Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 14, 1920, Page 11, Image 11

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HBII.IQ (Bromlway at Taylor) Mclntyre
and Heath in Hello, Alexander!' To
night. BAKER ( Alder at Eleventh) Baker Stock
company In "A Dollar Down." Tonight.
LYRIC (Broadway at Morrison) Musical
comedy. "WriBht From Bluffville.
Three shows daily. 2. 7 and 9 P. M.
HIPPODROME (Broadway at.Tamhlll)
Vaudeville and moving pictures, 2 to 6.
8:45 to 11 P. M. Saturdays. Sundays and
holidays continuous. 1:13 to 11 P. M.
PANTAC.ES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude
ville. Three shows dally, 2:30. 7 and 9:05.
Machinists on Strike. As result
of a strike called, by the Interna
tional Association of Machinists,
directed ajrainst the 58 plants of the
American Can company in the United
States and Canada, all machinists em
ployed in the west side plant of the
company in Portland are out, accord
ing to J. W. Marriott, business agent
of the local union. Machinists In the
east side plant operated by the same
company will be called out in the
near future. It is said. Twelve men
are affected in the west side walkout
and 24 will be affected in the east
side plant. The fight Is said to be
for an cisrht-hour day or 48-hour
week, abolition of the bonus system
and establishment of a minimum
wage scale.
Nine in Home Afflicted. Nine
cases of smallpox were reported in
one home, quarantined by the city
health bureau.- yesterday. The Per
sons affected range in age from 2 to
60 years. The home is at 187 Chester
street. Those suffering from the
disease are .Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Neely.
Mrs. J. D. Neely. J. K. Neely. W. L.
Neely. Center Neely. Alvin Neely and
Joe and Kva Baker. None of those
sick, according to Assistant City
Health Officer Abele, have sub
mitted to vaccination. Some mem
bers of the family who did not con
tract the disease had been vacci
nated. A"EitLEit to Be Honored. A public
reception in honor of Colonel Milton
"W". AVeidler, chief clerk in the Port
land fire bureau, in honor of his SOth
birthday, will be held this afternoon
at 4::0 o'clock in the council cham
ber of the city hall. Representatives
of every fire houise in the city, with
officials of the fire bureau headed by
Chief Young, as well as Alayor Baker
and all members of the commission
will take part in the reception. City
employes stationed at the city hall
also will attend. Colonel Weidler has
lung been in the city service, has an
enviable army record and is one of
the most popular of city employes.
Curfew IjAW to Be Enforced.
Ftrict enforcement of the curfew or
dinance as a means of stopping much
petny thievery about the city, is de
manded by Chief of Police Jenkins in
an order issued yesterday to the cap
tains of all police divisions. The chief
calls atfention to the fact that many
of the police officers have grown
lax in the enforcement of this ordi
nance. "A great deal of this pilfer
ing is being done by juveniles," states
the chief in hia order."
Street-Car Company Sued for $10.
000. Mrs. Sadie Watts filed a suit
for J10.000 damages against the Fort
land Railway. Light & Power company
yesterday. She stated that on May 19
of this year she and her husband
were riding in their automobile east
on Hawthorne avenue, near Kast
Seventh street, when they were etruck
by a street car. Mrs. Watts declares
that she received serious injuries from
broken glass of the wind shield and
that her throat was scarred.
New System Cures Tuberculosis of
Ppine. Every known .system of doc
toring admits they can do nothing for
tuberculosis of the Br' ie. When the
X-ray, proved the bones diseased and
gland renewal in less than six months
changed every weakness to strength
and 138-pound skeleton became a 185
pound healthy man: you know my
system is different from anything in
Portland or elsewhere. Dr. Dee, 412-13-14
Artisans bldg. Adv.
Fund Voted for Prisoners. An ap
propriation of $200 to pay the prison
ers working at Kelly Butte was
granted by the county commissioners
yesterday to Sheriff Hurlburt. The
fund for the prisoners had become
exhausted, the sheriff reported. The
prisoners, who work at Kelly Butte,
are allowed a credit of 25 cents a
day on good behavior. The money is
paid them on completion of their sen
tences. Church to Give Entertainment.
A free home-talent entertainment will
be given at the Sunnyside Metho
dist church. East Thirty-fifth and
Yamhill streets, Friday night by the
Lyceum committee of the church. The
programme will consist of music,
readings, two reels of movies and
other stunts. The Y. M. C A. boys'
orchestra, under Professor Lou Han
sen, will give several numbers. The
public is invited.
Erceo Administrator Named. John
Erceg was appointed yesterday by
presiding Judge Tazwell as adminis
trator of the estate of Michael Erceg,
who died from injuries received a
few days ago when he was run down
by an automobile while driving a
herd of cattle along the Linnton road.
John is the only relative of Michael
Erceg in the United States. The estate
consists of about $2000.
Thieves Make Bio Haul. Jewelery
valued at $700 and $500 in cash were
stolen from the home of Stanley
Smith, S30 Thompson street, according
to report to the police detectve
bureau. Entrance to the home was
gained by prying open a window.
Police inspectors are making an in
vestigation. Nerve-Blocking and Teeth. Pyor
rhea eradicated, teeth extracted, filled
and crowned, all without pain by our
nerve-blocking method. Special atten
tion to artificial teeth that fit com
fortably and restore natural appear
ance. Hartley, Kiesendabl & Marshall,
307 Journal bldg. Adv.
Hioh-Grade Accountant and office
man can arrange part time service
keeping accounts, systematizing or
supervising office for 1 or 2 concerns.
Charges are reasonable and will guar
antee satisfaction. P. O. box 243.
Do Not Forget to can up East 3088
when you want the Salvation Army
auio-truclc to call for cast-off cloth
ing, magazines, newspapers, furniture.
etc. Address 24-26 Union ave. Major
jonn Jsree, aistrlct officer. Adv.
modern office systems devised and
installed. Our system experts at your
service, no obligation. Over 400 stock
forms to select trom, at a saving.
Phone Main 1971. Pacific Staty. & Ptg.
mi oecona street. Adv.
The annual session of North Pacific
conego nas Degun. Patrons and
friends of the Infirmary can now re
ceive prompt service. Adv.
Be Sure to ask for the original Flor
de Baltimore at your favorite smoke
snop. its tne quality cigar with the
union laoei. Adv.
All Stetson, Borsalino and Schoble
MATS 'X Wf- C. BRADLEY Co., 352
Dance. McElroy's orchestra, Mur
lark hall, 23d and Washington sts.
every Wednesday and Saturday. Adv,
Mme. Vucash, French dinner. E to i
P. M., $1. 73S Johnson. Main 3796 Adv.
Milk Cure at Moore Sanitarium,
tne quicK way to neaitn. i-;. 37 Adv.
Kemmerer Coal. Carbon Coal Co.,
mine agents, cast Adv.
Dr. Ralph Fekton has returned; 609
Stevens bldg. Main 167. Adv.
Safety Boxes, lc dally. 284 Oak.
Dr. George A. Cathet returned.
Sale of Auto Charged. Sale of an 1
automobile, bought on the partial
payment plan, without the formality
of settling with Its former owners,
caused the arrest of L. S. Dean, al'as
L. G. Knox, at Astoria several days
ago. Removal papers were filed yes
terday by Deputy Federal District At
torney Reames for the return of the
prisoner to Shreveport, La., where he
will be tried. Knox is alleged to have
purchased an expensive car from a
Louisiana agency, making a small
partial payment. Thereupon he drove
the car to Los Angeles and sold it,
failing to settle with the firm which
held a chattel mortgage upon the
property, according to reports re
ceived here with instructions for his
Traffic Relief Planned. Relief
of traffic congestion on Hawthorne
avenue between the Hawthorne bridge
and Union avenue, by improvement
of East Madison street from East
First street to Union avenue, is the
aim of a resolution introduced in the
city council by Commissioner Barbur
yesterday and adopted by unanimous
vote. The resolution directs the city
engineer immediately to prepare plans
for the improvement. East Clay now
is used an an artery on which vehi
cular traffic may reach the bridge and
avoid the use of Hawthorne avenue.
With the propesed Improvement com
pleted, automobile drivers will have
two streets by which to reach Union
and Grand avenues.
Man With Money Missing. Mrs.
Frank M. Jackson, 365 North
Ninteenth street, yesterday asked
police to assist her to locate her
husband, missing since Monday. She
says he left home to go to a bank
to deposit some money. He never
reached the bank. She fears he may
have been the victim of foul play.
Jackson was wearing a blue serge
suit and tan shoe. He is 5 feet 2
inches tall and weighs 133 pounds.
He is of fair complexion with dark
brown hair.
Becker Gives Recital. Lucien
Becker gave the first of his monthlv
recitals at Reed college Tuesday
evening on the Olds memorial organ.
The programme included compositions
from English, German and American
composers. Mr. Becker this year will
give a scries of numbers written by
historical musicians, instead of ren
dering the work of some single na
tional group. The next programme
will be given Tuesday, November 9,
and others every second Tuesday of
the months following.
Joseph Morris Sought. Relatives
of Joseph Morris of Medford have
asked the 'Portland police to assist
them in a search for him in Portland.
Mr. Morris left his home in Medford
August 22 and at first was believed
to have been drowned while on a
fishing trip. The body was never
recovered, although the river was
dragged, and the missing man's fam
ily say they have no reason to believe
that he was drowned.
Junk Dealer Sues for $20.600.
Joseph Dixon, junk dealer, filed suit
against the Burlington Mill company
yesterday, seeking judgment for $20,
600. He states that on May 1, when
he entered the mill company's prop
erty to obtain some materials, a blast
of explosives was set off without any
warning and a stump blown out of
the ground struck him, breaking both
his legs and inflicting other injuries.
Woman Jailed as Vagrant. 'Mar
garet Graves was sentenced to 30
days in Jail yesterday by Judge Ross
man, after she had pleaded guilty in
police court to vagrancy. She is de
clared to have attempted to pick the
pockets of .J. E. Smith and wielded
a knife when Smith started after her
with a club. Neither was injured
in the fracas. Police found them
fighting,at Sixth and Madison streets.
Debate to Be on Market Bill.
The proposed state marketing bill
will be the subject of debate at to
day's luncheon of the Portland Press
club in the Elks' building. This will
also involve discussion of the non
partisan league. E. E. Smith, editor
of the tax liberator, is to take the
affirmative and C. C. Chapman of the
Oregon Voter, the negative.
Automobile Salesman Arrested.
E. P. Shoemaker, automobile sales
man, was arrested yesterday by Police
Inspector Howell on a warrant signed
by J. A. W ebber, charging him with
larceny by bailee. He is alleged to
have .illegally sold an automobile
vhich did not belong to him. He was
released on his own recognizance
pending a hearing later.
Dr. Hinson Lectures Today. Dr.
W. B. Hinson lectures at the East
Side Baptist church. East Twentieth
and Salmon streets, every Thursday
afternoon from 3 to 4 o'clock, on
The Facts of the Faith." The sub
ject today is "How I Read My Bible."
Mrs. Virginia Spencer Hutchinson
will sing.
La Salle Extension University an
nounces opening of law class, room
446 courthouse Frl. eve., 7 o'clock.
Judge Hawkins In charge. For infor
mation phone Main 80-52 or Tabor 5762.
Mr Walter B. Gilbert, director at
the Baker theater, is giving a 1?
weeks' course in dramatic art. Call
Mr. Corry, Main 5069 for particulars.
All Stetson, Borsalino and Schoble
Hats i Off. C. C. Bradley Co., 352
w ashington, near park sts., morgan
Block. Adv.
Kino and Hiawatha Coals.
Ice Delivery Co., exclusive mine
agents. Bdwy. 4280, S32-45. Adv.
See McMahon's chiropractic patients.
Cut of 25 cr Made on Men's and
Boy's Clothing by the Browns
ville Woolen Mills.
Yesterday, the Brownsville Woolen
Mills announced a cut of 25 per cent
on mens and boy s all-wool, suits,
overcoats and mackinaws. This is the
outcome of recent publicity given to
downward prices and the result of
merchants throughout the northwest
canceling their orders for clothing
This entire stock has been placed on
sale at the Brownsville Mill store at
Third and Morrison. Big savings for
an. come today. Adv.
We wish to thank the many friends
for the beautiful flowers and kindness
shown in our late bereavement, the
death of our beloved son and brother.
I Sacrifice
Non-residents have ordered
me to sell corner building in
Rose City Park. Income now
$100.50 per month. Leased to
responsible tenants, with ex
ception of one apartment.
Building, improvements and
plumbing of highest class free
and clear.
la north fl 14,000.
Price for action
$8000 ;
Don't Miss This.
C. A, Austin
SI 8 Corbett Bide.
Fifth and Morrlaon
B !
fL. J v 4?'j "irs5, I
i7? - y ft i a
Sec the great variety of models
on display in our Fourth Street
and Morrison windows.
Father Declares Youth Told Associ
ates He Was Desirous of
Working in Country.
Homer Virgil Hood, 14, son of Mr.
and Mrs. L. L. Hood, 157 Terwilliger
avenue, left home Monday noon with
all his clothes and had not returned
last night. His father thinks the boy
had grown tired of school, since he
has learned from other youths of the
neighborhood that his son had said
he wanted to get a job on a farm. He
mentioned Salem, Silverton, Westport
and Astoria as places he might so
to seek work.
The boy was first missed Monday
afternoon, when his sister reported
that he had not been in classes at
the Holman school. The father did
not" start an investigation at once,
for he thought the boy would return
the next day.
Homer has not ' been strong, says
his father, since he had the influenza
and would not be able to do farm
He is a slender boy, about '5 feet
6, with brown hair and gray eyes.
At the time of disappearance he wore
a red stocking cap with white stripes,
gray trousers and a brown coat. He
was riding a Winner bicycle and car
rying a small straw suitcase. He did
not have over $2 or $3 with him.
Idaho WH1 Guard Against Spies.
Coach Tom Kelly of Idaho univer
sity Is not goin;r to take any chances
or opposing spies discovering any
of the secret play of his team. With
this in view Kelly has ruled that
practice work at the Moscow institu
tion be behind closed doors. Just
how effective "secret practice" is
has always been a mooted question.
Medicine. Academy Meets.
The first fall meeting of the Port
land Academy of Medicine will be
held in the main hall of the central
library tomorrow at 8 P. M. The
The Decker
Xock- Steering Wheel
ers to show you this wheel, or write
City - - - -
All Night
TOWING Service
If stuck or wrecked, call
our Cadillac 8 towing car,
equipped for the most diffi
cult jobs.
We can also supply your
tire requirements at any
time, any place, nights, Sun
days, holidays.
Covey Motor Car
. II . .
THEY'RE just in and every mod
el handsome and up-to-the-minute.
Cravenetted gabardines, iri
descents and English rainproofed
cloths. All sizes, styles and colors.
JUST when you need them, here
they are at a
"iA '
Exclusive Kuppenheimer House in Portland
Morrison S. & H. Stamps
at Fourth
programme includes addresses by P.
L. Campbell, president of the Univer
sity of Oregon; Dean Adolphe Zeifle
of the Oregon Agricultural college,
James B. Kerr of Reed college and
Dr. J. C. Smith. A dinner will be
served in honor of the speakers at
the Arlington club at 6 P. M. Res
ervations should be made through
the secretary not later than Wednes
day, it is announced.
Practice Soccer Game Set.
The Multnomah Guard and Kerns
soccer teams will meet Sunday morn
ing in a practice game on the Frank
lin high field. This will be the final
practice session for the two teams
before the start of the regular Port
land Soccer Football association
schedule next week. Manager Bragg
of the Guardsmen has canceled the
regular meeting of the team for Fri
day night, but expects to have all
players on hand at 10 A. M. Sunday.
Students Are Physical Instructors.
EUGENE, Or., Oct. 13 (Special.)
Alfred Krohn and Myron C. Wilsey.
students of the University of Oregon
from Portland, were chosen by the
Eugene board of education at a meet
ing last night as physical instructors
for boys in the local publi? schools.
No. 6
The light action and speedy
response of the Noiseless
Typewriter make a greater
daily output possible and in
sure the same production in
the last hour of the day as in
the first.
Noiseless Typewriter Disk Co.
T. J. Webb, Manager
Telephone Broadway 5044
Factory Middletown, Connecticut, U. S. A.
warmth, raincoat
dryness in our
suede finish.
They will begin
Mr. Krohn is
Krolin, physical
Portland schools.
their work immedl-
a son of
in the
rpWO of the most homelike
hotels in Portland, located
in the heart of the shopping
and theater district. All Ore
gon Electric trains stop at the
Seward Hotel, the House of
Cheer. Excellent dining room
in connection. The Hotel Cor
nelius, the House of Welcome,
Is only two short blocks from
the Seward. Our brown buses
meet all trains. Rates tl.50
and up.
V. C. Cnlbertaon, Prop.
No. 3
Raising Roughhouse in the Gas Co.'s Basement:
"You vacuum-cup washee machine, you killee
Home Prepared, Home Cooked
Foods Salads
Cold Meats and Pastries
"Everything for a Luncheon"
I AT nit:
Thirteenth and Morrison Stm.
"Autoists Always Remember"
There are people who never go a-driving without
having to consider the limitations of their cars.
Who wants a car on his mind?
The unusual power of the Standard Eight makes
nothing of the steepest hills.
As one owner put it: "My car doesn't seem to know
there are any hills."
Power such as this brings complete ease of mind and
a confidence that is the pith of the joy of motoring.
Vesiibula Sedan, SSOOO Sedan, S4SOO Sedanctte. S4SOO Cottpi, S4SOO
Touring Cor, S3400 Roadster, S3400 Chassis, S3 ISO
AboTB prices f. o. b. Butler, Pa.
Lewis E. Obye Motors Co.
V7F Th'f r,
Iso refmisbcl by a
li 'O Dew -nd better process
Jji mi lor less money. iudioi
and action refrulaUuf.
3.v Yamhill Street
Pianos nouiEbl. Kenteai. Sold.
1 - M
S-.. -".-- v :;.::..:..: y.- --.-:.
Wanted Chairs to Cane
by School for Blind
?;.?' MR, J, . Myers
- -v "
yfl 4. J-
my washee-business!"
Tomorrow: "THE SOLUTION!
A Uunrfit Kinds of 1 a tut dry
b uuienni fne
EAST 494
A Moderately-Priced Hotel of Merl
East Morrison St. and Eaat Sixth,
f 1.23 Per Day. Per Week -