Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 01, 1920, Page 13, Image 13

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600 Million Pounds Sold by
War Department.
Federal Statistics Throw Light on
Lack of Demand for 192 0
Produce of Sheepmen.
Some light upon the decline In wool
prices and the lack of demand for
the 1920 clip, 75 per cent of which
Is still in the hands of the owners or
In warehouses because there is prac
tically no market, may be secured by
a study of government statistics
found In the federal commerce and
war departments.
To begin with, the war department
from early January, 1919, to October
1 of this year, has, dumped on the
American market 605,465,744 pounds
of surplus wool which it had accumu
lated during the war. A lartre part
of this vast surplus was foreign wool
which had been acquired by the war
department from South America, Aus
tralia and from every source from
'which high-grade wool could be ob
tained In the stressing days of war.
Surplus Not Sacrificed.
This surplus of government-owned
wool was not sacrificed by the war
department. It sold in the aggregate
for $403,343, 669.16. an average price
of more than 65 cents per pound. This
enormous stock of surplus war de
partment wool dumped on the Ameri
can market in the past 20 months
larg-ely supplied the diminishing
needs of the woolen manufacturing
establishments, and to that extent
reduced the market and demand for
the better grades of American grown
wool that made up the cHp of 1920.
American wool growers time and
again during the past IS months pro
tested to the secretary of war against
the rapid unloading of surplus army
wool oi) the domestic market. To ev
ery protest assurance was given that
the wool would be released gradually,
and in such way as to not interfere
with the sale of American-grown
Yet the official records of the war
department now disclose the dumping
on the American market in 20 months
of more high-grade wool than was
grown in the United States in that
same period. The actual war depart
ment sales in the 20 months ending
with September, 1920, exceed the
American wool production of 1919 and
1920 by more than 38,689,000 pounds.
Indrrnoiid Tariff Blamed.
But there are other official figures
tending to explain why there is no
market for the great bulk of the
American wool clip of 1920. The fijes
of the department of commerce show
that while the war department was
selling its surplus wool at high prions,
or rather during the 19 months ending
with August, ,1920, foreign wool to.
tiie amount of 669,425,000 pounds was
imported Into the United States, im
ports flowing easily, as there is no
tariff on raw wool under the terms
of the Underwood law now in force.
Ninety-six per cent of the wool im
ported was clothing or combing wool.
Here, then, was a total of 1.264,
880,000 pounds of wool thrown on the
American market from January, 1919,
to date, over and above the American
clip of 313,658,000 pounds of 1919 and
the American clip of -259.307,000
pounds in 1920. The latter figures
were supplied by the department -of
agriculture. Ali ' the surplus wool
acquired by the war department was
purchased before the armistice, and,
therefore, before the 1919 clip was
Thus it came about that the market
for most of the 1920 American-grown
wool has been destroyed, and thus it
happened that sales have been prac
tically suspended since May last, with
little prospect that they will be re
eumed on any substantial tsctle unless
and until there shall be a revived
demand for woolen goods.
Price Below Production Coat.
The American woolgrower is hold
ing his 1920 wool, or most of it, be
cause he is unwilling to sell at cur
rent prices, ranging from SI to 31
eents a pound. He is holding because
the cost of production exceeds the
prices that have been offered in re
cent months, or because he can get no
offers at all.
Raw wool, as stated, comes in free
Of duty under the Underwood tariff
act. Under the last republican tariff
law, that of 1909, class 1 or cloth
ing wool, paid a duty of 11 cents s
pound; class 3 or combing wool paid
a duty of 12 cents a pound, and class
3 or carpot wool was taxed 4 or 7
cents a pound, according to value. -
This being a free-trade adminis
tration, or more strictly speaking,
wool now being on the free list, for
eign wools have entered the Ameri
can market in unrestricted competi
tion with American wool, and the
government has. lost revenue at the
rate of J2.736.000 a. month on wool
Farmers Stage Demonstration in
Favor of -J. A. Scollard.
CH EH ALI 3, Wash. Oct. 31. (Spe
cial.) The campaign here was closed
last night. At noon yesterday 600
Lewis county farmers, bearing ban
ners urging the merits of J. A. Scol
lard, democratic candidate for the
state senate, marched through the
streets, following a meeting where
Mr. Scollard spoke. One banner bore
the words, "Not a farmer-labor party,
but a party of farmers urging the
election pf J. A. Scollard."
Included in the parade were many
prominent republican farmers, who
have lined up behind Mr. Scollard.
To Assure the
Re-election of
Mayor Baker
Vote Only One
(Paid Adv C. C. Jllndnnn.)
115 Booths Are on Vest Side, 264 on East Side; Country Precincts Have
34; Locations and Numbers Listed for Voters.
There are 413 precincts in Mult
nomah county in which votes will be
cast at the election Tuesday. Of these
115 are In Portland on the west side
and 264 on the east side and 34 in
the country. The west side precincts,
run from 1 to the east 'lie pre
cincts from 99 to 298. also Including
number. 317H and 318. and the coun
try precincts mn from 299 to 327.
There are 86 precincts nombredjine
. Following are the polling place lo
cations: Precinct. Location of Pells.
1 Garage, Thurmnn St.
bet. 3 2d and
Rugby st.
2 Terrace Grocery, 3Sth and Thurman.
Grocery. w. oor.
"ith and Uoshur.
4 Basement church
E. corner -5i.h
and Bavier sta. .
5 Garage. 735 Vaughn st.
6 Orocery. ar3 N. -3d st.
7 6S7 Wilson st.. near 21st St.
. ft Davis school. 21st and Raleigh sta.
b 067 Savier st., bet. 17th and 18th sts.
lit si X. 6th st., Hamilton Motor Co.
11- 513 Xorthrup St., cor. 15th st.
'12 8. K. corner 17th and Northrup eta.
13 1 Church. K. W. oor. 17th and Mar
shall sts.
13 200 X. 21st EL, near Pettygrove st.
li Parish house, St. Mark's church, 231
N". 21st st. '--15
89 Overton st., bet. 26th st. and Cor
nell road.
1514 Hill Military Academy. 821 Mar
shall st.
18 Knglne house, 24th and Johnson sts.
17 Factory Motor Car "o., 702 Kearney
st.. bet. 21st and 22d sts.
If 153 N. 23d St., bat. Irving and Hoyt.
19 Garage. S. K. eor. 23d and Irving sts.
20 Basement Hartford Apts., 21st and
Flanders sts.
21 S. B. corner 31st and Irving ts. "
22 :68 Glisan St., bet. 20th and 21st ata.
23 Church. X. W. cor. 1Sth and Hoyt.
24 Garage, X. K. tor. 16th and Irving.
2. " Basement, 120 X. 18th St.. cor. Glisan.
20 Vs Basement, Wellington Court, X. W.
cor. loth and Everett ats.
28 Engine house. 011 Glisan st.
27 Dundee's garage, Broadway and Flan.
ders at.
2 2D N. 1st st.
2!) UotelgfPhilip. 2S7 Burnslde St.
au w. I- Hughaon Co., Broadway and
. Davis sLb.
.11 Speedwell garage. 35 X. 14th St.
32 Parish house, D7 X. 19th at., near
Uavia st.
S3 :;3 Washington St.. bet. Trinity Placa
snd 20th st.
34 40 Klla st., near Washington st.
3. " Warren MoU: Car Co., 58 X. 23d st,
K"',4 lavls Apts.. 705 Davis St.
HG Garage, 22i Cornell road.
37 Jos 14th at., let. Washington and
. Burnside sts.
S -Walters' Tire Shop. 38S Stark at.
! Wtlkanaon Tlr Shop. 304 Tine St.
40 Engine house, 2d and Oak sts.
41 Loyal Legion headquarters. 3d and
Stark sts. -
42 244 Washington at., bet. 3d and 3d.
43 147 Park at.
44 W. O. w. Temple, 11th St., bet. Alder
and Washington sts.
44 ti 444 Washington st.. Palace hotel
43 Engine house, Washington St., near
.ownHdale lit.
48 -Covey Motor Car Co., 21st and Wash
ington SIS.
4fi'4 Honeyman garage. 200 St. Clair st.
47 Basement, 500 Salmon St., cor. Jiar-
ttlla st.
45 Rsetifeld garage. 221 Vista are. .
49 18!) Lownidale st.. - bet. Taylor and
Yamhill ats.
4&V4 173 17th St.. cor. Yamhill st.
50 M. E. church, 12tb and Taylor ata.
."! 171 West Park at., basement.
r.2 T. M. C. A.. th and Taylor sta. .
53247 Taylor St.. bet. 2d and Bd sta
M 240 Salmon St., bet. 2d and 3d ats.
f.3 Kawt entrance, courthouse.
Sli Garage. SHH Taylor t., near 10th st.
fi7 White Temple, 12th and Taylor sta.
h 269 14th st., near Jefferson at.
fV Garage. 2U 13th st.
Mi ll.'tR Chapman st., corner Main st.
Hl Flower mission. JOth and Madison ats.
51 l.aiid school, 10th and Jefferson ata.
'- Kast entrance, city hall.
S3 Hotel Lennox. 3d st., near Main at.
t;4 233 Clay sl, near 2d st.
tM 347 1st at., near Market at.
60 Market at. entrance to city audito
rium. 7 SO.". 4th st., near Clay st.
US .First Christian church. Park and Co
lumbia st. -
!' Church, West Park and Jefferson sts,
70 Garage, H12 12th at., cor. Clay st.
'7014.2M , JiHh- at., -near-Jefferson st, '
7t 40OU Jefferson St.. near 13th at.
71 V4 Whitney Apt.. 835 14th at.
72 B'nai B rith club bids;., 13th at., near
Market st.
7? 281 17th St., corner Jefferson at.
74 jarag, lUth and Market sta
7& Kngine house, Montgomery at., near
Lownsdale at.
76 425 Montgomery at., eor. 11th at.
7Vj 428 Harrison at., near 12th st.
77 Shattuck school. Park- and Hall ats.
78 School of Commerce. 0th and Har-
rlnon sts.
79 Engine house, Fourth ' and. Mont
gomery sts. -
7914 Garage. College at., between 3d and
4th sts.
80 Store, 3B1 1st at. corner Mill at.
81 545 1st st., betweeo Hall and Lin
coln sts.
82 -Cottel Drug; company. 1st and Sher
man ats.
83 Garuge. 3(8 College St.
84 Garuge, 435 West Park at.
8j 5,"V4 Broadway. -
8tl Ti48 Vista ave., near Spring st.
87 Kngine house. 201 h tind spring ata.
88 Strohecker's garage. 733 Patton road.
S(t ," 1st St.. near Sheridan st.
90 Vailing school. Front and Porter sta
PI 281 Hooker st.'. near 4th st.
'- 475 Gibbs St., corner 11th at.
93 4th Presbyterian church. 1st and
Gibbs sts.
94 883 Corbett- at. '
(0 Holman school, Corbett and Ban
croft sts.
Pft 1otl4 Corbett at- near Seymour st.
07 Fulton school. 1st and Miles ata.
98 -1687 Maeadam. near Nevada st.
8,4 143S Macadam, near Dakota st
69 528 Umatilla ave.. between fc. 11th
and E. 13th sts.
100 Back room. 1748 K. 13th St.. Bear
Marlon ave.
101 S. W. corper E. 13th at. and Tenlne
102 Engine house, S. E. corner B. 13th
st. and Tenfno ave.
103 Community house. E. 16th St. and
Spokane ave.
104 T-1571 E. )3th at., between Miller and
Lexington avea.
lOfi Garage, ir-03 E. 11th st.
10514 1442 Milwaukle st.
100 Midway hose house, between South
ave. and Kamona ave.
107 Garage, 1136 Milwaukle at., corner
Ellis ave.
107H Dunlway school, Eastmoreland.
105 Fowler'a Photo Shop, E. 87th St.,
near Tenlno ave.
109 4424 Woodstock ave.. between 44th
and 45th sts. S. K.
110 Church. N. W. corner 44th St. and
Woodstock ave. S. E.
111 Church. N. W. corner 41st St. and
Woodstock ave. S. E.
112 5010 41st st. 8. E.. corner 50th ave.
S. E.
113 5030 Woodstock are... corner 56th at.
114 R513 7Sd St.. near RSth ave. B. B.
113 Woodmere hall, 77th st. and Wood
etook ave. S. E.
110 Millard-A venue Fuel Co.. 72d at., be
tween 52d ave. 'and Whitman ave.
117 Green Bros.. E. 74th at. near Powell
. Valley road.
118 5930 82d st. corner Woodstock ave.
S. E.
119 6109 !2d St.. near Woodstock ave.
S. E.
120 Coff man's garage. 6116 93d at, near
Woodstock ave. 8. E. .
121 Lents Vol. Hose Co,. 58th ave
1(2(1 at 8. E.
123 Grange hall, 92d st, 8. EJ., near Foster
123 Bjirke s garage. 72d at,
ave. S. E:
near 65th
12344 87CJ Foster road, corner 67th at
124 3920 70th st S. E between 40th and
37th avea S. E.
125 W. O. W. hall. 65th st S. B., be
tween 45th ave. and Foater road
S. E.
126 Laurelwood M. B. church, 63d st
S. EH near Foster road.
126H' S. E. corner 66th st S. E. and 87th
ave. 8. E.
127 Old South Mt. Tabor school, E. 65th
and Division sta
128 1806 Divisian at, corner East 60th st
129 N. E. corner Foster road and 64th
st. S. E.
130 B32S Foster road, near 54th at 8 E
131 Garage. 3. E. corner 52d at. and 45th
ave. 8. E.
132 Creston school. 48th st S. E. and
Powell Vallev road.
133 3421 50fh st. S. E.. near Fowoll Valley
134 McMahon'a hall, E. 43d and Divl
sion sts. -
135 Oarage. 547 E. 80 th st. between
1 assart at. ana v ooawara ave
135 14 NT. W. corner E. 86th and Division
13 Store. 881 E. 87th St, near Mall 8t
13614 Engine house. Frances and Green
wood Aves.
137 895 Gladstope Ave. '
138 720 Powell St., corner E. 21st Bt
139 Clinton Kelly school, E, 27th and
rranaMn ets.
140 Garage. 4S7 E. 28th St., between Clin
ton and Division Sta.
14014 Garage, 1017 Clinton St.. between
tireenwooa Ave. ana Ei. 4tn st
141808 Clinton St., between E. 25th and
12 T13 Clinton Bt, near a. Mat St
143 Basement, 504 Powell St., near M14I-
wauaie st
44 691 Miiwaukie St, corner Rhine St,
14 Gregory hall, 581 Center St.I'kear Mil-
waukie St.
14514 Brooklyn school, Milwaukle and
Frederick Sts.
148 631 Milwaukle St,' corner Beacon St
147 -Church, s. w. corner El. 10th -and
Grant Sts.
148 Engine house, E. 7th and Stephens Sta
149 -374 Hawthorne Ave.,' cor. Union Ave.
14914 i&i Hawthorne Ave., cor. E. 8th St.
150 Church. E. 10th and Poplar Sta.
13014 504 Elliott Ave.
151 711 Division St.. corner E. 20th St.
15ill4 Saraje, X. W. corner E. 34t6 a'ajd
Division Sts.
132 Garage, 302 E. 32d St. corner Mar
ket St
15214 Oarage, 297 E. 24th St. near Haw
thorne Ave.
153 .1024 Hawthorne Ave., between ETS4tb
and 35th Sts.
154 Garage. 104U E. Lincoln St. near
Marguerite Ave.
15414 Garage, 1144 E. Lincoln St., neat
B. 8th St.
158 U. P, church, E. 37th and E. Clay Sts
15514 Richmond school, E. 41st and E
Sherman Sta.
156 Garage, s. W. corner E. 47th St and
Hawthorne Ave.
156H 347 E. 50th St.. between E. Mil
and Stephens Sts.
157 Church, E. 52d and E. Lincoln Sts.
15714 1G(B Division St. near -E. 60th St
159 453 Hawthorne Ave., cor. E. 8fh St
l"y '114 L'nion Ave., near K. Alder St.
160 120 Grand Ave., cor. E. Alder St.
101 Engine house, E. 3d and E. Pine Sts.
162 OS E. 9th m.. between E. Stark and
E. Oak Sts.
103 East Side library, E.'llth and E. Al
der Sla. ,
164 Garage. K. 13th St. and Hawthorne
163 641 E. Madison St., cor. E. 17th St.
ltMt Garage, s. W. corner ?. 14th ud E.
Morrison Sts.
167 Washington high school, B. 14th and
Stark Sta.
168 Garage, N. E. corner E. lth and B.
Alder Sta.
169 S. E. cor. B. 20th and B. Morrison Sts.
170 70.", Hawthorne Ave., near E. 20th St.
170V4 iiaiyement, 781 E. Main St.. corner
E. 24th St.
171 845 Belmopt St.. between E. 27th and
E. 28th Sts. .
172 Church, E. 2th and E. Stark Sts. .
173 9S3 Belmont Su, corner E. 33d St.
174 Back room, S. W.. corner E. 34th and
E. Taylor Sts.
175 Garage, u. 2tli St., between E. Main
and K7. Madison Sts.
17514 Garage. S. E. corner Glenn Ave. and
E. Salmon St.
176 Friends ciiurah. E. 35th s4 Main Sta
177 Engine house, E. 85th and Beimont
sts. -
178 141 Belmont St. between E. 34th and
E. 35tb Sts.
17814 Garage, jo56 E. Washington St.
corner E. 85th St.
179 'Bear room, 14s E. 39tn St., near Bel
mont sit.
17914 Garage. 1258 Belmont St. between
42d and 43d Sts.
180 1208 n. Madison St between B.
40th and K. 41st Sta
181 13r! Hawthorne ave., corner B. 48th
street ,
182 Glencoe school. E. 49th and Belmont
188 Garage. 228 E. 52d st, near E. Sal
mon street. ' "
184 Hall, E. 60th at, between Belmont
and E. Stark ats.
185 1798 E. Morrison at., between E. 69th
and E. 70th streets.
180 19M6-B. Stark St.. near E. 70th st
187 2020 E. Stark st, between E. 80th and
81st tts.
3 88 Engine house,' B, 82d and E. Burn-
side sts.
189 1073 E. Stark st, near 78th st "
100 2004 K. Glisan st, oor. E. 80th st '
1901a -1920 E. Glisan St.. near 7th st.
191 Church, E. 70th st, between E. Hoyt
snu r.. uiisan fats.
192 2001 E. Ullsan st, near E. 80th st
193 Ulenhaven school, E. 81st and Schuy
ler streets.
19314 1"38 sandy, bet 72d and 73d ats.
1 838.
194 -Jenks R. E. office, B. 69th and Sandy
19414 Garage. 685 B. 64th it. N between
Klickitat and Siskiyou sts.
1B Garage. 1BB9 E. Glisan St.
lt) 1778 E. Gllsan tit, between B. 69th
and 70th Sts.
197 Mt. Tabor school, E. 60th 8t, near E.
Ash Kt
198 Oaraue, 1161 E. Burnside St, corner
Ft. omn ei.
198141320 E. Ulisaa St. corner E. 47th
199 Building, N. W. corner E. S2d and E.
Glisan Sts.
200 Rose City Park M. UK church, E. 58th
til. ana 'i ne Alameaa.
0014 Engine House, E. 66th St and
Sandy Boulevard.
301 Presbyterian Church, E. 45th and
Hancock Sts. -20114
Garage. 8. B. corner E. 47th and
Tillamook Sts.
202 West end of Laurelhurst Office, B.
39th and GlUan Sts.
20214 laurelhurst Club. 1125 E. Ahkeny
208867 Sandy Boulevard, between B. 28th
and E. 2uth Sta.
204 Church. N. W. corner B. 29th and
E. Everett Sts.
205 2H E. 28th St.. near E. Ankeny St.
206 Kerns School, E. 27tu and, E. Couch
207 -Garage. 757 B. Burnside St -
207 14 Oarage, N. W. corner E. 22nd and
Iv Ankeny Sta.
08 Garage. UU0 E. Ankeny St, corner
E. 18th St
209 Oarage. S. E. corner E. 16th and E.
Ankeny sta
0914 Oarage, S. E, corner B. 14th and
Davis Sts.
210 Webster's Garage. E. 11th and E.
Flanders Sts.
211 Buckman School. E. 12th and B.
Burnside nts.
1114 Garage. 12 B. 12th St, near E.
Ankeny St.
212 450 E. Burnside St.
IS Talbot fc Casey, 1 urana Ave., corner
E. Ankeny St.
214 51 Union Ave. N-, between B. Couch
and E. Davis sta -
15 Garage, N. E. corner B. 21st and
Oregon sts.
16 Garage. 808 Clackamas 8tv between
E. 24th and E. 28th Sts.
21614 Garage, 718 Multnomah St., corner
E. 2tat at.
17 Garage, S. W. corner E. 10th and
Hassalo Sts.
218 Engine Houae, Grand Ave, and Mult
nomah St.
219 Maxwell Motor Co., E. Srd and Ore
gon Sta.
220 209 Crosby 8t. corner Kolladay Ava
221 358 Larrabee St. near Broadway.
22114 Residence, 205 McMillen St. cornet
Hotia St -
222 Basement, 434 Larrabee St, cornet
Dupont St. '
223 Garage, 319 Williams Ave., corner
McMillen St
2314 833 Union Ave. N., near Weldler.
224 Garage. E. 8th St, between Weldler
St. and Broadway.
225 Garage. S. W. corner B. 14th 8t and
226 Garage. S. B. corner. E. 16th and
Weldler Sts.
22G14 Garage, N. W. corner E. 17th and
Thompson Sts.
227 Garage, 8U4 Broadway, between B.
19th and E. 21st Sta
228 Basement, N. E. corner B. 22d and
Tillamook: sts.
229 Engine house. E. 24th St. near Tilla
mook St. -
22954 Fern wood School, Hancock St,
near B. 30th St.
230 Hill Sons grocery, B. 39th St and
Sandy Boulevard.
23014 Boulevard Garage, E. 42d St and
Sandy Boulevard.
231 57th St. Garage, N .B. corner B. 6Tth
St and Sandy Boulevard.
tst 1419 Sandy Boulevard, near H. 52d.
23214 Garage, N. W. corner E, 47th and
Thompson " Sta.
233 Garage. S. W. cor. E. 41st and Knott
Why Change a Tried Senator
For an Untried One?
, Everyone knows that Senator Chamberlain has made a wonderful
record" for Oregon and for the country. No one is attacking his record
in this campaign, because it is flawless. Shall he e sacrificed on the
mere suggestion that he may at some future time, and on some possible
future question, be at variance with a Republican or a Democratic
President, when he has stood always four square on everything that
affects the country or- his state ?
Shall we dismiss an efficient, competent and trained Senator for.
an untried, inexperienced one? . . . -
- Shall we lose his position and influence on the Commerce Committee
of the Senate, where he and Senator McNary, both from the same state,
are serving, and elect a man who cannot possibly be placed there under
the rules of the Senate? . 1
This is what it means to vote the Republican ticket straight.
His record shows real Americanism, and no one knows this better
than the soldiers who served in the world war.
Members of any party can vote for him by putting a cross between
his number, 37, and his name, on the ballet.
(Paid Adv.) v
C. J. Smith, Chairman, Democratic State Central Committee.
23314 Garage. N. W. corner E. 434 an,
Klickitat Sta.
234 Garage. N. W- cor. B. 24th and Knott
235 Garage. X. E. .'corner B. 22d and
Knott Sta ,
23514 Garage. X. E. corner B. 18th and
- Brasee Sta.
236 Garage, 640 E. lOth St. between
Brazes and Knott Sta
23614 Irvlngton school. B. 14th and
Thompson Sts.
237 716 Union Ave. N, opposite Ivy Bt
23714 5S0 Union Ave. X.
233 Garage,' 540 Thompson Bt, eorner B.
12th St,
23S14 Garage, S. W. corner B. loth and
Thompson sta.
239 470 Union Ave. N, cor. Eugene St.
240 449 Union Ave. ft., between Tilla
mook and Eugene Sta.
24014 477 Williams Ave., near Eugene.
241 Eugine house. Russell St.. betwaen
Williams and Rodney Avea.
242 640 Williams Ave., between Morris
and Monroe Sta.
243 T02 Williams Ave., between Cook
Ave. and Ivy St
244 Central M. E. Church. Vaneouvex
- Ave. and Fargo St
?45 r5l Williams Ave., between Knott
. St and Graham Ave.
246 543 Vancouver Ave., between Rusaell
and Knott Sta.
247 152 Russell St, corner Borthtwlck.
248 123 Russell St. between MississlpBl
Ave. and Alblna Ave.
249 Shaver school, Mississippi Ave. and
Morris St.
24914 645 Mississippi Ave., near Morris.
250 845 Capitol Ave., near Shaver St
251 96 Klllingswortb Ave., near Denver
Ave. -
25114 Garage. 116 Willamette Boulevard,
bet wpet Denver Ave. apd Gay St
252 04 Killlngsworth Ave., between Mich
igan and Mississippi Aves.
25214 Engine House, Willamette Boule
vard and Patton Ave.
253 N. W. corner Mississippi Ave, and
Skid more St
254 855 Mississippi Ave. near. Shaver 8t
25414 785 Mississippi Ave, between Beech
and Failing Sta.
255 770 Mississippi Ave, near Beach 8t
256 777 Williams Ave, corner Beech St
3614 -Garage, Shaver St, between Com
mercial st and Halgnt Ave.
257 966 Albina Ave, between Prescott and
Blandena Sts.
25714 Church. N. E. eorner Skidmora St
and Vancouver Ave.
258 Library, Killingsworth Ave. and Com
mercial St'
259 774 Williams Ave, between Beech and
Fremont Sta.
260 955 Union Ave. N, near Prescott 8t
261 Engine House, Union Ave, between
Alberta and Going Sta.
2619 820 Union Ave. N, between Falling
ana shaver sts.
263 856 Union Ave. N, corner Shaver at
203 14 Garage, 883 E, 9th St X, corner
Mason St. -
264 998 Union Ave. N, between Going and
. Wygant Sta.
284141039 E. 11th St. N, near Alberta St
283 598.14 Prescott St, corner E. 15th St
2B 594 Alberta St. corner Vernon Ave.
2011 14 672 Alberta St., between E. 18th
and 19th Sta.
267 Vernon School. B, 23d and Wycaat
268 809 E. 29th St N, near Mason St.
26814 Cowley's Hall. S. W. corner E. 28th
and Alberta Sts.
289 GaraKe. IS. 33d and Alberta Pta.
26914 1115 K. 30th St. N, near Killings
worth Ave.
270 Kennedy School, E. 33d and Jarrett
27014 Concordia College, E. 28th and Hol
man ats.
271 Garage, .N. W. corner B. 16th St and
Killingsworth Ave.
272 651 Alberta St, corner B. 17th St.
272 14 X. W. nor. E. 23d and Alberta Sts.
273 Garage, 1060 E. 14th St. N, near Al
berta St.
27314 551 Alberta St., between E. 12th
and 13th Sts.
274 Church, car. E. 6th and Alberta Sts.
275 Confectionery. N. E. eorner Unioa
Ave.. N, and Killingsworth Ave.
27i 444 Dekum Ave, near E. 7th St
277 S. E. cor. Dekum and Durham Avea
278 Engine House, Durham Ave-, near
Dekum Ave. .
279 Woodlawn School, ' Union Avenue and
Bryant St.
37914 Garage, 1315 Union Ave. 14.. corner
Hulman St. -
289 Church. S. E. corner Cleveland Ava.
and Jarrett St.
28014 1176 Moore St, between Killings
worth Ave. and Jessup St.
281 -187 Killingsworth Ave, between Al
bina and Borthwick Aves.
282 115 Killingsworth Ave, between Miss
issippi and Albina Avea.
28214 Ockley Green School, Patton and
Ainaworth Avea.
283 Kenton Club, Kusaett and Greenwich
2R814 14" Lombard Pt, near 'Albina Ave.
284 1781 Derby St, between Willis Boule
vard and McClelland St.
2S5 Fire Hail. Portland .Boulevard and
. Greeley St.
286 Thinms Garage. 93 Portland Blvd.
28014 8914 Killingsworth Avenue, near
Campbell St.
287 Garage, 275 W. Killingsworth Ave.,
near Greeley St.
28714 155 W. Killingsworth Ava, corner
Oay St.
288 1587 Peninsula Ave, nr. Lombard St
8814 294 Willis Boulevard, near Penin
sula Ave.
289 403 Lombard St, near Washburn' St
200 Church, S. E. corner Flake and Lom-
bard Sta.
291 694 Lombard St, near Flake St
292 1632 Portsmouth Ave., near Lombard
293 821 Lombard St, corner Portsmouth
204 533 Lombard St. near Otis French
Block. .
29414 Garage, 1003- S. Kellogg St., near
Buchanan St
29FV Old City Hall, St. Johna
96 216 West Catlin St
29614 603 N. Seneca St. corner Fessen-
den St
297 Library, Charleston emd KeIlor Sta.
298 Building, Midway and Feasenden Sta
i;UU Kicolal garage, Columbia blvd. and
tierby St.
300 Park Rose Congregational church.
Park Rose. ,
301 Grange hall. Ruasellville.
302 Buckley school house.
;I03 Calkins hall, Gilbert ststlon.
304 Farnsworlh store, Gilbert station.
305 City hall, Fairvlew.
306 Maccabees hall, Rockwood.
3U7 Pleasant Valley, Grange hall, 6yca
mere station.
808 Murphy's hall. Greeham.
80t Condon hotel, Gresham.
80914 City hall, Gresham.
810 Masonio ball, Troutdale.
811 Elliott's hall, Powell valley.
31114 Denny's ball. Pleasant Home.
812 Union high scriool, Corbett
13 Library, Bridal Veil Lumber company.
Bridal Veil.
814 Bridal Veil Lumber company office.
Palmer, Or.
jl5 Warrendale store, Warrendale, Or."
16 School house, Sauvies island.
il7 Holbrook school house. Holbrook, Or.
31714 Fire hall, Whltwood Court
318 Fire hail, Llnnton.
31814 Frank Johnson's house, one-eighth
mile north of intersection of Sky
line blvd. and Germantown road.
319 Sylvan schoolhouse, Sylvan.
320 Fairdale schoolhouse.
,5 . hniBiuiv sciiuolhouse.
822 Ryan place club-house
32214 Multnomah station.
323 Maplewood clubhouse.
324 West Portland schoolhouse.
325 Riverdale schoolhouse.
32514 Collins View grocery, intersection
, Palatine Hill road and Boonea Ferry
' road.
326 Brentwood halt corner 'Cooper and
82614 0857 82d.
327 Errol Heights clubhouse.
K.i wanis to Hear Pastor.
Rev. R. H. Sawyer of the East Side
Christian church will be the speaker
at the' luncheon of the Kiwanis club
Tuesday noon. He will take as bis
subject "In Search of a-Patlfter." .
8. & H. gren stamps for cash.
Holman Fuel Co. Main 353. 660-21.
Read The Oregon ian classified ads.
Yota M
Your teeth are coated with a dingy
film. The fresh film .is viscous . you
can feel it with your tongue. But some
has fixed itself, no doubt, in a cloudy
You, must remove that film to have
teeth glisten. And to keep them white
you must constantly combat it.
There is now a way to do that. This
is to offer a ten-day test to show you
the results.
Film must be fought
Film is the teeth's great enemy. It
clings to teeth, gets between the teeth
and stays. The tooth brush cannot ef
ficiently combat it without help.
Countless teeth discolor and decay
despite the daily : brushing. Tooth
troubles have been constantly increas
ing. And that film which you leave
causes most of them.
Film absorbs stains, so the teeth look
dingy. It is the basis of tartar. It holds
food substance which ferments and
forms acid. It holds the acid in con
tact with the teeth to cause decay;
Millions of germs breed in it. They,
. with tartar, are the chief cause of pyor
rhea. Now at your command
There is now a way to fight film, and
at your command. It resulted from
painstaking dental research. Careful
tests have so proved its efficiency that
leading dedtists everywhere advise it.
The New-Day Dentifrice
A scientific film combatant which brings five much-desired effects.
Approved by authorities and now advised by leading dentists every
where. All druggists supply the large tubes.
When the body begins to stiffen
and movement becomes painful it
is usually an indication that the
kidneys are out of order. Keep
these organs healthy by taking
The world's standard remedy for Iddnay,
liver, bladder and uric acid troubles.
Famous since 169& Take regularly and
teep in good health. In three sizes, all
druggists. Guaranteed as represented,
week fer the name Gold Medal om aver box
and accept no imitation
Free Trial Treatment en Re.
quetft. Aslt also or my "pay-when-reduced"
of.fer. M y
.treatment has often reduced
at the rate of a pound a
day. No dieting, no exercise,
absolutely safe and sure
Mr. E. Bitcman writes
Have taken your treatment
and- it is wonderful how it
reduces- It does just as you
say. I have reduced a pound
a day and feel fine.
Mrs. Anna Schmidt write
I weighed 178 pounds before I started your
treatment and 1 now weigh V6U pounds.
You may print this if you like.
These are just examples of what my
treatment can accomplish. Let me send
you more proof at my expense.
Licensed Physician, 286 Fifth Avenue,
J'ew York. Desk H-448.
Ladies' HATS
Wholesale Prices
' We invite your inspection
of our line.
The Elsie Trimmed Hat Co.
N. W, Cor. Broadway and Oak St
list Do
if you want teeth to glisten
The methods are combined in a den
tifrice called Pepsadent. And millions
of people every day now see and feel'
the benefits it brings.
Acts in five ways
Pepsodent attacks the film in two
effective ways. Then it keeps the teeth
so highly polished that film cannot
easily adhere.
It multiplies the salivary flow Na
ture's tooth-protecting agent. It mul
tiplies the starch digestant in the saliva,
to digest starch deposits that cling. It
multiplies the alkalinity of the saliva,
to neutralize the acids which cause
tooth decay.
It does this twice daily and in scien
tific ways. Thus to millions of people
it is bringing a new. era in teeth cleaning-
: '
Watch these effects
Each use of Pepsodent brings
' ' all these effects:
1 A multiplied salivary flow.
2--Mnltiplied starch digestant in the
saliva, to digest starch deposits
' that ding.
' 3 Multiplied alkalinity of the saliva,
to neutralize the acids which cause
tooth decay. ;. a . i
4 Two-fold attacks on film..
- 5 High polish.
Jrueasanx vav to
Jbreakup exuds-
EVERYONE in the family can
i rely on Dr. King's New Dis- .
covery, the standard remedy
for the last fifty years, to break
up coughs, grippe and stubborn
colds. No harmful drugs. At
your druggists, 60c and $1.20.
Far coldgandcoughs
'New Discovery
Sallow Skin Not Pretty
Constipation destroys the complexion,
making it yellow and Ugly. Keep the
bowels at work cleaning out the system
daily by using Dr. King's Pills, They
do the work thoroughly and gently.
Buy a bottle today, 25 cents.
Back Ache
Limber Up With Penetrating Ham
lin', wizard fit. .
For Lame Back. Sideache, Shoul
der Pain, Stlft Neck, etc., use Ham
lin's Wizard Oil. It penetrates quick
ly, eases the pain and drives out the
soreness. Keep It In the house.
- Wizard Oil Is a good dependable
preparation to have in the medicine
chest for first aid, when the doctor
may he tar away. Tou have no
Idea how useful t will be found, in
cases of every day ailment or mla
haD. when there is need of an im
mediate healing, antiseptic applica
tion, as in cases of sprains, bruises,
cuts, burns, bites ana stings.
Generous size bottle 85c
If you are troubled with constipation or
elnlc headache try Hamlin's Wizard L.lver
Whips. Just pleasant little pink pills at
druggists at SOc, Adv.
D Prompt Worrt Grip
10-Day Tube Free
Dept. A, 1104 8, Wabash A, Chicago, I1L
Mail 10-Day Tube of Pcpsodant to
A Word of Help to Women
of Middle Age From
Mrs. Raney.
Morse. Okla. "When I was 45
ears old Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound
carried rne
through the criti
cal period of the
Change of Life in
safety. I am over
60 and have raised
a family of eight
children and am
in fine health. My
daughter and
d aughters-in-law
recommend vour
i Vegetable Com
pound and I still take it occasionally
myself. You are at liberty to use
my name if you wish." Mrs. Alice
Kanst, Morse, Oklahoma.
Change of Life is one of the most
critical periods of a woman's exist
ence. This good 'old-fashioned root
and herb remedy may be relied upon
to overcome the distressing symptoms
which accompany it and women
everywhere should remember tbat
there is no other remedy known to
carry women so successfully through
this trying period as Lydia E. Pink
barn's Vegetable Compound.
If you want special advice write
to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co.,
(confidential), ILynn, Mass. Your
letter will be opened, read and an
swered by a woman and held in strict
4 Different Kinds of I.aunrv
Different Prices
EAST 404
Deep-Seated Coughs
cevcio)! scnuin -vuk1,-s -v" -
Use an old mnd time-tried remedy that
A Gift
The 10-Day Tub of Pepso
dent is free. It will show these
new effects and the .book we
send will tell the reasons for
This test has led millions to
whiter, safer teeth. It is due to
yourself that you make it.
Send the coupon.
See the change in
a week
A test of Pepsodent quickly reveals theses
effects. Some of them are instant. In a
week the results you see and feel will prob
ably delight you,
Send the coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Note
how clean the teeth feel after using. Mark '
the absence of the viscous film. See how
teeth whiten aa the film-coats disappear.
Compare the results with old methods.. You
will quickly realize what advances science
has now made.
Da this now, for that film on teeth may night
and day do damage if you wait.
Free Proof
That You Can Hear!
The wonderful, improver! A const i
eon has now enabled more than 400.000
deaf people to hear. Wo are sure- it
will do the same for you; are so abso
lutely certain of it that we are eager
to send you the
1920 Acousticon
For lO Days' 1KEE TRIAL .
No Deposit No Expense
There is nothing yon will have to
do but ask for your free trial. No
money to pay, no red tape, no reserva
tion to this offer. Our confidence
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plete that we will gladly take all the
risk in proving, beyond any doubt,
that the
Joy of Hearing Can Be Yours Again!
The New Acnnstiron has improve
ments and patented features which
cannot be duplicated, so no matter
- what you have ever tried, just ask
for a free trial of the New Acuti'on.
You'll get it promptly, and if it
doesn't ninke you hear, return it and
you will owe us nothing not one cent.
Dictograph Products Corp..
07 B, Oregon Bldg., Portland, Or,
Xlfiht and Mornln
VT m, Gss-a
Healthy Eyea pt
lhav rp I - A TfK.
flamed or Granulated, uso Murine
often. Soothes, Uetrcahea. Safe for
Iniant or Adult. At all Druggists.
Write for tree Eye Book. Alpr-ae
lye Itemed- 1 o- Cnicajro.
Phone your want ads to The Qrago
nlan, lain 7070, Automatic S6J-95.
ft' 'Ji i.iaaegMi.S'ei