THE MORNING OREGOMAX, ' FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1920 ELECTMC Calon tor H H 5 .ravi I II lift iSesi m. tJi - " i mi mm i i i in i hi i .1 - Sl Fumof - M AJESTSC ELECTRIC H EATERS1 eas- Jtti-J 1 " Safe Economical Convenient Ornamental t - "f S The back is always cool. The pure, burnished copper reflector cannot peel. This Majestic Electric Heater permits you to bathe or dress in ' AySfi i a "comfy" heat breakfast in a warm room in fact you can enjoy its healthful radiation wherever there is an electric outlet. All Portable $V$$sX3SSsOOC z: - SpS 7 Majestic Heaters are equipped with 8 feet of heater cord. Majestic Electric Heaters are the original patented betters Of this type, f!r$C$$-S$$$vi T- - Efcff '' t yur dealer about Maestic V MAJESTIC ELECTRIC DEVELOPMENT COMPANY fW J. 9?f U uMBUMCTlafM AND PATINTS - k$SsS5? frfl-- " KANSAS CITY SAN FRANCISCO PHILADELPHIA llS - Ife'j&g 3 Mafcsfic Eecfrc Heaters Best in Creation tor Heat Radiation ffei$ SHIPS TO INCREASED RAILROAD RATKS TO FORCE CHAXGE. appointed a committee to interview officials of the state reclamation service and ascertain steps to be taken to brink the project to a head. The dredging- of the river, it Is pointed out, will not only reclaim many acres of inundated land, but will be a step toward making the river navigable to Grays harbor. CHARGES Publisher Declares Water Competi tion Will Ultimately Gain Timber Traffic. Increased railroad freight rates which have had the effect of tempor arily crippling: the lumber industry of the northwest will ultimately be taken care of by water competition, according to a prediction made by George M. Cornwall, publisher of the Timberman, in an address delivered at the luncheon of the Progressive Business Men's club at the Season hotel yesterday noon. Mr. Cornwall predicted that the high rates by rail would result in the-greater use of the water route for the handling of cargoes, expeclally those destined for the Atlantic sea board, and that ultimately a large share of the lumber business would be-carried by steamers. "The principal handicap at the pres ent time," he said, "is the lack of facilities at eastern ports for the handling of lumber in. large quanti ties." Mr. Cornwall said, however, that this phase of the problem was being taken care of and that Baltimore al ready had a terminal especially de signed for the handling of lumber. The speaker cited the great factor which the lumber Industry of this country has been in the development of the territory. He said the building of logging rail roads had especially been a big feature in the country's unbuilding, and that at the present time there was such an extensive system of log ging railroads between Portland and Astoria that the construction of but 60 miles of additional line would give a new direct route to Astoria from this city. Mr. Cornwall declared that li the near future it would be necessary for the country to provide laws for a systematic reforestation. He cited the fact that the produc tion of timber in the country had been gradually decreasing and ex pressed the belief that this was partially due to the fact that renters were going on the farms. "No man was ever known to fight for a boarding house and likewise no renter is interested in building up the houses and barns on the farm which he rents," he said. B. F. Irvine spoke on the State Marketing bill declaring that the bill should pass at the coming election. 11 MORE CO-EDS PLEDGED Four Portland- Girls Among Those Affiliating With Sororities. OREGON" AG-RICTJLTURAL. COL LEGE. Corvallis, Oct. 14. (Special.) fcileven pledges, four of whom are Portland girls, are announced by sororities on the campu-s, following the second period of pledging. This is in addition to the list given out two weeks ago. They are as follows: Alpha Xi Delta Hazel Eslinger, The Lalles; Gertrude Uowsett, Gres ham. Alpha Rho Helen Randolphe. Cor vallis. relta Zeta Katherine Gibbard. Salem. Gamma Phi Beta (Bemadean Grebel, Portland. Sigma Kappa Constance MacLean, Portland; Ermina Lutz, Newberg. Gamma Iota Doris Lake, Portland; Ida Granberg, Portland. Kappa Alpha Theta Maude McCoy, Salem; Imogene Meserve, Astoria. SORGHUM YIELD GOOD flood River Grower Hopes to Manu facture Molasses. HOOD RIVER, Or., Oct. 14. (Spe cial.) A. B. Cooper, formerly member of the warehouse force of the Apple Growers' association and later an apple inspector here for the O.-W. R & N. Co., has harvested a fine yield of sorghum stalks, the juice of which is rich in sugar. Mr. Cooper pressed a small quan tity of juice by grinding the stalks on a meat chopper. He intends to get a sufficient sorghum carre acreage to justify apparatus for the manufacture of molasses. R. - W. PRICE REITERATES STATEMENT ABOUT GORDON. foundation whatever. I might also add that even if true it could not possibly have any bearing on my statement as to Mr. Gordon activi ties. (Signed) R. W. PRICE." PEOPLE TO HAVE SAY JURY WITNESSES WEDDING Man Accused of Offense Is Married to Girl at Eugene. EUGENE, Or., Oct. 14. (Special.) "William M. Goddard of Eugene and Edith M. Dick of Marcola were mar ried in the grand jury room at the Lane county courthouse yesterday by County Judge Brown, with members of the Jury, the district attorney and a number of other persons as wit nesses. Goddard had been arrested some time ago on a charge of contributing to the delinquency of the girl. The grand jury had taken up the case, but it is probable that no further action will be taken, according to sfficlals. Chehalls Dredging Sought. CENTRALIA. Wash., Oct. 14. (Spe cial.) At a meeting held last night by Centralians interested in the dredging of Chehalis river, southwest of the city, Frank Montgomery, Theo . dore Hoss. R. R. Somerville, George Saraer ana Charles bwartwooa were All Stetson, Borsalino 'and Schobel hats Vt off. C. C. Bradley Co., 352 Washington, near Park sts., Morgan block. Adv. Read the Oregonian classified ads. President of Hotelmen Declares Candidate for Mayor Misunder stood or Misquoted Ilim. Reiteration of charges that Herbert Gordon, candidate for mayor, advised apartment house owners to increase rents nhDe a member of Mayor Baker's rent investigation committee' was made yesterday in a statement issued by R. W. Price, president of the Hotelmen'fi association and also a member of the rent committee. The statement by Mr. Price was made in answer to an interview is sued by Mr'. Gordon denying that he informed apartment house owners to withhold Information, from the rent committee. Mr. Price's statement is as follows: "In a recent interview Herbert Gor don, candidate for mayor, asserts that at the dissolution meeting of the rent investigating committee I stated that he had advised apartment house owners not to furnish the committee with Information regarding their in come and pronounces the statement untrue. "Either Mr. Gordon misunderstood my remarks or purposely, for some reason, misquoted them, for I made no euch statement. What I said was that I had confidential information that Mr. Gordon advised apartment house owners to raise their rents. "Because of the reliability of the source, I was convinced of the truth of the information 'when I made the statement to the committee, and I am still so convinced. "In connection with his interview Mr. Gordon submitted an affidavit by F. W. German, president of the Port land Realty Board, who secured Gor don's appointment to the committee and was instrumental in prevailing on him to become a candidate for mayor. "It is to the effect that I had stated at the commencement of the committee's Investigation that I had been tipped off. and raised the rental of the Hotel Mailory, and that I did not are, what the committee did. "This statement Is without any Medford Citizens Testify to Char acter of Postofrice Candidates. MEDFORD. Or., Oct. 14. (Special.) That the people of Medford will have much to say in the selection of a postmaster to succeed the late Colo nel G. P. Nims is made evident by the notions of members of the civil service commission board. C. W. Paine of , Seattle, district secretary of the commission, and T. G. Rowan of Seattle, postoffice inspector of that district, who arrived here Tuesday. They are calling in as a part of the investigation into the character, rep utation and qualifications of the can didates for the position about 50 prominent business men and citizens to testify. t Kelso Candidates File. KELSO, Wash., Oct. 14. (Special.) One filing was made for mayor and four for councilmen yesterday. J. P. Grim, farmer-labor party candidate for representative from Cowlitz coun ty, filed for mayor on the citizens' ticket, and A. G. Kenaston filed for the council for the first ward, and C. H. Hartsock and L. S. Dennison as councilmen from the Third ward. W. O. Mailory has filed for councilman at large. NATIONAL CHAPTER GIVEN Zeta Kappa Psi, for Women De baters, to Enter Corvallis. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvallis. Oct. 14. (Special.) Zeta Kappa Psi. national honorary forensic sorority, ha? granted a chap ter to the local honorary organiza tion. Zeta Kappa, anJ the installa tion ceremonies will take place aome time thia term. .Membership id limited to varsity women debated, who have represented the college in at least one intercollegiate debate. There are six of the eight women who composed last year's varsity siuai! now in school and all will be eliihle to the honor. They are Jcanettt; Cramer. Grants Pass: Laura Ga rn jobst. aiciii: I'oris Ji-nkins, Ivos Angeles: Irma Von Lehe, Corvallis; Florence Laird. North Bend, Or.; Lois Pay lie, Northfield, Minn. Read the Oreonian classified ads. IT STARTS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16-25 IO--DAYS-IO AROUND ARMORY HARVEST FESTIVAL JOY, FUN AND FROLIC BARN DANCE Shows, Merry-go-round, Ferris Wheel and Country Store Given by Daddies' Club Don't Forget the Time, Place and Cause mi mmumwiii mm mi H 11 J&jrzzs id mv 111 FLANNELS ARE you one of those who find Flannels and Woolens almost more bother than they are worth? Do you continually worry about whether they are going to shrink and mat? Then you've never tried the new way of laundering them with Ivory Soap Flakes. It's so easy so quick and there isn't even the slightest danger of shrinking or matting the fibres. The foamy, delicate suds of Ivory Soap Flakes is so cleansing, so mild and pure, that it removes all the dirt without rubbing almost before you realize it. Get Ivory Soap Flakes, the soap you . know you can trust, of your dealer. IVORY SOAP FLAKES Genuine Ivory Soap in Flaked Form for washing particular things Safe for Silks and All Fine Fabrics nfrl "AMES If I j "S I'll II 1 1 j. 1 n 1j-iinVii tt,j-ut'M ii-WT Trir'T'1 " "' J lvo Warm Hearts to Welcome Him the other one is the "glowing heart' of the LAWSON Odorless the room heater with the inner combustion chamber that sends out radiant heat; makes a room cozily warm in no time. Different from all other gas stoves! No pen flame 1 No stuffy, devitalized room atmosphere! Operates on the radiant heat principle like the sun. Its strong rays penetrate, without overheating, the air you breathe. Heat is not carried to the ceiling. Consumes all the gas, at high temperature. No fuel waste and absolutely no odor. Heats from both sides. Compact ; takes up little space, yet gives out more heat than ordinary gas stoves of two or three times its size and price. Costs less to buy and less to operate. Try the LAWSON Odorless for health, for economy, for hs ample, cheery warmth. You can heat the whole house with these powerful little heating marvels. An economical sire for largest to 'smallest room. Come in! let us demonstrate the LAWSON Odorless, J. J. Kaddrrlj, ISO Vlrnt St. Ptsir Main 1382. Rirrrtfn, Inc.. 1.V4 Konnt SI. I'hone Main 5121. Edwards Furniture C-o Fifth and Out St. I'honr Main 1ST. Wlnka Hardware 14th and 'Waahlngrton Sta. I'hone Bdwy. 372. H. X. Iwli, 402 Moi-rtnon St. Pfcnne Main 7297. Stark DTf Co, IKS Konrtk St. I'hone Main 77. tu. A. Rohm, 373 K. Morrlaon St. Phone 179. W. M. 1-a.j-lor. SO Urand Ave. Phone Eat 423. Distributor Jamea Hambly Jk Son. 2A8 Market 9t San Francinco.