THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1920 17, IX'XKKiL NOTICES. EDWARDS At the family residence. 49 E. 12th. il N.. October 30, Georga I. Edwards, an 57 years 1 month 27 days, beloved husband of Ivie J. Edwards, father of Charles Robert, Ruth and Saiher Edwards, all of this city. Broth er of Charles Beury Edwards of Wey mouth. Ohio. The funeral services will be conducted from the conservatory chapel of the East Side Funeral Direc tors. 414 E. Alder, tomorrow (Monday). November 1, at 3 P. M. Services at the grave will be conducted under the au spices of the Sellwood Masonic lodge, ' of which the deceased was a member. Friends invited. Interment P.ose City cemetery. SKENE In this city, October 30, Edith M. Skene, aged 51 years, beloved mother of airs. Lucille Skene Godskesen of Port land and sister -of Mrs. L. H. Grau of Austin, Minnesota, Mra. C Swart Woudt of Dundas, Minn.. Mrs. Leslie Orr of Hughson, Calif., Harry Thleibar of Pu eblo, Col., Samuel Thlelbar, Stockton, Calif., Fred Thielbar of Great Falls, Mont., Alfred Thlelbar of Dundas, Minn., John' Thielbar of Dundas. Minn. Funeral services will be held Tuesday, November ; 2 at the chapel of Miller & Tracey at 2 P. M. Interment Mt Scott cemetery. She was a member of Degree of Honor, also of the Methodist church. Friends invited. CHRISTENSBN The funeral services for the late Most Chrlstensen will be held Tuesday, Nov. 2, at 2 o'clock P. M.. at the Pythian temple. West Park and Yamhill sis., under the- auspices of the Oreg. Com. No. 1. K. T. Friends in TiteoX Concluding services Portland Crem atorium vault under auspices of B. P. 0. K. No. 142. The remains are at Fin ley's, Montgomery at 5th. BAYLI5S In this city. Oct. 30. Goldle Bayliss, aged 12 years, daughter t Mrs. H. C. Dewitte, sister of Alice Dewitte. The funeral services will be held at the conservatory chapel of the East Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder St.. at 1 P. M. Monday, Nov. 1. Friends invited. Interment Mount Park cemetery. UNGLEY In this city, Oct. 29, James W. 1. angley, a member of Mountain lodge No. lt3, I. O. O. F. The remains will be shipped to Drain. Or., by the East 6id Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder St., at &:30 A. M. Monday, Nov. 1, where serv ices will be held and Interment made. HARRISON The funeral service for the late Louisa E. Harrison, wife of Richard Harrison of 305 ltth St.. will be held this (Monday) morning at lO o clock at Fin ley's, Montgomery at 5th. Friends In vited. Concluding service, Mt. Scott cemetery. - FUNERAL CABS. LIMOUSINES for runerai services. JONB6 AUTO LIVERY. MARSHALL 114. ITNERAl DIRECTORS. EDWARD HOLM AN & SON " FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Third and Salmon streets. Main 507. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Serrice for Lesa. Independent Funeral Directors. Washington street, between 20Ui and 21st streets. West Side. Lady Assistant. Main 2691. Auto. 678-83. Dunning & McEntee tl'NEKAL DIRECTORS. Now locateU in their new residential funeral home, Morrison at l'ith. West Side. Phone Bdwy. 430, Auto. 545-54 The Funeral Home of Refinement and Distinctive Service. Note We have no branches nor any Connection whatever with any . other undertaking firm. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home. 16th and Everett strets. Phone Broadway 12133. Automatic 521-38. J. P. FINLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9. Montgomery at Fifth. DOWNING & McNEMAR The Residential Funeral Home. 441 Multnomah st-, Irvington Diat. Bait M. BAST SIDE FUNERAL DIRECTORS. (F. S. Dunning, Inc.) "The family set the price." 414 Kast Alder. . AD 7CI I CD Pfl 692 Williams Ave. i Hi .ELLtn llUt Phone East 1088. CyCACe UNDERTAKING CO. OM.HLO Third and Clay. Main 4162. f T"vp7ni E. Eleventh and CI a y. . i-t- j-dEiXi-KjXl East 781. Tabor 1833. A. D. KEN WORTHY & CO.. HSOe-04 92d st.-, Lents. Tabor 5267. XI I T.-1 T? "7 T71 S. ewriAT- 1047 Belmont. UUUUillJ IX. kJiX lUll JJ. lOfiJi. H 1548 moxcwejits. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 8 Fourth St.. opp. City Hall. Ncu Bros. E BLAESING GRANITE CO. I P-T THIBO AT WAOISQM STREET 1 FLORISTS. Smith's Flower Shop Portland's prorwT florist. We spe cialize In funeral designs. 141 Sixth, opposite Meier A Frank's. MaJn 7213. . MARTIN & FORBES CO. yiorfts, 854 Washington. Main 2f. Flowers for all occasions, artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists. 287 Morrison St. Main 7709. Fine flowers and floraj de signs. No branch stores. TONSETU FLORAL CO.. 2JT-7 Washington t., bet. 4th and 0th. Main 6102. A 1101. NEW TODAT. ALAMEDA NEW BUNGALOW JTTPT FTXISHrTD. OPEN FOR TN SI'KCTIONJ. UP TO DATE IN ALL DKTAILS. WHITE ENAMKL WOOD WORK. BEST WALL, PAPER. GASCO FURNACE, RUI-I WATER HEATER FOUR BEDROOMS. PRICE $9800. SEE THIS TODAV. 64 OLENN AVENUE. Is EAR BKYCJ2. PHONE EAST 4167. IRVINGT0N BARGAIN THIS MODERN BUNGALOW IN IRV 1NOTO.VS MOST SELECT LOCATION AT A REAL BARGAIN. HAS 8 ROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH. TWO BATHS AND GARAGE. PRICE $7800. ' EASY TERMS. OPEN FOR INSPEC TION. 4S3 EAST TWENTIETH ST NORTH. NEAR THOMPON. PHONE EAST 4167. . " Edward E.Goudey Co, MORTGAGE! LO.tXS tJnlted States Bank Building; OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY investigates all cases of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room 160 courthouse. Phone Main 378 from 8 A. M. to 6 P M. The society has full charge of the city pound at Its home. 535 Columbia bou levard. Phone any time Woodlawn 764. Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals cared for. All dead animals, cows, horse, to picked us free of charge. NEW TODAT. -ia.- t. . t y at h . Houses Garages BEDIMADB Owners Are REDIMADB Booster Our buildings are made of the very best materials. They are attractive, look good in any neighborhood and YOU GET THEM AT A GREAT SAVING. Made in -foot sections. Erected In Portland or shipped any where. REDIMADE BUILDING CO. East Uth and Market Streets PORTLAND. OREGON Phone East 6114. A BARGAIN LADD'S" ADDITION $8750 Modern residence situated on Ladd avenire. near Central Park, is offered today at a price to in sure quick sale on account owner just ordered east. Every thing you would expect to find in a nice home and the entire interior recently refinished like new. Three large, light bed rooms and sleeping: porch on second floor Price includes new linoleum and fine combination kitchen range worth $280. Don't miBS this chance to buy a real home in the best close-in resi dence district of Portland. LADD ESTATE COMPANY Marshall 5454 24a Stark St. Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver ) Old Rues and Woolen Clothlnsb tie Make Reversible. Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS Boom-Slu Flo ft Rasa Waves. $170. Rag Rna;s Woven Alt Slse. Clot bra Cleaning and Dyeing Depta. Mail uirc Send tor Booklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning xl3 Rags, Steam Cleaned, $1M tttHHK.V KLtFK HUU CO 64 Union Ave. N. Phoneat iuiu oOlo and Eaat 786 LADIES, WE CALL F"OR YOUR OLD CARPETS, Rags and Woolen Clothing. FLUFF RUGS ' All Work Turned Ont Promptly. Ragr Rugs Woven All Sizes. Mall Ordera. - Send for Booklet. Carpets Cleaned, Laid and Refitted. northwest nva CO lhS East 8tb St. Phone East S3SO. FOR SALE Men's Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods Store A good groins and paylnjr business, an exceptional opportunity and a splendid buy. Write BSO Dunne Street, ASTORIA, OR. Mortgage Loans Lowest Interest rates i Installment re payments it desired. Building loaaa wade.- So delay la eloaanafe , A. H. B1RRELL CO. 117-219 Northwestern Bank lloiluMna Marshall 4114. REAL ESTATE. .For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. TWO-FLAT, house, four rooms each, "now renting $72.50 month, $4800. $-1200 cash, balance $50 per month Including inter est. Call Tabor 7950; no agenta. , For Sale Lots. LAURELHURST PICK UP. Beautiful comer lot, containing about 900U square feet of ground; will be sold at one-half original cost. Some other snaps: Two Inside lots, fine location,? for $1900; all improve ; ments paid. Call at office, E. 39th and Glisan ots., or phone Tabor 3133. Evenings. East 7738. FOR SALE Great bargain, two vacant lots In Portland, lot 14, block 41, Capitol Hill, and lot 0. block 2, Gordon Place. Owner, S. Wentkowskl, 1547 Milwaukee ave., Chicago, 111. LOT IN Hynes, Cal., near Los Angeles, value $450. as first payment on bouse And lot in Portland. Address 1. B. Ander son, 408 Uelmont St., Portland. Or. FOR SALE 80x100 on northwest corner Ainaworth and Boston avenues; $1000, easy terms. Phones: Office. Main 4,835; res.. Sell wood Sitfl. I HAVE 1 VS. acres naar Peninsula school and car line. Will make 7 large lots. Will sell very cheap. Leaving the city. Bdwy. 12 weekdays: Wdln. 45S8 evenings. LOT fOR SALE 4th, near Brazee; tuau, - where lots Bell at tlSOO. Pbone llain 4341 week days. IRVING PARK Lot 50x100: all clear, for $2C0; leaving for east baturday. Cost rue $700. Tabor $5950. ROSB CITY PARK lot, $525; 88tb st- near Sandy road. Tabor 6441. PRETTY R. C. Parir lot, paved street; sacrifice price $57-5. Owner, Tabor 3825. For Sale House OH BOY! . LOOK! READ! .$500 DOWX $40 PER MONTH $40. Strictly modern new 6-room bunga-low furnace, hardwood floors, street im provements paid; Irvlnglon car; price today, f.YJOO; worth JMOO; unlocked. 8-1 K. ifctn st. i,ast 4'tuu. $23 00 SACklFi-S sale. 6 rooms. Tvi stories: 3- blocks soutb Mt. Tabor car: all newly painted and papered. Full line new plumbing. IMMEDIATE POS SESSION. See owner. 601 Worcester bldf. Main 727. I HAVE3 some very good buys In Haw thorne; if interested in tbat district see , me. F. L. BLANCHASD. 401-3 Swetland Bldg. Phone Mar. 829. HAWTHORNE, 6-room bungalow; garage; steam beat; fireplace; hardwood floors old ivory finish; full basement; laundrv trays. Mar. 8B93. EXX.-ROOM. $2200. 00 Lb at. Auto. 320-18. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ONXT $500 DOWN. 43D STHAWTHORNB CAR LIN El. A well-constructed f-room bouse with full cement basement, fur nace; located on corner lot, w-tb. both streets pavjd and paid fcr; ' -will sell on straight contract (Just - likerent); no mortgages to as sume; price only $4500. If you are interested In property in Haw thorne district you-will buy this place immediately.' 3. L. HABTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bids. Main 208. WESTOTEB. JFTNB VIEW, LARGE GROTJXDS, BEAUTIFUL SHRUBS, STRICTLY MODERN RESIDENCE, ENTRANCE HALL, LARGE LIVING ROOM WITH FIREPLACE, SUN PARLOR, DINING ROOM AND KITCHEN FIRST FLOOR. 8 BEDROOMS, BATH SECOND FLOOR, MAID'S ROOM AND BATH THIRD FLOOR, HARDWOOD FLOOR8. FINE BASEMENT. HOT-WATER HEATING PLANT HEATED BY GAS. LARGE OARAGE. FOR FEW DAYS CAN BELL FOR THIRD LESS THAN IT WOULD COST TO DUPLICATE TODAY, SHOWN ONLY BY APPOINTMENT. POI.NDBXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800 EAST 677L ROSE) CITY PARK. 7 ROOMS, DEN, GARAGEJ. Artlsticaliykrranged. oak floors, - tapestry papered, mahogany and leaded-glass bullt-lns; 2 bedrooms on each floor; both bath and shower room; a sacrifice buy at $aoo. TERMS. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, a Chamber of Commerce Bldg. i, Main 208. - $1000 CASH REQUIRED. VALUE $12,600. SALE PRICE $9000. ENGLISH COLONIAI , IN LAURELHURST. One Block From Park. Less than one year old; corns out today and look at this bar gain. Key at Laurelhurst tract office, E. 39th ana Glisan sts.. or pbone for auto. Tabor 3433. Eve nings, East 773a A1LAMEDA PARK. Beautiful 6-room bungalow in one of the most popular districts in the city. Living room, music room, den, large din ing room, buffet, Dutch kitchen, bard wood floors, sleeping porch, furnace; corner lot; garage; every modern con venience. For quick sale, $7350. MRS. SNOW, -Mar. 3888. HERE IS A BUY. HAWTHORNE CAR. NEAR S5TH ST. A 9-room house completely furnished; lot 300x100, Improvements In and paid; present income $116 per month: the furniture could not be bought for less than $2000. The house would cost $lo,- 000 to build. Price if sold this week $&00; $1300 cash, balance easy at 6 per cent.' See us about this. Shown only by appointment. COVER & GREGORY, 1 Grand Ave. Corner Ankeny. , IRVTNGTON. Best part East 23d street North; en trance hall, very large living room, din ing room, kitchen first floor; three fine bedrooms, sleeping porch and bath sec ond floor; large attic, full basement, furnace, garage, hardwood floors, white enamel fiui&b. Shown only by appoint ment. POINDEXTER, 208 Selling Bldg. Main 1800. East 6771. HTGH-OLASS .HOMES. T nave for sale some of the finest nom3 In the city. If you 'are in the market for a high-class home In any district be sure and see my listings be fore buying. MRS. SNOW. Mar. 3989. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. 8-tm. Colonial home. Almost new. Modern conveniences through out; 50x100 lot; exclusive district; on west side; beautiful view. Price only $6500. Mis. Lucius, Tabor T &ostt. Is'o agents. EASY TERMS. -Homes of all kinds. We have them. $100 down and up, try us. Office U133 Foster road. Automatic 261-11 or Tabor . 14S3. after 6 P. M. K. WILCOX tc COh ., $7500. Corner lot, 100x100, with two-story modern home, living room, dining room, den, kitchen, hardwood floors, fireplace downstairs; three bedrooms, sleeping porch, bath second floor; large attic, full size concrete baaeroent. hot-water heat, garage; terms half cash. rOlNDHXTBtt, 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 1800. Residence East 6771. MUST SELL. 5-ROOM BUNGALO". Breakfast nook, fireplace, bullt-lns. attic, garage, 2 lots, fruit trees, l.uuse about 6 years Old, price $:I650, terms. Owner leaving city. 3551 65th St., near Powell Valley road. J. J. OEDER. 4 Grand ave., N., near E. Ankeny. A LA M EDA. NEW BUNGALOW. 3nt finished; open for Inspection; up to date In all details: white enamel wood work, best wall paper, Gasco furnace, Ruud water heater; 4 bedrooms; price $9Si0. See this today. 824 Glenn ave., near Bryce. Phone Ka?rt 4167. $300 CASH $500 CASH $500. Neat 5-room plastered bungalow; ce ment floor In basement, first-class plumbing, ground 100x100, 6 young fruit trees, one block to car; a splendid buy: price $2900; terms to suit. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Com merce. $4200 FOR - a fine double house on E. 10th, near Frewcott: 2 baths, 2 toilets, 2 sets wash trays: furnace; lot of built 1ns; fine lot with fruit: $1000 cash; a fine Investment: Investigate. F. L. BLANCHARD. 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Phone Mar. 029. 6UNNYSIDB BARGAIN. $3000 for a 5-room partly furnished, with basement, bath and toilet In first class condition; room tor garage; $1000 cash. F. L. BLANCHARD. 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Pbone Mar. 829. $4500 ROSE CITY PARK $4S00. '' By owner, nifty 5-roojn modern bun galow on corner, hardwood floors throughout. cement basement. waah trays, furnace. 1 block te Sandy: lipht and cheerful as it can be, 327 E. 41st st. N. Pbone Tabor S341. " ROSE CITY PARK, $5500. 5-room bungalow, almost new, with breakfast nook, hardwood floors, fire place and furnace, etc.; $1000 down, bal , ance to suit. 612 E. 4th N., between Sts.nton and Alameda drive. JRVINGTON- BARGAIN. This modern bungalow in Irvington'e most select 'location at a real barcaln; has 8 rooms, sleeping porch, 2 baths and garage; price $7800, easy terms; open for inspection. 483 East 2uth st. North, near Thompson. East 4107. $2500 FOR a good 0-room with bath, toi let, basement, lot 50x100, paved streets and sewer: only 15-mile ride from center of city; this is a snap and only $700 cash. F. L. BLANCHARD. 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Phone Mar. 82!. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. Beautiful 6-room modern home, locat ed on 5Hd St., on corner lot 50x100 east front; all latest-styles bullt-lns. all im provements in and paid, and the uric is right. East 8038. " STARK STREET SNAP. Five-room cottage, fine lot wltb lawn. If you want a snap to fix up and make some money on, don't miss tbis; only $2350; small payment down, balance like rent. Main 1166. HAWTHORNE bungalow, hardwood floors Xlrepiace, jjuicn aitcnen, oreakrast nook, cement basement, wash trays, garage full sized lot. Call Sunday; no agents' no commission paid. 382 E. 43d at. ST. JOHNS home of 5 rooms, modern; lot luuxiou. jwitn I oeanng rrult trees; $2300: $200 down: balance easy. Rice & Tabe Co.. 107 K. Jersey st. Colum bia 887. LAURELHURST New colonial home; white enamel finish, . mohogany trim, French doors, all butlt-ins, fireplace, fur nace, full cement basement, garage. Own er and builder. Tabor 9452. rose city park! 1-430 Alameda drive, modern house hardwood floors, sleeping porch, full ce ment basement. Fox furnace with coila Immediate possession. Tabor 5604. 9-ROOM Hawthorne, bungalow: hardwood floors; built-lns; cement basement; laun dry trays. Mar. 3UU3. 1 t REAL ESTATE. WEST SIDE. BBVEX-ROOM HOMB. Ground 4oxaOO: 812 Johnson. Bar 2-4tb: can be .seen by appointment; $62)0. GEO. D. CHALK, Main 392. 22S Stark St. . $12,500 WORTH $25,000. Ootng south, want to sell quickly magnificent 8-room" low rambling style bungalow, none equal in construction: - fireplace, two baths (one with shower), sun and breakfast rooms, den French doors and windows, beamed cetldngs, plastered basement, cetled attic, best hot water heat, large porch, 200x125 ground, native trees, double garage, paved street; a beautiful country place and right In Rose City Park; $2500 cash will handle. Owner. Tabor 1795. IKVIN'UTO.N- REAL BARGAIN. $6500. Owner leaving for south, will sell perfect 6-room home, large Irving room, 2 fireplaces, dining room, best Ivory. H. W. floors; three bedrooms, large closets amd fine bath; Ruud neater. linoleum; jot one cent to spend; home Is In per fect condition; lot 60x125; best foliage; wonderful garden. $1000 and $50 per month. FINE GARAGE. MCDONELL EAST 419. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW $4750. 5-room California bungalow, furnace, fireplace, buffet, built-in cabinet kitchen; 2 bedrooms; old Ivory through out; lot 50x100;- garage; paved street and all city Improvements Included in price; on Sacramento street below the hill; price $4750, about $1500 cash, balance to suit; photo at our office; shown by ap pointment. . GRUSSI BENNETT. " - gT9-821 Board of Trade. Main 7452. OUR Dutch colonial home. Irvington dis trict: 7 rooms and sun room: tiled bath, hardwood floors throughout, ivory wood- work all over the house; 2 fireplaces. 2 sets of plumbing, full cement basement, laundry trays and gas heater; winter fuel all in; that goes with house: lawn all in, front and backi- nice garage with cement drive; we have lived in this home 90 days; have changed our plans; will sell $3350 down, balance long term. By owner. Automatic 32S-22. ' $750 DOWN. ELEGANT HOME, E, 31ST AND MAIN. Comer, 150 ft., paving, sewer, llena an paid ; 7 lovely, sunny rooms, perfect con dition: furnace, fireplace, full cement basement, laundry trays, double garage: 2 short blocks tp car: price reduced 'to $4!50; a positive sacrifice; rent-like terms. 934 E. Main. . COLONIAL HOME. Irvington beauty, center hall, living with fireplace, French doors to dining, with sideboard, Dutch kitchen, 8 large bedrooms, fine basement, good furnace, going to California, immediate posses sion. Only $5250; terms $1000 cash, $50 per month. EAST 1347. ROSE) CITY PARK BUNGALOW. A Little Beauty. 5 rooms, up to the minute in erverr particular, hardwood floors throughout: garage; one block to car line. For par ticulars call Mrs. Sno, Mar. 3!S9. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. A fine modern respectable 6-room and sleeping porch; large living room and dining room with French doors between; In mahogany end ivory with hardwood floors; lot with-garage, only $7500. This is a bargain. F. L. BLANCHARD. 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Phone Mar. 829. OWNER must sell good 7-room house with hardwood floors, plpeless turnace, full cement basement, with laundry trays and fj-ult closet, garage, lovely yard with white fence In back: 5 tons briquettes electric washing machine, electric sewing " machine, vacuum cleaner and gas range go with place if wanted. Call at 1279 East 31st North. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn burden into Income f We design and build apartments, garages residences, anything: furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years. We offer SECURITY. SERVICE, SATISFACTION L. R. Bnliey Co.. 924 N. W. Bank bldg. 6-ROOM house, full basement, furnace, laundry, dining and sleeping porches, open fireplace In sitting room, hardwood floors; all city conveniences; at Mt. Zion, just outside city limits: large lot; $7000, easy terms. . John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. A NICE HOME. -' Lot 50x100. a seven-room house that cannot be built today for $6000. Walk ing diatance, two car linea, east aide $6500, terms. GEO. D. SCHALK, 228 Stark St. Main 892. 7-ROOM bungalow, bath, electric lights and gas. Dutch kitchen, built-ins in din ing room, cement basement, laundry trays,. 2 good-stxed lots, paved street on Sellwood car line, $4500 cash. 741 Mll waukie. Apply 631 Milwaukie. Sellwood 1289; $1950 5-ROOM modern cottage, gas, elec tricity, hard-surfaced, streets, sewers lot 40x100; Vz block of Olisan-st. car Have cut the price to getsome money. See J. P. McKenna, Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6493. . ONLY $3l5tL 6-room modern home, full basement, sleeping porch, white-enameled kitchen! hardwood floors. fireplace, built-ins, good garden, berries. 270 E. 70th street. Tabor 8043. - FOR SALE BY "OWNER Modern 6-room t bouso and garage. Rope City Park. All street improvements In and paid. On terms. Take $3500 to handle. For fur ther Information address J J90, Ore gonian. $6500 6-ROOM modern home In Laurelhurst;- lot 50x100, $2500 canh. if Vou want a home, look at this Monday ee P. McKenna, Belmont at 39th Tabor 6493. ' BARGAIN' Niftiest bungalow In Waver leigh Heights, overlooking city, close ln fine district; 7 rooms, complete in every detail; a big snap at $5500. Phone Sell wood 37. IRVINGTON HOMB. H BLOCK KNOTT One block Irvington car and school' 7 beautiful rooms; glass S. P. $7'00 i some furnishlnns. K.y terms. " ' McDONELL EAST 419. VACANT. $2750 BY OWNER. NO COMMISSION Brand new 4-room bungalow 'near Wdln. car; a bargain at your own terms Tabor n.-,S6 or Tabor 4314. terms. $1350 FOR a 8-room, lot 80x120 with fruit and garden, only $250 ,canh; balance monthly. F. Tz. BLANCHARD. 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Phone Mar. 82. : HOUSE PLANS. -Distinctive Homes." illustrated book of over 100 designs, $1; blueprints 110 DISTINCTIVE HOMW COMPANY 924 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ' LEAVING town, will sell my 6-roorrT house -paveQ street, tiuar 10 car line. Will eil furniture also. . 703 Spokane ave. Call I $4600 6-ROOM mod. bungalow, 230x90 2 blocks of Sandy blvd. This l a good home.. See J. P. McKenna, Belmont at 80th st. Tabor 64U3. al $1850 4-ROOM cottage, cement basement . gas. electricity, lot 50x100, garae, near olisan car; $750 cash. See J. p Mc Kenna. Belmont at 39th. Tabor C403. $2700, 5-ROOM bungalow: sleeping porclT full basement; lot 60x100; garage and paved streets. Mar Si'93. 6-ROOM residence near Walnut park; double" garage; furnace; paved streets; excellent car service. Mar. 3993. $3700, Hawthorne: sacrifice; nifty 7-room residence; full lot; garage; easy terms. Mar. 3993. NICELY furnished (-room bungalow rea sonable; one of the best locations Port laad Heights; terms. Owner, Mar. 950. $25O0. $500 DOWN: R-ronm bungalow-butlt-ins; fireplace; close to car unA school. Mar. 31193. na A GOOD 5-room cottage, 650 East Ash at., special bargain price of $2750; very l ...-. -terms. WEST SIDE, $4700; 7 rooms, gas, batb electricity. 2 fireplaces, cement base ment. 50x100; terms. Owner, 467 10th st. $3300, 6-ROOM bungalow; bullt-lns; fire place; full lot; close to car; good dls trlct; easy terms. Mar. 8993. ROSE CITY PARK- T-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. CAI T AT 476 E. SOTH N. - 6-ROOM bungalow; built-ins; furnace; ce nient basement; laundry traya; iQt 50x100; fruit trees. Mar. 3393. 6 ROOMS, modern R. C. bungalow, va cant. garage, block to car. Owner. Any old payment down. Automatic 32g-.7? 4-ROOM furnished: barn; chicken bouse 2 acres all fenced; right at station1 plenty of fruit and berries. Mar. 3993. ' $3000 By OWNER. Semi-modern eight room house. Phone Marshall 1437. THREE-ROOM bungalow with wood range and garage tor sale. 6404 45th ave. s. E. " IRVINGTON HOMES. McDonell. 500 East 14th N. East 418. $4500. IRVINGTON, 6-room and sleeping porch; lawn and roses. Mar. 3393. REAL ESTATE. For Sale 112S GLADcVTOXE AVE. " A REAL BARGAIN. , Modern 5-room bungalow, built etrty 4 Tarn in vamI ; n T .- livln. room, fireplace, buffet, pass pantry, full t cement basement, beautiful fixtures, 60x IOO lot. very pretty yard, fruit and shrubbery. Owner leaving city and j makes sacrifice price of $3250, Including I $j0 worth of wood, Radiant gas heater, Ruud gas water heater, linoleum and ! aoaaes. MRS, SNOW. Mar. 8999. POflTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. Beautiful, almost new bungalow, bard : wood floors. Ivory woodwork, artistic - fixtures, recently decorated by Bibcock Peets, fuel for year and fine gas ' range; owners called away suddenly; immediate possession; $6000. This is - luck for someone. ' BROOKE, Mar. 4827. Call Monday morning. - LADD'S ADDITION BARGAIN. Fifty, foot lot running back to paved alley; large living room with fireplace, beautiful dining room, kitchen, pass pan try with work sink In front of window: good sized den, entrance ball, hardwood floors downstairs; four nice roomy bed rooms, bath and glass enclosed Bleeping porch upstairs, full cement basement, hot water heating plant, etc. This is the best buy in town. Price $9000, half cash, balance at 6 per cent. Address owner for appointment. Address owner, AN 136, Oregon ian. NORTH OF BROOKLYN. 100x100 corner on East 11th at., a few blocks soutb of Hawthorne, with one large house and two smaller ones; one at $3000, one at $4000, and the large corner house at $5000, or will sell as a whole for $10 500, half cash. This is business property right now and a wonderful buy for anyone who is in a position to build a modern store building. Address owner, AN 123, Oregonian. MUST BE SOLD. Leaving city, come and make me of fer, 100x100, 2 houses and garage. 608 Ross st. NEAR Benaon Polytechnio school No. 661 East Irving St.. $4800, 6-room modern house, by owner. 6-ROOM bungalow; built-in buffet and bookcase; fireplace; full basement; lot 50x100. Mar. 3993. Suburban Homes. ' FOR SALE OR TRADE. WONDERFUL SUBURBAN HOME. 12 acres, 2 acres In natural park with running stream, family orchard of choicest varieties of fruit: 20O fBbert nut trees, grapes and all smaltl fruits; 7-room bungalow; very fine construction ; hard wood floors throughout; hot-water heat, sleeping perch, modern in every partic ular; garage for 8 care; 6-room cottage for caretaker; beautiful grounds, lighted with arc lamps. Owner called to New York, will sacrifice this 960,000 home for less than half its valbe for cash or will take good city home in good district as part payment. ; MRS. SNOW. Mar. 3089. SUBURBAN HOMES. We have anything in suburban homes you may desire on easy terms. Auto matic 201-11 or Tabor 1485 after 8 P. M. Office 9133 Foster Road. K. WILCOX & CO. LIVE HAPPY IN MILWAUKIE. Over half acre choice ground, assorted fruit, out-buildings, good 4-room bunga low, nice lawn and shrubbery; for sale by owner at big sacrifice; $3500 and easy terms. Phone Milwaukie 88R. in quire for A. L. Reed, 31st and Harrison. " CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES " and acreage, well located, near carltne from $180O up. Inquire 3d house north of Risley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." SUBURBAN home for sale, 8 rooms, gas city water, electricity, close to grade school and high school. Box 153. Ures ham. - For Sale Business Property. ONE of Portland's best business opportuni ties, a block fronting 2 paved streets and railway, with suitable buildings, at no cost in the purchase price of the land Address J. C, Robertson, office 243 4Ui St., or 770 Tibbeta St.. res. BARGAIN $500 down buys 5-room house, 3 fine lots covered with fruit trees, on Irvington -car lino. Price $8000. E. UE18EK, 417 Chamber of Commerce. lTor Sale Acreage. FOR sale: LOJSGED-OFF LANLV Write for map western Washington showing location, price and terms. Over 10,000 acres sold last year at our low price. Easy payments offered to actual settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Wash. A BARGAIN. 2 acres on paved road, good house, small barn, chicken house for 500 chick ens; price $160t half cash, balance terms. Address Box 242, Sutberlin, Or. " TIG A RD HOMESITE. Ten beautiful acres, on hard road, close to Portland: finest soil; two car lines; only $325 per acre; terms. Don't miss tbis. Main 1166. BUY THESE 4 acres located on River road, 1 block from station; 2 acre's orchard, balance clover; close to good school; nice to cut up in 1-acre lota. Oregon City car to Jennings Lodge. A. F. Russell. 10 ACRES 8-year prunes, 1 mile from Forest Grove, modern $:)ono bungalow, on pavement, barn, lot 54x196, $6900. $4000 cash; trade for farm on good road up to $12,000. -Box 51. Forest Grove. $800 $150 CASH, 3 rooms, gas, electricity, Vi acre, city water, just out af Portland. ' See J. P. McKenna. Jjelmont a 39th st. Tabor 0498. Homesteads. Kelinqnlfthmenta, THE LARGEST exclusive homestead dealer on the Pacific coast. ' Good timber or farming tracts, close In: reduced copy of government map corrected to date, show ing open homestead lands, $2, by mail. M. J. Anderson. 631 Railway Exch. bldg. CAN LOCATE you on a good homestead, Portland or Roseburg district, farming or timber tracts; also have some good relinquishments. E. W. Helm, 317 Board 'of Trade bldg. i For Sale Farms. 20-ACRE home. 12 miles from Portland: anphalt and rock road; beautiful Staf ford district; 2 churchea, store, school, 5 miles from Wllsonville. Telephone, R. F. I)., cream route: new 7-room bungalow nearly finished; built-ins and bath room in white: new linoleum on dining room and kitchen; 14 Eng. walnuts, 11 cherry, 24 apple, 6 pears, 8 prune trees; 1 acre strawberries, also locrans, currants, hi acre raspberries and grapes; 2 acres po tatoes. 8 acres seedod to clover, 1 "4 a. pasture, balance readf to plow; 3 poul try houses, barn, granary, root house. 300 thoroughbred W. L. pullets ready to lav; 12 cockerels for breeding; 600-egg Incubator, 2 harness, single wagon, Jer sey cow, 1400 lb. horse, 1918 Chevrolet, about 100 bu. wheat, 50 bu. oats, 2 plows, cultivators, barrow, 4 tons bay. etc. 250 choice budded roses. No business on Saturday. Price $8000. Terms. Address c. O. Perry, Sherwood, Or., Route 6 Phone Stafford" 561. 860 ACRES, SHUTTLER FLAT WHEAT RANCH. $16,000. Adjoining land held at from- $40 to $75 per acre; over 700 acres can be put In crop now; good buildings, fenced and caossed fenced, three wells, good roads and school right- at the place: this Is your opportunity if you want a real money-maker: can handle part trade and give very liberal terms. Johnson, with Interstate Land Co.. 248 Stark at. Main 5429; ; FOR SALE 110.80 acres; 18 acres In bearing prune trees; 45 acres nearly ready for "plow: good soil; rest good timber, five miles from Camas; good main roads, near school, store. One team horses, wagon, harness and other farm Implements. Price ,$11,000; $5000 cash, balance terms. Box 55, R. V. D. 1 ,. Ca mas. Wash. RANCHES. Fruit, stock and alfalfa, all equipped CaLl and see us. Small or large. Ali are. fine. Easy terms. Office 9133 Fos ter road. .Automatic 261-11 or Tabor 1.185 after 6 P. M. K. WILCOX & eo. ON PACIFIC highway la southwestern Washington, 243 acres; 125 acres in cul tivation. including all stock, farm ma chinery, crops; everything necessary; farm adaptable for 3 dairy ranches: run ning water on each part. Call at 4(52 North 23d St. Phone Marshall 1755. Evenings. 8"0 ACRES, 5 miles west of Yoncalla. 80 acres cultivated, creek bottom, balance all clear excepr 80 acres; has house, 2 barns, and outhouses; water piped to house, price $8000; half cash, balance terms. Address Box 242, Sutherlln. or. IF YOU are looking for a farm, wheat, dairy or diversified, acreage or home It will be to your interest, to come to 609 Buchanan bulldmg and talk it over Also ome good exchanges. FOR SALE By owner, 20 acres of land o - miles from city limits. 2 blocks otf 82d street, ail under cultivation, comfortable house, good school; a bargain; .make vour own terms. Phone Broadway S3a4. ABSOLUTE sacrifice, orchard farm neai Estacada. Or.: rich soli, unlimited water, must sell; makd offer. John C Jena. Glendora, Cal. - - y HKAL ESTATE. for Sale Farms. CANADIAN PACIFIC RY. LAND. YOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY In Cen tral Alberta and Saskatchewan are rich park lands, open prairie ready for the plow, interspersed with trees, which af ford excellent shelter for stock. Here grain growing, dairying and livestock raising are being carried on successfully. The count-y Is ideal for -mixed farming. The Canadian Pacific railway Js offer ing a large area of these fertile lands in Lloydmlnster and Battleford districts. Thie fertile land will become the home of thousands of prosperous farmers. On similar land Seager Wheeler grows the world's prize wheat. Near Lloydmlnster the world's prize oats have been grown and butter of the highest quality la made. A man can soon become indepen dent on a farm In this district. These lands can be bought now at prices aver - aging about $18 per acre. You pay down 10 per cent. If land Is purchased under settlement conditions no further payment of principal until end of fourth year; then sixteen annual payments In terest is 6 per cent. Also thousands of acres of. Irrigated lands- in Southern Al berta at '$50 per acre, on which the com- -pany will loan $2000 for Improvements to approved- purchasers with twenfy years to pay for land and loan. Reduced rs-tes Issued to land seekers. Excursion party leaves Portland for Calgary. Alberta, on Saturday, Nov. 6. For further particu lars see Canadian Pacific Ry. Co.. 208 Railway Exchange bldg., L. P. Thornton, district representative. - FARM BARGAINS. - 40 acresevery foot in cultivation, Al land, no-waste; about 15 -acres bottom -land; good 7-room bouse, water system, modern plumbing, good barn, modern chicken house, brooder house, garage, etc.: 25 tons of hay in barn, chickens, family orchard. This place Is five miles from Hillsboro. 24 miles paved road; one of the best forties In the district; price $13,000; good terms. . 12V4 acres, all in cultivation:1 A-l strawberries, family orchard, best of land: 5-room house, barn and other out buildings; 1 cow. 3 tons of hay. garden 'tools. Price $5000. or will sell B acres with improvements for $3500. We have .many other good farm bargains. 21 acres, 18 In cultivation, balance pasture and timber; about 60 bearing ap ple trees; rolling land: creek, 5-room plAstered house, good barn full of hay, chicken house, hothouse, etc., good well; on good road: good team mares, 6 milch cows, 1 heifer, 4 hogs, 60 chickens; po tatoes, Icale and corn growing This i a nifty little place for $6800, half ca.. R1M. GATE WOOD & CO., 163 & 4th St. FOR SALE 160 acres at Hood River, Or., near new loop road; 20 acres cleared, water, county ' road, telephone. Saw timber. Three miles from station on Mt. Hood railroad; $20 per acre. Will take automobile in part payment. Address P. E. R P. O. box 647. Hood River, Or. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, $50 to $500 per acre, easy terms, .best soil ; farms for sale, all sizes. McFariand, 208 Failing Bldg. GOOD paying farms; sizes and terms to suit, with stock and Implements. C. J Cullison Real Estate Co., 205 Morri son at. LOGGED-OFF lands and small farms; run ning water, good soil, some with im provements, terms. J. R. Sharp, 834 8d. WANTED REAL ESTATE. THOS VPGARS. Now with the Laurelhurst Co. and having 35 years' experience in building and selling homes, I think I can be of service to you, I will be glad . to inspect your property and get your listings. THOS VIOAR3. LAURELHURST CO., Maiu 1700 and Tabor 7US1. 270 Vi Stark St. THE HARRIS METHOD SELLS HOMES. With every house sold by ns before THANKSGIVING DAY. we are giving free a big fat TURKEY. We are sell ing them fast In every part of tfte citv. every price and kind. List yojirs with us. We'll get busy. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY. 827 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. IF YOU have a modern home for sale, lower Portland Heights, Knob Hill sec tion, Westover Terrace, Willamette , Heights or any other good west side section, I have five clients for well located modern west side homes. POINDEXTER. 20S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. WHAT'S WRONG? Can't you sell your home? - Call and possibly I can show you a way to dis pose of it. A. Hiordon Ross. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Broadway 4751. e 410 Henry Bldg. WHAT'S WRONG"? Can't you sell your home? Call and possibly I can sho.w you a way to dis pose of it. A. Gordon Ross. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., ' Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. STRICTLY modern Irvington residence for customer with the cash; must be bar gain; might consider Laurelhurst or Heights. POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. WE'LL guarantee to sell your home within 10 days if reasonably priced: if we can not do so we'll frankly tell you. Call us up today. Corate & Kohlman, Main 6550, 208 Chamberpot Commerce bldg. A MODERN house of about six rooms near a car line, not too expensive; Woodlawn, Piedmont, Alberta or St. Johns region Preferred. Address 710 West 12th st., ancouver. Wash. WANT 5-room modern house or bungalow, miw or old. in or out of city; have line 6-cyllnder Wiflton automooile as Prsi payment, bal. terms. Answer in full. BF 144, Oregonian. WANT home in Irvington: value between $f',000 and $7000: give terms and date . when possession can be given. X 106, ' Oregonian. WILL give new automobile and some cash as first payment on a 5 to 7-room house or bungalow lrt good district. Ta bor 2124 or Tabor 5G94. WANT best Irvington home $7000 will buy: must be east of 15th and nurtb of Thompson. EAST 419T BEST home obtainable. $2000 to $3000, AI berta, Suirnyside, Montavtlla. F. 13, Oregonian. " " 2 WHY WORRY? . I can sell or trade anything anywhere C W. Millership. Alder h-otftl. Main 5275 Wanted to Rent Farms. HAVE many clients for small places from 5 to -15 A, to tease. If your place is for lease, let us hear from you. K. L. EDDY, R1TTER. LOWE CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BY EXPERIENCED farmer, furnished farm to lease on shares. Dairy preferred. State terms and tillable acres. II 159, Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS. NO. J. THREE million feet pine timber adjacent to other millions; good chance for box factory. No. 2. 73.000.000 feet yellow flr; best of water power: railroad will tap. No. 3. 26.000.0O0 feet red fir, close to railroad; fine tie and building lumber chance. 1 No. 4. Second tract like No. 3, 40,000, 00O. No. 6. 50,800,000 feet, close to great river, yellow Or. hemlock and spruce. No. 8. 31.000.000 feet adjacent to .10. 000.000 feet government timber; mill building 30 by 0 feet. Address Box 142. Hood River. Or. 10.OO0 cords fir atumptage. $1 per cord, 3 miles to R. R., 35 miles to Portland. H. L. Moore. Wood burn. Or. FOR RENT rARMS. FOR REN" Large -level farm. Box i, Turner. Oregon. TO KXCHANCE RE.l. ESTATE. FOR SALE OR TRADE. A good modern home renting for $50 per month; 1 block- from Washington high school; might consider some trade. Write Manager Grand Theater, Salem, .Oregon. x EXCHANGE OFFICE GET EXPERIENCED ADVICE. ' Vacant lots and city property our specialty. A. Gordon Ross. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Broadway 475L 410 Henry Bldg. YES. I WILL TRADE v 160 acres fine wheat land close to city In N. D.. will trade for something in Willamette valley. G. W. Laflar, Ore gon bldg., Saiem, Or. FOR SALE Or" EXCHANGE A good 5 room house on a full lot, 50x100, In the center . of Irvington, walking distance; $4500, no incumbrance. What have you? AJ 152, Oregonian. - WANTED to exchange lots in Klamath Falls for equity or part payment on modern home in ML Scott. Call Tabor 3242, . TO TRADE Eastern Oregon ranch and city property for Portland business prop erty or business. Address 604 N. Over la ndlUej!Idalio; WILL exchange 3 Ascot acres on Base Line road for small cottage or bunga low and pay difference. Phone East 5911. - . 10 ACtES almonds lust coming into bear ing for equity In modern home, or what have you? Phone Main 1593. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE A beautiful farm of over 230 acres in a good location 34 miles from Portland, mile from electric, 2V4 miles from a city of 2500 people, 130 acres cultivated 60 acres fine timber, fair farm buildings. Price $30,000. Would take $10,000 trade. $10,000 cash and balance terms. Address Farm Owner, Box 244. Hob bard. Oregon. FOR SALE OR TRADB FOR GROCERY STOCK. 40 acres good level land In Clarke Co.. Wash., 4 miles from Camas, $2000. Or will trade for grocery stock to $3000 and assume difference. The land has no timber, has fine stream on corner. Ideal prune land, air drained. Box 851, Camas, Wash. SUNNY SOUTHERN IDAHO Going alfalfa ranch, 100 acres and water right, all in good stand alfalfa; new 9 room house, rabbit-tight fence, stocked and equipped. $20,000. Trade for city improved property. Johnson, with Inter state Land Co.. 248 Stark St. Main 5429. EXCHANGE OFFICE. GET EXPERIENCED ADVICE. Vacant lots and city property our spe cialty. A. Gordon Ross. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., BroadMtay 475L .410 Henry Bldg. $2200 EQUITY In east side Income prop erty for lota or acreage. BD 124, Ore gonian. SEVEN-ROOM house, Boise, Idaho, value $4500. for Portland property. Auto. TRADE 2 vacant lots as first payment on some business. BJ 128, Oregonian. to exchange: miscellaneous. WILL trade some good fresh cows and some work horses for a light automobile or lot. Call 900 Powell valley road. FOB SALE, Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. HORSES to hire for the Cay. week or month with or without grading outfit. We make reasonable rates to responsible parties. We have horses for sale or exchange, good young mules. 1200 to 1300 lbs., all kinds of harness, plows, harrows and . wagons. Kirsten fctump Puller. We hire horses by the month with privilege, of buying at the value rte, it gives you a good chance to try - them. We have more borses thae all the barns In Portland to pick from. Phil Suetter, 285 Front St., Crown Stables. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE 3 good work teams, weight arotind 2500 lbs., price $75 to $125; one good single horse,. $45; also 3 good family cows, very cheap. Call 000 Powell valley road, corner 34th st. Take Woodstock car. FARM OUTFIT Team, matched buck skins, weighing 2350 poutyis. chunkily built, fat and sound, best workers: good set harness and farm wagon; will sell reasonably." 4O10 07th st. Mt. Scott car. 20 HEAD horses and mares, weight 1200 to 1700 lbs., 3 to 8 years old, all well broke and In fine state; cheap for cash. Keystone Feed Store, 381 Water su, foot Montgomery. 12 FRESH cows 3 to 6 gal., one yellow Jersey cow, $00; one full blood Holsteln bull 2 years old. Take Vancouver car to Columbia Boulevard. Go one block north. 2000-POUND team, heavy breechen har ness and 3ti-wide tire Milburn wagon. $195. Woodyard. corner 50th and llaw- thorne. , TEAM, well broke, young horses; weigh ing 2800 lbs., with good harness. Price $.100. 1HS7 Frances ave., cor. E. 30th st. Woodstock car. Phone Sell. 1212. TEAM weighing 3400 lbs In good shape; ready to work: price $250 for quick sale. Inquire WarO's Team Keystone Feed Stable, 381 Water st. SEVERAL transfer horses, good workers, must be cold immediately regardless of price; are using trucks. 1029 East Yam- " hill. U. S. STABLES. Horses and harnesses of all kinds for sale. 3G5 Union ave.. South, corner Stevens St. G. D. Williamson & Glass. 10 HEAD of horses, 4 to 7 years old, 1200 to 1800 pounds. Some well matched teams; inquire of George Braum, 504 Northrup street. WILL setl team farm mares, very gentle and good workers; weight about 2500 lbs., for $130 to save feed expense. 381 Water sfc , west side. FOR SALE At barn, E. 6th and Ivon sts.. Zl registered Shropshire ram lambs, $20 each. Holman Fuel Co.. 94 5th st. ONE 2S00-lb team, harness and wagon: sell or trade for Ford. 203 Russell St., East 4839. $125 f ARM outfit. 22O0-lb. team, harness and farm wagon; 1200-lb. mare, $45: wagons of all kinds. 327 Front. 1 TEAM of mares, weight 2O0. fat. sound and good workers; good, heavy harness; $135. for all. 42Q Hawthorne ave. KEYSTONE FEED STABLE, horses for sale or hire, stalls to rent. 381 Water St.. foot Montgrove. Marshall 3515. MODERN dairy. 48 cows, 8 heifers, 1 truck, milk route and all machinery. For information call Sellwood 1092. FOR TRADE or sale cheap. 5 horses and harness at Clay-Morse transfer stables, 12th and Glisan. DEAD horses and cattle hauled awa free. Phone Milwaukie 69-J for service. DEAD horses taken quickly; cash for dead cows. Tabor 4203. TEAM cheap, hauling coal every day. Call at coal office. 1009 Be'imont. GOATS 300 Angoras. Address A Churchill. 714 N. W. Bank bids. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWE. TABOR 6560V NICE goat, with 7-mos.-old nanny, some chickenB cheap. 657 South uve. GOOD cow for sale. 1117 FlaveL ave. Eastmore'.and car. TE A M, 0 yeara; wagon and harness; $125. Kast ...t.r.. rinm. Organ and Musical Instruments. PIANO BARGAINS. $175 and up. KEB OUR BARGAINS In ised pianos: best prices. GUARAN TEED. Terms given. .eiberlins-l'Ucsa Music Co., 125-27 Fourth st., between Washington and Alder streets. GET YOUR Christmas machine now. Prices reduced while they last; direct from manufacturers to you; a small deposit will bold one. Harold S. Gilbert, 3S4 Yamhill. TRADE YOUR PIANO. Will trade- $225 new VICTROLA and records for used PIANO. Selberling-l.u-cas Music Co. Main ST.sG. 125 4th ut. LOOK here, if your piatio needs tuning, repairing, regulating or cleaning, call O. C. Thompson, Phone Auto. 518-13; res. 5 01 Harris on St. All work guaranteed. UKAR the Orpheus, tho phonograph with the wonderful glass resonator. Factory and salesroom 108ft Grand ave. Cir culars free. PIANO WANTED. HIGHEST CASH PAID for used PI ANOS or PLAYERS. Selherllng-Lucas Music Co. Main 85SQ. 125 4th st. PIANO, good as new, used very little. Owner leaving city; reason for selling. Phone East 3452. FISHER PIANO, $175 A good practice piano; terms. Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co., 123 Fourth St. . FULL SIZED mahogany player piano, wltb records, at a bargain; cash or terms. Call 382 K. 43d st. S. FoK RENT Cabinet Grafonola, late mu sic. Empire Tranwfer, 254 Broadway. Broadway 155. MUST sell quick, Haddorf piano, mahog any; practically new; no reasonable cab offer refused. 324 13th. Apt. 3. GOOD piano, exceptional tone; leaving - town; for cash, $350. 334 Ross st. PIANO WANTED for practice having good tone; cash deal. Marshall 1532. WANTED ITsed piano for spot cash. Call Marshall 5709; no dealers. A PHONOGKAl'H for sale; plays all rec ords. llTVs Knott. Call bet. 8 and 3: 30. Furniture for Sule. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Oion Transfer & Storage Co.. 248 Pine st. ROUND dining table. Old Eniish finish four full leather seated chuirs to match 1 large mahogany leather armchair. 1 electric two-socket lamp. 441 East 15th st. North. 6-HOLK range. $18; Charter Oak heater $12; dresser, $10: buffet, $40; commode' $2; bed and springs, $4; mattresses $ up; rocker, $1.75; chair, $1.25; rugs $5 up. 113 Grand ave. ' BRASS bed and springs, dresser, heater rocker, dining room set, refrigerator' vacuum cleaner, baby buggy- and other Items for sale account leaving city U33 Division. Phone Sellwood 25-10. WEBSTER'S reparr shop selling out everv" Ihlng cheap; heaters, stoves, llbrarv ta ble, rockers, wicker buggy, stands. "bed springs, bookcase, etc 1105 Hawthorne' Tabor 3325. FOR SALE Bed linen and towels and other linen: some household goods; must go before 11 A. M.. leaving town; do not want to take It. 447 E. Couch st. GOOD new and used furniture, ranges heaters, rugs, very lowest prices. Jurl son Furniture Co., East 6957. 113 Grand ave. FOR SALE A. B. combination gas range, automatic lighter, big oven and warm ing oven. $1110; range like new, for $100 cash. 1081 E. Lincoln sc. near 37th, ro SALE. Furniture for Sale. FIRE SALE OF MEIER & FRANK STOCK recently damaged In warehouse and moved -TO 454 WASHINGTON ST. Consisting of furniture, draperies, mo hair, plushes, velours, tickings, etc, etc. Bought by Cohan Bros. & Director and Cow on sale. AT 1-8 AND 1-2 OFF. Draperies on sale at 454 WASHINGTON. COR. 13TH. FURNITUliE SALE AT MADISON DOCK at foot of Madison at. bridge. MONARCH coal range for sale, used two years; best price offered before Nov 6, or $40 takes it. 491, East 3bth sr.. at Division. DINING table. $15; buffet. $25: baby crib Iron bed. with springs; rug. 9x12; hose, garden tools and other articles for sale. 657 South ave. $425 CASH almost new. Sunday 9 to 5. all day Monday. 7713 04th Place. Mount Scott car to Woodmere station, 6 blocks south. "tins ivory bedroom suite, oak dresser and two rockers must be sold this week. 804 E. First street north. FURNITURE of small apartment for sale: will sacrifice if taken at onoe. Marshall 3215. STa BLACK iStayblack), tns greatest beat resisting stove polish in existence: 250 bottle Crown Furniture Co . 201 Firit. 5-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale cheap, $175. 808 N. 19th st. Sail Bdwy. 3153. USED fixtures for sale, wire ice cream tables, 30-Inch oak tops; chairs match; show case, etc. Call MaJn 9420. A BARGAIN. New walnut bedroom suite. 255 19th at. North. Broadway 3658. ONE NEW iron bed, steel spring mattress, sanitary cot. 1314H Belmont. 562 NORTHRUP ST. House for rent, tur nlture for sale. OAK dresser and chiffonier to match, like new. $45. Tabor 25U0. Office Furniture. CHEAP Oak roll top desk, swivel chair, . two-compartment filing case; also No. 60 Lloyds Loom baby carriage, 216 Fargo st. Aut. 321-20. 3 ROLL-TOP desks. 3 flat-top desks, 8 T. W. desks. 2 bookkeepers' desks. 2 safes, 1 letter file, 8 chairs. Buabong & Co.. t.1 Park. NFW AND used office furniture. Complete line of steel filing equipment. D. C. Wax, 31 North Fifth. Broadway 2730. Poultry. 300 HOGANIZED yearling white Leghorn hens, nearly through the moult, very choice. $1.25 each. White Leghorn pul lets, ready to lay, $2 each. Barred Rock and Rhode Island Red pullets, $1.50 up. J. R. McGuire, 787 Oregon st Portland. Iog Kahbiii. liirda. Pet Biock. PEDIGREED police dogs, Irish. Scottish terrier puppies. Speeaway kennels, Ta- bor 50S8. BEAUTIFUL singers and females; also castes. 544 Pettygrove St. ST. ANDREASBERG roller singers, 2 yrs., and females, also cages. Woodlawn 8052. FOR GOOD SINGERS CALL THE S1U DIO. MAIN 408. SI.XUINO birds and cages for sale. 209S E. Stark gt. PEDIGREED female pit bulldog, 1V4 years!. Tabor 7450. lS-F'T. GAS launch for sale cheap. Call. Sellwood 2070. Machinery. MACHINERY. 1 -ln. Gen. Elec. portable UrllL 1 220-volt forge blower. 1 3-h. p. 30-v. bat. chglng. generator. 1 reciprocating air pump. 1 Kellogg auto air pump. 1 standard elec. wood borlnar machine and chisel mortiser. 3 1 wood lathe, 6-ft. bed. BAILEY te. BECKER, 12!) B. Water st. WANTED To rent, If possible, a 1-yard drag scraper about 1000 ft, cable and steam doakey with sufficient power and in good running order; owner to furnish engineer to run same, to handle 24,000 yards of fine brook rock; will buy out fit if it does the work satisfactorily. J. L. Mars, Cabbase Hill, Pendleton, Or. AIR COMPRESSORS. AIR TANKS. U. S. TWO-STAGE COMPRESSORS. Air hose, check valves, safety valves, coupling and automatio switches, every thing for the air line. AIR COMPRESSOR Kc EQUIPMENT CO., Bdwy 3300. 820 Couch t ON if 3-horsepower electric motor; two No. 20 Ottawa drill presses, 1 small high speed drill press, one No. 4 Grey sheaf punch, pulleys, shafting, belting, vices, etc. Moving factory east and will dispuse of Bhnp equipment at a sacrifice. 353 E, IturtisMe. East 280S. GASOLINE woodsaw. equipped with 4 H. P. Cushman engine, traction. 3 speeds, solid rubber tires; $200. Colby Marston, Gresham. Or. Pho'tie 338. Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, excha-nge. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable: $50 com piete with carrying case; auppliea for all makes. E. W. PEASE CO.. 110 Sixth St. Main 2285. DO AN E GUARANTEED . TYPEWRITER SERVICE. All Makes Overhauled: Experts. REPAIR ESTLf.TKS ON REQUEST. Buy. Sell. Rent and Exchange. Main 6397. Supplies. 203 Oak St. ALL MAKES, sold, rented and exchanged;, terms if desired: send for retail prices. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washington St., X. W. Cor, flth. FOK RENT Underwood, Remington type writers. $3.50, juio. Empire Tranbter. Broiidway 155. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon, Typewriter Co.. 14 5tli st. Main 3008. Miscellaneous. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Deau, 234 V4 Morrison St. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton Beach electrio carpet washer; also ' vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. CEDAR po.r.s. large aize, get a carload 1 gel ten carloads. H. Goodrich. R. it. box 804. Lenta. Or. - FOR SAT.K Roses. 1 0 Caroltiie Testouta from private garden. See Mr. O'Brien, 23.-1 Stark. 1 OAS STOVE, 3 burners and oven; 1 small wood and coal heater;' pipes with l.oih. 1 100 E. Yam lii IL WARNER auto meter with clock, mag netic iype, cost $75; tune $30; almost xnew. 101 Enst Broad whv. - FOR SALE Bed davenport, sanitary cot, Sturuls baby buKgy, hot-point vacuum cleaner. JTabor 5085. - FOR SALE A large, steel-douie wood and coal Boynton furnace. For particulars phone Main 2512, JAPANESE laJy wants to sell Japanese silk kimono, embroidered silk stand cover and silk shade. 1. O. box 90Q, city. LADIES SAVE High-grade used apparel. Prices moderate. 1132 E. Glisan street. Montavllla car to 3'.Hh. T.lbor 2825. GARBAGE rr sale, ic per in.; -m.le south of Troutdale. Call any time; bring containers. II. E. BraiuhalL - . FOR SALE Old Oregon fair building at 27th Ktrect. near Wilsnn. Applv Ameri can Can Company. 26th and Wilson sts. SEW SEW SEW SEW. Expert sewing machine t repairing. Phone Sellwood 1071. SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sale PacificTent & Awning Co.. 1 N. iat st. BLOCK WOOD, slab wood, mixed. 2-Toad lots, special prices. East 2041. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine showcase 43 let St.. near Ash. COATs! furs, suits, gowna and evening dresses, slightly worn. Main 9367. VACUUM cleaners sold, rented, repaired. exchanEed,boughtBentley;Main 4Uo7. FOR SALE Dry. old-growth tir cord- w 00 d. Phone Broadway 2199. COUDWOQD, 4 It., tio. 1 old growth, Wdln. 2132. ' ALL kinds of vault door and fireproof safes. TO otnsu UUEliAKD squashes and pie pumpkins. Tabor 431. ; CHOICE iris, rosea. 304 E. 26th N. Phone B. 1828. POTATOES $2.10 $2.25 delivered. 831 E ast JSverott. East 0703. . WOMAN'S fine velour suit, fur cottar, size 40. 057 South ave. , f-3 K. BLUE WHITE diamond ring. " Will sacrifice. Call Marshall6155 . ' LKAKY roofs repaired and pain d. reuoj able. Tabor 9a24. STOVES repaired, bought and -old. Cciis made and connected. East iQ00. $15 BUYS adding macnine; adoi 7 Iicurea. 518 Corbett bldg Marshall 657. x'OUNG man's overcoat, size 3i or 38, god condition, only $10. East 8038. FOR SALE Best dry. first-srowth fir cordwood, $12 per cord. Mi n 7831. : CORD WOOD. Best dry, old growth, $13. Tabor b??6. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleane 24- hour day $1, delivered. Wdln. J.30