17. FQ'ERAL NOTICES. CUXNIN'GHAM In this city, Oct. 10. John ' Joseph Cunningham, aged 38 years, hus- i band of Bessie Cunningham of Gresham. Or.; father of Clyda and Wesley Cun ningham, son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cunningham of Orient. Or. ; brother of Thomas J.. William M.. Dominic Michel and George Cunningham of ; irpahm Or Mrs. Nllie Lehman. Mary and Wanda Cunningham of Orient. The funeral services will be held Thursday. Oct. 21. at 11 o'clock. A. M.. at the Oresham M. E. church. Friends Invited. The remains are at Finley's, Montgom ery at 6th. TKHART At the residence of her daugh ter. Mrs. Birger Tonseth. 149 East 4iHh, Oct. 19. Lulu May Tegart, ad 56 years 9 months 21 days, wife of William Te gart of Fairview. Or., mother of Mrs. Bilker Tonseth and William Karl Tegart of this city. Funeral services will be held Thursday, Oct. 21, at 2 P. M., from the conservatory chapel of the Fast Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder st:, cor. of East 6th. Friends in vited. Interment Columbia Masonic cemetery. TALBOT At FalPm, Or., October 19, Rev. -Henry J. Ta:bot, aged 72 years. The deceased i survived by his widow and daugnter, Mrs. Luther F. Steele of this ci-tv. The funeral service will be held ' at Kimball School of Theology at Salem, or., Thursday, October 21, at 2 o'clock P. M. The remains will then b& brought to Portland and the concluding service held at the chapel af J. P. FInley & toa, Montgomery at -th., Friday. Octo ber 22. at 2:30 P. M. Friends invited. Interment at Riverview cemetery. H 13 ARTY Oct. 17. Edward Hearty, aged 26 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Hearty of 287 North 22d St.. and brother of Mrs. Robert McBnde and Mrs. Knimet Messinger; grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Canavan. Funeral will be held from residence Thursday. Oct. 21, at 8:30 A. M., thence to St. Patrick's church, 19th and Savier sts., at 9 A. M-. where requiem mass will, be offered. Friends invited. Interment Mt. Calvary cemetery, AlcEntee & Eilers, directors. BUECK In this city, Oct. 17, 19-0. the Rev. William A. AT. Breck, aged 04 years. Late residence 171 King Kt. He Is survived by a widow and daughter. Friends invitnd to attend the funeral services at St. Stephens' Pro-Cathedral, lath and Clay st., at 2:30 P. M. -today (Wednesday). Oct. 20. 1920. Remains will be forwarded to Nashotah, Wis., for interment. ( GOL1WAR Near Oregon City. October 17, Peter Joseph Gotiwas, aged 4 years, be loved son of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Goliwas. The remains will leave the residence, ML Buchanan street, Thursday. October 21. at 8 A. M.. thence to .St. Clement s cliurch, where requiem mass will be of fered at R::0 A. M. Arrangements in care of Miller & Tracey. SCHMTTZ In this city, October 17, Mary Schmitz. aged 68 years, beloved wife of John R Schmltis. The funeral cortege will leave the chapel of Miller A Tracey Wednesday, October 20, at 7:4a- A. thence to St. Clement's church, St. Johns, where requiem mass will be offered at ::t0 A. AL Interment Rose City ceme tery. 1ALLAY At her rmldenef at Highland court. Mm. Eva Pallay, aged 54 years, widow of the late Ben Pallay and mother of David N. Pallay. Friends in vited to attend the funeral services at Holman'n funeral parlors, 3d and Salmon st., at 10 A. M. today (Wednesday), Oct. 20. 1920. Please omit flowers. CHACH REST At his late residence, 981 East 30th st., Fred P. Seachre-st, aged 19 years, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Seachrest. Funeral services will be held at P. I... Lerch undertaking parlors, East Jllh at Hrrwthorne, Thursday, at 2 P. M. Friends invited. PITTMAN At residence, 3S3 Cable at., Oct. 18, Thomas Dell, infant son of Mr. and M rs. Ira Pitt man. Funeral will be held from McEntee & Eilers' parlors. 16th and Everett sts., Thursday, Oct. Ill, at 2 P. M. Friends invited. X.ONG In this city, Oct. 17, 1920, Alexan der G. Long, age a i years. i unerai services will be held at his late residence. 4 17 10th st.. at 2 P. M. today (Wednes day), Oct. 20, 1920. Friends invited to attend. Interment Riverview cemetery. FIjAKK The funeral services for the late Sarah Jane Blake will be held today ( Wednesday) at 10 o'clock A. M.. at Fin ley's, M ontgomery at 5 th. Friends Invited. Concluding service at Sit. Scott cemetery. FAILING -At his residence, 243 Eleventh street, James F. Failing, aged 78 years. Funeral services at First Baptist church, Wedn-sday, October 20, at 3 P. M. Friends are requested not to send, flow ers. DHRMATAS Funeral of the late Pete DermalHB, brother of James Dermatas, will be held from McEntee fie Eilers' par lors. 16th and Everett sts., today at 2 1. M. Friends invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. JENN1NOS At residence, 334 B. 3d st. N., Oct. 10. Bills Jennings, aged 78 years, beloved husband of Harriet Jennings, Funeral from Miller & Tracey's Thurs day, 21st, 2:30 P. M. FUNERAL CARS. UMOUSINES for funeral services. JONBS AUTO LIVERY. MARSHALL 11. FTJNERAL DmECTORS. EDWARD HOLMAN &SON ITTNfcRAL DIRECTORS. Thlrtl and Salmon streets. Main SOT. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Directors. Washington street. Between 20th, and 21at streets. West Side. Lady Assistant. Main 2691. Auto. 57S-83. Dunning & McEntee FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Now located In their new residential funeral home. Morrison at 1-th. West BlUe. Phone Bdwy. 430. Auto. 54o-5S The Funeral Home ot Hefinement and Distinctive Service. jjote we have no branches nor any connection whatever with any other undertaking firm. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home. 16th and Everett streets. Pbons lit-oiidway -133. Automatic 621-33. J. P. FINLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9. Montgomery at Fifth. DOVVNING & McNEMAR The Residential Funeral Home. 441 Multnomah st.. lrvington Plat. East B4. EAST SIDE FUNERAL DIRECTORS. lF. S. Dunning. Inc.) "Tha family set the price," 414 East alder. n 7CI I CD Pfl B92 Williams Ave. , Hi Z-LULttl uUi Phop.e East 108S. 7" t rT)riTl E. Eleventh and Clay. P. Li. LilliKLri East 781. Tabor 1833. SKEWES UN PERTAKING CO, Sd and Clay. M. 415. A Jol. Lady assistant. A r KKNWORTHT CO.. BS0:-o4 2d St.. Lents. Tabor 62T. BREEZE & SNOOK eIU FLORISTS. Smith's Flower Shop Portland' Procrfslv florlat. We spe cialize in tunert dtirns. 14 1 H Stxth. vppa.-Jt Meier St Fratik'l. Main 7215. MARTIN & FCBES CO. Florists. 354 Washington. Main !'!. Flower for all ocohbioim. artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS.. florUta. 2? Morrison st. Main 7709. Kin f iowen and tlorai de fcignf. No branch siorca. TONSETH F L.O RAL CO.. 297 Waahinffton St.. bet. 4th and 5th. Main 510-. A 1101. NKW TODAY. Mortgage L-oans a.o-vtit iDtrrnt ratrti ItmtallineBt r payment IS deftired. U ail dinar laaxta Made. No delay -la cloainff A. H. BIRRELL GO. tn-2l North r.tera Itaak UnilUa UmraUaU 411.4. Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, iiain 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOUNTANTS. JL'UUS R. BLACK, public accountant. Auditor, Income tax service. Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. Phone Main 7443. AUUIXi MACU1JVKK lo BUYS adding machine; adds 7 figures. ola Corbett bldg. Marshall 06f. ALXKBATIONS. LADIES' tailoring; perfect fitting; work guar. 1. Keubin, 408 Bush Lane bldg. ASSAVKBS A N U A.NAI.1SW. MUNIANA AS3AV OFFICE, 12 Second Oold. silver and platinum bought. ATTOKKEX. E. W. EASTMAN, lawyer and notary pub lic. 13 Chamber of Commerce bldg. CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths and mas sage, loth fioor Broadway bldg. Mar Bhall 8187. Lr. Laura K. Liowning. IR. McMAHGN'S baths, fortiand. Steam ffhowera, p.unges, tubs, ail for &5c 'iiftii your friends. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. PABDCUTCD GENERAL. CONTRACT - until LI1I L.1I ing. Jobbing. Tabor 9049. CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE IRWIN HUDSON COMPANY, 3o7 Washington. Broadway 434. A. 1254. CHIROPRACTORS. DR. McMAHON S 100 chiropractic. Ad justments made easy, enjoyable and cur ative, 11th year in Portland. My pa tients requiring extended time 81 ad justments $15. CHIROPODIST. , UK. T. H. CIIAMBt I V. ciattst Tell your ICORNS Swetland blilit., Fift t ington. Marshall ; DR. T. H. CHAMBERS, foot sp- friends. 30tf Fifth and Wash- 3124. ll-Ll nusli specialist, corns, bunions, foot arches made to order. 311 Swetland bids. !ith and Washington. Main 10S1. DR. O. O. FLETCHER Foot troubles sci entifically corrected. Lady assistant. 512 Morgan bids- Main 87ti2. DR. ELLA K1MMELL. chiropodist, moved from Alisky bldg. to 3U2 Pittock blocs. CHIROPODISTS ARCH SPECIALISTS. WILLIAM, Estell and Florello De Veny. The only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists in the city. Parlors 302 Ger linger bldg., S. W. corner Second and Alder. Phone Main 1301. COLLECTIONS. SETH & CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1798. No collections, no charges. Estab. 19U0. DANCING. SUMMERS dancing academy. Private les sons, day and evening. All latest steps taught by professional teachers. The best school in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Summers, 85 5th St., Manchester bldg. Dance every Thursday and Saturday, good music and floors. Everybody wel come. Bdwy. 3590. DOROTHY RASMUSSEN Ballroom and aesthetic dancing, tilO Eilers building. Wash., bet. 4th and 5th. Main 1123. DENTISTRY. nCHTICTDV DR A. W. KEENE, 35H4 lii.il I IOI n I Washington st. Without pain. Latest nerve - blocking method. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. MOTORS REWOUND ReaDna?rea Bought and Sold. NICHOLAS ELECTRIC WOTIKS Phone 57-27. M. 871. 226 Main st. TT V TT TT"T T7T"TT? Tr ri rlf-Km 31 N. 1st st., Portland. Or. Re-A'Ufi-filt winding and electric repair Ing a specialty New or used r I "'"vUJ O. XJUWjr. 1U19. A. LU40. ELECTRIC MOTORS. Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Efcirnaide, corner 10th. Broadway 5674. LANDSCAPE GARDENERS. PACIFIC LANDSCAPE GARDENERS. Specialists in creating and taking care of parks. lawns. gardens. rookeries, fountains, etc.. shrubs, perennials and bulbs: old manure and fertilizers. Phone Sell 1005. 4503 45th ave. 8. E. LANDSCAPE gardening done by experl enced men. H. Brandt. Tabor 1360. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS' A'D MILL. SUPPLIES. THB M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-86-87-89 Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bldg. HATS ANO CAPS. THAXHAUSER HAT CO.. 5S-J6 Front t. PAINTS. OILS AI GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison. RASMUSPEX jfe CO.. Second and Taylor. NEW TODAY. COMPLETELY FURNISHED Apartments YEARLY INCOME NEARLY $14,000 Will sell building, lot and furniture for $50,000 One-third Ca,sh Balance Reasonable Terms. R.W. CARY 1219 N. W. Bank Bldg. LADIES, WE tAI.I. FOR YOrR OLD CARPETS, Ruri and Vole Clothing. FLUFF RUGS All Work Turard Ont Promptly. RiK Run Woven All SUea. Mall Order,. Send for Booklet. Carpet. Cleaned. Ia4d aad Hefitted. NORTHWEST RIG CO., 1S8 East 8th St. Phone Hint 35.SO. Phone your wanf ads to The Orego nian, Main 7070, Automatic 580-99., DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINASRY HOSPITAL, East 7th and Grant sts. Both paones; day and night service; 3 veterinarians. MCS1C TEACHERS. I CARROLL DAY. teacher of piano and voice. Broadway 2o55. 148 13th street. Ilunning system Broadway 555. VOICE culture, correct breathing, French conversation. 551 Morrison st. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. 1 solicit your patronage on the basis of capable service. Thou sands of satisfied customers. A trial will convince you. Charles W. Good man, optometrist. 209 Morrison. Ma. 2124. EVRS SCIENTIFICALLY TESTED with . modern instruments; glasses fitted at a saving; satisfaction guaranteed. Out of the high rent district. -No overhead exp. A. E. hUKVV'lTa, Optometrist. 225 1st st. PAINTING. C R. TERRELL, house and sign painting, pa-pering, tinting. 407 Ji. aan. J.ao. .u.. PArNTIGANlTpAPKKHA.GLSG. Hoi;si: i)B i nt in ir. decoratine of all kinds, signs; 2a years' experience. Call Tabor McKKLLAR, the painter, painting and tinting (interior worn a specialty j. jj B. 3ith st. Tabor 2055. PAINTING ANI TINTING. C. H. TERRILL, houso and stsn painting. papering, tinting. 4t K. otta. T.aL. Jbli. PATENT ATTORNEY. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 40 years. All communica tions strictly confidential; prompt, effi cient, conscientioun service; handbook free on request. 3JUNN & CO., patent attorneys, tu.n Franciacw office, Hobart bldg.. oH2 Market St.; Chicago office, room 810 1 Tower bldg.; Washington of fice, roonKlOS, 025 K at.; Kew iork of fice, Woolworth bldg. PATENTS Associated specialists, mechan ical engineers, draftsmen. A. L. Hadley, attorney, 314 Wilcox bldg. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' experience U. S. and foreign patents. 001 Dekuin bldg. PUY&IC1ANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPB, Broadway building. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, - kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate, female disorders, skin affections, blood pressure, enlarged tonsils, moles, birthmarks. DISEASES of women and goitre my sper ciaity. Dr. Margaret iaynie, 21o Swet la.nd bldg. Main 1705. . PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE price. Stark-Davis Co., 188 4th. 2in. 77. PLUMBING -supplies at wholeitalo prices. A L. Howard, 230 Third street. PRINT1N G. DCIUTIMP F- W.BAL.TES & COMPANY Ill-ill Ulw First and oak. Main l'i.V uil-65. STORAGE. PACKING and crating furniture Is our specialty; we can save you half of the Height by shipping your goods in pool car. Pacific Storage & Delivery com pany. East First and Madison. East fcyL TRADEMARKS. " OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU, 601 Dekum bldg. U. S., foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH Thirteenth and Kearney. GENERAL HAULING. Motor and hor.se equipment, any capacity JdOVl Ni f- . k i j l urtAum. . PKONE BDWY. 3309 SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. Packing Moving Storage. Reduced Freight Rates. Money Loanc-d on Warehouse Receipts. IN THE HEART OF THE C'.TY. 53 4TH ST., COR. OF PINE. PHONE BROADWAY 371$. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Glisan at., corner 13th. Phone Broadway or 1 160. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates in the city. ATLAS Transfer & Storage Co., piano and furniture moving. Broadway 1207. MANUFACTURERS HIDES. WOOL AND CASCAIIA BARK. KAHN BROTHERS. 195 Front street. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. PLUMBING SUPPLIES A"D PIPE. THE M. L. Kll.VB CO.. 84-86-87-89 Front PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS EVERDIXG A FARRELL. 140 Front street. SASH. DOORS AND GLASsI W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison. NEW TODAY. Houses -ivd Garages REDIHADE Owners Are REDIMADB Boosters Our buildings are made ot the very best materials. They are attractive, look good in any neighborhood and YOU GET THEM AT A GREAT SAVING. Me in 4-foot sections. Erected irf .Portland or shipped any- ' where. REDIMADE BUILDING CO. East 11th and Market Streets PORTLAND, OREGON Phone East 5114 Handsomely Appointed Residence A home that is distinguished by its architectural excellence, thoroughness of construction and beautiful grounds. It is of the colonial tvpe. re flecting both disnity and char acter. The large, handsomely finished rooms and extensive appointments are complete in every detail architecturally and constructively perfect, contain ing every feature that could be designed by the best of. archi tects. There are 14 rooms, five baths, five lavatories and a garage for three cars. The well-planned grounds in clude a formal garden with brick walls and attractive foun tain, holly hedge, rare shrubs, beautiful lawn and latticed gar den enclosure covered with ramblers and honeysuckles, and in attractive brick front en trance. For sale by owner. O. B. STI BBS. 75 Sixth Street at Oak. Edward E.Goudey Co HORTR1GB IOASS United State. Bank liulldinar SEW TODAY. 50x100 FT. LOTS' SECITY $10 DOWN IS PER MONTH Sale Just Started PER LOT THE FINEST RESIDENCE DISTRICT t - IN THE NORTHWEST AND THE BEST VALUE FOR THE, MONEY This is the last opportunity to buy lots in beautiful ROSE CITY PARK on prices and terms like these. THIS IS A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY SO ACT QUICKLY Salesmen with autos to show you the property J.LHARTMANCO. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg:., Fourth and Stark Sts. Main 208. A Really," Truly. Bungalow So many have been dreaming of just such a bungalow yet ne'er hoping- to find one with everything- seemingly- thought of and just ready to step into and enjoy GROUNDS OF ALMOST KIVK LOTS are enclosed with beautiful hedge and lattice fence; lattice fence also divides orchard, vegetable garden and chicken yard- from main lawn. 8 rooms unusual features hot-water heat sun room with large f ish pool dance hall in basement pedestal sink tile bath- and needle shower bath double con 'struction red tile roofs doft ble garage c hildre n's play ground equipment on lawn. Owner is leaving state, hence this opportunity if taken ad vantage of at once. For appointment call Mrs. Harry Price PALMER Choice Residences Three in Vkurelhurst Three in lrvington Two in Ladd's Addition One in Murraymead, and One in Colonial Heights These east side residences are modern, : in good condition, and well located. Particulars on ap plication. HENRY W. GODDARD 243 Stark St. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW Three larere bedrooms on first floor all with finest oak floors; tile bath. targe ivory living, room. Deautifully papered, expensive lighting fixtures; plate-glass windows, stairs to attic, garage. $S5uO. Near 18th and Sis kiyou. Owner leaving state. R. X. STRJJET, Good Homes Realtor. East 8A4. Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver.) OI Tings and Woolen Clothing. Wm Make Reversible. Hand-Waves FLUFF RUGS . Boom-She Fluff Hugm Wono. SI 70. Ra&t R Vot All S!se Clothe Clean (ne and Dyein- Dreta. Mail Or$Jr SmiiI fur Booklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning ffzl2 Rusts. Steam Cleaned, ft 1.50 WSTEHiM FLUFF KtU CO. 54 Union Ave. 5i. Paosea feaat ol aad East 733 BKAL ESTATE. ISO ACRES of land 3 miles from New port, Oi.; part bench land; rich coll; Hha young umoer; $ituu. 120 acres 2 miles from Newport; about 2.00U.OOO feet om spruce and some sec ond-srrorth; f liiioO. S7-room hotel, complete, now runninir will pay 25 per cent; terms; owner too lee Die to nanoie property; ij.uuw. 150-foot waterfront, heart of New port; will tSouble in two years; terms. Will exchanges, for Portland property. Farms, all sizes and prices. Cottages -very reasonable; for sale and for rent. ' Investments that will make '20 and -5 per cen. Write or call on LESTER MARTIN, Loans and Insurance. Newport. Or. PARK KEAL ESTATTL FAMrLtES WANTED AT BUCODA. Fifty families are wanted at Bucoda, Washington, the best workingman's town in the northwest. Over 200 men now employed In new modern and up-to-date lumber plant, with payroll of near ly loO.OvO monthly. Farming, coal and other great resources-; good eehools. church, telephones, electric lights, etc. Fast-growing community: We can give you employment at good wages and sell or build you a home on easy terms. We are also selling some of the richest garden land in the state on very easy terms. You can buy a home here for half what it would cast you in the city. Why' give everything you mttke to the landlord? Why not buy a home with your rent money 7 .If Interested take Northern Pacific, Great Northern or 0.-W., on main line between Seattle and Portland, come to Bucoda and In vestigate the opportunities which we have to offer you. or write us for par ticulars. The owners of the big mill are partners in the land company. We are owners not agents. BUCODA LAND COMPANY, Bucoda, Washington. For SaleFlat and Apartment Property. WEST SIDE. ALL FURNISHED COMPLETELY. $13,500 iPour 5 rooms each family flats, lot and furnishings. In excellent, .condition; always ronta. MONTHLY INCOME $220. 16 SET. .- Above taxes and expenses. OVER 10 NET. If you reserve a flat to occupy, and Is situated on Nob Hill near UUd st. car. GEO. E. EXGLEH ATtT. Bdwy. 5173. 624 Henry Bldg. If or halo Lots. 2 1-3 ACRES. $05 DOWN. $20 MONTH. Parkrose, just outside city limits, near Sandy blvd. and car line. land all cleared, ready for the plow, rich garden soil, good view, well drained, suitable for berries, celery, garden; price $1920. Park rose branch office, end of Parkrose car line. J. L. HART MAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bids. Main 20&. PA RKROPTC. 1 8-10 ACRES. $1285. $65 flown, $15 monuth. Interest Includ ed at 6 per cent, on one of the main streets in the new tract, close to grav eled street, all cleared, good view, rich ailt land, north of Sandy blvd. and car line, low country tax. no street assess ments to pay. Parkrose branch office, end of Parkrose car line. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. 100x100 PARK ROSE, $000. $0 down, $15 month, half block from Sandy blvd., close to car. north slope, good view, sidewalks, gas, pressure water, Parkrose branch office, end of Parkrose car line. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 20S. WEST SIDE NOB HILL. Cor. Quar. Block. CHOICE BUtLD'G SITE. Lovejoy at Cornell. GRAND VIEW NO CLIMB. Very cheap 1-3 cash. GEO J. SHAKFEK, Bdwy. 516T. Main 666. FIRf-AND STATION IXTS. JUST UW FOSTER ROAD AT 73D. $10 CASH, 10 FJJR MO. AND INT. . Great biB lots, 07x120, beautiful fir tree., best of car service, finest of hard road in one block. Just & few lots at $75t each. "SEE THE YELLOW SIGN." SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Stock Tich. TWO LOTS. WEST SLOPE MT. TABOR. 10O ft. south of Yamhill, eaft side of 56th St., $-jO each. All assessments paid. Located among beautitul Homes. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. SOU Board of Trade Btdg. Bdwy. 754. BUILDING sites near 52d' street. Wood stock dist.. water, gas; SSOO. 10 cash, terms to suit. SELLWOOD 1965. OWNER of lot in lrvington would like to get in touch with firm or party to finance and build house. AH 140, Ore gonian. ON CORNER Montgomery drive and Hall, b. fine view residence lot. substantially 50x1 UU, for only $1000, f&00 down. Main 7487. ALAMEDA PARK, corner 9th and Pres cott streets; paved, paid; $050, terms. Tabor 6441. Rr OWNER Choice residence lot. R. C. P district, below hlU; near Sandy blvd. Paved sts. Phone Mr. Steldle. Bdwy. 4881. FOR RALE or trade, a vacant lot in Port land for beach property or acreage. Tabor 3890. ROSE CITY PARK lot. $373, on 58th, near Sandy road, 'labor Ml. ALAMEDA PARK Desirable corner. Cox 110. Bryce and 31id. Terms. Main Vlbi. ROSE CITY PARK Lot, $."3, on SSth, near Sandy roaa. labor tH4i. For Sale Houses. MODERN BUNGALOW. a(Xl DOWN. Ohoice Rose City Park bunjtalow of 5 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, hullt in buffet, bookcases, etc.. full concrete basement, furnace with hot-water con nections, garage with, concrete floor and driveway, 5uxHK lot, paved street, 1 blk. from Sandy biva. RICHARD W. MAST. RITTER, LCWE At CO.. 201-3-5-7 Boiid of Trade bid?. 137-OOi OWNER will show you this cozy DUn-gaiOW U.liy Wn?, vail .- poo xt?ii street N., 2 blocks from Alberta car, 4 short blocks from lrvington car, 5 rooms. fuJil cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, fruit room, Dutch kitchen with bmilt-lns, hardwood floors, fire place fine neigihhorhood and close to school ; must sell this- week Terms reasonable. IRVINGTON American radiator hot-water heated, coauy ouui nome, wvu; larjs living room in old ivory and mahogany, double plate glass windows' and mir rors, 3 real bedrooms and si. porch room, all with big closets; tile bath with costly pedestal toilet and lavatory; garage. Owner moving on farm. . R. T. Street, good homes realtor. Eapt 894. LAURELHURST. LAURELHURST. Our nice little 6-room bungalow will be sold to the first one that seeks it, as the price is right and terms good. We have only 10 days more In which to pack up, so hurry if you want a big bar gain. Call Bdwy. 5355 for owner. 11TH STREET NEAR "MONTGOMERY. For $loO0 cash, bal. $75 per mo., will selii 9 -room taoue, good eon-dition; full lot. Small family can rent rooms from to $100 per mo.. ex that property will pay for itself; lot alone in norma! times worth $10,000. Price $7250. HBNRY W. GODDARD, 243 Btark St. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. $8000. Hall, living, dining, breakfast pullman rage; $2000 cash, fuO per month. Dela- hunt. East 1347. - JH."00 TERMS. -BEAUTY OF ALAMEDA BUNGALOW JUST NEARING COMPLETION. 6 RMS., FURNACE, 1 FIREPLACE, OAK FLRS., BUILT-INS, 50x100, GARAGE, PAVED STS. ; TERMS. MAIN 4803. G. C GOLDENBERG Abington Bd. $3500 $1200 CASH. Completely furnished 5-room bunga low, fireplace, bookcases, full plumbing, basement; 50x100 lot. winter's fuel and garden hose included in price. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., W33 K. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. IRVINGTON. $6000, well-built fairly mod ern, six room and si. porch home, fac ing eatt; large living room, one bed room saSne size, garage, cheap enough? Shall we show you others? R. H- Street, g ood homes realtor. East 694. " 80x227 LOT, 5 rooms down, 1 up and attic: full basement, some fruit and berries; - price $3150, S650 cash, balance eaey. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Blde . Mai 3767. KEAL ESTATE. For Sale House. NEW BUNGALOWS. THESE ARE NEW AND STRICTLY MODERN MOVE IN.' $72O0 7 rooms -All bulll-ins. yosvHt 5 rooms Alameda Park, f 77.C 5 rooms- Se this one. $4H.-) 5 rooms This will please. $40W 5 room A pood buy. OTHER GOOD BARttAlKS. f63O0 5 rooms A real home. $40M 7 rooms Forced sale. $:t.M0 7 rooms Piedmont ; see this. $noof 5 rooms Piedmont bargain. $2ftT)0 5 rooms Grand avenue. 2. 5 rooms Alberta, a snap. $:!20o rooms Alberta, a bargain. $2K) 6 rooms Michigan avenue. Also two 5-room furnished bungalows. W believe these are all real bargains and all are near Jefferson high. May we show you. Wood lawn 1733 Woodlawn. M. E. THOMPSON. S4S Mississippi S4S TWO "BUNGALOW BARGAINS. IN LAURBLHUR8T. Drive up today and look -them over. One beauty for $6500 with K n rage. Fine location; 5 years old and not a scratch on it. ANOTHER FOR $6250. Six rooms. cloe to park, two blocks to care. Bis; bargain. BEST OF ALL. Pfx-roora English colonial, 1 year old; near park; $1000 cash and your rent money will handle. $9O0O. Get key tt Laurelhurst tract office. East 39th and Glisan. Phone for auto. Tabor 3433. Evenings." East 7738. MT. SCOTT D1ST. On 82d st. near Foster road w have a dandy 7-room house, with a 50x150 lot. all kinds of fruit and flowers and largo chicken house and run. Owner leaving town will sacrifice this place for the low sum of $2300. but must have a v euwh payment of about $1000. We seldom have a bargain like this to offer you. If you re in the market call on us. we will gladly show you. Marshall 1265. ROSE CITY PARK HOME. A 6-room bungalow, below the hill, nsi I hp r lino nnri vrhnnl HnAfiill cement basement, wash trays, wood lift, j fireplace anil furnace. Has hen newly refinlshed inside, white enamel, pantry and kitchen, large living room, dining room, has white enamel bath and bed rooms upstairs; price $45u. $2500 cash, balance by the month. Will also sell the furniture at a bargain. Phone Mr. Oliver. Tabor 3459 evenings and Sunday, or the HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. 6th St. - Broadway 43SL DO YOU KNOW that honses will cost more next year and still more the year after? It's a fact easily proved. Don't wait for lower prices; you wont get them. Here's some thing Interesting: I have several very fine homes in lrvington, Laurelhurst and the Alameda which I can sell you right now for less than half their actual value, with easy terms. They are just painted and decorated and like new, only better, and will sell for more in spring. Why wait? Buy now, pave money and be comfortable this winter. R. H. TORREY. Tabor 407. LAURELHURST, If you are In the market for a Laurelhurst home it will pay you to look thin up. 8-room, 2-story house, modern; hardwood floors and hardwood finish. Owner leav ing for the east, very anxious to ell. Price $8000, one-half cash. Marshall 3989. WEST SIDEL SEVEN-ROOM HOME. Ground 40x100; 812 Johnson, near 24th ; can be seen by appointment ; $ 01100. GEO. D. SCHALK. Main 3U2. 228 Stark St. 883 EAST IRVING ST. 5-room house, garage, corner lot, close to Rose City and Montavilla. car linea. Corner East 29th and Irving. Phone East 7310. THAT VACANT LOT. Don't give it away; come and see mp. I will show ybu where you can make some money. ChII Morril Mar. 1205, 614 Swetland bldg. Evenings Auto. 219-19. HEIGHTS BUNGALOW Jf000. Going east; will make big sacrifice on modern 7-room bungalow on oversised view lot, Willamette Heights. Large rooms and hardwood floors throughout first floor; 2 bedrooms and bath down stairs; 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch and attic UDstairs. Beautiful lawn, shrubbery and fruit trees, furniture at snap If A BARGAIN $6000 home: 100x100 lot. My aged parents having passed away I am offering my home, on The Ridge, east of Reed college, for sale. It 4s an 8-room hou.se, well built and beautifully located; American neighborhood; fore noons and some afternoons. 1192 Everard st., (or 67th ave. S. E.) Phone Rellwood 2768. IRVINGTON. My 8-room bungalow must be sold at once to the highest bidder. Has 2 baths, garage, 4 bedrooms. sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, lots of built in cabinets; worth $10,000 ; for quick Fale $8,400. A real snap; easy terms. Phone East 4167, or Meacham, Bdwy. 1658. j WESTOVER DISTRICT. Fine view beautiful grounds, strictly modern residence; hot water heat; 5 bedrooms besides maid's room and bath; large garage ; near car; appointment only. POINDEXTER, 208 Selling Bldg. Main 1800. Residence East 6771. OWNER going on acreage and selling Ter race park modern five-room and attic bungalow, $350O; double constructed; near Glisan -Ft.; garage within a full cement basement; hot water heating sys tem; ft replace; built-in ; Dutch kitchen and bath In ivory; sewer in and paid; $1-000 casrti, balance terms. Tabor 2934. 5-ROOM cottage, from owner, golden oak furniture and upright piano, for sale, including everything for housekeeping. winter's wood and coal, 75 quarts of fruit; leaving city. Take Woodlawn car trt A Insworth ave.. 4Valk east 8 blocks. 1287 E. 12-th N. Call .evenings or all day Sunday. A NICE HOME. Lot 50x100, a seven-room house that cannot be built today for $6000. Walk ing distance, two car lines, east side. $6500, terms. GEO. D. SCHALK, ' 228 Stark St. Main 392. BIX-ROOM thoroughly modern house and garage, convenient, in Portland's choicest residential district of Piedmont, 1 block to car, 1 H to Fourth Church of C. S., 2 to public library, 4 to Jefferson high school; lot 50x123; a desirable horn for $5500. Phone Woodlawn 1147. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS DISTRICT. $3150. v 6-room house, recently renovated, good furnace, corner lot, 50x100; large as sorted fruit trees, close in, 1 block to car; $200 cash. $35 monthly. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. EASY terras to th man who's interested. Just the little home you're looking for. Must he sold at once as I am leaving for the east. Six roem bungalow on large lot with cherry trees and berries In the rear. Call Tabor 1635. BY OWNER Five-room cottage, modern, all improvements paid, paved st., good location, near two car lines, price $3000 with $500 down; terms to suit. Come - and see at 7 E. Skidmore st. Call Wdln. 2034. ROSE CITT PARK New 5-room bungalow below the hill, on 48th St.; large living room, breakfast room; Ivory, art paper, h. w. floors, all built-ins, garage, streets In; furnished or unfurnished. Owner, Aut. 312-43. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Sir-room modern, bungalow, hardwood floors, half-block to R. C. car; price $7000. $:UOO will handle deal, or will take light car and balance cash. Call Tabor 3477. HAWTHORNE. BARGAIN. Six rooms, modern, fine condition, fur naec heat, built-ins. oOxlOO corner, full garage; all improvements in and paid; $4500. terms; no agents. 401 E. 43d st. FOR SALE Three blocks from Hawthorne avenue car, 6-room modern house. Corner lot 50x100; offered by owner for less than the house can be built. AC 160, Orego nian. $4500 5-ROOM mod. bungalow; lot 41x 100; h. s. streets ; sewers In and paid ; almost new: quick possession. See J. P. McKenna, Belmont at 30th. Tabor 6493. I MODERN 5-room Rose City bungalow, va cant; block to car; garage; your own terms. Automatic Z2Q-12. REAL rcSTATTC. If or lali Houses, HOME SEEKERS! Read This! We have hundreds of Home that you can purchase with down payments of (000 and less! IFC YOU H A VENT" THE DOWN PAYMENT. woMI help you make it! 1100 Remarkable Home Bargains for salel See FRANK L. McGUTRR To Buy Your Home I ?rA DOWN ! ALBERTA! $lo7o $'ZZ down! Comfortable 5-neom ALBERTA cottage on E. 7ih t. Come In this evening and look over our 1100 Home bargains. If you haven't the down payment, we'll help you make it! S.Vtrt DOWN. FURNISHED ALBERTA. SUO 5oO down! 4-room KurnUhe-d Al berta! Brown St.. close to car ami school. We have 70 Alberta Homes, We're open every even ing foi your convenience. $.",06 DOWN! KENTON! $1800 :iO0 down! EASI EST TERMP! Neat and comfortable 4-room KENTON BUNGALOW! Modern; paved street. Peninsula Ave. Srtr.O DOWN! WEST SIDE SNAP! S2&M YOU CAN'T FIND ANYTHING BETTER FOR THE MONEY ANY WH ERE! 5-room modern attractive bunga low cottage on Thurman st.. close to the big- industrial plants. EARN WHILE YOU SAVE! $375 DOWN! MONT A VILLA. $2900 $37r down! Splendid value in a -rnom modern home; built-in buffet; Dutch kitchen; 3 light, sunny bedrooms: SOxinn with fruit. VACANT! Move right in and gut settled! H. Kverett st. fZoOO $500 down! Convenient to Jeffer- wn high. Peninsula park, car barns, etc., is this 6-room dis tinctive iv pe mod em home ; NO MORTGAGE OR STREET L1EXS TO ASSUME! Just $."HM down. Missouri ave. SEE THIS ONE! $3150 $ 00 down ! Cle-ver 5-room bun galow with very comfortable floor plan! Fireplace: best white enamel plumbing; electricity, gas. 41st Ave. A REAL BARGAIN. $400 DOWN! WALKING DISTANCE: flSOO $400 down. On B. Ash. within easy walking distance to center of town; 4-room comfortable cot tage; paved st. paid. See this! $400 DOWN! SELLWOOD! $1800 Forced Sale! 10ixloo with a cosy comfortable 4-room Sell wood cot tage. E. 19th st. $425 DOWN! MT. SCOTT! $1200 Comfortable 3-room cottage and sleeping porch ; 50x100; garden ' . space. JUST as easy to own your -Hume! 55th ave. $50O DOWN! MT. SCOTT! .$2850 $500 down! A GREAT BIG BAR GAIN! Modern 6-rm. very attrac tive bungalow! 100x100 with ga- 0KER MUST SELL! 55th ave. FRANKLIN HIGH DISTRICT. $2990 $500 down! A distinctive bunga low of 4 airv rooms: built-in buf- ft and bookcases; cheerful fire place; very convenient kitchen. You'll like this little Home. 67 th st. SUNNYSIDE HAWTHORNE? $3100 $500 down! Comfortable, substan tially built 7-room Hawthorno Home: white enamel plumblnc; electricity, gas; garage. E. Taylor st., ciose to car ana sononi. v e have llo Hawthorne Homes. MONTAVILLA! S500 DOWN! $2100 Just think! Real Bargain In a fl-room mode rn M ON T A V1LL A HOME; cloKe to car and school. VX 78th st. We have 75 homes in Aiontavula. $500 down: peninsula! $299041500 down ! Exceptional value in a real homey home of 7 roomn; in excellent condition ; labor-waving conveniences; 4 sunny bedrooms and sleeping porch. ABUNDANCE OP FRUIT, flowers, etc. CurtiFS avenue. 500 DOW-N! FORCED SALE! $3150 $.i0 dTwn! Here is a bargain that defies competition! In the heart of Central East Portland, close to Washington high is this modern, attractive 6-room home. E. 14th. near Ankeny. REAL BARGAIN! Nowhere can you find such a great and varied selection of WONDERFUL HOME BARGAINS. We have hundreds that can be purchased with small down payments of $500 and less. See them now. When wanting the utmost 9atlf action in your search for a home, see FRANK L. McGUIRE The Home of 10O0 Home Bargains. Abington bldg. Main 10VS. Third st. Bet. Wash, and Stark. We're open every Sunday. Open every evening until 9 P. M. VACANT NOW MOVE' RIGHT IN. ALL ON ONE FLOOR. $4750 MODERN BUNGALOW $4750. Large living room, fireplace, hard wood floors, beamed ceilings, nice dining room, buiit-in buffet, medium-sized cab inet kitchen, 2 nice bedrooms, cement basement and floor, wash trays. Fine lot. facing east: good close-in district; $500 to $1000 cash, balance terms. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. f torrk Txch. KRNTON DISTRICT. $4200 Burs 5 rooms and bath with hdwd. floors, all built-ins. fin ished throughout In enamel, full cement basement, wash trays; Piped for furnace. St. imp. in and paid. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO., "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark st- Main 1094 and 5R3. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN. S rooms, 5 downstairs. 3 upstairs, fire place, bookcases, buffet, cement base ment, double-constructed, in good re pair; 50x100 lot, $3150, $1450 cash, bal ance like rent. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S7S7. FURNISHED READY TO MOVE RIGHT IN EAST TAYLOR AND 35TH. $2600 includes furnishings, which are very good. $3fM) to $500 cash and $25 per month: 33x65 lot and 5-room mod ern home, all on one .floor. Has gas and electric. Just fair basement. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Stock Txch. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. $4200 buys 5 rooms and attic with buf fet, Dutch kitchen, full basement, wash trays. Double constructed and in perfect condition; terms. .T. A. WICKMAN CO.. "Shortest Wav Home." 264 Stark st. Main 53 and 104. 5-ROOM furnished cottage. 50x126 ft. lot. on paved street; some fruit. 1 block to gooa car service; nouee is in sooa con dition; electric lights, gas. Price only $1SA0; $740 cash, balanoe like rent. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. " READY TO "MOVE RIOHtTn. ONE ACRE 6-ROOM HOME. Cnmoletelv furnished, also cow. chick ens, etc., cheap car faie; work in city and live here. Price $3600, $."00 cash, balance long time. Finest fruit trees. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Stock Txoh CENTRAL WEST SIDE OPPORTUNITY. Overton near 21t. 7 rooms, good fin ish, fireplace, furnace, full cement base ment, extra weU built. 50x 100 lot. To close an estate will sell for $?ooo. J. C. CORBI.N CO., 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. ALBERTA $3200. 5-room bungalow on paved street: has full plumbing, good basement, fine lawn, on car line; only $1 500 cash, bal. easy. JOHNSON -DODSOW CO., 33 N". W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. EASTMORELAND, BEAUTIFUL EASTMORELA'NTJ. $3000 -6-ro rm house, 1 2( bearlag fruit trees, innrx ivo. laeai nome. some terms. T. O. Bird, senwooa l'tub. $2050, $0O CASH. bal. $2-5 per month; 6 room story-an-d-half bungalow; house in A-l condition ; cement basement; 1 blk. to car. Fisher, with Interstate Land Co.. 24S Stark st. Main 542'J. $0400 $300 CASH 6-room cottage; 60s 100 lot; this is not strictly modern, but it is a good, common-sense buy. See J. P. McKenna, eimont at a'Jin. ia bor G4W3. "FURNISHED ALBERTA BUNGALOW. will rent November 1. subject to sale. R. W. Cary,121i N. WBank bldg. OWN EiK iew uu ii r; iu yv , .i iuiiitib, large attic, good neighborhood; $4750, $1500 down takes it; $300 liberty bonds. Own er, Tabor iJ4. BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY PARK. a-ROOM. MODERN. CORNER LOT. Exceptionally fine, strictly to date, all streets paid. jaoor b:w. ROSE CITY 4?NAP. a i-oomH hardwood floors, hard sur face; a real home; good location; easy terms. i:au weu'iiwway. jiain iwai. GOOD TWO-ROOM Rose City house, $1000, S500 casn . oaiancc lerrriK. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. 4-R. COTTAGE, close in; big lot; modern. 50O gown; yzuou. -viain ancz. FOR SALE 6-rOom modern house; terras. ill Jfi. 4 xst si. a aoor woo. REAL KSTATB. For Sale Mouses, LAURELHURST. Kew Buugalow Near Park. - $8500. Here is absolutely one ef the flne.st new bungalows in Iaurel- hurst. Nothing could be done to add to the attractiveness or to tho convenience of this remarkable bungalow home. Th owner built this lest spring for his own home and when you see this bun g low "u will appreciate the pains ami thf care which whs taken to make this a perfect homo. Hardwood floors, French doors between liv ing room and dining room, ultra modern plumbing, imported tapes try paper, etc. It Is absolutely im possible to overdescribe this prop erty. We want you to inspect it so that you yourself may verify our statement. Of course. thr is Kurage. Shown by appointment only. You will bo under no obli gation posUivolv. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St., near 4th. Main 3092. Open Sunday from 11 to 4 P. M. Let us writs your fire and auto mobile insurance. IRVING TON. $5750 $5750 If you trt looking for a good sxibstan tial home in lrvington. invest ipate this. Modern two-story home with three larire bedrooms on second floor; larse garage. Phone East "1 0 for appointment. Ad dress 45! East 11th st. North. Can give immedia te possession 912.500. WORTH $25,000. Going south, want to sell quickly . magnificent 8-room low ram b) Ing style bunpalow, none equal in construction; fireplace, two baths (one with shower), sun and breakfast rooms, den, French doors and windows, beamed ceil in cs, plastered basement, ceiled Rttir. best hot water hoat. lare porch. 200vl25 ground, native trees, double garage, paved street; a beautiful country place and right in . Rose City Park; $2500 cash will handle. On ner. Tabor 1705. Cleveland ave. near Going st., 4-room house with garage. One block, to Wil liams ave. car. Phone East 7310. ST. JOHNS. On the main street of St. John I have a 100x100. and a 6-room house. Will sacrifice. Price $3150. $500 cash. Marshall 12i5. ton 2, page 4. FINE VTEW 9 ROOMS. . Queen Anne type, close in, on east side, modern, Al condition, pipeless furnace, fireplace, 2 blocks to good car. full lot; live down stairs and make the upstairs pay its way; $5250. $looo cash. TH E LAW RENCE CO.. 212 Corbett bldg. Main 61H5 KENTON-BUNGALOW $3S00. -5 lots and neat, clean, well-built. 4 room bungalow with Dutch kitchen, con crete foundation, com pit-te plumbing; just at end of pavement; a neat little , home in this industrial district; terms can be arranged. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON. Fine corner lot, 100x100; strictly mod-' ern residence, hardwood floors through out, four bedrooms and large sleeping porch ; garage. 1 POINDEXTBR, 208 Selling Bldg. Main ISOO. Residence East 0771. WEST-SIDE SNAP. Prominent corner on First and Hooker sts., 75x113; well adapted for apartment site, improved with a good 12-room house, good ba'serr.ent and furnace; for the price of $55uO. John Singer, 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Main 9478. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn burden into Income? . We design and bui'd apartments, garages, residences, anything ; furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years. We offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SATISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co.. 24 N. V. Bank bldg. BUILD NOW! If you own a lot we will secure the money and build for you. Terms like rent. Call and see us. BUILDERS' REALTY EXCHANGE. 621 Morgan Bldg. Main 2035. 47 BEARING FRUIT TREES. 10 lots. 2 blocks from earline; 5 rooms and baih; lots of berries, grapes and roses; 25 minutes out; a pick-up for $32O0; can arrange terms. Call Mr. Fisher at Main 5420. 248 Stark. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. -Below the hill; strictly modern 7 room house, one bedroom and bath first floor, hot water heat. POINDEXTER, 20S Selling Bldg. Main 1800. Residence East t771 . ATTRACTIVE IRVINGTON HOME. Bungalow-type, center entrance, 7 large rooms and sleeping porch, modern, two fireplaces; lot 624x100; garage; owner. East 4921 . ROSE CITY PARK. Attractive 5-room bungalow, 528 East 44 th and Brazee ; furniture, including electric range, washing machine, etc., if -desired. Owner. ELEGANT ROSE CITY PARK HOME. Selling immediately ; choice home N. W corner East 52d and Alameda. Phone owner, Tabor 4631, for Information. 3-ROOM shack, lot 2xl00; fine garden soii ; citv water, cement wains, some fruit, chicken house: fine place for poe try and garden; $1550, $50 down, $20 mo. including int. Owner. Tabo 6020. 049 E. 6Sth N. BARGAIN IN HOME. Must sell, acre and 2 houses, on Wt st. S. E. On paved st. ; fruit ; six-room, modern bungalow; also 6-room cottage; . single lot or acres each. A. K. Mickey, owner, 206 Stock Ex. Bldg. Mar. 5141. HOUSE PLANS. "Distinctive Homes," Illustrated book of over 100 designs, $1; blueprints $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY. 924 Northwestern Bank Bldg. BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY, ONLY $5450. New 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, full basement, east front, mod ern built-ins, immediate possession. Phone Marshall 1022. AMTHORNii BUNGALOW, VACANT. Cosy 5 rooms, hardwood floors, fur nace, fireplace. 4ith St., gamge. large lot, $2000 cash, balance like rent; no mortgage. Marshall 1022. Sell wood 2"OG. SEE WELLE R FOR N EW MODE UN BUNGALOWS If you wish to buy direct. G E. WELLER, builder. 226 Cham, of Com. bldg. Main 5231, East 6372. lgr0 i-ROOM and 2-room cottage on lot 50x100; semi-modern; good income prop erty $;" casn, oai. easy terms. see j p" McKenna, Belmont at 3bth. Ta- bor 6493. CASH $3000, by owner, for sale, 749 E. Irving. 5-room house in walking dis- ' tance; gas and electric lights, bath and Dutch kitchen. Call No. 755 East Irving street, city. PIEDMONT 8-room 2-story house, fur nace, paved street, a Hey. fruit ; good home; only $4150, $loH cah, balance like rent. Marshall 1022 or Sellwood 2706. , $3250 6-ROOM modern, furnished; lot ' - 50x100; $1000 cash; must sell this week. There Is no reason why it should not sell quick. See J. P. MoKenna, Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6493. IRVINGTON. DIRECT FROM OWNER. 6 rooms, sleeping porch, sarage; $2000 cash, balance easy. r.ast via. HAVE nice 4-room house ; bath, garage, 1 Vfc lots, on good street, would consider good diamond as part; $2u00. K 1U7, . Oregonian. WOOD & COLE, BGJLDER8. Have your home built by builders of merit-. We guarantee satisfaction. Wood- , lawn 6348. ' NEW BUNGALOW. Moderately priced, double constructed, floored attic, fireplace, etc. Owner, Ta bor 7247. - CLASSY, modem and up-to-date 6 and 7-room bungalow in lrvington and Over look for sale by owner and builder. Woodlawn 1318. 150 5-ROOM cottage; lot 25x100; near Ankeny car barn; liberal terms; this Is a . surprise snap. See J. P. McKenna, Bel- " mofit at 3fth. Tabor 6403. IRVINGTON PARK 6-room bungalow, : lOOxlOO. alley, shade, fruit trees; $2509 . will handle. Owner. 12i7 E. 31at st. N. 1 LET US build you a home. We design, build and remodel. Wood & Cole, build- ' ers, Woodlawn 5348. MR HOUSE HUNTER, see T. O. Bird. 5-0 Chamber of Commerce, before you buy, he specialises in bargains. VlAMEDA PARK, corner 29th, Prescott " sts: paved, paid; $050. terms. Tabor 6441. SACRIFICE 0 rooms, modern, easy terixu; : Dice district; owner Bdwy- 1641 Morris. IRVINGTON HOMES. McDonnell. 500 East 14th 2i. Sast r