Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 05, 1920, Image 1

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    4 1 1 jjl
Entered at Portland (Ornron)
Postoffice a Second -Cla. Matter
110,627 REGISTER,
Brooklyn, Cleveland Each
Confident of Victory. .
Republican Cause Never
theless Supported.
Party Is Declared Against
Compromising Principle.
Any Sort of World Alliance, Re
gard less of Name, Said to
Mean Mixing in Europe.
DAXBCRY, Conn, Oct. 4 Senator
William E. Borah of Idaho, told a
large audience here tonight that
the republican party "as a party and
regardless of the views of particular
individuals, can be depended upon
to maintain the untrammeled and un
f pawned independence of the American
republic." He promised that there
'would be "no compromise on the prin
ible of American sovereignty."
He said that America, through the
republican party, favors doing its
part in the family of nations, but
"the public conscience and not a
slurried contract must always deter
mine our course in international af-
Any Sort of League Opposed.
In a statement Senator Borah
commented on the reported assertion
of Senator Harding that his views
and those of Senators Borah, and
Johnson were in entire accord.
"From his service in the senate.
Senator Harding knows my views,"
Senator Borah said. "If he accepts
them, then we are In perfect accord."
Declaring himself unequivocally
opposed to an association with tke
nations of Europe, he said, he had
nothing to say in favor of proposed
substitutes for the league of na
tions. "A league, concert, alliance, com
bination, co-partnership or associa
tion it is all the same to me," he
declared. "I always have opposed
and always will oppose such an al
liance. There can be no question
of who I am supporting for presi
dent. Cox favors going into the
league while Harding has declared
la favor of staying out."
Lragrue Held IVot American.
Senator Borah began his speech by
declaring he did not propose to at
tack' "the league of nations which
President Wilson Went to Europe to
get. but to fight to the bitter end the
one that the president brought home
with him."
"That league is not an American
league." he continued. "It is a Euro
pean league. Its purpose is not for
peace but for war. In the entire cove
nant not one word is eaid of democ
racy. It is the instrument of a mili
tary autocracy."
Senator Borah attacked the pres
ent league on four counts, each of
which, he said, unfitted it for Ameri
can participation. He declared that
President Wilson's principle for the
freedom of the seas has been eum
marilyl withheld from peace confer
ence consideration because "England
demanded preservation of her naval
Secrecy of Session Scored.
Another of the president's 14 points,
without which he quoted the presi
dent as saying "America could not
participate," was that of peace-time
conscription. This, he said, likewise
received no consideration. The third
count of the senator's indictment was
based on the eecrecy which attended
the framing of the covenant despite
the principle of "open covenants,
openly arrived at." The last count re
ferred to the president's declaration
against imperialism.
"Since President Wilson announced
there should be no more land-grabbing."
declared the senator, "England
has had 1,607,053 square miles of ter
ritory added to her possessions, in
cluding 40,000.000 people. The league
would now ask us to guarantee Eng
land's retention of every part of that
Opening a four days" speaking tour
In support of the candidacy of Sena
tor Brandege, rpublican "irrconcila
bie" opponent of the Versailles league,
Senator Borah declared that the
thing which made the United States
"powerful for good is its complete
freedom and its unembarrassed right
to throw its influence on the side of
Justice and peace in every great cri
sis of affairs."
Right aa People Asserted.
There Is today in the world." Baid
Senator Borah, "no influence for
.peace and civilisation equal to the
free and untrammeled America and
the best citizenship of the country,
regardless of party, will preserve
that influonce. uncompromised and
"Our right as a people, unembar
rassed by alliances, leagues or asso
ciations to determine for ourselves
In every crisis and in the face of
every confronting situation what it is
our duty to do and what it is in the
interest of humanity and of civiliza
tion to do, involves the whole ques
tion of self-government, the whole
question of an independent republic,
and I venture to say that the voters
(Concluded on Fage 1, Column 1.)
J. H. Van Winkle, J. O. Bailey,
Joseph A.-Benjamin, J. J. John
eon, Frank Grant Mentioned.
SALEM. Or., Oct. 4. (Special.)
That there probably will be as many
as five candidates for the office of
attorney-general at the election to be
held in Oregon on November 5, was
the prediction made by Conrad Olson
of Portland, who was here today con
ferring with state officials with rela
tion to the distribution of the Oregon
laws for 1920, whffch he recently codi
fied under an act of the 1919 legisla
ture. I. H. Van Winkle, appointed by Gov
ernor Oleott to succeed Attorney-General
Brown, has let it be known that
he will make an active campaign for
the office. J. O. Bailey, assistant attorney-general
under Mr. Brown and
a resident of Portland, yesterday re
signed his position and already has
started an active campaign for the
office. Joseph A. Benjamin, also an
assistant in the offices of the attorney-general,
is said to have Informed
friends that he, to, is considering the
opportunity to get into the race.
J. J. Johnson of Multnomah county
has long wanted to be attorney-general,
according to word reaching
Salem, and it was predicted here to
day that he would make his formal
announcement within the next two or
three days. Mr. Johnson once made
the race for attorney-general as a
Grange candidate, but was defeated in
the primary election.
Another man who is likely to be a
candidate . for the office is Frank
Grant of Portland. Mr. Grant also
was a candidate for attorney-general
at one time, but was defeated for the
nomination by the present incumbent
of the office.
All of the men thus far mentioned
as prospective candidates for the of
fice are republicans, and the contest
may be further, complicated by the
announcement of a democratic aspir
Two Homes in Rose City Park Dis
trict Are Robbed.
Nearly 11000 worth of women's
clothing and jewelry was stolen last
night by a burglar who Jjroke into
two homes in the Rose City Park
district. Inspectors. Hyde and Ab
bott, who investigated, believe that
both houses were robbed by one
man. .
Mrs. Dorothy Cloud, J!J5 East Forty
seventh street north.-, .r-e ported the
loss of a $100 evening dress, a $5U
string of pearls, a platinum wrist
watch and J3.50 cash. The burglar
entered through a kitchen door while
the family was out. A. R. Johnson,
834 Glenn avenue, reported the loss
of a J500 fur coat and other articles.
He was unable to furnish a com
plete list of the missing articles last
night. "
Appointment to Board Planning
Power Development Announced.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 4. Appoint
ment of Herbert Hoover as a
of the advisory board for the eastern
industrial region super-power survey,
now being conducted by the geolog
ical survey, was announced today by
Secretary Payne.
Mr. Hoover will serve as consult
ing mining engineer on the board,
which is assisting the government in
the development of plans for a vast
super-power stretching from Boston
to Washington and designed to sup
ply electrical power to railroads,
public utilities and private industry
throughout that territory.
2 0-Ccnt Decline Recorded, in Sym
pathy With Eastern Slump.
Portland wheat prices took a sharp
drop yesterday in sympathy with the
big slump in the eastern markets. At
the Merchants' Exchange J2 was
bid for hard white, a decline of 20
cents from Saturday's price. Declines
in other grades ranged from thi3
amount down to 6 cents.
No business was reported from the
country, where farmers re said to
be more anxious to sell. Exporters
are entirely out of the market, as Ca
nadian and other foreign wheat is
being sold in the world's mark'et un
der the price of American grain.
Wilson's League Statement Caus
Strength in Cox Wagers.
the 1
W YORK. Oct. 4. (Special.)
dent Wilson's statement today on
eague of nations had the effect
of ca
usiug a recession in the Harding
in the Wall street betting yester
Xominal odds were 5 to 1 at the
of business Saturday.
a Wall street firm offered to bet
bet f
to $2000 on Harding. This firm
10.000 to $2000 last week.
gers were made at 2 to 1 that
ing carries New lork state.
Five Perish When Farm Home in
Wisconsin Is Destroyed.
MERRILL, Wis., Oct. 4. Five chil
dren were burned to death when fire
destroyed the farm home of Edward
Nelson at Irma. near -here, early to
day. A sixth child was very painfully
1 burned.
Governor Must Accept or
Appeal Emphasizes Impor
tance of Article X.
Pussyfooting of Candidate on Issue
Which. Has Lost Party Maaiy
Votes Irks White House.
Washington, Oct. 4. When President
Wilson issued his letter of last night
addressed to "My Fellow Country
men," he had something deeper in
mind that aiding the election of Cox.
Of course he is in earnest In desir
ing ,the. success of the democratic
nominee, but the chief object, in the
opinion of observers, was to tie Cox
tighter to the league of nations, from
which the candidate has been trying
to veer at times, and especially to
emphasize the vital importance of
article 10, as the heart and llfeblood
of the league.
The president is believed to have
been greatly annoyed by Governor
Cox's obvious attempts to pussyfoot
on article 10, which is responsible for
the most .part of the widespread op
position to the Wilson pact and has
alienated in this campaign a very
numerous element of the democratic
Two- Coarsa for Cox.
Those who have been familiar with
the inside workings of the democratic
party see in the president's state
ment a problem for Governor Cox
that will be difficult of solution. Cox
must either accept or repudiate
President Wilson's idea of the league
from now on, and one course looks aa
fatal as the other.
Mr. Wilson's appeal recalls a some
what 6imilar one made two years ago
for the election of a democratic con
gress, the disastrous results of which
are unforgotten history.
It is an appeal based upon a desire
to be vindicated, and contains little
argument for the league except the
president's statement that the public
is being misinformed. It then ingen
iously undertakes to show that arti
cle 10 In no wise foists any obliga
tion upon congress to declare war.
(Concluded on Page 2, Column 1.)
Republicans Outnumber Democrats
78,162 to 27,175 or
Three to One.
A registration of 110,627, the heavi
est ever known in Multnomah county,
is found on the books of County Clerk
Beveridge preparatory to balloting in
the November general election.
Completion of the official count
yesterday, following the close of reg
istration books at the courthouse
Saturday night, developed a repub
lican lead of nearly three to one over
registered democrats, the totals
showing 78,162 republicans and 27,175
democrats. There are 46.769 men re
publicans compared with 15,686 men
democrats, and 31,393 women repub
licans compared with 11,489 women
The increase In registration totals
over the last general election, that of
November, 1918, is 11.189.' voters at
that time numbering ' 99,438.
Prohibition, socialist, independent
and other minor parties have a small
er registration than in many years,
the total being 5098 compared with
6136 in 1918.
Records for the year were broken
in the registration Saturday, the total
new registrations being 2120, of
which the republican gained 1373
names and the democrats 641.
Present totals, which will be in ef
fect when voting begins in Novem
ber, are:
Male. Female, yrotal.
Republicans.... 46,7! 31.303 l-i8;i5
Democrats 15.6S8 11.4SU 27.175
Other parties .. 3,149 2.141 , 6.29C
Grand total : .110,627
Destroyer Meets With Mishap on
Leaving- Tampico, Mexico. .
WASHINGTON, Oct. 4. Eugene
Paquett, Dover, N. H-, a seaman, was
drowned and an officer and four en
listed men of the destroyer Golds
borough were injured while that ves
sel was outward bound from Tam
pico, Mexico, last Thursday, said a
dispatch received at the navy depart
ment today from the vessel, which
reached New Orleans Saturday.
The report did not explain the
Plane Xo. 2 of Alaska Expedition
on Way to New York."
HAZLETON. . C. Oct." 2. Plane
No. 2 of the United States army's
Alaska aerial expedition hopped off
at 12:22 o'clock this afternoon for
Prince George, B. C, on the return
flight from Nome, Alaska, to New
Plane.. No. 1. piloted by Captain
St. Clair Street, developed a leak in
the gas tank and was delayed in
starting. Captain street expected tp
resume the-flight later today. "
101 Dismissed for Tear, But Ver
dict Is Changed and AH Will
Return on Parole.
ITHACA, N. T, Oct. 4. A total of
106 Cornell students have been found
guilty of fraud in their June exam
inations by the committee on stu
dent affairs, it was officially an
nounced tonight. Rumors of whole
sale "cribbing" by many students had
been circulated recently and were ver
ified of filially today by public an
nouncement of the disposition of the
case by university authorities.
Of ' the 116 men "tried" by the
committee nine were exonerated and
the degree of one man was withheld
until after September of this year.
Of those found guilty, 101 were dis
missed from the university for a year
but this judgment was suspended and
the men have been permitted to re
turn to the university this fall on
parole. Another case is to be passed
This is the first time in the his
tory of Cornell that fraud has had
to be dealt with on such a large scale.
Information was obtained from exam
ination papers by certain students
who. it was charged, imparted the
contents to a large number of men
students, mostly members of the
freshman class, before the examina
tions were held.
Washington Men Indicted for Al-
leged Graft of Thousands.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 4. Jndictmenta
against eight persons in connection
with the alleged graft of thousands
of dollars from world war veterans
were returned here' today by a fed
eral grand jury. The money. was al
leged to have been obtained from the
soldiers In return for promised aid In
obtaining settlement of war risk in
surance claims.
Daniel E. O'Keefe and Aloysius A.
Young, both of New Britain, Conn.,
and six residents of this city were
the persons named in the indictments,
which charged unlawful abstraction
of government records, conspiracy to
commit an-offense against the United
States and" unlawful acceptance of
fees by government employes.
Women Did It, Says Illinois Candi-
date for Senate.
SPRINGFIELD, I1L, Oct. 4. Charg
ing his defeat to the account of
woman suffrage. Robert E. Burke.
Chicago, defeated by Peter A. Waller,
Kewanee. for the democratic nomina
tion for United States senator, today
filed a certificate of contest with the
secretary' of state.
He declares, his defeat was brought
about by the "illegal voters of the
female sex."
Indians Rule Slight Favorites
in First Betting.
Tentative Lineups Announced,
Though Both Managers
Mask Their Attack.
NEW YORK, Oct. 4 The Brooklyn
Nationals and the Cleveland Ameri
cans open their world series battle
at Ebbets field tomorrow afternoon,
weather permitting.
Twinkling stars in a cloudless sky
early tonight seemed to bear out the
forecaster's preliminary announce
ment of "fair .weather with moderate
winds," but a fairly heavy rain storm
came at 9 o'clock tonight. The weath
er maq said the Storm was due to
low atmospheric pressure and prom
ised that it would be clear, although
somewhat cooler, tomorrow for the in
itial battle for premier baseball hon
ors. Much depends upon the weather
man, for all other arrangements have
been completed and the success of the
opening contest hinges entirely upon
his control of the elements.
Thousand Are Disappointed.
The playing field of the Brooklyn
park ha been manicured for the last
time and evejy reserved sea,t dis
posed of, while thousands of disap
pointed fans are engaged tonight in
a fruitless hunt for speculators or
friends who will sell or loan them a
ticket for at least one game.
The Brooklyn players, winners of
the National league pennant, are rest
ing tonight. The Cleveland clan is
due in thi city early tomorrow.
Manager Robinson and every mem
ber of the Brooklyn team express
firm belief in their ability to defeat
their American league rivals, while
Tris Speaker and his teammates hold
the opinion that the world series
banner will be hoisted next spring in
the Cleveland park.
Popularity Is at Crest.
Arrangements and setting for the
series of 1920 will not differ greatly
from those which already have made
baseball history. If there is -any out
standing features it is expected to be
furnished by the spectators.
Their attitude toward he baseball
classic and players who participate
in the struggle is an angle which
cannot be forecast.
General opinion among close fol
lowers of the game leans to the belief
that the thousands who will file into
bbets field tomorrow will be per
haps more observant and critical in
their comment upon the play, but
beyond that, it was said by baseball
enthusiasts, the recent expose of gam
bling a year ago will not affect the
popularity of the series unless some
unfortunate occurrence should arouse
suspicion afresh in the minds of the
Pans Money Returned.
Certainly the climax of the baseball
season has shown no loss of interest
so far a the fans of Greater New
Vork are concerned. Every reserved
seat at the Brooklyn park has been
sold for the series. Sunday President
Charles Ebbets stated that he had
been obliged to return more than
$60,000 in checks and currency to
those who had hoped to purchase
seats for the four games for which
the Brooklyn baseball club printed
reserve coupons.
Those in charge of the press stands
reported that at noon today more
than 400 applications were on file
from newspaper writers from all
parts of the country. About 300 sim
ilar requests were received during
the series between Brooklyn and Bos
ton In 1916.
General Sale Draws Crowd.
The sale of unreserved seats in the
field stands and bleachers began at
10 A. M. Announcement was made
yesterday of the plan to sell the seats
today and as a result a line of fans
was formed several hours before the
time set for opening the sale. A
woman had the honor position at the
head of the line. When asked how
early she had come she replied: I
"Early enough to get first place in
line." I
These seats sold at $ 2 for the field !
stands and $1 for the bleachers, plus I
the war tax. Purchaser's were per
mitted to buy seats for any one or all
of the sanies to be played at Ebbetts
field. It was estimated that with all
seats sold and all available standing
room occupied, approximately 26.000
persons could see the' games.
Cleveland Favored by Bettors.
Betting on the, series opened today
with the Cleveland combination a fa
vorite over Brooklyn. Curb market
and sporting resorts placed the odds
at 6 to 5 on the Indians and reported
several wagers averaging $1000 dol
lars at these places.
It was stated there was considerable
backing for the Brooklyn team, but
that those who would wager on the
Superbas desired 7 to 5 for their
money aru refused to accept the 6-to-5
odds offered. Betting commissioners
offered even money on Jhe result of
tomorrow's contest, leaving the
(Concluded on Face 14, Column 3.)
Xcw Scale W ill Stand TTntil Mayor's
Commission Makes Decision,
Is Declaration.
SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 4. (Special.)
To meet the competition of inde
pendent distributors who had already
taken similar action, members of the
Seattle Retail Milk Dealers' associa
tion this afternoon cut the retail price
of milk to 14 cents a quart. The old
price was 15 cents.
The new price, the association deal
ers said, will stand until the mayor s
milk commission makes a decision in
the price controversy between the
milk dealers and the organized dairy
Dealers explained the cut was made
for no other purpose than to meet
competition, and that they had merely
followed their custom of following up
or down the condensery price of milk,
which price was cut last week. The
first intimation that a cut f 1 cent a
quart in retail milk prices would be
made by the Seattle milk distributors
pending the milk commission's inves
tigation was given oit by Harold T.
Moore, secretary of the Seattle Retail
Milk Dealers' association today.
The association members will also
cut the price paid the dairy farmers
to the same extent that the condens
ery price was cut last week, that is to
say, 40 cents. This would make their
new price to the dairy farmer $3.25.
Will of Banker Schiff Leaves
$1,350,000 to Organizations.
NEW YORK, Oct. 4. Charitable
bequests of approximately $1,3.10.000
were made by Jacob H. Schiff,
banker and philanthropist, who died
last week. His will, filed today,
leaves the remainder of the estate to
be shared equally by his son and
daughter, Mortimer L. Schiff, and
Mrs. Frieda Warburg.
The widow was "amply iovided
for" outside the will, and in a sepa
rate provision also made for Mr.
Schiff's personal employes and the
employes of Kuhen. I.oeb & Co., the
banking firm of which he was the
senior member.
No appraisal of the estate is pos
sible at this time, it was said.
One of the bequests was $25,000
to the Jewish orphan as luni of
Frankforton-the-Main, Germany, Mr.
Schiff's birthplace.
Xcgrrcss, 23, Arrested and Held Un
der Bail of $2000.
Helen Williams, a negress. 23. was
arrested last night by Patrolman
Nichols and charged with stabbing
J. Jensen. 39. with a knife when Jon
sen tried to stop her while she was
fleeing from Sherman L. Johnson. 27,
who accused the Degress of stealing
$1S0 from him. The woman's bail
was fixed at $2000, which she was un
able to furnish last night.
Jensen and the policeman were
standing at Park and Burnside stree'.s
when they saw Johnson chasing the
negress and calling for help. They
joined in the chase. Jensen caught
her. She is alleged to have stabbed
in the arm and hand.
One Ont of Every Five on Expi
ration of Term Goes Back.
WASHINGTON. Oct- 4. About one
of every five soldiers whose enlist
ments expired In September have re
enlisted, the army recruiting service
reported tonight. At Camp Goron.
Ga., 55 per cent of the men discharged
re-entered immediately, and at Camp
Lewis, Wash., 50 per cent.
A total of 16.461 men was accepted
for service in September. The army
strength now is 190.432.
Wife of Vice-Presidential Candi
date Entertained in Gotham.
NEW YORK, Oct. 4. Mrs. Calvin
Coolidge was the guest today at a
reception arranged in her honor by
the republican womens' state execu
tive committee.
Mrs. Coolidge. using a carpenter's
hammer, drove a nail into a wooden
copy of the Harding front porch that
had been erected inside the hotel.
The Weather.
TESTERDAT S Highest temperature. 73
degrees; lowest, 5ft; part cloudy.
TODAY'S Rain, southeasterly winds.
Senator Borah opposes Harding's plan for
association of nations. Page 1.
Cox tries to sell league to women. Page 2.
Five likely to enter race for attorney
general office. Page 1.
Wilson ties Cox to league. Page 1.
Senator Cummins of Iowa must fight to
retain his seat. Pag 2. i
Harding ppeak? at dedication of soldier
memorial. Page 6.
Imports grow, exports decline during Au
gust. Page 3.
Pacific Northwest.
Competition forces Seattle retailers to re
duce milk prices. Page 1.
Sports. 1
Brooklyn and Cleveland both sanguine on
eve of series. Page 1.
Portland and YieiiritT.
vVater transportation problems discussed at
rivers and harbors convention. Page I.
Registration of 110.G27 is county's heaviest.
Page 1.
Site for warehouse to handle northwest
wool clip is purchased here. Page 12.
Bondsmen of auditorium bunder agree to
revise claims on council. Page 10.
Dock commission to pas on change in
charter. Page 26.
Sua shines forth on Grcsham fair. Fage 13.
Rivers and Harbors Con
vention Opens.
Experts Urge Co-Operation
for Entire Northwest.
Gathering: Among: Most Important
Held in Portland; Sessions
to Conclude Todav.
Co-operation of transportation, ship
ping and commercial interests of the
northwest in an effort to better the
rivers, harbors ind all water trans
portation facilities on the Pacific
coast, was urged at the first ses
eiorc of the rivers and harbors con
vention held at the Multnomah hotel
yesterday. More than 150 delegates,
representing water transportation in
terests of the entire northwest, from
the Puget sound district to Crescent
City, Cal.. registered for the conven
tion yesterday.
Enthusiasm and an evident deter
mination to achieve results in a broad
field, barring district prejudices,
marked the day's doings. it is ex
pected that far-reaching plans that
will affect the future of the north
west for all time will be formulated
and carried out through the work of
the convention and the annual meet
ings of the organization, which
pledged itself yesterday to confine
its activities to water transporta
tion problems alone In an effort to
meet the crisis confronting western
states through increased rail trans
portation rates.
Transportation Experts If ere.
Yesterday's convetion activities'con
sisted mainly In whipping the organ
ization into shape through the ap
pointment of committees and execu
tives for the two-day session and
in deciding on the policy and scope
of the work to be done by the or
ganization, although valuable contri
butions by experts in several fields
characterized the addresses at the aft
ernoon and evening sessions.
Significant of the importance at
tached to the rivers and harbors con
vention yesterday wa.s the fact that
many nationally known authorities
on water transportation wefe pres
ent, together with members of con
gress representing both Washington
and Oregon.
Marshall Shackelford of Washing
ton, U. V., field secretary of the Na
tional Kivers and Harbors congress.
Blanks Kverrctt of Washington, rep
resenting the United States Chamber
of Commerce, and Ansel R. Clark, of
the bureau of foreign and domestic
commerce of New York, were present
at yesterday's sessions.
Several Latiniiktri Present.
The congressional delegation in
cluded Representatives Hawley and
MaArthur and Senators Chamberlain
and McNary of Oregon and Senator
Jones of Washington, known as father
of the merchant marine bill whose
operation caused a bitter controversy
on the Pacific coast.
Charles Hall, president of the Ore
gon State Chamber of Commerce, was
cleated temporary chairman of the
convention at the 'morning session
yesterday and installed as permanent
chairman at the afternoon meeting.
Alfred A. Ay a of Portland was elected
secretary. Mayor Baker delivered the
address of welcome to the visitors at
the first meeting, and responses were
made by Mayor W. H. Clay of Kver
ett. Wash., It. C. Beach of Lewiilon,
Idaho, aud .Karl Jvirkpatrick of
United States Senator McNary,
speaking at the morning session on
"Waterway Development," and Sen
ator Chamberlain, in a short address
before the luncheon held in the Port
land Chamber of Commerce dining
room, both urged that the plans of
the organization be developed into a
nation-wide effort for tho betterment
of water transportation, and not con
fined whblly to the Pacific coast.
Kxtensloa of Work Irgtd.
"I have always advocated a polioy
of open rivers and waterways in Uie
development of Oregon's water trans
portation resources." said Senator
Chamberlain. "This is the first time
that a collective eftort has been made,
on the Pacific coast to meet and solve
some of the transportation problems.
It is my belief that this effort and
interest should be extended over the
e"ntire country."
C. C. Chapman, editor of the Oregon
Voter, presided at the luncheon yes
terday noon and H. B. VanDuier,
president of the Portland Chamber of
Commerce, repeated the welcome giv
en the delegates on behalf of the
Chamber of Commerce. Dr. G. H.
Douglas of Crescent City, Cal., In a
short address asked the co-operation
of , the convention in the solving of
transportation difficulties in Crescent
City aud Grants Pass, and especially
in the work of putting through a
wagon road between the two cities.
Marshall Shckelford, field secretry
of the National Rivers and Harbors
Congress, spoke on the subject of
'Uur Inland Waterways," declaring
that the public in general does not
realize the importance of the trans
portation problem.
"Transportation affects everything
IConcluded on Fage 8. Column !