PLOT TO PENALIZE FARWIERS CHARGED Prices Declared Forced Down to Get Votes. HOUSTON IS UNDER FIRE Secretary Accused of Directing Coup to Procure Democratic Votes in East. O R E C O N j A N ' XKWS BUREAU. Washington. Oct. 8 That the wheat growers and producers of some other farm products are tfelner penalized by the Wilson administration in a- last ciesperate appeal for votes tn the large cities of the east is the charge which has come thundering into Washington in the last two days from the great wheat fields of the north west. Accompanying the charge is the demand made through members of congress representing- the vast grain growing sections tnat President Wil Bon place an embargo on wheat Im portations from Canada, which are declared to be largely responsible Tor the panicky tumble of cereal prices In the last few days. The political ciiarge made by the rarmers Is directed specifically to ward David F. Houston, secretary of the treasury and ex-secretary of ag riculture, who is accused of directing the final coup to win democratic votes in the east at the expense of the western farmers. Having become sat isfied since the Cox tour to the Pa cific coast that the agriculturists or the west are irrevocably committed to Harding and Coolidge, the farmers assert the Wilson administration has Bet about through Secretary Houston to force a slaughter of prices on the larmer products with a view of paying to the residents of the big In dustrial centers of the east: Embargo Held Possible. "You have asked us to lower the cost of living, now behold us giving you lower breadstuffs. cheaper po tatoes ana other farm products at greatly reduced prices." Representatives of the farmers ar gue that the president can declare ait embargo against Canadian wheat un der the anti-dumping law passed by a democratic congress i:-. 1915. They assert that but for the new political strategy : imed to win the east the White House wo--- liav acted sev eral days ago instead of selling the farmers Into bankruptcy as charged. The further charge is made that ir trpasurv department, through the federal reserve board, could have ex tended credits to the f iers to 'ide them over, thus saving them from the terrific losses confronting them through competition with Canadian products now flooding all the markets of the great cities of the north and east. The president of the federal re serve board. In a statement today, denied the right of the board to make loans to the farmers to tide them over, characterizing such transac tions as "price-kiting loans." A high official of the treasury de partment also denied this afternoon that the embargo remedy sought by the northwest farmers could be reach ed through the anti-dumping law. Discussing the anti-dumping statute he expressed doubt that it was opera tive for any purpose. He said that It mad? no provision whatsoever for an embargo. Criminal Intent Troof Smtrjr, It provides, he said, merely that a fine or other penalty could be as sessed upon proof of criminal intent as to bringing the shipments into this country for the purpose of break ing the market. Also it would be nec essary that the price asked in this country was less than for which the same article sold in the country where the shipment originated. The law he said, does not prohibit the landing and sale of such goods or products. The same official said that It might be possible for the president to lay an embargo on wheat and certain other farm products from Canada under the war powers given by con gress ear.y in 1917 and yet unre pealed but he doubted that the White House would care to invoke such powers at this late day. More sober view of the cause of the present crisis In the prices of farm products as viewed from the farmers' standpoint would lead promptly to the conclusion that the Underwood law, passed only a short time before the war but rendered In operative for so many years, under abnormal conditions which shut off all foreign trade, is just now begin ning to get in its work as the coun try returns to a normal peace basis. The recent slump in the prices of wheat 'and flour has called renewed attention here to what is regarded as the jug-handled arrangement with Canada, relative to the reciprocal re mission of customs duties on wheat. flour and wheat products. Today, Canada Is pouring free wheat into the United States under the provisions of the Underwood tar iff law. Efforts have been made by republicans to change this arrange ment but have been dercatea througn the agencies of the Wilson adminis tration. Section 644, of the Underwood dem ocratic tariff law provides that wheat Imported Into the United States hall pay an import duty of 10 cents a bushel and wneat flour shall pay a duty of 45 cents a barrel of 199 pounds wliile seminola and other whea products shall pay a duty of 10 per cent ad valorem, when coming from a country which imposes a duty on wheat products from the United States. Tariff Charted. When imported from a country which does not impose any duty on wheat and flour shipments from the United States, the m-heat imported from that country comes in duty free. The duty on Canadian wheat has been off and on several times dur ing the last two years, according to G. W. Ashworth. chief of the cus toms duties of the treasury depart ment. Just at present, the duty Is off. Canada has elected to take the duty off American wheat groing into Canada and automatically the duty comes off wheat coming Into the United States from Canada. This provision of the Underwood law makes it possible for Cananda ta take advantage of any given situation, by putting the bars up one moment and taking them down the next. The situation acknowledgedly places the northwestern wheat' grow ers at a distinct disadvantage. Those In Washington who know Secretary Houston will not readily believe that he has any conscious part In any political plot as is charged, because of all administration chiefs be has shown the least partisan bias In discharging his duties. On an averarre, 12 echool houses and two college buildings are burned In America every week. SCENES ON PORTLAND'S NEW in a&Ry NO-FIRE PARADE TODAY PRKVEXTIOX WEEK TO CLOSE WITH BIG PROGRAMME. Jintertalnment at Auditorium To night Will End Observance. Vaudeville Acts Slated. Fire prevention week In Portland will close todav with a parade in the alternoon and a programme at the public auditorium tonight. Aaron Frank, chairman, yesterday declared the parade would be the largest and most spectacular fire pre vention dav paraae ever formed in Portland. The parade will form at Fourteenth and Morrison streets and will begin its progress at . 2:30 sharp. State, countv and city officials will lead the parade, followed bv all kinds of floats. fire apparatus and novel entries. A number of bands from outside of Portland will participate. The line of march follows: Fourteenth to Aider, to Broadway, to Couch, to Fourth, to Alder, to Fifth. to Oak, to Sixth, to Morrison, to Fourth, to the courthouse, where the parade will be reviewed by Mayor Baker, grand marshal, and his aides. l lve vaudeville acts, three reels of fiim full of action and a community sing led bv Walter Jenkins will fea ture the entertainment at the audito rium tonight. C. A. Bigelow, com missioner in charge of the fire bu reau, will preside at the meeting and Mavor Baker and J. H. Schlvelv, in charge of publicity for the fire pre vention bureau of the Pacific, will give brief talks. The programme will begin at 8 P. M. FIRE CAUTION IS URGED San Franciscan Speaks Before Realty Board Men. An exhortation to a high standard of citizenship which will place per sons on the qui vive for the prevention cf the heavv toll of fire loss, formed the kevnote of the address delivered by J. H. Shlvelv of San Francisco, at thfc luncheon of the Portland realty board at the Portland hotel yesterday noon. "It Is necessary for us to forget our habits of carelessness," he declared. "for it is that which more than any other factor which contributed to the annual fire loss." "There are 5,000.000 matches lighted every day In the United States," said the speaker, "and that means that there are jus, that number pf possible conflagrations." T. H. Williams, chairman of fire prevention day, who introduced the speaker, urged the need of "cleaning up" the Portland waterfront. "The Portland waterfront as it now stands is a fire hazard," he declared. Mr. Williams reviewed the history of fire prevention in Portland and told how insurance rates had been reduced 20 per cent at a time, as a reeult. Frank Branch Riley presented the cause of the Portland Symphony or chestra, telling what such an orches tra meant in the advertising of the city. Plans of the Portland Vegetable OH Mills company to establish a 100-ton mill here in the near future were out lined by H. H. Ward, one of the di rectors. Fred W. German, president of the Ijpoard, presided. - EXHIBIT T0BE TALKED Committee on Proposed Electric Exposition In 192 5 to Meet. Electric power development possi bilities will be discussed at a meet ing of a committee of 25 tonight at 8 o'clock In room A, central library. The group was appointed by F. E. Beach, chairman of the Columbia Hydro-Electric league, and is intend ed to work toward the proposed elec tric exposition t be held in 1925 in Portland to celebrate the discovery of the electro magnet in 1825. Speakers will be State Senator Jo seph. County Assessor Reed and George L. Cleaver, who will take up all angles or the subject. One of the features of the proposed exposition will be the bringing to gether of all the. best electrical tal ent in the world. There would also be "on exhibition the most up-to-date electrical appliances. At the same exposition it is proposed to celebrate the completion of the Pacific and Co lumbia highways connecting with the Lincoln highway, as these are expect ed to be finished by 1925 One Accident in Week Fatal. SALEM. Or., Oct. 8. (Special.) There was one fatality in Oregon due to industrial accidents during the week ending October 7, according to the report of the state industrial ac cident commission. The victim was Harry Lund, camp foreman, of Cochran. Of the 561 accidents re ported during the week. 427 were en titled to benefits under the work men's compensation act, 22 were from firms and corporations that had re jected the law and 12 were from public utilities not subject to the provisions of the act. ROSEWAY WHEN THE FIRST FLORAL UNITS WERE PLANTED. ....mMTAWWWMVMWW -? i h 1 4 SlKK Mis I'pper Representatives of civic cluba setting out rose slips at Rose Cen ter, East Fifty-sixth street and Sandy boulevard. Lnwer Mayor Baker and Miss Elisabeth Hilton, representative of the Portland Ad club. giving a Caroline 1 cutout her fu MISSING UNCLE SOUGHT LONG BEACH MURDER VICTIM MAY BE VANCOUVER MAN. Roy Swasey Declares Description of Body Tallies With That of Lost Relative. Belief that the body of the uniden tified man found near Long Beach, Cal., several weeks ago is that of his uncle, was expressed yesterday by Roy Swasey of Vancouver, who en listed the aid of the police detective bureau in a search for the misislng uncle. The uncle's name is John Swasey a iJ he is 42 years old. His descrip tion tallies In every detail with the description of the man found slain near Long Beach. In a letter to the Portland jjolice. Long Beach offi cials said the , body there was of a man about 40 years old, with a deep scar on the side of his face and four teeth missing in front. Roy Swasey said his uncle Bad four teeth missing in front and had a scar such as that described by the Long Beach officials. An army belt with the initials "J. S." on the buckle was on the body. These initials are the same as those of the missing John Swasey. Swasey said his uncle left Van couver late in August, presumably to go to California. He had between $600 and $800 at the time of his departure. The detective bureau yesterday for warded this information to the police at Long Beach. TRUSTY FUGITIVE CAUGHT Iiife-Termer Who Escaped From Indiana Prison Captured. VALPARAISO, Ind., Oct. 8. John Vaughn, life-term trusty sentenced 15 years ago for the murder of a lit tle girl, and who disappeared from the penitentiary at Michigan City Monday, with Walter Young, 13 years onld, was captured at Kouts, near here tonight. He did not resist arrest. Toung told the police Vaughn told him stories of the west and that he brought the prisoner a change of clothes so they would not attract at tention after the escape. Vaughn was engineer at the prison pumping sta tion and was watched very little. ,-, SAW KILLS MILL WORKER Mark Wood Is Victim of Accident In Round Valley. BOISE, Idaho, October 8. (Special.) Mark Wood, sawyer at the Irvius TIIE MORNING OKEG ONI AN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 0, .-i?. '4f -s. x" ture residence. mills in Round valley. 11 miles north of New Meadows, died at Welser as the result of an injury sustained to day when he slipped and fell against the lever which started the big saw. a he mans body was cut almost in two by the big circular saw. Cottage Grove to Hear Speakers COTTAGE GROVE. Or.. Oct. 8. (Special.) Ex-Governor West, State Grange Master Spence and Judge Coke are billed to speak here on the afternoon of Friday, October 15, in favor of- the market commission measure and the divided legislative session measure and against the per cent interest measure. The meet ing will be held in the commercial club rooms. A grange committee and a committee of business men are ar ranging details of the meeting. Finder Partly Severed. SALEM. Or.. Oct. 8 (Special.) Fred Williams, member of the Oregon puDiic service commission, partially severed the index finger of his left hand while splitting wood at his home here today. As a result of the in- Jury Mr. Williams will be absent from his office considerably during the next two weeks. S. & H. green Hainan Fuel Co Art V stamps for cash. Main 353. E 80-21. Thcrcs something about them yotililike- i I FIRST SLIP PLANTED; ROSE! Mayor Speaks at Sandy Boulevard Ceremony.- CIVIC CLUBS TAKE PART Miss Elizabeth Hilton, Represent" Ing Ad Clnb, Co-operates In Initial Planting. The first floral units In a three- mile project, to be known as the Roseway." were nestled into the loam at East Fifty-sixth and Sandy boulevard yesterday afternoon, when community celebration, sponsored by various civic clubs, was held to naugurate this latest plan for the beautification of Portland. There in the central aone of the long strip of roses that are to be set out within the next few weeks. Mayor Baker Miss Elizabeth Hilton, representative of the Portland Ad club, planted the first slip, with cameras snapping at them and motion picture men grind ing industriously. Pride Expressed by Mayor. "We all should feel pride." said Mayor Baker, when he had tossed aside the gilded shovel of ceremony, "in having this avenue dedicated to the city as its official roseway. For it is the gateway to the Columbia river highway, and it is to be a lane of beauty, so that guests of ours may return to their homes with the word that they have seen the perfect en trance to the most beautiful thor oughfare in the world." Here the mayor emphasized the more than minor importance of the roseway. as testifying to the city's right to an international reputation as the home of the regal flower. And he called attention to the co-operation and interest of the city ad ministration, announcing that Com missioner Pier, in charge of parks, and C. P. Keyser, superintendent of parks, have outlined an arduous pro. gramme of rose culture in the munic ipal rose gardens, to provide the 15,' 000 slips that to fringe the boul evard. 40,000 Slips Required. Forty thousand slips in all must be handled to yield the requisite num ber of satisfactory shrubs, and these are to be of two varities the Caro line Testout. official rose of Portland and the winsome Dorothy Perkins. At roseway center, when the first Testout has been planted, representa tives of the several civic clubs, as sisted by maids of the rose, each on behalf of some particular organiza tion, set out similiar slips, while the Washington high school band gave Rose City Park an impromptu concert. The following rose maids attended the ceremony and faced the camera battery with smiles: Portland Ad club, the club that In augurated the movement, represented by Miss Elizabeth Hilton: president's council. Miss Marjorie Dana; Chamber of Commerce, Miss Virginia Edwards Rose City Park club. Miss Bernice Laldlaw: East Side Business Men's club. Miss Margaret Hall; Park Rose club. Miss Helen Urubb; Rose society Miss Lenore Blaesing: Realty board Miss Viola Slavens; Progressive Men's club, Miss Muriel Burntrager; Royal Kosarians, .Miss Dorothy Ettineer Rose Festival association. Miss Cath erine Royer; Kiwanis club. Miss Lu cile Leland; Rotary club. Miss Ida Bell Stewart, and Woman's Advertising cluD, Miss Priscilla Chatten. Programme Held at Scene.' The programme, which summoned at least 200 people, comprised the band concert, the rose planting. May or Baker's address, community sing ing led by Walter Jenkins, and an address by Dr. E. H. Pence. The com mittee on arrangements was as fol lows: W. R. Kirkpatrick, L. E. Will iams, H. J. Blaesing, J. A. Currey, Charles P. Keyser, H. E. Weed, George Rauch. L. M. Lepper, J. M. Fisher. Ralph Robinson, Walter Jenkins, S. C. Pier and A. C. Eldridge. H. H. Haynes served as chairman of the rose day committee, with W. E. Conklin as director of ceremonies. The roseway project will be has tened, and at completion will stretch from East Sixteenth street, on Sandy boulevard, to East Eighty-second street, at the city boundary. Assur ance has been given that citizens of Park Rose, the adjoining suburb, will continue the project along Sandy road to their community, a distance of two miles. Highway Office Conference Set. SALEM, Or.. Oct. 8. (Special.) George E. Halvoreen. Edward Schunke and J.- Giesy. all aldermen, today were named by the city council to confer with the state highway commission concerning the leasing of the upper floor of the municipal building to the highway department during the next session of the legislature. Unless the highway department obtains quarters from the city this branch of the state government probably will be moved to Portland. It has been esti mated that it will cost approximate ly $1000 to make the city hall quarters suitable to house the state depart ment. Jones Boy Weds Jones Girl. VANCOUVER, Wash., Oct. 8. (Spe cial.) Bert O. Jones. 19 years old. and Miss Laudry Jones, 19, no rela tion, came from Grants Pass., Or., to day to be married. Mr. Jones had the written consent of his parents. Mr. lwcnty to the package DEDICATED 1920 Much Longed For! Eagerly Awaited! The Season 's First and Greatest Sale of Suits $59 The most phenome nal values in our his tory new, high grade, fashionable suits for Women and Misses Right at the begin ning of the season when every woman has need for a smart suit. Sty Ripple, semi - tail ored long lines. Materials Duotone, Veldyne, Trirntinf Velnur Duvet de Laine. CTABUSHZD JFURS and Mrs. G. W. Jones, so the license was issued. Glen Overstreet, a friend In Portland, came over and acted as witness. This was the only marriage license Issued today. Logger Loses Leg. ASTORIA. Or., Oct. 8. (Special.) John Mllien. employed in the log ging camp of Potter & Chester, was struck by a rolling log while engaged In his duties at that camp yesterday. His left leg being crushed so badly that amputation was found to be necessary. Marshland to Be Inspected. SALEM, Or., Oct. 8. (Special.) Percy A. Cupper, state engineer, left today for Columbia county to inspect the Marshland drainage district. This district comprises about 1000- acres. Recently application was made to the state engineer to certify to bond? in Pacific Fire Extinguisher Co. Install Automatic Sprinkler Systems We have the largest and most complete stock of Extinguishers, Chemical En gines, Hose Carts, Racks, Fire Depart ment Supplies, Five-Gallon Non-Freeze Extinguishers, Newman's Watch Clocks, Approved Gasoline, Excelsior and Oily Waste Cans, First Aid Cabinets. Discounts to Dealers Distributors. 502-3-4 Railway Exchange Bldg., Portland San Francisco Los Angeles Salt Lake City Seattle "INSURE in Your HOME Company" Pacific States Fire Insurance Company Eleventh at Alder "Assets Over One Million" H'LIEBES a?GO Charming Fur Trimmed Models " the sum of $50,000 voted for the de velopment of this project. J. P. KEYES OF BEND DIES Schools Closed as Tribute to Pio neer Central Oregon Lumberman. BEND. Or.. Oct. 8. (Special.) J. P. Keyes, pioneer central Oregon lum berman, vice-president! of the Brooks Scanlon Lumber company and general manager of the company's local plant, died this morning of heart disease. He is survived by his widow and three children, all living in Bend. Funeral services will be held here Sunday. In honor of his memory the city schools were dismissed today, banks were closed and work at the mill of which he was manager for nearly five years was suspended. Born in 1868 In Winona, Minn.. Mr. Keyes attended the University of Michigan and was graduated as a mechanical engineer in lSf2. For s-veral years Mr. Keyes was president of the Bend Commercial club, and was a director of that or ganization at the time of his death. He was a member of the Bend board of school directors, chairman of the local chapter of the American Red Cross, and was on the first director ate oft he state chamber of commerce. J. C.BAYER Manufacturers of Fire Doors and Metal Fireproof Windows. 204 MARKET ST. Portland, Ore. "They WORK while you sleep" A Dependable Physic when Bilious, Headachy, Constipated and Upset. 10, 25, 50c drugstores. i