IS ! THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1920 REAL ESTATE. For Sale -House. WEST SIDH WEST SID IS WEST SIDH . WEST SIDB S190O (-room ceiled and papered i cottars. bath toilet. electrlo lights and gas, magnificent view located at 251 Bancrolt u; $2ou cash, $2U monthly. $3500 5-room cottar: ot 83x100; treet work; all In and paid . lo cated at 846 N. 17th, St.; 1500 cash, balance mortgage. 4200 Fir-tile bung-alow, with f re place, bullt-ln features, enormoua big porches; among the lira on Portland Heights: located at 763 Upper drive; $1650 cash. $- month. $5500 l-tory. 6-room flrst-clase condition; lull nb"T ment. splendid furnace; ot BOxlOO. located at 816 Kavler It, "ear Montgomery Ward plant; $-uuO caub. balance to suit. 550O 1 -story. T-wm bonse. mod- ern. every Imaginable ouilt-ln fern turi, furnace, fireplace; at 725 Patton road, p,r' I Heights; $1000 cash. balance moii Lilly. $5700 2-story. T-room bmise. mod ! ern. In splendid condition, bu'lt ln features of .all kinds; two blocks from Portland HelShU i car. ' located at 725 Patton road; $1000 cash, balance monthly. 6T30 Another Portland bouse of 7 rooms with "Jeeplns porch and sewing room. sa. largo lot. native trees, at 1 ton road; 000 cash, balanco monthly. 1 mrn.e , pocb; loTeoxioo: "'"JSr'i I lots of ornamental shrubbery. I Sated at 007 Favler -U JJ t Montgomery Ward plant. oU f cash, balanco mortgage. f .50O Located at 89 Broadway. i comer of Harrison; a full lot. . 60 i xlOO. and an ld .?-'t"Pr;ll,' house In fair eondiUon; JMs cash, balanco mortgage. fomt onr ad Is headed -west "stdL-Wo have plenty of SeVmen to show ou 'round would be pleased to have you make an. appointment. TOED W. GERMAN CO 732 Chamber of Commerce, 1 E. 62d street, near J3 tar. T-room modern home: unsurpassed SXw; extra large living room wttK rreplu; hardwood foors. e00 room and sleeping porch. 7.1" JTabundanco of 'i"iPOwS- lly good homo en-vh-onment. own in east will sacrifice for 850O; J0O0 cash will handle. Imme 6iat possession. m YOU'LL SAY THAT THT3 IB Fee J. vv. r,r-klga-elaM homo depU wltn. FRANK I. McOriKE To Buy Your Distinctive Home. Abington Bids. 106&" " ATTBOTIOM IfrarlnoV-;? S!S Park we want you i i - .1" Jngs While we sell properUes . In other sections or attention to nos , . rnen live in that ct. we maintain a " rnow the history of nearly every bouse in Rose Jity rarn. ai.vow " . - - leU naturally list their property with us. Our past reputation for fair deal ing is a sale iruiua V'--". Make our acquaintance. W ly the kind of property you .wish to buy and the terms you can meet. Un derstand,' you will be under no obliga- A. O. TEEPH CO.. nnn 270 Stark St., near 4th. Main 8092. Branch Office. 60th and Sandy. w A vrrp.r AN AUTOMOBILE! DO YOU WANT Splendid double constructed 6-room modern home with built-ins, ideal Dutch kitchen, screened porch, -exceptional furnace, all rooms large, light and airy. Just completed. Owner will take an . mi. ooftrt in Mchance. Pri i.-iitun h. 17th st. N. faea this today. FRANK X. McGTTIRE, To Buy Your Home. Abtngton Bldg. Main 1068. 3d st. bet. Wash and Stark. Amr a trTrT-TTTa TlTTTCfl ATjOW, Beautiful, almost new bungalow, hard wood floors, ivory woodwork, artistic r rlrnrftte(l bv BabcocK V Peets, fuel for year and fine gas range: owners called away suddenly. mrn.,. nn.Guinn- sfioou. This is BROOKE- Mar." 4827. Call Monday morning. GROVE LAND PARK. Rooms t't'JbO. Rv folks, if vou want a real home near Franklin high, then arrange for an Immediate inspection on this one. Half block from Hawthorne car. Hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, etc Paving and sewer paid. A mighty good buy.. See it. Phone now. A. G. TBBPiS CO., 270 Stark St., near 4 th. Main 8092. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy 44200 BARGAIN $4200. Artlotio new home of five rooms, large living room and dining room, hardwood floors, elegant buffet, airy bedrooms. Dutch kitchen, built-in effects, concrete abasement, laundry trays, full lot. Im proved street, paved; property ia clear; ilOOO witl handle; S35 a month and in terest aX 7 per cent. Photo in office. O. W. BRYAN. SOS Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963. Aak for C. E. Adams. IRVINGTON S7250. T"m 6-room house on K. 17th. with large sleeping porch, very large living and dining rooms, hardwood floors, fur nace, 2 lireplacea. Owner, who Is gov mmnt official, is called away and has authorized us to reduce price from $7S00 to $71! 50 for quick sale; was a bargain at the first price and a very good one at the present price. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St.. ROSE CITY PARK. .00 DOWN. "Modem 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, concrete basement, fur nace, garage, concrete driveway ; only 1 block from Sandy blvd., below the hill. Only S500 down; generous terms. RICHARD W. MAST, HITTER, IOWE & CO., gOl -3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SELLWOOD AND S. P. SHOPS. We have several houses In this- neigh borhood from $-IO) to $ii400. only re quiring $70O to handje,a . balance like rent: let ua show them to you. A. GORDON ROSS. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 47.11. 410 Henry Bldg. BUNGALC-W NAP. $2500 will buy a good six-room bunga inw : modern plumbing, electric lights. gas; one block from car. on east T.Ist street; S."WM will handle. CHEAPER -THAN PRE-WAR PRICE. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. K?r ST.. CLOSE TO CAR. Modern 7-room Queen Anne bungalow. corner lot. garage, sleeping porcn ana bath on first floor; good basement, wash trays. o-uu; terms, interstate Lana to. 248 Stark St. Main 5429. ONLY $3150. A-room modern home, full basement. sleeping porch, white-enameled kitchen, hardwood floors. fireplace, built-ins, food garden, berries. 1MO B. 76th . st. 1 Tabor 8043. $1950 5-ROOM modern cottage, gas, elec- nritv. hard-surfaced streets, sewers: lot 40x100; V block of Glisan-st. car. Have cut the price to get some money. Tabor 6493. HOUSE and lot. priced right for quick rnnd location : near I v new hnn and near carline. Price $1050 cash or H100 term. Mrs. Henry Smith. Phone 61 t -Milwaukle. 21st and Adams sts.. Milwaukie. Or. poh galB 6-room house in Kenton, one piocfc from carline; S3Ot0, half cash, kHAMBLPrr & CO.. 443 Stark Street. r. j i",nw modern bungalow, paved street. , i wn. new paint. 2 bika. to car. near L-hool ibsOO: -'ti0 cash, balance ar r,nc Michael, -with Interstate iand Co.. 2iS Starkst- Main V4K,n J.ROOM mod. bungalow. 250x00. 2 block, of Sandy blvd. This Is a good homl See J. P. McKenna. Belmont at 30th t- TaborJMOJ. tnnnt furnished modern house, 3 lots, lt. i fruit, street paved, corner, 2 bkf from "--: price $3..0O: terms. SEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. BIHB-CARET CORPORATION. REALTORS. MAIN 7487. We aim to carry houses of real value, whether they be high or moderately priced ones. We have a very well and carefully chosen list of desirable buys in every part of the city at every price. See us before you select your home. WILBUR NEAR AINSWORTHV 6 ROOMS J 2200. On a full lot 2 blocks from car, a good substantial 5-room bungalow with 2 large bedrooms, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, best of plumbing, gas and elec tricity. This house is in fins condition and is a good buy. Only $500 to handle. SIXTY-SIXTH STREET. 7 ROOMS $2150. Double-constructed house of 7 rooms on 80x100 lot; 4 large upstairs bedrooms and sleeping porch, full cement base ment, best of plumbing, fruit and shrub bery. Walking distance to Franklin high school. This house is in good condition and is a real bargain. SEVENTH NEAR SHAVER. Substantial 6-room house with 5 up stairs bedrooms on full lot with abun dance of fruit; best of plumbing, pave ment and sewer in and paid. Only $500 to handle. s MONT A VILLA. 6 ROOMS $1700. On 79th street, on full lot, two blocks from car, 6-room house, paved street and sewer; full plumbing, gas and elec tricity. Small down payment. PENINSULA. 3 ROOMS $1600. On Boston street near Holman, a new 3 -room cottage with full plumbing, on lOOxlOO lot. This is good value. Only $200 down. BIHR-CAREY CORPORATION. 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDO., THIRD AND STARK STREETS. MAIN 7487. OPEN EVENINGS, SaffMTTDTATT? POSPTO3TON. VERY ATTRACTIVE WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS hryme of 7 rooms; living room furl -depth of house; French doors open ing onto large back porch ; beau tiful dining room; four bedrooms and bath; Dutch kitchen; full ce ment basement, stationary tufes; garage; 50xlOO corner lot. The asphalt paving alone cost $1000. Splond-id view. Owner left Port- land; authorizes us to sell at $0'J5O. See J. W, Croswley. manager High, Class Homes Dept. FRANK L. McGUTRB, To Buy Your Home. Abmgton Bldg. Main lftflS. 3d St., bet. Wash, and Stark. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 Rooms and Sun Porch. $4500. BTere folks. Is your opportunity. Can you conceive of buying a bungalow of six rooms all on 'one floor, with sun porch, fireplace, cement basement, fur nace, etc., finished in rich old ivory and white throughout? See this and be convinced. If you ever expect to buy a bargain hero is your opportunity. You would expect to pay full $5500, Let us show you. Bear in mind this la the first time advertised. A. G. TEEPB CO.. 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main 3092. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. BARGAIN. WEST SIDEJ. New built, 25th street, bloelc to D. M. car, we have for sale a fine home of 12 rooms, hardwood floors, bathroom equipped with showers; 2 fireplaces; 40x100 lot. For the next few days this .place will be sold at a bargain. Any terms to good reliable people. For further Information call Cabor 30b9. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Beautiful 5-room bungalow In the best part of Hawthorne; modem in every re spect, oaK Tloors, fireplace, gas heat built-in kitchen, breakfast nook; floored attic, cement basement, laundry trays, French doors between living room and uuiing room, rooms nnished in old ivory, garage with cement driveway, paved street and sewer in and parti. Owners leaving city. For immediate sale. Si 500 $1500 cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.; . 33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. MR. TTOM R OTVVTm If you had a fire tonight, would your insurance cover the value of your prop erty 7 It would cost more to replace your property now than three or even one year ago. Increase your fire Insur ance to fully cover the PRESENT-DAY val ue of what vou own it ts th r "WISE AND SAFE THING TO DO. Phone w. k. mcdonald co.. Mar. 2301. Venn "RMt Losses Adjusted and Claims Paid Direct from Our Ultice. ST. JOHNS BUNGALOW. $4000. Modern 5-room and sleeping porch. ncwiy painieu, macadamized street, 1 blocks from car line, near business cen ter; lot 100x100, six cherry trees, Bings nu noyai Annns; appie and Shade trees, berries, over 100 rose bushes. This is an attractive home that can be had on terms. maku w. MAST, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. J2200 $500 DOWN. o-room cottage, steeping: porch, gas, Tights and water. 60x1(10 lot, all kinds iruil, consisting or apples, plums. -Cher rifs, oerries ana walnuts. JjOCated on Tlbbets st., close In. It's a real buy snu can oe nanaiea-on your terms. RUMMKLL. & RUMMELL, 274 Stark St. IRVEX3TOM HlH-OIASS BTJNOAIO W. 400 EAST' 23d tll nnn 5 beautkful -ooms and real breakfast room, concrete porches, one has per- gola leading to driveway: the bath in all art tile, three sets Frenrti floors, perfect throughout; swell home for people of MSDON-BIL. EAST 419. 2TO0. 100O DOWN 6 rooms, a pleasant place to live and in a very good commu nity; close to school and car line, all other advantages. This houn. in conv.n. Irntly arranged, has bath, toilet, lavatory nu launary irays, iuii Dasemenu This is a gooa Duy. JOH.NSON-DODSOX CO.. 638 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. t-llt-. staidly mod.. $4500, less for caau, win iraae ior small farm. 5-room mod. bungalow. 32 fruit trees. lot JoOxt.-.O ft.: has garage, chicken house; only $350. $1000 cash. bal. termb. Mar. 3.1.TJ. 4i:i Couch bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Thoroughly modern 7-room bungalow, billiard hall and sleeping porch, bard wood floors, all improvements In and paid; full lot: double-constructed. Al condition; owner leaving city. $5500: $2000 cash. Wilson, with Interstate Land Co.,- Main 5429. A NEW 5-ROOM bungalow; fireplace, nice bath, full cement basement, paved street, sewer assestrments paid; Richmond dis trict. 3 blocks to car; will sell for $4251, with small payment down, or trade for suburban homo on Oregon Electric. O. A. Pearce. 815 Chamber Commerce. Main :.ti:is. evening Sellwood 1115. NEAR Piedmont and Jefferson high, beau tiful 6-room house with lots of built-ins, cement basement, sun porch, child's play house, all for $4000, and only small down payment. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 6H3 N. W. Bank BUig. Main 37S7. . I RV ING TON $ 6SOO $ 1O00. Lovely small home, all ivory, hard wood floors, beautiful lighting fixtures, let 125x50. wonderful garden; just think, $100fli, $50 per month.- YES. GARAGE. McDONELL. EAST 419. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. 4-room bungalow, bath, light, fixtures, full lot, pretty flowers, fruit, chicken house. Here's a cute little home at a very low price; $2000; terms. Phone Tabor 7174. 682 E. 75th N. IRVINGTON REAL HOME. $7200. 14 block to Knott, 1 block to car and school, lovely 7-room house; $15ajo caih handles. McDONELL, East 419. P PRICE $3150. A good buy, 0-room bungalow;, full basement, attic, 7 fruit trees. 80x227 lot; easy terms of $o50 cash, $c;5 monthly. . JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 6U3 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S787. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 7-room bungaiow. lot SOxllS, S. W. corner 32d : and Market. Tabor 3330. $t;250. part cash. . FURNISHED bungalow, 5 nice rooms, 'fire place, built-ins, full cement basement, fruit, garage; block to Al'berta. car; $46O0 terms. Automatic 319-21. IRVINGTON dand.y little home: 721 Broad way; garage; $5000, $50O cash, $50 per month. McDON ELL, EAST 419. FOR SALE $250u"i will take car. some cash, furnished house. Tabor 3504. COSY 6 rooms, Archer Place, $600 down. Automatic S25-1S. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ROSE CITY SNAP. -fl rooms and breakfast nook, fire place, hardwood floors, furnace, double construction, driveway for garage, full lot; improvements all paid. Below the hill; only $5250; clean as a pin. CLE VE'LAND-HENDERSON CO., liOS Board of Trad Bldg. Suburban Homes. MAGN7FICIENT TWO-ACRE HOME ON THE COLUMBIA HIGHWAY AT A BARGAIN. we have Just sold the owners of this splendid property a farm, and they have tneir suburban home with us to be sold at what we consider a bargain price. The house Is especially well and ex pensively built; has full cement base ment, splendid water system, very best plumbing; nothing .shoddy about the property, but is a splendid 8-room house, alune easily worth much more than we are asking for the entire property. There are 2 acres of exceeding ricb sandy foam soil, with plenty fruit and berries; faces Columbia highway just beyond Park Rose. Price $0000. Be sure to see this if you are in the market for a suburban home. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. m 122 K. 6th St. Bdwy. 4381 SuOOO BUYS a MODERN HOM$ AT MTJLT ,NOMAH, with ail conveniences. Includ ing furnace, large basement, on large tract of ground facing improved high way; place Is now vacant and can be oc cupied on minute's notice. For particu lars call on Sunday at our Multnomah office on the boulevard, or during the week at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. 4 BEN RIESLAN'D, Exclusive Operator in and Aboufr-Mult- . nomah on the Oregon Electric. 1 acre, west side. mile from Shattuck station, Multnomah county, within the 5-mile circle; 7-room plastered hou, with plumbing, gas engine and pressure tank; barn, chicken house: lots of fruit; view property. Price $2800, haiJ cash. Personally inspected. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. Additional land can be had joining this property. CHOICE-SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carltne, from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of RlPley station, 'on Oregon City car Une, sign "Alder Brook." SUBURBAN home for sale, 8 rooms, gas. city water, electricity, close to grade school an1 hlh school. Box 153, Urea ham. $10 DOWN, $10 month, acres, near elec Main 3072. McKarland, Failing bldg. for Kale Business Property. QUARTER block, picture show, apartments and stores, ail- paved streets, cnoice loca tion; $13,000 ca&h will handle. Broad way 5079. MODERN white brick bldg.. monthly in come -iM; terms. Owner. o4 Tacoma ave. Sell. 14Q. lf'or Sale -Acreage. B ACRES WITH MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW FOR $300 DOWN. Especially desirable for party desiring a splendid home with small payment down, $500. will put you in possession, put this in berries and it will easily pay its way out; 5 acres of perfect land, ex ceedingly rich and all in cultivation; splendid double constructed 5-room bun galow, fireplace, many built-ins. choice lot fruit and berries; nice red barn, ga rage and out-buildings; located 2 miles from Hillsboro. Price $3600, $500 down. balance easy. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 N. 6th St. Bdwy. 4381. 2 ACRES 5-ROOM COTTAGE $2O0. Nearly 2 acres, all fenced, some fine fir trees. 5-room cottage, gas for light ana luel, good well, chicken house and run, small barn, on E. 82d st., a paved road to Portland, about 5 blocks from Kendall station, half-hour ride in auto. A real snap at $2600, about $1000 cash, balance ito suit at 6 per cent. Shown by appointment only. ORUSSI & BENXETT. 318-321 Board of Trade. Main 7452. ATTENTION", REAL ESTATE DEALERS. or sate, 240-acre Douglas county farm, orchard and berry land, subdi vided and suitable for retail sales in small tracts. Reliable dealer can secure this on easy terms with liberal relea provisions and small cash payment Call at Seward hotel Wednesday, November a, or addreas A. C. Bohmstedt, 401 Ma sonic Temple. Salem, Oregon. FOR SALE Owner wants to go east; will Fen zt acres ol good level land cheap; $1000, some, terms; on good gravel road; the best of soil, level and no rocks; small amount cleared, the rest easy to ciear 2 miles to Adna. Wash.. 7 miles to Che halls. Wash. ; small house and barn and good well, all fenced: phone line to house, one mil. to school; lots of good neighbors close by: this price will be good only to Nov. 25. To see it cams to Litteii, wasn. m. r .frm, dox a4. FOR SALE LOGGED-OFP LANLV Write for map of western Washington showing location, price and terms. Over 10.000 acres sold last year at our low price. Easy payments offered to actual settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO, Tacoma. Wash. IMPROVED ACREAGE. Teh acres (five acres in prunes), house and barn; on electric line and paved road. 15 miles from Portland; price W. FT. ROSS, HOP Northwestern Bairk Bldg. HALF ACRE S2D STREET. . Own a half acre of land, all under .cultivation, at less than cost of a single lot. Fronting on 82d street: a hard sur face street. h;o: easy tbhms. A. H. BIRREU. & CO.. 217 X. W. BaTik Bid. Marshall 4114 IMPROVED ACRJSAGE. Acre tract with bearing frudt. small house ami garden; right on Hawthorne car at .ast street; only $2950. W. H. ROSS. . 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. WHY PAY BIO TAXES and heavy assessments? acre on fsimpson. near 42ti. $10 cash. SIO month Keep cow, chickens, grow fruit, be your own lanaiora. water to eacn tract. R. W. CAR Y, 1219 N. W. Bank Bldg. GRESHAM. 1 5 acres, highly improved, modern 6-rm, house, full cement basement, all con veniences of city home: $450O will handle, oai. t per cent. Interstate Land Co. 248 Stark st. Main 5429. M CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. We have over o00 smaU places, close to rortlana: some on paved roadjt. close to eiecinc unt an nave oeen inspected. rnouia m oiutu, .jonn rerguson,, Ger- 40-ACRE farm, terms. See $30 per acre; very easy JOHNSON-DODSON CO 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. $800 $150 CASH. 3 rooms, gas. electricity' Va. acre, city water, just out of pn,n.j See J. P. McKtknt, Belmont &t 3Uth at." Homesteads, Relinquishment. CAN LOCATE you on a good hnm.,a. Portland or Roseburg district, farming or timber tracts; also have some good relinquishments. E. W. Helm. 317 Board 01 1 rauw urus. For Sale -Farms. FOR sale iiu.mi acres: . 16 acres in bearing prune trees, 15 acres nearly ready for plow: good soil; rest good timber, five miles from Camas; good main roads, near school, store r- team horses, wagon, harness and other farm Implements. Price $11,000; $5000 casn, Daianic terms. XSOX 00, R. F. D, 1, tanids, ,vami. U8-A. FARM. ESTACADA, EQUIPPED. An exceptionally good farm, fully ri .1 . t' . ....... ... ... r. ana imple menus; richest soil, running water, fam i!y orcnara; acres in cul-t tvation. Only IWWW. ci i uity. Will takl residence to $u000, $2600 mortgage, bal R. F. FEE.M9TER. 417 Ahlngton Bldg. TILLAMOOK aairy ranch 01 120 acres. 80 acres nice jtrvei crecu DOltom, watered Dy gooa stream; 1 miles to state high way, store hu . , arm cneese factor 1 miles, scnool mile; stock and tools. r-nce io-iu, aown, balanc federal loan ana terms. Mrs. E. B. (j . e-i l , nenuocK, r. BEFORE YOU BUY. ' Investigate our farm leases. We have many farms for lease with .personal prop erty for sale. Let us ta!3t this over with you. T. X.. EDDT, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-8-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 40-ACRE farm, $30 per acre., very easy terms. ft-t JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. C?g N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ABSOLUTE sacrifice, orchard farm neat jstacaaa, t-ir. ; ncn son. unlimited water must sell; man J offer. John C. jlu Glcndora, -ai. . . 5-ROOM house, fcfc acres cleared, well orchard, barn, hennery, fenced, good roaa. jaain oui ditranaaa, iallinj Bldg GOOD paying farms: sizes and terms to suit. Wltn siock ana implements. c J Culllson rteaa estate i;o.. zuj Morri son st. 5 TO 50 ACRES on Columbia blvd.. ju outside city lim'its, with or withou buildings; bargain: terms. Main 177, LOGGED-OFF lands and small farms: run ning water, good soil, some with im provements. terms. J. R. Sharp. 83 Vi 3d. 13 ACRES, some cleared, creek, cabin mile sta., $1500. Main 3672. McFar land. Falling Bldg. SEND for list of farms for sale. Go. M. Cole, wmanuna. Or. , REAI, ESTATE. For Sale Farms. IF THERE IS A BARGAIN IN THE COUNTRY. THIS IS ONE. ONLY SHORT WAY DOWN COLUMBIA RIVER IN WASHINGTON. Consists of 700 acres with 3 sets of buildings. One house alone would cost from $5000 to $0000. All good soil, but very little waste land. 80 acres of fine timber in. one corner; 70 acres under cultivation, all fenced and -cross-fenced ; 1 miles from boat landing; cheap transportation to Portland. In thickly settled community; 1 mile to school; good road by house; place Is stocked with 35 head of cattle. 2a of which are cows, others 1, 2 and 3-year-olds. Team and all kinds of machinery to run place. We are safe in saying that this place will double In value in a short time, over the present price of $37 per acre, which in cludes everything. $8000 down and long time on balance at 4 per cent. STEWART & BUCK, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. THINK OF 20 ACRES ONLY 14 MILES OUT WITH FINE MODERN HOME FOR ONLY $4500. Where In Portland can you buy one lot and a house like this for $4500? 6 room plastered bungalow, fireplace, full cement basement, furnace, bath, electric light, electric motor pump, air pressure tank; such is description of the house, and it is especially well built: good sized barn and out-buildings: bearing orchard; Isn't that enough for $4500; yet we throw in 20 acres of smooth, rich land. 5 acres in cultivation, some timber, balance light brush; just 14 miles from center of Port land, splendid road all the way. near 2 electric lines, and Just 1 V4 miles from high school. Price only $4500. easy terms. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. 6th St. Bdwy. 4381. 40 ACRES of choice farm land bet. Van couver and Camas, facing on improved highway; 3j acres of bearing prune trees; plenty of other fruit; nearly all of the land In high state of cultivation: 2500 young prune trees ready to set out; about 80O0 seedlings ready to graft In February; 2 acres of superfine pota toes still in ground; horses, cattle, ma chinery, large supply of hay. In fact a fully equipped farm; price $8500, on easy terms. Owner is old and must sell. For particulars see BEN RIESLASD, 404 Piatt bldg. 127 Park St. THIS FARM IS A MONEY-MAKER. 80 acres of irrigated land between Ontario and Vale, all under cultivation; S5 acres in alfalfa; owner cut this year ISO tons off 40 acres: balance seeded to mammoth white clover. This is under one of the best ditches in the state. Price $13,000; will take $4500 cash and give time on balance. Has 2 good 4-room houses, with barn and outbuildings; 2 good wells and wood enough along fences to last several years. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 1214 AORSS ON THE STREET CAR LINE, NEAR VANCOUVER. ALT, GOOD LAND. 4-room house, barn, lots of outfbufld Sngs, 8 acres in cultivation, 4 In timher and pasture; good cow. SO chickens, plow, harrow, wagon, cultivator, new cream seoarator. all small toots: some furniture and garden, all for $3500, $1500 casn, Dai. terms to suit, xne Duiiaings are old hut comfortable. Land aione is worth $4000. Come qwick. STEWART &. BUCK. - Sl Northwestern Bank Bldr RO ACRES RICH LAND. Near Estacada on county road and R. F. D. ; 10 acres In cultivation; fine spring at the house; trout brook through place; family orchard, goon barn; won derful soil for potatoes, pruires, berries, etc.: 3000 cords first growth wood avail able to market. A splendid opportunity for a man to start with stock. Cheap at $4000: easy terme. R. F. FEEMSTBR. 417 Ahlngton Bldg. S0 ACRES, STOCK, FRUIT. DAIRY. Best proposition in Willamertte valley. T.H.rrrA nortion In culttva-tion : good build ings: some fine commercial orchard; 150 head of stock and all equipment; living stream: very rich soil. The chance or a lifetime. Owner, is an old man, alone and unaible to care for the farm; must sell, greatly reduced price; consider res idence in city as part. See pictures in my office. R. F. FEEMSTBR, 417 Ablrrgton Bldg. 960 ACRES, SHUTTLER FLAT WHEAT RANCH. S16.000. Adjoining land held at from $40 to $75 per acre; over yuu acres can De put n rmn now. good buildings, fenced and crossed fenced, three wells, good roads and school right at the place this is your opportunity if you want a real money-maker; can handle part trade and rive very liberal terras. Jonnson, with Interstate Land Co- 248 Stark su Main 5429. - EXTRAORDINARY" BARGAIN. "Yes. nerhaos. but did you ever con- elder that we can place an excellent renter on your farm which will- insure you an income for a term of years. We can sell your personal property for cash. See us at once. F. L. EDDT. , RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bids. WE INSURE FARM PROPERTY. 55 ACRES on the capital nignway, at Sherwood: 45 acres under cultivation: all can be cultivated; some fruit trees; creek on place: 5-room house, 2 barns, chicken house. The place is stocked; 5 cows, 5 heifers. 15 tons hay. OTfered at a ber ritin with verv small payment down. Onl-y 15 miles from Portland: paved road all -the way. Inspected by NeJson, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger Diag. 22 ACREiS. mile from city limits of Camas, Wash.. 7 acres in cultivation fin orchard. 6-room house, barn, chick n house, sraraee: price only $:i2O0, cash $1200, balance long time. See Mr. Farna- worth, with H. A. TRYER, "THE ACREAGE MAN." 508-0 Lewis Bl'dg.i Broadway 5031. .-.-ACRE COAST FARM, $6000. . Ten-room house, barn, orchard- well creek, spring: on main county road, near the ocean and three beach resorts. Own ers. room 18. 165 'A Fourth st. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland,. $50 to $500 per acre. easy terms, best soil: farms for sale, all t 1 OQ IT-nil!..,- t I .1 WANTED REAL ESTATE. WB SELL HOMES! inr.T Worries Sold to Date This Tear. We will sell more homes than any firm in America. Is your home for sale? IT'S SOLD IF 'LISTED WITH US. w sTtpntl thouatMls of dollars ad vertising a ml' are in TOUCH WITH THE . . . . ... , DITVLlDti II ' . 1 ' .M A J LJ IV 1 1 I vr i ... 1 1 . 1 .... ' ' " man vnnralcA and nhptograoh (withou charge all lisMngs within 24 hours. 25 experienced salesmen with autos to work nn the sale of your home. Call or write FRANK L. McKJUTRB, To Sell Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. IF YOU have a modern home for sale. lower Portland Heights, Knob Hill sec tion. . Westover Terrace, Willamette Meirrrits or ttlT Other EOOd WOSt Sid section. I havo five clients for well- located modem west side homes. 1 POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. STRICTLY modern Irvlngton residence for rnstamer with the cash: must be bar gain; might consider Laurelhurst or Heights. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. WK HAVE LIVE BUYERS WANTING ALBERTA HOMES. List yours with us for RESULTS. See FRANK L. MoGUrRE To Sell Your Home. AWmrton Bldg. Maitt 103 FOR SALE, exchange or cash rent. 200 acr-s best .alfalfa, irrigated, 8O0 acres wheat land, right at main line R. R rlenot. I want good Income Portlan property. Owner 554 B. Salmon. Phone East 6933. H. Goeby. WANTED By private party, 6 or 7-room house with slee-plng porch, in good dis trict, from $SjO to txo; give oescrip tlon, location, price and tenms in swering. AG 144, Oregonian. WANT home in Irvington: value between $6000 and $ooo; give terms and dat when possession can be given. X 166, Oregonian. WANTED. Must have 'small house this week if price is right; small payment down, Iral. like rent. Phone Main 7660. WANT best Irvington home $7000 will buy must be east of 15th and north of Thompson. EAST 419. WILL buy 5-room house with bath, elec -tricity, close to car line in suburbs on terms: must be reasonable. Tabor 7632. BEST home obtainable, $2000 to $3000. A berta. Sunnyside, Montavilla. . F. 13. Oregonian. ' WHY WORRY ? I can 'sell or trade anything anywhere. C. W Millershlp. Alder hotel. Main 5275 Wanted to Rent Farms. WANT TO RENT. Have party wanting about 50 acres mostly unoer .plow; win ouy some per. aonal property. Have party wanting about 100 acres mostly Under plow; will buy personal property to $2000. Another wants 25 to 50 acres, with at least o-room nouse; win ouy torn nersonal property. Have many wanting between IOO and 200 acres general farms, some withou and some with personal- property. Have 2 p&rtiea wanting large farm in propositions, cash for personal property. RTTTBR, LOWE CO.. 201-3-O-7 Board oX Trade Bide WANTED REAL ESTATE. Wanted to Rent Farms. BY EXPERIENCED farmer. furnished farm to lease on shares. Dairy preferred. State terms and tillable acres. H 159, Oregonian. SMALL house with barn and few a.crea. oy responsible party. Box K. 147; Ore gonian. TOR BEST FARMS. FARM FOR RENT. t acres, 12 miles out, 45 acres rn cultivation, ' good house, barn, orchard, water piped to buildings; personal prop erty for sale. Including 16 cows and all machinery; about $3650, cash. bal. time. Rent $4O0 per year. See Mr Farnsworth, with H. A. DRYER. "TILE ACREAGE MAiN." 505-9 Lewis Bldg., Broadway 5081. FA RIM FOR RENT. 70 acres, 8 miles from Hillshoro. near Laurel, 5-room house, barn, si!o, family orchard; personal, including 9 cows and all farm machinery, about $2000, cash, balance time. Rent $300 per year. See Mr. Farnsworth. with H. A. DRIER. THE ACREAGE MAN." N 68-8 Lewis Bldg., Broadway 50S1. EXPERIENCED farmer wants furnished farm on shares, or small place near town. J. Gray. Troutdale.. Rt. 1. 10 ACRES. 2 Vi orchard, house. 2 miles center or Vancouver. Wash., on carline. $15. Tabor 1793. 60-ACRE farm, 40 in cultivation, lots of fruit, $io0. per year. Cobb Bros.. 263 Oak C TIMBER LANDS. NO. 1. THREE -million feet Pino timber adjacent to other millions; good chance for box factory. No. 2. 75,000,000 feet yellow flr; best of water power; railroad will tap. No. 3. 26.000,000 feet red flr. close to railroad; fine tie and building lumber chance. No. 4. Secoid tract lika No. S. 40.000, 00O. . No. 5. 50,800,000 feet, close to great river, yellow fir, hemlock and spruce. No. 6. 31,000,000 feet adjacent to 30. 000,000 feet government timber; mill building 30 by 60 eet. Address Box 142. Hood River. Or. MAR4)H LAND AND TIMBER INVESTM ENT. 1500 acres In Klamath county. Oregon, on Upper Klamath Lake; marsh all drained and diked; 6.000,000 feet pine timber, some plow land, bungalow and other buildings, all fenced. - Many other Items. Priced to sell quick. Write to Box 301, Klamath Falls. Or. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. EXCHANGES. 40 acres In Idaho, irrigated ranch, $12,000; will exchange for rooming house, hotel, or apartment house, here. 160-acre Idaho ranch, $5500; will, exchange for 20-acre tract pear ' Portland. 771-acre wheat ranch, $65,000; will exchange for $25,000 equity as part payment on something In Portland or vicinity. 1200-acre stock ranch in eastern Oregon. $78,000; will exchange for Portland flat, apartment house, or business building up to $40,000 or $50,000. HOUSES FOR ACREAGE. $1200 -acre homo with 8-room cottage at Lents; will exchange for small acreage tract; will assume. $1600 2-room frame cottage, electric lights and gas. 2 blocks from car, on the Peninsula; will exchange for cheap land or will consider auto. $4800 4-room bungalow, hard wood floors, in good condition. 2 blocks from Franklin high school; will exchange for 1 to 10-acre place. $5000- -Splendid 7-room frame house, modern conveniences, good garage, clear of encumbrance; will exchange for 4 or 5 acres near Portland; will assume. - $6000 8-room bungalow, in 'good condition, built-ins, nice lawn, 2 blocks from car; will exchange for close-in acreage. . $7000 West side home, on Thur- man street: 7 rooms, modern in detail, good view, clear of en cumbrance; will exchange for small bungalow up to $6000 in Rose City Park. SEE MR. STEPHENS. - FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. csrnrr'zr wn WAT RANCH. 700 acres, of which 125 is now In tim othy and ."-meed. Ditch line will irrl- -j -n .. ..-.. -11 .n ti 1 11 be cultivated. Fair 8-1-oom house with city water; good new barn, holding 12 head stock ana niiinmnt' li mile railroad station and good eastern Oregon town; good market for all farm products; free of all Incum brances Value $30,000. Owner now resident of Portland and will exchange for Portland or suburgan property. Aa dress 623 .Wasco st. Phone East 293. FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR GROCERY STOCK. 40. acres rood level land in Clarke Co. Wash., 4 miles from Camas, $2000. Or will trade for grocery stock to $3000 and assume difference. The land has no timber. bs fine stream on corner. Idea prune land. air drained. Box 351, Cajnaa, Wash. SPLENDID STOCK FARM. Portland property will be accepted in exchange for one of the very best going tock ranches in the country; stock and equipment may be purchased at bargain price. W. II. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. tsoOO FINE 8-roam residence. colonial Rtvie. moaern in every resuect, ouiit trrt tra well, view over city and mountains large porches: 14 block; fruit, grapes, shrubbery: unincumbered. Accept as n.irt r,Avme.rvt A to 5-room bungalow. Mt Tabor or any good district. Like to deal direct with owners. Call Sell. I.,06. EXCHANGE OFFICE SPECIAL. Modern 7-room house, 50x88 comer lot; streets paved on both sides. East 46th and starlt; win taKe amaii nousw or anything reasonaoie. A. GORDON ROSS. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 4751 410 Henry Bldg. SUNNY SOUTHERN IDAHO Going alfalfa ranch. 160 acres and water right, all in good stand alfalfa; new 9 room house, rabbit-tight fence, stocked and equipped. $20,000. Trade for city improved property. Johnson, with Inter state Land Co.. 248 Stark st. Main 5429 sraTIIRITIES TO TRADE. Good contract of sale, upon which there is due about $40,000, to exchange for farm Jande or city income property will bear close Investigation. LUEDDEMANN CO.M'PANT, 913 Chamber of Commerce. xKf.O BUYS half interest in one of th best transfer and storage' lines in the city, or will exchange for a good house in Sellwood or on Oregon City line thi side of Oak Grove. See Brown & Biddle, 824 Railway Exchange bldg. EXCHANGE OFFICE GET EXPERIENCED ADVICE. Vacant lots and city property our specialty. A. Gordon Ross. INTERSTATE, INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. WANTED Down-town building, have im proved alfalfa land, also goLng stock ranch to exchange for Portland Improved property; will go as $j4o,uw. w. ri. Kusa, . lOOO N. W, Bank Bldg. FOR SALE or exchange, 1 lot, 50x100, Killingsworth addition; will accept gra-phophone as first payment, or might trade for house and lot. The Evening Repair Shop, 340 N. 23d. Broadway SOW). HOUSE. 76-100 acres in Beaverton, A acres outside of city limits, value $7000, to trade for small, -improved . farm. Address K. J. squires, Beaver ton or phone Marshall 40o3. FOR EXCHANGE 2 lots In Falrport ad ditljn, or 1 lot in i'leamont a-caition, block from carline. for Ford roadster. H. L. HAMBLET & CO.. 443 Stark Street. APARTMENTS pay4ng 15 net. Will con aider good Income property to $20,000, balance s-fu.u"t casn ana terms. Alan ager. Main lgi i. WILL take car, some cash first paymen on home nicely furnished. Tabor 3504 Call after 6. $2500. MY EQUITY in two houses for vacant lot. Call bet. 8 A. M. and 12 noon. Tabor 5779. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. WILL EXCHANGE FOR A HOUSE. 67 acres, near Creswell, 60 acres under cultivation; all good soil; fair sets of buildings, with spring water piped to same; cow, some tools and all household furnishings go with place: will take $1500 cash, balance in trade to $6500. STEWART & BUCK, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. EXCHANGE OFFICE. GET EXPERIENCED ADVICE. Vacant lots and city property our spe , dalty. A. Gordon Ross. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. AUCTION SALE 50 head of fine milk cows at public auction. Am retiring from tho dairy business and will sell at pub lic auction at my place adjoining the city limits of Hillsboro. Or., on theeouth and U mile due west of the Pacific Coast Condensed Milk plant No. 5. at 10 A. M. on Friday, November 12, 50 head of milk cows, uberculine tested. Jer seys, Holsteins and Guernseys mv en tire herd. 14 fresh since Sept- 1; 12 head springers: 24 head giving large flow of milk; 8 head of calves 1 day to 4 weeks old; one 2-year-old, registered Jersey bull, fine strain. The milk from my herd has been sold to the retail trade In Hillsboro during the last 8 years. Be on time as there is nothing but stock for sale. Lunch at noon. Terms of sale: $20 and under, cash; over $20, bankable note at 8 per cent interest. Zina Wood, owner; J. c. Kuratll. auctioneer. FOR SALE Immediately, 1 team, consist ing of 5-year-old bay horse, weight 1350 lbs., and 7-year-old gray horse, 1450 lbs. Both sound and true. In good working condition, good set Boston banker har ness; also modern, up-to-date house wagon. Sell all or part. Call at vacant lot at East Main and 10th sts JUST received a new shipment of cows. consisting of Holsteins, Jerseys and purhams some are fresh and others t iresnen in a lew days. All are tubercu losis tested: certificate goes with each Wdl'n. ?400K" Howitt- "oekyrds barn. Cm now do a" OUT delivery with auto- .yuui.c service, we nave ior sale several fine, light weight goose-neck wagons at one-fourth the original cost. See Ore E"ers Music House. Phone Main 1 12o. 12 HEAD of good cows nom f.Mh anA some coming fresh soon, mostly Jersey. Guernsey. $45 and u.p; will trade any of these cows for horses or an automobile. Call SHJ Powell Valley road. Woodstock oar. MOVING TO TOWN. MUST SELL. Sorrel team, well matched; weigh 3400: mare 6 yearssjld. one horse. 6 veur rtlrlr , guaranteed and sound, excellent shape. v- Bacon farm. Base Line road. Own er, Ed Murphy. U. S. STABLES. Horses and harnesses of all kinds for sale. 363 Union ave.. South, corner Stevens st. O. U. Williamson & Glass. TEAM. 2800 lbs.. 9 years old. wagon and narness; jersey cow and calf; cheap for casn or trane lor auto or lot. East 3559 FOR SALE At barn. E. 6th and Ivon sta. 1 registered Shropshire ram lambs, $20 ach. Holman Fuel Co.. 94 6th st. KEYSTONE FEED STABLE, horses for sale or nire. stalls ior rent. 381 Water si., 1001 Montgomery. Alarshall 3515. REGISTERED Jersey cow; or would give 111 itauo uu roro. iiavis, 109 bi. 65tn St. IN. FRESH Guernsey cow for sale, first-class lamiiy cow; going away; must sell. Phone Milwaukle 54Y. FOR TRADE or sale cheap. .0 horses and harness at ciay-otorsa transfer stables, 1 Lii ana unean. DEAD horses and cattle hauled aw& tree, rnonc ntnwauKie iw-j ior service. DEAD horses taken q.uickly; cash for dead cows. raDor tzuj. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWE. TABOR 6566. GOOD cow for sale. 1117 Flavel ave. Eastmoreland car. TEAM and wagon for sale cheap. Tabor 3479. Piant. Organs and Musical Instruments. A FAMILY returning eat has teft with us for gale at only $285 a very good liJte new, fancy oak Steger piano. Must have at least $100 In cash or liberty bonds, balance in three or six m'ontns, as desired. This means an actual saving of over $3K). Come and see this at once. Aleo a fine Everett mahogany case in good order: now only $196. See exchange and resale department Oregon Eilers Music House, first thing this week, or telephone Main 1123 and ask tor Mr. Ankells. USED TALKING MACHINES at prices that will move them quickly. ALL IN GOOD CONDITION. Columbia and 6 records. $25. Victor and 6 records, $35. Victor and 6 records, $45. Victor and 12 records, $100. Columbit and 12 records. $120. $5 to $14 cash, $4 to 7 monthly. Schwan Piano Co., 101 10th, cor. Stark. WILL pay cash for good upright piano suitable Cor out-of-town home. Please write, stating make and what kind of wood is the case. Will then call and make arrangements. Will also nay cash for a good victrola and buy recortiis. Ad dress K. Ii3, Oregonian. A VERY fine mahogany victrola type latest Improved phonograph; case marred hy railroad in accident, but tone and mechanism perfect; regular price $150; can be had for $80, railroad claim agent paying difference. See at once. Oregon Eilers Music House. Phone Main 1123. PIANO BARGAINS. $175 and up. SEE OUR BARGAINS In used pianos; best prices. GUARAN TEED. Terms given. Seiberllng-Luqas Music Co.. 125-27 Fourth St.. between Washington and Alder streets. ELEGANT mahogany concert grand size upright: finish hurt In shipping but nice tone and action; will guarantee and sell for half price, or only $2-12.50. See Ore gon Eilers Music House and bring this ad with, you. GET YOUR Christmas machine now. Prices reduced while tney last; direct from manufacturers' to you; a small deposit will hold one. Harold S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill. " BUY. SELL, RENT OR TRADE Used Phonogratph Records. NEUMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE. 128 1st. Tabor 6798. Main 4405. TRADE YOUR PIANO. Will trade $225 new VICTROLA and records for used PIANO. Seiberling-Lu-cas Music Co. Main 8586. 125 4th st. WE BUY, sell and exchange phonographs; we have the most beautirul talking ma chines In Portland; terms. 437 Stark at., at 12th. HEAR the Orpheus, the phonograph with the wonderful glass resonator. Factory and salesroom 108 14 Grand ave.. Cir culars free. r PIANO WANTED. HIGHEST CASH PAID for used PI ANOS or PLAYERS. Selberllng-Lucas Music Co. Main 85S6. 125 4th st. FISHER PIANO, $175 A good practice piano: terms. Selberling-Lucas Music Fourth at. V .J - FOB RENT Cabinet Grafonola. late mu sic Empire Transfer. 254 Broadway. Broadway 155. BRCNWICK phonogra-ph. dark oak frinish. plays all records. 117 Mi .h-nout, between 8 and 3:3l. LARGE cabinet phonograph, a bargain. 1SCS Holladay. Between 7 and 9 even In gs. PIANO WANTED for practice having good tone: cash deal. Marshall 3 532. WE BUY. sell and exchange records. 437 Stark St.. . at 12th. FOR SALE $70 E-b tuba. A-l condition; price $25. Phone Woodlawn 5848 WOULD lrke the use of piano for storage, by responsible parties. East 8300. ALMOST new Victor piano. 104 lvlth street. Main 359. Furniture for Esde. LBCBERTS Artcraft soHd oak dining room set consisting or 04-ln. table (with pad), 4 chairs, 2 arm chairs, beautiful buffet and serving table. Strictly high class. nuwy. nijf. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going enst or to California. We can save vou money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co.. 248 Pine st. DINING-ROOM set. refrigerator, heater, wick r baby buggy. dresser. kitchen table, hand vacuum cleaner, account of leaving town. 933 Division. Call after 0 P. M. FOR SALE Majestic range, stove, 2 rugs. 2 dressers, dining table and chairs, brass bed snd other lurnisnings ror .5 rooms, al I or by piece. 492 Rodney ave. 5 ROOMS beautiful furniture.' $1000, rent ton- 2 rms. rented for $45: close In Miss Holman. Main 867. 416 Chamber Com.- GOOD new and used furniture, ranges, heaters, rugs, very lowest prices. Jurl- son Furniture Co., East 6957. 113 Grand ave. ts CASH almost new. Sunday 9 to 5. "all day Monday. 7715 64th Place. Mount Scott car to Woodmere station, 5 blocks south. ' FURNITURE of small apartment for sale: will sacrnice u taaen at once. .Marshall 3213. bTA BLACK (Stayblack), the greatest heat resisting stove polish in existence: 25e bottle, crown jrurmiura uo. soy Ji Irst. FOX SALE. Furniture for Sale. PIRE SALE OF METER & FRANK STOCK recently damaged in warehouse and moved TO 454 WASHINGTON ST. Consisting of furniture, draperies, mo hair, plushes, velours, tickings, etc., etc Bought by Cohan Bros. & Director and cow on sale. AT 1-3 AND 1-2 OFF. Draperies on sale at 454 "WASHINGTON, COR. 13TH. FURNITURE SALE AT MADISON DOCK at foot of Madison st. bridge GOING south, wl.l sell remaining furni ture and furnishings, including, in addi tion to other usual items, a Universal blue enameled combination range, Eden . elect. wa.her, Ohio vacuum cleaner, Co lumbia phonograph and records, mahog any single pedestal roll top desk and re volving chair, children's auto and , chute, Mitchell chummy roadster, newly painted and perfect mechanically, books, Howe counter scale, electric fan, fire less cooker, dress form, garden benches, swings, flower boxes, garden tools and stakes, hose and reel. etc. Come oyt to 1326 Fremont st, bet. 46th and 47th sts.. Rose City Park. Tabor 1795. A VERT fino modern 88-note Piano:a nnri 41 mnalr. nvll,' nljMi bench: will go for only $420. TWs ,1s like new; comes from one of our finest homes and Is offered at actually lest than half today's price; also one larger size Player-piano with 40 music rolls. $45 more, representing same percentage of discount. Phone Main 1123, or call at once, Oregon Ellers Music House. A FINE-TONED ortran for school or ohaipel: price on-ly $-4: worth $120: also a somewhat more elaborate model, only $5. magnificent tono and guaranteed In first-class order: will send subject to free trial. Oregon Ellers Miii. Mouse 7U W ash Ingt on st., Just beiow Fifth. DRESSERS, $8 and up; chairs. $1 and up; oeus, .t ana up; springs. $2 and up; mat tresses. $1.50 and up; dining tables, and up. and other bargains in rugs and all house furnishings. Russell St. Furn. Co.. 284 Russell st. Phone E.-3923. CHARTER OAK range, almost now, two Dens, springs, mattress. 4 oak chairs. kitchen table, 6 shades, sad Irons. 306 Hoi lada v ave. O'fico Furniture. THREE flat tops, two roll tops, four bookkeepers' desks; also chairs. D. C. Wax, 31 N. 5th st. Broadway 2739. FLAT TOP mahogany office desk. 27 N. inin sr. Dog. Rabbits. Birds. Pet Stock. 0yibH, 7. EnR,Jn Bull pups left. $7 a piece. o. nasi inn street S. E.. Powell V'allei road. YOUR choice of 8 pairs of birds. Including j, lenjgrove street, cor ner 16th. PEDIGREED police dogs. Irish. Scottish terrier puppiea Speeaway kennels, Ta bor 50S8. SINGING birds and cages for sale., 2095 E. Stark st. FOR SALE Cheap. 3 female canaries. 1 singi-r. good stock. East 7!7::. PUPP1EJS, $.. (jl22 40th ave. S. E. Myrtle r-arn station, .y. S. car. Poultry. FOR SALE 100 White Leghorn hens and 100 pullets. O. A. O. strain, in line con dition: pullets ready to lay: also Quern incubator and brooder, all for $;;on 2S57 50th ave. S. E. Phone Auto. 2-'3-4S. SEV LNTEEN hens and rooster. White Wyandottes. $2 apiece; also some young stock. $1 each. Tabor 7050. 100 WHITE Leghorn hens. Tabor 6S95. 6348 84th st. S. E. Machinery. MACHINERY. 1 H-tn. Gen. Elec. portable Crlll. 1 220-voIt forge blower. " 1 3-h. p. 30-v. bat. chging. generator. 1 reciprocating air cninrt 1 Kellogg auto air pump. m 1 standard e-iec. wood boring machine a.uu riiortifer. 1 wood lathe. 6-ft. bed. BAILEY & BECKER. 129 B. Water st. AIR COMPRESSORS. AIR TANKS V. 8. TWO-STAGE COMPRESSORS. Air hose, check valves, safety valves, coupling and automatic switches, every thing for the air line. AIR COMPRESSOR EQUIPMENT CO Bdwy 3300. 329 Couch st. GASOLINE woodsaw, equipped with 4. H. P. Cushman engine, traction 3 speeds solid rubber tires: $200. Colby Marston' Gresham. Or. Phone 33S. WANTED JY rent or buy small revolv ing caterpillar shovel, immediate deliv ery. M 150. Oregonian. Laujirhe-a ap.l Boats. FOR SALE) Troller (Elaine) 36xlO with 11-H. P. Enterprise engine; new and fully equipped. Owner going east. Call 570-66, or foot of Main street. A REAL buy in a four-room houseboat 23 Willamette moorage. Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable: $50 com plete with carrying case; supplies for all makes. E. W. PEASE CO.. HO Sixth St. Main 22S5. DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER . SERVICE. All Makes Overhauled: Ern,,! REPAIR ESTIMATES O.V REQUEST. Buy, Sell. Rent and Exchange. Main 6397. Supplies. 263 14 Oak St. ALL MAKES, sold , rcn td and exchanged; ler-iris 11 aesirra ; sen a ror retail Dricea. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO 3'J1 Washington St.. y. w. Cor. 6th. FOR RENT Underwood, Remington type- n"iei3, mo, .empire irarjbier. Broadway J.'ij. FOR SALE Woodstock typewriter prac- thcany new. t Call East 4J5. after 6 NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates, r. 1:0.. btark. Main 1407. ALL. MAKES rented and repaired. Oregoa lypewriter Co., nth st. Main M la.nrotif. SAFES iFire and burglar-proof safes, nfrw and second-han-d, at right prices, bought sold and exchanged. Easy terms if desired. , KORRIS SAFE? & LOCK CO., 105 Second St. Main 2MJ5. FOR SALE Beautiful diamond bracelet, by private party. This piece of jewelry is a masterpiece; no dealers nor brokers. Phone before 9 A. JV1. or alter 5 P. M Tabor 727. ' TWO CARLOADS new office furniture at secona - nana prices; some new ugs siisniiy damaged at on-nair pj-jce. This week only. L. C. Wax, ul N. 5th. Bdwy. -!7;;&. DIN1 NO-ROOM setl refriperator, heater, wicker baby buffgy, dresser, kitchen table, hand vacuum cleaner, account of leaving town. 933 Division. Call after 6 P. M. WONDERFUL barraln. lady's automrVhlle Persian lamb fur coat, like new. .Mar shall al9. . AIR COMPRESSOR, the very latest auto matic outfit complete In every detail with 1 11. P. motor. This Is a real snap' 27 N. Itlth st. KOR SALE CHEAP. A irood rhicken house; can easily be moved. Call 332 E. lilst N., cor. Weid- KOR SALE 'Practically new Wade drair saw ami complete woodcutting outut, S175. Inquire 11 tfr Crand ave. BUY, iJEL.L. RENT OR TRAD13. Shotguns or Rifles. HBCMAN, 32 First. Main 4495. FOR SALE Household roods; 1 leather Iiavenport, like new; 1 metal folding bed, electric vibrator. Phono Sell. 103H. ONE N'O. 20 Arabia-Fire with all connr-c-tions. as pood as new. Sellwood 01 8! East 2(th S. ' U. S. PATENT for sale; automatic cigar and cigarette box. Very new. 427 liiv erett st. K. Nlshl. FOR SALE DALTON ADDING MA CHINE. Fl RVST-CT,AS CONDITION REtA SON ABLE. BROADWAY 2387 A LARGK wood range, J10. S47 E. Broad way. 057 E. 39TH ST. Apples for sale reasonable. Sellwood IG40. prices BEAUTIFUL eatherette handbacs and stylish rain hats half price. 155 13th mu FOR SALE 6 card tables, 25 chairs. Call at 818 Union ave. North. TWO sample fur coats for sale at half price. 225 11th St. Room 3. FOR SALE 1 postal card camera and 1 developer. Singer, 313 Fifth st. COUNTER, refrigerator, dishes, hotel sil verware, 8-foot hood. East 10S2. FIRST-OLAPS painter, $6.50 day, or con tract. Tabor OMD. FINE potatoes, Wdln. 11W3. $2 per sack delivered. FOR SAL13 lady's long coat, almost new Call Main 8087. between 6 and 0 P. M. GOOD as new sewing machine. Must sell. At 424 First st. cheap. CANNED fruit for sale. S. E. 6416 36th ave. WEST SIDE home, sells and buys slightly worn apparel and furs. Marshall 3215. LARGE- wood range for sale, $15. S47 E. Broadway. . GAR-DEN manure for aale. .Tabor 6631. rOR SALE. Miscellaneous. EXCHANGE PHONOGRAPH RECORDS and player rolls with us and you wi'l have new tunes at all times at 1-0 usual cost. Write, call or phone for folder explaining ocr simple plan. Records at 5c, 10c, 15c. 25c, 35c. New records at 50c. 60c. 69c. Also all the late hits. Rolls at 25c, 35c, 50c. New rolls at 65c anl 85c. PACIFIC RECORD EXCHANGE, 427 Wash. st. Phone Bdwv. 492; open Thursday and Saturday evenings. PRUNE TREES. Etterberg. Magoon. Mar shall, Wilson. Improved Oregon and Tro blas strawberry plants, Oreson Cham pion gooseberry ami currant buslw-s: grafted filfwrts and English walnut trees; Cuthbert red raspberries, black caps, loganberry penis (tips). Concord and Muscat grapes. Prices reasonable. Order today. Woodstock Nurserv. ,vso3 Woodstock ave., Portland. Phone Sell wood 2332. A BARGAIN. For sale, a navy blue mescaline silk cress with beaver pl-jsh trimmings, size 34. price $14. Call East CS74. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Rather than return our salesmen's samples to tho factory, consisting of raincoats, motor coats and leather coats, w-e have placed them on sale to the public at wholesale prices. UNITED RUBBER CO.. 726 Morgan Bldg. DAM A(i E SALE. MEIER & FRANK STOCK, "enioved to 454 Washington, corner J-th. Consisting of draperies, mohair plushes. tapestries. denims. ticking verours. sateens, etc.. etc.: 1-3 to H off good remnants 25 cents to $1 each. 4-4 ashington. cor. 3th. SAFE FOR SALE. 1 steel cabinet safe; Inside measure ments 18 by 30 by 56 inches, with mov able steel shelving and drawers One new steel vault door SO by B6 Inches, combination look McEACHERN SHIP CO., Astoria. Oregon. FARMKRS attention; make plowing easv, scours in any land, sheds the wet. black, waxy, . gluey, sticky gumbo soil clean rrom mould board, by use of "Wonder l-riector and I'low Faring." Welsen-born-Hansen. P. o. box 57, Portland. Or. . ,"" machines, new and second-hand 1 7 ?,r lcss: no agents employed : com plete line of parts for all makes; ma c i.'l?,s.,.rep!,,red and rented. Main 9431. bEWINii MACHINE EMPORIUM. . 1?0 Third st.. near Taylor. FOR SALE Ref riepraf e,r ... . roaster, bar counter and draft arm, ic box niiriwr. foot railings, bread rase, mt tip top cigar cases, other floor cases, marble slab, gas range, check protector. Sauriflce act. 242 Salmon. ' 1 , oat dresser and chair. ?2S: nice gut iron bed, $s; wooden bed and springs. s, tennis racquet, $1.50; chamois skin est never worn. $2.5u: large Siivoiv roadster. $1.50. 2S0 Tillamook, corner ilJiams. H W A T ER tanks, oil-gal.. $7- 4o-gal" teste1,, nd guaranteed: stove and furnace colls, gas heaters Installed: ex- vl!,.i,f UL". '", "pairing. East Side elding Shop. 203 Adams St. East 851.1 WHY AN everlasting aggra--tlon by a i J T r.1f,? W h,y, aot a Permanent and comfortable roof? We repair, rubber bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs. Work guara nteed. Main 5560. CAKE mixer, electric, for hilisr. - v.,-r ue; standup office desk, steel letter file, typewriter, fine wicker baby car. rase; at a bargain. ;iou Oak street a 1 with, refrigerator, glass doors. In fine shape.; flat-top desk, typewriter desk, f a b.Br'ain on account of leaving town. 306 Oak st. I'huno Wry, 4471)1 FERTILIZER, cow manure a vear old commercial fertilizer, land plaster, do. livered. t-ast Portland I.andscapin.r Co.. 110 Prescott. Wdln. 2941. .. FURS FURS. Above high rent Below high prlcea THE FUH SHOP. "" Swctland hldg., r.lh at Washington. U1FLE. Winchester 401. 3 magazines. 2 Boxes Bhel'S, cleaning rod, carrier, gold bead sijrht; nearly new; bargain; $35. lain tnti.. ELECTRICAL repairing, wiring. Every thing electrical in supplies. Low prices quick service. Ifynson Electric Co.. 302 Pine st. I'hone Bdwy. 4'0.'i NEW "SINGERS" $5 down. $3 monthly pSn,"5w""c """-"Ine repairing 'OKKIi50N-STKEET SINGER STORE, JSorrison. Marshall 721 SAFES New and second-hand: some with, burglar chests, at reasonablo ori!... Un PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO Broadway 1966. 48 Front St. LOGANBERRY :RY tips, and plants for sale, iiediately. fall or spring de- end of Woodstock car lino?' be"" 332' COLUMBIA Wa lll.oard. the jolntless plast er wall; cant buckle, burn sw.i Z shrink. Ohsfeldt. 419 Henry BldBdw" MINNOWS All sixes for bass and croTnv fishing, ljjghway boathouse. Intestate highway. Columbia sluugh. inralate FOR SALE- -Registers all sizes; wall cases. 8A .?le,1. t'omputlng Candv floor case scales, uratt arms terms. 242 Sal mon. a.cj I l W HMll yOUr rUgM With th T-Tanr.ll ton Head, electric carpet washer wUhl out removing from floor. Wood We buy. sell, rent and exrhan ko. daks. Sandy. 31-D Washing," k0- ru'luls and apples at wholesale prices' ?Zl ","tr upply. PrtlandPKr"i Co.. lJ Front St.. near Mnrrl.o, bridge. WOOL Hlotk and slab wood miT-:. wood lengths, $.,..-,; p'ronitdenvery east side orders preferred ,i.y' Mar. 1S1'8. FERTH.IZKw Rotted horse or .cow manure deliverer! anywhere in city. Tabor L'7l4 "eavered PILES can be permanently cured wltho,,, operation. Call or write Dr un Morrison st. RUCS washed on your floor with h,,i... Beach electric carpet wh"mli,. vacuum clean rinnA tj. . . also CLUAK posts, large size, set a carlo. a -et ten carload. H. Goodrich a box 8U4. Lents. Or. c' LADIES SAVK Hish-Brade"uTe7 spp.r.i Prlcfu modern fa ll't-i ,.. .... "PParei. ,.... ..... . jucn. i.inor CALBAGK for sale 1c per lb' a- ,,,' south of Troutdale. Call any time- hrln containers. II. K. Bramhall. rae- orlnB SEVVINT, machlTis. In fine eondm Fine singer and Japanese i.1?' Glisan street. w.e,i. 311 SEW SEW SEW SEW Expert sewlner machine rtn.lri.. Phone Sellwood 1U7J. BLCB churnieuse dress, heavily embrol.I ereri , KOl.!. Genuine bantam: siz -ah Call hast 7!iS2. M a- .': T ON''". :i UKUB COUNTER. - .... .mrirtu l A. 1 .KMAI.I. 4li."i Washington st. SET It- Bte'''1 fldiiiB gates for pale. Call 5-47 Cefcter b'dB' c'tfar Btan1- Main MA?rs bicycle. JH.-,; boy's biocle. $10; ail ... buuu uuiiuhuii, Hjau llOUSetlOlil sonris. Phone K. ."4i. Ill K. fi,h N. CABBAGE CABHAGE CABBAGE One cent per pound, any amount.. For further information phone Broadway 1'lifi. DINING suite, overt-tufted davenport, hiTl ... iumB aesK, babv sulkv n.l bed. i0., Overton. LOUIS GII.BRIDE, jeweler, temporarily lo Ca J"dr,OC"'.3' ,uhl,M Klei-tric Store, 6th and Oak. After Dec. I at 73 th st. WANTED To buy a Royal 7urn7c Tn good condition. Phone W'dln. 2D!I2. EYES tested free; spectacles guaranteed Hr. Belding. 24.-.H Alder st. Main 1 K!l2 SAKE Fireproof safe. Hall make. In good order, cheap. A H 1M4, Oregonian. FLUFF rug W East 12x12. 145 used very Ilttl Mt street Sotit.V QUARTS FRl'IT for :lf or by piece 5(k qt. 121i E. 12th st. N. Leaving city DRY WRECKAGE wood, cheap .1043. Tabor FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners. 1 per day. delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 3495. Mr;nn-HAND tent and covers fnr .-r Pacific Tent & Awning Co.. 1 K. 1st st! BLOCK WOOD, slab wood, mixed, 2-load lots, special prices. East 2041. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, addinc machine showcase a 1st St.. near Ana. COATS, furs, suits, gowns and eventnM rtresee. slightly worn. Main 95T. VACUUM cleaners aold. rented, repaired. exchanged, bought- Bentley. Main 4907. FOR SALE Dry. old-growth fir cord., wood. Phone Broadway 2199. POTATOES J2.10 $2.25 delivered. w.Ct Everett. East 6703. 831 13 K BLUE wnnn. uiamona ring, sacrifice. Call Marshall 6155. Will L.EAKY roofs repaired and painted, reasom- able. Tabor 9324. STOVES repaired, bought and sold. Col la made and connected. East 65l,o. 115 BUYS adding machine; adds 7 figures. 618 Corbett bldg. Marshall 657. FOR SALE Best dry. first-growth cordwood, $12 per cord. Main 7S31. CORD WOOD Best dry, o.d growth. 13. Tabor FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, 24 hour day $1. delivered. Wdln. 1259. FOR SALE Country 1405. slab. Call Main OAJ .WOOD, 4 it., tor sale. Wdia. 2132, .