THE MORUING OREGONIAX, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1930 t Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month of year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R. BLACK, public accountant, auditor, income tax service. Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. Phone Main 7443. ADDING MACHINES. 1S buys adding machine; adds 7 figures. 818 Corbett bids. Marshall 557. A LTEBATIO.NS. LADIES' tailoring: perfect fitting; work guar. I. Keubln, 408 Bush & Lane bldg. ASSAYEKS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 142 Second Gold, silver and platinum bought. ATTORNEY. B. W. EASTMAN, lawyer and notary pub lic, 934 Chamber ot Commerce bldg. - BATHS. CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths and mas sage, loth floor Broadway building. Mar shall 31b7. Dr. Laura K. Downing. DR. McMAHOlfs baths., Portland. Steam showers, plunges, tubs, all lor 3oc. Tell your friends. ' CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE IRWIN HODSON COMPANY. 7 Washington. Broadway 434. A. 1254. CHIROPRACTORS. DR. McMAHONs 100 chiropractic. Ad justments made easy, enjoyable and cur ative; 11th year In Portland, My pa tients requiring extended time SI ad justments -Li. CHIROPODIST. DR. T. H. CHAMBERS, foot pe- iaitt rll nor friends. aw Swetland bld. Fifth and Wash ington. Marshall 8124. rrrr UIIDT Come to Dr. Gartner, foot ILlI llUn I specialist: corns, bunions, foot ' ..rches made to order SllSwetland bldg., Fifth and Washington. Main lual. JDR. O. O FLETCHER Foot troubles sci entifically corrected. Lady assistant. ai Morgan Bldg. Main 8762. TuiKOl-ODI.STS ARC1I SIT-CIALI-STS WILLIAM, Estelle and Florello De Veny. The only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists In the city. Parlors 302 Ger- I linger bldg.. S. W. corner Second and Alder. Phone Main 1301, COLLECTIONS, JfETH & CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1798. No collections, do charges. Estab. 1900. DANCING. ECMMER3' Dancing Academy. Lessons day and eve. Dance Sat. night. Manchester hall, 85 Fifth street. Broadway 3580. XiOROTHY RASMUSSEN Ballroom and esthetic dancing. 610 Eilers building. Wash- bet. 4th and 5th. Main 1123. DENTISTRY. nCMTICTDV DR.A.W. KEENE, 351 Utni lOln I Washington st. Without pain. Latest nerve-blocking method. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL. CITY VETERINARY East 7th and Grant sis. ijoin pnones; day and night service. 3 veterinarians. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. MOTORS REWOUND Repaired Bought and Sold. NICHOLAS ELECTRIC WORKS. Phone 627-27. 226 Main St. Ft M. H. ELECTRIC CO. V)) 4 N. 1st St.. Portland, Or. Re- specialty. New or used motors. Iroidgiiv 1045. Auto. 1046. 1 ELECTRIC MOTORS. Bought, sold, rented and repaired. "Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnside, corner Tenth at. Broadway 5674. MUSIC TEACHERS. L. CARROLL DAY, teacher of piano and voice. Broadway 2555. 148 13th street. Free use of practice pianos. Dunning system. Broadway 2555. VIOLIN, piano, mandolin, guitar, banjo, vocal coaching. 409 Yamhill. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS' AND MILL SUPPLIES. HIDES, WOOL AND CASCARA BARK. THE M L. KLINE CO., 84-86-87-89 Front. KAHN BROTHERS. 195 Front street. GBAIN MERCHANTS. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. PACIFIC GRAIN CO., Board of Trade bld7 Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. ; PLUMBING SUPPLIES AND PIPE. HATS AND CAPS. ; THE M. L. KLINE CO., 84-86-87-89 Front. THAN HA USER HAT CO.. 53-55 Front St. rBOPUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. FAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. EVERDING & FARRELL. 140 Front street. W. P. FULLER CO- Front and Morrison. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. RASMUSSEN &. CO., Second and Taylor. W. P. FULLER CO., Front and Morrison. 'KW TODAY. V 1 NEW TODAY. Mt. Tabor. View Home! S-l 15. 62d street, near Stark. A HOME OP STRIKING INDI VIDUALITY! 7 spacious rooms, 4 sunny tedrooma and Bleeping porch! A wonderfully beautiful view of the city Is obtained from this splendid location. Rooms arranged so as to receive the .maximum of light and ven tilation! The hooded front en trance, and the Swiss type of projecting roof, give a spirit of added charm to an already de lightful exterior. There's a commodious) living- room with huge fireplace, a spacious din ing room with beautiful built-in buffet. Hardwood floors. An inviting- den, a kitchen, large, thoughtful, and built for econ omy! Full concrete basement, laundry room. Splendid big lot. 75x100. full beariner cherry, ap- BTle and pear trees. Garage. 1 block to car. VERY BEST HOME ENVIRONMENT." IM MEDIATE POSSESSION. Owner resident of Chicago authorizes us to sell at $6500. THIS IS $1000 UNDER VALUE. You'll say so after inspection. See J. W. Crossley, Manager High Class Home Dept. with Frank L. McGuire To Buy Tour Distinctive Home. - Ablnsrton Bids;. Main 1M8. 84 St., Bet. WmsK A Stark. Artistic Homes BEAUTIFUL WESTOVER ' BtIt Tp to m Standard and Not Down to a. Jtrice. THE WESTOVER HOMEBUILDERS Harold Junsrclc, V. P. and fi. Mgr. 1307 1EOS BUILDING. Mar. 630. Rcsw Cut 1099. Edward E.Goudey Co, MORTGAGE LOANS XTstfted States Buk Bolldlms; LANDSCAPE GARDENERS. . PACIFIC LANDSCAPE GARDENERS. Specialists in creating and taking care of parks, lawns, gardens. rookeries, fountains, etc.; shrubs, perennials and bulbs; old manure and fertilizers. Phone Sellwood 1005. 4503 45th avenue S. E. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on the 'basis of capable service. ThOU aonrt., nf ntlaf!ri Customers. A trial -will convince you. Charles W. Good man, optometrist. 200 Morrison. Ma. Zl-i4. EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TESTED with modern instruments; glasses fitted at a saving; satisfaction guaranteed. Out ot the high rent district. No overhead, exp. A. E. HERWITZ. Optometrist. 22o 1st at. PAINTING AND TINTING. JIOUSE painting, decorating of all kinds: eignsi 25 years experience. Tabor 2bo. paiuims, ucvui"B " " ...... isnai 25 vears experience. Tabor ioo. C. H. TERRILL, house and sign painting, , .......... T it. KTth Tah 2611. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING. McKELLAR, the painter, painting and tinting (Interior work a specialty, l&i PATENT ATTORNEY. PATENTS Our practice has extended, over a period of 40 years. All communica tions strictly confidential; prompt, effi cient, conscientious service; handbook free on request. MUXN & CO., patent attorneys. San Francisco office. Hobart bldg., 582 Market St.; Chicago office, room 810 Tower bldg. ;Washington of fice, room 103, 625 F at.; New York orilce, wooiwortn urns. PATENTS Associated specialists, mechan ical engineers, draftsmen. A. D. HaOley, ttorney, si wuco. mug. E. C WRIGHT, 22 years' experience U. S. and foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. PATENTS. PATENTS Associated specialists, me chanical engineers, draftsmen. A, D. Hadley, attorney, 314 Wilcox bldg. PHYSICLVNS DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway building. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate, female disorders, skin affections, blood pressure, enlarged" tonsils, moles, birthmarks. PLUMBING 6UPPLD3S, PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE price. Stark-Davis Co.. 188 4th. Main 797. PRINTING. DDIJTHufI,. W. BALTES & COMPANY, rnlil I IN 0 First and Oak. Main 165. 611-65. SANITARIUM. GLEN HAVEN, rest home, diet anil rest cure, massage, electric treatments) and hydrotherapy. East 4222. STORAGE. PACKING AND CRATING furniture la our specialty; we can Bave you half of the freight by shipping yonr goods In pool car. Pacific Storage & Delivery com pany; East First and Madison. East 8L ' : TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 601 Dekum bldg. U. S-. foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE- A TRANSFER CO. Packing- Moving Storage. Reduced Freight Rates. Honey loaned on Warehouse Receipt IN THE HEART OF THE CITY. . 63 FOURTH ST.. COR. OF PINE. PHONE. BROADWAY 3715. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH Thirteenth and Kearney. GENERAL HAULING. Motor and horse equipment, any capacity MOVING PACKING STORAGE. PHONE BDWY. 3309 OREGON TRANSFER COM 474 Glisan St., corner 13th. Phone Broadway 1281 or 1160. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates in the city. ATLAS Transfer A Storage Co.. piano and furniture moving. Broadway 1207. 1NIANUFACTURERS TOTAL: ELECTION returns prove big; busi ness ahead. Portland's prospects and actual conditions are the big test and best ever. WAR has made, realty ITaf too cheap (with every thing else away un in frice, it has been sell ng far below value), hence NOW IS THE TTMK to Ibuy business realty, when you can buy low, and sell high soon. THE BEST BTJY IN .POB.TLA.ri. in the RIGHT LOCA TION, with Income 200 or $300 per month. Is 50x100 southwest corner Park and Flan ders, with full one story brick and con crete building thereon. Look over the larger firms locating all around this corner, also depots and new postoffice near it is ON TRACKAGE one block to Broadway, less than 7 to Wash-" lngton. If you have some money talk with me about this prop erty. It means a for tune for the buyer take it or leave it. H. T. STREET, A cent , East 894. Exceptional List of BEST IRVINGTON homes; all sizes; all prices. Phone us to show you. R. T. Street Good Homes Realtor Irvingtoh Headquarters 606 East Broadway, East 894 REAL ESTATE. For Bale FUt and Apartment Property. APARTMENT DEAL. ZB apt., brick, with furniture, Rood In come; price 42,00O. Owner will con sider 115.000 home as part payment. Call Thursday. 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7vol. WANTED A small modern brick apart ment house that 2M0 will handle. West side preferred. AP 89. Oregonian. For Sale Lots. WE HAVE! 57 select lots left from our Kig-antlo rale in University Park, which we still offer at $1 down and 1 a week. Get ready for spring; now. Pifteen homes under construction; 157 lots sold. Sales men at your service; lots $490: improve- meats in and paid for. ' MAHpXET, COB A. MoKESfXA & CO, 82 Fourth St. Branch Office Open 6unday. 768 Lombard St. A real bargain; I have 100x100 with ce Sl'nt. ?.urD and water main In. close to St. Johns car line, all lor S500. half casn, baL lo per mo. and interest at 6 per cent. Owner. Sellwood 483. FOR SALE Great bargain, two vacant lota inuiPOrtifn,(1'. i,ot14'. t,loclc Capitol Hill, and lot 6, block 2, Gordon Place. Owner, a Wentkowcki. 1547 Milwaukee FOR SALE? 80x100 on northwest corner . Alnswortn and Hoaton avenues; S1000, easy terms. Phones; Office, Main 4835; For Sale- Houses. NEW HOSfES. ENDURING CHARM! J3800 A HAWTHORNE HOMB HARMONIOUS AND BEAUTIFUL! A home that will be an integral part of you, 5 cosy, built-with-the-thought-for-comfort rooms, labor-saving built-ins, fire place, Dutch kitchen, sunny breakfast nook. HAW THORNE'S NEWEST BUNGALOW. E. 55th. Ask for J. R. Halght. mgr. New Home dept., with FRANK L. McGUIRB ... To Buy Your Kew Home. Ablngton bldg. Main 1068. ROSE CITr PARK NEW NIFTY BUNGALOW BEST OF CONSTRUCTION 8500 Folks, If . you want a real home one wnere the construction counts most then we want the privilege of showing you this exceptional bungalow. We want you to compare this with some costing as much as 8000. You just can't help but see the true value here. While we awell upon the construction and finish a".,,0' paramount importance yet you will find here everything one could naturally expect In an expensive home. 2. hif attractive bungalow Is located 600 E. 54th St., N Just off Alameda Drive Oarage to be constructed and Included in price. Reasonable terms can be arranged. Let us show you. A- G- TEE PS CO. 270 Stark St., near 4th. Main 8091 Branch Office, 50th and Sandy BRiTTTl PIIT n 7. n . MODERN 6-ROOM BUNGALOW UciVX.A,CANT! VACANT J0500. SBB THIS AND YOU'LL BUY JLroms on8 loor' strictly modern, very fme cement basement, furnace! i1, tIay3i "replace. built-ins of every kind. beautiful Dutch kitchen, Jine plumbing, music room, hardwood wnrSh,f1i,0rd Uo' h0SB excepUonally well built, double constructed In every way, corner Jot, all ity liens paid, ga rage, near car east front. Thii Is real ihidi eaJ? ot a Jittle place- without a 1 J JaiCklnBj and " you' re ot after ?h?.arf n a,nd something extra nice you should see It at once. Terms. . MARIELS & WILLIAMS, 82Q Cham, of com, bldg. Main 7967. MR. HOME OWNER. i, had a ,ire tonight would your wou,d cest more to replace your DO,W thaQ tnree or even one WxTuSg-g DO.THpEhoneISE w. r. Mcdonald co . Marshall 2391. Yn Bld AH Kinds of Insurance. . rect aaluated and claims paid di- -in vm umce. MAGNIFICENT LAURELHURST HOME-" aartfice8 oUtWiii. moake "upendou, S2?C. llloT'.oofnnnto?? old ivory flniBh. walls papered, finest S'fi.0 U'J'"t. hot-water heat! S fireplaces, 3 baths, sun room main rooms very large, all' til. kitchen wt h maids room and bath adjoining; 4 main Lerm" and. 2 'P'ns Porches, "ui lard room, finished basement, garage. TaborO407ShrUbbery' Uk SmS H 1 WoS?K- BUNGALOW BARGAIN. 380O You would never expect to buy this nifty bungalow for so little money. In perfect condition. 5 Jaih- tuU Jo1 attic; nreplace, hardwood floors Dutch kitchen, full basement? wash trays. Imp. pa. Terma . J. A. WICKMAN CO.. "Shortest Way Home." Stark st. Main 1094 an a " 1 J I JZlfM Runsalow J5."r00. et."? BPWE HILL en 44th Bt., near Sandy. . Compare this with those quoted at 16500 draw your owS .nHCwh?fnS-.l.FlnlsJ,ed ln rich old Ivor? and white throughout. Everything you ho. natarally expect in siplrfiue home. Let us show you. A A. G. TEEPB CO Brnchorice, 50th ad Sandy. IM9 CASH-ROSE CITYARK?" VWJ, hav. "tricOy modern 5-room ?hrf,T with floored attic and garage that you can buy on a 2oO down pay ment and get Immediate possession. The Cltv 1LZ:Xl and wortn il- Hon S,! . ark 1un?low' on small down pay. one todu? hard t0 "Dd- Better SSMJhEJ EOMAN- M. 6550. Chamber of Commerce Bl dig. 6 Rooms and Garage (4200. Now. folks if you have a few-hundred dollars, here s your opportunity to buy a very attractive bungalow, " ideally located on full lot with east front. See . A. O. TEEPB CO. 270 Stark St, near 4th. Main 8092. -, Branch Office. 60th and Sandy -room bungalow, with garage. In best section, near park and car. built several years ago, for 800O; living room 16x30, 9 al'n om. breakfast room, 2 Tine bedroAms. finest oak flooa throughout, fireplace and good furnae? old Ivory finish; terms. Tabor 407. ALBERTA ST. HOME ' -room house, one blk. to Mississippi ear; 8 rooms and reception hall on flrst floor. 8 bedrooms and bath on second, large attic on third, full cement base ment, laundry trays; lot 50x100: paved St.; only $4000. See Mr. Boehln 208 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. 5250. IRVINGTON. 5250 Dutch colonial, ' 6 nice rooms, hard wood floors, nice .built-ins, all in good condition. ' Seven assorted full bearing fruit trees. On terms. THE FRED A. JACOBS CmiPlnr 104 Fifth Street. Main 6869. 8-room house, full attic, on Prospect drive, some view, massive rooms, well arranged, worth $11,000; owner com pelled to sell for $9000: your chance to secure a real snap. Call Thursday. Main 7931. i ROSE CITY DISTRICT 4-room bungalow, bath, light fixtures, full lot, pretty flowers, fruit, chicken house. Here's a cute little home at a very low price; J2000; terma Phone ' Tabor 7174. 682 E. 75th N. $4850! ROSE CITY. 14350. " Five-room bungalow, modern, close to Rose' City school, north of Sandy, ga rage. See this at once as it won't last. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, m 104 Fifth Street. Main 6869. NICELY FURNISHED BUNGALOW Five nice rooms; fireplace; built-ins; cement basement; garage; large lot; close to car on Vernon ave. $4600 One-third cash. R. W. Cary, 1218 N. W. Bank Bldg. 5-TtOOM furnished modern house, 8 lots, lots of fruit, street paved, corner. 2 blocks from ear; price 13400; terms Move right m. Columbia 760 evenings. ELECTION OVER, BUY NOW. 5-room bungalow, E. 61st at., fine view, price only J1200. Call Thursday. Main $1500 SACRIFICE, 3 rooms and bath, good district; for quick sale $500 cash, balance like rent. Seaman, Main 7660. A SNAP In a ft-room modern, if taken at once. Call Mr. Comer, Main 4277. A REAL buy, Irvlngton. 7 rooms, a snap. Call Thursday, Main 7931. REAL ESTAT For Sale Houses. BIH8-CARET CORPORATION; REALTORS. MAIN 7487. Before you buy your home came to our ' salesroom and inspect the very large number of photographs of well-chosen homes, which we have for sale in every section of the city at every price, E. SALMON. NEAR 20TH. 8 ROOMS $5400, Today it. would cost $8000 to duplicate this house, not counting the 50x115 lot, which alone is worth $4000. There are 4 large upstairs bedrooms with closets; large living room, den, built-in buffet, Dutch - kitchen, cement basement, laun dry traya, furnace. hardwood floors, sareet improvements In and paid. Only $75-0 necessary- to handle this p. ace. ' ALBERTA. $37O0. Excellent 8-room house on full lot. 1 block from car; 3 large upstaids bed rooms, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, laundiry trays, fur nace and fireplace; walking distance to Jefferson high school. This house has fine hardwood floors and may be had, for only $5vO down. FORTY-THIRD AVENUE. 60x200 6 ROOMS $3500. Only $400 down will take this place, which would be cheap at $4XK: it is double costructed, with full cement basement, laundTy trays and furnace. 3 large upstairs bedrooms, built-in buffet and Dutcb kitchen, best of plumbing; all kinds of fruit, shrubbery and flow ers; ia Al condition. PENINSULA. 5 Rooms $24O0t, Good 6-room house with 2 bedrooms downstairs and 2 rooms upstairs that may be used for bedrooma. cement base ment, laundry traya fireplace; full lot half block from car; very small down payment, PENINSULA. 5 Rooms $2300. Very well constructed house of 5 rooms, quarter blk. from car. Two large up stairs bedrooms, best of plumbing, gas and, electricity. This house Is 1 year old and in excellent condition; small pay ment down. , ' PENINSULA. .5 Rooms $2200. GoedVlooklng, substantial 5-room bun galow on full lot, 2 blka. from car, ce ment basement. . built-in buffet: Dutch kitchen, 2 large bedrooma This house is 7 years old and in fine condition. Small down payment. -ROOM BUNGALOW. 100x100 $160O. This attractive splendidly built bun galow has two bedrooms, kitchen, com bination dining and living room close to car and school. It is on Campbell street, near Alnsworth; small payment will handle. BTHR-CAKE7 CORPORATION. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg., Third and Stark streets. , MAIN 7487. Open Evenings. $!55O0 TERMT? S."500. $5500 TERMS $5500. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. JUST THE PLACE THAT WILL COMPARE WITH THAT $9000 HOME TOU HAVE SEEN. Large liv. rm., din. riru. Dutch -kit. and bed chamber down stairs. 3 bed chambers upstairs, hardwood floors, $1000 hot-water heating plant, usual built-ins, finest plumbing, cement basement. 60x100; 2 blks ear, built 5 years; vacant; excellent condition; $2000 cash. Main 4S03. G. C. GOLDENBERG, Ablngton bldg. 35 Yrs. ln Portland. . OFTAR-MTNO HOME. ROSiS CITf DISTRICT. Really and truly the best bargain in this highly preferred district; 7 large, sunny rooms, den. hardwood floors, fur nace, fireplace, lots of elegant built-ins, Dutch kitchen, full cement basemen, laundry trays, garage; 50x100 lot; paved street (paid). Just caul and see. Only $5500, $1000 cash, bal. easy, 735 E. 43d N. Beaumont car. $12.500 WORTH Jio.OOO. Going south, want to sell quickly magnificent 8-room low ramrbding style bungalow, none equal ln conetruction; fireplace, two baths (one with shower), sun and breakfast rooms, den. French doors and windows, beamed ceilings, plastered basement, ceiled attic, best hot water heat, large porch, 200x125 ground, native trees, dou'ble garage, paved street; a beautiful country place an-d right ln Rose City Park; $2500 casn will handle. Owner, Tabor 1795. $4900. IRVINGTON. $4000. IRVINGTON. Don't get excited; Just look at this, a f Irve 6-room house on a corner tot, 75x lOO; good garage, nice large basement with a dandy furnace this is a genuine snap and it will pay' you to look at it ' as an Investment If not for a home; just caill for location. METZGER-PARICER CO.. 269 Oak St. Broadway 6335. NEW BUNGALOW. $5700. Just completed, in Rose City Park, near Rose City school ; has hardwood floors throughout; fireplace, built-in buf fet, bookcases, etc. ; cozy breakfast nook, 2 bedrooms downstairs; 2 upstairs; con crete basement, furnace. Terms. RICHARD W. MAST, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg ROSE CITY. Modern bungalow, all bullt-lna, very beautiful kitchen, bath and 2 bedrooms first floor; 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch and toilet second floor; desirable for large family; convenient to school: won derful value $6500; see this; $L580 casb. A GORDON ROSS. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. 410 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 476L HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $47S0. Very modern 6 and 6-room bungalows, radiant gas fireplace, buffet, bookcase, hardwood floors, breakfast room, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, fixtures, shades;- finished in old ivory, papered walls; garage,' all Imp. paid. Vacant. Owner, Marshall 858V $500 CASH $500 CASH $50O. Neat 6-room plastered bungalow; ce ment floor in basement, first-class plumbing, ground 100x100, 6 young fruit trees, one block to car; a .splendid buy; price $2900; terms to suit. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Com merce. CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. . $400 cash, balance arrange: 8 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, full base ment, 50x100 lot: 2 blocks to Union ave nue; snap at $4200. A GORDON ROSS. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO Broadway 4751. 41Q Henry Bldg. 100x100 NEW. nifty, modern bungalow of rour rooms, oreaK-iast nook, tloored attic, furnished in cream enamel; all built-in effects in Dutch kitchen; full concrete hasement, laundry trays. Price $3300. $5O0 will handle. Easy terms; 6 per cent. O. W. BRYAN. 5fli3 Chamlber of Commerce. Main 163. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn burden Into income T We design and build apartments, garages, residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years. We off er SECURITY, SERVICE, SATISFACTION L. R. Bailey Co., 924 N. W. Bank bl-dg. 6-ROOM house, full basement, furnace, laundry, dining and sleeping porches, open fireplace in sitting room, hardwood floors; all city conveniences; at Mt Zion, Just outside city limits; large lot: $700O, easy terms. John Bain, &07 .Spalding bldg . ROSE CITY HOME. Will sell my beautiful 6-room modern bungalow with all the latest built-ins. located on corner 50x100, east front, all improvements are in and paid and the price is not Inflated. For particulars call East SOS'S. 6-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW $3050 1 block to M. V. car; fukl cement base ment, furnace, laundry trays ln Dutch kitchen. Kitchen and bath finished In white; bookcases, fireplace. $9O0 cash Tabor 2934. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern six-room dwelling at sacrifice ' large living room, white enameled kitch en, breakfast and bathroom; fireplace, built-in features. Fruit trees. Price $3600. easy terma BF 121. Oregonian. LENTS. New, modern 8-room plastered bunga low; toilet, washbowl and sink; Dutch kitchen, gas, tinted walls, old Ivory woodwork; lot 40x132. $1800, $200 down. Balance terms. Owner, Marshall 858. BARGAIN Niftiest bungalow , in Waver leigh Heights, overlooking city, close In, fine district; 7 rooms, complete In every detail; a big snap at $5500. Phone Sell wood 37. HOUSB PLANS. " -Distinctive Homes," Illustrated book f over 100 designs. $1; blueprints $ia DISTINCTIVE. HOMES COMPANY, 024 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 5 ROOMS, modern R. C. bungalow, va cant, garage, block to car. Owner. Any old payment down. Automatic 326-72. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. !NEW! LOVELY LAURELHURST. $6600 UNUSUALLY APPEAL ING is this LAUREL HURST! A BUNGALOW of . individual character, con sisting of 6 light, excep tionally . well arranged rooms, BUILT-INS THAT ARE A SOURCE OF CON STANT DELIGHT. fire place, furnace, hardwood floora! On Senate street. ' IT'S A REAL HOME! Ask for Mr. J. R. Haight, mgr. New Home dept., with FRANK L. McGUIRB To Buy Your New Home. Ablngton bldg. Main 1068. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. A charming home with unsurpassed view; large grounds: over 13,000 square feet, with abundant shrubbery, fruit and garden; house is of excellent construc tion, with large living room overlooking wide sweep of country; 4 large bedrooms on second floor; on third floor, billiard room, maid's room and trunk room; concrete garage. Priced far below ac tual value; If you like the heights, this Is your opportunity; $15,500. wlth, con venient ternj. FREDERIC C PRATT. Broadway 1658. 210 Oregon Bldg. LAURELHURST BARGAIN. VALUE $9000. SALE PRICE $6750. Owner has' moved to Salem, au thorized me to sell his beautiful home at the above price. Full 2 storieB. 4 fine large, airy bedrooms, hardwood floor in every room; beautiful lawn, flowers, fruit and shrubbery. Thle is positively a good bargain. See it and decide for yourself. Key at office. East 39th and Glisan, or phone Tabor 8433; evenings East 7738. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH $2000 CASH. Really a very select home; 7 well arranged 'rooms; good as new; thorough ly stvlish Garaire. fine furnace, hdw. floors, paved. Seeing this will be a les son in rejuvenating home life. Photos and large selection of homes at lower prices, than you will have ln years, if ever. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. . 832-333 Railway Etch. Bldg. Main 6199 and Main 7511. BEAUTnT-UL ROSE CITY. Built for home, 6-room strictly modV ern bungalow, hardwood floors through out, modern built-ins, furnace, fireplace; corner lot; garage; large attic with plumbing, easily finished for 2 rooms. This to an ideal home. Willing to take what it cost. Must sell at once. See it. T. O. BIRD. 628 Cham, of Com. Marshall 10C2. $8000i FINE 8-room residence, colonial style, modern in every respect, built extra well; view over city and mountains, large porches; 4 block; fruit, grapes, shrubbery; unincumbered. Accept as part payment 4 or 5-room bungalow. Mount Tabor or any good district. Like to deal direct with owners. Call Sell. 1506. - IRVINGTON HIG-H -CLASS BUNGALOW. 40 EAST 23d $10,000. S'- beautiful -ooms and real breakfast room, 2 concrete porches, one has per gola leading to driveway: the bath In all art tile, three sets French doors, perfect throughout; swell home for people of means. McDONBLL, EAST 419 NOB HILL. Home plus income; upper flat ef 5 rooms, lower of 6, all large and sunny; live in one, rent the other at $70: mod ern and in perfect condition, near 23d and Washington: ground worth $10,000, building worth $12,000. Price only $13, OO0; a real buy. Goldschmidt's agency, 605 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 4388. $470 WILL HANDLE. Gc-od 5-room cottage in good condi tion, electric lights, gas. some plumbing; 50xl26-foot lot. some bearing fruit trees, paved street and alley. Price only JOHNSOX-DODSON CO. 633 N. -W. Bank Bldg. Main 378T. PIEDMONTS MOST MODERN BUNGALOW. . 7 rooms, hardwood floors, furnace. fireplace, large living and dining room. modern built-ins, east front, comfortable home; only ,$750, some terms. Owner leaving city. T. O. BIRD. Marshall 1022. ALBERTA. For 2 families; $4000. and only $1000 down. This house will pay for Itself; has 5 rooms and bath, both up and down stairs; full basement; 50x100 east front lot, several fruit trees, fine view. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 NT. W. Bank Bldg : Main 3787. COLONIAL HOME. Irvirrgton beauty, center haU, ' living with fireplace, French doors to dining, with sideboard, Dutch kitchen. 3 large bedrooms, fine basement, good furnace, going to California, Immediate posscs sion. Only $5250; terms $1000 cash, $50 per month. East 1347. NEAR Piedmont and Jefferson high, beau tiful 5-room house with lots of bullt-tns, cement basement, sun porch, child's playhouse, all for $4000, and only small . down payment. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 378T. IRVLNGTON $65O0 $1000. Lovely small home, all ivory, hard wood floors, beautiful lighting fixtures, lot 125x50, wonderful garden; Just think, $1000, $50 per month. YES. GARAGE. McDONELL, EAST 41. HAWTHORNE DIST. New nifty 5-room modern bungalow, has fireplace, hardwood floors, break fast nook, enameled throughout, cement basement. garage, everything complete for $4750, $1000 cash. Call Marshall 3352. Tabor 3090. MODERN 4-rm. house, fully furnished, on large tract of ground with fruit, flowers, good outbuildings, nicely located near good station on the Oregon electric, only $2600. This place is ready to move into and a bargain. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. COMPLETELY furnished 5-room bunga low; some bullt-ins. fireplace, full plumb ing, faces east, close to car; wood and briquets Included in price. Price $3500. $750 cash, bal. monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. OH BOY! LOOK! READ! $500 DOWN $40 PER MONTH $40. Strictly modern new 6-room bungalow; furnace, hardwood floors, street im provements paid; Irvington car; price today $5250: worth $0500; unlocked. 821 B. 16th st. N. East 4000. PRICE $3150. A- good buy, 6-room bungalow, full basement, attic, 7 fruit trees, 80x227 lot; easy terms of $650 cash, $35 monthly. JOHNSOX-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg Main 3787. SUNNYSIDE $9400. ' .. Fine 6-room house with full cement (basement, reception hall, modern: no en cumbrances; E. Alder, near 32d : lot faces two streets. A dandy good buy HENRY W. GOPARP. 243 etark St. IRVINGTON REAL HOME. $71200. block to Knott. 1 block to ear and school, lovely 7-room house; $15m cash handles. McDONPLL. East 419. HOME BROKEN HOUSE FOR SALE. Sellwood's best district, 75x100, beauti ful shrubbery, fruit, large 5-room bun galow with large attic; will sell fur niture or unfurnished. T. O. Bird Mar ehall.1022. . BIGGEST SNAP OF YEARS. 8-room modern bungalow, 32 fruit trees. 100x150 ft. lot, has garage, chick en house: onlv $3500, $1000 cash, baL terma Marshall 3352. 403 Couch bldg, beautiful"" city and fine-view. 100x120, 8-room house, paved, corner, ideal home: for quick sale. $6000. eas-y terms. Owner must sell now. Marshail 1Q22. Sellwood 27Q6. 6-ROOM MODERN HOME. ONE-FOURTH ACRE FRUIT. Fine location, close to school and car: nap at $2750: $500 cash, easy pay ments., Tabor 8292. FINE BARGAIN IN A HOME. 6 ROOMS, BATH, ELECTRIC LIGHTS, CEMENT CELLAR: AT CAR LINE. EAST SIDE; $2500, EASY TERMS 424 HENRY BLDG. $900 COZY HOME $900. Easy terms, furnished 5-room cottage houseboat, garden lot, river view, ft. Nevada st.,- city water, electricity. CHAS. RINGLBR, 225 Henry Bldg. ' LAURELHURST. " Modern 8-room corner residence, well built and in good condition, quick pos session can be given. No. 116 Ladding ton court, owner. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 7-room bungalow, lot 80x115, B. W. corner 32d and Market. Talbor 3330. $0250, part cash. . FOR SALE by owner, a neat bungalow . with garage; can be seen any time at 859 E. 74th St. N. Leaving' city and wish to sell. BEAUTIFUL PIEDMONT 6 ROOMS. $4000, 2-story house, A-l condition. ' Owner must sell now, $1'000 cash, balance like rent. Marshall 1Q22. MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW AT COST Extra well built; new large attic with sleeping room, fireplace, hardwood floors, H block car; some terms. Sellwood 2704. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. , SOLVE THE HOUSING SHORTAGE! SEE FRANK L. McGUIRB FRANK L. McGUIRB To Buy Your Home. 1100 Photographs of Homes for Sale. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. The McGuire System has won an' In ternational reputation and established a national record for home selling, because It is the ORIGINAL. SUPERIOR, SCIEN TIFIC MODERN method of Home Sell ing. , We protect your every Interest. Every home personally inspected and appraised by our expert appraiser. Every district ln the city. If necessary, we will help you make your down payment! 25 Autos at Your Service. Open ALL Day Sunday. Open Every Evening Until d:00. HOME- AND THE FIREPLACE. $5250 THERE'S A COSY FIREPLACE HERE in this beautiful rambling ROSE CITY, that was built with AN OWNER'S PRIDE AND - SATISFACTION! Splendid built ins; uncommonly pleasant sleep ing porch. OWNER LEAVING CITY. E. 65th st. $500 DOWN. ROSE CITY. THIS LIVING ROOM. $3S60 BELONGS TO THE WHOLE FAMILY, extends across the full width of house! IMAGINE HOW COSY IT IS. when the wind blows and you sit about the glowing fireplace! ENGLISH TYPE. SEMI BUNGALOW of 6 airy rooms; clever built-lns; splendid fur nace! UNDUPLICATED VALUE, Only $500 down! LOOK AT IT TODAY ! A WELCOMING HAWTHORNE! g4625 INVITING ' YOU INTO ITS STRONG. PROTECTING walls. Is this 6-room very atractive .HAW THORNE HOME. Exceptionally well built: cheery fireplace, built in conveniences, splendid full ce ment bamsment with furnace and laundry traya; 3 sunny bedrooms. E. Taylor street. YOU'LL FEEL AT HOME RIGHT AWAY 1 PRACTICAL ECOyOMY. $3600 AN IDEAL FLOOR PLAN ! strong feature of this 6-room modern HAWTHORNE HOME! Built-ins that save your time, paved street paid, E. Grant st. Terms. A WELL WORTH HAW THORNE. JUST SUCH A BUNGALOW. $3150 Will appeal to you! 6 of the neat est cosiest rooms! A SPIRIT OF QUIET HOMEYNESS greets yon here! Built-ins; garage, E. 27th St., In Alberta. THINK OF THE STEPS TOU SAVE! $2990 ALL ON ONE FLOOR; no weari some steps to climb! 6-room WAVERLY - RICHMOND BUN G A L O W with HARDWOOD FLOORS: bullt-tns, sleeping porch. Brooklvn st. IT LOOKS LIKE HOME! $2600 VERY PRETTY PENINSULA BUNGALOW on West Simpson; 6 airy rooms; very convenient floor plan; 2 light, slry bedrooms; white enamel plumbing; elec tricity; gas; full attic. TERMS. A NEW ONE' $500 DOWN. $2250 A NEW ARTISTIC MT. SCOTT BUNGALOW of 5 rooms; Dutch kitchen; garage. E. 78th st. $350 DOWN! MT. SCOTT. $1S15 $350 down! 100x100 with frnlt; 4-room, neat bungalow cottage, 42d are. ' HOMESEEKERS. These are but some of the WONDER FUL HOME BARGAINS we have listed with us for sale. And new ones are com ing every day! A few minutes spent in our showroom will accomplish more than weeks of aimless, weary shopping. Do It NOW. See FRANK L. McGUIRB To Buy Your Home. Ablngton bldg. Main 1068. Third St. Bet. Wash, and Stark. OPEN EVERT EVENING AND SUNDAY. LAURELHURST BEAUTY. Large bungalow type with rambling lines, consisting of 8 rooms, breakfast room, sleeping porch, beautiful hardwood floors, handsomely decorated walls, fire place, 3 sets of French doors, plate glas windows throughout, numerous built-in features ln the kitchen and throughout the house, cedar clothes cab inets, long beveled mirrors In bedroom doors, elaborate tile bath with foot tub and shower, full cement basement, hot water heating plant, double garage, large grounds, fruit and selected shrub bery. Owner has over $13,500 In this property, but will sell for $12,500; good terms if desired. LUEDDEMAN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. CLASS. CHARM. COMFORT. A home that will instantly appeal -to you; large, artistically landscaped grounds; house is of highest type of ar chitecture and construction; every mod ern feature, hot water heat, entrance 'hall, large living room, dining room and kitchen with every ' convenience, sun room. 4 large bedrooms, quarter-sawed oak floors and oak finish throughout: flassed-ln sleeping porch: located in a esirable district. The price is $18,000 and an Inspection will convince you that this Is easily a $25,000 value. FREDERIC C. PRATT. Broadway 1658. 210 Oregon Bldg. BARGAIN. WEST SIDE. New built, 25th street. block to D. M. car, we have for sale a fine home of '12 rooms, hardwood floors, bathroom equipped with showers; 2 fireplaces; 40x100 lot. For the next few days this place will be sold at a bargain. Any terms to good reliable people. For further information call Tabor S089. ROSES CITY PARK. Real values in bungalows ln the choic est part of Rose City, on and near the Alameda, between 50th and 54th streets. $6500 -Five rooms, perfectly planned, heated by hot water system with an ideal radiator in every room; entrance hall, extr large living room, dining room with beamed ceiling, Dutch kitch en, rear hall, two bedrooms with bath between. The floor plan of this bunga- low cannot be improved upon for con venience aod comfort. There is 'a ga rage. STRONG & CO., 634 Chamber of Commerce. ST. JOHNS BUNGALOW. $4000. Modern 6-room and sleeping porch, newly painted, macadamized street, 1H blocks from car line, near business cen ter; lot 100x100, six cherry-trees, Blngs and Royal Annes; apple and' shade trees, berries, over 100 rose bushes. This is an attractive home that can be had on terma RICHARD W. MAST, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $3750 BIG LOT $3750. On 62d st. we have a 5-room bunga low with sleeplr, - porch, full cement basement, large living room 80x1 OO lot. iruit trees in bearing, chicken houses, room for 200 chickens. The street iB paved and included in the price of $3750. Pay $60O and owner will give you quick possession. Let us show you today. COMTE & KOHLMAN. M. 6550. 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 8-ROOM HOUSE $475X SNAP. Good, large, square 8-room house; elec tricity, gas, bath, basement, garage, lot 50x100; paved street and all liens paid; half block to car, handy to 4 car lines and close in on East Irving near 28th; price $4750. $1000 cash and $40 per mo. Why pay high rent? Shown by appoint ment anly. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 818-321 Board of Trade. Main 4S2. IRVINGTON. Best part East 23d street North: en trance hall, very large living room, din ing room, kitchen first floor; three fine bedrooma sleeping porch and bath sec ond floor: large attic, full basement, furnace, garage, hardwood floors, white enamel finish. Shown only by appoint ment. POIND EX TER, 208 Selling Bldg. Main 18O0. East 6771. $650O IRVINGTON $650a " Near 20th and Knott we have a splendid home of six rooms, den and glasssed-in sleeping porch, oak floors, beautiful fireplace, all built-ins. fine basement, furnace heat, big garage. Look at the location; none better in Irvington. This is a downright bar gain. Call us for appointment. COMTE & KOHLMAN. Main 6550. 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $2200 $500 DOWN. 8-room cottage, sleeping porch, gas, lights and water, 60x100 lot, all kinds fruit, consisting of apples, plums, cher ries, berries and walnuts. Located- on Tibbets st., close in. It's a real buy and can be handled on your terms. KUMMELL & RUMMELL, 274 Stark St. IRVINGTON dandy little home; 791 Broad way; garage; $5O0O, $oOO cash, $50 per month. McDONELL. EAfiT 419. NIFTY new bungalow. 6 rooms. Ivory enamel, built-ins, tapestry paper; see it. 1O10 Tibbetts st. SUNNYSIDE Owner 6-room house, some built-ini. 1000 E. Salmon. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $2000 DOWN. No. 145. Here's one of those classy 6 room bungalows. & description of which eanaot do it justice, the arrangement of the living and dining rooms being es pecially attractive, these two rooms be ,ing entorely open to each other, making a large, unobstructed room 16x34 feet. This bungalow has absolutely no fea tures lacking. Has large-size French front door, bevel plate mirror over fire place, buffet extending entire end of dining room, with bevel plate mirror, large-size breakfast nook and sleeping porch large enough for two beds. The interior Is finished in white throughout. Has good garage, with full cement run way. Price $1500; terms $2000 cash. LAWYERS' TITLE & TRUST COMPANY. 285 Stark St.. near 4th. Marshall 1898. NEW! THE HAPPINESS, that is yours when yon iOWN YOUR HOME! Tou'll Be Delighted With This NEW ALBERTA! Airy 5-room bungalow. Livable living room with fireplace. Dutch kitchen with cosy breakfast nook; HARDWOOD FLOORS, full concrete basement. A LITTLE HOME YOU'LL BE PROUD OF. Only $3900. EASY TERM 3. East 28th. See J. R. Halght, Mgr. New Home dept., with FRANK L. McGUIRB To Buy Your New Home. Ablngton bldg. Main 1068. LAWYERS' TITLE & TRUST COMPANY. Marshall 1898. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $4350. No. S82. Consisting of five large rooms, hardwood floors, furnace, fire place; 1 block to Sandy. This Is the biggest snap ever offered at this price. Don't delay. See it today. Terms $1850 cash. ROSE CITY. This beautiful double constructed story-and-half bungalow, consisting of 5 rooms and sleeping porch, has every modern convenience. Including hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in bookcases and buffet, pretty tapestry wall paper, white enamel Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, furnace, wash trays, etc. . it is located on a paved street ln the most refined part of Rose City; this property will rival the best buy ln Rose City to day; price $550O; reasonable terma LUEDDEMAN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6t67. MT. TABOR BUNGALOW. Beautiful 100x100 corner with lots of fruit and shrubbery; magnificent view of mountains: one block to car; 5 large, light, pleasant rooms an-d a big. airy floored attic, used as sleeping porch; fireplace and furnace; all street Im provements in and paid; a very cozy home and the price is only $580o, with good terms. FREDERIC C. PRATT, Broadway 1658. 210 Oregon Bids. MURRAYMBAD SWELL HOMB. Nine-room strictly modern house, fur nace, three fireplaces, oak floors, all built-in elTects. three bedrooms and sleeping room on second floor, fine re stricted location, just south of Haw thorne avenue, on E. 24th st., walking distance. Can be bought for $10,000, or will sell with mahogany furniture and $15O0 player piano for $15,000; will t;ike good 5 or 6-room bungalow as part pay. Shown by appointment only. GRUSSI & BENNETT, S18-321 Board of Trade. Main 7452. ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW. Especially designed for young couple. Easy to maintain and furnish: 4 lovely rooms and attic; large living room, built-ins, ivory finish, fireplace, furnace, large rustic porch; choice close-in loca tion, corner lot, paved streets paid, best car service. Be sure to see this de lightful home. Priced below prevailing values at $4150. See owner, 426 Lum bermens bldg. Broadway 421. No agenta IF THE country .was facing a situation replete with soup kitchens and industrial stagnation we might have a demoral ised realty market and lower prices; but not now, nor for years to come. As an election bargain we offer a five-room modern home near Hawthorne and 40th streets. Very complete homo and underpriced at $3500. Easy terms. We mean easy. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY, 332-333 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 5199 and Main 7511. TRIPLEX APARTMENT, ' LOWER PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 2 six rooms, 1 four room; all modern conveniences, such as hardwood floors, furnaces, fireplaces, sleeping porches, separate entrances, beautiful view; one block from car line. Here is a fine buy. $12,000, $500O cash. MR. MA HONEY, COB A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. $2200 UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY $2200. 6-room bungalow, only Ihb years old, double constructed throughout, full size basement, nice built-ins; better than many which have been sold for $4000; one block from hard surface street, 2 blocks to school. $500 cash, balance easy payments. THE KREL A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 Fifth Street. Main 68U9. NEAR HAWTHORNE CAR. $3800 rooms and bath down, 3 rooms Up; hardwood floors, paneled din ing room, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full basement, furnace, wash traysL Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. "Shortest- Way Home." 264 Stark St. Main 1094 and S83. $3250 JUST FORECLOSED $3260. Six-room colonial, on corner, good lo cation, has been newly painted and tint ed. Better than most new ones. Owner wants to make a quick disposal of this. Make offer. Might accept It. Will ac cept terms. Don't pass this up. THE FRED "A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 Fifth Street. Main 6869. MONT A VILLA CAR. $3X50 You should see this dandy bun galow of 5 rooms and bath, fire place, paneled dining room, full attic, corner lot; easy terma Im mediate possession. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark st. Main 1QQ4 and 583. IRVINGTON. A-nice colonial six-room and sleeping porch, tiled bath, large living room, garage. Owner lives out of town. Will sell at a price that will surprise you. See it. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 Fifth Street. Main 6869. WEST SIDE HALF ACRE. $150 DOWN. Near Capital hill station, city fare; 6-room house, not quite finished, lies fine, natural shrubbery; $1850; $20 per month and Interest. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 805-6-7 Lewis Bldg. 5-ROOM cottage, bath, pantry, full size basement, electricity, furnished in the highest grade of furniture, electric cook ing range, heater and cleaner; beautiful , location, 2 blocks from Laurelhurst park, 3 blocks to carllne; great bargain; $4000 cash. Call 4o7 East Morrison st. ALAMEDA VIEW CORNER. Rare bargain In 2-story. 8-room house on 100x108 view site, very large rooms and finest oak floors throughout: 2 baths, hot-water heat, garage, trees, shrubbery; terms. Tabor 407. Can really save $600. Price cut from $3500 to $2850. Owner going to Cali fornia. 8 rooms, garden and orchard; fireplace: 200x100 lot, big barn. $550 cash. Ryder Realty Co. Sell. 8061. 6-ROOM modern house, nicely fumislied; full cement basement; furnace heat; laundry trays; electric washer and iron er; $."800, terms. C. W. Millershlp, Al der Hotel. Main SG76. WHY PAY rent? For quick sale, $1300, small house, 3 lots, 60x100: $150 cah. bal. $16 per month. Mr. Seaman, 410 Railway Ex. bldg. Main 7660. HAVE strictly modern home, close In. on east side; must sell on account of other business; will consider a trade; wiiat have you? Call Broadway 5487. 12-ROOM residence, 6 bedrooms, 8 fire places, good furnace, half block, 27 fruit trees, nice hedge, paved street; $6500 casn win uaiiuic. ormqway auitf. IRVINGTON home, 7 rooms and bath, 4 large bedrooms, sleeping porch, full ce ment basement, finished attic, 60x100 lot. East 1115. NICELY furnished 7-room bungalow rea sonable; one of the best locations, Port land Heights; terma Owner. Mar. 950 UNFINISHED bungalow and one acreflne land, $2600. Terms, Alberta car. Main 1377. FIVE rooms, furnace, 392 Fremont, near Union. IRVINGTON HOMES. McDonell. 500 East 14th N. East 419. IRVINGTON 10-room mansion, needing re pairs, $4650. Value $6500. Main 4780. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -HoUHf WEST STDB HOME! FOR 18O0 DOWN. Just think of it! $S00 puts you in possession of a strictly modern 8-rm. house on 25th et.. where the lot alone la worth more than we are asking for the whole place. tny a few minutes from the bus iness part of town, excellent car service paved street. Good neigh borhood. Hardwood floors throughout, furnace. 2 fireplaces shower bath, closed in sleeping porch. Music room, finished attic cement basement. This is not an old house and is doubly construct ed throughout. To see it call Mrs. Lucius, Tabor 30S9. No agenta ROSE CITY PARK . 5 Room Bungalow $4500 -hn?ASP THIS OPPORTUNITY. Prob ?ve.r aain al opportunity like this fit- .hiHstlm?B'.ne bu'nB a bungalow WMti ft flni?hea in rich old ivory and white throughout, with fireplace, fur-JL-0" , for ',5,H)' Paving paid. saTu7raehtrKyOUrs,elf and lf ou doo't ...i- ,r.'R bargain a genuine pickup ,we U pay you for the time you've Kf; ilF,ec'ns iu l!,n't that fair? But you il have to hurry. Are you felloi 5 V1 ,dly by a"l 'et fhe other fel low beat you to ItT -We Just couldn't ? "anlad- too strong we couldn't say tni ?,?,ci to uree uPn you the necessity lor quick action. A. G. TEEPE CO. i? st- near 4th. Main 3092. Branch Office, COth and Sandy WESTOVER. BESrJ?EW' LARGE GROUNDS. BbALTIFLL SHRUBS. STRrc-TT y HAL5? A MSIM-VB? ENTRAXC0 Fll itr a A?OJ..iIVIXa ROOM WITH RnmrVN PARLOR. Dl.MNQ . 1 AJD KITCHEN FIRST Fl OOK MAS,Er?R2MS- BATH SECOND FLOOR FLOol 2?2r5AND BATH THIRD BAqS&p1"?,000 FLOORS. FINE PlI'' m-'.,Pr?'-WATER HEATING OARA?F wnJ'S, BY GAS- LARUE FOR THTRr?1? ?WDAYS CAN SELL COSTKDffi?.TIIAN IT WOULD SivTBYuipppLo A Sli W POLVDEXTER. 208 SELLINO BLD. MAIN 1SOO EAST 6771. $500 DOWN IDEAL "LOCATION. $3700. iUy.m new cozy R-rm. bunga low, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, tapestry paper, electric light fix "? "hades. Dutch kitchen, ce 60x100 raeDtl laundry -ra'3. lot ROSE CITY REALTY CO.. v ,?8th and Sandy. r.ast 6bl. Evenings East 8130. BEAUTIFUL AND PRODUCTIVE, iTOCKED AND EQUIPPKD a . acres- 35 in cultivation. 2o slashed. SO heavy saw timber. 3 miles west of bherwood. 2 miles from paved highway. x mile from graveled road on main county road; young bearing orchard, ber ries of all kinds, 5-room hou.-w, large Darn, numerous good outbuildings, spring water piped to buildings, very best soil, east slope, fine drainage, every foot tillable- with all stock and Implements at $1.0 per acre, your terma on half. j"PIET, 610-11 McKay bldg.. Third and Stark. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNG RPH It t I i n I 1 . . . I ALOW, low, hard- wood I loom, ivory woodwork rixturee, recently decorated by artiiitio Babcock fine KAit ' y vnr ana run f?e; owners called away immediate possession; iytjuO. suddenly; This is B,0?KE' Mar-' 4827- Call Monday morning. A BIG BARGAIN. A piece of ciose-in property, 9 rooms, gas and electricity, hot water heating plant (cost today (8ll; cornel-, 2 lots. 100x100; reasonable price far the lots $.1000; very good plumbing; all good rooms; full basement; lots of good fruit, berries and grapes. Total price $47."W. Vv o can make a loan to he;,p buy it $30UO. THOMAS VIGAKS LAURELHURST CO.. ' Main iTOO and Tabor 7S1. 270 ',4 Stark St. PIEDMONT BUNGALOW. $3.VK. Modern 6-rm. bungalow; fire place with radiant fire; nice Dutch kitchen; cement basement; 50x100 lot: fruit trees: garage; 1 block from car. $1000 down, balance like rent. See this today. .Mrs. Kail, 1135 Williams ave. Wdin. 301. $4200 BARGAIN $4200. Artistic new home of five rooms, large Mving room and dining room, hardwood floors, elegant buffet, airy bedrooms. Dutch kitchen, built-in effects, concrete basement, laundry trays, full lot. im proved street, paved: property lis clear; $1000 will handle: $35 a month and in terest at 7 per cent. Photo ln off tea O. W. BRYAN. . S08 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1063. Ask for C. E. Adams. ROSE CITY PARK. Only $:ioo Down. $6000 Never again an opportunity to buy a home like this with se small a down payment; 5 rooms, bath, fireplace. buffet. Dutch kitchen, full basement, furnace; garage. Imp. in and pd. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark st. Main 10!)4 and 583. WESTOVER HEIGHTS HOM E Magnificent new Georgian colonial home, built of hollow tile and stucco, on double lot. with unobstructed view of city, mountains and river; every new feature, including brocaded silk paneled wails, hand-painted solarium. 12 eis of French doors, 3 tile baths, double ga rage, gas. hot-water heat. R. II. Torrey, owner. Tabor 407. $7500. ' Corner lot. looxloo. with two-story modem home, living room, dining room, den. kitchen, hardwood floors, fireplace downstairs; three bedrooms. sleeping porch, bath second floor; large attic, full sizo concrete basement, hot-water heat, garage; terms half cash. POINDEXTEll, 208 SELLING BI.DG. Main 1800. Residence East 6771. RARE IRVINGTON BARGAIN. Will give someone real bargain on at tractive 2-story, 8-room house with sleeping porch and garage on 65x100 corner, best section, near car; old ivory finish. 16x32-foot living room, plate glass windows and cut glass knobs throughout; lots of beautiful trees and shrubbery; easy terms. Tabor 407. ROSE CITY PARK. $500 DOWN. Modem 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, concrete basement, fur nace, garage, concrete driveway; only 1 block from Sandy blvd., below the hill. Only $500 down; generous terms. RICHARD W. MAST. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SELLWOOD AND S. P. SHOPS. We have several houses ln this neigh borhood from $2100 to $3400. only re quiring $700 to handle, balance like rent; let us show them to you. A. GORDON ROSS. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 47-51. 410 Henry Bldg. BUNGALOW SNAP. ' $2500 will buy a good six-room bunga low; modern plumoing, electric lights, gas; one block from car. on east 51st street; $5rf0 wtll handle. CHEAPER THAN PRE-WAR PRICE. W. H. ROWS, 1100 Northwestern Bank BMg. WONDERFUL MODERN BUNGALOW. ROSE CITY PARK PROPER. 6 large rooma large atttc. extra fine breakfast nook, portable seats and table, large windows, especially cheerful and homelike; you will admire it; low price, good terms; see it now. TABOR S22. ONLY $3150. 6-room modern home, full basement, sleeping porch, white-enameled kitchen, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-ins, good garden, berries. 270 E. 76th st. Tabor 4043. 6-ROOM modern house, lot 50x100, hard surface street ln and paid, a snap for $2600; terms only $300 cash; fine loca tion, east side, 10 minutes out. Also a snap in modern 4 and 5-room bungalow. H. W. GARLAND. 201 3D. HOUSE and lot, priced right for quick sale; good location; nearly new house and near carllne. Price $1050 cash or ' $1100 terms. Mrs. Henry Smith. Phone S0 J. Milwaukie. 21st and Adams sta, Mllwaukie, Or. FOR SALE 6-room house in Kenton, one block from carllne; $3000, half cash, balance easy terms. H. L. HAMBLET A CO., 443 Stark Street. STRICTLY MODERN SUNNYSIDE. Other business compels owner to sac rifice 7 rooms, modern; make offer. Call Thursday. Main 7931. FIVE rooms and finished attic, lot 125x 200: abundance of fruit. 2 blocks to car, sidewalks In and paid for; price $3'J50. Terms. Call Mr. Fisher at Main 5429. FOR SALE 3-room. nicely furnished house; $500 cash, balance small month ly payments. Call Main 2776 FOR SALE $2500; wlll take car. some cash, furnished house. Tabor 3504. COSY 6 rooms. Archer Place, $600 down. Automatic 825-16.