THE MOKXTXCJ. OTi'EGOXIA'N, FRIDAY, OCTOI51TR 13, lf)20 13. MARKET BODY IS DEBATED R. E. Smith Speaks For and C. C. Chapman Against. RURAL ALARM SOUNDED Affirmative Speaker Declares Cora .mission Will Tend to Slake l'ariuing More Profitable. Robert E. Smith and C. C. Chapman debated the merits 6t the proposed market commission hill, which is on the November ballot, at the Press club luncheon yesterday noon. Mr. Smith spoke in favor of the bill and Mr. Chapman took the negative. In opening the debate Mr. Smith described the conditions in the aKri cultural industry at the present time. "The fact Is," said Mr. Smith, "that farminp has become an unprofitable industry. The drift of population is toward the cities, where men are at tracted on account of the abundance of work at high wages. City Drift Held Menace. "Where there were formerly three men encaged in agricultural occupa tions there are now only two. This is a serious condition and a menae to the stability of the nation. "It is to the direct interest of the consumer that the farmer and the producer should be prosperous, be cause when they cannot produce and market their products at a profit, they stop producing. Take the dairy in dustry for example. In the last year thousands of dairy cattle have gone to the block. This means that your supply of milk in the cities' is men aced. "The consumer may feel that the cost of living is high enough and that the entrance of the co-operative as sociations. which this proposed mar ket commission bill will foster, will increase the cost of the products of the farm to the consumer. The ex perience of states where the co-operative associations are flourishing is to the contrary. As a matter of fact, of the dollar that you spend for farm products, the farmer gets only 27 cents. The rest goes in transporta tion and in getting the product to you. Co-operation lit FoMtered. "The market commission bill pro Tides for a market commissioner and an assistant whose duty it shall he to foster and promote the organiza tion of co - operative associations among producers. These associations have in California and other states made the farmers and producers pros perous. And when they are prosper ous the whole state is prosperous, and every fr.t, business man and iahorer, benefits because of improved :i-iliods of marketing. One (armor producing only a couple hundred sacks of potatoes is helpless in improving conditions in the potato industry, but an organization of several hundred or a thousand potato growers could im prove the product, improve market ing and insure reasonable returns to the producer. "We have the choice, better condi tions among tho farmers with pros perity and contentment.' or present conditions with an unprofitable in dustry, ' discontent and a turning toward socialistic organizations like the non-partisan league for relief." Ilill Called Paternalistic. Mr. Chapman declared that the present bill was more rigid and more drastic than the California bill, upon which the Oregon measure is based. "The bill is frankly paternalistic." he said, "and I am opposed to it be cause it introduces the element of government regulation and interfer ence with private industry. We have built up this country and its prosper ity as the result of private initiative, and it is not necessary to have a mar ket commissioner and the regulation of marketing associations In order to foster co-operation among producers. Other states have had and California had co-operative associations without a market commissioner. It is a step toward state socialism and is advo cated merely In order to promote the growth of the non-partisan league, a socialist organization." Mr. Chapman read & letter from a representative of an association of Tillamook cheese producers opposing the market com mission bill. Mr. Smith in rebuttal read extracts from letters from bankers, business men. farmers and producers of Cali fornia recounting the benefits that are said to have flowed from the adaption of the market commission bill la California. CAR NEEDS ARE SUPPLIED Sudden Release of Rolling Stock Helps Cottage Grove Mills. COTTAGE GROVE, Or.. Oct. 14. Special.) The mills of this section report that there has been a sudden release of freight cars and that they now are getting all that tbey can pos sibly use. Two weeks ago it -was impossible to get anywhere near requirements. Others needing rolling stock, particu larly the cannery, were similarly in convenienced. ' I.ow prices of lumber, high freight rates and high production costs are now the only things worrying the mill operators for the moment. Tinii!!i!!iuiu;iuitiiii;uu:iuuHiiniiitniiitH!Wiiiumiminitnmniiimiiiiiiimuiitmimium: Wherever a study is made of meeting wo men's needs effective ly daintily you can secure the highly ab sorbent. Cool Snhar- nnm Mote filled FAG-O-SAN. It is no longer necessary for you to explain that you require a sanitary napkin. fmpfy Bay J FAG-O-SAN If your dealer hasn't FAG-O-SAff. w will b happy to supply you direct I THE SPHAGNUM PRODUCTS CO. Ssllinc-Hirach Bid. I 12 Portland, Oregon auuiuuiiiiMuiiiuuuuiuiminniu;nn:uu.iiiiitrimiuiuiii4iiiwuiui!Mauuiwju A Ulltfmt Kinds T L mrj A Different Price EAST 494 100 Boxes Fancy King Apples on Sale Today in Our Model Grocery Special $2.75 Box Entire Stock of Fur Trimmings and Fur Collars' Reduced! DAHLIA AND GLADIOLUS SHOW TODAY MAIN FLOOR DONT FAIL TO ATTEND! The Standard Stare of the Northwest Olds, Wortman & Kin Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods PORTLAND AGENCY FOR GOSSARD, LA CAMILLE, NEMO AND BIEN JOLIE CORSETS Sale of Men's Clothing Every Man's Suit and Overcoat in the' house is now reduced in price. Latest styles and fabrics. Dept., Main Floor. Cash B uyers' Day 3 FOR 1 - 99 Triple Trading Stamp . Today We Will Give Triple S. & H. Green Trading Stamps With Cash Purchases in All Depts. EXCEPT GROCERIES ! We want to make this our Banner Day for Trading Stamps. You should make it your-Banner Day for shopping. Extraordinary reductions on high-grade, dependable merchandise throughout all sections of the store and in addition TRIPLE TRADING STAMPS will be given with all cash purchases amounting to 10c or more. Read the following list of specials and profit by the savings. Profit again by receiving Triple Trading Stamps. Single Stamps given on charge accounts if paid in full by Saturday night. Pay Your Bills and Receive S. & H. Trading Stamps Single Trading Stamps will be given on all charge accounts if paid in full by Saturday night. Pav your bill and get S. & II. GREEN TRADING STAMPS! Remnant Sale Sheetings Remnants of Sheetings and Muslins greatly reduced for today's selling. , Good useful lengths for various purposes offered at yz to y2 off These will undoubtedly sell quickly and as quantity is limited the earlier you come the better. Many other special offerings will go out on bargain tables for today's selling at good savings. No matter what you may need in home supplies it will pay you to come to Olds, Wortman & King's. Triple Stamps. Alder-Street Circle Main Floor Women's $1 Gloves 50c Pair Main Floor Extra special offering for today. Several hundred pairs of Women's Cashmer ette Gloves in Fall and Winter weights popu lar 2-clasp style with fancy welted backs gray, black and olive. All sizes in the Kf sale. Regular $1.00 Gloves special Triple Stamps with all cash purchases. Sale of Women's Suits Notable Offerings We have selected 185 Women's New Fall Suits from our regular stock and offer them for today's selling at greatly reduced prices. By all means take advantage of this extraordinary chance to save. $59.50 Suits $35 Suits of Velour, Serge, Silver tone, Tricotine and Pin Stripe Suiting. Novelty belted, flare and tailored styles. Plain or con vertible collars, narrow belts. Sizes 16 to 44. Values up CJOK to $59.50. Priced special DOD $79.50 Suits $53 Large 6eIection of beautiful Suits in the leading materials. Some are trimmed with fur oth ers with braids, fancy stitching and tucks. Black, brown, navy and other good colors. (Pro Values up to $79.50 only i&tJO Sweaters at $6.98 Dept., Second Floor. High-grade Mercerized Sweaters and Wool Sweaters underpriced for to day's selling. Tuxedo and coat styles eome with belts and tie sashes. Light and heavy weight. Good range of the leading colors to !? QQ select from, and all sizes. Special at D0O $65.00 Suits $39 Serge, Tricotine, Goldtone and Velour Suits in many attractive styles, including belted, flare and box effects. Black, navy, copen and brown. Suits in this lot formerly priced to $65.00. CQQ Priced special today at CO $85.00 Suits $62 Novelty Suits in many smart styles. Developed in Velvet, Sil vertone, Velour, Evora, Yalama and Tricotine. Belted and plain tailored styles with fur collars. Leading colors. Values up C50 Priced special tJVJ" to $85.00. 7 $3.00 Silks $2.39 Main Floor 36-inch figured all-sifk Foulards and heavy cotton-back, fig ured Satin especially adapted for suit and overcoat linings. (JO OQ $3.00 grade. Special, yard D0 Triple Stamps Today Package Goods y Price Bargain Circle, First Floor Artamo and Bucilla Art Needle Package Goods various articles 75c to $2.50 packages special, 380 up to $1.25 $15 to $22.50 New Fall Hats 12 A few of these are from our recent $15 sale, but the most of them are fresh, new models just received. Dress, Semi-dress, Sport and Tai lored Hats in a large assortment of beautiful styles. Many exquisite gold, silver and jet hats in the showing, and others trimmed with French flowers, ribbons, ostrich, etc. CIO $15.00 to $22.50 Hats special wli Second Floor Waists Only $4.98 Dept., Second Floor Women's Waists of splendid quality Crepe de Chine in white and flesh color. Neat tailored styles1 with round, tuxedo and con vertible collars. Smart, becoming styles to wear with Fall Suits. Full assortment of QO sizes. Priced very special in today's sale 3r70 1000 Trading Stamps Given Free With Each HOOVER ELECTRIC CLEANER Buy your Hoover Cleaner at this store and get the benefit of this cash saving. As this special offer is for a limited time only we advise placing your order at once. Hoover Cleaners are guaranteed for one year and we service every machine we sell. See demonstration in Vacuum Cleaner Department, Third Floor, or call Marshall 4800 for FREE DEMONSTRATION IN YOUR OWN HOME. Easy Terms, Only $5 Down the balance may be paid in easy monthly payments Vacuum Cleaner Dept., 3d Floor. $6.50, $8.50 Corsets At $3.95 Second Floor Gossard Front-Laced Corsets discon tinued styles. Several good models but not all sizes in each style. Plain and fancy broche ma- QO QC terials. 280 Corsets. $6.50 and $8.50 models BOVO Corsets at $8.95 Gossard Front-Laced Corsets of handsome broche material. 43 Corsets only in this lot. Sizes from 22 to 36 except 27 and 28. Regular $12.00 to CQ QC $16.50 grades. On special sale today only DOtl Other Specials Discontinued models in B. & J. and Grecian Teco Corsets, broken sizes; priced $2.03, $3.93, $5.J5 OWK Special Corsets, $5, $6 grades at $:i.95 $7.50 and $9.50 Camlin Corsets; special at $5.93 In I AT hssard Women's $14 to $18 Boots Special $9.95 Main Floor Every pair in this sale is from our own regular stock foot wear of standard makes that will give best of service. An offering of spe cial importance to the woman who is seeking high-class, stylish footwear at moderate cost. Triple Stamps with cash purchases. The saJe includes: LACED BOOTS of dark tan calf with harmonizing fabric tops. Me dium pointed toe, military fl?Q Q fT heels. Regular $14 grade LACED BOOTS of black or Ha vana brown kid. Plain pointed toe, covered full Lop is heel, hand-turned soles. Regular $16.50 flQ QK Rnnts. Priced Rnecial. D0 BUTTONED BOOTS of patent colt. Kelly make. Full Louis heels, turned soles, mat kid tops. Perfect fitting and very smart. flQ QfT Regular $15.00 Boots, at BUTTONED BOOTS of b e a v e r brown kid. Full Louis heels and hand-turned soles. Mat PQ QfT kid uppers. $18 Boots for D.J $16.00 Cocoa Brown Boots with fawn buckskin uppers special at $9.93 Shoe Dept., Main Floor Sale of Dependable Coffee 1-Pound Cans 50c 3-Pound Cans $1.40 5-Pound Cans $2.30 Model Grocery, Fourth Floor Dependable Coffee gives universal satisfaction and is today the favorite in thou sands of Portland homes. It is vacuum packed so that it reaches the consumer in perfect condition free from dust and dirt, exactly as it comes from the roaster. Depend able Coffee is always uniform in quality another point greatly in its favor. Get a supply now at above prices. 60c Tree Tea 55c Pound The pick of the choicest tea crops go into the Tree Tea packages. You cannot buy better tea regardless of the price you pay. Refreshing, stimulating, whole some. Packed in sanitary sealed cartons. Indian and Ceylon blend 53 pound. Girls' Hats 50c , Basement Misses' and children's Trimmed Hats, Untrimmed Hats and Tarns in a sensational one-day sale. Black and colors also the popular two-tone combinations, Corduroy Hats with roll brims Stitched Hats with velvet crowns small Velvet Droops and other styles. Hats in this lot formerly priced to $1.48 Pfl On sale in the Basement at tl"V Boys' Suits at $11.85 $12.50 and $13.50 Grades Main Floor Get your boy one of these sturdy Suits before they are all sold! Made to withstand hard usage the kind of suits that always look well, too. Of dark gray and brown corduroy. Latest (PI 1 QK belted styles; full cut and full lined knickers. Ages 8 to 18. tDi-i-Ot Boys' Rain Capes Main Floor Goodyear Rubber Rain Capes in full styles with arm openings and military collars. Ages 12 to 16. Specially QA priced in this sale at Dtttl Rain Capes ages 6 to 10. $3.85 Boys' Pants $2.19 Main Floor Boys' Knicker Pants of corduroy and fancy mixtures. Good full styles and well made. Sizes for boys from seven to sev enteen years of age CO "I Q priced special, the pair D Factory Samples Nature's Rival Brassieres and Bandeaux of Lace, Silk and Satin at FACTORY PRICES This sale offers a splendid opportun ity to early gift buyers as well as to those who want such lovely brassieres for their own personal use. We sincerely believe this to be the most BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF HIGH-GRADE BRASSIERES in the entire northwest. Being samples, there is, of course, only one or two of a kind. Each garment is exceptionally well made and finished. Large selection of styles trimmed with exquisite filet and venise laces, French ,: hand-made flowers, ribbons, etc. On sale on the Second Floor of. the store today. Factory Prices Range $6.50 to $96.00 Dozen Sale Prices Range 55c to $8.00 Each Lowering Prices In the Basement Store Watch our advertisements from day to day telling of the great money saving opportunities in our Basement. Triple Stamps given with all cash purchases all over the store today. Towels 17c Basement 16x31-inch White Huck Towels with red border. Limit two dozen to a customer. $2.00 r7f a dozen. On sale today, each 65c Hose 39c Basement Men's Black Cashmere Hose with gray heel and toe. Sizes 10 to 11. The regular 65c Oft, Hose special, the pair at only ul Lee Union-Alls of high-grade khaki material. The ideal work garment. Sizes 44 and 46 only. QK Basement special at only DO7J Large Blankets $2.79 Basement Double Sheet Blankets. White with colored stripes. No tele phone, C. O. D. or mail or- CO ders. Priced special at 3il7 Sale of Men's High-Grade Underwear At Less Than Today's Market Cost! A sale that will appeal to every man in Portland who has winter underwear to buy! The savings war rant stocking up for several seasons. Men living out of town may also share in this offering, but we urge those ordering by mail to state exact size wanted. Our entire stock of Vassar Union Suits Reduced ! Every garment is from our regular stock and is per fect in every way. Heavy and light weight wool silk cotton mercerized worsted, etc. Long, short and three-quarter length also athletic styles. Prac tically all sizes in the various weights and styles. Sale Prices! $ 2.00 Vassar $ 2.50 Vassar $ 3.00 Vassar $ 3.50 Vassar $ 4.00 Vassar $ 5.00 Vassar $ 6.50 Vassar $ 7.00 Vassar $ 8.00 Vassar $10.00 Vassar Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits $1.19 $1.35 $1.65 $2.15 $2.35 $3.20 $4.15 $4.30 $4.95 $6.15 Men's Shirts $2.95 $5 and $6 Grades Main Floor About half price for men's high-grade woven Madras Shirts to close out several broken lines at once. Good range of desirable patterns in assorted colored stripes. All sizes from 14 to 17 to start with, but don't delay first choice is best. $5.00 CJO QP and $6.00 Shirts on sale today at, special Triple Trading Stamps With Cash Purchases J