Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 14, 1920, Page 20, Image 20

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    ! 20
We ro Riving a special $25 discount
to students enrolling for auto and trac
tor course before Nov. 1. Our students
re taught by practical experience in
building, repairing and trouble shooting
on all makes of gas engines, their igni
tion systems, starting and lighting sys
tems including generators, starting mo
tors and the building, charging and care
of storage batteries. This opportunity
is given you because of the increased
demand for men TRAINED in these
tradeH. Day and night clauses. HKMP
thorne ave.. at East 26th st. Write or
fall for free catalogue.
Must be experienced
on hard goods.
Apply to employment bureau.
6th floor,
PLASTERERS wanted for San Francisco.
Work Plentiful.
Sunny Ideal Climate,
All Year Round.
No Strike or Lockout.
C P. J. A. Local No. 06. Conditions.
Apply Master Plasterers Assn.. Rm. 304,
Hs3 Stvenscn St., tn Francisco, Cal.
requires the service of an experienced
salesman for upholstery- and draperies.
App:y superintendent's office, 9:15 to
10:30 a. m.
requires the services of an experienced
salesman for wash goods- and dome tics.
A pply sperlntendent's office. 9:15 to
16:30 A. M.
Id AN with gome knowledge of accounting
to take care of small set of hooks and
postoffice and make himself useful
around country store on main highway,
near Portland ; niiit be able to qualify
for bond: answer, stating exp., refer
ences, salary willing to start anil address
for jntervi e w . A S . O r t sr o n i an.
WANTED By one of the largest and best
established concerns In America, a young
stenographer who can read and tran
scribe his notes; prefer man living with
parents and over -1 years old; state sal
ary expected first latter in own hand
writing. P. O. box 628. Portland. Or.
WANTKD Two young men under 22 for
general office work at night ; must have
some knowledge of city, able to use tele
phone and meet the public; splendid op
portunity for advancement; permanent
em ;ioyinent : slate ages, qua I i Heat ions
and salary expected. B l.'Ut. Oregonian.
STEADY man wanted to take permanent
charge good territory. Supplies and spe
cial information furnished. Experience
not required. Cash w-ekly. If a per
manent, profitable bus i nets interests
you, give this a trial. Yakima. Valley
Nursery, Toppenish. Wash.
"WANTED An experienced attorney to
work In law office: one with some
knowledge of foreign language, specially
Herman preferred. Write, stating age,
experience and qualifications. V 104,
Oregon Jan.
WANT ship carpenters. ship joiners,
plumbers. laborers and helpers to work
on steamship Harvard; approximately
six month 8 work this ship. Ra i ph J.
Chandler Shipbuilding Co., Wilmington,
Los Angeles harbor. Cal.
WANTED Young man In brokerage busi
ness who wants to make a future; must
be elf-sustaining for at least six months.
Best of references requlrtd. William P.
Merry, 301-2 Title & Trust bldg.
liAN WITH some retail selling experience
with light car. for tea and coffee route
in nearby Oregon town; liberal com
mission and sa lary. In answering, give
age and slWng experience. Bond re
quired. AB lt4, Oregonian.
AUTO mechanic wanted, first-class man;
prefer steady married man; steady
work. 4S hours a week ; no machine
work ; must be a ble to fit bearings and
go through with motor work. Y 9,
PLASTERERS Must be first-ciass, wages
J10, open shop, 30 days work, transpor
tation one way refunded if you stay
until job is completed; write for par
ticulars. Address, Southern Idaho Em
ployers' association. Twin Falls. Idaho.
CUTTER for merchant tailoring ; must be
thoroughly experienced, conscientious and
of pleasing personality: good salary to
rig lit mun; give references. AH 74,
WANTED For cattle ranch. Burns, Or.,
3 teamsters, 8 ranch bands. 1 rough car
penter; steady job. fare advanced to
right men. See Savage, at Public Em
p toy men t Bureau, 170 4 th st.
EX PERI ENCE I advertising solicitors.
Hand. McNally pocket maps, 25, orders
9 15 to $2000 ; other publications. Apply
only 11 to 3, Clyde, 210 Stock Exchange
POSITION now open for furnishing goods
man. Must know the business and be a
young man of good appearance. Appl
to Mr. Bowman, Brownsville Woolen Mill
MAN OF good habits to do any kind of
work, either in house or outside, on
small farm near Vancouver. Phone
7F13 or write to A. M. S.. R. D. 3, Box
"3. Vancouver. Wash.
BOY WITH wheel. $15 a week. Lennon's,
309 Morrison street.
CITY SALESMEN and out-of-town check -ers.
33S N. W. Bank bldg.
Help Wanted Salesmen.
We are selling a high-grade financial
security. We want two more high-grade
salesmen, men eager to and capable of
making at leant $200 per- week; if you
can sell and are interested and want to
make some real money, call between 10
and 12 at 307 Title and Trust bldg.
X WILL make room In our organization
lor a salesman who can qualify strictly
as to character and sales ability. If be
will come to me 1 will offer him work
that Is dignified and congenial, and a
position tn which he will learn of his
real value. This is permanent and
a splendid Income at the start and an
executive position as a reward for con
sistent effort. Call 10:30 to 12. 1107
Spalding Bldg. Ask for Mr. Fox.
OPENING for 2 high-grade salesmen who
can sell stock and are willing to travel;
bring references after 10 A M.
Financial Agent,
324 Henry Bldg.
WE WANT men of energy who can quali
fy as to ability and character; men who
wish to better themselves in a perma
nent organization with an opportunity
of advancement according to thoir own
efforts and where they can increase their
earnings 100 per cent or more. Call be
tween 9:3o and 11:30 A. M. or 7:30 and
9:30 P. M.. IHM Wilcox bld.
This is an opportunity for a real man
who can deliver the goodj. No home-to-home
If you have confidence in yourself
and are in position to make a small
deposit on your demonstrator, we will
offer you an attractive proposition on
a well-established. popular-priced car.
interviews confidential. W 03, Ore
SALESMAN wilting to be taught how to
sell a high-class 1 ine of manufactured
CIT i S ALLS MAN Electrical household
appliances, popular line; liberal com
missions. Davidson Atwood Electric Co.
39Q Morrison st.
11 V E salesman to represent us in state
of Colorado and Kansas. Superior Man
ufacturing Co.. 62 '-a N. 23d st
"EXPERIENCED truck salesman wanted,
mut know the business; salary and com
mission : Lai faw Motor Co.. 47 N. ah.
tsA LESMEN Experienced or inexperi
enced, by manufacturing company. Call
tf2Vs N. 23d st.
SALESMAN Experienced or inexpert
enced, by manufacturing company. Call
62 V N. 23d st.
A LEMEN w onoerfui opportunity. la
come insurance 501 Corbett bide
SALESMAN, with car. preferred. Smith,
McCoy Electric Co., 104 5th st.
Male and Female.
BOOK K E EPER who understands lumber
business: manager for millinery store.
604 Spaldin. bldg.
throughout the United States and Can
m.S; bond required; salary to start with,
liberal commission, permanent position for
trie right party: ladies accepted. Write
or call at 917 Union ave. N.
Male and Female.
MENT The place beat equipped to assist yon
In finding employment is- the Y. M. C. A,
Employers go there for help because
they know the "Y" appeals to the best
type of men and boy a. Many firms have
standing orders there for men with cer
tain qualifications; perhaps you are fit
ted for one of these places.
Advisory and employment service Is
absolutely free to ex-service - men.
All men seeking employment In cleri
cal, technical and commercial lines and
thone who are ambitions to better their
condition should see the Y. M. C. A.
employment secretary, room 307.
240 Ankeny St., Cor. 2d.
5 form carpenters and general work
on new irrigation dam: $7.50 9 hrs..
board $S.75; nel blankets. Grants Pas
Or. Just starting. Fare advanced.
MRS. L. V SCOTTT formerly director of
employment for women with the federal
government, will secure employment for
women I nail lines. Office 329 Henry
bldg.. cor. 4th and Oak sts. Bdwy. 4337.
HOUSEKEEPER, out of town, age about
30 years, for gentleman with daughter 8
years; will consider woman with one
child. Call before 11 tomorrow, 320
Henry bldg.
Al ACCOUNTANT, who understands con
struction and course; dry goods and
gents' furnishing clerk; Al freight rate
clerk ; young man who knows the city
w e J 1 . 504 S pa 1 d i n g.
WE MAKE it a point to furnish compe
tent of,fice help in all lines; promptly
and privately. Phone us your wants.
Broadway 51 4.
WA XTED 20 carpenters. $8 per day. 8
hours work: board and room in a hotel.
Butts & Oak. 241 Couch.
EXPERIENCED office help furnished by
Business Men's Clearing House, 1015
Wilcox bldg. Main 7406.
MALE stenographers wanted; permanent
work. 431 Artisans' bldg.
"Oregon. Washington and Idaho
120 agents to take orders for foadc
and spec ia I ties of quality. Exclusive territory-;
equally attractive for men and
women. I ntroductory offer. Pacific As
socia fed Trading Service, 125 Jackson
st., Seattle. Wash.
$500 PER MONTH and up by agents han
dling Hart oil burner in exclusive ter
ritory proposition. Let us explain it to
you. 66 Sixth st.
WANTED 3 vocal soloists and 2 pianists
for high-class work ; excellent oppor
tunity for the right parties. Send full
particulars regarding yourself and phone
number to V 1 15, Oregonian.
W A XTED Girl for general office work;
one experienced with filing, also in oper
ating typewriter. Address in own hand
writing, state salary expected. T 100,
WANTED Woman to assist in light
housework, family of two adults and two
children; small modern bungalow; good
home and good salary. 477 E. 56th St. N.
Rose City car. Tabor 7777.
APPLICATIONS will be received from
young women, aged 20 to 35. for wood
working factory at St. Johns; good pay
and steady employment. A.B 302. Ore-
WANTED Gtrla to learn comptometer
adding machine, ideal work, excellent
sh lary. high school or business college
education a requisite. Comptometer Co.
See Miss Collins. 313 Morgan bldg.
CLERK in bookkeeper's office, one with
knowledge of stenography preferred;
room and board furnished. Call Main
560. Good Samaritan hospital, super jn
tt ndent.
TWO NEAT-APPEARING ladles to demon
strate high-class article house to house In
city; salary. 613 Couch bldg afternoons
2 to 4.
WELL EDUCATED girl, about IS years or
age, wanted for filing work in an office;
no experience required. B 125, Orego
nian. I OFFER unusual home surroundings to a
capable and refined woman who will do
our housework; no washing. Seilwood
WANTED Girl for second work ; priva te
bedroom, sitting room and bath; $35
per month. Call Will Knight. Knight
Shoe Co., Morrison st. near Broadway.
PRIVATE eec'y., $150-$ 125; stenographers.
$100; bookkeeper and clerical, $00. 338
Northwestern Bank bldg.
STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper wanted
for physician's office: must be able to
handle collections; state salary; refer
ences and age. T 173. Oregonian.
WA NT ED Housekeeper for one apart
ment, near 23d and Washington : about
two hours' work daily; references re
quired. Inquire B 120. Oregonian.
SALESLADY, must be experienced in sell
ing corsets, muslin underwear and house
dresses. Apply Levitt's store, 4th and
ALL-AROUND ' maid of neat appearance
who knows how to keep house and
willing to help in store. -TO" Commer
cial st.
ANY GIRL in need of a friend apply to
the Salvation Army Rescue Home, May
fair and Alexander streets. Phone Main
3150. DM CAR.
COMPETENT woman for general house
work In small apartment, small family,
excellent accommodations; wages $60.
Call at apartment 5. 742 Everett st.
WANTED Individual instructions in Gregg
shorthand evenings by lady. B 140, Ore
gonian. WANT married woman to manage room
ing house, some experience : will give 3
rooms and wages. B 118, Oregonian.
WANTED Woman to do dining room
work for board and room for self and
husband. North Portland. Wdln. 3727.
PIANIST wanted to demonstrate sheet
music, evenings, 6 to 10 P. M. Remick
Sour Shop.
WILL, give home to elderly lady to help
with baby. Call at 107 E. 33d, Sunny
side car.
EXPERIENCED girls to seil candy. Ap
ply Baker theater, 11th and Morrison,
after 6 P. M.
MIDDLE-AGED lady for light inside work.
United Manufacturing Co., 21st and Hoi
lad a. v.
EXPERIENCED power machine operator.
The Bergman Shoe Mfg. Co., 621 Thur
tnun st.
WANTED Girl for cooking and down-
stairs work; 4 adults in family. Phone
Main 4702. 243 11th st.
WANT someone to darn and do plain sew
ing for lady employed. Address AJ 49,
Oregon ion.
RELIABLE nurse to care for 2 girls and
assist with infant. Phone Mrs. Sharp.
Mar. 5S26.
HELPER and finishers wanted for dress
making. Madame Yaeck, 505 Columbia
bldg. ,
FOR PHONE solicitation, immediately, re
fined, experienced operator. Permanent.
Salary and commission. 104 5th st.
LA BO R A TOR Y worker wanted for physi
cian's office, state experience, references,
salary and age. B 134, Oregonian.
WANTED Housekeeper in large modem
apt., by two ' bachelors. A 119, Ore
go mam
WANTED Experienced press woman on
fancy garments ; steady work and good
salary. 1224 Sandy.
1 IE Florence CrUtenton Home la ready
to help any girl in distress. S5& East
GlUan. "M V car. East 316-
V A NT ED Girl to dip chocolates and wait
on trade. Sax ton's, Wallace, Idaho.
WANTED Trimmer in millinery dept.
Liberty Apparel Co.. 144 3d.
CAMP cook, about 12 men, close in. $65
month. J anor woia.
SANAPHONE and drummer for dance mu
aic. Call EaJt 6406.
IK YOU can sell rooming houses, apts. or
hotels, call Main 6127.
WANTED A lady to do repair work. The
At-pinwali Army Store. 1071? W. Park et.
WOMEN to work in finishing department,
furniture factory. Apply 652 2d st.
WANTED -Woman pastry cook and" help
in kitch i at Elks club. J. BrizzolarL
YOUNG LADY to pack candy at Janke's,
949 Union avenue North.
WANTED Two experienced sewing girls".
Apply 300 Central bldg.
WANTED Janitress for office bldg. Call
at 408 Lewis bldg.
CANDY GIRL; prefer girl living with par
ents; call after 10. Harris, 120V 5th.
WANTED A lady to help in general
housework; good pay. Call Wdln. 3o50.
WANTED Experienced buttonhole maker
on vests. 437 Washington bldg.
GI RLS wanted. Portland Paper Box Co.
92 Front street.
HIGH school girl or girl employed to as-
sist for room and board. East 843S.
DINING-ROOM girl wanted. Main 75S4.
FINIHgRS on skirts. 206 Globe bid g.
WANT office sirl 03 W. Second at.
Young Women
Much Higher After That
Regular and Frequent
Rapid Advancement
Higher Positions
Room 601. Sixth Floor
Park and Oak Streets
Telephone Bulldirjg
The Pacific Telephone and. Telegraph
MR. ADAM LEPTICH, German widower,
aged 49. with 3 children, JO to 10, wants
good widow housekeeper. We have good
home. Phone Woodlawn 5712. House
number 365 Baldwin st. Take St. Johns
YOUNG lady capable of meeting the public
and assuming responsibility In office;
must have good knowdedge of book
keeping; answer in own handwriting, giv
ing previous experience and salary ex
pected. Y 122. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED girl for general house
work ; good wages; no laundry ; nice
room and private bath; fine home; four
in family. 1002 E. Burnside st. Tabof
Wan ted Domes ti cs.
A GIRL or a young or elderly woman
wanted who does not need to be ex
perienced but who can help with cook
ing and housework generally. Should
be fond of children. 735 Overton, near
23d. Automatic phone 514-48.
A willing girl for getneral housework
who is t irst-class plain cook ; modern
home, every convenience, good wages
and most comfortable quarters; one who
can furnish good references. Call after
noons, 270 Shenandoah Terrace, or Main
GIRL for general housework ; country
place; nice hxme for a good girl who
is thoroughly reliable and honorable;
must be fond of children and willing
to give good help in return for good
wages; reliable references required. Write
P. O. box 6Q7. Kelso. Wash.
WANTED Thoroughly experienced. ail
round cook for private family ; private
bath, toilet and nice cheerful room; no
washing or ironing; wages $65 to $75
according to ability: must furnish ref
erences; no need to apply unless ex
perience. Call Mrs. BodJey, Main 4754.
WANTRD Housekeeper to cook for one
single man on farm; elderly woman pre
ferred. Wages expected In first letter.
H. Schoenhart, box 24. Blodgett. Or.
$50 FOR CAPABLE help for general
housework; no washing; three adults;
2 short blocks from car line. Automatic
WANTED Reliable woman or girl to as
sist with housework; good home and
good wages. Apply 855 E. 20th st. N.
Take Bdwy. car.
EXPERIENCED girl for housework, small
family, good pay for satisfactory service;
comfortable room and bath. Phone Auto
matlc 320-52.
WANTED Housekeeper or some one in
neighborhood of 2bth and E. Gllsan to
care for smuH boy in daytime. Call eve
nings East 3006.
GIRL, general housework ; no washing;
experience not necessary. 833 Grand ave.
North. Alameda park. - Broadway car.
Telephone Wdln. 4311.
GIRL or middle-aged woman for general
housework, some one who wishes a good
homo and a fair salary. Apply Oak Tan
Shoe store. 262 Washington st., near 3d.
EX PERI ENCED cook and house worker
no laundry) ; family living on farm
near Portland. Wages $75. Apply 228
Alder st.
GIRL to help with housework in home
with all modern conveniences. No fires
Phone East 1179.
EXPERIENCED woman to do cooking and
general housework; wages $60. Main
25 19.
WANTED Strong. middle-aged woman
for general housework, small family, no
washing. 372 N. 32d st. Main 3824
CAPABLE woman for general housework,
plain cooking; no washing. Appiy 501
Broad way-Yamhill bldg., or Main 630.
EXPERIENCED girl for general house
work; no cooking. 735 Irving st.. near
23 d.
WANTED Young woman to assist with
housework; good home and good pay
Apply 143 Broadway.
COMPETENT woman to take care of
healthy 2-year-old boy in good home.
Phone Tabor 1341.
RELIABLE girl to assist with care of two
children and infant. Phone Mrs. Sharp.
Mar. 5S26.
EX PE RI ENCED girl for cooking and
downstairs work; must be good cook;
city references: wages $70. Marshall 419.
WANTKD Young girl or woman to as
sLst with housework in exchange for
room, board and wages. Seilwood 1134.
WANTED Experienced girl for cooking
and down work; no laundry; best wages.
Cali Marshall 1867.
GIRL General housework; two in family
Phone Main 6110.
WANTED Cook at 247 N. 24th. Call
Marshall 335.
WANTED Experienced maid for general
housework ; good wages. Marshall 857.
WOMAN to do chamber work temporarily
Campbell Hotel.
GIRL to assist with housework and care
of child; no washing. Call E. 3900.
GOOD girl for general housework, 3 adults.
730 Kearney st.
GIRL for second work; family of four. 704
Lovejoy. Main 247.
HELP wanted for general housework
r none laoor ;oi.
WANTED Exp. nurse for 3 small children,
city ref. required. Marsh. 857.
WANTED A competent second maid:
adults: wages $60 to $65. Main 3222.
GIRL to assist with general housework.
537 E. 21st St. North. East 2401.
GIRL for general housework, good wages
and good home. E. 1409. 585 E. 22d N.
GIRL for light housework. Tabor 9339.
GOOD home for married couple In private
family; woman to do the cooking, man
can look after place and work down
town; reference required, board and
rooms, wages $75. B 135, Oregonian.
WANTED Office help, man or woman
with newspaper training exp. Address
Banner-Courier. Oregon City. Phone Ore
gon City 417.
WANTED Exp. bookkeeper: steady posi
tion; call at once. Enkes City Dye works.
East 3d and Ash.
WANTED Apple pickers. Dufur Orchard
Co.. apply Mr. Thompson. 170 4-th st-
WANTED Flute, cello and drums for large
community orchestra. Mar. 37S0.
TRUSTWORTHY man for packing and
shipping dept. ; can't depend on hired
help while I am out selling; small invest
ment necessary to become part owner
assures you good income. Call 404 Ger
linger bldg.
WANTED Partner, mechanically Inclined,
or carpenter, investment required, fully
secured. Address C 199. Oregonian.
MAN AND wife Japanese) want janitor.
AB 195, Oregonian.
ELDERLY man wants position as janitor
or watchman. AJ 47. Oregonian.
MAN with ton truck wants hauling con
tract, AC 122, Oresonian.
"Where do I fit Into our mutual profit
and a permanent job? In or out of city.
Qualifications acquired by bard work,
.training and experience Training: From
office boy to manager in general mdse.
and dept. store. Work: Wholesale and
retail salesman and buyer. Departments:
Clothing. Phoes. furnishing goods, gro
ceries, ladles ready to wear and shoes.
Above the average as accountant, legi
ble and accurate penman, sales work,
advertUiing, mail order selling and cor
respondence, linguist in several lan
guages, physique irood ; references, bank
and mercantile. Where do I get a
chance ? AJ 50. Oregonian.
HIGH-CLASS man who has had large ex-
perience in rights-of-way and confiden
i tial work wishes to make change if sat
isfactory association can be made with
sufficient salary and congenial condi
tions; no insurance desired. Write par
ticulars. References furnished. AC 103,
Ex-service man (overseas) desires po
sition any capacity ; experience includes
accounting, office management, corre
spondence, credits and salesmanship; ex
cellent personality; references given. Ad
dress AC 102. Oregonian.
I AM LOOKING for a position installing
and operating steam and electric light
ing plant; had 4 years business college
training; also had some experience in
civil engineering; can furnish the best
of reference ; wages expected $150 per
month. AG 68, Oregonian.
13 years' experience with prominent
eastern tlrms in general machine work,
tools and fixtures, desires position in
Portland or vicinity; age 32; married. B.
E. Barnes. 773 E. Taylor St.. Portland.
PERMANENT position wanted by man of
executive ability who Is capable of hold
ing high position of trust; have had a
great deal of experience In financial
lines and as sales manager. Call Wood
lawn 2925 for appointments.
YOUNG MAN who can give references as
to his business capacity is desirous of
position in San Francisco or city; would
invest some money in established busi
ness. V 102. Oregonian.
A M A ICR I ED man would like to have
work as night watchman in factory or
mill, in or out of town ; understands
firing; please state wages. V lol, Ore
gonian. HIGH-CLASS salesman wants position; had
years of experience, both country and
city; married, can sell anything It it has
merit; can go to work, at once. AK 57,
HAVE you an opening in your firm for a
capable young man who has a good edu
cation and willing to start at anything
where there is a future for one willing
to work? Call Col. 39S. '
561 'fr G LI SAN ST. BDWY. 620.
EX-SERVICE man, married, desires work
on farm; house furnished; experienced
dairyman and general farmer. V 110,
PLACE by man and wife on ranch where
there are two or three to cook for, man
to do ranch work, considerable expe
rignce. C 1S7, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED young married man de
sires position in photo nnishing estab
lishment; can furnish own enlarging
outtit. B 136. Oregonian.
LIVE, energetic young married man, grad
uate of a salesmanship school, wants
connection with a live sales organization.
V 106, Oregonian.
STUDENT wishes ua-ug store work Monday.
Thursday, Friday, Saturtiay. afternoons
and Sunday or evenings and. Sunday.
Main 206, mornings.
JANITOR Man and wile will handle
small apartment house for rent of an
apartment or man will do other work
3 days a week. Marshall 4S29.
MIDDLE-AGED man with long experience
in construction and operation of saw
mills and logging development wants po
sition. BC 61, Oregonian
A WATCHMAN'S job wanted ; man past
middle iife; have had police training;
references and bonds if required. Phone
evenings, Columbia 546.
MARRIED man. 26. looking for position
with any reliable firm; experienced sales
man and all-around office man; can fur
nish best of references. Main 436o.
STEADY, reliable man. handy with any
kind of tools, can take care of automo
biles or trucks, wants position with pri
vate concern. AG 5. Oregonian
EXPERIENCED gardener, active and will
. ing. wishes place as caretaker; under
stands janitor work. 38S Failing st. Tel-
ephone di-44.
MARRIED man. good tractor man and
farmer, wants farm to run or work; will
lease on shares with option of buying.
R 57. Oregonian.
PLACE by man and wife on ranch where
there are 2 or 3 to cook for. man to do
ranch work; considerable experience. C
ib7, Oregonian.
JAPANESE student wants any kind of
work In city, from 4 or 5 P. M. to 12
o'clock. T. Kanainori, room 410 Com
monwealth bldg.. Sixth and Burnside.
WAITER desires position in hotel or pri
vate family; A-l references. V 113. Ore
gonian. "
MIDDLE-AGED man wants position in
wholesale house, grocery preferred, or
janitor work. Bert. Automatic 312-84.
EXPERIENCED janitor wishes work; good
references. Travis hotel. John Chris.
Bdwy. 1977.
TRUCK or touring car driver, gas engi
neer, wants work; references. Seilwood
1206. .
MIDDLE-AGED single man, well educated,
strong, active, seeks permanent inside.
B 131. Oregonian. '
EMPLOYM ENT by elderly man. janitor
or general housework, references. B 133,
BURROUGHS bookkeeping machine oper
ator, experienced, understands bookkeep
ing; reierences. p ca.n-.i.
SENIOR high school student would like
work evenings and Saturdays. Please
phone Wdln. 6323.
YOUNG man with lumber experience de
sires position; go anywhere. G 102, Ore-
JAPANESE student wants any kind of
work after school. I Kanamori. Phone
Automatic 572-72. Bdwy 4254.
WANT work, H-ton delivery, or will drive
your truck or touring. Woodlawn 6337,
after 5 P. M.
PORTER janitor or houseman t by reliable
colored man. In or out of town. V 105.
LIGHT janitor work for man and wife in
good clean apt. house for apartment ;
small wage. Tabor 5715.
CHAUFFEUR, thoroughly experienced, de
sires situation; first-class local refer
ences. Main 427S. m
CARPENTER Cpntractlng. repairs. re
modeling; reliable mechanic. Broad
way 2487.
WANTED Electrical work of any kind;
5 years' experience: can furnish refer
ences. Phone U. Q- Goodla. 552-37.
EXPERIENCED pantry man wishes posi
1, tion to work hotel or restaurant. Broad
way bi4
TABOR 3651.
EXPERIENCED truck driver, married,
wants steady position; able to do own
repairing, r. I-. "c
JAPANESE wishes a few hours work
In evening or
station a.
GOOD milker would like steady employ-
, rri . 1 1: 1 1 TV Krurlf
ment. rnunc j. nu
JAPANESE wants work as porter or dish
washer. Call 528-71
ROOMS tinted, $3 and $4; good work and
,-,1 ; c-.fifi
satisfaction. 1 nunc man
A STEADY, reliable man wants work at
anytning. v ....
MAN middle age. wants work as porter
orjanitor. V 114, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED truck and tractor driver
w an ts position. B 110, Oregonian.
TOOLMAKER or machinist wants position
1150 E. 32d N.
1 H. L C K - n-ton. with freignt boly. ft
blre. Knone nrnnuwiiy 10a.
JAPANESE wants posit on as porter or
hall boy. John Yoshloka. 266 Front st.
I DO LATHING. $6 per thousand V E
McGrew. Beaverton. Or.. Gen. pei.'
GET your painting, decorating and sizna
done now. Bst work. Tabor 266.
ROOFS repaired, cleaned and painted;
reasonable. Tabor 929.
WORK of any kind: plumber and fitter by
. trade. AC 119. Oregonian.
JAPANESE schoolboy wants position ir
family Call Main 850.
YOUNG man wants work three afternoons
per week or evenings. Broadway 1036.
PAINTING. tinting; work Guaranteed ;
prices reasonable. Tabor 8077.
MAX want work in feed store or ware
house. B 129, Oregonian,
YOUNG man who really knows auto re
pairing desires high-class position where
lie can prove his ability. Four years'
experience on autos, motorcycles and
erasoline tractors. AC 121, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stone quarry foreman
wishes position as foreman or tool
sharpening or general repair work and
experienced powder man. AC 123, Ore
gonian. .,
MARRIED man, who Is handy with all
kinds of tools and who is a gasoline en
gineer, desires position in Portland. Mar.
YOUNG man wants permanent place ; Ford
mechanic, chauffeur or truck driver; ref
erenccs. Tel. E. 6017. Mr. Cooper.
STUDENT desires work evenings and Sat
urday and Wednesday afternoons. B
14 t, Oregonian.
SALESMAN in city wants work from 6
P. M. to 10 P. M. Drugstore preferred;
S years' experience. AJ 46. Oregonian.
JAPANESE wants position as schoolboy.
Please call Mar. 2157.
PAINTI NO. tinting, papering; good work
reasonable. Seilwood 1399.
CA RPENTER will do your work right.
Phone Columbia 760 evenings.
Bookkeepers. Stenogrmpraers, Office.
TABOR 8h64.
If your cieed Is trained, efficient of
fice help, call Broadway 449. Clerical
Help Service. 431 Artisans bid.
EXPERIENCED accountant-bookkeeper-stenographer,
open for position; reason
able. Woodlawn 3421.
ELDERLY woman will keep house for
woman employed, for home and small
wages. Call mornings oniy, Columbia
65 or BF 39. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady wishes to assist with house
work for self and husband's room and
board ; husband is away all day. Call
Mrs, Eveisizcr. Main 3793.
YOUNG woman wouid like work evenings;
private exchange preferred. from 7
o'clock to 1U or 11 o'clock. V 111. Ore
gonian. WANTED A ptace lo take care of chil
dren evenings while mother is away ;
references. Woodlawn 1611.
tains done up like new. Will call.
East R518.
AD Y waits hot
hours, day; wor,
oue cleaning, other work.
k guaranteed. Woodlawn
WILL do typewriting at home; first-class
work and reasonable. What have you ?
T JS9, Oregonian.
VOl'NG woman wishes position as sales
woman, receptionist or demonstrator.
Mar. 3325.
WOULD like 6 or 7 hours' work each day,
anything ' but housework or cleaning. V
11. Oregonian.
MAN AND WIFE want position, first-class
waitress, man dishwasher; out of town.
V 103. Oregonian.
COLOR artist wants position ; have nad
experience in best studios in San Fran
cisco. AC 194. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED woman wants manage
ment of apt, house for apt. and small
wages; references. East 7S76.
W. IAN wants day work Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday. East t372. room loo.
woman wants work by day
Phone Automatic 516-31.
LADY want light morning ork.
Woodlawn 3439.
LADY wants fancy bundles; silk specialty.
Ca.l Woodlawn 3439.
FIRST-CLASS pastry woman wants pastry
work, cafeteria, city. T 19o, Oregonian.
WANTED Ironing a few days a week.
Call Marshall ls2S.
EXPERIENCED j?irl wants general house
work. Tabor 7666.
WOMAN wants work by hour. East 1049.
nftpr 10 A. M.
WANTtll) Dishwashing, cleaning or car
ing xor side, riast ;, rm. 9.
YOUNG lady would like position answer
ing phone. Call Main 371.
EXPE RI ENCED woman wants day work,
washing, ironing. Auto. 521-02.
TWO SISTEKS want chamber work; ex
perienced and reliable. East 399.
EXPERIENCED chambermaid wants work.
I hone Marshall 2152.
EXPERIENCED chambermaid
work. V lis, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady wishes position cooking and
du nstairs; adults. V lus, Oregon laii.
EXPERIENCED lady wants day work. 7 to
8 hrs. a day. Tabor 5NS0.
EXPERIENCED, competent woman wants
day work 4 to G hours, 50c. Se 1 lwood 6 1 4.
LADY wishes hour work or by day. Marsh-all
LADY wants day work. Tabor 3227.
Bookkeeper, Stenographers, Office.
EXP. VOL'NG lady steno. desires perma
ment position, able to take full charge
of small office ; salary $65. Phone Sel.
HALF DAY clerical work by conscientious
and efficient young woman; afternoons
preferred; best of references. Bdwy.
CO.MPETKNT stenographer and book
keeper; best of city references. Main
OVER 2 years' clerical experience ; can
type; no shorthand. State salary. X
1 85, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady, some experience, wishes po
sltion as stenographer or cashier. Main
CLERICAL work wanted by business wom
an ; some dictation ; earnest worker ;
nominal salary to ptart. Seilwood 698.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper-stenographer
wants general office work in or out of
city. Phone Main CS0.
EXPERIENCED typist, biller, switchboard
operator, desires good position. Caii
Main 1530.
BOOKKEEPER or steno. well exp. and
accurate in both, wants position; best of
reference Main 7496.
WANTED Office work; have had some ex
perience in typing and bookkeeping. G
197, Oregonian
EXPERIENCED stenographer wants posi
tion. Call Marshall 37SV
STENOGRAPH ER beginner wishes after
noon work; can type, -neatly. East 3860.
TYPIST Will do copy and mimeograph
work. Tabor 176.
TYPIST and dictaphone operator wants
position. Call Main 771.
WEARING apparel, all descriptions made,
remodeled, cleaned, dyed, pressed. Em
porium Dye Works, 549 Morrison at.
Bdwy. 4259:
DRESSMAKING, silk shirts, alterations
and children's cioths: work guaranteed.
Mrs. Ground. 407 10th st. Main 17 8 9.
PLAIN dressmaking, specially for work
ing girls and children. Miss Turner,
Marshall 245.
EXPERT designer, day engagements or
home work. Tabor 83S7. 1293 E. Alder.
DRESSMAKER, experienced, make over,
tailoring. $3.50 day. Marshall 2769.
DRESSMAKING Ladies' tailoring. chil
dren's clot hes ; reasonable. East 2478.
EXPERI ENCED nurse wishes case. Ta
bor 21 76. Best references.
EXPERIENCED nurse, care general nurs
Ing or a permanent case. Mar. 4091.
GRADUATE nurse wants position in doc
tor's office. Call Main 771.
MIDDLE-AGED trained nurse wishes a
permanent position. Y 118. Oregonian.
WANTED Nursing by practical nurse;
confinement preferred. East 601 4.
House keepers.
REFINED, neat widow with child 11 (well
behaved wishes place at once to work
for room and board for self and child;
in need very badly; prefer widower's or
bachelor's home; must be In city. Call
Broadway hotel, ask for room 20l,
MIDDLE-AGED lady who is excellent
housekeeper and neat, wishes position
for board and room for herself and
husband, who is an automotive electri
cian employed; Irvington preferred. C
1 96. Oregonian.
MOTHER and daughter wish position
housekeeping on ranch for widower; no
objection to two children ; no triUers to
apply. Call at Vandyn hotel, 209 Alder
?t.. upstairs, room 1 4.
EXPERIENCED housekeeper wants posi
tion in small apt. or rooming house
wnere apartment, with or without small
wages, is provided. B 132. Oregonian.
CAPABLE housekeeper, good cook, desires
position, home of couple employed or for
gentleman; good home, kind treatment,
reasonable wages. V 130, Oregonian.
MARRIED lady to take charge of apt.
house for apt. and some wages. V 132.
POSITION as housekeeper for board and
room for myself and husband, in city.
Call Wdln. 236 3, afternoons or evenings.
GOOD saving cook desires work In camp
or club. Bdwy. 2675.
CLEANING, sweeping, by the hour; house
work by week; no laundry. M.aln 7906.
YOUNG lady wants position to do house
work, or place as second maid. -Phone
Woodlawn 4926.
House cleaning. window washing,
carpet cleaning by expert workmen:
floors waxed, furniture polished like
188 Chapman st. Phone Main 117.
REFINED Christian woman wants position,
H . K. . widower's family, where p o o d
management is appresiated. V133,
Tabor 4638. House cleaning, floor wax
ing and vacuum cleaning: est i mates
cheerfully given. Best of references.
EXPERIENCED WOM AN wishes laundry
or day work. Call Broadway 4036. '
WANTED TO RENT Clergyman desires
modern 6-room house, furnished or un
furnished. In upper A Ibina, Irvington or
cbe-in district on east side; no children.
Phone East 4101 before noon.
WANTED Modern well-f urn! shed house
by responsible pa rty ; west side pre
ferred, but no objection to good loca
tion elsewhere. Main 1 243.
"WILL pay $5 if you will let me know
when you are moving so I can rent
house ; must be modern. 3 or -4 rooms,
with garage. Marshall 122.
WANTED To rent 6-room modern bun
galow; R. C. preferred; adults; will lease
lor 1 or 2 years. Phone Tabor 8S97.
HESPONSIBLE business man wishes mod
ern house or flat; wil lease; furnish ref
erences. Tabor 2753. T 195. Oregon; a n.
A 5-ROOM modern bungalow, furnished.
Phone in day time. Main 8120, in evc
ning. Tabor 7200.
WANTED ti-room unfurnished house with
gaiaro, near Sisters' school; responsible
business man. Tabor 3799.
WANTED To rent for winter months,
turnished house by two adults: will Siva
excellent care. East 15h2.
STltlCTL Y modern house or bungalow. 5
or 6 roooms. not -iose in i responsible
party. Marshall 47oo. local 9.
WANT furnished cottage at north Lmg
Beach, for 1 or 2 months. Call
Mr. Grussi. Main 7452.
WANTED To rent small house. Phone
W ood lawn 63 1 1 .
W HOLLY, partly or unfurnished shanty
or house. B 3 26. Oregonian.
WANTED To rent, small furnished or un
furnished house. Tabor 6437.
COLLEGE student of good family, desires
room in good home in return for a
little work. Is rareful automobile driver
and fair mechanic. V 17. Oregonian.
Rooms With Board.
GENTLEMAN desires room a n d b o a rd by
the month ; a place where I can feel at
home ; 110 objection to children. Give
price an.'l location. G J9S, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady employed, wants room and
board in respectable private family im
mediately. Mt. Tabor dist. preferred.
Phone Hotel Cnples, room 107.
BOARD and room wanted in private lam
iiy by gentleman and young son. near
school. B 123. Oregonian.
Housekeeping; Rooms.
WANTED 2 or 3 unfurnished housekeep
ing rooms by elderly lady in or ou;side
the city;: state Portland street car. G
24io, Oregonian.
REFINED middle-aged couple desire
housekeeping room with housekeeping
privileges; must be strictly clean. Phone
Tabo r 1775.
PL" BLIC school teacher wishes by Nov. 1
for self and father 3 furnished or unfur
nished h. k. rooms.' AC 120, Oregonian.
Uuine Placet.
STORE for carpenter's shop; cheap rent;
west side preferred. Broadway 24t7. .
WANT 1 modern office room and phone.
Call 3160.
5i7 WASH. Globe Dairy Lunch.
Fiirnihed Room.
ANGELA HOTEL, 625 Wasihngton st.
Under new management. Larg, home
like lobby witn large fireplace; auto
matic elevator; phones in each room.
Rooms with or Without baths. Rates $5
week and up.
East Morrison st., at Kaot Sixth.
The principal east side hotel; digni
fied and refined: $1.25 per day and up;
$6 per week and up
112 X. Sixth 2 blocks of depot.
$1 per day. $5 per week and up.
Hot and cold water, steam heat.
Free phone and baths.
124 14th St.. at Washington.
Rates $5 per week up. $1 day. Fire
proof, large, attractive, spotless rooms;
close to amusement and shopping center.
ROOM-MATE wanted by young man, em
ployed; No. 1 room, center part, west
side; one that wants a good companion.
B 109, Oregonian.
Fifth and Washington sts.
Attractive rates to permanent guest A
Commodious suites for families.
Morrison and Park streets.
New, fireproof arid modern.
Special rates to permanent guests.
FOR RENT A large, modern front bed
room; plenty of sun and air; suitable for
2 men or man and wife, both employed.
Call Broadway 3446
LA RGE. clean outside steam -heated room ;
hot and cold water ; walking dis Lance ;
very desirable. Marshall 154.
ST. PAUL HOTEL 130 4th st. Clean,
respectable, modern ; transient. $1 up.
Rates to permanent guests.
HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison at Tenth
Rates $1 a day up; weekly, $5 up; frea
phone and baths.
ROOMS to rent, one single sleeping, two
double sleeping rooms; nice, clean place;
close in. 30 N. 17th. Bdwy. 2597.
HOTEL ARTHUR. 170 11th st. .Nice
modern, clean rooms, at transient and
permanent rates.
Third and Main sts. Rates $5 a week
up; large rooms, attractive lobby.
NICELY furnished room ; furnace heat,
phone. 493 E. 23d st. Woodstock or
Richmond car.
$12 MONTH; electric light, heat. 54 N.
16th. walking distance ; gentlemen. Cail
from 4 to 8.
H I LLC REST Hotel, 733 Washington, nice,
modern, homelike rooms, rates to per
manent guests.
FOR RENT Some very good warm sleep
Ing rooms at 208 17th st.. near Taylor.
HARRISON HOTEL, rooms $2.30 per week;
board if desired. Front and Harrison sts.
$1 DAY, 2.50 week up; clean, baths free.
Botel aatuac, inirq near jeiierson.
FURNISHED room, all conveniences. 1108
Belmont street.
N ICELY furnished modern rooms, $5 a
week up. 147 Park st.
NICE, comfortable sleeping rooms on Wash,
st.. reasonable rent. 4S9 Wash. st.
GARLAND Hotel. 25 Trinity Place. Mod
ern outside rooms. $4 week and up.
NICELY furnished room and sleeping
porch. 59 20t h st .N a 1 k i n d is
Unfurnished Rooms.
UNFU RN ISHED room, pleasant, modern,
close iri ; will furnish rugs and some
furniture If desired. 349 V3 Sixth St.,
near Mill.
5 UN FURNISHED rooms, lower part of
house. 224 N. 16th st.
FurniaHed Rooms ia Private Family.
COfrtN ER room in good residence district,
with garage. Auto. 320-3M.
CLEAN, quiet room, reasonable. 382 Ku&s
st., 2 blocks Broadway bridge.
DESIRABLE 3d-floor room, nice for two.
$18. 414 Market St.
FURNISHED rooms for rent, modern;
good location. 29 E. 33d S.
FOR RENT Furnished room for gentle
man. 203 East First N.. near llui.aday.
SLEEPING ROOMS suitable for 2 or more
people. 295 W. Paik.
COMFORTABLE front room for congenial
man. Phone evenings. Marshall 32:5.
LARGE front airy room, walking distance
248 N. 20th st.
NICELY furnished sleeping rooms; hot and
cold water, steam heat. 269 5th st.
FRONT room with fireplace. for young
men. 160 N. 21st. 'Broadway 2087.
NICELY furnished, large room, close in.
breakfast if desired. Auto 322-64.
STEAM-HEATED clean front room; water
in room. 354 Montgomery st.
FURNISHED room for rent. $20 mo.. 529
Yamhill st.
ROOM in home near Campbell Hill ho
tel. 52 Lucretia st. Main 467.
FRONT room. heat. bath, phone. $12 per
month; walking distance. 534 Taylor st.
DESIRABLE room for rent, walking dis
tance; rent reasonable. East 443.
Ko rn in. tied Rooms in Private Family.
NICELY turn: shed room; gent leman pre
ferred. Lath, lights, heat, walking dis
tance. $16 per month. 502 Market.
Marshall 3466.
PIEDMONT 3 blocks from Jefferson high
school, furii' shed room for 2 quiet girl
students. Phono Wdln. 1729 between 5
ami s p. t
Vuii. KENT Wii'.amptte Heights, small,
comfortably furnished room. ' heated,
bath, te'ephone; lor business woman.
Main 4046.
LARGE front room for rnt. suitable for
gentlemen: bath, phone and all home
conveniences; within walking distance.
FI. J33.
NICE, completely furnished steam-heated
room, suitable for 2 gentlemen. Bdwy.
ATTRACTIVELY furnisliM suite, bedroom
and sitting room, Ladd Add., suitable
two gent lemen. KaM 1 1 "Jo.
NP'E large room; hot and cold water, heat.
26th and Belmont sts. East 8143 ; rea-
LO V'EL Y furnished front room, sui table
for two; furnish heat, plenty hot water,
in modern home. 141 N. 22d st.
COMFORTABLE front room for congenial
man. close Multnomah club. Phone eve
ninirs. M;ir. 3295.
PLEASANT room in modern home, 2G9 E.
32d st. near Hawthorne. Phone auto
matic 224-58. M eals if desired.
LARGE front room, Irvington district;
walkinc distanco; garage if desired.
E:st 3452.
N 1C ELY f urn i shed room on Hawthorne
ave.; bronkfast If desired; C. S. pre
ferred. Tabor 3748.
269 14TH ST.. near Jefferson st. Furnished
rooms, running water, heat, walking
d it a nee.
SMALL, very pleasant room, plenty of hot
water, on car line. 667 Et 21st South.
Seilwood 7"'S.
ELEGANTLY furnished room In swell pri
vate home, suitahlo for two young men,
close in. 71 Trinity Place.
FUR N1SH ED room for (rent leman ; break
fast if desired. G01 E. Salmon, corner
15th. East 7J91.
FURNISHED room, all
ences. suitable for 2.
Market st.
modern convenl
Mam 4337. 455
NICELY furnished room, private home,
weyt side ; gentlemen; references. Bdwy.
FURNISHED room in small private family,
within walking- distance, east side; ref
erences. Phone East 1 55.
A LARGE front room with dressing room,
all conveniences. M a rslia II 43. Call
mornings and evenings after 6 P. M.
44S TAYLOR st., clean front sleeping
room, quiet home, f urnaco heat, for
gentle man.
PLEASANT corner room, strictly modern
home, suitable for two, west side, rea
ponable rates. . Phone Marshall 27M.
LARGE, light warm front room; modern
conveniences ; walk ing distance. East
NICE front sleeping room with bach and
telephone, ciose to three car lines. 106
22d st. N. Phone Main 2M".9.
BEAUTIFUL lare front room, conven
ieneea; also cheap attic. 341 11th.
Main 34 78.
IDEAL roo'n and home in young people's
family. Mar. 114.
NJ'E front room with running water for 2.
291 W. Park.
Rooms With Hoard.
Two of the best-konwn residential
hotels on Pacific coast.
American plan, with or without bath,
$2.50 a day up; Mtes by day or month.
Mea Ih served to- transient a
NORTON1 A HOTEL. Portland's downtown
high-. :lass family hotel ; rooms en suite
or single, with or without board, for
families and business men and women.
We sive you ail the comforts of a home,
reasonable rates.
DESIRABLE room in exclusive family
hotel for couple; also young man tb-sires
conKenial roommate; good home cooking;
shower, fireplace, hot wnter heat; all
modern convergences. East SoH9.
THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. Tenth st. For business girls and
students; reasonable rates. Mar. 1251.
KoOM and board for business
modern conveniences: walking
$5 per week. Aut. 21-974. 12 K.
girls; all
7th st.
BOARD and. room. JS and up; o min. walk
to shipyards. 207 Sherman st.
COM PORTA BLE room for
M tin 3iHH. 329 Broadway.
two: piano.
Room With Board in Private Family.
RESPECT A BLE young lady to room and
board (2 meals) in nicely furnished
home, with younir couple; all home priv
ileges: 1 block trom car. 295 E. 38th
St. Tabor 13 3.
BEST of meals and nice room in modern
home, suitable for two young men who
appreciate home privileges; near Union
and Broadway. East 6;i'.t3.
On or two beautifully fnrnished
rooms, sleep ing porch ; pxvl!ent board ;
la 11 nd ry pri i leges. East 6645.
ATTRACTIVELY furnished steam-heated
room suitable for one or two young la
dies; good meals; heme privileges. 567
Glis;rn st. Bdwy. 243S.
LA RG E room with sleeping porch and
board in attractive home, suitable for
2 girls or man and wife, employed.
Woodlawn 2202.
ROOM and boa rd In modern home lor
young man willing to share room with
congenial voun g man; reasonable rates.
Phone Marshall 27S1.
SOUTHERN' woman, Rood cook, has plain,
comfortable nxun. with excellent board
for one or two working men. close In, on
east side; reasonable. Tabor 6. 75.
EXCLUSIVE home offers rooms with good
home cooking for business men. 143 19th
st. N. Bdwy. 4314.
WILL board children from 2 to 6 years
reasonable or mother and child. Box 367
or Tabor sS7
CARE for Kirl or boy, 4 to 10. in private
f.iniily, near Rose City school. Tabor
ROOM S wit h board In modern home : good
home cooking ; 3 gent .em en preferred.
Sell. Btt'.y. 624 E. Sth st. S.
LARGE front room, twin beds, all mod
ern conveniences-; two gentlemen pre
ferred. 40 Montgomery. Marshall 1752.
NICE warm room with board, close in,
west side. Automatic 319-36.
Furnished Apartment--.
Fifth and Columbia Streets.
Five minutes' walk to Meier St Frank's
store; good surroundings, strictly mod
ern 2 and 3-room furnished apts., out
side, with French doors and balcony.
Peimanent and transient.
FURNISHED apartment, high-class beau
tifully furnished 2 and 3 rooms and
sleeping porch, very modern, lots of heat;
will rent to couple or refined bachelor;
also bachelor suite and room and bath;
ref. required. Marshall 2S30
Strictly first-claxs 3 -room apartment,
two d isappearing beds, t i led ba tb, dress
ing room, etc., $73; adults. 4 15 Tenth.
Main 6:oo.
$3o MoNTH Lariie room, sleeping porch,
kitchenette, liuht, heat, clean linen : line
location ; 2 adults em ployed ; 2 gent.e
men pref. Call alternoon .V.O Davis st.
DRICKSTON a:ts., 44S Ilth; one 2-room.
nicely furnished; one nice, airy, com
pletely furnished basement apartment;
w indows in each room.
PEA BODY A PTS.. 19tn ana Upshur sts.
Housekeeping apartments. 1. 2 and 3-rm.
steam heat; reasonable. Broadway 1546.
SUNNY 2-room furnished apartment, west
side, vacant the 15th; $45. Phone East
TH E HYLAX D. 490 Morrison. 1 and 2
rom apts. ; everything furnished ; steam
heat, walking distance; adults only.
3- ROOM furn ished apartment, res sona hie
rent, electricity and telephone furnished,
walking distance. 395 61 h.
BUSINESS woman or nurse to share mod
ern apt. with lady ; separate bedrooms.
A J 51. Oreg. Miian.
UNION AVE. and Ki!it:.K8wurth, $23.50:
alL complete; concrete building.
2-ROOM basement apts. in Irvington ; $25.
East 4N..2.
LUC I LLE COURT. Broadway 2071. 4-roorn
corner, front apartment.
FURNISHED apartment for rent. Call
Unfurnished Apartment.
APT. FOR RENT, furniture for sale; ma
hogany furniture, oriental rugs, beauti
ful three-room apt. goes with this; white
enameled woodwoork, hardwood floors;
located in the heart of Portland's best
residential dist rid : no rai' in rent :
lease for a year or more. Phone East
GARDNER, 13th and E. Ash sts. Large
5 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace. Lot
water heat; t h is is f irst-class ; adults
$70. East 271.
UNFURNISHED 2 and 3-room suites, $15
per suite; adult- only. 69-71 K. 22d st.
FIVE-ROOM ilat, auuits, $30. 424 Stanton.
. 1&6S evenings.
MODERN 5-room flat for rent. E. IStn
snn Morrison. $30. Call Main 6967.
Furnititr2 FLIm.
Attractive 7-room modern flat with
fireplace and furnace: elegant furniture
for sale, which is all new and up to dat
with income and lovely homo for self.
Main 4246.
MODERN, clean, rheerftil 4 rooms, sleep
ing porch, bath, front balcony, tine view, floor, outside rooms: basement, fur
nace; west side, walking distance; adults,
permanent, reference; 50. Faustina. w4
Hall st.. near 13th.
At tractive 7-room modern flat with
fir place and furnace ; el.unt furniture
for sale, which is all jwv and up-to-date,
wit h income and lovely home for
self. Main 4246.
Attractive 7-room modern flat with fire
P'aee and furnace ; elegant furniture for
sale, which is all new and up to da te.
with income and lovely home for self.
Main 4246.
See this cozy fiat with furna and
fireplace, winter fuel in ; beautiful and
complete furnishings for sale; no deal
ers or agents need apply. Mar. 2645.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished 6-room flat;
adults. $so. 330 13th. Main 5999.
5-ROOM upper furnished flat, clean. Ta
bor 523. 229 East 49th st.
UPPER fiat on west fide, 3 rooms and
kitchenette. 490 Market st.
Housekeeping "Rooms.
SECOND story of my hous. nicely fur
nished for housekeeping ; consists of liv
ing room, bedroom, kitchen and bath
room; entire second story will be strictly
private; desire no more than two per
sons. 619 Clatsop st Telephone Sellwooa
1 5 1 6.
$13 A MONTH. 2 furnished H. K. rooms,
steam heat, electric lights, laundry, hot
and cold water. Call East 6039. 406 Van
couver ave.
KITCHENETTE, private bath and rw
completely furnished housekeeping room-;
steam heat, laundry. 1S6 Sherman t
Mar. 39m;.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Mar. Fnrnishe-
H. K . rooms. $15 up, including gas ranr(
hot water, electric lights. laundry room.
TRUNKS and baggage delivered in down
town district for 25c Auto service, Fre
storage for 15 days. Phone Bdwy. 244.S.
LARGE room, kitchenette; running water.
76 Park ave. C. C. car; walking
one block off Wash.
BINGLE housekeeping rooms, completelT
furnished; hot water, electricity. 225
i-iarrison st.
2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, everything ftn
nis-hed. furnace heat, wikig d l.anr.
95 E. 12th st.
Also unfurnished modern 2-story bufld
Ing at 163 First, corner Morrison.
ATTIC room, fitted up for housekeeping,
close in. west side, $3 per week. Mar
shall 1SS5.
CLEAN rooms, ground floor. prat
entrance, walking distance; adults. East
2 1 70.
MIDDLE-AGED woman wants light ho
woric. East 4720 after 9 A. M
$5 "WEEK, completely furnished h. k.
suites. The Cad ilia c, 3 d. near Jefferson.
TWO LARGE connecting H. rooms;
running water. 291 11th.
THREE large H. K. rooms, first floor, fur
nace heat. 335 Montgomery.
OX I-j LARGE room for light housekeeping.
235 11th street, corner Main.
BASEMENT H. K. rooms. $S up. 530 Davis
st. men ). afternoon. Nice location.
FOR. RENT H. K. rooms, reasonable.
Phone Main 7262.
IIouekreping Rooms In Private Family
HOUSEKEEPING rooms Entire lower
floor. consisting live largei furnintied
rooms; easy walking distance; desirable
neighborhood; moderate rent to perma
nent renter. Call 34 East 9th North,
corner Couch st.
TWO LIGHT housekeeping rooms to two
people that are employed during trie
day. 374 Vancouver ave. Phone E. 2710.
"Walking distance.
TWO OR three housekeeping rooms with
kitchenette, east side, by Nov. 1. Mar.
12 evenings.
3 LARGE unfurnished rooms, modern,
first floor; walking distance. 32 E.
First St.
LA RGB front room, furnished housekeep
ing; west side ; wa lkinpr distance; also
n m all bedroom. 301 17th st.
LARGE furnished housekeeping- room with
alcove, electricity, pas, bath; south ship
yards; South Portland car. 7S5 Keliy st.
FURNISHED attic room, heated. $3 week;
also warm basement room, furnished or
unfurnished, for batching. 141 N. 22d.
DESIRABLE, nieely furnished 1 rm. and
kitchenette. 121 N. 23d st.
ON E 3-ROOM and one 2-room apt-, close
in. 1ST 17 th st. Itelknap apts.
2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, suitable for Z
men; rent reasonable. 194 Londa.e.
Soliday Bros. Transfer & Storage Co.
Bdwy. 4 222.
Loni?-Distnnce Haul ins1.
Storage. Parkin and Shipping.
Sol kin y Bros. Transfer & Storage Co
Broadway 5S0. Auto. 747.
441 EAST 13TH ST. N. will lease $50 per
mo., or will sell $450 ; small payment
down, balance like rent. 818 Chamber of
Commerce. Main S052.
300 E. ASH ST. Large 6-room house,
clenn. hot water heat furnished from a
central plant : near Washington H. S. ;
also garage; $0; adults; ref. East 271.
LEAVING town, must rent or sell modern
9 -room bungalow, Hawthorne district.
Main 1550.
LA RG E modern house and garage ; rea
sonable rent to responsible parti.
Marshall 24 S6.
9-ROOM house, every modern convenience;
rent, lease, sell; attractive term. 3SS
916 EAST Yamhill; 5 rooms for rent, in
cluding piano; also 2 fine furnished
housekeeping rooms for nice peopie.
MOVING Piano, furniture and lon -distance
hauling a specialty. C. & W. Truck
Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121.
FOR RENT Unfurnished house. four
rooms, kitchen and bath, pas and wood
ranges; one room reserved. Tel. Sell, los.
5 rooms and sleeping porcn, $t; noy
children. B 142. Oregonian.
WILL RENT 2 modern homes in good lo
cality. G. G. Rohrer. Russell Rental
Realtor. 301 Panama bldg.
8-KOOM house, all modern conveniences,
corner of 21st and Northrup sts.; garage
if wanted. 255 North 21st.
BEST equipped for local and long dis
tance hauling and moving. Green Tr.
Co , 202 H Alder st. Main 1261.
FOR RENT 4-room modem cottage on
Linnton road, near Standard Oil. In
quire 235 Stark. Phone Main 2363.
ROOMS. completely furnished. 365
Halsey st., near Union ave. Call after
1 o'clock.
BUNGALOW for rent to party buying
furniture of same; 7 rooms. IS E. 31st
6-HuOM house, $45. Call Main 37S3 from
3 to 5.
Furnished Houses.
6-room modern bungalow In center of
Rose City, finely furnished, fireplace,
furnace. Will lease. $0 per montb.
See Mr. Croxford.
410 Henry Building. Broad way 4751.
Ko R RENT Beautifully furnished mod
ern 7-rm. noose, sightly location, 3
blks. from Hawthorne car ; garage,
every convenience. 34 7 E. 29 1 h and
Stephens. Phone Tabor S1U0. Reliable
persons only.
Kl'KMSHED 4 or 6-room bouse and sleep
ing porch and garage; modem: no chil
dren; also wood for saie. 110S Milwau
kee St.
$35 FOR RENT. 5-R. modern furnish
house, close to Columbia Park ; f tj
and daughter 9 would like to boar.
Phone Col umbla 70O evenings after 6.
MODERN, nicely furnished 0-room bouse;
will want room and board for three.
Main 033. or East 0O14.
$40 FURNISHED house, piano. ga?t. elec
tricity; no crnldhen. 103 East &4th st.
N. M. V. depot car.
5-ROOM furnished bungalow, close in. wood
for sale. 4S K. 21st ft. south, sen. ims.
Stores and Ruiloe Place.
FIRST floor. 25x100, and full cement base
ment, with steam heat, in new fireproof
reinforced concrete building, one block
from North Bank depot, on car line. A
beautiful storeroom. For lease. Address
The Oregon New Company, 11th and
STORE room. 510 Alder st.. near lth.
with living rooms overhead, located In
automobile row. See Mr. O'Brien. 23G
437 STARK st.. good light, steam heat.
1-K V'th t none Klurtr
D. G. Woodward, agent. 104 2d street.
STORE 20x5. 227 Clay St., between it
and 2u. -u.