Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 09, 1920, Page 13, Image 13

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K m
I S. &H. Trading Stamps Will Be Given on All Charge Accounts if Paid in Full on or Before 10th of Each Month
Good News for Men!
OWK Chocolates
69c Pound
Main Floor O. W. K. assorted ?Q
Chocolates 1-lb. box, special 05C
Fresh Salted Peanuts, pound, 220
No telephone orders no deliveries.
The Standard Store of the Northwest
Marcell Hair
' Waving
Expert operators, prompt service.
Phone for appointment and save time.
Beauty Shop, on the Second Floor.
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
You Can Always Depend Upon This Store j
For Reliable Merchandise For Prompt, Courteous Service For Large Assortments For Fair Prices. H
Men's $6.50 Madras Shirts
Special $4.19
Main Floor The man who buys shirts of the better grades will appreciate
this special offering and lay in a good supply at once. Every shirt in this
lot is from our own regular stock all are of standard makes and tailored
to fit properly. Made up in extra quality madras with satin stripes in many
different patterns and colors. Practically all sizes. Regular $6.50 SfA "I Q
Shirts in a special sale today Men's Store, Main Floor choice at fttlv
$2.50 Shirts $1.67
Main Floor This- is a Special lot of percale and madras shirts in the soft cuff
style whichwe have reduced in price' to close them out quickly. Well known
makes, cut in full standard sizes and nicely finished. Splendid shirts
for business wear. All sizes from 14 up to 16. Regularly $2.50 BXJ I
Men's Hats
Main Floor The Hat Shop for men. is
located just inside the Morrison street
entrance. Step in and let us show you
the new shapes for Fall and Winter.
New Suede Hats of best quality in
black and colors from $5.00 to $12.50
New Velour Hats in the beautiful new
fall shades priced $8.00 up to $18.50
New Borsalino Italian Hats in latest
shapes. Priced from $11.00 to $12.50
New Derbies in a number of smart
styles. Priced at $7.50 to $12.50
Men's Sweaters at $4.69
Sport Coat or Slip-On Styles
Main Floor Men's Knit Sweaters in
medium heavy weight for fall and
winter wear. Only a limited number
of these, so make your (P ,1 ftQ
selection at once. Saturday Dt:J5
Men's Mufflers of silk, fiber, mer
cerized cotton and other materials.
Our holiday line is now ready for your
inspection. Large assortment rang
ing in price from $2.50 to $12.50
Boys' Winter Overcoats
$8.95 and $11.85
Main Floor Overcoats for boys 11 to
18 years. Odd lines, good styles, but
mostly in light and colored
mixtures. Full lined, at
Boys' Overcoats of splendid heavy
materials in brown and black. Belted
back. . Cloth lined. Large "t OP
convertible collar, priced 0-LAOJ
Boys' Rain Capes
' $3.85 and $4.45
LOT 1 Boys' Rain Capes PO Or I LOT 2 Boys' Rain Capes Q4 A JT
Ages 3 to 10 special atDt).OtJ sizes 12 to 16 special &tDii:D
Ask for Your S. & H. Green Trading Stamps
Your Winter Coat
Is Here!
The Garment Store is now showing the new season's smartest
models in Winter Coats. Hundreds of beautiful garments on'
display and every one of them is marked at a fair price. Coats
for etreet wear, for motoring, for evening wear in all the latest
colorings and fabrics. Prices range from $33.00 to $150.00.
4 Popular-Priced Groups
Second Floor Women's Coats of Corduval, Bolivia and Velour
in navy, plum, black, brown, violet and other good colors. Belted
loose and cape or dolman styles with convertible collars of
fur or self material. Many of these are trimmed with rows of
buttons. EXTRA GOOD VALUES AT $55.00, $68.50,
$73.00, $80.30. Ask to see these attractive Winter Coats.
Misses' Coats
AT1 s?) 0 attractive new Coats of Melton and Silver
X Dd,0J tone Velour. Plaited back with belt and cape
collar. Trimmed with patch pockets. " Good range colors to se
lect from. Mothers are urged to see these smart new Coats.
AT $27.50 Misses' Coats
of navy and medium blue Ve
lour. Smart belted stripes,
gathered or box plaited. Con
vertible collars. Extra values.
AT $37.50 Misses Coats
of wool Cheviot and tweed in
browns and tans. New plaited
and yoke styles for school
wear. Sizes for girls 6 to 14.
OTHER COATS for Girls and Misses ranging up to $32.50
Girls' Rain Capes
and Coats
Second Floor Girls' Rain Capes and Rain Coats in a large
assortment of new models. Made i in hest nualitv materials.
Capes with hood attached. Coats in plain styles that button up .32tS?5!
close about the throat. Hats to match. All sizes for girls
6 to 14 years of age. On display in Junior Shop, Second Floor.
Semi-Annual Sale
Pattern Hats
For fifteen dollars you may choose .from hun
dreds of beautiful Hats priced heretofore at
$18.00, $22.50, $25.00, $27.50, $30.00, $35.00 and
$40.00 models. Dress, Semi-Dress, Sport and
Tailored Hats from such noted artists as Cur
tiss, Cupid, Rawak, Highland, Bruck, Weiss and
many others. Exquisite Hats trimmed with hand
made flowers, burnt ostrich, burnt goose, etc.,
and a number of exclusive styles in fur-trimmed
hats. Make your selections early in the day while
assortments are at their best. $18.00 C-f fi(
to $40.00 Hats, priced very special at D-LJ"U
Millinery Salons
Second Floor
mm $
gh,-c.vv EE
Fur Trimmings
In Wanted Kinds and Widths
Skunk, Mole, Opossum, Nutria, Wolf, Squirrel, Seal,
Beaver, Raccoon, French Seal, Mouflon, French Coney
and many other popular kinds. $1.93 to $39.50 yard.
NEW FUR COLLARS priced at $19.50 to $85.00
Trimming Dept., First Floor
Girls' "Jack Tar" Middies
$5, $6.50, $6.95
Second Floor Jack Tar Togs are great favorites with
school girls. The styles are so distinctive and they
give such good service that mothers appreciate them,
too. Jack Tar Wool Serge and Tricot Middies in navy
blue and black, trimmed with white. In all sizes.
Three specials for Saturday $3.00, $6.50 and $6.95
Girls' Jersey
Second Floor Wool Jersey Blouses for girls, misses
and women. Low neck, long sleeves, slip-over models
with sashes, trimmed with colored embroidery. Sev
eral different shades. Just the thing for these cool days.
Girls' Jersey Blouses (12 to 16 years) at $-1.50
Women's Blouses (36 to 44 bust) $7.50 to $12.95
Headquarters for Gymnasium Bloomers
Sample Handkerchiefs
In a Great Pre-Holiday Sale
A special purchase enables us to offer over 20,000
Handkerchiefs at about today's cost at the factory.
Manufacturers' samples and discontinued numbers in
plain white, white with colored borders and colored cor
ner embroidery. It's the most important sale of Hand
Serchiefs we have held for over three years. For easy
choosing we have grouped them into six big lots.
Lot No. I I Lot No. 3 I Lot No. 5
8c 15c
Lot No. 2 Lot No. 4 Lot No. 6
10c I 19c I 39c
Now Is the Time to Buy Handkerchiefs for Gift-Giving
v "TV
Lurline Soap
4 for 25c
And 1 Cake FREE!
Lurline Soap is unsurpassed for
toilet and laundry and sells regu
larly at 10c the cake. As a special
introductory offer we shall sell
this Soap Saturday at four calces
for 25c and one cake free with each
purchase. No telephone orders.
Toilet Needs
Cuticura Soap special only 200
Revelation Tooth Fowder at 230
Colgate's Tooth Taste only 250
Jergen's Oatmeal Soap, doz. 850
Mentholatum atB230 and 450
Java Rice Powder, all colors -150
Hinds H. & A. Cream at 790
Sal Hepatica, 300, 000, $1.20
Packer's Tar Soap, a cake 2O0
Nujol 20-oz. bottles only $1
Pluto Water, qts. 450, 3 $1.25
Creme Elcaya priced only 590
Mennen's Shaving Cream 370
Ipana Tooth Paste at only 500
New Veils and
All the latest novelties are here
for your choosing. Plain and fancy
meshes in the very latest designs.
Latest and Best
"Valley of Silent Men" $2.00
James Oliver Curwood.
"Erskine Dale, Pioneer" $2.00
John Fox Jr.
"No Defense" $2.00
Gilbert Parker.
"Threads of Flame" $2.00
Basil King.
"Harriet and the Piper" $1.90
"Woman Triumphant" $2.15
"Sunny Ducrow" $1.90
Henry St. John Cooper.
"Daisy Ashford, Her Book". .$2.00
By the author of "The
Young Visitors."
"Story of Opal" $2.00
Opal Whitely.
Special Sale
of Fiction
One lot of handled and shelf-worn
books selling formerly at 75c to $2.
Priced for a quick clearaway OQ
Saturday, your choice at only Oil
The Book Shop
Main Floor
Sale Dependable
Here is a good
opportunity to
buy a month's
supply of good
coffee at a spe
cial low price.
Dependable is
one of our best
selling Jjrands
and gives uni
versal satisfac
tion. Telephone
your order if you
cannot come to
the store in person. Call Marshall
4800 or Automatic 563-21.
1-lb. cans Dependable Coffee 490
3-lb. cans Dependable Coffee $1.40
5-lb. cans Dependable Coffee $2.30
Model Grocery
Fourth Floor
At 95c
Main Floor Organdie Collars, Collar
and Cuff Sets, Net Collars, Lace
Vests, Organdie Vestees, colored Or
gandie Collar and Cuff Sets, Lace
Tab Collars and Organdie Vestees
with collars to match. Dozens of
styles. Values up to $1.50. AC-
Saturdav. nriced sneei&l at tlv
Neckwear Worth to $3.50, Special $1.95
Main Floor Lace Vests, ome with collars and cff s- to match Net Vestees
with plaited ruffles on collar and fronts of tucks and ruffles Organdie
Vestees with collars and cuffs to match. Large assortment of beautiful
styles in high-grade Neckwear, from regular stock. Values to $3.50 $1.95
Get Ready for Halloween !
We Show All the
Latest Novelties
Invitations, Score Cards, Pro
grams, Place Cards, Seals, Cutouts,
Lanterns, Paper Hats, Table Cov
ers, Luncheon Sets, Napkins, Fa
vors, Decorated Crepe Streamers,
Festoons and many other novelties.
By choosing now you will have the
advantage of larger assortments.
On display at
Dennison Booth
Second Floor
11,407 Pieces
White Enameled Ware "Seconds"
At Savings of Y? to Yi
Buy Cooking Utensils to last a full year! This eale has set a new record for crowds and values!
offerings for Saturday in the Basement Housewares Store.
Note these
Lipped Sauce Pans
1 quart 70c size 470
16 quart 90c size 500
2 quart 95c size 630
2Y2 quart $1.10 size 730
3 quart $1.30 size 870
4 quart $1.45 size 080
Deep Dish Pans
10 qt. $2.60 size $1.68
14 qt. $3.00 size $1.88
17 qt. $3.55 size $1.98
Taper Pudding Pans
1 quart 70c size 450
2 quart 85c size 550
2A quart 90c size 600
1 quart $1.10 size 700
Chamber Pails With
10 qt. $3.95 size $2.63
Dairy Pans
1- quart 70c size 470
2 quart 80c size 530
2Vs quart 90c size 590
4 quart $1.10 size 690
5 quart $1.40 size 880
Seamless Tea Kettles -.
4 qt. $4.25 size $2.83
5 qt. $5.00 size $3.35
6 qt. $5.60 size $3.75
Water Pails
12 qt. $3.50 size $1.98
6 quart Lipped Sauce
3 quart Convex Sauce
Pans and Covers.
6 quart Lipped Pre
serve Kettles.
3 qt. Deep Stew Pans.
qt. Lip Sauce Pans.
Medium size open
Chambers, uncovered.
6 quart Dairy Pans.
3 qt. Pot and Cover.
13 inch Wash Basins.
2 qfc. Covered Buckets.
-3 quart Convex Kettle
and Cover.
Seamless Double Boilers
1 qt. $3.20 size $1.98
1 qt. $3.55 size $2.33
2- qt. $3.70 size $2.47
3- qt. $4.55 size $2.98
Shallow Stew Pans
1 quart 90c size 590
2 quart 95c size C30
2Vt quart $1.25 size 750
3 quart $1.50 size 980
Wash Basins
11 inch $1.00 size 680
12 inch $1.25 6ize 780
13 inch $1.40 size 980
Soup and Dinner Plates
9 inch 60c size at 290
10 inch 70c size at 290
Handled Bake Pans
2 quart 96c size 630
New Georgette
Second Floor The Garment Store will
feature a special showing of Georgette
Crepe and Satin Blouses Saturday that
will appeal to all women. Beautiful
models, embroidered and beaded in the
latest designs and colorings. All the
wanted shades for . Fall and Winter
wear. Moderately priced at $9.50,
$12.75, $18.50, $21.00. 2d Floor.
Art Needle
Package Goods
Y2 Price
Bargain Circle 1st Floor Artamo and
Bucilla Art Needle Package Goods on
sale at just half regular prices. Large
assortment of articles children's
dresses, aprons, rompers, scarfs, pillow
tops, etc., 750 to $2.50. Packages
at 380 to $1.25. SHOP EARLY.
Y2 Price
Stamped and made articles of various
kinds used as models in the Art Needle
work Section on sale Saturday at half
price. Bargain Circle on Main Floor,
Great Sale Men's Shoes
$8.95, $9.95, $10.95
Celebrated "Beacon" Shoes yon
have seen advertised recently in lead
ing magazines. Strictly high-grade
Shoes that will give best of service.
Choice of 14
All have welted soles, Brogue cut
with tips and imitation tips and per
forated vamps. Pointed toe with
wingfoot rubber heels medium Eng
lish toe round toe, straight last and
round toe in Blucher cut Note prices.
Regular $10.00 Beacon Shoes $8.95
Regular $12.50 Beacon Shoes $9.95
Reg. $15.00 Beacon Shoes $10.95
Buster Brown Shoes at $5.00
Formerly Priced at $7.50 and $8 ' -
Main Floor Three special lines of Buster
Brown Shoes will be closed out Saturday at
$5 the pair. Laced pattern with medium
round toe, Goodyear welt soles, of best oak
tanned leather. Tan calf or gunmctal calf
stock. Splendid, serviceable shoes for girls.
Sizes 11 to IVz, widths B and gr A(l
C. Regular $7.50 and $8 grades. wd.UU
We give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps.
Basement Millinery
Fall Hats at $5
Surprising values in this special lbt of
Trimmed Hats the best we have, offered
this season. Large assortment of the
newest styles in
Trimmed Hats
Banded Hats
Dressy Black Hats, Embroidered Hats,
Ribbon Trimmed Hats, Tam Effects,
Turbans, etc. The woman who would
buy her an extra hat should see these
wonderful values. Many colors and com
binations. Hats well worth (JJJT Afl
$5.98, $6.98 and $7.98. Special wO.UU