TITE HORNTXG OREGOXIAN, THTJIISDAT, OCTOBER 2S, 1920 11 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF City Editor . Sunday Editor Superintendent ol Bide'.'. Main 70TU. SttO-85 AMCSEMEST3. EEILIO (Broadway at Taylor) Musical play. "Buddies," tonight. BAKER (Alder at Eleventh)-Bak Stock company in "A. Voice In the ' to LYRIC' (Broadway at Morrison) Musical comedy. "All Aboard." Tnree " daily 2. 7 and P. M. HIPPODROME (Broadway J'"""" Vaudeville and moving P'ClUJ,?"kavs Ind 6:45 to 11 P. M. Saturdays, bundays and holidays continuous, 1:1a to il PANTAGES (Broadway V Alde? V-oV ville. Three shows daily. -30. ? ann Crrr Bankers Go to Skattlb. Port land will fee represented at a meet ing of the executives of the north west chapters of the American In- titute of Banking- which Is in aes- rn70 MO-5 !"!riMain70T0. SflO-95 Sjon ln Seattle today and tomorrow, nt.-Main 70,0. by J. K. Bryon of the Ladd & Tilton Twelve Default Divorces Granted. Twelve default divorce decrees were eranted yesterday by Presiding Judge TazweU. They were Addie M. Crow asainst Isaac D. Crow. Bernetta SilK nitter asainst R. O. Silknitter, J. K. Slatter against Mary bianer, xv. ham against Nellie Leedham, F'ndley Watson against Maggie Watson. Ralph Bucknam against Marlon BucR nam. Grace D. Jones against William F Jones, Anna Lovson against Harry Lovson. John Blum against Katherine Blum. Mabel Fugua against Harry Fugua. Lctha G. Herald against Chester M. Herald. Claira Johnson against J. R. Johnson. 1 Alleged Bootlegger Caught. Ed Schmidt, wanted in Portland on a charge of selling liquor to Indians on the Klamath reservation, has been caught in Sacramento, according to word received yesterday by federal authorities. Schmidt was placed under toDO bail here about a year and a half ago. He fled and his where abouts were unknown until yesterday. A deputy United State marshal will deliver him to the Portland authori ties as a removal order has been eigned. Mount Hood Lookouts Through. The lookout house on the top of Mount Hood has been locked up for the winter and will not be opened 'again nntll July 1. A. T. Maas and W. C Kelly of the forest service were look outs on the mountain top during the past summer. The experimental wire less which was installed during the summer for the first time, will prob ably be used again next year. Patd $4000 to Widow. Four thou sand dollars have been given to Mrs. Katy Schwartz by the Portland Rail way, Light & Power company for , the death of her husband, jonn Schwartz, on September 1. ConfesJ Bion of Judgment was filed yesterday I asaauit in lltS UlIUUll ..... yjiin i an employe of the eompany, lost his life when he was thrown from a work car. Undertaking Establishment Au thorized. Permission was granted, yesterday to M. G. Griffin for the erection of an undertaking establish ment at the .southwest corner of Seventeenth and Taylor streets. The council acted upon the recommenda tion of City Commissioner Barbur, who announced that no there was no op position to the granting of the permit. Gordon and Fire Chief to Debate. A hot debate is expected at the special members' forum luncheon at the Chamber of Commerce at noon to day, when Herbert Gordon, candidate for mayor will oppose the 3-mill tax levy charter amendment and Jay Stevens, San Francisco fire chief and manager of the fire prevention bureau of the Pacific, will urge its passage. Biologists Visit Portland. T. H. Scheffer and L. -K. Couch, assistant biologists of the United States bureau of biological survey, were in Portland yesterday to confer with Stanley S. Jewctt. predatory animal inspector. Since Mr. Jewett was out of the city, they will probably return today to the state of Washington, where they are in rodent control work. Progress in Dentistry. Our nerve blocking method enables us to eradi cate pyorrhea, extract, fill, or crown teeth without pain. We can fit your mouth with permanent, comfortable and sightly artificial teeth soon after we extract your worthless teeth. Hartley, Kiesendahl & Marshall, 307 Journal bldg. Adv. PiIess Club to Hear Politics. A "free-for-all" political programme is to occupy today's luncheon session of the Portland Press club at the Elks' building. Proponents and opponents of . various measures on the ballot have been aisked to attend and de liver three-minute speeches. Numerous candidates are also to be present. Dr. Hinson Lectures todat. Dr. W. B. Hinson will give his regular Thursday afternoon Bible lecture on - "The Facts of the Faith." from 3 to 4 today at the East Side Baptist church, Kast Twentieth and Salmon streets. Mrs. Virginia Spencer Hutchinson will ins. Mattio Is Convicted. Vincenzlo Jiiattio, charged with larceny of $ rrom the safe in the store of Joe Lemma at Linnton, was yesterday found guilty by a jury in Circuit Judge Tucker's court Sentence will be given Friday. Trial of the case occupied rive days. Do Not Foboet to call up East S08S when you want the Salvation Army auto-truck to call for cast-off cloth ing, magazines, newspapers, furniture, etc. Address 24-26 Union ave Majo John Bree. district officer. Adv. Have a good time at the harvest festival of the Portland Turn Verein. 13th and -Main, next Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 29, 30 and 31. 7:30 P. M. Bazaar, dancing and entertain ment. Admission 10 cents. Adv. Modern office systems devised and Installed. Our system experts at your service, no obligation. Over 400 stock forms to select from, at a savin. Phone Main 1971. Pacific Staty. & Ptg. Co.. 107 Second street. Adv. Join the crowd going to the big benefit mask ball, given by Klrk patrick council for the home and hos pital at Swtes hall, 300 Jefferson, Fri day night; fine music; 19 good prizes. Admission 35 cents Adv. Free Lecture or Conservation of Visiun by Dr. A. P. De Keyser, Thurs day, October 2S. S P. M. De Keyser Optical Institute, 2d floor Columbia bidg. Adv. Sedan demonstrator for sale cost new $2350, now $1900. Same as' new. Call Bdwy. 4184. Willamette Motors company, Broadway at Flanders. Adv. Patients of Dr. Marie Equt will be taken care of by competent physicians at room , Iafayette bldg.,31314 Wash ington street. Phone Main 392S.. Adv. Dental Servic at North Pacific college. Patrons and friends of .ours desiring dental work may now receive prompt service. Adv. Be pure to ask for the original Flor op .Baltimore at your tavorite smoke hop. It s the quality cigar with the union labeL Adv. Kino and Hiawatha Coals. Ice Delivery Co.. exclusive mine gents. Bdwy. 4280, 632-45. Adv. Dr. W. R. Cofpm a n has moved to fi5 Klectric bldg. Phone Main 969 Adv. Onb Room makes two rooms with Oscillating Portal Wall Beds. Tlmms, Crss & Co., 1S4 2d st. Adv. Dr. Chari.bs C. Petheram. eye, ear. nose and throat, has returned. SiS Morgan bldg. Adv. Mm Vucash, French dinner, E to t P. M.. $1. 738 Johnson. Main 8796. Adv. Kemherer Coal. Carbon Coal Co., mine agents. Kat 1188. Adv. Dr. Dattoic. classes. Sw.claod bids. Adv "!S4 Oak. bank. Christian Peterson of the United States National bank and Thomas H. West, a member of the national execu tive council. ' Bryon is president of the local chapter and Peterson is vice president. Breach or Promise Charged. Fifteen thousand dollars for failure to keep a promise to marry is asked of Frank B. Skinner, an electrician, by Mrsv Nadlne Gardner of Multnomah station in a complaint filed yesteday In the circuit court. .Mrs. Gardner, who is a widow, asserts that on Jan uary 17, 1920, the defendant promised to marry her, setting March 18 as the date. In April she asked him to keep his word and he declined, she alleges. Cruelty Is Charged. Cruelty is charged in three divorce complaints filed yesterday in the -circuit court. Those asking separations on these grounds are Arra Lavina Hirsch from Louis Thomas Hinsch, Pearl Miller from Claude Miller and E. B. Goughnor from Minnie D. Goughnor. Ralph L. Dundas is seeking a divorce from Daisy M. Dundas He alleges deser tion. . John Maliskoff Missing. John Maliskoff. aged 10. did not want to go to school, so he decided to run away instead. His father yesterday asked the police to assist in finding the youthful runaway, who has been missing since Monday evening. He was wearing white canvas shoes, a blue shirt and short black trousers. He had no hat. The family lives at 652 Front street. Phone Toll Boxes Robbed. Coins In the toll boxes of the pay station on the first and fifth floors of the courthouse were found to have been stolen when the collector for the telephone company went to remove the change yesterday. The theft had been committed by prying the re ceptacles open, then shoving the doors back into place Crrr Plant Gets Contract. The municipal paving plant was awarderd the contract yesterday for the im provement of Woodward avenue from Grand avenue to Milwaukie street. The city's bid was $25,549.65, com pared with a bid of $28,913.65 by the nearest competitor. Woodward ave nue is the principal thoroughfare in Brooklyn. Restaurant O w n b r Accused. Steve Chocales, a Greek restaurant owner of 132 Fourth street, was ar rested yesterday my Motorcycle Pa trolman btilea on complaint of J. J Madden, who charged the Greek with It was alleged Chocales hit Madden over the head with a bottle 'BUDDIES" OPENS TONiSHT OLIVE REEVES SMITH HAS FAMOUS FATHER. " Mrs. , Desman 3Ialey, in Private Life, Flajrs Leading Role) of Julie. Olive Reeves Smith ia the daugh ter of a famous father. Reeves Smith of the English stage. She is Mrs. Denman Maley In priv ate life and theirs is one of the hap py marriages of th'e theatrical world. Miss Reeves Smith plays the role of Julie in the musical play "Buddies," which opens tonight at the Hellig SMITH l JfC'v Jit t A 3 it it -fi1t UK . t ' ' - J 4 r KUPPENHEIMER GQOD OXSMESl You'll Find the Famous Kuppenheimer Label Among These $75 and $85 - Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats SUPPOSE- You Wanted to Borrow $10,000 OR You Wanted to Rent a House OR You Wanted to Buy Life Insurance ,vi" '. 'J "i -4 " w Olive Reeves SmHh, who Is tal ented lead In yw Heills; lhow. theater, and Mr. Maley appears op posite her in the role of the prin- lpal comedian, "Babe." Review say that Miss Reeves Smith's playing is a revelation in charm ana sweet ness and that her singing and danc ing is exceptional. Mr. Maley plays a sing-song character, rich in comedy, Trail," which is said to be finding especial favor along the Pacific coast. The engagement closes Sat urday night. There will be a special matinee Saturday. The Selwyns are sponsoring the in the course of an argument at the production which had a big eastern restaurant run. it is not a war piay in any Ar.r.1 ni-To -v a t . rr rp- respect, Dut is on ine contrary county jail sentences of six months 8loi7. aIter l" , a B T "t . each .were imposed against James ",u luil ' 'e1" " v" Rf!T,lo Hr,l. K,r AjT nn Inlna I SOngS and Steps. Judge Rossman yesterday. Stanley Of!8 ?Mbe'J?'F '1 " ia pleaded guilty to separate charges of wail of the Tale of the Long . If Jig carrying concealed weapons and having narcotics in his possession. He was arretted Sunday by Police In- Ten-Mile Road Finished. A ten- mile strip of road south of Clear lake. which forms the link between the Mount Hood loop and the Deschutes country, has Just been completed, ac cording to T. H. Sherrard, supervisor of the Oregon national forest. Twenty more mile remain to be built. A crew of 15 men has been at work on the ten-mile strip since June. Reed Students Told of Issues. C. C. Chapman addressed the students of Reed college yesterday on the con- Result of Ballot to Be Furnished STituuonai amenaments wnlcn come . Now Special at And there are other well-known brands, too. Superior fabricsand finish; unmistakable style. Swagger reversible leather and gabardine coats. Snug winter-weight Knit Overcoats. Raincoats of Priestley's gabardine. Overcoats in all the popular models and colors. Suits whose-keynote is quality and good taste. Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats Values to $65 -Special at . See out windows $45 Exclusive Kuppenheimer House in Portland Morrison at Fourth S. & H. Stamps Given o v WHICH YOU e . WOULD 1 1 Suppose you wanted to borrow $10,000 K and ONE BANK said: We charge 6 interest, BUT at the end of the year we will re turn you some of this, according to our general suc cess. IF we prosper as hitherto the net cost to you is 6. Next year's cost may be less. This depends on current inter est rates, our economy and our profit and loss. You'd say to yourself: That's a queer way to borrow money! If they are so prosperous, why overcharge me? I want to know NOW what it costs. And AN OTHER BANK said: We will lend to you at Suppose you wanted to rent a house And said: ONE I charge $1000 a year; BUT at the end dT the year I will refund you something accord ing to my profits on all tenants. IF I prosper your net rent is only $850.00 or$800.00. Next year it may be less. All depends on the real estate market, which is flourishing now and may even im prove; if so, you get the benefit. You'd sayto your- self: A very queer plan! Suppose my land lord makes LESS than usual. Why should I take the chance? And AN OTHER said: Here is a house next door, same plan, just as well built. You may have it for $780. BILL FEATURES ELECTION EETUEXS TO BE AXXOCXCED ' BY ORPHECM ACTORS. up before the, voters for a decision next Tuesday, giving the second of a series of such talks at Reed. Charles H. Cheney will talk on "City Plan ning" at the college at 10 o'clock this morning. Forestry Examination Held. Nine candidates, three of whom are ex service men. have taken the examina tion for forest ranger, conducted by the Oregon national forest. The re suits of the examination will not be announced for several months, since the papers must be sent to the civil service commission at Washington. u. u. Accused Father Arrested. Edward Rathbone, known here as D. W. Stewart, was arrested Tuesday by Deputy Sheriff Hamaker and Us being held for removal to Bozeman, Mont. He is wanted to answer to charges of committing a statutory crime against his daughter. An officer from Montana is to be sent for hi Senator McNart to Speak. United btates senator Mc.Nary, who is now chairman of the senate committee on irrigation and reclamation of arid lands, will speak on "Reclamation and tiesuits' at the luncheon of the Pro gressive Business Men's club at the Benson hotel today. Attorney John A uecKwitti will be chaftman of the day, fcTHEEIDGE GOES NORTH. John Jj. Etheridge. president of Morris Bros Inc.. left Portland Tuesdav nieht on a business trip to Puget Sound cities and expects to return Saturday night. LI JJf UEJilP This bank Theater-Goers Hot From Special Telegraph. Two complete Orpheum shows will be staged at the Heilig next Tuesday night, election day, and the election returns will be read by the various vaudeville artists at each night per formance. The first night show will start at 7:30 o'clock and the second show at 10 o'clock. After the second night show' reading of the election re turns will be continued until after midnight and as long as desired by the majority of the Orpheum patrons. The two night shows Tuesday will not Interfere with the Orpheum's regular matinee 'schedule," Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Special arrangements .have been made by the Orpheum to provide its patrons with fresh-f rom-the-wire election returns. A telegraph instru ment will be installed in the.-lobby of the theater and from that point the returns-'will be relayed to the stage by messenger and reading of the re turns will proceed as the enow is in progress. SECRECY CHARGE DENIED celebrated its first birthday October 15 with A MILLION in deposits The 1st Year an unprecedented record in Portland that shows what can be achieved by close personal attention to each customer and a notable Spirit of Community Service.' ' ' .-no Which Loan Would YOU TAKE? Which House Would YOU Rent? The TRAVELERS Insurance Company Now suppose you want LIFE INSURANCE ANOTHER Company says: ONE Com p any says: We charge flOOO a year for this policy; but each year-we will pay you a dividend. Nowadays the dividend reruc e s your net cost to $850 or even $800, with a steady re duction thereaft er. It depends chiefly on what interest rates we earn. They are favorable now. Yes, interest rates do fluctuate, and ours may get low er; if so our divi dends may not be quite so good. But, don't worry. Look at our rec ord! You are apt to think: Sounds good. But why 0 v e r c h arge me so? Why is in surance different from other things 1 buy? I want something DEFINITE. WHICH WILL YOU TAKE? Our rate is $780 Those who applaud the development of a bank that "is different" and who appreciate the features of "Broadway Service" are in vited to join the small army of depositors ' who are entitled to the credit for our attain ment of - "A Million the First Year" Interest on regu lar Sav ings a t rate of has been for over half a century the leading advo cate of Guaranteed Low Cost Life Insurance. In the ratio of increase in Life Insurance in force in 19145 to the amount in force at the end of 1917 The Travelers stood first among the principal Life Insurance companies in the country. Guaranteed Low Cost Policies have made their way into public favor by their superior merits. They eliminate all elements of speculation and uncertainty. A guaranteed lower premium for a certain amount of insurance, or from fifteen to twenty.-five per cent more insurance at the beginning, takes the place of the higher premium with the so-called "dividends" of participating companies. The rates are high enough for safety and as low as safety permits. City Auditor Declares Reports of Municipal Departments Public Mr. Etheridge returned last week after bv certain candidates for mayor that a month s tour of southern California reports of the c6nduct of municipal Y i """". mcn mciuoea a short departments have not been published L..,.u, uuutuermwaieiico. since 118 are political buncombe, Saw Injures Workman. George I untrue and misleading, said City Reich. 22. of 858 Syracuse etreet, re- Auditor Funk, who is in charge of ceived a, bad cut In the left side when the city's records, yesterday. he fell against a saw while working "The city reports were published at the f enlnsula Lumber company ! in 1917." said Mr. Funk. The re ports were not published in lyis because of the war, and in 1919 the bids offered the city for tha print ing were considered too high. "But the fact that the reports have not been printed for two years does not Mean that they have not been made and have not been available to the public. Reports of every trans action in the conduct of the munici pal government are made quarterly, semi-annual-ly and annually and are on file in my office. Furthermore, such records are and always have been public records." A Bank for i Everybody' A man should follow in insurance the business practice of a definite amount of insurance for a definite price. PHIL GROSSMAYER CO., General Agents X oka. Phone Main 702 Wm. C. Kavanangh Cyrill Brownell L. L. Nason Lloyd S. Wilcox Bldg., Sixth Floor For Information, See Any bf the Following ' Chas. E. Fuller Dow V. Walker Todd Hazen Charles Barton Frank Herman Rockey D. Hodgkin Lawson Albert Eschricht Ralph G. DeLano plant yesterday. He was taken to St. Vincent's hospital where it was said his injuries are not serious. Enoineer to Get $100 a Dat. Pay ment of J1010 for eieht days' service in examining the Burnside bridge to John Lyle Harrington of Kansas City was authorized yesterday by the county commissioners. Mr. Harring ton is a consulting engineer and valued his services at $100 a day. moonshine costs 1100. Martin Luksiuh was fined $100 yesterday in ponce court alter Judge Rossman had found him guilty of violating the prohibition laws. Police testified they found a quantity of moonshine liquor in his possession. J. D. MERRYMAN IS DEAD Kx-Cashier of Custom House Dies at Klamath Falls. ! Captain John D. Merryman. cashier in the Portla-nd custom-house from 1898 to 1913. died Tuesday at Klamath Falls, Or., according: to word received here yesterday. Captain Merryman, who was a vet eran of the civil war. was born In Ohio in 183S. He was collector of customs at Astoria, Or., for several years, and for some time made his home in Hlllsboro, Or. He was a pioneer merchant of that city. He was a brother-in-law of the late Con gressman Tongue. He is survived by his widow and four ch'ldren. Mrs. Alice Moultoa of New York and Adrfan. George and Harold Merryman, all of Klamath Falls. Arrangements for the funeral have not been completed. It probably will take place today or Friday at Klamath Falls. Satbtt Boxes, lc daily. Adv. Lumber Shipments Expected. EUGENE, Or, Oct. H7. (Special.) The big mill of the Alsea River Lum ber company at Glenbrook will begin shipping lumber, some time next week, according to O. B. Pennington and D. A. Hamilton of the Ball Lum ber company of this city, who vis ited the plant Monday. The mill le now working- on dimension lumber for railroad construction. BOON CASON Will speak at Lnts Grange hall Friday, Ortobrr 29 at 8 P. M., and tell the public bow Tits bod was murdered at the police station by the Portland police on last taster aay. Everybody Invited. Pd. Adv. G3 Room for 20,000 Letters in These Four Drawers ! Filing and Finding . Your Papers Made Easy by Filing Cabinets in Wood and Steel We carry filing; cabinet supplies of every description and for every system in our spacious third-floor furniture de partment. - NSpin You. will also fmd there a most com II Hi plete line of Desks, Chairs, Tables, Sec- uonai i3LKjivjtaca ix.nu. exues. Splendid Values in Used Desks The J. K". Gil! Co. Third and Alder Streets 3x Direct Name Filing System Can pour ft'Ze clerk find a letter in ten seconds? . Probablf not; in fact, two minutes would be nearer the average time in most filing departments. HufMreds of time -tests have been made through- , out the country in offices equipped with this system. The average is under ten seconds! Let our "Y and E" sys tem service man show you. Ask us for a copy of our new booklet. "Finding; and Filing In Less Than Ten Seconds. Glass & Prudhomme COMPANY Printers ' Bookbinder Desks Filing Cabinets 65-67 Broadway IN NINETEEN CITIES TRe Decker Loch- Steering Wheel Ask FORD, DODGE, CHEVROLET; OVERLAND 4 or MAXWELL deal ers to show you this wheel, or write R. P. RICE - Kansas City - - - - Missouri All Night 1 TOWING Service If stuck or wrecked, call our Cadillac 8 towing car, equipped for the most diffi cult jobs. , We can also supply your tire requirements at any time, any place, nights, Sun days, holidays. WE NEVER CLOSE Covey Motor Car Company Wanted Used Locomotive Crane Must be in good condition and cheap; 8-wheel, 6-ton or larger capacity. Brown preferred. Address The National Pole Co., Everett, Wash. anrrarrat KtmSm of landsv A Dtffereat Price KAST 494 I PHONE YOUR WANT ADS TO THE OREGONIAN M eeratel7-Prlec4 Btel f Merit HOTEL CLIFFORD Eaat Morrlsoa . and Bast Sixth. II .23 Jcc Uar. F Weak Va TWO of the most homelike hotels in Portland, located in the heart of the shopping and theater district. All Ore gon Electric trains stop at the Seward Hotel, the House of Cheer. Excellent dining- room in connection. The Hotel Cor nelias, the House of Welcome, is only two snort blocks from the Seward. Our brown buses meet all trains. Rates Jl.aO and up. W. C Cnlbrrtsom. Proa. FOR l: NF.Tl'FCT K I J COMPANY, RDMEMBER OXTR COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OK Home Prepared, Home Cooked Foods Salads Cold Meats and Pastries "Everything for a Luncheon" STOP Aivn SHOP AT TUG TIP TOP DE1ICATESSEN AD GROfERY, Thirteenth and Morrison 8tn. OPEN KVKMI.tGS AU SIMIAY. " Autoists Always Remember" REPAIRED PIANOS. PLAYER. PIANOS. PHONO GRAPHS Also rellmsari by a pew and better process Tor less money. Tuning and sctton regulating. BAROLD S. UILBERT 3S4 Yamhill Street Pianos Bonght. Kentri. Sola. GRAND BALL Brotherhood of Railroad Train men and Auxiliary FRIDAY, OCT. 29. 8:30 P. M. -Cotillion Hall, 14th, Near Washington Tickets on sale by members and at the door.