THE MORNING OREC.ONIAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1920 23 P.n,no. Organs and MuMclf In-.trumrnt-.. P I A NO HA fUh A I N .S. Fvry VSKU PIANO at a price you ra.nn.ot cajnparp ph'-wher". Shop around. tfi Bie uur PIANO liARGAlNb. Ouar Bnt'd. Terms. 1'KCKKU HKOR., a snap FISIIKK. Rood practice piano 173 KINUS1UKY. walnut rasa MNOKR, plain muhcKM ny JIOI.I.KKIIAN, oak case -"'0 WKSKH JjKos.' cabinet grand.... -.5 K.MITM & liAKNKS, plain oatt - JILXZK. almost nw -75 liAL.l-.KT .v DAVIS, bin bargain... 2o0 AND OTHKKS. SKK T H KM. Sillfc.HL.lNG-lrCAS MUSIC CO., I-'ounb at. Bot WASHINGTON and ALDRR STS. L'KKD TALK ING MACHINES A l Uii usual iy Low Prict'S. All In Good condition. Fmall maehin?, t records iSmall Victor. B records $J0.0U Small Columbia, ll records $5.WJ Small Victor. t records :,". OtJ Kdihon cabinet. 2 records. ....... V5.u0 Dttu.u cabinet. 1 - records $ 0. 00 Ftrudtvara cabinet. 2i records .$t".0.oo Victor cabinet. i: record SluO.OO Columbia lai-intt, lli records Jl in. 00 Cui urn tiia cabins t, 1 Z records $1-U.U0 to $!i cash; $;i to 4 7 monthly. SCftWAX 1'IANO CO.. 1H loth, cor. Stark. Open Saturday Evenings. SKCUKZTY STOKAGB CO. CLOSING OUT. itradbury granrl piano 93 JJO'mi New York, pianoforte, grand., -ti.'i Parlor organs and 4S Jmoo Pianinta player piano and music 315 tlT.'ti) orchestrion. Uerrywood &U5 fctar Piano Co- oaK upright.... -40 $l.t.JO Stcinway fc Sons, upribi l small uprmhL pianos 405 and 75 Pianos bought and sold for casu only. Piauod stored for 70c per month. lo 11 1 oth st. at Stark st. USED PIANO liA lidAINS Sliernian-C.ay piano, upright, $J."0; Holmes Ac Son, 8t noie. player, modern, mahogany, $."0U. " hteltok, mahuK , larse size, J.4). Sev. good ujed orgai. 1U, jjiJO, Kim ball piajio, fine condition, Jo0. iipuian. Wo !f o i"o., 7th floor. KJNE PIANOS, $125 TO $300. Kasy terms. Siory & Clark, Wapnor, Cable, Wellington, IS. Gaoler, li Kim bailb, many others. You caa't do bet ter. 312 Worcester bMg. KIMUALL make Piano, PLAIN OAK case, good as new. $275; terms fiven. Seiber-liii-l'Ucas Music Co., 125 4th St., bet. Waehinfrlon and Alder eta. WILL sell cheap to party taking over contract, or trade for anything of value, my 2UU equity in Karri, ml piano, Kund as new. Address N. P. Mugiurd, Y. M. C. A.. 6th and Taylor. LOOK hero, if your piano needs tuning, repairing, regulating or cleaning, call o. C Thompson. Phone Aut. 5 is-13; res. 601 Harrison st. A 11 work guaranteed. BUSH & LAN K SS-note player, beautiful mahogany case. 24 rolls of mu.-dc, bench; less than i years Old ; will sell for $ 1 OU on easy terms. S. 44, Oregon ian. WILL take your old piano for new talk ing machine and records; even trade or Mill pay cash difference. Sdivaa Piano Co., 101 10th.. cor. Stark. W ANTE I TO RENT Piano for private use. Apply at I'acific Iyanshine Co., 03 4th St., or phono Mrs. J. Wm. Carroll, MarMiall l4. ? . . . . v. 77rrzz Trrrrr, r: tr TKAUK KOK NEW JUT KOLA and records. Seiberliug-Lucas Music Co., I2i 3 27 4th st. Main 8586. FOR RENT Cabinet grafonola, late music. Empire Transfer, 254 Broadway. Bdwy. 1 55. $550 WELLINGTON mahogany upright piano lor $275 cash. No dealers. Main iiXCHANGK the player roils you are tired of. 10c per roil. Harold S. Gilbert, 3&4 Yamhill nU FISHER, plain case, good practice Instru ment, $175; terms given. SElLiERLLNG U'CAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th at. HALLKT & DAVIS, $250. This is a real bargain. TERMS given. S El B iORLINU LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st. $&iu Su.NOHA with $10O worth of records, perfect shape. Call Broadway 4btt. GOOD piano for sale cheap. 1 lt2 Glad stone, to 3tth on Woodstock car. WANTED Piano from private owner lor cash. Mam 3864 before 5:30. BRAND cheap. new player piano, Marshall 1SV3. my equity OliGANS. $20 and up. SKK Til EM. SEI 1 1 E R L I NG-LUCAS MU SI C CO., 125 4th at. PIANO WANTED for beginner; pay cash from private parties. Marshall 1532. WANTED Used piano with nice tone; pay cash at once. Marshall 570!. Fnrnit ure for Sale. LOOK LOOK LOOK. Genuine printed linoleum with burlap back, regular $ 1.65 value slashed to $1. 10 per yard ; also Duralin and Pabco linoleums at 71 cents per yard. This offer is lor tho week only. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 1&8-100 First St. FOR SALE Weathered oak "Arta and Crafts" writing desk ; birds-eye maple chiffonier with beveled plate glass mir ror; three rockers with cushions; Navajo rug ; 2 small rugs ; pair rope portlers hand woven silk curtain; chest of draw ers; cedar chest; embroidered Japanese fat in bed spread; everything in tine con dition. Marshall llii. GARLAND gas range, $1G; fine steel range, $35. worth $60 ; parlor steel heater, $ t airUght. $1-25; stand. $1.50; dresser, $10; library table. S4..0: kitchen table. $2.: commode, $12; kitchen chairs, $1; rock er. $1.7o; iron oeua, .ou ana up; mat tresses, $2.50 up; several cheap rugs. East 6057. 113 Grand ave. FOR SALE Oak sideboard, $10; ivory dresser, S10; ivory and brass bed, springs and mattress. 510; etiair to maten, $'.,o; oak rocker, $3 50; oak dining table, $12; ettee. mahogany with new tapestry up holstered, $25. Bretnor Apt. B, 215, No. 20th. cor. Lovejoy. HAVING sold my 6-room houje, wili sell ail my furniture before leaving the city; chairs, tabies, beds, door lamp. Vlctrola. writing desk, davenport, etc. 81 W. Win che;l st., Kenton. THREE-PIECE set overstuffed living room furniture; Wilton velvet rug; mahogany and chair; mahogany hall tree; all hiKh-class furniture and practically new. Phone Broadway 4587. ZONT sacrifice your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars ; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Storage Co., 248 Pine st. FOR SALE Large oak library table, book case, Morris cnair. 2 rocuers, several other chairs, pictures, curtains and 2 oak bedroom sets and springs. 120 E. 12th St. East 1844. FOR SALE Bridge-Beach combination range with co-1 and fittings, in A 1 condition, used erv little; $135 lakes it. 6nS East 7.7th North, 3 blocks south of Rose City car. FUMED can dinlnK table. 6 chairs, nut let. Columbia cabinet phonograph, dav enport, tea rockers, rugs, ivory , bed room set, etc. 1S7 E. 15th st., apt. 1. FOR SALE Iron bea, springs and mat tress com pie te, $4.75. Call at 301 Haw thorne ave.. corner of E. Water. FURNITURE of 6 rooms, $400; rent $25, walking distance. Call from 3 to 7. 043 F.HSt Everett st. Fo K SALE -Beautiful dresser, matched Circassian walnut, private parties only. East 131. CTa BLACK Stayb:ack), tne greatest heat resisting stove polish in existence : 25c bottle. Crown. Furniture Co., 209 First. LI BRA RY table. dining table, chairs, dishes, etc., for sale cheap; 5-room flat for rent; no agents. Phone E. ISO 7. OA K dining table, for sale, old Englisli finish; 3 chairs and one high chair, c 1 1 e a p. Call East 4242. FOR SALE One wood heater, one kitchen rang i. good as new. Call Pacific Stor at;e & Delivery Co., 312 E. Madison. WOOD and coal range, bed springs, nearly new oil heater. 2505 62 d street S. E. FURNITURE, tools, Columbia 1149. two ranges, one gas. FURNITURE FOR SALE, near Union avenue. 351 Monroe St., Office Furniture. FOR SALE Double and tingle flat-top oak desk. swivel chairs. No. 5 Under wood typewriter, filing cabinets, etc. r.t 2 Yeon Bidg. Main 2229. KoLL-TOP and bookkeeper's desk, also some tiling equipm't. D. C. Wax, 31 N. 5th lUtK- K.ibbttw, Birds. Pet Stock. JIOLLE R SINGERS, female,, best Auto. 310-77. 636 Eaat 3Mh st. N. Poultry. FOR SALE 18 laying hens. Tabor 65S4, Machiuery. MR COMPRESSORS. AIR TANKS. V. S. TWO-STAGE COMPRESSORS. Air hose, check valves, safety valves. Coupling and automatic switches, every thing fr the air line. AIR COMPRESSOR, & EQUIPMENT CO., Mdwy ;-iuti. any ooucn st. Launches and Bouts. 16-11. 1'. STANDARD, Hull. AB 104. on ia n. . I'PK SAI.B chf-ap, 4-room Sellwood :;."iii2. unfurnished SO FT. LAl'N''H. lfl-U. 1. standard; 131. OreiuD-iatu FOR SALE, Launches and Boats. IN ORDER to make room we sell all kinds of boats at a bargain; l5 boats to pick from, at $100 and up. W. JI. and E. von der Werth, loot of Eattt Morrison st. East 1731. Typewriters. UANB GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE. AI! makes overhauled; experts. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy. Sel, Rent and Exchange. Main G3J7. Supplies. 2H3fc Oak. et. IiEBL-ILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. $50 com plete with carrying case; uupplies Cor all makes. E. W. PEASE CO.. . 110 Sixth st. Main 2285. ALL MAKES; cold, rented and exchanged; terms If desired; send for retail price. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 821 Washington St., N. W. Cor. 6th. FOR RENT Underwood Remington type writers, $3.50 per mo. Empire Transfer, 254 Broadway, lldwy. 155. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark, Main 1407. ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. U4 5th st. Main floSS NOISELESS typewriter IV C. Wax. 31 N. 5th cheap for cash. UNDERWOOD NO. 5 CHEAP FOR CASH. 431 ARTISAN B LDQ. GOOD as new. No. 5 Underwood type writer, $.". Tabor 5681. Miscellaneous. A H GAS RANGE, willow ware living room set. willow ware dining room eet, bed spring and mattress, single bed and mat tress. Majestic electric heater, waffle iron ; all the furniture is the best that can be had and only used three months; Alberta car to end of line, walk west to 27th. thence north to 1377 27th. Fore noons only. r.5 LATE droahead and cabinet sewing machines, every make and style; mostly like new ; all guaranteed, from $15 to $:5: alt the latest new Singers; cash or payments; machines rented $3 per month. SINGER STORE (Moose bids.), U3 4th st. Main 6833. ACCOMPLISHED AT LAST. Painless dentistry, by the nerve-biock-lng method, without after effects. , I make X-ray examinations of teeth. " I specialize in lirst-class dentistry at rea sonable fees. Lady attendant. Mar. 3205. DK. A. W. KEENE. Majestic Theater B!dg., 351 Wash. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES; ALSO BUY. SELL, RENT AND TRADE. Main 44!5. 128 First. Tabor 6798. ELECTRICAL- REPAIRING. Irons, toasters, heaters, vacuum clean ers, etc. ; wiring, fire alarm systems, Mazda lamps. Hynson Electric Co., 302 Pint-. Bdwy. 4213. WOOD and coal Peninsular range, coils, gas plate, gas water heater, nearly new, lots of nickel: very attractive: to see it means to take it; $75. East 3371. 365 Williams ave. HOT-WATER tanks. 30-eaL. $7: 40-cal.. $0; tested and guaranteed ; stove and furnace colls, gas heaters installed ; ex pert, plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams st. East 8516. LADY'S black satin lined coat $10; ladies' gray Burberry London made coat 20, sizo 40; pair white kid gloves, size 6i, $1.50, never worn ; collar and cuff eet. never worn, $1. Marshall llbu. 30-30 WINCHESTER rifle, pistol grip. 2-3 magazine, Lyman receiver sight, gold bead : also 30-30 Remington automatic, Marble sight; both fine. Call evenings at 023 Woodward ave., or Sun. 2 to TWO WAYS If you have a diamond and want the cash or have the cash and want a diamond, call in and talk it over. Miller's Clearing Bouse for Diamonds next door to Majestic theater. For SALE Man's black fur overcoat. lady a blue serge dress, lady s gray serge coat, lady's slipover sweater, boy's sweater coat, lady's embroidered -bloue. Cay wood's 87 V& 10th. Automatic 52'J-0S. WHY AN everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof? Why not a permanent and comfortable roof? We repair, rubber bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky root's. Work guaranteed. Main 5560. BABIES bonnets, robes, coats, jackets, dresses, underthings. 3 '.4 doz, diapers, $10; crib, blankets; aduit's' to 1 ding cot. Main 7102. WINDFALL apples. 50c box. $1 per sack; good apples $L per box, bring containers. Pleasant View Farm, Shattuck Station, west side red electric. WILL exchange new Victor, Brunswick, EtliHon or Grafonola for Radianf ire or fumeless gas radiator. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. FRANSEN'S "Xon Ilus" Mepladders, built like lurniture, sure to please; 4-ft., $3.75; 5-tt., $4.25; 6-ft., $4.50; 7-ft., $5.50; de livered on approval. Broadway 716. LADY'S motoring coat and broadcloth suit dress. 1125 ALbiua ave.. No. 2. ee Mrs. Johnson. WANTED Small cash register in first class condition. Broadway 46ti6. 221-223 Burnside st. A FEW cords left of fine old growth dry 4-foot cord wood at $13, on east aide. Phone Tabor 2326 FOR SALE Cheap, furniture, good heat ing stoved, baby bed, Sturges sulky. East SEW S E W S E W S E W . Expert sewing machine repairing. Phone Sell. 1071. PORTABLE chicken house. 50 feet good netting for ale cheap. Call 554 Morriaon street, wejt side. FOR SALE A 10x15 Gordon printing press, stono, type caae, etc T 3, Orego n ia n. KINDLING wood, $4 per cord; heavy edg ings. $5.50 per cord. Second-hand brietf. Tabor 420. FOR SALE A bargain; one young man's brown overcoat, in good condition, call 068 Division st. or phone Sellwoori 448. SOFT drink fixtures, bar and back bar, cigar and candy cases, must be sold at once. Pals' Club, 235 1st st., cor. Main. CASH REGISTER. Latest model, memo. type, penny keys, used 3 months; bargain. Tabor "503. FERTILIZER. Rotted horse or cow manure delivered anywhere in city. Tabor 2704. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean. 2344 Morrison st. MOVING picture camera for sale. $350 cash; wlil teach you the business. 757 Minnesota ave. LADIES' slightly worn garments and furs. Marshal 1 3215. REGISTERS, safes, floor cases; other fixtures ; terms. 242 Salmon st. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners. 24-hour day $1; delivered anywhere. Wdln. 1259. POTATO sacks, grain sacks, bargain prices. 153 Front al.. near Morrison brid ge. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding jhowcase. 4.'t 1st St.. near Ash. machine. VACUUM cleaners sold, rented, repaired. exchanged, Duugnu ijentiey, iuam 80-GAI. BOOT BEEK S1KLT, 1-3 les than wholesale. Alain uitt. ONE wood heater, floor mats and 4 joint. ol pipe, gouu as new. .3. moor .y.i. LEAKY roofs repaired and painted; reason ably. Tauor jtJXi. ONK blue enamel oil heater; five light tan window shades, rieu. atm.i. WOOD and coal range reasonable. Woodlawn m'yi alter o:ao EYES tested free; spectacles guaranteed. Dr. Heiuinir. oa Aitier si. .viain iv. SAFE Fireproof safe. 2'.xlSxlS. in good order. t w, oreiunuq. $10 BUYS adding machine; adds 7 figur .MS Corbett bldg. Marshall 557. FOR KENT Vacuum cleaners. Jl per day qt'liverea anywocic. uuuuid.u aiaj. COATri, furs, suits, gowns and. evening dresses, s.isntiy worn. jiam ifooi. CORD WOOD, Jio. i. 21?.'J. 1 old-growth. Wrtli BBCOSD-HAXB tent and covers for aaie. I'acinc lent fc Awnintc -o.. i 1st su BLOCK WOOD, slab wood", mixed, 2-ioad lots, special prices. East 2041. FOR SALE or trade, wood and coal heater for wood heater. B 106. Oregonian. FOR SALE Lady's coat, size 3S to 40. pink plush Main 3132. evening FOR SALE A Haywood-Wakefield- baby buffdy. Call Woodiawn 215. FOR SALE Persian Bigelow- Axmlntster rug. almost new, bxtf, jJO. W dm. 5875 NWW FLA ID skirt for .ale. cheap. Fast 317S. GOOD- sliding door. Phone East 1020. for sale, cheap, SLAB and block wood, mixed, special ic two-load lots. W'din. 4102. Oregon Fuel FOR SALE $iO. Call Jood second-hand stove; price laoor iu;o. BODY Uruseia 3.V6S. rug. 10-SX16. 133. Wdln MAJESTIC range, good condition, reasonable. Phone Main 9378. FOR ALE One gas- range and one dining QUILTS- 10 new, fancy, hand-made, sac rifice for cash. : Tenth st. GENUINE Alaska red fox, prime raw fur. only $45. Eveninprs. Tabor 7055. CRAB APPLES. 6c; crape. 5c, Bdwy. 213. FOR SALE. M iscellaneons. DO LAX WRECKING A CONST. CO, 460 Belmont St., Corner East 8th St. TT. & GOVERNMENT MATERIAL. 5 MILLION FEET LUMBER for sale. FTerythlng from 2x3 to 12x12. 4 million feet 4x6. 4x12 and 12x12, like new, at $15. 00 F. O. B. Flooring, rustic, shiplap, 1-Inch boards, 9. I. S., Electric wire, alt sixes. Conduit pipe. 5 miles plow steel wire cable from fe-inch to 1-tnch. Purchased from V. S. Shipping; Board. We will sell at about h price. We have a large quantity of PLUMBING SUPPLIE3. roofing paper, shingles, doors, windows and sashes, pipe and fittings, chicken wire, inside finish, oO work benches, fire hose, all sizes, S00 mirrors. In fact, everything to put tip your building with. PROMPT DELIVERY. DOLAN WRECKING A CONST. CO Warehouse: 460 Belmont, cor. E. 8th st. Yard; East 8th. cor. East Morrison at. Phone East 6110. NEW LINK NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS, fie and Penny Keys. OAK AND MAHOGANY FINISHES. Prices 176. $110. $150. FUU line of Kecnnri-hanri and retmflt National registers, fully guaranteed by inisi INATJOMAL CASH REGISTER CO. Liberal allowances for old Registers. J. R. MUMMA, Sales Agent. Hdwy. Ittltf. auo Stark sU PRICES DROP. Tou Save From $20 to $50. We are closing our retail store and must sell regardless of cost our large block or new and used Cremonas, Stradivaras, Victrolas, Edisons, Colum bias and Pathe phonographs. ' PERRY MUSIC CO.. 427 Washington St. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Rather than return our salesmen's samples to the factory, consisting of raincoats, motorocats and leather coats. we have placed them on sale to the pub Mtv ui wnoiesale price. UNITED RUBBER CO.. 726 Morga-n bldg. EXCHANGE thost old mils or rec. ords for new or slightly used. Hundreds wi new recoras ana piano roils at 24c, 3ic, 40c. 60c and 75c, including RED SEAL im iui nils. i'AJl-lC RECORD EJV C'H ANG E. 131 11th btreet. BETWEEN WASHINGTON AND ALDER STS. NOW is the time to buy cabbage for kraut. Danish Baldhead, Hardheads, no waste, $1.60 per 1O0 delivered, $1.35 at place; dandy white potatoes at $2.50 per 10O delivered. Ed Wanson, Dekuru and L'n ion. Call Woodlawn 5289. LET. US WASH YOUR RUGS WITH THE HAMILTON BEACH C RPET WASH ER WITHOUT REMOVING FROM THE FLOOR; WORK GUARANTEED; 9x12 RUG, $3; 2 RUGS $5. PHONE OFFICH ANY TIME. WOODLAWN 1259. USED electric vacuum cleaners in first class mechanical condition at a big aav us . a iew nana vacuum cleaners, $1 each. toCOTT ELECTRIC COMPANY, bl Fifth St. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. Easy terms if de- . tired. NORRIS SAFE A LOCK CO., 105 Second st. Main 2045". SEWING machines, new and second-band sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 943L SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Third st., near Taylor. OR $12 one brown veiour coat., size 38 40, naif lined, spiendid quality, in good condition; also brown Kersey coat, large plush collar and cuffs, youthful lines, size 36-38; $lu. Buwy. lsou. 15u N. 16th St. UNIVERSAL WOOD WORK, 100 W. 3d st. We make spruce breakfast tables, 38 round, 38 sq. ; nice, smooth work. We sell retail and wholesale,., -reasonable price. Anything made to order.. PRUNE TREES Fine stock, reasonable; also Oregon Champion gooseberry plants; order immediately;. supply limited. Woodstock Nursery. 5mj3 Woodstock ave.. Portland, phone Sellwood 2332. FURS FURS. Above high rent Below high prices. THE FUR SHOP, 606 Pwetland Bldg., 5th at Washington NEW "aCXGRS" $5 down, $3 monthly. Expert sewing machine repairing MORRISON STREET SINGER STORE. 382 Morrison. Marshall 721. USED electric washing machines; some bargains. SCOTT ELECTRIC COMPANY. Fifth and Oak Sts. SAFES New and second-nand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE A SUPPLY CO Broadway 1906. 48 Front St. ALL SIZES show caees, wall cases, safe, .cash register, counter and draft arm, eiectric coffee mill, gas range: sacrifice. 242 Salmon st. LICENSED independent electrician wires 3 rooms for $12. 5 rooms for $20; ail new materials used a-nd guaranteed to pass Inspection. Woodlawn 3701 SIBLOCO PIPELESS FURNACES. $69. 4 o and $135. Showroom at 164 E. Broadway, near bridge. For infor matlon. phone East 4567. Open Sundays. KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy. 329 Washington st. FERTI LIZ ER Green and well-rotted fertilizer for saie. aiaraniiii O - OFFICE equipment from government and BiiipjMtuiv ior foaie uy u. . ajt, ol N 5th st. uroaaway 2739. CONCORD grapes for sale. R. Curtis. Base Line road, X V miles east Montavilla. LADIES SAVE High-grade used apparel rufeB muueiaie. iiu. oilman street. .mu m v mo. ci r iu jjin. Xaoor 2825. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton oeacti electric carpet washer; - also vacuum t-ifaiiing uone. iast 043. ut.UA.ti. pos-is. large size, get a carload; get ten carloads. 11. Goodrich, R. 3; BEAUTIFUL. Hudson seal muff. new. lined aiiu iukcu ui taupe siik crepe; latest snape. nroaqay 1800. lap x. 18th, WESTOVER & SOX FUEL rn 4-ft. s'.ab. 10-Inch block and slab for gale. mtmuHttj i CABBAOS lor sale, lc per lb.: V -mile ovum 1 1 1 u i r . van any time; m nif, w.. ......w st. .... ju. orammu, PARK OAK heater and pipe, $18. 'OR SALE Good cooking apples, 11 per aack. Woodlawn 4219. FOB BALK AUTOMOBILES. TOU DON'T HAVE TO GCESS WHEN' YOU BUY ONE OF . THESE, BECAUSE- WE SELL YOU. SATISFACTION. ELGIN 6. CHUMMY. IT WILL COST VtTU LITTLE TO RUN. ELGIN K, TOURING. WORLD'S CHAMPION 6. SEE IT IF YOU WANT REAL SERVICE. - ' MITCHELL LIGHT 6. AT OUR PRICE IT WILL - BEAT- THE WORLD. - . OAKLAND AT S630 IS 'AS CHEAP AS DIRT. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUT. WELLER MOTOR COMPANY. 15TH AND WASHINGTON. . BUICK TOURING. '19 MODEL. This is the 7-pass. and has cord tires has the factory finish and will readilv show the careful use it has had; cord tires and one extra and is first-class every way, shape, form and manner, guaranteed; low price, and take $450 down, bal. easy. Come and try it; will take care in trade. 605 Alder at.. Red Front Used Car Co. 1920 OAKLAND TOURING CAR TO BE SACRIFICED. If you wish to save 20. per cent on one of the best cars on the market see my Oakland touring car which has run less than 2300 miles and which is as good as new. Still have six montns' guarantee on it. I must sell and you can make a good buy, cash or terms. ' Call Mr. Can ley. Broadway 4184 or call and s4e car at 102 North Broadway." City. 1919 PAIGE six, like new; new -tires; $500 down handles. Snap. . this. Mr. Argo, Bdwy. U2S1. Cord See 1918 COLUMBIA, newly painted, new tires, low price; will take car in trade, terms. Mx. Howard, Broadway 1868. FOR 8AI.F AUTOMOBILES. JL'ST NEW CARS. A fins assortment of slightly used auton. The most of them are so nearly new that we take no chances in giving you a written guarantee. We want satisfied owner. If the car does not prove as represented bring It back. Wo will fix It free of charge. The only used car firm In the city who give you a WR1TTEM GUAR ANTEE. WR WILL MATCH OtTR CARS AND PRICES with them all. Do not try to get something for noth ing. You are sure to get the worst of it. Our Price Cut to $550 BOO 400 500 700 875 350 3919 Chevrolet, runs perfect. . $650 3919 Chevrolet delivery 600 3917 Chevrolet touring 500 3916 Baby Grand, rebuilt .... 650 3919 Baby Grand roadster.... 800 3918 Ford touring, rebuilt.... 450 3917 Ford touring 450 1915 Buick 4, rebuilt through out 650 - 1918 Ford coupe; looks like new 700 1918 Oakland Six, newly paint ed 700 1918 Maxwell touring 650 650 500 450 25 more just new earn from 35 per cent to 50 per cent off list price. Just call at our place of business and be convinced. CONLEx"S USED CAR CENTER, 88 Tenth St, between Stark and' Oak. Fhone Bdwy. 1424. USED AUTOMOBILES. Never "Will Be Lower. Buy now while the stock Is large and . the selection la best. The used automobile prices are regu lated by the price of new Automo biles. Automobile manufacturers have an nounced their policy on new auto mobiles, guaranteeing the price to t remain- the same until July 1, 192L $125 AND UP. We have reduced every used automo bile to a price that will sell them quickly. Come and get one. 25 tised automo biles; models up to 1920 of the dif ferent makes. Terms, one-thiid cash, balance in It) mom hly installments, You are assured of lair dealing. WILLYS-OVERLAND PACIFIC CO.. Broadway and Davis at. DO TOU WANT A ROADSTER THAT WILL GIVE YOU REAL SERVICE? HAVE A BUICK SIX LATB MODEL THAT CAN BE HAD AT A SNAP FOR CASH, EQUIPMENT IS ULTRA -COMPLETE INCLUDING NEW TOP AND SIDE CURTAINS. HAS BEEN KEPT MECHANI CALLY Al AT ALL TIMES AND DRIVEN BY OWNER, PHONE MAIN 8371 BETWEEN 8:30 AND C:30. SACRIFICE. ' AM LEAVIXO FOR THE EAST AND WILL DISPOSE OF MY PRACTICALLY NEW STEPHENS AUTOMOBILE SPORT MODEL. SPECIAL TOP AND PAINT; CAR IN A-l CONDITION, WITH LOT OF EXTRA EQUIPMENT; SIX CORD TIRES. WIRE WHEELS; COST NEW $31iO; CASH TALKS;- FOR QUICK SALE WILL MAKE REAL SAC RIFICE. FOR APPOINTMENT I'HO.NE MARSHALL 131U. ATTENTION, USED CAR BUYERS. A new car going at a used car price. $325 off, which means less than wholesale price of popular 4-cylinder 5-pass. car; never been run. 407 STARK, NEAR 10TH. 1919 LEXINGTON SEDAN. Just like new. In every way. yovi " can buy this car at Just half the price of new one and terms to suit. Car can be seen at A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO.. 525 Alder St. HUDSON 64 FOR SALE M0. Owner . has two cars and desires to aell this one; fine- paint, five tlrst-class tires, good top and new side curtains; in addition. -to bein-g a good roomy family car may be usel for service car or de livery car for business or farm purposes; this car- wouM make a fine for-hire or ; stage car; liberai terms to responsible parties. Why be without a car when you can drive this one white you pay on monthly plan? No dealers. Phone East tilfcO. J57SM3AKIAND TOURING 575. 4 new cord tires. 2 extras, spot light, bumper, mechanically per fect, terms. ' 407 STARK, NEAR 10TH. FORD OWNERS. FORD overhauled $2 Rear axle overhauled i Valves ground, carbon removed....... 3 .Magneto recharged 6 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc.. which - Insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parta only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR OO, 260 Front St.. corner Jefferson. ' $730 1917 PAIGE, 7-PASS $750. Good rubber, good shape, terms. 407 STARK. NEAR 10TH. SAXON TOURING. LATE MODEL AND HAS BEEN RE FINISHED AND LOOKS-AND RUNS AS GOOD AS NEW and new seat covers and will surprise you at the general appear ance of this car, as it will pass for a new one and runs fine. Low price, $490, with S150 down, bal. easy. Open Sun. days at 505 Alder at.. Red Front Used Car Co. REAL BARGAINS. 1915 Dodge touring $4R 1917 Chevrolet touring 4395 1917 Maxwell touring 8200 1916 Buick roadster $485 1918 Chevrolet touring S4U5 FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. E. 3770. Grand ave. and Hawthorne. HERE'S TOUR CHANCE. Oakland light six. like new $650 Model 83 Overland 'touring $495 Model 83 Overland delivery ..$295 Will take Ford In exchange. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. E. 377Q. Grand ave. and Hawthorne. WE CARRY a full line of auto accessories, .tires, tubes. Ford parts, light globes, etc. ; al&Q do towing. Opeu day and " nlzht. i - . . - LONG & SILVA. Phone Eaij 6S40. 462 Hawthorne. PARTS, engines, bodies, tops, windshielus, radiators, transmission gears, bearings, ' axles; wheels, hubs, spindles, magnetos, :. venerators, carburetors, otlera. ai.vthlng -for autoombilea. Portland Auto Wreck- lug Co.. 290 union ave. fc.ast iSOB. BRAND NEW 1920 STEPHENS. This car is a seven-passenger. Just gone 30OO miles, equipped with bumper, spotlight, spare tire, etc.; must be sold. Sell 2923. . I HAVE paid $850 on Paige roadster, run 3O0O miles: will take any reasonable cash offer for my interest, you to take over note on balance. East 3906 between 7 and 8 P. M. 10 TO Wo OFF ALL USED CARS. 22 cars to be sacrificed. See- our prices on th! page. D. C. Warren Mo tor Car Co. FOR SALE Ford bug. just overhauled; perfect condition: top and rim shields, new tires. Call E. 10S8 after 6 P. M. 1919 FORD roadster In good shape for sale cheap or trade for cows. Call at 990 Powell Valley road. Phone Sellwood 717. STUDBBAKER 6. 191H, auto top with glass door. Just like new. Also auto body. Phone Main 389. Call 231 Front st. FORD touring, late '19, Yale lock, shock, speedometer, fine condition, $450, Own er, Marshall 3510, S rinsa. FOR SAT.K ATTOMOBH.Vs. REBUILT ItEFlNLSHED USED CARS. Miit of our used car, rtave been overhauled and repainted In our own ffhops and we know what we are talking about when we tell you of the aervice you can expect from these cars. You will find upon Investigation that we are of fering you better value in good used cars than any other firm In the city. Here is a partial list of what wo havo to show you: Ford roadster ..............$ 250 101T Ford touring 850 Overland model 75, touring.. 650 Overland model .90, touring. . 650 Overland model 85. touring.. 700 ISIS Oakland touring....... 850 1019 Oakland, touring 1000 1918-19 Hupmoblle roadster. 1100 1918 Mitchell, T-paas.. 8-cyl.. 650 1917 Mitchell. T-pass. o-eyl.. 000 1917 Mitchell, 5-pasa.. -cyl.. 850 1918 Mitchell, 5-pasa.. 6-cyl.. 1050 1919 Mitchell. 3-pass.. 6-cyl.. 1400 1919 Mitchell. 5-pass.. 6-cyl.. 1400 Wlllya-Knight. 5-pass.. 4-cyL 90O Jordan Silhouette. 7-pasa.. 6-cyl.. Disteei wheels and many other extras, at a price that will In terest you. Many Other, to Select From. MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAVER CO., Broadway at Everett St. Phone Broadway 4675. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES. CASHED. YOTJ BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SBRV'ICE WILL PLEASE YOTJ. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO, MS SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. CHUMMY ROADSTER. '18 MODEL. This is the light, dependable No. 90 model of the Overland and this one has 6 wire wheels and new tires and new finish and vlll make you think it is a new one when you call and see it. Has one extra wheel, with new tire mounted on It, and you can come and try it. Wo are open Sundays. Low price and we will take J250 down, bal. easy. 505 Alder at.. Red Front Used Car Co. 1918 OAKLAND TOURING. Good shape, good tires, priced low for quick sale. 407 STARK. NEAR 10TH. 1920 HUDSON SPEEDSTER. Save S750 on a Hudson speedster; I bought this car last May; cannot be told from brand new ; run 3900 miles. Just run enougn to get In good running shape; guaranteed; for sale by owner; will take late model Ford aedan In trade. R 41. lirrnnlan llT C- C T r.CT I " T.' t 1- V- . ' LAND SEDAN AND MUST LEAVE THE v iJijiftuiAlE,!.!. VV1L.1. SACRI FICE THIS IDEAL OREGON WINTER CAR THAT HAS NEVER BEEN" HUN CALL EVENINGS BDWY. 061'J 1817 5-PASS. Haynes. Looks and acts like new; Desjt Duy in Portland for $11110. Driven by owner on city streets; will consider smaner car or city lot in exchange; terms If desired. Call owner, phone Auto. 323-39. 1919 OLDSMOBILE ROADSTER A dandy. See this car and you'll buy It; new top, new paint; runs like new. only run 80"M) miles; snap at $1000 cash or tuiw terms. ail smilh at Marshall AUTOMOBILE OWNER. SALES ROOM. If you wish to sell your car, bring it in ana bbi huich. action. Alain 184. ioa iving street. 1918 BUICK touring car. newly painted nne metnamcai conaiuon; u tires. 2 brand new. never run: must he nn.A mt once. Here is the snap you have been waning tor; iiwin. rnone East 56.. FOR SALE 1917 model Apperson 8 rhm. my , touring car, pinK or condition: newiy puinieu; a spare tires; owner must sacrifice; price $1350 cash. Phone Alain no.:. 1918 GRANT six in good condition: good nnri ..tiiici ' " . ....fu, terms. Act quicKiy ii you want tnis snap. Have beer holding this car for $S50. Mr. Areo Broadway 32S1. s 20 OFF ALL USED CARS 20. Trades Considered! Terms Given! RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO. 12S N. Broadway.. Opp. New Postofflce. 1917 COLIS 8. In A-l condition: leaving for east and wili sacrifice for $850, some terms East 5618. Call at 425 E. Burn-slde. ' CHUMMY roadster. 5 wire wheels, good tires. Just overhauled, like new, leaving city, will sell cheap, or trade for dia mond. Union Depot barber shop. 15 TO 32 OFF ALL USED CARS 22 cars to be sacrificed. See our prices on this page. D. C. Warren Mo tor Car Co. 20 OFF ALL USED CARS 20 Trades Considered! Terms Given! RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO. 128 N. Broadway.. Opp. New Postofflce. SNAP FOR CASH. Studebaker six, in excellent running condition; just overhauled. Phone Main 90S. 1920 PAIGE 5-PASKENGER. $1650. See this car; you win buy- run S0O0 miles. 98 per cent new; perfect. 1X4 Laurelhurst. owner. Tabor H6 20 OFF ALL USED CARS 20 Trad es Considered ! Terms Oivenl RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO. 128 X. Broadway.. Opp. New Postofflce. 1917 7-PASSENGER Hupmoblle." new bat tery. 5 disc wheels: owner will sacrifice for $400 cash if sold at once. Can be seen at 415 Gllsan st., corner 10th. BIG USED CARS. PRICES fcXOCK. RIGHT. No Misrepresentation COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. 20 OFF ALL USED CARS 20. Trades Considered! Terms Given! RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO. 128 N. Broadway.. Opp. New Postofflce. DODGE ROADSTER. Look Just like new and runs like new; 4 new cord tires on car and one to gpare. Call me for bargain. Sell. 2923 MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles. W wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Auto Wrecking Dept.. 105-7 X. 11th t. 2K OFF ALL USED CARS 20I Trades Considered! Terms Given! RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO 128 N. Broadway.. Opp. New Postofflce.. 1920 LIGHT six, wire wheels, new spare tire; can t be told from a new car; price $1409, best buy in town. Broadway la5o Mr. Howard. $150 CASH Light roadster, good condi tion, good rUDoer. ji uiu street, room 12 Vj MUST sell 6-cyllnder car regardless of loss. can oe .ecu . i,u i.uiuiu bl. ; iiiaae me an offer. FOR SALE King 4 roadster, Al shape good tires and spare; $375. 266 Jefler sonj st. Sat. afternoon, all day Sundav. CLASSY little Oakland roadster; owner will sacrifice for $150 cash. 450 Glisan, corner 10th. GET YOUR Ford coupe now, keep dry and warm; $200 down; excellent condi tion. Mr. Howard, Broadway 1858 SACRIFICE Allen 4. 1920. fully equipped, looks and runs like new; call Hemlng at Portland Motor Car Co. FOR SALE 1920 6-passenger Stuti car: bargain. See owner. Tabor 4976. 1446 E. Stark et. PANEL delivery body In good condition: will fit Overland 83 or similar size chas sis; reasonable. Wdln. 3453. WF. PUT steel teeth in your old flywheel. crank shaft turning. H. B. Black, ma- chine shop. 534 Alder at- Broadway 26j1. SEDN 1917 Hup big 4. overhauled, re painted, new tires; used privately. e. 437U. 1917 CHEVROLET roadster, new top and upholstering, Al shape, $275 cash. 415 Glisan. corner 10th. 1918 DODGE. In A-l condition, $775. 24s Yamhill, room 305 OWNER leaving city, will sell Cadillac 8' terms if desired. E. 6208. OLDSMOB1LE 8 touring, new top. good tires, cash or terms. Owner. Main 927. FOR SALE 2 model 8 L. c Smith one writoia. Hi J, Park at. FOR 8t.F ArTOMOBII.KS. EALR PRICES SLAUGHTERED. Today we start the first cnt-prlre sale In our historv. We iiave decided to take our loss NOW and get back to pre-war prices. We start with 22 automobiles, all conditioned and ready for delivery. The number will dwindle fast. Come early. Bring this list with you. Try them out thoroughly before buying. Trade your present car In on a better one. Easy terms. Open evenings and bundays. Make License, Was Now. 1916 Overland 4no $250 1917 Maxwell 17418 475 Sold 1918 Saxon 8i324 Br.O 4.10 191S Maxwell 44i5 00 4.10 1917 Buick 4 8810 M 475 1919 Chevrolet 16996 650 BOO 191 S Overland 6 750 575 1920 Ford truck 6733 800 575 1920 Chevrolet 71 725 575 1918 Reo 6 4118T 800 Sold 1917 Velie 4!19 8."0 700 1917 Velle 57420 950 700 1917 Velie 5;S12 R.'.O 700 1917 Velle 7207U 825 700 1917 Velle 950 7011 1918 Velle 8429 1100 975 1918 Olds 8 64141 1350 11O0 1919 Velie 319S8 1C.75 1150 1919 Velle 570O0 1275 1175 1919 Velie 47231 1535 Sold 1919 Velle 41335 14110 12O0 1920 Essex 7726 1700 1300 D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO.. 68 North 23d St. Main 780. FORD OTNTW. CHEVROLET OWNERS. Motors overhauled ................. $2A Rear axle overhauled 6 Valves ground, carbon removed...... 3 Magneto recharged 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape" bearings, etc.. which insures- a perfect-running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. THE REASON the Ford engine s-larts hard and the lights are dim is because the MAGNETO is weak. Have It RECHARGED BY EXPERTS. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO.. 210-212 Jefferson. Main 7C44. BIG REDUCTION ON USED CARS OF UNUSUAL MERIT WITH GUARANTEE. Buy used car now which can be had for less money and in guaranteed condi tion. Every car represents at least a $300 saving over past and future pries of good used cars. l.ook over our line, lft us demonstrate them to you. We will try to serve vou fairly and efficiently. VIILAMKTTH MOTORS COMPANY. Corner Broadway at Flanders St. Broadway 4184. 1919 TtT-TCT?: 7-PASPENGER 5 GOOD TIRES CAR IS AS GOOD AS NEW 1 1 500 PRIVATE OWNER 405 SPALDING BLDG. TELEPHONE MAIN 150. WTLL rake Olds, Buick or Dodge roadster in trade on my wire wheel Chandler Dispatch. 407 STARK. NEAR TENTH. 6LDS 4 TOTTRTNG. One of those reliable kind, always ready to go; dandy tires and motor in fine shape. 407 STARK, NEAR TENTH. 1919 OAKLAND TOURING MUST BE SOLD. Make me an offer on my Oakland tour ing car: am leaving the city; any reason able offer w-ill he considered: cash or terms: car Is In "fine shape and has new coat of paint. A real buy. Phone me at Broadwav 4184, ask for Mr. Clover. BUY A GOOD CAR CHEAP OAKLAND TOURING CASH OR TERMS. New paint. Just overhauled, presents fine appearance and runs perfectly; am forced to sell which will be your gain: now is the time to buy; see my car and ride in it and you will be convinced. Call me. Broadway 4184. Mr. Stoner. BUICK TOURING. THIS IS LATE MODEL AND HAS BEEN REFIN1SHED AND HAS FINE TIRES, ONE EXTRA. Looks and runs as new one and we can save you many hundred dollars on this one. Come and try it. Open Sundays, 50G Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co. FUR. Just returned from Alaska with a fine lot of fur: a fine chance to get your winter outfit at reasonable prices. Er mln. mink, white and red fox, baby seal, etc. Call C. Malohorn. 570 Couch st.. apartment 45. Phone 553-93. SNAP. Am leaving the city: must sell my Scripps-Booth roadster 0 at sacrifice; driven only 7000 miles: A-l condition, looks brand new. Call Mrs. H., Main 1 So9. Cumberland apts. 22. i in t CADILLAC touring car: a wonderful value for the money; will accept smaller car as part payment. WILLAMETTE MOTORS COMPANY, 100 N. Broadway. Broadway 4184. 20 OFF ALL USED CARS 20. Trades Considered! Terms Given! RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO. 12 N. Broadway.. Opp. New Postofflce. 1f.l7 STUDEBAKER 4 in elegant condition Just repainted and a wonderful buy for $475; car looKS titin new. an. wtn st, Broadway 118. 13 TO 32 OFF ALL USED CARS. 22 cars to be sacrificed. See our prices on this page. D. C Warren Mo tor Car Co. 20 OFF ALL USED CARS 20. Trades Considered! Terms Given! RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO. 128 N. Broadway.. Opp. New Postofflce. iyi 1 1 .a i .i-... . r. . . -. .... . . . .i iii . ex cellent mechanical condition, will trade for furnish, apts., must be in good dis trict. Call East 433. 1918 OVERLAND 85-4 model. 4 new tires, new top ana just repaintea; will sacri fice if taken at once; $450, terms. 4 N. 9th st. Broadway 118. 20 OFF ALL USED CARS 20. Trades Considered! Terms Given! RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO. 128 N. Broadway.. Opp. New Postofflce. FOR SALE STUTZ BEARCAT. Car In excellent condition; 7 win wheels. Sllvertown cords, spotlight, etc. $2000 cash. Tabor 7274. 2C OFF ALL USED CARS 20. Trades Considered! Terms Given!- P.UB1N MOTOR CAR CO. 128 N. Broadway., Opp. New Postofflce. 1920 CHEVROLET Baby Grand, almost new. Owner needs money and will sec rifice. $400 down will handle. Mr. Argo, liroaaw ay o-j.. - 1919 CHEVROLET in perfect condition, s wire wheels, new cord tires and lots of extras; cost new $1225; $775, cash or terms. Mat wm. 20 OFF ALL USED CARS 20. Trades Considered! Terms Given! RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO. 128 N. Broaaway.. Opp. New Postofflce. WILL sell 1920 Chandler touring for best offer this week; consider Ford or dia mond In trade. d24 xeon bids. Main 5040. 1920 HUDSON speedster, cord tires. This car is just like new; & big bargain; terms. Phone East 19G2. DODGE delivery for sale, by owner; A-l shape. AB IPS, Oregonian. STUDEBAKER 4. excellent condition, four good tires; will sell for $300. Tabor 5650. 1920 FORD touring, run 3000 mlies; must sell; $350. E. 4376. 1918 MITCHELL six, Al condition, $600 terms. AC 101. Oregonian. ' 2 BARGAINS Ford roadster and touring. Phone East 8226 1913 Overland touring in fine ahape; $lio. M. 73S4. 195 10th st. 1916 FORD in good condition; will make good delivery car. $225. Call Tabor 6671. SEDAN FORD. lOlS. overhauled, repainted new tires; ;t2.. E. 4.i.itt. KA LADE & SIMONTON CO., used cars, pairing, s'orage. 415 Glisan. Bdwy. 4592 DODGE ROADSTER. 1919. $975. PHONE MARSHALL 55. S'i l'DEBAKER SIX. 5S37. r-pass. Phone Main FORD delivery, large body, curtains. $350 easy terms. See owner. Tabor 9.12L FORD bug. a dandy, $150 down. $25 per month. Mr. Howard, Broadway 1S5S. FORD BUG. good shape; anap; $350. E 4376. 1917 KING 8. A-l condition; make offe 735 E. 22d st. S. PANEL DELIVERY. 1915 FORD, good shape. $250. East 4376. 1819 MAXWELL, $5v0, Broadway 374, FOR SAT.F ArTOMOBH.E". SAY, MAN!!! TE REHU1LT ONE OF TTTESS TRUCKS for you and when we say rebuilt we "mean Just what we say. Rebuilt does not mean just grinding valves and tuning up en gine, but putting in shape by In stalling new parta where needed, making ready to cam money on the Investment. THREE-TON SATTRER, new block, piston rings, connecting rod. In fact everything new including tires. The Saurer truck is aecond to none. Now get this! 1918 Chevrolet Delivery, new paint, new tires, en gine overhauled. This has always had good care and has been gone evef thoroughly. Here Is m Dodge Bros, roadster. They have not cut the price, but we have. If you have use for a Dodge roadster, make us an offer in reason and you will have a car. Here Is one for the party who does not have much money, but needs something that will give - good service and at a cheap price. One-ton Federal for $400 and ready to work. T?You can't find a Tised Mack In town?? We are fortunate in ob taining a used-one and our good fortune is yours. Two-ton worm drive at a price that is right. MACK-INTERN A TTONAL MOTOR TRUCK CORPORATION. Tenth and Davis ata. Broadway 6J0. 1919 CHANDLER DISTATCTT. Will accept trade on Income property or let you make your own terms. 407 STARK. NEAR TENTH. 20 CHANDLER DISPATCH. Thin car is like a new one in every respect and we will show you we have the real goods; wire wheels, 5 of them, cord tires and other extras. Come and lonk at a real barcain anil we can make the lowest urice and most liberal ten: that you ever heard of on this one. open Sundays for your Inspection, 5o5 Aider st. Red 1- ront Used car o. NKW OAKLAND ROADSTER BARGAIN in?l mnril w re wheel. UaKland rnan- .tt" noii ahntit six weeks: ran less than 1500 miles: guarantee and service still remain: car as good in every respect as a brand new one; have personal reason tnr ...nine! must soil it: will save y about $300. Cash or trms. Call Mr, f'imnns. East 22S6 or Broadway 41 S4 Se car at 329 Flanders near Broadway. We have 2 Ford Sedans, priced right Come see them. WEI.LF.R MOTOR COMPANY. 15th and Washington. OAKLAND ROADSTER $500. New paint, good tires and upholstery: motor runs well and has a word or power; ordinarily this car would sell for $70O or $sih: SO'O buys it. cash or terms. R. P Stanley. Phone Bdwy. 41S4. 100 N. Bdwy. " l'l iR SALE 1910 Ford, late body; ptini-K abForbers. spotlight. Rood tires, ii-.ecnam-cally fine; must sell at once; snap at $275 Car can be seen -in parage at HI S. Glisan; owner home evenings. Phone llrd. 2H1. 617 Marshall st. 1920 ESSEX touring. O cord tires, car m magnificent condition; ne"a iiip asi, and will sacrifice for $1100 spot cash. Broadway 118. 20 OFF ALL USED CARS 20. Trades Considered! Terms Given! RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO. 128 N. Broadway.. Opp. New Postofflce. VF.L1B, newly painted, new top. 5 new tires, tine mecnaiucai cuhuiuuii, n-i ma or will consider a trade. Mr. Howard, Broadway 1 p.'a Trades Considered! Terms Given! RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO. 128'N. Broadway.. Opp. New Postofflce. 191S MAXWELL, 4i.. overnamea ana painted: bent -kiax. in wu. Jir. ' fc". iiruauway .j. MUST sell my 1919 Oakland touring at a sacruice. wu'nu l,J P. M. xj75 FOKD touring, demountable rims. aiicneim uiva. ......... -.-"- - 120 Union ave. N. 1920 MAXWELL, purchased new August 1 : a bargain ior m"i-- J'-'J Henry. Y. M. C. A., room 822. 9:30 A. M. 1918 SUPER SIX Hudson. $140: will take smaller car in exchange. Call owner. East 349. $500 WITH TERMS buys Mitchell Big 6. 7-pass . good condi tion: snap. .Mr. argo, na.u . ---.. FOlt SALE 1120 Ford touring body, hood and ra.iiator. ruouc " j . 535 Alder, between 8 and 5. 1919 VELIE left with me for sale. Owner . must raise money iiuilrij.. any reasonao.e oll'er. McKay. E. 3, ,o. CHALMERS suitable for bug or delivery; good power and mechanism: extra tires; only $135. V 123, Oregonian. . 1'IIS PIKE light C. a beautiful car. In beautiful condition mechanically; $tuO down will handle. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 32M. BUICK seven-passenger 1920 model. Seat covers Alemito oiling system; cord tires. r.20 Gasco bldg. 19'0 LIBERTY speedster, cord tires, one new spare and lots of other extras; a biir bargain, terms. Phone Bdwy. 4S25. C1UNDI.KH chummy in tine condition. Price $1250. with terms. This is a snap. Mr. Argo. Broadway 32S1. l.jl-GK touring car. A-l condition; act quickly. Third Street Garage. 84 Nona Third street. Broadway 4918. OLDSMOH1LE 8. touring, $100 down; new tires, used mostly on pavement; 1918 price $1000. Tabor 1019. Automobiles Wanted. CASH FOR CARS. Will pay cash for late models of cer tain makes in both roadsters and tour lnss; if you have a good car and need ready money and want quick action, call and see me.' 503 Alder St., Red Front Used Car Co. WANTED Roadster, five- or seven-passenger automobile. Must be late model and in good condition. Will give SO acres of hind and timber, frte and clear. Ior same. See Mr. Miller, room 4 ill Carlton hotel. cTslT for your Chevrolet and all makes of cars; condition no object. 415 Glisau St.. corner loth. WILL trade some good work horses and some fresh cows for light automobile or lot. Call at 990 Powell Valiey road. AUTOMOBILE wanted; will pay cash for Dodge car. roadster preferred. 2 to 5 P. M. gunday. 354 East 12th st. North. LATE model 4110 Chevrolet: if your price is right, answer, giving price and par ticulars. A C 106, Oregonian. WILL pay cash for Ford touring car if price is right, 2 to 5 Sunday. 334 East 12th st. North. To BUY iffom- owner. 1920 Ford with elec tric starter: will pay cash; car must be in good shape. Y 194. oregonian. WANT To buy old cars, any size, any con dition. Call Vancouver 56. R. E. Gore. FORD car from private party, way 2tW4. Mr. Miller. Call Brotid- Motorcyclea. USED MOTORCYCLES. All makes, terms if desired; used mo tors, parts, etc. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44 Grand ave. Excelsior, Henderson and Cleveland Agency MOTORCYCLE, Harley-Davidson. model '19, $250 cash, $25 monthly, balance. Modern electric equipped. V 107. Orego nian. J 1 H.-D. MOTORCTCLfi just overhauled; leaving town; must sell. $J5. See it at 210 i:uh street. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-206 3D ST. MAIN 6230. Auio 'Aires and Accessories. 34x4- KELLY'-SPRINGFIELD cord tire, rib'tread. cheap. Wdln. 350S. Automobile for Hire. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLANDS. HUDSON'S. LOWNSDALE GARAGE. BROADWAY 240S. 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New 1920 models, reasonable rates. 132 12th St., between Washington and Alder. Broadway 64o. ALL KINDS OF CARS WITH CARHITI, DRIVERS ' AND LOWEST RATES MAIN 134. AUTOS FOR HIRE Hudson cars, day and night service, any p. ace, reasonable rates. Phone Mam 355. aLTHOF &B E NN E TT. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY PARAGE TH11LD AND TAYLOR. MALM 16a;. ' -AUTOMOB1XES. Automobile for Hire. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without driv- xy or n;gnt service. COUCH MAN GARAGE. 10th and Couch. Bdwy. 8696. Remember our number, Broadway 899. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. Ij. 1. KULLIVAJi'S FASHION GARAGE. Mar. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1236, 1920 5-PASS BUICK FOR HIRE. WITH . ' i- i r- (4- SKUAUWAI S547. FOR SALE TRfCKS AND TRACTORS. 3-i-TOX truck equipped with gravel body ana noist: truck now working and a pood gravel hauMng Job for 1921 goea with truck; $2000 will handle and rea sonable terms on balance. 902 Broadway bldg. Phone Main 77;4. SVs-TON ACME truck, only run 8 months. wi.i guarantee tirst-clas.-. condition; cost us $5200: will sell for :;60O. See owner at 9H0 Powell Valley road. Phone Sell wood 717 SECOND-HAND Case tractor, 4 gang plows with disc and harrow equipment for tide land for sale cheap. R. L. Rose, Clatskanie. Or. FOR SALE New G. M. C model 41-B. 2-ton truck, solid tires, with platform bed. dirt cheap; terms to reliable Party. Strange & West, The Dalles. Or. FORD ONE-TON TRUCK. 1919 model with fine body and cab; price $595, terms. Phono Dunn, Sell wood 1393. MUST sacrifice 1920 Ford ton truck, best casn otter buys: Al condition. Marshall 4.6. U96 N. 2Gth st. AUTO REPAIR 1TVG. HAVE your car overhauled at Hemphill's trade schools. 20th and Hawthorne. Sat lsiaction guaranteed. iL'TOMOBIL ES overhauled at reduced rates. Hemphill', Trade Schools. 20ta and Hawthorne. WILL come to your own garage and re pair your car Jl per hour. Phone E. 5379. GARAGES. FOR RENT Night storage. 428 Couch i Rent $7.50. WANTED MISCEI.LANEOCS. SPOT CASH FOR DIAMONDS. I PAY SPOT CASH AND THE HIGH EST MARKET VALUE FOR DIA MONDS. ,u AMOUNT IS TOO LA RG Bl FOR MB TO HANDLE. I AM COM MISSIONED BY A LARGE DIAMOND CONCERN TO BUY ALL THE DIA MONDS OFFERED. MY LOCATION is down town and convenient. ALL BUSINESS 13 STRICTLY CONFI DENTIAL. ERNEST DEEDS. S4U WASHINGTON ST. MAIN 31V3. $12.50 TO $25.00. FOR SECOND-HANI) SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER. THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone in the city for suits, overcoats and shoes. Call Marshall 1229 or 253 Madison at. near 3d st. Will call day or evening. $S 50 UP TO $25.00. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAYLOR, PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS, SHOES. ETC BROADWAY 3932. 245V4 BURN SIDE. CALL ME BEFORE ANVBOUI ELSli. BETWEEN 21) AND 3D. FURS. FURS. FURS. Cleaning and alterations, any descrip tion. Use La France Iur dressing for summer anil save $100. Reasonable prices. LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO.. 163 W. Park, bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Main 6529. WANTED S.nail butcher shop outfit, will pay cash for equipment, including cold counters, coils, cold machine, loo.s and implements, blocks and racks, etc. Must be in good condition and reasonable price. Write lu.l information, with lowest price. Do not answer this ad un less material is loaded in or near i'ort lan.l. B 141, Orcsonian. $7.50 TO $25 for men's used suits and overcoats, call Goldibaum the Tailor, for good results. ill pay more und all it is worth for your cast off clothing. Phone Main 738. 1H7 FIRST ST.. NEAR MORRISON. UP TO $33. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We pay any price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d St., N. W. cor. Wash. Main 9344. OUR SPECIALTY is buying men's cast-off clothing; highest cash prices paid; will call day or night. PEOPLES SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225. 2 09 .Mad-ion. DIAMONDS WANTED! We pay caju, in any amount, for diamonds. VINE'S JEWELRY STORE. 257 WashinKti.n st.. cor. 3d. Main 6640. UP-TO-DATE P-UYER. , I pay the highest price for second hand furniture, tools, rags, old clothing and alt kinds of Junk. Call Main 734 and I WILL CLEAN UP YOUR HOME. ONE 24xl0-FOOT metal worKing lathe; one baud crimper: one 30-inch squaring shear. iS. W. Ruse. 40 E. Harrison. E. 8457. LADIES' WEST SIDE HOME EXCH. can sell your slightly worn apparel for bet ter prices. Mar. 3215. WILL uccept auto repairs as part pay ment tor new phonograph. AB 157, oregonian. TRUNKS wanted, private party will buy three good second-hand trunks for cash: no dealers. Tabor 4-G74. PARTNER In portable sawmill and two trucks: also local hauling of any kind wanted. Tabor 3009. LADIES -Let the Vogue Apparel Exchange seil your used garments and furs. 4UJ A'.isky bldg. Mam 3132. BABY calves wanted. R Curtis. Base Line road, 1 mlli east Montavilla. box 523. . WANTED Wicker baby buggy, second hand: must be in good condition. 1'. O. box 501. Eugene. Or. WANTED Stand or rack for small credit liouka, suitable for meat market. Call Tabor 5S73. WILL accept auto top as part payment on new phongraph. AB 150, Oregonian. Uioilb.6'1 M'UI CASH trices paid for dia monds. Dan Mm x A . 2J," Wash, st. WILL exchange new phonograph for auto tires. B 152, Oregonian. RESPONSIBLE party will store piano for use of same. East 23 1 4. 1 SECOND-HAND portable wood saw; must be in A-l shape. Call 222 Coucn at, SAFE Want small safe. give lowest price and phone. xl feb. oregonian. Furniture Wanted. MARSHALL 6981. "CEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. WE BUY TOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR NITURE FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO SAME DAY; HIGHEST PRICES PAID. WE ARE THE OLDEST. MOST RELIABLE HoL'Shi OF OUR KIND 1-N" PORTLAND. 183 FIRST ST. PHONE MARSHALL 59SL CALL MAIN 300 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE, CAR PETS. ETC YOUR CALL WILL BRING THAI BUiER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO.. 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAILOR. MAIN 3o9. CASH FURNITURE CASH. We need used furniture of all klnda stoves, ranges, rugs, etc., to ship out of town. Will pay higher pncea tnan any local dealer. Call us lor one article or a house fuil and a courteous and com petent buyer will be promptly at your service. Mar. 2093. Crown Furniture Co. ' BE SURE AND LET L'SBEH your lurniture and household goods be fore you sell. We are in the market for same and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 20s FIRST; MAIN 772M. BE WISE CALL MAIN 8951. WE BUY EVERYTHING IN FUR NITURE; WE PAY THE PRICE. 2UO 1ST ST.. S. E. COR. TAYLOR. FREEMAN FURNITURE STORE. WANTED AH kinds used household goo'ds highest cash price paid. Call Waseer'e Furniture Exchange. Main 738. FI'.EE storage for furniture 6 monthi use of bed and dresser. K, D. M. Third street. for 78 V. E NEED SECONLVHAND FURNITURS of any inscription, have the ready cast, phone today. Main 4u27 or 166 First ac FURNITURE wanted; playing tha blggeat price. Call us before you aell; prlvata party. Fhone Aut. 519-64. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all points on household goods. Pacific Coaat b'or warding Co.. 9tn and Hoyt. Bdwy. 703. SELL us your furniture ana rugs. ReUaoia Furniture C3-. 203 2d St. Main 7308. WE BUY used furniture. For best results call Auto. 217-71 or East 240J. WANT to buy used furniture. Call eve-n-ings. Main 3022. WILL take best of care for uae of piano. Broadway 3999. WANTED Used buffet and cb-'na board. AC 114, Oregonian. FOR 8ALI