THE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1920 19 EUROPE IS DUMPING EARLY APPLE CROP Boxed Shippers Must Await Clearing of Market. PRICES AT PRESENT WEAK Cheap Stock Will Last Until Early In November American Ship men is to England. The prices of apples on the English market are dropping, according to a cablegram from the American agricultural trade commission at London. The London market ts flooded with Italian. French, Swiss. Canadian and American apples and the supply is not expected to clean up before next month, when there should be a better opening for western .boxed fruit. The American commissioner cabled on October 11: "Cheap varieties from European supplies are now glutting the market and will last on til early November. The supply of American apples is plentiful. The total landed and afloat amounts to about 125.OO0 barrels. Prices in the various markets are: "Covent Garden market: York Imperials old f8.&0-2? 10.50 per barrel, conversion , being made according to rate of exchange prevailing October 8, when a shilling was worth 17 6-10 cents. Hubhardstons and Baldwins, $S.S0t 10TG; all were good quality. 'Pudding Lane market: York Imperials, I O.r.rt 12.14. mostly $10.91 to $11.44; wasty stock, $S.4.'?r 10.21 ; Hubhardstons and Tompkins Kings. $10.iHi; Mcintosh, $7.S08.SO; Maiden Blush, $1.(W; Wolf Rivers. $S.S0; Baldwins and Ben Davis. 18.27y tuts. "Liverpool prices somewhat lower; Ben Travis ranged $S10fSS; Yellow Nw towns. $0.rt3-Jr 12.32: Oanop. $!.riO(fr n.fiR: Wealthy. $C..G0 S.9S : Baldwins. $7.04 f? 8.80; Greenings, $".: ft 7.02; Tompkins Kings. $a.3.1fi 10.74; York Imperials. S.S0 11.07. Manchester market: Graven steins brought $7.7-4 fe 8.27 ; Tompkins Kings. $11.07; Wealthys. SS.4514.OS; York Imperials, $10.otifjl3.3S; Oldenburgs, 10.r12.r0. 'Glasgow market: Wealthys sold $7.I2 8.10 barrel ; $3.34 $ 4.22 per box; Wolf Rivers, $3.S7 ft 4.57 box ; Tompkins Kings. $9.M barrel." Apple buying in the Pacific northwest has quieted down for the time being. Conditions at eastern shipping points are wired as follows: Martlnsburg, W. Va.: Demand very alow; market dull; very few sales; car loads t. o. b. usual terms ; wire orders; carloads f. o. b. shipping point accept ance; barrels, A2H up, York Imperials, . $3.50 4 mostly $3.503.73. Rochester, X. Y.: Haul I rigs heavy; de mand limited; market steady; carloads f. o. b, usual terms; A2 R, I. Greenings. 20-ounce, mbstly $3.r0 3. 75; Baldwins, 4.00(3 4.25; Tompkins Kings, J4.2vg 4.50. BUYING OF MODERATE VOLUME Bid Prices Are S to 6 Cents Lower on Local Exchange. A moderate amount of buying was re ported in the country wheat market. Bid prices on the local board were lower in sympathy with the east. Declines were 2 cents on hard white, 3 cents on white club, 5 cents on soft white, northern spring and red walla and 6 cents on hard winter The coarse grains were generally firmer, white oats bids were raised $11.50 and November gray oats $1. Barley offers were $11.5Q higher. Eastern corn was unchanged. The Idaho crop report puts the spring wheat crop at 15,450,000 bushels and winter wheat at 5,008.000 bushels, a total oi Ji,3b4.UU0 bushels against 18.705,000 bushels last year; oats S.SUO.OOO bushels against 7,700.000 bushels and barley 4.104, 000 bushels against 3,300. 000 bushels. New York reports 20.000 barrels of flour worked to Constantinople and 10,000 bar rels to Germany. Chicago sold 200.000 bushels of corn yesterday for export. Broomhail estimates Argentine ship ments this week at 185.000 bushels of wheat, 2.400,000 bushels of corn and 560, 000 bushels of oats. Terminal receipts, in cars, were reported by the Merchants Exchange as follows: Portland Wheat.Barlev.Floiir oat Thursday .... 31 9 1 -l ' 1 25 J 3 4 3 208 447 Tear ago . . 53 Bea n to date. 53X7 Year ago ..3229 Tacoma Wednesday .. S3 Year ago . . 27 Sea n to date. 1223 Year ago . .2123 Seattle Wednesday ....55 Year ago . . 18 Eea'n to date. 1007 Year ago . . loss 62 107 187 1029 501) 2 264 11 4 312 324 14 4 ! 505 26 52 58 01 2 12 99 236 S 110 230 99 121 CUBE BITTEB MARKET IS STEADY Sellers Not Disponed to Make Wide Cut in Prices. Print butter went out yesterday at the -eent decline and the market was active, mit cuibe sellers were not disposed to make ruch a cut in prices. Some of them held at 58 cents,- but there were other sellers at 57 cents. Fresh eggs continued very scarce and the market was firm, but without change In buying or selling prices. Poultry receipts were moderate and eleaned up at. former quotations. Dressed meats were firm' with Bales of pork at 23 cents. SUGAR ONE DOLLAR SACK LOWER Jobbers Put Refinery Decline Into Imme diate Effect. A decline of $.1 a hundred In refined sugar prices was announced by the Cali fornia refiners yesterday. Local jobbers immediately put the decline into effect here, absorbing the drop on such stocks as they carried. The new wholesale prices are $12 on cane and $11.S0 on beet. NEW YORK, Oct. 14. Raw sngar quiet. Refined unchanged at 11 cents for fine granulated. less Wheat Ilrld by Farmers. The department of agriculture estimated stocks of wheat in the United States on October 1 at 6OS.000.00O bushels versus 747.000.000 bushels last year. Of this 477 - U lfl IIAA 1 I 1 . . . - v.'i,w,v uuBi.ria is oeia oy rarmers. 102, OOO.itno busils at elevators and terminals and 27.000,000 bushels at other points of accumulation. Last year the farmers held 315.ono.oo0 bushels, mills and elevators 142.0OO.000 bushels and other points 90. 0O0.000 bushels. The crop this year, plus carryover. Is estimated at 79S.0OO.000 bush els, or about 17 percent less than last year. England Likes Oregon Prunes. Oregon prunes are great favorites wlA the English people on account of their tartness, and it is estimated that about one-half of the 1920 crop will be exported to Great Britain, according to the Amer ican consul at Kingston. Canada. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Cleartnirs. Balances. Portland fll.K45.Kn4 $1.655.S!2 Seattle 9.961. t29 1,176.421 Tacoma 1.446.3:19 J30.901 Spokane 3,166.974 808,241 Frost Stiffens California Prices. oar of Sacramento tomatoes in lugs earn lA featarday and will be olfered to- J day at $2 42.25. A car of Tokay grape also arrived. Frost and rairra in California have made both the tomato and gxape markets firmer there. Thre car of Florida grapefruit are en route and the firat will arrive early in the week. The increased freight rate will heiip make prices higher than last year. FOKTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain, 1 lour. Feed. Etc Merchants' Kxchaage, noon aenalon. Wheat Ort. Nov. Hard white $ 2.13 $ 2.13 Ptft white 2.3 2.05 White club 2 . tM 2 . o i Hard winter .j 2 O'l Northern spring 2.t2 22 Red Walla 1.US 1.08 Oata No. 2 white 44.00 44.50 No. 2 gray-. .. 41. 0U 42. OO Uari Brewing 4".iS 45.00 Standard feed 44. OO 44 50 iliilrun 4&.50 4J.U0 Corn No. 3 K. Y. shipmont 44.50 43.50 No. 3 Y. delivery 45.00 44. 00 FLOUR Family patents. $11. SO; baker hard wheat, $11. -0; baker's bluest em patents, $1 1.23; valley. $10. whole wheat, $U.M; graham. $0.60. MlLLFKtU Prices f. o. b. mill: Mill run, $50 per ton ; rolled barley, (55 f- tf 1 ; rolled bats, $53; scratcn feed, $75 per ton. CORN whoie, $til; cracked, $04 per ton. " HAY Buying prices, f. o. b. Portland ; Alfalfa, $2324; cheat, V-1&22; clover $22; valley timothy, new, $27t3. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras, 57c per lt. I prints, parchment wrapped, m box lot. 5!c per - pound; cartons, liOc. half more; buttertat. No. I. 53 to 54c per lo. at sia lion.s; 5tc Portland delivery. EUGS liujing price, case count. 62 65c; jolibiiiif prices to retailors, candied, o j iv Tile ; MuicCld, 'i 4c. CliEESE li.lamook, f. o. b. Tillamook. Tnpk'ife, 31c; Vouitg America, 8-c. PUULTRV liens, 176:Jbc; iprings. 25 tf 30c; UucKa, 25 (u -c, gcee. uuuknai, tur keys, noir.mal. PORK J?aiicy, 23$-'23V&c per pound. VlJ.-i.l-, fiill), W7JC p.:f pOUUtl. Fruits and Vegetables. APPLES Delicious, extra fancy, $3.30 &. $4 ; fancy, $.i w 3. 4'5; coinujneU Uncy -end choice, $2.75 i.oO ; orchard run. $5.-o. JonaLhund, extra fancy, $ 2. 2b (& 3.75; fancy, $1. iiii 3 2; caoice, l.t s-2 1 5 ; orcnat d run, J(iJ.33. Northern Spy, lancy, $2.40 Cx 3; choice, 2.1tKa j.ou; orciiard run, $2.25 Ou.2.75. Rome BeauLy, extra fancy, 3.25 (jj3.5i; combined ian:y and choice, -2.5u 3; orchard run, $2.35. Winter Banaiia, extra fancy, $3 U 3.70; fancy, 2.7o&3.-jO; choice, $2.25 U 3 ; juinblu pacit. $2 &2.2a. Ivin, orciiard run, $1. V5 u 2. U agum, or chard run, wrapped and packed, $1.4iid 2.75. OTHER FRUITS Oranges, $14(39.25; lemons, $4.5uft5.50 per box; grape-fruit, $5 (a io per bo.; bananas, 12 tel'-ifac per t'uund; cantaloupes, :.Wiiio per urate; wa-iexmeluns, i (i c per pound; peaches, $ ti 2.50 per box ; casaba , 2 Vs 4t 3 c per 'b. ; grapes, $2 (ii 3 per crate, nf. 1 jC per puunu, per basket; pears, $2 a 3-50 per box; nucktitotrries, 17 22u per pound.; era wberri es, $ 5 per box. V tiuhlTABLKa Caooage. 2 i 2 VsC per pound ; lettuce. $22.9 per crate; cucum bers. tiUftjJboc per uozen; carrots, $2 253 2.50 per sack; garlic, 30c; tomatoes, $2y 2.25 per iUg , becL, per back , t.i mps. 3 per sack, cgpiant. 12VaC per pound, green corn, 25(3uc perdozeu; caulif lo wer. 1.7lf'3.00 per dozen; celery, i ictttl-lu per uuzan;, green peppers, i012c pei pound. Pul'ATOBS Oregon. $1.75(&;2.25 per 100 pound ; Yaltima, $2.25; eet potatoes, 5Vl per pound. ONIONS Oregon yellow. $1.752.25 per sack; California brown, $2.26 per mck. pickling, bioc per pound. Staple G rocerles. Local Jobbing quotations: SUGAR Sack basis: Cane, granulated 12c per pound ; beet sugar, ll.SOc per pound. HONEY New. $7.50 (8 per case. NUTS Walnuts, 22&38c: Brazil nuts. 35c; filberts, 30 35c ; almonde, 35c; pea nuts, 14ffl5c; cocoanuts, $2.50 per dozen RICfc; Blue Rose, 11 He per pound. BEANS Small white, 07c; large white, ttc; pink, 7 Vc; lima, 10 c pei pound; bayous, 11c. COFFEfc! Roasted In drums, 25 40c per pound. Pro vLs ions. Local Jobbing quotations: HAMS All sizes. 4346c; skinned. 42 4Sc; picnics. 27c; cottage roll, 35c. LARD Tierce basis, 27 Vsc. shortening. 20c per pound. DRY SALT Short, clear backs, 26 30c per pound . plates, 22c. BACON Fancy. 45056c; standard, 33 if 44c per pound Wool, Caiicara, Ktc MOHAIR Long Staple, 25c per pound, short staple, 15c per pound. TALLOW No. 1, Sc per pound. No. 2, Cc per pound. CAHCAKA BARK Per pound, gross weight, old peel, 9c; new peel. oc per pound. WOOL All grades nominal. HOPS Oregon. 1020 crop. 3538c per pound- Oils. LlXSEED OIL Raw. barrels. $1.34. drums. $1.41; cases, $1.40. Boiled, barrels, $1.30: drum&, $1.43; cases, $1.51. TUKPENT1NK Tanks. 1.1; cases. $1.90. COAL OIL Tank wagons and iron bar rels. 17c: 30337c. FUEL OIL Bulk. $2.35 per barrel. GASOL1N1S Tauk, wagons and iron bar rels. 21ic; cases. 41 c. Hides and reits. All prices nominal, owing to unsettieu condition of eastern markets. SAX FRANCISCO PRODCCE MARKE'l Prices Current on Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc., at liay City. JAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 14. Butter Ex tra firsts, 59c; prime firsts, D9c Eggs t resh extras, 8oc. dirties. 70c. extra pullets, 67c; undersized, 59 c. Cheese Flats, fancy, 31c; Young Am erica, firsts, Joe. igplant. 501r75c: summ-.. squash, 75c 41 $1: potatoes, river white, $2.40 2 60; sweets, 3.3c: onions, yellow. 90c t$l; Australian brown, $13rl.25, white $1. 5022; green onions. $1 75fa'2; beans 4iic. lima, 9frl2c; bell peppers, 75i90c; tomatoes. .oc ' . i J.J : cucumoers. celery, 3?'4c crate; green corn, $232.54 cai'Iitlower, $1 uozen . uahbaKe. lc pound beets, carrots, turnips, $1.50(1.75 sack peas. 15(?i'1Sc. Poultry Hens, large, colored 37tff'40.: small. 32ft.35c: White Leghorn, large. 3' 32c; small, 37f(i3ic; strictly young roos ters. 3SB?41c; old, 22fii24c; fryers, 3840c broilers. SOr-Vx:. ducks. 274i30c; ol! pigeons, $3$3.50; squabs, 65 4 75c; Bel gian hares, live. 20 ff 22c. Fruit- Strawberries, 0OcSfl.40; canta loupes, $1.50,'d2; Valencia oranges, JOlf1 8.00: lemons. $2 4.25; grape fruit. $3.00 &'4T-50; peaches. $2(3; plums and prunes, $2r2.2o; pears, bartieti, 93.outa4.oo grapes, seedless, .ifa)a.ou; apples, isen flower. $1.50(S1.60; bananas', lollc; cran berries. $13 no 14. Receipts Flour. 46SO quarters; barley. 586 centals; beans, 76S sacks, potatoes. S970 sacks; onions, 705 sacks; hay, 150 tons; hides, 55 rolls; oranges, 500 boxes; livestock, 550 head. Coffee Futures Still Decline. NEW YORK, Oct. 14. There was fur ther decline In the market for coffee fu tures today, owing to a renewal of Decem ber liquidation in the continued absence of any important support and scattering liqui dation accompanied by talk of slightly easier firm offers from Santos. The open ing was 2 to 5 points lower and active months sold 12 to 16 points below last nisht's closing figures with December touching 6.61c ana Aiay y.ooc curing tne early afternoon. There were slight rallies later on covering with the market closing at a net decline of 4 to 10 points. October, 6.37c; December, 6.67c; January, 6.92c; March. 7.42c; May, 7.72c; July, 7.92c; Sep tember. 8 10c. Spot coffee quite; Rio 7s, 7c; Santos 4s, llS12c. Cotton Market. XEiW YORK. Oct. 14. Cotton, spot, quiet; middling. 22 50e WE OFFER A COMPLETE SERVICE In Designing and Building Commercial and Industrial BUILDINGS ERTZ & WEGMAN GENERAL CONTRACTORS. 661 flTTOCK BLK. STOCK MARKET STROiERjiiSli IXDVSTRIAL -AND AtTOMOBILE ISSUES ADVANCE. Redemptiou of Anglo-Frencb Loan Today Is Leading Monetary Fac v tor Bond Sales Reduced. I NEW YORK. Oct. 14. Conflicting i-le. ments of domestic and foreign origin com- ! and foreign origin com- ! jut further irrtularity t jca exchange tuUay. al- ! tronu tone ruled at tne ! omeu 10 oring ab of prices on the iitoc though a firm to stro fairly active finish. Redemption tomorrow of the Anglo French toUu.00u.UUU loan was a factor of pr.mary importance in the money market. Cail loans established the highest initial rate of many weeks at l per cent, subse quently repeating yesterday's performance by closing at 10 per cent. This was not the only drain on local re sources, however, banks and other finan cial institut.ons sending large additional sums to Cuba, where the moratorium seems to have reduced virtually all business to a cash basis. British exchange eased only slightly and the Bank of England's, weekly statement show-ed utrengthening of its liability re serves. Latest domestic advices pointed anew to further readjustment in the more im portant branches of industry, such as the steel and textile trades. Proof of a sound investment position was afiorded by the success attending the Sears, Roebuck SoO.uuti.OOO note issue. Kails, shippings and oils comprised the more uncertain features, steels, equipments and motors representing the stronger is sues. Salts were oo.UOu shares. The bond market was comparatively dull on reduced dealings. lomestic issues, including liberties, were slightly easier and internationals were irregular. Total sales (par value). $14,375,000. Old United Stated bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Last Sales. High. Low. 75 75 lie. Am Beet Sugar American tan Ain Car Ac Fily Am il ,fc L l'id M0 1.4UO 2H0 1.1X10 u.l 00 1.000 32 56 73 97 5'J lo4 00 its U 74 II 5 o.s 144 114 47 71 26 126 41 85 67 42 b2 30 24 34 83 132 34 1S 140 18 88 34 94 43 h 5s 75 25 22 187 18 14t 39 2S 64 11 81 34 lO0 0O 3 8S 43 36 14 99 79 77 49 37 100 32 105 50 50 23 67 11 127 49 84 73 79 8S 108 57 So 47 11 135 u in 13 1 Am Inter Corp 73 71 96 103 !!, !'H 72 IUi 50 87 1 43 113 40-? 70 26 120 40-s 79 67 41 2i :; 24 34 .S3 13 1 33 1-1 130 17 87 34 !4 43 71 17 74 24 22 185 1X 13 30 2S 64 11 80 34 ! 00 3 87 43 30 14 90 86 4S 31 oo 30 105 56 49 21 6C .11 126 42 84 72 78 87 ios. 56 85 40 10 rVmerican Loc-o ,m snu & His Americun Sug A:n Sum Too 1.000 104 MM) IKJ-i, A in Tel & Tel 'J00 Am woolen... oH) 74 11 50ii 144 115 48 714 26 127 41 S5 liij. 42 S2 :;:' 25 34 S4 132 34 19 140 1-S bN 34 "'41, 43 V. 7 2l-4 1SU 7.1 25 TJ. ls Am Z L & s. . 200 .uaconua Cop o,400 Atchison .'. . . 0t0 All U & W In 3oo liaidwin Loco 17.2O0 .iUi & Ohio 5.o Hetme steel a B.auo 100 4.7.W) 3.1100 0. 1 00 1.200 l.loo SlO 1.400 3.1110 200 1.500 3.."iOO 1. IOO 2.. .00 Ciil Petroleum nada Pacific Ci-.nlfl Leather (handier itrs Chesta & Ohio Chi -Vlil & st P Chi &. S V ... Chi 11 I & Pa Cliino Copper. . Colo rl ol Iron Corn Products Crucible Steel Cuba Cane Sug t,rie Ciener Klectric 3vl0 General Motors 14. oo Oen North Pfd 2.SO0 l,l Nr Or ctts ooo 20O Illinois Central Inspira Copper Int M -Ma Pfd 2.0O0 2, .MM) 1,2110 400 50O 3.1NI0 0,500 Interna Nickel Interna Paper Kan cty South Kenne Copper Alex Petroleum Miami Copper 10 15 39 2S 64 11 &1 34 lOl UO? 4 43 37 14 IOO 7'J 77 40 31"4 10OV 32 1(15 50 50 23 67 11 127 40 84 73 Ss 10S 57 85 47 11 Mid States oil 17.100 Mid vale Steel 2.5UO Missouri Pacif 1,1100 Montana Power 300 400 6.600 2.100 1.0OO 1.IHI0 Nevada Copper .n 1 central . . N Y N 11 & H Nor & Western Northern Pac Ok Prd & Rfg 500 Pan-Am Petrol 11.2(H) Pennsylvania.. 2,h(H) Pitts 4c W Va 1.0O0 Hay Con Cop 2O0 Heading . . . . la.ioo Rep lr & Seel 11.200 Royal D N Y 3,500 Shell Tr & Td 30 Sin Oil & Rfg 3.200 outhern Pac t. ioo Southern Ry.. 14.700 S O N J Pfd 2.U0O Stude Corpora 10.I0O Texas Co 3,800 Texas & Pac 0.5OO Tobacco Prdts 1.700 Trancontin Oil 1.500 1 nion Pacific U S Food Pdts U S Ind Alco U S Rtl Stores U S Rubber.. 3.000 1.IM10 1.000 1.51H) 3.9O0 14.O0O 300 3.200 1O0 1.100 6.200 U S Steel.. p S Steel Pfd Utah Copper. . Western Lnlon West Klectric Willys-Over Id. BONDS. U S Lib 3s. 92.301 A T r T cv 6s. 96 89.3o;Atch gen 4s.... 77 89.10 Ti & R G con 4s 67 89.50 N Y C deb 6s... 92 do 1st 4s do 2d 4s do 1st 4s. do 2d 4s...89.14'N P 4s 78 do 3d 4s. . .90.52 N P 3s 58 do 4lh 4s. ..89.18;Pac T & T 5s... 85 Victory 3s .. .90.00 Pa con 4 s. . . S9 do 4S 96.02 S f cv .18 102 U S 2s reg lOI'ilSo Ry 5s 89 do coupon .."101 .U P 4s 80 U S 4s reg llli'i.U S Steel os 93 do coupon ..105J Pan 3s reg '77 I Bld. do coupon . ..77 I Analo-Fr 5s . 90 I Mining; Stacks at Boston. BOSTON, Oct. 14. Closing quotations: Allouez 23'North Butte ... 14 Ariz Com 8 Old Dom 22 Calu & Ariz... 65jO-ceola 82 Calu & Hecla. .250 HJuincy 42 Centennial .... 9 Superior . 4 Cop Range 33 Sup & Boston.. 2 East Butte ... 10 I Shannon 1 Franklin 2 1-16; Ktah Con 6 Isle Royalle ... 23 (Winona 30 Lake Copper... 2. Wolverine 12 Mohawk 66 IGreene Can .... 27 Foreign Exchange Rates. Foreign exchange rates, at close of busl hess yesterday, furnished by Northwestern National bank of Portland. The amount quoted is the equivalent in United States dollars: Country and foreign unit Rate. Austria, kronen f .0038 Belgium, francs O097 Pulgarl.i. leva .0140 r"zecho-KlovRkia, kronen 0127 Denmark, kroner .1390 Rnclnnd. potinas sterling .......... J.487i Finland, finmark O270 Fmnce. francs 0058 Clermany. marks t 0147 Greece, drachmas 096." Holland, guilders anno Hungary, kronen OO30 Italy, lire 0:104 .Tugo-Slavia, kronen ,0o82 Norway, kroner .1370 Portugal, escudos 1708 Roumania. lei ,0184-i Serbia, dlnara .9328 Spain, pesetas .1450 Sweden, kroner 19C8 Switzerland, francs 1595 China Hongkong, local currency... .7225 Shanghai, taels 1.0350 Japan, yen .5150 Poland, Polish marks. 0O40 NEW YORK, Oct. 14. Exchange easy. Sterling, demand $3.48. cables $3.49; francs, demand 6.55. cables 6.57; Belgium, francs, demand 6.90, cables 6.92; guilders, demand 31.00, cables 31.10; lire, demand 3.90, cables 3.92; marks, demand 1.45. ca bles 1.46: Greece, demand 9.60; New York exchange onMontreal, 10 per cent. Foreign Bonds. Furnished by Overbeck & Cooke com pany of Portland. Bid. Ask. Russian S'H. 1921 24 28 FACTS SfO. K4. A BUSINESS BAROMETER! I. and In a certain part of the country that was worth 15.00 per acre durtns; 111 doubled in value as soon as the announcement was made that the road over which the products of this land would paaa was to be paved jrrith WARRENITE BITULITHIC WAHHEJi BaOTHKRS CO. 24 27 120 iV.) 4H esvi 60 50 4'. 75 45 B7V4 V4 17 17 17 ltt 43 1 ' 17 21 19 5S14 ' 75 74 94 loo P4 !."VS 92 81 , French 4s. 15117. r rencn itm, l!'jt Italian 6.1. lni.s British Sa. 1D22 British .is. 1S27 . British 5s. 1829 . British vky 4e. . uritisn rer 4s. . Belgium rest Us 4 V Belgium prem s.... German V. L.. us.... Berlin 4s IS IS 1T li4 IS la 14 ; Hamburg 4s. ........ Hamburg 4s ...... Le!psig4t48 ........ leipslg rs tunich 4s .......... Munich 5s 17 Frankfort 4s 17 . - - ; 57 J"" ' ? . ,4, Z 4 i?t' - ?a ,, Frankfort 4s. Paris 6s 94 4 Anulo-French 5s ... U. K. 5i:.s. HI21 . XT. K. 1!I22.... V. K. 5 Mi a. 1!29 U. K. 5MiS, 11)37 . . -or, K . . 2 . . 87 Money, Silver, Ktc Tnnv" n 1 1 1 -i I tile p.per. unchanged. Time loans, steady, unchanged. Call money, strong; High IO, low 9, rul ing rate 9, closing bid , offered at Hi. last loan IO. Bar silver, domestic, unchanged; for eign. 8Hc Mexican dollars, 65'4e. LONDO;, Oct. 14. .Bar silver. 55'4d per ounce. Money and discount, unchanged. Seattle Graiit Market. SEATTLE, Oct. 14. Wheat, hard white, soft white, white club, red winter and northern spring, 92.10; hard winter. $2.12; red Walla. fl.UO; eastern Walla, $2. OS; Big Bend bluestem. $2.30. Feed Scratch feed, $79 ton; feed wheat, $85; all grain chop, $67; oats, $58-; sprout ing oats. $B3: rolled "tats. $30; whole corn, $!."; cracked corn, $07; rolled barley, $B2; clipped barley, $67. Hay Alfalfa, $30 ton; double com pressed alfalfa. $3G; ditto timothy, $42; eastern Washington mixed. $30. Swift & Co. Stocks. Closing prices of Swift & Co. stocks at Chicago were reported by Overbeck A Cooke company of Portland as follows: Swift & Co 106 Switf International 20 Libby. McNeil A Libby 11 National Leather 9 Metal Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 14. Copper, nominal. Producers not quo'ting. Small sales of electrolytic reported in the open trade around 17c. Iron and antimony, unchanged. Tin. weak; &pot and nearby, 39c; fu tures, 40c. Lead, easy; spot, 7.407.73c. Zinc, easy. East St. Louis spot. 7.20 7.40c. Eastern Dairy Prodnce. CHICAGO. Oct. 14. Butter Higher; creamery, 4054c. Eggs Unchanged; receipts 4044 cases. NEW YORK, Oct. 14. Butter Steady; unchanged. Eggs Irregular; unchanged. Cheese Unsettled; unchanged. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH, Ga., Oct. 14. Turpentine, nothing doing; last sale October 9 at $1.19; receipts, 28; shipments, 263; stock, 19.863. Rosin, firm; sales, 432; receipts, 749; shipments. 2750: stock, 48.670. Quote: BDEFGHIKMN WO WW f 10.82. Dried Fruit at New Turk. NEW YORK. Oct. 14. Evaporated ap ples, dull. Prunes, unsettled. Peaches, quiet. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Oct. 14. Maximum temper ature, 5S degrees; minimum, 50 degrees. River reading, 8 A. M., 6.5 feet; Change in lat 24 hours, none. Total rainfall (5 P. M. 5 P. B.), .42 inch: total rainfall Blnce September 1. 1920. 6.86 inches; normal rainfall since September 1, 3.49 Inches: ex cess of rainfall since September 1. 1920, 3.37 inches. Sunrise. 6:2T A- M.; sunset, 5:27 P. M. Total sunshine, 3 hours 4i minutes; possible sunshine. 11 hours. Moon rise, 9:14 A. M. ; moonset.. 7:04 P. M. Barometer (reduced to sea level), 5 P. M.. 29.97 inches. Relative humidity, 5 A. M., 92 per cent; noon, 68 per cent; 6 P. M., 80 per cent. a THE WEATHER. Wind 22 STATIONS. Baker 3S! 54j .Sol 60 4S0.1Sl..jW 620.13. .SB 7N'0.0Oi. .INW 56IO.0OI . .18 Cloudy BoiFe Boston Katn Clear Calgary Pt. cloudy Chicago S(0.OO 14 S near Rain Rain Cloudy Denver res Moines. .1 Eureka 3S 56 0.20 XE sw NW OHi 70 0.61 . . 4S' 5S 0.1SI. . 70( 8S 0.00. . Galveston . . . N SW .Pt. cloudy Helena ..... Juneauf . . . . Kansas City. 32 520.01jl6 Cloudy Rain Rain SE 62 : 1.02,24 SB L.os AnPles.. lit 7610.001. . rw Clfar Marshfield Mt-dford . . Mtnenapolle 4S 5S 0.4SI. . W 44 500.10i. . NW 62 62 0. 02 . . N tWl A4IO IUV IS 17! Cloudy Rain Cloudy New Orleans. New York. . . ICIoar Clear 5sl 82 O.OollOiNW North Head..; 48; 54:0.30 14 W 44i 7!0.0u. .W 36! 50:o.O0;16S 471 5M0.42 6'W Clear iClear Phoenix . Pocatello -Portland . Roseburg . Sacramento fit. Iouis. . Salt Lake. Sloudy Pt cloudy I 481 58IO. 18 . .(.W IJtatn 44 1 72 O.00 . .IKE 64i S2l0.0ui20!.S 30, 54 0.00 . AS Clear ICiear Pt. cloudy Clear San DieK'o . .. San Fran.... Peattl SltkaT Spokane Tac-ima Tatoceh Isl.. Valdeat Walla Walla. Washington. Winnipeg ... Yakima 52 7410.00 14INW 54 68 0.00'16:W 44 52!0.17il8S Clear IPt. cloudy 32 !t40!0.88.-.E wain 5C0 . ooi 1 o: XW IClear 48f 54!.l10iSW Pt. cloudy iPt. cloudy 60 54.0.32 14 W 24iJ42,0.0Oj. . jNE Clear 461 58;0.14i. .IW IClear oi 82,0.00 . .In Clear Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy 44; 6(0.00. .NE ..! 62,0.0010;SW tA. M. today. tP. M. report precedine; day. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Rain; southwest erly winds. Oregon and Washington Rain, west por tion; fair in east portion; moderate south westerly winds. EDWARD I,. WETXS, Meteorologist. ...20 . . . 2:! ...115 . . . B7 ... 4fi ...86 . .. 27 . . . zr.n ...330 . . . K30 . . . 2r.3 M ontgomery Ward Warehouse Corporation N Bonds are secured by a first closed mortgage, and .in addi tion are unconditionally guaranteed, both as to principal and interest, by Montgomery Ward & Co., Inc., of Illinois,- the oldest mail order house in the United States. Maturities from 1922 to 1930, inclusive. Price to Yield 7 Descriptive Circular upon request. Girvin& Miller Government, Municipal and Corporation Bonds - Baillargeon Building, Seattle . San Francisco Santa Barbara "" -Los Angeles ... m M. Iladd &tilton iS 1 BANK. : I 1 m S i w i m 1 m m a w PRICE 97.34 AND INTEREST Yielding 7 Per Cent $25,CG0 Province of Alberta, Canada 4V o Bonds . Dated Dec. 1, 1918 Due Dec. 1, 1923 PRICE 92.35 AND INTEREST Yielding 7.25 Per Cent $15,CG0 Province of Alberta, Canada yzfo Bonds Dated Feb. 1, 1914 Due Feb. 1, 1924 PRICE 91.95 AND INTEREST Yielding 7.25 Per Cent Full descriptive circulars on above issues furnished on application. BOND DEPARTMENT Ladd & Tilton Bank 1EMB6R"- CFEDERAL RESEB .SYSTEM. iiinilniSrgJrtnrairQJfaifi SALES DEPRESS WHEAT EASTERN TRADERS FORCE CHI CAGO LOWER. Future of World's Market Will De pend Largely on Slie of Crop In Argentina. .tiTii.n n.l llA.ln nrices aV- .niAuoi - erased lower today, influenced by heavy selling or wneat ana corn un .ia a leading eastern trader. .Wheat closed nervous at 1V to SHi net decline, with December 12.07 to 12.08. and March J" 03 to J2.03. Corn finished c oft to 2 i c up ana oais uwwi n v v - n.,tnmM In orovlsions was a rio from 25c to 7c Acceptance- oi ucwibu - to tno government iui serve bad depressing effect on wheat . . h 1. . . . tnHmsriAni I n n T values at tne oulbcu. uu 7 : some export business was in progress led to a quiclc upturn. Then cams a rush of selling orders from the east and through out the remainder of the session the buy ing side was at a disadvantage. Receipts were small. ' . . Corn and oats were ioi the action of wheat. - ' Forecast of a falling off November 1 in the total of warehouse stocks here gave a lift to provisions. Th Chicago market letter, received yes terday by Overbeck si Cooks company of FDWheattfrted easy on selling Inspired by the special government report sent yes terday wmcn thereafter the market was erratic, but was compelled to digest a large amount of selling pressure, which caused a decline . of about 7c from the high point. Dunns , the last hour a strong tone developed and a rood part of the loss was recovered. , What little news there was seemed to be j mostly of a character '"",'"""" advance. Exporters were reported in the market after having taken good quanti ties yesterday. Outside cash markets were Irregular, the southwest reporting slightly lower prices and a moderate Increase In country selling, while in the northwest the demand was good and prices higher. Local spot offerings, were small and premiums well maintained. The world wheat situation for the coming year can be analyzed as be ing dependent upon the outcome of the Argentine crops. If the latter should come through satisfactorily there will be suffi cient wheat to satisfy all needs, but. on the other hand, should anything happen to the southern hemisphere, economy will be come necessary. At present our domestic market appears to be in a position for a decline. ... Corn Market was weak during the fore noon, but offerings were well taken and closed strong. A decrease in corn offer ings was reported and spot offerings held on a firm basis, aided by an improvement In the eastern shipping demand, as well as some sales for export. In conneatlon with export possibilities. attention is being called to the relative cheapness of Amer ican corn as compared with Argentine, and IV is not improbable that this buying of the past few days may prove the fore runner of a larger foreign demand for feed grain than we have seen in several months. " : ollt!1 Displayed" a weak tone and sold early under the pressure of what appeared to be hedging sales. The market later turned firm with other grains. The -chhIi market did not follow the decline in fu tures, but held on a firm basis. There is practically nothing to give this market individuality and it is to ' be expected, therefore, that prices will fluctuate in a .moderate way in sympathy with corn. Provisions Advanced on a -moderate vol- 5 I We Own and Offer Subject to Prior Sale: $50,000Province of Ontario, Canada ' 6 Bonds Dated-October 1, 1920 Due October 1. 1S23 iSt m m S S m i si 1 i . tin m i I 5 5 i I Oldest in the Northwest 51 ume of buying;, which met limited offer ings. There was nothing in the way of news to account for the upturn, and In view of the bearish outlook we doubt that prices cn be maintained. Leading futures rangeU as follows: WHEAT. Open. Hsgh. Lew. Close. Dec 2.1K14 2.1I4 t2.(V4(4 2.07i March.. 2.V4.VI 2.0U14 2.1KI 203Vi CORN. Dec 86 .7f4 .854 .86 May m .Uli, ,esVs .W OATs. Dec 5 .50 .55"Si .59 May Mt .til)?, .601 METSS PORK. 33.50 ' LA RD. 19. ST ao.l-S 11-37 li-7 170 US.VI SHORT RTBS. Oct. . Nov.. 23.50 113.00 Nov.. Jan.. 20.1A 17.30 Oct 1T.B5 15.43 IS. 15 13.45 15 U , caan prices were: Wheat No. 3 red, 2.24.; No. 1 hard, JilGi 2.17. Corn .No. 2 mixed 919Hi; No. 2 yel low, U2V4-8J93. Oats No. 2 whits, 6oK63e; No. 8 white, 54 Vic RW-No. 2, $1.09. Baj-lejn lXc1.0. Timothy seed K 30.60. Clover seed $120. .Pork Nominal. Lard $20 .&0. Ribs $17 19. Minneapolis Grain Market. inNNBAjPOUlS. Oct. 14. Cash wheat: No. 1 northern. $2.1CH 4f 2. IS; No. 2 $2.11 2.15 ; No. 3. 2.lHi, 42.11 ; No. 1 red swing. $2.11 2.16-4 : No. 2, $2.oe 2.11 No. 8. 2.01H i2.06i ; No. 2 dart northern. $2.13 ; No. 3. 2.0H 2.16?i : No. 1 dark hard Mon tana, $2.1ttH ; No. 1 hard .Montana. $2.t034 2.ll: so. 1 durum. 2.0e2.07; No 2, $1.92.04: No. 3, $l.(Mj;2. Corn. No. 1 yellow, 899lc; No. 4. bicfliSSc; No. 5. No. 3 mixed. 878Sc; No. 4, ( om; ; r.o. o, iwpaic. uala, JS'o. 2 white. SIHS SlTic; No. 3. 50 T50T4c; No. -4. 47. Barley, choice. D0l8".5c; me dium good. bityOc; lower grades, 72y Sac. Rye, $l.oojl.6i. No. 1 flax. $2.92igl2.U4. wheat futures closed: December, 12.1154 March, $2.0V4. Argentine Grain Market. BCENOS AIRES, Oct. 14. Wheat. 2 He lower. Corn, lc lower. Cats, unchanged. Weather, rainy. Winnipeg- Wheat Fntores. WINNIPE1G, Oct. 14. Wheat cloned. VllVi' November- 82.28; Decemoer. Grain at San Francisco. 9AN FRANCISCO. Oct. 14. Wheat, Kingdom of Norway 8 Coupon Bonds Due October 1, 1940 The Kingdom of Norway enjoys high credit. We recommend these bonds for investment. Offered, if, as and when issued at the market, to yield about 7.85. - Circular on Request for OR 341X THE NATIONAL CITY COMPANY Correspondent offices In over fity cities. Portland, Iron Building. Telephone Main 0O72. Bonds. Acceptances. Preferred Stock. AND 7 SAFETY Which do you value more principal or interest? Our methods assure isAi to purchasers of our First Mort gagee. Our service assures prompt payment in full at ma turity. Available In denominations of $100 and upward Western Bond & Mortgage Co., Main 113 80 Fourth St. HIDES, CASCARA HARK, PELTS, SULLIVAN HIDE & WOOL CO, 144 Kront St.. PORTLAND, OREGON. -Write for Prlerm and Shipping 'logs. WOOL, TALLOW. Harvestinir Wheat In the dmonton District. We Offer Subject to Prior Sale and Change in Price The Unsold Portion City of Province of Alberta General Obligation 6 Gold Notes Yielding Exempt From All Dominion Government Taxation NEW WHEAT RECORD IN SIGHT Thi year's wheat crop of the Edmonton district has been estimated at SR.nOO.OOO bu5hels. It is expected to surpass the record -break in r yield of the year 1U15. Estimated yields for other grains are as follows: Oats, 1I2.O00.P00 biishnls, runninp about 40 bushels per acre; bnrloy. S.0O0.000 bushels, aver aging near 1!0 bushels to the acre, and rye. 1.7OO,0o0 bushels, with an a.ver agre yield of 20 bushels an acre. Edmonton is the clearing houe for the wealth represented in thi (Treat Era In production. Juit as the prain is sent to, and throush her warehouses, so will t he profits find their way to Edmonton's commercial establishments and banks. Price Subject to Increase Without Notice. DATED SEPTEMBER 1. 1920 Maturities an Follows: Due Sept. 1. 1?!I2 . Duo Sept. 1, 1923. .Price 04.82 .Price 12.45 FINANCIAL STATEMENT. Groj assesrsed valuation $r,,ft0S.T1 5 00 Value Municipal Property not including Public Utilities) . . . 11.033. 370. 00 Xet Debenture Debt 9.4S.W7.00 Revenue from Public Utilities (above cost of operation) ... 77.77S.0 Net Local Improvement Debt (rate payers' share) S.046,73.00 In addition to being General Obligation Notes, these are secured by long-time debentures totaling $2,594,420 Legality Approved by Malone, M alone A Lonx. Toronto. Canada. TELErHJNE OR TELEGRAPH ORDERS AT OCR EXPENSE. MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. "The Premier Municipal Bond House." tablilied Over u ijtiarter Century. Capital One Million Iollar. Portland. Or., Morris Hide 309-11 Stark St. Bruadmiy -151. San Francisco. Cal. Merchants National Bank Blue. J3.60gi3.65; barley, 1202.10; oats, 12.40 2.0; corn. Egyptian. 2.802.00; Califor nia red mill. 2.S02.60. Hay Fancy wheat. $lii2R: tame oat. $23r25: wild oat. $17019: barley. $173r-0". HlfTlfa. $22 W2S: strw, $14"r1.S. II $50,000,000 Sears, Roebuck and Company 7 Serial Gold Notes Dated October 15, 1920. Due Serially Oct. 15, 1921-22-23 Denominations of $100, 500, $1000. Interest payable semi-annually, October 15 and April 15. FACTS ABOUT SEARS, ROEBUCK and COMPANY. 1. Company has over 6,000,000 customers. 2. Incoming mail aggregates over 125,000 pieces per day. 3. Chicago plants cover an area of 37 acres. 4. Main branches located in Seattle, Washington and Dallas, Texas. 5. Company owns controlling interest in several manufacturing plants, the entire output of which it distributes. . SECURITY Equity behind these notes is $130,000,000. , Sears, Roebuck and Company covenants to maintain Current Assets equal to at least 150 of all liabili ties, including .this issue. EARNINGS The Company's earnings for the last four years after interest and before taxes averaged approximately ?2i,ooo,ooo: PRICE Notes due Oct. 15, 192199.20 to yield about 7.85. Notes due Oct. 15, 1922 98.72 to yield about 7.70. Notes due Oct. 15, 1923 98.41 to yield about 7.607c. BOND & GOODWIN U. S. National Bank BIdg. Telephone Broadway 3171. PORTLAND BOSTON. NEW YORK, CITICAfiO. MINNEAPOLIS, SAN FH ANCTSCO, L.OS ANUKLKK, I'H 1 1. A DKI.PMI A, 1'inSIHRli, KANSAS CITY, ATLANTA, tiA SKA1TLE. We Offer Our Allotment of the $50,000,000 7 Gold Notes of Sears, Roebuck & Company Dated October 15, 1920 Due Serially. DENOMINATIONS: $1000, $500, $100 This issue is a direct obligation of the Company and represents its only funded debt. Average annual net earnings for past four years ending December 31, 1919, before Federal Taxes, have been $20,900,000 or approximately six times interest charges of this issue. Maturity Price Yield October 15, 1921 .'. 99.20 7.85 October 15, 1922 98.72 7.70 October 15, 1923.. 98.41 7.60To j . P e ve re a ux &(5 m p a ny 87 SIXTH STREET Investment Bonds BROADWAY 1042 Ground Floor Wells-Fargo Building ' . 3 V t t I'M rONi Denominations $100, 9500 and 910O0 Principal and semi-annual interest (March 1 and September 1 . payable in 17. S. Gold Coin in New Tork and at the offices of Morris Brothers. Inc. Seattle. Watth. No. .1 Central Blflg. Miiin T-.'?7. Klliott 2840. New Tork Cash Wheat. N-ETW TORK, Oct. 14. Cash wheat. $2.3 . c. I. f. track. Read the Oreconinn classified ads. 4