1 -! THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1920 COMING! 18th A nnual Meier & Frank Doll Show, Oct. 28, 29, 30 $275 in Prizes Inquire at Dollville, Fifth Floor. GIVING PORTLAND LOWER PRICES Every Day and Especially in These Friday urpnse The- QjualitV Store of- Portland MHIER FRASK'S 1601ST FRIDAY StRPHlSE st Sales A Regular October Party of . PRETTY DRESSES $22.45 Tricotine, tricolette, poiret twill, serge and satin frocks. Take your choice at $22.45. An extraordinary collection and far the best we have offered this season at such a small cost. Simple or elaborate styles. Five are pic tured to give you an idea of the variety, al though there are dozens of other models to see if you come early enough Friday. No. 1. Of poiret twill bound with col ored broadcloth and having large buttons and button holes, with a chemisette of broadcloth to match the binding. No. 2. Of tricotine with morocco grain belt and very elaborately embroidered skirt. No. 3. Of good poiret twill with beige chemisette and with skirt, sleeves and cuff embroidered with spaced dots to match the chemisette in color. No. 4. An attractive frock with square neck; made of gabardine with copper col ored embroidery almost covering the skirt back and front. The last dress pictured is of satin with pleated overskirt and beaded bodice. Tricolette frocks are especially interesting in their distinctive straight-line styles. Plenty of black and blue, also a few browns and taupes. Sizes 16 to 44 in this aston ishing special purchase offered as the BIG surprise of this week. t :. , ' Meier & Frank's: Fashion Salons, Fourth Floor. 1S01ST FRIDAY SURPRISE "Good Byes" - Women's Silk Stockings $1.35 Regularly $1.60 to $2.50. Pure thread silk hose with lisle tops In black, white, navy and beige. Good opportunity to choose stocking's for the whole winter season at this new price saving. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. Women's Lisle Stockings $1 Regularly $1.50. These lisle stock ings are nicely mercerized to look a good deal like silk. Full fashioned and with double garter tops. Black and white. They wear well and par ticular women like them. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. French Kid and Suede Gloves $2.27 Broken assortments of colors and sizes in beautiful gloves of very fine quality. Two clasp style with fancy and plain sewn backs. Black, white and colors. - No telephone orders, none on ap proval. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. $1 Less for Warm Sport Scarfs 92.98, regularly S3. 98. angora-like brushed wool scarfs of medium size with tied fringe ends; brown, buff, and Copenhagen with contrasting stripes; excellent for school girls. 3.i8. regularly. $4.98, angora-like brushed wool scarfs in brown, gray and blue heather mixtures; these are almost like coats because they have belts and pockets and are nearly as warm as a wrap. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. 48-Inch Chiffon Velveteen $4.90 Regularly $6 yard. Costume vel veteen with closely woven nap and perfect velvet finish comes at this new reduction Just as the velvet season opens. Beautiful, shades of navy, seal, Malay brown and rich black. It will make luxurious suits, dresses, skirts and coats. Because of the extra width a smaller than usual amount of yardage is required. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. Imported Silk Dress Nets Were $2.50, now S1.95 Were $2.75, now S2.19 Were $3.50, now S2.95 72-ineh all silk dress nets for love ly dancing frocks. Gaily ethereal and yet really quite durable. Pink. Copenhagen, white, rose, jade and many other autumn shades. Net frocks are always especially charm ing when fold after fold of contrast ing color is superimposed one upon the other. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. Second Day of These 2 Super Sales Sale of Men's Suits at $49.75 Regular $65 to $75 Values Sale of Men's Ties at $1.65 Regular $2.50 to $4.50 Values We devoted an entire page to this double event yesterday and so remarkable are the values that we would be justified in devoting another page to these sales today, but 1601st Friday Surprise comes on schedule and must have the right of way. So here we shall have to be content with saying the least that ought to be said about these two events for men. Men's and Young Men's Suits $49.76 We stated at the outset that these were $65 to $75 values because most of the suits are within this price range, but as a matter of fact there were even higher values in the sale when it started yesterday. Every suit is taken from our regular stock, which means that every suit is of standard quality, authentic style and is thoroughly sound in workmanship. Suits from Adler Rochester, Louis Holtz and other cele brated makers of suits for young men and men who stay young the sorts that can be had here only at Style Head quarters in Portland. Finely serviceable fabrics. Single and double-breasted models in styles for men and young men. Sizes 34 to 46, including some stubs and stouts, as well as regulars, but not all sizes in every kind. Meier & Frank's: The Store for Men, Third Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) The Sale of Men's Ties Si 63 Not as many of these ties as we would like, but enough with what we have left of the 5400 that went on sale yes terday and the ties newly added for Friday to provide a splendid selection for those men who come today. Ties of the finest imported and domestic silks and made by Ameri ca's most famous neckwear manufacturei's. Large and medium shape four-in-hands all finished with slip-easy bands. Marvel ties at $1.65 each, or three for $4.75 (no tax). Choice of Any $5 to $6,50 Knit Tie $3.95 Finest knit crochet and French accordion ties from the hand frame and full-fashioned machines of the most cele brated makers. Unrestricted choice of any of these $5 to $6.50 knit ties at $3.95. Meier & Frank's: The Store for Men, Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) MEIER A FRANK'S 101ST I1UDAV SIRFRISE Corduroy Bathrobes $9.85 Were $12.45 and $13.45 Half dozen styles of prettiest kinds of bathrobes made of velvety corduroy in delightful shades of pink, rose, light blue, Copenhagen, purple, lavender and brown. Trimmed with satin and with sashes of the ma terial or with loose backs, moyen-age lines and tasseled sleeves. Plenty warm for chilly evenings and mornings. Sizes for women and misses. Meier & Frank's: Negligee Shop. Third Floor. 511; I KB. & FRANK'S MOIST FRIDAY SURPRISE Center Aisle Bargain Square Sale of NEW $3.50 .Silks $1.98 Charmeuse Satin Duchesse Chiffon Taffeta Three splendid lots of fine silks just arrived from the eastern market. First shipments of the same qualities recently sold out in a day. Larger lots are here now for the customers who were disappointed on the earlier occasions. Charmeuse and satin Duchesse with that souple rich satin feel combined with drape able softness. The charmeuse is 40 inches wide and comes in black, navy and brown. The satin Duchesse is 36 inches wide and comes in black only. ' . Then there is a chiffon taffeta ; a most de sirable taffeta with entirely different finish from most silks of the sort. Rich black only. This quality, too, is full 36 inches wide. Beautiful silks like these will be used for handsome autumn and winter gowns, wraps and separate skirts. Professional and home dressmakers are invited to take advantage of this fine opportunity. ' Meier 4b Frank's: Center Aisle, Main Floor. MEIER FRANK'S 1601ST FRIDAY SURPRISE Silk Shirtwaists Down to $2.45 Do you want something good for very little ? Pongee shirt waists in nat ural color to wear to school or around the house? ' Georgette crepe , in beaded and embroidered styles or with stenciled designs? . Meier & Frank's: Waist Snop. Fourth Floor. Of course none of them was made to sell at this small price but sFriday Surprise Sales bring . SURPRISES! Broken size assortments for women and misses. White, flesh, taupe and blue in the lot. You Can Buy These. Blouses Friday and Saturday While the Quantity Lasts Boys' Blouses Regular $2.25 to $4.50 Values 2 for $3.50. The famous Kaynee (K. & E.) and Boy Blue makes. Every blouse guaranteed fast color or a new blouse free. Every one newly reduced. ' Quite exceptional qualities madras, satin- striped madras, fancy-striped sateen and fiber silks. Attractive light and dark patterns. All sizes 6 to 16 in the sale, but not all sizes in every kind. Meier A Frank's: The Store for Boys. Third Floor. MEIER 4. FRANK'S 1001 ST FRIDAY SVRPRI3E On the Center Aisle, Main Floor Wonderful ALL-WOOL SLIPONS 1.98 One of the most astonishing special purchases of the season. Half of them are slipons, others are coat sweaters with long or short sleeves. Wear them under your suit coat and see how snug and warm they make you feel. Plain col ors or trimmed with black. With and without sashes. At $1.98 they are as cheap as one could knit them one could hardly get the yarn for that much. - Kelly green, nilef pink, white Copenhagen, salmon, American beauty, peacock, cherry, buff, black and turquoise. Meier & Frank's: Center Aisle. Main Floor. MEIER A FRANK'S lBOlST FRIDAY SIRTRISE Save $17.50 on a Hartmaim Were $75, Now $57.50 Shiny, black, fiber-covered, strong, full-size Hartmann wardrobe trunks ingeniously devised to hold one's- entire wardrobe and carry it to its destination, far or near, with perfect safety. Each trunk has five drawers, 11 clothes hangers, including 3 princess dress hangers, a shoe box, laundry bag. These trunks have an open-top velvet cushion which holds hangers and clothes securely, pre venting clothes wrinkling. A patent bar locking device locks "all drawers with one operation. Extremely good looking outside and inside. Meier & Frank's: Lusgage Shop. Sixth Floor. 1 it i