K - BIAl EST4T8. MLU ESTAT . ' ' " for-SaHoo, Fo Kt! : REAL STATJ. KEAL ESTATE. JtEAl. iw 1 l S - b"e r- SjZH Tf 1 I" KKA1. ESTATB. REVI, ESTATE. KL ESTATE - ' " Q-r SaJe House. I For Sale Uoium. I ...... r . - . TATTR TT..HTTR ST. Irew - Bungalow Near Park. $8500. Here hi absolutely one of the nnest new bungalows tn Laurel ?rat Nothing could be done to add to the attractiveness or to the convenience of this remarkable bungalow home. The owner built thla last sprln for his own home and when you see this bungalow ??U wiI1 appreciate the pains and the care which was taken to make this a perfect home. Hardwood floors, French doors between iiv .ing' room and dining room, ultra modern plumbing, imported tapes try paper, etc. It Is absolutely Im possible to overdescribe this prop erty. We want you to inspect It so that you yourself may verify our statement. Of course, there ia a garage. Shown by appointment only. You wiil be under no obli gation positively. A. O. TEEPB CO., 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main 3092. Open Sunday from 11 to 4 P. M. Let us write your fire and auto mobile insurance. MARSHALL 1898. $400 CASH. y.ntv 5-room bungalow, fireplace, gas heating system; no fuel to carry in and no aahes to carry out; pretty electric light fixtures: full set of plumbing paved street, cement sidewalk, sewer all In and paid for; cement driveway in for garage; lot 40xllC; half block to car line; total price. $4730; $400 cash. bal. $40 per month. $300 CASH. New S-room bungalow, fireplace, pretty electric light fixtures, full set of plumb ing, good baeemc-nt, cement driveway in ior garage; lot 40x110: 1 blocks to carl Aine. pavea street, sewer and Ctment Sidewalk. Price $3250; $300 cash, baL o.p iJui mom n. LAWYERS TITLE & TRUST CO MP ANT, zoo toturk bt.,..tar 4th. MARSHALL 1818. OWIVER LJJAVXXCi CITY. Offers at a sacrifice rw-ai.tifril hnm Ladd Addition, overlooking Central Park rooms, tun uasemfiit, with concre wails and cement fioor; attic, 2 sleep- one giassea in; unusual large iiving room, with fireplace, fu Dace, beamed ceilings, tanestrv w.itl nr.. per. paneled dining room, large garage, nit-? , irun, trees. Derries an price j.juu; terms. See owner . Kinuu ave., or pbune East 5584, $12.6041. WORTH $'-'5,900. oomg Boutn. want to seil oulckl magnificent s-room low rambling styl iiuiiRaiow, none equal in construction iirepiace, iwo oatns (one with shower un and breakfiiFt rooms, den. Frenc ooors and windows, beamed ceilings, f'u-iru uttutmynt, ceiiea attic, best ho watr neat, large porch. 200xlJ5 ground native tres, double g rage, paved street B beautiful coun.-ry r,iaee and right in iartt;.jw casn wui Handle, v uci . xaoor i no. WEST SIDE. SEVEN-ROOM HOME. Ground 40x100; 812 Johnson, near 24th ; can be seen by appointment; $6200. GEO. D. SCHATK, Main 39i 28 Stark St. 883 EAST IRVING- ST. 6-room house, garage, corner lot, close aw uy ana j.viontavtr ia car lines, oorner Kast U'Jth and Irving. , Phone HAWTHORNE. Five-room bungalow, fireplace, din lng room paneled and beamed ceiling. "uiu-ui Duxiec, moaern nutcn kitchen, 2 bedrooms and fine bath, large attic, iiooreu; iuii cf.mom Dasement and fur nace; lot 33x100; te-block off car Tine Street paved and pa.id for. Price $4500, WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO., Urnndway 2ns. 85 Fourth St. v lui-i l btl UK ; modern home of 8 iuuiiim, buou concrete oaaement, furnace bouse Is well arranged; fractional lot goou neigtiboruood. cloe in, near West h.i n.. i uis is unaerpncea ana a bargain O. W. Bryan, Cham, of Com. . Alain li03. KSNTON BUKGALOW $3S00. 6 lots and neat, clean, well-built 4 room bungjlow with Dutch kitchen, con ere to foundation complete plumbing just at end ot pavement: a neat Jittie home in this Industrial district: terms vrtr. ,,v .rra.iigea. rrea vv. tiennan Co. Chaniber of Commerce. YOVXG OR OLD rOTTpLE VACANT, BRAND XEV. CLEAN 4-RM. BCAT.ALOW $2750. Near Union ave. Woodlawn car shaded. fixtures. fittinea. UnAianm laie lot. Small cash payment, bal. like i - l. x aut-r ntov or xaOOr 4.JJ4. THAT VACANT LOT. not turn burden into Income? A e (k'.iKii and build apartments, garages residence, anything; furnish plans and LViii.V'V Estab'hed ""J years. We ofier i V. V t, ' OA 1 ACTION L. R. Buiiey Co.. W24 W. Kank bldg. A NICE HOME. Iot 50x100, a seven-room house that ....... t, uunt iwuay ior DUUU. Walk- dlstHnce- two cmc lines, east side. .;0- D- S CHALK, Main 392. FOR SALE BY OWNER Aioaern, attractive bungalow, i rooms and bath. Dutch kj.tchen, built-in buffet! -c"ir"i uoinein witn laundry travs sidewalks In and paid, two blocks to car' Price $2J50. $500 cash, balance easy. See Btjv-nuwai iioroiif?niy modern house and sjarage, convenient. In Portland's choicest residential district of Piedmont. 1 block to car. 14 to Fourth Church of C s to public library. 4 to Jefferson high !SSl; i?i 50Vr'?; A '''i'-ab.e horn, for 5500. Phone Woodlawn 1H7. WAVERLE1GH HEIOHTS DISTRICT. -room house, recently renovated rood fnmace. corner lot, 50x100; large as orted fruit trees, close In. 1 block to car; 200 cash, S5 monthly. Fred W German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce' BUILD NOW! If yon own a lot we will secure the snoney and build for you. Terma liit. rent. Call and see us. UUILDKRS- REALTY EXCHVNOE I'J1 Morgan Bldg. Main 2035 ONE OF-the bnngalows In Rose City Park on the hill. Just off Alameda drive near club house; Improvements all In 'paid Immediate possession; (2000 down 150 per month will handle. Owner. Tabor 3to5. 4S00 BUTS fine home, lot 82x156; 7 rooms" bath. S bedrooms, large pantv- laTL-e closets; also S-room house, we'll built! on same premises; trees, flowers, shrub bery, fruit. 83d su N.. near Glisan Call Auto. 3-22. Mr. Schultz. KASY terms to the man who's Interst' Just the little horn, you're look"t f Must be sold at once as I am envlnV for the east. Six room bungaiow on large lot with cherry tre?s and berries In the rear. CallTabor lC3i Der KOSE CITT PARK New 5-roorn DUI,--, " below the h,U, on 4Sth St. Urse Mv w room, breakfast room; fvor'v. apt cane? h. w. floors all built-in., (ravage. iir"i in- fill -shed or unfurni.h, .' "r1 312-43. wwuer. aui HOl'SS PLANS. Dlstlnrtlve Homes." Illustrated book of over 100 designs. 1; blueprint. jio DISTINCTIVE HOMES COHr"i' 924 Northwestern Bank BIUk. ' SKK WELLEIf' PORNEW " mODERV BUNGALOWS If you wish to buy cUrecL G. K. WELI.ER. builder Clroct- 226 Cham, uf Com. bidg . Main 5231.East 6372. BIO BARGAIN IX SUNNTSlbE 7-room residence, having all conven iences, on corner lot. streets made and paid; J1W0 cash, balance monthly J1'AGAKT UKOS., 1102 Spalding Bldg CLOSE TO 2ST-H AND SANDY BLVD "-room mooVein house; beiutifu' jtw-n full lot. J2S0t; half cash, baiance term.' a 11 improvements in and paid. E. tK:sJ A Mltu.rLl modern i-roqm house built 5 yf-ars ago. J6000, in Piedmont Call Woodlawn 13a to 0;S0 A. M, or' after IRVINGTON DIRECT FROM OWNFTR. rooms, sleeping porch, garaa-e: non cash, baiance easy. FOR SALE 6-roem house and bath $""00 easy terms; full basement, laundry VK:. ""P'ace. G. Townsend. owner. 55 Lnlon ave. Phone East 2888. BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITT PARK $-ROUM, MODERN. CORNER LOT Exceptionally fine, strictly to date.' all FASHIONABLE) NOB HTL.L. Extra lare-e ld.pnn, v ... room u uiuait harrt.n , Closets ana nnen rooms, toilet! i S downsta:rs; 3 baths. 2 i2!' .ru!' c!!s! floored basement. 3 ce- hi. Jaunt"T trays, fruit room, coal it reaecorated with silk tap ?iV,fy S.osJme 'i-OO. in fact it Is a beau rl.yi, nome situated in the most A ,rble part of Xl Kill district. nr . house 18 much too large for the t rd uer' we are instructed to or- . . i P'ace saiwo less than the placi ?JJH., ly ?st- Total price only $15,000 i ba'ance $100 per month with yo interest. Shown by appoint rnent onlv. Sa. i LAWYERS TITLE & TRUST COHPAUT MARSHALL 1898. at t nin . ; . : -' '-i-"-. wonaermi nome on corner, "cauti.u-i trees ana shrubs, double pa rage, lovely home, sun porch, sun room, large living room, dining room, beauti ful bedrooms. Owner going on ranch, wants offer. Beautiful 8-room home on 22dV. two tiled ba-ths, extra lavaiorT anrf tnll.u .-.rv .itr neaxer, Deautixul new awnings. drapes, Two good homes in Holladay, all Ivory w. f;"Cs; "e nas oversized lot, fine rruj- -J: ' -ww uown. ou month .irvington, southern colonial 8-room 5V,,jy. iors, ivory, all drapes, corner, .cwa,cr, :n;o. EAST 419: McUONELL. LAURELHURST BBATJTT! A beautiful large bungalow with two nH"'"?. r,oms on firs' floor, three more r ,v pwicu o.i second; lovely n..-,n-grade hirrdwood floors, plrue-glass w. ii, lows throughout; long beveled mir rors in bedroom djors; built-in cedar cabinets: handsomely tiled bath with foot tub and shower; finest hot-water ?V.!tt.. p ?,nt: larffe Grounds and fruit trees, double garaga and thrfe sets of ..i,,-. i' i-rencn doors. This home W 3 bUllt bV the Tir,-nf nn-np .1 I. .. . ' v.lii;eu nanas. It is through iin. lortunate circumstances that it must be Bold. Price $12,500. Reasonable terms. 5 tnarnber ofjioniaierce. J Main 60R7. AN IDEAL HOME i . i. vrry heart of Irvington, 100x100 wcmmiui iiowera and shrubbery. lirst-olass and up to date in , , "rl-'". largo entrance hall wih cloak room and stairvay. living room good-sized library with leaded art glass i. . L i-a. ueautirui dining room, jin..i"-n iji nico pass pantry and also ..-...c paniry an in white enamel tloors ,n first floor, four oearooma. tiled bath and larse screened and roofed-in sleeping porch on second floor: servant's room '" oatn; lull cement base wiin laundry and. fruit room. Hay be seen by appointment only. No agents. Price S13,i00. Address BC 150. Oregoriian, IRVINGTON. Strictly modern home with double parlors, entrance hall, dining room, kitchen, fireplace first floor: four bed rooms, sewmg room. Lath and fireplace second floor; large finished attic: full "Sjement; garage. Lot 60 2-3 by 100. This place cost $12 300 to build. P us cost of iot. Property is clear of f !i r'l?.ns: Por. ,ew Uays can sell for J10.5O0. terms $4H)0 cash, balance long time, i per cent. fOIJTDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLBfJ. Main lhOO. RESIDENCE TABOR 6771 ARTS and CRAFTS BUNGALOW. Artistic well arranged and splendldlv OnstrilCted: 5 nlea:Ln rnnm. , - lng porch, all on one floor; fireplace and Inglenoo.K; cement basement with fur nace, veranda on two siHc- .... trict; a little beautv nH nV missing that you could ask for. See it i-uua , jjrjcu 400UU. FREDERIC C PRATT. Broadway 1658. 210 Oregon bide- BUT IJtKlJCT FROM OWNER Ju-,t completed, modern double cot.-s.ruc-'ed 5-room Imngnlow; fireplace hard-vood floors, electric fixtures, iuside and outside entrance to full cement afl3?! Wash trays- brehfast nook all built-ins: rontnw n .i ; filBhe.i i !:.-.;,. "r;"' ""'! ana berta car; $3X50; terms. y3 IS. 2Sth I'hone Auto. 322-04. J371H) OWNER will show you th! . .. . U4L,UK9 irom A berta car Short blocks from Irvington car rooms, -tun! cement . w",drir "'S' tr1lt roo,n' Dutch kitchen -i iirtruwooa riooTS, fire- h "eiK-iioornooa antl close to i-eiiAAiKii weeK. Terms IRVINGTON. 8 room, full modern ;v, in tsroaaway Iood. amnn h. homes, includes double garage recently costing 1101.0. This is a snap. Shan we snow you It and others? Will take similar property in trade within a mile ave R T - anQ Gand East ssii' soou oomes realtor, niion, bungalow. 6 room. .t..i hardwood fioors, massive buffet cha. Lf ,krri'iarf,:,dr:,?eroom w"n cios- i,1 io?,71;.r" "..f''"'r"r ""I"8 built baSemenC'rTneyj?acerarUaUCpave! mreet. , Price S500; iTM wf'haS- reasonaoie terms. O. VV. Bryan, aog . iOJ. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 17.".0. TElRMS. Very modern S-O-room bungalow gas fireplace, hardwood floors. aS buil't-Us nAiures, shades, garage. A.l imjs. In and paid Let us show them MODERN BUNGALOW 13S10 $.O0 cash, $20 monthly with Interest, buys 5-room bungalow on paved street1 i.Vi. . i r "am. gas and eiec- ..t,,.. uditeraent, with station ary tubs, concrete foundation, i of " Pr,l W ci. rZ" -.re Sea '-hi,. - . io- vnam. or com. RVINGTON BARGAIN. 57ofl.""6 rooms ;j . ""iieiii, uoynton furnace. -cu iioor nas Dearooms and bath. 1 bed- . ,,c, nest condition Inside and out. Very desirable 50x100 corner Sh.fl'w- IKi,d' 13 ,1,ls Psaia enough?' " -1 -' L O "i?.-:""1-" "s". 4. a and 7 rooms. E. f.,rnit,,r. r . ' K R' shP: eod oak furniture, gas and coal ranges, good plumb. ng. cement basements, st and pt 5rlce -!,00 to 3300, about ower? KtSlathly Payments- IRVINGTON NOW BUNGALOW o ,-oveiy large rooms and breakfast room, art paper and Ivory throughout S.1. CKniret 5orclV ara- and fine '-J'."; r " ,"r; oooo, terms Last 419. MoDonell. IRVINGTON NEW BUNGALOW 6 lovely large rooms and breakfast room, art paper and Ivory throughout wide concrete porch, garage and fine i?w?:V21U by day labor: S30- terma xast 4iy. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW An artistic, well-built home; 5 rooms sleeping porch, garage, shrubbery fire.: place. furnace: stricrlv i r . . . painted and papered. Will sell furnished or unfurnished. From owner. 61o East 44th St. North. oxv Jlast ELEGANT ROSE CITY PARK HOME. ... . . . , i h nome . W. corner East o2d and Alameda. Phone owner. Tabor 461. for information. RVINGTON, $3000. well-bull t fairly mod- ,o.. uu si. porcn home, fac ing east: large living room, one .bed room same size, gayge, cheap enough? Shall we show you others? R H Street. good homes realtor. East 894 ' 17,"0 $450 cash, balance $20 mnnihiv with 6 per cent interest; 4-room house clean, gas. electricity and luaam..,' turner lot, 1 block to M. V. car -flM Kast r landers. Phone Tabor 8091. 00 NEAT 5-room house. Kast itth bet. Belmont and Stark: lot 5nvian enough for fine garden. All improve ments In and paid for. Hart. 910 Cham. of Commerce. Phone Marshall 1585 IRVINGTON. Fine house, hot water heat garage, corner lot, 8 rooms, plate glass win dows and everything $9U00, half cash. Owner, East 6111. EW. MODERN, up-to-date bnn-iA Gienn ave.. In good resident. ..i Owner compelled to sell, will give you PlaUbidg Forsparticular call at 404 PORTLAND HEIGHTSTsTroom house, arge living room, hardwood flrT 2 fireplaces, hot water heat, sun porch and the most magnificent view in Port land; now vacant. BROOKE, Mar CASH $3000. by owner, for sale 740 v" Irving. S-room houe in walking d& tance; gas and electric lights bath Dutch kitchen. Call No. ,K Ewt'fr, street, city. irving CLOSE TO CAR LINE 5-room modern house, alt on 1 floor e'.ectncity. iras. fine lawn. basemiAt 2700. $700 down.alanceasySSs" SW.JRTrKX:ir,CrS- S-room modern at tractive bungalow, finished floors oavl street, fine locution, tenma. Ownef. 871 not t st. SCNNTSma oworT-roornTouse- sonT. THE 1100 Photographs of Homes FOR SALE. See FRANTC L. McGTTIRE t . To BV Tour Home. LARGEST HOME SELLERS OX THE . . PACIFIC COAST. ,Jn McGuire system has won an In ternational reputation and established a NATIONAL RECORD lor home selling, because it is the orig hial. superior, scientific, modern method. ine system of real service. Every one or our lloo homes is personally inspect ed and. appraiued by our expert ap praiser before being offered for your consideration. Every district. Every Kind of home. Prices you can pay. If you Can't make VOirr down Darmnt I'll help. you. 25 salesmen at yonr constant senrles. Open all day Sunday. Open every evening until 9 P. M A BEAUTIFUL LACRELHTTRST. 6oOO The most homelike bungalow In this district: 7 rooms, superior merit LAURELHURST; built-ins mat win delight you; fireplace. . sleeping porch. E. 43d. Let us show- you this and our many other lovely Laurelhurst homes. OWNER LEAVING CITY $o990 Forced sale; new, double con structed, splendidly built home: built-ins. furnace, etc. Terms: owner will give a liberal discount for cash. 17th, Just north- of Alameda. JOU DON'T BUY ONE EVERY DAY. $4100 When you buy YOUR home you want to be pleased, don't you? Well, you'll be very much pleased to see this beautiful 5-room Wa verly - Richmond bungalow. on Ivon st. It has fireplace, built . etc-: Paved st., all paid.. HONEST VALUE HAWTHORNE $4100 One of the best of our 115 Haw thornes. Delightful 6-roora bun galow, full width columned front porch, living room has fireplace and bookcases, paneled dining room with 7-foot buffet ard beamed celling. IDEAL DUTCH KITCHEN, garage. E. 4Sth. close to Hawtnorne car. DON'T MISS THIS ONE. -"TfrDE-rTAWTirORNB HOMES. $300 A DISTINCTIVE HAWTHORNE home of 5 airy rooms, very con venient; HARDWOOD FLOORS; full concrete basement with fur nace, etc.; paved St.. paid. East Slat st- Terms- Splendid value home. AN ALBERTA BEAUTIFUL 4,j0 Dt-lightfully different is this AL BERTA BUNGALOW; the most artistic bungalow you've seen for a long time; 5 airy, rooms, fire p.ace. built-ins, Dutch -kitchen, with sunny breakfast nook, fur nace, SUMMER HOUSE garage: ideally situated: 100x221 with trees, shrubs, vines. A LITTLE - PARADISE ALL YOUR OWN Terms. East 37th- HOME-LIKE ALBERTA. 3i50 Just-', ike-new ALBERTA cheer ful bungalow; paneled dining room, white Dutch kitchen. fu'l ement. garage; terms. East ! oAi. r wo" value ALBS?1-48 don't last. We have 70 of them. REAL ALBERTA BARGAIN $2SOO EASY TERMS. Attraclive 6 room ALBERTA home; built-ins. paved st.. paid: VACANT. You can move in today. East 11th. THINK! $200 DOWJf. u f-" dwn; very cozy and neat rf-room cottage In ALBERTA ,ui t 1 block to car. REAL VALUE. Just $200 down. East FRANKLIN HIGH DISTRICT IJ00O A 1 -room, low, rambling type of bungalow with fireplace, solid t. oJ".mB room. built-in . oearooms oown, 2 up distinctively homelike place close to car and school. 62d ave. A CUNNING SELLWnnr, $2900 ITS JtfT AS WONDERFULLY AUTISTIC inside as out; 5 Airy .h- 1 U 'S i- n s lms "omey v 11. , ot-iiwoou bungaiow IT'S AN II N n IT D T r a Vi S - '-.m. iym sr. ..3LDOWN'! SELL WOOD! : All-t - . . . . . . fi-ov i.iuu down- Attractive 3-room modern Sellwood cottage; paved street, liens paid; close to car fhd school. Beacon st. We have 3fln DOWN! MT. SCOTT! down! 4-room comfortable rTi'; 1 wnite enamel ioS r. S' .. "L- we have over al. uuli nomes. LOOK AT TfIS S40 DOWN. - ,o-nou down: typical 5-room bun- i.??.0?11 4U( dowai. EASIEST TUBUS ST.u """11 . HOME SEEKERS. today ,me values m the city RPiiBL-oVn ..X ur consideration. REM1RKABL? HOME BARGAINS i " ? DUI a rew at them! Come irtM ?ee the rest' U's Impossible to Hom h 8V"y 0ne' The Hom r UOO FRANK L. McGUIRE . - To Buy Your Home. Ablngton b!dg. Main 106S Remember, we're open until 9 PM. 3d st., bet. Washington and Stark IRVrNGTON CORNER. COLONIAL. . One year old, new listing; yon haven't ... .l.. a iicr nan. large Ivory living room beautifully papered; costly electric KiV. , . J? "O" Porch. 3 . ..iian-ci , me -Datn, a full length mirror doors A charming colonial home, very well built on one of Irvington's best come- reauceu price $10,000. Shall we show you this and others? B- T. STREET, Good Homes Realtor East 804. IRVLVGTON. Beautiful residence of 8 rooms, located in neart ot tnis exclusive district: floors i va.. ..uo oum-in leatures. ivory wood work, sleeping porch, two tireplaces ga rage, an ideal home; $10,000, terms. MAHONET. COB A. McKENNA & CO.. 62 Fourth St. Main 4522. A DANDY BUY S35O0. O-roora bungaiow, large living room. fireplace, dining with buffet and fine fixtures, kitchen with new linoleum and lots of buiit-ine: bath and bedroom downstairs: sleeping porch and bedroom upstairs; full basement with laundry trays and fuel In for winter; garage and fruit trees. This place is double con structed and on west side; will make rood terms; close to school and car See Mr Campbell, owner, with Frank Mc Crillis. 324 Henry Bldg.. Broadway 779 or evenings call Main 2339 BIGGEST HOUSE SNA2 IN PORTLAND. IT'S IN IRVINGTON. TOO 100x100 CORNER. OLD 12-ROOM HOUSE. IT MUST BE SOLD AT ONCB The Price Is ' $6000. Formerly held at $12,000 "OW $aooo. TCEILAN & PAR KHILL, 219 Linmbermens Bldg.. 5th and Stark. 40O CASH, 6 INTEREST On 30th st., near Holgate, we have for sale a nne 7-room home with bath fuil basement, paved street, 50x100 lot: cherry, apple, peach trees and all kinds of berries; the price of this good home is only 3S00. pay $400 cash, balance at 6 per cent int. Call us and we'll send an auto to take you out. COMTE & KOHLMAN, M. 6550 208 Chamber of Commerce Bidg". FOR SALE? BY OWJJEB. r.0lU, '1 i-KAH5. 2-story 8-roo.m house, Irvington park. 75xlOO. be-autifu'l trees and sat-uibberj rooms white Ivory, throughout, inlaici linoleum. Ruud hater and Gasco fur nace. House better than new 'c.n . , . . l - . .. .00 . - FURNISHED BUNGALOW B rooms. Dutch kitchen, fireplace ra- rage 60x100 lot. Only $3150, $750 cash. Good oak furmtura goes with it. This will go quick. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO 306-8 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. '4754. CLOSE-IN 5-room modern bungalow style; nice location, excellent car service; improv ments tn and paid: $3200, $&00 down. balance easy. E. 8033. BARGAIN Niftiest bungalow In Waver lelgh Heights, overlooking city, close In, fine district; 7 rooms, complete in SSL IIU Vl " 5-so- MORXIXG OREGONIAN, A REAL SACRIFICE-. 7-ROOMS ONLY (45O0. No. 21A GnnA wAM.hn,-l-9.MAm . .... In fine condition Inside and out: has y lc iornace. hardwood floors. French uour, oreaKtast nook, etc. Tais Is com PI'.t,e"' furnished with new furniture. in kii uniurnisned for S4500 or fur- nisnea ror .350. $900 cash, without furniture or J17SO cash with the furni n6" wner is leaving city and must . urry ir you want it. LAWYERS TITLT & TRUST COlMPANY, 285 Stark St.. Near 4th. MARSHALL 1S98. LRVINGTON. 5T50 (5750 If Yon are looking for a good substan tial home in Irvington. Investigate this. Modem two-story home with three large bedrooms on second floor; large garage. Phone East 310 for appointment. Ad dress 4o East 11th st. North. Can give immediate possession. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW FROM OWNER. $350. Circumstances force me to sell my beautiful 5-room bungalow; all rooms finished in old ivory. white enamel kitchen and bath, with new linoleum in both; large closets, cement basement, laundry trays, screens and shades, paved street, only half block from car, near school. Why pay $150-5200 agents' com mission when you can deal direct with owner? Open for Inspection any after noon, will give terma 1037 E. 11th St. N. Broadway 3138. IRVINGTON HOME. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. - " FINS 8-ROOM HOME WITH SLEEP ING PORCH TILED BATH. LARGE LIVING ROOM, OAK FLOORS. FIRE PLACE. HOT AIR FURNACE. GARAGE. ALL IMPROVEMENTS IN AND PAID $7000, EASY TERMS. OWNER LIVES out o' LIT if AND THIS IS REAL n u 1 . - THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY 104 FTFTH ST. MAIN 8869." S2650. Cleveland ave. near Going st., 4-room nouse witn garage. One block to Wil iiams ave- car. Phone East 7310. IRVINGTON SEVEN ROOMS Located ideally, near club grounds and school, one block from car. Four ice """ w.iiswna, vim large iront and giassea-in oack porcn; ail in white amel; hardwood floors, three nice bed nooms and sleeping porch and bath up stairs: two fireplaces, fine cement hiun. ment, hot water heating. This is a fine nine nome ana will sell quickly. Price oww. Aaaress au 111, Oregonian. -s $4000 WEST SIDE $4000. Seven-room house, cluse in and fine location; living, dining room and kit chpn downstairs; 4 W.-droom.s and bath upstairs; good cemeht basement and tine turnace. This home had a new roof last year and the painting Is extra good, been by appointment only, uuo i.T-.i 11. w x-.-Lii oe arranged. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO., BroartWHy 2BS0. 85 Fourth St. uk i-Ah, A i-room cweUing in good uistncii cniria not oe aupli ca-cu ior less man syooo; doubl-e garage, full cement basement, four large sleep ing rooms, two bath rooms, hardwood iioors uownstairs. large porch across front of house. House now vacant. This ms a wonaeritu purcnase for $7350. HARVEY WELLS & CO. Main 4564. 602 Gasco bldg. IRVINGTON COLONIAL. . Year old, of best construction, on 75 root corner, large living room in old - Ivory, beautifully papered; French doors parioe, o or tine oearooms, ail narawooa iiorsr triple double plate mir rors in tue oatn, Gafico rurnace, ga rage, between Irvington school and club, $125. - R. T. Street, good homes realtor. r.M oil. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Three large bedrooms on " first floor, all with finest oak floors, tile bath, large ivory living room beautifnllv na. pered, expensive lighting fixtures, plate glass winoows; stairs to attic: garage $aiO0: near 18th and Siskiyou. Owner leaving state. R. T. Street. Good Homes -rieaiior. iuast OJ4. IRVINGTON American radiator hAt-vnrM- heated. costly built home. $9500; large living room in 01a ivory ana mahogany. uuuuie piate glass winaows ana mir rors, a real oearooms ana si. porch room, all with big closets: tile bath with costly pedestal toilet and lavatory; garage Owner moving on farm. R. T. Street. fcoou nomra realtor. ,ast SH4. COME. I'LL SAVE YOU MONEY. Real estate specialist; VI handle noth ing but bargains. Sellwood, Rose City, Hawthorne, Piedmont and Westmore. land; make me prove It. Have 3 vacant houses for your approval. T. O. Bird, 526 Chamber of Commerce. Marshal. SOUTH of Hawthorne on S6th st., 7 rms.. .ui,i.u uuuKtLiuw, lurnace: new in August; winter fuel in basement; hardwood floors and modern conven iences. This is an ideal home and, splen didly furnished; for sale by owner; cash $2000. balance easy terms. 327 E. 3Cith st. Phone Tabor 6517. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Seven-room artistic, modern bouse, two bath rooms, new gas furnace, 3 beauti ful lots, practically level, wonderful un obstructed view. Must be sold to settle estate. Immediate possession. BROOKE Marshall 4827. Call mornings. IRVINGTON, $7250. 7 rooms, large, ivory U1U..IGU .ii16 loom, . iirepiaces, ga rage, 2 bedrooms, are large, with large closets, house fairly modern, redone In side and out, just like new. Cheap enough? Shall we show you others' R. T. Street, good homes realtor. East 894 VACANT ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW o rooms. Iireplace, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays. 50x100 lot, garage, paved street, sewer. See it at 661 E. 50th North, then make me an offer. Cash or terms. Mr,- King, 304 Oak st. Broadway 266. LENTS 4-room bungalow, cement basement, bath. Dutch kitchen, etc., 50xlOO lot, 2 blocks to car; price $2000; $350 cash. WAictui-c; icillia ill SU11. RUMMELL & RUMMELL. 274 Stark st. OWN'KR WILLING TO SACRIFICE. Walking: distance; 6 rooms, furnace, fireplace, corner lot; vacant; comfortable home: 6"ood neighborhood; 4000, $1000 BARGAIN IN MT. SCOTT DISTRICT Cosy residence, 6 rooms and finished attic, in pood condition, full- lot, ,Well ' " . -.owy v nn... .1.1,.: montniy. TAGGART BROS. 1102 Spalding Bldg-. IRVINGTON. $7500 Center of IrvinTtor," wibc ivwij room, Deautitully papered. Indirect lighting, varnished oak tioors. iirepiace, garage, , Detlrooms R T. Street, good homes realtor. Kast 894! BY OWNER 5 rooms and bath. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement. 2 lots, gas; water, electric, near Tremont, ready to move In; price $2800, part cash. Call Tabor 2214. FOR S.ALE SIX-ROOM MODERN HftM TJ! JtSASlAll. 1, L.litV'llJr PUKCH, FIRE- f nAnuwuuij r-LUOKS ALL BTJILT-INS. PHONE TABOR 8043 OR CALL AT 270 E. 76TH ST. SOUTH. SELLWOOD 6 ROOMS. CITY VIEW Beautiful location; furnace, fireplace, any reasonable terma; no mortgage- can be inspected by appointment. Marshall 10?2. Sellwood 2706. HAVE nice 4-room house; bath, garage IVt lots, on gooo. street, would consider good diamond as part; $2000. K 1U7 Oregonian. ' WOOD A COLE, BUILDERS Have your home built by builders of merit. 'We guarantee satisfaction. Wood lawn 5348. ANY KIND of Ford for my $300 equity In . i-r-j nuui uo.. neu nouse, iruit and berries, lot 40x100 ft., balance $6 50 month at 6 per cent. P015 45th ave. S.'e. $8O0 FURNISHED 5-room house boat, on lana near river; cny water, electric light, easy terms. Charles Rlng",r 223 Henry bldg. 5-ROOM and bath, lot 47x10c, large chick en coop, o ii- ait. ocoti car; $2G0 terms. Tabor 3333. IfiVI.NGTON PARK B-room 100x100. alley, sbade. fruit trees- f-i-J!o will handle. Owner. 1237 s. 3i,t' LET US build you a home. We deslsn" build and remodel. WoimI &. Cole buiirt ers. Woodlawn 5348. ' Du"a- FOR SALE by owner, S-room house bath' gas, $2S00. 1S E. 6ch st. N. pS Wdln. 4314. -r-none FOR SALE A strictly modern 7-room bungalow in piedmont, $5250. call Woodlawn 6136. HERK'E A BARGAIN ' Buy direct from OWNER. " 100x100 a houses and garage. 508 Ross. IRVINGTON HOMES IfcDozmell. SO0 East 14tb K Saat 4-R. COTTAGE, close ln ; big lot; moderrL $.-.00 down: $2000. Main 3672. oaora- ALAMEDA PARK, corner 29th, Prescott mta: paved, paid; $950. terms. Tabor 6441. FOR SALE C-room modern house 271 E. 71st St. X. Ttebor 6086. terms. HOUSS for sale for small family with wood and stove. 5404 45th ave. s Tn o a' iw r iv o rooms, modern, easy terms- FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, BtHB-CARBT CORPORATION. REALTORS. MAIN 7487. oor8S.,Mle? ,our h come to at Iteri nr?. de"rabIe homcs Ior sa'e city? price in every section .of the ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW. $2700. buTlt''Ln5Unfalw ls exceedingly well SoatatMw6,'7 atractive appearance, Uvhi LUl'f Two Iaree bedrooms. mero'L. ZXtl1inS kitchen. . Nu- This on.;; ". : . "i""" Plumbing, ind iS S"'?!r 18 'na Rpod neighborhood . uuij iovu to handle. ALBERTA. . $3600. - ' W.tlk-n. - half blooii . om nn? on full lot PENINSULA; 8 ROOMS $2300. Very -well rooms. T iTir.-." "ouso ox rive large upstair ingT ras ri" Xltl??"!?: Plumb- 1 year nlT .i inis nouse is Im'aTdow'n apnat-ment?XC!"ent c"" PENINSULA. . $2200. -?"J?.st?nt'a!.Kol-looking 5-room tan. caT BuiIt.Y''DKU.r,.St.reei.- 2 .Wocks from good aiH l- J-'ulcn kitchen. 2 Convenient 1.. be nad 0 FORTY-FIFTH AVENUE " J2000. . thJrr. a.. -hree large bedrooms. 2 of Frl'n'k.innrf ; school ""Vh,".1" CB V in con.i , ,4 "cnooi. This house is buy. oniTv 18 an excellent -" - uuivu. PENINSULA. 100x100 $1600. looking 'ritOTfi banKa'ow is very good io carni'-'t ? i5 100X100, close kitchen, room. fin. K.l , .. combinaUon dining and living -l?RAtTT?Tc. CORPORATION. KJL? AY EXCHANGE BLDG.. inird and stark Streets Main 748T. MONTGOMERY, WARD CO, ATTENTION r,Vn ,Norln -ith- W bloik to car we Jal for sale at a bargain price thor oughly modern home. On first floor center reception hall, large living room' and k''chn; 2d floor. 3 bedrooms rooms Vn S?,iSletp,nir P0'011' a "nished "in"0" iS d,OUbie trJet'edad1 wen built throughout, fine ba-sempm fmnaCe- faces eas'' "100 lot. alt street improvements paid. For next few I, to reliable people this place will be so!d at the nominally low figure of 7ihi once VeFyuratheaC;iV,e '""ossVasiVni ZSSi cllira"or S1""00 - 0r PP'n'- WESTOVER. rt?it??KW-o lARGE GROUNDS. BEAU-TIFUL SHRUBS - ITRTfTiv MODERN RESIDENCE.' ETIt.xSrE FfR'pT?0,.11"0 ROOM WITH iiRLPLACE, SUN PARLOR IT V I V ( ROOM AND KITCHEN FIRST FLOOR JlAilJ S ROOM AXD - BATH THTwri FLOOR, HARDWOOD FLOOR ? v? TBHiATHETTGis 11 GARAGE. FOR FEW DAYS CAN F?t" oSKSpVoSSS?- shown POINDEXTER LLIN BLDG. HOLLADAY HOME. Quarter block, central hall. fm large living room and dining room music room library, most complete pantry and kitchen, y or lo sleep ing rooms and porches, fine laun dry, double garage, excellent loca tion for home, fraternity house, .maternity home or exclusive fm V,. t-J1? ?J appointment arranged. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER East 776. H O M E BUYERS, ATTENTION! ' " T m au sections at all Kumlr. T. ,ee our photos of V1 ucoimuie nomes. We can Pleaw you If you want a home for $4oO or if you want one at 10.00u. It nlaees you undpp n kh.i . lL .Places ?afuV?Ht0 bUy' "can show you beUe,' values than anvnn oic .v.r UCLLVI ZTeii! uesPe" y" t0 th ..J- A- WICKMAX CO. Main 1004 and 583. JTJST AS NEW! A REAL BARGAIN ROSE CITY. vPn!.4S0( wlth easy terms for this ROSE CITY GEM of E. 55th t- . Has such beautiful built-ins hardwood floors. etc. dovt SrT 1 THIS Aii foT Mr. J. R. Haight. with FRANK L. McGUIRE r To Buy Your Home. Abingdon bids. Main 106. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW NORTH MOUNT TaBOH $3250 A'e -room bungalow; fireplace, elee- uum-ins, cement basement, trays, large attic, 3 bedrooms on ground floor; lot oOxloO. sewer paid; on E 63d near Glisan; a snap at $3250; about $1000 Cash and ' '-I a mnnlh- n.n- . jjc . - , iuubv , our 01 GRUSBI & BENNETT. SI 8-821 Board of Trade. Main 7432. ROSE CITY Pat? v 5-room strictly bungalow type bome. Pipeless furnace, fireplace, hdwd. floorr, full cement basement, wash trav.- at iR' an3 pd' Owner very, desirous of ff, t Ji M reiuse no reasonable - " ' uo DI1UW J ,111. . J. A. WICKMAN CO. "Shortest Way Home." 24 Stark St. ' . Main 1094. EASTERN OREGON nwp.B needs money and will sell at . Terrace Park modem 5-room bniuiott lot lOOXlOO aoma fr.ni. and pais. Full cement basement with ifi. CT y lIT,ys' fireplace, bookcases, Dutch 'i "'S noorea attic; double-constructed, newly Umted. $3250, $500 cash. SUNNYSIDE HOME BARGAIN. VACANT MOVE RlfiHT t-u $2800. Let us show you this' dandy EasyTerms "U P' ln and' pi J. A. WICKMAN CO. . Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark St. Main 1094 and 583. ROSE CITY PARK NIFTY BUNGALOW $4250. fci.r" aaSs to, eU, ""a splendid r '- "tiu utvatrnient, etc. on HIT eo2 teri"sv Want to sell without T 1'1 Vl-'l- V7 . D T r t--f 1 ...... 1 . .. -.,v. -i, uiiv- nuMtz unarming large living room, sun room, dining and .... -,v .in,..., ivory nnisn, all ak floors, art paper, fine plumbing, garage EaVsnte3!.aV 8 City' Maln 8078 1 inlia; $5000 IRVINGTON $5000 5 rooms ind sleeping porch; oak floors fireplace, built-ins. furnace, garage, fuli J01,,"?.? pavS? Jhis is ln fin condition. Call Mar. 3352. Tabor 3090. WONDERFUL HOME BUY. 4 rooms, sleeping uorch hath paved and paid; large lot, 2 blocks from Hawthorne; snao JRsn locks from Couch bldg. Mar. 3352.' terms. 403 $500 DOWN BUYS BUNGALOW r" 7-r., fireplace, furnace, sleeping .porch T-J:OD.f.ll? frult: bargain at S3a00. 7111 Foster road. East 6407 BARGAIN. OWNER New 5-room house. run Dasement, hardwood floors, bullt-ins on paved street and car line, near school! terms. 85 Lombard, near Mississippi REAL . ESTATE 'Rrircna "If it is Insurance, we write It " NOTARY BONDS FIRE INSURANCE SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCR HAWTHORNE COZY BUNGALOW 5 rooms, vacant: 49th st : hardwood floors, garage, strictly modern. Marshall FTTRNI3HED bungalow, AIberta car. $4500 A n s. Vk 1 wt An a-. B. T Till . 1 " -...ii. 111 rout P.OV. L sub-. Ject to saJe. R. W. CART, 1219 N. W. Bank bld-r. GOOD 2-room Rose City house, $1000, $500 cash, balance terms. JOHNSON-DODSOX CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. owner! v New bungalow, 5 rooms, floored tfttic improvements in and paid, $4500 $1200 down. Tabor 7247. ONLY $2600. 4 apt. house, partly fur nished; gas, el-ectriclty. bath. Terms to suit. Owner, 362 Front st. $350 DOWN. bal. as rent; 5-room modern home close in. Dubois, 604 Spaid-I . - .' , . 1920 ' I 1 I w 5"" uroiijc. i r Sale Farms. ATTEXTIOX. ROSE CItV PAJtK BUYKRS. If you are g-oing to buy in Rose City Papk. we want you to inspect our listings. While we sell properties in other sec tions of Portland, we pay particular at tention to Rose City Park. Our salesmen live in that district, we maintain a branch office at 50th and Sandy. We know the history of nearly every houe in Rose City Park, Those who want to sell naturally list their property with us. Our past reputation for fair dealing is" a safe guide for you to fo.low. Make our acquaintance. Tell us frankly the kind of property you wish to buy and the terms you can meet. Give us an op portunity to serve you. Understand,, you will be under no obligations. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW WITH GARAGE $4230. We want you to see this splendid bun raiow. ideally arranged., fireplace, full cement basement, wash trays, etc. No mortgage to assume. ROSE CITY" PARK. thoroughly built, exceptional!; ranged, and ideally located, we want you to see this splendid home located on 44th street north of Sandy. Five rooms and sleeping porch, garage, hardwood fioors, fireplace, built-in bui fet. Dutch kitchen, furnace, etc. I-et us show you. ROSE CITY PARK. FIVE ROOMS AND DEX 5750. Small initial payment. Here is one of those real good-looking. double-constructed bungalows you expect to find Jin Rose City. Exceptionally large living room with large plate glass windows. Hardwood floors. iireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, etc. Cor ner lot with all assts. paid. See it today. A. G. TKEPE CO.. 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main 3092. Branch office. 50th and Sandy SCN.VTSIDE SNAP? LISTEN. Only $'J375: five nice large rooms, bath and toilet, full basement, paved street, close to car and you can live in this six months and then sell for more than the price. Terms. Main 1 1V5. Suburban Homes. THREE and one-fifth acres, on macadam . ized street, t blocks from station. No gravel, fine soil. All in .fruit, every kind: good commercial berry propos; tion: 4-room house. Bull Run water. gas, lights: large chicken house for 500 chickens, garage. Price $5000. $25J0 cajsn. Th:s is only hair mile rrom city limits. Inpectfd by Marsters. with JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. Over 500 small places, close to Portland. MOVE IN. 6-room ptastere-d cottage, good condi tion, water, efcec. lights, near car, just outside city limits. $750, $150 cash, $15 per month. SO REN PETERSON. Main 3731. 11X2 N. W. Bajife Bids'. 6 ACRES, located mile from station and city limits, on fine macadamized road; lots of fruit; 4-room bungalow, with complete plumbing, city water, gas, electric 1! ehts available; nice attractive place ; garage, chicken house. Price $.",00; half cash. This is only 20 min utes out and 6 miles from courthouse; near Milwaukie road. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg ' OFFER for first time my modern 6 room bungalow, on 3 acres. Oregon Electric, ideal p4ace for children, 4 biocks from city school and car; tihe whole with city conveniences, orchard, berries, chickens and garage at $S5i0; no agents. Phone owner, Marshall 3234. PALATINE HILL BARGAIN. Z acres in cultivation, about 40 fruit trees in bearing, 3-roo-m house, ' smajll barn, chicken house, half ml1! to TUvera station, Oswego car line; $500 cash, bal ance terms. -a, TAOGART BROS.. 1102 Spalding Bldg. $1500 BUYS AN unfinished house on well- located half acre of choice gardening giound near Multnomah .sta. Ail utili ties in the street- Must be sold at once. For particulars call on Ben Riesland, wi r-iatt Qiag.. 11 Park st. : . FULLY furnished 4-rm. .house near Ryan sta.. on Oregon t;iec.. -ith 100x100 ft. of choice gardening ground, fruit, berries ana uowers. only -feuu. A remark able buy. For particulars see Ben Ries land, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park St. CHICKEN RANCH Almost five acres, cul tivated, fenced, well, barn, some fruit, no ,. house: only 35 minutes out; at a sacrifice ' for $1700; easy terms. Call 500 Concord bldg. Second and Stark. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES, and acreage, well located, near carlme from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Rieiey station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." $1250 2-ROOM brand-new double-constructed house; lot 73x143; fruit and berries; your own terms.- Phone owner, 317-25. Address 29 Willamette blvd. For Sale Acreage. A WONDERFUL BARGAIN. On Oregon City car line; 8 acres of richest black loam and beaverdam soil, all in cultivation, and 4-room bungalow, right -at station, for $5500, with only $1000 down, balance to suit at 6 per cent. You can't buy raw land in this vicinity at less than $1000 an acre. This is a positive snap. Don't miss it. COMTE & KOHLMAN, M. 6550. 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. BABY CHICKS BRING MONEY. 10-acre poultry ranch, a business place, 2H miles to.Oregon City, near school, equipped with Petaluma fresh-air Brood ing plant. Cyphers incubators, etc.; 285 Wnite Leghorns and Bar Rocks, best stock; 4-room house, drilled well, fine creek. 50 fruit trees, berries, grapes, rich soil; $4-500, or trade for good house ln or near Oregon City. . Owner, R. 2, box 19A, Oregon City. Or. ' . OREGON CITY LINE. z acres, located mils east Courtney station, near Oatfield road; 1 acre under cultivation: all can be cultivated; 1 acre onion land; city conveniences can be had: $250 cash, balance at $10 per month. Personally inspected by Marsters, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. - " CHICKENS CHICKENS CHICKENS. 5 acres of level land, all ln cultivation, 4-room house in good condition: good chicken house and run. about 75 chick ens, garden tools, etc.; this ls located on a good gravel road. Ii4 miles from Vancouver: price $2000. $1200 cash. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. 5 ACRES, COLUMBIA BLVD. Improved, fruit, good well, city water and electricity available; fine for logani berries or gardening; $40uO, terms; no cixy assessments. vvny live on an ordi nary lot farther out and produce noth ing? R. W. CART, 1210 N. W. Bank bldg. ROCKWOOD ACREAGE. One or more acres, all cleared, close to Rock wood station and Base Line road, on Troutdale electric; 10 miles from Portland; ideal place, for poultry and berries; can be bought on easy terms. See Mr. Boehm, 209 Oregon bldg. Broad way 3 60S. - . FOR SALE: LOGGED-OPF LAND. Write for map of western Washington howlng location, price and terms. Over 10,000 acres sold last year at our low price. Easy payments offered to actual settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma, Wash. BEAUTIFUL POWELL VALLEY ACRES. a natural vara 01 rare rural beauty, 3 n.ile east of the city limits. 2 "big acres for only $70O, very easy terms. R. H. CON'PRBY, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201--5-7 Board of Trade BJdg. $1 OWN, $1 WEEK. ACREAGE PLACE. Oregon City line, near car and river, 30-minute ride, $475, small interest charge. SMITH,- 165 4th, room 81. WONDERFUL VIEW TRACTS, SIO down, $.10 month; fronting on 1-50-foo hirvd., which la planned ultimat-ely to terminate into the Columbia highway. Opening of Stokes fine farm, E. 4Hd and Simpson N. GJad to take you out. R. W. CARY, 1,219 N. W. Bank bldg. A BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. 20 tine acres, ail in cultivation; house, barn, family orchard, fine large grape arbor. 3 7 miles from Washington st., only $250 per acre; fine view of moun tains and valley. Owner must sell. Main 136. TWO SPLENDID ACRES. Faces right on Powell Valley road, close in, $1000 each. R. H. CONFREY, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-S-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BEAUTIFUL GROVE. 8 acres cloee to Gillis station, on Bull Run electric; maple, Ms and cedar; fine soil, no gravel; price only $225; very ea!?y terms. See Mr. Boehm, 2ot Oregon bldg. Broadway 16.'8. 14 ACRES at end of Hawthorne ave. car line. Ground enough to produce all that family requires ana at the price "of a lot or two, namely $2500. This should appeal to someone. Owner, 910- Chamber of Commerce. Phone Marshall 1585 RIVER FRONT ACREAGE. Will sell 5 or 10 acres on river 9outh of Jennings Lodge; all good sol);, orchard and livable bouse on place. Owner, East SS50. I BIGGEST bargain near Vancouver; lfi $4000; consider residence.-141 East tiflth acres, suuu iiupiuYeraenu; sacrifice - nuiyL . . (vim. TVyx tNEV ER will 1-nderstaxd . MIX-MEASURED .LIFE TILL YOU OWN A COUNTRY HOME LIKE THIS. acres, on electric line, south of Port land : rich snil nil tin a hi a i . chickens: bungalow, bath', hot and cold 1 f buildings; pretty location. Why cheat yourself out of.Jife when you can mis ior si wo 7 Absent owners real sacrifice. Ask for Geo. ii. Johnson, with O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY, 3o2-333 Railway Exchange R10. Main 7511 and Main 5l9t. P. S- Write for our free farm list. ' ACRES, 15 miles from center of Portland, near Orepon Citv- ft 11 iinrtwi- i-nliiva tinn young fruit trees. 2 springs. 1 creek. 4- vwai uuugjuow w:tn ruii cement base ment, large attic, some plumbing, press ure tank; 3 good chicken houses, new garage, small barn; lfe miles to Oregon City line; l acre in clover, some pota Ioes" , rords wood, barn full hay. 30 rine chickens, 15 pu!!-ets. -Price for every thing $3000; exceptionally easv terms, inspected by Marsters. John Ferguson. Ger.inper bldg CLOSE-IN BARGAIN. 1 acres in cultivation, variety of mm; 5-room modern bungalow, garage, chicken house: mile from station and An suburban home. $50O0. S1500 cash, balance like rent. 10 acres of garden and berry land on LS "'Shway, k mile to town. $2000. t" bal asy. See Mr. Schmidt. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO? Broadway 4751. 410 Henry -Rldnr. 2 ACRES. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. $2600. Nearly 2 acres, all fnf-ri fin r trees 5-room cottage, gas for light and fuel good well, chicken house and run small bam. on E. S2d st.. a paved road to Portland, about 5 blocks from Jxendall station, half-hour ride in auto. A real snap at $2000. about $1000 rash, naiance to suit at 6 per cent. Shown by "t-Kwii.uiii.-iu "my. ... , OR'T-SI & BENNETT. 318-321 Board of Trade. Main T452. $1(1 DOWN buys a good acre near Oswego lake. Main 3672. n-mwlmi, Kellnqnlsbmenta. THE LARGEST exclusive homestead dealer on the Pacific coast, good timber or farming tracts, close In, reduced copy of good map corrected to date showing open homestead lands. $2 by mail. M. J Anderson. 531 Railway Exch. bldg. CAN LOCATE you on a good homestead - Portland or Roseburg district, farming or timber tracts; alto have some good relinquishments. E. W. Helm, 317 Board of Trade bldg. TWO HOMBSTEADS. 40 and 80.' on county road, acre nice garden, on beautiful stream, telephone and neighbors, easv clearing; $200 cash each. 301 Corbett building. For Sale Farms. 53 -ACRE BARGAIN. Facing paved road, 53,i acres, of which 23 A. are fine bottom land, bear ing orchard of 152 trees, 5-room house, surrounded by beautiful grove of fir trees: barn with Kixnchinn. tr.r ia n-a cement floor, hay fork and' carrier, fuli set of farming tools. 3 horses, harness. wts anai cmi-Kens; a location ji-'u -.-aunot oeat. oniy h mile to store. .iclioh ana scnooi; price only 13,3 good terms. F. L. EDDY. RITTER, LOWE & CO 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg TO SETTLE ESTATE. STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH ON LAKE Coeur d'AIene; Ideal home:-160 acres; 60 cultivated; 25 alfalfa; spring water pipt-a, iree range; loam soil: abundan uuiiuingH; aauy mail. will sell equippe. with 25 fine cattle. team machinery . 4 tons hay, etc., or farm nlone. Place . possession, only $oouo for ranch, J. MULLEN AX, Owner, Mica. Idaho. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 4i acres, 37 A. In cultivation, bal pasture; 2 A. timber. This is choice iana; o-room nouse, barn, chicken houses, Brase, springs, water in house. 2 A, jiuuca, otiier iruit ana berries. 9 cow mi king, team marpn full .rt.iinmon tools and machinery. 32 miles Portland one -mile -good ry. town; price $0000. " cash, bal. 6 per cent. Would take lu house up to $3500. $1000 cash. This R. M. GATEWOOD & CO. 16514 4th Sr DAIRY FARM MARION COUNTY, ..i acres nice-lying land; 70 acres -ieiueii. a siasnea. Dal. oak and Or tim ber, fair house, five rooms. Inrp. h. cost $4000, silo 12x36. hay loft for 100 i j i" cn,t! nouse, Doghouses, or- cnard; 1 mile to school, on good road j-ersonai property. 8 cows, registered Ho.stein bull. 3 work horses. 5 pigs, some u.Lneii., ions or nay. seres corn, - -i-ii-s potatoes, an larm tools and im plements. Price for all $13,000. half cash. 'ii-' -l' -l UHKtiU.N- BLDG. i ACRES. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED 4y A., with 2i A. under plow; 70 peach trees, besides family orchard; fine soli, only mile to electric line; S-room :-nouse. nam awx-JO, granary, woodshed, eiu. , a norses, 1 cow, 3 hogs. 60 chick ens, 300 bu. of grain, plow, harrow, cul uvaiors, all small tools: ground all Pioweu ana some seeded. Price only P. L. EDDY, RITTER T.OWT7-. rn 201-3-5-7 Board ot Trade Bldg. ONE OF" THE BEST FARMS IN WASH- Fine bunch of stock and full set o 'arming implements; 14 miles from Port iana on good gravel road; 13S acn"s. a! in cultivation, about 40 acres bottom tome onion iana. good fences, full set of buildings, pressure water system. Price $35,000, $lo,00O cash, and terms " ujc on- a. u i-c. , FRBD W. GERMAN CO., 732 Chamber of Commerce Bid. 80 ACRES. 3 miles from Sherwood, on sood road;, 73 acres can be cultivated. 50 ures unuer cultivation; some timber Booq 6-room house, barn 20te45 feet, two cnicKen houses, other buildings, best "of ouii, lamny orcnara, lots or raspberries, oL.niB a.na i,Ve creeK. price per acre; $2400 cash, balance for 5 years at 6. per cent; a real bargain and one that siiuuia sen tor more money. John Fergu son. Gerlinger bldg. ui those wonderful productive 40 frw m w asnington county, nne family uinidru oi appies, prunes ana cherries the soil is ic-h shot loam and pro duces fine K.tin. veeetables and fruit there is a fair house, barn and out- uuhuiiiss, goo a water ana close to school. J. B. HOLBROOK, 214-215 Panama Bid?. j.u?s A4xs.ji.ss line sou; lies line; 6 acres ciearea ana m oats last year, close to Sherwood and paved road most of the way; small shack no stumps on cleared ia.uu, j.o nines 10 roruana, in nne settle ment; price $1 600. RELIABLE 1NV. CO., 305 OAK ST Broadway 4133. 820 ACRES 1-00 CLEAR. Millionaire put $06,000 in place, 12 mi ve: ii v aiitouver, impts. run sliS.ono clear proposition, only $30,000 with $1000 G. C. GOIiDENBERiG, Arlington hldg. Main 4S03. STOCK OR DAIRY FARM 500 acres, 425 under plow, finest river bottom soil, fair buildings, close to R. R, station on hard surface road, will take in nome in ruruanu or seil at sacrifice. 104 Fifth street. Main 6569 GOO ACRES, short distance south of Mc Minnville; lies beautifully with frontage of 1 miles on Yamhill river. Half in cultivation, balance easF clearing. Fair b-uiiding-s, Prtee $5,O00. Hart, ftio iianmcr ml khii. i none jiarsnail FINE 2a-acre farm near Sherwood and highway; 15 cultivated, good orchard, good house, barn, outbuildings, creek. timber $0000; good terms. 804 Spalding 01 tig. FOR sale ay owner, 115 acres, 2 miles from Yamfhill; 21 acres prunes. 35 acres stump iana, oaiance no. 1 loganberry land; fair improveroen-ts; SIS.OOOl terms Box 1-04, Yamhill, Oregon, 40 ACRES of excellent soil, nart in chard, $4000; terma Fine producer am nome piate, or an a -1 speculation Price Is far below actual value. L C Miller. 6S4 Glisan. 70 ACRES near coast. Seal Rock ; about 2S acres cleared, fenced and cross-fenced; small house and orchard, running water; $1500 cash. This Is avbargain. Owner' Kofton. 563 4th st. Auto. 5H2-08. FRtE. ILLUSTRATED FARM BULLETIN. ' Dairies, vineyards, orchards and delta farms capable producing $200 to $1204 per acre. Send postal. PAUL ROS5iTt. STOCKTON'. CAU ABSOLUTE sacrifice, orchard farm near Kstacada. Or.; rich soil, unlimited water; must sell; mak offer. John C. Jena Glendora, Cal. . GOOD paying farms; aizes and terma to . suit, with stock and Implements, c J Cullisoa Real Estate Co., ii Morri son st. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHE3 near Portland. $50 to $500 per acr. - terma best soil; farms for sale, all Kal McFarland 208 Failing bld. LOGGED-OFP lands, $10 acre up; running water, good soil, tillable; employ ment; eapy terms. J. R. Sharpe. 83 8d. 40 ACRES, stock. Implements, $4200; house in exchange. 20 Chamber of Com merce. Main &47S. WANTED -To tiuy 40 or 6O acres, close in to East Portland. Ford Jersey Dairy Brush Prairie, Wash. SEND for list of farms for sale. Goo. M. Cole. WUiamlna. Or. FULLY EQUIPPED 103 ACRES. 103 acres, near electrlo line, on good .d" right close .to .tore, church and school. Kstncada district. Over halt ?r-,K!-p'-,inaof excellent quality, some timber, but all good soil; very good largo home, nice barn and numerous outbuild. ih.Cre-Sk thr-f;h land, bearing or chards. Personal with the place, besides crops and 600 bushels grim: herd of cows, horses, somplete farm equipment of every kind, lots of hay in barn. Think Ml. only -ali(io cash, and you can havS so P6r eat on 7S0- Mr. Johu- O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPAWT 33.-333 Railway Exchange Bldg. r. -Main 7511 and Alain 5199. P- S. Write for our free farm list. 215 ACRES s-uiin u-itu 12 CATTLE. HORSES. TOOLS. Owner left alone Insists Immediate sale, some lucky man gets magnificent completely equipped farm nw big rail road town at ridiculously low price- 140 acres machine-worked loam fields. S'l" spring watered pasture, estimated ? Cords ,woo?- 100 apple tre5. SooS flr. m?PI'- 2-story 12-room house. Immense basement, barn, horse hay fork silo, running water; quick buyer gets pr horses. 12 cattle, poultry, harness, ma: Sii-tecLhHS', teed for stock: only$5Soo. P-rt cash bal easy terms. Details page T?iJL -SUt " -b,Ko?ew '"ustrated catalog J amt Bargains 33 States. Just out Codv TST.5i!,5 FARM AGENCY? lisSEP. Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. TILLAMOOK DAIRY RANCH. 110 acres of good soil. 93 acr. e Big Nestucca river bottom: a th .-room nouse, hot and cold water, large porches; aU customary ou-tbui;dings and garage, fair barn, hoUls 30 cows and two horses: w,th the place are 24 cows. 13 nign-grade heifers, 2 horses, harness and wagon. 3W0 tile, milking machine, crfws' DueKe.s. 40 tons of hay. gas stump puller, -H- p- oil engine, small too., etc : house partly furnished.- place is located 3 mPies from beach resort and34 miles on good road, from town and high school, common school tj mile; might consider other property with soms cash. Address owner, c. S. Taylor. Cioverdala. Oregon. M , STOCK RANCH of 900 acres, very close to City of Prlne vllle on river, protected from rough weaiher on account of surrounding hills has Its- own. nrlv.it. -i .-. . , " deed) for 150 acres, abundance of irti, vater to Irrigate; all fenced, good build ings completely equipped with fine work horses and all necessary machin ery; government grazing right; owner says this place will run 300 head- of a"'.SOT wo ands of sheep; prleo $. 000: will take as part payment Port . land city property or small Improved valley farm, personally Inspected. Mc Clure & Schmauch Co, 306 Aailway Ex change bldg. ONE OF those wonderful productive 40 acres In Washington county; fins family orchard of apples, prunes and clrerries the soil Is rich shot and loam and. pro duces fine grain, vegetables and fruit there is a fair house, barn and out buildings, good water and closa to school. The price is only 3.-oo , J. B. HOLBROOK. 1 ' 214-215 Panama bldg. WA'TET REAL ESTATB. 1023 KOME PROPBRTTESl Sold to date this year! TH1NTC 15S Home properties sold In Septem ber! OUR OFFICE will aell more homes ...fjr, "f" any other office in 5ICA! 18 your home for sale? IT'S SOLD IF LISTED WITH TJS! We spend thousands of dollars arl-vertlring 5.1? -re in toch with the MAJORITY" OF EARNEST HOME BUYERS! W r.ct'o sPP""s and photograph! same within 24 hours after listed. Call or writ PRANK L. McGUIRE To Sell Your Home. Ablngton bldg. Main 100& . - 81 at- bet. Washington and Stark bs APARTMEXT HOUSB WANTED. . H.Ieuyer waHihB wio wanbi $36,000 to $o0,000 property. " PROMPT IXVEKTIGATION WILL BE MADE. . , GEO. E. ENGLEHART. Bdwy. 5173. 624 Henry Bids. - JTJST TRY. COST NOTHING. CAlLi, UP MAIN 80S. WE SBUL. HUNDREDS OF HOMES. , WE NEED YOURS NOW . MANX CL1EXTS WITH CASH WA1TTXG. G. C. GOLDEiNBE'RQ G. C. GOLDEL'BERG. ABINGTON BLXKJ. 106V4 ST "35 YEARS IN PORT LAN D." BOMB WANTED. Laurelhurst or Irvington or Rose City Park dlst. ; must have steam or hot water heat. Don't cali me unless you want to sell. Call evening, Aut. 21SJ-19. V, E NEED your home now. We can sell any priced homo if worth the money. Terms no object. We photo and ap praise your home free. Salesmen with autos to show your property. Phone us at once. -J. A WICKMAN CO.. . "Shortest Way Home." 284 Stark st. Main 10a4. and 683. HOME WANTED. Jefferson high dist. : $4000 to $.t00. What have you? Morrin. jlar. 1265. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED. we ao not care how old and dilapi dated they are or where they are We can sell them if your price is right and your terms easy. Six keen salesmen at your service. Fred W. German Co.. 722 Chamber of Commerce. STRICTLY modern Irvington residence for tuaiomer wnn me cash; must De bar gain; might consider Laurelhurst or Heights. POINDEXTER. 208 Selling Bldg. Main 1800. Residence East 6771. WEST SIDE houses wanted: have many "ujms ur same; n your property ls for sale, call and see the man who makes a specialty of selling west side property. John Singer. 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main S478. BUILD NOW. If you own a lot we will secure th money and build for you. Terms like rent. Call and see us. BUILDERS' REALTY EXCHANGE. 621 Morgan Bldg. Main 2035. . , I WOULD be Interested ln a SO or 99-rear lease or a ousiness corner m .Portland for Investment. C 109. Oregonian. WE WANT medium and low-priced houses. -ome in. write or teiepnone Main 19t3. O. W. Bryan, 500 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Evenings. Marshall 803. HOME WANTED. Sunnyside dist.-. must be between Sun. n-yside car lin-e and Laurelhurst- afttli uui 42d. Call Morris. Mar. Si9. WANT for client, 5 acres or more with. modern house and good car service. Write particulars first letter. Orejcoa hotel on Friday. C. W. Vail. WANT residence: give 20 choice acres. nartln i m Ttr.r.4 nau. ..In... , , - - j , . . - ... - - - li .v., stream. $3300. 141 Bast 6ath. st. North. Phona Tabor 7055. WANT 6-R. modern home, $3500. not far out, vu ciwa; gooa payments: owner only; give location. H 12L Ore gonian. I WANT to buy from owner a good mod em, .'-1 ijuiii oungaiow. aoout AM 164, Oregonian. WANT good lot and J100 cash for my .. 'I. luuimg t-ivi . nne conaitlon- Call Bdwy. 5145. WANT Building lot. 100x100. Nob Hill cistrict. miss aolman. 416 Ch. of Com. WANT 1 acre under cultivation. 82d et. H 5-4. Oregonian- OR 2 ACRES In Ascot Acre tract. H SrssL Oregonian. - WIHL buy house Id need of repairs. Give ivi.auvii, niMjc. A-vi. e, tregonjan, -t; Farms Wanted. WK HAVE several parties wanting im- i u on witmn v miies or Port land; can make good substantial pay ments if price is right. Phone or writ us at once with full particulars. -STEWART & BUCK. 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. WANTED To buy 19 to 15 acres of im proved land irom owner; must be close to Portland. Address P. O. box 81, Mon tesano. Wash. 160 AORB5. R. W. CARY, $:150, YAMHTLL CO. 1219 N. W. Bank bldrg. TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER claims, 12 miles of Grants Pass, r., l mile trom a. It., on even numbered sections, guaranteed to cruise 2.OOO1.OOO feet each, fir, yellow pine aiuf sugar -pine; location fee $250 each. Roy Hiff gins. Grants Pass, Or. RELINQUISHMENT, 80 acres, 10 miles Irom (Grants Pase, Or., mile from R. . R. ; 300,000 saw timber, tinvber for 2000 cords of wood; SO acres good farming house 12x22; price $000. J. S. Verdin.' Grants Pass, Or, BIG SNAP Ml.OOO.OOoTlne, good mill or' holding proposition; good terms. Venard. Clmmljex at Cosuasret, 33 109.0