THE MORNING OREGOXUX, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 9, 1920, 18. WANTED REAL ESTATE. THINK! 158 HOME PROPERTIES SOLD IN SEPTEMBER. OtR OFFICE WILL. SELL MORE HOMES THAN AN REAL ESTATE OFFICE JN A.MKH1CA Just THINK! 158 home pro rties sold in Spptfmher! 9w0 to date this" year! la your home FOR SALE V It's sold IF LISTED WITH I'S! We spend many thou sands of dollars advertising and are in touch with the majority of ho-me buyers. We'll inspect, ap praise and photoKraph it within 24 hours after ItstinK: iZt experienced salesman with autos to work on the sale of YOUR home. Call or write FRANK L. McOUIRE To Seil Your Home. AblnK-ton BliH. Main 108. 8d St. Bet. Washington and Stark. WANTED SMALL HOUSES. Have readv buvers for houses ana shacks from 12no to $2.00. If you have such 1 can sell them at once. Owners only. l'hone Marshall 82 and I will call a'.id see you. F. L. HLANCHARD. 401-2 Swetland bldK. STRICTLY MODERN RESIDENCE, i or 8 rooms, near EasL Broadway and Union ave. N. PO IN DEXTER, 20S Selling Bldg. Mdin 1WMI. Residence East 6771. f arms Wanted. WANT to buy a small cheap improved ranch or might consider ranch on share A (1 d rt-' s A V Zi 1 !, Oregonian. 1 Wanted to Kent Farms. WANTED at once, farm of 100 to 200 acre.- for dairy, prefer along Columbia river; cash rent and quick action. K. L. EDDY. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201 -"-.'-7 Board of Trade Bldg-. WE WANT to rent a good, large farm, with or without stock: if price is right wo will buy within 2 years. Ford Jersey Dairy. Brush Prairie. Wash. FARM close to Portland. Broadway hotel, room 211. Answer FOR RENT FARMS. 400-ACRE ranch ti Vancouver, "Wash, owner. rent, 7 miles from Call .". Lewis bldg.. t? i.'.N."r a'n-scre Canadian farm: adjoins town: Claude Cole. 426 Lumbermen Bldg. "OR RENT 2O0-acre Vmatilla wheat ranch on shares. AM !. Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE Kellnauishment on 60 acres ..n...iKI. timKr lanH t SlletZ. Or.. about 2.000.000 feet lir timber; good house: price very reasonable. I. D. Todd, I oledo, or. 160 ACRES pine. Josephine county; sec. Or, Douglas county. Woodlawn IK'.I. to exchange heal estate. 1 Suburban acreage home. A splendid 20-acre tract, very sightly, a very well-kept orchard of 250 trees, u n S-room house with fireplace. Dutch kitchen, bath, toilet and stationary wash trays; barn is 36x40; another barn 24x 34: splendid apple house; 2 modern chicken houses with glass fronts; ntw water tower and tank, rood team 1 cow, double and singfe harness; 2 bueeips. 1 waeron. spray ana pump, harrow, cultivator, hav rack. 3 plows. fmall tools. 8 tons of hay, and all of the crop- locate d 2 miles east ol ure gon City; 15 miles from Portland. Price $11500; will take a 6 or 7-room house in Portland up to $500O and give plenty of time on the balance, or will take J rood houses iid to full value. See Mr. .Stephens. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SA L K OR KXCHANCK A 22 aiTc farm, all under cultivation ; good house, good barn, silo, chick en houses. level land, no rock or gravel; some tile in; faces on good road, rural route and only a mile to electric citation and store. Would take some trade on this. Price $5000. CRITTENDEN & COURAND, li u b ba rd. Or eg on. ON HJ five-room and one four-room house on one lot. Price $2250 for small acre age close to Portland; will assume. $2000 equity in pood 5-room bungalow lor grocery store, city or country. One pood lot In Vancouver, B. C, fjr lot in Portland. See BROWN Sr BirDLE. 324 Kail way Bldg. Marshall 3331. I HAVE A 5-ACRE ORCHARD at Dutur. Or., that cost me i24M5. haven't the time to care for it and will trade It for a house and lot In Portland This apple orchard is 0 years old an the trees are in first-class condition. One siiouui gvt an income of $1500 a yea off thi or hard. Call me. Main 6 ."V50. bveninga VVdln. 194S, or call Cham nr or Commerce bldg. EXCHANGE OFFICE. YOU MUST DEAL AND SPECULATE TO ACCUMULATE. Vacant lots one of our specialties t an t you F-en your hom or city prop erty? Possibly 1 can arrange to bette your unanciai position. A. GORDON ROSS, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 5Q43. 410 Henry Bids GOTTAGE GROVE FOR PORTLAND. Two good cottages for home in Portland and auto: might assume. Anderson. Mar. 1265. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE 7 we nave several first-class farm prop erties to exchange, for Portland resi dence or income property. Our ex change department is at your service. eee Air. Mpnens. r'red W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR SALE or will trade for smaller place, 2 A., 0-room house, gas, fine water, bear ing orchard, all kinds berries, big new barn, chicken house; 10 minutes from Huber and highway, 1U w. of Beaverton, on Hil Isboro road. Write box 30, It. 4. Ittaverton, Or. FoK SALE $10.000 or trade; farm con sidered; 15M capacity saw and planing mill, mill site, siding, dry shed, res., etc.: good valley town, on highway and R. R. Timber in sight to operate mill ten year. AV 635, oregonian. 1 WHAT have you to trade in Oregon or Washington for 3-0 acre stock ranch in rent ml Oregon ? . lo5 a;res natural meadow, balance bunch grass; 10 acres timber, fenced; good house, well and outbuildings. AO 51. Oregonian. FOR SALE OR TRAUE 5 acres in peaches and oranges; good 4-room house and porches, good water right; In city limits of Ontario. Price $5000. Would take part in cheap Oregon land. Owner, A. 1). Shir ley. route No. 1 . Ontario. Or. INCOME PROPERTY, equity 5500. Sun nyside, for residence; my property fine condition, block car, near stores, in come $1440 year; will give or take dif lerence. Marshall 746, forenoons. 40 ACRES, clear of incumbrance, near Goldendale, Wash., to tmde for $500 equity; or will sacrifice even more for cash. Owner Tabor 7S75. A GOOD paying business on Washington st.. near Broadway, $l',50U. to trade for a good going farm: full description first letter. J 3, Oregonian. FOR SALE or trade, equipped farm of 05 acres, all under cultivation; 4o acres iu fruit; close to town, on highway. K 7, Oregonian. FOR SALE or exchange. 9-roorn modern house. 3 lots; take clear pro pert well located, first payment. Auto. 16-02 Jiouo ACRES timber, clear of incumbrance to trade for Portland property and as sume. Owner. Call 50K Lew'is bldg. HAVE good Stutz roadster;-willelTchange as first payment on 5-room bungalow V 69. Oregonian. $2000 EQUITY in east side income busi ness corner, for vacant lots or equity in reMdeiicc, V OS. Oregonian. ' HAVE 134 aores. Port Orchard. V. ash want to exchange for Irvington lot Broadway 1443. FOR SALE or exchange. 160 acres Alberta wheat land, clear, $30 acre, for clear city property. Automatic 216-02. TO EXC HA SU K M'SCEMANEOrS. Vl'O TRADE Irrigated land In southern luano ior auio. irutK or rortiand city property. Auurcss -t -. i.otn St., Port land. Or. E. H . M. FOR SALE or trade, business lot in heart of Kenton for good auto. Investigate this. J. K. Lowe. 1765 Derby st. Automatic 32G-01. A PKRKE 'T diamond ring. $15 to ex c ha nice for fur or l Tur coat ot same 1922. alue. Wood lawn Itfl 7 TWIN 3-peed motorcycle ; will swaP for good team or what? Value $225. 61 Shaver st. WILL trade piano for wood or what? AM 4K. Oregonian. EXCHANGE S'a-ton Sterling truck. What have you? H. F. Dye. Molalia. Or. TO EXCHANGE MISCEIXANEOCS. WILL sell cheap or trade for livestock or farm tools, late 1918 Chevrolet, in first-class mechanical condition. Phone Seliwood 717 or call at D90 Powell Valley road. CHANDLER touring. H29. run 6000 miles; excellent condition: will exchange for dia monds, cash or terms: might consider good Ford. 324 Yeon bldg. EDISON phonograph and 100 records. What have you? Tabor 3922 before 10 A. M. FOR SALE. Horws, Vehicle Uveetoc-k.- FOR SALE Team 7 and 10 years old, weight 3200, sound, gentle, good pullers; guaranteed If needed; good 3 wagon and harness, plow and stretchers; reason for selling sold-my farm. W. J. Carrel, oryant station, on s. f. electric. 8 HEAD of good work horses, weight from 1000 to 1500 pounds; all good workers and gentle: priced from $45 to Do. Call at 9U0 Powell Valley road, corner 34th. OR SALE 12 head horses. just out hard work. 1300 to 1500 lbs.. $50 to $00. Lyons Stables, corner Union ave. and E. Salmon. HO ROUGH BRED 4-gal. Jersey cow and calf, fresh Ave days; very rich milk. tub. tested. X. J. Alexander, 1 miles w. of Beaverton. Hitlsboro R., box 30. R. 4. KX H E A D of large horses, harness and farm wagons. On account of rainy season we have no further use for them. Will sell cheap. Atlas Woodyard, 327 Front. HORSES pastured; abundance of feed and water; near Portland: $4 per head per nionth; no responsibility assumed. See Frank L. Smith. 228 Alder st. FOR SALE At barn. E. 6th and Ivon sts.. ii registered Shropshire ram lambs, each. Holman Fuel Co., '94 5th St. R ES H cow.' heavy, rich milker. H. A. i Smith. Phone SO-J Milwaukie, Res. one block south of S. P. depot. HORSE, harness and wagon. 2 fine cowa ctveap or trade. 510 Iwerby St., Missis- I srppi car. FOR SALE A Jersey and Guernsey cow. cneap; just rresh. Call at 5311 52d ave nue Southeast, DEAD horses ana cattle nauled away free. rnone Milwaukie uo-j for service. DEAD horses taken quickly; casQ for dead cows, 'labor 4203. LARGE, young, fresh dairy cows; aJso a young famiiy Jersey, $00. 751 E. Ash. DURHAM heifer, fresh 5 weeks, 3V gal. uiDercuiar testea. 3- i Front St. VETERINARIAN. HOWE. TABOR 5M. FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow. Cor. Buck ley ave. and Base Line road. $45 HORSE. 1400 lbs., guaranteed good worker; 30 days- trial. 32i Front. INE big Jersey cow. Wdln. 903. 'lanon, Organs and Musical Instruments. PIANO BARGAINS. Special sale on used PIANOS at real bargains. See them and be convinced. MUST 1AKE ROOM FOR NEW PIANOS. Terms given FISH KR, plain case $175.00 Hi.NAh., golden case 27o.oo KINGSBURY, a snap 325.00 HALLET & DAVIS, real bar- - gain 250.00 SINGER, like new 285.00 BOLLREM AN, plain oak 250.00 WESER BROS., walnut, like new 285.00 SMITH & BARNES, plain oak.. 325.U0 Anu others as big a snap. SE1BERLING LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125-27 Fourth St., Bet. Washington and Alder Sts. USED TALKING MACHINES. At Unusually Low Prices, All In Good Condition. Small machine, 6 records $15.00 Small Victor. 6 records $20.00 1 Smalt Columbia. 6 records $25.00 Small Victor. 6 record $35.00 Kdison Cabinet, 12 records $35.00 Unola Cabinet, 12 records $60.00 Stradavara Cabinet, 20 record. . .$tj5.00 Victor Cabinet, 19 reewds $100.00 Columbia Cabinet. 10 records X 11 0.00 Columbia Cabinet, 12 records. .. .$120-00 o io liu casn; to t monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO., 101 10th.. cor. Stark. Open Saturday Evenings. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. tsraaDury square grand piano $ 05 $1000 New York pianoforte, grand.. 265 Parlor organs 2S, $35. $38 and 43 $900 Pianista player piano and music 395 $1750 orchestrion. Berry wood. ..... . 595 $475 Star Piano Co., oak upright.... 240 $900 Steinway & Sons, upright 290 2 small upright pianos $65 and 75 Pianos bought and sold tor cash only. jriaiioa stored ior c per montn. 103 10th st. at Stark st. FOR SALE A new Beuscher tenor saxo phone for sale, $120, easy terms. AH 704, oregonian. SPOT CASH PAID ?GR PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS, " MUSIC ROLLS. NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE. MAIN 4495. TABOR 6798. 128 FIRST. LOOK here, if your piano needs tunincr. repairing, regulating or cleaning, call O. c. Thompson. .rnone Aut. ol8-13; res. 501 Harrison st. All worlc guaranteed. WILL take your old piano for new talk ing machine and records; even trade or will pay cash difference. Sen wan Piano Co., 101 10th., cor. Stark. PIANOS WANTED Highest CASH paid or TRADE FOK NEW VICTKOLA and records. beiberiing-Lucas Music Co., 125- 17 4tn st- aiain ttoaq. PIANO WANTED Have spot cash for bargain in used piano, private. Marshall lo.i. ORGANS, $20 and up. Seiberling-Lucas Music uo. , io -jjourin st., oeu Wash. and Alder sts. HALLET & DAVIS, $250, terms. SEIBER- L1NG -LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 123 Fourth st.. bet. W aah. ana Alder sts. EXCHANGE the player roils you are tired of. 10c per roll. Harold S. Gilbert, 384 Yamtinrst. MERCHANDISE order on Johnson Piano Co.. $110. Will sell lor $7j, leaving city. SAXAPHONE for sale, Bueschel, melody i C; cost jin.iiu. win st tor fioo cash. AK 2. Oregonian. MY $560 WELLINGION mahogany up- I . - - - ' , ncni nntiiu. casn: no iua ru Main 56H3. ti LPHluHT pianos. io to VJW). on easy terms; gooo manes, ivimoan, uaDi, vvel lington. Howard, etc. 312 Worcester bg FISHER PIANO, $175, terms. Seiberling Lucas Musiu Co., 125 Fourth St., bet. Wash, anu Aider. WANTED Piano; pay all cash if reason able. Mam 3t- vuay time. WANT used piano; pay cash. Bdwy. 2555. 14H 13 tn st., near iviorritton. WANTED Bargain In ueed piano for cash. Call Mars nail oua. is o ae-aiers. SAVE $50 on new Brunswick. 664 Grand ave., apt. 40 . East S2 7. afternoon. NEW BRUNSWICK phonograph, leaving city. Bdwy. 4616. Party PIANO WA.NTEI ash deal. Main So 86. Furniture for Sale. FOB SALE Oak library table, range, hall tree, gas plate, oak rocker. 9x12 rug. lawn mower, ice cream tahle and 3 chairs; ail good stuff. Call at 1900 East Oilman st. M. v. car. FOR SALE Solid mahogany sectional writing desk, base witn drawer, two sec tions and top; good as new. AO 5S, Ore gonian. ' FOR SALE at a bargain, good furniture in 6-room flat. 346 Jackson st. Tel. Main 6731. , SAVE half of the freight by having your furniture shipped in pool cars. Call East 891. Pacific Storage & Delivery Co. FUMED oak dining table, 6 chairs, genu ine leather; buffet: all practically new ; worth $150. for $100. Tabor 076. 8-ROOM house, close tn, for rent to parties buvlng furniture of 7 rooms; no reason able cash offer refused. East 65S1. tapksTRY- upholstered wicker lounge: also fine refrigerator and other oddities for sale at once. Aut. alt-ia. HIGH-CLASS furniture reflnishing done. large or smaii iota. r raser mig. c;o.. 133 E. Water st. . Phone E. 6915. STA BLACK (Stayblack), the greatest heat- :esisting stove polish in existence; 5c bottle. Crown Furniture Co.. 09 First. i sED steel wood range in good condition. with coils ; washing machine, almost new; reasonable If cal.ed for. East i461. 6 ROOMS, walking distance; rent $25; no dealers; price $400. Call between 3 and 7. 453 E. Everett. OAK FURNITURE for Albina. Wdln. 6308. lie cheap. 1010 1 STOVE 2-hoie. and small heater. E. 727, at 474 fJ. Asn. COMPLETE household good, stoves, tables, chairs, rugs, etc. iast ainpn. HOUSEHOLD furniture, also baby car- riage for sate. can Taoor ll.-3. " ) LKAV1NG town; wish to sell a white ivory bedroom set. Call at 461 5th at. 4 HuOMS furniture for sale very cheap U15 3d st. QUARTER-SAWED golden-oak buffet, like new; $25. East 3S59. FURNITURE FOR SALE. CALL BROAD WAY 2910. INCLUDING piano, 3-piece Circassian wal nut parlor suite. 228 Alberta. T.On SALE. Furniture for Sale. HOUSEHOLD goods at bargain; round oak dining table $1., drop-leaf table $3.50. rocker $2, kitchen table $2.50, stand $1.50, cupboard $5, dining chairs $2, Acorn gas range $16, beds $2.50 up, springs $1 up, mattresses $2.50 up, dresser $10.' 1133 Grand Ave. DON'T sacrifice vour furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars: fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co., 248 Pine st. HIGH-GRADE weathered oak dining room furniture, side board, table, head, chair, 6 side chairs, leather bottoms, extra heavy; a bargain, $125.. 427 Rodney ave.. apartment 1. Office Furniture. OKFICE equipment of every description; desks, chairs, tables, filing cabinets, both new and used. D. C. Wax, 31 N. Fifth street. -sroadway 2739. FOR SALE Double and single flat-top oak desks, swivel chairs. No. 5 Under wood typewriter, filing cabinets, etc. 312 Yeon Bldg. Main 2229. Poultry . 300 WHITE LEGHORN' vonrlinz hens. hiph-ciasa Hoganizcd, laying and breed ing stock, $1.25 each in lots to suit; Brown Leghorn hens, $1.35 each. J. R. waguire. 1 1 i Oregon St., Portland. 50 FINE White Leghorn hens. $1 each. mile from Courtney station, third house on hill road from Oatneld road. Phone 33-w Oak Grove. FOR SALE Barred Rock pullets, O. strain. $1.35. Col 1151. A. C I WANT White Leghorn pullets. 3878. 1045 Mississippi ave. FOR SALE Oat sprouter for 5O0 hens; hair price. 4M3 7ith st. S. E. FOR SALE 20 laying White Leghorns. .Mrs. Mew, Huber, Or. Dog. Rabbit. Biros, Pet Stock. HAVE MUSIC IN" HOME. On account of going east, must sell it once very choice canaries, beautiful singers. Call after 12 P. M.F room 20, UHi z Morrison st. ST. ANDREAS BERG Roller pedigreed singers and re males. 300 shaver su woodlawn 36o2. ST. ANDRE ASB ERG rollers, singers and females. Aut. 310-77. 606 E. 38th N FOR SALE April hatched B. R. pullets. rnone sunaay, Kenwood .ii io. FOR SALE 1 thoroughbred Scotch collie puppy, male. Call Tabor 6120. FOR GOOD SINGERS CALL THE STU- UIO. MA.I.N 46-S. Launches and Boat a. : FOR SALE Houseboat, partly furnished. including piano, gas range and water heater, porcelain bath, electricity and city water; located at Oregon Yacht club; an ideal place to live. 13 Oregon Yacht club. Phone Seliwood 2211. FOR SALE Mostly furnished houseboat. rooms, nam, inclosed sleeping porcn, rowboat, woodshed and wood; new foun dation, good summer or winter home. 19 Willamette moorage. FOR SALE Cheap 4-room unfurnished houseboat. Sell. 3502. Machinery. NEW BATTERY CHARGING SET, Used only a few weeks. 1 H-H. P. AC. motor direct, con nected to .7 K. W. DC. generator. SALEM ELECTRIC CO., SALEM, OK. MACHINERY WANTED. 2 CEN TER D UM P BA LLAST CA RS. STA NDA KD GA UO E, STANDARD TYPE. R 9, ORE GONIAN. FOR SALE One 3530 Rumeiy oil pull iractor witn jonn ueere sen-nrt 14-inch 3-bottom plow, in Al condition ; pur chased year ago and used only short time; at half price. Address R. Bruch, Gervais, Or. Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exenange. e aret exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable, $50 com plete with carrying case; supplies for all makes. 1 E. W. PEASE CO.. 110 Sixth st. Main 2285. DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE. All makes overhauled; experts. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy. Sel, Rent and Exchange. Main 6397. Supplies. 263 's Oak st. SPECIAL VALUE USED TYPEWRITERS r irut-ciass machines low prices 30 days only monthly terms if desired, REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO., 88 Broadway. Broadway 621. ALL MAKES, sold, rented and exchanged; " ucaiicu, j&ena ior retail pncea, WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washington St., N. W. Cor. 6th. I NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut raiea. jr. jj. jo., 231 Stark. Main 1407. AJ-.L MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon ijcninci v. o a pin st. Alain aotts. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE 21 windows 41x46, 9 lights 12x14; also 18 windows 45x62. ifl n.-ht 12x14; &t half nrioe. 4utt r;prin,P bldg. SNAPS IN STORE FIXTURES. Candy showcase and scale, cigar case, counter cases, cash register, coffee urn, tables and chairs, fountain. 113 2d st LADIES' tailored coat. 1 veiour mat 1 cravanette raincoat, size 38-40: also mink shoulder cape; ajl just as good -EaKL J. I IO. LOT of burlap, white hair, cotton and uiiMoisicrcr a springs and frames, dam aged by water, very cheap. Meier & r rank warehouse. Broadway and Taylor .FOR SALE Gentleman's Swiss watch. totriKer and repeater; in excellent condi tion, price $300; can be seen at 193 Broadway. WESTOVER & SON FUEL CO. 4 -ft. slab, 16-inch block and slab for sale. Broadway 219Q. ONE 6-HOLE polished top ranee with coil, Al condition. Address 1708 Oregon at., or phone Tabor 2168. LADY'S brown veiour coat, laree raccoon ri!io . oo a r 1 . 1 . . wo--, une new: x a.. Ta- FOR SALE Wood, heater, medium size. gooo condition. Call after 10 A. M 310 Larrabee st., apartment 2. SAVAGE single shot .22 rifle, nearly new. nan price, .; some shells. Call fore- u3. xiiiiin loij ave. r ,nP,UU8er' Ior ,dU- regular &a!e r ' "- 9.t. nca. pnone t abor 4432. rxjn. oalc .-ew leather couch mmt springs, new, $65; Eldredge sewing ma- chine, $35. 46 Flint st. e-ast 7722. GRAPES Niagara, 5c lb- brinor tainers; you pick them Sunday. E. 37th and Gladstone ave. con Cor. 1 SECOND-HAND cast-iron Boynton fur nace, "Patriot," In good order. 673 E. Ash. Call Sat, or Sun. WOOD heater, like new, $15. including ""- uua.iu. OJ.i in St. O. iL,.. south Creston school. WOOD Block and slabwood mixed stove wood lengths, $6.50. Prompt deliverv East side orders preferred. Marsh. 188. 1 FOR -SALE- Airtight WOod hPHtur BamA as new; cost $35: will sell for $17 50 1242 E. 31st st. N. Phone Wdln. 38SL MOLESKIN coatee, hi-p length, with large . anu tuns, oniy worn a few times. Price $325. Main 7569. BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE Large flat top desK and new Remington No. 10 typewriter. 371 East Morrison st. FOR QUICK SALE Bargain in six dozen new tire exunguisners ; snap for live agent. 371 East Morrison st. ONE KITCHEN cabinet; 1 lady's covert coat, size iu; l jacket; i pair shoes; all good condition. East 3321. 22 CAL. REMINGTON repeater, case and rod ; practicauy new; Woodlawn 3923 . . DIAMOND Beautiful $285 ladies' Tiffany ring, oniy idj. Worcester bldg. SMALL counter refrigerator, hotel ditties and silverware. Aiorns. East 1082. AIR-BLAST heater. bed springs. used rugs. 390 E. 45th N. CONCORD grapes. 7c lb. 36th and Lake Road. Milwaukie. r . L. Beers. FOR SALE Good heating stove. Tabor 6120. AMERICAN pressing machine for sale. Main 6414. THREE oriental rugs. $230; Sunday and evenings. Main G4J.5. I FOX FURNACE for sale. 512 Panama building. NEW UPHOLSTERED rocker. Imitation Spanish leatner ; 52 o. ::::5 K. Broadway. NICE iron bed, spring and cotton mat tress. $24. Tabor 9205. $40 OAK HEATER, used 4 months sacrifice at $25. Phone East 7060. FOR SALE: Brings wood saw attachment for Ford. uek urove, zzj. ALU vv uuii iauy 9 Drown suit ior sa.e very reasonaoie; size da. n,ast jswi. GOOD bicycle for sale cheap. East 1M. DECOY ducks for lie. Tabor 1586. GENUINE Fox fur. bargain. Uarahall 1253. FOK SALE. "MlMcellaneous. NEW LINE NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS. Re and Penny Keys. OAK AND MAHOGANY FINISHES. Prices $75. $110. $150. Full line of second-hand and rebuilt National registers, fully guaranteed by THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. Liberal allowances for old Registers. J. R. MUMMA, Sales Agent. Bwy. 1616. 300 Stark st. SEW, SEW, SEW, SEW. Phone Seliwood 1071. NO AGENTS EMPLOYED. - Sewing machines cleaned, timed, ad justed, repaired, bought, sold, rented, supplies and attachments, power and mfg. machines; motors, shafting and tables installed; everything in needles. Phone SellwooM 107L NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Rather than return our salesmen's samples to the factory, consisting of raincoats, motorocats and leather coats, we have placed them on sale to the pub lic at wholesale price. UNITED RUBBER CO.. 726 Morgan bldg. 5 LATE Uroohead and cabinet sewing machines, every make and style; mostly like new ; all guaranteed, from $15 to $35; all the latest new Singers; cash or payments; machines rented $3 per month. SINGER STORE (Moose bldg.), 103 4th st. Main 6833. USED electric vacuum cleaners in nrt class mechanical condition at a big sav ing ; a few hand vacuum cleaners, $1 each. SCOTT ELECTRIC COMPANY. bl Fifth St- SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. Easy terms if de sired. . NORRTS SAFE) & LOCK CO.. 105 Second st. Main 2043. SEWING machines, new and second-hand sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 9431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Third wt., near Taylor. HOT-WATER tanks, 30-gal., $7; 40-gal., $!.; tested and guaranteed ; stove and furnace coils, gas heaters installed; ex pert plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams st. East 65ie. GOOD size white potatoes. $2.50 per hun dred; cabbage for kraut. $1.50 oer hun dred; good turnips. 3 cents per pound ; will deliver 100 pounds or more free. Call Woodlawn 52S8. COME out to New Era Sunday and gel sweet corn, in cents dozen ; cabbage, onions and hubbard squash in any quan tity. Phone 14F14 through Oregon City. W. S. King. TWO WAYS If you have a diamond and want tne cash or have the cash and want a diamond, call in and talk it over Miller's Clearing House for Diamonds, i -i uoor io jiajestic t neater. FURS FURS. Above high rent Below high prices. THE FUR SHOP. 606 Swetland Bldg., 5th at Washington. -NEW "SINGERS" $5 down, $3 monthly. Expert sewing machine repairing. MORRISON STREET SINGER STORE, 382 Morrison. Marshall 721. SA PES New and second-hand ; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO., Broadway 1966. 4S Front St. USED electric washing machines; some bargains. SCOTT ELECTRIC COMPANY, Fifth and Oak Sts. FOR SALIi National register, one penny up; Hubard electric coffee grinder, num ber floor cases, counter cases, ice box, peanut roaster. 242 Salmon st. LICENSED independent electrician wires 3 rooms for $12, 5 rooms $20; all new materials used and guaranteed to pass inspection. Woodlawn 3791. LET US wash your rugs with the Hamil ton Beach carpet washer without re moving from the floor; work guaranteed clean and sanitary. Woodlawn 1254. CONCORD grapes, apples and pears for sale. Brin-g your boxes. One mile east Milwaukie, Or., between 37th and 40th, on King st. Phone 84-J. STRAWBERRY plants, thrifty, well roc ted. Oregon, Etterburg and Clark's beeuiing. I'rtce reasonable. Route o. Box 64, Oregon City. SHIPMENT of choice salted smelt, $4 per cash, oi mo ma. , open ior inspection. Taylor-sreet dock. Main So65. RELIABLE brokers of fine discarded ap parel. Atlantic Cleaner, 122 NV 21st at. Broadway 1S79. FOR SALE One meat box 6x9. 2 meat blocks, one vacant scale, 1 safe and tools, can Aiarsnail 938. TABLE lamp, good as new; ail metal wun coioreu giass snaae, worm J3d, bargain at $20. 024 Mar. at. Apt. 12. WE sell your mis lit clothes, over coats and iurs. caywoods, bi 10th st. near Stark st. CABBAGE for sale, lc per lb. -mlle soutn or xroutaaie. call any time; prmg containers. jr.. n,. isramnail. OlBLOCO pipeless furnaces for sale, $69.45 and $135. For further information call Last 4;j7 39 Hen ton st.. Portland. - Uit fc. it. nanusorae noor lamp ; never been useu; casn oniy. Appiv y. g. Alsop, 1350 E. 19th, Automatic 219-24. LADIES looking for hats to match leather coats or serviceable rain hats, come to a woe s Mat tnop. utn and Morrison. MOVING picture camera for sale. $350 cash ; will teach you the business. 757 Minnesota ave. PILES can be permanently cured without operation, xj&u or write Dr. Dean. .234 v& Morrison si. KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange ko- o&ks. nanuy s. vvasnington st. LADIES SAVE High-grade used apparel. Prices moderate. 1132 E. Glisan street. Montaviiia car to .vjin. raaor 85. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton Beach electric carpet washer; also vacuum cleaning aone. ;a2t 4045. FLOOR - cases, register, safes, scales, ice box, wan cases, numoer ox otner fixtures terms, z-n aaimon sc. 1 -GALLON gasoline pump, with 280-eallon tank, all in good order. Tabor 1967. 538 E. 4ist DIAMOND Perfect stone. 62-100 K,, value $4uo; wiii taae Apply AG 3. Ore gonian. FOR SALE Bargain, safes, wall cases, gas range. umDrena case, ioot railing, draft arm. counter, bread cases. 242 Salmon SHIPYARD WOOD CO. BDWY. 986. EVE.. SELL. 144. Havy cordwood and wreckage wood. hk vvoou in lots irom cordi and im For further information inquire R 63, Oregonian. SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sale, Faciuc lent ac Awning to,, l j. 1st st. OHIO vacuum cleaners sold, repaired, rent ed $1 day, delivered. Woodlawn 1239 POTATO sacks, grain sacks, bargain prices. lo3 f ront, st.. near Morrison oridge. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding macnine. snowcase. j lat bl. near aid. VACUUM cleaners sold, rented, repaired, exenangea, oougni. oenney, main 4tfUi BYES tested tree; spectacles guaranteed. Dr. Belding, iMS'ifc Aider st. Main 169: SAFE Fireproof safe. 29x18x18. In good order. P 60, Oregonian. S0-GAL ROOT BEER syrup. 1-3 less than -wholesale. Main 597. $15 BUYS adding machine; adds 7 figures. 51H Corbett bldg. Mar. C57. SLAB and block wood, mixed, special in two-load lota. Wdln. 41Q2. Oregon Fuel. BLOCK WOOD, slab wood, mixed, 2-load lots, special prices. East 2041. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners, $1 per day delivered anywhere. Wdln. 3495. COATS, furs, suits, gowns and evening dresses, Slightly worn. Main 9567. GOOD trailer, solid tires, $10. St., N. 360 E. 45th $125 DOUBLE-BARRELED hammeriess shotgun, $45. 592 East Broad way. 6-HOLE range, good tone violin; expert piano tuning and repairing. Wdln. 6249. MAN'S overcoat, size 38 ; two work coats. 38 and 36. $15. 767 Hood. $12 FITCH fur, practically new; $75. 2GU Broadway. price HL' DSO.V seal cape coatee, worth $600; sell for Aiain t.r. mornings. CARBON heating stove, used price $25. East 8281. y months, FOR SALE 9 volumes Rid path's History, good condition. Phone Seliwood 2TS0. FINE wood heater with pipe and zinc. Phone Woodlawn 1636. FIN E otter seal neckpiece, never been worn: a bargain. Tabor 98. QUINCES, apples, green tomatoes: priced right. 1025 Powell St. Seliwood 3483. FOR SALE Indoor golf course. Multno mah hotel See Mr. Campbell. FOR SALE Hey wood-Wakefield wicker baby buggy. Phone Woodlawn 2195. FOR SALE Hotel garbage, Multnomah hotel. See Mr. Campbell. FOR SALE or trade, cash register and Fcale. 49 Front st. HOT A 1 R furnace, good condition. Tibbets st. Sell. 641. SOFT blue silk dress designed for youth ful figure. 36-38. East 1260. FOK SALE, Miscellaneous. EXCHANGE those old piano rolls or rec ords for new or slightly used. Hundreds of new records and piano rolls at 24c. 39c, 49c. GOc and 75c, including RED SEAL and late hits. PACIFIC RECORD EX CHANGE. 131 11th St., BETWEEN WASH, and ALDER STS. WHY AN everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof? Why not a permanent and comfortable roof? We repair, rubber bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs. Werk guaranteed. Main 5560. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. Irons, heaters, toasters, vacuum clean era, etc. We buy, sell and and exchange everything electrical. Hynson Electric Co.. 302 Pine st. Bdwy. 4293. GRAPES, Concord and Sweetwater, 6c lb.; quinces. 6c; windfall apples, Kings. $1 gunny sack, 50c box; others 75c, Si box. Bring containers. 6020 is 5th st. (Lents). Mt. Scott car. GOLD ENAMELED BED. USED 3 MOS., EXTRA FINE SPRINGS AND MAT TRESS, $25. THIS IS A BARGAIN. 492 UNION AVE. N. ASK THE LAND LADY. SOFT drink fixtures for Bale ; bar and back bar "with three mirrors, tobacco, candy and cigar cases, chairs; must be sold at once. Pals Club, 235 First, corner Main. STAMPS! My duplicates for sale cheap; no dealers; Sundays 11 to 4. I..L. New ton, 11 N. 9th st.. corner Oak. HOWARD heater, including pipes and board. Call S to 5. Broadway 2309. BEAUTIFUL red fox fur for sale reason able. Tabor oKll. FOR, SALE AUTOMOBILES. THE PUBLIC WANTS LOW PRICES. HERB THET ARE. DODGB' TOURING In good con dition, $650. MTTCHELL JUNIOR SIX. worth $1000. Our price $860. STI'DE BAKER SIX, at $550. Some buy Think of this Elgin Chummy at $750. Nothing better see it today. . Did you ever drive an fjverland 90? Come look at this one at $650. MAXWELL TOURING, just re painted, $450. CHEVROLET TOURING, model 490, only $450. FORD TOURING at $325. These are a few of our LOW "PRICES. Come and see the other big value. WELLBR MOTOR COMPANY. 15th and Washington. MANLEY AUTO CO. BURNSffDE AT 11TH. BDWY. 217. 1918 5-pass. Hupmobitc. low price; consider a Ford as first payment. 1913 Model 32 a snap at $250. Late Model Hup coupe; cord tires; the finest coupe in the city at the price. . 00 Overland : easy terms. $150 cash, balance Overland light four; a real bar- gain. Saxon, in fine condition; six cord tires. SNAPS 1 Ford 1-ton truck. Republic 1-ton truck. See Mr. Mountain, MANLEY AUTO CO.. BURNSIDE AT 11TH. BDWY. 217. IF TOU have a used car and you are not satisfied with it we will give you a good trade on either a used car or on a new Scrippw Booth. Come up and let us talk this over with you. THE SCR1PPS-BOOTH CO. OF CAL., 622 Alder st. Broadway 3169. BUICK LIGHT SIX. One of the famous 1918 models: any one who has driven this machine knows the pep she has. 5 cord tires, practical ly new and considering the condition and new top, this car is priced right. Call Montgomery, automatic 324-36, evenings, or Broadway 1130 days. LIGHT BUICK SIX roadster, late model, excellent condition, snap for cash. Call 303 Oregonian Bldg. FORD TOURING. Must sell; owned privately; price only $235. Will take $ 100 down and easy terms on balance. Jake's Used Car Ex change, 28 N. 11th, opposite Weinhard brrvery. OLDS 4 TOURING. One of those reliable kind, always ready to go. dandy tires and motor in fine shape. See used-car man at PERFECTION TIRE CO., 10TH AND STARK STS. 2(1 OFF ALL USED CARS 20&. Trades Considered! Terms Given! RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO. 12S N. Broadway., Opp. New Postoffice. BIG USED CARS. PRICES RIGHT. STOCK. No MreTreentatIon. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. 209fc OFF ALL USED CARS 20. Trades Considered! Terms Glvenl RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO. 12S N. Broadway.. Opp. New Postoffice. 1917 PAIGE 7-PASS. Must fall my Paige quick, first man with $750 gets it; cash or terms. CALL MAR. 575. OLDS 8 Good condition. Will take small er car in trade. Long terms. Scripps- Bootb Co. oi a.i., o-- Aiaer sc. liawy, 3169. " FOR SALE Reasonably, Overland model 90 touring car. isew tires. Terras. In quire 889 E. Burnside. 191 S PAIGE light 6, a beautiful car. beautiful condition mechanically; $400 down will handle. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 32S1. MAXWELL, 1917, good mechanical condf tlon; good tires; oargam ior casn. 41V Prescott. . FOR SALE 1920 Ford touring body, hood and radiator. imone Hawy. u-ji, or 535 Alder, between & and o. 1917 OAKLAND sedan, valued at $850; w ill sacrifice for less ; consider fresh cow in trade. Taoor zuou. mavwklL touring. 1919, fine condition. used privately: a snap at $825. some terms. 30 Grand ave. j., near Burnside. DODGE touring car. A-I condition; act quickly. Third Street Garage, 84 Norta Third street. Broadway 4tfia. FORD touring, 1917. best or condition, good tires ; real bargain at 1350. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. $500 WITH TERMS buvs Mitchell Big 6, 7-pass., good condi tion, snap. Mr. Argo, Bdwy. 3281. SELL cheap or trade for good piano, baby grand Chevrolet in good condition. Main 3113. 1 AX WELL touring, 1918, fine condition, good tires; real bargain at $725. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. KOR SALE 1915 Hudson. 7-passenger. in very best shape; very cheap. Call or write Hopewell garage. Amity, Or.. R. l. 101S MAXWELL a. overhauled and painted; best Max in town. Mr. Argo, Broadway 3281. 1918 7-PASS. PAIGE, excellent mechani cal condition; $1400. Call Woodlawn 947. CHEVROLET touring. 1918. fine condi tion, good tires; a snap at $425. terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside, KADB & SIMONTON CO., used cars, re pairing, storage. 415 Glisan. Bdwy. 4592. 1916 OLDSMOBILE in very good condition; nugt sell at once; terms. Seliwood 1437. FOR SALE by owner, 1920 Stepnens Sa lient Six. run 6000 miles. 228 Front st. HOWARD, licensed automobile aut tioneer. Address Ediaon hotel. Main 488. 1920 HUDSON spedster. with extras. See - this bargain before you Duy. ;ast 7QQ3 OVERLAND panel delivery. Dunn. Seliwood 1393. $150. Phone 1918 CHEVROLET touring, $285 cash; A-l shape. 415 Glisan. corner luun. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. EXTRA! EXTRA I EXTRAl The Velle has dropped $200: we have reduced our prices on used Velies ac cordingly. Our loss your gain. The factory guarantees us against any fur ther drop until July 1, 1921, but not against a raise. Now is the time to get more than your money's worth in a rebuilt, refinished. dependable V elie car. Look them over. Try them out. It costs you nothing and it will pay you, of you are looking for real automobile value. 1917 Velie, new paint cord tires. 1917, new paint new top. 1913 Velie new paint, new tires. 1919, Velie, driven very little. 1919 Velie, cord-tire equipment. Trade in your present car as first pay ment on a better one ; balance eaey terms. Open even in cs and Sundays. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO.. SS N. 23d. st., near Wash. FORD OWNERS. CHEVROLET OWNERS. Mctors overhaued $20 Rear axle overhauled 6 Valves ground, carbon removed 3 Magneto recharged 5 We hand -lap pistons,, scrape bearings, etc., which insures a perfect-running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. THE REASON the Ford engine starts hard and tne lights are dim is because the MAGNETO is weak. Have it RECHARGED BY EXPERTS. UNIVERSAL AUTO RBPAIR CO. 210-212 Jefferson. Main 7644. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1 Overland bug 1 Maxwell touring 1 Maxwell touring 1 Ford touring ............... 1 Ford touring 1 Ford touring t 1 Ford touring 1 Buick touring 1 Buick roadster 150 LL5 J40 '2M 265 ........ 275 250 350 $250 to 600 ........ 225 400 1 Maxwell roadster Several other cars Ford truck Cadillac truck, 1 Vi-ton 1 Peerless, 5-ton LONG & SILVA, 462 Hawthorne. . .. 850 ACT QUICKLY. I have for quick sale 3-pass. 6-cyl. nport model roadster, new body, new permanent top. California style: new Strom berg carburetor, new wheels and rim 34x44. Will paint to suit and give 6 mo. guaranteed service, for the cash quick. I will take $60 or will consider n light car In good order and some cash. I also have one Hup touring in fair order, model 32; It needs $25 worth of work, but It runs good now. To move it quickly, $235. Call or see the Interstate Garage. Sumner and Union. Two bar csins. so act now. BARGAIN. I'll Say So! $75.00 and Up. We Have Reduced very used automobile to a price that win sen i ii em quick, come and get one. 25 used automobiles; models up to 1920 of the different makes. Terms. one third cash, balance in ten monthly in stallments, payaoie at our otlice. You are assured of fair dealing. - WILLYS-OVERLAND PACIFIC CO., Broadway and Davis sts. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. TOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO. iiva illU.. -L FLOOR, FORD OWNERS. FORD overhauled $20 Rear axle overhauled Valves ground, carbon removed.. J 3 Magneto recharged 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which Insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. Al! work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO.. 2S0 Front St., corner Jefferson. MUST sell my Chevrolet 40O roadster at once. This car I purchased new Au gust, 1919, and have run it 8000 miles on pavement only. Just overhauled and Is in fine mechanical condition; 5 good tires; paint looks like new. Should be wen to be appreciated. A sacrifice at $550; some terms if desired. Phone Ta bor 1819 after 6 P. M. USED CARS. The Dodge coupe is the bept looking small closed car on the market today. It is economical and comfortable. I have one lor sale, 1920 model, in first class condition, fully equipped and looks like new. Will be pleased to show it any time. BF 1, Oregonian. ATTENTION USED-CAR BUYERS! A new car going at a used-car ' price. $325 off, which means less than whole sale price of popular 4-cyl. 5-pass. car; must raise money; very liberal terms. See MR. HECKES. 407 STARK ST. FORD DELIVERY. This car Is In fine condition, tires are almost new; $400. 530 Alder st. CHEVROLET ROADSTER In fine condition; If sold this week, $42A. 530 Alder st. PREMIER 6 SEDAN-LTMOUSINE. Fully equipped, in perfect condition and good as new. Demountable wire wheels: automatic gear shift and West ing house shock absorbers. Cost new $60O. Am leaving the state and will sell for 40Q0. V Oregonian. NASH SEDAN In perfect condition; will consider smaller car; $1650. 530 Alder st. STAGE CAR BARGAIN. 1917 7-pass. Paige, good shape, good tires, $soo, easy terms, see used-car man PERFECTION TIRE CO., lOTH AND STARK STS. 19 CHEVROLET TOURING. In excellent condition, tires and paint good; win put to any test and seil cheap. Woodlawn 123 1 or woodlawn 4441. MODEL S3B Overland, In prime median leal shape, double oversized cord tires In rear, two spotlight, three spare tires and other extras; price s4i.. Bernard 102 N. Broadway. Broadway 4043. 1918 FORD touring, runs good, looks good. Must sell by Monday, 273. Room 8, Salvation Army Hut, Vancouver, Wash Phone 436. 203 OFF ALL USED CARS 20. Trades Considered! Terms Given! RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO. 12S N. Broadway.. Opp. New Postoffice. BY OWNER Ford roadster, late 1919, with starter block, speedometer, light delivery ana roaaster Da ok ; jou. j. a, Wheeler, uresnam, Mr., rt. 1920 PAIGE. 5 PASSENGER. $600 less than new price, see this car and you will buy. run 300 miles. 184 Laurelhurst, owner. Tabor 9116. 1913 FORD. A-l condition; catn. be seen Monday from 8 to 10 A. M. and 2 to 4 P. M. 13tn between Morrison and Yam hill. . 20 OFF ALL USED CARS 20. Trades Considered! Terms Given! RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO. 12R N. Broadway.. Opp. New Postoffice. CADILLAC CADILLAC CADI LLAC. 5-passenger, good condition; a car that will give you real service: $473 cash for quick wale. 34S East 37th st. 19i' FORD touring like new, driven onlv 3S00 miles; car hs $300 worth of extras. For sa le by owner at a snap buy of $475. 624 Gantenbein ave. CHEVROLET chassis, .1918; make a good bug; $225, terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. WE PUT steel teeth In your old flywheel, crank shaft turning. H. B. Black, ma chine whop, 534 Alder st. Broadway 26a 1. FORD touring, 1916, with Bosch magneto. Hassier snocit aosoroers, spotiignt. extra oiling system; $300 cash. Main 50U0. OVERLAND touring, good condition; must sell ; a soap t o-., lerma, du Grand ave. N., near Burnside. NEED Money, selling my car. This is a dandy. Call Main 620S: will exchange lor diamond; valued $750. LEAVING town, must sell 1920 Ford, light del.; reasonable price. Call Boilermaker club, 131 V4 Second. Schwartz. Main 6460. MY 1920 FORD coupe with over $100 ex tras, 750; you save about $250. Broad way 3130. DODGE touring, good condition. $S50. 1013 E. Irving St. i a dot iuj. 1920 FORD coupe, like new; spare tire a n d other extras. Tabor 725. SMALL bug. Just built, motor overhauled, $90; leaving town. 1497 E. 9th st. N. $135 CASH buys this B'ord car. man st 635 Thur- 9MALL delivery car; very economical on tires and gas: $145. 635 Thurman. OVERLAND chummy roadster; terms. Phone Shanahan. Seliwood 75. 1918 FORD for quick sale; will not refuse any reasonable offer. 440 E. Burnside 191-8 CHEVROLET, good condition, new oversize tlrea. $40Q. Phone East 8653 CLASSY bug for sale or trade, $250. terms. Call evenings, , 6 to 8, 291 Russell sr. FOR PALE AUTOMOBILES. USED CAR VALUES should not be measured by price alone, but should be judged by value and future service. We so licit your Investigation of our used car stock on this basis and are satisfifd that you will at the same time find our prices right, qual ity of our cars considered. We offer here a few for your approval: 1919 FORD, 5-pass., 4-cyl. 1919 CHEVROLET, 5-pass., 4-cyl. 1918 HUPMOBILE, 2-pass., 4-cyl. OVERLAND, model 75, 3-p., 4-cyl. OVERLAND, model 85, 5-p., 4-cyl. WILLYS-KNIGHT, 5-pass., 4-cyl. 1918 OAKLAND, 3-pass., 6-cyl. 1919 OAKLAND, 5-pass., 6-cyl. 1917 MITCHELL, 5-pass., 6-cyl. 1917 MITCHELL, 7-pass., 6-cyl. 1918 MITCHELL, 4-pass., 6-cyl. 191S MITCHELL, 5-pass., 6-cyl. 1919 MITCHELL, 5-pass., 6-CJ 1. 1919 MITCHELL, 3-pass., 6-cyl. JORDAN SPORT MARINE, 4-pas-senger, 6-cylinder. JORDAN SILHOUETTT3, 7-pass., 6-cyl.. with disteol wheels. 5 cord tires and many other extras. Many different models to choose from. Most of them have gone through our shop: some of them have been repainted. You will not find the equal of our stok. in quality, in the city of Portland. No brokerage charge and reason able terms. PRICES $350 AND UP. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAYER CO., 35 TVTrs In BtiFines. BROADWAY AT EVERETT. I'bonc Broadway 4675. USED FORDS. $150 TO $S75. OVER 100 TO SELECT FROM. Any style you want at the price you want to pay. EASY TERMS. IF YOIT WANT A I'SKD FORT. GO TO A USED FORD Hoi SE. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, USED FORDS EXCLUSIVELY". Grand Ave. and East Yamhill St. Open evenings till S o'clock. LARGE STOCK GENUINE FORD PARTS. RARE BARGAINS. 1 Maxwell. 1 Auburn. 2 'hevroIet deliveries. 1 -ton Republic truck. $250 to $550. T A LBOT & CASE Y, INC. Grand Ave. and E. Ankeny. East 811S. 1919 CHANDLER DLSPT'H. Five wire wheels, 2 spt iights. bump ers, side windshields, motor muter and other extra going at yourovwi terms. See uswd-oar man at PERFECTION TIRE CO.. 10TH AND STARK STS. FORD TOURING. You will buy this when you see It. Good tires and fine mechanical shape. Price only $225. Will take $100 down and give easv terms on balance. Jake's Used Car Exchange, 28 N. 11th. opposite Weinhard brewery. BUTCK roadster. 1919; owner going east, must sell at once. Car can be seen at 530 Alder sU OAKLAND 4 TOURING. This car Is mechanically perfect with lots of extras, 5 new cord tires. See used car man nt -PERFECTION TIRE CO., TOTH AND STARK STS. COLE 8 CHUMMY. This is mv private car. Is a late model and looks just like new. No rea sonable offer filmed down. Would con sider a diamond as part payment. Ask for Mr. Jarobaon, 2S N. 11th. Bdwy. 3214. WE CARRY a full line or auto accessories. tires. tuDes. rnru pano. n i h i". etc ; also do towing. Open day and night. LONG & SILVA. Phone East 6S40. 462 Hawthorne. - rf w i i.i t L- V I i L- I) X t A J J. E. DURHAM, who takes the kinks out white yu wait; also repairs radi ators and bodies. Bdwy. 3214. 3o N. 1 1 th st.. near Burnside. Trades Considered! Terms Given! RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO. 12S N. Broadway., Opp. New Postoffice. 1919 HUDSON speedster in finest of con dition, cord tires; will guarantee car biggest bargain in town; terms. Phone Kat 1962. Trades Considered! Terms Given! RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO. 12S N. Broadway.. Opp. New Postoffice. LATE 1917 Mitchell roadster at a bargain price This is a fine car and is in finest of condition in every way; terms. Phono Bdwy. 4825. 20t- OFF ALL USED CARS 20. Trades Considered! Terms Given! RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO. 1 2S N. Broadway.. Opp. New Postoffice. MUST sell 1920 Chandler chummy used 4 months; bargain if you act quick; might consider sma.l car in trade. Tabor 7165. 207 OFF ALL USED CARS 20. Trades Considered! Terms Glvenl RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO. 125 N. Broadway., Opp. New Poetoffice. r HAVE a 5-passenger M i tchell auto for sale; just painted and thoroughly over hauled, and I will sell It cheap. Phone East 2651. 20 OFF ALL USED CARS 20. Trades Considered! Terms Given! RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO. 12S N. Broadway.. Opp. New Postoffice. CHEVROLET touring, 1918, good mechan ical condition, good tires ; must sell ; a snap at $4o0, some terms, 30 Grand avenue North,near Burnside. " 0OFFALLUSED CARS 20. Trades Considered! Terms Given! RUBIN MOTOR CR CO. 128 N. Broadway., Opp. New Postoffice. ESSEX touring. 1919: best of condition, KOOd tires, one spare; used privately; $1425, terms ; consider Ford in trade. 3u Grand ave. N., near Burnside. -0 OFF ALL USED CARS 20. Trades Considered! Terms Given! RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO. TS N. Broaaway., Opp. New Postoffice. MOTORS gears, bearings, wheels, axles, ii all makes of cars and sell their party at half price. Dayid Hodes Auto WrerKinB Jim si. FORD runabout. Al condition, tires almost new real bargain 'at $3iu, some trms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. STUTZ 1920. 6-passenger tourinj? car. for -ale" practically new. at a bargain. Phone 'Tabor 4976. 1446 East Stark. MAXWELL touring, 1917. Al condition, cood tires: real bargain at $375. 30 rand ave. North, near Burnside. HAVE new Chevrolet, want a Ford. Will make a trade and give you terms, phone Shanahan. Seliwood 75. BRAND new Chandler -pass, touring: 1071 Mississippi sacrifice, need money. ave, FOR SALE WIS 5-passenger Ford, good condition; by the owner, a school boy. 5T.- H2d st. Phone Tabor 2560 1918 FORD sedan, mechanically perfect ; good rubber- real sacrifice. By owner. Call 394 12th St. FORD touring. 1016; good tires, fine condi tion; a snap at $325. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside vJ9 PAIGE light 6, like new; new cord 1 tirts; "00 down handles. Snap. see this- Mr. Argo, Bdwy. 3281. PAIGE SIX, 1017 touring, wire wheels, one extra; real bargain at $050. 30 Grand ave. N., near tiurnsiae. OVERLAND touring. Sr,5 Dunn. Seliwood 1393. terms. Phone 1917 CHEVROLET roadster, new batter ies, $200, 415 Glisan t FOK SALE AUTOMOBILES. AT THE COVEY M OTORCA R COMPANY PLANT. Did it ever occur to you that the amount of business done monthly or yearly by a used -tar dealer might S'.-ive ad a key u the truth ful solution of the qfi est ions you have no doubt aked voursi-'.f many times. "Where shall I buy my car?" "How shall I find'a dependable dealer?" "Who is it that will honestly at tend to the necessary rebuilding and ref inishing of such cars as t !i-y offer for sa le ? A great volume oT used-car lm.-:-neas. kind reader, radiates not on.y the answer to such questions, but the added information : That years of conscientious, hon est effort have been necessary to build up such a volume. That there surely exists a hifih idea J of the possibilities of car sal ape. That a great drte.rm in at '.on un doubtedly stimulates such action as i; ncvessary to produce rebuilt wnd refmished motorcars o successful ly as to obtain this great volume of business. The successful management and Palo of our popular new cars cir mand that w e not only maintain a great volume of used car busi ness, but that we continual" in crease it. One cannot .lump into it today and out tomorrow. DODGE BROTH KRS MOTOR CARS. Rebuilt, refinished and reasonably priced. 1910 3l I S touring 10 1 7 touring 1016 touring i:-0 roadster 1016 roadster $1100 .t..t .... S'n'i T"0 1J..0 700 1P10 CH KVROLET delivery fir.e shape $ 550 1917 MANWKLL delivery, spe- cialiv priced 273 1014 OVKRLAND delivery, specially priced 275 New two-t"tn Craltam Bros, truck.' Cadillac engine, spe eiallv priced 120i 102O CH KV KOLKT touring, pract itn Ily new, driv en but lono miles S00 1O10 CH KVROI.E r touring. exec! lent shape 60 101 5 KURD Sedan, electric starter, just out of paint shop 7!. 1017 FORD touring. pe 'tally priced 5 1015 FORD touring. H17 w radiator, good shape 0O loio OVF.RLAND OO touring, especial! v priced 6".0 1017 M AXWKLL touring, spe cia'lv priced 1017 R KO roadster, beauty, specia'lv priced o. 1016 ItL'ICK 6, rebuilt, spe riallv priced 000 101 :; CADILLAC, old reliable. for service car 400 1IHS CHANDLER touring, line looking car. worth $UktO. specialty priced . 12o0 102O t. 'HANDLER Dispatch, driven but 100 miles; was this vr-ar's show car -000 1020 CH A N DLE R Dispatch, wire wheels, cord tires, mo tome ter, bumper, etc. driven only about 5Hio MtA miles 11 1010 APPKRSON touring, ful ly equipped and in best pos sible condition iiOOO 101 S IVMtiK Sedan, left for sale: this is certainly a won rtcrfnl buv 2100 1010 FRANKLIN touring, lit tie n oed he said re rd i n g such h ear 210O 101 STIDKBAKER 6. new paint, new- top. fine shape, special'v prictjfl S75 ST I" lK H A UEK roadster, 4- cylindcr 3i5 CADILLACS. Prices on new Cadillac motorcars have advanced onlv in proport om to the trenorally acknowledged im provement in the car. There ha been no such tn ing" as excess profit, the trreat determ nnrion to perfect their product had absorbed each advance long before it was made. The public is well aware of trie fact that price reductions on the part of certain manufacturers ar being made so'.e'.y with a view of influencing quick deliveries to take care of over-production and in flated prices rather than because of lower cost of production. In buving one of these makes, new or used, you will never at tnallv know when you "ave re ceived vour money's worth V n i le on the other hand, no such doubt In ever raised regarding the value of a Cadillac. Our present stock of used Cadillacs represent the grea test actual motorcar value oil the auto mobile market today. We are open Sunday. COVKY MOTOR CAR CO.. Washington st. at 21st. Main 6244. A REAL BARGAIN. A dandy 7-passenger Col, in ex cellent mechanical condition. Full set of cord tires and one extra spare. A real bargain for a quick sale. $10r0. Call Joo Uoodfellow at Broadway 1460. TA LK A BOUT YOl'R BA RGA IN ! Party leaving city brought their 1020 fcissx Sedan in and said sell it for $1050. It cost them $2000. Five cord tires. WELI.KR MOTOR COMPANY, lfth and Washington. 1010 SCftlPPS-BOOTlI T o u r 1 n g; first-class condi tlon. Ciood tires, paint and top. Terms. THB SCRIPPS-BOOTTT CO. OF CAL.. 622 Alder st. Broadway 3160. NEW CH KV ROLKTS. -Easy terms : guaranteed price ; liberal allowance for your car. P. H. DL'NN MOT R CA R CO.. Cor. Milwaukie and By bee Ave. l'hone Seliwood Kit;?. WILL TRADE CARS. I have Oakland touring car in splendid condition, which I would lik to trade for a Ford touring and some cash. Must have lighter car. Call Mr. Stover, Broad way 4184. HUPMOBILE, 191S model, run very little. A barpain for cash $11.50, or terms, or trade for 1020 Ford sedan with wire wheels, or house and lot. Call Chet, Main ;0O2. 1020 KLG1N 6 TOURING. Six new cord tire?, car perfect In every vay ea?v terms. See used-ear man, at PERFECTION TIRE CO., U'TH AND STARK. STS. OA K LAND roadster, recently overhauled, new tires and all extras: must sell at once; 5350 takes it. Call Read, 157ft Belmont. Tabor 4:t2 . 20ri OFF ALL USED CARS 20. Trades Considered! Terms Given! RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO. 1'S N. Broadway.. Opp. New Postoffice. 102O FORD touring car in perfect mechan ical condition, good an new, with extras, electric lights and starter, for sale by owner. Phone East .1068. IF Y JU are interested in bu Iny a nevv 10 JO Buick at the old price. This is the K40 model. Call automatic 324-36, evenings. 1010 CHEVROLET tourinjc, new batteries, spotl'.Kht; in A 1 condition. Owner will sacrifice for $325 cash. 415 Glisan. cor. loth st. Automobile Wanted. 20 ACRES. 3 i ru iles west of Sea ppoose ; " rich soil, abundance of water. al' slashed 6 years ago; will sol! on easy payments, or exchange for light auto of 'lute model. 42." E. 8th t. N. VANTBL) Late model Ford or Dodge touring car; an even exchange for a good level r0xl00 lot in Syndicate addi tion to Rose City Park. Call Wdln. 4bS3 evenings, or call at 73 Grand ave. N. WANTED 2-ton truck; will give in ex change late 7-passenger car with new rubber and new paint. iiS20 i2d S. &. Call Auto. Lents 2011. WILL GIVE fine mahogany Orchestral Grand Crown piano and cash for Ford sedan or touring. W' S7. Oregonian. CAR WANTED Will trade $ acrea !iarke county wna ior gooa uui car. Spencer. 626 Cham. ot Commerce. IF YOU want to pell your car, bring it to .lake' n Used Car Exchange. opposite Weinhardt Brewery. 2S N. 11th st. , WIlL trade some good work horses and some fresh cows for light automobile or lot. Call at 000 Powell Valley road. WANT A few cars to wreck. BC 62. Ore-gonian. WANT To buy old cars, any s:e, any con ditior.. Call Vancouver R. K. Gore. W I LL pay cash for lai e modei Chevrolet. Phone Lat ITS at once.