THE MORXIXG OKEGOXIAX, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23. 1920 RDLPH SIYS BAKER SHOULD BE ELECTED San Francisco Mayor Thinks Portland Executive Big Man. HARDING VICTORY SEEN California Will Go Republican by Big Vote, Is Prediction, and Waste Is Denounced. "Mayor Baker is one of the ablest and most fearless an in public life today and is a man who is possessed of .peculiar characteristics that make him an excellent executive," was the Slowing tribute paid to Portland's mayor yesterday by James Rolph, mayor of San Francisco, who was in Portland on business. "I sat alongside Mayor Baker in Washington. D. C..-' continued Mayor T:olph, "during the governors' and mayors' conference called by the president. If your people could have watched Mayor Baker in actfon there they would have sure seen the rea son for the high regard and respect for him that is held by the big men of the country. Rr-Kln-t lfn Ik trjcrd. "Mayor Baker has a punch and kick in him that are worth while. Portland is to be congratulated in having- a man like him in the mayor's chair, and if he is willing to con tinue to serve the people in that capacity, your people surely ought to keep him on the job." A complete republican sweep will result on November 2 in California, according to Mayor Rolph. The Bear state is solid for Harding and Cool itige. "California has a republican regis tration of about 6 to 1, and the gen eral feeling prevails that the entire republican ticket will be successful." Although business men throughout California are optimistic over the future, the Mayor said, the present policy of the United States shipping board in the operation of its ships Iti causing a tremendous disturbance in business channels. Grrnt Wante I C hni-Rrd. "This nation and its people will awake some morning faced with a colossal deficit due to the waste of funds in the operation of the ahlpe of the shipping board. If men were to , shovel $20 gold pieces into the man- hole of the Portland sewers as fast as they could be turned out of the United States mint the waste would be no greater. j "Unless eome definite policy is I adopted by the shipping board for j the operation tti Its ships, every private ship owner will go broke. Mayor Rolph said that the average business man in California was look ing toward the change in the na tional administration next March for the return of stability n business oor.d-itions, not alone on the Pacific coast, but throughout the United States. JAIL ENDS BRIDAL JOY Bad Checks Lead Seio Woman to Sue for Divorce. ALBANY. Or, Oct. 22. (Special.) That her husband has ostracized and banished society and friends was an allegation of Florence Taylor of Scio in her divorce suit against Nelson J. Taylor of Echo, which was tried be fore Judge Bingham in the state cir cuit court here yesterday. Mrs. Taylor testified that a few days before their marriage at San Diego, Cal.. March 9, 1917, her hus band bought an automobile, and four days after the wedding Taylor was in jail at Santa Ana, Cal., because the check he had given for the car had been returned. She said his relatives came to his rescue and made good the check and that Taylor was paroled and they came to Orego The w-ife said, however, that Taylor later began issuing checks without funds' to cover them, and his parents at different times made them good. EIGHT DIE IN ACCIDENTS 441 of 503 Injuries Come Under Compensation Act Provisions. SALEM, Or., Oct. 22. (Special.) There were eight fatalities in Oregon due to industrial accidents for the veek ending October 21, according to a report prepared by the state acci dent commission today. The victims were George Lee, fireman, Salem; A. Dahlman, logger, Quincy; W. Law rence, logger, Kerry; William Kenyon, signal man. Deer Island; Charles Voight, wool washer, Salem; Henry Michael, logger, tilenwood ; John Cun ningham, lawyer. Cedar Hill, and J. V. Pike, trackman, Portland. Of the total of 503 accidents report ed 441 were subject to tha provisions of the workmen's compensation act, 27 were from firms and corporations that have rejected the law. and 35 were from public utility corporations not subject to the provisions of the compensation act. 1 Meier & Frank Company $A H STORE -h FOR MENfj$ Features a Sale of the Famous Men's London-Made Aquascutum Coats $59.50 THIS SPECIAL OFFER FOR A LIMITED TIME WE MAKE this offer of men's London-Made Aquascutum coats at $59.50 simply to add to the number of Aquascutum wearers by putting: the price down so low as to attract men to the sterling; qualities of these garments. Let a man once discover how fine an Aquascutum is and it be comes henceforth an indispensable part of his ward robe. So it is in New York where thousands of well dressed men and young men wear these Aquascutum coats. So it will be in Portland when their merits are better known, to which end this sale has been planned. THESE Aquascutum coats are made of fine English materials specially tested for their rain-resisting quality, and they are in effect windproof as well. They are finely tailored gar ments in smart raglan models, double or single breasted, with belted backs or belts all around, con vertible collars, slash or patch pockets. They are shown in handsome mixtures. They are so thor oughly good and stylish and serviceable that Port land men and young men should exhaust in record time the limited number in this sale at $59.50. Exclusive Portland Agents Meier & Frank's; The Store for Men. Third Floor. (.Mail Orders Filled.) The Quality' Store or- Portland i Y 1 SEE ALSO THE MEIER & FRANK ADVERTISEMENT ON THE BACK PAGE OF THIS PAPER Giving Portland Lower Price rrr in The Store for Men, Main Floor is Is the EliliHllr m TtiBr QjJALlTVSTOH.e.Or POKTLAi(n? The Store for Men, Third Floor M a.turday eier & Ffank 9 essafie for 1 M tore'; en We Haven't room on trie back page to do it properly, so we're taking this additional space to tell the men and women who buy for men what good news we have for them this Satur day, as indeed every Saturday the favorite shopping day for men at their favorite store. The Store for Men puts at the disposal of mas culine Portland the resources of the greatest buying organization on the Pacific coast, lead ing not only in merchandise and service, but in values. The undernoted are merely suggestions of many attractions in store for men this week end. Use the convenient Morrison-street en trance (shown above) to The Store for Men, Main Floor. Take any tor to The Store for Men, Third Floor. "up" elevator or escala- The Store for Men, Main Floor Recounts Various Fine Saturday Values Good Felt Hats $3.95 The fact that these are GOOD felt hats in the Meier & Frank sense of the word "good," its proper sense will be enough to tell any man that they are very low priced at $3.95. They are of good quality felt in black, brown, pearl, green,, tan popular shades, as you know. Wide, medium and narrow bands. Bound edges. Full leather sweatbands. Sizes 6 to I1. Felt Hats $7 AS These- hats at $7.45 (tax 25c) are the sort for which stores hereabouts have been getting $10 and more. Of genuine fur felt in pearl, brown, green, black. Majority are silk lined and all have full leather sweatbands. Stylish narrow and semi-narrow bands. , Bound edges. Sizes 6 to IVz. Underwear Values The weights Portland men want for fall and winter wear. All of these standard grade union suits are in long sleeves, ankle length style. Globe Union Suits $4.85 2 for $9.50. Famous Globe steam shrunken union suits at this special price. Medium and heavy weight ribbed gar ments of worsted mixed ma terial. Natural color. Sizes 34 to 46. Munsing Union Suits 4.50 Standard $5.25 grade. Just 179 of these medium weight worsted plated Munsing union suits in natural color. Sizes 34 to 50. Elesco Union Suits $7.95 $7.95 each (tax 30c) or 2 for $15.75 (tax 58c). Extra heavy ail wool union suits, especially good for the man who is out doors a good part of the time. Natural color. Sizes 36 to 46. Stuttgarter Union Suits. $7.35 $7.35 (tax 24c) or 2 for $14.50 (tax 40c). Standard $10 grade. Stuttgarter union suits in an ideal weight. High grade silk and worsted mixed union suits in natural color.- Monarch Union Suits S2.35 2 for $4.50. Regular $3 grade. Medium heavy weight elastic ribbed fleeced union "suits in silver gray. Sizes 34 to 46. Hatch Union Suits $4.00 Standard $5 grade. Just 135 of these Hatch one-button union suits in sizes 34 to 46. Worsted faced, slightly fleeced garments in natural color. -Meier & Frauk's: The Store for Men. Main Floor. (Mail Orders FlUed.) The Store for Men, Third Floor Makes for the First Time This Great Double Offer Choice of Any Man's Suit or Overcoat Formerly $65 to $100-Now " (Excepting Only Imported English-Made Overcoats) . Note, please, that this extraordinary offering of a fourth discount affects every suit and every overcoat selling until now in our stock from $65 to $100. That is to say, the man who buys one of these garments re tains in his possession exactly one-fourth of the amount at which the garment is regularly marked and the man who buys both a suit and an overcoat in this sale saves half (or average half) of what one garment would cost him regularly. It is unusual for a man to be able to save on a new high-quality style perfect suit in this way, and when a like large saving is to be had on a new overcoat of equal excellence then it is an altogether exceptional oppor tunity. The best makes of suits, the best makes of over coats you know the lines we carry Society Brand, Adler Rochester ... in a word, America's best clothes for men and young men. EVERYTHING within the above price range is included. We think it's a pretty big thing! Don't you? Meier & Frank's: The Store for Men, Third Floor. (MaJl Orders FiUed.) The Store for Men, Main Floor. Offers Something New and Very Remarkable New Japanese Crepe Shirts $2.50 A new shipment has just come to hand and men who have missed their favorite Japanese crepe shirts for some time are invited to come in and get a supply today. Incidentally they'll have cause to congratulate them selves on the price these shirts are 50c apiece LESS THAN THE WHOLESALE COST was 60 days ago. Japanese crepe shirtings are famous for their launder ing and wearing qualities and these are in good-looking striped patterns on solid colored grounds. Sizes 11 to 17 in the sale. Shirts at $3.85 More extraordinary shirt values! Hundreds of these shirts at this reduced price of $3.85 each (tax 9c) or two for $7.50 (tax 15c). Plenty of the staple madras, Russian cords, repps and pop lins, some tub silks and a few fibers. Full cut, well made shirts that are guaranteed to be fast color and that are guaranteed to be super values. 50c Miller Sox Pairs $1 These are the standard 50c grade Miller sox of "iron-heel-and-toe" fame so called because of their tremen dous wear-resistance properties. We offer these finely serviceable sox in black, white and good colors and in sizes 912 to HV-z inclusive at three pairs for $1 a full third saving. We shall gladly replace any pair that does not give complete satisfaction. Men's Gloves $1.75 The price is cut virtually in two because of the possi bility of a slight imperfection which we think purchasers will be hard put to discover. Particularly good for auto mobile and indeed for dress wear are these flannel-lined capeskin gloves in popular shades of black, brown and gray. Snap wrists. Good sizes. . Meier & Frank's: The Store for Men. Main Floor. ( Orders Filled.)