7 'M m PERILS IRRIGATION Thousands upon thousands of the genuine O.D. (Olive Drab) U. S. Army Blankets all from Camp Lewis, American Lake U.S. A,, the entire lot of these wonderful real Army Blankets to be sold in Portland Mayor of Echo, Or., Pleads: for Republican ControL I THE MORNING OltEGONIAN, TUESDAY, OCTOIJER 19, 1920 DEMOCRAT C SENATE We have just re ceived a new ship ment of Overcoats from I 3 OREGON STATE TO SUFFER Dumping of Canadian Wheat and Meat and Hides From Overseas Iuty Free Another Danger. A. B. Thompson, mayor of Echo. Or. and widely known to a host of friends . aa "Ace" Thompson declared yester day that the future of irrigation porj ects in Oregon hinges on republican control of the coming United States senate. If the democrats manage to squeeze in the deciding vote which will give them the senate organiza tion, there will be little irrigation activity in Oregon for some years to come, he emphasized. Mr. Thompson is one of the direc tors of the large Teal irrigation proj ect in Umatilla county. This project embraces about 20,000 acres. It cov ers the district between the Umatilla river at Echo to Butter creek and extends about 15 miles from the junc tion of these streams to the Blue mountains. Federal Aid fiot Given. "Because of inability to obtain the federal aid to which Oregon is en titled from its own payments into the reclamation fund this has had to be undertaken as a private project," Bald Mr. Thompson. "It has been un der way about a year and a half, and Is approximately one-third completed. "This and other private irrigation projects in Oregon, which, when com pleted, will water thousands of acres , of land now and and unproductive. Is handicapped greatly by the tight ness of the money market. Ordinarily, eastern Oregon wheat' and stock ranchers would be able to finance it, but they can't help now because they are all hard hit by the dumping into this country of vast quantities of Canadian wheat and of meat and hides from abroad, duty free, under the Underwood democratic law. KaHtera Orrcon See Keeda, "In eastern Oregon practically every one is aroused to the absolute neces sity of a protective tariff on these articles. Present conditions, if long continued, mean ruin for them. They also will be even more far-reaching. In that they will prevent the devel opment of the country through proj ects, such as the Teal and others that are held up through inability to obtain funds. "Democratic control of the senate would inflict a still further blow on the irrigatlonists because Senator Mc Nary would then lose his place as chairman of the important Irrigation and reclamation committee in the sen ate. These are a few of the reasons why eastern Oregon is more aroused over the coming election than it has been over any election in many years. Harding for president, Stanfield for United States senator, and the whole republican ticket will receive an overwhelminc voto in every county. JOHN SHANNON & SONS, LtcL, London Sturdy tweeds, fleeces, heathers and plaids in all smart dark colors. Buttons and buckles of leather. Linings of lamb's wool or silk. Beautiful tailoring. Perfect in every detail. As low as $90 would be the price if English ex change were normal. Single and double-breasted models, in those light showerproof woolens whose warmth is a blessing and whose weight is no burden. Portland's exclusive agents for SAMPECK clothes For young men and their fathers, too WASHINGTON AT SIXTH GOWNS CAUSE $2000 SUIT Court Hears Description of Missing Lingerie; Woman Accused. Pictures of elaborate ruffled after noon gowns and descriptions of lingerie gave Circuit Judge Staple ton's court much the atmosphere of a style show yesterday, when evi dence was presented in the case of Mrs. Harriet W. Ktherton against Mrs. L. E. I'arshall. proprietor of the West minster apartments, where the plain tiff had been living. Mrs. Etherton alleges that the de fendant made way with numerous garments, window curtains and the lik-A helnnirinir to her and is suing for K00, their alleged value, and $1000 .-images. Knowledge of the thefts is denied .v Mrs. Parshall.. whose attorneys .j.oint out that at the time the theft was supposed to have occurred Mrs. Kllierton had been adjudged insane and was spending a week or more In confinement in Salem. This tern porary derangement was the result of nfluenza. Hearing or tne case win continued, today. It CAN BE CORRECTED PROBLEM UP TO VOTERS KLECTORS RESPONSIBLE FOR NEED OF SPECIAIi TAX. Attacks of indigestion are often the cause of much worry because the vic tim begins to fear that there is some thing seriously wrong with the stom ach. As a matter of fact nine-tenths vt all forms of indigestion are directly traceable to one common cause thin blood. If the blood is weak the process of digestion is retarded. Food, instead of being passed along and made ready for assimilation by the body, remains In the stomach. Decomposition and fermentation set in and poisons are generated. Gas distends the stomach and the walls of the stomach press against the heart and other organs. interfering with their normal action. Headache, depression and feelings of distress develop. The body loses weight and the complexion grows pale. To avoid repeated attacks of indi gestion and to prevent the complica tions w hich usually ensue, begin treat ment at once with Dr. Williams' rink pills, a tonic which acts directly on the blood giving it the elements which are required to restore vitality to the entire system. The value of this treatment is illustrated by the experi ence of Mrs. M. Doerrmann. of No. 179 Arlington street, Dubuque. Iowa. "My stomach was so badly upset that indigestion followed nearly every meal," says Mrs. Doerrmann. "I was In such distress that it was hours some nights before I could get to sleep. I grew very weak, my color was poor and I could hardly walk about. I grew nervous too and never felt well. "A friend who had taken Dr. Will iams' Pink Pills with benefit advised mc to try them. After I had taken two boxes of the pills I felt so much improved that I kept on taking them, until I was completely well. My color Is Improved. I eat heartily now with out distress and sleep soundly. I heartily recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to those who have stomach trouble." A booklet, "What to Eat and How to Eat" which tells about this treatment, will be sent free on request by the Dr. "Williams Medicine Co.. Schenectady. N. Y. All druggists sell Dr. Williams' Pink Pills or they will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of price, 60 f ents per box, Adv. Treasurer Adams Calls Attention to Increase In City Expenses and Reduction of Revenues. Passage by the voters in recent years of various measures the trend of which have been to increase city expenses and reduce the city's reve nue are responsible largely for the necessity of continuing next year the special three-mill tax which was adopted by the voters a year ago to carry the city through the period of high costs, according to City Treas urer Adams. By direct vote of the people there was added to the city's annual ex pense $140,000 for a two-platoon sys tem in the fire bureau, and from $50,- 000 to $200,000 a year in the cost of engineering street and sewer im provements, it is pointed out. By direct vote there was taken from the city's annual revenue since 1912 sev eral hundred thousand dollars, says Mr. Adams. Among these items are $400,000 a year for liquor licenses, $20,000 a year interest on daily de posits in banks and from $50,000 to $200,000 in fees for engineering street and sewer improvements. No provi sion has been made by the voters in adopting these measures to make up for the revenue lost. The city has been hit by high cost the same as private households and business houses, he says. To enable city employes to live the city has been forced to raise wages 50 to 70 per cent, records show. Therefore, a given amount of work now costs 50 to 70 per cent more. Material costs in some instances have advanced sev eral hundred per cent. A tabulation of comparative costs of things used most by the city has been prepared by the purchasing J914, 1920 Cement, per barrel .........$ 2.30 Sand, per yard .TO tJravel. per yard .70 Crushed rock, per yard...... l.OO Screenings, per yard ........ 1.O0 Lumber, per 100O feet 10.00 Fuel oil, per barrel 1.00 Sawdust, per load ......... 2.15 Hay, per ton 17.00 Oats, per ton 21. mi Hran. per ton 24.00 Straw, per ton 8.00 Gasoline, per gallon 14 Toilet paper, per case 10. OO Paper towels, per ctLse ...... 8. so Paoer. per pound .....10-14o rnst iron p?pe, per ton 3O.0O who has been deputy federal clerk for six years, succeeds Frederick Drake, who recently resigned after serving eight years in the office. K. M. Morton, deputy clerk in charge of naturalization work, has been trans ferred to deputy federal clerk, while E. M. Salvon of Astoria will take charge of the naturalization work. FRATERNITY HAS DINNER Oregon Alpha Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa Meets at Imperial. The Oregon Alpha chapter of the Phi Delta Kappa fraternity gave a well-attended and successful dinner at the Imperial hotel last nirhi About 25 members were present. At j the business meeting which followed j an extensive programme for the com- i II tr year was adonted whirh .i.. t .1 1 for a series of talks and lectures by I prominent men or tne city along prac tical and educational lines. The first talk of the series is to be given in the near future, the speaker to be an nounced later. Plans for the Christmas tree for the poor children of the city also were discussed. Several dances and other social events were decided upon. CHILD STEALING CHARGED Husband Accused of Inducing: Sons to -Iieave Mother. A warrant charging child stealing has been issued against George Strayer by Deputy District Attorney Deich and police are now making a search for the missing man. The war rant was issued on complaint of his wife, Mrs. Dolly Strayer. who charges her husband with abducting their two sons. She alleges he came to a place where she was working in Polk county and induced the boys to leave with him. Strayer formerly conducted a mis sion known as Strayer's Mission in the north end. Tw-inch galv. pipe, per ton 30. &9 $ 5.24 1.05 1.05 1.75 1.85 31. OO 2.50 3.25 84.00 65.00 44.00 14.00 .28 23.00 16.00 35-7SC H2.75 34.10 Placer Postmaster Named. THE OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Washington. D. C, Oct. 18 (Special.) Mrs. Electa J. Anderson has been appointed postmaster of Placer. Jose phine county. Oregon. Thompson, Kirby Tonrlng. CENTRAL.IA, Wash., Oct. 18. (Spe cial.) The Lewis county republican central committee announced today Twenty-two thou sand and five hun dred genuine. Army Blankets direct from Camp Lewis, U. S. A. Twenty-two thou sand and five hun dred genuine Army Blankets direct from Camp Lewis, U. S. A. ' Sale of U. S. ARMY BLANKETS 243 ALDER STREET Get Your Catalogue Price List No. 1 at the Door Genuine O. D. (Olive Drab) Army regulation, fine, full size U. S. Army Blanket. Size 68x86 inches. Price on sale Not only a wonderful keepsake, but an article of value that will last for years to come. 4 These Blankets are Direct from the United States Army Camp, Government Inspected Released Through the U. S. Government From CAMP LEWIS, U. S. A. EVERY BLANKET A GENUINE UNITED STATES ARMY BLANKET i ALE OPENS THIS MORNING AT 9 A. See Big Window Displays of These Wonderful Blankets LIEUT. Army Blankets on Sale In Charge of W. A. Brannen,' Former ASTE FORT BLISS, TEXAS MAIL ORDERS WILL BE GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION 243 Alder St. Between 2d and 3d on Alder St., Portland, Or. lTrPl17 1 INSTRUCTIONS HOW TO BUY Ask for Catalogue Price List No. 1 and No. 3 at the salesrooms 1M xJ 1 iUI-i 243 Alder St. Ask for Lot No. 102 or No. 101 0. D. Blanket. W. A. Brannen, former Lieutenant Quar termaster, is acquainted with the handling of U. S. Army Blankets and will gladly answer all questions to the best of his ability. Mail orders will be given prompt attention. Catalogue Price List No. 1 and No. 3 will be mailed to out-of-town people at their request, to all parts of Oregon, Washington, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Nevada, Utah and California, free of charge, postage paid. We prepay postage on all mail orders. SEND ALL MONEY OR MONEY ORDERS to Cashier, SALE OF ARMY BLANKETS, 243 Alder St, Portland, Oregon. Address 243 Alder St., Sale of Army Blankets, Portland, Oregon. Shoes, Underwear, Shirts, Socks, Other Clothing, Priced in Catalogue Catalogue on Request that George M. Thompson and Atwood A. Kirby will spend this week in the county. Starting- today at Napavine, the two men will address republican rallies at Vader, Meskill, Walville. Silver Creek. Mossyrock. Doty, Littell, Aljune, Toledo and Pe Ell. Cowlitz to Have Jury Term. KELSO. Wash., Oct. 18. (Special.) $3--5 to $t.50 according to delivery. SEWER ESTIMATE READY Balch Gulch Trunk Line to Drain West Side Heights. Flans and estimates for the Balch gulch trunk sewer have been pre pared by City Engineer Laurgaard and will be submitted to the city council at its meeting Wednesday. October 27. The sewer will be the first large one which will provide for sections outside of the city limits. These sections will also share In the expense of construction, whereas for merly only the city property was assessed. The sewer will drain all of West over terraces, Willamette heights and 1000 acres outside the city limits, in addition to the industrial center and all the lowland adjacent to these dis tricts. According to the city engineer's es timates, the cost will be $347,588. spi ri n y U. S. Commissioner Takes Office Kenneth Fraxer, newly appointed I United States commissioner for the I Portland district, assumed the duties ol bis office yesterday. Mr, Fearer You must say "Bayer Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for 21 years. Insist upon an unbroken package of genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" containing proper directions jind dose proved safe by millions. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few cent larger packages, aspirin is the trad mark of Bayer Manufacture of Konoseaticacidestar of Baltcylicacld Judge N. B. Brooks has set Tuesday, November 16, as the date for the next jury term of the Cowlitz superior court. Six . jurons were impaneled this week and have been summoned for that term. A number of criminal cases, including two statutory ones, are awaiting trial. USE SLOAN'S TO YARD OFF PAIN You can Just tell by its healthy, atimn. luting odor, that It is going to do you arood. Here's joyful news for every leshypereon who loves good thinis. to eat. especially those who are denying themselves the things they like most beennse or tneir oe siretokeep down the-'r weight or to re duce t-! fat with which they are already burdened. mere ts no rortner rieceswcT w I order to keep your weism ur ..-u to- rairiy p the I -t you nave aire- r acquired. The famous Marcncla Presenile has been put up in taDienoi.. k r aa by all druggists at on d Aw f- l. pood size box. To get rid of ft at there two threeor four pounds a week, justtal -on-ot tnese little tablets after each me-" and at bedtime until you have reduced you. weight to where you want it. No wrinkles or flabbiness will remain. Use Marmola Prescription Tablets according to direc tions a few weeks and get results without going through long sieges of tiresome exercise and starvation diet. Get them at any drug store or send the price to the Marmola Co., 93 Garfield Buudin,Drott, Mich-, and receive them by mail, prepaid, in plain, sealed covet. ... F I ONXY had some Sloan's Lini ment!" How often you've said that! And then when the rheu matic twinge subsided after hours of suffering you forgot it! Don't do it again get a bottle today and keep it handy for possible use to night! A sudden attack may come on sciatica, lumbago, sore muscles. backache, stiff joints, neuralgia, the pains and aches resulting from expos ure. You 11 soon find warmth and re lief In Sloan's, the liniment that pene trates without rubbing. Clean, eco nomical Three sizes 3oc, 70c, $1.40 Adv. Si Liniment fPairisi ftDlfJF ' wbsiesesre. Cleansing. nesa. soreness, Uranula- Bclresbiua and Healina Lotion Murine for Red-. Y. i-wr C tion.Itching and Burning YOliRxYEOof the Eyes or Eyelids: "2 Drops" After the Movies. Motoring or Golf will win your -confidence. Amk Your Drossiat for Murine when your Erea Need Car- IB ft -ss- . , cu i pui i nu mm. jf Mian i ii il Mly br B CXmO-KOLA CO. l-'j Remember the label. See that It bean the yonng aquaw. Accept no aub-tltntea. Prominent Ad Vriter Mr. J. J. McCall, president Oregon Advertis ing, Publicity Service, 415-416 Stoek Exchange Bldg., writes: "You-.- Bark Root Tonic was brought to my attention several months ago as a relief for Constipation, with which I have been troubled for over a year and have tried everything I knew or could hear of and had been to several doctors and could get no relief. After using two bottles of your tonic I have at last found the long-sought-for medicine. "I am writing this to express my deep appre ciation for the medicine which will give such wonderful results." BARK ROOT TONIC A Mild Lnxntlvf 1 An Excellent Retrain tor A Wonderful Blood Purifier and System Builder. It stands to reason that if you permit your system to run down, due to your neglect of keeping your bowels properly regulated, you naturally become constipated, your blood slug gish and gradually lose the spring and pep to your former youthful step. In practically all cases one's system can be kept in a wonderful condition if you will let Bark Root Tonic assist Nature. Do away with constipation and indigestion, which eventually bring on nervous headaches, sleepless nights, backache and loss of appetite. WHY SUFFER LONGER GIVE BARK ROOT TOXIC A TRIAL TODAT. For sale at all reliable drugstore, or write CELRO-KOLA CO., Portland, Or. -I mi