Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 15, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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Jimberworker Turns Up With
Tale of Wild Flight.
Sn.sanvillc Marshal Declared Head
of Cans "WUicli Threatened
Death to Organiser.
KI.AMATH FALLS. Or., Oct. 14.
(Special.) Scratched and torn from
wandering in the darkness through
brush and barbed wire fences and
bordering upon nervous collapse, S. H.
Wood of Kverett, Wash., vice-president
and organizer of the interna
tional union of timberworkers, today
made affidavit before an attorney here
that he was set upon in Susanville.
Cal., blindfolded and threatened with
hanc'insr by a mob of about 20 men,
taken 30 miles in an automobile and
turned loose. This happened, he says,
upon the night of October 11.
Wood will leave tomorrow for Cali
fornia to place his charges before
labor leader in San Francisco ana
before Governor Stephens and the attorney-general
at Sacramento.
Marahal Declared Lender.
He brands the city marshal of
Susanville. a lumbering center in Las
pen county, as the leader of the mob.
The officer's name is unknown to
him. His statement Is that the mar
shal placed him under arrest about 5
o'clock Monday afternoon, charging
him with being an 1. W. W. Wood
explained that he was an accredited
organizer of the timberworkers'
union and American Federation of
Labor, but the marshal refused to ex
amine tt'.s credentials and put him in
jail. He promisid to notify the
prisoner's friends, it is said, but failed
to do so. Through a passerby Wood
managed to get word to friends, who
brought an attorney. The lawyer
promised to seek a writ of habeas
corpus next day.
About 9 o'clock at night the mar
shal returned and said a hearing
would be held at once. He took Wood
a few blocks up the street, where
the mob seized him. blindfolded him
and put a rope around his neck. They
told him they were going to hang
him. They pot into four automobiles
and drove 20 miles into the country.
They stopped and held a conference.
One said. "We don't want anything
here such as happened in Washing
ton," then they turned Wood loose and
told him to "beat it." "If you ever
come back," one of the crowd warned,
"wo have a rope right here to hang
you with."
After he had walked a short dis
tance he saw two automobiles coming
toward him, sweeping the roadsides
with moving powerful searchlights.
Fearing the mob had changed its
mind he plunged through a wire fence
Into a field of sagebrush. The cars
stopped and a number of men with
pocket searchlights began to comb the
field. Wood burrowed into a sage
bush. The searching lasted for hours.
Many times men passed within a few
feet of him. As daylight approached
the man-hunters withdrew and Wood
walked until he came to a cabin where
he found a member of the timber
workers' union, Frank Sullivan, of
Sacramento, who fed him and dressed
his barbed wire cuts. He believes that
the mob turned him loose in the first
place to get rid of some of their own
members who were mistrusted to
stand for extreme measures. Then a
Picked crowd returned to find and
hang him.
Papers Kot ne-tnrned.
All of his papers and belongings
were taken from him by the marshal,
but $25 in cash was overlooked. Wood
caught a train into Lakeview. He was
too weak to walk from the station
to the hotel and spent most of Tues
day night on a bench in the station.
Wednesday he took the stage to
Klamath Falls.
"Upoi arrival in Klamath Falls,"
says Wood in the sworn statement.
"I was in a state of physical collapse.
Being unanic to want or disrobe for
bed without assistance.
"I went to su9anvWle, he said, "a
peaceful citizen on a legitimate
errand. I was arrested without war
rant or cause, my property confis
cated and my person subjected to
humiliating assault. ' will invoke the
nid of the highest authority in Cali
fornia to secure redress."
Through th mpyhea of the musk
that was placed'bver his face, "Wood
says he was able to clearly see and
jdentify the Susanville marshal as
ringleader of the mob.
Change of Address Causes Oregon
City Man to Withdraw.
OREGON' CITT, Or Oct. 14. (Spe
cial.) Owing to the fact that George
E. Griffith, a candidate for city coun
cil, does not reside in ward two. from
which he filed, W. C. Green, the other
candidate, will have no opposition at
the November election, as Mr. Grif
fith withdrew from the race Thurs
day. Mr. Griffith formerly resided In
ward two and when he moved about
a year ago his residence was just
across the street and in ward three.
Mr. Griffith thought he was still in
ward two and his petition for a
council candidate was circulated in
that district.
Jim Vnllcr Last Seen on Way to
School from Home.
Jim Fuller, 12 years old, son of
Mrs. Jennie Fuller, 122 East Thirty
fourth street, left his homo Tuesday
morning to go to the Sunnyside school
and had not been heard of up to last
His mother can give no reason for
his disappearance for she eays he
seemed harpy at schooL
The boy's real name is Lester, but
his mother say a he is always known
as Jim. He is about four feet, eight
inches tall and has dark brown hair
and rosy cheeks. When he left home
Tuesday, he was wearing a -dark
browrt cap, khaki trousers and a
brown coat.
Present Sitnation Said to Be Dne
-to Credit Demand in Excess
of Available Supply.
ROCKHrLL,. S. C., Oct. 14. The
United States has one of the best
banking systems in the world and
"under it 1 never expect to see an
other panic," George E. Roberts, vice
president of the National City bank
of New York, declared tonight in an
address before business men in which
he analyzed the credit situation.
Mr. Roberto said that the present
situation is due to the "aggregate de
mand for credit by all the industries
and all lines of business beyond tin
ability of the banking system to sup
ply." Such conditions, he added, re
sult fronv'the war; from the waste of
capital and expansion of credit during
the war.
"The restriction of credit is not re
sponsible for decline of wheat and
cotton, he asserted. "The poverty of
the world, the low buying power of
Europe and the high exchange rates
are the principal factors in the break
in these prices."
Alleged Assailant JtHned $100.
VANCOUVER, Wah.. Oct. 14.
(Special.)' James Dolan, charged
with battery by J. V. Rann. ex-pa
trolman, was found guilty and fined
Jpioo ana costs. The line was sus
pended upon his good behavior. Mr.
Rann and Mr. Dolan insisted that the
other struck the first blow. Mr. Rann
was collecting rent when the alleged
attack was made.
You Carry Your Own Pass Key
"One of the Northwest's
Great Banks"
BEHIND the great 17
ton time-locked door
of the Safe Deposit
Vaults at the United
States National Bank re
pose tier upon tier of in
dividual safes imbedded
in the solid walls of steeL,
These are assigned cus
tomers, together with
the respective keys for
opening them.
In each little safe is a steel box
which may be removed and car
ried to a private booth for the
putting- in or taking out of one's
Consider the privacy
and protection afforded
United States
National Banlo
Sfetthand Stark
Copyright 1920 Hart Schaifncr 8c Mars
New Fall $60 and $65
Hart Schaffner & Marx
TTHESE suits are in the newest fall
styles, fashioned of guaranteed all
wool fabrics; expertly tailored for long
Values you will surely appreciate just
as soon as you see them.
Our Clothes Don't
Make Good, We Will
Sam'l Rosenblatt .Co:
The Home of Hart Schaffner & 3Iarx Clothes
Fifth at Alder Gaseo Building
Cascarilla Tonic
Debility of Stomach ana Bowels.
An Excellent System Builder
and Mild Laxathv
YUeb Kitiwuu th. Aetiv. PHiwIeIi eff
f "- Cutan. Mutdnks,
Cp.ifum nd C-d)iBm
f Averaging 20 cf Alcohol )
DOSE. Oi. Is Tw TEtlEEEHnf.lE. Ilia
timm Aulr. BfM hi 1 1
I nd Diatritniun. PMtiud.Of.
is very often
Especially is this true where
the trouble is constipation.
What we claim for
We can prove.
You are troubled with Consti
pation, why don't you get a bot
tle TODAY and make us prove
At your druggist or call
East 181.
It Stops That Tickling
Tou can relieve spasmodic croup.
whoopinK cousrh. la grippe, bronchial
cougrh, or a cold either a fresh one
or one that "hans on" with a tew
doses of Foley's Honey and Tar. E. O.
Darnall. Bonham. Tex., -writes: "I
have been bothered with a cough and
tickling In my throat, so I Rot a bot
tle of Foley's Honey and Tar. which
stopped the cough and that tickling
in my throat. It is the first thing I
ever got hold of that would stop it."
It loosens phlegm and mucus. Clears
the air passages, and covers inflamed
surfaces with a soothing, healing
coatius- Contains no opiates, Adr.
Investigates all eases of alleged
cruelty to animals. Offices, room ISO
courthouse. Phone Main 878 from
8 A. M. to 5 P. M.
The society has full charge of the city
fiound at its home, 636 Columbia boa
evard. Phone any time. Woodlawn
764. Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance
for sick or disabled horses. Small
animals painlessly electrocuted where
necessary, and stray animals cared
for. All dead animals, cows, horses.
?tc picked uo free of charge
ilip into a. Bradley
FOR You "and You and. You. and
There's ' a Bradley" in just t Jie style,
the weight and color Jiarmony you1
See it ih"ther Bradley Department of
your favorite fine, store.
Bradley .Knitting Co Delavan; Wis.
Rub Backache away with small
trial bottle of old
"St. Jacobs OiL"
When year back Is sore and lame
or lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism
has you stiffened up. don't suffer! Get
a small trial bottle of old. honest "St.
Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, pour a
little in your hand and rub It right
on your aching back, and by the time
you count fifty, the soreness and
lameness is gone.
Don't stay crippled! This soothing,
penetrating oil needs to be used only
once. It takes the pain right out and
ends the misery. It is magical, yet
absolutely harmless and doesn't burn
the skin.
Nothing else stops lumbago, sciat
ica, backache or rheumatism so
promptly. It never disappoints. Adv.
Back Ache
Limber T XTKH Penetrating Ham
lin's Wizard Oil.
Phone your want ads to The OTego
pian, ' Main 2010, Automatic 560-95.
For Lame Back, Sideacne. Shoul
der Pain, Stiff Neck, etc, use Ham
lin's Wizard Oil. It penetrates quick
ly, eases the pain and drives out the
soreness. Keep It In the bouse.
Wizard Oil is a good dependable
preparation to have in the medicine
chest for first aid, when the doctor
may be far away. Tou have no
idea how useful t Trill be found in
cases of every day ailment or mis
hap, when there is need of an im
mediate healing, antiseptic applica
tion, as in cares of sprains, bruises,
cuts, burns, bites and stings.
Generous size bottle 35c
Tf you are troubled rith constipation er
nick headache try Hamlin's Wizard Liver
Whips. Just pleaftant little pink pills at
druggists, t 3. Adv.
Phone your want ads to The Orego
ni&n. Main 1070. Automatic 560-3i,
Recently, fa the dry of Chicago.
a prominent man.
with excessive fat. went upon
the operating table and had
f over sixty pounda "of flesh carved
from his hue;e. cumbersome body.
Years ago the formula for fat re
duction was diet" exercise."
Today it is "Take Marmola Pre
scription Tablets." Friends tell
friends doctors tell their patients.
until thousands know and use this
convenient, harmless method,
They eat what they like, live as
they like, and still lose their two.
three or four pounds of fat a week.
Simple, effective, harmless Mar-
mola rrescnption 1 aoiets are solo
by all druggists a good size box
for one dollar. Or if you prefer
you may write direct to the MSr
mola Company, 9S Garfield Build
ing. Detroit. Mien. -
Penetrating, Antiseptic Zemo
Will Help You
Never mind how often you have tried
and failed, you can stop burning, itching
eczema quickly by applying Zemo.
Furnished by any drureist for 35c Extra
large bottle, $1.00. Healing begins the
moment Zemo is applied. In a short
time usually every trace of eczema,
tetter, pimples, rash, blackheads and
similar skin diseases will be removed.
For clearing the skin and making it
vigorously healthy, alwaysuse Zemo, the
penetrating, antiseptic liquid. It is not
agreasysalveanditdoesnotstain. When
others fail it is the one dependable
treatment for skin troubles of all kinds.
fbe E. W. Kate Co, Cleveland. O,
Beautifies Graj Hair
Gray and faded hair can now
be restored to its natural beauty
in a manner nature approves ;
with Co-Lo Hair Restorer.
Co-Tk restores the original color,
life and luster to gray hair a s-irn-tlfic
process perfected by Prof. Joint
H. Austin of Chicago, over 4U years a
hair and scalp specialist.
The Ten Co-Lo Secrets
X. Co-Lo Is a wonderful liquid.
2. Clear, odorless, greaseles.
3. 'Without lead or sulphur.
4. Hasn't a particle of sediment.
6. tVill not wash or rub off.
5. Will not Injure hair or scalp.
7. Pleasing and simple to apply.
8. Cannot be detected like tho or
dtnary hair tints and dyes.
9. Will not cause the hair to split op
break off.
10. Co-Lo can be had for every
natural shade of hair.
Prof. John H. Austin's
Sold By
a i i rtAi i
irniUC JT'Wkoteiasne. Cleans'na.l
UH!r Refreshing and Healing
Loiioa murine ior iveai
1 ness. Soreness. GranuJa-
s rion ltchinaand Burninp1
YOUR X-YLjof the Eyes or Eyelids?
"2 Drops" After the Mories. Motoring or Golf,
win win your -cornoence. Ask Your Druggist;
for Murine when your Eyes Need Care.