THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1920 13 COUPLE-TAKEN HERE OH "SLAVE" CHARGE Youth Accused of Stealing Califcrnian's Wife. WOMAN WELL KNOWN E. II. Huston, Declared Violator of Uaun Act, and Mrs. Evilo Lod ford Apprehended in Hotel. Elopement w.Uh another man's wife Is merely the assertion of his' right to "the pursuit of hanplnees," de clared E. 11. Huston. 21, when appre hended yesterday morning in a down town hotel by federal officers and held on a white slave charge. His companion was Mrs. Evilo Ladford f San Francisco. "How come?" inquired ' "William Eryon, of the department of Justice, when he talked with Huston, an ex service man, regarding his plight. "I guess every fellow has the right to liberty and the pursuit of happi ness," responded Huston. "Even to the extent of borrowing another man's wife, without settling the account with him?" Insisted Mr. Uryon. That's the way I look . at It answered the prisoner. Not Done In Portland. Tou may look at it that way." was Mr. Bryon's final word, "but it's the jiort of thingr that won't g In Port land." Huston Is held on a formal charge of having violated the Mann act, ac cording to Deputy United States At torney Reames, and will be returned to San Francisco for trial as eoon as the federal grand Jury in that city brings in an indictment. He la alleged to have lured Mrs. Ladford away from her husband in San Francisco and for some weeks the couple are eatd to have been touring the Pacific coast together. Mrs. Iadford Is re ported to bo well known In the Cali fornia metropolis, as the daughter of a prominent customs-house official of that port. The couple were traced from San Franciisco to Reno, thence to Sacra mento and Seattle and a day or so ago to this city where their romance suffered a blight when federal offi cers followed them to their room. Though Huston is defiant, Mrs. Lad ford Is said to be penitent and is persistently appealing to the authori ties to send her home again. Holmes In Trouble. Another white slave complaint was filed yesterday In federal court against Leo Anderson Holmes, now held in jail at Astoria. Holmes is alleged to have conveyed Mrs. Dora Peterson from Aberdeen, Wash., to Portland during the session of the Imperial Shrintr and Is said to have made full confession. The woman is held as a material witness for the prosecution. Deputy United Statea District At torney Reames says that in addition to the white slave charge. Holmes has coniessea 10 araic evasion and Having falsified his questionnaire. It is alleged that he failed to register in the first draft, though of the requisite age and that though he registered in the second draft he then made the false declaration that he was married, winning thereby a deferred classification. ern cities on 'his trip, Including Chi cago, Grand Rapids, Mich.; Pittsburg, Pa.; Bowling Green. Ky.; Memphis and Nashville. Tenn.; New Orleans. La., and San Antonio, Tex. He re ports that a careful sounding of the sentiment of southern states reveals an overwhelming sentiment for Hard ing. "The cotton growers of the south are in financial straits," said ilr. Schnabel, "due to the fact that their cotton has been produced at a maxi mum of expense and the present price of cotton to the growers is below the producing cost. They are hoping for better results through a change in the administration. All he taxpayers of the south are Inwardly hoping and praying that Harding will be elected. "This Is a strong statement, but It Is the. truth I haven't met a single man in the south who said he would vote for Cox. From all indications, it will be a landslide for the repub lican ticket." poacher winy IN WIN BACK-DATED HUXTIXG CEXSE OF XO HELP. LI- LOCAL FIRM AXXOCSCES CVT IX PRICES. Joe Orselll, Truck Gardener oM BeaTerton, Convicted and Fined for Poaching. The quick wit of Joe Orselll. truck gardener of Bearerton, did not avail to save him fron conviction yester day of the charge of shooting with out a license, when arraigned before Justice Smith of Hillsboro. And al though Orselll Is crestfallen, be is no more so than Is W. E. Peg, dep uty county clerk of Washington coun ty, who has pledged his word to the state game warden's office that never again will he back-date a hunting license. ' Orselll was arrested on October 11. wnlle hunting pheasants near Beaver ton, by Warden Craig on a charge of shooting, without a license. He protested volubly that he had the license at his home, and that he would procure It and prove his In nocence. Released on his own recog nizance, Orselll persuaded Deputy Clerk Peg? to Issue a license to him, setting the date of the document back to October 9, or two days before the warden encountered him afield Wary from long dealing with sev eral varieties of poaching. Warden Craig questioned the authenticity of the license, with respect to the time of issuance, and prevailed upon the deputy clerk who Issued it to proceed to Portland and "render an explana tion. Pegg gave his testimony In the form of an affidavit, admitting that he had issued a license to Orselll and dated it back to October 9. A fine of $25 and costs was as sessed against Orselll In the Hills boro court. Pegg waf reprimanded for having falsified the date In Is suing a license, but was absolved from any suspicion of having at tempted to aid Orselll la' defeating the law. NEWSPAPER SALE DENIED Owner of San Francisco Clironlclc Says Report IVitliout Foundation. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 13. M. H. De Toung, owner of the San Francisco Chronicle, denied today that the Chronicle had been sold to Chester H. Rowell, who last week sold the Fresno Republican. Mr. De Young said the reported sale of the Chronicle was "without foundation." 40 7 7 at Aberdeen Registered. ABERDEEN, Wash., Oct. 13. (Spe cial.) Aberdeen registration, when the lists closed Monday night, t was 4977. within 123 of the highest mark reached here, which was In 1914, when 5100 names were on the list. Of the total registration 3112 are men and 1865 are women. Montesano registra tion totaled 12S4 and Elma 833. All Stetson, Borsallno and Schobel hats Vl off. C. C. Bradley Co.. 352 - - . . j Washington, near Park sts., Morgan Large Manufacturer Gives Reduc-j bIock .Adv. tion In Cost of Raw Material Reasonfor Change. Announcement of an Important price reduction in hand knitting yarns has been made by the largest manu facturers of these goods In the United. States. Word of this1 reduction has Just been received by Olds, Wortman & King, from S. B. & B. W. Flelsher, Inc., of Philadelphia, who manufac ture more than 70 per cent of all the hand knitting yarns used in the United States. It Is announced that the reduction will average between 20 and 30 per cent In price. S. B. & B. W. Flelsher, Inc., state In their an nouncement that while labor costs at present are higher than they have ever been, the reduction In price of knitting yarns is made possible by economy of production in their plants, due to greatly increased capacity dur ing the war. xlus a recent decrease In the price of raw materials. S. B. & B. W. Fleisher, Inc.. is one of the oldest yarn manufacturers in the United States, having been estab lished over 53 years. They were the first American concern to manufac ture hand knitting yarns. Their im mense mills cover over 16 acres of floor space and employ over 2000 people. STATES HELD 5 PORTLAXD ATTORNEY PROBES SEXTIJIEXT IX SOUTH. " Kentucky, Tennessee and Xorth Carolina Declared Safely in Republican Column, ' Three of the bulwark states of democracy Kentucky, Tennessee and North Carolina will go solid - for Senator Harding In the coming elec tion, according to the prediction of C. J. Schnabel, Portland attorney, who returned from a 30-day trip through the east and south Tuesday night. Mr. Schnabel, accompanied by Mr. 6chnabel, visltedeeveral large east- The price of good coffee is the price of Schilling Coffee. If you pay less, you get less flavor, fewer cups to the pound. , - So you don't save money by buying coffee at lower price; and you lose the de lightful fragrance and the rich smooth taste that every one has a right to enjoy the first thing in the morning. Will you wait until next week, next month, next year? Or will you try Schilling Coffee today? Schilling Coffee 4 Dtxiemt Kinds of Laudr & Different Prices EAST 494 If you once use E. M. Clothes Bleach in yourTiome laundry work you will never be without it. There's a reason why. x Sold and guaranteed by MEIER & FRANK CO., OLDS, WORTMAN & KING and all leading drug; and grocery stores. Price 50c. lT TT7" ' yv f r i -r- r ' n . i . . tt-w- x. . - -r- - a - - r Air.' rn y If" we wve o kst n ureen iraaing stamps wttti Jfnrc liases Amounting to iuc or more jsh jor inemi 75c Cretonnes 55c Bargain Circle, 1st Floor New Cretonnes in a large assortment of beautiful patterns and colors for all kinds of draperies. These are standard 75c values. Priced special, a yard 55c The Standard Store of the Northwest Olds, Wortman & Kin Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Curtain Samples Bargain Circle, First Floor Manufac turer's Sample Squares in a great variety of styles and patterns. Priced AQn very special at $1.48, 790 and OV, FULL LENQTII CURTAINS with slight imperfections. 500, 750, $1 each. Women's New Fall Skirts in a Feature Sliowini Dahlia and Gladiolus Show Today Main Floor Exhibiting for public inspection the choicest varieties of Dahlias and Gladioli. "Jjou are invited to call and view this attractive 6howing. Bring your friends. Lowering Prices Space and time will not permit us to publish complete lists of all changes in prices, therefore we take his means of notifying the public that WE WILL MEET ALL LEGITIMATE , PRICE REDUCTIONS and in many instances go one better. You Can Depend Upon This Store for "RELIABLE MERCHANDISE" "RELIABLE METHODS" ifiinr- " -i yyffi-gnWi ttJi 'iM ij ii li Garment Store, Second Floor No matter what particular style or fabric you may have in mind, here is a collection so varied and complete that you are certain to find a pleasing model. Skirts in every popular style brought out this season marked to sell at reasonable prices. Second Floor. New Plaid Skirts Plaid Skirts are decidedly fashionable this season. " We show an exceptionally good assortment of these- in all the newest styles, colors and combinations. Also new Skirts of Serge, Velour and Tricotine. Accordion, box, knife and side plaited effects also smart new gathered styles. Prices range $8.95 to $35.00 Skirts for Large Women $8.95 to $37.50 Women who wear large sizes will find here a splendid assort ment of new Fall Skirts made up in Tricotine, Silk Poplin, Serge and other desirable materials. Tailored and plaited styles. All the wanted plain colors, plaids and stripes $8.95 up to $37.50 Georgette Waists Special $3.49 Garment Salons, Second Floor Plain and Fancy Georgette "Waists in many beautiful styles trimmed with embroidery, beads, tucks, plaitings, etc. Also Tailored-" Waists of pongee in 6ev- QQ 4f eral smart styles. Long or short sleeve models. Special OO.rxcl New Bath Robes $4.75 to $35 Second Floor Women's Bath Robes in mandarin and other popular styles. Roll or sailor collars. Large selection of floral, Indian and oriental designs. Light or dark. Priced $4.75 to $17.50 Pendleton Indian Robes (with war tax) $"55 We give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps. Wool Sweaters At $12.98 Second Floor Women's Wool Sweaters at a re duced price. Several different styles in this lot tuxedo, Norfolk and flare effects. Plain and fancy weaves, heavy and light weights. Good selection of colors. Specially priced Q- Q QQ for today's selling your choice, at Ox.JO Outing Flannel Night Gowns 2.49 eSl $2.49 Alder-Street Circle Extra special of fering for today. Women's Night Gowns of good quality outing flannel in plain white and novelty stripes. Cut generously full well made. Priced spe Faultless Pajamas y Price Alder-Street Circle Women's Fa jamas in the well known "Faultless" make. One and two-piece styles. Of fine quality Seco silk and satinette in pink or blue. On sale at Vt PRICE. $7.98 Pajamas, special at $3.99 $9.98 Pajamas, special at $-L.99 $1.25 Camisoles At 79c Alder-Street Circle Women's Silk Camisoles in several dainty styles trimmed with laces. Regu lar $1.25 grade; special $3.50 Camisoles $2.49 Alder-Street Circle An odd lot of Women's High-gTade Silk Camisoles offered at a big reduction. Hand-embroidered or ribbon tops. CJO A( Regular $3.50 values now Dixi All Men's Clothin aM5WK."-lJ, . I i ' mm g Reduced ! -A Sale That Means Something! Unrestricted choice of any Men's Suit or Overcoat in the house at a sharp reduction in price. This doesn't mean a few novelty styles and undesirable colors but this season's very best models and fabrics. Blue Serge Suits included. The man who has put off buying his winter clothing will save many a dollar by supplying his needs at once. Department on the Main Floor. Men's Suits Reduced All Men's reduced for All Men's reduced for All Men's reduced for All Men's reduced for All Men's reduced for $4.00 Suits this sale to $45.00 Suits thi3 sale to $50.00 Suits this sale to $55.00 Suits this sale ta $60.00. Suits this sale to $31.45 $35.65 $39.45 S43.85 S47.95 All Men's reduced for All Men's reduced for All Men's reduced for All Men's reduced for All Men's $65.00 Suits this sale to $70.00 Suits this sale to $75.00 Suits this sale to $30.00 Suits this sale to $85.00 Suits reduced for this sale to $49.95 $54.85 S59.65 S62.65 $65.95 Overcoats Reduced . All Men's. $35.00 Over coats, priced special at All Men's $40.00 Over coats, priced special at All Men's $45.00 Over coats, priced special at All Men's $50.00 Over coats, priced special at All Men's $55.00 Over coats, priced special at Men's Store, $27.95 $31.45 $35.65 $39.45 $43.85 All Men's $60.00 Over coats, priced special at All Men's $65.00 Over coats, priced special at All Men's $75.00 Over coats, priced special at All Men's $80.00 Over coats, priced special at All Men's $85.00 Over coats, priced special at Main Floor $47.95 $49.95 $59.65 $62.25 $65.95 Women's $16.50 Boots At $9.95 Main Floor Women's Laced Boots of black or Havana brown kid. Made with plain pointed toe, hand-turned soles and covered full Louis heels. Beautiful, dainty foot- (PQ QC wear; one of our best makes; $16.50 grade; 'pair 07.5J Dark Tan Calf Boots in the famous "Kelley" make. Fabric tops, medium pointed toe last with military heels and walk ing soles. Regular $14.00 grade (PQ QFt Boots priced special for this sale D Laced Boots of cocoa brown ca'ffekin, with fawn colored buckskin uppers. Laced style with welt soles and military heels. (PQ Narrow toe. Regular $16.00 Boots $15.00 Buttoned Boots at $9.95 - Main Fir. Buttoned Boots of Patent colt with mat kid tops. Full Louis heels, hand -turned soles. (PQ Qr Regular $15.00 Boots; pair Ik Main Floor Buttoned Boots of beaver-brown kid. Full Louis heels, hand-turned soles. Regu- QQ QPt lar $13.00 Boots the pair 3t.JJ OWK Coffee 3 Pounds $1.15 Model Grocery, 4th Floor Certified Canned Apricots, on special sale today a can Oregon Canned Pumpkin, priced special today the can Preferred Stock Catsup, on special sale today a bottle OWK Imperial Roast Coffee at a new low price for today's selling. No deliveries except with other grocery purchases. Specially priced, fl1 " JT 390 a pound 3 pounds We reserve right to limit quantity. 45c 15c 29c (i - Electric Floor Lamps The largest and best selected stock of Floor Lamps in the city awaits your inspection at Olds, Wortman & King's. N.ow is the time to buy while lines are complete. Floor -Lamps to $150 Floor Lamps Electric Floor Lamps in assorted (3" n rn styles with 2 globes. Priced special D-Li.O" Silk Shades for Floor Lamps, as- I" O PA sorted- colors. Well made. Special D-LOU Extension Lamp Cords, 6 ft. with connections, at 080 Benjamin Two-way Plugs, special 980 Table Lamps Art Metal Table Lamps in many beautiful styles. Special at $10, $15 and $17.50 each. Mahogany-finish Table Lamps in a variety of styles; $5, $6.50, $12.50 (without shades). --Table Lamps in polychrome finish. Many dif ferent colors. Without shades. Special $7.48 .Desk Lamps Miller Desk Lamps, assorted finishes. IQ Q Adjustable. On special sale today, at DO.ftO Boudoir or Desk Lamps in assorted styles and finishes (without shades), $3.95, $4.95, $5.95 Silk Shades for Boudoir Lamps $1.98-$2.95 Carpet Sweepers At S5.95 Third Floor Bissell's Ball-bearing Carpet Sweepers noiseless, easy to operate; dust-proof axle tubes, best bristle brush. Priced spe- fiJK'QK cial for today only each 3tl.7tJ 4 Basement Underprice Store- 36-In. Wool Serge $1.59 On Sale Thursday Only Basement Good firm quality All-wool Serge suitable for women's dresses, skirts, children's coats and dresses. Black, red, plum, navy, green, gray and brown. Full 36 inches wide. This is one of the best offerings the (?1 CQ Basement Dress Goods Store has announced for months. Special, yard UJ-.Jc Sheet Blankets Special $1.89 Comforter Batts $1.85 Basement Women who make their own comforters will appreciate this bargain. Fine wool-finish Cotton Batts, size 72x90 inches, for large comforters; limited number P" QP on sale today in Basement 0-L.Otl Men's Hose, Special 5 Pairs $1.00 Regular Selling: Price 35c Basement Men's Cashmerette Hose greatly underpriced for one day. Dont fail to bay generously for the saving is well wdrth while. Black with gray heel and toe, elastic ribbed tops. Sizes from 10 to 11. Hose CJ-J selling heretofore at 35c or 3 for $1.00 priced special at 5 pairs for U -L.liVl Basement Be prepared for cold wea ther get an extra blanket or two at this sale and pay a low price. Good heavy quality gray Blankets espe cially desirable for use as J" QQ sheets. Priced special, each Dx.OI "1900" Eledtric Washers The "1900" is the perfect washing machine. Come in and let our demonstrator show you the many superior features of this remark able machine. Swirls the water through the clothes instead of forcing it into the garments. $10 Down and convenient weekly or monthly payments may be had on the balance. We are also the Portland agents for the One-Minute and Gainaday Electric Washing Machines. See demonstrations in Housewares Store. O-Joy Washers, Special $121.50 We have decided to discontinue selling the O-Joy Electric Washers and wiU close our remaining machines at "the above special price. Rocker type with all-copper tank. Limited number. Place your order early! Dept., 3d Floor mm Wizard Mops $2, $2.50 The original and best of all tri angular Mops. $2.00 and $2.50 Wizard Polish 1-oz. size 300, 12 oz. size 600 1-qt. size $1.25 Yz gal. size $1.75 Gallon size $3.00 Wizard Paste for floors, furniture and linoleum. Pint size 750 Quart size $1.50 Department Third Floor. Portland Agency for Detroit Jewel Stoves and Ranges Department 3d Floor