Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 08, 1920, Page 14, Image 14

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MacFitzsimmons Wins 2:08
: Classic in 2:1 V2.
Proud Parents View Work of Ten
Portland School Districts and
12 Rural Communities.
Good weather and the opening day
for the horse races combined to bring
out a record crowd at the Multnomaht
county fair at Gresham yesterday.
According to estimates by Manager C.
I. Minton. fully 50U0 persons were on
the grounds during the day, bringing
the total attendance for the week to
well over the 12.000 mark. j
In the morning interest of the fair
(round visitors fluctuated between
the prize aggregation of stock in the
various classes, representing some of
the finest thoroughbred animals of
tho state, the grange exhibitions and
the school children's exhibits, where
308 entries from school children of
10 Portland school districts and 12
rural . communities were on display.
In the afternoon, however, the horse
racing, which had been postponed
Wednesday on account of the soft
ness of the track, was the drawing
card. '
2ri8 Clnnnlc Centers Interest.
Despite the fact that the track was
etill heavy from the recent rains,
eome closely contested races were
pulled off, especially the classic 2:08
pacing event for a flOOO prize, the
largest on the card. This race was
won in three etraight Ijeats by Mac
Kitzslmmons, entered by Kd Dennison
and piloted by Lindsey. Considering
the heavy track, the time was fast
for the winning heats 2:19, 2:17 and
2:17 hi with Lena Patch, piloted by
Marshall, running a close second in
each heat.
Other winners on the racing card
were as follows:
2:15 trot for a purse of JS.'iO: first.
Perro, entered by Zlegler and Mizner, pi
loted by Wheeler; three straight heata,
S:Ti. 2:20i and 2:23. . Second, Cavalier
Oale. piloted by White.
li:13 pace, $oOO purse First, Barondale,
ntered by T. K. Howitt, piloted by Wll
bourn; three straight heats, 2:23, 2:19
and 2:11). Second, Royal Express, en
tered by J. E, Marshall and piloted by
Six furlonprs. $125x purse First, Touis
T.nchmund, entered by Mrs. I.. Oalbraith,
ridden by Crawford. Time 3:19. Second.
Ciertrude, entered by J. 1,. Crawford and
riiMeo by Crawford.
Five turlonps, $100 purse First. Drum
mer, entered by A. J. Coffmnn, ridden by
WcEen. Time 1 :0H. Second. Ooma, en
tered by J. L.. Crawford and ridden by
I'arenta Proud of Exhibit.
The school children's exhibit,
friven under the auspices of the grade
cchool clubs of the county under the
supervision of Miss Ethel 1. Calkins
In the rural districts and T. D. Kirk
pal rick in the city work, attracted
wide attention among the visitors in
general and the parents in particular.
"This has been a successful year in
the work among the school children
Eaid Miss Calkins. "The building for
the club work exhibition is full this
week and it will be necessary to ex
tend the building in time for next
year's fair. The children are taking
an interest In the work, and their suc
cess is demonstrated by the fact that
several of the boys' entries in sheep,
calves and hoga won prizes in the
open classes."
The work done by the school chil
dren through the clubs includes sew
ing, cooking, canning, garden and
field crops, and the raising of sheep,
calves, hogs and goats. The children
themselves are greatly interested in
the work and some keen competition
has developed.
Ockley Green school won first prize
for city school exhibits and Maple
wood school first in rural exhibits,
lloy lias Three Projects.
One little boy completed three
"projects" during the last year and
had on exhibition a hog. a calf and a
loaf of bread. This lad, John Flem
ing, won a third prize at the Salem
fair and a first prize in the local fair
on his prize hog. According to Miss
Calkins, it is unusual for a child to
complete more than one project in a
Another boy, Gilbert Wagner of the
Fairview school, had on exhibition a
hog and a loaf of bread at the begin
ning of the day. Toward noon yes
terday, during an unguarded moment,
the hog helped himself to a large bite
from the loaf of bread. Later the
entire loaf had disappeared, and when
the boy was asked what had happened
to It he admitted that after he had
I chased the hog away he had felt
. hungry, so he had "finished the loaf
1 iimself."
Frank Ferris of the Gilbert school
outdid an his girl friends in making
bread. He captured first and second
'. places in breadmaking for two con
6ecutive years.
RnMelTille Grange Takes First.
The grange exhil. ts held a premier
place in the attention of the day.
Kusselvillo grange captured first
place Wednesday with a total score
of 86 points, the highest points being
made in grains, vegetables, fruit and
canned products, juuitnomah grange
was second with a score of 80 points
a-nd Pleasant Valley third with 7 4
points. All of the grange exhibits
displayed a pleasing variety of all
the products of the farm, arranged in
a rleasing and artistic manner.
me livestock exhibit is said to com
pare favorably with the state fair
exhibition at Salem. Barn facilities
for the thoroughbred cattle, sheep
horses and hogs are crowded to the
limit, and many extensions will have
to be made fop nex$t year, according
to the fair officials.
"This is the most successful fair we
have ever had," said C. . Minton
manager. "In spite of the fact that
we had doubled the exhibit space for
the sheep and hogs, there is no avail
able epace left at present. We will
have -to establish larger barn facili
ties for tiext year, according to pres
ent indications.".
Toward the close of the day many
missing articles which were lost in
tho crowds were reported to the of
fice of the fair officials. One of the
largest losses of the day was that of
Mrs. Ella DuBrille, 775 East Yamhill
street, who reported.that she had lost
a purse containing some currency and
a J1000 liberty ond.
Hace, Track Dries and Drives Are
All Graveled.
ORESIIAM. Or., Oct. 7. (Special.)
Smiling skies and warm sunshine
prevailed at the-falr grounds today,
1 which Indicates there will be more
racing and bronco riding before the
week is over. The race track is dry
ing nicely; the drives about the
f rounds have been rolled and grav
eled, and the footpaths shaped up for
the three big final days.
. Many awards have beea made on the
it jr -v , 1
ft r 4J( v, " '5 is. i!ihllT r ? i ' " 'fe f
Jersey product given to 'visitors at the
Jeraey Cattle club. Inurrt Prince nn
from Karl Crest Farm, Kagle t ree k.
livestock exhibits, but there remains
much judging to be done. The grange
decisions are still unannounced and
the baby show on Saturday will bring
out a large gallery of cousins and
The sheep exhibits have been
judged, with J. G. S. Hubbard of
Monroe leading the field in Lincolns,
Hampshires, Shropshires and South-
downs. Ernest F. Miller from the
Butterflcld farm of Weiser, Idaho, has
made a clean sweep of all the honors
on Kambouilets. To Dr. E. A.
Pierce and Clarence Gilmer of Port-
and go the ribbons on Angora milk
Wendell Cleveland, Gresham stock
man, has taken every ribbon on Essex
hogrs. He also, captured a string of
sheep prizes.
A. C. Ruby of Gresham, George De-
bok of Oregon City and A. H. Burns
of took fiust. second and
third on draft teams. The Clydesdale
premiums go to Mr. Ruby, the Mor
gans to S. II. Har.-ey of Gresham;
ercherons. A. C. Ruby ar, Jbhn L.
Williams of Portland; Belgians, A. C.
Ruby and Mrs. P. Schule; thorough
breds, Mra. L. Galbresett of Salem.
The rain has kept the prize flower
beds in the pink of condition. Prize
winners in this class are Mrs. F.
Heiny, Mrs. A. Hevel, Mrs. Vera Tuck
er and Mrs. Emma Ross. Honors on
Dahlias were captured by Mrs. V.
Tucker, the exhibit being exception
ally fine. Mrs. A. Hevel and Mrs.
Emma Ross exhibited the best hang
ing baskets. Mrs. A. Hammar, Mr
M. Squires, Mrs. Emma Ross and J. W. I
Mills received blue ribbons on their
cut flowers.
Multnomah County Fair Awards
Made for Livestock Exhibits.
GRESHAM, Or., Oct. 7. (Special.)
Awards for the boys' and girls' live
stock have all been announced and the
children's stock barn on the county
fair grounds i3 strung with ribbons
of eight degrees and cdlors. Herbert
H. Eling, junior, of Greeham, won the
blue ribbon on his Duroc Jersey sow
and litter in the children's depart
ment. Hfa pig also took, first place
In the open-class for sows, under two
years. Leonard Nelson, Powell Valley,
took second honors among pig club
Leslie Eynch's state fair "prize win
ning gilt, Pride of Multnomah, tops
the heap in the gilt class, with Nick
Anderson of Orient second, and Cris
Grasley of Fairvlew, third.
John Flemming of Victory district
raised the best pork pig. John also
entered a calf and a loaf of bread.
He scored fifth on his-calf, but the
girls baked better bread. Gilbert
Wagner of Fairview started from
home with a pork pig and a loaf of
bread of his own baking. His bar
row. Red Rover, took a btte out of
the bread in one of Gilbert's un
guarded moments. His pork pig took
second prize. George Dahlhammer
of Lynch had the third best barrow
In the sheep projects Grant McMil
lan captured two blue ribbons and
Dale Altman took one on his prize
ewe. The calf club winners in the
order of their awards are Julius
Lusher .of Fairview; Reginald Fulton,
Cedar; Fay Hulit, Pleasant View;
Walter Anderegg, Lynch, and John
Fleming, Victory.
Portland children-took all the prizes
for goats. The winners, were-Norma
Fitzhohn of . Kennedy school Clar
ence Gilmer, Kellogg; Ted Thomp
son, Sellwood, and Jack Miller, Kel
logg. The rabbit awards likewise
went to Portland, Ralph Schad and
Ernest Cordano of Failing and Laura
Morrow of Creston claiming them
Not all of the honors were carried
away by the boys. Wilma Chase of
Orient school scored 100 per cent in
canning, an unusual feat: In addition.
she placed third Ir. sewing and fin
ished her cookery pxoject. But the
boys were the best cooks this year,
Frank Ferris of Gilbert taking first
place; Joseph Lesley of Ockley Green,
second, and Eleanor Ferris, Gilbert,
CorDett district specializes in po
tatoes and the lads who can grow
exhibition booth of the Multnomah
Happy, grand champion Ayrshire
them Ray Las ley,
Lloyd Bramhall
and Algert Davis.
It remained for a Portland youth
of Italian parentage, Carl, of
Failing school to carry off first place
on gardening. Nick Spada and his
sister Janie, of Wilkes school, with
sunny Italy in their ancesHry, too,
took second and third awards. Maple
wood district grows the finest corn
as its prizewinners John Zweifel,
Myron I'ortlow and Walter Emert,
Competition was keen for the Huf
us Holman prize for the most artistic
booth in the new industrial club
building. The money was divided be
tween Ockley Green school for the
city of Portland and Maplewood
school for the rest of the county.
In the home-making project first
honors went to Rose Burdick of Lents.
Amy Gustafson of Powell Valley and
Audry Wienchen .of Sunnyside school
were second and third in canning. The
sewing was listed under three divi
sions. In the first class Agues Dick
son of Lynch, Carrie Bohna of Lents,
and Eunice Austin ' of Maplewood
sewed the finest seams. Margarette
Warden of Hillsdale, Agatha Harding
of Pleasant View, and Wilma Chase of
Orient topped the second section, lia
ble Metzgar and Clara Mason of
Gresham headed the third division.
Carl Zimmerman of Gresham was
proclaimed state poultry champion at
Salem, and at the county fair he again
heads the list in the laying hen con
test. Allen Seidel of Lentz. runner
up at Salem, is a close second again
at Gresham. r.dwin Gronquist, F11H
ton Park, finished third and Le Roy
Edwards of the same school was
fourth. In the growing' chick divi
sion Robert Soderquist of. Cedar ' is
the headliner, with Hnery Brown of
Lynch second and Virginia Miller
The smallest known species of hog
are the pigmy swine 01 Australia,
being no larger than a good-sized
house rat.
Every Granule
Full of Health
and every granule is eatable,
for there is no waste to
Grape --Nuts
CKildren love its sweet
nut-like flavor, it is ready
cooked and no sugar need .
be added in serving.
. Made by
Postum Cereal CaJncBattle Creek.Mich.
Attempt to Get Prospective Bride to
. Farmer on Description Is
Futile Adventure.
Somewhere in Portland there Is a
saa-eyea gin wnose romantic dreams
of a happy life in the golden west
have been rudely spoiled.
And on a farm southwest of Port
land there 13 a plodding farmer who
is wondering wny a police department
shouldn't forget such little things as
catching burglars and keeping the
peace in general in order to serve as
chief of staff to a recreant Dan
This farmer name provided on ap
plication to Chief of Police Jenkins
wanted a wife. Hence, he advertised.
;The little three-line ad bore fruit, for
from another state a lonesome miss
with heart set on matrimony answered
it. She agreed to come to Portland
to meet her unknown fiance.
But the heavy rains of the past few
days halted the nuptial plans of the
Oregon farmer. This getting married
was all right, he apparently, argued
with himselffbut a fellow couldn't
desert his crops at a crucial moment
for a little thing like marriage
Hence, he addressed a letter to
Chief Jenkins in an effort to enlist
the aid of the police in meeting the
lady Of his choice and directing her to
the suburban town near his farm.
"She is heavyvset and wears a black
dress and black hat," was the only de
scrlption he coultLoffcr.
Of course the chief did his best for
the anxioirs swain. He instructed the
depot police to be on the watch for
girl age uncertain with a black
dress and hat and of comfortable
The "cops reported that had they
Intercepted all the women at the
Union station yesterday who answered
that description they would have been
compelled to call for reinforcements.
In other words, the "coppers" simply
fell down on the job. The assignment
was tw much for them.
And now. Chief Jenkins is wonder
ing what next they'll ask of him.
Bird Farrier Given Credit for Bo
" liemia-Discovery.
(Special.) Bird Farrier, generally
given credit for discovering the Bo
hemia mining district, and one of the
best known of the pioneer miners of
the coast, was found dead Monday
evening in his cabin in the Kelly dis
trict, near Dorena. About R5 years
ago Mr. Farrier located the old Knott
mine, where the first stamp mill to
go into the Bohemia district was set
up. This is now the Noonday proper
ty. He sold the claim for 1900.
Mr. Farrier was past 80 vears of
age and had spent almost hfs entire
life in;, thg mining districts of this
coast. He was a bachelor." A niece,
Mrs. Robert. Cherry, lives at Eugene.
Death apparently was from natural
causes, coming while he was asleep.
Fugitive Traced to City Jail
Forgiven by Wife and Then
Everybody Is Happy.
Mrs. Robert Smith of Duluth, Minn.,
has solved the problem of handling
husbands who are charged with non
support. When her husband left home a few
weeks ago without leaving cash for
the family larder, she swore out a
warrant for his arrest for non-support.
Later, she helped the police of
Duluth trace Smith to Portland,
where he was arrested several days
aro on a fugitive warrant.
Then Mrs. Smith prevailed upon the
Duluth police to send her to Portland
to take her spouse into custody. They
paid her transportation to Portland
so she might take charge of her hus
band. With her came her small daugh
ter. They arrived Wednesday night.
Yesterday Mrs. Smith presented her
case to Deputy District-Attorney
Deich. She announced her readiness
to return to Duluth with her prisoner.
Then she went to the city jail and
visited Smith. He presented a woe
begone appearance. Her heart
From the jail cell she returned to
the deputy prosecutor.
"I want my husband back," she said.
"I will not prosecute."
The Portland police were willing.
And so was Duluth. It was "jake"
all around that the prosecution should
be dropped.
Late yesterday afternoon the recon
ciled family left the police station.
Robert and Mrs. Smith walked arm In
arm. The youngster clung happily to
her fathers hand.
For the Smith family, late of Du
luth, it was the end of a perfect day.
Bend Commercial Body to Be Un
der City Bureau's Direction.
BEND, Or., Oct. 7. (Special.) Re
organization of the Bend commercial
ub under the direction of the Ameri
can City bureau will be started early
in November, it was announced to
day by the club directors. An en
deavor will be made to raise the mem
bership from 123, the present total,
to 300.
A basic interest n industrial and
civic development aTid service, with
active work along the lines of fur
thering east and west railroad con
nections, and a constructive irriga
tion policy, will constitute. In- the
main, the foundation of the new
commercial club. The changes con
templated will involve the employ
ment of a. paid secretary.
Annual Fall Cleaning at Reed Col
lege to Be Done.
Today is the annual fall campus
day at Reed college. All plans have
been made under the direction of
Howard McGowan, chairman of the
At 8 o'clock the entire college will
assemble in the chapel, where the
chairmen of the different committees
will give the direction for the day's
procedure. Work will last until 1
o'clock, when lunch will be served
for everyone in the college commons.
Work will again resume at 2 o'clock
and at 3:30 a football game has been
scheduled between the sophomores
and upper-classmen. Supper will be
served at 6 o'clock and an entertain
ment will be held in the evening.
Mahogany, Walnut
and Oak. Price $125.
A special combination
includes two ten-inch al
bums, at $1.25 each, two
42jinch albums at $1.50
each and 14 selections
(seven, double-faced ten
inch Black Label records)
of your own choice, nee
dles, etc.
ALL FOR S136.45
Most convenient terms
A Complete
Line of Victor
Bush & Lane Piano Co.
Portland, Oregon:
Please send me information regarding your SPECIAL
TERM AGREEMENT, for the month of October.
Name ""
Bush &
J 1 1 M M 1 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 M I M 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 M I i I M 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 M
There are so many things that enter into the quality,
style, service and value factors of a suit, that the
average person does not know.
Our experience, knowledge and exp'ert tailoring are
factors that will tend to make it easy for you to obtain
a suit that is right.
Our merchandise, . workmanship and service assure
you of a suit that cannot be other than right.
Fall Suits Priced at
$55 $65 $80
Henry W. Jacobson
324-26 Morrison Street
Portland Hotel Block
Testimony of Woman on Stand Free
From Profane Language Used
in Her Writings.
Examination of Helen Harvey,
prolific letter writer, whose mental
processes were unoer. survey, was
completed yesterday morning in
Judge Tucker's department of the
circuit court and tindings in the case
will be made Known this morning.
There was much in the hearing to in
dicate that t'he woman will be ad
judged as suffering with paranoia.
IMiring inf murnn'K mi?. j-iaivfy
Victor Victrolas iri Great
Numbers and Variety
Mahogany, Walnut
and Oak. Price $150.
A special combination
at $164 includes two 12
inch albums at $1.50 each,
two ten-inch albums at
$1.25 each and 20 selec
tions (ten double-faced
ten-inch Black Label rec
ords) of your own choice,
needles, etc.
ALL FOR S164.00
Most convenient terms
Lane Building
M 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 M I ( I M 1 1 1 1 : 1 M 1 1 M M I M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 M 1
When a
Suit Is Right
refused to nswer many questions,
but talked frankly of several phases
of her case. Through her mind ran
the constant refrain, audibly ex
pressed, "I want to see that Yale
laundry evidence!" She was under
the delusion that some evidence was
taken in. Portland at a hearing more t
than three years afro, at which she j
was found insane, which had been de-
nied her. Since her parole she has
written hundreds of letters to Circuit
Judge Tazwell and others, threaten
ing and cursing them.
The testimony of the woman on the
stand was strangely free from any
suggestion of the profane and ob
scene language which characterized
all the letters.
Dr. William House was present
through the hearing.
Missing Woman Sought.
Portland police detectives were
asJted yesterday by Sheriff Strintrer
of Seattle to assist in search for Mrs.
Julia May Klynn, aged S3, who is r.
A Splendid New Shipment Just Received
A Complete Line to Choose From
So well and so favorably known is the Victor Victrola
that there is little we can add in its praise.
A huge shipment has just arrived in our phonograph
department and the music-loving public will find here the
models suitable for every and any home.
We particularly desire the public to call and see the
new machines. They contain the new features such as the
improved Victor tapering tone arm and tapering "goose
neck" sound-box tube, automatic brake and speed regula
tor and automatic speed indicator.
. . m
Mahogany, Walnut
and Oak. Price $225.
A special combination
at $235.20 includes 24 se
lections (12 double-faced
Black Label records)
of your own choice.
Equipped with albums,
needles, etc.
ALL FOR S235.20
Most convenient terms
Broadway at Alder
1 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 M I H I H 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 J
cused of kidnaping her 8-year-old
daughter. Lillian, and leaving hr
home. The woman's husband. C. P.
Plynn, signed a complaint against her
in Seattle. Mrs. Flynu was said to
have left home at about the same
a nee
as Ed Van Holism, an insur
sollcitor, who is believed to be
her in Portland.
Alleged Thief Captured.
John H. rollard, 2". was raptured
by a po:-se or citizens at Fifth ami
Everett strret.s yet-terday after ho
had dashed trom the jewelry store
of. Frank llosumny, 68'i North Sixtli
street, where, it is alleged, he stele
a ll. watch. Pollard was turned over
to the police and is held on a larceny
charge. According to llosumny, the
youth came to his store to look at
the wati-hes. Selecting one, he is said
to have dashed out of the store. Pedes
trians hoard the cry, "slop thief."
and captured him.
Read the nrfcmiian rlassified arts.
Mahoganv and
Oak. Price $275.
A special combination
at $292 includes 40 selec
tions (20 double-faced
ten-inch Black Label rec
ords) of your own choice,
needles, etc.
ALL FOR S292.00
Most convenient terms