s' THE 3IORMXG -OREGOXIAX,- TUESDAY, OCTOBER o, 1920 23 FOB SAJ.E. llano. Organs mnd Moatcal lnwtrumnt. USED TALKING MACHINES, At Unusually Low Price. 11 in tiood Condition, Email machine, 6 records $15.00 Hraalt Victor. 6 records $110.00 Kmalt Columbia, 6 records f-5.00 rimall Victor, b records $.3.j.OO Kdison Cabinet, 12 records $:W.f0 Unola Cabinet. 12 records ftiO.OO Mradavart Cabinet, 20 records. - .Srto.OO Victor Cabinet. 19 records $100.00 Columbia Cabinet, 10 records. . .$110.00 Columbia Cabinet. 12 records $120.00 $ to $10 cash: $:; to $7 monthly. SCKWAN PIANO CO.. 301 10th.. cor. Stark. Open Saturday Evenings. Furniture for Sale. $20 STEEL BEDS FOR $13.85. We invite comparison. If you can find values that approach these, then the lauKh la on us we can't ! Wedge locks that means rijridity. Two-Inch posts that typifies their maaalvencss. And to top it all, the finish is baked on to stay. whit, ivory or Vernla Martin. Money refunded if not perfectly satisfied. MISH FURNITURE CO 1S8-1D0 First St. 2Lt- HAND FURNITURE for sale; ex-storage place, must be sold today for half pries, less than you have to pay at -d-hantl stores, consists of dressers, rugs, din in a tables, chairs, rockers, sectional bookeses, Victor phonograph and rec ords and other goods. bCi First street. Take S. car. MAH()(iANY FURNITURE. SH E RATON ;o-in. mahogany table -nd chairs, upright Knabe piano, carved arm chairs and small reception chairs ; also general household furniture. Call East 1844. No dealers. PRIVATE SALE Handsome Jacobean din ing room furniture, U pieces, $11; book case, large mirror, pictures, china, glass, X window curtains, etc., at 812 Marshall ht. Call or phone Marshall 3356 between 1 and 5 P. M- DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or io California, We can save you money on your freight in our through crs; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co., 248 Pine at. ft ROOMS furniture for sale, including kitchen range, on Wilton rug, 3 Ax minster rugs. Victor ta Iking machine, records and other household goods. 338 Bast 44th st. South after 10 A. M. BKD, SPK1NUS, mattress, gat range, gas water heater, hea ring stove, sanitary rouch, baby bed, high chair, sulkey, tub. aH Wdln. 4HS3. FOR SALE by owner, complete furnishings of mx-room house, including carpets, pictures, china and kitchen ware. No dealers. 3tt Larrabfe st. IS INCH side oven Acorn gas range, Acorn triple-coil water heater, almost new. 314 Guild St.. apt. B. Take '-Md-t. car. SAVE ha.f of the freight by naving your furniture shipped m pool cars. Call East 831. Pacific Storage & Delivery Co. RANGES from $10 up; also some bargains in rook ftoves and heaters. 385 Eaat "Washington. HIGH-CLASS furniture reflnishing done, large or small lots. Frascr Mfg. Co., 133 E. Water st. PhoneE. 693; OAK DRESNER, J JO ; chest of drawers, $10; white iron bedstead. $7; Universal heat ing stove. $-. Marshall Jtf4.'., iOK SALE Oak extension dining room table and asbestos cover: also small ten ter table. Marshall 31KJ3. FOR .SALE Very chVap. a lm- quarter Hawed rolid oak side boa rd and dining table. Can be seen 45 North 5th st. FOR SALE Iron bed, folding bed, sani tary coui'hcs, chairs and many huu&e hold goods. 301 11th st. gT A BLACK Stay black ), the greatest heat tesisting stove polish In existence ; 2oC bottle. Crown Furniture Co.. 200 Fifst. ONE Bridge-Reach range with hot water coils and one No. 8 heating stove, same make Price- $0. East IftflO. 4 ROOMS furniture for 215 3d st. sale very cheap. LEAVING town; lot of new furniture for sale. 6405 82d st. S ,E. M. C. car. Office Furniture. OFFICE equipment of every description; decks, chairs, tables, filing cabinets, both new and used.. ,D. C. Wax, 31 1S Fifth street, roadway "2739. Poultry. WHITE LEGHORN hens, $1.25; White Leghorn pullets, $1 and up. Tabor 6S03. C34H Mth st. S. E. I WANT White 1-eghorn pullets. Wdln. 378. 1H45 Mississippi ave,. log. Babbit, Biros, Pet Stock. FOR SAL -3 thoroughbred New Zealand Red does and tine bu-k; also hutches and fed ; $-'Q. East 535. FOR SALE Full-biooded EngUsn setter male pup. 1414 Esther ave., Vancouver, V ash. IOX TERRIER, mother and puppy; Bos ton terrier puppies. Tabor 315K. MALE Boston terrier, registered. Call aft ernoons. 913 Kearney, bet. 21st and 22d. FOR SA LE Fine-bred guinea pig. efh. Address box 1-4. Lents, Or. $1 ST ANDREASBERG Roller Singer, 2 yrs.. and females. 3!o Shaver. 'Wdln. 3652. FOR SALE 1 thoroughbred Scotch collie puppy, male. Call Tabor 6125 . 6T. ANDREASBERG roller and brass cage; i4tvin city. Marshall 1405. Launches and Boats. FOR PALE Houseboat, partly furnished, including piano, gas range and water heater- porcelain bath, electricity and city water: located at Oregon Yacht duo : an ideal place to live. 13 Oregon V acht club. Phone Sellwood 2211. Machinery. MACHINERY WANTED. 2 CENTER Pl'M P B A LLAST CARS, STANDARD GAUGE, STANDARD TYPE. R 9, . ORE -, GOMAN. FOR SALE k Singer shoemaker sewing machine arm small tools. 945 Missis sippi ave. Phono Wdln. 5275. WANTED to rent. 2 lathes; 14, 16 or 18 inrh F 07. Oregonian. Typewriters, BEBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. $50 com p. eta with carrying case; supplies for a.l makes. E. W. FEA3E CO., 110SIxth St Main 2?85. "f)"OANB GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE. All makes overhauled; experts. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy. fceil. Rent and Exchange. Vain 6397. Supplies. 263 Oak St. &1EC1 A L VALVE USED TYPEWRITERS Firsl-class machines low ' prices 30 dayi only monthly terms If desired. KBMI.NGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. S8 Broadway. Broadway 621. AL.Lt MAKES; sold, rented and exchanged; tormi if desired; send for retail price. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. fll Washington St.. N. W. Cor. th. EARUAIN IN ROYAL, TYPEWRITER. 'tw, latest style Royal;, quick sale $75. f 4. Oregonian. -- 'OR HALK Royal typewriter, fine shapt, See Cowne, 61ft Oregonian bldg.. iionn today NEW. rebuilt, wconu-iiand rentals at cut rates. P. 13. Co. 231 Stark. Main 1407. --JLLL MAKEd rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. V 5th it Main 368S I'nBRWOOP No. !. . perfect condition. eneap tor casn. 3l Artisan Dig g. M iMcellaneoun. FIRST-il.AS t'hevrolet bug for aaie at sat-riflee; leavtnar town at once. Frank Rodham. Hroadway S'E KTWATER and Concord grapes. 7c. delivered; alao quinces. 1014 E. Clay'. Tabor 1702. PEARS for rale. Call at 1513 E. Morrison si. Rrlng a box. $15 BUYS adding machine; adds 7 figures MM Corbelt bldg. Mar. S57. LfcAKV roofs repaired and painted rea ronable. Tal'Qr 1324. SLAB and block wood, mixed, special in two-load lota. Wdln. 4H2. Oregon Kuei. FOR SAL.E 125. Jood heating stove. . Tabor TMS HIGHEST PRICE paid for clothing, furniture and junk. Call Main 45t4. bLOCK WOOD, slab wood, mixed. 2-ioad lotfc, special prices. East 2041. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners, $1 per day oellvered anywhere. Wdln. 3495. GAS WATER heater and boiler for sale. 512 Panama bldg. FOR SAI.E East 7425. -Dark brown hair comibings. GENUINE Alaska red fox; prime raw only $45. Evenings. Tabor "055. fur; $0-GAL ROOT BEER syrup. 1-3 less than wholesale. Main 597. OENU1NE seal choker for sale; never worn: reasonable. East 365. FOR 8AI.E 12-gauge Winchester s;un. Tabor 2644 evenings. FOB 8AU. Miscellaneous. NEW LINE NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS, ftc and Penny Keys. OAK AND .MAHOGANY FINISHES. Prices $75.00 $UO $150 Full line of second-hand and rebuilt National registers, fully guaranteed by THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. Liberal allowance for old Registers. J. R. MUMiLV, Sales Agent. Bdwy. 116. 390 Stark S. SEW, SEW, SEW. SEW. Phone Sellwood 1071. ' NO AGENTS EMPLOYED. Sewing machines cleaned, timed, ad Justed, repaired, bouni, sold, rented, supplies and attachments, power and mtg. machines; motors, shafting and tabiea installed; everything m needles. Phone Sellwood 1Q7L NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Rather than return our salesmen s samples to the factory, consisting of raincoats, motorcoats and leather costs, we have p-Iaoed them oa sale to the pub lic at wholesale price. UNITED RUBBER CO.. 72J Morgan tifdg. "NEW TUNES FOR OLD" Swap your old records and piano rolls for new selections or slightly used; used records at 2rc. 35c, Sue; new Q. R. S. rolls, Victor, Columbia, Pathe, Emerson. Okeh records at money saving prices ; also all the late hits. PACIFIC RECORD EXCHANGE. 131 11th at. L'SKD electric vacuum- -cleaners- in first class mechanical condition at a big sav ing; a few hand vacuum cleaners, $1 WbCOTTi ELBCTRIC COMPANY, bl Fifth SC SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. Easy terms it de sired. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO.. 105 Second at. Main 2045. SEWING machines, new and second-band sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 943L SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 100 Third st., near Taylor. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. Irons, heaters, toasters, vacuum clean ers, etc. We buy, sell and exchange everything electrical. Broken iron cords repaired tree. Hynson Electric Co.. Fifth and Pins sta. Broadway 4203. FOR SALE One set of the Harvard c'a?sics, Cambridge edition, in 50 volumes-;" -bound m crimson silk cloth; have never-been used. Will seil for $60. Phone Main M42 any day between U A. M. and' 10 A. M. HOT-WATER tanks, 30-gaI.. $7; 40-gal., $! : tested and guaranteed ; stove and furnace coils, gas beaters installed; ex pert plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding Shop,. 203 Adams st. East Sole. WHY AN eerlasting aggravation by a leaky roof? Why not a permanent and cc in for table roof T We repair, rubber bond and rejuvenate all' kinds of leaky ri-'ofs. Work guaranteed. Main 5560." 1 SoFT- drink . fixtures for sale; bar and back bar with three mirrors; elegant natures, tobacco case, candy . case aua cigar case; must be sold at once. Pals club, 1'35 First, corner Main. GOOD size white potatoes. $2.50 per hun dred; cabbage for kraut. $1.5o uer hun dred; good turnips. 3 cents per pound; will deliver loo pounds or more free. Call Wood lawn 62i. TWO WAYS If you have a diamond and want tne cash or hav the .cash and want a diamond., call in and talk it over. Miller's Clearing House tor Diamonds, . next door to. Majestic theater. , FURS FURS. Above high rent Below high prices. THE FUR SHOP. 606 Swetland BIdg., 5th at Washington. NEW "SINGERS' $5 down. $3 monthly. Expert sewing machine repairing. MORRISON STREET SINGER STORE, 3S2 Morrison. Marshall 721. SAI'ES New and second-hand ; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO., Broadway I!66. 48 Front St. IS ED electric washing machines; bargains. SCOTT ELECTRIC COMPANY. Filth and Oak Sts. FOR SALE National register, one penny up; Hobard electric coffee grinder, num ber floor cases; counter cases, ice box, peanut roaster. 242 Salmon st,' ONE ELECTRIC coupe V2h One current rectifier $125 100 wooden decoy ducks $10 dozen STABLE at 876 Hawthorne ave. LICENSED independent electrician wires 3 rooms for (12, 5 rooms $20 ; all new materials used and guaranteed to pass inspection. Woodlawn 311. -LENGTH SEA LINE COAT, $160. THE FUR SHOP. Above High Rent. Below High Prices. 6QS Swetland-BIdg., 5th at Washington. AT NEWMAN'S GUN STORE YOU CAN RENT A SHOTGUN - OR RIFLE. 128 First st.. near Alder. Main 4405. LET US wash your rugs with the Hamil ton Beach carpet washer without re - moving from. the floor; work guaranteed c 1 ean and sanitary. Woo d I a w n 1259. 3S-in. skunk-trimmed, near-seal coat $300. THE FLR SHOP. Above High Rent Below High Prices. 60ti SwcUandBjlg.,uth at Washington. HOT-AIR furnace. perfect, 355A, suit able for 8 or 10-room house, good con dition: 40-galloh tank with stand. In quire W. E. P., 67 Broadway, near Oak. DOUBLE service raincoats and overcoats, 2 coats "in on, made to measure, for women and men, at half price. 655 Al berta street, corner 17th street. FOR SALE A fine gas range, also job printing outfit for sale cheap. Tabor 303. 1229 E. Ash. MuVING picture camera for sale. 1350 cash; will teach you the business. 707 Minnesota ave. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. iati or write ur. Dean. 234 ft Morrison st- ... DIAMOND tor sale. 11-3 carats, "perfect." Can be seen at 600 Main st.. Vancouver, We buy, sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy's. 329 Washington st. CEDAR posts, large size; get a carload; get ten -carloads. H, Goodrich. H. S, box S04. Lents. Or. LADIES SAVE High-grade used appareL Prices moderate. J 132 E. Glisan street. Montavilla car to 3Utl. Tabor 2825. - RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton Beach electric carpet washer; also lacuum cleaning done. East 4045. SAFE Slightly used,. -fine snape, half price. 306 Oak st. Phone Broadway U : t 1." I . I , I LJ .ueac Fas tt.. . ...... 1 , oox. wan cases; numoer or. otner fixtures tfrniB. -J4J Salmon st. 1-UALLON gasoline pump, with 2K0-gallon tank, all in good order. Tabor 1DS7. -538 IV 41it IN. . . CiBLOCO pipeless furnaces for sale, $60.45 and $135. For further Information call East 4567. 329 Benton St.. Portland. LADY'S brown - Imported French broad cloth suit, half price; worn .once. Call Main 3132. DIAMOND Perfect stone,. rt2-100 K.. value . 4"i; win take oou. Apply AG 3. Ore FOR SALE Bargain, safes., wall cases, gas range, umorfiia case. Toot railing, draft' arm. counter, bread cas.es. 2,42" Salmon A TICKET by the' way of ' Kansas Citv St. Louis and caFtern' Illinois for sail cheap. Tabor 7o5. SHIPYARD WOOD-CO. BDWY. OSB. EVE., SELL. 144. Heavy cordwood and wreckage wood.1 LARGE mahogany cabinet talking ma chine. $275 size; wiil sell reasonable by 1SI..A ry an.ij.-srv. r i, tt .set.-, ermine . trimmed. A beautiful set at half prlue. main oi.. - FOR SALE Beautiful $150 moleskin cape vuii&i, cii .-'. win taae iioerty FIR WOOD In lots from 2 cords and tin For further information inquire R 3' Oregonian . SMALL counter .refrigerator, silverware dishes. East 102. 2S7 Morris st. - ' ONE PAIR splendid diamond ear screws price - reasonable. X 14, Oregonian. ' GENUINE white Alaska fox furs. 531-29. 1 SH Lownsdale st. VERY fine office desk, also law books Call 4119 Spalding bldg. SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sa.t Pacific Tent & Awning Co.. 1 N. 1st at! OHIO vacuum cleaners sold, repaired rent ed $1 day, delivered. Woodlawn 1259. POTATO sacks, grain sacks, bargain prices 153 Front s:.. near Morrison bridge. COATS, turs, suits, gowns and evening dresses, slightly worn. Main 9367. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st St.. near Ash. VACUUM cleaners sold, rented, repaired exchanged, bought. Bentley. Main 4907.' CORDWOOD t-ft. old growth, reasonable second grade. Woodlawn 2132. 1 BYES tested free:, spectacles guaranteed Dr. Belding. 245V, Alder st. .Main 1W'. SAFE Fireproof safe. 29x18x18. in good order. P 60. Oregonian. DECOY ducks lor sal. Tabor 10SS. - KOB MLE. Miscellaneous. FLOWER PLANTS FOR SALE. If you want flowers from spring to fall, plant perennials now; extra choice plant for sale; prices reasonable. - ('all 1067 Senate St., Laurelhurst. Tabor 3253. HAMILTON-BEACH electric carpet wash ing machine, just received: you can make an independent living with this machine, tiee it. Kay terms. Hynson Electric Co., 302 Pine st. Bdwy. 42:i. COME out to Xew Era Sunday and gel sweet corn, 15 cents dozen; cabbage, onions and hubbard squash in any quan tity. Phone 14B14 through Oregon City. W. -S. King. 00 WHITE LEGHORN year-old hens, t each; ify mile east Courtney station. 3d house on Hill road. Phone Oak Grove ' T.3-W. SNAPS IN" STORE FIXTURES. Candy showcase and scale, cigar case, counter cases, cash register, coffee urn, tables and chairs, fountain. 113 2d. st. WHITE rotary machine, like new, for sale Tuesday for $30. 1106 East 32d St. North, and 48 quarts of fruit. ONE OAK table with 2 drop leaves, en ameled white; 2 fine table lamps, very ' reasonable. Tabor leu 3". ' FOR SALE White silk net evening gown, silver eud trimming, size IS. Tabor 2!r!l7 or 82S7. GLASS show-case, fioor style, for cigars or candies. Stiller'a Cigar store, Broadway and Stark. WOOD Block and slabwood mixed stove wood lengths, $0.50. Prompt delivery. East side orders preferred. Bdwy. 2537. FURNITURE of all kinds; child's high chair, oil stove, wood stove; also ladies.' clothing, furs. ' Phone Sellwood 23H0. FOR SALE Beautiful set of mink furs. Worn only once. Cost new $300. Will sell for 1?0. Call Tuesday East 1706. FOR SALE A. B. combination gas or wood range; best of condition; $70. 704 Everett st. PERENNIAL plants and bulbs. 30 different kinds: lily of the valley. Ooc doz. ; ; line Canterburys. Tatior 4510. t KNITTING machine; read full page ad of same in Ladies Home Journal. Call Wood lawn 351. LADIES looking for hats to match leather coats or serviceable rain hats, come to Awde's Hat Shop. 13th and Morrison. OVERCOAT, wool, size 40: wool trou.-ers, 34x36: almost new, cheap. Call morn ings Bdwy. 4594. LARGE range for sale. Phone East 024.3. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. USED-CAR BARGAINS. You' should see these cara to appreciate their value: . ' 1919 MAXWELL, five good tires 80O 1918 DODGE. 3 cord tires... 900 1918 MAXWELL." B-passen- ger. new- paint 700 1920 DORT, 5-p., like new.. 1000 1917 OAKLAND sedan, new paint '. -- 50 HAINES light 6. 5-pass 950 1919 ELGIN, 5-p.. like new.. 900 1919 THEVROLET. extra equipment ...... "750 M ARM OX 34-B. 8 wire wheels, cord tires , 2250 BABY GRAND CHEVROLET MITCHELL, 6-cyl., 5 cord tires 1919 OVERLAND 90. 5 new tires 1920 CHEVROLET, extra equipment 775 600 800 975 S50 1917 DORT Also some slightly used Olds mobile cars that we are prepared to give splendid bargains on. OLPPMOBTLE CO.. Broadway at Couch. Phone Broadway 2270. 1914 OVERLAND, B-pass.. good shape. $150 for quick sale; see this if you want a bargain. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO. 525 Alder St. 20 OFF ALL USED CARS 20. Trades Considered! Terms Given! RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO. 12R N. Broadway., Opp. New Postoffice. CHEVROLET touring, 191S. good mechan ical condition, gooa tires; must sen; a snap at $4(o, soma terms. 30 Grand avenue North, near Burnside. 20 OFKALLUSED CARS 20. Trades Considered! Terms Given! RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO. 12S N. Broadway., Opp. New Postoffice. 1919 CHEV., 490, touring, perfect condition. brand new tires an arouna; win sacririce at $350. terms. Phone for demonstration, col. 6S6. 20 OFF ALL USED CARS 20. Trades Considered! Terms Given! RUBIN MOltlR CAR CO. 2S N. Broadway.. Opp. New Postoffice. 20 OFF ALL USED CARS 2"o. Trades Considered! Terms Given! RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO. 12S N. Broadway., Opp. New Postoffice. 1918 FORD touring, runs good, looks gJod. Must seK by Alonaay, 2io. Room 8, Salvation Army Hut, Vancouver, Wash. Phone 438. FOR SALE -1919 Oakland sedan.. In per fect condition. 000a tires; l extra, $900, for I need open car in my business. Will trade for light car. Tabor 2412. 2C OFF ALL USED CARS 20. Trades Considered! Terms Given! RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO. 12S N. Broadway., Opp. New Postoffice. BIG USED CARS. PRICES STOCK. RIGHT. No Misrepresentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. WILL sacrifice my 1917 Chev. 490 tour. ..lng, in - absolutely first-class condition. for $393; will give terms. Phone owner at Columbia 656. .- tSSEX touring, 1919; best of condition, good tires, one spare; used privately; $1425, terms; . consider Ford in trade. 30 Gran'd ave. N., near Burnside. 20 OFF ALL USED CARS 20. Trades Considered! Terms Given! RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO. 125 N. Broaaway.. Opp. New Postoffice. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles. . wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodefl Auto Wrecking Dept., 103-7 N. 11th st 20 OFF ALL USED CARS 20.. Trades Considered! Terms Given! .RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO. jgftN. Broadway., Opp. New Postoffice. 20 OFF ALL USED CARS 20. Trades Considered ! Terms Given! RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO. 12S N. Broadway.. Opp. New Postoffice. 0920 OAKLAND touring;' car for sales $1200: car good as new. See this car at : lOO - N. Broadway. - Call Mr. Stanley - Broadway 4184. 2u OFF AM, USED CARS 20. Trades Considered! Terms Given RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO 12S N. Broadway.. Opp. New Postoffice. FOR SALE 1917 Mitchell 5-passenger lit tle six,-just thoroughly overhauled; must ' sell at once. Phone East 2651. t AX WELL touring, 1918. fine condition good tires; real bargain at $725 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. 1920 FORD, worm drive express- like new; double oversize cord tires, curtains . all around: easy terms. Main 781. tai VEL1E. swell maroon finish, white wheels new tires, two cords: a beauty easy terms of trade. Main 780. 1918 HATNES chummy; perfect mechan Ical condition; owner leaving town East 433. 11S DODGE, in Al condition. $775 -48 Yamhill St.. room 305. 1918 VELIE, first-class condition' will take Ford as part payment. Sell. 1259. 1920 FORD edan, $S0O; $400 cash blu ance 10 months. Main 3S28. ' OLDS roadster; will sacrifice for cash or trade on house. Bdwy. 4030. LATE model Mitchell 6. new paint, cord tires; make an offer. Main 780. 1918 OVERLAND 6. new paint, motor perfect: make an offer. Main 781. FOR SALE by owner, 1920 Stephens Sa Uent Six, run 6000 miles. 228 Front st. LATEST 1917 Maxwell. $375. terms. Main 780. 1918 MAXWELL, new paint. $525. Main 731. KADE A SIMONTON CO.. used cars, re pairing, forage. 415 Glisan. Bdwy. 4592. FORD TOURING 1920. like new. will trada for old Ford. Phone 313-92. 1918 REO 7-passenger. thoroughly over hauled: all new tires. Main 7S1. SMALL delivery car; very economical on tires and gas: $160. 635 Thurman. 1918 SAXON 6, $550, Mala 78x1 1 FOR SALE AtTOMOBII.ES, AT THE CO V BY MOTOR CAR COMPANY PLANT, wIng to the acknowledged fact that used car prices have not kept abreast with the steady advance in new cars, it is only a reasonable deduction and correct analysis of circumstances to prerumo that to purchase a good, reliable, rebuilt and refinished used car at this time will undoubtedly secure the permanency of your investment to a far greater extent than to tie up the same amount of capital in a new car. The price on new cars may ad vance or decline. The market is quite unsettled. Some manufac turers advanced their prices but 30 per cent, while others went as far as 44 per cent, and are in a much better position to cut prices and hunt for cover. If prices are going down on the car you may select, you will be much better protected In the pur chase of a good used car at their present low prices, for your imme diate use. Should prices continue to advance, it will be still better tor you to buy a used car. because the high level, without a doubt, is close at hand and before you could get reasonable service from your new purchase you would be called upon to suffer considerable loss. It is much safer. In, our opinion, on a seemingly unsettled market, to buy of the present offerings in undcrpriced used cars. DODGE BROTHERS' MOTOR CARS. Rebuilt, refinished and reasonably priced. . 1019 tourins . . . . 1 ill -S touring 1917 touring . . . . 191B touring ... 1918 roadttur . . . .$1150 . 975 . 925 . 750 . 975 1019 CHEVROLET delivery fine shape $ 600 1917 MAXWELL delivery, specially priced 325 1914 OVERLAND deliverr, specially priced ' . 300 New two-ton Graham Bros, truck.-Cadillac engine, spe cially priced . . .' j--,0O 1918 CHEVROLET touring, excellent shape 600 101S FORD sedan, electric starter, just out of paint shop 773 1917 FORD touring, specially priced 375 1915 FORD touring. 1917 ra diator, good shape 300 FORD BUG. fine shape, swell design 41V) ' 1H19 OVERLAND 90 touring. specially pricedt 650 i.U I .11 A . VV f . 1 .1 . touring beauty. specially nricrH- ... 1917 REO roadster. specially priced 730 950 400 1250 1916 BU.ICK 6, rebuilt, spe cially priced 1913 CADILLAC, old reliable, for service car 191S CHANDLER touring, fine looking car. worth $1600. specially priced .... 3920 CHANDLER Disoatch. driven hut 2100 miles; was this year's show car 2000 191S PAIGE SEDAN, left for sale: this Is certainly a wonderful buv 3919 FRANKLIN touring, 21O0 little need be said regard ing such a car 191 S STt'&EBAKER 6: new paint, new top. fine shape. specially priced STUDEBAKER roadster, four cylinder ... - 2100 950 450 CADILLACS. To have attained such a hih development in rebuilding and re finishing our Cadillac motor cars is a great source of pride with us and we know, through the success of our efforts, that we are in a po sition to pass along to the even tual . owner the same pride in ownership. Owing to the easing up on the formerly strenuous delivery condi tions surrounding new Cadillacs, we have greatly reduced our prices on these used cars so as to move them quickly and make room for additional new business. The cars we now have to offer wilt not only he a great surprise to you because of their unusual condition and appearance,- but the prices you will find are much lower than you have probably thought it possible to purchase such a car. May w-e not show these cars to you at your earliest convenience? We. Are Open Sunday. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 1 . Washington st. at 21st. Main 6214. FOR SALE. THIS IS A REAL BARGAIN. New Ford coupe, run only 1000 miles. Equippe-d with Thompson air springs, speedometer, motormeter. Klaxon horn a-nd large steering wheel with svecial locking device. Will sell for $250 less than it cost. Terms: small cash pay ment and purchaser to' assume- balance on contract. Guaranteed to be in ex cellent condition. Call Broadway 29 after Sunday. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. ; " AUTOMOBILES CASHED. TOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR. 1918 HOTSPOT CHALMERS. GOOD TIRES AND FIVE TION. A REAL BUY AT $900. IOU KNOW ME. GEORGE V. ADAMS, BROADWAY 3076. CONDI- 1913 CADILLAC, good tires and in A-1 condition. If you want a bargain look this up. Bdwy. 1614. 531 Washington. HUDSON. J HUDSON. 191S Hudson, looks and runs like new; will sell for $16oo and give terms; same replacements and service aa new car; a bargain worth while. Main 4028 or Marshall 2766. 1919 DODG E 1 91 9. This car is in finest condition; Vic toria top:- plate-glass, bumper, spot light, cutout, etc. It will please you and the price is right.. Main 4028 or Marshall 2760. 1917 OAKLAND fi $350. - All mechanical parts just completely overhauled. Upholstery - needs a little repairing: this car Is worth $750, but will sacrifice for $350 If taken at once. R S9. Oregonlnn. ' 1916 BUICK SIX CHASSIS. 1916 Buick chassis, light six. Just the car to make a speedster. $485. . FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. E. 3770. Grand ave. and Hawthorne. FOR SALE Series 6 Franklin, Just over hauled; in best of condition. Car can - be seen and - demonstration made at any time. Terms to responsible party. BJ 72. Oregonian. HUDSON PITER SIX SNAP. Series 1918-19 Hudson super, in dandy condition: has 5 cord tires: must sell at once; will take $1700. O 61, Ore gorian. FOR SALE I.ate "16 Oakland 6 touring; in good mechanical condition, good - -rubber and paintakwill take Ford road ster as part payment. 46 21st st. N. Marshall 1667. Mr. Hogan. " DIAMOND SNAP. " 3-karat perfect stone in beautiful - mounting. Mnke me an offer; I am not a diamond broker, just simply need the money. N 61. Oregonian. BARGAIN. As nice a car as anyone would want looks like new; light six Mitchell. E. z! rider. 1 erms. 1 nulla Alain 4U.8, or Main 7'6. SOME BUY. 1918 Hudson 7-pass.. cord tires, runs and looks like new. $1450. 307 STARK ST. SPECIAL built Ford roadster; good con dition: good tires, wire wheels, new paint; Ktik at it. Very classy. A bar gain. Cash. Ward Ansonfa hotel. 20 OFF ALL USED CARS 20. Trades Considered! Terms Given! RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO. 12S N. Broadway., Opp. N,ew Postoffice. 1917 CHEVROLET touring car; private owner; $350. 175 E. S2d st. N.- 1916 OLDSMOBILE in very good condition; I must sell at once; terms. Sellwood 1437. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. MANLET AUTO CO. BURNSIDE at 11TH. BDWT. 217. 191 R 5-passenger Hupmoblle, low price : consider a Ford as first payment. 1913 Model 32; a snap at $250. Late model Hup coupe; cord tires; The finest coupe in the city at the price. 90 Overland; $150 cash, balance easy terms. Overland light four; a real bar gain. Saxon. In fine condition; six cord tires. SNAPS f Ford one-ton truck. Republic one-ton truck. See Mr. Mountain. MANLET AUTO CO., BURNSIDE at HTH. BDWT. 217. REAL BARGAINS. 1916 Buick chassis, fine condition, tires good, just the car to make a speed ster: $485. 1918 Overland, light touring, like new: $495. 1918 Chevrolet touring, see It and you will buy. $495. Chevrolet bug. $22S. 1917 Maxwell touring, good condition, electric lights and starter, $275; this car is well worth $500. 1915 Studebaker light touring, $295: electric lights and starter. 1917 Overland light delivery, finest condition, looks like new. prictically given away at $375; electric lights and starter. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. E. 8770. Grand ave. and Hawthorne Ave. rPED At'TOMOBIT.ES AT UNQUESTIONABLE VALUES. CALL AND SEE OUR USED CAR OFFERINGS FOR $75 AND UP. 33 1-3 cash, balance monthly ac count payable at our office. 25 AUTOMOBILES 25 Different makes up to year 1920. Now is the time nnd this Is the place. You are assured fair deal- WILLTS-OVERLANO PACIFIC COMPANY. Broadway and Davis. SPEED AND CLASS. ESSEX. fPECIAT, BUILT ESSEX 3-PAFR. BUG. T NEW CORD TIRES. 5 NEW WHEELS. SPECIAL TOP AND PAINT ED ANY COLOR YOU WISH. LET'S GO. CALL BROADWAY 5076 OR BROADWAY 3047. FORD OWNERS. FORD overhauled $20 Rear axle overhauled A Valves ground, carbon removed 3 Magneto recharged 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc.. which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO.. 280 Front St.. corner Jefferson. 1919 HUDSON SPEEDSTER $1750. 6 CORD TIRES. AND RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. 00 DAYS' RE PLACEMENTS AND SERVICE. STILL ALIVE. GEORGE V. ADAMS, BROADWAY 5076. BIG CUT IN USED CARS. One Oldsmoblle 4. $70O: one Stude baker. $600: one Cadillac, $400: one Chevrolet touring. $375; seven Fords. $235 to $425: one Maxwell roadster. $350 ore Maxwell touring, $285: one Peerless-. $250; one overhauled beg. $100; one Ford truck. $225. Long & Silva, 402 Hawthorne ave. ONE of those durable Reo 4-cylinder, ft passenger, overhauled and repainted. In A-l shape. v and can De bought lor s,s.iu. Bdwy. 1614. 531 Washington. HERE is a real snap. $950. 1918 Mitchell light 6. five-passenger, owned by me chanic, and in real first-class condition Buff color paint which makes car look nifty. Tires in fine condition and six of them. Cash or terms. Phone Wood lawn 3i4. Mr. Fox. SNAP Ford 1919, worm drive, 1-ton truck; A-1 condition: must sell this week terms. By owner. Phone East 3801 . 191S LIBERTY CHUMMY. $950 Beautiful little Liberty chummy roadster: has ,t cord tires, wind wings. bumper, spotlight, cutout and lots of other extras: should sell for $1600 but S950 buys it. P 46. Oregonian. V'K CARRY a full line or auto accessories, tires, tubes. Ford parts, light globes, etc.: also do towing. Open day and night. LONG & SILVA. Phone East 6840. 402 Hawthorne. 1920 CHEVROLET touring, perfect con d-.tlon: run only 7000 miles, mostly on pavement: has shock absorbers and two new tires: t,i. casn or terms. t-'hon Mr. Thomas, Woodlawn 2800 or Oak Grove 124-M. CADILLAC 1912. electric lights and start er. new battery and cord tires; must be sold at once. This car will give rea service and outlast many a new car. Bring the cash and 1 will give you a bargain. cast ditn st. FOR SALE Ford hug. a design, not freak: top. windshield, electric lights, demountable rims, in fact name some thing not on it. Price ?4i0 rash. 57 Ga rage. Inc.. Sandy blvd. Phone Tabor 463. KISSEL CAR. , $1200; run 6000 miles; 6 cords, spotlight, bumper and pyrene. Tabor 1619. 1919 FORD touring car in A-l condition: lots of extras and all good rubber; $375. Main 7496. $300 CASH or terms buys 1917 light 4 roadster; new tires and battery. Call , room f2. Savon hotel. FOR SALE or trade, late 1919 Ford tour ing bodv for Ford roadster body. Call Main 6169. 555 4th st. 1917 OAKLAND sedan, valued at $S5n; will sacrifice for less: consider fresh cow in trade. Tabor 25RO. MAXWELL touring. 1919. fine rondition. used . privately; a snap at $825, some terms. 3Q Grand ave. N., near Burnside. A "-PASS. Pierce-Arrow ; bargain for cash. Can be seen at the Elite garage. 12th and Jefferson. Owner. FOR SALE Reasonably. Overland model 90 touring car. New tires. Terms. In quire 3H9 VS. Burnside. FORD touring. 1916; good tires, fine condi tion; a snap at $325. 30 Grand ave. Is'., near Burnside. BHAM new 7-pass. Hudson, latest model; has never been run: $2600; will give part terms. S 46. Oregonian. CHEVROLET touring. 1918. rine condi tion, good tires; a snap at $423. terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. REMOVABLE sedan top for Oakland 1918 or 1919 touring car. Splendid condi tion. Price $85. Call Marshall 3416. FORD touring. 1917. best of condition, good tires; real bargain at $350. 30 Grand a e. North, near Burnside. 1918 OLDS BEAR CAT. sport roadster: clafsiest roadster in. town; best cash otter buys it. 210 Jefferson. MAXWELL touring. 1917, Al condition, good tires; real bargain at $375. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. BY OWNER 1919 OAKLAND; fine condi tion: sacrifice for quick sale; terms. Main 660 or Main 4200. PAIGE SIX. 1917 touring, wire wheels, one extta: real bargain at $950. 30 Grand ave. N.. nar Burnside. 1U17 DODGE touring. A-l condition: new top. cord tires; $700. Owner. 415 m. 24lh st.. corner Vaughn. FOHD runabout, Al condition, tires almost new; real bargain at $30O. some terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. DODGE touring car. A-l condition: act quickly. Third Street .Garage. 84 Nor IS Third street. Broadway 4U18. CHEVROLET chassis, 1918; make a geM bug; $225. terms. 30 Grand ave. N near Burnside. Wai PUT steel teeth in your old flvwheei. ciank shaft turning. H. B. Black, ma chine shop. 534 Alder st. Broadway 2681. LATE 1917 Velie. new top and paint, con dition A-l: full leather upholstery; $u0; easy terms or trade. Main 7S0. VELIE roadster, 191S. like new; perfect condition. Call Mr. Takami. North 3d.. 9 A M. to 6 P. M.. Aut. 528-93. 1916 BUICK. new tires all around, motor in good shape; for sale by owner. Call East 7348. OVERLAND touring, good condition; must sell; a snap at $325. terms. 30 Grand ae. N.( near Burnside. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILE!. USED CAR VALUES should not be measured by price alone, but should be Judged by value and future service. We so licit" your investigation of our used-car stock on this baKis and are satisfied that you will, at the same time, find our prices right, quality of our. cars con sidered. We offer here a few for your approval: 1919 FORD. B-pass., 4-cyllnder 1910 CHEVROLET. 5-pass.. 4-cyl. 1918 HUPMOBILE. 2-pass.. 4-cyl. OVERLAND MODEL 75. 5-p.. 4-e. OVERLAND MODEL 85. B-P.. 4-C. WILLYS-KNIGHT, B-pass.. 4-cyL 1918 OAKLAND. 5-pass.. 6-cyl. 1919 OAKLAND. . 6-pass., 6-cyl. 1917 MITCHELL, " 5-pass., 6-cyl. 1917 MITCHELL. 7-pass.. 6-cyl. 1918 MITCHELL. 4-pass.. 6-cyl. 1918 MITCHELL. B-pass.. 6-cyl. 1919 MITCHELL, 6-pass.. 6-cyl. 1919 MITCHELL. 3-pass.. 6-cyl. JORDAN SPORT, marine, 4-pass., 6-cyllndcr. JORDAN SILHOUETTE. 7-pass.. 6-cyl., with dlsteel wheels, five cord tires and many other ex tras. Many different models to choose from. Most of them have gone through our shop; some of them ; have been repainted. You will not find the equal of our stock, in quality. In the city of Portland. No brokerage charge and reason able terms. PRICES $350 AND UP. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAYER CO., 35 Years in Business. BROADWAY AT EVERETT. Phone Broadway 4675. SOME EXTRA SPECIAL BUYS. Prices cut to fit your pocket book. CHEVROLET baby grand touring, rebuilt like new from tires to top $600 CHEVROLET 490 touring, new paint, good tires, runs fine: only $450 CHEVROLET 490 touring. late 1919: this car will satsfy. $650 TWO GOOD FORDS at low prices. 1918 HUDSON super six ....$1400 1919 OVERLAND 85-6, has wire wheels $1000 1920 DIXIE FLYER. 3 months old '.$1300 1920 CASE 6, almost new $25O0 1920 PAIGE, 7-pass.. just per fect $1750 1920 CHANDLER, 4-pass, just new $1X00 1918 MITCHELL baby 6. Just like brand new $950 1918 NATIONAL 6, an extra low price .- $1400 We have cars of all sizes and prices. Yes. we give easy terms. All cars guaranteed. CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER. CONLEY A R BUCKLE, 86 Tenth st.. bet. Stark and Oak Broadway 1424. BUICK ROADSTER. Light Six. Late Model. Snap for Cash. Call Main 7070. House 29. Or Phone Columbia 365 after 6:30 this evening. FORD OWNERS. CHEVROLET OWNERS. Mctors overhaued $20 Rear axle overhauled . . . . Vaives ground, carbon removed 3 Magneto recharged 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings. etc., which Insures a perfect-running motor. Genuine bora parts only used. All work guaranteed. THE REASON the Ford engine starts hard and t'.ie lights are dim is because the MAGNETO is weak. Have it KbLHAKiibU BI EXPERTS. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO. 210-212 Jefferson. Main 7644. OAKLAND delivery n good run ning shape, a snap, $150. A-l AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CO. S25 Alder St. CHALMERS 6. overhauled and repainted good tires and In good shape mechani cally. A bargain at $600. Bdwy. 1614 031 Washington. 1918 HUPMOBILE. good mechani cal condition: low price, $900. Call Tabor 2532. BUG BL'ILLERS IF YOU'RE LOOK1N0 FOR A CAR THAT WILL MAKE A DANDY BUG. CALL AT GLOBE GA RAGE. 51 N. 20TH ST. 1920 CASE car: looks and runs like new run 34i miles-: equipped with cord tires will take diamond part payment. Phone Tabor 653. CHANDLER BARGAIN. 1920 SEVEN-PASSENGER FOR SALE BY OWNER: BARGAIN FOR CASH OF FER.' V 0O. OREGONIAN. 1920 PAIGE. 5 PASSENGER. $600 less than new price, see this car and you will buy. run 3000 miles. 184 Laurelhurst. owner. Tiror 9116. 20 OFF ALL USED CRS 20. Trades Considered! Terms Given! RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO. 128 N. Broadway., Opp. New Postoffice. CHANDLER DISPATCH. Wire wheels, good tires, several ex tras, fine condition. ' Call owner. Mix shall 6O80. 2U OFF ALL USED CARS 20. Trades Considered! Terms Given! RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO. 128 N. Broadway., Opp. New Postoffice. CHANDLER Touring 1920. run 6O0O miles. excellent condition, will exchange for diamond, cash or terms. 324 Yeon Bldg LATE 1919 Velie. perfect condition: cord tires: easy terms. MalnTMJ. Automobiles Wanted. CONVERT YOUR AUTOMOBILES INTO CASH. Have client w-ho can use several cars in his business for which he will ex - change high-grade merchandise which you can sell for cash and don't have to bothet with installment notes. 1212 Gasco bldg.. Mr. Lawson. 1 to 5 dally, 6-KOOM story and a half bungalow, 1 block to car tine; lots of butlt-lns. ful lot. price $3000. Will take Ford car a part payment. Easy - terms. Fisher, with Interstate Land Co. Main 5429. 248 Stark st. pegoodA- rlandsha ier m ve emfwypshhh WANT BOOl) AUTO FOR HIGH CLASS INDUSTRIAL SECURITIES THAT WILL STAND INVESTIGATION. 608 McKAY BLDG. WANTED 5 touring or 7-pass. car. ready for road. Trade light 5-pass.. - good Rhine: Soon eaultv 40 acres wood urnDo- sition, or will sacrifice for cash. Be 3 Oregonian. $1000 IN SECURITIES for good used Buick. Oakland. Hup. or other good ca and $100 cash. Must be late model. AF 36, Oregonian. WANT late model automobile in ex change for beautiful Laurelhurst lot. Main i;t:i; evenings, Marsnall 8t;.x WANTED Light automobile as part pit ment on 5-room flat and store building on Alberta street, ag 1. oregonian. WANT a few care to wreck. BC 62. Ore gontan. w A .v r to Duy 01a cars, any sis, any eon dltlon. Call Vancouver 606. R. HI. Oore. TRADE 160 ACRES CLEAR FOR GOOD CAR. AUT. 324-19. PREFER BUICK. CASH for a'J makes of cars: condition no object. 410 unsan St.. corner ivia. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles nanted. WANTED I.ate model Ford or Dodge touring car: an even exchange for a good level 50x100 lot in Syndicate addi tion to Rose City Park. Call Wdln. 4sS3 evenings, or call at 873 Grand ave. N. Motorcycle. EXCKLSIOR motorcycle with new sidecar; e.tciricaiiy equipped witn A. a. t . gen., model 1819: sizes; Just overhauled; in perfect condition: tire carrier, set of tools: $175 down. $20 monthly for 10 months; 5 off for cash, fail at 9 E. Jessup st. or Woodlawn ll"!. HARLEY-DAV1DSON motorcycle. with side car; electrically equipped, late 101S model, just overhauled, in perfect con dition; tire carrier with new tire, full set of tools, $325 -cash. Call In person. 5824 SSth st. S. E.. city. USED MOTORCYCLES. All makes, terms if desired. Used mo ors, parts, etc. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., 44 Grand ave. Excelsior, Henderson and Cleveland Agency. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 2u4-20tf 3D ST. MAIN 6230. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without driv ers. Day or night service. COUCHMAN GARAGE. 10th and Couch. Bdwy. 3J96. Remember our number, Broadway 8696. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLANDS HUDSONS. LOWNSDALE GARAGE. BROADWAY 2408. . 13TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New 1920 models, reasonable rates. 132 32th St.. between Washington and Alder. Broadway 840. AUTOS FOR HIRE Hudson cars, day and night service, any place, reasonable rates. Phone Main 355. ALTHOlf A. BENNETT. CARS FOR HIKij WITHOUT DRIVERS. AKSI UAiUUtl, THIRD AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. AUTOo WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L. I. SULLIVAN'S FASHION GAKAGS. Mar. 232. 10TH AND l'AMHILL. A 123. 1920 5-PASS BUICK FOR HIRE. DRIVER- BROADWAY 3547. CLASSY Klssel-Kar sedan with driver; special winter rates. Call Last 3416. FOR SAL RICKS AND TRACTORS. trucks: trucks: OUR PRI-CES HAVE NOW REACHED THE LOWEST LiiVEL. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY WHILE THESE REDUCTIONS ARE IN EFFECT. EVERY PRICE HAS BEEN CUT. DODGE Deilvery Was REPUBLIC Express 2000 lbs. capacity. Was .$1100 now $ 000 $1000 now ( 800 FORD 1-TON 1920 model, pneu matic tires. Was $ 750 now S 6..0 REPUBLIC 1-ton Was I130O now- $Uo0 G. M. C. 2-ton Was $1250 now $1000 REPUBLIC 2-ton Was $2300 now $1850 REO 2-ton Was $ 850 now $ CM) REPUBLIC 3-ton Was $J00O now $2500 THESE ARE ONLY 9 FEW OF OUR STOCK. WE HAVE ANY SIZE OR MAKE YOU WANT. AND . THE PRICES ARE ALL. REDUCED AS ABOVE. LONG, EASY TERMS. GRANNING & TREECE. 542 ALDER ST.. COR. 17TH. PHU.B BDWY. 1723. We use the word "renewed" tor the reason that it applies to our stock of trucks taken in trade on new Jumbos. We have pur all of these trucks through our shop, re placing worn parts and making all necessary adjustments. Wh,n you buy one of these trucks you aro sure of satisfactory service. 2t-ton Sterling with body and cab 25inl 1 Vs-ton White 15IM1 lH-ton Federal with boiiy... ',. 1-ton Chevrolet with body l-'oO 1-ton Maxwell with body.... !'" 1-ton Maxwell e-'o 1-ton Ford w.ith body 350 We give reasonable terms and charge nothing for brokerage, as we handle our own notes. MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAYER CO.. Broadway and Everett Streets. Thone Broadway 4675. TRUCKS. FORD 1-ton. worm drive ....$650 G. M. C. 1-ton 75i STUDE BAKER, self-starter... WMl REPUBLIC V-ton 7i PANHARD 1-ton 7511 REO -ton 7.VI CADILLAC delivery 300 OLDSMOBILE COMPANY. Broadway and Courh. Phone Broadway 2270. RENEWED TRUCKS. FORD truck, gear drive, with open and closed bodies, tires almost new; a snap at $625. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burn side. FORD delivery, with open body, flap cur tains; very best of condition; must sell: a bargain 'at $425 .with terms. 3U Grand avenue North FORD one-ton truck( 1918. truck adjust ment, gear drive, tires almost new ; real bargain at $700. 30 Grand ae. North, near Burnside. OWNER will sacrifice 3" -Inn rlarv Irnrk euuipped with hoist anl nod g :ing equipment and trailer;' must sell I nimeaiateiy. r, e-t, uresnniaii. HAVE 2V-ton Gary truck equipped good tires. Prest-O-Lite, cab and windshield. . used short time. Will sacrifice $2000 less than cost. E 85. Oregonian. 3l ATTERBURY truck with lumber rolls, good conditioi. $.12041. $1200 cash. bal. in monthly payments. J. J. Hinklc, Ore gon City, Or. R. R. 2. WOULD contract 2 li -ton new truck with reliable firm, know business. Darrell Guyer. care Bronson's mill. Monmouth. Oregon. 2-TON MACK and steady Job; makes about $20 per day; easy payments. Sell. 1270. 694 East 19th S. FORD delivery, 1916. good condition; 1 real bargain at $4U0. 30 Grand ave, N., near Burnside. ONE-TON Ford truck, used 7 mo.; $650 cash. Broadway 20IO. GARAGIr,S. WANTED To rent a gnrage within three blocks of Tenth and Hall sts. C il Main 8142 AUTO REPAIRING. FIRST-CLASS MECHANIC WILL RE PAIR. OVERHAUL YOUR CAR IN VOrR OWN GARAGE. gl.'Ii'KEK. BET TER AND FOR TWO-THIRDS THE PRICE OTHERS CHARGE. PHONE MARSHALL 423$. AUTOMOBILES overhauled at reduced rates. Hemphill's Trade Schools. 2Ulh and Hawthorne. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. DON'T FORGET that Alder the Tailor pays the highest prices for second-hand clothing. Call at 201 Third st. Main S207. GOOD heavy work team and harness, cheap. E. H. Myers. 689 E. 61st St. N. Tabor 8024. LADIES Let tne Vogue Apparel Exchange cell your used garments and furs. 4u3 Alisky bldg. Main 3132. DIAMOND desired, from 1 to 1 karat, thereabouts: cash consideration, private party. B 65, oregonian. UiGHKSl Sr"OT CASH prices paid for die- monns 1 , 1 1 ... 1 . w - in 11 LIBERAL allowance for old suits exchd. for new. Atlantic Cleaners. Bdwy. 1879. SAFE Want small safe. give lowest price and phone. H 86. Oregonian. WANT to buy cordwood stumpage; about 500 cords. r . o. box 40S4. I WANTED Dress form, adjustable, collap- eime; cneap. cast 81 tu. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS, SPOT CASH FOR DIAMONDS. I PAY SPOT CASH AND THE HtrJH F.ST MARKET VALUE FOR DIA MONDS. NO AMOUNT IS TOO LARGS FOR ME TO HANDLE. I AM COM MISSIONED BY A LARGE DIAMOND CONCERN TO BUY ALL THE DIA MONDS OFFERED. MY LOCATION IS DOWN TOWN AND CONVENIBNT. ALL BUSINESS IS STRICTLY CONFI DENTIAL. ERNEST DEEDS. A0 WASHINGTON ST. MAIN 317. 1 50 TO $25.00 FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AKO OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER. THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone In the elly for suits, overcoats and shoes. Call Marshall 1229 or 253 Madison st-. near 3d et. Will call day or evsnlng. $8.50 UP TO $25.00 GOLDSTEIN. THE TAYLOR. PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR. MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES, ETC BROADWAY 8932. 45 BURNSIDS. CALL ME BEFORE ANlBuDY Jblisl, BETWEEN ZU AND 8D. FURS. ( FURS. FURS. Cleaning and alterations, any descrip tion. Use La Frames fur dressing for summer and save $luu. Reasonable prtcea, LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO.. 163 W. Park. bet. Morrison and laznhllL, Main 6529. UP TO SIS. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We pay any price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d at., is". W. cor. Wash. Main S344. WE MUST have 500 used men's suits, coats and pants, ail sizes, all colors. Call us for one or more. We pay cash from $10 and up. A phone call will bring us with cash to your p.ace. Call 161 !(. su. near Morribon. or call Main 738. WANT shotgun or rifle; pay you spot cash, or trade you furniture, musical instruments, typewriters, etc NEWMAN BARGAIN STORE. 12S First St.. or Kern Park Station. OUR SPECIALTY Is buying men's cast-off clothing; highest can prices paid: wiii call day or night- POA'LE'S S&COND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225. 209 Madison. DIAMONDS WANTED. We pay ca no. In any amount. lor diamonds. VINE'S JEWHLRY BTOORK. 257 Washington St.. cor. 3d. Main 66441. UP-TO-DATE BUYER. ' I pay the tutcnesl price lor second hand iurnilure. tools, rafia. old clothing and all kinds of junk. Call Main 734 and 1 WILL CLEAN UP luL'K HOME WANTEli A good sewing machine. Coll Tabor 4677. Furniture anted. HOUSEHOLD GOOD3 WANTED. We want your used furniture rugs. carpets. stoves snd al household goods, and will pay the highest cash price. TOP MARKET PRICES. We also buy and sell hardwa-a, tools, sporting goods, tents, bl cscles, typewriters, adding ma chines and store and office fur niture. When you have auythtnff to buy, sell or trade CALL MAIN 9072. LEVIN HARDWARE FUBNlILUs' CO, 221-223-223 Front BC MARSHALL 598L GBVURTZ FURNITURE CO. WE BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR NITURE FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO SAME DAY; HIGHEoT PRICES PAID. WE ARE THE OLDiaST most reliable .Hut-sii; u- our LINIJ 1M POKTLAND. 185 FIRST ST. PHONE MARSHALL 598L CALL MAIN 3U9 IMMEDIATELY WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY t'UK FURNITURE. CAR PETS. ETC. YOLK CALL WILL BR LNG BUYER WITU THE MONEY. THE KLINE FURNITURE CO. 1D2 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAILOR. MAIN 30W. CASH FURN ITU RE CASH. We need used furniture of all kinds stoves, ranges, ru-s. etc, to ship out ef to u. Will pay lumber prices man any local dealer. Call ua lor one article or a house iuii and a courteous and com petent buyer will Le prompt, y at your service. Mar. 2ul3. Crown Furniture Co. BE SURE AND LET US SFEK your furnuure and houachoiti goods be fore you tell. We are in the market lor came and wilPpay niffhest pr.tts Portland furnuure exchangk 208 first st main 772! MAIN S951. ' " We buy everything in furn.ture; we pay the price. FKEEMAN-WOLFE FUR CO. 2W 1st St.. S. E. Cor. Tayior. IA1 I. U 1 I V S.-C We pay the highest p. ices for ued furniture. Set Us uelore you sell CALL UNITED FURNITURE' STOKE. !7S MAIN. MUST have a limited amount of used fur niture, rugs. etc. at once; wiJ pay more than other local de-alcm. A phone call will convince you. Main 4773. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the rcaoy ctst. Phon-e today, Main 4627 or 16t Firnt t AM IN need of good used furniture; will pay best cah price from private' par ties. VII E. I,9.,7 or 11:; Grand a-ve. 1-UKN1TUKE wanted; paying the biggest pike. Call us before you sell; prune party: Phone Aut. 519-54. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all points on household goods. Pacific Coast For warding Co.. 9th and Hoyt. Bdwy. 703. SELL us your furniture and rugs. Reliance Furniture Co., 2113 2d st. Main 7308. WE BUY used furniture. For best results call Auto. 217-71 or East 2405. HOUSHWOI.D FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. EDI CATUINAL. EDUCATIONAL. Public spe.ikers, lawyers, teachers. correspor.de.nts and s-aVstnrn. hy prope for unrdfi when hy m ssl-m you ean increase your vocabulary bv 450 words per mpnlh and at the same time de velop your memory? I have done it; so can ou. Only 30 minutes' study dally. Write Fluent, V sj. Oregonian. WANTEO A few more men or women wishing to become window trimmers to enroll in nur class; instruction by promi nent window display men of the city; opportunities open at all times in this profession, for which large salaries are . paid. Call at room 30s. liekum for fur ther Information. Open 9 A. M. to & P. M. ELECTR1C1 AN 7 You can become an elec trical engineer by attending the elec trical engineering school of the Oregon Institute of Technology, day or night; practical laboratory training under ex perienced engineer; ex-service men get state financial air?. Phone Mr. Two good, dean. Main 8700. MOI.ER BARBER COLLEGE. Will teach you the trade In 8 weeks, fuVnish you a set of tools; some pay while learning. Positions secured. Ore gon ex-service men, the course is free to you. Write or call for particulars and catalogue. 234 Burnside st. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Business college, Portland. Enroll &ny time. Telegraphy, stenography, bunking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Flee catalogue. WANTED 10O men at once to learn to operate and repair automobiles and gas tracers. Apply Hemphill's Automobile & Gas Tractor Schools, corner East 20th snd Hawthorne. Write or call for free. catalogue. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madlaon. VULCANIZING business taught free; call or write for particulars. I08 E. Broad way. M Its. HANNLM'S school, shorthand, typ ing; enter now. 2si0 Tillamook street. East 3Min. . ROCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K- Welles, ex-aset. state supu Mgr.. N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8276. y. w. C. A. commercial school, shorthand, tvping, bookkeeping. computing ma chine. M. 7876. LKAKN ' TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange bldg. IK INTERESTED In course of photoplay writing, private class, call Main 947. SPANISH INSTRUCTION. 127 Park st. 418 Piatt bldg.. slSK Teachers' Agency journal b'dg. Main 4835 Teaching positions, free reg. OREftTN law school. Allsky bldg.. 8d and Mor. W. E. Richardson, sec Main 977. YATES-FISHER Teachers"- Agency Free registration. Main 6274, Broadway bldg.