Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 08, 1920, Page 11, Image 11

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HETT.irj (Broadway at Taylor) Comlo
opera. -RoblD Hood.'" Tonlht.
BAKER (Alder at Klvcnth Baker Stock
company in "Penrod." Tonight.
LVRIC (Broadway at Morrison) Musical
comedy, "Tha Ball of Portland," Thraa
bona dally. 3, 7 and 8 P. M.
HIPPODROME (Broadway at Tamhlll)
Vaudeville and moving plcturea. 2 to 5.
6:45 to 11 P. M. Saturdays. Sundays and
holidays continuous. 1:15 to 11 P. 31.
FANTACiES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude
ville. Three shows dally. 2-30. 7 and :0.
Shirt rlRM Ask Re-bivbr- Be
cause of the demoralized condition
of the local shirt market a petition
for the appointment of a receiver
for Shlrek. & Sons, shirt manufac
turers, was filed in the circuit court
yesterday by S. Shlrek. owner or
shares valued at 14400 In the con
cern. The company is capitalized at
110,000) "Other stockholders are eaid
to favor the action. Assets are listed
t approximately $30,000 of which
about $22,000 Is in merchandise.
Liabilities can be paid off, It Is
alleged. If the property la handled
properly. The company has been un
able to realize on its resources and
as It has been held to contracts for
stock to be wed in the future. It is
threatened with suits and expensive
Divine Hbalino Meetings.
rr. David N. Mclnturff, a lawyer
of Cottage Grove, Or., formerly pastor
and builder of the First Methodist
churdh, Spokane, has given up his
law practice and has Joined Rev.
John O. Lake of the church at Port
land, 283 Stark street, Gordon build
ing, where divine healing meetings
are conducted dally at 3 and 8 P. M.
Special holy ghost preaching Sunday
t 3. Rev. John G. Lake. Special
evangelistic meeting Sunday night at
t. Dr. David N. Mclnturff. Adv.
Crrr Lets Street Contract. Con
tract for the Improvement of Vista
avenue from Spring street to the
Patton road was awarded yesterday
to the municipal paving plant. The
city's bid for the laying of asphaltio
concrete redress on an old macadam
base was $18,587.75, while the lowest
bid received from a private contractor
was $21,105.35. Work on the improve
ment will begin Immediately, accord
ing to City Commissioner Barbur. In
charge of the department of public
Forst Examiner to Depart. C VT.
Boyce, foreet examiner, who has been
In charge of thj forest service air
patrol, will leave soon for Washing
ton, D. C where he will continue
with his forest service work. He
will conduct an economlo study of
the pulp and paper Industry. Mr.
Boyce has been In the service here
since the summer of 1917.
Lewis Stenger. Morrison at Tenth,
grind razors, ecissors, knives perfect
ly. Adv.
New Ststem Cores Tuberculosis op
Fpine. Every known system of
doctoring admits they can do nothing
for tuberculosis of the spine. When
the X-ray, proved the bones diseased
and gland renewal In less than six
months changed every weakness to
strength and 138-pound skeleton be
came a 185-pound healthy man; you
know my syetem is different from
anything In Portland or elsewhere
Dr. Dee. 412-13-14 Artisans bids- Adv.
Train Service to Countt Fair.
The following train service will be
given between Portland and Gresham,
dally this week, for the annual Mult
nomah County fair: Leave First and
Alder 6:45. 7:45, 8:45. :4S. 10:45. 11:45
A. M., and 12:45, 1:45. 2:45, 3:45, 4:45.
6.45. 6:45. 7:45. 9:50 and. 11:35 P. M.
Fare 30 cents each way. Adv.,
Ibom Estate Taxed $1650. The In
heritance tax on the estate of the
late Mary Francis Isom was fixed by
Presiding Circuit Judge Tazwell yes
terday at $-1650.31. The estate wast
appraised at $120,524.37, but stipula
tion between state officials and the
executors Increased this amount to
$121,174.37. Exemption Id $18,574.96.
Rabbi R.osencrantz to Officiate.
Service mill be held at the Con
gregation Nevah Zedek Talmud Torah.
ixth and Hall streets, tonight at
6:30 and tomorrow morning' at 9
o'clock. Rev. Abraham I. Rosencrantz
will officiate. Religious school will
be held Sunday morning at 10 o'clock.
All are welcome.
Jewish Services Tonioht. Services
at Congregation Beth Israel tonight
at 8. The subject of the sermon will
be "Prayer." Tomorrow morning at
10:30 the eermon topic will be
"Genesis." Rabbi Jonah B. Wise will
officiate. All men and women are
Ahavai Sholom Services Tonight.
Services will be held at the Congre
gation Ahavai Sholom, Park and Clay
streets, tonight at 8 o'clock. Tomor
row morning services are at 9 o'clock.
IU.bbl R. Abrahamson will officiate.
Sunday school starts at 10 o'clock.
All children are welcome.
MitwACKiE Musicians to Appear.
Mary Ellen Mullan of Milwaukle and
her young singers and musicians will
give a concert at the Men's Resort
tomorrow night at 8 o'clock. Miss
Mullan has arranged a fine pro
gramme and the concert is open to
the public
Electricians to Meet. There will
be a meeting of the Columbia hydro
electric league and the committee of
25 appointed to co-operate witTi the
league in organizing for the world
electrical exposition of 1925, in room
A central library tomorow evening
at 8 o'clock.
English Class Feature at T. W. C. A.
An English class for foreign girls
will be a feature at the T. W. C. A.
beginning this Tuesday evening and
meeting every Tuesday from 8 to 9
o'clock. All foreign girls are in
vited. Do Not Forget to call up East 8088
when you want the Salvation Army
euto-truck to call for cast off cloth
ing, magazines, newspaper's, furniture,
etc. Address 24-26 Union ave. laJor
John Bree. district officer. Adv.
During the absence of . Dr. George
Ainslie at the surgical congress in
Montreal, Dr. A. B. Gillls will be in
charge of his practice. at 606 Orego
nian bldg. Adv.
Bahai Assemblt Meets Tonight.
The regular weekly meeting of the
Kahal assembly will bo held in room
SIS Bush & Lane building at 8 o'clock
this evening.
Main. Vucash, French dinner. 5 to 8
I M., $1. '"8 Johnson. Main S796. Adv.
Railwat Telegraph Institute opens
night class Wednesday. Oct, 15. 434
Railway Exc. bldg. Adv.
Frank I.. Smith's is J28 Alder st. Adv.
Ask Yot'R Dealer to show you the
Flor de Baltimore, the mild Havana
union-made cigar, lie has the shape
you like at the right price. Adv.
Martin Marks Coffee Co.
Have Reduced Their
Saturdat Special Coffeb
to 35c a Pound.
ff ATCRDATS Onlt. 252 Third St. Adv.
You Are Disappointed in your arti
ficial teeth made In the ordinary way.
Dr. E. C Rossman specializes in plates
that please. 309 Journal bldg. Adv.
When troublea with cockroaches or
bedbugs call Main 6359. Reliable In
secticide Co.. Z2b Abington bldg.
Dance. McElroy's orchestra. Mur
- lark trail, 2Sd and Washington ets.,
very Wednesday and Saturday. Adv
Dr. L. M. Snow formerly In charge
or Meier & f raud s optical depart
ment, now 4U& Morgan, bldg. Adv.
Milk Curb at Moore Sanitarium;
the quick way to health E. 37. Adv.
Kemmerek Coal. Carbon Coal Co,
mine agents East 1188. Adv.
Dr. -Geo. IL Buck resumes practice;
Grand at Hawtborno ave Adv.
- Child's Estate $3000 Death Claim.
The estate of little Fleurot Dosch
Joselyn. who met death with his
aunt. Camille Dosch, in the Bertha
train wreck of May 9. consists of a
claim against the Southern Pacific
company for $3000. It is asserted in
the petition of his mother, Mrs.
Margueritte Campbell, in the probate
division of the circuit court yester
day for letters of administration. She
was named. administratrix. The boy
was 6 years old when he met death
in the collision of electric trains.
J. H. Schivelt to Speak. 3. H.
Schlvely of San Francisco will be the
principal speaker at the realty board
luncheon in the grillroom of the Port
land hotel at noon today. It will be
fire prevention day for the realty
board and the speaker will discuss
some phase of fire prevention. W. B.
Shvely. chairman of the legal com
mittee, will speak on a legal topic of
Interest to realtors. Thomas Wil
liams will be the chairman of the
Shooting - Doo -Charged. F. H.
Greenman wantonly shot a valuable
bird dog which trespassed on his land
during a recent pheasant hunt, de
clares W. A. Carter, an attorney, who
filed suit In the circuit court yester-H
day againat Greenman demanding
damages of $1000 In the name of G.
H. Shaw, owner of the animal. The
dog in question was an English setter
named Sport, a 4-year-old trained
bird and watch dog, which was shot
October 3, 1920.
Meeting to Be Held in Stnagogue.
A mass meeting will be held In
Portland Sunday, evening at the
Shaarei Torah synagogue at First and
Hall streets at which the MIzrachI
leader. Rabbi W. Gold, will deliver
an address. The entire Jewish com
mun'ty has been Invited to the event
which will take place at 7 P. M., by
Rabbi J. B. Falvushovich and the
Portland Agudath Mlzrachl under the
auspices of which the meeting is
being- called.
Train Compakt Sued for $2500.
When he stopped behind one street
car a second approached from the
rear and crashed Into his automobile,
throwing himself, wife and little
daughter to the street, complains
David Dahm in a euit for $2500 dam
ages filed In the circuit court yester
day against the Portland Railway,
Light & Power company. The ac
cident occurred on East Washington
street May 7.
Election Officials Wanted. Citi
zens desiring to serve" on election
boards have been requested by Joseph
W. Beveridge, county clerk, to sub
mit their names to him without delay.
Work In the county clerk's office In
preparation for the election is aerious
ly hampered by the failure of 115
supervisors to return lists sent them
for revision, said Mr. Beveridge, who
reauested that these lists be sent in
without delay.
League Debate Tonight. Mlton A.
Miller and Thomas J. Mannix will
debate on the league of nations at the
Knights of Columbus Service club, 243
Couch street, tonight, Mr. Miller sup
porting tiie league and Mr. Mannix
oppos'ng it. There will be moving
pictures and music Dr. E. T. Hedlund
will be chairman of the meeting. Joe
Little is secretary of the club.
Pork Chops, 30c.
At Frank L. Smith's, 228 Alder street.
Roast pork. 25c Legs lamb, 25.
A luxury, porterhouse steak, 20c.
Round steak. 20c. Sirloin steak. 20c.
Special: Loin veal cutlets, 20c
Oven roasts, 15c Rump roasts, 15c
Roast veal, ISc Veal breasts, 15c
Shoulder lamb and pot roasts. 15c.
Shoulder mutton and boil beef, 12 He
Rent Increase Opposed. Doctors
and dentists of Portland will meet
Monday evening In the green room of
the Chamber of Commerce in the Ore
gon building for the purpose of or
ganizing to combat proposed Increases
in office rent. The committee on ar
rangements has sent out cards an
nouncing the meeting to all members
of the two professions.
Admen Dine Todat. V ft
and Charles A. Hart will be the speak
ers at me luncneon of the Portland
City club at the Beruson hotel at noon
today. The Swan island measure on
the ballot and other proposed meas
ures, as investigated by the club's leg
islative bureau, will be discussed.
Frank Stott Myers, ex-postmaster of
Portland, is sued for $20 In an action
filed in the small claims department
or the district court yesterday by It
Bruner of 428 Yamhill street, who
alleges that the money is due him for
aervices in circulating a petition.
King and Hiawatha Coals
Ice Delivery Co., exclusive mine
agents. Bdwy. 4280, 532-45. Adv
Rummage Sale. 28 Crand ave Fri
day. Oct. 8.-r-Adv.
Dr. Datton. glasses. Swecland bide
-H. M. Patton. m. p., returned. Adv.
Steamer Northwestern- leaves Mu
nicipal dock No. z at foot of East
Oak street. Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays at 7 A. M.. for Salem and
all way points. Freight and passen
ger service. Returning, leaves Salem
at 6 A. M.. Tuesdays. Thursdays and
Saturdays. Adv.
Kelso Elks to Initiate.
a vKEH? Wash., Oct. 7. (Special.)
About 150 Elks of the Chehalis lodge
will be here Thursday to initiate a
class of 56 new members from Kelso
and vicinity. Th initiation will take
place at the I. O. O. F. hall after
" binii ,oanquei win be held in
Redmen hall A mimh.. r tt-1 1 .
also coming from Vancouver. Kelso
lurmeriy was under Vancouver juris
W vrfafe t n 1. l .
neighbors for their many acts of kind-
omi yv ,i iu us ana ior ine oeautiful
floral tributes given during the late
illness and death of our beloved wife
and mother, Emily Matilda Gledhill
Tk family Ik. .
............ . m Liiaim me many
friends for their sympathy, condolence
and the beautiful floral tributes in
l-l .jncn - . . V. . . L. . . . . i . . .
. ' v rn e III.
in irta. m. HAJiSUJi 8CHKOKDER.
liltS. ML. J. THUMJEL. Adv
We-wlsh to express ourslncere thanks
to our many friends and relatives for
their many kindnesses during our re-
uem. uereavement or our beloved
daughter Josephine at Mayger, Oregon.
ivin. a,u MK, LA KL AM A TO.
A better suit for
the same money, Sir
Not a random remark.
A man will find in our store the answer to his mental
question: "Can I really and truly get a good suit at a
reasonably low price ?" i,
Start looking at the $35 ones!.
112 Sixth Street
Surprising s Received as Sis
ter of Groom Tells of Own
When Miss Elizabeth Stansfleld.
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Joshua
Stansfleld, was giving a tea yester
day to announce her negagement to
Oweft Davis of Chicago, telegrams
arrived with the news that her
brother., Thornton Stansfield, and Miss
Helen Afams, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William P. Adams of this city,'
had been married October 4, in Los
Angeles and were honeymooning In
Southern California. The news came
las a great surprise to the Stansfleld
and Adams families.
Had Miss Stansfleld not changed
her mAnda few days ago there might
have been a double wedding in the
Stansfield family, for the fair bride
elect and her fiance' had planned an
elopement and even went so far as
to go to the , courthouse for the
license, which was Issued but not
used. Tbe couple, however, thought
better of it all and arranged to defer
the wedding until December. Miss
Stansfield is popular among the
younger set and doubtless will be
the Inspiration for much social en
tertaining before she is wed.
Mrs. Thornton Stansfield (Helen
Adams) is a lovely blond and social
favorite. She has been betrothed to
the young Mr. Stansfleld for some
time, the relatives and friends state,
but no announcement was made and
no plans had. been made for the mar
riage. The bride left a few days ago
to visit In Sauthern California, was
met by her fiance and they there and
then decided to be married.
Snrvej Promises Favorable Report
on Itivcr Improvement Trout
This City to Ocean.
"The coming of the board of United
States army engineers that is en
gaged in an inspection of inland
waterways, ports and harbors of the
Pacific Northwest is of the greatest
interest to the people of Portland."
said H. B. Van Duzers president of the
Chamber of Commerce, through whose
offices arrangements have been made
for the reception and entertainment
of the party scheduled to arrive at
Bonneville tomorrow.
"After making the trip by steam
boat down the heart of the Columbia
river basin,, the engineers will have
gained a comprehensive understand
ing of the great hinterland. With the
reclamation of the great areas of rich
alluvial land tof which irrigation
works are being planned, crop pro
duction of tbe Inland Empire will be
increased many fold. This makes es
sential provision for greatly increased
transportation facilities, and use of
the waterways Is dependent upon the
Improvements that come within the
province of the government.
"We feel confident that, after having-
made their Inspection of the har
bor and "terminal facilities that have
been created here by the taxpayers of
Portland, and the extensive channel
worl -done by the Port of Portland,
that the report of the board of engi
neers to their chiefs will be favorable
to the improvement. of the rivers from
Portland to the sea."
George II. Pipes Latest to Plead
Case Against Churcn.
Fourteen attorneys, of which George
H. Pipes is the latt-st, have been con
nected at one time or another during
the past three years with the suit of
Amos Hall against Archbishop Alex
ander Christie of the Roman Catholic
church, which appeared on the docket
of Presiding Circuit Judge Tazwell
Hall claims title to a portion of
property held by the Catholic church
on the hin at the end oi Washington
street, west of the "old castle." Fif
teen acres, formerly part of the Levi
Anderson estate, was given by the
widow, Mrs. Kmma Anderson, to
Fathers O'Day and Kearns to be held
in trust for -the site for a boys' home,
but Hall claims that two and a half
aeres belonged to his wife before she
married him. Motion was denied by
the court.
Drivers of These Crs Not Exempt
From Paying City Tribute.
Many of the for-hire automobile
owners have failed to procure their
licenses because of an erroneous im
pression that the for-hire ordinance
has been declared unconstitutional,
according to Motor Bus Inspector GilL
Several weeks ago Circuit Judge
Morrow declared an ordinance di
rected against owners of cars hired
At & most remarkabl savins to you we
are In a position to offer two practically
new popular Dispatch 4-pas?enger models.
One has been driven but "10O miles, the
other about 5000, both equipped with cord
tires, one extra, wire wheels, motometera,
bumpers, etc.
At a price of $1800 and $2000, you surely
can select from these cars one of the best
values possible to obtain in the city of
Covey Motor Car Company
Slut and Washington Sts.
Main 6241.
Two-Pants Economy Suit
All -Wool
Two Pair
With Each Suit
Extra Wear- Extra
These Features
Count Big
The Coat
1 Absolutely all ml
Guarantee label.
S Mohair lining.
4 Pencil pocket.
5 Xon-nnisf Utehed
6 Bar tack pockeia.
7 "Indestruct intertilling.1
aExtra cash pocket. '
B "IxrrmJty" lapel button.
10 Irory button.
. 11 MeWdooble-brwMtodaaodel.
The PanU
1 Two pair Trnlrkam.
S Both full lined.
S "Rip-proof " taped Mama.
5 Cloth faeed paeketa.
-"Orderly" pant liaagirf.
1 Guarantee labeL
without drivers to be unconstitutional
and the report was Issued that this
decision affected the for-hire ordin
ance passed by the city council sev
eral years aero.
Payment of licenses for the last
quarter became due on October 1. and,
according- to Motor Bus Inspector Gill,
unless such licenses are immediately
paid, the provisions of the ordinance
which provide for payment of fine or
imprisonment In the city jail for
operating: a car without a license will
be enforced.
Members of Writers' Organization
Bear Bursts of Oratory.
Debate at yesterday's luncheon of
the Portland Press club in the Elks'
building:, once more centered around
the "league of nations with Elton
Watkins vociferously upholding: the
democratic viewpoint, and Colonel J.
-under 10 years of age?
Examinations of the eyes of the average child
under 10 years of age, should be made by a
reputable oculist.
If he prescribes glasses, we will properly fill
his prescription in 60 minutes, if desired and
keep the prescription on file so. duplicate glasses
may be supplied promptly upon request at any
time. ' . '
We make no charge for any change the oculist
may order within six months: or if the p-lasses
are purchased here,
The WOOLWEAR Economy Suit is the biggest idea of the
day in a boy's high grade suit. It is a suit designed and tailored
especially for boys wear by specialists in boys' clothing. The
fabric every thread of it is all-wool, absolutely I And
with each and every WOOLWEAR Economy Suit you get
two pair of full-lined knickers to double the life of the suit.
The price of the. WOOLWEAR is $25 the country over.
And at this price, this wonderful two-pants suit affords greater
economy than any other garment, regardless of price. Study
the 18 wonderful features of this suit. Note thdt every, detail
of the workmanship and finish insures greater wear than you
have ever known in a boy's suit. ' x
Cloth Samples Free
See the WOOLWEAR Economy Suit in our boys' depart-
ment or write us for illustrated folder. This folder describes
the suit in detail and shows actual cloth samples of the six
handsome all-wool patterns.- Every size from 6 to 18, cut full
and roomy. A post-card brings the folder postpaid aad free.
The Store for Boys. Third Floor.
J. Crossley answering; him for the re
publicans. Replying- to Mr. Watkins' pleas to
"lay aside our republicanism and dem
ocracy and look at our Americanism
in settling: the Ieag-ue question" the
colonel declared that "the democrats
want, us to forget parties but always
vote on the democratic side." He said
that Woodrow Wilson through the
league, had sought to find himself a
place in the sun where history could
not forget him.
A. short talk on-fire prevention waa
given by J. -H. Schively. who told
of the importance of spreading of
propaganda through the press.
Cowlitz Has DairyDemonstralion.
KELSO Wash.. Oct. 7. (Special.)
Demonstrations in poultry handling
methods were given at Arkansas and
Bunker Hill the first of the week by
A. E. Anderson, poultry expert with
Washing-ton state college. Friday and
Saturday he will give demonstrations
in the vicinity of Woodland and
si Gli
you may bring them in any
Dime aiterward, without incur
ring any charge for adjust
ment, of 'which we make a
specialty. '
Floyd F. Bfwer, Mgr.
"Any lent, in 0 minutes."
145 Sixth Street
for Boys
Two Pair Pants
-Wool Guaranteed
Sixes 6 to 18
are made of selected Indi
ana white oak and Hon
duras mahogany and cost
no-more, than inferior
107 2d St, Bet. Wash, and Stark
Complete Office Outfitters.
FROM the very taste
of it, you know that
it's good:
Cheese -
in town every morning
fresh from "meadows
of clover."
Kirk's Military Shop
Prions your want a.da to Tha Orego
la. Uain I0T0, Automatic aSO-ai
Peanut Butter Kisses
75c Per Lb.
A crisp satinette coating with
delicious peanut butter filling.
The higest grade cane
sugar and molasses are used
in making this coating.
The peanut butter is prepared in our own
establishment from choice No. 1 Spanish
peanuts, carefully roasted and ground and
mixed .with finest creamery butter.
This delicious confection will be
. made fresh daily except Sunday,
388 Washington St. 127 Broadway
Day and Night
Automobile Laboratory and shop training and practical Re
pair Features. Best of equipment in all Departments. At least
one high-grade instructor to every twelve students.
Tractor Special training on Farm Tractors; practical over
hauling and repair in addition to theory.
Machine Training for limited number of students on lathe,
drill press, miller, shaper.
. Vulcanizing Repair and retreading of all liinds of casings.
Practical Shop training.
Oregon Service Men Get Financial Aid.
Investigate before deciding. Clip this ad, and bring or send to
Oregon Institute of Technology, Div. C
Sixth and Taylor Streets.
Have you tried our Portland's only
Liberty Pancakes restaurant serving
served with Maple Syrup? Swiss Pastry
Dr. M. K. Hall
living at 739 Wasco street,
said to the Gas Co.'s inspector:
"We are much pleased with
you Gasco furnace.
Beats the old furnace in
every way."
A Logical EiMillo of the
7:45 r. St.
Corner Tenth and Tajlor.
On Geary St.,' nst off Union 8q.u&re,
Close to everything worth while. Good
accommodations at moderate rates.
Breakfast, 60c, 60c 75c; Lnnch, 75c;
Pinner, 91.25 (Svndsys, 91.60). Muni
cipal car passes the door. Stewart
Motor Bns meets principal trains and
steamers. It Is advisable to make res
ervations in advance of arrival.
Sundays and Evenings
87 Fifth St.
Stark and Oak
Direct Name
Filing System
HOW long does it take your
file clerk to produce a let
ter from your files ?
Take your watch the next time
you ask for a letter and see
for yourself.
Then think of the time, work
and worry you would save by
installing the system which
finds and files in less than ten
The "Y" and "E" Direct Name
Filing System is the last .word
in scientific filing systems
yet like most labor-saving d&
vices it owes its virtue to its
utter simplicity.
Let our "Y" and "E" System
Service man 6how you.
Glass & Prudhomme
63-67 Broadway : Portland
4 Dmrrrsl Kinds f Laundry
4 Different Prices
EAST 494
N. E. Cor. Second and Taylor Streets