Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 08, 1920, Page 13, Image 13

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Double Trading Stamps With Cash Purchases All Over the Store
Boxed Stationery
Reduced V3
Main Floor "Delmar" Correspondence Paper
and Envelopes put up in one and two-quire
boxes. 85c to $2.50 grades at OFF.
65c Hair Brushes
Special 39c
Main Floor Hair Brushes of splendid quality.
200 only in this special lot. Regular OQ
65c vklue. Priced for Unlucky Friday OIC
The Standard Store of the Northwest
Olds, Wortman &. Kin
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods -
A Sale Unlike All Other Sales Lucky for Those Who Come, But Unlucky for Those Who Stay Away
Novelty Plaids
48c Yard '
Main Floor Washable Wool-finish Plaids in
a large assortment of pretty colorings. Suit
able for children's school dresses, bath robes,
kimonos, etc. 32 inches wide. Spe- AQn
cially priced for UnluclTy Friday at OC
Heavy Sheetings
Main Floor Bleached Sheetings of a well
known make offered for Unlucky Friday, at
special low prices. Supply your needs NOWl
81-inch Blea c h e d I 90-inch Ble ached
Sheeting yard 79$ Sheeting yard 93
13 Extra Special Bargains Have Been Selected as Feature Offerings for .This Notable Event
1 SPECIAL NQ- 1 1 : "
$5.50 Bath Robes $3.29
Garment Salons, Second Floor
Women's Bath Robes greatly underpriced for Unlucky Friday. Attractive
styles with cord girdles, fancy pockets and collars. Made up in good
quality blanket material, warm and comfy for winter wear. Floral and
conventional designs in light and dark colors. Buy now for flQ OQ
gifts. Regular $5.50 Robes, specially priced for today's selling at tDOi
$4 Table Linen
Slain Floor 70-Inch Pure-linen
Damask in a choice selection of
patterns. Made from finest grade
of flax. This sells in the regular
way at $4.00 the yard. PO QO
Unlucky Friday, a yard wi.OO
Kid Gloves
At 50c
Main Floor Only 300 pairs in this
lot. Kid and Lambskin Gloves,
pique or overseam sewn. Sizes 5,
6 and 6.- Mostly in black and
white; $2.00 and $3.00 val- tZff
ues. Priced special, a pair JUl
Sample Handkerchiefs
Special Purchase and Sale!
Over 20,000 New Handkerchiefs in
this sensational offering for Un
lucky Friday. Sample lines and dis
continued numbers from leading
makers. An immense assortment of
patterns to select from. Plain white,
colored borders, colored corner em
broidery, a-white embroidery. Fresh
clean stocK? just in by express. Here
is a wonderful opportunity for
thrifty shoppers to buy Handker
chiefs for gift giving at and below
manufacturer's prices. On sale at
the Center Circle on First Floor.
6 Great Special Lots
8c, 10c, 15c,'
19c, 25c, 39c
Double Stamps With All Cash Purchases
Crepe Waists
Second Floor Women's Waists of
Crepe de Chine. Tailored and nov
elty models with high or low necks.
Sizes 36 to 52. Waists selling
heretofore at $6.95 to J4 QQ
$8.75 Unlucky Friday DVO
j SPECIAL lsTQ. 4 1 : 1
Sale of 500 Silk Remnants
At y4 to V2 Off
Main Floor Taffetas, Satins, Messalines, Radiums, Charmeuse, Crepe de
Chine, Meteor, Wash Silks, Printed Pussy Willows, Printed Satins, Printed
Crepe de Chine, Silk Shirtings, etc., etc. Almost every desirable weave will
be found in this assortment. kod useful lengths 1 to 6 yard3. On sale
at V. to off regular prices. Double stamps with all cash purchases.
SPECIAL NO. 10 ( v
I 1 I
Toilet Paper
20 for $1
Main Floor Silhouette Toilet Pa
per put up in large roll3 selling
ordinarily at 10c. Good ' quality.
No telephone orders will be ac
cepted. Priced very spe- G" Af
cial for one day, 20 rolls DJ-vJvF
Men's Hats
V2 Price
Mam Floor Odd lines of Men's
Derby Hats priced for quick clear
away. Good styles and most all
sizes in the sale. Regular $3.00
and $4.00 Hats on sale- Unlucky
Friday special $1.50 and $2.0O
Women's Shoes
$2 Pair
Basement Regal Shoes with pat
ent vamp and gray cloth tops. Full
Louis heel and welt sole. Sizes
2.'z to 7, widths A to D. No ex
changes or refunds
lowed. Basement saie
Silk Chemise
Second Floor Women's Envelope Che
mise of fine quality Crepe de Chine spe
cially priced for Unlucky Friday. These
are cut in good generous styles and are
neatly trimmed with lace and hemstitch
ing. The woman who likes to have a
full supply of silk underwear should
take quick advantage of this PO A K
very special offering each DurtJ
$5 Union Suits
Main Floor- Men's Natural Merino
Union Suits of a well known make.
Good .heavy weight for winter
wear. Take advantage of this sale
and buy high-grade Underwear at
just half price. Every garment is
perfect and' there are all sizes
in the sale. Regular $5 CO Kfl
Union Suits, special at wa.dU
Women's Silk Petticoats
Special $3.98
The Basement Garment Store offers a limited number of Women's Silk Pet
ticoats Unlucky Friday at above special price. Positively no telephone, C. O. D.
or mail orders accepted and not more than 2 petticoats sold to a customer.
Several . smart styles in wanted colors to wear with new Fall Suits and
Dresses. Owing to limited quantity early shopping is to' your JQ QQ
advantage. Silk Petticoats on special sale for Unlucky Friday, at &0.70
Basement Underprice Store
' ) SPECIAL NO. 13 j
25 to $35 Leather Bags
Special at $20
Third Floor Genuine Walrus, Seal and
Cowhide Traveling Bags in black. 15, 17
and 18 - inch sizes. Hand - sewed frame,
single and double handles, leather lined.
These are splendid bags for women. Many
of these are from lines selling here- QOfl
tofore at $25 to $35, Unlucky Friday 3vT
Double Trading: Stamps
Additional Offerings for "Unlucky Friday" Extraordinary Savings!
Semi-Annual Sale of Pattern Hats
Models Worth Up to $40
The Sale You Have Been Waiting For!
Friday morning we launch our Semi-annual Sale of Pattern
Hats. This has become one of the most important Millinery
events in Portland and hundreds of women wait for it because
they knov the values offered are never equaled elsewhere in
the city. Over 300 beautiful Hats will go into the sale. Dress,
Semi-Dress, Tailored and Sport Hats in the season's smartest
modes. Hats for all types and for every purpose. Duvetyn
and Velvet Hats in many beautiful combinations. Fur-frimmed
Hats and many exquisite creations trimmed with hand-made
flowers, burnt ostrich, burnt goose, ribbons and other fljl f?
novelties. $18, $20, $22.50, $25, $30, $37.50, $40 Hats, at AO
Millinery Salons, 2d Floor
See Morrison Street Window
$10.50 Shoes
Main Floor Women's Laced Boots
of brown kid. Military or half
Louis heels, welted soles, g? QP
Regular $10.50 Shoes at Mj50
$10.50 Black Kid Laced Shoes
with leather Louis heels QP
or military heels; a pair -DO.0
Black Kid .Laced hoes with
round toes and flat fljl? QPI
heels. $10.50 grade, pair
Black or Brown Kid f Laced
-Shoes with military er high
curved heefs; cloth, tops. . QK
$9.00 and. $10.00 ShoesD"'J
Special Offerings for
Unlucky Friday
Bone Hair Pins in assorted sizes
and colors. Regular 15c 1 r
grade. Special, 2 packages AOl
Leading Lady Hair Nets di
with elastic. Special, dozen
Sure - Fit - Snap Fasteners in
black, white. All sizes. Reg
ular 10c kind priced special
; Whisk Brooms in assort- QfT
ed sizes. 50c, 65c values at OtJC
, v Jewelfy
Cameo Rings and Brooches with
solid gold mountings. Well worth
double the sale-price. (Jj O fZf
Unlucky Friday Sale wliOU
Gossard Corsets
Special at $1
Second Floor Discontinued models in Gossard Front-
Laced Corsets at a sacrifice price to close out a small lot
in sizes 19, 20 and 21 only. Made up in plain and fancy
batistes. Several good models but only 3 sizes ff
as noted above. Regular $7.50 Corsets only tJ-.vJU
Brassieres at 59c
Second, Floor Nature's Rival Bandeau Brassieres of
heavy basket cloth, repp or avia materials. Front and
back-hooked styles. Flesh and white. The grades KQf
you have been paying 75c and 85c for all season, at JJ
Night Gowns $2.49
Second Floor Women's Muslin Night Gowns in high
neck, long sleeve styles. Trimmed with embroidery edges
and insertions. These are of excellent quality J0 Af
and well made. On special sale Unlucky Friday w""
Blankets at Special Prices
sensmy,, fj.
$9.00 White Blankets,
Bedding Department 3d Floor
$12.50 White Wool Blan- dQ Q A
kets, priced special, pair
$15.00 Fancy Plaid fl?" O
Wool Blankets the pair IXAiflt
Many other special bargains in
-Bed Pillows; $4.50 grade,
priced special at the pair
$6.50 Mixed Duck and Or rrr
Goose Feather Pillows, at O
Comforters in good large size for
double bed. Covered with fancy
crepe cloth. Regular $11 ?Q tZfi
grade. Priced special at 0OU
Double Stamps Given With Cash Purchases
Basement Millinery
$4.69 to $6.69
Hat Shapes
Basement New - Turbans, Tarns,
C&lonials, Droop and other popular
styles. ' Plain velvet, plaited velvet
and velvet combined with embroid
ered duvetyn. Black, brown, navy
and two-tone effects. At little ex
pense one can trim one of these
shapes into a smart, becoming hat
for winter wear. $4.69, (go ?Q
$5.69 and $6.69 grades BO07
New Hat Trimmings at special
prices in the Basement Store.
Shop Early
Regular. $1.75
Wo 61 Serge
$1.10 Yd.
Main FIoor--You save 65c on every
yard of this good Serge you buy
Unlucky Friday. 36 inches wide.
Splendid quality Storm Serge in
navy,,dark navy, green, plum and
copen. Regular - $1.75 (gl "1 f
value. '. Special, a yard DX1.I
WASH SATIN in pink or white.
Full. 36 inches 'wide and P1 QQ
regular $2.50 grade. Yd. B-L.O7
$3.50 Lining
$2.75 Yd.
Main Floor Plain and brocaded
cotton back Lining Satin in all
standard 'colors. 36 inches wide.
The regular $3.50 grade. PO fjfr
Priced spepial the yard J
Printed Sateen
$1.49 Yard
Main Floor Printed Sateens for
linings and petticoats. v Good selec
tion of novelty patterns, 36 inches
wide. Regular $1.65 C- AQ
grade. Special a yard 3J-.x7
$4.50 Silk Vests $2.95
Main Floor
Women's Silk Vests in Kayser and
Vanity Fair makes. Band top styles.
Find quality tricot silk in flesh and
white. All regular sizes. QO OFT
Regular $4.50 Vests now' -00
Silk Bloomers
- Women's Milanese Silk Bloomers in
flesh color. Vanity Fair make. Regu
lar $6.50 -values priced
special for today's sale at
$8.50 Silk Umbrellas $6.95
Silk Hosiery at $1.15
Main Floor Women's High-grade
Silk Umbrellas new shipment just
received in time for the Unlucky
Friday Sale. Black, navy, green,
taupe, red and king's blue. Large
ring handles and two-tone (P? QPC
ferrules. $8.50 Umbrellas DOVO
Main Floor Women's Silk Hosiery
specially priced for" Unluky Fri
day. Lisle heels toes and garter
tops. White, black and colors.
Some are slightly imperfect, but
the great majority are of C" " K
first quality. All sizes, at D-L J-O
Double Stamps Given With Cash Purchases
$2.75 Aprons S1.98
B a s e m ent WOMEN'S APRON
DRESSES of genuine Amoskeag
chambray in pink, blue and green.
Neck, sleeve3 and pockets trimmed
with rickrack braid. Reg- J- QQ
ular $2.75 grade now 31-.0
Rag Rugs
For Less
Third Floor New assortment of
Rag Rugs in hit-and-miss effects
offered at REDUCED PRICES.
Rag Rugs size 24x36
inches. Priced special
Rag Rugs," size 24x48
inches. Priced special
Rag Rugs, size 27x54
inches. ' Priced special
Rag Rugs, size 30x60
inches. Priced special
Rag Rugs, size 36x72
inches Priced special
Rug" Department
Third Floor
Great Sale of White Enameled Ware in Basement