THE MOIiXIXG OREGOXIxVX, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1920 27 FOB RENT. IioQekeplnir Roomi In Private Ftinily, BOCSEKEKPING rooms Fntire lower Moor, consisting five large furnished rooms; ea.y walking distance; desirable neighborhood; moderate rent to perma nent renter. Call 34 East 9th North, orner Couch L Ton KKNT 2 unfurniBhed housekeeping" rooiiiH. 100 East S."ith Ft. LARGE, modern residence, sultabls for certain purposes ; 10 rooms. 100 by 2u0 Tret of jrround, fruit trees, berry bushel, etc.; house has all modern conveniences; n!so some carpets and all shades, rent - $100. 'PARRISH, WATKTN'3 St CO.. 106 2d SL Soliday Bros. Transfer & Storage Co. Hdwy. 422. y'-'R.MTL'RK AND PIANO MOVING, Aonff-I'istance Haulinft. Ptorae. Packing and Shipping. Pol t 1 a y Hna. Transfer & Storage Co. SiX-HOOM modern house, E. Broadway, nr iUh at. $."o. Four-room lower floor residence. Wood Wiinl ave., near H5th st. $20. Kit A N K I.. M eOU I R E. Main 1063. WHEN YOU MOVE Ue NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC Jlht service. Hroadway 580. Anto. 6747. LAKGE modern house and garage; rea sonable rent to responsible party. Mil-shall IMHft. 8-ItOOM house, every modern convenience; rent, lease, sell; attractive term. 3SS lirth. 916 EAST Yamhill; 5 rooms for rent, in cluding; piano; also 2 fine furnished housekeeping rooms for nice peopie. ilOVrNO Piano, furniture and Ionic-distance hauJins a specialty. O. A W. Truck Service Co., 4Q 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121. 3 EST equipped for local and Ion dis tance hauling' and moving. Green Tr. Co., 202 Alder st. Main 11'61. t fOR RENT 4-room modern cottage on Linn ton road, near Standard Oil. In quire 235 fitark. Phone Main 2363. t ROOMS, completely furnished. 365 Halsey st near Union ave. Call after 1 o'clock. 1 40 QUEEN ANN bungalow, 6 rooms, auto garage; adults only. 33.5 Hancock. hOW VACANT 8-room modern bungalow for r?nt or sale. Main l.rr0. Furnished Houses. FOR KENT. Large room 38x6t ft., celling 18 ft. Mph, new cement floor, plenty of light; also fine loading platform full length of apace; will makn a splendid cloae-ln manufacturing plant. TERMINAL ICE & COLD STORAGE CO. 3d and Uoyt tit. FOR RENT. 6 -room modern bungalow tn center of Rose City, finely furni.shed. fireplace, furnace. Will lease. $S0 per month. fc Mr. Oroxford. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. 410 Henry Building. Iiroadway 4751. J?OIl KENT Yell-furn.:shcd home. Port land Heights, 8 room.", grand piano, ma hogany furniture, electric washing ma chine, electric stove; $135 per month. Oa.l Marshall 6033, or write A 6, Orego n ian. l-'OR RENT Beautifulty furnished mod ern 7-rm. house, sightly location, 3 blks. from Hawthorne car; garage, every convenience. 347 R. 29th and ytephenn. Phone Tabor 8106. Iteliable lirsons only. VI V E- ROOM strictly modern bungalow, K. 40., npar Hawthorne. $75. Nine-run m strictly modern home. E. 5Sth pt. $125. FRANK L. 3fcGUIRE. Main 1063. COMPLETELY furnished six-room bunga low in City Park for rent to per Fon buying furniture and winter's fuel In basement; a real bargain for cash. Ta Hr 4043 for appointment. i , liNISHKD house, 8 rooms, best residence locality. 1."jU pr month to reliable ten ants only. Address R. L. Macleay, U. S. -nlc hide., city. KL'RNIiSHEU ALBERTA - BUNGALOW. 5 rooms ; block to car; $4500; one third cash; -wili rent subject to sale H. W, Cary. llil.t N. V. Bank bldg. 8J1 E. 10TH ST. N. New six-room strictly modern bungalow; rent $75; or will pell; price $5250, $500 down, $40 per mo. Irviugton car; unlocked today. East 40OO. WHY PAY REA'T? $3650 buys a fur nished 5-room cottage with bath. In Sunnys.dc; $500 down. Main 0012. .MODERN, nicely furnished 9-room house; will want room and board for three. Main 03S3. or East 6014. tlj H T- KuOM house, furnace, newly fur nished; renter to purchase all or part of furniture. 244 24th North. $3it Elegantly furnished 3-room cottage; adults only; references. 466 Vancouver avenue. NICELY furnished fl-room home, modern; choice loc ation. 300 E. 22 d. East 1223. FOR RT3NT 5 rooms, partly furnished. 26 E. Kith street. MODERN 6-room house, $50; adults. Tabor Stores and Business IMnree. LARGE, modern residence, suitable for certain business purposes; 10 rooms. 100 by 200 feet of ground, fruit trees, berry fetishes, etc.; house has all modern con veniences; also has some carpets and all hades; rent $100. PARRISH. "vV ATKINS A CO., 100 2d st. VI RST floor. 25x100. and full cement base ment, with steam heat, in new fireproof reinforced concrete ouiiaing, one block from North Bank depot, on car line. A beautiful storeroom. For lease. Address The Oregon New Company, 11th and Glisan. STORE room. 510 Alder st., near 16th, with living rooms overhead, located in automobile row. See Mr. O'Brien, 233 Stark. STORE 20x50. 227 Clay St.. between 1st and 2d. $20. STORE for re... Nov. 1. 24S 1st St.. bet. Main and Madison. Mar. 5082. COR. STORE, full cement basement. 319 Williams ave. near Broadway. 18 12TH ST., near Stark. I. G. Woodward, agent. 104 2d st. Offices. FRONT office, modern. In Railway Ex change bldg. Apply room 312. 2S INGLE offices In Citizens Bank Bldg. East 491. MUSIC STUDIO time for rent; centrally located. Write A. M.. No. 306 Loeb bldg. LiKSK room with phone. N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 4416. MiHcellanconfi. ONE-STORY brick building. 50x100. E. 7th STid E. Pine ; suitable for warehouse, factory or garage. Call 450 E. Oak. East 3359. VACUUM CLEANERS rented, $1 day; de livered. Bdwy. S'872 or E. 6216 evenings. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. A TREMENDOUSLY GOOD GROCERY. Cash grocery on Broadway ; will in voice; daily business reported as $75 up to J1O0. Will take $15O0 cash and $700 t erms. Mr. Gllsan knows all about groceries and other business chances. Alain 7511 or Main 5101). O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. 332-333 Railway Exch. Bid?. RESTAURANT and confectionery supplies for sale ; fixtures ; soda fountain, car bonator. glass ware of all kinds, pots, pans and cooking utensils. Gas range and plates, chairs, tables, show cases, , scale, cash register, dishes, coffee urns, e !(. trie fans. Klees Sweet Shop, 2U1 Morrison st. Phono Mar. 3123. SWAP A repair shop and garage in Tilla mook City for a 7-seated car of late model, prefer a Buick 21-49 or Stutz or come. Value $ IS99. Square Deal Re pair Shop. Phone Bell 73-J, Tillamook. Oregon. T R US T W O R TH Y man for packing and shipping dept. ; can't depend on hired help while I am out selling: small in vestment necessary to. become part owner: assures you good income. Call 403 Gerlinger Bldg. $1050 BUYS well equipped 5-chair barber shop, right downtown; weekly receipt 1 $500; rent $K0. SHE BROWN & BIDDLE, 324 Ry. Ex. bldg.. 8d and Stark. SUBURBAN GROCERY. Located in fine district, has 5 good living rooms; $00 daily business: rent for all $25; Just right for man and wife. Call room 511. Railway Exchange. FOR SALE Up-to-date restaurant, doing over $3O0 per day and clearing over $10,000 rfr year; will sell to first-class restaurant caterer. For further informa tion address Box 593. La Grande, Or. $100 A DAY Cash grocery, ideal location; 4 dandy living rooms; will invoice; this is a real store. See Morris, 41Q Railway Ex. bldg. FOR SALE 2-chair barber shop, a good up-to-date and complete outfit. 108 So. Jersey st., St. Johns. Phone Col. 103L TAILOR shop. Including ftA Hoffman press: $023 cash. A B 107, Oregonian. GROCERY for sale; will exchange for lot and house. 430 Alder st. BAKBlia SHOPlCor sale at IOIvTn. 3d. Br8IXES8 OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE Equipped meat market In fine location in public market; retail receipts heavy; long lease, low rent; terms; own er has other Interests out of city. Y 125, Oregonian. COUNTRY NEWSPAPER. Owner offers live country weekly news paper and job printing plant, located in live town in the Yakima valley, Wash ington. This has been run as a one man proposition, but man and boy could make it pay over $300 a month; present owner will work two or three days each week for purchaser if desired. Will make good proposition to cash purchaser, for particulars address box AB 101. Orego nian. HERB ARE SOME LITTLE RESTAU RANTS. Restaurant, fine corner location, doing $65 daily business, $1150; terms. Good place. Restaurant, nice location, everything complete, rent $30, free to Nov. 1st; tine for man and wife; $600. Dining room for lease in rood busy country hotel; $C5 per month. Lunch wagon, good location; $175 cash. Northwest Hotel News, 714 Couch bldg. FOR StALE In eastern Washington. In town, population 17.000. one-half In terest In all whiite 3-crxalr barber shop, two chairs through week and have a good steadr Saturday man.; shop running better than $500 per month, $30 rent, wRh water, also equity In modern bunga low, six blocks from shop; bath; for 1 500. AV 541, Oregon-Ian. 5WKLL POOL AND BILLIARD HALL, Brick bldg.. rent $27.50. with heat and water; good lease; 5 pool and 1 billiard table ; swell set fixtures and a good stock, doing a nice business; price for all $2300. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. FIRST TIME OFFERED. For quick sale, owner Is offering fur niture, which includes silverware, linen, complete, in a 24-rm. apt. house on west side : all in fine condl tion ; long lease ; about $500 per mo. net; this is a big bargain and won't last long. See Rock, 403 Couch bldg. GROCERY and light lunch, suitable for home bakery and candy shop ; living rooms available; good fixtures; fine for man and wife; good west side location; rent $50; $1500, $1000 cash, easy terms. See Burroughs, with Interstate Land Co., 24S Stark st. GROCERY STORE NO FIXTURES TO J BUY. Receipts over $100 per day; rent $50; ft years' lease; enough said; invoice about $300. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO 305 OAK ST. FOR -SALE or traie, A-l auto repair shop, mo-darn and up-to-date equipment, do ing good business, located on wert side in automobile district ; will trad-e for property or take good auto as part pay ment AC 1 10, Oregon ian. FOR SALE CHEAP. Restaurant with 40 seating capacity, doing a good business, low rent; it pays to investigate. For more information see the owner at 451 Bond St., Astoria, Or. FOR SALE by owner, a first-class grocery store taking $00 a day ; books to prove the business done for 3 years; stock and fixtures, $320O, or will invoice, man and wife can handle; this Is a real bargain; owner retiring. Phone Marshall 21 S7. FOR SALE Sell wood Sweet Shop, high class confectionery and cigars; old-established business; good lease and income from building covers all overhead ex pense. 1001 E. 13th st. - GARAGE. 40-CAR STORAGE. Owner n-eds a partner to sell the gas, oils. etc.. and be handy in garage; good profits and small investment required. Room 401 Pekum bldg. REPUBLIC A truck and buaiiw-ss for sale. $300 down and equity on balance. $50 a month; have other business, can't tend to both, car can be seen at Arrow garage, 3.V N. 23d. WANTED. A PARTNER. Auto tire store, vulcanizing, etc. ; steady man with $700 can buy equal half interest; will teach buyer the business. Call room 401. ltkum bldg. CAUTION. BUYERS Before closing deal of so-called interest in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. 421 Oregon bldg. Broad way 1902. FOR RENT Part of a storeroom in a good central downtown location; suitable for bakery; has oven and necessary fix tures; long lease; reasonable rent. Main 8309. WILL sell 30 shares common stock Asso ciated Engineering Corporation, makers oC Radio pipeless furnace and Skookum logging blocks; owner must seU. Broad way 1827. GARAGE. We have several exceptionally good places. If you are a buyer gladly show you. Prices are low. Room 51 1. Rail way Exchange. BUSINESS property at New berg. Or. Good corner location on main business at. Good 2-story storebuildlng and 5-room modern house. This is a sacrifice at $5000. From owner. Terms. 721 1st St., Newberg, Or. HANDY MAN with $500 can buy equal half Interest In concrete garage; 22 cars steady storage and good profits. Call room 401, Dekum blag. oou BUYS transfer business. IV -ton Pan hard truck, office fixtures, etc. SEE BROWN & BIDDLE. 824 Ry. Ex. bldg., 3d and Stark. WILL TRADE going garage for small re tail business worth $1500. Address, with particulars, D. H. S., 115 N. Leonard St., city. RESTAURANT for sale or lease; well lo cated In good town In famous Yakima valley. For details write r . A. Courter, owner. Prosser, Wash., box 404. A MODERN garage. 35 cars steady stor age; profits $500 month; $1250 handles it. Koom 4ui ueKum biag. AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS, plenty repair work at $ nour; also sen used cars profits large. Room 401. Iekum bldg. RESTAURANT for sale; doing good busi ness: must sell at once, E. Burnside, corner Union. East 406. b00 DANDY little grocery, close in; liv ing rooms; daily receipts $30. See Har per, 410 Railway Ex. bldg. A COUNTRY STORE, groceries, hardware, etc. ; profits $2O0 to $250 month ; price $2500. Room 401. Dekum bldg. RESTA-URANT for sale cheap; have other business. Apply owner, 1-45 Grand ave. FOR SALE BARBER SHOP. 44 W. 6TH ST.. PORTLAND. BAKERY for sale; cash business; living room In connection. 776 Williams ave. FOR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES see Bnt-routrhs, 248 Stark st. Main 5429. FOR SALE Three-chair barber shop; price $250. Y 102, Oregonian. RESTAURANT doing good business for sale cheap. 462 Glisan st. BARBER SHOP for sale. 313 Davis st. POLLY AND HER PALS : &ZJ$P MW "WW-- 6jhX) r-Jf 1(7 XrWhW ' :: mwm f: Jj-jl W.y hWji ' j ' 1 j l A CHANGE OP SCEXERT WILL BE HEALTHY FOR PA AVI THE BOSS BY CLIFF STERRETT. j - ' - S BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. HEADQUARTERS FOR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERIES from $1000 up to $8000; all good buys and most all with living rooms. RESTAURANTS & LUNCH COUNTERS from $175 to $3500. POOL PARLORS A SOFT DRINKS from $2300 to $3600 CIGAR STANDS $650 and up. Tire shop at Invoice. Country Ktore $8000. Terras. Doughnut plants from $800 to $5000. See BROWN St BIDDLE, 324 Ry. Exch. Bldg.. 3d and Stark. STORAGE BATTERY CO MP ANT. Dotal good paying business. One of the best equipped shops in the city; good west lde location; must sell at once; If yon are interested it will py yoa to Investigate. 1 21. Oregonian. BEST LOCATION IN PORTLAND IN CORNER BRICK BUILDING, DOING $10,000 PER MONTH BUSINESS. An up-to-date accessory, vulcanizing, new and second tires, filling station, bat tery service ; if you want a first-class business and clearing $1000 per month, here it is; owner is sick and cannot take care of same ; or will trade for a busi ness where he can work part time; price $13,000; this .is a real proposition; trial given. P. E LIABLE INVESTMENT CO 305 OAK ST. CONFECTIONERY, CARD ROOM AND POOL HALL LIGHT LUNCH; 3 ROOMS RENT FOR ALL, $50. Say, if' you want an up-to-date place, working 4 people and making money, all kinds of fixtures, see us; we are unable to' list the goods and all fixtures In this small space; pric $3500; some terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. RESTAURANT. CLOSE IN WEST SIDE. One of the best equipped restaurants In Portland with long lease and cheap rent. Doing about $300 per day. Price only $10.0OO. Don't bother ns unless you have the cash, as this la a high-class business and nothing but cash will get It. See Mr. Fulton. 285 Stark it. Max shall 1898. RESTAURANT. PRICE ONLY $4500. One of the best restaurants on Waah ' lngton street, well equipped, good lease, rent only $ 150 per month. Account of sickness must sell, hence the above men tioned price. I Join g average of about $130 per day. See Mr. Fulton. 285 Stark st. Marshall 1898. SWELL POOL HALL. BRICK BUILDING. RENT J20. Free heat and water; 4 pool tables. In fine shape; back and front bar; clearing over $300 per month ; will show you ; owner is sick and leaving the city; price lor all $2i00; some terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. A REAL OPPORTUNITY FOR THE RIGHT MAN. Will sell to first-class auto mechanic interest in established garage and service station ; agency for popular Una of cars; splendid location and good busi ness; about $3000 required. Box 604, Cottage Grove, Or. HIGHLY-RATED Portland mfg. business with home and foreign cash trade offers position and part of its stock and sur plus to man with sales or mechanical ability. $2500 required. Right party with $10,000 could acquire controlling interest. akj aa, oregonian. GROCERY STORE ON UNION AVE. RECEIPTS ABOUT $90 PER DAY. Kent $14; old established place; $2500. or will invoice; good reasons for selling; some terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. FOR SALE A good retail bakery at Aber deen, in new building;, on a oromlnent street; a good equipment. Jus, the place for a man and wife. Must be seen to be appreciated. Address J. B. Haynes, Aberdeen, Wash. $323. Neat Wttle miNinery, well stocked, good location, sacrifice for $325 if sold quick ; fixtures alone worth $250. Sell wood 1206. AUTO TRUCK AGENCY. Want a partner in state agency for good truck ; duties to attend office and look after business; good profits assured. Room 511, Railway Exchange. ON ACCOUNT of ill health, must sell cheap, confectionery and restaurant, all equipped, with lease, on Mt. Hood loop, corner Main and Powell sts., Gresham. Or. L. Hylton. WE HAVE an interstate ferry for sale; runs on upper Col umb la river ; makes big money; one man can run it; price $5000. McClure & Schmauch Co., 306 Railway Exchange bldg. GROCERY store, stock and fixtures, about $3000; doing $100 per day cash; 50-ft. front, 6-room house, large yard, 3-year lease; no agents. Phone Marshall 2138. ONE .FEED MILL, grinding all kinds of feed flour; equipment cost $8000; 6 lots, 2-story building; all $5500. Inquire W. II. Gibson, Rainier hotel. SMALL RESTAURAN'fi west side, doing good business; well equipped, low nnt; $1000 cash. See Burroughs, with Inter state Land Co., 24S Stark st. CIGAR STORE. Prominent corner, sells soft drinks, confectionery, etc ; owner retiring, will sacrifice. Room 511, Railway Excha nre. A GOOD sawmill proposition; half Interest or whole for sale; good timber and good trade. Address News-Review, hoeb u rg. $1U,0U0 WILL control manufacturing prop osition; established, doing business; In vestigate. O 53. Oregonian. BAKERY Rotary type for sale, reason able. Call and get particulars. Tabor 1913. . BARBER chairs, mirrors and supplies; great sacrifice. 86 Sixth St., near Stank. 431. Oregonian. PILES can be permanently cured witbet operation. Call or writs Dr. Dean. 2iS Morrison st. OWNER, who doesn't want to run It. will sell garage at half price. Call at 107 Fessenden St., St. Johns, for particulars. BAKERY, all retail, doing over $70 a day business; about $2500 will handle this. T 183, Oregonian. NEW INVENTION, best-selling proposition on the market. $1000 required to handle. D. C. Wax. 31 N. 5th st. Bdwy. 2739. 175 RESTAURANT, well equipped; busy location ; averages $40 daily ; some terms. See Morris, 410 Railway Ex. bldg. CONFECTIONERY light grocery! lijfnt lunch, west side; average daily $00. price $3600. by owner. AC 124, Oregonian. FOR SALE Shoe repairing shop, fully equipped. Chas. B. Slater. Harrisburg. Or. FOR SALE Confectionery, lunch room, opposite high school, building included, $750. 5G1 E. Stark. I HAVE a nice office, best downtown lo cation: will take a partner to handle real estate with me. Call Main 3160. RESTAURANT for sale cheap if taken at once; going out on account of sickness. 402 Glisan St. PARTNER Ladies' and Gents' photograph ganery, no rent, warn unexperienced 117 V4 First street. ADVANCE man with money wanted to take a Hawaiian show on the road. Call Main 7906, room 14. IF YOU want a good grocery at the right price, phone Main 9052. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WANTED. Active partner with mechanical or business experience to buy half Interest In well established electrical, vulcanis ing, storage battery and general repair shop. S55 Mississippi ave. Phone Woodlawn 6019. Res. phone Woodlawn 4154. $13oo BUYS thoroughly equipped beauty parlor and stock; a bargain, clearing $200 per month; rent, including steam heat, hot and cold water, $40. SEE BROWN St BIDDLE. S24 Ry. Ex. bldg.. 8d and Stark. PARTNER WANTED for- auto top dress ing shop; well located, west side; Al proposition; will pay to investigate. Burroughs, with Interstate Land Co 248 Stark st. PICTURE THEATER In growing eastern Oregon town on Columbia highway, fully equipped, seats 80O. 3-year lease, rent moderate, good paying proposition; terms reasonable. AV 5-40, Oregonian. WANTED A capable man with some cap ital to take charge of mill end of an excellent portable proposition, immediate action necessary. Lock Box 88, Menio, Wash. AUTO ACCESSORY STORE. Owner needs Interested help, wants reliable man as partner; will guarantee good wages and profits; some terms If right party. Rqom 511, Railway Exch. ON ACCOUNT of my health I have to sell my dandy little millinery store at 7&7 Mississippi ave. ; a bargain. Howl net a Opportunities Wanted. WANTED Grocery and confectionery In residential district from owner; any thing to $2000. C. E. Hale, Mais 3528. WANTED From 4 to 6-chalr barber shop; answer &1J particulars In the fLrst letter. Mr. F. A. Balboa-. 226 Grant stret. Portland. Or. WANTED Cash-carry grocery, with liv ing rooms. $2000 to Invest. Must stand full investigations. B 146, Oregonian. YOUNG man. live wire, has $2000 to in vest; what have you to offer in good substantial business T B 14&, Oregonian. Hotels and Booming House. HOTEL BARGAINS. 35 -room hotel, brick bldg., good lease $4000 will handle. 30 -room hotel. 5-yea.r lease, rent S17S. $4000 will handle. 70 -room modern hotel, rent $550, $12, 000 will handle. 70-room hotel, rent $425, $10,000 will handle. 30-room modern hotel. $6500 will han dle. 60 -room modern hotel, rent $300, $6000 will handle. WOODCOCK. 200 HENRI BLDG. 9-ROOM rooming house 7... . .$ 8O0 10-room H, K 1150 10 -room H. K. ................. 1200 13-room H. K. ................. 1600 10-room hotel 1600 36-room hotel 4000 120-room hotel 3.12,600 4 2 -room hotel (country) 10.000 See BROWN dc BIDDLE, 324 Ry. Exch. Bldg., 3d and Stark. FOR SALE. Modem hotel In a busy town of 5000, completely furnished through out. 8 sleeping rooms, large dining room doing big business, bar room in con nwction. Has been run for 12 years, owner wishes to retire. Some cash, balance terms will handle this. 207 First ave. Sandpoint, Idaho. M. E. LENT COMPANY. 623-4-5 NORTH WESTERN BANK BLDG LEADING HOTEL AND APART MENT HOUSE AGENCY. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER; 14 YEARS IN THIS BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. $3100. $200O DOWN. 33 rooms, mostly housekeeping apts., corner brick bldg. Rent only $50. lease. Stove heat. Full of steady tenants. For sale exclusively by COOVER & HOLMAN. 822-3-4 Failing bidg.. 3d and Wash. "We do not misrepresent." 40 ROOMS' X3000 rOWM Runnlne water. ht f a m )i,nf hHcV building; shows exceptional income for amount investea. ull price 300. For saie exclusively by COOVER & HOLMAN. 822-3-4 Failing bidg.. 3d and Wash. "We do not misrepresent." JG H. K., CLOSE in; clears $200; $130 nanuies; u ii. k.., walking distance, clears $100. H cash; 42 H. K., close !n, $4100. Vm cash, clears over $200: 14 M. K.. close in, $1600. $1000 cash, clears $100. We have several clean flats close in. these are al 1 good buys, good f urul- ture. Jisarney jonnson. ito 10th t. APA-RTMENT HOUSE AT I80OO. Nets $400. Only $5000 down pay ment for thin splendidly located and furnished modern, west side, brick Apt. house with long least and offered at only $800O. Iot us show you this with out delay. Call my attorney at Main ion. $6800 r.O ROOMS S6800. Well furnished, H. and C. water In every room, good heating plant, lobby, office downstairs, splendid location, rent $200 ; good lease. Price $6800, $4000 uown, na lance l u montn. WOODCOCK, 200 HENRYJBLDO. IF TOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL business, hotel, room or apartmt house of any kind anywhere, see F. Aierdon. RITTER. LOWE &. CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We write all kinds of insurance. FOR SALE by owner, 17 H. K. rooms for ST50 terms, or $650 cash; east side, walk ing distance, 1 block off E. Morrison, ail on one floor, light rooms, cheap rent; $90 net. Call 320 Fourth street, corner .Fourth and -Ciey. HOTEL NETS 330 S2550 CASH. 33 rooms. Washington location. W. S. iong lease. A pippin. I'rtce 3600. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. S32-333 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 5109 and Main 7511. WANT at once, cheap rooming or house- Keeping nouse, aoout 12 rooms ; some thing run down that will stand improve' ment and added furniture. THOMSON. 620 HENRY BLDG. $6500 12 SLEEPING rooms and four 2- room apartments, with lease, close In; can be handled on good terms. See Mrs. Norrie with Harper & Morris, 410 Rail- way Exchange btdg. $1200 10 ROOMS, cloe fn; nets $00 a month, rent $40. This Is sure ,a money maker. See Mrs. Norris, with Harper & Morris, 4iu Kauway ixcnange bldg. R. H. FOR SALE by owner, fine west side location ; 27 one and two-room apts. ; net Sowi per mo.; price $4000. Call Mar shall 677. Agents need not answer. 21 ROOMS, exceptionally well furnished. line location, electric ngnts, iurnace, H. and C. water. Price $4200. WOODCOCK. 200 HENRY BLDG. FOR best bargain in apartment houses see members or the Realty Board. Yates Realty C" 245 Fourth st- FURNISHINGS of & B-rrfbm flat; lovely home, with Income. 402 12th st. Broad- way 389. HAVE Olds roadster and 9-room rooming house. A-ill trade either or both on larger ho us e.. Broadway 4036. - FOR SALE or trade, 36-room apt. house; Income $1582 per year. Addre&s V 124. Oregonian. WANTED A small restaurant or cafe teria; state location, lease, etc Y 120, Oregonian. 18-ROOM rooming house for sale; new, first-class furniture: money-maker. 513 N. Power ave.. Centraila, Wash. $1100 11 ROOMS; rent $25. well furnished; netting $75 a month, some terms. See Mrs. Norris. 410 RatJway Exchange bldg. 12 TRANSIENT rooms. $1200. Call my agent. Marshall 3993. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming-House. HERE ARE SOME GOOD COUNTRY HOTELS. C5-room modern hotel, growing city, east-em Orgon, 10,000 population; known from coast to coast; every room rented transient, clearing over $800 per month. $7300 cash handles. 61-roojn work in Oman's hotel. near Portland; rent $100; lease; $3000 cash ha miles, including winter's fuel. 42 -room hotel, good Oregon town, cleaning over $300 month; building, ground and furnishings $14,000; terms. Fine proposition. 40-room hotel, good town, SvVM popu lation, near Portland; $3000 cash tiandlea building, grounds and furnish ings. Good proposition. We have several other country hotels, exclusively lifted. NORTHWEST HOTEL NEWS, 714 Couch Bldg. MAGOON & SPENCER. Hotel and Apt. House Broker. 26 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 612T. TRANSIENT HOTEL. $21GO; steam heat, briok building. This is big money maker. FIREPROOF APARTMENT. $SOO0; rent $3O0; lease; net $400. H. K. APTS. AND ROOMS. 15 H. K., clean as a pin and good, has running water and sinks; lease, $60. 12 rooms H. K., steam he-at. rent $"5. T rooms, sleeping, rent $3; price $700. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED. 1 rooms. Nob Hill ; mahogany. Ivory and finest oak dressers and chiffoniers: Bigelow, Bagdad rugs, metal beds, some brass, best springs, roll-edge mattress, fine bedding, choice linens, etc.; Wedge wood and A B gas ranges: everything 18k ; part housekeeping, sleeping; rent $40 ; net Income $100 and 3-room a pt. ; furnace heat; immaculately clean; $2650; part terms. J. EUGENE HEDGES, 201 W. PARK. NETS $400 OVER 30 ROOMS $4500. A safe and sound Investment; over SO- rooms; near business center, west side. Largs fine building. H. K. rooms throughout, filled with good furniture. Lease. One of the best Investments In rooming houses, terms. Look this up and others from our immense variety of houses, hotels and apartment houses. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. 832-333 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 5199 and Main 7511. $200 NET PER MONTH. 20 rooms. White Temple dlsL, mostly housekeeping; well furnished; very best location; extremely attractive place: lot me show this. It's rightly stated herein. Prlc $3000; might give some terms. J. EUGENE UKDGEcj, 201 W. PARK. 40 ROOM BRICK. PRICE ONLY $35O0. 40-room brick hotel, rent only $150 per month ; newly renovated through out; clears about $4r0. If you mean business call up Marshall 138 ' SMALL MODERN APARTMENT. Residential; fine west side location; rent only $40 month; $2150, on easy terms. B. F. KELLY. 715 Swetland Bldg. 25-ROOM HOUSE. Well furnished, electric light, gas and furnace, rent $125, price $3250, $19o0 down, balance $50 month. WOODCOCK. 200 HENRY BLDG. W EAKE too busy to write ads of all our Itstings of hotels, apartment and room ing houses. If you want to buy come in and look them over. New ones dnily. MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. HERE Is a neat, clean home near business section, wesjt slue; enough rooms to rent besifles own quarters to pay all your expenses. Price only $800. Call Main 7rii. Mr. Nelson. $;,ou 10 H. K. rooms; furniture good; close in; rent only $35, netting $75; this is a sacrifice. Mrs. Gentry, 410 Railway Ex. bldg. YOUNG man with broad business expe rience and some capital otters his ser vices to sound proposition. Y 198, Ore gonlan. IF YOU are looking for a rooming or an apt. house, I have a nice list; can be had on easy terms. Mrs. Gentry, 410 Railway Ex. bldg. LOST AND FOUND. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on cars of the P. R. L. & P. Co., Oct. 13: Pair giases. check book, pair gloves, cap. umbrella cover, locket. 11 packages. 1 rubber, music rack, curtain rods, iron Ciamp. bucket, 2 lunch noxes, no urn brellas. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder streets. LOST BETWEEN EUGENE AND PORT LAND, OCT. 13, ONE WIRE WHEEL FOR PAIGE CA R, 33X4 S TIRE, MOUNTED AND HUB CAP. REWARD. W. T. LANG LOIS, 203 12TH ST., PORTLAND, OR. LOST Gold locket, octagon shape, letter M on side, two photos inside. Address Is on one photo. Between Franklin high and Mt. Scott car to 27th over Belmont. &8t.h-st. car to- end of line. Reward. J. Groom, 63 E. 88th. Tabor 7017. LOST A lady's beaded purse, enclosed two small purses. $10 In currency and small change and jewelry belonging to Mrs. M. T. Sherett. Finder please notify 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. Reward, no questions asked. LOST On Astoria train reaching Port land 10 P. M. Oct. 6, lady's handbag, containing currency and Jewelry valued as keepsakes. If returned liberal reward and no questions asked. Call East 2530. LOST Gray handbag Parisian l. with steel beads, piobahly at Benton hotel; contained purse with money and pair glasses; generous reward. Phone Main 2626. LOST Lady's black hand purse, probably at Meier & Frank's balcony lunch, con taining a sum of money and important keys; liberal reward. 502 Royal bldg. Mar. 3330. LOST party that found squirrel choker In Pantages return to Elise McLaln im mediately; suitable reward will be given. Call Main 4321. CHILDREN'S pal, good pet Collie, lost Tuesday ; black strap for collar; Wash ington license. Call Eaut 21o5; deliver and receive reward. LOST purse, Wednesday, at 5:30 P. Mi"Jjetween Morrison and Washington on Broad way ; return to Tti W. Webster, or phone Woodlawn 2892. LOST Small Irish terrier dog, black back stxeaked with gray, light yellow fet; answers to name of Mickey. Phone Main 1J7. Reward. LOST Long silver chain with Corbln house key; near 23d and E. Salmon. Friday night. Reward. Y 10. Oregonian. AN ORIENTAL brooch set with 3 corals; a suitable reward will be given. Phone Main 873.j FOUND Lady's gray suede glove, right hand, at Burnside and East 30th. Call East 6Q69. LOST Shoe, between 4 th and 5th on Yamhill. Return to Fred's Restaurant, 3 N. 6th. corner Couch. LOST Small Maltese cat. Return to 332 Fremont. East 2628. Receive reward. LOST Boston bull terrier with white face. Call Marshall 831 ; reward. LOST One red dress. Finder please phone East 3v40: reward. LOST Bunch of keys In Portland or Hills boro; reward. A 1, Oregonian. LOST White agate brooch, last Saturday, west side. Phone Udwy. 154. LOST yesterday, white woolly dog. Reward. 5705 4th ave. 8. E. Sell. 29S0. LOST 1 platinum and diamond bar pin. If found notify Sellwood 10O; reward. LOST Pair glasses, around Broadway and Glisan. Woodlawn 2395. Reward. FOUND Spectacles and case. H. P. Muel ler. Main 601, during day. LOST Female wire-haired f. terrier named Trixie. Phone Main 2241. Reward. LOST ANT FOUND. NOTICE! Parties who picked up bird dog In South Portland are known: if he is not returned by Saturday they wUi be prosecuted. LOST Oct- 14, Oswego local, leather purse containing bank books, rings, fountain pen. Return 301 Macleay bldg. Reward. SPECUL NOTICES. Proposa Is Invited. SEALED PROPOSALS for the purchase of the old Couch school building and grounds, situated between 17th and 18th and Kearney and Lovejoy streets, Port land, Oregon, will be received at the office of the undersigned, 401 court house. Portland. Oregon, until 5 P. M-. October 20. 1920. They wlil be opened at a meeting of the board to be held at 4 P. M., October 21. 1920, in room 304 court house. The board of directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids or divide the award. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the undersigned. A certified check for $500, payable to R. H. Thomas, school clerk and bnslnesi manager, must accompany each pro posal. (Signed) R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk and Business Manager. Dated. October 13. 1920. SEA LED PROPOSALS for the wrecking of the old Couch school building, situ ated between 17th and 18th and Kear ney and Lovejoy streets. Portland. Ore gon, will be received at the office of the undersigned, 401 court house, Portland. Oreiron. until 5 P. M .. October 20. lsMV They will be opened at a meeting of the Doara 10 d held at 4 p. M., October 21. 1920. in room 304 court house. The board of directors reserves the right to reject any and ail bids or divide the award. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the undersigned. A certified check for $500, payable to R. H. Thomas, school clerk and business manager, must accompany each pro posal. iMgned) R JJ, THOMAS, School Clerk and. Business Manager. Dated. October 13. 1920, Miscellaneous. NOTTCB OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE Notice is hereby given that. Whereas, default has occurred tn the conditions of that certain chattel mort gage executed by A. C. Luetgert as mortgagor tn Western Finance Corpora tion as mortgagee, bearing date the 19th day of December. 1919, and being re corded In the record of chattel mort gages at Columbia, Oregon, on December . 11) ill, in UonK 5 at pa ge 43 thereof, said mortgage having been given to se cure payment or the Indebtedness rep resented by a promissory note in the principal sum of $1 320.00, raid note be ing dated December 19. 1919. and becom ing due and pavabie in monthly ments of $325 OO per, beginning January 30, 1920. and of $759.00 per monoh on and after May 3"0, In 20. the lnt payment being $?70.00 on December 80. 1920, with interest at 8 per cent per annum from date, which said note and mortgage -was for vaJuable consid eration, duly assigned and transferred to American Securities Company, wh Ich Is now the owner and ho'. dor thereof. and which company has, by reason of the failure or the said maker to pay any of the installments of principal or Interest, elected in accordance with th terms of said note and mortgage to de clare trie whole thereof due an-d pay able; and Whereas, there is now due and unpaid rn said Indebtedness to the American Securities Company the principal sum of $7;t20.OO, with interest at 8 per cent per annum from December 19, 1919. to wit: the sum of $4 S 1.00, and the attorney;' fees necessarily incurred In the fore closure of said mortgage in the sum of ,$500.00, making the total aggregate sum now due to the mortgagee, under said mortgage, the sum of $8301.60. Now, therefore, the property described In the said mortga'ge, to wit: 1 Knox tractor. No. 646, model So, 1 trailer. No. 190. mode4 20, 1 special logging trailer, or such part thereof as may be neces sary, will be sold pursuant to the power of fare in sai mortguKe contained, at public s-ale to the highest bidder for cash, on the 22d day of October. 192i. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day. at Supple Dock Warehouse, located at the foot of Belmont street, in the city of Portland, county of Multnomah, and state of Oregon, to satisfy the debt secured by said mortgage, above set forth, together with any additions there to on account of interest and charges accruing subsequent to October 14. 1920, and the costs and expense of these foreclosure proceed ings. This notice Is published dally for eight consecutive days in the Morning Ore gonian, a daily newspaper of generaJ circulation, published in the county of Multnomah and state of Oregon. Dated at Portland. Oregon, this 14uh day of October, 1020. AMERICAN SECURITIES CO., Mortgagee. DEY, HAMPSON & NELSON. Attorneys for Mortgagee. C O UN T Y WA RR A NTSX otlce T hereby given that Multnomah county warrants, classes 't2,' "63" and "4S-B." the same having been drawn upon the general fund, and that were presented and in dorsed, "not paid for want of funds." fro-m September 2, 1920, to October 9. 192-0. both dates inclusive, wili, if prop erly Indorsed, be paid on presentation at the office of the county treasurer; in terest thereon ceases- on and a-fter t he date of Oils notice. Portland, Oregon. October r"5. 1920. John. .M. Lewis, county treasurer. NOTICE is he-re by given that permission has been granted to change the name of the .stern- wheel steamer "Joseph Kellogg" (77431 to that of "Madeline" (77431 . Will Moore, collector. M HH. F LE T H ER has this day so Id h er grocery store at 139 Grand ave.; present bills within 5 days to Brown & Diddle. 324 Ry. Exch. Bid g.. Third and Stark. Dated Oct. 12, 1920. NOTICE is hereby given that the under signed will not be responsible for any debts incurred by J. W. Witherell. Marie F. Withereil. I WILL not be responsible for any debt contracted by my wife. Mrs. Wm. R. Coleman. Wm. R. Coleman. FINANCIAL. LD3ERTT BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. TOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR, LIVESTOCK LOANS. We have money to loan on cattle, sheep and hogs. F- E. BOWMAN CO., 210 Chamber of Commerce. CONTRACT for $1400. payable $35 month ly, 7 per cent Interest, secured by new, modern bungalow ; gllt-ed ge security ; liberal discount. Main 74S7. 211 Rail way Exchange bldg. " WANTED To interest a person with capital in a non-skid device. to give traction to truk tires In mud or soft ground. A B 106, Oregonian. CASK paid for mortgages and sellers con tracts on real estate in Washington, Ore gon. 11. E. Noble, 316 I -.umber mens bldg. WB BUY first and second mortgages And sellers' contracts. F. B. Bowman St Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SA LE Savings stock certificate of Equitable Savings St Loan Assn. Y 120, Oregonian. FINANCIAL. Money to Ioan on Real Kstatv. RESIDENCE? LOANS. T, five-year period. You may pay $tOO or any multiple thereof account principal semi-annually a nd reduce In terest on Loans under $M"K. INSTALLMENT LOAN'S. Win loan 8o& value house Jd lot at T. You pay one-half of 1 per cent accoun-t principal monthly. For exam ple. $2000 loan, you pay $10 monthly and interest; you have privilege of paying $10O or any multiple thereof monthly. Interest reduced accordingly. NO COM MISSION. BTJSINBS3 LOANS. Five-year period. 6. Excellent re payment privilege. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Main S303. 407 Yeoa Bldg. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION. On Improved property, or for Improve ment purposes. The best and easiewt method 0 payjwg A loan is our monthly payment plan. $32 2H per month for 30 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 montha, or $15.17 pere month for 96 months pays a loan of $1000 and Interest. Loans of other amounts in t&mo pro portions. Repayment privileges, EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN., 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. SEE l'o TODAY We loan money on real estate: lowest rates; long time, short time; monthly payments, pay as you can; suroa to suit; contracts. 2d mortgages, liberty bonds bought. 725 Gasco bldg., 6th and Alder. CBLLAKS-ML'KTON CO. $G0.O00 TO LOAN In sum to suit on city, suburban and farms. Building loans a specialty. WILLIAM G. BBOK. 215-214J FAILING RUILDTNTJ. THIRD AND WASHINGTON. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to roan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission, no delays. DEVTOREATJX MORTGAGE COM I ANY. 87 Sixth St, Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed Attractive repayment privileges, A. H. BIRR ELL CO.. 217 Northwte-tera Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 6 AND T PER CENT. INSTALLMENT LOANS. COMMISSION UNION ABSTRACT CO.. 83 4TH ST. HENRY BIJXJ. MORTGAGE LOANS on farm and city property. Prompt and nelplul service. Liberal repayment priv Uegeis. Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO. 80 Fourth St., Portland. Or. CITY AND FARM LOANS. First and 2d Mtgs. and Con-tract. No Delav. No Delav. No Delay. $1000. $KV)0, $3000. $3rtOO and Tp. F. II. DESHON, 615 CHAM. OF COM. LrRERAL LOANS. We loan our money on real etare, 1st and 2d mortgagee, contracts, livestock, note, etc. F. E. Bowman & Co., 210 Chamber or Commerce. Main $300. $400. $500. $00. $S00. $10O0. $1200, S 150O. $20o0 and up. lowest ratea. Quick action; pay off $100 or more at any In terest date. (Jordon Mortgage Co., 631 Cham, of Commerce Mug. M atn i-i MORTG AGE loans on Improved farm and city property, favorable repaying priv ileges; no commission or ueiay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE X)., LTD 3iM Piatt bidg; Main 5371. CITY AND FARM LOANS. TRI-STATK INVESTMENTS CORPORATION. JW1 U. S. Nafl Bank bldg.. Bdwy. 2013. $-10. $400. $500. $750, $1000 AND UP; low rate; quwK action. r rea . derman Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Main C44o. MONEY TO LOAN. CITY PROPERTY OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO., 2u8 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S00. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rate of Interest, Otto & llarkson 10.. 413 i nam. or toin. $500. $1000 AND upward on improved real estate; favorable teu-ms; no delay; no brokerage. John ttain, wi .paming nii MONEY to loan on real estate, 7 per cent. Geo. P. Lent, 717 Corbett bldg. MONEY TO LOAN -Se Lawyers' Title & Trust company. 235 Stark st., near 4th. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO., 22 Cham, of Cora., 4th and Stark. MORTGAGE LOANS. 0 and 7 per cent. Louis Saioman & Co., 40S Selling bldg, 1 HAVE $10,000 to $15,000 to loan on first class improved property. Marshall 205. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MONEY AT 2 PER. CENT. ESTABLISHED. BY PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO PROTECT BOR ROWERS. LOANS MAJH ON DIA MONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY. VTC TROLAS, PIANOS, LIBERTY BONDS AND FURNITURE. 894 STARK ST.. NEAR I0TH. CARRIE MYERS HERMANN. Mgr. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN, DO YHT NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE T YOU CA. litiT II LOANS MADH ON AUTOMOBILES, FURNITURE. PIANOS, VICTROLAS, REAL ESTATE. BONDS. ETC. If your payments are too large on vour automobile or furniture contracts. -we will pay them up and advance you more money if needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans and leave the se curity in your possession and you can repay us In small monthly payments. W W A TSO MAKE S A LA R Y lAJANS to salaried people on their own notos. KatM reasonable. 1'nvate oil ices. All bum ncss strictly conf identia 1. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, (LICENSED.) 306-307 Dekum Bldg. Marshall S2Stt S. W. cor. Third and Washington. SALARY LOANS CHATTELS WH LOAN MONEY. on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strict ly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSER, ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture. pianos, etc., witnout removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE, COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO. ( Licensed. ) 218 FAILING BUILDING. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds, watches. Jewelry and bonds, legal rates; all goods held 1 year, l. JciV filitxX H1UK K. 114-110 Third St.. corner Washington, M ain 0049. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds. Jewelry legal rates; articles nMU a year; estab lished 1KSH. Dan Marx & Co., 283 Wash ul'K'K money to salaried people, withou indorsers or security ; investigate; confi- oential. rflo nam. 01 t:om. bldg. HATHAWAY -Loans on pianos and furnl- ture; legal rates. 20 H ashington bldg. Loans WsvntcG. W E H A V E some good real estate con tracts and mortgajfts. payable in month ly installments and bearing 7 Interest which we will d isco u n t at 5Cr . p 12 Bowman & Co., 210 Cham, of Com. bldg $17O0 WANTED, owner's home, woil lo cated, B 111, Oregonian. FINANCIAL. Loans Wanted. FRANK L. McGL'IRE. with his years of experience and expert knowledge of values, is in a position to safeguard your Trer interest in loaning your money, liundreds f applications for loans. Of- or personal service. Let us loan, your money. Se J. Logie Richardson, manager of loan department. Abingtoa bldg.. -Main 101W. 70r. sr TO0. 8i $700. 8. Bix-rooro house In course of conrtro tlon. will hav complete pJuiivbinE: tha owner estimates that the house will be worth when finished. The appli cant In a carpenter and is dolns hie own work; and part of the money avplied for will be retained until complettM. Fred W. Oerman Co.. 7:lJ (.'ham. of Com. WANT to borrow direct from orlvit. Party (.tnoo for 3 yen re at on an al falfa ranch valued $!'.!. .loo. located only H mile from town; this Is a safe, sane. Rilt-edtre Investment and open to your Inspection. For full information call McClure A: Pchmauch corporation. 3oG Hallway bl.lff. Mam l.".0.t. W ANTED To borrow direct from pri vate party. .2000 for 8 years at 7 on TV. acres just west of Council Crest and located near the S. P. electric; new 5 room houe; all under cultivation; prop erty valued at $7."0n. McClure & Schmauch Co, 306 Kaiiway Exclianga bid. WANTED To borrow S00 for S years. o on i . acres, all under cultivation and improved with a modern 4-room. house, located near Stanlev station, vai tied at t-'.'oo. AC 117. Oretjoulan WANT loan of ,1200 for 1 or more years on fc section Colorado wheat land, -rain, will pay a per cent in terest. V 12. Creg-onian. LOAN 3-3UO. Hose City residence, first mortgage; private parties, ii 103. Ore fronlan. t2tX WANTED cn west ride residence. T rooms. mcMletrn. Orepton I n-v. Ss Alts. Co. 1-'-'- Chamber of Commerce. WANT on modem east aide re-si- aence. Oregon Inv. & Mt. Co., Chamber of Commerce, WANT J.VJOO on new east side residence. Orei-on lnv. sr Mts. Co.. 222 Chamber of Commerce bids. WANTJSU J2SOO on Improved H bloclc. good income. East 8th and Grant. B 12. re(ronian. WANT for 3 years at 8 on small Tortland home. Owner's value, ,1330w Kred v. German Co., 732 Ch. Com. bide. SEB OUBtJON INV. A MOKT15 AGS CO. : v nam, or i om.. fourth and Stark. $Ui0 ON I.MVROVKn city propertv eaj aide, valued at HO00. B lm, Oregonian. PERSOVAt, ACOOMT-I.ISH ED AT LAST Pmin..ess dentistry, by the n-rve-lock-Inc method, without after effects. I make X-Raj- examinations of teeth. I specialize in dntistrv at rea sonable fees. Lady attendant. Alar. S20&. . , 1K. A. W. KEK.VE. Majewtfe Theater Bldg.. .'.1V4 "Wash. LADIR3. ATTKNTIOS. Boekrim and net hat frames In nil the latest styles: hats made of your own materials and retrlmmed in our work room at a very reasonable price. La franco Hatters. 372 S Morrison, between Park and West Park FEET FERI. GOOD? IT they don't, either your shoes don't m or you have foot troubles. Let our root specialist. Dr. lngalls. examine your snoes and feet free, lie will show sou a way to reii. f. KNIGHT PriOR CO., Morrison, near Broadway. KHEI. MATISM and stomach troubles yield Lang's Mineral Wonder when all else fails A pure mineral, not a drug. Pack age $1. Recommenced by thousands. Portland llist. Co.. 314 Stark. Portland. LA11I.3 hair dyeing- a specialty; abso lutely comldenuai ; facial mussaKe scien tifically (riven with our special tissue-building- cream; residential given special attention. Phone Mam 3312 1" A KARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER is a cleansing, healing germicide and Invig orating douche, a lirent aid in female disorders: and $1 per box. Portland Hotel j'lumiar y . 11IIKI'.MAT1S.M The pack cure has cured thousands. Why can't It rure you? upen eveniiifs only U to lo; Sunday 2 to U P. M. Dr. Stewart, druulesa physician. 300 bids. AN KLECTltlC CABINET BATH. Shower and massage; Individual service. Dr. J. C. M. Ironside. 30'J Broadway Mdg. Graduate nurse assistant. Main 5ti- IK TIHKD Oil SICK, THY MY KI.ECTKIO MAGNETIC oil VIUKATOUY BODY MASSAGES AT 415 BI CHANAN 11I.UG. main s:nin. open si"n. and kve's SHAMPOOING, manicuring, scalp treat ment, electrical treatment, nm stage and hair restored. 3St', K. Morrison, room nil; Sunday 0:30 to 3:30 P. M JACK ItlLEY wants wife to come home; all Is well, but worried. Communicate with Leata Fuller, Wash, at., to tot ad dress. Left old piace. LESSONS Training in all branches of beauty culture by experienced, compe tent and reliable teacher. Consult Mrs. Snyder. 3Q2 Broadway bldg. Main l'JSS. FKBVET A HA.NERUT, leading wig and toupe makers; finest stock human hair roods, hairdressing. manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 31U Alder. Main M-k GOING EAST? Any gentleman going: east this month via Los Angeles can reduce expenses by writing P. O. box 44-4. Port land. tl GETS both feet fixed lip at Dr. Eaton's the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPLST who doesn't hurt you; 8 yrs. here: exam, free. Globe bldir.. 11th & Wash. Hdy. 2X24 ANY PK1LSON knowing the present ad dress of I.. J. B. Weaver, formerly of Dallas. Oregon and Portland, will be re warded by addressing P. O. Box SS. LADIES and girls looking for good service able rain hats, any style: also bags to match, come to Awd's Hat Shop. 13th and Morrison ets. STEAM OVEN BATHS. Body massage, chiropractic, electrfo nd vibration. Dr. Margaret Hayiiie, sd floor Swetland bldg. Main 17C3. IV YOU are tired and nervous have a scientific electric body massage. Dr. Ovtilia Larson, 427 Morgan Bidg. Main 1!'9, SEU GEORGE RCBEX3TEIX. veteran optician, eyes tested, glasses fitted, broken lenses duplicated, .N Inflated prices. 22rt Morrison st. COSMPOLITAN barber shop. 2.10 Washing ton st.; all first-class barbers: prices, haircut 2.c, shave loc; cut high cost oi living noty SULPHUR steam bath mnssago. violet ray and vibratory treatment. 426 Clay Main S3.-.U. lo A. M. to 8 P. M. MAfSAOH. baihs. kidneys, constipation, rheumatism. Dr. Elna Sorensen. drur less phys.. 508 Panama bldg. Main COsel. VIT-O-NET baths, body massage. Dr. Genevieve Locke, 447 .Morgan bld. Main 2tf. SCALP treatment, facial massage, elec trical treatment, steam bath and mas sage. Ethel Burke. 304 Dekum bldg. TO SAN FRANCISCO by auto within next two or three days: can take two or three persons. H 144. Oregon:an. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Lean. 234' Morrison St. LKHREXS & STKCER, face, scalp treat ments, manicuring. 23U Pliedner bids. Broadway 16S3. NO CURE, no pay; falling hair, dandruff; hair grown on bald heads; ladles or gents. 314 Macleay bldg. SCIENTIFIC body massage, electric treat ments. Vit-o-Net baths for all chronic ailments. 450 Morgan bldg. Main 7579. SL PEK b'LX'OL'S hair removed forever bv multipie-needle method. 5n4 Swetland bldg.. Fifth and Washington sta. ANYONE knowing the whereabouts of George Ppady piease notily his wife. 10 E. Kussell. li? YOU have sore feet see Dr. Ethel A. Sacrv. pedicuring and manicuring, 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. Raleigh bldg. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed b 10 neciiles method: trial free. Josie Fmley. 514-Bush & Lane bldg. Main tl;;i;s. ETHEL ADAMS, scalp treatments, mani curing. 400 Broadway bldg.. cor. Morri son; hours 11 t 8. Sundays, 12 to 3. GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago, etc! Hours 2 to 5 or by appointment. Phone Main lOVJ. Offices 3Q3-C. Third at. CANCERS, tumors .treated without use of knife; exam. free. 143 E. loth st. Dr. Goldie Kygg. cancer specialist. East 2."34. LI DA JACKSON Facial, scalp treatment, m a n 1 curing. 322 Klicdner bldg. DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay you? See Vlcreck. collections. Dekum bldg FiTTe.S CAN BE CURED without operation. Free booklet. P. O. Box 1103. PERKINS National Herbs, bldg. Phone Main ".'.r.ft. 859 Morgan JUNICIDE will cure rheumatism or money back. 403 Dekum bldg. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without a'n operation.' Free booklet. P. O. Box 110.".. EYES tested free; spectacles guaranteed. Dr. Belding. 24a V4 Alder at. Main ltWi. EYES tested free; spectacles guaranteed Dr. Belding. 245 '4 Al-der st. Main 1092! I GOING east? Can save you money! AB PRIM EDA BALM, formerly called- BaJm OX Figs. 844 L. 33d. Si-ii. 2213 mor'a.