20. TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1920 TAX LAW REVISIONS LDWER LIVING COSTS Wen-Informed Men Suggested to Make Change. CONGRESS ACTION URGED Excess Profits Levy Should Be Abolished or Essentially Modi fied, Says Kalin. - This is the sixth of a series of articles n "Faulty Taxation," prepared by Otto H. Kahn, head of the banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., Mew York.) BY OTTO H. KAHN. Article VL No remedy for the high cost of living and the other abnormal condi tions which are weighing upon the country can be effective which does cot Include a. wise and courageous revision of our existing taxation sys tem. Such a revision Is not really a task of great difficulty. For a country as immensely rich Dd Intrinsically as little bucdened, relatively speaking, as- ours, it is not a very hard problem to raise by taxa tion the sum which the economical administration of onr government re quires, without causing the sinister effects that our present taxation has brought about, indeed without caus ing any serious economic disturbance whatever. And that should be feasible without in any way impairing the fortunate and desirable circumstances that in our country those of small or moderate means are taxed far less, both in direct and indirect taxation, than they are in any other of the leading countries. The alternative is not to burden unduly either business or the people. The idea is not of re-i ilevinB lac lyriucr til iixrs cjujciido w . the latter. The end which should and can be attained by proceeding wisely Is to benefit both business and the people. Now that the emergency of the war Is over I believe that this sub ject in Its entirety should be sub jected to unprejudiced and competent critical review. Good Intentions are not a sufficient qualification for the task of devising a plan and methods of taxation to balance our vast ex penditures. Exact thinking is re quired, technical capacity, adequate knowledge and the courage not to shrink from unpalatable conclusions. Economic principles are stubborn things and will not permit themselves to be either disregarded or overridden or dealt with emotionally. Tax Effects) Study TTrgred. In England a nonpolitical commit tee was appointed recently by the government to study the effects of the various kinds of taxes which have been in force during the last five years, and to make recommendations to parliament based upon such study. It seems to me that similar action by congress would be wise and timely. A small committee of well-informed men of different callings, approach ing their task free from political, so cial and sectional bias, would not find it a formidable undertaking to evolve a measure which, while fully respon sive to the dictates of equity and so cial Justice, would produce no less revenue if needed' than the taxa tion now in force, and yet would be less burdensome upon the country, less hampering to enterprise, and far less productive of economic derange ment. Such a committee as I have sug gested should, 1 believe, be composed of possibly six or seven members of the ways and means committee of the house and the finance committee of the senate, together with, say, five duly qualified non-office holding citi sens. It should be appointed by and should report to, not the executive, but congress as represented by the sneaker of the house and the presi dent of the senate.' Problem for Many Menu It would exceed the bounds of my competence and the limitations of thi3 occasion, were I to attempt to outline a scheme of taxation to take the place Of the existing one. No one man ought to assume to do so. Too many considerations ana elements are in volved on which no one man is auth oritatively informed. It is a problem for a number of men, from different sections of the country and with, dif ferent affiliations to study with the utmost care and thoroughness, and then, by comparison of views with one another, to clear their own minds and to evolve a comprehensive scheme which shall embody the result, thus arrived at. It seems to me that It is only In some such way that we shall attain a fiscal program economically sound,-socially Just and properly balanced. However, merely to Indicate, a few definite suggestions for a program of taxation, I would state the following: First. The excess profit tax should be abolished or essentially modified and some other method devised to tax corporate profita. I may mention that I am not opposed to the theory of an excess profit tax. On the contrary, I believe that theory has much to recommend It. But sucn a tax, even though it were greatly im proved as it can be oyer the crude system of ours, is of 'necessity so complex, so liable in its effects to im pede trade and burden the public, and requires so competent and per fected and steady a machinery of ad ministration, that for practical pur poses It is rot. I believe, adapted to and not satisfactorily workable in this country. Taxation Made Simple. One of the essentials of wise taxa tion is simplicity of method. Nothing tends more to create a sullen ani nosity against fiscal measures, noth ing is more apt to cause a man to feel justified in, his own conscience to give himself the benefit of any doubt or technical loophole, than to be com pelled, in addition to paying heavy taxes, to sit down and grapple with complicated tax forms and intricate schedules or to spend money for the employment of lawyers and accounts to tell him what he has to pay. Furth ermore, our government departments, generally speaking, do not possess a personnel sufficiently expert and high ly trained, and above all sufficiently permanent, to administer laws of un usual complexity and difficulty. In contradistinction to the conditions in the leading European, countries, gov ernment service in this country is not taken up by many as a permanent career. Too many other opportunities beckon and tempt, the salaries are too low (and to judge from the traditional disposition of congress, are not likely to be made adequate, at least In the case of the higher officials) the chances for promotion! are too un certain, the opportunities for personal constructive activity too circum scribed, etc. We must not put a burden beyond its capacity to carry upon the admin istrative machinery at the govern ment's disposal, because if the ma chinery of administering; the law breaks down, the law itself breaks down, and ultimately falls into irv effectiveness. disfavor and disrepute. At the same time that the excess profit tax Is dealt with the extreme scale of surtaxes, which actually de feats its own purpose, should be re vised downward. The abolition or re vision of our generally condemned ex cess profits tax would not accomplish the purpose in view unless, at the same time, the extreme rates of in dividual surtaxes are reduced. () It is tree, the excess profit tax still continues in England and has. In fact, been re-enacted and increased recently. Gen erally speaking, I have great respect for the wisdom of England's fiscal policy, but in this instance, the cases are not parallel for several reasons, which it would take too long to set forth here. Moreover, the English excess profit tax avoids features which sre mort objctionble in ours. AMrBEMEXTS. "TOWN TALK" TODAY Sparfclin& an ChampnKrne," Verdict Luttt -Mprht's Audience I TCTT Broadway at Taylor A -1 J-jA VJ Phone Ma4n 1. TONIGHT 8:15 TOSRTow SPECIAI PRICE ! MAT. TOMORROW 2:15 -e- BEAUnFTL EDNA GOODRICH IX THE COMEDY, "SLEEPING PARTNERS" From the French of Sacha Gultry. EVE'S 2. l.SO, $1, 75c, 5e. TOMORROW'S MAT. Floor. 1 .50 Balcony, 9 Rows CI, 13 Rows 5uc TICKETS NOW SELLING. BAKER Now Playing-. The HIIarioiiH, Mirth-Prov-oking; Fun Ploy "Parlor, Bedroom and Bath" Matinee SattlT-dny. 4 MATS ARRT RICSMAH IDS JACK WAIDR0N il V-A-R-I-E-T-IE-S OF 1-9-2-0 GLENN AND JENKINS EMILY DARRELL PI MCCORMICK and WALLACE FRANKandMILT BRITlbN PER R I E DE KOCK TRIO 5, JOE MELVIN BE m m m m na m PANT AGES jssrs Maude Daniels present? "THE KISIXU GENERATION, Vaudeville's own collection of clever youngsters. Special engagement. MAX COOPER & IRENE KICARDO In their own comedy creation "Ah iiimme the Ring:. 8 Shows Daily. Night Curtain 7 & 9 The HIPPODROME TODAY-TONIGHT "Hitchin Tout with Frank Mayo; Crescent Comedy Four, "The New Teacher; Armstrong and Joyce, sing ing with trimmings; Vt'iibth and Austin, Fast Fun; Zollinger and Reynolds, "Tip cm the Line" ; Chamberlain ixad Eaxle, Vaudeville Menn; Attn, on the Wnrlitzer. Balloons for kiddies Saturday. LYRIC Mnsicai Comedy . Mike and Ike In A RACE FOR A MILLION The Rosebud Chorus In Full Bloom Matinees at 2; Nights, 7 and 9 Chorus Girls' Contest Friday Night GLOBE Klerenth and Wasbinff ton In Search of a Sinner Constance Talmadge CIRCLE Fourth at WaHhinittoa D. W. Griffith's Hearts of the World" Also the comedy, "Monkey Shines, and the Pa the Review. Open from 9 o'clock in the morning until 4 o'clock of the following morning. DANCING TAUGHT ALL NEW STEPS AND guaranteed in Stnrethour lemons. Ladies $3 geniifinc" huiici b Qcauinui c -Q am v. 23d and Washington. Berinnprs)1 cias starts wonaay uu luureaay evening's. Advanced class Tuesday evenings. 8 to 11 :30. i'lenty or aesiraoie partners nol embarrassmenu iuu tn nocr iearn aanc ing in private lessons from inferior teach er you must have practice, LEARN IN A REAL SCHOOL from professional dancers. Phone Main 7tio6. Private les sons all hoars. DANCE TONIGHT Broadway Hall Portland's Distinctive Ball Boom. Fleming Orchestra De Lux every week night. TOO IATE TO CLASSIFY. ESSEX RACER. A REAL SPEED WAGON, NOT A WRECK. NEW CORD TIRES ALL AROUND AND WIRE WHEELS. CALL BROADWvAT 3047. MUST SACRIFICE. HITMOBIT.E COUPE. GOOD TIRES. JUST NEW. SAVE 1000 ON THIS CAR. CALL BROADWAY 3047. WANTED Man and wife to take care of dairy and grain ranch: man must he fully capable of taking charge: wife to have full charge of house. Write box 845. Portland. Arcnox sales. At WilsotrS Auction House, 10 Furniture. 16!-171 Second street. MEETING NOTICES. HASSALO REGULAR MEETING to- nigni if naay). o'clock I. O. O. F. tempte. 1st and Alder streets. Work In th 3rt aegree. lsiting brotli ers welcome. iao W. r. SCOTT. Rec. Secy. GOLDEN RULE REVIEW. VO. 17 Mr CABBSS, will Rive a dance this fFridav. evening In Maccabee hall, 3S6 TV ash in ff- EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins. -Ml ISA-O OLXU1 au rili Mst,.15st75 Mights IS. t 1.6 MEETING NOTICES. AL KADER TEMPLE. A. A. O. N. M. S. Stated' session Saturday. Oct. 23, at 8 P. M-. West Park and Yamhill sts. Social and entertainment Visiting nobles cordially in vited. By order, of the potentate. HUGH J. BOYD, Recorder. OREGON COMMAND ERY No. 1, K. T. Special con clave Friday at 12:15 o'clock P. M.f for the purpose of conduct tin it th full form Knights Templar funeral service for Sir E. W. Barlow. Sir Knihfs must h mt th asylum in uniform at 12:30 P. M. Service at Finley's at 1 o'clock P. M. Your at tendance la emeptcd art will K4 nrr. ciated. C F. WIEGAND. Recorder, - PORTLAND CHAPTER. NO. 8. R. A. M.. will pay a fra ternal visit to Sunnyslde Chap ter. No. 42. East 30th and Hawthorne, this (Friday) eve ning. Order H. P. L. L. SCOTT, Secretary. , OREGON LODGE. NO. 101. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication Saturday, at 9:30 A. M. for the purpose of conducting the funeral serv ices of nn r lata hrnt hor Ml. colm D. McDonald. Services at Dunning MCEnteen. at lO A f Intcrm.nf at Rfverview cemetery. Please bring autos. By order of the W. M. ljsslie S. PARKER, Secretary. PORTLAND LODGE. NO. PL5 A A VH A Vf Gnafial 1o5t0 communication this (Friday) Temple.' Work in the M. M. decree. Visiting breLhren wel- By order of the W. M. II. J. HOUGHTON, Sec. ALBERT PIKE LODGE, NO. 162. A. F. AND A. M. Special commuunicatlon today (Friday), Oct. 22, at 9 o'clock A. M., 2 o'clock P. M. and evening. M. M. degree. Vis iting brethren welcom. Vr. w . kkjkjb, secretary. 6ELLWOOD LODGE. NO. 331, A. F. AND A. M. Stated meeting this (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock. Entertainment and refreshments. Visltora welcome. By order W. M. J. H. BUTLER, Sec. MYRTLE CHAPTER NO. 15, O. E. S. Regular meeting this (Friday) evening. Pythian hall. West Park and Yamhill sts.. at 8 o'clock. Degrees. V isi tors welcome. By order W. M. JENNIE H. G A ULOWAT, Secy. BIG MASQUERADE FOR THE PUBLIC. Given by Anchor Council So. 746, Security Benefit Association. Everybody in Portland invited if a mem Der or not. Largest masque sail of the season: 26 ex- Dennfvft nrlioa W O W hall, 12S 11th at., Tuesday night. October 26. Come; bring your friends, and be sure and masque. We will guarantee you the time OI VOUr life. Fun for all. AdmiRn nti 35 cents. MULTNOMAH COUNCIL. 4, NO. 14S1. ROYAL ARCA- and fourth Friday In the 4&2M"i4& t Pacific Sti 'r.2r3i.' ance hall. Visiting brotl i"i4jj Pacific States Fire Insur- 11th and Alder. brothers welcome. CLARENCE R. HOTCHKISS, Regent. S. M. FRIES. Sec. 307 17. S. National Bank bldg. COLUMBIA LEGION 170. MOOSEHEART LEGION OP THE WORLD, will leave Moore hall Friday, 7:30 P. M. sharp, to go to St. Johns to initiate a class. Wear your fez. By order of the Grreat North Moose. L. F. KNOWLTON, Herder. MULTNOMAH CAMP No. 77, W. O. W.. East 6th and Alder sts. Srooker and special entertainment Fri day, October '22. for mem bers of W. O. W. only. J. O. "WILSON. Clerk. WEBFOOT CAMP. NO. 63. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD, meets every Friday night at W. O. W. temple, 128 Eleventh street. All members requested ' to be present, visiting mem bers welcome. H. L. BARBUR. Clerk. 128 Eleventh, st PORTLAND AERIE, NO. 4, FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES, will hold reguiai meet ings every Friday eve., 8 o'clock. Pacific States hall. 11th and Aider H. E. MILLER. See. FRIEDLANDER'S for lodge emblems, class pins and medalB. 310 Washington st. DIED. COUNTISS October 21, at the residence of her daughter. 255 N. 19th St., Martha J. Countiss, aged 71 years, beloved mother of Mrs. Callie E. Garland and Mrs. Anna D. Sorenson of Portland, and grandmother of Mrs. Grace C. Trull of La Grande. Or.; John S. Beakey of this aim xvaymona it. Williams ot can f rancisco. Cal. The remains are at finieys, Montgomery at uth. Notice of xuueiai nereaiter. STAN A SOFF In this city. October 21 Thomas Stanasoff, aged 60 years. Re mains are at the funeral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy & Co.. 0802-04 Ninety second street southeast. Lenta. NELSON In this city. October 51. Mrs. Frances Nelson, aged 54 years. Remains are at McEntee & Eilers parlors, 16th and Everett streets. Funeral notice later. FUNERAL NOTICES. DOWNER In this city. October 20. 1920. Jason E. Downer, aged 4W years, beloved husband of Jennie Downer, father of Mrs. Esther McKune of Oregon City, Ruth and Alice Downer of Portland. Funeral service will be held Saturday, October 23. at 2 o'clock P. M., at the Portland Crematorium; arrangements in care of Miller & Tracey. KAUFFMAN In this city. Isaac Kaiaff man, aged 74 years, late of 20"7 Thomp son street: father of Mrs. W. E. Biswell, Mrs. William Blackmore. Funeral serv ices will be held from the chapel of R. . W. Gable & Co., 1973 East Glisan street. 4 on Saturday October 23. at 1 P. M. Jieent'e3'nvit:i - lament Rose "effy "cemetery. BOLLINGER The funeral services of the late Lillie Frances Bollinger, wife of Rev. B. S. Bollinger, who died in this city October 20, 1920, will be held to morrow, Saturday, at 2 P M., from the chapel of the Skewes Undertaking Co.. corner Third and Clay. Friends in- vyited. Interment Greenwood cemejAry. Afcsrirft E-ATV-'Wast " rTarrison st re et , October 20, Minnie Abshire. aged 36 years. The funeral services will be con ducted today (Friday), at 10 A. M., at the mortuary chapel of A. D. Kenworthy & Co., 5802-04 Ninety-second street southeast. In Lents. Interment Multno mah cemetery. REED At the late residence, 1271 Gay street, Alicia C. Reed, beloved daughter f Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Reed. Funeral services will be held today (Friday), October 22, 1920, at 1 o'clock P. M.. at the residential funeral parlors of Wilson & Wilson, Killlngsworth avenue at Kerby street. Interment Riverview cemetery. McDONALD Funeral services of the late Malcolm D. McDonald and his son. Walter S. McDonald, will be held at the residential funeral parlors of Dunning & McEntee. Morrison street at Twelfth. Saturday, October 23. at lO o'clock A. M Friends invited to attend. Concluding services, Riverview cemetery. BARLOW The funeral service for the late Earl W. Barlow, husand of Nettie Bar low of f70 E. Broadway, will toe held today (Friday) at 1 o'clock P. M. at Finley'3, Montgomery at 5th. Friends in-vited. Concluding service. Portland Crematorium, private. EMERSON The funeral services of the late Stephen Emerson, age 51 years, will be conducted today (Friday), at 2:30 P. M. in the mortuary chapel of A. D. Kenworthy & Co., 5802-04 92d st. S. E.. in Lents. Incineration MU Scott crematorium. COMPTON In this ciry. October 19, Wil liam Compton, aged 53 years. The funeral service will be conducted today (Fri day), at 1 P. M , at the mortuary chapel of A. D. Kenworthy & Co.. 5S02-04 Ninety-second street Southeast in Lents. In terment Multnomah cemetery. KHUSE The funeral service for the late George C- Kruse of Oswego, Or., will be held Saturday, October 23. at 1 o'clock P. M.. at Finley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Concluding service. Greenwood cemetery. MORIN The funeral service for the late William P. Morin will be held Saturday, Oct. 23. at 2:30 o'clock P. M., at Fin ley's, Montgomery at 5th. Friends in vited. Concluding service, Riverview cemetery. TALBOT The funeral service for the late Rev. Henry J. Taebot will be held today FridAy) at 2:30 o'clock P. M. at Fin ley's. Montgomery at 5th. Friends in- vi tea. tjonciuaing exvico, Juvarview cemetery. JI1L IXNF.RAL NOTICES. JOHNSON At the residence. 12S2 Rodney avenue. Thursday, Oct, 21. 1920, Cher- j the late James Johnson. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. C. A. Manuel and Mrs. Aggie Wellman. both of Port land; three sons, E. M. of Beardsley, Minn.; B. E. and R. L. of Forfley. S. D.; one sister, Mrs. W. J. Patton of Alex andritv, Minn. Friends are invited to attend the funeral services, Saturday, ' October 23. at 2 P. M.. at the Piedmont Presbyterian church, corner of Cleve land avenue and Jarrett street. Body will be at the parlors of Chambers Co., 248-50 Killlngsworth avenue, until 1:30 P. M., Saturday. , I COSTER At the family residence, 6827 Fifty-second avenue S. E., October 21, 1020. Arthur Cornelius Coster, aged 34 years, beloved husband of Alma Coster, father of Thelps and Herbert .Coster; also survived by his mother, Olena Cos her and two sisters, Mrs. Dolmar Poul son and Mrs. Ebba Forman, all of Chi cago, 111. Deceased was a member of Lodge Noble No. 184, Vasa Order of America and Court Scandia No. 7. T. F. of A. Funeral services will be conduct ed Saturday. October 23. 1920. at 3 P- M from Pearson's undertaking par lors, Russell street at Union avenue. Friends invited. LOFTISS At the residence of his daugh ter, Mrs. Mary Hunter. 1464 Fern St.. Oct. 19. Gilbert Wilson Lot tlss. 'aged 61 years 4 days, husband of Hanna Bell Loftlss; father of Mary Hunter Everett Loftlss; Florence Warren of this city; brother of Emma Savage of Salem, Or.: ... iiusa oi minings, Mont.; . M. Loftlss of this city. Funeral services will be held Friday, Oct. 22. at 3 P. M., from the conservatory chapel of the East Side Juneral Directors. 414 East Alder street, 5or- 6th, under the auspices of the , - F- Friends invited. Interment in Rose City cemetery. McCAMMON--At the residence of her daughter, Denver. Colo., Saturday. Oc tober 6 Eda Warrens McCammon, widow of Major W. w. McCammon. United States army; mother of Hugh C. and Charles A., Portland; Mrs. Charles J. J-elson. Denver-, Colo., and William W.. fc-dward E. and Jack. United states army; sister of Charles E. and W. H. Warrens and Mrs. Richard Ohee of Port land and Mrs. Arthur B. Seibold, Chi "So. Funeral services will be held from W. J. Knapp funeral parlors at 2 P. M., today (Friday), October 22, Vancouver, Wash. Interment at Post cemetery. WELLBORN At the residence, 114 Pen noyer street, Elen Wellborn, aged 68 years, beloved wife of William Wellborn and mother of W. L. Patrick of Newton, Kan.; Mrs. P. E. Tuley, at Marshfield, Or.: E. J. Patrick, Astoria, Or., and B. C. Patrick and Mrs. A. A. McKenzie of Portland. Funeral services will be held Friday, October 22. at 2 P. M. at the above residence. Interment Rose City cemetery. Arrangements in care of Mil ler & Tracey. KERN At her residence. Jennings Lodge, Oct. 20, 1U20, Mrs. Addie M. Kern, aged 62 years, beloved wife of Eldon A, Kern, mother of Robert W. Kern of Alaska, Charles E. and Eldon W. Kern of Port-, land. Or., and Mrs. Winnifred Bush of St. Louis. Mo. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at Holman'a funeral parlors. Third and Salmon sts., at 1 P. M. today (Friday), October 22, 1920. In terment Multnomah cemetery. KENTON At family residence, 470 East lamhlll, Oct. 20. Ellen Ruby Fenton, aged 2 years 8 days, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orin Fenton; sister of Evagene Fenton. Funeral services will be held Friday. Oct. 22, at 2 V M.. from the conservatory chapel of the East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder St., corner of 6th. Friends invited. Inter ment Mount Scott Park cemetery. MILNE At residence, 696 East 41st street north, October 20, Jean Boyd Milne, -aged 4S years: sister of Mrs. F. E. Nicks, D. A.. W. G. and C. P. Milne. Funeral services will take place at the Portland Crematorium chapel Sunday. October 24, at 2 P. M. Friends Invited to attend. Remains will be at McEntee & Eilers parlors, 16th a"nd Everett streets, until 10:3O A. M. Sunday. , HERSHEY In this city, October 20. 1920, William Thomas Hprshpv nirprl 111 vr-rn beloved father of Mrs. R. W. Chapman and Mrs. M. Wiese of this city and brother of M. E. Hershey of Yakima. Wash., and Charles Hershey of Will iamsburg. Pa. Funeral services will be held Saturday, October 23. at 10 A, M., at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. In terment, Lone Fir cemetery. OLIVER In this city. October 20. Mary Jane Oliver, aged 90 years, mother of Jay and Charles E. Oliver of Portland and Emery Oliver of Sacramento. Cal.. and sister of Mrs. B. F. Shonkwiler of Portland. The funeral service will be held today (Friday), at 10 o'clock A. M.. at Finley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Concluding service. Greenwood cemetery. KUHN October 21. Peter Kuhn. aged 10 years, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kuhn of 84-2 East Eighth street north. Funeral services will be held Saturday. October 23, at 2 P. M., at the Second German Congregational church, corner East Eighth and Skidmore. Friends in vited. Remains at Pearson Undertaking parlors, Russell street and Union avenue. GOLIWAS Near Oregon City. October 17. Peter Joseph Goliwas, aged four years, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Goli - was. The remains will leave the resi dence, 511 Buchanan street, Friday, Oc tober 22, at 8 A. M., thence to St- Clem ent's church, where requiem mass will be offered at 8:30 A. M. Arrangements in care of Miller &. Tracey. FUNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral services. JONES AUTO LIVERY. MARSHALL 114. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. EDWARD H0LMAN & SON FUNERAL DIRBCTORS Thlrd and Salmon streets. Main 507. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent funeral Directors. Washington street, Between 20th and 21st streets. West Side. Lady Assistant. Main 2691. Auto. 678-85, Dunning & McEntee FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Now located in their new residential funeral home, Morrison at 12th. West Side. Phone Bdwy. 43-0. Auto. S45-5&. The Funeral Home of Refinement and Distinctive Service. Note We have no branches - nor any connection whatever with any other undertaking firm. - McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home. l3th and Everett streets. Phone B ro ad way 2133. Automatic 521-33. J. P. FINLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9 Montgomery at Frfth. DOWNING & McNEMAR The Residential Funeral Home. 441 Multnomah St.. lrvington Dist-. East 54- EAST SIDE FtTNERAJj DIRECTORS. (F. S. Dunning, Inc.) "Th family set the price." 414 East Alder. A D 7CI I CD Pfl 592 Williams Ave. Ml III f.LLI-1.11 UUl Phone. East 1088. PT T TTPPTT E. Eleventh and Clay. -L1- J-lHiXCV-'Xl Bast 781. Tabor 1833. SKEWES UNDERTAKING CO., 3d and C!a5 M. 4152, A. 2231. Lady assistant. A. D. KENWORTHI & CO., SW02-04 2d St.. SLents. Tabor 5267. BREEZE & SNOOK .V-iM, TXOKISTS. Smith's Flower Shop Portland's Progressive florist. We spe cialize in funeral desig-ns. 141 Sixth, opposite Meier & Frank's. Main 7215. MARTIN & FORBES CO. Florists. 354 Washington. Main 250. Flowers for all occasions, artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists. 287 Morrison st. Main 7709. Fine flowers and floral de signs. No branch fito-rea. TON SET H FLORAL, CO.. 2S7 Washington St.. be. 4th and 5th. Main 5102. A 1101. MOXUMEXTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS t66 Fourth t opp. City Hall. Nea Bros. gl B LAPSING GRANITE CO. I rtr THIUPAT MAOISOW BTWEgT Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R. BLACK, public accountant, auditor, income tax service. Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. Phone Main 7443. ADDING MACHINES. 1B BUYS adding machine; adds 7 figures. 518 Corbett bldg. Marshall 557. , ALTERATIONS. LADIES tailoring; perfect fitting; work guar. I. Reubin. 40S Bush & Lane bldg. ASSAYERS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second Gold, silver and platinum bought. ATTORNEY. K. w. EASTMAN, lawyer and notary pub lic, 934 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BATHS. ' CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths and mas sage, loth floor Broadway bldg. Mar shall 3187. Dr. Laura E. Downing. DR. McMAHON'S baths. Portland. Steam showers, plunges, tubs, all for 35c. Tell you r frien ds. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. nflRPFWTCD GENERAL CONTRACT wnm kii i kit i ng. Jobbing. Tabor 9049. CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE IRWIN HODSON COMPANY, 387 Washington. Broadway 434. A 1254. CHIROPRACTORS. DR. McMAHON'S 100 chiropractic. Ad justments made easy, enjovable and cur ative; 11th year in Portland. My pa tients requiring extended time 31 ad justments 15. CHIROPODIST. DR. T. H. CHALMERS, foot spe cialist. Tell your friends. 808 Swetland bldg. Fifth and Wash ington. Marshall 3124. FFFT HllRTComo to Dr- Ga-rtner. fo" LUI flUn I specialist, corns, bunions, foot arches made to order. 311 Swetland bldg., 5th and Washington. Main 1081. DR. O. O. FLETCHER Foot troubles sci entlfically corrected. ' Lady assistant. 512 Aiorgan Diag. Alain htuz. DR. ELLA KIMMELL. chiropodist, moved from Alisky bldg. to 332 Pittock block. . CHIROPODISTS ARCH SPECIALISTS. WILLIAM. Estelle andFlorello De Veny. ine only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists in the city. Parlors 202 Ger linger bldg.. s. W. corner Second and Alder. Phone Main 1301. COLLECTIONS. NHTH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1796. No collections, no charges. Estab. 1900. DANCING. DOROTHY RASMUSSEN Ballroom and esthetic dancing. 610 Eilers building. Wash., bet. 4th and 5th. Main 1123. DENTISTRY. nCNTKTPY DK A- W. KEENE, 351 U Ll 1 101 n I Washington Et. Without pain. Latest nerve - blocking -method. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. MOTORS REWOUND Repaired Bought and Sold. NICHOLAS ELECTRIC WORKS. Phone 527-27. M. 871. 226 Main st. H. M. H. ELECTRIC CO. 31 N. 1st St., Portland. Or. Re winding and electric repair- ' ing a specialty. New or used motors. Bdwy. 1045. A 1046. ELECTRIC MOTORS Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Burnside. corner P0th. Broadway 5674. DOG AND CAT HIOSPITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL, .asi nn ana Grant sts. Both ihones; day and night service; 3 veterinarians. LANDSCAPE GARDENERS. PACIFIC LANDSCAPE GARDENERS. Specialists in creating and taking care of parks, lawns, gardens, rookeries, fountains, etc.. shrubs, perennials and buibs; old manure and fertilizers. Phone Sell. 1005. 4503 45th ave. S. E. LANDSCAPE gardening done by experi enced men. ri. Brandt. Tabor 13GU. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS' AND MILL SUPPLIES. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-86-87-89 Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bldg. HATS AND CAPS. THANH AUSER HAT CO.. 53-55 Front St. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison. R ASM & CO., Second and Taylor. NEW TODAY. Handsomely Appointed Residence A home that is distinguished by its architectural excellence, thoroughness of construction and beautiful grounds. It is of the colonial type, re flecting both dignity and char acter. The large, handsomely finished rooms and extensive appointments are complete in every detail architecturally and constructively perfect, contain ing every feature that could be designed by the best of archi tects. There are 14 rooms, five baths, five lavatories and a garage for three cars. The well-planned grounds in clude a formal garden with brick walls and attractive foun tain, holly hedge, rare shrubs, beautiful lawn and latticed gar den enclosupe covered with ramblers and honeysuckles, and an attractive brick front en trance. For sale by owner. O. B. STUBBS, .75 Sixth Street at Oak. I Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver.) OW Rnga amd Woolea Clothlnc We Blake Reversible. Hand-Wotrl FLUFF RUGS Beom-SUe Fluff Rugs Waves, f 17.50. Kbit Rhkr Woven All Steea Clot bra Cleantns and Dyelna; Depta, Mail Order. Send for Booklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning . xI2 Rnga, Steam Cleaned. $1.5 WESTERN FLUFF BUU CO. ; Pkoneai Kaat o51 and Eaat 75J LIBERAL LOANS We loan our own money on real estate, first and second mortgages, contracts, livestock, notes, etc F. E. BOWMAN & CO. S10 Cham, of Com. Bide. Main 3020. Mortgage Loans towevt Interest rates t iBMtallmeBt re payments il desired Building; 1mm made. No delay in. closinc A. H. BIRRELL CO. S17-21B Kortfcweatern Bank BnUdln Marshall 4114. , Edward E.Goudey Co , MORTGAGES LOANS I'nlf ed States Bank Bultdlnr Phone your want ads to The Orego nian. Main 7070, Automatic 660-95. Ill MUSIC TEACHERS. L. CARROLL DAY, teacher of piano and voice. Broadway 2555. 148 13th street. Dunning system Broadway 2555. VOICE culture, correct breathing, French conversation. 551 Morrison st. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on the basis of capable service. Thou- sanda nt satisfied Customers. A trial will convince you. Charles W. Good man, optometrist. 209 Morrison. Ma. 2124. EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TESTED with modern instruments; glasses fitted at a saving: satisfaction guaranteed. Out of the high rent district. No overhead exp. A. E. HURWITZ, Optometrist, 225 1st at. FAINTING. C. H. TEJRRILL, house and sign painting. papering, tinting. 4rj m. omn. m. li.. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING. McKELLAR. the painter, painting and tinting (interior work a specialty;, -iw-s E. 3Cth st. Taibor 255-5. prvTifi Avn TlN'TING. HOUSE painting, decorating of all kinds, -i Tahn, Vli(V C. H. TERRILL, house and sign painting. papering, tinting. 467 E. 37th. Tab. 261L PATENT ATTORNEY. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 40 years. All communica tions strictly confidential; prompt, effi cient, conscientious service; handbook free on request. MUNN & CO., patent attorneys, San Francisco office, Hobart bldg., 582 Market St.; Chicago office, room 810 Tower bldg.; Washington of fice, room 103, 625 F St.; New York office. Wooiworth bide. PATENTS Associated specialists, mechan ical engineers, draftsmen. A- D. Hadley, attorney, 314 Wilcox bldg. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' experience U. S. and foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway building. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate, female disorders, skin affections, blood pressure, enlarged tonsils, moles, birthmarks. DISEASES of women and goitre my spe cialty. Dr. Margaret Haynle, 215 Swet land bldg. Main 1765. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE price. Stark-Davis Co.. 18 4th. Main 797. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prices. A. L. Howard. 230 Third street. PRINTING. DDIMTInlR F- W.BALTES & COMPANY rni.1l II. U First and Oak. Main 165. 511-65. STORAGE. PACKING AND CRATING furniture is our specialty; we can save you half of the freight by shipping your goods in pool car. Pacific Storage & Delivery com pany. East First and Madison. East 891. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 601 Dekum bldg. U. S., foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. Packin g Movin g Storage, lleducd Freight Rates. Money Loaned on Warehouse Receipts. IN THE HEART V THIS till. 63 FOURTH ST., COR. OF PINE. PHONE, BROADWAY 3715. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH Thirteenth and Kearney. fiKNERAL HAULING. Motor and horse equipment, any capacity PHONE BDWY. 3309 OREfiOX TRANSFER CO.. 474 Glisan Bt.. corner 13th. Phone Broadway 1281 or 1160. We own and operate two large class A warehouses on Terminal tracits. Lowest insurance rates in the city. ATLAS Transfer & Storage Co., piano and furniture moving. i roadway lui. MANUFACTURERS HIDES, WOOL AND CASCARA BARK. KAHN BROTHERS. 105 Front street. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AND PIPE. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-8S-87-89 Front. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDIN'G & FARRELL, 140 Front street. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER A- CO., Front and Morrison. XEW TODAY, Houses uvd Garages REDIMADK Omen Are REDIMADK Booster Our buildings are made of the very best materials. They are attractive, look good in any nelehborhood and YOU GET THEM AT A. GREAT SAVING. Made In 4-foot sections. Erected ' in Portland or shipped any where. REDIMADE BUILDING CO. 11th and Market Streets - PORTLAND, OREGON Phone East 0114 LADIES, WE CALL IOR YOTJB OLD ' CARPETS, Rags and Wolen Clothing;. FLUFF RUGS All Work Turned Out Promptly. Rae Run Woven Ajl Sizes. Mail Orders. Send for Booklet. Carpets denned. JLaJd and Refitted. NORTHWEST RUG CO., 188 East 8th St. Phone East 3580. BKAL ESTATE. 160 ACRES of land 8 mile from New port. Or.; part bench land; rich soil in youns- timber; f 164)0. o ?r? 2 m?le from Newport; about .uvu.wv feet u,u syruce ana some sec- S7-roorn hotel, complete, now rannins- wiii pay per cent; terms; owner too weuiq w uuuuio property; $13,000. 150-foot waterfront, heart of New port; will double in two years; terms. ....,ue0 iui ji uuu property. Farms, all sizes and prices. Cottages Tery reasonable; for sale and . for rent. Investments that will malts 20 and 25 per cent. Write or call on LESTER MAKTIX, Loans aifd Insurance, , Newport, Or REAL ESTATE. FOR A few days only I offer my property at a saerificlngly low price on easy terms. Cail at 1325 Harbor ave.. Seattle. W ash., and see property. S.F. Smith. For Sale Flat and Apartment Property, DOUBLE flat bldg., now rented for S38 a month: lot 50x100: double set of plumb irg: all modern conveniences. Must be sold Immediately for S2200 cash. Easy walking distance on the west side. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. For Sale Lots. WEST SIDE NOB HILL. Cor. Quar. B:ock. CHOICE BUILD'G SITE. Lovejoy at Cornell. GRAND VIEW NO CLIMB. Very cheap 1-3 cash. GEO 3. SHAEFER. Bdwy. 5167. Main 661 IRVINGTON. 100x200 fine corner lot with pavd street on east, north and west : fine home or apartment site; will sell as a whole or either quarter. POIN'DEXTER, 208 SELLING BLIX5. Main 1S00. Residence East 6771. FOR SALE Great bargain, two vacant lots in orttana, lot 14, block 41. Capitol Hill, and lot 6. block 2. Gordon Place. Owner. S. Wentkowski, 1547 Milwaukee ave.. Chicago. 111. FINE Rose City Park corner lot, on East uroaaway ana 4tn. MaKe orrer. JOHXSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. 1500 CASH 3 fine building lots on 43d st. near Division. Terms or LlDerty bonds. J. H. McMAHON. 2606 East aq 8L aDor Diitll. ALAMEDA PARK, east front, $60O terms, 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S787, ALAMEDA PARK Desirable corner. 65x. am. uryce ana sa. Terms. Main 463. For Bale Hoases. A. H. BTRRELti CO. CtHOTCE HOMES. $40CN) On Union ave., close in. good 7 -room house and lot 50x125. all clear. A choice home and a high-class investment at this price. 93750 Dandy corner COxlOO, E. SSth and .Harrison; attractive 5-room bun galow, fireplace, good pium&in-g, all in choice condition. Easy terms. J 35O0 Corner lot 50x65, aH assessments paid In full. House has living room, dining: room, Kitcnen, bath and two bedrooms on first floor. tnree warooms imished on sec ond floor. A larze house, at tractive and a real snap at this figure. Very reasonable terms. $3300 6-room house, eas-t side. near Miss. ave. car line; full lot, some " fruit, hard surface street, $300 cash will handle this, bal. easy terms. J2350 fractional corner in Sunnyslde with good 6-room cotta&e: not a modern bungalow but & wevl bullt little home at a close figure ana it s near car line. Terms. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 17 N. W. Bank Bids. Mar. 114. A REALLT. TRULY BUNGALOW. So many have been dreaming of just such a bungalow yet never hoping to find one with everything seemingly thought of and just ready to step into ana enjoy. GKOL'NDS OF ALMOST FIVE LOTS are inclosed with beautiful hedge and lattice fence, lattice fence also divides orchard, vegetable garden and chicken yard from main lawn; H rooms unusual features hot water heat, sun room with large iisn pool, dance hall in basement, pedestal sink, tile bath and needle show er bath, double construction, red tile roois, aouoie garage, cntidren a play ground equipment on lawn Owner is leavine state, henc thin on. portunlty if taken advantage of at once. for appointment can MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, EAST 7976. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. A semi-bungalow of attractive design na very Dest construction, with grounds in keeping; a superb view of city and mouu tarns; large living room, dining room. Dutch kitchen, one bedroom and bath on first floor; 2 bedrooms', sleeping porch and bath on second floor; in the pins oi condition, witn every modern leaiure. mere is a garage; siouo, terms. FREDERIC C. PRATT. Broadway 1608. 210 Oregon Bldg. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. STRICTLY MODERN; GARAGE; PAVED STREET !5.i00. Five rooms and breakfast room on ground floor; large floored attic, full finished cement basement ; hardwood fioors: Dutch kitchen, extra trood ea rage; house built by present owner and never occupied by anyone else. Not a dollar need be spent on this place, lot 45x100. Price is below real value; t5O0 cash will handle, discount ror all casn. Owner moving out of city, so hurry. G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington st. Main 8220. J250O SUNNTSIDE CAR S25O0. Say, here is a big bargain! Near Sunny side school and carline we have a 9-room home for rfnly JLioOO. There are 5 bed rooms and bath in addition to living room, dining room and kitchen. This house is in good shape and a positive snap at the price. Owner will take f ."00 down and $20 monthly. If you want a large house, see this quick. COMTE & KOHLMAN. 203 Cham, of Com. bldg. Mala 6oSOv MOUNT TABOR BUNGALOW. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, fire place, full cement basement, excel- lent furnace, fine fruit trees and shrubbery, old ivory finish, best of condition. Can be had with one or two lots. MRS. HARRT PRICE PALMER. East 7976. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. S4000 X750 CASH. 6 rooms and reception hall, cement casement, wasn trays, rioored attic Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, buffet paved streets and sewers in and paid, Located 2 blocks south of Sandy, be low the hill. A clean, attractive home, priced to sell. ( : I.BVELAND-HRKDKRSON rvv. 306-8 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. KENTON" DISTRICT. 94200 Let us show you this nifty new "heme of 3 rooms down. 2 and barb nn. Finished throughout in enamel tapestry paper, juu cement nasement, wasn trays, hdwd. floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch Kiicuen,. imp. in ana pa. Terms. J. A. W1CKMA.N CO. "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark St. Main 1094 and 583. A REAL BARGAIN 5-room bungalow strictly modern hardwood floors, fireplace. buffet beamed celling, fine kitchen, lota of Dui.t-ins, run basement, laundry trays iiui-aii iicuL, 11119 piH.jc iias ueen ne.a at fiw. tiujjo in, Booa terms, bee Campbell with Frank McCrillis, Henry Bldg. Mr. 3 WE HAVE a free descriptive Ifct f h best rooming houses, hotel bargains and apartment houses in the city. Call at office or by phone. Yours free; saves time; displays variety; directs you to utvi is a i ii ueauquuners. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY, 332-333 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 7511 and Main 5199. NOT A NEW HOUSE. BUT A GOOD VALUE FOR THE PRICE. ONLY $300 CASH. 125 AND INT. Has electric, gas and 5 rooms, 60x90 lot; several nice fruit t&es, hard surface in ana paia; now vacant; move right in. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. A LITTLE FARM TJ TOWV 5-room house in fine condition; bath ana tun basement ; you can keep cows, cnitneus; loaus oi iruit, on mac. street has sra.TB.se: standard nliimhinv h lots, line soil; must be sold. Mar. 335, xaoor owu. ROSE CITY. Four-room modern bungalow; a cuts little place. Pretty vines and roses, nice ya.ru, iruu inses ana oerries; cujcKeo house and run; garage. $-730, $500 down, oai. easy, rnone Manor 174. DEATH MAKES ME SACRIFICE Piedmont, 6 rooms, full cement base ment, furnace, bearing fruit ; good lo cation; only $4000; $1000 cash. Marshall NEW MODERN bungalow with half acre of sightly ground near blvd. and close to muitnoman station, o uu. tor partlc uiars see rsen rtiesiana, -im iatt bldg, 127 Park St. SELLWOOD (-ROOM BUNGALOW. 100x100 ; 2 bedrooms. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, fireplace; now vacant; Only $3200. $750 cash, no mortgage, 6, .Mars nan v. oeawooa i uo. SOME SNAP! 6 rooms. Bast 51st street: 50x100 lot. A real snap for $2500; terms. Call for ju. ax weii. jr rioay. juain mai REAL ESTATE. For Sale Hoases. ONE THOtTSAKU FAMILIES hav. found and purchased HOMES through the PRANK L. McGUIRE OF FICES this year. No other real estate office In AMERICA CAN EQUAL THIS RECORD. WHY T Becauaa the. McGTJTP.E STSTEM rivea the hom. buyer SERVICE PLUS that Is orig-tnai. Over ELEVEN HUN DRED 1100) PHOTOGRAPHS of homes for aale are on display- on tha walla of our GREAT SHOW ROOM ervery type, of borne. Attached to each picture is the correct address, price, terms and full Information regarding the home It represents. Every picture is in Its respective district. A PEW MIN UTES spent In this modern office will accomplish more than weeks of AIM LESS SHOPPING. TOUR EVERT INTEREST IS PRO. - . TECTED. No home is offered for your consider ation until it has first PASSED the care ful personal Inspection of our EXPERT APPRAISERS. The title to every home sold through this office MUST BE GOOD. Our many years of experience, our expert knowledge of values and die-' tricts, are at your disposal. WE WOULD BE PLEASED to have you COME- IN and look over this wonderful display of photographs of HOMES for sale. HUN DREDS OP UNUSUAL. INTERESTING HOME BARGAINS: 25 COURTEOUS SALESMEN with autos at your service. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Tour Home. Abtngton bldg. slain 10G. 3d st., bet. Washington and Stark sts IRVTNGTON T-reom, story and a half house, central hall, 2 fireplaces, lot 63x IH'oO tlneat treea , tc ; 440 EAST 1ST ST. NORTH, s-room bungalow, large living room, dining room, snn room and Pullman kitchen. 8 large and 1 small bedrooms, garage. CENTRAL IRVIN'GTOV. 10 or more rooms, bungalow typs, well adapted for 2 families, fin est furnace, excellent construction. 2 baths, best of location. MRS. HARRT PRICE PALMER. East 7878. ONLT I4K00. WITH EVERT. THING IN. Here Is the prettiest bungalow in Hawthorne: artistic design, well built, fireplace, furnace, hardwd. floors, built-ins, cement basement, porcelain plumbing, fine lot. paved sts. Greatest value in age. Only J1000 cash. Main 4S03 for appu G. C. GOLDENBERG, Abfngton Building. "35 Tears In Portland." 8-ROOM IRVtNGTO'N HOUSE. HARDWOOD F1LOORS. Fireplace furnace. 61eep!ng porch -buiH-ln. East front. Concrete garage. G-ood condition. Why pay $12,000 for less? Buy this for XtUOO Owner moved away. - This is your chance. $M0. TTEILAN & PARKHILL, 219 Lumbermens Bldg., 5th and Stark. 1049 CLEVELAND AVE.. . PIEDMONT. 7 ROOMS. Corner home, central hall, finest furnace, excellent location, best of construction, large lot and fine trees: can be had either furnished or unfurnished and at a most at tractive price. MRS. HARRT PRICE PALMER. East 7976. $4000 BROADWAY BRIDGE (4000 Close in on East 1st st. we have a good 7-room home In fine condition. There are 3 rooms on the lower and 4 and bath on upper floor. This is within walking distance: save carfare. Owner asks only soo down. Let us show you today. COMTE & KOHLMAN. 208 Cham, of Com. bldg. Main 65o0. $5500 500 CASH. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. rooms, new, everything fins and Al throughout, 60x100, block; car; vacant. Main 4803. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, Abington Building. "33 Tears in Portland." FURNISHED HOME, SS00O. Bungalow home. 5 rooms H. W. floors, plate glass, fireplace, full basement, large bathroom, new $1000 player piano, 2o0 Brunswick. 50 records, Wilton rugs, overstuffed furniture, 2 bedroom sets. Singer sewing machine with motor, en tire furnishings. See these and enjoy real home. Yes, hne garage; 1 blocks to car. McDONELL, East 419. 7-ROOM HOUSE. NEARLY 1 ACRE. On Portland boulevard. 20 minutes out: cament walks, . basement, electric lights, bath, modern plumbing, 4 bedrooms; abundance of bearing fruit: 5 blocks to car; will be paved next year; 8 1-3 lots. Price only $6000; $1000 will handle, bal ance like rent. Vacant, ready to move Into. v GRUSSI ft BENNETT. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg WEST SIDE SNAP $5000. $500 CASH, NOB HILL. 7 rooms, cement basement, neat place, good plumbing. G. C. GOLDENBERG, Abington Bldg. Main 4S0S. WALNUT PARJC. 6-room home and breakfast room, not air furnace, all improvements In and paid, block from car. some nice fruit trees and roses. $5000, $1000 cash, or will trade for Spokane property. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANT 104 Fifth street. Main 68(59. $2300 $400 CASH. 5-room modern, 50x100, near Al berta and Missouri. Main 4b03. G. C. GOLDENBERG. ALBERTA-ST. HOME. 8 nice large rms., 3 rms. and reception hall on first floor. 3 bedrooms and bath on second, large attic on third; full ce ment basement, lot 5Oxl00. paved St., one block from Mississippi ave. car; price only $40O0. See Mr. Boehm, 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. YOUR IS'EW BUNGALOW HOME READY. ONLY J500 CASH. Rose City and near car, five rooms, ivory and tapestry paper, hardwood firs. Call us and see this today. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY, 832-333 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 5109 and Main 7511. 5-ROOM furnished cottage. C0xl26 lot, on paved street ; some t rui t, 1 block to good car service; house is in Brood con dition; electric lights, gas; price only 11800; $740 cash, balance like rent. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S787. $3500 $1200 CASH. Completely furnished 5-room bunga low, fireplace, bookcases, full plumbing, basement, 60x100 lot, winter's fuel and garden hose included at the price. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. FOR SALE FOR RENT. FOR RENT FOR SALE. Six-room bungalow in Laurelhur&t In best of condition; will sell cheap or might rent to responsible parties; the location is good and price will be very attractive. Call East" 3348. ILL HEALTH FORCES SALE. Hawthorne, 5 rooms, strictly modern, classy, homelike, bungalow, garage, large lot ; no mortgage ; $OO0 cash, terms to suit. See 1U Marshall 1022. Sell wood 2706. HOME IN REFINED NEIGHBORHOOD AT A BARGAIN. $2500. $500 down, balance very easy terms, 6 rooms, bath, electric lights, ce ment cellar, east side, at carline; fine service. Inquire 422 and 424 Henry bldg. FINE IRVINGTON' HOME. $7500; Just had it repainted ana tint ed ; seven rooms, in the best part of lrvington. You will take this when you see it. Terms- S. S. Prentiss, 613 Chamber of Commerce bldg. IF YOU WANT A GOOD HOME. 6 rooms and bath, electric lights, ee merct cellar, few steps off car line; S2500. $00O cash, balance easy terms. See S. & L 422-424 Henry Bldg. 6-ROOM house, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, garage, near 2 good car lines; $4000. $1000 cash, balance terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. LENTS $200. down, 8 rooms, bungalow, plastered, painted, toilet, bowl, sink, elec tricity, gas; lot 40x132. Price $1750. Marshall 858. ALAMEDA PARK BARGAIN. Furnished or unfurnished bungalow style, 6 rooms, sleeping porch. 026 Sast 80Ux 6., neax Mason, Main 8078. A A