Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 06, 1920, Page 20, Image 20

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The place bet equipped to assist you
in finding employment is the V. M. C. A.
Employers go t here for help bm-ause
they know the "Y" appeals to the best
type of men and hovs. Many firms have
standing orders there for men with cer
tain qua lif ira tions ; perhaps you are -fitted
for one of these plains.
AdvLwry and employment service is
absolutely free to ex -tcrvire men.
All men seeking em ploy men t in cleri
cal. tf( hnUal and com mercial line and
those who are ambit ions to better their
condition t h o u I d see the V - NL C. A.
oapiorment ncretarv. room 3)7.
We are pi vine a special $25 discount
to students enrolling lor auto and trac
tor eour.-e before November 1. Our stu
denb art taught by practical experi
ence In huiMinK. repairing and trouble
shooting on all makes of pas engines,
their imiition systems, starting and'light
ing systems, including- generators. start
ing motors and the building, charging
and care of storage batteries and a spe
cial course in oxy-act y iene wielding. Day
and night claw. HUM THILL'S TRADE
K-'HOi'l-S, 7o7 Hawthorne ave., corner
East 20th. Take Mt. Scott car at Sec
ond and Alder. "Write oir call for free
Require the services of a general fur
niture and carpet salesman. 1'ermanent
position. References required.
J.'UUT SMITH, Ark... wants ad men, lino
type operators, make-ups and job com
positors. Must be efficient and non
union. Reference required. Model city
of 30,000. with every modern improve
ment, and finest schools; best water and
mild winter climate. Natural gas at
25c per thousand and ma derate living
costs in genetal. Steady jobs; no strike
troubles. Address Fort Smith Printing
A- Publishing Fraternity (comprising
two daily newxpa pers and seven job
shops). Fort Smith. Ark.
VANTKD To qualify for wiles work with
a large corpora t ion ; permanent employ
ment, with excellent future; a married
man. 24 to 28 years of age; residence
Portland; high school graduate or
equivalent ; sales and mechanical expe
rience desired; good personal appearance:
unquestionable references. Write letter
in your own hand writ ing. Give all the
above qua li flea tions and any more t hat
you may desire. Address BC 04, Ore
requires the services of experienced
night janitors. Must have good eye
fight and be willing to work ; 50 years
or under. Appiy superintendent's office,
9:15 to io:3o a. m.
quires the services of shoe clerk. Per
manent work.
Apply Employment Bureau, Sixth
floor, Meier & Frank Company.
averaged by a number of our salesmen,
young, middle-aged and elderly. Busi
ness never better. Experience unneces
sary. Cash weekly. Big assortment
guaranteed trees, shrubs and vines. You
can do what other inexperienced men
huve done. Washington Nursery Co.,
Tuppenish, Wash.
Good pay, permanent work.
Apply Delivery Supervisor,
76 Third SLreet.
ELECTRIC appliance salesman, no can
vassing, work on appointments only;
worth $300 a month to an expert closer
wfth car; direct factory connection in
sures promotion if permanent. lo4
ton st.
Young man with legal education will
have excellent chance tor promotion with
credit department of Jarge corporation ;
position now open; state age. experience
and references. V 70, Oregon ian.
WANTED Clerk, experienced dry goods,
w iih local branch of large eastern con
cern; no objection to middle age. Address
own hand, stating age and experience;
salary $25 per week at start. Aduress S
1 J . Oregonian.
OLD LINE insurance company desires ex
perienced health and accident man ;
agency work and personal production ;
salary and commission ; state experience
and other qualifications in first letter.
F Ml, Oregonian.
"WANTED Unmarried general bookkeeper
for large stock ranch out of town. He
quire ability above average and must be
capable of assuming responsibility and
come highly recommended. Call 401
Title & Trust bldg.
WANTED Man for light work about store
and shipping department; also light por
ter work; must furnish local references.
Address stating experience and age; sal
ary $18 per week. Y till. Oregonian.
CUTTER for merchant tailoring; must be
thoroughly experiencea. conscientious and
of pleasing personality ; good salary to
right man ; give references. AR 74.
XiRlGHT young man to work in automobile
parts department ; one with Ford parts
experience preferred. Apply Wm. L.
Mughson, 60 N. Broadway. Ask for Mr.
WANTED - expert sheet metal woikers;
best wages and permanent place, with
mostly inside work guaranteed to right
men. Write or wire Newman & Stewart,
Oguen. Utah.
WANTED Man with $2000 who under
stands bookkeeping or handy around saw
mili; this is one chance in a hundred for
live wire; give phone number. T 1,
WILL give a good honest boy a good home
and a c ha nee to go to night school in
return fr his services to help me deliver
milk. Appiy Hillsboro Milk Co. Phone
W A NT ED- Gardener and -chore man on
country place near Portland. Call 403
Rlake-MeFall bldg.. 45 Fourth street,
or phone Main 1483.
WE NEED a lirst -class auto painter and
striper ; w ill give the right man oppor
tunity to buy half interest in well- estab
lished shop. East N67 7, 351 K. Oak st.
WANTED High-class representatives in
Oregon. Liberal commissions and renew
als. Part or full time. Mass. Bonding &
Ins. Co., 319 Lumbermens bldg.
WANTED Reliable elderly man for
chores on wheat ranch. Excellent home.
Small wages by year. T. H. Eraser,
M oro. Ot.
" A NTKD Man who would go into well-ei-tablished
freight truckin g business ;
about $2000 will handle. AJ 8;;, Ore
ably one acquainted with drug store
trims. Address M urgittroy d's, Spokane,
KXPKR1 ENCED furniture s a I e s m a n ;
steady position or a good salesman.
V ust be experienced in f urni t ure line.
OWL Furnit ure o.. 106- I OS First st.
ELETRK appliance solicitor; nothing to
carry ; no sei I ing ; liberal pay lor ex p.
ni."ri; direct factory con next 10 ns ; promo
tion possibilities good; store. DT4 ."tth st.
SCH t OL. 7"7 H A U T1IU KX E A VE.
PHONOGRAPH .salesmen wanted who can
produce resul ts ; good territory open.
Cre moiia Phonograph Co.. Dekum bldg.
WANTED Machinist operator. model 5
Linotype; $45 a week. W 're Bend Press,
Bend. Or.
HARNESS machine operators wanted.
Steady work. Anoly Calgary Saddlery
Co., Ltd.. Calgary", Alberta.
EXPERIENCED spinners wanted; steady
work. Apply Portland Woolen Mills, St.
J onns.
WANTED Automobile trimmer and top
man. Covey Mctor Car Co. Apply 4 th
WANTED To hear from party capable of
Arranging J-man vaudeville act. S 81,
Ore go nian.
WANTED Boys over 16 for steady work;
also high school boys, short hours. Ore
gon Alleys. ?6 Vs Broadway.
WANTED 2 tlrst -class tinsmtt hs. Apply
superintendent Pacitic Car & Foundry
Co. Tabor 2"0Q.
WANTED A first -class watchmaker, at
Hamlin's. Tacoma.
KX P EKIEN'CK D cleane rand spotter In
cleaning workw. C 40. Oregonian.
J. it. Rogers, 92 First
WANTED Man for janitor work in hos
pital. Call 742 Overton.
Wanted, at once, several young men
from Iff yearn up to 35 with wheels to
aeiiver telegrams in city. , Light work
good pay, salary or commission. Per
manent work, after school or during
spare time. If you can ride a wheel we
have a Job for you. Will be pleased to
nave your parents can ana taiR it over.
76 Tfcjird St.
BOY, not over 22 years of age, to
act as shipping and receiving clerk
and care for basement; salary $85
Cf0 Market St.
OLD-ESTA BLISHKD firm requires the
services of 3 high-class men experienced
in conducting special sales; must have
thorough knowledVe of all kinds of mer
chandise, window trimming, interior dec
orating and card writing. Only experi
enced, clean cut. talented reliable men
ot ability need apply; salary $loo to $250
per week. E. H. MoCune, 054 Pittock
OLD LINE life insurance company would
like to hear from ambitious men in the
city and throughout Oregon and Idaho
who believe they can write life insurance
if given assistance by supervisor. Write
or call W. E. Hibbard, 1204 Wilcox bldg.
Interviews 8:30 to 9:30 mornings, 1 to 2
a f ternoons.
2 BOOKKEEPERS, experienced in whole
sa le lines ; 2 male stenographers, excel
lent propositions; 2 registered druggists,
state of Washington; 1 stock ledger,
familiar with hardware; 2 school teach
ers, out of the city; 2 Elliott-Fisher
billing machine operators; 3 office boys.
431 Artisans' bldg.
WANTED Man, familiar with values, in
city to become connected with real es
tate office ; doing good business; to the
right man will give good opportunity
i.d assist him to get started; no other
men working on houses; correspond
ence strictly confidential. AP 737, Ore
gonian. WANTED Live-wire aggressive sales
man; a Portland concern has opening
for a few high-class men : we judge
you by what you can do. not by what
you have done; unlimited money for
right parties. See C. C. Coulter, 1002
Spalding bldg.; hrs., 10-12, 2-4.
WANTED 5 apple pickers. 2 sorters, at
5oc and 43c per haur. Gloymead Orch
ards. White Salmon, Warfh.
Help Wanted Salesmen.
I WILL make room in our organization
for a salesman who can qualify strictly
as to character and sales ability. If he
will come to me 1 will offer him work
that is dignified and congenial, and a
position in which he will learn of his
real value. This is permanent and with
a splendid Income at the start and an
executive position as a reward for con
sistent effort. Call 10:30 to 12, 1107
Spalding Bldg. Ask for Mr. Fox.
WAXTED By large corporation, young
man from 25 to 33 who has pep, ability
to meet people and... is willing to work.
Splendid opportunity for advancement to
men who prove their ability. It will
pay you to look this up and if you are
a man who has confidence in yourself
and are willing to work, we want you.
Y e want a man that wants a future.
Call 404 Spalding bldg after 9:30 A. M.
Ask tor Mr. Stranahan.
Wanted, a natural born used car sales
man, one who can demonstrate and sell
a high-grade line of used cars. Such a
man can connect with one of the lar
gest auto concerns in the city. Chance
to make good money. Married man pre
ferred. State age and experience in tirst
letter. Do not answer this ad unless you
have made good with some other firm.
Address V 71, Oregonian.
WANTED $1000 A MONTH salesman to
handle high-class financial security un
der management leading Portland bank
ers and business men. To any such man
who can produce results I am willing
to make an exceptional offer. If you
can sell and wish your efforts to be
remunerative, call at 307 Title & Trust
building today, between 10 and 12.
SALESM EN to travel northwest territory
for tactory manufacturing high-grade
phonograph line ; two men are wanted
who possess constructive and initiative
sales ability; state full data in your let
ter, your age, experience and qualifica
tions and what you believe your ser
vices will be worth. All applications
held c onhdential. A J SI. O r e g o n i a n .
INTERNATIONAL Harvester Co. of Amer
ica are now building their third truck
factory to meet increased demands ; big
national and local advertising campaign
now going on; we want salesmen. Apply
Broughton Motor Truck Co., 325-327 o i-
SALESMEN and demonstrators wanted.
Apply 614 Stock Exchange bldg.. after
10 A. M.
AN UNUSUALLY attractive proposition
for salesman with sewing machine or
piano experience; if you are looking for
a permanent connection with returns
measured only by your own ability and
efforts, see sales manager, 818 Dekum
SALESMAN to travel eastern Oregon and
Washington for wholesale plumbing and
mill supply house; state age; give refer
ence and years of experience in this
line. R 87. Oregonian.
WANTED First-class automobile sales
man in Portland; must lurnish Al rei . ;
only salesman of proven ability need
apply. Willys-Overland Pacific Co.
SALESMAN Large corporation; perma
nent income ; chance for advancement.
4u6 Northwestern Bank bldg.
bALESMEN having automobile selling ex
perience, exceptional opportunity. Kubin
Mjtor Co.. Broadway at Hoyt st.
SALESMAN Experienced or inexperi
enced by manufacturing company. Call
62 N. 23d st.
FOR HIGH-GRADE specialty line, good
commission, connection permanent, call
liJis 13th st., office hours.
W NTED First-class furniture salesman.
Apply Star Furniture Co., cor. 1st and
M orrison.
SALESM EN Attractive proposition, local
incorporated Co., 4lo Stock Exchange
SA LESM EN working build Ing material
dealers; sales large; repealers., it feb,
SA LESM A N going east, to take side line.
Further information call East 3353.
bAhiL&ME. wouaenui opportunity, l
com Insurance. 60 1 Corbett bide
REGULAR territory salesmen in Oregon,
Washington, Idaho, Montana, to sell
Carry-All Shopping Bags. Pocket sam
ples. Real salesmen with references.
Address Eastern Manufacturers Co., 409
Worcester bldg., Portland, Oregon.
UN USUA L opportunities for agents and
salesmen in every city In Oregon and
Washington. Algrat Electric Co., 425
Washington st., Portland, Or.
WANTED -A woman of experience to take
charge of busheling and repair depart
ment. Must be Al. 1 224 Sandy bl vd.
ST ENG.. $125; secretary, $150; dicta
phone opr.. $HM. 301-o3S N. W. Na
tional Bank bldg.
WANTED Pantry girl, hours 4 to 12;
in confectionery. Apply Wednesday
A . M.. SU Broadway.
EX PE HI EXCED dictaphone operator,
$ 1 00. Portland Service Bureau, 432 Pit
tock block.
W A NTFJD Experienced chambermaid to
start $17 week. Hotel Ockley. loth and
MorrLon sts.
WA NTK1 Housekeeper, that can earn for
and rent rooms; transient. 91 Broad
way. WHEELDON ANNEX Wanted. relief
operator Wednesdays and Sunday.
Main 0V41.
V ANTED A stenographer, Oregon State
nospital. Apply o. A. J oheson, book
EXPERIENCED girl as relief ticket seller
at Hippodrome .neater.
WANTED Nurse girl to care for baby.
Apply Broadway lfi5.
WANTED Experienced body Ironer. Lib
erty Laimdry. 47 Union ave.
WA NTED immed lately, housekeeper in
country. E.asi .s;.
GIRL for time keeping and telephone.
GIrrs At Prudhomme Co., 67 Broadway.
LADY to assist in kitchen; wages $15 per
wceK. -t.m Mun.
WANTED Young girl to assist mother
East 2.r87.
WANTED Girls for dining room work.
AfPv owcLiana a couteciionery.
Pleasant Surroundings
Desirable Associates
Interesting Employment
Young Women
Much Higher After That
Regular and Frequent
Rapid Advancement
Higher Positions
Room 601. Sixth Floor
Park and Oak Streets
Telephone Building
The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph
WORK. Apply employment bureau be
fore 10:30.
WANTED Lady stenographer, general of
fice work, require ability above average
and must be capable assuming responsi
bility and possessed of good business ex
perience and judgment. Retail lumber,
eastern Oregon. Call 401 Title & Trust
build ing.
STRONG girl or woman to assist in care
01 -i-montns-oia baby and light house
work ; very moderate salary, but good
comfortable home and privileges to right
person. State age and wages expected.
AF30, Oregonian. 2
EXPERIENCE bookkeeper-steno. for
commission house for part time from one
day to a full week. Don't apply unless
you can permanently put in time as
stated and are a, thorough worker. V
74, Oregonian.
GIRL to do cooking and assist with house
work in family of four; no small chil
dren; 3 afternoons off. Call forenoon
this week, 933 Shaver st.. corner Re
gents drive. Alameda district.
GIRLS wanted for factory work, good
wages, steady work, experience unneces
sary, Saturday afternoon off. N. and S.
Portland car to 16th and Thurman.
American Can Co., 14th and Front.
WANTED Housekeeper to care for 1
apartment ; location near N. 23d and
Washington; about two hours work
daily; reference required. Address Y 95,
ATTENTION, LADIES I have a splendid
proposition to offer women who want
to work up a business all their own. Out
side work, full or part time. 627 Cor
bett bldg.
MRS. L. V. SCOTT, formerly director of
employment tor women with the federal
government, will secure employment for
women i nail lines. Office 320 Henry
bldg., cor. 4th and Oak sts. Bdwy. 4537.
APPLICATION'S will be received from
young women, aged 20 to 35, for wood
working factory at St. Johns; good pay
and steady employment. A.B 392, Ore
gonian. OFFICE girl who can take small amount
of dictation and handle detail reports -give
experience and age. S 83, Orego
gonian. ANY GIRL in need of a friend apply to
the Salvation Army Rescue Home. May
fair and Alexander streets. Phone Main
3450. DM CAR.
STRONG young woman for responsible
position in factory; state age. refer
ences, telephone number and pre ious
employment. Address W 14, Oregonian
ENGLISH teacher for standard high
school, salary $125. Give qualifications
and credentials. J. J. Houser Flora
WANTED Hand ironer. Palace Laun
dry, E. 10th and Everett.
1 WOMAN kitchen helper ISO onH k.. .
1 lady dishwasher, $70 and board- i
mP baker, $120 and board. Call 13
A POLYTECHNIC or hitrh N-hw,i 1
or older, to assist with housework ' for
room a im ana wages. a 15, Ore
NEAT, reliable girl or single woman to
keep house and help in store; expeuence
not necessary: one appreciating a home
like place. 707 Commercial st.
WANTED Neat appearing ladies to dem
onstrate high-class articles, house to
house; salary; no experience necessary
Apply 613 Couch bldg., afternoons. 2 to A
GIRL or H. S. girl to assist with house
work; good home, wages. 4S0 E. 16th st
N. East 6071.
CASHIER for Y. M. C. A. cafeteria; hours
11 A. M, to 7:30 P. M. ; must be exp.
checker. Apply Wed. A. M.
WOMAN experienced In repairing men's
clothes. Apply Erake's City Dye Works
E. 3d and Ash.
EXPERIENCED help wanted; fare ad
vanced; would consider a partner. Sani
tary Beauty Shop, Medford. Or.
WANTED All around cafeteria girl, good
checker and meat carver, at good wages
14th and Washington.
1 HE Florence Crlttenton Horn Is ready
to help any girl In distress. S3 fc.t
ullsan. "MV" csr. East Z19
WANTED A lady who is a good cook
ana can aiso Keep nouse. al a, Oregon
tan. EXPERIENCED coat finisner on men's
coats; best wages, steady work. AddIv
5o5 Royal Bldg. Main 529.
WANTED Experienced presser on ladies'
WOrK in cleaning aiiu uyeing works. A
40. Oregonian.
COMPETENT lady to care for 4-year-old
boy and assist in upstairs work. Good
home. 6K6 Lovejoy.
W A NTED Experienced waitress for re
lief work. No Sunday work. Nortonia
hotel. 11th and Stark.
WOMAN or girl to stay with children
while mother works. East 7564. Call
WANTED Address of Mrs. Ida Andrew,
formerly of Spokane. Wash. H 3-4, Ore
gonlan. YOUNG lady with previous exp. to clerk
in grocery. Call Tabor 3S3 or evenings
Tabor 3 ISO.
WANTED Teacher for Intermediate
grades; salary $135 per month. Address
Clerk. Dist. No. 14. Garibaldi, Or.
WANTED Lady to answer telephone at
transfer company. 125 N 6th st.
WANTED Experienced marker and sorter.
Apply Oregon Iaundry Co.
WANTED Kitchen helper for small in-
tinitinn. "Call Bawv H4o4
HAV E a good home for schoolgirl 12
vears- Tabor 1 222. 1307 Belmont.
TKAY GIRLS for serving room. Good Sa
maritan hospital. 23 and Marshal:.
WANTED Experienced woman cook; ref
erences required. Apply Main 2972.
WANT HID Exp. chambermaid. Marshall
HOUSE DRESSES. Apply employment
bureau before lo:30.
requires the services of Blrls 20 years
or" over for charge office telephones;
those who have had telephone experi
ence desired. Apply suprintendent's of
fice 9:15 to 10:30 A, M.
ONE WAITRESS for logging camp. $75 and
board. Call Skinner & White, 35 North
2d st. Bdwy. 3205.
WANTED TODAY. 3 child's nurses. 1
cook for small institution. 1 woman for
dormitory cleaning. Corvallls. $75 board
and room. 5 chambermaids. 7 .second
ma id 9, 7 general maids for best private
homes; 4 waitresses, out. 329 Henry
YOUNG lady, to do relief work in our
branch laundry offices; 154 hours each
week. Prefer ono who has had some
experience making change and dealing
with the public. Apply in person 10
A. M. Wednesday at 122 Broadway.
requires the services of an experienced
saleswoman for silk dept. Apply Super
intendent's office &:15 to 10:30 A. M.
WANTED Wide awake tactful young
woman possessing at least high school
education to represent well known ed
ucational association in Oregon or Cali-
fornia. A pplv Wed. or Thursday morn
ing at 501 Pittock blk.
WANTED Salesladies with tact and re
- finement: a Portland concern has open
ing for ladies of this class at once In
the city; unlimited money for right par
ties. See C. C. Coulter. 1002 Spalding
bldg.; hrs.. 10 to 12. 2 to 4.
EXP. stenographer and dictaphone oper
ator, $S3 to $lO0. lOlS Wilcox bldg.
AT ONCE, an experienced dressmaker.
Cabinet Cleaner. 424 Morris-on st.
W svn ted D u m es tic.
WANTED Girl to assist with housework;
one fond of children. Two adults, small
bungalow. Will pay best of wages.
Phone East 1278 or call at 665 E. 15th
N- Irvine toa car.
WANTED A middle-aged woman to care
for an elderly gentleman in the coun
try; must be neat and be able to cook
and wash and keep his house; wages
thirty dollars $30) per mo. For further
particulars call at the following address:
1736 Derby st. Take Kenton car. at end
of line. .
GIRL for general housework; country
place; nice home for a good girl who
Is thoroughly reliable aud honorable:
must be fond of children and willing
to give good help in return for good
wages; reliable references required. Write
P. O. Box 60. Kelso, Wash.
WANTED A girl for cooking and generai
housework; also girl for upstairs work
and to take care of child afternoons.
Call Marshall 335. 247 N. 24th.
MAIN 330. 1015 QTJIMBY.
GIRL for general housework. Mrs. Terhey
den, Milwaukie. Or. Take Oregon City
car. Inquire at station or address P. O.
box 154.
WANTED Y'oung woman for general
housework to live at her own home. Call
at 730 Everett St., apartment 7A or phone
Marshall 3263 before 1-P. M.
EXPERIENCED girl for general house
work ; must be good cook. No laundry.
Good wages. 885 Wood worth ave.
Phone Wood lawn 2305.
Want housekeeper, middle-aged wom
an on farm; good home; one boy 15 yrs.
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and lit
tle housework; no launary, no furnace,
no Thursday dinner. Apply mornings,
822 Jonnson St.
EXPERIENCED girl or woman for gen
eral housework; no fire, modern home,
adults, good wages. 850 Marshall street.
Main 3442.
GIRL to assist with general housework
arid carj of child 4 years; good wages
i' competent. East 3'J0O.
WANTED Second girl in family of adults.
Main 610S or call at 721 Main St.. cor.
si Clair.
WANTED A girl for general housework;
new bungalow on the west side; small
family. Phone Main 75SO.
GIRLS wanted. Apply factory, 34 N. 1st.
WANTED Experienced chambermaid;
middle-aged woman preferred. Hotel
Del Ma Joe, 151 North 6th st.
WANTED Experienced girl for down
stairs w ork and cooking ; no washing ;
good wages. Main 4363.
EXPERIENCED girl for general house
work, no washing; wages $60. Phone
Marshall 410. References.
WANTED An experienced girl for general
housework; no laundry; wages $70. X
25. Oregonian.
GIRL wanter for general house work; no
washing ; no ironing : no heavy sweep
ing; good wages. Tabor 2010.
WANTED Competent maid for cooking
and downstairs work, no washing. 34
E 24th S.
COMPETENT maid for cooking and gen
eral housework ; 2 adults : wages $65.
583 E. 22d N. Auto. 331.-03.
GIRL to ascist in general housework. Ap
ply 1014 Savier at., near 20th. Telephone
Main 3171.
WANTED Woman to take care of baby,
good -home and wages. Call 410 Harri
son st.. apt. 36.
CAPABLE, reliable woman or girl for gen
eral housework ; permanent place ; $00.
Mrs. C. H. Watzels, Wauna, Or.
WANTED Young girl or H. S. girl to
assist in home ; good wages ; every Sun
day free. Call East 6640.
JAPANESE woman for general housework;
must speak English and have references;
good wages. AV 517, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED girl for genera! house
work; no cooking. 7.ia Irving st., near
GIRL for cooking and downstairs work.
704 Love joy. Main 247.
WANTED Experienced maid for general
housework ; good wages. Marshall 857.
WANTED Girl " to do cooking and light
laundry, family of 3. Call East 1777.
GIRL wanted for general housework: nc
cooking and no washing. Tabor 9339.
WANTED Girl to assist with light Uouse
work and care for small child. 3HT-38.
EXPERIENCED second maid in small
family. Phone mornings. Main 5634.
GIRL for general housework; two in fan
il. Phone Main 7625.
GIRL for general housework; good wages
f,K Ella st. Brdy. 65S7.
WANTED Girl to assist with light houae
work. Call Mar. 5718.
COMPETENT maid for second work. Tel
ephone Main 3222.
GIRL for second work; family of four. 77
Lovejoy. Main 247
LADY to help in 3-rm. apt. with house
work: no laundry. Woodlawn 4oSo.
GIRL for general housework in- new house,
good home and wages. 1641 Sandy blvd.
GIRL to asls-st with light housework and
care for small child. set (wood 3M.
15 APPLE PICKERS for Hood River;
houses with stoves and wood furnished
Phone East 3035.
WANTED Cranberry pickers; pickers are
making $3 to $7 per day ; nice place to
stay right at the marsh. Phone Auto
matlc 310-3S for information.
WANTED Man or woman to sell real
estate on com., one with car preferred,
but not entirely necessary. Y 91, Orego
WANTED Apple packers; crop lasts
J or s months. Apply 3 Front st.
LADY or man pastry cook; good wages to
right party. 29 10th.
STEADY, good paying position to a man
who will invest in the best freight line
out of Portland ; $2000. with terms; can
show big business. N 5S. Oregon ian.
CHANCE for ambitious office man or
woman with $:t50 to get into good pay
ing business: must be reliable and hus
tler. 432 Pittock block.
W ANTED Experienced capable man with
. small capital for star part In vaudeville.
Give full description in first letter. S
8. Oregonian.
HAVE opening for young man who Is
ambitious and can make Investment
give phone. X 66, Oregonian.
grrr.vrioNS wanted male.
INDUSTRIAL relations engineer, now em
ployed in east, desires connection in
Portland; graduate Engineer, age 86,
married, general manufacturing experi
ence, employment manager shop em
ploying 8000; personnel, legislative and
association experience; will get results
for manufacturer, lumber company ot
association; conversant with Portland
conditions; available tkl days. AV 464,
YOUNG man, experienced steno. -bookkeeper,
desires permanent position; office ex
perience of 8 years in commercial, gov
ernment and banking institutions; mod
erate sa lary to start, with view of ad
vancement; best references furnished?. S
12. Oregonian.
I WANT a contract or day work haul
ing legs; I rave a 8-ton Mack tru K.
equipped with tractor sprockets, 54 rear
Bi?iiigs. 1 cux springs, 14-in. giant
tires cn the or'vers and 5-ton uni versa1
trailer. C liver La Duke. Hill&ucro. Or.
BY MAN and wife, experienced in manag
ing and doing janitor work in apartment
house; would consider place w nere only
wife's time is required. F. J. Morris.
Phone Main 3-Siis.
YOUNG man. absolutely honest, reliable,
would like position as collector with llrro
where good erfort is appreciated; speaks
two languages fluently and is not airaid
of work. AF 38. Oregonian.
CLERICAL position wanted in law office
or in connection with legal profession by
man 31 years old. married, studying law;
experience main object, salary secondary.
Phone EaHt 3167.
ELECTRICIAN wants work as mainten
ance man, age 35, married; 3 years with
General Electric Co., 11 years U. S.
government service. Phone Marshall
5-S3 6.
EXPERIENCED driver wants work by day
or month driving truck or private car.
Phone Woodlawn llul or call bM E. Jes
sup st.. city.
THOROUGHLY" experienced colored janitor
(married) wants care of building; A-l
references; competent and reliable. Phone
East S584.
Y'OUNG man, married, home in city, could
invest small amount with services in pay
ing business; no agents. L 87, Orego
nian. ROOFS REPAIRED at any time, rain or
ahine ; shingled, papered, tin or gravel ;
we use Web Foot paint. Portland Roof
Repair & Paint Co., Main 6320.
POSITION with wholesale or large retail
firm by man aged 46; thoroughly reli
able, good character and address. Best
of references. Address Y 97, Oregonian.
POSITION wanted as chauffeur-mechanic
in private family; married man; safe
and reliable ; handy around house and
garden. S 14, Oregonian.
BOR 87.
WORK for and 2-ton trucks, wood
hauling, moving or anything In or out of
city. Phone Tabor 3069 evenings.
SCHOOL BOY wanted evenings and Sat
urdays. Columbia River Fish Depot, 375
Yamhill st.
WANTED Janitor's position in rooming
house or apartment house where can
have rooms for H. K. AG 81. Oregonian.
EX-SOLDIER, experienced as porter and
janitor: references. Leave call or address
Y. .M. C. A. Main 8700.
Y'OUNG man wants work evenings from
6:30 to 12 midnight. Clerical or selling.
Phone, after H:3f P. M., East 3310.
MIDDLE-AGED man, like worK as porter,
watchman or taking care- of furnace.
Address 88 6th st. Joe Wyer.
CARPENTER. shlngler. estimates fur
nished; work guaranteed, references.
Berkey, Marshall 1769.
YOUNG Swiss couple wish position, care
taker or chamber work. BD 4. Ore
gonian. GOOD reliable man would like position as
helper in garage or auto repair shop.
Wages T0c per hour. S 10. Oregonian.
AUTO mechanic, machinist wants position
in garage; large experience. .fnone
Woodlawn 5114.
Y'OUNG Japanese wants any kind work
hair day in morning. P. O. box 900.
HIGH SCHOOL graduate. 20 years of age.
wishes to work on a ranch. 1 ore
gonian. COOK, Japanese, wants position, small ho
tel, club or iamuy wora; go oil rets, oku
bo. 269 ht Everett st.
EXPERIENCED man and wife- wish posi
tion on ranch ; boy 8. Call Wed. and
Thurs.. Arlington hotel, room 3.
JANITOR capable of operating any heat
ing system, wants steady employment.
. AN 7. Oregonian.
EX-SERVICE man wants work evenings.
Saturday afternoon and Sunday. b 0,
CARPENTER, good mechanic, wants work,
old or new. city or country ; reasonable.
Wilson. American hotel, 3d and Fiandera.
GET YOUR painting and tinting done now;
first-class worn. reasonaoie prices.
Phone Aut. 211-64.
STEADY, sober miller wants position as
miller in feed mill: have owned. J. B.
Hibbard. 530 E. 2Qth at. S.
EXPERIENCED relief man wants work
in kitchen. Can furnish local ref.- Call
Marshall 2R83. room 17.
JAPANESE, having experience, wants
work as bus boy or dishwasher. Call
Auto. 520-26.
EMPLOYMENT by elderly man. janitor or
general housework; rets. o ou, orego
MA RRI RED man. experienced operator of
electric motors and pumps, wisnes sieaay
position ; references, w 00a lawn 000.
PAINTING. tinting;
Auto. V22-08.
reliable estimator.
POSITION as meat cutter, in or out of city:
15 years' experience. W 3, Oregonian.
TR UCK -2 H -ton. with frefrht body, tar
bire rnone nm.iua ..
COLLEGE student desires work from 7 P
M. till 11 P. M. Phone Sellwood 1S91
LET MB DO your tinting. $3.00-94.00
room. bsroaowav .
"pOOMS t inted, 3."O-$4.0O; painting done
rt asona oie. " -
ipAEjiE boy wants position for house
work. George S. Kamaya. 50 X. 3d st,
JAPANESE experienced cook wants posi
tion tn private ianm. ' "
JAPANESE boy wants position in private
f -j tti 1 1 v n( nnuseworn. " '
Al TO and truck driver desires position.
V SO. Oregonian
YOUNG man wishes worn nan uuja,
drive Ford. Marshall 151.
JAPANESE schoolboy wants work In
phar macy. J-"- reW-
LEAKY roofs repaired and painted rea-
nnwb1v. Tabor 0324.
YOUNG man wants work after school Call
for" Ralpn Maxim. Main 7095.
NIGHT watchman or janitor, experienced
with oil burner. East 33S1.
DFLIVERY job after school and Satur
days. Pierre Milis. 323 W. Polk st.
tt t rsT V""LA S S cake baker wants oteady
f'Mon. V --4. Oregonian.
JAPANESE want job: hotel or restaurant;
any kind. Y 10O. Oregonian.
c a r PESTER Contracting, repairs, re
modenns- '"""c - " -r. 7
GET your painting, decorating and mlgn
done now.
ROOFS repaired cleaned and painted;
reasonable. Tabor 9J9.
pa ivTiVfi, tinting, papering; good work
PAINTING. tinting. prices reasonable.
worK is Ucl
BAKER'S helper; north end preferred. AK
ELDERLY man wants position as janitor
or house ma n A K 73 . Ore gonian.
RELIABLE young man and wife to take
- umall ranch. L 91. Ore eon in
Bookkeepers, PiPnosrapnrn.
CONNECTION wanted by man of 38; 15
years' general business experience, ten
' In executive capacity with present firm.
Good reason for making change; best of
local references can be furnished. W
8. Oregonian.
If your -need is trained, efficient of
fice help, call Broadway 4499. Clerical
Help Service. 431 Artisans bldg.
perience ; can take full charge and
handle credits; go anywhere. P 49,
ACCOUNTANT with several yea rs expe
rience as office manager and credit man
desires 10 locate with reliable nrm. Main
COM PETE NT accountant and bookkeeper
now employed desires extra work by the
month : reasonable. Aut. 51 1-75.
YOUNG man desires position ; five years
experience as an all-around office man;
excellent references. M 93, Oregonian.
Bookkeepers, Steoogrm pliers. Office.
H L'SKY young man. accountant. ste
nographer, well educated and expe
rienced, wishes to make change to small
concern; office work not essential; want
to learn good business, or position where
permanent, efficient hard worker will
have chance of advancement. ' S 17,
RESPONSIBLE young man of good char
acter and habits wants position in
charge of storeroom or warehouse; under
stands shipping and receiving, book
keeping and Mockkeeping; good refer
ences. V 72, Oregonian.
WE MAKE IT A POINT to ifjrnish com
petent office help promptly and private
ly. Phone us your wants. Bdwy. 514.
Portland Service Bureau. 432 Pittock
BOOKKEEPER with 0 years exp., wants
position in or out of city. Main 7496.
Soldiers and Sailor.
EX-SERVICE man wishes steady Job as
stationary gas engineer, also good boiler
man ; understand pumps. Y. M. C. A..
D. R. Smith.
LADY wishes housework, small, neat, con
genial family; am neat, with self and
work, quiet, refined, plain, economical
cook; no heavy work; references. V 85,
GOOD cook with excellent references wishes
position in private family in the city.
Addrcra O. V. Crump, 1121 South Oak
dale. Medford. Or.
NEAT-APPEARING married woman, 25
years old. wants rooming house to run
for wages or on shares, latter preferred.
S 4, Oregonian.
YOUNG reliable woman wishes position
as P. B. X. operator. Has had two
years' experience as telephone operator.
Woodlawn 1337.
NEAT, reliable young lady desires position
in small store, bakery or cafeteria; east
side preferred; willing to work. W 1,
EXPERIENCED window or store demon
strator wishes position at once. Phone
Marshall 1950, room 222, or address F
100, Oregonian.
WANTED A place to take care of chil
dren evenings while mother Is away;
references. Woodlawn 1611.
A"wOMAN of 60 years wishes position in
widower's home or will do light house
work in small family. BD 50, Oregonian.
tains done HP like new. Will call.
East 8518.
LADY wants house cleaning, other work,
hours, day; work guaranteed, Woodlawn
V 6305.
EXPERIENCED cook wants short hour
position in hotel, club or restaurant.
References. Y 98. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED woman wants work,
washing, ironing, 5 to S houus. Auto
matic 521 -02.
W A N TKD Position on private exchange
by experienced telephone operator; day
work preferred. Y 92, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED woman wants position,
grocery, bakery. References. S 7, Ore
gonian. ItE LIABLE day worker; no washing. Call
after 7 P. M. or 7:30 mornings. Main
2094. .
YOUNG lady wishes work evenings, cash
ier, sell tickets, stenography. Y 99,
L. H. S. GIRL wishes to care for chiidren
several night or afternoons a week.
Call 410 loth st.
REFINED married lady, age 2S. desires
evening employment; prefer cashier work.
S 1. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED chocolate dipper wants
evening work. East -'i9.
WANTED By young woman, work by day
or hour. Call Auto. 510-31.
A VERY clean girl would like day work.
BC 1. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED married woman will do
light work for furn. apt. Tabor 3525.
WOMAN wants nursing, plain sewing or
cleaning by day. Phone East 567, room 9.
COMPETENT woman wants day work; reL
erences. Phone Woodlawn 232S.
WOMAN wants day work - Thursday. Fri
day . East8372RojnlOO
COLORED woman wants day workjt4.ic
nour, canare. niuiie uu t. n o
GOOD laundress wishes work; not less
than 7 hrs. Woodlawn 3046.
CHILDREN cared for while shopping or
by the hour. Mrs. Rich. Main 2694.
WOMAN wants day work for Wednesday
and Friday. Woodiawn 1482.
WANTED Day work by reliable party;
a to 7 hrs. East. 1555.
Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office.
THOROUGHLY competent stenographer,
have had positions of responsibility, de
sires to locate in Portland or will con
sider good position out of town. Phone
East 1359.
WE MAKE IT A POINT to furnish com
petent office help promptly and private
lv. Phone us your wants. Bdwy. o!4.
Portland Service Bureau. 432 Pittock
r bloc k.
EXPERIENCED stenographer wants per
manent position. Can give good refer
ences; also a good recommendation.
Florence Meyer. 8620 Woodstock.
BOOKKEEPER or steno. welt exp. and
accurate in both, wants position; best of
references Main 7416-
YOUNG lady with two and half years ex
perience desires position as typist or
clerical work. Woodlawn 1 306.
Y'OUNG lady with 5 years" office experi
ence wishes position ; salary $90. Call
6 to 7:30 P. M. Main 73S4.
ASSIST, bookkeeper and general account
ing ; three years' experience. Broad wa
EXPERIENCED girl wishes office work;
has knowledge of stenography. Tabor
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog
rapher desires position. Call Marshall
EXPERIENCED stenographer, best of lo
cal reterences. Main 2M7.
WANTED Stenographic position ; excel
lent references. V 84, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po
sition. Call Broadway 5038. room 54.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper nd stenogra
pher; best of references. Main 2M7.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi
tion. Call East i'.t;'.2.
MODISTE direct from New York, will
make gowns of your own materials; also
remodeling. Prices reasonable. Main
WEARING apparel, all descriptions made,
remodeled, cleaned, dyed, pressed. Em
porium Dve Works. 549 Morrison st.
Bdwy. 4259.
DRESSMAKING Silk skirts, alterations
and children's clothes; work guaranteed.
Mrs. Ground. 407 10th st. Main 1789.
PLAIN dress-making, specially for chil
dren and working girls; very reasonable.
Call Mar. 245. Miss Turner.
DRESSMA KING, satisfaction guaranteed,
prices reasonable. 311 Central bldg. loth
8t. Main 340!s.
FIR-ST-CLAiS dressmaking; work guar
anteed and reasonable. Phone Main
DRESSMAKING and alterations done at
home; but will go out by the day. Phone
East 604.
GOOD comptometer operator wishes per
manent position. N" 55,. Oregonian.
W H ER E styles charm and prices please.
31o Selling bldg.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker, $3.50 per day.
Ta i luring. Sellwood 1 62.
Fl Ri-T-CLA SS d ressmaker w ishes engage
mcnts. Phone East 7'S0.
WANTED Dressmaking to do. Call Ta
bor 353.
PRACTICAL nurses for day or night work;
nurse for doctor's office or matron ; one
patient can be cared for In private home.
Phone East 721 1.
POSITION as matron or head nurse in an
old people's home ; experienced. Y SO.
Oregon ia n.
COM PETENT nurse will take charge gen
eral nursing or a permanent case. Call
Main K166. Three bells.
V A NTED Practical nursing. Marshall
2553. .
PRACTICAL nurse will care for one
patienr in her home. Call Tabor 7101
TR Al N" ED nurse wishes more cases, any
k ind ; will leave cit. Marshall :vi9.
PRACTICA L nurse wishes engagements.
Phone East 709.
A RESPONSIBLE person will give best
rare In a modern, up-to-date home of 1
or 2 gentlemen in exchange for horns
privileges. BC 65. Oregonian.
WANTED Good place as H. K. for wid
ower or bachelor, city or country; boy 8;
must be near school; Bo tr tiler. V S9,
WOMAN wants housekeeping position for
adults or where there a re 1 or 2 chil
dren. B ro ad way 11. Mrs. Wild .
DRESSMAKING Hats, coats or dresses,
will go out. Phone Tabor 9428.
ELDERLY woman will care for widower's
h ome. W 2. Oregonian.
ELDERLY lady wishes housework. 8 13,
Hotj?ir keepers.
IMMEDIATELY, housekeeping. two or
three men, man. one child, old couple,
by capable woman, $4.50 week, with
good home ; would leave city. BF 6,
RESPECTABLE widow with two small
children wishes position as housekeeper;
is good plain cook and capable of taking
charge of home. Call at 1507 Brandon
st. (KentonL
HOUSEKEEPING by middle-aped lady;
with girl 10; country preferred. N 63,
NEAT woman desires housework; no laun
dry. Wages 60. P 36. Oregonian.
NEAT girl would like second work ; has
city references. X 24. Oregonian.
House cleaning, window washing, carpet
cleaning by expert workmen ; floors
waxed, furniture polished like new.
188 Chapman tit. Phone Main 1157.
Tabor 463S. House cleaning, floor wax
ing and vacuum cleaning; estimator
cheerfully given. Besr of reiorence-t.
Information and
Rental Bureau.
Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable
vacant houses, apartments and flats
with definito information pertaining to
Newcomers to Portland will find this
bureau of great value in helpir.g them
gst properly and Quickly located.
Eighth Floor.
WANTED TO RENT Furnished house;
married couple with 4-year-old boy,
wants furnished house, thoroughly mod
ern, of four to six rooms. Phone Billy
Speas. Cornelius hotel. Best of refer
ences. V 77. Oregonian.
WANTED to rent by elderly lady and
daughter, small hou5e. preferably with
upstairs, or house keepinsr rooms with
private family; quiet district. V 76,
Oregon ian.
BY YOUNG couple. 4 or 5 -room furnished
house or apartment; must be f:r?t-class:
best references. Phon room MKi, Hotel
MOTHER and daughter would care for
home while owners absent for winter;
best of care. Call after 6 P. M.. Mrs.
J. A. Bratney, 291 H 49th st.. city.
BUSINESS man. permanent tenant, wants
to lease furnished or unfurnished bun
galow in Rose City Park. Call Bdwy.
12. uoo. local 65. or Auto. 317-f2.
uol. x u tM..M. 1 HUKOLiiH LY
MODERN 4 or 5-room house, close in. on
car line. State amount of rent. S 88.
WANTED by elderly couple. 5 or 6-room
furnished house, on good street. 4i.ll
E. 37th st.
WANTED House in Richmond district.
by 10th of Oct. Tabor P.'iNX.
WANTED A house, not over $25 mouth.
S IS. Oregonian.
BY YOUNG married couple, no children,
two or th ree furnished housekeeping
rooms or apartment, modern: references
exchanged ; $45 or lcs. S 20, Ore
gonian. V ANTED 4 or 5-room unfurnished flat
or apt., west side, adultd; not over $10.
Y 65, Oregonian.
A NTED Furnished 2 or 3-rm. apt., or
H. K. rooms. Phone Bdwy. 45. A&k for
Mr. Kildow.
WANTED By young business lady, good
room in private home; west side; break
fast and evening meal ; room in appart
ment house preferred. Broadway 3o52.
W" A NTED Furnished room ; s-teaiu heat,
home privileges; by middle-aged business
man ; permanent place desired. li 22,
WANTED Furnished sleeping room for
gentleman; walking distance, west side;
give pa rticulars. P 4s. oregonian.
WANTED By man and wife, two or three
unfurnished rooms, preferably heated,
west side. East 5797. Wilcox.
Atociiilr itll iioanl.
M I DDLEAGED man. unemployed, wants
room and board, with home comforts.
References given. R 4. oregonian.
YOUNG man student wants room and
board near Lincoln High. Please state
location anu price. n oregonian
YOU Nil girl employed downtown w ishes
board and room in private family where
there is no children. Mar. 4 7 7l.
WORK ING men w ish room and board
where there are other boarders. O 57,
WANTED Room-board for invalid lady.
S 19, Oregonian.
Housekeeping Rooms.
TWO MODERN furnished housekeeping
rooms or apt. on lirsi lloor; walking dis
tance. S 5. Oregonian.
ISuhincss Places.
LUMBERMAN wants to rent part of office
or deck room. Adaress AJ 5, Oregonian.
M Kcellaneuus.
WA NTED Small range with water coil ;
also chiffonier and dresser. Phone Auto
matic 316-41.
Furnished Rooms.
ANGELA HOTEL. 625 Washington at.
Under new management. Large, home
like lobby vith large fireplace ; auto
matic elevator; phones in each room.
Rami with or witoout baths Rates $5
week and up.
HOT AND cbld water, steam heat every
room; ideal location, close in; get locat
ed for winter. Transients, a home away
from home. 2o7 14th sL
124 14th SC. at Washington.
Rates $5 per week up, $1 day. Flre
prcof. large, attractive, spotless rooms;
close to amusement and shopping center.
East Morrison St., at Sixth.
The principal east side hotel ; digni
fied and refined; $1.25 per day ani up;
$6 per week aud up.
112 N. Sixth 2 blocks of depot.
$1 per day. $5 per week and up.
Hui and coid wau:, steam beat.
Free phone and baths.
Fifth and Washington sta.
Attractive rates to permanent gueata
Commodious suites for famines.
SS t Grand Ave. Thoroughly Renovated.
Rooms by the day. week or month ;
also 2 and 3-room housekeeping suites.
HOTEIi Royal, cor. East 3d and Morri
son; Clean outside rooms; steam heat,
h. and c. water in rooms, free bath and
M o rrison an d Pa r k a t ret s.
New. lireproof and inoatrn.
Special rates to permanent guests
JST. PAUL HOTEL 130 4th st. Clean,
respectable, modern ; transient $ 1 up.
Kates to permanent guests.
OUTSIDE and separate rooms; free bath,
hot and cold water. $1.50 per week. 24
Albina ave. Call EasT 8150.
HILL" CREST HOTEL. 733 Wash., nice,
modern, ho me -like rooms ; rates to per
manent guests.
HOTEL oCKLEV, Morrison at Tenth
Rates $1 a day up; weekly, $5 up; free
phone and baths.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room,
suitable for two gen Lit men. 57:; 3d St..
ii-Hr shipyards.
hAKKbuN HOTEL, rooms $2.50 per
week ; board if desired. Front and Har
rison sts.
HOTEL ARTHUR. 170 11th st. Nlca
modern, clean rooms, at transient ana
permanent rates.
Third and Main sts. Rates $5 a week
up. large rooms, attractive lobby.
OHIO HOTEL Housekeeping and sleep
ing rooms. w front, corner Jtaaltoa.
$1 DAY. $2.50 week up; ciean. baths freZ
Hotel Cadillac Third, nearJef f ersoo.
WHEELDON ANNEX Desirable outside
room. Main 6641.
FOR RENT Furnished room foe gentie
man. 2Q5 East First X.. near Hol.ada y .
GARLAND Hotel. 115 Trinity place. Hod
era outside rooms. $4 week and up.
FOR RENT Desirable outside room, suiT
able for 2; women only. Main 6641.
NICELY furnished front room, also H. K.
room. 32 I J a ek son s t . M arshall 234 1 .
Unfurnished Rooiiih.
SECOND floor. 5 rooms, also lower hall,
containing fireplace, built-in bookcases
and seats: some furniture. Adults ; 04 1,
The A lameda, Brdwy. car line.
ONE ROOM. 5th and Stark. A pplv Lr.
Loeb, Columbia Bldg.. bet. 2 and 4,
Furnished Rooms in Private Family.
TO GEN T LLM L N N icely" YurnishedTf ront
room opening on porch; hot-water heat,
student lamo, library tabic, easy chairs,
line bath, always hot water. Three
adults in family, no other roomers.
Phone 545-89 or call 525 V Montgomery
LA RciE front room. 15 by 26. colonial
fireplace, two la rice closets, choice res
idence district; for two gentlemen or
man. and wife, employed; also smaMer
otauiiui:y furnished corner room.
breakfasts. Woodlawn 67:
NICELY furnished room for rent, suithi
for 2; all home conveniences; frtis bath
and telephone, breakfast or board if da
sired; ou 2 car lines. 1252 Belmont.
Tabor 6743.
BLisT of meals and nice room in modern
home, suitable for two young men who
appreciate home privileges; near Union
and Broadway. Ea&t 6393.
and sitting room. Ladd's add.; two
gentlemen or two business women.
Last 1120.
WELL furnished room, suitable for one
or two girls, in a f irst-ciass apt., cen
tral location. Phone evenings after 6..
Marshall 345.
LARGE front room in private home, with
or without board; no other roomers.
Business men or traveling nica preferred.
Close in. East 8469.
ELEGANTLY furnished front room, lu a
swell private home, suitable for 2
yug men, twin beds. 71 Trinity Place.
N ICELY furnished front sleeping room tn
modern home. Heat, phone and bath.
434 Mill st. Phone Main 4H3.
COM PORTA BLE. small room adjoining
parlor; fine modern residence; use of
Piano and laundry; $18 a mo. Main 885.
NICK clean room, suitable for one or two,
home privileges ; plenty heat and hot
wa t e r. 39 11th st.
DESIRABLE first floor front room; gen
tleman on:y; walking distance. Bawy.
2472. 553 Hoyt st.
OUTSIDE furnished room in steam -heated
Apt., suitable for one or two gentlemen
Phone Marshall 1S54.
LARGE furnished room for rent In private
residence. 184 E. lth st. East 7822.
1 OR 2 FURNISHED rooms, light, f me
nace heat. loH7 Corbett. Mar. 499.
rKCNT ROOM in home, walking distance.
52 Lucretia. Main 467.
PLEASANT room in comfortable home,
near Montgomery-Ward; refs. Mar. 4423.
!69 14th ST., outside rooms, running water.
Walking distance. Main 38'3.
CLEAN, airy room; free bath and phone;
$10 per mo. 221 11th.
CORNER room, w ith garage;
neighborhood. Aut. 320-5.
NT E room with desk, business lady or
man. 46 Lucretla, near Wash. Mar. 2S65.
LO V ELY room, strictly modern, walking
distance. 1 or 2 employed. Main 311.
ROOM with porch, furnace heated,
week. 5S N. 20th st.
LA RG E front roimi, 1 or 2 persons, all
conveniences. Main 347S. 341 11th st.
N 1 E LY furnished clean room, running
water; walking distance. ?; N. 2t h at..
FURNISHED room. aU convenie
gent jemen only. 65 N. 21st st.
Room a With Board.
Two of the best-known residential
hotels on Pacific coast.
American plan, with or without bath.
$2.50 a day up; rates by day or month.
Meals served to transients.
NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown
higa-class family hotel : rooms en suit
or single, with or without board, for
families and business men and women.
We give you all the coca fort of a noma
reasonable rates.
SS0 Tenth st. For business girls and
students ; reasonable rates. Mar. 125L
KouM and board for business girls; all
modern conveniences; walking distance;
$5 ptr week. Auu 21-974. 12 E. 7th sr.
Rooms With Board In Private Fa mi tyT
11.00 M and board for refined young
gentleman in private family; home
privileges, modern conveniences'; walk
ing distance. 71o E. Burnedde.
FIRST-CLASS board and good room, fur
nace heat, hot water all the time; suit
able for 2 young men who would appre
ciate a good home. TAbor 4iM.
WANTED Child 4 to 6 years to board in
my country home ; references. Phone
East 132. Mrs. Norton. Or write M 87.
WANTED to board mother and child of
school age. near school, good home, reas
onable, near 17th., 555 Madison st. phone
E. 6105.
MAN AND WIFE, with one child, would
board and care for small boy or girt.
i'hoiiH Marshall
MAN WITH half-grown child can have
room and board with good family In
select neighborhood. T 72. Oregonian.
LARGE room, adjoining bath; furnace
heat: good locality. convenient car
service. Woodlawn 3170.
IF YOU want room and board in a real
home, good eats and warm room, call
East S678.
CAKE for girl or boy, 4 to 10, in private
family, near Rose City schooL Tabor
ROOM and board for 3 ladles, furnace
heat. vi alking distance ref. required.
Main 1 Uni.
BOA RD and room for 2 ladies. 2 biks.
from 2 car lines. 635 Hancock St., East
21 IS.
PRIVATE home for children. 714 Everett
st. Marshall 2162.
ON L A N D two-room apt., elect rici ty and
telephone; rent reasonable. 315 Sixth st.
FJKST-CLASS table board by week, or
month. Ca II 681 Glisan st.
ROOM and board for gentleman. Tabor
KOuM and board in private family; 1 blk.
to car line. Call Tabor S351.
N 1 'E warm room with board, close in,
west si do. Automatic 5 J 9-30.
PLEASANT ROOM with or without break
fast for lady employed. Mar. 2Q17.
H E A T E D room for gentleman, walking
distance : hoard. Phone Kat 143
IFiVINGTON 1 or 2 rooms, sleeping porch,
excell-ent board. East 6645.
Furnished Apartments.
Fifth and Columbia Streets.
Five minutes walk to Meier A: Fran Vs
store ; good surround in cs. strictly mod
ern 2 and 8 -room furnished apt a., out
side, with French doors and balcony.
t Permanent and transient.
3-ROOM, steam-heated, furnished apart
ment; like new; old ivory woodwork,
buiH-lns; sleeping porch, view of city;
vacant. The Meda apts.. 377 Vancou
ver ave.. block north of Broadway,
jusf across the bridge. Will oniy rent
under lease for one yea r. Adults only.
" " K I NGS BU RY A PTS. "
1 o Vista ave. ; nicely furnished
room apt., with 2 disappearing bed and
out side balcony: adults only. Main
Price. $75 up
JAEGER APARTMENT. 701 Washington
st. one 3-room apartment, furnished.
HIGH-CLASS 3-rm. apartment for rem.
Avai;abie at once. Kef. required; also
a suite and single rm. for gentlemen.
Mar. 2S30.
WANTED Working lady tn share 4-roon.
apt with working lady in Nob HiM di.
trict. Call Marshall 1763 after W;3Q P. M.
H TLA N D APTS.. 490 Morrison St. I room
and kitchenette. $35 per month ; sleeping
rooms. $3 per week ; adults only.
PEA BODY APTS.. 19tn a no Upshur sts
Housekeeping apartments. 1 , 2 and 3-rm
Meam heat; reasonable Broadway 1546
UtiS 16th St.. near Ta y ior.
5-room furnished apartment.
TH K EE lipht clean room a pts.. phone,
bath same floor; no children. 402 Park
FURNISHED apartment, two rooms and
kitchenette; gas. lights, heat furnished.
!:;; North ISih st.
UNION AVE. and Killingsworth $23.50;
all complete; concrete building.
FURNISHED apartments; also sleeping
rooms. 1 7 S 1 - E. Glisan st. Tabor 7U25.
HO'.'SEK EEPING suite, furnished. 224
16th N.
VILLA ST. CLARA Three-row rornisned
apartment: references
$4". CLEAN, attractive, newly furnished
3-R. Apt.; 394 Guild, Guild Apts.
MORTON Apts.: 3-room furnished Apt",
607 Washington t. Main loA
2 ROOM apt., 440 E. Rurnside. near 7th.
I'nfu rn lulled A partmen tn.
Most beautiful viewpoint in Portland,
overlooking entire city, river and moun
tains; mere are iour, live ana six-room
unfurnished apartments renting from SOO
and up per month. Call Gordon Court
apartments, 16th and Montgomery sta.
6-RajOM. uniurnifrhed apt. Broadway 435).