Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 05, 1920, Page 11, Image 11

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PRPHEt'M Broadway at Taylor') Vau
deville. Thia afternoon and tonight.
BAKER (Alder at Eleventh) Baker Stock
company la Penrod." Thia afternoon
find tonight.
LVP.IC (Broadway at Morrison) Musical
comedy, "The Belle of Portland." Three
shows daily. 2. 7 and 8 P. M.
aiPPOUNOME (Broadway at Yamhill)
Vaudeville and moving pictures. 2 to 5,
f:4; to 11 P. M. Saturdays, aundae t
holidays continuous. 1:15 to 11 P. M.
PAXT.4(iES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude
ville. Three hos daily, 3:30. 7 and a:Oa.
I.acer. 1616 Macrum street, at. Johns,
was arrested yesterday on two corn,
piaints. one charging with thread
ing to kill and the other charpiBSf
him with assaulting B. Kingeley. Both
cases are scheduled for hearing in
the police court late this week
iacrr s disappearance from home last
week caused police to suspect he
mitrlit have been the victim of foul
pjav. Investigation, however, showed
he had been having difficulty with
his wife and that they are not living
together at the present time. itis
alleged attack on Kingsley is ;aid by
the police to be due to ICingsley's re
ported attentions to Mrs. Lacer.
Escaped Convict Captured. W. T.
Fowen. an escaped convict from the
state penitentiary at Salem. was
taken into custody at Second and
riuinsije streets yesterday by Police
Inspectors Tackaberry and Phillips.
Bowen was sent up from southern
Oregon for cattle stealing on a. z
year sentence. He. made his escape
five years ago and had dropped com
pletely from eight until the inspec
tors recognized him yesterday and
placed him under arrest. He will be
taken to fcalem today to complete his
sentence. He has nearly iO years
yet to serve.
Ditch Side Caves tk; One Hurt.
Fred Valentine. 22, of 455 Market
street, narrowly escaped death at
East Twenty - ninth and Liberty
streets yesterday aternoon when a
anction of a ditch caved in on him.
He sustained a fractured shoulder
and other Injuries, which are being
treated at Good Samaritan hospital.
The young man was buried beneath
the- avalanche of eoft dirt for mora
than two minutes and wag at the
point of exhaustion when rescued.
He la a laborer employed by the J.
y. hea. company, contractors.
Local Omcui to Attend Conven
tion. W. P. "Whitcomb, member of
the. city milk commission, appointed
by the mayor, left last night to
address the annual convention of the
International Milk Distributors' as
sociation in Chicago on the subject
of "Uniform Accounting." While in
the east Mr. Whitcomb will make a
study of the situation in the various
eastern cities. He also while in Wash
ington will confer relative to Cham
ber of Commerce matters with W. 15.
i Dodson, general manager of the
Chamber of Commerce.
Reshman Estate $70,000. An
estate valued at $70,000 was left by
the late Abraham Fleshman. who died
In Portland, intestate, September 13,
120, according to the petition of the
widow, Dora r'leshman, for letters of
administration, filed in the circuit
court yesterday. Of the amount, $10,
00') is in personal and $60,000 in real
property. Rental from the latter is
estimated at $7500 a year. The widow
and an only daughter, Clara i Rosen
berg, are the heirs.
rtF.NTALS of Estate $200 Personal
property valued at $12,000 and real
estate from which annual rentals are
J2200 were left by the late Anna A.
rmith, who died in Portland Septem
ber 30, 1920, according to the petition
fur probate of will filed in the cir
cuit court yesterday by Harvey C.
Kinf hurt, brother. Heirs are two
children. Charles Frederick Ditte
brandt of Spokane and Lena June
fcinith of Portland.
Troop Movements Sl.atet. Two
Tnovements of troops from neighbor
hood forts will pass through Port
land this week en route to Camp
Travis. Tex. Trains from Vancouver
will go throngh on October 5 and 7.
carrying 200 men and 15 officers.
ghly-eight men and eight officers
wiil arrive here on .Friday from
Fort Lawton, Wash.
Importations From Exolxd Arrive.
Christy hats imported direct from
England at $. Buckingham & Co.'s
Knglish neckware at $3 and Studd &
.M ill ington'is motor coats have arrived,
as well as wool heather half hose at
from $1.50 to $2.50 a pair and are
being shown by M. S-ICH EL, men's
furnisher and hatter. 331 Washington
Eireet, near Broadway. Adv.
Fikk Starts in Hotel Basement.
Fire apparatus was called at 3 o'clock
yesterday morning to extinguish a
siight blaze in the key shop of Morris
Goldberg in the basement of the New
S:ott hotel, Broadway and Ankeny
streets. The damage was not more
than $30. Fire officials believe it
was due to a lighted cigarette. The
hotel rouirvs were not damaged.
Pouthebn Pacific Okfical Dite.
J. H. R. Parsons, vice-president and
general manager of three Southern
Pacific lines in the south, is due in
Portland today on an unofficial visit.
-Mr. Parsons is connected with Mor
gan's Louisiana oi Texas Railroad &
Steamship company, the Louisiana
Western railroad and the Iberia &
Vermillion railroad.
Train Service to CorrNTT Fair.
The following train service will be
given between Portland and Gresham,
tidily this week, for the annual Mult
nomah County fair: Leave First and
Alder 6:45. 7:45. 8:'45. 9:45, 10:45. 11:45
A. M., and 12:45, 1:45, 2:45, 3:45, 4:45,
S:45. 6:45. 7:45, 9:50 and 11:35 P. M.
f are 30 cents each way. Adv.
Johnson Campaign Heads Sued.
Suit to recover $50 alleged due him
for services in circulating literature
and general campaign work was filed
in the district court yesterday by
George Bylander against Kanfield
MaoUonald. manager, and M. J. Dris
co'.l. treasury of the Hiram Johnson
campaign in Oregon.
October Grand Jurt Drawn.
Stewart W. Kggleston was named
foreman of the October grand jury,
drawn in Cireuit Judge Tazwell'a
court yesterday. Other members
selected are: Eric J. Nelson. Otto
Xelson, Edward Walsh. John F. Mc
Carthy, G. G. Gay and Carl Palm.
Do Not Forget to call up East S08S
when you want the Salvation Army
auto-truck to call for cast off cloth
ing, magazines, newspapers, furniture,
eic Address 24-26 Union ave. Major
John Bret, district officer. Adv.
During the absence of Dr. George
Ainslie at the surgical congress in
Montreal, Dr. A. B. Gillis will be In
charge of his practice at 606 Orego
cian bldg. Adv.
Burglars Bust. They may not
always pass you by. Protect your
valuables. Phone Mar. 2331 for one
of our burglary and hold-up policies.
W. R. McDonald Co., Yeon bldg. Adv.
There is only one Flor de Balti
more. Be sure to ask for it just that
way and get smoke satisfaction. It
beans the union label too. Adv.
Late model light Buick Six roadater,
snap for cath. Call Main 7070. House
2H, or phone Columbia 365 after 6:30
P. M. Adv.
Dance. JJcEIroy's orchestra. Mur
lark hall, 23d and Washington sts ,
every W ednesday and Saturday. Adv
Milk Cure at Moore Sanitarium;
the quick way to health K. 37. Adv.
Kemmerer Coal. Carbon Coal Co.,
mine agents East 1168. Adv.
Dr. Geo. H. Buck resumes practice.
Grand at Hawthorne ave. Adv.
Dr. Datton, glasses. Swotland bids.
Yachats Potato Is Giant. Over at 1
Yachats. In Lincoln county, they j
raise potatoes along liberal lines. Tom
C. Tilley, Associated - Press leased I
wire operator, and .Mrs. Tilley recent-
ly toured that section by automobile,
and one of the acquaintances they
made was W. C. Sharman. Yachats
rancher. From Mr. Sharman a letter
has come to Mr. Tilley since his re
turn home, saying: "I promised to
show you some of my potatoes, but
forgot to do so. Am sending you a
sample by parcel post." The sample
came duly to hand. It was a per
fectly formed and colored potato and
it weighed 24 pounds. i
Kirk Starts in Rooming-house.--Fire
apparatus was called at 2 o'clock
yesterday afternoon to extinguish a
small blaze in the rooming-house
managed by Mrs. R. M. Gray. 395
Sixth street. A email fire started in
a dark closet off the bathroom, but!
the damage was slight. Mrs. Gray
told fire- officials that a family of
J' inns had been occupying a suite of
housekeeping rooms adjoining the
bathroom, but had been ordered by
her to move out. They left the place
shortly after noon yesterday, she said.
The fire bureau is making an in
vestigation. Two Hurt While Wrecking House.
A: L. West, 5, of 142 Forty-sixth
avenue southeast, and Ernest Gulob
sen, 30, of 1694 14 Foss street, were
taken to Good Samaritan hospital
yesterday afternoon with serious In
juries which were sustained when a
house which they were wrecking fell
on them. The accident occurred at
Taxpayers who do not appear
at the windows of Sheriff Hurl
burt's office at the courthouse
before 9 o'clock tonight or who
fail to drop checks addressed
to him in the mail so that they
will be postmarked before mid
night today, will begin paying
interest on the second install
ment of their taxes at the rate
of 1 per cent a month tomor
row. On November 6 unpaid
taxes will draw flat penalties
of 5 per cent.
More than a million dollar)
In cash and checks were taken
In by Sheriff Hurlburt yester
day in the usual last-minute
rush to pay taJtes. Accurate
estimates of the amount col
lected cannot be given, as the
clerks In the tax collecting
department were too busy to
eount the incoming shekels.
Records Saturday showed
$5,011,271.60 of the total tax roll
of $12,007,732.40 unpard, with
indications of a heavy delin
quency. Delinquency of more
than 10 per cent would be ab
normal. Better service to taxpayers
than ever before was discov
ered in the rearranged office
of Sheriff Hurlburt yesterday.
Four instead of three windows
were open all day and seven
instead of four cashiers on con
stant duty.
Taxpayers who think of mail
ing in their checks must make
sure that the envelopes are
postmarked today instead of
merely dropping in mail boxes
today, as it is the postmark
which will save a penalty of 1
per cent.
the Columbia River Shipbuilding cor
poration plant. West sustained a
fractured hip. while Gulobsen was
Injured about the back. Both men
are expected to recover.
Medford Court to Open. United
States Marshal Alexander and Ray
Lawrence, one of his deputies, Federal
Judge Wolverton. Kenneth Fraxpr.
clerk of the court, and First Assistant
United States Attorney Lusk left
Portland yesterday to open the Med
ford term of the district court. Be
cause of bloofl poisoniig in one hand.
United States Attorney Humphreys
was unable to make the trip.
County Clerk Collects $8717.21.
Fees earned by County Clerk Beve
ridge's office during September and
turned over to the county treasurer,
J. M. Lewis, yesterday, total $8717.21.
most of which is in circuit court and
probate fees, the remainder record
ing collections. The law library re
ceived $415.50 as its share, the state
treasurer. $325.37, and the federal
government $27 from special fees.
Madame Vdcash, table d'hote, $1.
738 Johnson. Adv.
Council to Make Progress Payments
on Improvements.
A measure authorizing the citv
council to make progress payments on
street and sewer improvements was
reterred to the voters yesterday by
the city council. The measure was
presented by Commissioner Barbur.
According to Commissioner Barbur
the measure' will lower the costs of
improvements, inasmuch as it Derm its
the council to pay not to exceed 80
per cent of the contract price as the
work progresses. Under present laws
contractors must wait for about 90
days following completion of con
tracts before warrants are issued by
the city.
In cases of large projects contrac
tors are forced to seek financial aid,
whiclt naturally adds to the cost of
the work performed, and it is to save
this extra cost that the progress pay
ment measure has been presented by
Commissioner Barbur.
Two Brothers Are Assessed $2 00
Each by Judge Bean.
Assistant United States Attorney
Flegel yesterday prosecuted moon
shiner charges against two youths,
Clarence and Floyd Krause. Federal
Judge Bean fined the pair $200 apiece.
The brothers said they were mak-
Mbr immediate and
permanent relief from
eczema I prescribe
"If yon want to experiment, try
some of those things you talk about.
But if you really want that itching
stopped and your skin healed, I advise
you to get a jar of Resinol Ointment,
and a cake of Resinol Soap. We
doctors have been prescribing that
treatment ever since you were a
small boy, so we knoia what it will do.
It is cooling, soothing, easy and eco
nomical to use, and rarely fails to over
come ecxema and similar affections."
Ask your dealer today for Resinol
Soap and Ointmaot.
TODA.Y! "From the sheep's back to the man's back and no cotton added in transit!" TODA-Y !
IT 9 EiJ
Prices Have Been Cut on the Finest Woolens in This Big
At the Brownsville Woolen Mill Store
Thousands every year look forward to this great event
Here you will see one pf the largest stocks of fine woolens
on the entire coast, and you can eave money, as do thou
sands of others, by supplying your winter needs now at
this annual money-saving event of fine woolen goods in
any of our five big stores in the state!
Fine Fleece Wool
Blankets. Auto Robes,
Indian Robes and
Couch Covers-
All Cut in Price!
Fine wool and wool-mixed blan
kets in fancy colored plaids, white
with pink, blue and lavender bor
ders and also light and dark gray
blankets for camping. Scotch plaids
and dark mixtures in pure wool
auto robes. Indian robes and couch
covers in rich colorings and Indian
FOR MEN and BOYS all of the following hare been re
duced: ,
FLATS"EL SHIRTS: All weights in all sizes, in shades of
olive, drab, blue and gray. Some for men are extra heavy.
MEN'S SOX: A complete assortment in light, medium and
heavy weight woolen sox in a big variety of colors.. Sizes
are complete.
OUTING FLANNELS: A wide assortment in pajamas
and night shirts in soft colorings.
BOYS' STOCKINGS: Splendid cashmere stockings, having
gray heels and toes and also extra heavy weights in wool
mixed. Woolen stockings will give your boy warmth,
comfort and long wear,
. Store Opens 9 o' Clock
Mens and Boys'
at a Big Saving!
A Mackinaw "is just the
thing for the Man who
works outdoors during the
cold, windy, rainy days, and
for the by who Roes, to
fcchool. We take pride in
our big assortment of
Mackinaws for both Men
and Boys. A varied assort
ment of colors, mostly in
dark plaids, in several different-styles
and weights.
See Our Windows Today!
- i r n n inc.
' torioic
.r353'' Ibicaaro.
5 Entire Building- S. W. Corner Third and Morrison EE
Astoria, Eugene, PORTLAND, Marshfield, North Bend
ureters ' ' f - ,
A a tor la.
If uraurirlrl.
North Uend.
Do You Hesitate
to become a wearer
of Eyeglasses???
In the old days when knowledge concerning the
working of the Human Eye was quite small, it
was generally believed that age only brought on
the need for wearing glasses.
It was in those days that the false impression
existed that wearing glasses was to be avoided.
This is not true today. Wearing glasses is not
a sign of age, but an exhibition of real intelli
Weak eyes demand the assistance of proper
lenses. People must have effective, efficient
vision. If this cannot be secured through natural
faculties the deficiency must be supplied by prop
erly fitted lenses.
We are perfectly equipped to cor
rectly measure your defects of focus
and prepare from the facts lenses
which will correct all defects and
enable you to secure the comfort
of efficient, natural vision; and at
the same time make the glasses
Optical Company
Floyd F. Brower, Mgr.
"Any lens in 60 minutes"
113 Sixth St.
lngr the liquor for their own use. but
the judge was inclined to doubt their
Sam Zupuneki of S5 Morris street
was fined $150 a few hours later for
having- 19 pints of moonshine in his
possession. He was arrested Sunday.
Every Exhibit Booth Filled at The
Dalles Exposition.
THE DALLES, Or., Oct. 4. (Spe
cial) With every exhibit booth
filled, the Wasco county fair opened
rroduce of all kinds. Including: ap
ples which won first prize over Hood
River at the state fair, is on exhi
bition. The main pavilion, under canvas,
is on Court street. Here are housed
all of the agricultural exhibits, with
the poultry and livestock in another
pavilion. -
With pood weather continuing, it
is believed the fair will be one of
the most successful ever alagred in
Wasco county.
Accepted Bids for Washington Im
provements Ijess Than Estimates.
OLYMPIA, Wash., Oct. 4. (Spe
cial.) Three highway improvement
contracts were awarded today by the
state highway commission. All were
grading and graveling jobs and were
let as follows:
Grading and graveling 1.61 miles of
the - Inland Empire highway, from
Kennewick to Richland, to Toot
Joslin, Spokane, for $29,517. The en
gineers' estimate on this work was
On the North Bank highway, grad
ing and, graveling 1.52 miles from
Washougal east, th contract was let
to O. H. Stramon, Olympia, for $18,
9S7. The estimate was M9.S05.
Grading and graveling .22 mile of
the Pacific highway, from Earling-
ton east, to tieorge A. Bandaret
Bryn ilawr. for $S552.
day date. Mayor K L. Scobee will
present the matter to the council,
and it is expected the rodeo pro
moters will not receive a license for
a Sunday show.
Mayor Scobee says the humane so
ciety threatens to stop any wild
west performance here.
Wild West Show Xol Wanted on
Sunday in Hood River.
HOOD RIVER. Or., Oct. 4. (Spe
cial.) Citizens have protested to the
city council against a rodeo an
nounced by Roscoe and Everett Wil
son, Dufur ranchers, October 16 and
17. Rpmonatrators oppose the Sun-
i Customers - -
Get the most for your money out of tho
gas you use. v
We help you do this when we aid you
in choosing the most economical gas appli
ances and tell you how to avoid waste by
using them intelligently.
" Waste of gas means big bills, complaints,
investigations, re-checking, letter writing,
delayed payments and other expenses; and
worst of all, it means dissatisfied customers.
Satisfied customers are worth more to
us than any revenue derived from gas
which is wasted.
We want no money we do not earn.
Portland Gas and Coke Co,
Steamer Northwestern leaves Mu
nicipal dock No. 2 at foot of East
Oak street, Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays at 7 A. M.. for Salem and
all way points. Freight and passen
ger service. Returning, leaves Salem
at 6 A. M., Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Saturdays. Adv.
Read the Oregonian classified ads.
i u i
are a source of pride to their
owners. If your office looks out
of harmony, now is the time to
change to Leopolds.
107 2d St., Bet. Wash, and Stark
Complete Office Outfitters.
Of Fine Decorative
On every paper in the store. Beautiful designs
for living; and dining rooms.
Special line of fine English bedroom papers.
108 Tenth, Pittock Block
Broadw ay 500
Home Prepared, Home Cooked
Foods Salads
Cold Meats ahd Pastries
"Everything; for a Luncheon"
Thirteenth and Morrison Stn.
"Autoists Always Remember"
steel Filing Cabinets and
Safes are "standard" with
the country's greatest com
mercial and banking: con
cerns because their trained
purchasing; agents knew
the best.
Art Metal has the larg
est line of Steel Filing
Cabinets, Safes, Desks,
etc., to select from.
When you buy Art Metal
you make an investment
service is the dividend.
Ask for catalog
Printers - Bookbinders
65-67 Broadway Portland
&& HOTEL S pi A
HJ ? FOR YOU" gjy? I Bldg.
COURTESY, comfort,
homelike atmosphere
at moderate prices,
whether for the day, week
or month.
Absolutely flreprooC
CentraJly located.
Convenient to all earllnea and
point off Interest.
Heftned and sahatantlat f at.
aUalnsa cltrerful and lnvltla
Portland. Oresroa.
A Moderately-Priced Hotel of Merit
KCant Morrison St. and East 9 Ixtau
f Per Day. So Per Week fa,
ajamJnFsyaTii.i ip jus j nip
Phone Your Want Ads to
The Oregonian
Main 7070 Aut. 560-95
Salesmanship and Public Speaking
For every man who uses the art of persuasion
Thursday, October 7
By J. P. Jaeger, Jaeger Bros., on the subject
"The Salesman and His Job"
Oregon Institute of Technology
Fourth Floor, Y. II. C. A. Bldg.
Pianos and Player
Pianos, Phonographs
. and Records
Soule Bros.
166 10th SU
Near Morrison
4 Dlllrrrnt Kinds of Lioidi
4 Different Prices
EAST 494
Wanted Chairs to Cane
by School for Blind
I'MR.J, F.Myers
Mar. SOOO or
'l abor tk: