co. 2Q9 First OAK. BUFFET for sale, almost new. 331-26. rOK 8ALK. Furniture for Sale. VIRE SALE OF MEIER & FRANK STOCK . recently damaged in warehouse and moved TO 454 WASHINGTON ST. Consisting of furniture, draperies, mo hair, plushes, velours, tickings, etc., etc. Bought by Cohan Bros. & Director and now on sale. AT 1-3 AND 1-2 OFF. Draperies on sale at .'.--, 454 WASHINGTON, COR. 13TH. .'. -. FURNITURE SALE AT MADISON -DOCK at foot of Madison st. bridge. DRESSERS, $8 and up; chairs, $1 and up; - beds. $3 and up: springs. $2 and up; mat tresses. $1.50 and up: dining, tables. $ and up. and other bargains in rugs and all he use furnishings. Russell St. .Furn. Co., 284 Russell st. Phone E. 3923. Office Fnrnltnre. THREE flat tops, two roll tops, four bookkeepers' desks; also chairs. D. C. Wax. 31 N. 5th at Broadway 2739. Dog. R. Mlte. Birds. ' Fes Stock. ST. ANDREASBERG rollers, choice sing ers and females. Auto. 310-77. 636 E. 3Sth st. N. ONLY 2 English BuH pups left. $7 a piece. 322 East 77th street S. E.. Powell Valley road. YOUR choice of 8 pairs of birds, including cage, for $15. 644 Pettygrove street, cor ner 16th. SINGING ' Irds and cages for' sale. 209 E. Stark st. FOR SALE Cheap. 3 female canaries, 1 singer, good stock. East 7973. Poultry. 450 EGGS FROM 17 HENS IN 30 DAYS. In Alaska.' Mrs. Annie Burch, - Peters burg. Alaska, writes: "I have .been using Pratts Poultry Regulator and-m getting 15- eggs daily from 17 hens. I am proud of my chickens, as our climate in southeastern Alaska is so wet and cold that no one here tried chicken rais ing before." This would be a good rec ord in New Jersey. Ohio or California THINK OF IT IN COLD. BLEAK. WET SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA. Pratts Poultry Regulator, mixed with- a good egg-making ration. Is guaranteed to .make hens lay anynvhere, any month, regardless of cllnv. - or your money will be refunded. VOUR HENS WON'T WORK IF they're not in condition. Keep them healthy and in shape to lay this whole winter by giving a good ra tion and Pratts Poultry Regulator every day. It will keep hens on the job right through the cold weather producing eggs and dollars. Pratts turns slackers Into workers. Start using NOW and get your flock Into the laying habit before real cold weather sets In. Sold by first-class dealers everywhere. FOR Sale; lOO White Leghorn hens and 100 pullets. O. A. C. strain. In fine con dition; pullets ready .to lay; also Queen Incubator and' brooder, all for $300. 2S57 50th ave. S. E. Phone Auto. 223-4S. 100 WHITE Leghorn, hens. Tabor 6895. 6348 84th St. S. E. . Machinery. MACHINERY, t, 1 4-ln. Gen. Elec. portable Grill. 1 220-volt forge blower. 1 3-h. p. 80-v. bat- chglng. generator. 1 reciprocating air pump. -1 Kellogg auto air pump. '- t 1 standard elec. wood boring machine and chinel mortlser. 1 wood lathe. 6-ft. bed. BAILEY & BECKER. 129 E. Water st. 4-CYLINDER Continental motor in good condition. 4 34x4 tires, complete Presto tank and lights and radiator. Cheap. Will take cow or chickens. Call at 359 E. 74th N. GASOLINE woodsaw. equipped with 4. H. P. Cushman engine, traction. 3 speeds solid rubber tires: $200. Colby Marston. Oresham. Or. Phone 338.. WANTED To rent or buy small .revolv ing caterpillar shovel, immediate deliv ery. M 156, Oregonian. - - FOR SALE Six horse powor stationery gas engine. Call Broadway 3291.- Lannrbes and Hoate. FOR -SALE Troller (Elaine) 36x10 with 1-6-H. P. Enter-prise engine; new and fully equipped. Owner going east. Call .570T0C. or foot of Main street. A REAL buy in a four-room houseboat. 23 Willamette moorage. Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange. ' We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable: $50 com plete with carrying case; supplies for all makes. E. W. PEASE CO.. 110 Sixth St. Main 2283. DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE. All Makes Overhauled: Experts. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. ' Buy. Sell, Rent and Exchange. Main 6397. Supplies. 26314 Oak St. ALL MAKES, sold, rented and exchanged: terms if desired; send for retail prices. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Wsshlngton St.. N. W. Cor. 6th. FOR RENT Underwood, Remington type writers. $3.50 mo. Empire Transfer. Broadway 155. t FOR SALE Woodstock typewriter, prac tically new. Call East 3424. after C P. M. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 5th at. Main 8668. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Davenport bed, $25: Perfec tion oil heater, $4.50; kitchen treasure, $5: Mason fruit pars. 75 cents Per dozen: jelly glasess, 25' cents per dozen; shades and Bfiade rollers, aeuwooa 304. CASH registers, counter and floor show cases, computing scales, front and back bar, carborator with motor, restaurant chairs, stools and tables, cheap, 113 2d st. FOR SALE Beautiful diamond bracelet, " by private party. This piece of jewelry is a masterpiece; no dealers nor brokers ' Phone before 9 A. M. or after 6 P. M. Tabor 7627. TWO CARLOADS new office furniture at second - hand prices; some new rugs slightly damaged at one-half price. This week only. D. C. Wax. 31 N. 6th. Bdwy. 2739. DINING-ROOM set, refrigerator, heater, . wicker baby buggy, dresser, kitchen ' table, hand vacuum cleaner, account of leaving town. 933 Division. Call after 6 P. M. FOR SALE CHEAP. A good chicken house; can easily be moved. Call 832 E. 21st N.. cor. Weid ler. SWEET cider 35c gallon; bring jugs. Po tatoes $2 per sack. 65th ave. S. E. - between 104th and 105th sts., 14 mile ' E. Lents schoolhouse. LADY'S tailored brown worsted suit, 44 46, short, stout, $30. cost $75; worn . once, going south. 687 E. 9th st. SelL 3389. FOR SALE 1 short,' black plush coat, size . 40: 1 navy trlcotlne dress; 1 blue vel vet, size. 36; all practically new; very cheap. 615 Morrison. Bdwy. 4433. C. ELECTRIC Dalton adding machine. Simplex time clock, also check writer, cheap for cash. D. C. Wax. 81 N. 6th St. Bdwy. 2739. FOR SAXiE Comptometer adding machine, good ai and new. Barrett Phone Main 2229. CHILD'S 2-year size, all wool outfit: white, 4 pieces $4.50. Lady's 36-38 size suit. $d. 113 vernon ave. FOR SALE Practically new Wade drag saw and complete woodcutting outut, $170. inquire 2114 urana ave. A-l HEATING stove, wood or coal, with pipe and sine, $20. Phone Woodlawn 2SN. FOR SALE Good coal and wood range, furniture, lawn mower and fruit Jars. 431 Benton st. East 3877. SECOND-HAND Faultless horse stump puller, 1O0 ft. -inch cable, good condi- tion ; seu cheap. j 151,-. oregonian. BUY." SELL. RENT OR TRADE. Shotguns or Rifles. NEWMAN'S, 128 First. Main 4495. ONEN07"20 RADIANT FIRE wlth"all cont nectlons, as good as new. Sellwood 95L 869 East 26th S. CABBAGE CABBAGE CABBAGE 1c per lb., any amount. For further '- Information phone Oregon City 14 F 14. FOR SALE Jewel gas range, perfect con dition. Call apt. 17. Gordon Court Apta., 16th and Montgomery SfRAWBERRY plants for sale. $4 thou sand, an qu.uLu, c . . t oqv. POTATOES for sale cheap. Call Main '.7739. ' SAFE Fireproof safe. Hall make, in good - order,cheap. BP 170, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Dandy baby buggy, nearly w a j w TW ttf FOR SALE 2 heating stoves; bargain. Phone Tabor 6130. CAS COOK . STOVE cheap. Automatic LLOYD PRINCESS -baby buggy, only $10. 802 Union ave. N. LARGE wood range for sale, $15. 847 E. Broadway. - WEST SIDE home, sells and buys slightly worn apparel and furs. Marshall 3215. CASH REGISTER Latest model with memo tape. 1112 Yeon bld Tabor 7503. DETROIT JEWEL gas range and Ruud water heater. 106 N. 2Sd st. Main 5963. USE-D hot air furnace for 8 or 10-room house. Sea W. JS. P., 67 Broadway. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous, EXCHANGE PHONOGRAPH RECORDS and player rolls with us and you wl'l have new tunes at all times at 1-6 usual cost. Write, call or phone for folder - explaining our simple plan. Records at 5c. 10c. 15c. 25c. 35c. New records at 50c, 60c, 69c. Also all the late hits. Rolls at ?5e. 33c. 50c. New rolls at 65c . anl 85c. PACIFIC RECORD EXCHANGE, 427 Wash. st. Phone Bdwy. 402; open - Thursday and Saturday evenings. A BARGAIN. For sale, a navy blue messallne silk dress with beaver plush trimmings, size 34. price $14. Call East 6874. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Rather than return our salesmen s samples to the factory, consisting of raincoats, motor coats and leather coats, we have placed them on sale to the public at wholesale prices. UNITED RUBBER CO., ' 726 Morgan Bldg. DAMAGE SALE MEIER & FRANK STOCK. Removed to 454 Washington, corner 13th Consisting of draperies, mohair plushes.. tapestries. . denims. tickings, velours, sateens, etc.. etc.r 1-3 to 14 off good remnants 25 cents to $1 each. 454 Washington, cor. 13th. SAFE FOR SALE. 1 steel cabinet safe: inside measure ment 18 by SO by 56 Inches, with mov able steel shelving and drawers. One -new steel vault door 80 by 36 Inches, combination lock. McEACHERN SHIP .CO.. Astor'a.. Oregon. FARMERS attention; make plowing easv, scoursfin any land, sheds the wet. black, waxy, ? gluey, sticky gumbo soli clean from mouldboard. by use of "Wonder Deflertor and Plow ' Faclnr." Weisen- ' born-Hansen, P. Q. box 57, Portland. Or. SEWING machines, new and ' second-hand sold for less: no agents employed: com plete line of parts for all makes: ma chine, repaired and rented. Mnln 9431. 6EWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Third St.. near Taylor. FOR SALE Refrigerator case, peanut roaster, bar counter and draft arm. Ice box- mirror, foot railings, bread cases, . lift up top cigar cases, other floor cases, marble slab, gas range, check protector. Sacrifice act. 242 Salmon. SOLID oak dresser and chair. 2,; nice rtlt Iron bed. $8: wooden bed and springs, $4: tennis racquet, $1 .10; chamois skin vest, never worn. $2.50: large Savory roadster. $1.50. 286 Tillamook, corner Williams. ' j HOT-WATER tanks. 30-gM.. $7- 40-gs.l.. $9; tested and guaranteed: stove and furnace coils, gas heaters installed: ex pert plumbing. repairing. Fast Side Welding Shop. 203 Adsms st. East 8516. WHY AN . everlasting aggravation by a .t leaky roof? Why not a permanent and ''comfortable roof? We repair, rubber bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs. Work guaranteed. Main 5560. DENTAL CHAIRS Englnw. efcblneta . X-ray machine. miscellaneous dental equipment snd supplies for sale. - OREGON DENTAL SUPPLY CO.. S15 Selling Bldg. Phone Main 6865. CAKE mixer, electric, for bakery or hotel use: standup office desk, steel letter file, typewriter, fine wicker baby car- rape; at a bargain. 306 Oak street. STORE refrigerator, glass doors, ln fine shape,; flat-top desk, typewriter desk, trat a bjrrgain on account of leaving town. 306 Oak st. Phone Bdwy. 4479. - FURS FURS. -Above high rent Below high prices. THE FUR SHOP. 606 SweUland bldg., 5th at Washington RIFLE. Winchester 401. 3 magazines. 2 boxes shells, cleaning - rod, carrier, gold bead sip-ht: nearly new; bargain; $35. Main. 6795. ELECTRICAL repairing, wiring. Every thing electrical in supplies. Low prices, quick service. Hynson Electric Co.. 302 Pine St. Phone Bdwy. 4203 NEW "SINGERS" $5 down. $3 monthly Expert sewing machine repairing MORRISON-STREET SINGER STORE 382 Morrison. Marshall 721. SA FRS New and second-hand: some with bprglar chests, at reasonable prlcea PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO.. Broadway 1966. 48 Front it. LOGANBERRY tips and plants for sale. order immediately, fall or spring de - livery. Woodstock Nursery. Sell. 2332. . end ot Woodstock car line. COLUMRIA Wellboard. the jolntless plast er wall; can't buckle, burn, swell oV shrink. Ohsfeldt, 419 Henry Bldg. Bdwy 1901. - '' MTNNOWS ATI sizes for bass and croppy fishing. Highway boathouse. Interstate highway. Columbia slough. FOR SALE Registers, all sizes; wall cases v floor cases. Toledo Computing Candy scales, draft arms; terms. 242 Salmon. LET US wash your rugs with the Hamil ton Beach electric carpet washer with out removing from floor. Wood 1259 KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent snd exchange ko ' daks. Sandy. 329 Washington st. POTATOES and apples at wholesale prices Get your winter's supply. Portland Fruit Co.. 153 Front St.. near Morrison bridge. WOOD Block and slab wood mixed.' stove wood lengths, $6.50; prompt delivery east side orders preferred. Mar. 18"8 FERTILIZER - Rotted norse or cow manure delivered anywhere In city. Tabor 2704. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean 234 14 Morrison st. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton Beach electric carpet washer; also vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. CEDAR posts, large size, get a carload; get ten carloads. H. Goodrich. R 3 box 804. Lents. Or. LADIES SAVE High-grade used appareL Prices moderate. 1132 E. Glisan street - Montavllla car to 39th. T.tbor 2S25. CABBAGE for sale, le perIb7i 14 -mile south of Troutdale. Call any time- brlnz containers. H. E. Bramhall. SEW SEW 6EW- 5EW. Expert sewing machine repalnns Phone Sellwood 1071. repairing. MUST SELL AT ONCE, 8 LARGE PLATE-GLASS MIRRORS AND SMALL COUNTER. 465Washlnfrtonst1 SET of steel folding gates for salC CaTl U. S. PATENT for sale; automatic cigar and cigarette box. Very new. 427 Ev erett st. K. Nlshi. MAN'S bicycle $25; boy's bicycle. $10; all In good condlton; also household goods. Phone E. S492. 10 E. 8th N. DINING suite, overstuffed davenport mirror, writing desk, baby sulkv bed. 705 Overton. r hall and FOR SALE DALTON ADDING MA CHINE. FIRST-CLASS CONDITION LOUIS GILBRIDE, Jeweler, temporarily lo cated room 3. tubbs Electric Store 6th and Oak. After Dec. 1 at 73 6th st WANTED To buy a Royal TurnaeTTn good condition. PhTie Wdln. 2092 67 QUARTS FRUIT for $30"orby piece 60o - -- ----".'a oity. DRY WRECKAGE wood, cheap' Tabor 8643. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners. $1 per da delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 3495. SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sale. Pacific Tent at Awning Co.. 1 N. 1st ,t BLOCK WOOD, slab wood, mixed, 2-Ioad lots, special prlcea East 2041. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine showcase 43 lat St.. near Ah COATa. '"furs, suits, gowns and evenlna dresses, slightly worn. Main 0567. VACUUM cleaners sold, rented, repaired. exchanged. bought. Bentley. Main 4KOL "for SALE Dry. old-growth tlr cord wood. Phone Broadway 2199. POTATOES S$ 2.10 $2.26 delivered. 831 East Everett. EasJiTOS; " i-3 K. BLUE WHITE diamond ring, will sacrifice. Call Marshall 6155. " LEAKY roofs repaired and painted, reason- tible. Tabor 9324. STOVES repaired, bought and sold. Colls .made and connected. East 651ia $15BUYS adding machine; adds 7 figures. BIS Corbett bldg. .Marshall 557. FOR SALE Best dry, first-growth fir cordwooa, ei wr mm. jiain ivu. J-ORD WOOD Best dry; old growth. $13. Tabor 2326. FOR RENT Blecttio vacuum cleaners, 24 hour day $1. delivered. Wdln. 1259. FOR SALE country 1405. slab. Call Main A LARGE wood range, $15. 847 E. Broad way. BEAUTIFUL leatherette handbags and stylish raln hats half price. 155 13th su FOR SALE 6 card tables, 25 ohairarcall at 818 Union ave. North. TWO sample fur coifts for sale at half price. 225 11th st. Room 3. COUNTER, refrigerator, dishes, hotel sil verware, 8-foot hood. East 1082. FIRST -CLASS painter, $6.50 day, or con tract. Tabor 6940. FINE potatoes, $2 per sack delivered. ,Wdln. 6198. " , FOR SlCLB Lady's long coat, almost new Call Main 8087, between 6 and 9 P. m! OAK WOqp.4 ft., for sale. Wdln. 2132 GARDEN manure for sal, abor 6034, FOB SALE. Miscellaneous. PRCSfPERTTY CANDIDATE? TS BLECTED. Tuvv fKEfAHB FOR BlJPHNEeS. Underwoods $r0.00 and up Remingtons 25.0O and up L. C Smiths 85.00 and up Noiseless 7-5.00anduo Olivers 22.60 and up Etc. Etc. Etcr Wide carriages, shl-ftless machines, etc., F. & K. Protectograph. Peerless check writers. Old-style machines, all makes, CHEAP. Let us rebuild your typewriter. We guarantee our work and give prompt service. Ribbons. Carbons. Inks, Pads. Paper . and All supplies for THE OFFICE. Etnvployment department ln connection. Main 63t7. - 2MU. Oak St. DOANE GUARANTEED" TYPEWRITER SERVICE. FOR SALE One Monarch range, one g&s cooker, gas heater, beds and beddjns. tool chest and contents and numerous other articles. Moving away and suiting complete. - 688 Madison. Inquire Schmidt, cor. Nartllla and Madison. FOR SALE Good hot air furnace, capable neiinx t rooms; colls Tor not water with water pipe and connections: also cold air pipes leading from outside andv from basement are Included. Call East 619. SAFE6 Fire and burglar-proof safes, new ana secon a-nan-a, at right prices, bought sold and exchanged. Easy terms if desired. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO., 105 Second St. Main 2046. HEMSTITCHING AND PICOTING AT TAOHMEXT; works on all sewing ma chines; price $2: personal checks loe extra. Light's Mall Order House, 'box 127, Birmingham, Ala. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FORD OWNERS. FORD overhauled $20 Rear axle overhauled 6 Valves ground, carbon removed 3 Magneto recharged 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc.. which 1. surrs a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO.. 280 Front St.. comer Jefferson. CHUMMY ROADSTER. Late model and wire wheels. 5 of them, and the car is reflnished and looks and runs just like it did the day it left the showroom; has all new tires, non-skid: low price and we will take $250 down, bal. easy. Come and try it, as we are open Sundays for your inspec tion. 514 Alder at. Murphy Motor Car company. $3400 KING 8 for $1000 cash. This car is In first-class mechanical cdndition. Newly sainted, wire wheels, extra wheel and tire. 1918 model Oakland, motor entirely new. Good paint job and mechanical condition. $050 for quick sale. MOTOR SALES CORP'N., 10th and Flanders. BUICK SIX. just out of the renewing shop; priced low. WELLBR MOTOR COMPANY. 15th and Washington. 18 MAXWELL TOURING. This is fine light 4. has some extras and is reflnished in novelty colors; low price and long easy terms and take $225 down, bal. easy monthly payments, tnke Ford in trade. Open Sundays at 514 Alder st. Murphy. Motor Car Co. BUICK light six touring, bought onljshort time ago. like new. in perfect mechani cal condition, cord tires and much ex tra equipment; must sell. Call Mr. Barnes. Hotel Arthur. Main 4226 or Broadway 821. WE CARRY a full line of auto accessories. tires, tuDes ora parts. light giobea. etc.; also do towing. Open day and night. LONG & S1LVA. Phone East 6840 462 Hawthorne. LATE 1918 Chandler touring car, looks like new and rune the same; has 5 cord tires, 2 spot lights, bumiper and Victoria top; $1250; will give terms. Phone Bdwy. 4S23. 192 CHEVROLET touring, almost new. $100 ln extras. Brand new spare tire. Marvel shock absorbers, perfect condi tion. Leaving for Ohio. Will take $725. Give some terms. By owner. East 2S08. AUTOMOBILE OWNER. SALES ROOM. If you wish to sell your car. bring It In and get quick action. Main 184. 168 King street. $175 CADILLAC BUG $175. This has good tires and electric lights, 1-man top, windshield and some extras. Easy terms. Mr. Allen, Palace Garage. Bdwy. 1572. 1920 PAIGE SPORT MODEL. Run only 2OO0 miles, extra new tire, bumper and spot light: see this car. 7S4 Laurelhurst, owner. Tabor 9116. 1919 CHEVROLET touring, nearly new condition, 5 new tires. wire wheels, bumper. Jiffy curtains; - sacrifics $575. East 178. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 1916 Baby Grand Chevrolet, 5-pass., good rubber and good running order. Phone Sell. 2r3. 5-l'ASSENGER Nash 6. model 1919; must sell: In very best condition: a bargain at $1150. Call S. W. cor. 12th and Wash.. 4 40. THIS Is not bunk. I am leaving the city. Will sell a popular 4-cyllnder car at a fire sale price. Car Is almost new. Phone Automatic 510-65. FIERCE-ARROW, closed car. for taxi or depot purposes, 1912 model, perfect con dition: a bargain, $1500. Broadway Ga rage. East 24th and Broadway. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles. We wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodes Auto wrecking Dept.. 105-7 N. 11th St. AUTO FOR SALE OR TRADE for unlm proved screage. Chevrolet Baby Grand in A-l condition. Call East 2519 for quick deal. 1918 DODGE touring in fine condition every way. Price $900. Must be sold today. This Is $100 under market price. Terms. Mr. Argo. Broadway 3281. I WILL sell my Cole 8. clover leaf model; looks like new; runs like new, and Is in ' splendid condition. Make me an offer. Phone Bdwy. 1559 or East 2651. FOR SALE 1917 Reo 4-cyiinder, 6-pass., good mechanical condition, good tires and extra; a bargain for $300 cash. Ta bor 1741. ADMINISTRATOR will sell Mtchell tour ing car cheap. Car at 401 East 43d street. See B. P. Slovarp, 608 Henry bldg. 1918 BUICK 6 roadster. In first-class con dition, all good tires and lots of extras. Call owner. Tabor 10, or Knox at Broad -way 1130 during week. CHEVROLET touring 1918; good mechanl cal condition; good tires; must sell. A snap at $400; some terms. 30 Grand ave. nonn. WILL give big discount on my equity. IW20 roaasier; run less man xuuu miles. O 170. Oregonlan- MTTST SELL AT ONCE. Oldarmohlla. 8-cyl., 7-pass., cord tires, 191 8. Phone East 6479. WE PUT steel teeth ln your old flywheels, crank shaft turning. H. B. Black, ma chlne shop. 534 Alder St. Broadway 26S1. DODGE touring car, Al condition; act quickly. Third Street Garage. 84 North Third street. Broadway 4918. CHEVROLET touring. 1918. Fine condl tion, good tires. A snap at $476. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. FORD runabout. Al condition; tires af most new; real bargain at $275; some terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. PAIGE six. 1917 touring; wire wheels, one extra; real bargain at $900. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. BIG AUCTION" SALE OF AUTOMOBlf.ES SAT. NOV. 6. 1920, 10 A. M. 624 PER STREET. FORD chassis; will make a good bu sacrifice at $150; terms. 30 Grand ave.' North, near Burnslc'e. BIG AUCTION SALE OF AUTOMOBILFS SAT. NOV. 6. 1020. 10 A, M. 623 AL. PER STREET. FORD touring bodies for sale; special price. Robinson-Smith Co.. 6th and Madison ss. - FOR SALE A Dodge commercial delivery A-l shape guaranteed; $825. At 4301.' Alder st. BIG AUCTION SALE OF AUTOMOBILES -SAT. NOV. 6. 1920, 10 A. M. 525 a PER STREET. ' 1920 DODGE touring car, ow-r: Hood cord tires, other extras, fine condition $1400 cash. Main 6041, apt. 400. FORD, 1&19, touring, '400T w7lT sell for $50 down, $20 per month. Columbia 064. 1918 FORD, completely overhauled, new top. Call Tabot 7891. 347 East 61st. 1918 DODGE in Al condition . for $700. 1 Hicks, 248 Yamhill st. 1 1919 DODGE touring car ln first-class con dition, by owner. 842 Multnomah st. BRAND new 1920 Maxwell touring car. $845. M. Simon. Mar. 4831. .- 1918 OVERJ-.AND 90. will run; $4O0, easy terms, a bargain. Woodlawn 6260. 1917 HUDSON six; new top, new curtains" Cheap. AK 116, Oregonlan.