' 11 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF AMCSEMENT9. HEILIG (Broadway at Taylor) Comic opera. Robin Hood." This afternoon and tonight. BAKER (Alder at Eleventh Baiter Stock company la -Penrod." This afternoon and tonight. LYRIC (Broadway at MorrUorO Musical comedy. "The Belle of Portland." Three ahowi dally. 3, 7 and 9 P. M. HIPPODROME (Broadway at TamhtlO Vaudeville and movmi picturea. to 5, 6:45 to 11 P. M. Saturday Sunday and holiday continuous, 1:15 to 11 P. PA NT AGES (Broadway at Alder) V aude- ville. Three ahows dally. 2:30. 7 and :a- Sio-v Cjsses Appealed. Appeals to the circuit court were argued yes terday In the cases of Dr. Paul Yates, dentist at 125 i Sixth street, and Mrs. Martha Smith, proprietor of Alba Bros., dentists, at Second and Morri son streets, both of whom were fined 40 by Municipal Judge Rossman for violation of the city ordinance regu lating the- size and height of street Eiftrati. The defense In each case was that permits were granted for pres ent signs before the passage of a revised ordinance July S, 1918, and that the new ordinance was not re troactive and did Jiot make signs then in existence under permit illegal. Cir cuit Judge Tucker took the matter under advisement. After a most successful season of private and normal teaching ana lecturing in New York, Chicago and Seattle. Mr. Cady is returned to the city and will receive a limited number of pupils In pianoiorte tecnmque .uu Interpretation and offers private and class courses in harmony, counter point and the art and science of teach ing. The principles and practices underlying the technique and the educational processes in mueic-educa-tion are internationally recognized as vital and are those upon which the really interpretative pianists have builded their art. Studio. Music-Education school. 714 Davis street, phone Main 399. Marie Lee, secy. Adv. Suffrage Sentinels Permitted. The city council yesterday granted permission to suffrage officials - to allow sentinels to stand in front of voting precincts within the. city on election day. Throughout the United (States it is planned to place women eentinels In front of the voting booths as a reminder to the 15,000,000 Qualified voters, many of whom are voting for the first time, the debt of gratitude they owe to the pioneers of the women suffrage movement. Insurance Leaders Visit City. Walter Le Mar Talbot, president of the Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance company of Philadelphia, and Fred "W. Heron, supervisor of the company for the Pacific coast, are In Portland on a tour of Inspection. In their honor an Informal luncheon was given at the Portland hotel yesterday noon by T. J. Mendenhall, local manager. Covers were laid for 12. The visitors will leave tomorrow for San Fran cisco. Check Held Necessary for Food. Henry Van Horn was arrested yes terday by Police Inspectors Howell and Morack as he was endeavoring to cash a $33 check made out on a Spo kane bank. Van Horn is said to have told the inspectors that he did not have an account at that bank, but that he was without funds and took that meana of getting money for food. He is held for investigation. Smallpox Cahelessmess Alleoed. Because it is alleged that T. N. Con ner, 224 East Fifty-third street, per mitted one child to attend school and he him'self delivered milk when his wife and four small children were suffering from smallpox, the city health bureau yesterday swore to a complaint seeking the arrest of Con ner. Arrests Made on Statutory Charge. James Lamphier Tras arrested yes terday by Deputy Sheriff Schirmer on a statutory charge and lodged in the county jail in lieu of $4000 ball. Roy Veatisch was arrested at Carlton hy"Deputy Sheriffs Kendall and La lIont charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Audubon Society Meets Tonight. The Oregon Audubon society will hold its regular weekly meeting tonight at 8'o'clock in library hall to hear Will lam I Finley lecture on bird and animal life with moving pictures. His 8ubJoct will be "Camera Shots at Rare rsirds and Animals." The public Is invited. Mrs. Vina Dial Sotjght. The police yesterday received a telegram asking them to locate Mrs. Vina Dial who is believed to be In. Portland. The mes sage states that her daughter, Flor ence, is dangerously ill In a hospital at Ottumwa, Ia, and the presence of the mother Is urgently sought. New Divorce Suits Filed. Divorce uits filed in the circuit court yes terday were: Mrs. E. B. against B. Ji Oviatt, Rose against Walter Langnese, Jessie K. against Wilbur K. S. Ross, Audrey against Lloyd A. Ifaxton, Lola L. against Paul L. Jones and Amanda against M. O'Toole. Auto Badly Damaged. An automo bile driven by A. B. Adams was badly damaged yesterday at Broadway and Clay streets when it skfdded into a curb as the result of a collision with a motorcycle ridden by Leslie Yolton. Keithcr driver was injured. Civic League Lunch Today. At the regular noon luncheon of the civic league today in the crystal room of the hotel Benson. Mayor Baker and Pr. Esther Polil IoveJoy will speak. J. I. Sclilvely of San Francisco will talk on fire prevention. Dance and Enjoy Yourself Tonight Cotillion Hall. America's Finest Ballroom. Best Dance Orchestra. Public Invited; Strangers Welcome Evert Wed. and Sat. Adv. . Do Not Forget to call up East 308S when you want the Salvation Army auto-truck to call for cast off cloth ing, magazines, newspapers, furniture etc. Address 24-26 Union ave. Major John Bree. district officer. Adv. During the absence of Dr. George Ainslie at the surgical congress in Montreal, Dr. A. B. Gillis will be in charge of his practice at 606 Orego nian bldg. Adv. Martin Marks Coffee Co. Have Reduced Their Eaturdat Special Coffee to 35c a Pockd. 6ATT-RDATS Only. 252 Third St. Adv. Bargains and Fun! All Saints chapel bazaar, Laurelhurst clubhouise. Tuesday and Wednesday evenings October 12 and 13. Admission free! Dancing. Adv. Dental Service at the College. The annual scsslpn of North Pacific college has begun. Patrons and friends of the infirmary can now re ceive prompt service. Adv. Nurses to Have Banquet. St. Vin cent's alumnae will hold its annual banquet this evening at 8 o'clock In t?t- Vincents nurses nome. All mem bers are urged to attend. Dance. McEIroys orchestra. Mur lark hall. 23d and Washington ats. every Wednesday and Saturday. Adv Dr. L. M. Snow formerly in charge of Meier & Frand's optical depart ment, now 405 Morgan bldg. Adv. Railway Telegraph Institute opens night class Wednesday. Oct. 15. 434 Railway Exc. bldg. Adv. Lewis Stenger, Morrison at Tenth, grind razors, scissors, knives perfect ly. Adv. Kino and Hiawatha Coals. Ice Delivery Co., exclusive mine agents. Bdwy. 4280, 532-45. Adv. If You're not a Flor de Baltimore amoker, get next to yourself and see -uTtat you've miseed. Adv. Milk Curs at Moore Sanitarium; the quick way to health. E. 37. Adv, BETTY BAXTER'S NAME NOT BORN OF WILD IMAGINATION Girl Who Sings "Oh Promise Me" in Robin Hood at Heilig Spent Happy Honeymoon in Portland. BY LEONE CASS BAER. BETTY BAXTErfs name is Betty Baxter, although Its owner says she has a hard time convincing people that she-didn't take it from a noveL "It really sounds like these al literative and alluring titles that dec orate the heads of departments in newspapers and magazines, like 'Addie Addington's Advice to the Agitated or 'Henna Hopeful's Hints to the Help less," or "Betty Baxter's Beauty Baths' and similars. But that Isn't the way it happened. The Baxter was pre arranged by my parents and the Betty a natural diminutive of the dignified Elizabeth they bestowed on me at baptism." Miss Baxter, along with the rest of the Robin Hood company. Is still re membering that only by the grace of Providence she and they are at the Heilig this week Instead of distrib uted in segments around the village of Wenatchee, state of Washington. "It was last Sunday morning about 4 o'clock that we took part in a wreck on the Great Northern going from Wenatchee to Centralia. Wo had two engines to our train and one of them slid right Into the creek and the other engine reared right up on its hind wheels like a horse about to leap over the bank. It was raining to add to our happiness and we were all shaken out of our senses and. our berths. No lives were lost, the men on the engines having forethought to Jump in time. From 4 in the morning until 5 that evening we waited for a train and eating odds and ends of food some men In a section house provided after the diner had exhausted Its supply long before noon. Miss Baxter remembers Portland pleasantly for she honeymooned in this city, she said. She married a Chi cago man, Herbert Spencer Johnson, who was pianist at the Multnomah hotel a few years ago. They were Motorcyclist Loses Suit. Albert Bertram, ex-motorcycle dispatch rider with the 83d division American ex pedition force, collided with an auto mobile In Portland July 8, 1919, the day after he purchased a new motor cycle on discharge from service. In his attempt to collect $2o00 damages from Stephen Parker, autoist, the jury found for the defense in the court of Circuit Judge McCourt yesterday, after hearing evidence tending to show that the reckless speed demanded In the war zone was not entirely forgotten n the peace-time riding of the plain tiff. The accident occurred at Albina and Alberta streets. Newberry Administrator Named. James Donovan of this city was ap pointed administrator of the estate of the late Mrs. Amelia Newberry by Circuit Judge Tazwell yesterday. The cnier asset of the estate is the right or action for damages for fatal in juries received by Mrs. Newberry last March when she was struck by a taxi- cab driven by Charles Wheatley. The heirs, three daughters and a son, are all residents of California. West Point Height Rule Changed The minimum height requirements tor admission to West Point has been lowered to 64 Inches for all candi dates, according to advices received in Portland from the commanding general of the 9th corps area at San Francisco. Instructions have been issued to reconsider all applications formerly disapproved because of under height. Mme. Vucash, French dinner, 5 to 8 P. M., SI. 738 Johnson. Main 3796. Adv. Kem merer Coal. Carbon Coal Co, mine agents East 1188. Adv. H. M. Patton, M. D., returned. Adv. GIRL SHOW IS AXATOL. FRIEDLAXD TO BE AT OR.PHECM. Composer ot 100 0 Popular Melo dies Surrounded by Galaxy of Beauties. A cirl show assembled by Anatol Friodland, composer of 1000 popular melodies, who himself is the head liner of the bill, le the attraction to be offered by the Orpheum at the Heilig theater for three nlght3 and four matinees starting tomorrow aft ernoon. This show will close Its Port land engagement with the afternoon performance next Wednesday. "Anatol Friedland himself," wrote a Seattle newspaper reviewer, "would be worthy of the headline position on any Orpheum circuit bill because of the interest that attaches to the per sonality of the man who claims au thorship of 1000 melodies, many of them whistled the world over. "But when Mr. Friedland comes to us surrounded by youth and beauty to interpret his compositions and him self sits at the piano to vitalize them the result is bound to be effective. When the Friedland girls change cos tume, which is about every five min utes during a 30-minuto act. the tired business man sits up and takes notice and the women in the audience gasp often at the dazzling raiment worn. The men gasp at. least once, perhaps for a different reason." Mr. Friedland Is supported by Neil Mack, musical director-tenor; Sonia de Calva, prima donna; Lucille Bal lantine, specialty dan car; Vera Vel mar, violinist, and by six girls, all of whom are described as beauties. Comedy prevails In' the six other acts that comprise the Anatol Fried land show. To date this show is said to have broken all records for the early Orpheum season. 1600 AT NIGHT SCHOOLS Free ScImjoIs of City Are Being Well Attended by Students. Over 16bo are now enrolled In -the free Portland night schools, states A. M. Gray., in charge of this work. Spe cial interest Is being shown in the trade courses at the Benson Poly technic and Girls' Polytechnic high schools and in the commercial classes at the High School of Commerce and Jefferson high school. Only 150 of the 5000 foreigners In Portland who' do not read or write English have enrolled In the Ameri canization classes at the Ladd school and Jefferson high andMr. Gray urges employers to tell workers of these free night classes. A etaff of 100 experienced teachers is giving the courses every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 7:15 to 9:15. Irrigation Iievy 8 Cents an Acre. PROSSER, Wash., Oct. 8. (Spe cial.) Officers of the Horse Heaven irrigation distrjf t met as a board of equaliza tlon Wednesday, William Warner, a director, resigned on ac count of the lands rn his section be ing withdrawn from the district. W. C. Sommers was, appointed to suc ceed him. A levy of 8 cents an acre was voted for all expense In upkeep of the district. 5 - Stat. Betty Baxter, -who is at Ileitis in "Robin Hood." wed In Chicago and came out with the Salon Singers, an Orpheum headline act, in which Mr. Johnson was the pianist and his wife eung the "O Promise Me" solo, which is her big song in Robin Hood. She has been identified with Ralph Dunbar's oper. atic activities since she was a wee little maid, Mr. Dunbar himself dis covering her embryo voice when he stopped one day in the little Illinois town out of Chicago where ehe lived. She is a beautiful girl and look like Edna Goodrich, dark and viva cious and charming. Her voice i3 a big, rich contralto. Local friends are entertaining her during her Portland visit. PARK SITE FLAN MAY GO AUTO PROJECT FOB ALAMEDA MAT BE ABANDONED. Commissioner Pier Declares Resi dents Should Have Filed Pe titions in His Office. The plan of establishing an auto mobile park site in the Alameda dis trict probably will be abandoned, ac cording to City Commissioner Fter, in charge of the park bureau. Mr. Pier said yesterday that he had assured residents of the district that he would make no move toward the establish ment of the park without first serv ing notice upon them. "Although I knew that petitions were in circulation, I had seen none and knew nothing about it until I read of it in the newspapers. The petitions should have been filed in my department, especially in view of the fact that I had conferred with residents of the district and was thinking of making no move until I had talked with them further. "However, the entire plan will be held in abeyance until I have time to iook into the subject more thor oughly." Residents of the- Alameda district are now launching a movement to urge Commissioner Pier to recom mend, the proposed automobile camp site for a playground and park. The residents of the district declare that the children of the district must travel more than one mile to the nearest, playground and' the growing population of the district should en title them to a playground. WOOLEX GOODS SALE, TODAY! Big Values Ofrered at Brownsville Woolen. Mill Store. The big annual woolen goods sale of the Brownsville Woolen Mills, at Third and Morrison, Is now under way. Thousands took advantage of the genuine savings on woolen goods in all of our big stores the past week. All woolen goods have been reduced, making worth-while savings for everyone who is fortunate enough to bo able to take in this big annual event Adv. . Parks to Bo, Improved. ABERDEEN, Wash.. Oct. 8. (Spe cial.) Improvement of two new park areas of the city, one purchased' and the-other donated, will toe started soon as a result of the inclusion Jn the city budget of an item of SS000 for the upkeep of city parks for the en suing year. It Is expected that the Book tract which is in the heart of one residence section, will be Im proved first; though some work un doubtedly will be done on the Stewart tract, which is outside the city limits, wilt be d'ine. Hazelwood Peanut Butter Kisses 75c Per Lb, A crisp satinette coating with , delicious peanut butter filling. The higest grade cane sugar and molasses are used in making this coating. The peanut butter is prepared in our own establishment from choice No. 1 Spanish peanuts, carefully roasted and ground and mixed with finest creamery butter. This delicious confectionlwill be made fresh daily except Sunday. HAZELWOOD CONFECTIONERY & RESTAURANT 388 Washington St. 127 Broadway Suits, Overcoats Raincoats Values to $65 Silk-lined suits for young men in swagger new styles and colors. Serges, cheviots and cassimeres. Single and double-breasted. Plain-lined suits of reliable worsteds for men. Quiet good taste in color and style. All models. Overcoats and raincoats in single and double-breasted models. Gabardines, iridescents and Eng lish rainproof ed cloths. With or without belts. All Sizes, 33 io 44. Our Morrison and Fourth-street windows are full of these unusu ally priced garments. IT WILL PAY YOU TO INVESTIGATE THEM NOW! Morrison at Fourth CARDS OPTHAXKS. The family of the late Master Karl Hanson wish to thank the many friends for their sympathy, condolence and the beautiful floral tributes in their late bereavement. MRS. M. HANSON SCHROKDER. MR. AND MRS. W. C. HAT.PKMAN. MRS. M. -D. THU.MEL. Adv. We wish to express ourslncere thanks to our many friends and relatives for their many kindnesses during our re cent bereavement of our beloved daughter Josephine at Mayger, Oregon. Adv. MR. AND MRS. CARL. AMATO. Anniversary model fouring" car. It has Just come In from the purchaser of a new Cadillac. Perfect In every respect, this motor ear resents one of the most attractive offer iga we have had for come time. Our price is $3000. Terms may be arranged to suit your con venience. v. Covey Motor Car Company 2 1st and Washington Sts. Main 6344. I FIRST METHODIST CHURCH 12th at Taylor, Easy walking dis IIP tance from hotels. i i Joshua Stansfield, Minister. Morning: Service 10:30 Sermon: "The Lord Cod of Elijah." Evening, 7:45 ."How Doea God Punish Sin." Sunday School 12:15 "Rally Day Programme." Chorus Choir Strangers are made welcome. App 1 fcj 4rs tod cm i r I Exclusive Kuppenheimer House in AtBURNS' TODAY White Rose Flour bag sj)295 Gold Crest Butter, ffn per lb UUU Oak Grove Butter, I Cheap Rice, per lb 8c m Small White Beans, 20 lbs. for Cream. Rolled Oats, bulk, 3 lbs. for. . Cheese, per lb Hershey's Cocoa, bulk, -per lb Pure Ground Choco late, per lb 25c 35c 38c 35c Potatoes, flJO OfT ner 100 lbs... DAJ Eggs, per dozen 68c Slightly Damaged Peaches, 2s, per CQ 1 ft dozen DOeJLl Slightly Damaged Apricots, 2s, per flS QP dozen J)eWeiJ ri Soda Crackers, bulk, per lb.. 17c Van Camp's Pork and Beans, Is, per PI dozen JJXeOJ Minnehaha Peas, OCT 2s. Der dozen. tDJLeiO 2s, per dozen. Del Monte Pump-C- Qf kin, 2MsS, doz. wl.OU Extra Standard Tomatoes, 2',2S, per C1 rfk dozen DXeJV Gebhardt's Chili Con Carne, Is, per J9 i r dozen D,JLJ D.C.Burns Co. Write for Monthly Price List 208-10 THIRD STREET z jane II ii ll, weil Jno. L Karnopp The Realtor and Home Builder You all know John, Put a Gasco Furnace in His Home at 181 Rutland Terrace and says: "It certainly heats fine. We are much impressed." ' Portland Gas & Coke Co. i Mm Portland S. & H. Stamps Given MM, Direct Name Filing System HOW long does it take your file clerk to produce a let ter front your files? Take your watch the next time you ask for a letter and see for yourself. 'Then think of the time, work and worry you would save by installing the system which finds and files in less than ten seconds. The "Y" and "E" Direct Name Filing System is the last word in scientific filing systems yet like most labor-saving de vices it owes its virtue 'to its utter simplicity. Let our "Y" and "E" System Service man show you. Glass & Prudhomme Company PRINTERS ' s BOOKBINDERS DESKS : FILING CABINETS 65-67 Broadway : Portland WESTMINSTER Rev. E. H. Pence, D. D Pastor 10:30 Communion Sermon: When We Glorify the Commonplace. 7:30 HAVE YOU HAD THE EXPERIENCE? Welcome Good Music" FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Twelfth and Alder him. The Putor, Harold Leonard Bowman Mill Prrach at Both Serviced. 10:30 A. M "Salvaging Life's" Failures" 7i45 P. ! Third in Series of L "Modern Buiinnw Men r " of the HI hie- l-: ;."f,' "The Grain Merchant of t't'i Z: me iMie" J Wanted Chairs to Cane by School for Blind FOn PARTICULARS CALL Mar. 500 ' MR J.F.Myers Ttie FaroIIy Pays For an annual deposit of $151.00 a man aged 25 can obtain $10,000 guaranteed whole life in surance in The Travelers. He would have to deposit the same amount annually at 49o compound interest for 32 YEARS to accumulate $lf)000. He would then be 57 years of age. 30ro of all men die in that period. FIND 'YOURSELF 1 2 3 Number of Annual reaths Payments to Ajre per . Age Premium Accumulate "When 1000 $10.0110 814 Accumu- miring Compound lated l'eriod I ntere.t 25 -$151.00 32 57 302 ' 30 171.90 30 60 322 35 201.10 27 62 331 40 242.10 24 64 344 The man who seeks to protect his family by saving instead of through Life Insurance gambles with death. IF HE LOSES, HIS FAMILY PAYS. Travelers' policies can be written to provide a Life Income to the insured in the event of total permanent disability. INVESTIGATE Don't Procrastinate ! The Travelers Insurance Company PHIL GROSSMAYER CO., General Agents Phone Main 702. Wilcox Bldg., Sixth Floor. The following agents are experts Ask for an illustration. Cyril Bronnell S. S. Naaon Lloyd S. LlnHB Lbarlre C Kuller Tod Hasen Frank J. Herman Albert Enchrlrht Don V. "Walker ti The Insurance Man SUNDAY NIGHT "The Inevitable Alternative" A Logical Exposition of the Judgment by LOUIS K. DICKSON Evangelist Women of Woodcraft Hall Cor. 10th and Taylor Seals Free. Public Invited. Splendid Music HEAR Dr. W. B. Hinson East Side Baptist Church E. 20th and Salmon 11:00, "The Eternal Christ" 7:30, "Jonah, Jesus and You" Dr. Hinson speaks every Thurs day afternoon from 3 to 4 in the East Side Baptist Church on "The Facts of the Faith." For all Christians. Sunnyside, Mt. Tabor and Haw thorne cafs to East 20th. Hickman Hits Hard HEAR HIM HIT THE H POC RITKS 8UJiBAVMGHT,7:30. WILBUR Methodist Church Multnomah Hotel Auditorium. THE HYPOCRITES IN THE CHURCH First of sermon series based on re plies received from on hundred Portland men In response to ques tion: "Why don't more men go to church?" Coma and hear what the other fellow thinks about the church WILDER'S BIG MALE CHORIS Klrat Appearance Sonday Nicht. Moat Unusual Church .Music In C'ltr. MORX1SQ WORSHIP. 10:30. The Chnroh at tie BuMlneaa Cen ter. Kverybodr'a friendly. Bualneaa Ofrice 314 Artisan Build in c Phone Bilny. 2450. A Dmereat Kinds ot Laundry A Different Prlcea EAST 494 mDBX CO. ON THIS TABLE Charley Borton Rocky U. Horigkin ilalph fi. De I.ano W. C. Kavanaush. Is Your Best Friend" FIRST Congregational Church I'ark and Madlaon Streets. Broadway and 1J cars to Block of Church. Dr. ItcElveen Preaches 11 A. M. "The Virtues of a Rogue" 7 "30 I iI "GREAT MUSICAL SERVICE" Quartet and Chorus of 23 voices. Jos. A. Finley, Conductor Fifteen-minute Organ Recital. Miss Ethel Lynn Ross. Seven Musical numbers by Quartet and Chorus. 20-minute talk by Dr. McElvecn, on "Three Peas in a Pod." Sunday School at 9:45 A. M. Christian Endeavor 6:30 P. M. The MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE will conduct A Bible School During the entire month of November in the White Temple Teachers: Dr. James M. Gray Dean of Moody Bible Institute. Dr. Lewis S. Chafer New York City. Dr. IT. A. Ironside San Francisco Dr. W. P. White Regional Director M. B. I. Dr. Henry Osfroni Moody Bible Institute i : i ronuna Looge, iheosophical Society Presents Dr. W. G. Shepard of Kverett, rlvllona,l Lecturer and Author. AY ho W ill Deliver the Folloning Coarse of Occult Lectures frsrnAV, OCTOBER 10th. ANNIE BESANT SUPERWOMAN mo.vday. Of Tonr:n nth. TWO WORLDS, TWO LIVES TVE'DAV,' OfTOBKR 1th. WHERE THE NEW HORIZONS WAIT "IKOSOPHKML HALL. 301 CKNTRAL HI ILIHVti. 1 KXTH A-VU ALDKK STREKTS, AT S:00 P. M. You Are Cordially Invited to Attend. Church of Our Father (Unitarian) t Broadway at Yamhill William G. Bliot Jr., Minister 11 A. M., "The Lord'a rrayer" 7:45 P. M., "Terrors of Judgment" Religious worship Is the most im portant single function in the life of any nation." Emerson. I'-i the evening sermon, readinf; Crom Dante's 'Inferno." Tabor 807