18 ! TTTE tiltEGOXIAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1920 FOR SALE. M iellaneou. EXCH-AXGE PHONOGRAPH RECORDS and player roIl with ua and you wi'l have new tunes at all times at 1-0 usual cost. Write, call or phone for folder explaining our simple plan. Records at . 5c. 10c, 15c, 25c, Hoc. Sew records at 50c, 6Uc, Cite. Also all the late hits. Rolls at 25c, o."c. r.Oc. New rolls at Bc anl S5c. PACIFIC RECORD EXCHAXOK, 427 Wash. st. Phone Bdwy. 492; open Thursday and Saturday eveninga. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Rather than return our salesmen's samples to the factory, consisting of raincoats, motor coats and "leather coats, we have placed them on Kale to- the public at wholesale prices. UNITED RUBBER CO., T2 Morgan Bldg. DAMAGE SALE. MEIER & FRANK STOCK. Removed to 454 Washington, corner 13th. Consisting of draperies, mohair plushes. tapestries, denims, tickings, velours, sateens, etc, etc.: -1-3 to 4 off good remnants 25 cents to $1 each. 454 "Washington. cor. 13 th. SAKE FOR SALE. 1 steel cabinet cafe; inside measure ments IS by 30 by 50 inches, with mov able steel shelving and drawers One new steel vault door 0 by 36 inches, combination loclc. McEACHKRN SHIP CO.. Astoria, Oregon. FOR BALE Large elk's tooth, magnifi cently mounted with 3 diamonds; also solid gold Elk's matchbox with diamond, -karat diamond ring, 1 3-stone di amond ring, 1 lion head ring with, dia mond in mount. AH like new. Pri vately, no dealers. Phone Tabor 6809. FARMERS attention; make plowing easy, scours in any la-tid, sheds the wet, black, waxy, gluey, sticky gumbo soil clean from mould board, by use of "Wonder Deflector and Plow Facing." Weisen-born-Hanaen, P. O. box 57, Portland. Or. SEWING machines, new and second-hand sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented Main 9431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 100 Third st.. near Taylor. FOR SALE 12-inch plow wl Ik coulter, $7.50; post-hole digsrer, $1.50; one ISO chick Buckeye brooder. $10; light army saddle with combination bridle, halter, $20; also garden and wood chopper's tools, cheap. Main 7S31. MISSION oak library table and chair, white iron bed, springs and mattress; small gas and oil Perfection heater, kitchen table and chair, one andirons and seu Phone East 4167. 483 E. 20th st. N. .FOR SALE Refrigerator case, peanut roaster, bar counter and draft arm, ice box mirror, foot railings, bread cases, lift up top cigar cases, other floor cases, marbte slab, gas range, check protector. Sacrifice act. 242 Salmon. ELECTRIC fixtures at wholesale; 3-Ught chandilier. complete, $6; 1-light chain drop, $1.50, etc; big selection. Electric tore at 619 Union ave. IV. at Russell st. Phone East 3686. HOT-WATER tanks. 30-gat. $7; 40-gal., $9; tested and guaranteed; stove and furnace colls, gaa heaters Installed; ex pert plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams st. East 8518. v SECOND-HAND EXCELSIOR BICYCLE IM GOOD CONDITION; FIRST $25 TAKES IT. MAIN 680. MAN'S FUR-LINED OVERCOAT AT BARGAIN. MAIN 680, WHY AN everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof? Why not a permanent and comfortable roof? We repair, rubber bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs. Work guaranteed. Main 5560. CAKE mixer, electric, for bakery or hotel -use; stand up office desk, steel letter file, typewriter, fine wJcker baby car rage: at a bargain. 30& Oak street. Phone Broadway 4479. LICENSED independent electrician wires three rooms for $12, five rooms $20; all new material used and guaranteed to pass inspection. Wood lawn 3791. STORE refrigerator, glass doors, in fine shape, ; flat -top desk, typewriter desk, t h. hn rent n on account of l-on vin a- town. 306 Oak st. Phone Bdwy. 4479. FERTILIZER, cow manure, a year old, commercial fertilizer, land plaster, de livered. East Portland Landscaping Co., 410 Preacott. Wdln. 2941. FOR SALE. SOFT DRINK FIXTURES. Bar and back bar. Pals' club. 235 First, cor. Main. KITCHEN utensils, all kinds canned fruits. Jellies, rag rugs, pictures, library lamp, Columbia records, good as new, felt-top card tables. Tabor 5950. KEW "SINGERS" $3 down, $3 monthly. Expert sewing machine repairing. MORRISON-STREET SINGER STORK, 382 Morrison. Marshall 721. SAFES New and second-hand; some witfc burglar chests, at reasonable prices, PACIFIC SCALE A SUPPLY CO.. p road way 19G6. 48 Front st. LOGANBERRY tips and plants for sale, order immediately, fall or spring de livery. Woodstock Nursery, Sell. 2332, end of Woodstock car line. 6ANITARY couch And pad, one trunk, one wardrobe trunk, one bed. spring and mattress, in good condition 2S4 V Park fit. Phone Marshall 1009. 12 SINGLE window aah, 40x46. 9 lights, $2.50 each; 12 sash, 45x62, 16 lights, $3.50 each; just the things for hot beds, chicken houses, etc. 1218 Mallory ave. COLUMBIA Wallboard, the jolntless plast er wall; can't buckle, burn, swell or shrink. Ohsfeldt, 419 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 3901. . THREE show cases, ona, grocery counter, 10 feet long: fixtures of all kinds made "to order. Wostim Fixture & Show Case Co.. 16th and Jefferson. DRESS suit coat, $30: tuxedo suit, $55, lady's tan coat, new, $35; girl's coat, $10; new army overcoat, $11. Auto. 529-08. 874 Tenth st. HINNOWS All sizes for bass and croppy fishing. Highway boathouse. Interstate highway, Columbia slough. FOR SALE Registers, all sizes; wall cases, floor cases, Toledo Computing Candy scales, draft arms; terms.- 242 Salmon. " CHINA KILN. Revelation of China kiln No. 6, $75. Tabor 8827. LET US wash your rugs with the Hamil ton Beach electrio carpet washer with out removing from floor. Wood. 1259. KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy. 829 Washington st. POTATOES and apples at wholesale prices. Get your winter's supply. Portland Fruit Co.. 153 Front St., near Morrisonbrldge. ALL KINDS new and used office furniture and equipment. Lowest prices in city. X. C Wax., 31 N. 5th. Broadway 2739. SLIGHTLY WORN DRESSES FURS, jOA JS, tUAia Aiv o u i is: iiic BAR GAINS. MARSHALL 3215. . EDEN washing machine in first-class con dition; 4.1 f 5 machine for $130; a bargain. Phone Main 6741 week days. "WOOD Block and slab wood mixed, stove wood lengths, $6.50; prompt delivery; east side orders preferred. Mar. 1828. FERTILIZER Rotted horse or cow manure delivered anywhere in city. Tabor 2704. LARGE wood heater for sale. Call at 768 Borthwick st. after 10 A. M. 657 E. 39TH ST. Apples for sale; prices reasonable. Sellwood 1640. BLACK plush coat, 38-40; a bargain, $15. A11BHJUIU8, ou. aim Aiornaon. BEAUTIFUL leatherette handbags and stylish rain hats half price. 15i 13th at. c,A.SCOOKSTQV E. "Automatic 826-72." GARDEN manure for sale. Tabor 6G34. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. "TOPS 'EM ALL." Oregon Auto Top Co., Cor, 14th and Couch sts. Bdwy. 4408. COLE 8. 7-pass.: would make good car for pansenger work of any kind. In Al con dition and can be buoght cheap. 625 JdUST raise money, will sell our 1920 Baby Overland, run about 3000 miles, very cneap. vvv roweu valley road. Dri I wnou tit. $150. Studebaker touring. 1912 model, good condition, 19"20 license. 12 East 8tb street, oetween An ana Ankeny. CiAK LAND sedan, one year old: everything first-class order; lor sale by owner; a low price; make appointment from 8 to 11 -A. m. n.ast iuo. KlhJS 9 B Franklin, runs and looks like new; run 11,000 miles; 2 spare tires in cluded; first-class condition. Phone Main L 741 or nu wy. 10 MAXWEI.Ii, fine condition, terms. Call I at 9201 Foster Hoad, Lents Pharmacy. 1 .inTJ A V. .. 1 1 ninn lV?r chassis: will make a rood bu l.acrifice at $150: terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near tjurnsice. 1VHD touring car body for sale, top and side curtains, everything in good shape. I lion O Jkl&in , lln ftLBSUOBILB six for eaultv or first payment on house, balance cash. ta.-t 8.i 1. 101s MAXWBUs 1600; spot light, extra wheel and tire; terms. Call Col. 854. FOR QUICK SALE, $600 takes my Mitchell six auto. --o-i t. ONB 1920 DODGE touring car. Phone owner. Main 004 1. apt. 4O0. FOI-I KENT Vacuum cleaners. $1 per day. Jj, 1 .'n-V... U.- .11....... J- FOR SALK AUTOMOBILES. SALE. -. SALE. SALE. PRICES SLAUGHTERED. This Is th third week of our cut price sale. We are taking our loss and getting back to pre-war prices. Thirteen cars have been sold already, which shows that the public appreciate what we are doing. Come look them over critically. Try them out thoroughly. Then compare prices. We will get your business. Make License. "Was. Now. 1916 Overland $ 400 $ 250 1917 Chevrolet 375 1918 Maxwell 44069 600 450 2916 Cole, 4-cyI 500 1917 Velle 46699 S50 7C0 1917 Velie ...-I 57420 950 700 1918 Veil 8429 1100 975 1919 Velie. 4-pas 973 191S 01d 8 54141 1350 1100 1919 Velie 31 988 1G75 1150 1919 Velie 57600 1275 1175 1919 Velie 41335 140Q 1200 1920 Essex 74726 1700 1300 D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO.. 68 It. 23d st. . Main 780. ; USED CAR BARGAINS. 1 Reo $125 1 Maxwell $150 4 Ford tourine -...$250 to $325 i Buick : $2.10 1 Peerless $200 1 Overland 6 $6')0 1 Oldsmobile 4 ; $700 1 Buick 6. 1918 . $850 1 Packard truck, 3-ton, with body and hoist - (1000 I.OXO DILVA, 462 Hawthorne. LIBERTT BONDS CASHED. i AUTOMOBILES CASHED. TOC BUT OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 208 jELU.NG BLDG., 2D FLOOR. FORD OWNERS. FORD overhauled ................ .$20 Rear axle overhauled 6 Valves ground, carbon removed..,., 8 Magneto recharged 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO, 280 Front St.. corner Jefferson. WINTON SIX. 585. Like new, perfect shape, self-starter, electric lights, good tires, good battery, would make a swell Jitney stage or truck or private car; this car is worth $1300; I must sell, might take old car In trade. J. W. McColpin. 210 Jefferson street. WANTED One of the largest motor car firms in. Portland, distributing four rlnee of cars, has opening for one good, live salesman. Answer in own handwriting, stating experience. Replies confidential. S 92. Oregonian. 3 SACRIFICE BARGAINS. CADILLAC. 7-pass $18150 NATIONAL, 4-pass 850 OAKLAND Sedan. 1921 1900 Cash or Terms. WILLAMETTE MOTORS COMPANY, BROADWAY AT FLANDERS. Broadway 4184. reAl value. Hare a 7-passenger Hudson Super Six. Just overhauled and guranteed mechan ically as new car. Has two tops closed top costing $300 and new summer top. Tires In good condition. Being repainted. $1350. Terms on part. East 8695. 1920 DODGE SEDAN. Can save you $450 on a practically new Dodge sedan; car has been carefully broken in; never driven faster than 20 miles an hour or off from city pave ments; driven privately 1200 miles. Call 1249 East Davis St., or phone Tabor 6015. WE CARRY a full line of auto accessories. tires, tubes. Ford parts, light globes, etc; also do towing. Open day and night. LONO SILVA. Phone East 6840. 462 Hawthorne. STORAGE BATTERY. Extra large 6-volt 'battery, new, cost $90, will sell for $20 cash; good battery for motorboat or any place where long life is wanted without recharge. 210 Jefferson st. TODAY! This Is the best bargain ever in the latest model Hudson speedster. Abso lutely new tires guaranteed mechanic allv as new car. Looks like new; $2100. $850 cash will handle. Manville, E. 8695. INDIVIDUAL AUCTION. OAKLAND touring car; will sell to best offer make me one. Must leave city. Call R. P. Salntley, Broadway 4184. 100 North Broadway. AUTOMOBILE OWNER. SALES ROOM. If you wish to sell your car, bring ft in and get quick action. Main 184. 168 King street. OCTOBER 28, 1920. "WOODSAW mounted on Ford 1-ton truck. RUSHLIGHT & PENNEY. 363 E. Broadway. SAVE $600. $250 for my $830 interest In Paige roadster, 2 months old. J. H. Bennett. E 3906. CHUMMY roadster, Colo 8, for sale; a aanuy car, ion foe new ana is in splendid condition; will sell cheap Phone East 2651 or Broadway 1559. PIERCE-ARROW, closed car, for taxi or aepot purposes, iii mouei, penect con dition; a bargain, $1500. Broadway Ga rage, r-asi 4i(i a ii u Droaawiy, MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles. We wreck all makes of cars and sell th.l, nnrt. at half nrle. TlnvtH u i Auto Wrecking T e P t 10 .-7 X. 31th at. 1920 FORD COUPE. 6 mo. old, extras and new tires. Froh man, Broadway 321, care W. L. Hugh- son 1,11.! oiwiuwaj o-uu uaTia. 1920 PAIGE SPORT MODEL. Kun oniy zuuu mues, extra new tire, . bumper and spotlight. See this car. 184 Laurelhurst. Tabor 9116. 1915 BUICK 4-cyJlnder, good condition. 8 new Iraoajtar a-i i-WTftLntr treaa UrOS. RUSHLIGHT & PENNEY. 363 E. Broadway. FOUR dandy fine Mitchells, any reasonable price considered. Classy little roadster, cord tires, only $450. Main 7304. Elite Garage. CHEVROLET touring 1918; good mechani cal conaition; goutx tires: must sell. A snap at $400; some terms. 30 Grand ave. North. BUICK coupe, 1918 model; car run 8000 miles, tires 200 miles; car In perfect order and looks and is practically good as new. Telephone owner, Bdwy. 5579. lV4-in. RAYFIBLD CARBURETOR. Will fit almost any car or motorboat; like new and guaranteed, $10 cash. 210 Jefferson fat. U. & T. CARBURETOR for Ford car, $S5. installed; 30 miles to gallon of gas guaranteed or money back. 210 Jeffer son st. WE PUT steel teeth in your old flywheel. . -r a ii 1c shaft til ril In jr. 1I B. Bl.olr chine shop. 534 Aliier st. Broadway 2liL DODGE touring car. Al condition: act quickly. Third Street Garage. 84 North TMrH ttreet- Broadwav 4!)1R. CHEVROLET touring. 1918. Fine condl- ti i'. it. v 1 1 -" . . 1 " rine condi tion, good tires. A snap at $475. 30 1 avA Kurt h n9- W . . j i 1918 BUICK touring car. good mechanical condition, newly painted, a snap buy if FORD runabout, 'Al condition ; tires al most new; real bargain at $275; some Late Ford radiator. $12; almost new i .,ranin yin l.ff...... PAIGE six. 1917 touring: wire wheel. extra; real bargain at $900. 30 Grand OWNER will sell 1918 Oakland touring or II , JO lwi - vnuoiw . I. 1.1Hullloa, j HI nil Si., ayi. - .nun, riaat digl . MAXWELL touring 1918; fine condition good lires; real oargain at S675. 30 tiraau n- - - " m. .men jau 1 naiae. 1 f'll HUPMUUli. -Dass " Conrl l extras; line condition: a real buy for S13."0. cash or terms. Tabor 7274. 1920 MAXWELL, used privately. Call FOR SALE 1913 Cadillac for $230. Ap ply Covey Motor Car Co. " TIRKS 30x3V4, $4: guaranteed repairing 42 Grand ave. N.. cor. Couch. FORD sedan, good as new, lots of extras, - 1"fU V. Grant GOOD Overland car, S3 B, runs fine. $3"5 on terms. 1713 E. 11th st. $65 BUYS GOOD bug; terms. 832 East OVERLAND model 83, best of condition new tires, $450. 212 Knott, E. 3382. EXCELLENT Chevrolet roadster. half price. ig aier bu 1919 BUICK roadster for sale cheap for casn. Aipijr -i-wi Aipma ave. 1918 FORD, completely overhauled, new top. vau lauor laai. iiast 61st. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. STOCK REDUCTION USED CAR . SALE. Oar big Used Car Sale to run during the next two weeks will begin next Tuesday, ELECTION DAY. We have positively reduced the prices of our used cars, some of them we have priced at a price that means a large loss to us, but we are determined to clean up and get ready for spring business. Look over this list, then come and see the cars. 1 Former Sales Price Price Ford. 1917, 6-pass. 350 $ 300 Mitchell, 1916, 7-pass 700 600 Briscoe 1916, S-pass. ...... . BOO 350 Briscoe. 1918, 6-pass 700 . 650 Overlano model 80, S-pass.. 350 225 Overland model' 75, 6-pass. 650 ' 475 Mitchell. 1917. 6-pass 750 650 Overland model 85, 6-pass.. 700 660 Mitchell, 1918, 3-pass 850 700 Willys-Knight, 6-pass 50 775 Oakland. 1918, 6-pass 850 700 Oakland, 1919, 6-pass 1000 ' 875 Mitchell, 1917, 6-pass 900 750 Mitchell. 1918, club.....'... 1050 850 Mitchell, 1918, 6-pass. ... . . . 1000 850 Mitchell, 1918, S-pass .'900 , 800 Mitchell, 1917, roadster.... 750 650 Mitchell, 1917, B-pass 1000 800 Mitchell, 1919, 6-pass 1250 1075 Mitchell, 1919, roadster 1400 1150 Mitchell, 1918. 6-pass 1050 S00 Mitchell, 1918, 6-pass 1200 1000 Mitchell, 1919, 6-pass....... 1500 1250 Mitchell, 1919, 6-pass 1550 1200 Mitchell, 1919, 6-pass 1200 1101 Mitchell, 1919, 6-pass 1400 1250 Reasonable terms when desired and no charge for brokerage. , Open- evenings and Sundays daring the sale. MITCHELL, LEWIS A STAYER CO. BROADWAY AT EVERETT. PHONE Broadway 4675. USED CAR 8 ALB. Wonderful Values on Good Cars. Prices that will make you Buy. , 1920 OAKLAND TOURING. .$1250 1920 OAKLAND TOURING 1150 1919 OAKLAND TOURING 800 1918 OAKLAND TOURING 750 1917 OAKLAND TOURING 700 1917 OAKLAND TOURING 65U 1916 OAKLAND TOURING 600 1916 OAKLAND ROADSTER 500 1916 OAKLAND SPEEDSTER 600 Cars of merit at prices far below nor mal. Liberty bonds accepted at face value. Cash discounts allowed. Terms granted. WILLAMETTE MOTORS COMPANY, -BROADWAY AT FLANDERS ST. Broadway 4184. CHEVROLET OWNERS. -, Hv.,hiiui S20 Rear axle overhauled J valves grounu, camoa reumveu. , .... Magneto recharged...... 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which Insures a perfect-running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. THE REASON, the Ford engine starts hard and the lights are dim is because the MAGNETO is weak. Have it RECHARGED BY EXPERTS. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO.. 210-212 Jefferson. Main 7644. NO PROFITS. NO COMMISSIONS. On our used cars you get them at the price we allowed on a new Scripps Booth car. If you are not satisfied with your old car we will take It in on one of our new or used cars. We have the following cars on hand: 181 Dodge. 1018 Oldsmobile 8 touring. 1920 Ford with starter. 1919 Scrlpps-Booth touring. FB Chevrolet touring. THE SCRIPPS-BOOTH CO. OF CAI 622 Alder St- Broadway 8766. BY PRIVATE OWNER Financial circum stances force me to sacrlllce, at great loss, my late model Cole 8 ' roadster; special built body and top at factory; new paint, top, battery, piston rings, clutch, differential gear, 2 34x4 Vi, run 600 miles, 8 first-class cordis wlil dem onstrate with any $5000 car; every extra possible to put onr chains, full set tools. Take in Ford only; terms to .responsible party. Can be seen at 295 Montgomery st. Call Auto. 514-71 Sunday or Main 1100 week days. I WANT to buy a FORD COUPS of late model with self-starter and in excellent condition. Do not ex pect to pay any inflated values, but if you have your car priced low and want cash, we can talk business quickly. Phone Columbia 865. 1919 BUICK 7-pass. touring, in wonderful COnOlllOD. .11 RUIIVI hiico, " 1 ! bumper, lenses and spot light; price re duced and it's a bargain; terms if de sired. Call Knox, at Broadway 1130 during the week. 1918 PAIGE 5-passenger, all good tires. new spare. Lar is in perieci conamon every way and must be seen to be ap preciated; terms. Call Broadway 1130, Mr. Knox, during the week. FOR SALE Why pay an agent's commis sion? $800 takes my iJia otuaeoaaer six 7-passenger touring in the best of condition all around. Will consider small roadster In trade. This will make & fine for hire car. Address AV 680, Oregonian. SOME BUY 1919 Cadillac, 7-passenger, used privately; 8000 miles; beautiful condition. It's a real automobile; $3250; will take a smaller car. 367 Stark. ATTRACTIVE bug. special built, long un- derslung Doay, engine in periect condi tion; windshield, full leather top and lots of extras; can be seen at 67th ga rage, 67th and Sandy blvd. Price rlght. OAKLAND LIKE NEW. Touring car. 1920 model: can save you $400 on guaranteed car. See car a 100 XNortn iiroaaway, iau mi. oiuver, uruau way 4184. 1918 BUICK touring car. 7-pass.. fine me chanical condition, brand new tires, a snap. $13ao; terms to responsible party, ptinne Frank Smith: Bdwy 1130. FORD delivery with open body, flap cur tains; very best of condition; must sell. . harvain ftt 4nO with tertnn Hfk i ' .1 ave. N. BIG USED 1.AE3. PRICES STOCK. RIGHT. No Misrepresentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. "TOPS 'EM ALL." Oregon Auto Top Co.. 14th and Couch sts. Broadway 4409. 1020 OVERLAND 4, ,best light car on the market, gooa vires, munn una new, own er must sell. Main 1106. imn OAKLAND SIX touring, good tires. will go at a low price. Can use Dodge roadster. lapor ooai. - FOR SALE By owner, Hudson super-six. in good conamon; o gooa cora urea. Automatic -i-i-i- ; am T.T.AC 8. Al condition, looks like new will sacrifice for cash or consider smaller car In trade, lali n.ast 31o7. pnRTi touring 1917: best of rnnitln.- good tires; real bargain at $350. 30 urana ave. i.im. n-n.i uumsioe. BTiin joe battery. new. m j r. . i i Dodge or Maxwell car, 12-volt. $30. Your oid battery in trade. 210 Jefferson st. 1919 CHEVROLET touring, like new; best offer over $500 takes it. McKay, East 3770. 1920 FORD coupe with extras: run 5 months by careful . driver; perfect con dition, i.io, teriiip. iipor l-'d. BATTERY 6-volt starting batterv. nw iMO Jefferson r 1 FOB SALE AUTOMOBILE. 1919 OAKLAND in good condition, cord tires on rear, cutout, sntrbbers. Will sell at sacrifice.- Rushllgbit & Penney, 363 E. Broadway. BY OWNER, 1920 CHANDLER TOURING. 95 PER CENT NEW. SACRIFICE $1495 IF SOLD TODAY: TERMS. MAIN 6646 OR MARSHALL 2105. FOR SALE; 1917 Reo 4-cyllnder, 6-pass., good mechanical condition, good tires and extra; a bargain for $500 cash. Ta bor 1741. 1918 BUICK 6 roadster, in first-class con dition, all good tires and lots of extras. Call owner. Tabor 10. or Knox at Broad way 1130 durl ng wee k. MAXWELL touring 1917; Al condition; good tires; must sell. A snap at $375. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. Automobiles Wanted. AUTOMOBILE WANTED. I have a Bullock caterpillar tractor 12-24, in good condition; 3-bottom 14-inch Oliver gang plow, nearly new; a 4-bot-tom 24-Inch disk plow, also a good disk and a cutaway disk; I want a good high class car, .roadster or not more than a 5-passenger. 1 will trade this whole out fit for a good high-class car. Address J. D. Gordon, Newberg, Or. 75 AUTOS wanted. If your price is right you can find a market for your car of all makes; also light trucks; bring them to Long & Silva's garage. East 8th and Hawthorne ave. before November 5. Phone East 6840. ' WANT light roadster or touring of rate model and In excellent condition. Have cash and expect a good buy. Will be in town Tuesday. Write AE 865 Oregonian. giving full particulars. RELIABLE business concern would like to rent Ford or other light car. without driver, for use on Wednesday, Friday and Saturdays. Address A 648, Ore- . gonlan, giving lowest terms. WANTED 50 light-weight and medium sized cars. If you want to sell your car, bring it here. A-l Auto Works & Paint ing Co.. 525 Alder. FOR SALE or trade, for good automobile worth $2000, four corner lots Hyde Park, Portland. Call E. Gevlashin. 8424 First street East. Room 35. BRING your cars to Jake's used car ex change if you want to sell. 28 N. 11th St., between Burnside and Couch. WANTED Ford truck; must be la first class shape, for cash; state price. Rob ert Schubert. Box 5. R. 3. Boring. Or. 60 ACRES timber near Tillamook. $1500; trade for late auto; mlgnt pay some cash. Sellwood 1480 after 6 P. M. WANTED Late Ford touring, must be bargain. Call juain oiiu, apt. o, o ao i P. M. only. No dealers. FORD 1919 or 20; must be less than $450. Call out of worltg nours. nil) uom ave. S. E. CASH for all makes of cars, condition no object. 415 tjiisan, cor, mtn. TRADE lot for cheap car. 1200 E. Grant. Motorcycles. MOTORCYCLES and parts, all makes. Eist Side Motorcycle co., -4o urana avenue. FOR SALE Harley-Davidson motorcycle with side car. gooa tires, price i-o. Address 1386 Garfield ave. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BlCYCLi3 TRx US. 204-zuo ou si aiAXjt oat". Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without drivers. Day or nignt service. COUCHMAN GARAGE, 19th and Couch. Bdwy. 3696. Remember our number,- Broadway 8096. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVER LANDS. HUDSONS. - LOWNSD ALEJ GARAGE. BROADWAY 2408. 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New 1920 models, reasonable rates. 132 12th st., between Washington and Alder. Broadway 840. AUTOS FOR HIRE Hudson cars, day and night service, any place; reasonable rates. Phone Main 855. ALTHOF & BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DH1VKKS. ARM X GARAGE, THIRD AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L. I. SULLIVAN a FASHION GARAGE. Mar. 232J10TH ANDYAMHILL. A 1236. 1920 6-PASS. BUICK FOR HIRE, WITH DRIVER. BROADWAY 8547. FOB SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. TRUCKS! -TRUCKS! All eisea and malces. each one overhauled and put In the bes-t possible condition. Our prices have all been reduced to the low est level and we give you LONG.. EASY TERMS. Chevrolet delivery, 1919.....$ 56 Federal, two-ton 600 1918 Ford delivery 350 Republic, one-ton 110O Republic express, special..... 850 Republic, 3 -ton 25O0 New 1-ton express bodies.... 75 New 1-ton stake bodies 123 These are only a few of our stock. We have many othens to choose from- It wLU pay you to investigate. These bodies will fit any 1-ton trucks. GRANNTNG & TREECE, 642 Alder St., Cor. 17th. Bdwy1. 17i3. DOES TOUR BUSINESS NEED A MOTOR TRUCK? We have some yery good buya In REBUILT TRUCKS. 1-ton Republic, mechanical con dition AL 1- ton Federal, good mechanical condition. 2- toh United Republic, excellent condition. 6-ton United Republic. -wheeler, only used 6 months, a good buy, 4-ton Kissel Kar, a good truck In good condition. We have a 2-ton Mack rebuilt in our own shop and is guaranteed ' same as a new one at a very attractive price. MACK-INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK CORPORATION. 10th and Davis Sts. Broadway 600. GRAVEL TRUCK, SH-ton dump body, in eooa conamon; can oe Dougnt very rea sonable; owner, private party. $10O0 cash will handle. BEE KING, BROADWAY 1572. TWO TRUCK bargains, 1 5-ton 1918 Stand ard truck with drop body, equipped for road work, A-l condition; used 5 moa. Only $2500. One 1918 1-ton Republic truck, with bed. Just overhauled, good tires, electric. Only $1200. Phone Main 73t4. Elite garage. FORD truck, gear drive, with open and closea Douies; tires almost new; a snap at $600. 30 Grand ave. North, near tiurnsiae. FORD 1-ton truck, 1918: truck adjust ment, gear drive; tires almost new; real bargain at $650. 30 Grand ave. N near nurnsioe. - iLAXWiJLL one-ton truck, cheap: too light for our wood haul : trial allowed Atlas Wood -Yard. 327 Front. FORD 1-ton truck. Come in and' see this. Broughton Motor Car Co.. 129-131 N. lot h st. FOR SALE 1-ton Ford truck, $200 cash or on terms. . 370 E. Morrison. East 2405. AUTO REPAIKXNO. FORD AND CHEVROLET SPECIALISTS. Our method, playing fair with every one. High-grade auto painting, repair ing, washing, storage, accessories; $75, 000 3-story VTireproof building. Commercial Motor Car Co.. East 7931. E. 11th and Burnside. GARAG E9. STORAGE for autos, fire-proof building. ' one 7-passenger Hudson .In good condi tion, for sale cheap. 781 First street. Main 5260. ' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. UP-TO-DATE BUYER. I pay the highest prices for second hand furniture, toolK, rags, old clothing and all kinds of junk. Call Main 734 and I WILL CLEAN UP YOUR HOME. LADIES Let the Vogue Apparel Exchanxa sell your used garments and furs. 403 Allsky bldg. Main 8132 WANTED Winchester or Remington pump 12-gauge. reasonable. P. . W. Rusco. Esst 8627. WE PAY the highest prices for second hand clothing, ladles' and men's. Phone ' Main, S207. Bea.Adler. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. SPOT CASH FOR DIAMONDS. 1 PAY SPOT CASH AND THE HIGH EST MARKET VALUE FOR DIA MONDS. NO AMOUNT IS' TOO LARGB FOR MB TO HANDLE. I AM COM MISSIONED BY A LARGE DIAMOND . CONCERN TO BUY ALL THE DIA MONDS OFFERED. MY LOCATION IS DOWN TOWN AND CONVENIENT. ALL BUSINESS IS STRICTLY CONFI DENTIAL. ERNEST DEEDS. 840 WASHINGTON ST. MAIN 817S. $12.80 TO $25.00. FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER, THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone in the city for suits, overcoats and shoes. Call Marshall 1229 or 253 Madison at near 3d at. Will call day or evening. 8.50 UP TO $25.00. GOLDSTEIN, THE- TAYLOR. PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC BROADWAY 8932. 245 Vl BURNSIDE. CALL MB BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE. BETWEEN 2D AND 8D. FURS. FURS FURS. Cleaning and alterations, any descrip tion. Use La France fur d'esslng for summer and save $100. Reasonable prices. LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO., 163 W. Park,' bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Main 6529. UP TO $85. 'FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We pay any price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d St.. N. W. cor. Wash. Main 9344. $7.50 TO $25. for men's used suits and overcoats. Call Goldbaum the Tailor, for good results. Will pay more and all it is worth for your cast off clothing. Phone Main 738. 167 FIRST ST.. NEAR MORRISON. WE WILL sell your fancy work, misfit or sugntiy worn suits, uresses, lurs. etc Only goods in first-class condition re ceived. Come and see us at 209Alisky bldg., corner 3d and Morrison. Auto. 218-41 evenings. OUR SPECIALTY is buying men's cast-off ciotning; highest cash prices paid; will call day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE, Marshall 3225. 209 Madison. WANTED A late model of Woodstock or underwood typewriter; state price and phone. AL 147, Oregonian. ELECTRIC motor, 1-6 horsepower, sec- ona nana, single phase. iib 3uth. Mr. Smith. JUNK.' rags, metals, old clothing, tools. aurniture, carpetss; good prices. jiiat 6171. jo HE ST SPOT CASH prices paid for dla- mmm a. ian Jiari a . vvaaa.. L SAFE Want small c?fice safe; g've size. price ana phone. H 114. Oregonian. WANTED Motorboat. 8-12 h. p. ; will pay casn. Acqreaa u. J. w nite. Sea p poose. WANTED Guinea pigs. Call Main '5005 juopaay. WANTED Small tents and flies. Call 'labor 4o03. Furniture Wanted. MARSHALL 6-9S1. GEVURTZ FURJJITURE CO. WE BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR NITURE FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO SAME DAY; HIGHEST PRICES PAID. WE ARE THE OLDEST. MOST RELIABLE HOUSE OF OUR KIND IN PORTLAND. GEVURTZ fTTRNITURE CO.. The Big Store. All under one roof. No branch stores 183 FIRST ST. Remember. 2 doors from Yamhill. CALL MARSHALL BS7. A. A a. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. BEFORE TOU SELL YOUR FURNI TURE, BE SURE AND CALL US. YOUR CALL WILL BRING OUR BUYER AT ONCE. WE PAY THE TOP PRICE FOR USED FURNITURE. CAR PETS. RUGS, ETC.; EVERYTHING IN HOUSEHOLD GOODS. WE ALSO BUY OFFICE FURNITURE. ALL CALLS ATTENDED -TO THE SAME DAY. CALL MARSHALL 587. A. & S. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 205-207 FIRST STREET. BETWEEN TAYLOR AND SALMON. CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE, CAR PETS. ETC. - YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO, 192 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 309. CASH FURNITURE CASH. We need used furniture, stoves, ranges, etc., to ship out of town. Will pay higher prices than other local dealers. Call us up for one article or a house full and a courteous, competent buyer will call. Main 7714. Rosenberg's Furni ture exchange. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household goods he fore you sell. We are in the market for same and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE, 208 FIRST ST. MAIN 7728. BE WISE. CALL MAIN 8931. WE BUY EVERYTHING IN FUR NITURE; WE PAY THE PRICE. 2O0 1ST ST, S. E. COR. TAYLOR. FREEMAN FURNITURE STORE. CALL MAIN 8878. We pay the highest prices for used furniture, see us oerore you sen. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. 887S MAIN, HOUSEHOLD furnishings and ruga for 6 rooms by piece or in quantity. Main H 1 TO IT IS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE and benefit . A e.ll vnii f il i-nl til r In un fall At ..-.all OHul rVnuvn h'lirnlillp. C n WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4627 or 166 FirBt at. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all points on household goods. Pacific Coast For warding Co, 9th-and Hoyt. Bdwy. 703. SELL US your furniture and rugs. Reliable Furniture Co.. 203 2d Et Main 7308. WE BUY USED furniture. For best results call Automatic 2ii-it, or ttast 2400. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 8332. EDUCATIONAL. LEARN AVIATION. EARN $75 to 300 WEEKLY. COMPLETE COURSES- AND training in flying and mechanics. In. structors all former govt, instructors. . NO BOND REQUIRED. FIRST AND ONLY EXCLUSIVH AERONAUTICAL SCHOOL IN NORTHWEST. DUD RE Y AIRCRAFT CO, 224 Morgan Bldg, Portland. Oreson. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Of course, you wish the best .possible training. That means that you wlil investigate this school, where you get thorough labora tory training and practically repair expo rience under experts. One high-grade instructor per each 12 students. Auto mobile, tractors, vulcanising. machine tralninc. j-,x-aervlce men get Oregon financial aid. Address Automotive Schools. Oregon Institute ox Technology, Sixth and Main sts.-. Portland. MME. PATTEN AUDE, school of cosmetics, scientific treatment of skin and scalp, marceling, hairdresslng and manicuring taught by efficient teachers; day and night classes. Have several positions waiting for finished operators. Students may enroll at tne BENSON IMPROVEMENT SHOP, Mezzanine Floor, Benspn Hotel. ELECTRICIAN ? You can become an elec trical engineer by attending the eleo trical engineering school of the Oregon Institute of Technology, day or night; practical laboratory training under ex perienced engineers; ex-service men get state financial aid. Phone Mr. Two- good, dean. Main HiOO. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. - Will teach you the trade in 8 weeks. furnish you a set or tools; some pay while learning. Positions secured. Ore run ex-service men. the course Is fm. to you. Write or call for particulars and catalogue. 2d surnuae st. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OB BEHNKE-WALKER Business college. Portland. 3nroll any time. idic6i.i'ui. i ' Banning, pooaagg-iiiis, bp., o.w.. r ito catalogue. OREGON BARBER CO. .EGE will teach vmi the trade in 8 weeks: scalo and r. massage specialty; tools free; positions . guaranteea; pay wnno learning; tuition "f,!,,,.,! Ihl. term. liHS Marii.nn pnRTF.AND Barber College teach .. barber trade in eight weeks, pays while learning; good set of tools given: posi tions secured: tuition reduced. 88 N. 2d st ROCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-asst. state supt. Algr, IN. w. mnn niQK. main 8276. T.KARN TELEGRAPHY Railwav T.i graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange OldS. . IS --".gpo. tktss MATTINGLY'S SHOETmvn TYPEWRITING SCHOOL. 269 14th, near Jefferson; $6 a month. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. Main 6274. Broadway bldg. OREGON law school. Aiisky bldg, 8d and . i-loc. W. B. Richardson, sec Mala 9i 7. EDUCATIONAL, MEN WANTED. Wonderful Future. LEARN AUTO AND TRACTOR BUSINESS. The- coming year will be the biggest In the auto industry. Everywhere there will be a demand for trained men. our schools Successfully teach by practical experience every phase of the automobile, tractor, stationary and marine engine, tire vulcanizing and re treading, welding and brazing, every branch of battery and electric work ONLY FEW WEEKS REQUIRED. OUR GRADUATES GIVEN PREF ERENCE everywhere; UNLIMITED OPPORTUNITIES. LEADING AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIA TIONS t , indorse our school. The thoroughness or our methods and the completeness of our equipment. THE BIGGEST AUTOMBILE CONCERNS send their mechanics to our school fo special electrical training. These auto mobile concerns are constantly calling on us for graduates, because they know the type of men we turn out. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES NOW RUNNING. Call or write TODAY for FREE illus trated catalogue, which tells the com--plete story. ENROLL NOW and save money. The Hemphill schools are absolutely the largest chain of practical auto and tractor schools in the world. with branches in 16 cities in the U. S. and Canada. Beware of book schools and enroll in a practical school where you take the tools In your hands and get the real practical experience. State aid to former service men. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS, IN C, 707 Hawthorne ave, Portland. Or. $300 TO $500 A MONTH. If you are not earning this much why not? You are Just as good a man as hundreds of auto mechanics who make more than $100 a week. All you lack Is the training a thing you quickly can obtain at the Adcox Auto and Aviation school, which holds the world's record for graduating the largest per centage of students who make good In a big way. Investigate enroll pay no money until you are convinced that we'll deliver the goods in your own particular case. Nothing could be fairer than this could it? Our big $1.00 catalog, num ber 5. is free write for it or come and get a copy. - To Oregon ex-service men. our course is free. Adcox Auto and Aviation School. Union ave. and Wasco st, Portland, Or. FIRST AVIATION SCHOOL IN THE N. W. NOTICE TO AUTO MECHANICS. YOU CAN MAKE MORE MONEY IF , YOU LEARN AUTO ELECTRICAL WORK. We specialize in teaching ignition, starting and lighting, armature winding and testing. In fact every phase of auto electrical work; special night class starts Nov. 8th. For detailed information call evenings 7 to 9. ADCOX AUTO A AVIATION SCHOOL, UNION AVE. AND WASCO ST. FISK Teachers' Agency Jourcal bldg. Main 4835. Teaching positions, free re. HELP WANTED MALI WANTED. General superintendent for one of the largest fir car and cargo mills on the coast; must be A-l man, familiar with operation of such a mill; give fu!l and explicit details and salary expected. All replies strictly confidential. BJ 162. Oregonian. CARRIER wanted for Willamette Heights route. Apply City Circulation Depart ment, 203 Oregonian bldg. WANTED All-round, planing mill me chanic and fireman for retail planing mill IN SUNNY CALIFORNIA.. Prefer married man, 35 or 40 years old; give age. experience and references in ttrst letter; steady job at good pay for right party. Do not apply unless you are ca pable. AddreRa box O 175, Oregonian. ELLIOTT FISHER biiilng machine oper ator wanted, steady employment to right party.; prefer man accustomed to call system.-Apply Lowengart & Co, Whole- sale Millinery, Broad way at Burnside. WANTED Experienced bookkeeper; must be neat and accurate. Man under 30 preferred. Answer In own handwriting stating age. experience and local refer ces. BJ 123. Oregonian. WANTED Competent civil engineer for large railway logging operation; must be thoroughly experienced in rough country; state experience, references and salary In reply. AV 578. Oregonian. WANTED Active, capable choreman on hog ranch; steady job and good oppor tunity for right party. B. S. Grandon, 4 blocks from Sycamore station. Gres ham car. WANTED at once. Printer-editor who can set ads and is a good operator: steady position to right man; union shop; $39; position not strenuous; ideal home town Tidings. Ashland, Or. WANTED 2 single men to travel in crew as salesmen; previous experience un necessary: permanent, well-paid position for men able to qualify. See Ruthruff, Oregon hotel, after 10 A. M. today. WANTED Experienced life insurance ' man, one capable of managing office of general agent. All correspondence will be treated strictly confidential. K 158, Oregonian. PLASTERERS wanted for San Francisco. Work guaranteed. C. P. 1. A, local 60, conditions. Wages $11 per day. 8 hours. Apply Francis O'Reilly. 180 Jessie st, San Francisco. Cal. YOUNG MAN willing to do hard and heavy work out of the city for advance ment; good position and fine opportu nity; give age, reference and phone. T 162. Oregonian. ADVERTISING -solicitors, experienced only: weekly, monthly papers. Rand, McNally Pocket Guides; quick cash com-mi-wion. Clyde, 210 Stock Exchange. WANTED Three ex-service men for steady worn in cityj steady Job, good pay. Apply only today from 8 to 9 A.M.. room 519. Chamber of Commerce bldg. OPPORTUNITY for young man to secure good paying position If able to finance himself; only about J10O necessary. C J..', vregonian. LINOTYPE machinist-operator wanted for first-class country office; no think-they-are need apply. See Foster at Typo- grapnicai union -rooms, iLiregonian Dldg WANTED A-l dinner cook, out of city: new place; good salary to the right man; must have good references. BD 13ii. Oregonian. WANTED BOY FOR OFFICE WORK MUST BE OVER 16 YEARS OF AGE APPLY LANG & CO, 1ST AND AN- KENT. TEAM WANTED to haul wood out to the road, y, mii-8 haul: $1.50 a cord. In quire vvaraie cs -ampDeu hardware store, Carlton. Or. CLEAN-CUT young salesman; no experi ence necessary. Northwestern, 204 Hip podrome theater bldg. BAKER wanted, at once, to work in bak ery. Good wages. Address box 755, Newberg, Or. PICK and shovel laborers wanted. Port land Gas A Coke Co, 241 Flanders at. ' Apply between 3 and 5 P. M. I WANT Janitor for apartment house, sin gle man; gooa salary, steady position Call 502 Couch bldg. WANTED Active. industrious rmnrf boy in wholesale house. Apply Detmer Woolen Co, 148 5th st. WANTED Linotype operator. One able to care for his own. machine. HUB, Ce-ntralla. Wash. BUSH ELM AN. experienced, alterations, re pairs, remodeling; steady position. Reichart's. Corvallls. Or. WANTED Man to work for board on .ranch all winter; no milking. Tabor 4603. EXPERIENCED help in all departments. Apply in person at U. S. Cleaners, 180 Grand ave. MAN WANTED for washing silver. Uni versity club, 6th and Jefferson sts. WANTED Pal to go ranching with. W 130, Oregonian; WANTED Shoe repairer, wages $38 per week. W. M. Hayes. Grants Pass. Or. WANTED Bushelman tailor. R. M. Gray, 366 Washington. BOY over IS for Mght work. United Mfg. Co, 25th and Hol'.aday. EXPERIENCED cabinetmaker. Mfg. Co, 25th and Hoiladay. United MEN WANTED to distribute circulars at 331 East Morrison; call early. WANTED Elevator operator. Apply Ho tel Eaton. ERRAND BOY: chance to learn good busl nesa. Call 611 Gerlinger bldg. HELP WANTED MALE. MEN AND BOYS SEEKING EMPLOT- MENT. , . The place best equipped to assist you in finding employment is the Y. M. C. A. Employers go there for help because they know the "Y" appeals to the best type of men and bovs. Many firms have standing orders there for men with cer tain qualifications: perhaps you are fit ted for one of these places. Advisory and employment service Is absolutely free to ex-service men. All men seeking employment In cler ical, technical and commarcial lines and those who are ambitious to better their condition should see the Y. M. C. A employment secretary, room 307. "WHERE THERE IS ALWAYS DE MAND FOR CAPABLE MEN." WANTED Man who can find corners and line of land; prospector preferred. Call Tabor 4603. WANTED Combination cook's helper and dishwasher. Apply Multnomah Athletic club dining room. 5S1 Salmon st. Help Wanted Salesmen. SALESMAN WANTED. WE WANT A HARD-WORKING SALESMAN OF A STUDIOUS NA TURE. -NOT AVERSE TO SOLIC ITING BUSINESS IN ENGINE ROOMS, LOGGING CAMPS OR SAWMILLS, TO ACCEPT A POSI TION WITH US, MAKING HIS HEADQUARTERS IN SALEM. THE TERRITORY OPEN IS THE CREAM OF THE OREGON DIS TRICT WITH EARNING POSSI BILITIES PROPORTIONATE DI RECTLY TO EFFICIENT EF FORT. WE PAY STRAIGHT SAL ARY AND PROVIDE TRAVEL ING EXPENSE IN ADVANCE. OUR LINE IS A NATIONAL-ONE AND OUR SELLING POLICIES BROAD. IF YOU ARB NOT A REAL SALESMAN OF THE QUALIFICATIONS MENTIONED DO NOT ANSWER THIS AD. BC 19J, OREGONIAN. VE WANT men of energy who can quali fy as tq ability and characi.-r; men who wish to better themselves in a perma nent organization with an opportunity of advancement according to their own efforts and where they can increase their -earnings 120 ter cent or mnr, i'ill hn. tween JJ:30 and 11:30 A. M. or 7:30 and v -a-l, vw wilcox bldg. STOCK salesman wanted to sell stock in u,i,ijy t.nicn nas passed tne oiue sky law of the state of Oregon. You can make $1000 per mo. with this com pany. An opportunity like this may never come again. Investigate and be con vinced. See Charlie McLean, 432 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. WANTED First-class experienced auto mobile salesman to sell Buick and Chevrolet cars. Must be a producer. Right man can make big money In our line. Give qualifications and reference In first letter. Box 4!K. - Marshfield. Oregon. SALESMEN wanted; a ra live wire sales men to sell our line o celebrated cow boy boots either exclusively or as a side line to the retail trade. Have entire western territory open; commission basis only; state particulars in first letter. H. J. Justin & Sons, Nocona, Texas. WANTED One "ofthe largest" motor car firms in Portland distributing 4 lines of cars, desire the services of an ex perienced salesman. Answer in own handwriting, stating experience. Reply confidential. F 4. Oregonian. WANTED 2 salesmen with own car; pre fer men with some knowledge of auto electrical systems; unless you are a "live one" and accustomed to making from $12 to $20 per day don't answer: state your case in letter to BJ 14'), Oregonian. EARN $23 PERDAY. Wa-nted Three men to sell Perfection tires at half price. .Experienre not necessary. See salesmanager. Perfec tion Tire Co, 10th and Stark. WE HAVE a live opportunity for men of ability, steady employment, big money. See Mr. Gil-more. SI 8 Dekum bldg, be tween 8:30 and 11:30 A. M. SALESMAN, experienced or Inexperienced, by manufacturing concern. Call 6" North 23d st. WANTED Specialty ealesman; salary and commission. Electric Service Co, l'81 Tenth. Call from 3 to 5 P. M. only. SALESMEN, agents household necessity big field; investigate. Portland Brush Works. 109 Grand ave. WANTED Experienced stock salesman wanted at 68 North Sixth street, for ground floor work. EXP ERIE N C E D millinery salesman, north, west territory, exclusive line of trimmed hats. Elsie Trimmed Hat Co. SALESMAN to represent us In central and southern states. Call 62 '.4 N. 23d st. SALESMEN- Wonaerfui opportunity. Ua com Insurance &tll Corbett bldg. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Male and Female. ' MRS. L. V SCOTT, formerly director of employment for women with the federa: government, will secure employment for women 1 nail lines. Office 329 Henry bidg , cor. 4th and Oak sts. Bdwy. 4537 CALL and see our list of office and cleri cal positions for mate and female appli cants. Williams Employment Specialist. 504 Spalding Bldg. - Marshall 3153. CLERICAL HELP SERVICE. 431 Artisan bldg. Bdwy. 4490. All branches of exp. office help fur nlshed free to employers; prompt service. MR. FARMER. If you want any cordwood cut or land cleared, write us or call Bdwy. 5286. Star Employment Agency. 24 N. 2d st. EXPERIENCED office help furnished by Business Men's Clearing House. 1015 Wilcox bldg. Main 7496. EXP. STENO, $100; compt. oper, $30; typist, $73. 338 N. W. bank bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Ambitious young woman will ing to work, by an educational associa tion. Must have at least high school education. Good salary. Permanent. May go to California If desired. AL 149, Ore gonian. WANTED Three capable, reliable young women for permanent position with local concern: no particular experience neces sary if quick to learn. Apply only 9 to 11 A. M. today, room 517, Uhamber of commerce bldg. PUBLIC stenographer, free rent end use of full equipment for services: moving in new rooms opposite elevators; excel lent opportunity. Investigate. 806 Henry bldg. APPLICATIONS will be received from young women, aged 20 to 35, for wood working factory at St. Johns; good pay and steady employment. A.B 392. Ore gonian. , LADIES 9 for work that will keen von outside from 2 to 4 hours a day and bring in splendid dividends. 627 Cor bett bldg. YOUNG WOMAN to work evenings In light lunch room; one who can do some paltry work. Klee's Oasis, S'J Broadway. Call Detween a ana it p. al WIDOWER wants lady to help with work morning and evening; board and room and small wages; one working will do; west side, close in. c 12U, oregonian. ANY GIRL In need of a friend apply to tne baivatlon Army Rescue Home. May fair and Alexander streets. Phone Main 34.10, DM CAR. WANT woman to work in laundry in in stitution. Call 1064 Woodward ave, or pnone r.ii-.o. LADY to help wash dishes and help in small wairie nouse; $11 per week. 40$ E. Morrison. - TWO LADIES for house-to-house canvas sing; no selling. Call room 305 132 Tenth street, between 10 and 12 Monday. WANTED Night cook In small lunch room. Must be experienced. Call after 11 A. M. 22a N. 23d st. EXPERIENCED helD in all departments: apply in person at U. S. Cleaners, ISO tirant ave. STENOGRAPHER, good salary and eood future; state experience and phone num ber. AG &3, oregonian. NEAT young ladles for sales work: no ex perience necessary. northwestern, 204 Hippodrome theater p:qg. THE FLORENCE Crittenton Home is ready to help any girl in distress. 955 East Gllsan. "mv- car. mast 318. CHAMBERMAID . living near 735 Hoyt street; hours 8 to 2 P. M. ; $45 and lunch. Mam $:iuu. EXPERIENCED fancy hand Ironer wanted; steady w-ork, good pay; $18 to $20 per ween.. -ik 1 , vicauiiiuu. GIRL wanted. Penny Arcade, 26 North Third sk EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. 26 N. 2d St. WANTED Experienced waitress at 24 i IN. -11 sc.; union "afira. WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Athens hotel. 44!J Morrison. GIRL for general housework in Irvington. East 1369. WANTED Teachers for misKion school. Apply liQhb 1st at, i:;m p. m. WAITRESS waattd. 35 North Fifth st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. ANY OPERATOR (Employed by the company) WILL TAKE YOUR APPLICATION. EARN $90O FIRST YEAR. Much Higher After Thau $nu FIRST MONTH. Regular and Frequent Increases. Rapid Advancement. GIVE YOUR APPLICATION TO ANY OPERATOR EMPLOYED BY THE COMPANY OR CALL AT Room 601. 6th floor. Park and Oak streets. Telephone bldsf. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH CO. WANTED THREE EDUCATED WOMEN FOR PERMANENT TRAVEL ING POSITIONS. Sales manager of successful nationally known Chicago corporation is in Port land at Imperial hotel to interview three or four competent, well-educated - women with view to adding them to our regular sales organization. Applicants must apply in person and must be over 27 years of age, have at least hlrch school education, free to travel extensively. Preference give-) to those who are self supporting and who have a sincere de sire to succeed and advance themselves; experience unnecessary, as you will be given careful training. No Investment: pleasant work with opportunity for ad vancement. Salary and railroad faro from start. Bona fide proposition that will pay $70 per week. Call In person between 10 A. M. and 3 P. M. No tele phone calls. B. B. GOOCH. IMPERIAL HOTEL. EXPERIENCED SALESWOMEN FOR WAISTS. STATIONERY AND GENERAL DEPARTMENTS. Apply employment bureau before 10:30. L1PMAN. WOLFE Sc CO. BUTTONHOLE OPERATOR. Experienced girl for Singer button hole machine. We can place a few good experleneed operators on shirts and overalls. Apply at office of Mt. Hood Factory, 233 Couch street, corner Second. EXPERIENCED TOY SALESWOMEN. Apply Miss Gllbauglu. Picture Depart ment, 7th Floor. L1PMAN, WOLFE & COMPANY. BY LARGB WHOLESALE HOUSE EX PERIENCED FILING CLERK. MUST HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF SWITCH BOARD TO BE ABLE TO DO RE LIEF WORK. ANSWER STATING AGE, EXPERIENCE. EDUCATION, REFERENCES AND SALARY EX PECTED. X 13. O R EGO N 1 AN. THE NORTHWESTERN division. Ameri can Red Cross, needs graduate nurses to act as instructors of home hygiene classes throughout Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Call In person or write to Bureau of Instruction, Red Cross, 315 University, Seattle. COOK wanted for fraternity at O. A- C. AV oil, ureconian. Wanted Domestics. GIRL for general housework; countiy place; nice home for a good girl who is thoroughly reliable and honorable; must be fond of children and willing to give good help in return for good wages; reliable references required. Write P. O. box 0U7. Kelso, Wash. WANTED Housekeeper for widower with two boys 12 to 14 years old; no washing or bread baking; a sensible, reliable woman who can assist with telephone and office work; permanent to right party; state wages. James Henderson. Cascade Locks. Or. WANTED Girl for cooking and down stairs work; no laundry work: good wages: must be experienced and furnish references; no other need apply. Wdln. 2.1115. COMPETENT woman or girl for general housework, small family, Irvington; good wages right, person; must be good cook. Phone after 10 A. M, Marshall 604. WANTED Girl for general housework; experience in , cooking not necessary. Broadway car. Phone Woodlawn 4311. 83.1 Glenn ave. N. GIrtL tor general housework; no furnace. Call between 10 and 1 P. M. Grace apts, apt. 1, 24th and Northrup sts. Marshall 1U75. WANTED Experienced housekeeper, not over 40, for small family where adults are employed; good pay, good home. 44 4 Park st- WANTED Reliable young woman to as sist with general housework; no washing. Phone East 7618. WANTED A school girl to assist with housework, 3 adults in family. 6S3 Hancock. East 650. WANTED- A girl t assist with light housework; good home and good wages. Call Marshall 4565. NICE home, reasonable salary, for as sistance with home and two children. 1. A. Norton. Bdwy. 274. Fenton bldg. GIRL for general housework: one who likes children; no washing, no cooking; wages $35, 1078 E. Gllsan, WIDOW to keep house for widower with 2 boys in school: moderate wages and good home. C 128. Oregonian. WILL give man and wife good home. Wife to care for home, everything furnished. No salary. Call 295 West Park. GOOD girl for general housework; ns washing; good wages; must like chil dren. East 3100. YOUNG girl to assist wtlh housework, small family; $25. Apply 5l8 E. 24th St. N. Broadway car. East 1070. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, no cooking. 735 Irving st, near L3ri. EXP. GIRL to help with general house Work; 2 In family. East 5:t3. GIRL, general housework; good wages if competent; teach if willing. E. 4085. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE, BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, perma nent position; give experience and sal ary expected. P. O. box 817, Astoria. WANTED Bushelman, man or woman. Call 269V4 Burnside. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. AUTO painter; here's an opportunity to be your own boss: employ others. Have a steady income; established business with small investment. It you have ambition to get up, answer this. 851 East Oak st. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. EXPERIENCED auto washer and Boor man wishes job in garage. Phone WoocU ' lawn 6261. YOUNG MAN who Is willing to work and learn, wishes position in some advert ising concern. H 196. Oregonian. PLACE for watchman. 13 months In last place, best of references. 6021 37th ave, S. E. GEO. H. HERREN, electrician, bell and enunciator work a specialty. 525 Mill at. Main 5024. Portland. Or. CESSPOOL and se-wers connected and dug Cement work. Call Main1818, Miller. COLLEGE student desires work after 5 p. M. evenings. AR 121, Oregonian. WANTED Job driving truck or helper Phone Main 0602. apt. 4. " FIRST-CLASS dragsaw man wants work. L, 145. Oregonian. CARPENT ER New and repair work, all branches Do It now. East 8396. PAINTING, decorating. Call Lapp, Willis & Co. Phone Wdln. 2497. 1U1S FIRST-CLASS all-around cook. u. it . 4. 52 E. 6th st. N. "" PAINTING, tinting, paper-hanging. Phone Automatic 324-28. WANTED Land clearing to do by con tract. W 181, Oregonian. HANDY man wanted, a position houaa cleaning, etc. P 152, Oregonian. ALL-AROUND young colored man wishes jolis. night or day. Broadway 3697. BAKER'S helper wants position with good pastry cook. BC 109, Oregomaa. i-1