THE MOUSING OltEGOXIAX, WEDXESDAT, OCTOBER 6. 1920 lo, K V SHE m HOPEFUL E MARKET TENDING UP Demand for Feeder and Breeding Stock Strong. IOE30I IOEIOI ionoi lonoc locaoi ioexox IOE301 IOEIOI ionoi IOE301 ionoi ionoi S. & H. Green Trading Stamps Will Be Given On All Charge Accounts if Paid in Full on or Before the 10th of Each Month VALUES ARE ADVANCING Improvement In Situation in Large Tart Due tot Confidence in Harding's Election. There has been a decided improve ment In the sheep market recently. Values have advanced with heavy cruyins and sheepmen view- the future with confidence. The trading oper ations of the last month have almost cleaned the producing- sections east of the mountains of feeder and " breeoHngr stock. The growers ascribe not a little of the improvement to the practical certaintly of Sir. Hard inr" election. . Two months ago sheep values In eastern Oreson and Idaho were almost nominal. There was no demand, and with no buyers in the field there was no market. The prospect was anything but encouraging: to sheep men. Throughout the east and west prices were on the downgrade and the growers faced a winter season that seemed to promise eerious finan cial losses. All this has now been changed and the condition that exists is one of strength. Buying In the sheep coun ties has become brisk, with prices steadily advancing, and. the demand for feeders is greater than the sup Ply. The heavy purchasing of breed ing1 ewes demonstrates plainly the confidence of sheepmen that the in dustry is on a sound basis. There is a shortage of sheep, as well as cattle and other livestock,, in the country, and when the markets be come adjusted to the new economic basis the supply condition should keep prices stable. This readjust ment has already taken place in the theep industry. Warehoune Man Optimistic. T. J. Mahoney, general manager of the Columbia Basin Wool Warehouse company, who has just returned from a trip through Idaho, found the sheep market in excellent shape in tbat state. "The country is in good physical condition." said Mr. Mahoney. "There was a fine corn crop and a big hay yield and with feed in abundance the sheep industry has taken on new life. Buying has been very active of late, to such an extent that the feeder lambs have now been almost entirely told out. Ordinarily a good many feeders are still left unsold at this time of the year. "Sections like Condon and Heppner do not produce early lambs, but go in for feeders. These have all been cleaned up in these sections in the past two weeks. "Ten cents a pound is being paid for mixed lambs in the country now. They were selling as low as 8 cents earlier in the season. "With the lambs gone, the wethers are beginning to move. Two-year-olds were sold at Nam pa at 7 cents, which is almost as much as they are bringing in the markets. EffH In Good Demand. "Trading in ewes has become very brisk. Two outfits in Harriey county old their ewes, 2700 in one bunch and 2300 in the other, two- and three-year-olds, at $13 a head and several bunches of yearling ewes were sold "at $11.50 to $13 a head. These prices are less than prevailed last year, but considerably more than ewes were selling for recently. Sixty days ago they could not be sold at all. "A feature of the trading is the demand that has como from Montana for Oregon ewes. Both breeding stock and feeders are wanted at advancing prices throughout the country because of the abundance and reasonable price cf feed. "Stockmen feel that the bottom of the market has been reached, and there is everywhere confidence that the sheep situation will further im prove." HOWIE CARE TO BE TAUGHT Chehalis Red Cross Chapter Plans Beneficial Teachings. CHEHALIS. "Wash., Oct. 5. (Spe cial. Chehalis Red Cross chapter, whose list of auxiliaries includes up ward of 40 local organizations in Lewis county, has plans about com pleted for work of a most practical and helpful character. Miss Robert eon, trained nurse, who saw active service in Serbia, will have charge of the instruction of a series of classes in home care of the sick. Classes will be held at various Im portant centers in various parts of the county, Mineral, Morton and Kandle in eastern Lewis county; pos sibly at Mossyrock, a little further west; Onalaska, Toledo, Wlnlock, Na pavine, Vader in the central and southern part of the county, and at Pe Ell. Dryad, Doty and possibly Klaber in the western part. There will be two classes st Chehalis. Best Butter $1.35 : No deliveries except with other purchases made in the Grocery Department. Glenwobd But ter is put up expressly for this stofe. qr Specially priced for today's sale, 2 lbs. 3-LOtJ Gem Nut Margarine, 2 pounds for 700 PORTLAND AGENCY FOR CARTER KNIT , UNDERWEAR ALL STYLES AND WEIGHTS Olds, Wortman & King The Standard Store of the Northwest Entire Block Morrison, Tenth, West Park and Alder Streets ELECTRIC CLEANERS . $5 DOWN AND $5 A MONTH DEMON STRATION ON 3D FLOOR Girls' Hats at 50c - Basement Millinery Misses' and Children's Tarns, Trimmed Hats and Banded Hats in black, -white, navy, brown and two-tone effects. Velvet, corduroy Kf and velveteen materials. Many styles; at w ednesday SAVING SALE J pip ft.: "ftl"'" . I; lis' 1 w tMi ..! 5 WHY SUFFER From Indigestion and Constipation, causing nerv ous headaches, sleepless, nights, and iacK or appe tite, when BARK ROOT TONIC ywill assist you 1 11 1 S in the Basement S 1 tore! . Basement Sale Women's Coats $19.95 Basement Splendid serviceable Coats in plain ma terials and mixtures. Very latest Fall models with or without belts. Some have fur collars, others have large convertible collars of self materials. Excellent range of the season's best CI Q OFC Special at D A colors. Wonderful values. -Coats at $12.50 Basement About one hundred coats in this special lot. Many of them were formerly priced at $22.50 to $25.00. Made up in tweeds, kersey, velour and other good materials for Fall and Winter wear. Samples and odd lines grouped for (JJ-f O Krt quick selling. Priced very special at DJ-J" Skirts $3.98 Basement Just such Skirts as every woman has need for at this time of the year. Made up in good quality jersey in serviceable colors. Samples and odd garments in several smart 6tyles. JQ QQ Priced special in the Basement Store, at ioO0 $2.48 Dresses $1.39 Basement Women's House Dresses of good quality percale. - Attractive styles with embroidered yoke and trimmed with bands of contrasting material. Choice of many different patterns. Regular $2.48 I- OQ Dresses, priced special, a & .Uw Sateen Petticoats at $1.49 Basement Black Sateen Petticoats of splendid' quality offered at a very special price for today's selling. Styled with fancy flounces, P1 A Extraordinary values at Women's Waists - Special $1 Basement This is a sclean-up lot many different styles, but only one or two of a kind. Tailored and fancy models. Shop early (J-! ff for first choice. Special DJ.UU Basement Sale of Silks $1.69 Yd. Basement Plain Taffetas, Messalines, Georgette Crepes and Crepes de Chine in a large selection of the leading Fall shades for dresses, waists, petticoats, Q- rQ linings, etc. Lengths 5 to 15 yards a yard D-L.O Corduroys $1.59 Yard Basement Costume Corduroys in black, white, rose, gray, blue, green, tan and brown. Just the right weight for dresses, skirts and "children's coats. 32 inches J- JTQ wide. On special sale today in Basement, yard wl.DJ We Give S. & H. Stamps Remnant Sale Remnants of Dress Goods and Silks good useful lengths for dresses, skirts, waists, linings, children's dresses, etc., offered at good savings. Hundreds of pieces to select from in the most wanted materials. Plan to shop early in the day and get first choice. S, & H. Trading Stamps. Basement "Pit" Toilet Paper Special 10 Rolls Basement Limit 10 rolls to a cus tomer. No telephone, C. O. D. or mail orders. Large rolls of 3"j (( 1000 sheets. 10 rolls for $1 Basement Sale of Housekeepers' es Suppli HUCK TOWELING of good firm quality. 18 inches wide. On OQp special sale today the yard wl HUCK TOWELS, size 18x36 inches. Heavy grade and very ab- Oftp sorbent. Basement special, at Owl TABLE CLOTHS in blue-and-white Japanese patterns. Size60x (PO OC 60 inches. Basement Sale D00 OUTING FLANNEL 27 inches wide. Excellent quality for OKn gowns, pajamas, etc. a yard OOl BLEACHED MUSLIN 25 inches wide. Good heavy grade for 1 f general purposes; at, the yard XOl HUCK TOWELS, size 17x32 inches. Full bleached with plain bor der. Basement special each CURTAIN MATERIAL in plain and bordered effects. 36 inches wide. White or ecru color. Spe- OPT cially priced for this sale, yard iOl 22c Women's Corsets $1.98 Basement Sale! Odd lines of high-grade Corsets offered at a special low price. Royal Worcester, "P. N." and Miller makes. High, low and medium busts. Front and back-laced styles. Fancy white and pink coutil materials. Sizes 19, 20, j-1 QQ 21, 29, 30. Priced very special at D -- O Envelope Chemise at $1.75 Basement Women's Envelope Chemise in sev eral dainty 6tyles trimmed with laces, headings, etc Made up in fine soft materials. QQp Regular $1.48 values priced special at fO' Outing Flannel Gowns Speciai 98c Basement Women's - Night Gowns of fancy striped outing flannel. Cut in full, generous sizes and well made. Several styles ryp? in this lot. On sale in the Basement 5J-i O Band Aprons At 39c Basement Women's Banded Aprons of pink, blue and gray striped per cale. These are well made and OQn are of excellent quality. Only OIV Umbrellas $1.59 Basement Women's Umbrellas with strong frames and rain-proof covers. Choice selection of novelty JTQ handles. Priced special at D-LOi Men's New Fall Ties 50c Basement Sale Men! Here is a great opportunity to buy a year's supply of neckwear at small cost! A fortunate pur chase enables us to offer several hundred new Fall Ties in an immense assortment of new and desirable patterns- stripes, plaids, checks, figures, etc., PA in every wanted color and combination; at OuC Men's Gloves $1.75 Basement Genuine Buckskin Gloves, outseam sewn with ball and socket fasteners. Many stores ask $2.25 and more for Gloves of this kind. (PI rrr 200 pairs on sale today in Easement; pair J O Wool Hose 49c Basemen t Men's 65c Black Cashmere Hose," the pair 49c Men's . Black Cotton Hose, sizes 10 to "i Q 11 the pair, at lv MEN'S UNDERWEAR Shirts and Drawers in good weight. Wool-finish garments. Shirts sizes 36 to 44 Drawers, sizes 32 to 44. On spe- GQ cial sale today in the Basement Underprice Store the garment, only Ol Silk Camisoles At $1.19 , Basement Women's Silk Camisoles in several dainty styles. Trimmed with laces, ribbons,, etc. CJ1 "I Q New lot just received; at D J- Sale of Notions and Small Wares -Bargain Circle, Main Floor SPOOL SILK 50 yards; all 7Kf shades. 10c value. Per dozen Olx Skirt and Trouser Hangers at 70 Lisle Elastic, -in., white, yard 70 50 yards Silk Luster Mending Cot ton, priced special in this sale at 40 Uncle John's Thread, 100 yards to the spool several colors; special 80 Defender Safety Pins, a card 40 Sonomor or Reval Dress Snaps in black or white; good sizes, dozen 20 Pitch's Bachelor Buttons, a box 60 Warner's Black Combs, only 150 Hair Receivers and Puff Boxes 500 Imitation Ivory Combs at, each 350 Imitation Ivory Trays priced 500 severe case. your "Remember the label. See that it bears the tquaw. Accept no ubstltutes. For sale at all reliable drug' gists, or write CELRO KOLA COMPANY Portland Oregon Sole Manufacturers 1922 Pieces Will Be Sold at 29c This Sale Affords A Saving of to This morning the Basement Housewares Store will launch another Great Sale of White Enameleo Ware. Our. last event of this kind was a record for crowds and values, but we have been planning for months to make this the greatest sale of Enamel Ware ever held in Portland. This carload came from the best factory in America. Their "seconds" run as well as "firsts" from many other makers. On account of the bulky nature of the goods and great quantity that will be sold, we cannot promise deliveries until the day following purchase. For your guidance the comparative prices quoted are on "firsts." 2416 Pieces Will Be Sold at 98c Lipped Sauce Pans 1 -qt. $ .70 size at 470 1-qt. $ .90 size at 590 2- qt. $ .95 size at 630 2Va-qt. $1.10 size at 730 3- qt. $1.3Q size at 870 4- qt. $1.45 size at 080 Convex Sauce Pans With Covers 4-qt. $2.40 size at $1.58 6-qt. $3.00 size at $1.88 Convex Kettles With Cover 6-qt $3.00 size at $1.88 10-qt. $4.10 size at $2.68 Straight Sauce 'Pots With Covers 6-qt. $3.00 size at $1.88 8-qt. $3.70 size-at $2.25 10-qt. $4.10 size at $2.68 .Convex Sauce Pots With Covers 4-qt. $2.40 size at $1.58 6-qt. $3.00 size at $1.88 8-qt. $3.70 size at $2.25 10-qt. $4.10 size at $2.68 Taper Pudding Pans 1- qt. $ .70 size at 450 - 2- qt. $ .85 size at 550 22-qt. $ .90 size at 600 3-. qt. $ .95 size at 650 4- qt. $1.10 size at 700 Flaring Drinking Cups 3t-pint 55c size at 290 1-pint 60c size at 390 Saucers for above at 290 Straight Sauce Pans With Covers 6-qt. $3.00 size at $1.88 Straight Mugs --pint 60c size at 290 - 1-pint 70c size at 470 Handled Bake Pans -2- qt. $ .96 size at 630 -2-qt. $1.10 size at 730 -3- qt. $1.25 size at 830 Basting Spoons -12-inch 30c size a$ 230 -14-inch 40c size at 290 -16-inch 50c size at 330 Coffee Pots and Tea Pots 1- qt. $2.40 size $ .98 l'i-qt. $2.75 size $1.48 2- qt. $2.95 size $1.68 3- qt. $3.25 size $1.88 Water Dippers 1-pint $1.00 size at C90 Mixing Bowls 1-qt. $ .80 size at 480 3- qt. $1.00 size at 680 98c-Choice-98c 2416 pieces at this price. Come and get your share. IN THE SALE. 6-qt. Lipped Sauce Pans 3-qt. Convex Sauce Pans and covers 6 - qt. Lipped Preserve Kettles 3-qt. Convex Sauce Pans 6-qt. Deep Pudding Pans 3-qt. Deep Stew Pans 1-qt. Tea or Coffee Pots M edium size Open Chambers without covers. 6-qt. Dairy Pans " 3-qt. Pot and Cover 13-inch Wash Basins 2-qt. Covered Buckets 3-qt. Convex Kettle and cover Shallow Stew Pans IVi-qt. $ .90 size at 590 2- qt. $ .95 size at 630 2i-qt. $1.25 size at 750 3- qt. $1.50 size at 980 Seamless Double Boilers 1- qt. $3.20 size $1.98 IVi-qt. $3.55 size $2.33 2- qt. $3.70 size $2.47 3- qt. $4.55 siza $2.98 Seamless -Tea Kettles 4-qt. $4.25 size at $2.83 5-qt. $5.00 size at $3.35 6-qt- $5.60 size at $3.75 Dairy Pans lV4-qt. $ .70 size at 470 2- , qt. $ .80 size at 530 2-qt. $ .20 size at 590 4- qt. $1.10 size at 690 5- qt. $1.40 size at 880 Water Pails 12-qt. $3.50 size at $1.98 Deep Dish Pans -10-qt. $2.60 size at $1.68 -14-qt. $3.00 size at $1.88 -17-qt. $3.55 size at $1.98 Wash Basins -11-inch $1.00 size at 680 -12-inch $1.25 size at 780 -13-inh $1.40 size at 980 Soup and Dinner Plates - 9-inch 60c size now 290 -10-inch 70c size now 290 Chamber Pails With Covers -10-qt. $3.95 size at $2.63 Basement Housewares Store HIM '", IOEIOI IOQ01 IOC IOE30 o D O o n o o n o n o o D o o n D o o n o o u o n o o u o o a o a o o a o o a o n o D o D o II o D o o u iS IOEIOI ionoi IOEIOI IOCSOI