Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 08, 1920, Page 8, Image 8

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Senator Is Opposed Because
of Anti-Wilson Talk.
.Resolution Offered by Mrs. Jose
phine Othus Charges Kffort to
Get Republican Votes."
Because Sfnator Chamberlain at
tacked the Wilson administration, the
t'ox-Roosevelt club nas adopted reso
lutions condemning the democratic
candidate for United States senator.
The resolutions were offered Wednes
day night by Mrs. Josephine Othus.
president of the Housewives' league.
The resolution follows:
"Resolved, That the members of the
Cox-Roosevelt club deplore and con
demn the cheap and Insincere method
of Senator Chamberlain in trying to
procure republican votes by his un
warranted and untruthful tirade on
the Wilson administration, and that
clippings herewith showing extracts
from his statements and speeches re
flecting on the Wilson administration
be sent by the secretary of the Cox
Roosevelt lub to the democratic na
tional committee."
The Cox-Roosevelt club Is a demo
cratic organization which is voting
the presidential ticket but is bolting
the party candidate for senator. The
Cox-Roosevelt club is supporting
Thomas A. Hayes, independent candi
date. Dr. Esther Pohl-Lovejoy. candidate
for congress, and Dr. W. T. McElveen.
pastor of the First Congregational
church, will be the speakers at a mass
meeting of labor unions of Portland
and vicinity, under auspices of the
Oregon Popular Government league,
in the main hall of Central library at
8 o'clock tonight. Dr. Lovejoy will
tell of her platform principles and Dr.
JlcElveen will dwell fully upon the
record of Representative McArthur,
relative to his attitude on prohibition
and economics. The general public is
A republican women's Lovejoy club,
with Mrs. U. L. Buland as president,
was organized yesterday. Mrs. Buland
states that branch clubs will soon be
organized throughout the city and
county, with the object in view of
electing Dr. Lovejoy to congress.
Women are favoring Harding to
Cox by three to one throughout the
United States, judging from the re
turns received yesterday in the drug
store straw vote. The vote in the Owl
drug store yesterday was 1277 for
Harding and 836 for Cox. The men
vold 94 for Harding and 638 for
Cox, while the' women voted 358 for
Harding and 198 for Cox.
Commissioner Barbur Selects Mrs.
R. L. Muir to Direct Fight.
City Commissioner Barbur, who is
seeking re-election, yesterday threw
the burden of his political campaign
upon the shoulders of his daughter,
Mrs. R. L. Muir, who will serve as his
campa'gn manager.
Mrs. Muir. prior to her marriage
was connected with the Portland
Chamber of Commerce and is said to
have excellent executive qualities.
Headquarters for Mr. Barbur have not
vet been selected, but will probably be
established in one of the downtown
been suspended for the remainder of
the year because of the lack of imme
diate fun ts recessary to complete the
project this season. Reclamation of
considerable property in the Sparta
district therefore cannot be expected
for another year, at least.
Pupils to Aid Fire Prevention.
YAKIMA. Wash.. Oct. 7. (Special.)
Fire Chief Hawkins of the city fire
department, has distributed to all
pupils In the Yakima schools a ques
tionnaire which will be used by the
pupils in making surveys of fire
hazards in a-nd near their own homes.
On "fire prevention" day the results
of these questionnaires will be re
viewed and discussed, and the fire
chief expects later to use them in
an effort to have the more serious
hazards thus revealed corrected.
Walla Walla Hospital Standardized.
WALLA WALLA, Wash.. Oct. 7.
(Special.) St. ' Mary's hospital has
been standardized 'and records will
be kept of all cases which enter "the
hospital. The association In charge
of this work has elected Dr. H. R
Keylor, president; Dr. F. C. Robin
son, vice-president, and Dr. Y. C
Kl'Uock, Horptary-treasurer.
Proceedings to Restrain Collection
on Basis Set by Equalization
Board Are Promised.
OLYMPIA, Wash., Oct. 7. (Special.)
Legal proceedings to restrain col
lection of state tares In Grays Harbor
county uppn. the basis fixed -by. the
state board of equalization will be
instituted by R. A. Wiley, county as
sessor, according to a statement by
R. B. Wilson, deputy assessor, who
was here today to examine records In
the office of the state tax commis
sion er.v
W. H. Abel has been employed to
assist Prosecuting Attorney Stewart
of Grays Harbor county in resisting
collection of the taxes. .
The Grays Harbor county assessor
opposed the ratio as found by the
state board and today asserted that
while the total amount of sta'e taxes
to be collected under the 1920 assess
ment amounts to $17,526,799, or an .in
crease of 49 per cent over 1919. Grays
Harbor county will be compelle3 to
raise 661,642, oran Increase of 77
per cent over 1919.
The . total value of Grays Harbor
county as equalized by the state board
for' 1920 is 45,454.246, as .against
$34,084,752 for 1919. The county ratio
for 1920 for Grays Harbor county was
fixed at 43 by the state equalization
board, as gainst a ratio of 40 in
Ashland Farmer Cleared of Charge
on Four Counts.
MEDFORD, Or . Oct. 7 D. A. Sny
der, Ashland . farmer, was acquitted
by a federal jury here today on all
four counts involving violation of
the federal dry amendment.
This is the second acquittal for
alleged prohibition violation in the
present term of court.
Superintendent of Salem Institu
tion Writes Governor Asking
Work Be Broadened.
SALEM, Or- Oct. 7. (Special.)
Employment of a field worker in con
necticn with operation of the state
school for blind in Salem and the in
fctitution to be established in Port
land for training of these, people
under a tax levy approved by the
voters of Oregon at the special elec
tion held last May, will go a long
way toward solving th problem of
making the sightless at least self
supporting, according to a letter pre
pared by J. W. Howard, superintend"
ent of the blind school, and submitted
to Governor Olcott today. Mr. Howard
wrote the letter In response to a com
munication from the executive asking
Information regarding Industries best
suited for training the blind. It Is
understood that the letter will be
used by the governor In framing his
message to the legislature at its next
Duties of the field worker, accord
ing to Mr. Howard, should be to con
fer with iiianagers and foremen of
factories and make arrangements for
placing of blind employes therein:
look up children of normal mentality
who have insufficient vision to at
tend public schools, and have them
placed In the blind school, and visit
aged and helpless blind people ana
put them in touch with the Braille
system ef reading and the free
libraries for the blind. Also, If pps
elble. aid them In learning to do
work at home such as chair caning,
or weaving, that they may be partial
ly self-supporting.
Refusal or Rate Rise Probed.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 7. Investiga
tion of the action of the Utah Pub
lic Utilities in refusing to permit In
creases slmlliar to the advanced In
terstate rates, was ordered today by
the Interstate commerce commission.
Read the Oregonian classified ads.
Sailor Enlists for Another
"Hitch" and Forfeits $50.
Veteran Salt Wbo Made Waitrr Six
Yearn Ajro Finds Shipment Walt-.
ng at Recruiting Station to Collect.
ABERDEEN. Wash., Oct. 7. )Spe
cial.) Meeting an old shipmate
who signed him into naval service for
the second time cost Tom Dorsey $50
yesterday at the local recruiting sta
tion and netted Chief W-ater Tender
Swinburno the' $50, besides adding
another mark to his recruiting rec
ord. Dorsey and Swinburne eix years
ago were shipmates on the V. S. S.
New Orleans, v. l.ich was then sta
tioned in Chinese water. The two
pulled opposite strokes in the New
Orleans boat race on the Yangtze
river, in which boats of all nations
represented there competed.
In the course of a liberty party
following the race Swinburne, who
was a continuous service man.
wagered Dorsey. then completing his
first "hitch," that at the end of six
years or sooner Dorsey would re
enlist. In the Interim Dorsey hunted cold
in Bolivia, shipped, on tramp steam
ers and worked for a time in a Grays
Harbor logging- camp. The rains
finally drove him from the campa
and ha souerht a recruiting station,
only to find Swinburne waiting for
him as the officer in charge.
2 More Immigration Inspectors
Sent to Canadian Line Service.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 7. Twenty
six Inspectors have been ordered to
the Canadian border service of the
immigration bureau.
An investigation was said to have
disclosed that Canadian border In
spectors not only were working
seven days a week, but were almost
universally compelled to work over
time. Movement of Immigrants Into the
United States by way of Canada has
increased during? the last few years,
officials said.
Read the OreeroniaTi classified ads.
Programme Will Mark. Start of
Bcautifjing Sandy Boulevard.
Mayor Baker to Attend.
That Portland may more fittingly
wear her crown as the rose city, the
f'rst of 15.000 rose slips will be
planted this afternoon at 3 o'clock at
East Kifty-sixtn streot and Sandy
boulevard, where the official "rose
way" celebration will be held. Thus
launched the project will be carried
through to completion and it is the
desla-n of its sponsors to flank the
boulevard, one of the favorite routes
to the Columbia river highway, with
chnfee rose
- The first rose of the new "roseway"'
will be planted by Mayor Baker, as
sisted by Miss Elizabeth Hilton, rep
resenting the Portland Ad club. Clty
and county officials, together with
many citizens, are to be present at
the programme, which has been ar
ranged by the various civic clubs tak
ing an active interest in the project:
Concert. Waihlnptnn high school band;
community sins, led by Walter Jenkins:
plsntiriK tlin firt roe for the "Bofieway,"
llaor Jecrs:e L.. BaHfr, assisted by Miss
Kllzaheth H'lton, representing the Fort
land Ad club; address. Mayor -Baker.
rianlinje of the tirs-t unit of the 15.O00
r.s wllps by the city and county commls
sionerh and other dignitaries, assisted by
youn ladles representing the several civic
and business clubs.
Address. Dr. E. H. Pence; music, Wash
ington lilsh school band.
rroprainme arranged by the Portland
d club. K. 11. Haynes, rhalrman: W. R.
'onthn, director in rharge; Marshall N.
Z'ir.a, J. Clarke. S. C. Lancaster and
1.. B. Hirsi-h, committee.
Committee on arrangements, W. R. Klrk
patriek. I.. E. Williams, H. J. B!a.esing.
.1. A. Curry. Charles p. Keyser, H E. Weed,
Oeorge Ranch. I.. M. lpper. J. M. Fisher.
Uatihp Robinson. Walter Jenkins. S. C Pier
anfc A. t:. bliirtdfte. Helen Oampbell Jes
elson of the Woman's Advertising: club has
arranged for the following girls p repre
tent the different organizations In the
official planting of the roses:
Elizabeth Hilton. Portland Ad club; Mar
.1orie Dana. President's council: Virpinla
Kdwards, chamber of Commerce; Bernlce
I.aidlaw. Rose City club; Margaret Hall,
Kast Side Business Men's club: Helen
tirubb. Park Rose club; T.enore Blaesing,
Jtose society; vtoia Slavens. Realty board;
liorotby Etltnger, Royal Rosarlans; Cath
erine Royer. Rose Festival association; Isa
bella Stewart, Rotary club; Prlscilla Chat
ten, Woman's Advertising club.
naker Pythians Send Delegates.
BAKER, Or., Oct. 7. (Special.)
S. L. Baer, Walter Brown, Frank
Grabner. Harland Fanscher and W.
1,. Boyes will leave Baker Saturday
for Marslifield. as delegates from
Gauntlet lodfce No. 8, Knigrhts of
I'ythias, to the state convention to
be held October 12 and 13. Elaborate
preparations are said to have been
made by the Marshfield Pjthian
Knights for the annual conference
and the Bakerites are expecting an
unusually Interesting session.
Sparta Canal Work Stops.
BAKER, Or., Oct. 7. (Special.)
With the enlargement of the Sparta
IrrlEatlon canal, completed from the
head of the waterway to the 14-mile
point, the construction work has
Store Hoars 9:15 to 5:45
1 i 3 I ST Z SWRTT CO I Os-a t R I
Shop Early in the Morning
vja to i?q ;iyth rr n it off ummKirvrriM"
IfcW WIS W I W r W , r ' w V
the Back-to-No
etter Values at Lower Prices
To Introduce Our First-Floor Individual Shops Special Lower-Price Offerings
to Help
I Movement
Our first floor is divided into
individual specialty shops. At
the left of the entrance you
will find the
Blouse Department
devoted to 'hundreds of lovely
waists, moderately priced.
Many Portland women make
the Emporium their blouse
headquarters, many more
would do so if they investi-
gated and learned the truth
that we have a most complete t
line oi ail -Kinds oi waists
which we sell at rock-bottom
prices. Also Silk Petticoats 1t'Md&ZM,t
and bmocks.
ti-'Y-Mt. AS '2f-i Aj
At the right of the entrance you'll
find the
Underwear Dept.
the home of Vanity Fair Silk Under
wear, Philippine Lingerie and silk
Hosiery Department
featuring Holeproof Silk Hose and
Bestknit brands.
Umbrella Departm't
where you'll find a splendid variety
of colored silk umbrellas.
Fur Department
containing a fine assortment of furs.
Also Sweaters, Scarfs.
Tremendous Price-Lowerins Sale of Blouses
Smart Smocks
Reduced Vs
As pretty as they pre practical, these
clever smocks of linen and wonderlin,
that look almost like real linen. White,
rose, blues, green, red and rnaize.
4.33 Smocks reduced to $2.90
4.93 Smocks reduced to 3.35
5.95 Smocks reduced to 3.95
6.93 Smocks reduced to 4.65
7.50 Smocks reduced to 5.00
236 Georgette and Crepe
de Chine Blouses, Special
Regular $8.95 to $11.50
Stout sizes 46 to 52 included.
A lot of waists that would have been special values at this
price in "pre-war" days. For instance, there's a navy georg
ette hip blouse with round neck, elaborately outlined with
narrow braiding there's a white overblouse of wonderfully
heavy crepe de chine with a dainty vestee there's a tailored
model with convertible collar, tucking and inserts of lace
there's a youthful style with round Buster Brown collar and
tie and many others equally clever and equally good value.
Colors are white, black, navy, brown, gray, salmon, taupe
and flesh. - Most women will ask themselves, not "Shall
I buy?" but "How "many shall I buy?" .
1 00 Silk Petticoats That Were
$4.95 to $6.50
Y. -Kr
Introductory Price . . .
ter-than-average workmanship. Jersey top and taffeta, with plain,
and fancy flounces, in a variety, of styles A "buy-now" special-
New Sweaters
Shetland Wool
Tuxedo Models
Special $7.50
Coat Sweaters
Special $8.95
Novelty zephyr, two-tone effects and fiber
silk. Special
$13.00 $17.50 $10.50
Every Fall shade.
$8.95 to$ 12.95 Colored
Silk Umbrellas
$6.95 t
100 wonderful Umbrellas in every wanted,
color and style of handle white and amber
rings, leather trimmed handles and novelty
styles. First-class waterproof silks.
Don't Miss This Sale!
New Philippine Under
wear at Special
Introductory Prices
Exquisite hand-made, hand-embroidered
lingerie chemise and gowns, daintily fin
ished with fine scalloped edge. Beautiful
work in every detail and prices amazingly
Chemise and Gowns at
$3.95, $4.95, $5.50
$6.50, $7.50, $7.95
Both dainty and practical
m and marvelousty-inexpensive. .
Fur Department Specials
Our fur stock shows a fine" assortment marked
even regularly at extraordinarily low prices
now -
Every Fur Scarf, C
Choker Reduced for
ollar, Cape,
This Introductory Sale
$ 25.00 Australian O p o s s u m $105.00
Choker $18.75 $130.00
$ 45.00 Fitch Choker 35.95 $159.50
$ 52.50 Fox 44.65 $179,150
? 85.00 Hudson Seal (Dyed $195.00
Muskrat) 63.75 $200.00
Select furs now for personal use or Christmas gifts. A. deposit will hold tliem.
Choice Wolf Scarf $84.00
Skunk-and-Mole Scarf . 104.00
Alaska Fox 119.65
Choice Skunk 1.34.65
Fitch 156.00
Australian Opossum. . 160.00
New Angora
Shawls and
$3.50 to $15
Introductory Specials from the
Silk Underwear Shop
Tis wisdom to supply your Underwear needs now at these extra
special reductions.
A Wonder Special of Crepe de
Chine Chemise
JUST 35, selling regularly at $3.50 to ?8.95. EXTRA C?Q" Q
Of course the prettiest will go first the choice will be narrowed
after the knowing ones have captured the best. We predict that
not one will be left by noon! Every one a bargain.
$2.45 to $3.95 Camisoles $1.69
Fine washable satin, trimmed with dainty laces. ,
$8.50 to $12.50 Crepe de Chine Night Gowns, $6.95
Both simple and elaborately trimmed effects.
$2, $2.50, $3.35, $4
The Newlastic top g i v e 8
greater comfort and better
wear. Most all colors.
$2.75 Bestknit Silk Hose
Special $2.19
Full fashioned of pure thread
silk in regular and outsizes.
Black, navy, cordovan and
At Special Introductory
De Bevoise Brassieres
Famed for their fit specially priced, 65 to $2.50.
Reinforced glove silk, of excellent quality, perfectly
designed and trimly tailored, with special long-life,
comfort-giving features. '
$4.25 Vests $3.25 $6.95 Union Suits$5.95
$5.50 Bloomers. .. .$4.75 $6.50 Chemise ...$5.65
The Emporium adopted the lower-price policy long
before the wave of price-lowering began. During
September we offered, in celebration of ten years'
service in Portland, a series of remarkable special
sales. This month we are following up with reduc
tions that prove our earnest desire to help in the
back-to-normal swing of prices.
The Cost of Good
Suits Is Lowered
50 Smart .
Serviceable Suits
Bought to Sell at
$65.00 to $69.50
Surprising, but awelcome surprise, is this
splendid special offer, making choice of a
suit both pleasant and profitable. Tricotine,
,serge, velour, yalama, silvertonc, velour
checks, plain and fur-trimmed. Navy, rein
deer, brown, French blue, pekin and taupe.
More Satin
Dresses Rill Up
the Ranks at the
Special Price S3 5
So many of this special lot were sold
that we have added others, selected
from the smartest frocks of the sea
son, built of handsome, extra-heavy
satin in blue, black and. brown. The
straight-line effects are favored, al
though draped and tunic styles are
shown also. Novel neck outlines and
long or short sleeves are interesting
features. Practical for so many occa
sions and real bargains at $35.
Hatters' Plush Sailors of
Fine Quality
Extra Special
J mm
Beautiful .hatters' plush and zibelene with beaver
facing, in straight and rolling brim' styles. Com
pare them with hats of similar quality you'll find
them -selling at much higher prices. These smart
hats come in blue, black and brown they're good
looking for almost any costume, and they're espe
cially practical for the rainy season.
Featuring Special Values
in Trimmed Hats at . . .
Wonderfully good-looking styles at this
moderate price.