Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 15, 1920, Page 28, Image 28

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The Factories; Massive Payrolls; a Harbor where ships of the World
Come. A City that is thriving with the efforts of its well-paid popu
lation; whoare in Richmond, will build in Richmond, and make its
values ten fold in a very short time. These are but a few of the reasons why
Richmond Is Becoming a Great City!
No Coast City in the World ever grew great
without developing its Harbor
$1,170,000 Richmond money and $425,000 of government money is now
being spent developing Richmond harbor.
How many years would it take you
to save $ 10,000 if you saved a
dollar every working day?
ITJ" OW IS IT then that some working men who earned
- only $2.00 to $3.00 per day became rich? They
can't save $10,000 in a lifetime; yet, they have it
and they make it honestly. Ask yourself the following
Do you expect to have to work hard always and never
get ahead?
How are you to get an independence and still enjoy
.life and not have to think if you can afford every 5 cents
you spend? Others have done it and many are now do
ing it. Can you solve the problem?
Go to any town or city in California for examples
Eureka, Ukiah, Santa Rosa, Petaluma, .Oakland, Los
Angeles, or any other city, and inquire who are the
wealthiest men there. You will invariably find they
are the real estate owners and you will find they are the
men who have put all their money in real estate and
have made their money on the advance of it.
In seeking an investment, would you follow the ad
vice of the poor man, who is AFRAID, orx would you
follow the example of a gambler who puts a little in
mines or oil or stocks or would you follow the rule laid
out by the majority of successful wealthy men, and be
Buy a Couple and Watch Your Money Grow
Richmond Has 12 Miles
of DEEP Water Front
The One Great Harbor on the Pacific Coast
A Business Street in Richmond
ay or
an Franci:
nrHE BAY OF SAN FRANCISCO is one of the four
great harbors of the world, the others being the har
bors of New York, Rio de Janeiro and Sydney. This
great bay will hold the navies of the world!
Its geographical position is most important. The center of
the west coast of North America where there are only two
harbors (in the U. S.) namely: Puget Sound in the extreme
North, partly belonging to another nation, and San Diego in
the extreme South, either 700 miles apart, thus making the
Bay of San Francisco the most advantageous for railroads
meeting it and more direct for shipping to and from the
Orient. Wm. H. Seward, in addressing the U. S. Senate, said
as to commerce, politics and activities of Europe that "They
would ultimately sink in importance while the Pacific shores
would become the theater of the world's great future." This
prophecy is being fulfilled faster than he anticipated, and it's
to your foresight to take advantage of it, not only for yourself,
but for your children and posterity as well.
More than $1,000,000 in Pay
Checks are received by Richmond
employes each month.
EAL ESTATE offers the average man the best in
vestment for his money that there is in any field.
V.J. J? J.1 1 Jl 1 l 1 ' 1 1
iet, we irequeniiy near men aeciare iney wouia
not own real estate on account of taxes, insurance, re
pairs, etc., but most everybody now knows that real
estate offers the safest field for investment. The man
who owns property holds the key to the possibilities of
the future in any city. The big- and small industries, the
factory, the residence, the small flats or large apartment
buildings, must have ground. Tribute must be paid to
the man who owns the land.- For any one to say that
there is no field for investments in real estate is to deny
the very fundamentals of existence.
Who are the men who have made the greatest for
tunes in the past? They are not the manufacturers as
such alone; not the merchants as a class; not the bank
ers as such alone. They are the men who have had faith
in real estate, who have put their money in it, and who
have watched the pennies grow into dollars, and dol
lars into thousands and millions, through the added
value of real property which they own. The Astors of
New York; the Fields of Chicago; the Phelans, Parrots
and Butlers of San Francisco, and you can name them
in all the large cities.
For Literature and Information Call From 9 A. M. to 9 P. M.
We can use a few Salesmen and Saleswomen. Apply at local office. '
Portland Office: 107H Sixth Street (New Grand Theater Building)