' 18. THE MOEXIXG O REG ONI AN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8. -1920 WAWALONA BUCKS TROPICAL STORM Admiral Line Carrier Has Ad venturous Voyage. HIT ORIENTAL TYPHOON Army Stowaways Arc Taken From Manila and Ship Pulled Off Osaka Beach, After bucking: a tropical typhoon, providing: unpremediated board and lodging: to 10 stowaways from one port to another, and pulling a strand ed steamer off the beach, the steam er Wawalona, of the Admiral line oriental secvice. arrived at municipal terminal No. 4 late Wednesday night and yesterday started working1 her 130 tons of cargo. The adventures of the voyage, as related by Captain K. P. T. Wood, be gan when the Wawalona was within sight of Manila on the outward voy age. Tlie typhoon struck with char acteristic suddenness, and for 12 hours the freighter headed into it, barely keeping steerage way. Manila Hoonfs Wrecked. The vessel was not damaged by the blow, but on landing at Manila, her crew found houses wrecked, shade tree? uprooted and other evidence of the storm's violence. While cargo was being worked at the island port, 10 would-be desert ers from the army boarded her and took up lodging in one of the holds with mattresses, blarrkets, food and drinking water. They were found af ter the Wawalona was several days out at sea, and they were turned over to the proper authorities at Hongkon The next break in the routine ocur- j prnoon discharging fuel oil in Astoria and Port land, sailed at S:30 this morning" for Cali fornia. The team schooner Ernest H. Meyer, laden with lumber from Portland and St. Helens, sailed at 6:30 this morning for San Pedro and San Ilego. The British steamer Bermuda, laden with wheat from Portland, sailed at 8:45 this morning for the Panama canal for order. The steamer Artlgas, after taking on l.fiOO.OOO feet of tiea at Wauna, shifted today to West port to load .500,000 feet of lumber for the Atlantic coaat. The steamer West Cannon, laden with wheat and flour from Portland for the United Kingdom, sailed at 6:SO tonight. TACOMA, Wash., Oct. 7. (Special.) The European-Pacific steamship West Ka tan sailed this afternoon for Europe and way ports. The steamer goes from Ta coma to Portland, where she will load ties and other freight. The Iris, formerly United States train ing ship, is due here tomorrow to load flour and lumber for Cuba and New Or leans. This will be the first trip of the Iris here in trading lines, though she made port regularly while in government service. The Nome City, from San Francisco, la due tonight or tomorrow morning with general freight for Tacoma firms. The motorshlp Balcatta, which was ex pected this week, it is said now, -will not be here until -the latter part of the month. The Balcatta has some general cargo to load- for west coast ports. Making the second vessel of the Holland-American line to come to Tacoma within the past two weeks, the Klnderdyk is due here Monday to load for ports of northwestern Europe. The vessel goes from here to Portland to load a part of her cargo. The Tacoma freight will con sist of 2000 tons of wheat and some mis cellaneous cargo. Libel services arrived here from Seattle this morning against the bark Belfast. It Is alleged by Robert Gray that while work ing aboard the Belfast at Seattle an anchor chain fell on him. He asks $1500. The Belfast was ahead of the libel, having sailed Wednesday afternoon. The port of Tacoma's budget of $191,810, for which a two-mill tax is being levied, will b expended next year as follows: Administration, $21,678; supplies and equip ment, $2183: engineering. $1834; bond in terest. $125,000; auditing books, $90. In tow of the steamer Anyox, which re turned to Seattle, the barge Henry Willlard arrived at the gypsum plant Thursday with a full cargo of gypsum from Alaska. The Nelson steamer Nome City was ex pected to arrive late tonight from San Francisco with general cargo. The Sag inaw, of the same line, will not make Ta coma this trip. SAX PEDRO. Cal.. Oct. 7. (Special.) The steamer Pallas arrived this afternoon from Rio Janeiro and Buenos Aires with a heavy cargo of corn and other South American products. The Wlndber arrived today from Arlca and after" bunkering at the -Standard Oil docks sailed for San Francisco this aft- u.e. EH BODY PLANS Idaho Jrrigation Projects Dis cussed at Moscow. ROUTE TO SEA ASKED red while the Wawalona was dis charging at Kobe, Japan. Orders came from the agent of the line to cease operations immediately and go to the assistance of the steamer Cape May, which was on the beach outside of the breakwater at Osaka. Ship Polled Oat of Mad. The Wawalona found her drawing ..,18 feet in 12 feet of water, put lines aboard and stood by. At the next high tide, which occured the follow ing morning Captain Wood ordered ft pull on the lines, and the Cape May slid into deep water. She was undamaged by her imprisonment in the soft mud and, continued on her way to Kobe. The steamer Cape May Is operated by the Barber lines out of New York. COPPEK GOING TO NEW YORK Steamer Hannawa Will Load 1000 Tons of SFontana Product. BUTTE, Mont., Oct. 7. The steam ship Hannawa, leaving Seattle Octo ber 23, will carry 1000 tons of copper from the Anaconda Copper Mining company'3 Great Falls plant consigned to New York. Announcement was mad today by E. H. Lang, western traffic manager of the company, that because of the Bavins in freight effected over the all-rail routes, shipments by way of the Panama canal would be. a regular thing in the future. Sblp Charter Xot Money Contract. SAN" FRANCISCO. Oct. 7. The charter party, or Instrument through which a ship is chartered, cannot be construed as a contract for the pay went of money, the state district court of appeal held here today in dissolving an atachment against the steamer Bango of Seattle, following its alleged failure to fulfill a chart er party agreement to bring a car go of copra from the south seas to this port. Alfred Greenbaum of this city had been given the attachment upon a iamago claim of $28,000. Suit to Halt Docks Dismissed. WASHINGTON, Oct. 7. The, su preme court today dismissed the suit brought against the city of Oakland, Cal., to prevent condemnation of ex tensive waterfront properties valued at JSOO.OOO for use in construction of a system of city docks. Pacific Coast Shipping- Notes. SBATTt.K. Wa.-h., Oct. 7. (Special.) Advices received from the north today reported that the t'nlted States coast guard cutter Bear, which recently came out from the Arctic ocean, had broken down off St. Lawrence island and that the cut ter Algonquin had steamed from Unalaska to her rescue. The Bear's boilers, accora Jnn to the advices, became disabled at the nd of last week and she then sent a wire less message for assistance. . The K motorship Oeorge Washington of the Norway-Pacific line, arriving from .-.orway and Sweden, bejfan loading 4000 tons of flour at the west waterway plant of the Kisher Flouring- Mills company for vnn Realtie s nrst big shipment of ap- i Ti . ' , mi-waier route, th nnes la.iuo-ton re frigerator steamship Ecmdyjk departed nun. in Kiit tor lionaoii, Rotterdam and Ant- , .9 me itm snip in tne liutch com panys new service from Elliott bay. inm lira preierrea mortgage under the provisions of the merchant marine act lnHth8wdlstrtCt ot Washington was filed mo ouirnoaorfl snipping com pany It was to the Scandinavian Ameri "" " i By the Commodore ShiD ping company, on the sailing schooner Commodore and was for $140 000 The new act's provisions place ship ' mort- r. " -" iuaci mem desira- . .. "' ..'mrnl- Actual construe , ... 11 . 1 transit shed ordered ... . run turn mission ror the west MiHe of Smith Cove pier B8will be begun xt to esiimatf-a today, hit; m i ii F oi com pa hoard , h r . " " ""'r""-Douna rgo ' 1 in nii.1 inio China and Japan. The Hawaiian is due to sail from New York Saturday for here and San Francisco in the service of William. Dimond & Co. This will be the first visit of the former American-Hawaiian steamer since the outbreak of the war in Europe. The Iowan' is due to sail later in the month and will be followed by the Texan and the Mexican. Portland will be one of the ports of call for the fleet which is re suming the intercoastal Bervice under new owners. E. G. McMicken. general passenger agent of the Admiral line, spent today in conference with local representatives of the line. He reported that there was no danger of passenger travel diminishing be tween northiyn ports and California. Preparations for the celebration of Cabrlllo day are being completed. Prac tically every ship in port will take some part in the water pageant, if nothing more than to illuminate when the replica ot tne Caravel of Cabrillo enters the port. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 7. (Special.) Three typhoons that caused considerable damage to shipping last month in oriental waters were escaped by the Pacific Mail steamer Ecuador, which arrived here this morning. Shortly after the vessel sailed from Yokohama a heavy gale swept that part of the Japanese coast and good for tune again rode with the Ecuador when the craft passed through the tail end of a typhoon outside of Kobe. The vessel for the third time missed the typhoon that created havoc with shipping and caused a million dollars' worth of damage at Manila. Japanese quarantine .regulations at Yoko hama forced the Keuador to remain in port for two days pending a sanitary ex amination or the ship and those on board. t'assengera arriving here yesterday were indignant at the methods of the Jananese octors, who forced them to submit to onsenslcal rules, one of which was the closing of all lavatories on the vessel during the two days' stay in port. The steamers Eastern Gale and Mohinkls, running In freight service between this port and the Hawaiian islands, will be recalled from this service on arrival in his port, according to officials of the Matson Navigation company. The Eastern Gale is a vessel of 2872 tons, which has been serving on the company's triangutar freight service. The Mohinkls. 3758 tons. was running from here to Honolulu. Com pany officials stated that the vessels will withdrawn following the cleanup of the pineapple and sugar shipments. with a full cargo of merchandise to the Holland-American, the uutch steamer Kin derdyk. 2.S29 tons, arrived here today 45 ays from Rotterdam via New York. t our vessels, flying the Nipponese flag, passed through the Golden Gate today. They were the Borneo Maru, en route from Hongkong to New Orleans, calling In here for bunkers: the Kureha Maru. from Mu- roran for New York, called in for fuel and Amur Maru, McCormlck & McPherson, agents, arrived from New York for bunk ers. The vessel is bound for Kobe. The fourth arrival was the Japanese naval oil tanker. Sunosaki, from Yokosuga. for cargo of fuel oil. Value of Snake River Dam to Gov ernment Told by Many Dele , ates at Session. MOSCOW, Idaho, Oct. 7. (Special.) Seven members of the United States board of engineers for rivers and harbors, had a hearing here last evening on the project calling for canalizing and the damming of the nake and Columbia rivers to im rove - navigation, develope water power an! provide Irrigation ror un reclaimed lands aJong the river banks. The party Included General Harry Taylor, Colonel J. C. Sanford. olonel Charles Keller. Colonel w. a. Ladue. Colonel J C. Oakes, Major C. Ridley and A. H. Weber. This hearing was for the purpose determining feasibility of a gov- rnment appropriation for building en dams at points along the rivers to provide navigation for sea going essels as far as Lewiston, Suveys have been made by federal engineers nd locations established.' The pres- nt hearing is to determine tho extent resources tributary to the rivers ffected by this development. General Taylor stated at the meet ing that preliminary investigation revealed the project worthy of full urvey and resulted in authorization f the present hearing to secure corn icle data. R. C. Beach, chairman of the local ommittee on water transportation, nd E. A. Cox, an attorney, presented ata relative to the immense area of white pine and other timber in cen tral Idaho, tributary to the Snake river, also to the great need of water power for building up manufacturing ndustries in Idaho W. E. Chandler, ngineer for the Washington recla mation service, stated that his state :ade appropriations for investigation f tl:e site for irrigating and a power am at five-mile rapids, near Pasco, and that great possibilities for rec lamation and power development ex isted. Marshall Dana of Portland, rep resenting J. N. Teal, pioneer worker for an open river from Lewiston to the tidewater, stated the rivers and arbors convention held at Portland, nanimously approved the canaliza- lon project, and that wonderful de velopment ot inland empire resources would follow this step. Hon. John W. ummers, represented Walla Walla, iving data on tonnage of fruit. lfalfa. and agricultural products ob tainable from lands in southern Wash ington if redeemed by irrigation from Snake river. Mayor J. E. Hoobler. Clarkston; M. A. Means and Eugene u-.-seni oi trfwlston, and Harrv W Powers of Pasco, spoke along the same lines The government engineers left this morning- on the government boat Umatilla, to make a leisurely trip to -ortiana studying river conditions en route. They will reach Portland Sat urday. iu csnniaips toaav. the service of the Pacific Steamship any the big United states shipping steamship City of Spokane corn- morning for GRAYS HARBOR. L,7"J .', . .'ura" rnena ar UZZ.a . " "'ulu xn,s arternoon. She oed "l .Urays H"or Motorship comDanv Wharf f.. 1 . jMr umpcviion ana pos Li. ""'""'"J voyage. La cargo "1""-"a lo aaln load a foreign COOS JTSA 1 llr ... rnTronf aU" The gasoline ichnnnpn tv- , j rolla. which brourht in salmon f om he Roae river canneries, departed toniiht Beach Ck fr Wedderb" "d tioid The steamer O. C. T.indauer, scheduled to ..win ran rrancisco ter 9, came in tonight with cargo. The steam schooner Martha rnveu irom ban ran Cisco , ClfihL at on Octo a freigh Buehner 5:10 to PORT TOTVNSEXD. Wash., Oct. 7. (Special.) The former U. S. training shin iris, wn icn was recently sold to the At antic, GuJf & Pacific companv arrived this evening from San Pedro, proceeding to Seattle, where she will load general cargo for New Orleans and other Atlantic ports. The steamer Panta Inez, earrvinar cen eral cargo, lumber and explosive, sailed this morning, towing the Peruvian bark Belfast for ports on the West Coast. Re turning, i nee vessels will brine coDner ana copper ore and nitrate, the two for mer commodities for Tacoma and th latter for Dupont. The Norwegian motorship George "Wash ington, arriving yesterday, will load part cargo of grain at Seattle, completing at Tacoma, for northern Europe. This will be her second grain cargo loaded on Puget Bound this year for Europe. The fishing schooner Fannie Dutrr1 alter spending the season in the north under charter to the Stilimlck comoanv. rerurnea regie ra ay witn a part carm fish. upon her arrival her owners filed petition In the King -county superior court. asKing ior a restraining order prevent ner irom aiacnarging her cargo uaiu mouey uu on ner cnarter is paid. i is i i vr.. vet. 7. (Special.) Th rmrr nwt! ny, Dringing freight rivvu i iw.w tnis morning from Sa x i a in.i ot:ij. The schooner W. It. Talbot arrived at , noon today from San Francisco to load lumber at the lnman. Poulsen mill. The British steamer Isis from Mlddiea borough. England, waa due tonight en route to Portland. The tank steamer J, A, MofXett, after Marine Notes. The Xorth China liner "West Kt fin isnea discharging at terminal o. 2 yes terday and moved to terminal No. 1 for fumigation. She will start loading there this morning for her jiext outward voyage The new steam schooner Pacific, bull by Kruse & Banks at North Ben, will be reaay ior ner trial trip about the middl of this month, according to informatio received here. A tlve-masted ailin schooner, built on builders account, is no on the ways at the Kruse & Banks vard and will be ready for operation early next year. The schooner 'William H. Talbot arrived in the river yesterday afternoon. 21 dav from San Francisco, to load lumber, sh will bji towed up the river this mornin to the Inman-r'oulsen mill. The Rolph tug Storm King, which came from San Francisco to Astoria to tow the lumber-laden barkentine Annie M. Rolph down tne coast, lett ror Vancouver. B. C when the Annie Rolph broke her capstan. and will take the barkentine Annette Rolph to sea irom mat port, returning to As toria for the Annie M. Rolph. The British steamer Isis. coming to loa wheat for Kerr, Gifford &. Co., reported by radio yesterday that she would be off .th Columbia river lightship at 10 o'clock las night. The shipping board tank steamer Stock ton was reported as leaving Seattle yes terday morning for -Portland with fuel oil to be delivered here for the account of the supply and sales division. After discharging 5140 tons of bulk mo lasses, the tanker City of Reno left down from terminal No. 4 at 2:30 'P. M. yester day for San Pedro, where she will take another cargo of fuel oil for Honolulu. The steamer Paraiso Is Bchednled to move to St. Helens this morning in time to start loading lumber there at 8 o'clock. The steamer Heber moved yesterday aft ernoon from terminal No. 1 to her loading berth at the Portland Flouring mills. Tides - at Astoriat Friday. High. Uw. 10:12 A. M...8.0 feet'4:02 A. M 0.5 foot 10.23 P, M...7.8 Ieet;i:u6 P. M....1.5 feet 2:30 P. M., steamer City .of Reno, for San Francisco. ASTORIA, Oct. 7. Sailed at 6:30 A. M., steamer K. H. Meyer, for San Pedro; sailed at 8:30 A. M., British steamer Ber muda, for United Kingdom: sailed at 8:30 A. M.. steamer J. A. Moffett. for San Pedro; sailed at 10 A. M., United States ship Rose, for sea: arrived at 10:35 A. M. and left up at 2:30 P. M-, steamer Rose City, from San Francisco; arrived at 12:30 P. M., schooner William H. Talbot, from San Francisco. COOS BAT, ' Oct. 7. Arrived at 11 A. M,, steamer City of Topeka, from Portland for San Francisco and Kureka.- SEATTL.E, . Oct. 7. Sailed at 6 A. M.. steamer Stockton, from San Pedro for Portland. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 7. Arrived at 8 and sailed at 10 last night, steamer Mult nomah, from Portland for San Pedro: ar rived at 11 last night, steamer Johan Foul sen. from Portland; arrived at 1 A. M., steamer Daisy Putnam, from Portland: ar rived at 1 A. M., Dutch steamer Kinder dyjk, from Rotterdam for Portland. SAN PEDRO, Oct. 6, Arrived Steamers Clauseus. from Sabine for Portland: East ern Soldier, from Portland for Philadel phia. Sailed at 6 P. M., steamer Ryder Hanify, for Columbia river. SEATTLE, Wash.. Oct. 7. Arrived Steamers President, from San Pedro via San Francisco; Argyll, from Port San Luis: Saginaw and Noma City, from Saa Francisco. Sailed Steamers Jefferson, Alaska and Spokane, for Southeastern Alaska; Stock- on, for San Pedro via San Francisco; Queen, for San Diego via San Francisco. TACOMA. Wash., Oct. 7. Arrived Mo torship Kron Prlnzessen Margarita, from Chrlstiania and way ports. m Sailed Steamers West Katan, for Liver- pool via Portland; Siskiyou, for San Pedro; West ivis, lor oriental porta via Seattle, SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 7. Arrived Steamers Kureha Maru. from Muroran; Westport, from Crescent City; Klnderdyjk, from Rotterdam; Amur Maru, from ew York: Ecuador, from Manila; West Caho- a, from Philadelphia. Sailed Steamers El Segundo, for Seat tle; Admiral Schley, for Seattle. SAN PEDRO. Oct. 7. (Special.) Ar- ived: Steamers Brunswick, from Fort Bragg. 6 A. M.; Spokane, from Lower California, 8 A. M.: W!ndber from Arlca, 9 A. M.; Eastern Soldier, from rortlana. A. M. ; Phoenix, from Greenwood. 7 A. M. ; Admiral Dewey, from San Diego, 7 A. M. ; Horace Baxter, from Puget sound. A. M. Sailed Steamer Admiral Dewey, for Se attle, 10 A. M. ; Trinidad, for Columbia. P. M.: Santa Monica, for Eureka, 6 P. M. ; South Coast, for Crescent City. 6 P. M. ; Helen, for Grays Harbor, 6 P. M.; Washington, for Eureka, 6 P. M. : Wlnd ber, for San Francisco, 5 P. M. ; Clauseusw for Seattle. 6 P. M. SCBrEKGEI STEAMER RAISED Is Little River Craft Butterfly - Lifted With Aid of Diver. The little river steamer Butterfly which sank at her moorinera a few days ago. was raised yesterday morn- ; by the .use of two derrick scows after lines had been passed under the sunken boat by Fred de Rock, sub marine diver. The boat was be- pumped out yesterday and the cause of the sinking- had not been de termined. De Rock has been absent from his old haunts for several months, and explained his disappearance yesterday by saying; that he had been diving for groia in tne Bottom of the Snake river near Boise, Idaho. Though he did not discover a new Klondike, he succeeded bringing enough nuggets to the surface to pay his expenses. He in tends to try the under-water mining again next summer. IJe Rock at present is making his headquarters at the Vulcan Machine works and expects to rig up a float n a few days at the mooritii m the fireboat George H. Williams. , KIKE DESTROYS WOOD CRAFT Wonahbe, Built at Astoria. Burns to Water's E:dge Xfar London. Word has been brought to this city by Captain Matt Johnson, master. of the steamer Springfield, of the. North Atlantic & western Steamship com pany. that the wooden shipping board steamer Wonahbe, built by the George . lioagers company at Astoria, re cently burned to the water's edg-e in tne l names river near London. Captain Johnson took the Wonahbe to the Atlantic on her first vovasre The eteamer Springfield is loadinsr the last of a cargo of lumber' and ties at the Portland Lumber com pany s mill, and will go down the river about noon today for Boston Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. Oct. 7. Arrived it I A. V steamer . h. muck, from Monterey: rived at 10 P. M., steamer Rose City, from San Francisco: sailed at 6 A. M., steamer West Canon, for Cork.. U. K. : sailed Port Calendar. To Arrive Vessel Str. Isis Str. Stockton Str. Montague ..... Str. West Katan.... Btr. Choyo Maru ... Str. Steelmaker .... M. S. Peru ........ Str. Clauseus ....... Str. Lehigh ........ Str. Ouiberson Str. Oranl - Str. Bee Sir. West Togus . ... Bir. Steel Exporter.. Sir. Wailinyford. . . . Str. Kinderdyk str. Eastern Glen... Str. Kongosan Maru Str. Seiyo Maru .... Kir. Hawaiian ...... SU. Iowan .... at Portland. From . Middleboro , .Seattle .Orient ...... . New York .. . Orient . .New York.. .Copenhagen . Halboa .... . Boston . .... .San Fran... .San Fran .San Fran. ... .Boston ..... . New York .. .San Fran . . . .Europe . . . . . New .York . . .Orient .Orient . New York . , .New York ., I ALL MAIL ORDERS SOLD SUBJECT TO RETURN 1 l7T mm litis 35,000 PAIRS OF SHOES AT PRE-WAR PRICES Women's Dark -Brown $7.50 urogue Oxfords . $4.98 All Sizes W o m e n ' i flark brown Brogue ox- , fords, fancy1 perforated wins top extension soles, military heels. The model now in demand by young ladies to wear with wool hose. fx i $6.85 WOMEN'S HIGH DRESS SHOES rp to fS Grades. $6.85 AA to EI Widths. Women's Black and Brown High Lace Shoes, some styles with Military heels. otners nlgn French heels. Buy your fall . Bhoe supply now. All sizes, z to . Women's Black and Brown Shoes, Military Heels $5.98 New models in black and brown kid and calf vamps ; medium toes and mi 1 i t a r y heels, exten sion soles. All sixes. 2 W to 8. in ail widths. MILITARY HEEL OXFORDS-BLACK AND BROWN Wonderful values from J6.S0 to tt.OX) in Ladies' Brown Mahogany or Black. Kid or Calfskin, military or low heels in narrow, medium or broad toe. All on sale at this price $4.98 $3.98 $5,981 SHANGHAI. Oct. . Arrived: Shell, from San Francisco. Pearl BUENOS AIRES. Oct, Xorranus, for Seattle. lied: West Data. -Oct. .Oct. -Oct. .Oct, .Oct. 10 .Oct, 10 ..Oct. 10 .Oct. 11 ..Oct. 14 -Oct, 14 Oct, 15 -Oct. US ..Oct. 17 ..Oct. 21 . - Oct. al ..Oct. ..Oct. 25 ..Oct. ..Oct. at .Nov. 14 ..Nov. 2 T Depart From Portland. Vessel Str. Heilbronn . Sir. Springfield S r. Wapama .. Str. Rose City. . str. Coaxet. . . . . ttr. West h-eata Vessels in Port. For r-ia Utd. Kingdom. Oct. fi Boston Oct t S. F. & L. A... Oct, b San Fran ....Oct, 10 Orient ...... .Oct. la Orient .. . . i. .Oct. 18 Vessel Str. Artigas btr. West Keats Sir. Wapama .. 6ir. Waban Sr. Coaxet . Bk. Buffon fair. Memphis .. Str. Heilbronn. . Str. Springfield Btr. Oleum ... Str. Witram Str. Wawalona . Str. Parairto. Str. Heber Str. Rose City . su. l H. Buck Berth. . .. ..Wauna. .....Terminal No. 1. . ....St. Helens. Terminal No. 4. .....Terminal No. 4.- ClarK-Wilson mill. .....Montgomery dock. Columbia dock. Portland Lbr. Co. Drydock. North Bank dock ..... Terminal No. 4. St. Helens. I Portland Flour mills. "... i UVUH, .... Xiinntoa. V. S. ZVaval Radio Reports. (All positions reported at S P. M. yester day unlrfts otnerwtM lnaica-tea. SANTA INEZ, towing barge Belfast, Ta coma for is Francisco, b31 miles nortn of San Francisco. STOCKTON, Seattle for Portland, off Umatilla reef. ELLOBO, Victoria for San Francisco, 310 miles north San Francisco. EARNEST H. MEYER, Columbia river for San Pedro, 95 miles south ol Columbia river. CITT OF TOPEKA, Marshfield for Eu reka, 1"2 miles north of Eureka. CELIL.O, San Francisco for bcattie, 40 miles from Cape Blanco. LYMAN STEWART, San Lnis for Van couver, 410 miles from Vancouver. MOFFETT. Portland for San Pedro, 764 miles north of San Pedro. OZMO. Kuskokwim river for Seattle, 88 miles from Seattle. SPOKANE. Seattle for Ketchikan, 3S miles from Seattle. MONTAGUE. Yokohama ro Portland, 514 miles from Columbia river, reported 8 P. M. October 0. LURLINE. San Francisco for Honolulu, 1290 miles from San Francisco, reported 8 P. M. October 6. NILE, San Francisco for Orient, via Honolulu, 1317 miles southwest of San Francisco, reported 8 P. M. October 6. CAPTAIN A. F. LUCAS, towing Barge 93, Vancouver for San Francisco. 1120 miles from San Pedro, reported 8 P. M. Oc tober fi. WEST HIKA. Honolulu for San Pedro. 830 miles from San Pedro, reported 8 P. M. October 6. WEST -SEQUANA. San Francisco ror Yokohama, 1493 miles from San Fran Cisco, reported 8 P. M. October 6. EVERETT. Everett for San Pedro, 615 miles south of Everett, 8 P. M. October 6. CEL1LO. San Francisco tor Seattle, loo miles north of San Francisco, 8 P. M. October 6. W AH KEEN A. Grays Harbor for San Pedro, 310 miles south of Grays Harbor, 8 P. M. October 6. RICHMOND, towing barge 85. Seattle for San Pedro. 640 miles from San Pedro. COLONEL E. L . DRAKE. Point Wells for San Pedro, 623 miles from San Pedro. ADMIRAL FARRAGUT, Seattle for San Francisco. 622 miles from San Francisco. HATHAWAY. San Francisco for Yoko hama. 940 miles from San Francisco. CLAREMONT. Willapa harbor for San Pedro, 268 miles from Willapa. WATERBURY, Portland for San Fran Cisco, two mites south of Blunt s reef. HARTWOOD, Grays Harbor lor Ban Francisco, 312 miles north of San Fran cisco. KLAMATH. Belllngham for San Fran cisco. 290 miles -north of San Francisco. W. F. HERRIN, Linnton ior Aon, oo miles from Llnnton. '' lIEL, San Francisco for the orient. 1317 miles southwest of San Francisco lightship. Ontnhrr 6. X P.- M. MONTAGUE. Yokohama for Portland, 51." miles from Columbia river, October 6, 8 P. M. LURI.INE. San Francisco for Honolulu, 120 miles from San Francisco, October 6. s p. M. KAYSEEKA. Seattle for San Pedro. 116 miles south of Cape Flattery, October 7, nnnn HOBOKEN". Honolulu for New Tork, via Kan Pedro. 9.17 miles from San Pedro. GR1FFCO, Akutan for Tacoma, 70 miles west of Cape Flattery. CAPTAIN A. F. I.UCAS, towing barge 93. Vancouver for San Pedro, 764 miles from San Pedro. v WEST HIKA, Honolulu for San Pedro, 600 miles from San Pedro. WEST CADRON. San Pedro for Ma nila, S29 miles from San Pedro. Report From Month of Columbia, NORTH HEAD, Oct. 7. Condition of the sea at a P. M., smooth; wind soumeasi. ten miles. INJURED MAN DRIVES CAR Shanlko Rancher Crawls 3 00 Yards With Badly Fractured Ig. THE DALLES, Or., Oct. 7. (Spe cial.) With & compound fracture of the riKht leer, causing the bone to protrude, P. E. Conroy, jot Shanlko crawled 300 yards to his car, and then drove It two miles to a neighbor's house Wednesday afternoon, fight ing the while to keep from losing consciousness. According to his story, he had driven to an obscure part of his ranch and there mounted one of his range horses, the horse became unmanage able, throwing Conroy into an ad Joining gully. He crawled the entire distance back to his car, opening the gates on the way. He was brought to The Dalles hospital today. Vancouver Marriage Licenses. POWER - KENNEDY Dalton Patrick Kennedy. 39. Rldgefleld. and Mrs. Zelma L. Kennedy. 38. of Rldgefleld. PETERSON-PHILLIPS Lynn L. Peter son, 21. of Portland, and Marlon G. Phil Hps. 20. of Portland. WINKLE-LUTZWICK George W. Win kle. 27. of Hoquiam, Wash., inid Evelyn Lutzwick, 22. of Hoquiam, Wash. SULLAWAY-ANDREW Fred Wlllard Sullaway, 3S. of Portland, and Myrtle An drew, 37, of Dulnsmuir, Cal. ERH7KSON--LUNDSTROM Afro Erlck- son. 2S. of Portland, and Souja Lundstrom, ill. of Portland. SPEXCE-LIESER Marshal Ray Spence, 43, of Canby, Or., and Clara A. Lleser, 42, of Canby. Or. MYRHE-BATTERSBY Tom Myrhe, 48. of Oswego, Or., and Mrs. Josephine. Bal tersby. 4.1, of Vancouver. GOREjCURTIS Charles A. Gore. 4. of Portland, and Mrs. Edna L. Curtis, 40 of Portland. APLANALP-MOOR Peter Aplanalp. 62 I of Portland, ana -Mrs. Louis Moor, 60, of Portland. . - Ladies' Field Mouse and Gray Shoes $5.98 Made of soft dark and light shades of field mouse and gray. Gray kid. 8 lnch tops, medium short toe. flexible soles, A to E widths. $5.98 Sale F rears. Military Heels Prte. S5.98 $8 to $12 Eyelet Ties In black or brown ca!f or kid. In all of the sew styles and lasts. Military. Kidney or French heels. Air sizes iVi to 8. Values to $10. now on sale at $3.98 $4.98 I BUT SOW Karne In White Kid and Brown Suede. Neat and snappy. dfC QQ 112 values priced at.. iOeJ0 LADIES' EYELET TIES Military Heels $2.98 $2.98 In this lot we have assem bled for your choice hun dreds of pairs Ladies' 1 and 2 Eyelet ties. Tou will find here black and brown nd patent leather in this popular new model, high and low heels, leather sewed soles. ALL Skuffers $1.93 1 J 1. 98 ran and Black- Button or Lace. Sixes 5 to I Sizes " r) JO 84 to 11 Ai'r0 Sizes 114 to 2 $2.98 Natnre Shape Toes The ideal footwear or trirls and boys, for all-around wear heavy sewed soles, all reinforced stitched seams. Girls' Brown English Dress Shoes $3.79 MAIH O? TrRDT BROWJ LEATHER EXTENSION SOLES $3.79 Sizes s4 to 11 Sizes 11 to 2 Toung Ladies' Sizes Misses' and Children's Gun Metal Button Shoes all solid exten sion soles. broad built for service. 5 to 8 J 7 a.7 M.4S S4.98 $1.98 last jesl hard j& jr. Sizes S14 to 11. spring heel. 2.T Sizes 11 ti to 2. heel 2.S Ladies' Sizes. Z4 to S3. 98 Boys' Black English Dress Shoes $2.98 Made of un- metal calf, leather or fiber soles, very dressy. $2.98 $3. 7ft $3.98 Sizes 9 to 1 2 Y2 . Sires 1 3 to 2 Sizes 2V2 to 5J4 Girls' Black Lace Shoes $3.29 Mad. of s f t black einmetal calf, narrow or Eootforra shape, extra food soles. Sizes 8 to 11 Sizes 11V to 2 Young: Ladies' Sizes... English mm mi ...rr?.2 ...S3.9S ...$4.98 Children's Fine Dress Shoes $1.48 Marie with ftn cloth or velvet tops, patent vamps, broad plain toes. iZ to EE widths. $1.48 Sizes 2 to 44. no heel Jl.tS Sizes S to 8. spring heel 92.4 S Sizes 8ti to 11 $2.79 Sizes UH to 2, heel 2.!S Ladies' Sizes v---$3.9S Ladies' Black Boudoir Low Heel Slipper All Sizes $1.79 Hand- Turned Soles Til inii'ms-Wir Boys' All Leather Scouts Sizes 9 to 131 $2.48 Strong? tough uppers, all seams are double stitched, sewed leather soles. Sizes 1 to 6. . . .$2.79 Men's 6 to 12. .$2.98 Boys' Junior Army Shoes $2.98 Dark tan chrome leather with reg ulation toe cars and solid oak soles. Sizes 9 to 13H Sizes 1 to 2 Sizes ZVz to 6 2.9S n. S3. 98 Boys' Brown English Dress Shoes $3.98 Sizes Sizes Sizes 9 to 12 13 to 2 24 to V4.. Newest shade of all dark brown calf. Lace, nar row toe. H3.98 S4.98 Men's Shoes 6000 Pairs Men's High Grade Work and Dress Shoes on Sale $2.98 $3.98 $4.98 $5.98 l) o r b I, i SOI.ED WORK SHOF.S in black and tan. in well known makes. IIFS'S TRF.!9 . SHOES in tan, the new two tone, medium or narrow toe-s. black or tan vici kid. or calf, in footform or high These come in all sizes 5 to 12. A LADIES' WIDE SHOES $3.98 Made of soft Cab. Kid. me dium tipped toe. rubber heels, flex ible soles. KB widths. Sizes,. 2V to 8. $3.98 Boys' Brown and Black Hyto Shoes $2.98 THESE ARB MADE OF SOFT BLACK. Gl'NM ETAI,, EXTENSION SOLES. Sizes 9 to $2.98 Sizes 13 to 2 $3.79 Sizes 1V2 to 6 $3.98 Boys' Veal Shoes $1.98 All solid Satin Calf Blucher Lace Shoes. heavy leather soles, wide widths "WALTON" Sizes 8 to 12 $1.98 Sizes 12 J. 5 to 2 $2.48 Sizes 2Vi to 6 $2.98 FINDINGS Z-in-l, black and colors. . .9c Shinola, black and colors . . 7c Jet Oil 9c Gilt Edge 21c Cork Insoles 10c Shoe Laces, all colors pair Sc and 10c All ' brands , Shoe Pol- ishes, large size 21c LOOK FOR THIS NAME ON DISPLAY WINDOWS o LADIES' $11, "HIKERS" $6.95 W 111 i I V" J 1 M mi vm Brows or Smoked Horse Women's hicb-cut one-buckle tops in dark brown and smoked horse color. Klk, heavy sewed soles, real sturdy boots. I ALL MAIL ORDERS SOLD SUBJECT TO RETURN WHEAT HEAVY AT CLOSE CHICAGO PRICES LOSE QUAR TER IO TWO CENTS. Hedging Against Purchases In Southwest lias Bearish Kf fect on Market. CHICAGO. Oct. T. Wheat turned down ward in price at tbe last today, after a show of strenrth. Hedg-log-here against purchasing In the southwest had a bear iKh effect. .The close was heavy H to 2c net lower, with December $1.984 3 l.WH and March 1.95V4 l.9. Corn finished lc off to He gain: oats unchanged to -u higher and provisions at .an advance of 15e. . Temporary absence or selling pressure plainly was- responsible for the gains that for a while were scored. The backward ness of sellers waa ascribed largely to un certainties associated with advocacy of an embargo on imports of Canadian grain anf( with efforts of domestic farmers for con-' certed refusal of current prices. Corn and oats were steadied by small ness of receipts. High quotations on hogs strengthened provisions. The Chicago market letter received yes terday by Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland said: aVheat The covering movement yester day was renewed during early trading to day and while the market responded to buying of thip sort, the advance brought out increased selling pressure, which was later augmented by advices from the sea board that' tho export - demand was the poorest In .some time. Aside from this feature there was plenty of other news of -a character not conducive to advancing prices, such as reports of a slight Increase In country offerings, which are meeting with a poor demand because of the ad visability of buying Canadian whest at relatively lower prices. Although cash prices were higher on early sales, the tone of. the market was weak and premiums further reduced. Foreign advices telling of increased exportations from Rumania and Bulgaria accentuated bearish senti ment. The wheat situation on the sur face has a bearish complexion, , although with small farm deliveries, December might easily develop a tight position that has not as yet become apparent. Corn The feature of today's market was the Independent strength in May and the weakness in October, which seemed to re flect a bearish situation, with the likeli hood of the deferred . delivery going to a carrying charge. Kecetpts showed some ' lallin tance attached to this fart, as the bulk of the selling pressure was in the nature of hedging by the country. New corn will very likely come to market this year more rapidly than usual. All markets re ported an extremely slow cash demand and the spot basis in Chicago showed a further loss. Oats Trade was mixed and practically without an interesting feature. Tone of both cash and futures was heavy, with sales of 130,000 bushels cash oats made to store, emphasizing the poor demand. There la nothing on which to base hope of per manent recovery in values. Provtslons This market was fairly ao tlve and well supported most of the ses sion. The advance In hog prices, together with increasing evidence of an Improved domestic and foreign demaniLfor products, was the bullish incentive. AT these prices, we think the advantage Is with the holder. Leading prices ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. 201 203 "4 1!714 ISO 197. H 200 194 195 H VRN. 87 H 08 8S4 8fiT..! 90S 91H 8914 90? OATS. , 65 56'4 P4'4 BR. B04 fiOV 59 '.4 60i MESS PORK. December March . . . December May December May October . . November November January . October January 2180 2190 19ST 1717 15(50 1335 LARD. . 1905 1937 1905 .1097 1722 1U95 SHORT RIBS. .1500 1500 1540 .1510 1545 1535 Cult prices were: Wheat No. 2 red. la.lBpS.lR. Corn No. 2 mixed, !0V4fe02c. Oats No. S white. B4 y. jji &5 Vi c Rye No. 2. 1.64 1.65. Barley 80fi.95c. Lard 119.55. v Argentine Grain Market. BUENOS AIRES. Oct. 7. wheat opened 4c higher. Corn 34 to 4 Vic higher; oats, unchanged. Minneapolis Grain Markets. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. T. Flax Ko. 1, l2.S0He2.83H; Grain at San Francisco. . SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 7. Grain Wheat. S3.503.00; barley. $1.0562; oats, 2.252.50. Hay Wheat, fancy, $28028: light five wire bales, $23 ia 25; tame oats. (2.1 25; wild oats, $17419; barley, $17&20; al falfa, later cuttings. S2123. Seattle Grain Market. 8EATTLE. Oct,, 7. Wheat, hard white, soft white, white club, hard winter and red winter, $2.05; northern fpring. $2.05: red Walla. $1.75: eastern Walla, $2.00: Big Bend bluestem. $2.20. " Feed Scratch feed, $80 per ton; . feed wheat. $85; all-grain rhopi $67: oats, $58; but, there should be little lmpor- sprouting oats. rolled oats, t&Oi whole corn. $f,9; cracked corn, $71; rolled bar Icy. $12; clipped biirley. Hay Alfalfa. $no per ton: double com pressed alfalfa. $:l: ditto timothy. $42; eastern Washington mixed. $:'.!. SAX FKAXCISCO FRODtCE MARKET Prices Current on Vegetables. Fresh Fruits, . Etc.. at Bay City. SAV FRANCISCO. Oct. 7. Butter Ex tra choice, 67c: prime firsts, 614c. Eggs Fresh extras, Mlsc; dirties. 6.c; extra pullets. 66c; undersized pullets, 54c. Cheese Flats, lancy. 33c; firsts. 27c; Young Americas. SDlic. Vegetables Eggplant. 50cg?$l: summer squash. 5075c; potatoes, street prices, river white, $2.i0fc2.60; sweets, 8U ft3Kc; onions, yellow. 90ci?r$l; Aus tralian brown. tlfel.25: white. $1.50 02; green onions. $1.75$ 2; beans. 57c; lima. lO'Sfr: bell peppers. 75 tf.90c; tomatoes, 50clg $ 1 .25 ; cucumbers, $1 rl.25: celery, crate, $465: green corn, sack. $2i2.50: cauliflower, dor.cn, $1: cab bage, luc pound: beets, carrots, turnips, $1.756'2 suck; pearf. 5&18c. Poultry (lens. Urge colored,' 37 40c: sniall, 32&35c; White Leghorns, large. :!0 ftf32c; small. 20&22c: strictly young roomers. 4042c; old, 22ft 25c; fryers. 40 42c; broilers, 4S6 52c; ducks. 27(tf30c: pigeoas. oM, $3-&3.50 dozen: sauabs. 60 4itjc pound; Belgian bares. 18 if 22c pound; turkeys, live, 50g 52c. Fruit Strawberries, $11.33: raspber ries. 75!0c: blackberries. $1013; Tur lock cantaloupes. $1. 234 1.75 lug; noneydew, 90c&'$1.23; oranges. Valencia. $5u7.30: lemons. $24i grape fruit, $364.50; ap ples, bellflower, $ l.50r l.tiO; peaches, small, box, $1.25fc? 1.75; plums and prunes, $L50gr 2.25; grapes, seedless, $2.756 3 crate; bananas. lOfe 11c. Receipts Flour, 2242 quarters: wheat, 2540 centals; barley, 2880 centals; oats. 415 centals; beans. 300 sacks; . corn, 0O centals; potatoes, 3025 sacks; onions, 2630 sacks; hay. 241 tons; hides. 210 rolls; oranges, 1000 boxes; livestock, 640 head Hops at New York. NEW TORK. Oct. 7. Hops unchanged. Mrs. Louise Moor. 60, both living;' its I UllldllU. .tic limn inm. vivuivii., i was performed by Cedric Miller, tire ot tne peace, .ur. ana Mrs. ap lanalp will make their home at 690 Hood street, Portland. Harding Leads Straw Vote. . . BEND. Or., Oct. 7. (Special.) The first straw vote for the presidential candidates taken in Bend this fall gave Harding an easy majority over all other aspirants. The vote was: Harding 300. Cox 139, Debs 30, Chris tensen 4. Elderly Couple Are Married. VANCOUVER, Wash., Oct. 7. (Spe clal. Two elderly persons, both born in Switzerland, and both widowed, made a pilgrimage to Vancouver to day and were married. He was Petef Aplanalp, .62- years old, -and she was 'BLINDED' SHIP NAVIGATES "New Sound'' Guide Given Trial by Government Vessel. NEW TORK. Oct. 7. The Cnited States destroyer Semmes crept into port throueh Ambrose channel yester day blindfolded. With the windows of the pilot-house ehrouded, its navi gator steered his course by ear-listening to the high-pitched hum of a; submerged, electrically charged chan nel cable. The Semmes made the blind passage safely in a test by the navy depart ment of a new -"sound guide." planned to aid ships in thick weather. On both sides of the destroyer ear like receivers are attached, making it possible for the navigator to keep directly over the cable. LAUNDRY MEN TO MEET National President With 2T Dele gates, Leaves Seattle. SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 7. Headed by George W. Hoover, national pres ident, 301 laundry owners, including 27 delegates from Seattle, left here by special train tonight for San rran cisco to attend the 3Ttn annual con vention of the Laundry owners' Na tional association October 11 to 16. The party includes delegates from Chicago and eastern cities. President Hoover said more than 1000 delegates are expected to attend the San Fran cisco meeting. Klatskanine Hatchery Gets Eggs. ASTORIA. Or., Oct. 7. (Special.) The Klatsanine hatchery yesterday received from the hatchery on tho McKenzie river 1.604.148 spring Chi nook eggs. This is the first consignsj iiiciit. j i vcn r n uj hits iiiLKup county plant and is but the forerunner of a total shipment of '8,000,000 egga which will be received and hatched here,